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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC


    Elections had finally come to a close and every state in the USSR had a governor and Synians had a president. It was winter, but the continent of Syne was close enough to the equator to not be radically effected. It was cooler in the desert, though, and the camels that Fyria introduced from another desert were sluggish. In a dusty saloon, one coyote got possession of a gist wheel. The coyote began to experiment.

    The wheel turned by itself, as expected. Fyria's aspect of explosions appeared next to him.

    "What are you doing?"
    "Experimenting, Father!"
    "You pups love those wheels, don't you?"
    "Let's see…"

    At that moment, Fyria's unbuttoned sleeve caught on one of the wheel's metal pegs.


    Fyria ran, tail tucked, to a metal ornamental orb.

    It shocked him.


    Fyria puzzled over what force this could be.

    Fyria decided he would put off his railroad to pursue this force.

    Fyria took a strip of cloth and made it continuously rub a metal orb that was held in place.

    (A Vande Graft generator works this way…)

    Same result.

    Fyria then made a big one.

    He had invented the first electric power station.

    Now, he needed to find a use for it.

    He made a hollow glass orb that produced a measure of heat and light by electrically charging a filament.

    He had made the first lightbulb.

    AP: 4
    Create Concept of electric power station (electricity): -2 AP
    Create Concept of Lightbulb: -2 AP
    Remaining AP: 0
    Last edited by Zhentarim; 2013-01-27 at 10:00 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Markadelf View Post
    The Unsettled Lands
    The man said, "I am Brandelf, a wizard. The power I was referring to is the words that you are rumored to speak. Very strange indeed."
    "They... they have meaning?" he asks, confused. Suddenly aggressive, "Tell me what they mean! And tell me what your purpose is in finding me! Why are you here?"

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Macabre Masquerade

    A black comedy mask floated in midair, a starfield visible in it's mouth and eyes. A wheezing hiss came from the mask, and a black cloth trailed behind it like the thing was a ghost. The creature was all that remained of a woman that had worked in an orphanage, her mind too far gone to do anything more complicated than the task given to it.

    Tempora signed her piece of paper with a flourish. The creature took note, and an arm extended from it's mouth. The arm constantly shifted - one moment it looked like it belonged to a woman in her prime, the next an infant, the next a starving old man, the next a fat noblewoman. Tempora smiled at the creature's poor attempts at temporal manipulation and reread her letter.

    To the group of Mauhir's cattle known as the "Holy Warriors".

    This is Tempora, Madchild of Time. I just wanted to send this friendly little letter as a cordial invitation to get butchered. I currently reside in a little town the local cattle call ALL HAIL THE MADGOD but called 'Skyrend' a few weeks ago.

    My god and yours have been trading blows every now and again (as you are undoubtedly aware) but earlier I got to thinking: why should they have all the fun? So I'm going to fight your kind. If you don't, I will come to Telum myself - only I will bring an army of cultists and brainwashed victims. If you don't want to murder infants that are clawing your eyes out (and if I know anything about cattle, you don't) then you will accept my gracious invite, lowly scum that you are.

    This cordial invitation extends to two cattle: whichever knight is the first to hold this letter and one guest. Any more than that will be driven insane on the spot. And I will then proceed to force-feed them to angry opossums made out of living razor blades. If the sheer terror doesn't kill them, the razor blades will.

    You are welcome to arm yourselves however you please so that the fight may be interesting. There will be a circle of stones around the village - the two knights that are coming to visit me will cross it but no one else shall. If you require transport to get out here within the next week or so... too bad.


    PS: The abomination you slayed getting to this letter was once a cattle like you. She had a bull and two calfs. Just thought you should know.

    PSS: If you're curious about the reason for this challenge... eh, what's life without whimsy?

    Looking over her letter, Tempora smirked to herself and tied it to a knife. Now remember, She said to the abomination before her, Be a good girl, spill lots of blood and eat a soul before nine. She patted the mishapen arm that formed from it's head. And make sure the dagger arrives with the letter attached. She put the dagger into the arm of the masked thing, and it retracted back into the starfield.

    The creature draped it's black cloak over itself, and disappeared.

    Tempora smirked to herself.
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2013-01-28 at 10:33 AM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  4. - Top - End - #274
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    "They... they have meaning?" he asks, confused. Suddenly aggressive, "Tell me what they mean! And tell me what your purpose is in finding me! Why are you here?"
    "I am here," he said, "To take you to a place where all will be revealed. There is a school known as Mageloft that specializes in teaching those words."
    I owe my great avatar to AvocadoAvenger. A big thanks to him!

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Markadelf View Post
    "I am here," he said, "To take you to a place where all will be revealed. There is a school known as Mageloft that specializes in teaching those words."
    "I don't know, that sounds kind of suspicious." Hunter drops back into a defensive stance. "How od I know that I can trust you?!"

  6. - Top - End - #276
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    "I don't know, that sounds kind of suspicious." Hunter drops back into a defensive stance. "How od I know that I can trust you?!"
    "The question you ask does not really have an answer. No matter what reason I give there is no sure way to gain the trust of a stranger. So, You will have to chose. Would you like to strengthen your talents, or throw away the most likely path to doing so, simply because you do not trust me? The choice is yours."
    I owe my great avatar to AvocadoAvenger. A big thanks to him!

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    War on Madness

    The area near Tarem's house was under attack. He saw his friends, neighbors of long being cut down on the field of battle against the abomination in his midst. This is horrible, he thought. The Telumans already engaged surrounded Tempora, but she was holding her own. Tarem knew that he would have to help, so he grabbed his sword and was into it. After many more of those close to him were cut down, he found himself facing the beast. She is tired, he thought, keeping his poise. She is tired from fighting. He steps back and taunts, holding his broadsword down and looks smugger than he feels. She presses him hard, and shears a deep slash in his arm. He parries, falls back, slashing wildly on his way down. He connects, and cuts deep into her neck like butter. Rising, he gathers the dagger and the note.

    Tarem made the obvious choice to turn to the Holy Warriors with his quest, and Daven took the responsibility on himself. If one of us is to go to a war, it should be me leading them. Together, he and Tarem traveled over the vast rocky landscape of Telum to find the village. Jeorde accompanied them as well, as a squire to Daven who would be there should medical assistance be needed afterwords, but not to go with them to fight. He seemed just as happy for it, and Daven thought Tarem might have preferred that role as well. It was the hand he was dealt, and as a Teluman, he should take it with courage. The mornings and afternoons were filled with traveling while the evenings were for lessons. Tarem was a large young Teluman, and showed potential in combat, but he was very reserved. Something about him reminded Daven of himself in an odd way. Although they were different people, they looked oddly similar.

    When the village was found, Jeorde sat on a nearby rock while Daven and the boy proceeded ahead. He wished them luck; everybody seemed to be acting braver than they felt. Daven never seemed to feel any fear either, which Jeorde found annoying about him. He is so alien, there is not a single thing even remotely relatable about him. "Show yourself, foul demon!" he heard Daven exclaim. So it has begun...


    A wave of emotions swept over Caylee when she saw Fyria. She was mad at him for what he did, and a bit for not seeing her, although she did not expect him to. The only word that came to her tongue, "You...!" It held both anger and pleasant surprise.


    Hunter knew the mage had him. "Fine!" he responds angrily, "but do not let my talents go to waste." And if this is a trick, it will be my own fault. You idiot, Hunter! As is the way with hunters emotions; they are enigmatic, difficult to understand.


    The gaze of the warrior goddess returns to the world once more. Daven is the perfect mortal, she thinks after all she has seen. He is my best soldier in all conflicts, my hero. He should be given status to reflect his strength and courage. Mauhir Raises Daven to hero.

    The Eye of the Telum Storm on Korren

    The village in Korren where Telumans and Korrenesse lived together without war or conflict annoyed Mauhir to no end. "They are no longer at war; they are no longer my people!" Mauhir was furious and disappointed, mainly because she still cared for these humans, but felt betrayed by them. "They will still know violence yet. A town such as this cannot stand in the middle of all this killing without taking something away from it. They will not fight each other, no, but they can still have violence." Mauhir grinned, an idea had formed in her head. "Prisoners of war can be brought here in peace to fight for amusement. All humans should want violence- why don't all people of the world seek violence?! they should- they have to- and now they will. There is no way that this atrocity is escaping my war untouched by its glory."


    Several missed rollovers have given me 20 AP
    Raise hero, Daven: -5
    Advanced Concept, Colosseum: -2
    Curse, all people have a deep lust for violence similar to Freud's id: -1
    Giving me 12 Ap left.

  8. - Top - End - #278
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Brandelf smiles, "Ok, but it will be a bumpy ride." He then says some words and Hunter begins to feel light on his feet. Then he feels a force pulling on him. Then he goes flying through the air.
    I owe my great avatar to AvocadoAvenger. A big thanks to him!

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    War on Madness

    The area near Tarem's house was under attack. He saw his friends, neighbors of long being cut down on the field of battle against the abomination in his midst. This is horrible, he thought. The Telumans already engaged surrounded Tempora, but she was holding her own. Tarem knew that he would have to help, so he grabbed his sword and was into it. After many more of those close to him were cut down, he found himself facing the beast. She is tired, he thought, keeping his poise. She is tired from fighting. He steps back and taunts, holding his broadsword down and looks smugger than he feels. She presses him hard, and shears a deep slash in his arm. He parries, falls back, slashing wildly on his way down. He connects, and cuts deep into her neck like butter. Rising, he gathers the dagger and the note.

    Tarem made the obvious choice to turn to the Holy Warriors with his quest, and Daven took the responsibility on himself. If one of us is to go to a war, it should be me leading them. Together, he and Tarem traveled over the vast rocky landscape of Telum to find the village. Jeorde accompanied them as well, as a squire to Daven who would be there should medical assistance be needed afterwords, but not to go with them to fight. He seemed just as happy for it, and Daven thought Tarem might have preferred that role as well. It was the hand he was dealt, and as a Teluman, he should take it with courage. The mornings and afternoons were filled with traveling while the evenings were for lessons. Tarem was a large young Teluman, and showed potential in combat, but he was very reserved. Something about him reminded Daven of himself in an odd way. Although they were different people, they looked oddly similar.

    When the village was found, Jeorde sat on a nearby rock while Daven and the boy proceeded ahead. He wished them luck; everybody seemed to be acting braver than they felt. Daven never seemed to feel any fear either, which Jeorde found annoying about him. He is so alien, there is not a single thing even remotely relatable about him. "Show yourself, foul demon!" he heard Daven exclaim. So it has begun...
    ((For reference, this is Kairosa, who I'm basing Tempora on))

    When Daven spoke, a dome of blackest night appeared around them, surrounding the entire town around the circle of rocks. The dome cut them off from the outside world and, though they had no way of knowing it, stopped time for them. Whatever happened inside this dome would be done in an instant from the outside.

    The air around them began to crackle with energy. Before them, in the center of town, Tempora revealed herself without fanfare, smirking. One moment, nothing. The next... Madchild.

    The two humans could see their lives - done and undone - within the Madchild's cloak. possibilities endless and myriad flickered across their eyes - from great champions of Mauhir to being torn apart and made into Madchildren. Time itself was etched into every centimeter of what little flesh she had, and the world trembled in her wake.

    And in their minds, they felt their thoughts being nibbled on, and words taking shape.

    If you must speak to your betters, use proper terms, cattle. I am a Madchild - Perfect Progeny, if you prefer. She rubbed her hands together. So. Which of the livestock dies first?
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2013-02-03 at 05:18 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  10. - Top - End - #280
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Inside the Dome of Darkness

    Daven stepped forward bravely and spat on the ground next to him. His drawn spear's golden radiance penetrated the depths of the darkness surrounding them. "Ah, but I see no betters here, Madchild." The human speaks clearly and bravely, without a hint of fear. "After all, we are but the chosen few of two gods... I would not call either of us inferior until we have done battle, out of respect. Even if you are insolent, you have yet to prove yourself an inept fighter. So shall we get on with his without further ado?" Daven holds his spear high, pointed, and tightly, imposing his confidence against his adversary. Tarem, standing a few feet behind him, looks afraid yet brave despite himself. The boy has a shortspear in one hand, and a light shield in the other, but still wears his sword across his back. Perhaps his training with Daven amounted to something. Tarem mirrors his mentor, standing alike to him in his readiness for battle. The structure of their faces even looks oddly similar coated in shadows, and their eyes shine the same shade of milky caramel in the golden light.


    Hunter arrives in Mageloft without difficulty. The flight in was stressful at first, but he eventually found it relieving. "More, I say!" he said to Brandelf after they had arrived. "I have seen the potential of these great powers, and now I must have more!"

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    Inside the Dome of Darkness

    Daven stepped forward bravely and spat on the ground next to him. His drawn spear's golden radiance penetrated the depths of the darkness surrounding them. "Ah, but I see no betters here, Madchild." The human speaks clearly and bravely, without a hint of fear. "After all, we are but the chosen few of two gods... I would not call either of us inferior until we have done battle, out of respect. Even if you are insolent, you have yet to prove yourself an inept fighter. So shall we get on with his without further ado?" Daven holds his spear high, pointed, and tightly, imposing his confidence against his adversary. Tarem, standing a few feet behind him, looks afraid yet brave despite himself. The boy has a shortspear in one hand, and a light shield in the other, but still wears his sword across his back. Perhaps his training with Daven amounted to something. Tarem mirrors his mentor, standing alike to him in his readiness for battle. The structure of their faces even looks oddly similar coated in shadows, and their eyes shine the same shade of milky caramel in the golden light.
    There is no reason to take it personally - cattle like you are simply beneath me. She spread her arms, letting the rings fall down to where her elbows would be, revealing more of her arms. It's not a matter of combat skill, just simple fact.

    But if you wish to soothe your own ego, by all means. I love some healthy pride, it goes great on delusions of grandeur. Her happy smile faded, the stars in her cloak began to swirl and blur, and her eyes turned the red of blood. Show me what you can do, little bull.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  12. - Top - End - #282
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    There is no reason to take it personally - cattle like you are simply beneath me. She spread her arms, letting the rings fall down to where her elbows would be, revealing more of her arms. It's not a matter of combat skill, just simple fact.

    But if you wish to soothe your own ego, by all means. I love some healthy pride, it goes great on delusions of grandeur. Her happy smile faded, the stars in her cloak began to swirl and blur, and her eyes turned the red of blood. Show me what you can do, little bull.
    "Lets see how well you stack up to all you claim to be, then." Daven is beginning to sound annoyed, but it isn't getting to him. "If it is what you wish, I will take the first move. Good fight!" With that, Daven quickly jabs his spear twice, low an high, in a one-two strike, then retreats it. Next, he shifts hands, and twirls it before slashing down, the blade in perfect position to connect with Madchild's neck. Then, he whirls the weapon back in poised position and gives it a mighty thrust, stepping with the weight of the spear. His movements are precise, controlled, and deadly leaving a golden trail of light behind them.

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    The Greyle Pit

    Slowly greyles started to drift in, the goblin clans quickly disembarking to join the growing celebration at the pit's rim. There was loud music in the form of horns and singing, great competitions of skill and wit, and every once in a while somebody would sound an alarm and a few spears would fly out to impale some aquatic predator that had wandered too close.

    But all was not as it seemed, and even in the happiest of times madness can seep in.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  14. - Top - End - #284
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Time to fly
    It had been disappointing his race had tried and failed him they were doing better with their new leader, but he was tired and feeling lonely and bored, and all around boring day. But he felt like doing one last act before leaving each time he left his people they seemed to fall into despair, that new concept he created dint help and while the chaos was nice he had grown bored of it.

    Going deep into the volcano he found a round orb, so simple yet so constrained by its own size to expand would mean to lose its shape. But something clicked inside of him an idea as to what to do, he felt inspired as he weighted the orb in his hands. And soon enough he was pouring his own power in it something was gonna happen with it.

    When he was done, he dint know what he created trying to use it mentally had no effect on him, yet when he tried to use it on some rocks they disappeared into the orb, which was strange but it gave him an idea as to how to get his race to disappear. Firstly he left on his own and over the nigh got most of them inside the orb, he continued many were sleeping and never realised anything. When he was done he took the orb with him, this would be fun. This time no flying or anything like most gods were doing most likely he disappeared.

    Somewhere in Telum
    Picking locations was harder than it seemed, he was away from a well travelled road as he looked around with some luck of course he would find a city, he was curious how the war against the madgod was going among other things like the last stuff he remembers was allying themselves with another god of knowledge. And he would either raise hell or find a way to meet his.....mother, if he could consider her that, probably not it felt strange of him to call her that, yet it fit somehow at the same time he felt unnatural. Perhaps he would just say he was a recently born god or something unless she noticed no reason for her or anyone else to know.

    Clutching the orb on his right claw he moved onwards on the road, a temple would be as good as any place to try looking probably.


    As of now The maw is deserted no one seems to be living and some ruins are left all around the island, but not many as a society most craft-work is in caves and caverns close or in the volcano if any aspiring archaeologist's happen to come and settle down.

    +2 rollovers i missed
    -Create Mundane Concept - 1 AP-Gambling about time we had that.
    -create artefact-4 AP Orb of holding-
    This orb may only be wielded by a god,. it allows to hold inside of it anything and the moment it gets inside the time is stuck of the object or creature. It has cannot hold artefacts or anything divine inside of it. And only the person who used said artefact can release something they stored in it unless they chose otherwise.


    ps Teenage angst apparently even gods get it.

  15. - Top - End - #285
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    "Lets see how well you stack up to all you claim to be, then." Daven is beginning to sound annoyed, but it isn't getting to him. "If it is what you wish, I will take the first move. Good fight!" With that, Daven quickly jabs his spear twice, low an high, in a one-two strike, then retreats it. Next, he shifts hands, and twirls it before slashing down, the blade in perfect position to connect with Madchild's neck. Then, he whirls the weapon back in poised position and gives it a mighty thrust, stepping with the weight of the spear. His movements are precise, controlled, and deadly leaving a golden trail of light behind them.
    Holy and Unholy

    There wasn't any movement or shift that Daven could see. One moment, Tempora was in the perfect position to be struck, and the next pieces of one of the nearby houses were in the way of his spear. She smirked.

    My turn.

    She thrusted with one hand, and the woods, planks, nails and other bits of the house thrust at the knight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipho View Post
    The Greyle Pit

    Slowly greyles started to drift in, the goblin clans quickly disembarking to join the growing celebration at the pit's rim. There was loud music in the form of horns and singing, great competitions of skill and wit, and every once in a while somebody would sound an alarm and a few spears would fly out to impale some aquatic predator that had wandered too close.

    But all was not as it seemed, and even in the happiest of times madness can seep in.

    And step in it did.

    Its gaze was death, its flesh was bloodlust and its roar was fury incarnate. A vaguely humanoid mass of flesh with large, sharp fangs suddenly rushed into the throng. Blades sprouted at random from it's flesh, and blood splurted all around it. To gaze at this being was to know your own death.

    Guess what the thing made of bloodlust did. Go on, guess.

    Yup! It tore into those around it like a mass murdering maniac.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  16. - Top - End - #286
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    Inside the Dome of Darkness

    Daven stepped forward bravely and spat on the ground next to him. His drawn spear's golden radiance penetrated the depths of the darkness surrounding them. "Ah, but I see no betters here, Madchild." The human speaks clearly and bravely, without a hint of fear. "After all, we are but the chosen few of two gods... I would not call either of us inferior until we have done battle, out of respect. Even if you are insolent, you have yet to prove yourself an inept fighter. So shall we get on with his without further ado?" Daven holds his spear high, pointed, and tightly, imposing his confidence against his adversary. Tarem, standing a few feet behind him, looks afraid yet brave despite himself. The boy has a shortspear in one hand, and a light shield in the other, but still wears his sword across his back. Perhaps his training with Daven amounted to something. Tarem mirrors his mentor, standing alike to him in his readiness for battle. The structure of their faces even looks oddly similar coated in shadows, and their eyes shine the same shade of milky caramel in the golden light.


    Hunter arrives in Mageloft without difficulty. The flight in was stressful at first, but he eventually found it relieving. "More, I say!" he said to Brandelf after they had arrived. "I have seen the potential of these great powers, and now I must have more!"
    "If that is what you seek you should get it." muttered Headmaster Dah, "However, you are going to have to wait until morning for your first lesson. The rules here are simple, do everything I say and dont try to kill other students" He the walked over to a large bell said, "Tsalb Ecrof!" Immediately after he said this The large bell seemed to have been hit by a large amount of force causing it to ring violently before flying off of the tower and into the ocean. The headmaster then turned back to Hunter and said, "Would you mind going down to the first floor and telling them that we need a new bell?"
    I owe my great avatar to AvocadoAvenger. A big thanks to him!

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC


    As the bladed creature tore through the goblin ranks panic set in. People swam and ran and screamed in fear. But soon Chat rose up from the elders and began barking orders Elders, women, and children leap into the pit! Cover the greyle's blowholes so they surface and get them out of here! Men..... he hefted two large spears and threw them at the creature. Kill it! Whatever it is kill it!
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  18. - Top - End - #288
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    The Dome

    Daven dove to the side and rolled, evading most of the incoming debris. "I can play on your level," he says boldly, and walks calmly up to Tempora, chest out. He flicks his wrist and strikes suddenly with his spear.


    Hunter completes the task at hand. At first he feels rebellious towards being told what to do, but then he starts to feel lonely. He had been by himself for much of his life, but everything he knew was different here. I really need to make some friends here.

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipho View Post

    As the bladed creature tore through the goblin ranks panic set in. People swam and ran and screamed in fear. But soon Chat rose up from the elders and began barking orders Elders, women, and children leap into the pit! Cover the greyle's blowholes so they surface and get them out of here! Men..... he hefted two large spears and threw them at the creature. Kill it! Whatever it is kill it!
    To attack bloodlust itself was the height of folly. One's bloodlust - even a minor little bit - would give the thing energy and heal it. And one could not attack without wanting it to bleed and die. Blades sprouted from it's flesh, and those around them began to bleed. But worse, they began to hunger for blood, just as it did, and with no blood to be gained from the madchild... they turned on their fellows.

    The Madgod laughed, and the god of these creatures heard it.

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    The Dome

    Daven dove to the side and rolled, evading most of the incoming debris. "I can play on your level," he says boldly, and walks calmly up to Tempora, chest out. He flicks his wrist and strikes suddenly with his spear.
    She smirked. You cannot even comprehend my MADGOD ON A CRACKER THAT HURTS!! She snarled as the spear struck her horn. What's this spear made out of, Holy? She then stared at the spear, blinking in confusion. Wait a second... it IS holy! She pointed a finger at the knight. Why is your spear made of holy?

    Aforementioned pointing finger then shot time at his spear. Enough time to rot a spear to dust.

    ((And yes, she is saying 'holy' as a thing, even though properly speaking it should refer to a QUALITY of a thing))
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2013-02-09 at 10:30 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  20. - Top - End - #290
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    As Chat felt the bloodlust begin to consume him he cried out Jongo! Save us! before throwing himself on a spear.

    And Jongo came. In a sudden burst of water he was there, floating in front of the beast. who sends you and why? he asked, attempting to block the creature as it struck out at the goblins.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  21. - Top - End - #291
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipho View Post
    As Chat felt the bloodlust begin to consume him he cried out Jongo! Save us! before throwing himself on a spear.

    And Jongo came. In a sudden burst of water he was there, floating in front of the beast. who sends you and why? he asked, attempting to block the creature as it struck out at the goblins.
    The Madgod. Joy. The creature growled, blood dripping from it's fangs. You die.

    Suddenly, the bloodlust that had consumed all those present left them. The creature convulsed for a moment, before a pair of dark green lights appeared in the vague shape of eyes on it's forehead.

    And the voice of the madgod issued through the minds of those present now.

    I hunger, little Jongo.
    For little Jongo.
    I shall feast on Jongo.

    Your thoughts shall be lost to the glitch.
    Your existence erased.

    An obstacle removed.
    Your followers shall scatter.


    The Madgod, now residing in the form of the madchild, lashed forward with it's psychic might.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  22. - Top - End - #292
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    She smirked. You cannot even comprehend my MADGOD ON A CRACKER THAT HURTS!! She snarled as the spear struck her horn. What's this spear made out of, Holy? She then stared at the spear, blinking in confusion. Wait a second... it IS holy! She pointed a finger at the knight. Why is your spear made of holy?

    Aforementioned pointing finger then shot time at his spear. Enough time to rot a spear to dust.

    ((And yes, she is saying 'holy' as a thing, even though properly speaking it should refer to a QUALITY of a thing))
    "This spear, radiant with the golden light of Mauhir, is used by me as a weapon for I am Mauhir's very weapon." Daven declares proudly. "I am her sword arm and shield; her spear to pierce the darkness as well as the hearts of my enemies." He twisted the spear for pain and drove it deeper. "I will illuminate any shadow and guide the hearts of my people into the light!"
    I don't think that the ability of a legendary life form could destroy an artifact outright.

  23. - Top - End - #293
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    "This spear, radiant with the golden light of Mauhir, is used by me as a weapon for I am Mauhir's very weapon." Daven declares proudly. "I am her sword arm and shield; her spear to pierce the darkness as well as the hearts of my enemies." He twisted the spear for pain and drove it deeper. "I will illuminate any shadow and guide the hearts of my people into the light!"
    I don't think that the ability of a legendary life form could destroy an artifact outright.
    Neither do I. I worded it like that because Tempora's attack WOULD have done that to a regular spear, and saying 'she shot time at it' makes no sense without clarifying what exactly it would do.

    Also, I forgot to mention that she moved back before she shot time at the spear woops... leave it, keep going!

    She grimmaced as it twisted into her horn, smirking a bit. N-not... the point.

    And like that, she was gone, back another fifty feet. She was rubbing her chin in thought, staring at the knight. Then she smirked and held out her palm, shooting another bout of time.

    This time, however, she aimed to turn his armor into a useless hunk of rust.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Neither do I. I worded it like that because Tempora's attack WOULD have done that to a regular spear, and saying 'she shot time at it' makes no sense without clarifying what exactly it would do.

    Also, I forgot to mention that she moved back before she shot time at the spear woops... leave it, keep going!

    She grimmaced as it twisted into her horn, smirking a bit. N-not... the point.

    And like that, she was gone, back another fifty feet. She was rubbing her chin in thought, staring at the knight. Then she smirked and held out her palm, shooting another bout of time.

    This time, however, she aimed to turn his armor into a useless hunk of rust.
    The light armor and helm that Daven wore rotted and fell to the ground. Unfettered, he shook them off and lifted his spear again, pressing the Madchild with more jabs and slashes. "We aren't so unequal, you and me. We both have weapons that can harm each other, which is the basis for any fair fight."

    A Temple of the Holy Warriors

    An acolyte girl was harvesting berries when Kaija approached. Her first reaction was to scream and drop her bucket of berries. Composing herself, she drew a sickle and stood her ground. "Who- who are you and what do you want here?"

  25. - Top - End - #295
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    The light armor and helm that Daven wore rotted and fell to the ground. Unfettered, he shook them off and lifted his spear again, pressing the Madchild with more jabs and slashes. "We aren't so unequal, you and me. We both have weapons that can harm each other, which is the basis for any fair fight."
    The spear punctured into her cloak, but she made only minor reactions, indicating that the human would have to go for her fleshy bits (ie, head and arms) to truly hurt her. Her earlier burn, it seemed, had only gotten worse, fairly impressive given the short period of time since the strike.

    Tempora frowned slightly. The human's thoughts were strangely intact. Fighting a madchild like this should have at least put some chinks in his mental defenses, but she found nothing to exploit.

    Hm. Well, using holy power like this is fairly crude, but strangely effective. When it's not burning me, it shields the cattle's mind. So the only way to drive the livestock into the arms of the madgod... is to let myself get stabbed... Hell no.

    I wield a founding building block of the cosmos to which even the gods themselves are subject to (albeit less so than mortals), a force which merely gazing upon can slowly drive my enemies insane. You wield a stick that your goddess happens to like and faulty logic. Equal, we ain't.

    Assuming you mean our species... She dodged to the side, smirking. Suppose a snake bit the ankle of your friend and it's poison killed him. Would you call the lives of all snakes - or even that specific snake - equal to your own? No, of course not, because it's a snake! She leaned her head down and dove into her own cloak (raising numerous questions about how her body worked) leaving only the cloth, which was punctured with numerous holes.

    She reappeared behind the human with a new cloak and grabbed his head, and he felt her slithering into his mind. The Madchild's mind raged and stormed, thoughts both sweet and malicious swirling in a constant barrage against his mind. Like a tempest of poisoned candy.

    Would you like to see the future, human?
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    As the Madgod lashed out he broke easily into Jongo's mind. Next to none were Jongo's mental defenses and the walls fell like plankton to a whale. In fact, the Madgod might even feel a slight tug at him before he found himself in a small pond. The pond represents Jongo's mind and as such is full of life, each fish representing a part of him. At the deep bottom is what looks to be a small bright yellow rock that exudes an aura alien to this world.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  27. - Top - End - #297
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    A Temple of the Holy Warriors

    An acolyte girl was harvesting berries when Kaija approached. Her first reaction was to scream and drop her bucket of berries. Composing herself, she drew a sickle and stood her ground. "Who- who are you and what do you want here?"
    It had been a while and Kaija dint notice the girl until she started screaming, and damn was it annoying, still more interesting than staying back home though.
    Turning to face her he dint even register that she held that sickle and besides he could do worse things to her than she to him, not breaking eye contact he replied in an annoyed tone "Just a traveller from a far away place, i came in search of a temple to the Goddess Mauhir, do you happen to know where i can find one little girl?".
    Last edited by Orbiter; 2013-02-11 at 03:26 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #298
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    Krieerk, thinking
    Krieerk had been inactive for a long time and had missed much. While he slept his long sleep the people of the city of knowledge had learned much from the Kecne and they in turn had learned from the people of knowledge. Perhaps the most unpredictable thing to come of this had been the research the people of knowledge had done to the portal.
    As was to be expected from a city of scientists they had reveres engineered the principles of the thing. For the most part the knowledge had lain dormant since its acquisition but now wizards were living in the City, and that meant that their were finally mortals who could put it all together.


    15 AP
    - 4 Create Fabled Concept (portals for mortals)
    -2 Create Advanced Concept (Biotech in the city of knowladge)
    Quote Originally Posted by ToySoldierCPlus View Post
    Now you're attempting to model physics when arguing your case for armor made by a guy who explicitly tells the laws of physics to sit down and shut up whenever he starts tinkering stacking with regular armor. Stop that.
    Miny city!
    Industrial miny city!
    round one, fight!

  29. - Top - End - #299
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    The Dome

    Daven stood his ground. "I am much more than what you think. Very well, show me what you will, but do not expect it to phase me."

    The Temple

    "You have found the temple," she replied more timidly. Then, finding her confidence again, "but if you have a sinister intent you had best reveal it now so that we may fight you or leave!"

  30. - Top - End - #300
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: A Time for Mortals, a Time for Gods IC

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post

    The Temple

    "You have found the temple," she replied more timidly. Then, finding her confidence again, "but if you have a sinister intent you had best reveal it now so that we may fight you or leave!"
    "Interesting how do you commune with your Goddess then?" he started coiling his tail in a circle "I don't have a sinister intent for now, but i don't think if one had they would say so" his face was slightly smiling hard to see considering he dint have a human face, still his tone was serious so she probably wouldn't know.

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