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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Your party is now approaching the Village of Hommlet, having ridden up from lands of the Wild Coast. You are poorly mounted, badly equipped, and have no large sums of cash. In fact, all you have is what you wear and what you ride, plus the few coins that are hidden in purses and pockets. What you do possess in quantity, though, is daring and desire to become wealthy and famous. Thus your group comes to Hommlet to learn. Is this indeed a place for adventurers to seek their fortunes? You all hope, of course, to gain riches and make names for yourselves. The outcome of this is uncertain, but your skill and daring, along with a good measure of luck, will be the main ingredients of what follows, be it for weal or woe.

    The small community at the crossroads is a completely unknown quantity. What is there? Who will be encountered? Where should you go? These are your first explorations and encounters, so chance may dictate as much as intelligence. Will outsiders be shunned? Are the reports true—is the whole community engaged in evil practices? Are the folk here bumpkins, easily duped? Does a curse lay upon those who dare to venture into the lands which were once the Temple's? All of these questions will soon be answered.

    The dusty, rutted road is lined with closely-grown hedges of brambles and shrubs. Here and there it cuts through a copse or crosses a rivulet. To either hand, forest and meadow have given way to field and orchard. A small herd of kine graze nearby, and a distant hill is dotted with the wand stone chimneys with thin plumes of blue smoke rising from them. A road angles west into the hill country, and to either side of the road ahead are barns and buildings—Hommlet at last!

    The adventure begins...
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    Quote Originally Posted by SanguinePenguin View Post
    I am just saying that Nam seems crazy to Kohl even by violent, homeless, grave-robbing arsonist with a death wish standards.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Coming to a stop after the long and wearisome day, Magus sighs and takes stock of the situation. Unknown number of hostiles, unknown locations, unknown resources. Available assets? An elf, two swordsmen, a halfling and himself.


    " Now that we're here, perhaps we should finally discuss a plan. A plan that'll need to take into account the fact that we're likely outnumbered by the bandits reported in the area." He looks about the crossroads, sizing up the village. " I suggest we poke around town, and find out how we can ingratiate ourselves to the locals, especially whomever holds sway over the local militia. An extra sword arm or two would not unappreciated, that is for certain." The thin man draws his cloak tighter about himself. I certainly don't have a particular hankering to wind up dead in a gutter in this backwater."

    " Comments? Concerns? "
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "In-grey-shiii-ate?" Rekna asks himself, having not heard the word before.

    "Eh? I'm not so sure we'd want to find another sword here. Not sure if these people can be trusted. You've heard the rumors, no? Wouldn't want to end up with a knife to my neck to an altar." Rekna composes himself after a visible shudder. "I don't see a problem with talking to some of them though. Has Hommlet a tavern?"

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Self rolls his eyes, one of the humans is speaking again, they seemed to have that tendency. Although, he liked this one, it was smart to rely on magic. Not elven, but close enough. He had better start listening...

    Oh uh, Yes, of course, extra meat shields would be useful. I mean swordsmen, of course. One thing, any chance we could scout the local parish or church? A healer might be a useful minion against the bandits, keep the halfing and fighters when they take any hits.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Leonarg raised up his fur coat and took in his surroundings, he knew all to well that foes could be anywhere and it paid to be cautious especially on the road.

    "Sounds like a good idea, a warm meal and a pint would be most welcome. I do hope this place does have some good help, I'm not willing to part with my gold for men of weak character."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Magus does not quite -smile- per say, but he draws his mouth into a line suggesting something of the sort. " I do not know that we shall have to pay them a copper bit. We are the ones risking ourselves for the safety and comfort of their little burg, are we not? Brigands, and who knows what else threatening their hearth and home." He gestures to the northern horizon. " What brave man would not volunteer to oppose such hazards? I'm sure they'll listen to reason. Now, Kal, use that halfling sense of yours to find us the local watering hole, will you?"
    Hunting Blackpool Hall | OOC
    The Dream of Cormanthr | OOC

    GITP Fantasy Blood Bowl Cup - Season III - Now Recruiting!
    My Team: Tinwë United ( Pro Elf - CRAZY )
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Kal snorts with impatience. "Aye, was just about to head there myself if you fools kept jabbering on out here in the cold. My rations ran out a while back, and I am starving. Bloody disgusting things they were too, I could use a decent meal for once."

    Kal stomps off towards the buildings up ahead, searching for one labeled as an inn or rest-house.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Following in Kal's footsteps you quickly pass the outerlying farms and barns that are scattered on the outer rim of the hamlet. Men and boys are working the fields why rose-cheeked goodwives sit on their benches outside sewing or peeling potatoes. Soon you reach the village square, holding a smithy, the small shop of a leatherworker, the village hall and last but not least, a large building with a wooden sign;

    The square wooden sign shows a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. This must be the Inn of the Welcome Wench, a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink! Passing merchants make a point of stopping, as do many other sorts of wayfarers, and it is said that the place is always filled with patrons.

    Inside, this large place is bright and cheerful. It contains several roughhewn tables and chairs, boards, and benches. Natural tree trunk pillars support the ceiling overhead, all dark with smoke and age. A motley group of people is here.

    You count 13 men in the common room, sitting on benches and at the bardesk, from where a bumbling innkeep in a neat apron serves brandy and ale for the thirsty patron. Half of the guests would be merchants, in exotic clothing and tricorne hats especially popular among them this season. The rest, expect for one guest, would be local peasants and workers. Of particular note is a hulk of a man, filling nearly two chairs by a private table. He is scowling at you with a distrustful look.
    Last edited by Darwin; 2013-03-01 at 02:13 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SanguinePenguin View Post
    I am just saying that Nam seems crazy to Kohl even by violent, homeless, grave-robbing arsonist with a death wish standards.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Rekna turns his gaze from the distrustful man, and takes a seat at the bardesk. If/When the barkeep approaches, Rekna'll ask for something to eat, and something to drink, please!

    While he waits, Rekna turns his ear to eavesdrop on the other patrons, determined to learn a bit more about the town than "they might be evil!"
    Last edited by Annandul; 2013-03-01 at 12:16 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "Aye and for me as well" Leonarg says as he pulls up a seat. "And a drink for the man over there, he looks like he could use one." He raises his mug when the lumbering man receives his drink as a show of good faith.
    Last edited by Lt. Tibbles; 2013-03-01 at 07:50 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "Aye, drinks, let us celebrate being alive."
    Self said as walked from behind the two to the counter and ordered a frosty mug.
    When he gets his drink, "To life" as he raises his mug.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Magus does his level best to procure a bowl of soup, and inhales it when he does. Presented with comfort after the long road, he finds it much more compelling than a bunch of backwoods yokels.
    Hunting Blackpool Hall | OOC
    The Dream of Cormanthr | OOC

    GITP Fantasy Blood Bowl Cup - Season III - Now Recruiting!
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    The innkeep happily obliges and gets busy serving your orders. Soon you each have a mug of ale in hand and after your toast he asks you:

    "You are new here strangers. I see every man, woman and horse that passes through Hommlet and I never forget a face. The name is Ostler Grundigoot, now tell me, what brings you to our humble village out here on the frontier?"


    5 sp for a regular meal (mutton, soup, bread and cheese etc.)
    Ale: 2sp a mug
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    Quote Originally Posted by SanguinePenguin View Post
    I am just saying that Nam seems crazy to Kohl even by violent, homeless, grave-robbing arsonist with a death wish standards.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Rekna removes a gold piece from his bag and offers it to the innkeep as payment for the meal.

    "Adventure. Don't know what they're after, but so long as I've had a bit of fun, it's all good."

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Irked somewhat at his compatriots' over-the-top antics, Kal obtains a meal from the innkeeper and takes a space near the local peasants. After scarfing down a few mouthfuls, he indicates the surly man at the private table: "So what's his beef? Doesn't like adventurers or something?"

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    If it's adventure you want, you might want to take a ride down to the old moathouse. Young Pat says the bandits that robbed him last week rode off in that direction. Best be wary of the moat though. I'm not sure that's just water and algae down there.

    The innkeep directs his attention towards Kal;

    Ah, quite the opposite stranger. He has been looking for adventurous souls to take him and his companion along for weeks. The sour look is a permanent feature though, I don't think I've ever seen him without it.
    Last edited by Darwin; 2013-03-04 at 12:24 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SanguinePenguin View Post
    I am just saying that Nam seems crazy to Kohl even by violent, homeless, grave-robbing arsonist with a death wish standards.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Rekna beams and continues consuming his food far faster than is probably good for him. He says nothing more while he eats.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "Well then I suppose that'll be our first destination once we've got a lay of the town and a good night's rest." Leonarg says before beginning his meal.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    If you're looking for rooms you're in luck. I have two regulars open for five electrum pieces, a smaller room with a view to the streets for two gold, and the noble suite stands empty until someone hands me five gold, though I'll have to throw you out if one of the local nobles decides to come visit. If you are as poor as you look you can take a night on the pallets in the common room for five silver. There'll be bread and tea for the thirsty in the morning.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SanguinePenguin View Post
    I am just saying that Nam seems crazy to Kohl even by violent, homeless, grave-robbing arsonist with a death wish standards.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Rekna, somewhat elated, offers three gold pieces. "I'll take a regular, then." He'll then toy around with the miniature catapult in his room until he goes to sleep.
    Last edited by Annandul; 2013-03-06 at 11:47 PM. Reason: Whoops! Electrum are worth more than I thought!

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "The Noble Suite for me, and a bottle of wine for the night, marvelous food by the way, my compliments. Now that man that's looking for work with for him and his friends, what else can you tell me about them?"

    Leonarg finishes his meal while listening to Ostler before retiring to his room.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    I'll take the 5 silver for the common room, I'm not rich till we finish a quest or open a treasure chest.
    Said the elf looking in his money pouch.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Kal tosses a gold coin onto the counter to pay for his meal and lodging, muttering "Common room's good, it's better than a bedroll on the cold ground, and that's enough for me."

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    As they day comes to a halt the common room suddenly fills up with burly men. Their chatter makes is apparent that they are construction workers, working on a stronghold at the outskirts of town. None of them pay particular attention to you, travelers and adventurers must be common in this region. Hours later the Inn slowly comes to silence as its guests heads off to their rented rooms and beds while others simply pass out at the tables. The night passes by without disturbances and you all wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SanguinePenguin View Post
    I am just saying that Nam seems crazy to Kohl even by violent, homeless, grave-robbing arsonist with a death wish standards.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Self yawns, scratches his head before to see the others, "So, now that we got a good rest, what will out first step be? Magus, if we have the time, we should share spell secrets soon."

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Rekna will have some of the bread, humming to himself as his friends decide what they want to do.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    Leonarg orders a plate of bread and cheese, and takes his seat at the table.

    "Well the Innkeeper did say that bandits were spotted riding off in the direction of the old moat house, we should make our way out there and poke around, see if we can find the hooligans. At the very least see if we can find some clues, once the wizards are done with their business of course."

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "That sounds good!" Rekna exclaims, eager to go out.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "Sounds good to me too" Kal mumbles, still bleary-eyed in the morning. He procures himself some bread and tea, and sets about attempting to obtain some dried rations to replenish his stores.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (LL) Temple of Elemental Evil IC

    "Huzzah! Let's go!" Rekna shouts with the enthusiasm of a cheerful bard. "Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk to the moat house to talk to some people!" he sings badly as he does so.

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