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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    I missed you guys and gals. <3

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    I'm just happy my primary home is back online. :3

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
    I missed you guys and gals. <3
    So did I. :D
    *hugs for those who like them, and cookies for the others*
    Quote Originally Posted by on Dwarf Fortress succession games
    I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dwarf Fortress 0.40.01 bugs
    - If an adventurer shouts and nobody is around to hear it, the game crashes
    - War Dogs appear to run from themselves in terror
    - New tree generation frequently causes birds to explode

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Firbolg in the Playground
    noparlpf's Avatar

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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    Catchup time for myself: I haven't posted about this yet because I had an incredibly dark bit of dysphoria last weekend and the first half of the week following me.

    And really dark... like just a constant feeling detached and horrified at myself surrounding me and feeling panicky and full of despair.

    And then the forums went down so I couldn't tell it, but, but, but, I came out to my brother before that weekend and it went really well!

    I went over and it took me about 20 minutes of blabbering about random things to start talking about it and I sorta started with when my feelings started surfacing again like two years and ago and if he remembered that and things like that and then trailed all the way to fully telling it and we had a really satisfying conversation and he just said all the right things, you know? Like, respecting my decision and always being there for me and we also talk about my parents and our relationship as siblings and I told him I was going to try to be a better sister for him than I was a brother and in the end we had this really big hug which had been years since that had happened.

    So how have all of you been?
    That sounds great. Congrats.

    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    Oh my gosh, I missed ye all! I've been sick all weekend.

    I have already seen Iron Man 3 twice, though!
    Here's a picture:

    of me as Toni Stark (aka Iron Maiden) with my personal assistant Pepper Potts, played by my real life best friend.
    That stinks.
    But that sounds fun. I forgot it was coming out. I don't think it's out here for a few more days, though. Hmm.
    Jude P.

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Titan in the Playground
    Asta Kask's Avatar

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    And then the forums went down so I couldn't tell it, but, but, but, I came out to my brother before that weekend and it went really well!

    I went over and it took me about 20 minutes of blabbering about random things to start talking about it and I sorta started with when my feelings started surfacing again like two years and ago and if he remembered that and things like that and then trailed all the way to fully telling it and we had a really satisfying conversation and he just said all the right things, you know? Like, respecting my decision and always being there for me and we also talk about my parents and our relationship as siblings and I told him I was going to try to be a better sister for him than I was a brother and in the end we had this really big hug which had been years since that had happened.

    So how have all of you been?

    I've had forum withdrawal syndrome. It's been pretty rough, but my cats have kept me company. The weather has been bad, so that's never good. But I'll live.

    That guy with the glasses riffs boys beware. An anti-gay film from the 1950's, made mildly palatable by tgwtg's riffing. Dear Lord, was this what the world was like?
    Last edited by Asta Kask; 2013-04-29 at 07:37 AM.
    Avatar by CoffeeIncluded

    Oooh, and that's a bad miss.

    “Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.”
    ― Tim Fargo

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Dec 2009
    Hiding and fleeing.

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    *slinks into thread* Hi. *offers hugs to any who want them before curling up comfortably in a corner*

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Ogre in the Playground
    Zorg's Avatar

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    Jan 2005

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Hello thread

    Astrella, really glad to hear your brother was so good about thing :D Have missed y'all too, and thanks for the link, it was very nice

    Kender, hope you are feeling better & the outfits look good, though I was bit surprised as when I picture you I remember that photo of you as Thor, so I think of you with long blond hair - bit of a change there

    Helio, girl in the middle looks almost exactly like a friend of mine's sister... very disconcerting Any progress on the job stuff?

    It has been an eventful week for me:

    - Turned 30 (aka officially old/my life is over now/I made a "Zack Attack" joke at work an everyone was too young to understand). Had family over yesterday, which was really nice, going out with friends on Saturday and having other friends over on Sunday. Will be my first outing in girl mode, so a bit nervous but will have lots of peeps around. Expect pictures! I've spent weeks deciding what I'm going to wear

    - Had tracheal shave today. Imagine the worst sore throat you've ever had, then someone punches you in the throat. I'm basically fine now, taken no painkillers, going to have a gnarly bruise and I am talking and eating fine. Just need to be careful turning my head, coughing and such so I don't bust the stitches. Will show before & after pics later - bandage has to stay on for a week.

    - Also started HRT. For those wondering it's been 3 hours and I'm still just a potatoe not noticing any major changes

    - And, most importantly of all, I found someone who makes cloches so bought myself a pair then bought more clothes to go with them.
    Princess in the streets.
    Princess in the sheets.
    Don't touch me I'm royalty.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Ettin in the Playground
    The Succubus's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Congratulations, oh Mistress of the Yellow Socks! Lots of big milestones, all in the space of a week! ^_^

  9. - Top - End - #189
    SiuiS's Avatar

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    Somewhere south of Hell

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
    I've never understood what people have against foot fetishists.
    Not sure if naive or joking XD

    Quote Originally Posted by HMS Sophia View Post
    Also, stayed at my mothers this weekend, and I had a nice and relaxing weekend. It was great. Really limited stress, lots of fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
    I've made milk catch fire but that at least has some fats and proteins in it that can burn once you've driven off enough water...
    "Burning water" is actually a thing, I found. It's when you boil the pot empty and only the trace minerals remain in a white powder... Which can then combust.

    Urinals suck. And I have never had a problem with a unisex bathroom before. Well, besides scaring that freshman girl the other day because I shut off the lights on my way out and she opened the door just as I was switching off the lights and I was standing right there in the dark...but a guy might have jumped a foot in the air and squeaked too, right?
    Urinals do suck. They have conditioned four generations of men into thinking spraying in the general direction of a hole in the wall I sufficient and you don't new to wash your hands or flush.

    Also, yes. An then punch you.
    But since a girl might have also punched you, it's even.

    Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
    , a fistfight was started at the Parliament, following a debate on the subject. (I'm not going to mention the utter inanity of statements made by homophobes, because they're not new.) Yet, they all say that gays are going to ruin children's lives by depriving them of a parent of the other gender.
    What the frak. How is threatening to kill people better than taking the risk to have socially handicapped kids*.
    This is ironic, because its actually better for kids to have two parents than it is to have only one, and there's no magical guarantee or correlation between gay rights an successful heterosexual relationships. Odds are if a father turns out to be a gay man, the kid benefits more from him having a husband than being denied that connection.

    Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
    Geez. That's pretty crazy.

    And hmm, maybe. But I've always wanted to get in a fight with a bunch of loud angry nuts.
    Nah. It's not that fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raineh Daze View Post
    Or go as a large group with someone as menacing-looking as possible instead?
    Bring the technoviking!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
    Wait - as in, in parliament? The politicians having a punch-up? O_o
    "what!?" Carlsberg screamed, bits of spittle flying from under his mustaches. "you take that back!"

    "Never!" His opponent cried. "Never will your tax exemptions win you the love o the people you so desperately crave!"

    Carlsberg huffed, and puffed, and grew. Inflating like a big, red faced hot air balloon, he pulled his jacket off with suck force and alacrity that his handkerchief spun in place for a moment like a novelty flower. "Those are fighting words, Jorgunsun! We decide this... Like men!"

    Jorgunsun, jacket already neatly folded over his chair, smiled. A grim smile, a crooked line of thin lipped wrath beneath his hooked nose. He tucked his monocle gently – almost, one could say, daintily – into his shirt pocket before ripping the whole of the garnet from himself, as if the waistcoat didn't exist. He breathed in once, his hairy chest rising like the forward P-wave of a highland hillside in quake, before exhaling with force that would fell lesser men.


    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    Is Assigned Female At Birth supposed to conjure up images of surgeons operating on a newborn infant's body? I always have to remind myself that it doesn't solely refer to intersex individuals who were altered to be visibly female.
    Nah. The point is to refer to cis females. You are birthed, picked up by a doctor, smacked, and assigned your gender on paperwork sometime thereafter. From that point on, regardless of what you yourself may say think or feel, you are that assigned gender until you file to change it.

    You've been systematized.

    Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
    I wouldn't start something. If they start it I'm within my rights to defend myself, right?
    Nope! That's not even true in all parts of your own country, let alone another. Plus, with uneven law enforcement, you may take the brunt of things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
    Thanks. I saw Exalted Week was probably going to win in the Avatar thread, so I thought "hey, what the hell, I'm going to research it a little and see what it's all about beside dinosaurs that excrete drugs and punching people so hard they turn into ducks and Solars out-awesoming everyone".
    And now I did the research I want to play the damn game but the best I can do until the 3rd edition is published is to wipe out a Chosen of Journeys avatar.
    Exalted! Is a game I almost played but stopped because this one guy Would. Not. Shut. Up. about the in-jokes and I realized that I was never going Rodius someone to play the Flicking game with! I may as well just play D&D with a monk who has baleful polymorph (duck only) as an at will SLA.

    By which I mean, you could probably organize a few newbies here on the playground for a game that isn't all "LoL ARMY IS PANTS". I'd join
    Lets just not make this one LGBT themed? It makes us look cliquish.

    And yes! Awesome avvie, I appreciate the arm count.

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    This is ironic, because its actually better for kids to have two parents than it is to have only one, and there's no magical guarantee or correlation between gay rights an successful heterosexual relationships. Odds are if a father turns out to be a gay man, the kid benefits more from him having a husband than being denied that connection.
    Again, you're trying to bring logic. Won't do.

    By the way, the law project has passed. The reactive explosion I expected did not really happen, surprisingly. Still consider my warning valid for one week or two.

    "what!?" Carlsberg screamed, bits of spittle flying from under his mustaches. "you take that back!"

    "Never!" His opponent cried. "Never will your tax exemptions win you the love o the people you so desperately crave!"

    Carlsberg huffed, and puffed, and grew. Inflating like a big, red faced hot air balloon, he pulled his jacket off with suck force and alacrity that his handkerchief spun in place for a moment like a novelty flower. "Those are fighting words, Jorgunsun! We decide this... Like men!"

    Jorgunsun, jacket already neatly folded over his chair, smiled. A grim smile, a crooked line of thin lipped wrath beneath his hooked nose. He tucked his monocle gently – almost, one could say, daintily – into his shirt pocket before ripping the whole of the garnet from himself, as if the waistcoat didn't exist. He breathed in once, his hairy chest rising like the forward P-wave of a highland hillside in quake, before exhaling with force that would fell lesser men.

    If only that was how it happened. It would at least have been entertaining instead of merely bringing shameful consternation.

    Exalted! Is a game I almost played but stopped because this one guy Would. Not. Shut. Up. about the in-jokes and I realized that I was never going Rodius someone to play the Flicking game with! I may as well just play D&D with a monk who has baleful polymorph (duck only) as an at will SLA.

    By which I mean, you could probably organize a few newbies here on the playground for a game that isn't all "LoL ARMY IS PANTS". I'd join
    Lets just not make this one LGBT themed? It makes us look cliquish.

    And yes! Awesome avvie, I appreciate the arm count.
    That's good, because I try to keep in-jokes outside of games and serious discussions.
    I'll probably think about that once 3rd edition comes. Like the avatar indicates, I'd really, really be thrilled with playing a Sidereal, but I've learnt to accept they simply won't arrive before a while, and that making an interesting character who happens to be also a Solar may also be fun.

    Arm count is vital to my avatars. Like Succubus' not-very-Lawful-Good sexiness and KenderWizard's Kenderness are key.
    And I'm totally a Chosen of Journeys. People don't notice I'm there, don't remember me after I leave, the weird coincidences around me could as well be blamed on fate, I never get lost, and I warp laws of physics when I travel. Then there's the part I might as well work on for real, the one where I also help others on their own journeys, but that goal is in no way new.
    Disclaimer: I've never punched people into ducks. I haven't got the slightest clue how bureaucracy works.
    Last edited by Mono Vertigo; 2013-04-29 at 09:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by on Dwarf Fortress succession games
    I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dwarf Fortress 0.40.01 bugs
    - If an adventurer shouts and nobody is around to hear it, the game crashes
    - War Dogs appear to run from themselves in terror
    - New tree generation frequently causes birds to explode

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Troll in the Playground
    Astrella's Avatar

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    Nov 2008

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Thanks everyone.

    (and I missed the thread a ton too. It also made me notice how often I open gitp tabs. So many pages with errors open. >.> )

    Linky for the Kenderhive and everyone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
    Thanks. I saw Exalted Week was probably going to win in the Avatar thread, so I thought "hey, what the hell, I'm going to research it a little and see what it's all about beside dinosaurs that excrete drugs and punching people so hard they turn into ducks and Solars out-awesoming everyone".
    And now I did the research I want to play the damn game but the best I can do until the 3rd edition is published is to wipe out a Chosen of Journeys avatar.

    Enough about me. I'm really, really glad about your brother. Congratulations.
    Exalted sounds quite interesting. I really liked Keychain of Creation when it ran and The Rose Dragon is trying to drag me into a game already.

    Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
    That guy with the glasses riffs boys beware. An anti-gay film from the 1950's, made mildly palatable by tgwtg's riffing. Dear Lord, was this what the world was like?
    Hmm, I liked the video itself (the jokes) but the video it's mocking is really disconcerting. And the sad thing is that there's still plenty of people who think like that. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
    Hello thread

    Astrella, really glad to hear your brother was so good about thing :D Have missed y'all too, and thanks for the link, it was very nice
    Thank you. It was really nice and a big relief.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
    - Turned 30 (aka officially old/my life is over now/I made a "Zack Attack" joke at work an everyone was too young to understand). Had family over yesterday, which was really nice, going out with friends on Saturday and having other friends over on Sunday. Will be my first outing in girl mode, so a bit nervous but will have lots of peeps around. Expect pictures! I've spent weeks deciding what I'm going to wear

    - Had tracheal shave today. Imagine the worst sore throat you've ever had, then someone punches you in the throat. I'm basically fine now, taken no painkillers, going to have a gnarly bruise and I am talking and eating fine. Just need to be careful turning my head, coughing and such so I don't bust the stitches. Will show before & after pics later - bandage has to stay on for a week.

    - Also started HRT. For those wondering it's been 3 hours and I'm still just a potatoe not noticing any major changes

    - And, most importantly of all, I found someone who makes cloches so bought myself a pair then bought more clothes to go with them.
    Ooh, happy birthday!

    I hope that outing goes well and you have a great time. :)

    Also hope you recover from surgery soon. I have to admit that I'm a teensy bit curious to see the results. (I really don't like my adam's apple myself. >.> )

    Also congratulations on starting HRT, I hope you'll get to notice the effects really soon!
    I make avatars. Sometimes.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Titan in the Playground
    Asta Kask's Avatar

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    Hmm, I liked the video itself (the jokes) but the video it's mocking is really disconcerting. And the sad thing is that there's still plenty of people who think like that. :c
    TGWTG is... fairly good. He's onboard with the notion that homophobia is bad. But he makes too many "of course, she used to be a man back then" jokes for me. Not a lot of them, but enough to disturb me. I've thought about contacting him but I haven't run up the energy yet. So... yeah.

    Edit: I should clarify that. My depression has gotten worse over the last few weeks, as it is wont to do at this time of year. I have a very limited supply of energy to actually do stuff, and I must prioritize. Writing here takes almost nothing, but starting a conflict on another website? That would be too much.
    Last edited by Asta Kask; 2013-04-29 at 09:42 AM.
    Avatar by CoffeeIncluded

    Oooh, and that's a bad miss.

    “Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.”
    ― Tim Fargo

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
    TGWTG is... fairly good. He's onboard with the notion that homophobia is bad. But he makes too many "of course, she used to be a man back then" jokes for me. Not a lot of them, but enough to disturb me. I've thought about contacting him but I haven't run up the energy yet. So... yeah.

    Edit: I should clarify that. My depression has gotten worse over the last few weeks, as it is wont to do at this time of year. I have a very limited supply of energy to actually do stuff, and I must prioritize. Writing here takes almost nothing, but starting a conflict on another website? That would be too much.
    Oh, no, don't feel like you are obliged to do so. I'm sorry to hear that your depression has gotten worse though and I hope it passes soon.

    (I'm a decent fan of him (and Nostalgia Chick) and yeah, he says iffy stuff reasonably often but I also find him entertaining, so it's a bit of a double-edged sword.)
    I make avatars. Sometimes.

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Titan in the Playground
    Heliomance's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Not sure if naive or joking XD
    Protesting incorrect spelling. The a is important, dammit! It changes the meaning!

    A pedophile is, etymologically, someone sexually attracted to feet. It needs the a in it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalirren View Post
    The only person in the past two pages who has known what (s)he has been talking about is Heliomance.
    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    I just don't want to have long romantic conversations or any sort of drama with my computer, okay? It knows what kind of porn I watch. I don't want to mess that up by allowing it to judge any of my choices in romance.

    Avatar by Rain Dragon

    Wish building characters for D&D 3.5 was simpler? Try HeroForge Anew! An Excel-based, highly automated character builder. v7.4 now out!

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    I missed you all so much *hugs and cake for those who like them*
    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    Yay, forums are back! I missed all of you!

    Link time: This is really neat and bittersweet.
    Aw, that's really cute.
    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    Catchup time for myself: I haven't posted about this yet because I had an incredibly dark bit of dysphoria last weekend and the first half of the week following me.

    And really dark... like just a constant feeling detached and horrified at myself surrounding me and feeling panicky and full of despair.

    And then the forums went down so I couldn't tell it, but, but, but, I came out to my brother before that weekend and it went really well!

    I went over and it took me about 20 minutes of blabbering about random things to start talking about it and I sorta started with when my feelings started surfacing again like two years and ago and if he remembered that and things like that and then trailed all the way to fully telling it and we had a really satisfying conversation and he just said all the right things, you know? Like, respecting my decision and always being there for me and we also talk about my parents and our relationship as siblings and I told him I was going to try to be a better sister for him than I was a brother and in the end we had this really big hug which had been years since that had happened.

    So how have all of you been?
    *hugs* Congratulations! I'm glad he reacted so well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Lynn View Post
    Was feeling like utter and complete **** for a while, but Cody, Sophia, and Eldest have all really helped me out. Feeling much better now.
    *late hugs*

    Quote Originally Posted by HMS Sophia View Post
    Oooh, purty forum...

    Lots has happened in the last few. Got my actual results back, turns out my estrogen level is 25% above female baseline and 66.7% above Male absolute maximum. Getting repeat results back today.
    Psych appointment tomorrow (yay...) and Endo appointment on the 10th...
    It's going to be a busy couple of months.
    Do you know now what causes these high estrogen levels?
    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    Oh my gosh, I missed ye all! I've been sick all weekend.
    Hope you're feeling better!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
    - Turned 30 (aka officially old/my life is over now/I made a "Zack Attack" joke at work an everyone was too young to understand). Had family over yesterday, which was really nice, going out with friends on Saturday and having other friends over on Sunday. Will be my first outing in girl mode, so a bit nervous but will have lots of peeps around. Expect pictures! I've spent weeks deciding what I'm going to wear

    - Had tracheal shave today. Imagine the worst sore throat you've ever had, then someone punches you in the throat. I'm basically fine now, taken no painkillers, going to have a gnarly bruise and I am talking and eating fine. Just need to be careful turning my head, coughing and such so I don't bust the stitches. Will show before & after pics later - bandage has to stay on for a week.

    - Also started HRT. For those wondering it's been 3 hours and I'm still just a potatoe not noticing any major changes

    - And, most importantly of all, I found someone who makes cloches so bought myself a pair then bought more clothes to go with them.
    Happy birthday! And congratulations!

    Hm, I had something else to write, what was it? *thinkthinkthink* Ah, yes. My mother confused me for my brother (who is in Australia, so not likely to show up. ) last week. I was sitting in the kitchen, she comes in, looks confused, then says: "For a moment I thought [brother's name] is sitting there!" And I hadn't even tried too hard to look androgynous, because we were at my grandparents'. I just had my hair parted in the middle and in a low ponytail (like my brother always has his hair) and wore a baggy t-shirt.
    You can call me Juniper. Please use gender-neutral pronouns (ze/hir (preferred) or they/them) when referring to me.

    "We all are vessels of our brokenness, we carry it inside us like water, careful not to spill. And what is wholeness if not brokenness encompassed in acceptance, the warmth of its power a shield against those who would hurt us?" - R. Lemberg, Geometries of Belonging

    Stories Art

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Ettin in the Playground
    SaintRidley's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
    Protesting incorrect spelling. The a is important, dammit! It changes the meaning!

    A pedophile is, etymologically, someone sexually attracted to feet. It needs the a in it.
    Actually, the a can prevent confusion, but pedophilia is etymologically someone attracted to young boys (ped(o)-, originally the Greek pais (genitive paidos). In English the a was added later, and the original spelling followed the French pédophile (in short, we borrowed this Greek word from Latin).

    Following, say, pedicure, a foot fetishist would be a pediphile. We use the o in pedo- and the i in pedi- when they come before a consonant. So the only real issue is when you have the prefix before a vowel. So, ped(i/o)phile is not problematic. Pederast, however, is.

    Hooray for etymologies!
    Last edited by SaintRidley; 2013-04-29 at 10:33 AM.
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Titan in the Playground
    Lentrax's Avatar

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    In the Final Frontier

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    @Zorg: Turning old sucks. I made reference to Short Circut the other day. No one understood. *sigh*

    Good to hear about positive things though! Makes getting old not so bad, ya?

    @Astella. Thanks for that. So true. But wouldn't eliminating oppression just be oppressing it?

    We need an Oppressing oppression support group!

    And Helio, I like the picture, but who's the girl in pink? She is sexy.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
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    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

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    Lentrax has a Deviantart now, check it out!

    Streaming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11CST on Twitch.

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  18. - Top - End - #198
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
    - Turned 30 (aka officially old/my life is over now/I made a "Zack Attack" joke at work an everyone was too young to understand). Had family over yesterday, which was really nice, going out with friends on Saturday and having other friends over on Sunday. Will be my first outing in girl mode, so a bit nervous but will have lots of peeps around. Expect pictures! I've spent weeks deciding what I'm going to wear

    - Had tracheal shave today. Imagine the worst sore throat you've ever had, then someone punches you in the throat. I'm basically fine now, taken no painkillers, going to have a gnarly bruise and I am talking and eating fine. Just need to be careful turning my head, coughing and such so I don't bust the stitches. Will show before & after pics later - bandage has to stay on for a week.

    - Also started HRT. For those wondering it's been 3 hours and I'm still just a potatoe not noticing any major changes

    - And, most importantly of all, I found someone who makes cloches so bought myself a pair then bought more clothes to go with them.
    Happy birthday, and congrats!

    Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
    TGWTG is... fairly good. He's onboard with the notion that homophobia is bad. But he makes too many "of course, she used to be a man back then" jokes for me. Not a lot of them, but enough to disturb me. I've thought about contacting him but I haven't run up the energy yet. So... yeah.

    Edit: I should clarify that. My depression has gotten worse over the last few weeks, as it is wont to do at this time of year. I have a very limited supply of energy to actually do stuff, and I must prioritize. Writing here takes almost nothing, but starting a conflict on another website? That would be too much.
    That stinks. Sorry to hear it.
    If I remember to watch it and think it's worth starting something, maybe I'll do it for you.
    Jude P.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Ettin in the Playground

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    smile Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    It's back! It's back! It'sback! ^_^

    *Hugs all of the thread tightly with an alternative of cookies*

    I missed everybody.

    To avoid getting long-winded and end up talking about pancake-parrots:

    @Helio: Yay, picture! You look like it was a fun night. :3

    @Musashi: Eeeeep! I am glad I was travelling in a large group in the Easter-vacation. ._.

    @Zorg: I only know the name Zack Attack from Sky High... Sorries! i am sure i make references that young people don't get either! >_<

    @Exalted: If we have an Exalted game, can I try too? I have never tried it, but it sounds so fun and I really liked Keychain of Creation (Though it probably does not convey the work involved in playing it. ^_^') ^_^

    @Everybody-I-missed: Hugs, cookies, comfort and congratulations for everybody who needs them. People have had great news and bad news, and I sincerely hope the bad ones will soon be overshadowed by new great ones.
    Treasured Quotes

    Emphatic shirts.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

    At first, it was the smiley faces and the mannerisms. Then, it was the infernal magpie. It struck a chord. A cutely fiendish, macabre chord.

    An then I saw Keveak in the sorting hat and you are just the cutest thing when you want to be. My gosh look at that. It's squee-inducing.

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Ogre in the Playground
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    QLD, Australia

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    An interesting week I've had. Gather round kids, it's time for Myn's tales!

    - Had a few anxiety attacks, from certain situations.

    - Have a guy currently stringing me along who is once again distance so therefore I'm going crazy thinking if it's the right thing, which I'm fairly sure it isn't and I'm confused and yeah.

    - A friend's cat needs to be put down within the week for health issues so I need to rush off to visit him and his cat to see the cat one more time and console him through the hard time.

    - Still finding it hard to get over Chessy. I'll always love him, I'll always have a special place for him. Wish it could've worked out.

    - Been feeling especially lonely and/or depressed lately. Dunno why. Might have something to do with suddenly going off of my anti-depressants a few weeks ago 'cause I couldn't afford them (bills came in all at the same time, first ever happened >.<) and yeah >.>

    - Moved back to my old place with my old bestie Nathan. Good fun. Cheaper rent. ^_^

    - And a completely random thing: I'm getting an xbox 360 in a few weeks when I can save up enough for it.

    Glad to be back!
    Avatar by Dirtytabs.

    Epic quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Ahh Kyth'ra... A knight of such honour and virtue, not to mention suppressed homicidal rage.
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    His life was over.
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    Mystic who fluffs things with madness and zeal,
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  21. - Top - End - #201
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Guess who bombed a P-Chem exam~~
    I might have gotten like, five point, tops. Well, there goes the Chem major idea. Guess I can do Biochem instead.
    Jude P.

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    If you need help with Biochem you can PM me.
    Avatar by CoffeeIncluded

    Oooh, and that's a bad miss.

    “Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.”
    ― Tim Fargo

  23. - Top - End - #203
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
    Protesting incorrect spelling. The a is important, dammit! It changes the meaning!

    A pedophile is, etymologically, someone sexually attracted to feet. It needs the a in it.
    SaintRidley mentioned pedo/pedi, but I'll also add that there is also ped/pod (as in, pediatrician vs podiatrist). Also, it's not a+e, it's æ, which is its own letter. So saying "the a is important" is a bit like saying "the second (or first) n is important" to someone who used an N instead of an M. It's not n+n, it's m.

    Letters such as æ and œ have been pushed off of the language because of how rare they are. I can see the logic in that, personally.

    Glad to be back! Had a hell of a week, it will be nice to see you guys again. Had the French same-sex marriage and adoption bill passed yet when the website stopped working? Because it totally has, almost a week ago.

  24. - Top - End - #204
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
    If you need help with Biochem you can PM me.
    Thanks. I'll be taking Biochem I and Cell Bio in the summer (plus Classical Mythology, Evolution, and a more advanced neurobio course), Inorganic and Biochem lab in the fall, and Biochem II in the spring. Whee. At least those shouldn't have as much math I never learned... ;-;
    Jude P.

  25. - Top - End - #205
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    Oh, no, don't feel like you are obliged to do so. I'm sorry to hear that your depression has gotten worse though and I hope it passes soon.
    I like to recommend such sites too my friends, but I prefer if I can recommend them without having to say "occasional trans-ignorance" (I don't think it's really transphobia, he just isn't aware how hurtful such remarks can be).

    This mood slump will pass as summer draws closer, but I'm coming to grips with the fact that I'll probably never be fully restored. But there are new treatments on the horizon (deep brain stimulation, for instance, looks promising). I've heard they'll be starting large-scale trials in a few years, so... we'll see.

    Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
    Thanks. I'll be taking Biochem I and Cell Bio in the summer (plus Classical Mythology, Evolution, and a more advanced neurobio course), Inorganic and Biochem lab in the fall, and Biochem II in the spring. Whee. At least those shouldn't have as much math I never learned... ;-;
    Have you looked at khan academy?
    Avatar by CoffeeIncluded

    Oooh, and that's a bad miss.

    “Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.”
    ― Tim Fargo

  26. - Top - End - #206
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post

    - Still finding it hard to get over Chessy. I'll always love him, I'll always have a special place for him. Wish it could've worked out.
    D'awwwww. <3
    ^~Cody T.~^

    "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

  27. - Top - End - #207
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lissou View Post
    an N instead of an M. It's not n+n, it's m.

    Letters such as æ and œ have been pushed off of the language because of how rare they are. I can see the logic in that, personally.
    Yeah, I didn't really want to get into ligatures too.
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  28. - Top - End - #208
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Yes, that is true

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Lynn View Post
    I was told I'm a perfect boyfriend. Smiled and jokingly said back that the best man is a woman. They then said "Wait, you used to be a women? You did great! You're so manly now! ...

    I'm just going to go over here now....
    *So many hugs*

    Was feeling like utter and complete **** for a while, but Cody, Sophia, and Eldest have all really helped me out. Feeling much better now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post

    I think I've actually been really lucky - nobody seems to react aside from some odd looks (which are getting more rare, and are probably in response to how oddly I dressed when I first got my clothes). Occasionally somebody will call me "hon", which I think is more for girls around here.

    I figure either everybody can tell I'm a girl, or they don't care.

    Catchup time for myself: I haven't posted about this yet because I had an incredibly dark bit of dysphoria last weekend and the first half of the week following me.

    And really dark... like just a constant feeling detached and horrified at myself surrounding me and feeling panicky and full of despair.
    Aww. *So many hugs*

    And then the forums went down so I couldn't tell it, but, but, but, I came out to my brother before that weekend and it went really well!

    I went over and it took me about 20 minutes of blabbering about random things to start talking about it and I sorta started with when my feelings started surfacing again like two years and ago and if he remembered that and things like that and then trailed all the way to fully telling it and we had a really satisfying conversation and he just said all the right things, you know? Like, respecting my decision and always being there for me and we also talk about my parents and our relationship as siblings and I told him I was going to try to be a better sister for him than I was a brother and in the end we had this really big hug which had been years since that had happened.
    That's great~!

    Quote Originally Posted by ScionoftheVoid View Post
    *slinks into thread* Hi. *offers hugs to any who want them before curling up comfortably in a corner*

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
    It has been an eventful week for me:

    - Turned 30 (aka officially old/my life is over now/I made a "Zack Attack" joke at work an everyone was too young to understand). Had family over yesterday, which was really nice, going out with friends on Saturday and having other friends over on Sunday. Will be my first outing in girl mode, so a bit nervous but will have lots of peeps around. Expect pictures! I've spent weeks deciding what I'm going to wear

    - Had tracheal shave today. Imagine the worst sore throat you've ever had, then someone punches you in the throat. I'm basically fine now, taken no painkillers, going to have a gnarly bruise and I am talking and eating fine. Just need to be careful turning my head, coughing and such so I don't bust the stitches. Will show before & after pics later - bandage has to stay on for a week.

    - Also started HRT. For those wondering it's been 3 hours and I'm still just a potatoe not noticing any major changes

    - And, most importantly of all, I found someone who makes cloches so bought myself a pair then bought more clothes to go with them.
    Awesome. ^_^

    Hope you notice the effects soon~

    Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post
    An interesting week I've had. Gather round kids, it's time for Myn's tales!

    - Had a few anxiety attacks, from certain situations.

    - Have a guy currently stringing me along who is once again distance so therefore I'm going crazy thinking if it's the right thing, which I'm fairly sure it isn't and I'm confused and yeah.

    - A friend's cat needs to be put down within the week for health issues so I need to rush off to visit him and his cat to see the cat one more time and console him through the hard time.

    - Still finding it hard to get over Chessy. I'll always love him, I'll always have a special place for him. Wish it could've worked out.

    - Been feeling especially lonely and/or depressed lately. Dunno why. Might have something to do with suddenly going off of my anti-depressants a few weeks ago 'cause I couldn't afford them (bills came in all at the same time, first ever happened >.<) and yeah >.>
    *Hugs you close*

    - Moved back to my old place with my old bestie Nathan. Good fun. Cheaper rent. ^_^

    - And a completely random thing: I'm getting an xbox 360 in a few weeks when I can save up enough for it.

    Glad to be back!

    Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
    Guess who bombed a P-Chem exam~~
    I might have gotten like, five point, tops. Well, there goes the Chem major idea. Guess I can do Biochem instead.
    Yay~ - or wait, *hugs* >.>

    Thanks for existing.

    Dragon Hunter avatar by Lerky. Magical Girl by the lovely Astrella~

  29. - Top - End - #209
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    On the absolute max thing, it's just what the doc said. Yes, it was most likely hyperbolic hush.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycunadari View Post
    Do you know now what causes these high estrogen levels?
    It could be... basically anything?
    Inter-sex conditions, Non-malignant tumours, Malignant tumours... there's a good range of stuff

  30. - Top - End - #210
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 34: <3!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lissou View Post
    SaintRidley mentioned pedo/pedi, but I'll also add that there is also ped/pod (as in, pediatrician vs podiatrist). Also, it's not a+e, it's æ, which is its own letter. So saying "the a is important" is a bit like saying "the second (or first) n is important" to someone who used an N instead of an M. It's not n+n, it's m.

    Letters such as æ and œ have been pushed off of the language because of how rare they are. I can see the logic in that, personally.
    To be replaced, at least in British English, by the two letters in most cases. We still say encyclopaedia, for instance. Or manoeuvre.

    I'll concede to SaintRidley's thorough exploration of the etymology, but I'm not giving you that point :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalirren View Post
    The only person in the past two pages who has known what (s)he has been talking about is Heliomance.
    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    I just don't want to have long romantic conversations or any sort of drama with my computer, okay? It knows what kind of porn I watch. I don't want to mess that up by allowing it to judge any of my choices in romance.

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    Wish building characters for D&D 3.5 was simpler? Try HeroForge Anew! An Excel-based, highly automated character builder. v7.4 now out!

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