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  1. - Top - End - #1351
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Say that you only like rap and country.
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  2. - Top - End - #1352
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Worira View Post
    Say that you only like rap and country.
    I might omit the "only" because, in that case, it's true.

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

    Seventh Doctor avatar by the too-nice-for-his-own-good Professor Gnoll!

  3. - Top - End - #1353
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
    Me. Makes me a little uncomfortable, to be honest.
    Nobody said you have to watch, wee thing! Let Mammy do the half-naked-men admiring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
    Well, there were two times that it was down. You are referring to the DDOS attack that took place rather recently, and I did think you were too new to have lived through that. However, there was one other time during my tenure when they were down for days for scheduled maintenance, and I KNOW you weren't around for that.

    See, now I have to call you youngling from now on.
    Yeah, the DDOS. And bah I'm not even young anymore! I'm ripe as a raisin! *age crisis*

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
    Given the context, I have to ask: did you bump into him literally or figuratively?
    As for myself, I walked into two doorframes and a chair today. So I'm spending the rest of the day sitting down as much as possible because I can clearly not walk right now.
    Haha, unfortunately it happened figuratively. Didn't even realise my phrasing.

    How does one doorframe? I mean, did you hit the side, the top.. the bottom, even...? I will never know the feeling of bumping my head on something else but the frame of my bed. (and it's sad how often it happens)

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Why do I imagine you sacrificing a goat as I read this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    We're not all allergic to the sun, you know. :smalltongue
    B-but I can't help the burning and all the itchy red bumps that form on my skin when I'm in the sun for a bit too long.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    Ahh, I was wondering how a Uni student had that much stuff to pack up and move that it'd take over a week... Nothing for it but doing it half the time, and damn the consequences or second-guessing games. Though, I must admit, usually I've been able to get away with a fair bit of simplifying when it's come my turn to do so. Having largely hand-me-down possessions can do that to one's mentality, I suppose.
    I've doubled my possessions since I moved here last September... Brrh. It's just frustrating to pack and then realise I need to unpack because I need to use the stuff in the bottom for another week before the move-in, then pack again and have the same realisation about everything... Gah. I was made for last minute jobs, I really can't get organised... i-it would be nice if someone like K-koi-kun was helping me but I can do it by myself, baka! Besides, you're like 10000 kilometres away, it's not like I need you at all! Hmph!

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    It's some people's favorite word, even.
    i need an adult

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    That reminds me of when my friend modded his hermit fort so that the dorfs produced litters of 70 or so offspring at a time. One of his soldier dorfs was a mother of about 60-80 and ended up doing things predictably as a soldier dorf would do, constantly balancing one dorf baby between each of her hands and the ground while being barely functional. Then there was an invasion and some goblins got her or other happenstance misfortune. That's not important.

    What's important is that the babies all went into a tantrum spiral and they took down a troll and some other invaders that he hadn't noticed coming in along a subterranean route with their tiny, tiny fists of rage before he had to seal them off in the caverns so that they didn't kill his fort off..
    Urist McBabby would be proud of this. Btw, my favourite thread on the DF forums is called "What would Urist do?". Absolutely brilliant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    I actually can't remember the last time I got a sunburn come to think of it. At least yarrs ago....
    This must mean you're charred like a Finnish midsummer sausage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Although property values are quite low in this city, certainly lower than anything in the UK, I bought my house at age 22. It is possible! And my dream is yours: to turn an old shack into a character paradise. I encourage you not to worry so much about it and just do it. It's fun.
    Holy cheesy pasta, at 22? Man, I'm somewhere around that and I can't even think about anything else but getting a motorcycle before turning 30. But when I do buy a house, it'll be my dream. Well, I'll either buy a house to renovate or build one from scratch, and if it's a house to renovate there needs to be enough space for a sauna, or at least the possibility to build an expansion.

    There's other things that worry my mind even though they shouldn't, really. In my culture, well, not the nation I come from but more of the social culture, everyone's gotten married by the age of 24 with one or two odds. My best friend who's younger than me will be getting married in the next two years, and although I'm so extremely happy, it makes me depressed about how I've been incapable of holding a relationship for longer than a year. Bleh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Do you frolic through them, hair loose to fly about in the breeze?
    Mnah, we just relaxed in the sun with my bestie when she came to visit me, watching them as the wind blew some of the petals away.

    Funnily, you make me remember when I was 4 years old and we were driving around Europe with the family. We stopped at pond with a well that had a lovely field filled with flowers next to it (the area was told to be where the Grimm's story Mother Hulda happened). I have no memory of it, but apparently I looked the happiest I did that summer, frolicking, jumping and dancing amongst the flowers with my long curly blonde hair flying with the wind. Mum and dad regret not taking a photo of me then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Here is its current state:
    Ooh! Charming!
    Last edited by FinnLassie; 2013-05-30 at 05:36 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac
    aah yes, alligators
    the most anime of creatures
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  4. - Top - End - #1354
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post
    <. .> What madness have I inflicted upon myself? I just realized tonight that I'm in 5 ongoing PBP games and GMing another one that has two separate groups.

    <T_T> Good thing I don't mind typing updates eh? <@_@>
    Heh, madness indeed. Sounds like fun, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
    "Oh, you're into music?"
    "What kind of music do you like?"

    Help! What do I say?
    That question is horrible to those of us that like nearly everything...

    Tell them what you don't like, and say you'll listen to everything else. Or do what I do when people ask me that and say you like anything that doesn't suck.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Why do I imagine you sacrificing a goat as I read this?

    B-but I can't help the burning and all the itchy red bumps that form on my skin when I'm in the sun for a bit too long.

    Nah, all the goats I would have had access to were sold quite some time ago.

    Hrm... I don't suppose there's anything I can do to help with that. I'll just have to shout things at you from across the pond.
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  5. - Top - End - #1355
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Tell them what you don't like, and say you'll listen to everything else.
    Because I expect inevitable "Why don't you like power metal and classical period?" questions I'm tired of answering.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Or do what I do when people ask me that and say you like anything that doesn't suck.
    Because my favorite genre is possibly hip hop (no joke, right, what with the name and all), and when it inevitably gets brought up some jokester says "I thought you said you listened to music that doesn't suck lololol"

    Usually a classic rock fan, ugh. I don't dislike the music but the fanbase can be pretty bratty.

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

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  6. - Top - End - #1356
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
    Because I expect inevitable "Why don't you like power metal and classical period?" questions I'm tired of answering.

    Because my favorite genre is possibly hip hop (no joke, right, what with the name and all), and when it inevitably gets brought up some jokester says "I thought you said you listened to music that doesn't suck lololol"

    Usually a classic rock fan, ugh. I don't dislike the music but the fanbase can be pretty bratty.
    Well, given the two, I'd consider that a legitimate question.

    To each their own, though, as it were.

    Well, I've heard some good hip hop stuff. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but unless I found it myself or own it I'm pretty bad at remembering artist's names anyway, so that doesn't mean much. And I would... often be that jokester.

    Indeed. Led Zeppelin and The Beatles were not the pinnacle of rock and roll. That isn't to say they weren't incredibly important to it, but there is so much more than that...
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  7. - Top - End - #1357
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    I'll endeavor to try harder.

    Well, enough parts per thousand that it could rust, but not so much to significantly throw off the density.

    Hrm... I suppose I'm along those lines... just not in speech. I don't think I could go a whole day without swearing at something.
    And I'd have to buy a packet of gold stars.

    Somehow I don't think that would work. I'm pretty sure an impurity of iron on such a small scale would not make palladium or any other noble metal susceptible to corrosion. Though, the iron itself could rust. I can't remember how being alloyed with another metal changes these things.

    I'm probably just too tired to get worked up about things most of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Hrm... well, that's good. My body can rot after I die, for all I care.
    So you don't want it embalmed and buried with lots of treasure beneath a monumental tomb beside the bank of a mighty and sacred river? Okay then...

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Technically, the coloration is just as unnatural as any other recessive genetic trait, which is to say not at all. After all, it was nature that spawned it, was it not?

    Then there are a few questions regarding where the border lies between the natural and unnatural. A trait which nature occationally produces herself without the interference of man can hardly be unnatural, but even though there are nothing but natural mechanisms which brought about the horrendously deformed set of teeth of the pug, it would never have happened (p < 0.001) without the direct interference of man.
    There is that. But we have to remember that nature is a mad scientist.

    And then humans are even worse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    I don't want to do a complete rip-off, and straight conversions are never especially successful anyway.
    Well, in that case, I've got no ideas. Best of luck with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Ugh, tell me about it I mean, maybe it was because my edition had all three together, but it felt so duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllll...
    They are the worst to read in my opinion. I need a certain mindset, and the last time I had such a mindset was several years ago, and it hasn't come back yet. So I'm still halfway through.

    In related news: Gosh I'm tired. But I'm going to play a game of League anyway. Just to see how terrible I've become since I last played.
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  8. - Top - End - #1358
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    To each their own, though, as it were.
    That's generally a rule I try to live by. Partially why answering this question is such a chore for me. I like to live by it (with mixed results, I'll be the first to admit) but, let's face it, so many people have been inside this little "hip hop and R&B is bad no exceptions" echo chamber too long to abide by it themselves and arguing with these people is boring and fruitless.

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

    Seventh Doctor avatar by the too-nice-for-his-own-good Professor Gnoll!

  9. - Top - End - #1359
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    My solution with media in general has long been to simply leave it at "I like that" or "It's not my bag".

    Things I like I'm happy to talk about. If I don't like them *shrug* it's not my bag, I don't talk about it and avoid discussing it because there really is no accounting for taste.

    I mean, I like a lot of music - sea shanties, MC Frontalot, Metallica, Blind Guardian, Led Zepplin, Depeche Mode, But there's a lot of music I don't care for, and with that, well... who'm I to judge other people for not liking what I like/vice-versa, right?

    I guess what really grates on me is when someone decides to give me crap for liking what I do; so I decided in the spirit of treating others like I want to be treated, to try very hard not to do that to other people.


    Can't decide whether to type "ninja'd" "swordsaged" or "crunked" ... all fit...
    Last edited by mistformsquirrl; 2013-05-30 at 07:04 AM.
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  10. - Top - End - #1360
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post
    My solution with media in general has long been to simply leave it at "I like that" or "It's not my bag".
    That's a beautiful dream, alright, and one I'm more than happy to help create. However I resent being a doormat, even in small situations, so I find it difficult to "just leave it at that" when someone says something to the tune "Why would you listen to rap when you could listen to good music? "

    Even if they're joking the implication really sticks in my craw.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post
    Things I like I'm happy to talk about. If I don't like them *shrug* it's not my bag, I don't talk about it and avoid discussing it because there really is no accounting for taste.
    Ditto, once again it's really out of my hands, though. I don't go around seeking classic rock enthusiasts for the sole purpose of mocking them. At least, not anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post
    I mean, I like a lot of music - sea shanties, MC Frontalot, Metallica, Blind Guardian, Led Zepplin, Depeche Mode, But there's a lot of music I don't care for, and with that, well... who'm I to judge other people for not liking what I like/vice-versa, right?
    Again, most people aren't as on the ball as you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post
    I guess what really grates on me is when someone decides to give me crap for liking what I do; so I decided in the spirit of treating others like I want to be treated, to try very hard not to do that to other people.
    Try being an open fan of crunk and trap country music. It's... not pleasant. Especially in certain parts of the internet that disproportionately favour rock music.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post

    Can't decide whether to type "ninja'd" "swordsaged" or "crunked" ... all fit...
    Dunno what you're referring to. But if I may throw my vote it, I like "crunk'd"

    EDIT: Okay, trap was probably a bit wrong. Trap has found a niche in academia these days and subsequently spilled over into the indie and avant garde crowds. Country might be more accurate. Everyone hates country for some baffling reason.
    Last edited by DJ Yung Crunk; 2013-05-30 at 07:16 AM.

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

    Seventh Doctor avatar by the too-nice-for-his-own-good Professor Gnoll!

  11. - Top - End - #1361
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    I generally don't like rap...but then Gurren Lagann's OST happened, and now I can at least say it can be used well.
    Really hardcore metal though I almost always dislike, although it's probably because no one ever suggests I listen to it without trying to blast my eardrums to pieces.
    Spako Highclaws by Ceika.

    [Sorry Boss, but as always, I get the last word.]

  12. - Top - End - #1362
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Yeah, the DDOS. And bah I'm not even young anymore! I'm ripe as a raisin! *age crisis*
    Perhaps, but you I don't mind talking to. When I talk to raisins, everyone looks at me funny (especially since I'm mostly cursing them for not being blueberries when I thought they were blueberries. I hate raisins).

    ... Where was I? Oh, yeah. You're a youngling.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    How does one doorframe? I mean, did you hit the side, the top.. the bottom, even...? I will never know the feeling of bumping my head on something else but the frame of my bed. (and it's sad how often it happens)
    I walk face first into the side of it. Happens more often than it should. Of course, even yesterday has nothing on my moment of ultimate klutziness - I once stood up from my bed and hit my face on my desk chair (this was in my dorm, so the two were pretty close) and that knocked my glasses off. Then I bent down to grab my glasses and hit my face on the chair's armrest. I think I was so impressed with my own failure that I actually posted it here - but that would have been before your time, youngling. :smalltonuge:

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Why do I imagine you sacrificing a goat as I read this?
    I always imagine him sacrificing a goat.

    ION: mmmmmmmmm, pie for breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    BY THE HEAVENS! Dimonite! You are even more awesome than I thought!
    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    *high fives!*
    That was awesome, made me smile.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Witch-King View Post
    THIS aberrant, ancient evil ain't no playa! I'm gonna take care of my little Meduthids and my Spawnling Mama! Besides which--the Old Ones know the Elder Brain keeps pestering me about giving it some Grandspawnlings...
    The Neutralizer - my 3.5 class that attempts to make wizards less OP.
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  13. - Top - End - #1363
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
    My dilemma comes from the fact that "I like everything" is inaccurate, but I am diverse enough that listing it all would be a great burden to the conversation. I like all of these for the same reason, though. They don't make me feel anything, I have no emotional connection to most music. I prefer intellectual appreciation than immediate emotional satisfaction. I find it more lasting and thoughtful.
    Then you have your answer. Just say "I like all music. They don't make me feel anything, I have no emotional connection to music. I prefer intellectual appreciation than immediate emotional satisfaction. I find it more lasting and thoughtful"

    Then note that there are some songs that you don't like because they aren't intellectual.

  14. - Top - End - #1364
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Then you have your answer. Just say "I like all music. They don't make me feel anything, I have no emotional connection to music. I prefer intellectual appreciation than immediate emotional satisfaction. I find it more lasting and thoughtful"

    Then note that there are some songs that you don't like because they aren't intellectual.
    I can't tell if you're yanking my chain

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

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  15. - Top - End - #1365
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
    I can't tell if you're yanking my chain
    I'm not, since unless I'm completely mistaken (not impossible) you're looking for the answer "what types of music do you like" and you just said what types of music you like, right there.

  16. - Top - End - #1366
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    I'm not, since unless I'm completely mistaken (not impossible) you're looking for the answer "what types of music do you like" and you just said what types of music you like, right there.
    Ah... Well... Thanks for the advice, but I don't see casual conversation sustaining that kind of pretentiousness and pedantry.

    Ah, screw it. I'm just going to say 'classic rock' like everyone else. Don't want a repeat of the last time I brought up 'crunk' here.

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

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  17. - Top - End - #1367
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    That would be an OT3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    Yes, but keep baiting us and we'll get you in a OFP. Milhouse may not be a meme, but Milhouse is not a meme is.
    ... Well now I wanna know who you would try >.>

    Quote Originally Posted by Worira View Post
    Say that you only like rap and country.
    Rap, I hate 9 times out of 10. What's wrong with country?
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2013-05-30 at 09:44 AM.
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  18. - Top - End - #1368
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Rap, I hate 9 times out of 10.
    So you're definitely with the late George Harrison, who was once heard to say "Let's put the C back into rap."

  19. - Top - End - #1369
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    "I like music that's complicated but doesn't require an orchestra" is nice and short and leaves some conversational wiggle room. It cuts out music assembled from samples and dishwater rock. All the same, I'll make some hot drink for AllIHaveIsCrunk, and then he can sip that to muffle his reply and spare his tongue from being bitten.

    As for the packing and decluttering, "have nothing in your life that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful" is popular. It's terrible though. It never mentions that things have to be useful now. So you have people clutching onto items which might be useful once every five years. I decluttered my roleplaying books and didn't miss them for ten years, but I miss them now and I can't remember the relief of ten years of not storing unused books.

  20. - Top - End - #1370
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Taet View Post
    "I like music that's complicated but doesn't require an orchestra" is nice and short and leaves some conversational wiggle room. It cuts out music assembled from samples and dishwater rock. All the same, I'll make some hot drink for AllIHaveIsCrunk, and then he can sip that to muffle his reply and spare his tongue from being bitten.
    Coffee, thanks. And pronto!

    "Flash is fast, Flash is cool. Francois c'est pas, flashe non due."

    Seventh Doctor avatar by the too-nice-for-his-own-good Professor Gnoll!

  21. - Top - End - #1371
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
    Oh god, the worst part of interval notation is having not-matching brackets.
    What do you think about the square bracket only notation, where an open interval is signified by turning the bracket the wrong way, then? (For example, the interval of all non-negative numbers would be [0,∞[.)

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    I am quite fortunate, in that I have none.
    Actually, I'm pretty sure I've called you TaiLs on some occation, and that definitely qualifies as a nickname.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    i need an adult
    I think that's a lost cause. We're all nothing but babbies, remember?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    [...] I can't remember how being alloyed with another metal changes these things.
    It changes things. Stainless steel may not be perfectly stainless at all times, we shouldn't forget that the main component of it still is iron, and that a trip through the dishwasher is enough to make pure iron rust quite vehemently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    There is that. But we have to remember that nature is a mad scientist.

    And then humans are even worse.
    Meh, I prefer my own view on things. There is nature and science and it's all very fascinating, and then there's stupidity to ruin it all...

    It's funny how my body copes with extended sessions of intensive programming. When I still haven't left for home at dinnertime, it seems to trigger a form of disaster mode where any nonessential functions such as hunger or the will to do something relaxing are completely shut off. I mean, I've had a cookie lying next to me for a good half an hour now, and I still haven't mustered the will required to eat it.

    I was working with integrating the investor AI with the rest of the simulation, and had gotten so far as to start testing it. Just as expected with something this huge, there were numerous crash bugs to take care of, and that's what kept me running, because crash bugs are comparatively easy to track down and the reward for clearing one out is amazing. I mean, you'll never have to crash due to that ever again. Never again.

    At a quarter past seven (or later, I can't remember any longer), I cleared out the last crash bug and got it running stably. There's still something in there which makes the investors replace their industries with the same industry over and over, even though it shouldn't be possible, so I'll have something to dive into tomorrow, but after that, we should hopefully be able to see it run for real.
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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  22. - Top - End - #1372
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post

    Nah, all the goats I would have had access to were sold quite some time ago.

    Hrm... I don't suppose there's anything I can do to help with that. I'll just have to shout things at you from across the pond.

    I've never had goat in my life. But goat cheese is good. Not the one you get in shops, but it's like.. A Finnish goat cheese... ugh... too difficult to explain.

    You can always send me your warmest, cuddliest wishes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
    Perhaps, but you I don't mind talking to. When I talk to raisins, everyone looks at me funny (especially since I'm mostly cursing them for not being blueberries when I thought they were blueberries. I hate raisins).

    ... Where was I? Oh, yeah. You're a youngling.

    I walk face first into the side of it. Happens more often than it should. Of course, even yesterday has nothing on my moment of ultimate klutziness - I once stood up from my bed and hit my face on my desk chair (this was in my dorm, so the two were pretty close) and that knocked my glasses off. Then I bent down to grab my glasses and hit my face on the chair's armrest. I think I was so impressed with my own failure that I actually posted it here - but that would have been before your time, youngling. :smalltonuge:
    Raisins are yum, but only sometimes. Blueberries are very delicious though - can't wait to go back home for the summer, then I can just pick them from the ground as I walk to the bus stop. Nom noms. :3

    Dimonite... you... you do realise that mentioning you have glasses will... I... I must resist the urge... urgh... I can't... Dimo! From now on! You're Megane-kun!

    I... I feel sad that you call me a youngling... ;_;

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    I think that's a lost cause. We're all nothing but babbies, remember?
    But that's Mammy Finn talking, not me.
    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac
    aah yes, alligators
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post

    ... Well now I wanna know who you would try >.>

    Rap, I hate 9 times out of 10. What's wrong with country?
    One Triple Triad. /FFVIII OTOH.

    I'd probably get out the dart board and fling daggers at it until something stuck.

    Country is emo with less class. Or watered down pop. Or Bruce Springsteen. Or Pete Singer. Or the original version of house of the rising sun before we made it rock. Totally disregards it roots so you have to progressively move to folk and bluegrass and then increasingly fringe elements of those so that you can avoid the tide of pop in those over-genre. So, sure, give me any country before about 1970, any folk or bluegrass before 2000 or so.

    Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
    That's generally a rule I try to live by. Partially why answering this question is such a chore for me. I like to live by it (with mixed results, I'll be the first to admit) but, let's face it, so many people have been inside this little "hip hop and R&B is bad no exceptions" echo chamber too long to abide by it themselves and arguing with these people is boring and fruitless.
    Especially on a date.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keld Denar View Post
    +3 Girlfriend is totally unoptimized. You are better off with a +1 Keen Witty girlfriend and then appling Greater Magic Make-up to increase her enhancement bonus.
    To Do: Reboot and finish Riptide

  24. - Top - End - #1374
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    But that's Mammy Finn talking, not me.
    Separate, hmm... Isn't she enough of an adult, then? :smallcurious:
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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  25. - Top - End - #1375
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Somehow I don't think that would work. I'm pretty sure an impurity of iron on such a small scale would not make palladium or any other noble metal susceptible to corrosion. Though, the iron itself could rust. I can't remember how being alloyed with another metal changes these things.

    I'm probably just too tired to get worked up about things most of the time.

    So you don't want it embalmed and buried with lots of treasure beneath a monumental tomb beside the bank of a mighty and sacred river? Okay then...
    The point was that the iron itself would rust and the palladium would appear to rust because of it... although you may be right.

    I suggest having an inactive lifestyle and a lot of sugar.

    Sans-river? Sure, why not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
    I always imagine him sacrificing a goat.

    ION: mmmmmmmmm, pie for breakfast.
    I'm stealing that.


    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post

    I've never had goat in my life. But goat cheese is good. Not the one you get in shops, but it's like.. A Finnish goat cheese... ugh... too difficult to explain.

    You can always send me your warmest, cuddliest wishes!
    We're going to get caught in a loop if you keep responding to things I can respond to with . I had a rather similar conversation with someone else not too long ago...

    Indeed. Yeah, cheese from a goat... unless that's not what you mean by goat cheese (), in which case:

    Hrm... I think I can do warm pretty well, but cuddly might be hard... I'll meet you in the middle. Have some ridiculously warm wishes, and maybe I'll get rid of this damn hot weather.

    ION: Dammit. All of this extra work to re-give people the money I gave them the first time they asked for it. Hopefully this nonsense is sorted out.
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Nobody said you have to watch, wee thing! Let Mammy do the half-naked-men admiring.

    Yeah, the DDOS. And bah I'm not even young anymore! I'm ripe as a raisin! *age crisis*
    What, no one else is invited?

    Nah, you're not quite ready to take off the vine just yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Haha, unfortunately it happened figuratively. Didn't even realise my phrasing.

    How does one doorframe? I mean, did you hit the side, the top.. the bottom, even...? I will never know the feeling of bumping my head on something else but the frame of my bed. (and it's sad how often it happens)
    Would you have preferred to faceplant into his chest?

    In my experience you can hit the sides and the top of the doorframe if one is really putting one's mind to it. Thankfully most places I go to have enough clearance that I only have to duck a bit.

    Was not fun when the signs at work were just at the right height to smash my forehead into at work, since it mostly meant that I'd stand up, forgetting I was beneath one, and bash myself in the crown of my head on the bottom corner of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Why do I imagine you sacrificing a goat as I read this?

    B-but I can't help the burning and all the itchy red bumps that form on my skin when I'm in the sun for a bit too long.
    Because how else is he supposed to kill the goat so that we can have a barbecue and bonfire?

    I guess that's what having someone to rub lotion and aloe on you is for.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    I've doubled my possessions since I moved here last September... Brrh. It's just frustrating to pack and then realise I need to unpack because I need to use the stuff in the bottom for another week before the move-in, then pack again and have the same realisation about everything... Gah. I was made for last minute jobs, I really can't get organised... i-it would be nice if someone like K-koi-kun was helping me but I can do it by myself, baka! Besides, you're like 10000 kilometres away, it's not like I need you at all! Hmph!

    i need an adult
    Doubled? Oh my! So you've gone from having a half-bookcase full of books to having a full bookcase and from having enough clothing to last 2 weeks without laundering it to lasting a month without laundry?

    I find that most of my toiletries and a week's worth of clothing are all I need, and that all but my most commonly referenced books can get packed up. Tools, I must admit, generally get packed loosely and in an easily accessible fashion. Though I also don't really try to pack up things I actually use more than once in a blue moon very much in advance of the actual move.

    I find that moving is always good since it's an excuse to get your friends together and pay them in cheap beer for helping you out. And then maybe go out to dinner together afterwards.

    Oh, pish-posh.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Urist McBabby would be proud of this. Btw, my favourite thread on the DF forums is called "What would Urist do?". Absolutely brilliant.

    This must mean you're charred like a Finnish midsummer sausage.
    Bloody brilliant thread, that. I remember the last time I was on one of those threads and the Plump Helmet Men came up. Helped try to start an Urist McMeme in response...

    Except for my farmer's tan of looking like a normal white person, I'm as creamy as they come. Although I hear I'm less fattening than actual cream.

    Unless Finnish Summer Sausage is supposed to be all pale... The only thing google gave me was this when I searched. And as much as I'm a fan of ladies with musical instruments and dyed red hair, I somehow doubt that's what you meant.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Holy cheesy pasta, at 22? Man, I'm somewhere around that and I can't even think about anything else but getting a motorcycle before turning 30. But when I do buy a house, it'll be my dream. Well, I'll either buy a house to renovate or build one from scratch, and if it's a house to renovate there needs to be enough space for a sauna, or at least the possibility to build an expansion.
    I too feel the sting of jealousy and inadequacy. But I also admit that I'm pretty impressed since that's basically true of noone else I know of.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    There's other things that worry my mind even though they shouldn't, really. In my culture, well, not the nation I come from but more of the social culture, everyone's gotten married by the age of 24 with one or two odds. My best friend who's younger than me will be getting married in the next two years, and although I'm so extremely happy, it makes me depressed about how I've been incapable of holding a relationship for longer than a year. Bleh.
    Most everyone I knew growing up is married/divorced with 1.75 kids, has graduated with a master's degree, or are working on their doctorates. I think only about a half dozen of them have "real jobs" though.

    Look on the bright side, it means you're unlikely to rush into an ill-advised marriage that wreaks havock upon your life for years, decades, or until you're deceased.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Mnah, we just relaxed in the sun with my bestie when she came to visit me, watching them as the wind blew some of the petals away.

    Funnily, you make me remember when I was 4 years old and we were driving around Europe with the family. We stopped at pond with a well that had a lovely field filled with flowers next to it (the area was told to be where the Grimm's story Mother Hulda happened). I have no memory of it, but apparently I looked the happiest I did that summer, frolicking, jumping and dancing amongst the flowers with my long curly blonde hair flying with the wind. Mum and dad regret not taking a photo of me then.
    The sun? In Scotland? Must've come out just for you then.

    Yeah, that does sound like something parents would regret saving for posterity. Because that's ridiculously adorable.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    I've never had goat in my life. But goat cheese is good. Not the one you get in shops, but it's like.. A Finnish goat cheese... ugh... too difficult to explain.
    Goat cheese is pretty good. Goats are also cool, as they have square pupils and are great for helping maintain your yard. As long as you lack plants you care about that they'd prefer to eat instead of your grass and weeds...

    BBQ goat is where it's at. Unless whatever they do to it in the middle east doesn't count as a form of Barbecue. In which case, go with that instead. I'm still jealous of my bestie for getting in on some of that. The description alone made me have food fantasies for a week.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Raisins are yum, but only sometimes. Blueberries are very delicious though - can't wait to go back home for the summer, then I can just pick them from the ground as I walk to the bus stop. Nom noms. :3

    Dimonite... you... you do realise that mentioning you have glasses will... I... I must resist the urge... urgh... I can't... Dimo! From now on! You're Megane-kun!
    Have you ever had chopped raisins cooked with your meat before? It's very nice with several varieties of lamb and curry that I've had. Blueberries though... those are my berry. Well, they were, up until I was about 12 when I discovered blackberries in earnest, haha.


    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    I... I feel sad that you call me a youngling... ;_;

    But that's Mammy Finn talking, not me.
    obligatory link

    I'm starting to think we're going to need a color guide, starting with Miss Olivatrix.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Separate, hmm... Isn't she enough of an adult, then? :smallcurious:
    I suspect she's definitively on the mature end, though I don't think it quite works that way. Not that I'd complain, methinks....

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Sans-river? Sure, why not?

    I'm stealing that.
    That would be pretty metal. Especially if you combined it with a viking funeral inside the monumental tomb.

    I concur.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    We're going to get caught in a loop if you keep responding to things I can respond to with . I had a rather similar conversation with someone else not too long ago...

    Indeed. Yeah, cheese from a goat... unless that's not what you mean by goat cheese (), in which case:

    Hrm... I think I can do warm pretty well, but cuddly might be hard... I'll meet you in the middle. Have some ridiculously warm wishes, and maybe I'll get rid of this damn hot weather.

    ION: Dammit. All of this extra work to re-give people the money I gave them the first time they asked for it. Hopefully this nonsense is sorted out.
    Was it me?

    I don't think I want to know which kind you mean by other goatcheese...

    That'd be nice. Can we get to about mid-60s to low-70s or so?

    Yuck. I'm sorry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keld Denar View Post
    +3 Girlfriend is totally unoptimized. You are better off with a +1 Keen Witty girlfriend and then appling Greater Magic Make-up to increase her enhancement bonus.
    To Do: Reboot and finish Riptide

  27. - Top - End - #1377
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Raisins are yum, but only sometimes. Blueberries are very delicious though - can't wait to go back home for the summer, then I can just pick them from the ground as I walk to the bus stop. Nom noms. :3
    I wish we had blueberries up here - but I prefer the blackberries we get anyway. Some days, I'll just go out on our local hiking trails and hunt the wild blackberries - of course, I know their normal breeding grounds, so I have little to no trouble finding them.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Dimonite... you... you do realise that mentioning you have glasses will... I... I must resist the urge... urgh... I can't... Dimo! From now on! You're Megane-kun!
    You already knew I had glasses, because I saw you in the You! thread and you should have seen a picture of me there. Unless you just didn't want to look at a picture of me... which I could understand, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    I... I feel sad that you call me a youngling... ;_;
    Well, if you're going to call me Megane-kun then I don't think you really get to object.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    But that's Mammy Finn talking, not me.
    How many people here have multiple personalities, again?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    I'm stealing that.
    I figured red would appreciate that. Give my regards to sanity - I haven't seen him in a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Pecan pie, even.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    BY THE HEAVENS! Dimonite! You are even more awesome than I thought!
    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    *high fives!*
    That was awesome, made me smile.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Witch-King View Post
    THIS aberrant, ancient evil ain't no playa! I'm gonna take care of my little Meduthids and my Spawnling Mama! Besides which--the Old Ones know the Elder Brain keeps pestering me about giving it some Grandspawnlings...
    The Neutralizer - my 3.5 class that attempts to make wizards less OP.
    Fantastic dragonpuppy drawn by my sister in the ancient times.

  28. - Top - End - #1378
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    You remember the solar-cooker thing? Well, we're doing practice college essays, and one of the prompts was "Reflect on a time you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?"

    So I made this:
    Preliminary Pre-Workshop Draft of Practice College Essay for College Essay Practice Workshop

    IndentingI can remember the first big time I challenged something unchallengeable on principle like it was last week. Which fits, because it was. I was in Engineering class, and the grades were coming in on our final project – make a solar-reflecting device that would, hopefully, boil water. I’d spent six hours on it, give-or-take, and it got the water to 90° Celsius. We’d been told that grades would be scaled based on the highest temperature reached, and that was mine, so I was feeling pretty good.
    IndentingOops! Teacher puts the grades up on the board – he’s changed the rules last-minute, after everyone’s already done the assignment. Now, 80% of your grade (20/25) comes from one thing: Did you do the project? If you had anything set up at all that day, you automatically get those 20 points. Failing students who put in no effort? What’s that? Of course, it didn’t stop there – let me paraphrase. Those last five points? No longer based on who did best. Now it’s based on how much hotter your paint-can got, relative to the one that was sitting out with no heating device at all. All the cans started at 21 degrees, and that one gained 17. So if you ended up at 55 degrees, you get a 22. You want a perfect 25 points? That’d take… let’s see… oh, you’d need to get it to 106 degrees! What’s that you say? Water boils at 100, and the steam won’t stay in the paintcans I provided because there’s a hole in the lid for the thermometer? Ah well, too bad for you. Direct quote here: “Get over yourself.”
    Of course, he couldn’t let it go at that, so he whips out something half-mumbled about rounding to the nearest half. I work it out, it comes to 99 degrees for a perfect score if you abuse that. Fine, I’ll take it. It’s not like I didn’t get a good grade. But I try to complain about how effort spent was almost completel y irrelevant to final grade, and how it was completely impossible to fail no matter how half-arsed you do the job or how many corners you cut. His answer? Fine, maybe he will change the grading system. He’ll put in points for originality, so that design I researched to find the best feasible way to make a solar reflector cheap? Nope! I looked it up, so no marks there – he didn’t seem to realize that in the rest of the class, all but one group went with his first-day-of-class suggestion “if you aren’t going to put any effort in, just line an umbrella with aluminum foil.” The last group involved? They did something that would, amazingly, get full marks for originality – because no research from any source worth the effort to name would suggest a solar heater that does almost as much to shade the target as it does too focus light on it. Luckily for every group but that one, it doesn’t seem he carried through on the threat.
    IndentingIf all that happened again? I think I’d still complain. I may not have gotten anywhere, but I won’t lie down and support policies that encourage laziness, and I hope that I got at least one group to feel guilty about getting away with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    Because how else is he supposed to kill the goat so that we can have a barbecue and bonfire?

    That would be pretty metal. Especially if you combined it with a viking funeral inside the monumental tomb.

    I concur.
    Well, there is one way to kill absolutely anything, ever. In the words of Old Man Henderson:
    "I found what the bastards aren't immune to. Point blank annihilation."

    A viking funeral involves water, which was the original issue I had with the river... How about a Spartan funeral, where they just burn your body on a pyre?

    The deed is done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    Was it me?

    I don't think I want to know which kind you mean by other goatcheese...

    That'd be nice. Can we get to about mid-60s to low-70s or so?

    Yuck. I'm sorry.
    No... actually, it was with the same chick that promised me pie. Which reminds me that I need to re-convince her to bring me pie.

    I have no idea... covering my bases, just in case.

    You have no idea how much I would appreciate that.

    With any luck, it'll all get sorted out over the weekend. At least I got to the post office before it closed. It's really my own fault, though. I need to remember to check all of my email addresses for stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
    How many people here have multiple personalities, again?

    I figured red would appreciate that. Give my regards to sanity - I haven't seen him in a while.

    Pecan pie, even.
    You might get a misleading answer for this question.

    Hahahahahahahaha he doesn't live here anymore.

    YOU LUCKY BASTARD. there any left? Did you save some for me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    You remember the solar-cooker thing? Well, we're doing practice college essays, and one of the prompts was "Reflect on a time you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?"

    So I made this:
    *applause* Indeed.
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    Default Re: TaiLiu's Tea-Filled Tome of Random Banter #193

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    *applause* Indeed.
    Yeah, nobody IRL seems to get "doing things on principle".
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
    My Homebrew

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