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  1. - Top - End - #1441
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Aug 2013

    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    So, I don't know if we recall me saying that I was stoked for last nights DND game, because it was revolving around my characters back story, but it was amazing.

    We're trying to track down the Harbringer who's been a necromancer on a killing spree, while looking for the man who raised me who's also a necromancer... To find out that the man who had raised me, Elden, was the harbingers old master, AND the harbinger was my characters father they thought had died a long tome ago.

    So that was interesting. Everyone thought I'd try to seek him out for answers, and I was, until he killed Elden. He didn't know I was hiding and watching. Then came the best move the dice have let me pull off. Lol

    Attack of opputunity stacked with point blank shot, rapid shot, many shot, and I CRITED. Which never happens. My attack did 82 points of damage. Lead to my DM with an open mouth and the other players giving me this look like, why don't you do this more often? Lol

    Sigh... It was wonderful.

  2. - Top - End - #1442
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Beautiful clear full moon out tonight.

    Whenever it's night wherever you guys are, make sure you get a look at it.
    Awesome fremetar by wxdruid.

    From the discomfort of truth there is only one refuge and that is ignorance. I do not need to be comfortable, and I will not take refuge. I demand to *know*.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zale View Post
    Also, this is the internet. We're all borderline insane for simply being here.
    So I guess I have an internets? | And a trophy. | And a music cookie (whatever that is).

  3. - Top - End - #1443
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Intermelo View Post
    So, I don't know if we recall me saying that I was stoked for last nights DND game, because it was revolving around my characters back story, but it was amazing.

    We're trying to track down the Harbringer who's been a necromancer on a killing spree, while looking for the man who raised me who's also a necromancer... To find out that the man who had raised me, Elden, was the harbingers old master, AND the harbinger was my characters father they thought had died a long tome ago.

    So that was interesting. Everyone thought I'd try to seek him out for answers, and I was, until he killed Elden. He didn't know I was hiding and watching. Then came the best move the dice have let me pull off. Lol

    Attack of opputunity stacked with point blank shot, rapid shot, many shot, and I CRITED. Which never happens. My attack did 82 points of damage. Lead to my DM with an open mouth and the other players giving me this look like, why don't you do this more often? Lol

    Sigh... It was wonderful.
    Please clarify the underlined word.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  4. - Top - End - #1444
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    My schedule for today includes degreasing a steam locomotive. I forsee a lot of work ahead of me...
    Oo, sounds exhausting! Good luck!
    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Nothing exciting because I'm cheaper than a Rhinestone necklace.
    Do people even make necklaces with Rhinestones? I have no idea... It just sounds like that cheapest piece of jewellery imaginable... Also... Ignore that I spent five hundred dollars over the course of two days, that's not at all a usual occurrence.
    Oh, well. At least it'll be good food, yes?
    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    I can't believe I get to witness the moment that there's someone practicing his bagpipes on the room next to mine and accordion on the other side. Whilst I'm trying to take a damn power nap before the lessons continue.

    Welcome to Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

    At least they're good.. Damn it..
    Huh. Odd place.
    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    Anxiety is kicking in, in my class I'm DEFINITELY the youngest, mostly people being rather old. All the young folk are on the other class... I feel extremely lonely and find it hard to think I'll get to know people in the evening, people will have already formed their wee groups...
    My condolences, comrade. On the bright side, elderly people are fun to hang out with!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    So anyone recall that nine hour trip I mentioned? didn't go well at all.

    It started with me getting off work a half hour late waiting on my relief to arrive, then sitting in traffic for 45 minutes trying to get home to pick up my girlfriend, THEN sitting in traffic trying to get out of the city.

    Eventually, we get going at a good clip. Things are going at a good clip. We have good conversation, good music, are laughing and having fun listening to some comedians via Ipod. And then disaster strikes.

    My car begins to lurch and jump. At first I though it might be the car trying to shift from 3rd to 4th, since we were going 65 miles per hour and that's usually the place that it shifts, so if I was going over or under that speed...

    but no. It gets progressively more frequent and I end up stopping and doing the customary check under the hood and pretend that it will do something - such as see an obvious problem, like a rodent stuck in a gear, or a disconnected wire or something...Nothing seems wrong. So we sit for a bit. I'm freaking out and burst into tears, because if my engine was dying, I can't afford to replace the car. Plus we were stuck in the middle of no where, in a place called "Fishkill", New York, which did not comfort me any. After a bit of letting the engine rest, I decide we'll push on, resolving if it happens again to seriously consider turning around.

    We stop at a rest stop and I fill the tank, hoping that it might be a fuel issue, and that filling the tank might help. Plus it gives the car more time to rest. Both my girl friend and I are tense and scared about the condition of the car, and upset that we're running so late/a chance we might not make it up to Maine, a trip we were both looking forward to.

    30 minutes later, it happens again. At 55 miles per hour. Great, it's getting worse. We pull over again and this time it's my girl friend's turn to cry. I make the decision that we need to find a place to stay that night, find a mechanic in the morning, and see what they say. I make a call to the person housing us at our destination and update them, meanwhile her Mom is trying to find a cheap motel in the area we could stay.

    We finally find one for about $60, and get there after biting our nails that the car was going to fail on us at any moment. Luckily, after slowing down, anything below 55 mph seemed fine for the engine. We park, just as my check engine light comes on...finally. The clerk at the hotel seemed nice but a bit spacey, and informed us we were lucky, he only had one room left. He ended up accidentally assigning us to an already occupied room, so we go back and he gives us the actual room key. We go to the actual room and the room...was freaking disgusting. Let's give you all a list -

    • Holes in walls
    • Door appeared to be forced in multiple times
    • Peeling and stained ceiling
    • Peeling rug
    • Cobwebs all over each corner
    • Non-working TV
    • Non-working fridge
    • Blood and and blue liquid stained sheets. Yes. I said blood.

    And to top it off, while using the bathroom, my girl friend found a small little baggie with what appeared to be crystal meth lying on the ground.

    So we used our own sheets we'd brought for the trip, our own towels, didn't remove our socks, and sleep a little, crying in each others arms due to stress and sleep deprivation. The next morning we pack up in a hurry so as to escape the den of disaster, and so we could try and find a mechanic that would look at our car on a weekend (which isn't a likely goal).

    I uneasily check under the bed when we were leaving to make sure we didn't leave anything under there. And sure enough something was left there, just not something that WE brought...a needle. Which all but confirmed the contents of the bag.

    We got the heck out of there, and ended up finding a mechanic that helped us. They found out it was some switch on the outside of the transmission (outside = good, inside = bad) and that we could drive on it home, just not to push it. So we slowly make our way home, disappointed to be missing the wedding of one of my best friends, not to mention not getting to do any of the things we prepaid for (bed and breakfast reservations in maine, dinner reservations, so on).

    All around, a fairly disappointing weekend. We're home safe now, and the car's in the shop. Hoping it doesn't cost me a bundle.
    ...Wow. That's a long chain of unfortunate events. I'm sorry about that, comrade.
    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Bit of an emotional rollercoaster yesterday. Feeling better now.
    Ah. Do you want to talk about it?

  5. - Top - End - #1445
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Well, sorry to disappoint anyone who was reading, but my DND 4E campaign is (basically) no more. Thank you everyone for reading along, and ESPECIALLY thanks to my players for making it so much fun. Love you guys

    Now, if you want more stuff that I'm doing, I'll be putting my new game in my sig shortly! We're playing a new system called Feng Shui, it's pretty dang sweet! Only instead of playing in the base Feng Shui universe we're playing in the Shin Megami Tensei universe! So they're will be tons of demons and intrigue and stuff! Since Feng Shui is the Action Movie RPG, I'm styling the game sort of like an episodic anime! Hope you all enjoy, viewer and player alike.

  6. - Top - End - #1446
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Well, sorry to disappoint anyone who was reading, but my DND 4E campaign is (basically) no more. Thank you everyone for reading along, and ESPECIALLY thanks to my players for making it so much fun. Love you guys
    Oh, no! What happened?

  7. - Top - End - #1447
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    Oh, no! What happened?
    Stuff, lets not get into it. Sometimes campaigns just end, it's okay

  8. - Top - End - #1448
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Stuff, lets not get into it. Sometimes campaigns just end, it's okay
    Ah, alright. Well, I hope your new campaign turns out well!

  9. - Top - End - #1449
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    Ah, alright. Well, I hope your new campaign turns out well!
    It's turning out rather well so far! Everyone is new to the system so we're still learning, but everyone generally knows what they're doing now and we've got our first major plot points, aside from the overarching "oh god demons" thing.

  10. - Top - End - #1450
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    It's turning out rather well so far! Everyone is new to the system so we're still learning, but everyone generally knows what they're doing now and we've got our first major plot points, aside from the overarching "oh god demons" thing.
    ...Huh. Interesting system.

  11. - Top - End - #1451
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Well, good luck and good hunting!

    A stampede of giraffes? Sounds like a memorable time indeed.

    Care to tell us more? :smallhopeful:

    Yeah, the problem with DR as I see it is that it penalises characters who relies on dishing out smaller amounts of damage many times (or to many enemies) a lot harder than those who only hit once but hard. If it's one of the latter who've gone overpowered, it's hard to tailor a challenge which still lets the rest of the party shine...

    Now, this case is situational, otherwise DR works fine. And good to hear it wasn't a repeating occurence...

    It's like wine in alcohol content, but usually sweeter (since it's made from honey) and less sour. It bears some resemblance to beer as well, but is generally a bit less bitter. Our friend also flavours his mead, so there's that.

    All in all, I'm pretty bad at explaining tastes, so I'm sorry but I can't help you any more than this...
    I couldn't yesterday but I am back home now, so once some schoolwork is done I will hunt for it.

    Heh I'll try to do it justice. Well, the PC's are in the city of the God of Magic, and he needs them to find information on a cult that is causing trouble in his city (he can't use his godly powers on them, because a powerful anti-deity being is working with the cult), and sent the PC's out to get info to make plans. One of the team members is a witch so went to her contacts in the local coven, and the leader there basically says do some work for her, get the info. Well, one of those jobs is to cause a distraction in a certain district of the city. The group for this was the witch character, her timid sister (both to the same player), and a very crazy fist-fighter (other player, who only joined because the witch invited him for the fun). This whole segment was done with very loose rules and whatever they could come up with. So it starts with the brawler launching a truly epic groin shot at a guard while throwing heinous insults at another, aided by the witch. From there they ran all through town, using their respective abilities to cause trouble. The witch (based off Medusa from Soul Eater, if you know the show) used her powers, her sister shape shifted into a wolf to cause trouble, while the brawler used his trusty mount, the Huge giraffe named Sir Comlen. It was pure anarchy. It doesn't help that the initial groin shot was a crit from a monkish character. Needless to say, fun was had, guards were troubled, it was great.

    I do see the problem with it, but fortunately it isn't a problem that comes up with this group. Most of the team are the type to be heavy hitters in few attacks, and the rest are primarily support casters.

    I definitely want to try it someday. ^^ Don't have the money to right now though. I tend to prefer vodka or rum, and usually do not care at all for beer or ale except for one particular kind. But 4 years ago or so, I would have refused to even touch any of the stuff. So go figure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Mead is a wonderful drink -- I had some last night from the States that was 40% apple wine and 60% mead. Delicious and cheering to the heart.

    I want to go back and pick up some replies I owe, but I was mugged last night as well and my face looks like a bag of hot garbage. I have a concussion, I can't see out of one eye and barely out the other, and am thick in an ooze of painkillers. I have come to entreat for fluff and hugs.
    Aww that's awful! *hugs*

    WARNING: This picture is huge, I didn't know when I set it up. Gah. Open at peril.

    Here is fluffs, sorry in this picture that there are no budgies. I can look for another pic if it is needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Well, that depends on how much we get done next session... I'm used to the player/character ratio to be about 1/1, so...

    I've got wonderful hair, but I accept that it's statistically likely to leave me at some point.
    I think that is how it is usually supposed to be. I feel like our group is just very very awkward. As an example, our most "optimized" character in our last game was a single-class fighter. No joke.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taet View Post
    What do you want to go and see in Texas?

    I will say what other people have said. A stampede of giraffes sounds like a good gaming night.
    My girlfriend.

    Heh it was wonderful. To add to all that was stated above, the giraffes were a joke from an earlier session, where the brawler started a district-wide party and released many giraffes from the zoo (magical city, they got them there somehow). One of them became his friend, the mentioned Comlen, and wears a guard helmet to stand separate from the rest. So, we used the joke again here.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    So anyone recall that nine hour trip I mentioned? didn't go well at all.

    It started with me getting off work a half hour late waiting on my relief to arrive, then sitting in traffic for 45 minutes trying to get home to pick up my girlfriend, THEN sitting in traffic trying to get out of the city.

    Eventually, we get going at a good clip. Things are going at a good clip. We have good conversation, good music, are laughing and having fun listening to some comedians via Ipod. And then disaster strikes.

    My car begins to lurch and jump. At first I though it might be the car trying to shift from 3rd to 4th, since we were going 65 miles per hour and that's usually the place that it shifts, so if I was going over or under that speed...

    but no. It gets progressively more frequent and I end up stopping and doing the customary check under the hood and pretend that it will do something - such as see an obvious problem, like a rodent stuck in a gear, or a disconnected wire or something...Nothing seems wrong. So we sit for a bit. I'm freaking out and burst into tears, because if my engine was dying, I can't afford to replace the car. Plus we were stuck in the middle of no where, in a place called "Fishkill", New York, which did not comfort me any. After a bit of letting the engine rest, I decide we'll push on, resolving if it happens again to seriously consider turning around.

    We stop at a rest stop and I fill the tank, hoping that it might be a fuel issue, and that filling the tank might help. Plus it gives the car more time to rest. Both my girl friend and I are tense and scared about the condition of the car, and upset that we're running so late/a chance we might not make it up to Maine, a trip we were both looking forward to.

    30 minutes later, it happens again. At 55 miles per hour. Great, it's getting worse. We pull over again and this time it's my girl friend's turn to cry. I make the decision that we need to find a place to stay that night, find a mechanic in the morning, and see what they say. I make a call to the person housing us at our destination and update them, meanwhile her Mom is trying to find a cheap motel in the area we could stay.

    We finally find one for about $60, and get there after biting our nails that the car was going to fail on us at any moment. Luckily, after slowing down, anything below 55 mph seemed fine for the engine. We park, just as my check engine light comes on...finally. The clerk at the hotel seemed nice but a bit spacey, and informed us we were lucky, he only had one room left. He ended up accidentally assigning us to an already occupied room, so we go back and he gives us the actual room key. We go to the actual room and the room...was freaking disgusting. Let's give you all a list -

    • Holes in walls
    • Door appeared to be forced in multiple times
    • Peeling and stained ceiling
    • Peeling rug
    • Cobwebs all over each corner
    • Non-working TV
    • Non-working fridge
    • Blood and and blue liquid stained sheets. Yes. I said blood.

    And to top it off, while using the bathroom, my girl friend found a small little baggie with what appeared to be crystal meth lying on the ground.

    So we used our own sheets we'd brought for the trip, our own towels, didn't remove our socks, and sleep a little, crying in each others arms due to stress and sleep deprivation. The next morning we pack up in a hurry so as to escape the den of disaster, and so we could try and find a mechanic that would look at our car on a weekend (which isn't a likely goal).

    I uneasily check under the bed when we were leaving to make sure we didn't leave anything under there. And sure enough something was left there, just not something that WE brought...a needle. Which all but confirmed the contents of the bag.

    We got the heck out of there, and ended up finding a mechanic that helped us. They found out it was some switch on the outside of the transmission (outside = good, inside = bad) and that we could drive on it home, just not to push it. So we slowly make our way home, disappointed to be missing the wedding of one of my best friends, not to mention not getting to do any of the things we prepaid for (bed and breakfast reservations in maine, dinner reservations, so on).

    All around, a fairly disappointing weekend. We're home safe now, and the car's in the shop. Hoping it doesn't cost me a bundle.
    That...that's terrifying. I offer sincere condolences for the whole fiasco. I very much hope that you, your girlfriend, and your vehicle are okay. Crossing fingers and hoping for the best of your automobile. And honestly, if I could launch an attack on that scary hotel for you, I probably would. Alas leaving this valley is difficult...maybe I should make a list and write it down. *scribbles* Destroy...horrible...hotel...

    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Bit of an emotional rollercoaster yesterday. Feeling better now.
    Aww more sads...what's going on? Would hugs be needed? I have very many to give..

    Quote Originally Posted by Intermelo View Post
    So, I don't know if we recall me saying that I was stoked for last nights DND game, because it was revolving around my characters back story, but it was amazing.

    We're trying to track down the Harbringer who's been a necromancer on a killing spree, while looking for the man who raised me who's also a necromancer... To find out that the man who had raised me, Elden, was the harbingers old master, AND the harbinger was my characters father they thought had died a long tome ago.

    So that was interesting. Everyone thought I'd try to seek him out for answers, and I was, until he killed Elden. He didn't know I was hiding and watching. Then came the best move the dice have let me pull off. Lol

    Attack of opputunity stacked with point blank shot, rapid shot, many shot, and I CRITED. Which never happens. My attack did 82 points of damage. Lead to my DM with an open mouth and the other players giving me this look like, why don't you do this more often? Lol

    Sigh... It was wonderful.
    I do indeed remember you mentioning it. Glad it went so well. Most of the time I love when amazing crit things happen. Except when my players roll them and crush things that were not meant to be crushed. But that is different. Hehe don't mind my petty grumbles. Rejoice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Feytalist View Post
    Beautiful clear full moon out tonight.

    Whenever it's night wherever you guys are, make sure you get a look at it.
    I have at least 7 hours until nighttime over here, and there are a lot of clouds. I may not be able to see its majesty. More's the pity really. I love the full moon, it is so calming to me.

    EDIT: Writing happened while I was writing! Hello Tai and Zodiac! I hope your new game goes very well.
    Last edited by Haluesen; 2013-08-19 at 03:20 PM.
    Spoiler: Sigs about the Internet and Life
    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Yeah... even if it's a fairly friendly place by the internet's standards... it's still the internet. A certain level of pedantic bickering is to be expected.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
    The forums can't universally agree that the sun will rise in the east. Disagreement is what we do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacior
    If I can get a pet dinosaur, I totally will. My low wisdom means a raptor looks like a great guard dog.

    Awesome Holy Knight Haluesen avatar done by the uber skilled Grinner!

  12. - Top - End - #1452
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
    That...that's terrifying. I offer sincere condolences for the whole fiasco. I very much hope that you, your girlfriend, and your vehicle are okay. Crossing fingers and hoping for the best of your automobile. And honestly, if I could launch an attack on that scary hotel for you, I probably would. Alas leaving this valley is difficult...maybe I should make a list and write it down. *scribbles* Destroy...horrible...hotel...
    *Chuckles* Indeed. It ended up costing me $180 to "probably" fix the problem. Don't you just love the terminology of mechanics?
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

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  13. - Top - End - #1453
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    *Chuckles* Indeed. It ended up costing me $180 to "probably" fix the problem. Don't you just love the terminology of mechanics?
    Well, at least they're being honest...

  14. - Top - End - #1454
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Intermelo View Post
    *epic headshot*
    Ah yes, the epic critical. Some of my players have gotten lucky like that, but whenever I play IRL the dice hate me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feytalist View Post
    Beautiful clear full moon out tonight.

    Whenever it's night wherever you guys are, make sure you get a look at it.
    "Cold hearted orb that rules the night.
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey, and yellow white.
    But we decide which is right.
    And which is an Illusion."

    Nights in White Satin, The Moody Blues

  15. - Top - End - #1455
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    Well, at least they're being honest...
    It's true, they are decent and honest folk. Truth be told, at least it isn't my transmission, or I'd be vehicle-less for a good long time.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
    Annotation of the Comic | Magic Compendium of the Comic | Transcription of the Comic
    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
    (you can't take the sky from me)

  16. - Top - End - #1456
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    It's true, they are decent and honest folk. Truth be told, at least it isn't my transmission, or I'd be vehicle-less for a good long time.
    Ah! That is indeed good!

  17. - Top - End - #1457
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Mutant Sheep View Post
    Sounds nice. (Malts are eww, yuck. *hard lemonaaaade*)

    KNEE. *hug of sheepiness*
    How? Why? ... Why?

    ION:*teenage worries about school, currently packing bag and trying to find ONE NOTEBOOK JUST ONE, worrying about teachers who I dont know, dont have lunch with anyone I know... Minor stuff.*

    *hugs knee again*
    *hugs for Ovis* ;___; I don't know why. They attacked from behind suddenly and I blacked out right away after shouting something untoward. Toast to my health with some of your hard lemonades.

    You will Shirley charm your way into some lunch arrangement or another right away! I'm going to have my budgie agent in your area drop off a few Moleskine nootbooks for you, but I have to say he has been infatuated with a Goldfinch lately and may forsake his duties.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Heheheh, you may use it, if you wish.

    *eyes suspiciously, then protectively pulls hair back*

    You and your hard lemonade... you need to have bourbon with chocolate.
    Amadou, the Mushroom Man --
    Mushrooms mushrooms when he can;
    Mushroomed down to Pakistan
    To mushroom mushrooms in a can.

    The sophistication of my poetry seems to have been highly augmented by this concussion. Note to self: explore new powers.

    *tilts head and watches out of one tiny eye, glittering and intent*

    Bourbon and chocolate? Like, as a drink? Or a sweet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taet View Post
    And you must not have much wind. Put something outside a window here near dark and the night wind will bring it back inside. I do not understand how this is also true on the east side of the house when the night wind comes from the west.

    Here, please use my neck pillow. It will let you sleep without putting more pressure on your head.
    Do you tempt the rheumy and unpurged air to add unto your sickness with windows open to the vile contagion of the night?!

    Thank you kindly. It smells of cucumbers and tomato leaves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Hmm, I haven't had apple wine, so I can't speak for its aromatical merits, but I'm sure I would enjoy your hearty bewerage.

    Oh no! This is dreadful! I shall dab your wounds with warm water and soft cotton, and your tongue with port wine. Have you called the police to drive these criminals off the streets? :smallsympathetic:

    My schedule for today includes degreasing a steam locomotive. I forsee a lot of work ahead of me...
    I'm not sure where the distinction between an apple wine an a cider lies, but the mixture was about the strength of wine. I suppose you could imagine strong apple cider mixed with mead.

    O! Teddycare! The finest of cares. The police showed up pretty quickly to the scene, although I was too out of it to make a statement. The whole thing was, apparently, caught on the security camera of a nearby building.

    You really get up to some interesting things. You'll get to know that locomotive pretty intimately in the task, I'll wager.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Yet again, I seem to have strayed into the more intriguingly disturbing realms of the Internet... I am both relieved and disappointed that the world is not so precariously perched on the cosmic knife edge...

    Nothing exciting because I'm cheaper than a Rhinestone necklace.
    Do people even make necklaces with Rhinestones? I have no idea... It just sounds like that cheapest piece of jewellery imaginable... Also... Ignore that I spent five hundred dollars over the course of two days, that's not at all a usual occurrence.

    Oh dear... I certainly hope that the perpetrator is found and prosecuted.
    In the meantime:

    Hopefully this image will help to make you feel better.
    Those are hilarious or horrifying moments -- they happen to all of us. What particular corner did you find yourself in thistime?

    There are necklaces of unimaginable tacky cheapness in the world, and I would you not compare yourself to such. Even if the lunch you bought Mynxalot were but a cold sandwich and pickle.

    Lorikeets among blossoms! With a high proportion of goodly fluff! This is a goodly gift, thank you. The perpetrators may or may not be found, but there were witnesses human and cameric.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    A tale of mischance and awfulness
    I offer condolences for the loss of your lovely weekend plans and the moneys wasted. Your motel room sounds like something out of a nightmare.

    Though it is not a budgie, here is a bird dance plus surprise for your comfort.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Bit of an emotional rollercoaster yesterday. Feeling better now.
    What has happened?

    Quote Originally Posted by Feytalist View Post
    Beautiful clear full moon out tonight.

    Whenever it's night wherever you guys are, make sure you get a look at it.
    I shall look out upon it and wish that my moonflowers were blossoming, to see their dainty whiteness light up in its light.

    edit Thank you Haluesen for your fluffs! That rabbit on the right especially looks about ready for a face plunged into its puffiness.
    Last edited by Kneenibble; 2013-08-19 at 04:03 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #1458
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    *Chuckles* Indeed. It ended up costing me $180 to "probably" fix the problem. Don't you just love the terminology of mechanics?
    Eh yeah, you never know with cars. Or just I never do. Still, hoping that "probably" becomes a definitely.

    Good that the scene was caught dear Nibbles. There will be justice, indeed there will! Must not confuse justice with vengeance just yet...with protectiveness? Perhaps.

    ION: Just had a bit of a scene in the house. One of my grandma's dogs (who is a foot in length and most) antagonized my dogs(a very health size Lab/Pit mix) to the point of rage. Grandma and I had to break them apart, there was almost a doggy death. Had the small one by the neck, pulled her off quickly I did. My puppy is in bedroom detention. Trying to be a good doggy caretaker and papa, and just put in time out. But I am filled with very much rage. Little one for starting all this, my big sweet puppy for accidentally hurting grandma in the process (just a small cut on the hand but still). Please help abate my rage?

    And also might disappear at any time here, had storms and a power outage last night and the sky is looking fearsome again now. So you never know.
    Spoiler: Sigs about the Internet and Life
    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Yeah... even if it's a fairly friendly place by the internet's standards... it's still the internet. A certain level of pedantic bickering is to be expected.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
    The forums can't universally agree that the sun will rise in the east. Disagreement is what we do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacior
    If I can get a pet dinosaur, I totally will. My low wisdom means a raptor looks like a great guard dog.

    Awesome Holy Knight Haluesen avatar done by the uber skilled Grinner!

  19. - Top - End - #1459
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
    ION: Just had a bit of a scene in the house. One of my grandma's dogs (who is a foot in length and most) antagonized my dogs(a very health size Lab/Pit mix) to the point of rage. Grandma and I had to break them apart, there was almost a doggy death. Had the small one by the neck, pulled her off quickly I did. My puppy is in bedroom detention. Trying to be a good doggy caretaker and papa, and just put in time out. But I am filled with very much rage. Little one for starting all this, my big sweet puppy for accidentally hurting grandma in the process (just a small cut on the hand but still). Please help abate my rage?
    I'm sorry, comrade. I'm glad you managed to prevent a death.

  20. - Top - End - #1460
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    I can't believe I get to witness the moment that there's someone practicing his bagpipes on the room next to mine and accordion on the other side. Whilst I'm trying to take a damn power nap before the lessons continue.

    Welcome to Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

    At least they're good.. Damn it..

    Anxiety is kicking in, in my class I'm DEFINITELY the youngest, mostly people being rather old. All the young folk are on the other class... I feel extremely lonely and find it hard to think I'll get to know people in the evening, people will have already formed their wee groups...

    Aw... Feel better, Finn. :\

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    So anyone recall that nine hour trip I mentioned? didn't go well at all.

    ...well, that sucks. Quite a lot. Sorry, man.

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Well, sorry to disappoint anyone who was reading, but my DND 4E campaign is (basically) no more. Thank you everyone for reading along, and ESPECIALLY thanks to my players for making it so much fun. Love you guys

    Now, if you want more stuff that I'm doing, I'll be putting my new game in my sig shortly! We're playing a new system called Feng Shui, it's pretty dang sweet! Only instead of playing in the base Feng Shui universe we're playing in the Shin Megami Tensei universe! So they're will be tons of demons and intrigue and stuff! Since Feng Shui is the Action Movie RPG, I'm styling the game sort of like an episodic anime! Hope you all enjoy, viewer and player alike.
    Aw... it sucks to see that end. That was a good read. :\

    Yeah, demons!

    Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
    I think that is how it is usually supposed to be. I feel like our group is just very very awkward. As an example, our most "optimized" character in our last game was a single-class fighter. No joke.
    Heh, that's happened to us before... one of my players finally got a good grasp on how optimization worked... and kept playing a fighter. I think his character ended up with a barbarian level at some point, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kymme View Post
    "Cold hearted orb that rules the night.
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey, and yellow white.
    But we decide which is right.
    And which is an Illusion."

    Nights in White Satin, The Moody Blues
    How cruel of you... I'll be listening to the Moody Blues all day, now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Amadou, the Mushroom Man --
    Mushrooms mushrooms when he can;
    Mushroomed down to Pakistan
    To mushroom mushrooms in a can.

    The sophistication of my poetry seems to have been highly augmented by this concussion. Note to self: explore new powers.

    *tilts head and watches out of one tiny eye, glittering and intent*

    Bourbon and chocolate? Like, as a drink? Or a sweet?

    Indeed. Your rhyme scheme even makes sense now!

    *narrows eyes, and hides hair in a ponytail*

    Like a sweet, I suppose. It was a hollow chocolate shell (think like a hollow chocolate rabbit), with a mixture of liquor and something sugary inside... they were quite good.
    Avatar by FinnLassie
    A few odds and ends.

  21. - Top - End - #1461
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    Please clarify the underlined word.

    As in, raised me like a child? Am I understanding what you're asking, or is it just my bad grammar?

  22. - Top - End - #1462
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Intermelo View Post
    As in, raised me like a child? Am I understanding what you're asking, or is it just my bad grammar?
    Raised could also be like - raised from the dead, since they're necromancers.
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  23. - Top - End - #1463
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    Oo, sounds exhausting! Good luck!
    It sure was, especially since only I and another person could show up! But it was also great fun. I was basically climbing all over it, hanging in weird angles and standing on top of it to clean off all surfaces we intend to paint later. I even gave myself the epithet Degrease Monkey.

    They also have a few quite cheeky house sparrows living on the grounds of the Railway Museum. One was even bold enough to jump up to my hand and snatch breadcrums from my fingers. I know you shouldn't feed wild animals, but it was so cute. :3

    And on our way home, our train mauled an elk at full speed. Not much left of that one afterwards, I gather...

    I'll put up a few pictures of me and the locomotive in the You! thread shortly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Intermelo View Post
    So, I don't know if we recall me saying that I was stoked for last nights DND game, because it was revolving around my characters back story, but it was amazing.

    We're trying to track down the Harbringer who's been a necromancer on a killing spree, while looking for the man who raised me who's also a necromancer... To find out that the man who had raised me, Elden, was the harbingers old master, AND the harbinger was my characters father they thought had died a long tome ago.

    So that was interesting. Everyone thought I'd try to seek him out for answers, and I was, until he killed Elden. He didn't know I was hiding and watching. Then came the best move the dice have let me pull off. Lol

    Attack of opputunity stacked with point blank shot, rapid shot, many shot, and I CRITED. Which never happens. My attack did 82 points of damage. Lead to my DM with an open mouth and the other players giving me this look like, why don't you do this more often? Lol

    Sigh... It was wonderful.
    It's always wonderful when the dice play with you in the most dramatic moments. That's how epic tales are made!

    Also, it's a bit eerie, but Elden was the name of my character in the 4E campaign LaLa mentioned, who was an invoker of Pelor (who later multiclassed into druid as well), and I'd just thrown together his name by uttering random syllables until something which rolled nicely off my tongue came out (the fact that it actually means "the fire" in Swedish was entirely coincidential, if surprisingly fitting).

    Quote Originally Posted by Feytalist View Post
    Beautiful clear full moon out tonight.

    Whenever it's night wherever you guys are, make sure you get a look at it.
    Actually, the full moon isn't until tomorrow morning.
    Right, this night is the same night as tomorrow morning. And yes, the moon is quite pretty indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Well, sorry to disappoint anyone who was reading, but my DND 4E campaign is (basically) no more. Thank you everyone for reading along, and ESPECIALLY thanks to my players for making it so much fun. Love you guys

    Now, if you want more stuff that I'm doing, I'll be putting my new game in my sig shortly! We're playing a new system called Feng Shui, it's pretty dang sweet! Only instead of playing in the base Feng Shui universe we're playing in the Shin Megami Tensei universe! So they're will be tons of demons and intrigue and stuff! Since Feng Shui is the Action Movie RPG, I'm styling the game sort of like an episodic anime! Hope you all enjoy, viewer and player alike.
    And thank you for being a great DM! I look forward to continue to play in your Feng Shui campaign!

    Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
    Heh I'll try to do it justice. Well, the PC's are in the city of the God of Magic, and he needs them to find information on a cult that is causing trouble in his city (he can't use his godly powers on them, because a powerful anti-deity being is working with the cult), and sent the PC's out to get info to make plans. One of the team members is a witch so went to her contacts in the local coven, and the leader there basically says do some work for her, get the info. Well, one of those jobs is to cause a distraction in a certain district of the city. The group for this was the witch character, her timid sister (both to the same player), and a very crazy fist-fighter (other player, who only joined because the witch invited him for the fun). This whole segment was done with very loose rules and whatever they could come up with. So it starts with the brawler launching a truly epic groin shot at a guard while throwing heinous insults at another, aided by the witch. From there they ran all through town, using their respective abilities to cause trouble. The witch (based off Medusa from Soul Eater, if you know the show) used her powers, her sister shape shifted into a wolf to cause trouble, while the brawler used his trusty mount, the Huge giraffe named Sir Comlen. It was pure anarchy. It doesn't help that the initial groin shot was a crit from a monkish character. Needless to say, fun was had, guards were troubled, it was great.
    Hehehe, yeah, this sound quite memorable indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
    I definitely want to try it someday. ^^ Don't have the money to right now though. I tend to prefer vodka or rum, and usually do not care at all for beer or ale except for one particular kind. But 4 years ago or so, I would have refused to even touch any of the stuff. So go figure.
    Yeah, trying is good, perhaps you'll find something you like. Given, I suspect half of the reason why I like mead so much is because "mead is viking and also honey and I am viking bear so I should like it, heavens be damned", but at least half of it is because I think it tastes really good. Especially the sweeter dessert meads. I've got quite a sweet fang... :3

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    The sophistication of my poetry seems to have been highly augmented by this concussion. Note to self: explore new powers.
    Poetbudgie - just an ordinary budgie, who got bitten by a radioactive mugger, and now he roams the night skies, tweeting his powerful words of rhyme at the dark, sending the lowly scum of the streets fleeing into the dank shadows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    I'm not sure where the distinction between an apple wine an a cider lies, but the mixture was about the strength of wine. I suppose you could imagine strong apple cider mixed with mead.
    Hmm, I've never really been a fan of apple cider, so it sounds a bit like a waste of good mead to me, but I won't pass any judgement until I've tried it myself...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    O! Teddycare! The finest of cares. The police showed up pretty quickly to the scene, although I was too out of it to make a statement. The whole thing was, apparently, caught on the security camera of a nearby building.
    Well, then I'll wish them luck in hunting down the perpetrators, and you in healing your wounds and squashed feathers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    You really get up to some interesting things. You'll get to know that locomotive pretty intimately in the task, I'll wager.
    Oh yes, I most definitely will. She'll basically be as a child to me when this is all over, I gather...
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

    Spoiler: Banner by Vrythas

  24. - Top - End - #1464
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    It sure was, especially since only I and another person could show up! But it was also great fun. I was basically climbing all over it, hanging in weird angles and standing on top of it to clean off all surfaces we intend to paint later. I even gave myself the epithet Degrease Monkey.

    They also have a few quite cheeky house sparrows living on the grounds of the Railway Museum. One was even bold enough to jump up to my hand and snatch breadcrums from my fingers. I know you shouldn't feed wild animals, but it was so cute. :3

    And on our way home, our train mauled an elk at full speed. Not much left of that one afterwards, I gather...

    I'll put up a few pictures of me and the locomotive in the You! thread shortly.

  25. - Top - End - #1465
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post

  27. - Top - End - #1467
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    I'm sorry, comrade. I'm glad you managed to prevent a death.
    Yeah, the whole situation was bad. Glad things ended up well enough. Still have my dog in my room as time out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Hehehe, yeah, this sound quite memorable indeed.

    Yeah, trying is good, perhaps you'll find something you like. Given, I suspect half of the reason why I like mead so much is because "mead is viking and also honey and I am viking bear so I should like it, heavens be damned", but at least half of it is because I think it tastes really good. Especially the sweeter dessert meads. I've got quite a sweet fang... :3

    Poetbudgie - just an ordinary budgie, who got bitten by a radioactive mugger, and now he roams the night skies, tweeting his powerful words of rhyme at the dark, sending the lowly scum of the streets fleeing into the dank shadows.

    Yeah with them it usually is. Though this moment did stand out.

    Hehe viking bear. That line is greatly quotable. I should absolutely try it sometime. Maybe I can get a friend to try some with me, don't think he would pass up the opportunity to try mead. My grandma wouldn't really approve though. I'm old enough, but she just doesn't care for it.

    This. Absolutely this concept. Quick, someone make a comic of this!
    Spoiler: Sigs about the Internet and Life
    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Yeah... even if it's a fairly friendly place by the internet's standards... it's still the internet. A certain level of pedantic bickering is to be expected.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
    The forums can't universally agree that the sun will rise in the east. Disagreement is what we do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacior
    If I can get a pet dinosaur, I totally will. My low wisdom means a raptor looks like a great guard dog.

    Awesome Holy Knight Haluesen avatar done by the uber skilled Grinner!

  28. - Top - End - #1468
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by Kymme View Post
    rb that rules the night.
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey, and yellow white.
    But we decide which is right.
    And which is an Illusion."[/I]
    Nights in White Satin, The Moody Blues[/CENTER]
    This totally gives me an excuse to listen to the Moody Blues again.

    I have actually previously heard of whiskey and chocolate tasting. Apparently they go together? What a strange idea. I can't imagine I'd enjoy that. Whiskey, sure. Chocolate, sure. Together? That's as odd a concept as chocolate and chilli.

    Wait. Chocolate and chilli is delicious. Nevermind!
    Awesome fremetar by wxdruid.

    From the discomfort of truth there is only one refuge and that is ignorance. I do not need to be comfortable, and I will not take refuge. I demand to *know*.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zale View Post
    Also, this is the internet. We're all borderline insane for simply being here.
    So I guess I have an internets? | And a trophy. | And a music cookie (whatever that is).

  29. - Top - End - #1469
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Page 49! Page 49! Who will call the dibs on the new thread?! The plot thickens!

    This week I threw the idea in as a pure joke, what to sing this at the cèilidh this Thursday with the group...

    ... We're singing Chi Mi'n Geamhradh. Oh booy. Welp, it's a jump from last week's diddle-doodling. It's also my break up song *snickers* but eh life goes on. No bitter feels this time.
    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac
    aah yes, alligators
    the most anime of creatures
    ~Extended Signature~

  30. - Top - End - #1470
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    PFffft hahahaha. DIDDLE DOODLING.

    I'm sorry, but that just make me break out laughing.

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