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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "You should have gotten a second opinion,"
    Balboa gave him a wink. "Any whom, but yes, you are special Sandy Shores, and it would be great to harness that for others. Your blood....can make others stronger, better, I have the technology and great minds to make it so, tis just up to you, sir. Of course I won't make you go any deeper than this, it is your decision after all to pursue more about this venture, you are free to decline right now and we can pretend this never happened." His eyes fell upon Sandy in a judging gaze, eye contact, waiting.
    Poor Sandy's neck ached from yet more whiplash. First he was shocked to even be here, then he was in awe of his host, then he was certain this was all some elaborate deathtrap, and now he was apparently some grand gift to ponykind? "I...that is t'say, that's awful generous of you t'say, b-but I don't know. I can't just pretend this ain't nothin' if I really can be a help t'ponies, can I? But there's th' Cirrus an' my crewmates - I ought t'talk t'Miss Rainbow about all this - an' our mission, an' now there's technology an' high-falootin' scientists all doin' Luna knows what with my blood..." He rubbed his aching forehad. "It's a lot t'take in, Mister Balboa sir. An' I'm just an engineer. This here's outta my pay grade by a country mile."
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    "You know what Mister Shores, I will give you some time to mull and think it over, how about that?" Balboa offered and gently smiled. Though in his head, his mind was racing with ideas that regardless of what Sandy' chose in the end, he would have this stallion's blood in some way or another.

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    "You know what Mister Shores, I will give you some time to mull and think it over, how about that?" Balboa offered and gently smiled. Though in his head, his mind was racing with ideas that regardless of what Sandy' chose in the end, he would have this stallion's blood in some way or another.
    Oh sweet merciful Celestia. Sandy exhaled, feeling the weight of millions and millions of bits sliding off his chest. "Thank you, Mister Balboa sir. That'd be much appreciated." Now that the pressure of an immediate decision was off, his brain frantically worked to gather his disparate thoughts into something resembling a cohesive whole. "Er, if y'don't mind my askin'...what exactly is it y'want me t'do? Would I have t'leave th' Cirrus for long? Would I ever be able t'go back?"

    "...can I even talk t'my friends about this?"
    he added meekly, fearing the answer.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    [Bridle Shores - Dive Bomb vs the Sneak]
    To say that Dive was surprised by the sudden weight slamming into him was an understatement, he was utterly flabbergasted over the sneak attack. Luckily he had something to snap him out of this shock induced stupor, agonizing pain!

    His wing twists in ways it is not meant to and Dive certainly doesn't help by continuing to roll in the opposite direction a murderous gaze hopefully meeting Prose's as the last few tendons tear away and
    the enthusiastic puller is left pulling on something that's not attached to anything at all. That should at least shock the veteran a little, right?

    If not, the glowing hoof jabbing out to slam right into his armored chest should take his breath away. Literally, it looks like it might dent the metal enough to impede breathing or crack a few ribs. Though if Dive were to miss he would use the momentum to swiftly get up on his legs and face the batpony with a fierce stare that is strangely enhanced by the cooled metal on his face and the fact he has a stump of a wing at the moment.

    The captain breathes heavily and keeps his eyes focused on Prose, there seems to be something unsettling about the bloody, molten-headed, pegasus.

    The bloodthirsty grin probably isn't helping matters much either, though that might be for show considering the amount of pain he's in. Or not, Dive is a weird one that way.

    [Hospital - Sure and Bumble]

    The two assassins stare down the hallway for not even a moment, there was no point in trying to keep their cover anymore, especially if they wanted to find their prey.

    Speaking of which...

    While the gasp may have escaped the notice of Bumble, her buzzing wings making a good amount of noise, it did not slip past the blind monk. Sure Strike leaps into the room, dragging Bumble along as she immediately grabs the fallen sword. The door slams shut and the tell-tale sound of a lock clicking is the very next noise for all to hear.

    "Under the bed, Bumble. Make it quick." She says sharply while backing away from the door.

    "Not my first rodeo~!" Is the enthusiastic response as Bumble buzzes right to the hiding spot, sword held at the ready in her mouth. "If you let me do this without resisting you get a nice, easy, quick, death! Isn't that great!? No pain, no struggling for life, just a nice quick slash and you get to see that darling brother of yours again."

    (Rest to come tomorrow, will post in OOC when adding.)

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    [Bridle Shores - Dive Bomb vs the Sneak]

    Quote Originally Posted by Merellis View Post
    To say that Dive was surprised by the sudden weight slamming into him was an understatement, he was utterly flabbergasted over the sneak attack. Luckily he had something to snap him out of this shock induced stupor, agonizing pain!

    His wing twists in ways it is not meant to and Dive certainly doesn't help by continuing to roll in the opposite direction a murderous gaze hopefully meeting Prose's as the last few tendons tear away and
    the enthusiastic puller is left pulling on something that's not attached to anything at all. That should at least shock the veteran a little, right?

    If not, the glowing hoof jabbing out to slam right into his armored chest should take his breath away. Literally, it looks like it might dent the metal enough to impede breathing or crack a few ribs. Though if Dive were to miss he would use the momentum to swiftly get up on his legs and face the batpony with a fierce stare that is strangely enhanced by the cooled metal on his face and the fact he has a stump of a wing at the moment.

    The captain breathes heavily and keeps his eyes focused on Prose, there seems to be something unsettling about the bloody, molten-headed, pegasus.

    The bloodthirsty grin probably isn't helping matters much either, though that might be for show considering the amount of pain he's in. Or not, Dive is a weird one that way.
    Prose is actually caught off guard! For a moment he sits there slightly confused and surprised by the fact that he has a severed wing held in his hooves. Even more so by the fact that his foe is still moving and functioning, rather than being reduced to a shrieking, sobbing, or unconscious wreck on the ground.

    His momentary confusion costs him, of course, as the glowing hoof slams into his chest and knocks him back into reality. Prose is thrown back a bit, his armor absorbing most of the impact and force, but not all of it. The armor may not have dented into his chest or otherwise impeded his breathing itself - a veteran Shadowbolt should be expected to have some rather resilient armor, after all - but he's still left winded and sporting several cracked ribs.

    And then just as quick as he's taken off guard, he's back into focus, and with a renewed sense of determination and urgency. "You have one chance to stand down," he growls through grit teeth, eye focused on the grievously wounded pony in front of him. "By my authority as an Inquisitor, I order you to surrender. Give up now, and you'll be given proper care, and treated in accordance with the law. But if you continue..."

    Prose's wings flex slightly, his talons glinting in the firelight as the town burns around them.

    "You'll wish for death before I'm through with you."

    There's something in the batpony's eye that Dive may notice. Something that betrays the fact that no, he's not bluffing. Prose is not one to make such threats idly...
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Oh sweet merciful Celestia. Sandy exhaled, feeling the weight of millions and millions of bits sliding off his chest. "Thank you, Mister Balboa sir. That'd be much appreciated." Now that the pressure of an immediate decision was off, his brain frantically worked to gather his disparate thoughts into something resembling a cohesive whole. "Er, if y'don't mind my askin'...what exactly is it y'want me t'do? Would I have t'leave th' Cirrus for long? Would I ever be able t'go back?"

    "...can I even talk t'my friends about this?"
    he added meekly, fearing the answer.

    "Of course Mister Shores you will eventually get to return to the Cirrus in good time, however....I would prefer to keep it on the hush hush. Please understand, this is all...sensitive information, I already risk a lot simply by talking to you, mentioning it, when there is the chance you will decline,"
    Balboa replied with a grim expression.

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Of course Mister Shores you will eventually get to return to the Cirrus in good time, however....I would prefer to keep it on the hush hush. Please understand, this is all...sensitive information, I already risk a lot simply by talking to you, mentioning it, when there is the chance you will decline,"
    Balboa replied with a grim expression.
    Sandy's ears pinned back. "I-I understand, sir. Sensitive information. I-I won't mention a word of it." With every question he asked, this tangled mess grew ever more confusing. Now he couldn't even rely on his friends for some extra insight; he had to navigate these waters alone. Thank Luna such a fateful decision had come upon a pony so qualified.

    "W-well, do y'think it'd be possible t'do th' science in smaller chunks?" He asked hopefully. "I could leave on a...a sorta 'classified assignment', do science, an' then get back to th' Cirrus later that day. I-if I said 'yes', then that'd mean I could do some good here without abandonin' th' rest of th' crew."
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    [Hospital - Third Floor]

    Huh! More cowardly than I expected.

    Night Jewel darted up to the door and casually undid the lock with her magic. The assassins had bought themselves less than a second, and most of that was simply reopening the door.

    As soon as she was inside, she raised the knife. "Move aside! Now!" She then threw towards the bed. While she wasn't aiming directly at Bumble, the pegasus running into the blade if she wasn't paying attention was still a distinct possibility.

    Change of plans, Starbeam: Start something dramatic, quickly.

    [The Gates]]

    Blueshield paused, and barely avoided getting smacked in the head by a golem.

    "Ah... I was so focused on the pawns, I forgot that we had a vizier still in play."

    She ducked back a bit, then brought around her hammer for a quick strike. "So we do have decent firepower. Perhaps if we could concentrate it more on the actual casters rather than their glorified training dummies, we could cover for a team to capture weapons..." She blocked a golem's swing. "But it is not an opportune occasion for discussing major tactical adjustments. Better to concentrate on our current tasks."
    When in doubt, use cute little dragons.

    Game and roleplaying stuff.

    The data is 1's and 0's. Life is the jazz. (Previous avatars)

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Hospital - Third Floor

    Something dramatic...

    No sooner has the door swung open than there is a mighty flash of light, and a tall green-and-black unicorn mare, clad in steel-colored flowing robes, appears in the center of the room. Her horn flares, and a wall of force envelops the bed under which the prisoner is hiding. It might get hard to breathe under there, but its protective value can't be denied. However, the pony lacks emission of sensory information aside from light and the telltale sound of magic; she has no scent, and doesn't appear to be breathing. Not something the average pony would notice, but if one lacks eyesight even under normal circumstances...

    Meanwhile, the real Starbeam, still disguised as a nurse, adjusts her position so as to have a better view of the room, and prepares for another barrage...
    D&D is the only game I can think of (with the possible exception of Calvinball) where the only way to lose is by playing to win.
    "'Elvish barbeque' is what happens when the Quessir send one of their Evokers to deal with an orc invasion and then go home for the evening." - Elmah Dryearghymn, an elven Evoker, as depicted to the left

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy's ears pinned back. "I-I understand, sir. Sensitive information. I-I won't mention a word of it." With every question he asked, this tangled mess grew ever more confusing. Now he couldn't even rely on his friends for some extra insight; he had to navigate these waters alone. Thank Luna such a fateful decision had come upon a pony so qualified.

    "W-well, do y'think it'd be possible t'do th' science in smaller chunks?" He asked hopefully. "I could leave on a...a sorta 'classified assignment', do science, an' then get back to th' Cirrus later that day. I-if I said 'yes', then that'd mean I could do some good here without abandonin' th' rest of th' crew."

    "Days would be more like it, think of it more like taking several business trips and coming back in a few days, you wouldn't be abandoning your crew like you seem to fear so much,"
    Balboa replied in a leveled tone. "At the moment, I can't say how many 'business trips' it will be, that we would find out with the first one."

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Days would be more like it, think of it more like taking several business trips and coming back in a few days, you wouldn't be abandoning your crew like you seem to fear so much,"
    Balboa replied in a leveled tone. "At the moment, I can't say how many 'business trips' it will be, that we would find out with the first one."
    Sandy fidgeted restlessly in his cushion. "O-oh. That's, I see, er, I think that's better than, uh, well that's somethin', at least," he mumbled.

    Days! Whole days, gone from his friends and filly and job, doing some complicated science experiment he couldn't hope to understand. Who thought it'd be a good idea to put this sort of responsibility on his tiny shoulders? How was he - a pathetic, screw-up of a pony - supposed to know what to do here? Argh, if only he could talk to Rainbow, or even the Cap'n; they'd know what to do here. They'd have an answer on the spot, and wouldn't waste Balboa Shag's time.

    Speaking of wasting time, he really ought to say something before Mister Shag lost any more patience with him.

    "Uh, how would I get there? To th' science place?" he offered weakly.

    Well done, Mister Shores. Because you couldn't think of 'teleportation' on your own, could you?
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    "Naturally of course I will be providing the transportation and other accommodations, you need not to worry about it. Someone will be sent to fetch you and take you to our facility." He replied.

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    "Naturally of course I will be providing the transportation and other accommodations, you need not to worry about it. Someone will be sent to fetch you and take you to our facility." He replied.
    "That's...m-mighty kindly of you, Mister Balboa." Sandy replied meekly, guilt piling up higher. "Though speakin' of accommodations, how am I supposed t'tell you my answer once I've thought it over? O-or is it so secret that you, er, need an answer b-before I'm allowed t'leave?"
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    "That's...m-mighty kindly of you, Mister Balboa." Sandy replied meekly, guilt piling up higher. "Though speakin' of accommodations, how am I supposed t'tell you my answer once I've thought it over? O-or is it so secret that you, er, need an answer b-before I'm allowed t'leave?"
    Balboa glanced at AIDA and warmly smiled at Sandy. "You do not worry about that,your little friend AIDA here will handle that for you, just consult it when you have the right answer ready."

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Hay Bale sighed and put the mop away. She'd healed up, and cleaned up her blood and most of her bone shards. Back to work.

    She returned to Balboa's office and stood outside the door, patiently waiting.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  16. - Top - End - #196
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Balboa glanced at AIDA and warmly smiled at Sandy. "You do not worry about that,your little friend AIDA here will handle that for you, just consult it when you have the right answer ready."
    Sandy shrunk a few centimeters shorter. "Wh-when you put it like that, s'almost like all I need now is time t'think, don't it?" He made a noise that was supposed to be a chuckle, and glanced nervously at the door.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy shrunk a few centimeters shorter. "Wh-when you put it like that, s'almost like all I need now is time t'think, don't it?" He made a noise that was supposed to be a chuckle, and glanced nervously at the door.
    Balboa nodded his head. "Which you have." He continued to warmly smile and then stood up. "I suppose this concludes our little meeting unless you have any questions for me."

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Balboa nodded his head. "Which you have." He continued to warmly smile and then stood up. "I suppose this concludes our little meeting unless you have any questions for me."
    Sandy sprang to his hooves like the cushion was made of lava. "N-no more questions sir. You've been awful helpful w-with everything." The bedraggled stallion nodded stiffly.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    (Time to move this along, let's see if we can't get somewhere with this.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Merellis View Post
    [Hospital - Sure and Bumble]

    The two assassins stare down the hallway for not even a moment, there was no point in trying to keep their cover anymore, especially if they wanted to find their prey.

    Speaking of which...

    While the gasp may have escaped the notice of Bumble, her buzzing wings making a good amount of noise, it did not slip past the blind monk. Sure Strike leaps into the room, dragging Bumble along as she immediately grabs the fallen sword. The door slams shut and the tell-tale sound of a lock clicking is the very next noise for all to hear.

    "Under the bed, Bumble. Make it quick." She says sharply while backing away from the door.

    "Not my first rodeo~!" Is the enthusiastic response as Bumble buzzes right to the hiding spot, sword held at the ready in her mouth. "If you let me do this without resisting you get a nice, easy, quick, death! Isn't that great!? No pain, no struggling for life, just a nice quick slash and you get to see that darling brother of yours again."
    Windy Breeze could only recoil from the maniacal eyes that somehow managed to find her under the bed. "N-no... get... g-get away!" she pleaded, her hooves and wings rising to shield her face, even as she backed up against the wall.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
    [Hospital - Third Floor]

    Huh! More cowardly than I expected.

    Night Jewel darted up to the door and casually undid the lock with her magic. The assassins had bought themselves less than a second, and most of that was simply reopening the door.

    As soon as she was inside, she raised the knife. "Move aside! Now!" She then threw towards the bed. While she wasn't aiming directly at Bumble, the pegasus running into the blade if she wasn't paying attention was still a distinct possibility.

    Change of plans, Starbeam: Start something dramatic, quickly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
    Hospital - Third Floor

    Something dramatic...

    No sooner has the door swung open than there is a mighty flash of light, and a tall green-and-black unicorn mare, clad in steel-colored flowing robes, appears in the center of the room. Her horn flares, and a wall of force envelops the bed under which the prisoner is hiding. It might get hard to breathe under there, but its protective value can't be denied. However, the pony lacks emission of sensory information aside from light and the telltale sound of magic; she has no scent, and doesn't appear to be breathing. Not something the average pony would notice, but if one lacks eyesight even under normal circumstances...

    Meanwhile, the real Starbeam, still disguised as a nurse, adjusts her position so as to have a better view of the room, and prepares for another barrage...
    (Merellis would want to respond to this, I think.)

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Hay Bale sighed and put the mop away. She'd healed up, and cleaned up her blood and most of her bone shards. Back to work.

    She returned to Balboa's office and stood outside the door, patiently waiting.
    Red Shift stood at the door, doing his best stoic guard expression. Though it was broken when he saw Hay Bale. He grinned like a goof and waved his hoof at her. "Heeeeya there!"
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy sprang to his hooves like the cushion was made of lava. "N-no more questions sir. You've been awful helpful w-with everything." The bedraggled stallion nodded stiffly.

    "Very well, allow me to see you out of my office young sir,"
    He lazily smiled and stood up, walked over to the door and opened it.

    "Oh greetings there Hay Bale, things going well for you?"
    He asked Hay Bale upon seeing her outside of his office.

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Hay Bale sighed and put the mop away. She'd healed up, and cleaned up her blood and most of her bone shards. Back to work.

    She returned to Balboa's office and stood outside the door, patiently waiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Very well, allow me to see you out of my office young sir,"
    He lazily smiled and stood up, walked over to the door and opened it.

    "Oh greetings there Hay Bale, things going well for you?"
    He asked Hay Bale upon seeing her outside of his office.
    Sandy trotted silently behind Balboa, trying to appear as small as possible. Poor stallion looked as though he'd been run over by a train, a carriage, a herd of buffalo, and a manticore, then asked what color was the carriage-driver's eyes, and told if he got it wrong then his and his friends' pays would be docked and their houses foreclosed.

    If that was a friendly chat, Luna only knows what a "mildly disappointed" chat would do to him.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2014-06-27 at 12:34 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Red Shift stood at the door, doing his best stoic guard expression. Though it was broken when he saw Hay Bale. He grinned like a goof and waved his hoof at her. "Heeeeya there!"
    She batted her eyelashes and grinned slyly at him in response. She opened her mouth to hit on him invite him to her bedchambers for a night of dirty fun flirt talk, but...

    "Very well, allow me to see you out of my office young sir,"
    He lazily smiled and stood up, walked over to the door and opened it.

    "Oh greetings there Hay Bale, things going well for you?"
    He asked Hay Bale upon seeing her outside of his office.
    Very well sir. She purred.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy trotted silently behind Balboa, trying to appear as small as possible. Poor stallion looked as though he'd been run over by a train, a carriage, a herd of buffalo, and a manticore, then asked what color was the carriage-driver's eyes, and told if he got it wrong then his and his friends' pays would be docked and their houses foreclosed.

    If that was a friendly chat, Luna only knows what a "mildly disappointed" chat would do to him.
    Hay Bale's grin vanished and she cocked an eyebrow at the small stallion. ... You don't look too good.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  23. - Top - End - #203
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Hay Bale's grin vanished and she cocked an eyebrow at the small stallion. ... You don't look too good.
    Sandy's eyes flitted up to the older stallion, and he swallowed hard. "No ma'am, I-I'm doin' just fine," he lied, shaking his head. "S'Been a real honor t'be asked here, an' I'm grateful for th' chance t'chat with such a distinguished pony."
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy's eyes flitted up to the older stallion, and he swallowed hard. "No ma'am, I-I'm doin' just fine," he lied, shaking his head. "S'Been a real honor t'be asked here, an' I'm grateful for th' chance t'chat with such a distinguished pony."
    Hay Bale's eyebrow remained cocked. I see. She looked up to Balboa. Shall I escort our guest out?

    Hay Bale's job was beginning to look less like 'bodyguard' and more like 'escort/enforcer'.
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    "Oh no need Miss Hay Bale, for I myself would prefer to have the honor of escorting such a fine Equestrian citizen as Mister Shores here," He put on a smile that held a mixture of warmth and a boyish eagerness as if though he wanted to impress Sandy. "However, if you so desire my dear, you may accompany us, I am sure Mister Shores would enjoy your company as well."

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    "Oh no need Miss Hay Bale, for I myself would prefer to have the honor of escorting such a fine Equestrian citizen as Mister Shores here," He put on a smile that held a mixture of warmth and a boyish eagerness as if though he wanted to impress Sandy. "However, if you so desire my dear, you may accompany us, I am sure Mister Shores would enjoy your company as well."
    Of course, sir. She tilted her head downward in acknowledgement of the order as she sidled up next to both of the stallions. As you wish~
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Sandy breathed out a quiet sigh of relief, sticking close to the mutant pony's side. Even a one-pony buffer between himself and Balboa was a blessing. He managed a small, grateful smile for Hay Bale, before hanging his head again and falling into line.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2014-07-03 at 11:28 AM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy breathed out a quiet sigh of relief, sticking close to the mutant pony's side. Even a one-pony buffer between himself and Balboa was a blessing. He managed a small, grateful smile for Hay Bale, before hanging his head again and falling into line.
    Hay Bale draped a wing that she definitely hadn't had a minute ago over the short stallion.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Hay Bale draped a wing that she definitely hadn't had a minute ago over the short stallion.
    Sandy gave a little shiver and huddled closer to Hay Bale. For warmth. Big old houses like this one were always so drafty. "Thankee, ma'am." He nodded to the pegasus-

    Wait, pegasus?!

    Sandy stared at the wing draped over his back, following it all the way to where it very clearly connected to her body. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and looked again.

    ...I need more sleep. he concluded, shaking his head wearily.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy gave a little shiver and huddled closer to Hay Bale. For warmth. Big old houses like this one were always so drafty. "Thankee, ma'am." He nodded to the pegasus-

    Wait, pegasus?!

    Sandy stared at the wing draped over his back, following it all the way to where it very clearly connected to her body. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and looked again.

    ...I need more sleep. he concluded, shaking his head wearily.
    Oh, it's not a problem dear. She purred. She noticed him looking along her wings and grinned. She was about to ask if he saw anything he liked (hur hur), but stopped herself. That would be mean to do to someone so evidently nervous.

    You're not going crazy, I was a unicorn earlier. She said instead, ruffling her feathers along his coat.Mr.Shag didn't just hire me for the eyecandy. She grinned at "Mr.Shag" and held out a wing, offering to snuggle him into a wing as well.

    Balboa may or may not want to do that.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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