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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    Gengy's Avatar

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    Default [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    This is an EMPIRE event. If you are interested in EMPIRE, please feel free to visit the current OOC.

    Isle of Peace
    The Sea of Glass (Region 130)
    Spoiler: The Sea of Glass
    Year: 552
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Though not as ornately planned as previous events, the island of the Sea of Glass is still a beautiful place. The Seaborne Confederation was kind enough to allow Praeclarus to hastily host this gathering of good intent, allowing both aquatic and non-aqautic members to meet in a place of near neutrality. With the full support of Rex Fozik, the Isle of Peace as the event came to be known was overseen by Chief Orator G'gjin and Sanctus Makgrull T'manc. For reasons that become more clear after reading the invitation, no representative from the capital of Praeclarus, Myrwik, was present. All guests must present their invitation before they are escorted from the docks to the the Shore Stage, where the primary proceedings where being held.

    The invitations are on pieces of the underwater paper, Lignum Aqua, and they read as follows:

    To the Leaders of Telluris,

    Praeclarus has ever been about maintaining a state of peace among it's neighbors and the waters where we call home. Indeed, even though Duc Fozik succeeded Sanctus Makgrull B'tman, and became Rex Fozik just a few short years ago, the Regnum of Praeclarus has maintained that holding to peace is an important factor of life. Conflict ideas can bring about new thoughts, if the world is led justly. Unjustly, and Telluris will fall to war and grief and strife.

    Though we know this is soon, and some of you may not be able to attend, we highly encourage you to send delegates to the Sea of Glass to discuss methods of maintaining peace. There are several matters that Praeclarus has heard of that we would like to discuss, but there are likely several more that a well informed delegate from your country may be able to enlighten those whom attend. For what it is worth, Praeclarus is concerned about the following:

    • Rumors that the UJR may have need to defend itself
    • The Empire of the Silver Moon's Civil War
    • The imprisonment of diplomatic envoys sent to the Penitential Empire of Waedyr, an aquatic nation
    • The solidification of lasting treaties of peace and prosperity for the countries near Tzalteclan

    While Praeclarus has little say in the matter for countries so far from our waters, we still wish to ensure that every effort of diplomacy is taken before any rash decisions lead to unfortunate consequences. Speaking specifically of Waedyr, Praeclarus is hopeful they will send a representative whom will be willing to deal fairly and with peace in mind; we want nothing more than to establish fair trade and the release of our people. We realize that there may be a dislike of Myrwik for leaving the Empire so many years ago. To alleviate this, Rex Fozik will not be in attendance, and the entire matter will be overseen by the spiritual leader and diplomatic leader of Praeclarus, and it will be held on the island known as the Sea of Glass; neutral ground to the Regnum, and we hope, the Empire.

    We would like to thank the Skipper-General for allowing this peaceful gathering to take place, and hope many of you will attend.

    May Jongo See Us Safely Home,
    Sanctus Makgrull T'manc
    Spoiler: Locations
    Resplendent in size, the Docks take up most of the east side of the island; some look to have been better created as temporary ports for the large number of delegates that Praeclarus hopes to have. Here, ships are guided into port, and anchored and welcomed by the locals with offerings of flowers and celebratory drinks. A little further down the coast is a large, well lit path, and a beach.

    Presenting the invitation will see your party sent to the Shore Stage; an amphitheater along the west coast of the island. The left and right flanks of the theater are carved in wide platforms, suitable for the Pono to recline upon. In the middle, shorter, wider steps provide ample space for human sized guests. A wide flat oval floor provides space for performance art. To the west, overlooking the sea, lay a narrower, lower, platform. The kind often used for an orchestra. Upon the platform were several chairs of equal height, meant for one member of each delegation, to emphasize the neutrality of the event.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes!

    Got me a Real Job™ (yay!). Still busy (boo!).
    ~avatar by myself

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    QuintonBeck's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Mar Bruno did not travel often, he did not like to travel widely within Oepin, he did not like to travel within the Penitential Empire, he certainly was not keen to travel outside its borders but for this matter he felt it necessary. His advisers had urged him against it. He was old and he was known as a Mar who stayed as a stone within the tempest whirling depths of Oepin and for him to leave threatened the realm. They had encouraged him to send his son and heir or some other appropriate ambassador so as to not offend and be of proper respect but he had found the idea backwards. If they feared for Oepin then better it was his elderly bones that were sunk to the deep than those of his son. He held his boy in high enough esteem to know he could keep the Marc in order, besides with the news and 'guests' he was bringing he felt it only right he come to meet with his old friend Fozik himself.

    The guests. Bruno looked back at the Makgrull who had come from Praeclarus some years ago. They were unshackled and free of fin though they swam within the cage of Pontifical spear men. It had taken quite a few favors being called and strings being pulled for Bruno to convince the Emperor to allow him to return the interlopers to Fozik's domain and Bruno still suspected the Pontiff Emperor held a growing grudge towards the Mar but Bruno had always stood loyally and his conviction to the cause of Waedyr was unquestioned and so it had been allowed. If any other Mar had come to ask Bruno had no doubt they would have been executed for treason. Fozik was lucky Bruno saw the wisdom in avoiding provoking war with the Duc's new found kingdom and the new Emperor was still focused on consolidating the empire after its near collapse following the Duc Rebellion.

    The invitation had indicated some surface locale as the site of the meeting which Bruno had found odd. It was true that Makgrull needed to breath from the dry sea and so kept themselves closer to the surface than more deep dwelling denizens of mother sea but to host an event on dry dirt seemed quite odd for an aquatic species. The letter had mentioned more out there and Bruno quietly wondered if Fozik was referencing the babbling drowning apes of the dry dirt though quickly dismissed the notion. Fozik was a liberal leader and had always pushed the boundaries as a Duc but to parley with dirt walkers seemed too far even for him. Yet he had acquired a kingdom from his Duchy that by the reports of the Praeclarus prisoners rivaled the Pontiff's own in size in a matter of a couple decades so there was no way to know what deals had been struck and traditions abandoned.

    Bruno and his retinue of spear men assigned to the Praeclarus prisoners and his personal aids arrived at the Sea of Glass with mild fanfare, the majority of attention being drawn by the reactions of those who recognized their sigils as those of Weadyr. Approaching a Makgrull of some seeming importance the elder Mar addressed him with decorum in the Makgrull tongue.

    "I would speak with the once Duc-now-Rex Fozik. If as according to your letter he is without attendance we should be brought to him to deal with the matter directly."
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-07-07 at 04:16 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    QLD, Australia

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    The Arrival of Maur

    A small shadow slowly approached the Isle as it began to descend, the beating of wings being heard as six pegasi swooped down and promptly landed upon the Docks. Frost-Queen Nitra Volshevrin-Li disembarked from her steed, as did her four royal guards and the royal priestess of Yphine. The guards formed up around her and her companion as she began to look out upon the so-called Isle of Peace. "Hmm... Seems we're early here. Here's hoping that Niskovia and Cantroth attend so we can sort out this little mess" Nitra said with a grimace.
    Royal Priestess Shira nodded and responded, "Most definitely, my queen. And perhaps the Tzaltec as well?"
    "That would be ideal, priestess. But I am unsure of if they will spare us or would rather an attempt to crush us much like they did the Sharix" Nitra uttered with a sigh.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Frost-Queen Nitra Volshevrin-Li, the Royal Priestess Shira and four royal guards are attending. They seek immediate peace between Maur and Niskovia and its vassals. They also seek some form of treaty with the Tzaltec Empire if possible.

    Also, any trade is welcomed.
    Last edited by Mynxae; 2015-07-08 at 08:41 PM.
    Avatar by Dirtytabs.

    Epic quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Ahh Kyth'ra... A knight of such honour and virtue, not to mention suppressed homicidal rage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    His life was over.
    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    Mystic who fluffs things with madness and zeal,
    Mynxae who always seeks rifts to heal,
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Darryl Grant and Elise Tumberink made it a point to visit the delegates. It was on Confederation soil, and they had been charged with security.

    He looked about. A flotilla of skyships and griffin riders patrolled the sky. Below the waters, Pono al a Ono kept tabs on anything smaller than themselves- which was virtually anything i the seas. But on the docks, only a few workers here and there seemed to be visible. That each was a Chosen shadow-walker on loan from the Children of Kina shouldn't be obvious to anyone without careful observation.

    They greeted the Maur delegation "Frost Queen Nitra Volshevrin-Li, High Priestess Shir, greetings!" He motioned for several good looking young Islander men bearing cold drinks and snacks. "Please indulge yourself. There are several small cabanas for you to rest in until the event begins."
    Keeper of the 49 Rules.

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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    An airship flying Commonwealth colours - along with the flags of the Principality and the Provinces - approached the isle and was secured swiftly and had several passengers disembark without any great ceremony.

    Present was Grand Prince Zoran, his chief aide Brankica Korošec, and one of Niskovia's foremost diplomats, Lady Esteri Macari. The group was also accompanied by a handful of guards. It had been requested that this meeting with the Ash-Kingdom's latest ruler happen on neutral ground, that Zoran himself had come might be a sign of the importance this issue held with the Commonwealth. But then again he might just have wanted to get away from Raykhenbakh for a while.

    "Brankica, find the Queen and secure us a meeting room," Zoran ordered, "have Kallim accompany you. With any luck all this Nitra wants is to opportunity for a little posturing before we all sign the agreed upon treaty."

    "It shall be done as you command sire," she said, giving an unnecessarily ostentatious bow.

    "You could at least pretend to have respect for my position in public cousin." Zoran remarked.

    It was obvious to any onlookers, - even though they couldn't understand the words for they were speaking Niskan - that this was a familiar routine for the pair. There was much speculating by said onlookers on just what had brought the Niskovians here. The Commonwealth was unlikely to become involved with internal affairs of either the Tzaltec Empire or the Empire of the Silver Moon and the Principality had always gone out of their way to maintain neutrality with the United Radurjic Republics. Plus the delegation was in full regalia so they were obviously here for some official purpose...
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    QLD, Australia

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    The Frost-Queen looked up as one of her guardsmen approached her. "My Queen, I have secured a room that you may use for talks with other nations" he said, standing at attention.
    Nitra nodded and waved him forward, "At ease. Take us to this room you've found" she said as she pulled Shira along with her, following the guard as the other three guardsmen tailed along behind them.

    Moments later...

    The guard flung open the door and escorted Nitra and Shira inside, seating them at a large grand table that seemed to suit the situation well enough. Nitra smiled and waved her hands out in front of her, "Ah yes, this will do nicely. Thank you, good sir" she said to her guard, him nodding in response with a smile, "You may guard me personally in this room, have the others stand outside to protect us from any potential assassins or the like". He nodded and poked his head out of the door, muttering the orders to his fellow guards before he shut the door and stood in place behind the Frost Queen.

    As the two chatted and settled into their chairs comfortably, a knock came to the door. Nitra smiled and motioned for her guard to open the door, uttering "Ah. This must be our guests".
    Avatar by Dirtytabs.

    Epic quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Ahh Kyth'ra... A knight of such honour and virtue, not to mention suppressed homicidal rage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    His life was over.
    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    Mystic who fluffs things with madness and zeal,
    Mynxae who always seeks rifts to heal,
    The lovely Dark Lady who's never at odds;
    These are a few of our favorite mods!

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    higher plane of existence

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Zoran strolled about the docks for a while, admiring the multitude of vessels present. He was unconcerned about Brankica possibly being unable to find him upon her return. Such a thing would be unlikely, Niskans do have a tendency to stand out in a crowd despite their short height when compared to most other peoples.

    Half a century ago Grandfather Jehan brokered a treaty with Ceannin Llyeth in this very place, Zoran mused.

    But the Grand Prince's contemplations on the cyclical nature of existence were interrupted by the return of his aide.

    "I spoke briefly with one of the Maurian guards," Brankica reported, "their Sovereign has commandeered a room for the talks."

    "Not entirely in the spirit of neutral venue" Lady Esteri remarked wryly from her position beside Zoran.

    The Grand Prince nodded in agreement, "Nevertheless this does at least expedite matters. If nothing else this meeting will afford us the opportunity to take the measure of this so called Frost-Queen."

    Not long after

    A short knock came and the door swiftly opened, Brankica Korošec stepping inside unchallenged. Withdrawing a scroll from somewhere she unrolled it and looked at it.

    "Make welcome Zoran; High Prince of the Niskan people, Honorary Elder of Valeriya, Prince of Karintiya, Prince of Kaspiyskiya, High Chief of the Felcath Clans and Potentate of the Severtian people by hereditary right of conquest, Grand Prince of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia."

    There was nothing actually written on the scroll, and the lengthy introduction was largely unnecessary but Nitra probably wouldn't know that. And diplomacy was all about this sort of posturing.

    The scroll was stowed away as Zoran walked in. The Grand Prince looked resplendent in his formal regalia, his appearance typified the Niskan noble ideal. So he was likely heavily armed as well. One of the reasons that the formal gown had persevered in Niskans fashions was because they are so ideally suited for securing blades.

    Lady Esteri entered behind him, the diplomat being a more sombre image in all black.

    Waving off the offer of a chair Zoran spoke, "As far I am aware most of the details of this treaty have been resolved during the course of our lengthy correspondence. I have a copy of the most recent terms with me, but any serious discussion should be held until either the Consul or his representative arrives."
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    A house (ha ha I wish)

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    The representatives of the Del'taihn Provinces arrive with the rest of the commonwealth.

    There are four people. Consul Jurg Stephenson, A tall Homirum with brown wool, no hair and an impressive set of horns. He is wearing a wool vest dyed blue and green in Cantrothian colours and an amulet of Ovidions.

    With him come Sven and Vlad Peters and Olyeg Averin. Sven and Vlad are the Consuls personnel guards while he attends diplomatic events. They wear thick wool tunics reinforced with plates of platinum. They have platinum clubs hanging at their waists and carry 6 foot long platinum headed spears.

    Olyeg is a renowned musician who wears a similar vest to the consuls and has pan pipes hanging from his neck. He also has a backpack filled with other forms of entertainment.

    The meeting
    Just as the Niskovian finished speaking "any serious discussion should be held until either the Consul or his representative arrives" the four rams entered. The consul bowed and the guards stayed by the door. The Consul accepted a seat while Olyeg sat in the corner with a paper and pen to work on his lyrics. He did not wish to interfere "Now," said the Consul, "let us begin"
    Last edited by woolli264; 2015-07-09 at 08:00 PM.
    total-cluster**** of yogurt, drugs and sheep in EMPIRE!
    The rodent tribes of the Ruby Legion in EMPIRE2!
    The goblin kingdom of Jauder in EMPIRE3!
    The sailors of Izbefe in EMPIRE4!

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
    Gengy's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Spoiler: Mar Bruno
    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    Mar Bruno did not travel often, he did not like to travel widely within Oepin, he did not like to travel within the Penitential Empire, he certainly was not keen to travel outside its borders but for this matter he felt it necessary. His advisers had urged him against it. He was old and he was known as a Mar who stayed as a stone within the tempest whirling depths of Oepin and for him to leave threatened the realm. They had encouraged him to send his son and heir or some other appropriate ambassador so as to not offend and be of proper respect but he had found the idea backwards. If they feared for Oepin then better it was his elderly bones that were sunk to the deep than those of his son. He held his boy in high enough esteem to know he could keep the Marc in order, besides with the news and 'guests' he was bringing he felt it only right he come to meet with his old friend Fozik himself.

    The guests. Bruno looked back at the Makgrull who had come from Praeclarus some years ago. They were unshackled and free of fin though they swam within the cage of Pontifical spear men. It had taken quite a few favors being called and strings being pulled for Bruno to convince the Emperor to allow him to return the interlopers to Fozik's domain and Bruno still suspected the Pontiff Emperor held a growing grudge towards the Mar but Bruno had always stood loyally and his conviction to the cause of Waedyr was unquestioned and so it had been allowed. If any other Mar had come to ask Bruno had no doubt they would have been executed for treason. Fozik was lucky Bruno saw the wisdom in avoiding provoking war with the Duc's new found kingdom and the new Emperor was still focused on consolidating the empire after its near collapse following the Duc Rebellion.

    The invitation had indicated some surface locale as the site of the meeting which Bruno had found odd. It was true that Makgrull needed to breath from the dry sea and so kept themselves closer to the surface than more deep dwelling denizens of mother sea but to host an event on dry dirt seemed quite odd for an aquatic species. The letter had mentioned more out there and Bruno quietly wondered if Fozik was referencing the babbling drowning apes of the dry dirt though quickly dismissed the notion. Fozik was a liberal leader and had always pushed the boundaries as a Duc but to parley with dirt walkers seemed too far even for him. Yet he had acquired a kingdom from his Duchy that by the reports of the Praeclarus prisoners rivaled the Pontiff's own in size in a matter of a couple decades so there was no way to know what deals had been struck and traditions abandoned.

    Bruno and his retinue of spear men assigned to the Praeclarus prisoners and his personal aids arrived at the Sea of Glass with mild fanfare, the majority of attention being drawn by the reactions of those who recognized their sigils as those of Weadyr. Approaching a Makgrull of some seeming importance the elder Mar addressed him with decorum in the Makgrull tongue.

    "I would speak with the once Duc-now-Rex Fozik. If as according to your letter he is without attendance we should be brought to him to deal with the matter directly."

    Though a little concerned at the sight of the Pontifical spear men, the Makgrull of Praeclarus were quick to adapt. Chief Orator G'gjin looked carefully at the prisoners, and was about to speak when Sanctus Makgrull T'manc came up behind him and bowed to Mar Bruno.

    ::Honored guest,:: T'manc began in the Makgrull speech, ::I am Sanctus Makgrull T'manc, the spiritual leader for the Regnum of Praeclarus. It was my father whom deemed Duc Fozik suitable for the Regnum's first Rex. Thank you for bringing our lost back to us. Your request for speaking with Rex Fozik is... understandable. He is nearby, in case such a request occurred. But he will only speak with Mar Bruno. Is that to whom I have the pleasure of greeting?::

    Spoiler: OOC:
    For expedience sake, T'manc can and will explain that the peace gathering is held on 'dry dirt' in order to reduce the chances for hostilities. Neither the Regnum or Empire would consider having any sort of dry dirt defenses or forces at this time, so to avoid war and establish peace, it was deemed more fitting then an underwater locale. Also, there is a chance for meeting the surface walkers.

    T'manc is willing to lead Mar Bruno to Rex Fozik - whom is under water some thirty minutes swim from the Isle of Glass - where the two can discuss matters. Fozik is in open waters, attended by the aging Chief Praestes U'ther. In the clear water, it is easy to see that a small group of spearmen - no more then fifteen - are a few moments swim from the Rex and the Chief Praestes. Far enough away that what is said cannot be heard, but close enough that they are able to spring into action, if needed. It is meant to be a show of trust that Rex Fozik is so unguarded; but not without also saying that he is prepared, should matters not go well.

    At the discretion of murgen, there may be some Pono al Ono swimming nearby.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes!

    Got me a Real Job™ (yay!). Still busy (boo!).
    ~avatar by myself

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2012
    QLD, Australia

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsanth View Post
    Spoiler: Niskovia
    Zoran strolled about the docks for a while, admiring the multitude of vessels present. He was unconcerned about Brankica possibly being unable to find him upon her return. Such a thing would be unlikely, Niskans do have a tendency to stand out in a crowd despite their short height when compared to most other peoples.

    Half a century ago Grandfather Jehan brokered a treaty with Ceannin Llyeth in this very place, Zoran mused.

    But the Grand Prince's contemplations on the cyclical nature of existence were interrupted by the return of his aide.

    "I spoke briefly with one of the Maurian guards," Brankica reported, "their Sovereign has commandeered a room for the talks."

    "Not entirely in the spirit of neutral venue" Lady Esteri remarked wryly from her position beside Zoran.

    The Grand Prince nodded in agreement, "Nevertheless this does at least expedite matters. If nothing else this meeting will afford us the opportunity to take the measure of this so called Frost-Queen."

    Not long after

    A short knock came and the door swiftly opened, Brankica Korošec stepping inside unchallenged. Withdrawing a scroll from somewhere she unrolled it and looked at it.

    "Make welcome Zoran; High Prince of the Niskan people, Honorary Elder of Valeriya, Prince of Karintiya, Prince of Kaspiyskiya, High Chief of the Felcath Clans and Potentate of the Severtian people by hereditary right of conquest, Grand Prince of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia."

    There was nothing actually written on the scroll, and the lengthy introduction was largely unnecessary but Nitra probably wouldn't know that. And diplomacy was all about this sort of posturing.

    The scroll was stowed away as Zoran walked in. The Grand Prince looked resplendent in his formal regalia, his appearance typified the Niskan noble ideal. So he was likely heavily armed as well. One of the reasons that the formal gown had persevered in Niskans fashions was because they are so ideally suited for securing blades.

    Lady Esteri entered behind him, the diplomat being a more sombre image in all black.

    Waving off the offer of a chair Zoran spoke, "As far I am aware most of the details of this treaty have been resolved during the course of our lengthy correspondence. I have a copy of the most recent terms with me, but any serious discussion should be held until either the Consul or his representative arrives."
    Quote Originally Posted by woolli264 View Post
    Spoiler: Cantroth
    The representatives of the Del'taihn Provinces arrive with the rest of the commonwealth.

    There are four people. Consul Jurg Stephenson, A tall Homirum with brown wool, no hair and an impressive set of horns. He is wearing a wool vest dyed blue and green in Cantrothian colours and an amulet of Ovidions.

    With him come Sven and Vlad Peters and Olyeg Averin. Sven and Vlad are the Consuls personnel guards while he attends diplomatic events. They wear thick wool tunics reinforced with plates of platinum. They have platinum clubs hanging at their waists and carry 6 foot long platinum headed spears.

    Olyeg is a renowned musician who wears a similar vest to the consuls and has pan pipes hanging from his neck. He also has a backpack filled with other forms of entertainment.

    The meeting
    Just as the Niskovian finished speaking "any serious discussion should be held until either the Consul or his representative arrives" the four rams entered. The consul bowed and the guards stayed by the door. The Consul accepted a seat while Olyeg sat in the corner with a paper and pen to work on his lyrics. He did not wish to interfere "Now," said the Consul, "let us begin"
    A Meeting of Nations

    Nitra nodded, first at Zoran and then at Jurg, and spoke, "Greetings to you both. I am glad I was able to have this little chat with you beforehand. I am ready to look over the proposed treaty and to sign it once it is correct".
    Shira bowed her head and muttered softly, "If only they would accept the one true faith of Yphine", which prompted Nitra to shush her before she angered their guests.

    "I would also like to note that once we have all signed this agreement, Maur will not bother your nations. We are fine with peace and trade, but I will do my best to keep our matters to ourselves so you do not get dragged into any conflicts unless they involve the Kazul, at which point it would benefit us all on Telluris to send aid so they can be held at certain points" she stated with a soft smile, delicately linking her fingers in front of her.
    Avatar by Dirtytabs.

    Epic quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Ahh Kyth'ra... A knight of such honour and virtue, not to mention suppressed homicidal rage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    His life was over.
    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    Mystic who fluffs things with madness and zeal,
    Mynxae who always seeks rifts to heal,
    The lovely Dark Lady who's never at odds;
    These are a few of our favorite mods!

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Nov 2012
    higher plane of existence

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    The Grand Prince extended a greeting to the Consul and waited for this party to get settled.

    Whatever Nitra's pet priestess had said was not Zoran's concern, either of his companions had likely heard it anyway. The Korošec ear for languages and a Karranan's keen hearing came in handy at times like these. What did concern him were the words of this upstart Queen.

    "You speak now of the Kazul? The rumoured desert prizraki?" he asked incredulous, "what do you do to prepare your people for this threat?"

    The Grand Prince's words were scathing, "You decide that they must stand apart from the Tzaltec Empire, a realm that despite its many faults possesses both great military might and the divine patronage of a living god. A god that has decided to do whatever is needed to shield his people and allies from these prizraki."

    "And then you tear your nation apart with civil war and persuade all of your subjects to abandon their own patron deities," Zoran said, voice grim, "and you believe the Kazul are such a danger that you would ask us to help defend you when history has proven that altruism afforded to your people has never gained mine anything."

    "You'll probably have more luck attempting to cower behind the skirts of Tzetultep."

    He paused, "But that is not why we are here."

    A gesture from Zoran had the Lady Esteri handing a scroll to both the Consul's group and the Maurians.

    Quote Originally Posted by the scroll
    Treaty of Ravusia

    signatory parties:
    the Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    the Del'taihn Provinces
    the Principality of Niskovia

    The Ash-Kingdom will cede Ravusia (region 114) to the Del'Taihn Provinces in exchange for the following terms;
    the Del'taihn Provinces and their liege, the Principality of Niskovia, will not undertake any military action against the Ash-Kingdom against them and vice-versa
    the Del'taihn Provinces and their liege, the Principality of Niskovia, will not undertake any espionage against the Ash-Kingdom against them and vice-versa
    the Del'taihn Provinces and their liege, the Principality of Niskovia, will not interfere in the religious practices of the Ash-Kingdom and vice-versa
    the Del'taihn Provinces and their liege, the Principality of Niskovia, will not impede any trade undertaken by the Ash-Kingdom against them and vice-versa

    The Del'taihn Provinces and their liege, the Principality of Niskovia agree to all the above terms so long as the Ash-Kingdom agrees to the following additional points;
    the Ash-Kingdom will cede territorial rights to any regions they discover beneath their own lands
    the Ash-Kingdom will grant the Principality of Niskovia rights to three trade-posts that the Principality may distribute as they wish

    In the event that any terms of this treaty are broken by a signatory party as recognised by a neutral arbitrator agreed upon by all parties the treaty is considered void.

    "As you can see, this document is the compilation of some years of correspondence," the diplomat explained, "all of the non-interference clauses are clearly spelled out and the Commonwealth's finest translators have ensured that not only is this document true to both the spirit and letter of it's words in not only trade languages but also our collected native tongues."

    Esteri eyed her cousin warily. The tirade had been not entirely unfounded, but it really could have waited until after the signing or for a few more insults to be tossed about first. "It is the wish of the Feran Kaiser that his people not be bound by this agreement and the terms stated within reflect such," she continued, "As all Commonwealth Protectorates are afforded the same Sovereignty that your realm was once afforded this should not be an issue?"

    Though phrased as a question it really was a statement. Hopefully one that the Maur contingent would not dispute.

    "As previously noted any sort of mutual Kazul defence clause is off the table." Zoran finished, "if you would like I could have Brankica reiterate some of my earlier points. I'm sure she knows enough of your tongue to do my words justice."
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsanth View Post
    Spoiler: Niskovia
    The Grand Prince extended a greeting to the Consul and waited for this party to get settled.

    Whatever Nitra's pet priestess had said was not Zoran's concern, either of his companions had likely heard it anyway. The Korošec ear for languages and a Karranan's keen hearing came in handy at times like these. What did concern him were the words of this upstart Queen.

    "You speak now of the Kazul? The rumoured desert prizraki?" he asked incredulous, "what do you do to prepare your people for this threat?"

    The Grand Prince's words were scathing, "You decide that they must stand apart from the Tzaltec Empire, a realm that despite its many faults possesses both great military might and the divine patronage of a living god. A god that has decided to do whatever is needed to shield his people and allies from these prizraki."

    "And then you tear your nation apart with civil war and persuade all of your subjects to abandon their own patron deities," Zoran said, voice grim, "and you believe the Kazul are such a danger that you would ask us to help defend you when history has proven that altruism afforded to your people has never gained mine anything."

    "You'll probably have more luck attempting to cower behind the skirts of Tzetultep."

    He paused, "But that is not why we are here."

    A gesture from Zoran had the Lady Esteri handing a scroll to both the Consul's group and the Maurians.

    "As you can see, this document is the compilation of some years of correspondence," the diplomat explained, "all of the non-interference clauses are clearly spelled out and the Commonwealth's finest translators have ensured that not only is this document true to both the spirit and letter of it's words in not only trade languages but also our collected native tongues."

    Esteri eyed her cousin warily. The tirade had been not entirely unfounded, but it really could have waited until after the signing or for a few more insults to be tossed about first. "It is the wish of the Feran Kaiser that his people not be bound by this agreement and the terms stated within reflect such," she continued, "As all Commonwealth Protectorates are afforded the same Sovereignty that your realm was once afforded this should not be an issue?"

    Though phrased as a question it really was a statement. Hopefully one that the Maur contingent would not dispute.

    "As previously noted any sort of mutual Kazul defence clause is off the table." Zoran finished, "if you would like I could have Brankica reiterate some of my earlier points. I'm sure she knows enough of your tongue to do my words justice."
    Nitra frowned at Zoran's outburst but spoke unperturbed, "I have heard reports from those who once worked on the partially constructed Dragon Wall in Pomequi that the sands have been shifting mightily of late, even to the point of vague figures being seen in them. I will do whatever I can to save my people, should such a threat as they arrive. But will you?"

    As the treaty was laid down, Nitra narrowed her eyes as she read it and promptly signed it with a sigh. "I suppose this will have to do. The Ash-Kingdom hasn't exactly done well towards you or your people, has it Grand Prince? Hopefully in the future we can prevent such things from happening again" she said with a light apologetic smile, wishing her cousins, aunt and great aunt had not being gigantic jackasses towards these people who seemed sincere, if a little stiff.

    At the words about Fera from Lady Esteri, Nitra let out a slight noise of frustration. "It would have been preferred that Fera would have been included, but if that is their wish, so be it. The tension between us has gone on for too long, and I will work tirelessly to rectify it once the current crises* have been dealt with" she said, "Do you have anything else you would like to add, Consul Stephenson? Otherwise I would believe we are done here" she finished with a smile and laid back in her chair, Shira praying softly under her breath.

    *Plural of crisis.
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    Ahh Kyth'ra... A knight of such honour and virtue, not to mention suppressed homicidal rage.
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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Jurg Stephenson leaned back in his chair reflecting on anything he would need to add. After a short time he came to a descision, "No I believe this is all we need. Although confirmation that these Kazul are not, in fact a rumour is worrying. Either way I look forward to the tensions between Maur and Fera dissipating." And then he signed.
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    The Marius Pride, the ancient airship of the Huroshan royal family, hovered far above the Sea of Glass, having dropped off it's passengers. It just had a renovation, a preperation for a huge device could be seen on the front of the ship, strange symbols and quartz contraptions already present.

    Sanell Fireguard was hovering around at the convention itself, formally greeting old and new friends alike, which the potential forced polite talk to a old/new foe tucked neatly in between. Around him, his guards kept a close watch on his surroundings.

    Sighing, he flew around for a little bit, looking at a few foreign women laughing merrily nearby. After nearly 50 years, he still hadn't found any real love. Enough potential political marriages, sure, but not somebody which made him feel at ease. And if he needed something, it was feeling at ease. So many reasons Hurosha had to press for Nyroth, but still..... It made him sleep bad at night.

    He continued his wandering, seeking some sparkles of good fortune in this hail of confusion.

    OOC: So yeah, Emperor Sanell isn't married yet, and I'll marry him to a Huroshan NPC in two rounds if nobody has a good proposition/match.
    Also, anyone who is up for trade with Hurosha can poke me here or by PM, if they are interested.
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2015-07-10 at 11:15 AM.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] Isle of Peace

    Typical, even with what may be proof of the Kazul's existence the Queen had still lead her people down this self-destructive path. Still the Ash-Kingdom just being there had the potential to blunt an incursion. Choosing not to respond, Zoran pulled the treaty close. Upon seeing that the other signatures were in order the Grand Prince signed it.

    As pointing out Sovereignty apparently meant nothing to this upstart infidel, Zoran gestured for Esteri to educate her.

    "It is not the practice of the Crown to bind Protectorates of the Commonwealth to agreements they are not party to," Esteri elaborated promptly, "as this treaty neither involves Feran interests or addresses the conflict between their realm and your own... why would the Kaiser want to be bound by it?"

    She continued, "If you want a resolution to those issues you should open talks with the Ferans or make an effort to address some of their concerns. Personally I recommend the second. I should not have to explain my reasoning why."

    Confident that that should wrap things up, the Niskovian delegation made ready to depart. - Brankica ensuring that each group did in fact have a signed copy of the treaty and Esteri quietly gauging Zoran's mood. It was not good, but everything else was in order.

    "Count yourself lucky to receive as much as you have," Zoran stated coldly before he swept from the room.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

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