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  1. - Top - End - #691
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    I'm looking for the post with the upcoming SSB gear to put it in the OP, but I'm having trouble finding it.
    Oooh, what I wrote up? Here's the info:
    Spoiler: Updated SSB and BSSB info

    Spoiler: SSB

    1) Cloud's Organics, teaches Blade Beam, +10 attack. 3 ranged physical AoE's, ? multiplier, non-elemental. Debuted in lost Memories. Reappeared in VoM phase 2. Will reappear in The Lone Wolf's Lament banner 2.
    2) Squall's Cutting Trigger, teaches Blasting Zone, +10 attack. 4 ranged physical single-target attacks, ? multiplier, non-elemental. Debuted in Gunblade of the Sorceress. Reappeared in VoM phase 5. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 3.
    3) Sephiroth's Yoshiyuki, teaches Black Materia, +10 attack. 4 ranged physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, chance for Sap. Debuted in Blood Madness. Reappeared in Hidden Resolve. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 5.
    4) Rinoa's Cardinal, teaches Wishing Star, +10 magic. 5 random magic single-target attacks, 15 multiplier, non-elemental. Debuted in VoM phase 1. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 2, and A Meeting Beyond Time banner 2.
    5) Tidus's Force Sabre, teaches Jecht Shot, +10 attack. 3 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.89 multiplier, water. Debuted in VoM phase 3. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 4.
    6) Tyro's Last Judgment Grimoire, teaches Last Judgment Grimoire, +10 attack. 3 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, earth. Debuted in VoM phase 4.
    7) Pally Cecil's Lustrous Sword, teaches Saint's Fall, +300 hp. 3 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.89 multiplier, holy. Debuted in VoM phase 5. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 5.
    8) Lightning's Peacemaker, teaches Crushing Blow, +10 attack. 5 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6.5 multiplier, lightning. Debuted in Fang's Oath. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 1.
    Then we have 2 events with no SSB's at all.
    9) Terra's Maduin's Horn, teaches Magitek Missile, +10 magic. 10 (ranged?) magical single-target attacks, 18 multiplier, non-elemental. Will debut in Forgotten Bond. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 3.
    10) Bartz's Excalibur, teaches ???, +10 attack. 5 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.9 multiplier, non-elemental, all allies def + 50%. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 1.
    11) Aerith's Wizard Rod, teaches ???, +10 mind. All allies heal & Reraise (40% hp). Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 1.
    12) Lulu's Run Mog (?), teaches ???, +10 magic. 8 (ranged?) random magic single-target attacks, 17.92 multiplier, ice. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 2.
    13) Vivi's Mace of Zeus (?), teaches ???, +10 magic. 4 (ranged?) magic AoE's, 14.24 multiplier, dark. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 2. Will reappear in A Summoner Reborn banner 2.
    14) Locke's Valiant Knife, teaches ???, +10 attack. 8 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 8 multiplier (up to 14.4 when low on health), non-elemental. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 3.
    15) Vanille's Medic Staff, teaches ???, +10 mind. All allies heal & restore 1 ability use at random. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 4.
    16) Hope's Hawkeye, teaches ???, +10 magic. 8 (ranged?) magic single-target attacks, 17.92 multiplier, holy. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 4.
    17) The Mighty Gilgamesh's ???, teaches ???, +10 defense. 3 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, all allies heavy Regen. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 5.
    18) Red XIII's Magic Comb, teaches Stardust Ray, +10 attack. 10 (ranged?) random physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, Shellga. Will debut in The Lone Wolf's lament banner 1.
    19) Tifa's Master Fist, teaches Dolphin Blow, +10 attack. 4 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 8 multiplier, self attack + 50%. Will debut in The Lone Wolf's Lament banner 2.
    20) Laguna's Machine Gun, teaches Desperado, +10 attack. 6 ranged physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, Slow (100%). Will debut in A Meeting Beyond Time banner 1.
    21) Selphie's Crescent Wish, teaches Dreamstage, +10 mind. All allies heal + magic blink. Will debut in A Meeting Beyond Time banner 1.
    22) Quistis's Red Scorpion, teaches Mighty Guard, +10 magic. Hastega + Shellga + heavy Regenga (UNNNGHHHHHHAAAA). Will debut in A Meeting Beyond Time banner 2.
    23) Zidane's Orichalcum, teaches Shift Break, +10 attack. 4 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, -50% attack, +50% self attack. Will debut in A Summoner Reborn banner 1.
    24) Eiko's Fairy Flute, teaches Flames of Rebirth, +10 mind. All allies, heal + Reraise (40% hp). Will debut in A Summoner Reborn banner 1.
    25) Garnet's Wizard Rod, teaches Divine Guardian, +10 magic. Hastega + heavy Regenga + res + 50% (it's like a not as good Mighty Guard). Will debut in A Summoner Reborn banner 2.
    26) Firion's Rod of Arms (?), teaches ???, attack + 10. 5 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, Blind (100%). Will debut in The Prophet banner 1.
    27) Minwu's ???, teaches ???, mind + 10. All allies heal, no cast time (wtf Minwu). Will debut in The Prophet banner 1.
    28) Maria's Sander 16 (?), teaches ???, magic +10. 4 magic AoE's, 14.4 multiplier, lightning, all allies magic + 20%. Will debut in The Prophet banner 2. It's a bow, btw.
    29) Leon's ???, teaches ???, defense + 10. 3 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, dark, self-sentinel (whatever that means, maybe Protect + Shell). Will debut in The Prophet banner 2. It's not a bow, damnit, on like the only knight who can use bows.

    Are any of them not ranged?

    Of note, I see Cloud's Organics and Tyro's Last Judgment Grimoire will *not* be coming back in Orbfest 3. I'm disappointed with the former, and couldn't care less about the latter.

    Spoiler: BSSB

    1) Cloud's 1st Fusion Sword, teaches Fenrir Overdrive, +10 attack. 8 (ranged?) random physical single-target attacks, 8 multiplier, non-elemental, self-haste + burst mode. In burst mode, attack does 2x AoE's, defend does 4x single-target attacks. Debuts in The Lone Wolf's Lament banner 1(after 17 for SSB).

    I do plan on updating this during my lunch break today. Do a few more events, see if things got translated. Also, it'd be helpful if I knew what was ranged and what wasn't. I have a sneaking suspicion they're all ranged (is there such a thing as a non-ranged magic attack?).

    It would also be helpful to know what counts as Wall.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chen View Post
    In all circumstances it will at best be equal to Tidus' or Squall's but usually one of those will be better. It's nice if you happen to need another one though (at least until we get Ramza's which is the same as Tidus').

    Mutual followers can't get kicked off by new people but that's about it. If your not pleased with your RW choices go through who you're following and cull it down a bit. I do it every now and then and it helps out. Also going through your followers every now and then can get some nice surprises like more Advance RW and such.
    Huh. I had no clue it kicked inactive followers.
    Last edited by danzibr; 2016-01-29 at 11:48 AM.
    My one and only handbook: My Totemist Handbook
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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  2. - Top - End - #692
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
    It would also be helpful to know what counts as Wall.
    I don't think there's any besides Sentinel Grimoire and Thyrus. P.Cecil's is the same buff ID with significantly lower values.

    Huh. I had no clue it kicked inactive followers.
    I have no idea how it kicks people. It kicks off people who aren't mutual followers. Not sure it it does so by activity date, by when the person followed you or if it's just completely random.

  3. - Top - End - #693
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Chen View Post
    I have no idea how it kicks people. It kicks off people who aren't mutual followers. Not sure it it does so by activity date, by when the person followed you or if it's just completely random.
    I don't think it kicks off anyone until your Follower count reaches 100, then kicks someone off everytime you get a new Follower so you never get above 100. Why there's a limit in the first place is beyond me.

  4. - Top - End - #694
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    Keep in mind Steiner's MC2 comes with a pretty boss RM: Significantly boost soul gauge when using abilities or taking damage.
    Ugh, really? I don't have anyone I LIKE that's used their MC2 yet,much less someone I don't. I guess I'll have to try though.
    "And if you don't, the consequences will be dire!"
    "What? They'll have three extra hit dice and a rend attack?"

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  5. - Top - End - #695
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter Noventa View Post
    Ugh, really? I don't have anyone I LIKE that's used their MC2 yet,much less someone I don't. I guess I'll have to try though.
    Steiner's is +25% increase to SB meter from attacking and +25% for taking damage
    Tidus' is +50% increase to SB meter from attacking
    Squall's is +50% increase to SB meter from taking damage

    Even Tidus' + lifesiphon isn't the best for sustained damage unless you're using an SSB (it is still good for burst with any multi-hit SSB). I don't think Steiner's one is critical to have unless you're rolling in good SB or SSB relics and want to make an SB spamming team.

  6. - Top - End - #696
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Chen View Post
    I don't think there's any besides Sentinel Grimoire and Thyrus. P.Cecil's is the same buff ID with significantly lower values.
    That's quite disappointing. Eh well.

    Here's a few more. Have up to but no including the Vincent event. Anyone know if these are ranged?
    Spoiler: Updated SSB and BSSB info

    Spoiler: SSB

    1) Cloud's Organics, teaches Blade Beam, +10 attack. 3 ranged physical AoE's, ? multiplier, non-elemental. Debuted in lost Memories. Reappeared in VoM phase 2. Will reappear in The Lone Wolf's Lament banner 2.
    2) Squall's Cutting Trigger, teaches Blasting Zone, +10 attack. 4 ranged physical single-target attacks, ? multiplier, non-elemental. Debuted in Gunblade of the Sorceress. Reappeared in VoM phase 5. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 3.
    3) Sephiroth's Yoshiyuki, teaches Black Materia, +10 attack. 4 ranged physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, chance for Sap. Debuted in Blood Madness. Reappeared in Hidden Resolve. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 5.
    4) Rinoa's Cardinal, teaches Wishing Star, +10 magic. 5 random magic single-target attacks, 15 multiplier, non-elemental. Debuted in VoM phase 1. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 2, and A Meeting Beyond Time banner 2.
    5) Tidus's Force Sabre, teaches Jecht Shot, +10 attack. 3 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.89 multiplier, water. Debuted in VoM phase 3. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 4.
    6) Tyro's Last Judgment Grimoire, teaches Last Judgment Grimoire, +10 attack. 3 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, earth. Debuted in VoM phase 4.
    7) Pally Cecil's Lustrous Sword, teaches Saint's Fall, +300 hp. 3 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.89 multiplier, holy. Debuted in VoM phase 5. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 5.
    8) Lightning's Peacemaker, teaches Crushing Blow, +10 attack. 5 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6.5 multiplier, lightning. Debuted in Fang's Oath. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 1.
    Then we have 2 events with no SSB's at all.
    9) Terra's Maduin's Horn, teaches Magitek Missile, +10 magic. 10 (ranged?) magical single-target attacks, 18 multiplier, non-elemental. Will debut in Forgotten Bond. Will reappear in Orbfest 3 phase 3. Will reappear in Miracle Artist banner 2.
    10) Bartz's Excalibur, teaches ???, +10 attack. 5 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.9 multiplier, non-elemental, all allies def + 50%. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 1.
    11) Aerith's Wizard Rod, teaches ???, +10 mind. All allies heal & Reraise (40% hp). Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 1.
    12) Lulu's Run Mog (?), teaches ???, +10 magic. 8 (ranged?) random magic single-target attacks, 17.92 multiplier, ice. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 2. Will reappear in The Eternal Calm banner 2.
    13) Vivi's Mace of Zeus (?), teaches ???, +10 magic. 4 (ranged?) magic AoE's, 14.24 multiplier, dark. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 2. Will reappear in A Summoner Reborn banner 2.
    14) Locke's Valiant Knife, teaches ???, +10 attack. 8 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 8 multiplier (up to 14.4 when low on health), non-elemental. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 3.
    15) Vanille's Medic Staff, teaches ???, +10 mind. All allies heal & restore 1 ability use at random. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 4.
    16) Hope's Hawkeye, teaches ???, +10 magic. 8 (ranged?) magic single-target attacks, 17.92 multiplier, holy. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 4.
    17) The Mighty Gilgamesh's ???, teaches ???, +10 defense. 3 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, all allies heavy Regen. Will debut in Orbfest 3 phase 5.
    18) Red XIII's Magic Comb, teaches Stardust Ray, +10 attack. 10 (ranged?) random physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, Shellga. Will debut in The Lone Wolf's lament banner 1.
    19) Tifa's Master Fist, teaches Dolphin Blow, +10 attack. 4 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 8 multiplier, self attack + 50%. Will debut in The Lone Wolf's Lament banner 2.
    20) Laguna's Machine Gun, teaches Desperado, +10 attack. 6 ranged physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, Slow (100%). Will debut in A Meeting Beyond Time banner 1.
    21) Selphie's Crescent Wish, teaches Dreamstage, +10 mind. All allies heal + magic blink. Will debut in A Meeting Beyond Time banner 1.
    22) Quistis's Red Scorpion, teaches Mighty Guard, +10 magic. Hastega + Shellga + heavy Regenga (UNNNGHHHHHHAAAA). Will debut in A Meeting Beyond Time banner 2.
    23) Zidane's Orichalcum, teaches Shift Break, +10 attack. 4 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, -50% attack, +50% self attack. Will debut in A Summoner Reborn banner 1.
    24) Eiko's Fairy Flute, teaches Flames of Rebirth, +10 mind. All allies, heal + Reraise (40% hp). Will debut in A Summoner Reborn banner 1.
    25) Garnet's Wizard Rod, teaches Divine Guardian, +10 magic. Hastega + heavy Regenga + res +50% (it's like a not as good Mighty Guard). Will debut in A Summoner Reborn banner 2.
    26) Firion's Rod of Arms (?), teaches ???, +10 attack. 5 (ranged?) physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, Blind (100%). Will debut in The Prophet banner 1.
    27) Minwu's ???, teaches ???, +10 mind. All allies heal, no cast time (wtf Minwu). Will debut in The Prophet banner 1.
    28) Maria's Sander 16 (?), teaches ???, +10 magic. 4 magic AoE's, 14.4 multiplier, lightning, all allies magic + 20%. Will debut in The Prophet banner 2. It's a bow, btw.
    29) Leon's ???, teaches ???, +10 defense. 3 (ranged?) physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, dark, self-sentinel (whatever that means, maybe Protect + Shell). Will debut in The Prophet banner 2. It's not a bow, damnit, on like the only knight who can use bows.
    30) Ramza's ???, teaches ???, +10 attack. All allies, Haste and attack + 50%. Will debut in Chronicles of the Hidden Hero.
    31) Agrias's ???, teaches ???, +10 attack. 4 physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, chance to Silence and Paralyze. Will debut in Chronicles of the Hidden Hero.
    32) Wakka's ???, teaches ???, +10 attack. 4 physical AoE's, 6 multiplier, non-elemental, 100% chance to Blind and Poison. Will debut in The Eternal Calm banner 1.
    33) Auron's ???, teaches ???, +10 attack. 5 physical single-target attacks, 7.8 multiplier, non-elemental, enemy attack and defense -50%. Will debut in The Eternal Calm banner 2.
    34) Relm's ???, teaches ???, +10 mind. All allies heal and heavy Regen. Will debut in Miracle Artist banner 1.
    35) Shadow's Shadow Fang (?), teaches ???, +10 attack. 8 physical single-target attacks, 7.2 multiplier, non-elemental, self-Blink II. Will debut in Miracle Artist banner 1.
    36) Celes's ???, teaches ???, +10 attack. 5 physical single-target attacks, 7.9 multiplier, self-Runic (WM and BM). Will debut in Miracle Artist banner 2.

    Are any of them not ranged?

    Of note, I see Cloud's Organics and Tyro's Last Judgment Grimoire will *not* be coming back in Orbfest 3. I'm disappointed with the former, and couldn't care less about the latter.

    Spoiler: BSSB

    1) Cloud's 1st Fusion Sword, teaches Fenrir Overdrive, +10 attack. 8 (ranged?) random physical single-target attacks, 8 multiplier, non-elemental, self-Haste + burst mode. In burst mode, attack does 2x AoE's, defend does 4x single-target attacks. Will debut in The Lone Wolf's Lament banner 1 (after 17 for SSB).
    2) Yuna's Quick Trigger (?), teaches ???, +10 mind. 10 magic single-target attacks, 18 multiplier, non-elemental, self-Haste + burst mode. In burst mode, attack becomes 2 AoE attacks, defend becomes AoE heal. Will debut in The Eternal Calm banner 1 (after 31 for SSB).

    My one and only handbook: My Totemist Handbook
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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  7. - Top - End - #697
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    From what it seems, the most likely names for some of the SSBs will be:
    Spoiler: Potential names in Bold
    Lulu's Run Mog (?): Blizzaga Fury
    Vivi's Mace of Zeus (?): Doomsday
    Ramza's Platinum Sword: Scream
    Agrias's Defender: Heavenly Thunder

    Had to write the kana for the last ones, but it made sense in the end. These are moves based on the game, and I'm using the actual translation, so it shouldn't be difficult to figure out.
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    On Lawful Good:
    Quote Originally Posted by firebrandtoluc View Post
    My friend is currently playing a paladin. It's way outside his normal zone. I told him to try to channel Santa Claus, Mr. Rogers, and Kermit the Frog. Until someone refuses to try to get off the naughty list. Then become Optimus Prime.
    T.G. Oskar profile by Specter.

  8. - Top - End - #698
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    WHAT THE #*&%!?!?!?!?

    Lunar Subterrane, Part 3 is the worst dungeon ever. Awful. Like, in any game I've ever played. Dreadful. Boss is 2 undead dragon things that KEEP SPAMMING BAD BREATH. Over and over. It was absolutely terrible.

    EDIT: Oh, and Thanks T.G.
    Last edited by danzibr; 2016-01-29 at 11:13 PM.
    My one and only handbook: My Totemist Handbook
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
    ゙(゚、 。 7
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  9. - Top - End - #699
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Decided to do an 11-pull on the 1st FFIX banner, telling the RNGods that I'd do only ONE pull. ONE.

    Obviously, they still decided the Ultima Sword and the Save the Queen were TOO good for me, so they gave me none...but I still got a 5* - the Power Sash, a Light Armor with shared Protectga SB. That means I have one heavy armor and one light armor that offer Protectga...just when I decided that I'd raise Protectga to R2.

    I can safely say I can deal with Protect pretty easily, now. Have to do something about Shellga, though. Also - 30 Mythril for next event I have interest in (most likely the FFVI banner with Terra's SSB Relic?)

    Oh yeah...and another Power Glove and a Crystal Bangle as interesting 4* items. I can turn the Power Glove into a 5*, meaning...I have a decent weapon for Snow? Eh...
    Retooler of D&D 3.5 (and 5e/Next) content. See here for more.
    Now with a comprehensive guide for 3.5 Paladin players porting to Pathfinder. Also available for 5th Edition
    On Lawful Good:
    Quote Originally Posted by firebrandtoluc View Post
    My friend is currently playing a paladin. It's way outside his normal zone. I told him to try to channel Santa Claus, Mr. Rogers, and Kermit the Frog. Until someone refuses to try to get off the naughty list. Then become Optimus Prime.
    T.G. Oskar profile by Specter.

  10. - Top - End - #700
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    I've been compulsively calculating my mithral target for Orbfest 3. I want 250 mithril, and am at 157.

    Kungbakpoa seems to suggest that Orbfest will be around Feb 20th and that we'll have 4-5 events before that. If there is a more reliable source, let me know.

    I need 93 mithril.
    I get:
    10 per event= 40 I hope.
    13 per 10 days= 26
    Winter gift #3=5
    Dungeon update (just one before, I am think)=5
    Total is 76 mithril.

    Which would mean I need to clear 17 elite dungeons in the next 20 days. That seems a bit high, but really it's just one a day. So I guess that isn't too bad. I'm just worried about hitting a difficulty spike.

    Obviously this is just my conservative (read paranoid) estimate. It's even better every day Orbfest is late. And it's not counting the mithril from Orbfest itself (if there is any).

    How's the math? Any fine tuning?

  11. - Top - End - #701
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Forbiddenwar View Post
    I've been compulsively calculating my mithral target for Orbfest 3. I want 250 mithril, and am at 157.

    Kungbakpoa seems to suggest that Orbfest will be around Feb 20th and that we'll have 4-5 events before that. If there is a more reliable source, let me know.

    I need 93 mithril.
    I get:
    10 per event= 40 I hope.
    13 per 10 days= 26
    Winter gift #3=5
    Dungeon update (just one before, I am think)=5
    Total is 76 mithril.

    Which would mean I need to clear 17 elite dungeons in the next 20 days. That seems a bit high, but really it's just one a day. So I guess that isn't too bad. I'm just worried about hitting a difficulty spike.

    Obviously this is just my conservative (read paranoid) estimate. It's even better every day Orbfest is late. And it's not counting the mithril from Orbfest itself (if there is any).

    How's the math? Any fine tuning?
    You are golden, my friend. We get 5 per phase from Orbfest, so 25. Also, each phase lasts 3 days, adding to the daily count, and it lasts long enough that we should see another event.
    My one and only handbook: My Totemist Handbook
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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  12. - Top - End - #702
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
    WHAT THE #*&%!?!?!?!?

    Lunar Subterrane, Part 3 is the worst dungeon ever. Awful. Like, in any game I've ever played. Dreadful. Boss is 2 undead dragon things that KEEP SPAMMING BAD BREATH. Over and over. It was absolutely terrible.
    You think that's bad, wait until you reach FFVI's Dreamscape, Pt 2. The most common enemy spams Diabolic Whistle, which targets your entire party with Doom, Confuse, Poison, Slow, and Blind with good accuracy, and then tends to use area-effect magic damage.

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    So I've pretty much given up on this game. I just can't take the "hurry up and wait" mobile game gameplay for long periods of time.

    On the bright side, the baby seems to enjoy playing with it and I get to listen to kickass Final Fantasy music while he does. So that's win/win. At least until he buys a bunch of gems on accident.

  14. - Top - End - #704
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
    So I've pretty much given up on this game. I just can't take the "hurry up and wait" mobile game gameplay for long periods of time.
    Sorry to hear that. Fact is, it's how a lot of mobile games run nowadays, although FFRK tends to be a bit gentler, I find, in that the recovery rate is pretty reasonable.

    In any event, let's discuss the event! Bonus battles are coming, and it's time to prepare! Here's what to expect:
    • +: Boss Rush. Three fights. Good news, none require a specific character, so bring whomever you like. Bad news, each requires a different element, so be sure to bring them all. Victory gets you Banish Raid, an ability that makes Knights extremely valuable.
      1. Antlion. Don't get KO'd, and use Ice. Note that he absorbs Water. This is a fairly straightforward IX fight - he's got some magical abilities, and he counters physical attacks, so Retaliate or magic-heavy combat will do the job.
      2. Tantarian. Don't get KO'd, and use Fire. Don't let him hide for too long, because his Paper Storm can do some damage. Deal just the right amount to reveal him, then nuke him to the ground. He's vulnerable to Slow, which will leave him exposed to your attacks for a longer period.
      3. Ark. Don't get KO'd, and use Wind. He has four attacks; Boomerang deals heavy AoE physical damage, but can be mitigated with Blind; Propeller Wind confuses the party; Whirlwind deals heavy AoE magic damage, but can be mitigated with Magic Breakdown/Shellga; and Photon drops a target's HP to 1, which can be devastating if followed by an AoE. Burn him down fast to win.
    • ++: Valia Pira. Don't get KO'd, don't let Steiner get KO'd, and use Banish Raid. You know, that ability you just got. Valia Pira gets more powerful for every non-IX character in your party. Thus, bring a full IX party to see Valia Pira at its weakest. If it is at its weakest, it is vulnerable to Wind, immune to Earth, and susceptible to Slow, Blind, Sleep, and Sap. Further, it only uses AoE Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga, and Reflect. Facing it with a full IX party means that its damage is easily mitigated (Shellga, Magic Breakdown, and Full Break should reduce it to minimal amounts). Victory gets you Steiner's MC2.
    • +++: Meltigemini. Don't get KO'd, use Fire damage, use Holy damage. Remember that WoL's RM lets your Attacks deal Holy damage, so if you don't want to spend a slot on Diaga, bring that. He has only three attacks, one of which deals no damage on its own (but Saps the party), one of which (Wings) deals physical AoE damage, and two of which deal poison damage (single-target or AoE). He is vulnerable to Blind, which can trivialize Wings, and to Sap, which can speed up the battle. Between Blinding him to reduce damage from Wings, and your typical magic damage mitigation routine, this should be a very manageable fight. And look - a +++ battle that doesn't just give you more orbs! Victory gets you Armor Strike, which you will absolutely use...
    • U: Beatrix. ... right now! Beatrix's medal requirements are peculiar: defeat her before she uses Climhazzard three times, hit her with Holy damage, and hit her with Armor Strike. That's right, "Don't get KO'd" is not a medal requirement. Queen Bea has no elemental vulnerabilities, but she is vulnerable to Sap, which could speed up combat nicely. Her battle is designed around melee combat - she uses Reflect and Silence, which can really frustrate your casters, and an arsenal of physical attacks. Beatrix goes through four phases - normal, weak (75-80% health), very weak (50% health), and critical (40% health). When she hits Weak status, she starts using Climhazzard - in fact, the use of it marks her transition - which deals proportionate AoE physical damage. When she hits Very Weak status, she will start using Stock Break, which deals AoE damage and inflicts Sap. She also starts to use Holy, which deals massive single-target magical Holy damage - and, because it's Mind-based, Magic Breakdown will not mitigate it (but Shellga or a wall will). One proposed party involves everyone using Retaliate, because any physical ability can be negated (although not all trigger a counter). How you do it is up to you. Victory gets you the Coral Ring, Mastery gets you MPOs and MHOs.
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Friv View Post
    You think that's bad, wait until you reach FFVI's Dreamscape, Pt 2. The most common enemy spams Diabolic Whistle, which targets your entire party with Doom, Confuse, Poison, Slow, and Blind with good accuracy, and then tends to use area-effect magic damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
    So I've pretty much given up on this game. I just can't take the "hurry up and wait" mobile game gameplay for long periods of time.

    On the bright side, the baby seems to enjoy playing with it and I get to listen to kickass Final Fantasy music while he does. So that's win/win. At least until he buys a bunch of gems on accident.
    Also sorry to hear. I like the stamina system: keeps me from playing too much.
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
    I didn't realize she inflicted Sap. Makes the pure Reta party less appealing. I mean, if I have any chance that's probably what I'll try.
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post

    Also sorry to hear. I like the stamina system: keeps me from playing too much.
    The problem is that with my job I'll have long periods of free time followed by long periods of absolutely no time at all. I can't pull my phone out just because the stamina bar happens to be full at that time. I do like the game, and would probably pay for a full copy that removed the stamina system, but I can't justify paying for micro transactions.

    On the bright side, I get a noise maker that's vastly superior to typical baby games, and it also nostalgia'd me into playing some of the older games which I enjoyed.
    Last edited by Anteros; 2016-01-30 at 08:22 PM.

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
    The problem is that with my job I'll have long periods of free time followed by long periods of absolutely no time at all. I can't pull my phone out just because the stamina bar happens to be full at that time. I do like the game, and would probably pay for a full copy that removed the stamina system, but I can't justify paying for micro transactions.

    On the bright side, I get a noise maker that's vastly superior to typical baby games, and it also nostalgia'd me into playing some of the older games which I enjoyed.
    Ahh, I see. Yeah, for me I go from ~7:15 am to ~3:15 pm every weekday without playing. And have since I started. Now that I have a lot of stamina it's not a big deal, but early on it felt like I was wasting a ton. But... it also didn't matter very much.

    And I feel ya about the nostalgia. I have a strong hankering to play IV (it's been the longest since I played that one, despite being one of my favorites).
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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  18. - Top - End - #708
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    I'm not touching the Bonus Battles after Earth Guardian was one-shotting my strongest characters before any mitigation was up. I know you need mitigation, but one-shotting my level 62 Cloud before i can even act? that's just terrible.
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter Noventa View Post
    I'm not touching the Bonus Battles after Earth Guardian was one-shotting my strongest characters before any mitigation was up. I know you need mitigation, but one-shotting my level 62 Cloud before i can even act? that's just terrible.

    Well, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling really good about the event right now. Not only did I just master the +, ++, and +++ battles, but in bringing Steiner to the +++, I also got his excellent RM, Knight's Charge.

    Granted, UBea is still going to beat me like I owe her money, but for now, it's a good feeling.
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Boss rush is done. I would have the ++ battle done but I forgot to bring Banish Raid going in so I quit the fight. Now I'm waiting for stamina to refill.

    Party for boss rush:
    65 Steiner - Aero Strike, Fira Strike, Hunger of Qu RM
    51 Quina - Full Break, Magic Breakdown, Mighty Guard SB, Dr Mog Teaching RM
    51 Beatrix - Armor Break, Renewing Cure, Medica SB, Cold Steel RM
    65 Vivi - Firaga R3, Blizzaga R3, Witch of Ascenscion RM
    51 Eiko - Curaga, Diaga, Fenrir SB, Medica SB, Haste RM
    RW: Stoneskin

    Strategy - Antlion was straightforward. Mitigation plus ice attacks, didn't bother renewing mitigation or using a RW or Full Break.

    Tantarian is his usual annoying self. Mitigation to make sure Corner and Paper Storm don't murder your party. Once he's exposed he's pretty harmless only poisoning your party. Got him about 80% down before he retreated back into the book. Interestingly enough. A mistimed Diaga doing 9999 damage brought him immediately back and I finished him off.

    I just finished the Elite version of Ark in the dungeon, and he was much harder. Ark never even used Propeller Wind which would have made things really tough. Ark got a Whirlwind in before mitigation went up and did significant damage, but some Medica SBs took care of the damage. After that things went predictably and Ark could do enough damage through mitigation to matter.

    I don't expect the ++ boss to be much of a challenge with this party. I'll replace Fira Strike with Banish Raid, give Vivi Ruinga and Meteor to ignore Reflect, and go from there.

  21. - Top - End - #711
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    I don't expect the ++ boss to be much of a challenge with this party. I'll replace Fira Strike with Banish Raid, give Vivi Ruinga and Meteor to ignore Reflect, and go from there.
    Why bother? Banish Raid dispels Reflect. And pretty much anything else. I brought Waterja (for damage) and Ruinga (to bypass Reflect), just to be sure. After I dispelled Reflect once, he didn't bother to bring it up again.

    That said, his spells did hit harder than I anticipated. I got mastery, but it probably would have been easier had I brought a wall RW instead of a damage RW. So keep that in mind.
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  22. - Top - End - #712
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    Boss rush is done. I would have the ++ battle done but I forgot to bring Banish Raid going in so I quit the fight. Now I'm waiting for stamina to refill.

    Party for boss rush:
    65 Steiner - Aero Strike, Fira Strike, Hunger of Qu RM
    51 Quina - Full Break, Magic Breakdown, Mighty Guard SB, Dr Mog Teaching RM
    51 Beatrix - Armor Break, Renewing Cure, Medica SB, Cold Steel RM
    65 Vivi - Firaga R3, Blizzaga R3, Witch of Ascenscion RM
    51 Eiko - Curaga, Diaga, Fenrir SB, Medica SB, Haste RM
    RW: Stoneskin

    Strategy - Antlion was straightforward. Mitigation plus ice attacks, didn't bother renewing mitigation or using a RW or Full Break.

    Tantarian is his usual annoying self. Mitigation to make sure Corner and Paper Storm don't murder your party. Once he's exposed he's pretty harmless only poisoning your party. Got him about 80% down before he retreated back into the book. Interestingly enough. A mistimed Diaga doing 9999 damage brought him immediately back and I finished him off.

    I just finished the Elite version of Ark in the dungeon, and he was much harder. Ark never even used Propeller Wind which would have made things really tough. Ark got a Whirlwind in before mitigation went up and did significant damage, but some Medica SBs took care of the damage. After that things went predictably and Ark could do enough damage through mitigation to matter.

    I don't expect the ++ boss to be much of a challenge with this party. I'll replace Fira Strike with Banish Raid, give Vivi Ruinga and Meteor to ignore Reflect, and go from there.
    My party was radically different. My IX party is pretty weaksauce, so I brought in 80 Squall, high 70's Lenna, mid 70's Wakka, low 60's Lightning, 80 Cloud. Put Wizard Armlet on Squall for the ice damage shared SB, with Mog's Teaching. I found it comical.

    The ++ battle, yeah, that's going to wait until after tomorrow. My Steiner should be mid 50's, I hope. Going to level him, Ashe, maybe Wakka and Aerith, and some scrub. Yeah, I'm still doing 5 >.>

    Oh, in other news, I've been clearing a lot of core content. I'm having a blast. Before Orbfest 2 I wore myself out getting my stamina as high as possible, now I'm picking and choosing dungeons based on difficulty, stamina, and MC's. I was struggling with some IX elites, then brought out the ol' A team and started dominating. Minor modifications each time, lots of fun.

    Oh, also (is anyone still reading? I tend to ramble), I'm up to 412 mythril, I think. 88 more before the end of Orbfest 3. I'm really hoping to have a few extra to spend on stamina refills during the Power Orb phase. But then again... the debut of BSSB's is shortly after, and Quistis's whip is shortly after that. Need so much mythril. Ugh.
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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  23. - Top - End - #713
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    This was the easiest boss rush I've faced in this game since I started playing in early November. First time I didn't have to spend mythril at the last boss. Didn't even have to bring Shield Grimoire until the third fight.

    Party was

    Zidane at 53, with steal power R2 and Wind Slash R4, Haste RM, Scoop sword and 373 atm.
    Rydia 53, Blizaga/Waterga at R3, Regen at low HP RM, 273 Mag.
    Steiner 51, Draw Fire R4, Aerora Strike R3, 245 atk, 273 def, Sacred duty RM, using a 3*++ Hauberk.
    Garnet 51, Curaga R4/Shellga R1, Oath of Tycoon RM.
    Lulu 57, Blizaga/Curaga R3, Atunnement 2 RM.
    Shield Grimoire RW.

    The only warning I make is that the second boss is more annoying than dangerous, but he poisons your team, so if you aren't spending mythril, you risk on the following battle the chance of eating a photon lance on the face of a poisoned character, and losing him immediately.

    Steiner was hitting for about 4,5k per Aerora Strike, Zidane with Wind Slash was doing about 8k, or damage cap with steal power. Draw Fire was very effective mitigating along with Steal Power.

    I wonder if Armor Strike gets empowered by the defense increase from Draw Fire. That will make physical bosses a lot more easier to manage.

    Also, does Steiner default SB accumulates with Protect? Steiner's seems to be a custom effect, like boost, and increase def by 1.5x. If it works with the def increase from Draw Fire or protect, that can be a pretty impressive damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mewtarthio View Post
    Now you have me picturing someone using a Pretentious Fantasy Sword of Destiny for mundane tasks.

    "It is called Chirodin, Blade of Eternity! It was forged in the heart of the sun by the god Dathir, using the moon as a hammer and the corpse of Turtaris, Mother of All Dragons, as an anvil. No physical barrier can divert its blow, for it always goes exactly where its wielder wills it. So, as you can imagine, it cuts simply amazing flank steaks!"

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayn82 View Post
    Also, does Steiner default SB accumulates with Protect? Steiner's seems to be a custom effect, like boost, and increase def by 1.5x. If it works with the def increase from Draw Fire or protect, that can be a pretty impressive damage.
    Protect is buff ID # 207. Steiner's default SB, Knight Shield, is # 604, same as Armor Break. The important distinction is that spells like Shell and Protect are distinct from ordinary bonuses/penalties to Defense or Resistance, and thus generally stack with them.

    As an aside, Draw Fire is ID # 522. To my knowledge, the only ability that shares that number is the shared SB from Crystal Mail, Provoke - which is basically just Draw Fire.

    In other news: For those of you who are worried about UBea, here's something to cheer you up. First try, I got mastery! Lost one medal to actions taken, two to damage taken, but that's still enough to keep mastery! Here's how it played out. First, my team:
    • Cloud 68: Retaliate R5, Tempo Flurry R5. Untapped Power RM (Attack increases as HP drops).
    • Gilgamesh 65: Retaliate R2, Armor Strike R1. Light's Wrath RM (Attack deals Holy damage).
    • Sephiroth 65: Retaliate R2, Double Cut R5. Sky Pirate's Pride RM (Auto-Haste).
    • Auron 60: Retaliate R2, Double Cut R5. Zeal RM (Auto-Haste).
    • Tyro 67: Retaliate R2, Boost R5. Double Hit RM.
    • RW: Luneth (Advance).

    Here's what happened. She opens with Reflect, which gives my team time to set up defenses - Retaliates all around, Boost and Advance on Cloud. Gil drops one Armor Strike and one direct attack, and thereafter he - like everyone else - wails on Cloud. Retaliates refreshed every 20% of health or so. She hits with a Climhazzard and drops everyone to 1 HP, but other than that, all of her physical attacks are mitigated. The party keeps wailing on Cloud, who carves through her health like a hot knife through butter, periodically throwing out a Tempo Flurry just to be cruel. She used one ability - think it was either Holy or Thunder Slash - that ended up killing Tyro. But since there's no "Don't get KO'd" requirement, and one KO doesn't cost you a medal, it was no major loss, and I ended up clearing the fight.

    Now that we have orb exchange, it's appallingly easy to craft a slew of low-level abilities. With the exception of Cloud, who had Retaliate R5, everyone else had Retaliate R2, which is dirt cheap to make. And I already had two max-rank Double Cuts sitting around, so that was easy enough.

    There is some luck to it. If she had spammed Holy more, I'd have been in trouble. But she stuck exclusively (with one exception) to physical attacks, which I could negate. And she only used Climhazzard twice. Overall, thanks to this particular strategy, it was extremely manageable.

    I suppose I could have tried a non-Retaliate strategy. Maybe even used most or all of an IX party. But I wanted to win. And I did.

    And now I can enjoy level-grinding tomorrow.
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    I Mastered the Boss Rush, Valia Pira, and Meltigemini fights. No casualties, though Meltman (WITH THE POWER... TO MEEEELT!) came close. As an aside, has anybody switched up to Curaja?
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    It's like around here; free 2-day shipping on all orders no matter how trivial.
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    Tyro: Pie jesu domine smacks book against forehead Dona eis requiem

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Been a busy week at work so I haven't been on much. From several pages back I'm currently at 146 Stamina. Mainly focused on clearing elites between 110-120 when I'm not doing events. Just cleared the boss rush and waiting on another 4 stamina to knock out the ++ before bed and get Steiner's MC2.

  27. - Top - End - #717
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    For those of you who have done, or are going to do the ++ battle, did you bring all IX characters, or did you just use your standard A team set-up? I'm hesitant to switch in IX chars except Vivi and the obvious Steiner(since he's required for medal req) because of the ones leveled, none are past 50, compared to my usual A team which is maxed/almost maxed.

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
    • Cloud 68: Retaliate R5, Tempo Flurry R5. Untapped Power RM (Attack increases as HP drops).
    • Gilgamesh 65: Retaliate R2, Armor Strike R1. Light's Wrath RM (Attack deals Holy damage).
    • Sephiroth 65: Retaliate R2, Double Cut R5. Sky Pirate's Pride RM (Auto-Haste).
    • Auron 60: Retaliate R2, Double Cut R5. Zeal RM (Auto-Haste).
    • Tyro 67: Retaliate R2, Boost R5. Double Hit RM.
    • RW: Luneth (Advance).
    Think I'll copy this. Thanks!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jurai View Post
    I Mastered the Boss Rush, Valia Pira, and Meltigemini fights. No casualties, though Meltman (WITH THE POWER... TO MEEEELT!) came close. As an aside, has anybody switched up to Curaja?
    Yup, I switched to Curaja a little bit ago. With multiple people at or near 80, Curaga just wasn't cutting it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Simkin View Post
    Been a busy week at work so I haven't been on much. From several pages back I'm currently at 146 Stamina. Mainly focused on clearing elites between 110-120 when I'm not doing events. Just cleared the boss rush and waiting on another 4 stamina to knock out the ++ before bed and get Steiner's MC2.
    'Das nice. Well, not the busy much, but the 146 stam. Me, I'm going to hit 139 today (got to 4/5 in prep for the exp daily :) ).
    Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
    For those of you who have done, or are going to do the ++ battle, did you bring all IX characters, or did you just use your standard A team set-up? I'm hesitant to switch in IX chars except Vivi and the obvious Steiner(since he's required for medal req) because of the ones leveled, none are past 50, compared to my usual A team which is maxed/almost maxed.
    I haven't done it yet, but my plan involves leveling Steiner today....

    Whoa, hold on. I just checked kongbakpao. With just 1 IX member in your team, the full mage party + Sleep strategy works. Yeah, I'll be doing that. Vivi, Lulu, Rinoa, Terra, Rydia. Yeah, sounds good.

    There's no difference between having 1 and 2 non-IX members. I was going to bring Cloud and probably Wakka and go Retaliate, but mage party sounds funner.

    EDIT: Looking at the +++ fight, I might bring Yuffie for Sap. And someone with high mind who can use Darkga (that matters for duration, right?).

    EDIT EDIT: Oh wait, looking at the medal requirements, need Steiner. Damn.
    Last edited by danzibr; 2016-01-31 at 08:31 AM.
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    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
    For those of you who have done, or are going to do the ++ battle, did you bring all IX characters, or did you just use your standard A team set-up? I'm hesitant to switch in IX chars except Vivi and the obvious Steiner(since he's required for medal req) because of the ones leveled, none are past 50, compared to my usual A team which is maxed/almost maxed.
    I used Steiner, Zidane, Quina, Vivi, and Eiko. As long as you have the tools to mitigate the AoE spells, you can handle whatever it throws at you. The only things I really suggest as "required" are, in order of priority: (1) Steiner, for the medal requirement, for Banish Raid, and for Aerora Strike (it has a Wind vulnerability); (2) magic mitigation; and (3) a Celerity user (e.g. Zidane) for Tempo Flurry (it's susceptible to Slow) and Wind Slash.

    That said...

    Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
    Whoa, hold on. I just checked kongbakpao. With just 1 IX member in your team, the full mage party + Sleep strategy works. Yeah, I'll be doing that. Vivi, Lulu, Rinoa, Terra, Rydia. Yeah, sounds good.

    There's no difference between having 1 and 2 non-IX members. I was going to bring Cloud and probably Wakka and go Retaliate, but mage party sounds funner.
    If you bring at least one IX party member, the boss won't have immunity to all elements, which is a good thing. If you bring at least three, it won't use Holy or Flare. And if you bring a full IX party, it won't use Stop or Sap. Although, frankly, any turn in which it uses Stop or Sap is one in which it won't use an AoE spell.

    So yeah, bringing 1-2 non-IX party members isn't terrible. Bringing Vivi, two non-IX BLMs, Eiko, and Steiner is manageable.

    EDIT: Looking at the +++ fight, I might bring Yuffie for Sap. And someone with high mind who can use Darkga (that matters for duration, right?).
    Blindga, not Darkga. Darkga deals Dark damage, which he resists. And actually, I just had Zidane use Dark Buster.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper III: Cloud of Darkness... or FF7

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
    If you bring at least one IX party member, the boss won't have immunity to all elements, which is a good thing. If you bring at least three, it won't use Holy or Flare. And if you bring a full IX party, it won't use Stop or Sap. Although, frankly, any turn in which it uses Stop or Sap is one in which it won't use an AoE spell.

    So yeah, bringing 1-2 non-IX party members isn't terrible. Bringing Vivi, two non-IX BLMs, Eiko, and Steiner is manageable.

    Blindga, not Darkga. Darkga deals Dark damage, which he resists. And actually, I just had Zidane use Dark Buster.
    o rite

    Oooh, Zidane, that's a good choice.
    My one and only handbook: My Totemist Handbook
    My one and only homebrew: Book of Flux
    A comment on tiers, by Prime32
    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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