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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    The guards piled into the room as soon as the door was opened. You get the impression they had been trying to force the door during this intervening time.

    Wander and Buddies squadrons move to help the wounded. Their expertise lies more in hurting ponies than helping them, but theres a few ponies in the squads who know enough medicine to start triaging patients. You hear, as your hearing starts to return, Proper Process shriek with more force than a pony that age should, as one of the friendship patrol applies a tourniquet to her missing leg.

    Tree is dead, and that means your head botanist is gone. The department will need to appoint a replacement, or will you deal with that as Administrator? How much autonomy do you allow the various research teams?
    I sit, cradling Trees' body. She'd been a good pony, and a friend. And whoever had killed her was going to wish that they'd been drawn and quartered, because it would feel more merciful than what I had planned.

    As a general rule, each department has control over their appointments. The members of the department elect a head, and that head is submitted to me for approval. If I veto that appointment, they are removed from the pool of candidates and the department votes on a new successor. As a general rule, it works well to ensure that the person in charge is well-liked by the department (or adept at coercion, which is also a plus), and is someone I can handle when I need to deal with them.

    For now, though, I need to find out what's going on. I recognize that even with well-disciplined troops, there's going to be a mess in an emergency, so I'm doing my best to filter that out in order to figure things out.

    [Read a sitch: (2d6+2)[10] What is the true position of my enemy? What should I be on the lookout for? Holding 1.]
    Last edited by Balmas; 2016-07-04 at 06:16 PM.
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
    Currently, we're playing through New Vegas as Gabriel de la Cruz, merchant and mercenary extraordinaire!

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Prancer's scowl deepened as he watched Milliway clutch to Luminark.

    [I think you still get to ask a question here, but be prepared for the worst. possible. thing]
    [Apologies, was in 1.0 brain mode. Well Milliway is in complete instinctive flight mode so there's only really one thing on her mind; where's my best escape route?]
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    If you want to make it back in two minutes, while you're heavily bleeding, without incurring more harm. Then yes, I'd say that'd sound like an AUF?

    If you do so, also tell me the name of one other pony who you saw who was badly injured and who might not live if you took it slower.
    Absorbing Rod. He's lying in a pile of debris, and he hasn't so much as twitched since the dust settled. Whatever's wrong with him, odds are the goon squad isn't going to be able to help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    "You'll get a free upgrade to your car if you can get them here in two!"
    If he wasn't surrounded by the dead and dying, he could've kissed her right there. The Scrapscallion wiped the grime from his goggles and popped the stiffness from his neck.

    "Start counting!"

    And he was off. He backflipped onto the ruined table, somersaulted off a stunned guard's helmet, grabbed hold of the broken water pipe, and flung himself through the hole in the ceiling. No crowded hallways or maze-like corridors for him. You want to get someplace quick? You gotta be prepared to get dirty. Metaphorically speaking, in this case.

    [Rolling to Act Under Fire. 6 + 2 + 2 = 10]

    *Medical Wing, twenty-seven seconds later*

    The Scrapscallion came crashing down through the ceiling, landing right in the midst of a pack of startled doctors. "Explosion in the conference room!" He shouted before anypony could say a word. "We got dying ponies, people! MOVE!"

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    On the plus side, despite the visible cuts and blood dripping off you, you still look pretty slick. The blood doesn't seem to stick in your coat, and the blast didn't even touch your mane.

    Pretty pretty mane.

    Uh, anyway. You're off to the medical facilities. I expect you've been there a few times? What, with needing to be patched up after a run. What can you tell me about them and the ponies who work there? Are they state-of-the-art? Expansive? How will they cope with a mass-casualty situation like we have? Or are they primitive enough that you go elsewhere for your real medicine?
    Excuse me? Have you seen Milliway? You don't get cyberponies like that with a cut-rate basement chop-shop. No no, the Bunker is all about SCIENCE, and wouldn't you know it; ponies are packed full of the stuff. So long as there's been sharp objects, there's been scientists eager to take ponies apart and put them back together again. Chief among them is Clinical Trial. The only thing he likes more than healing ponies is learning something in the process. Which makes him awfully reluctant to go for the tried-and-true methods. Says we won't learn anything useful that way. I say 'give me the damn aspirin doc or I start chugging pills at random again.' That usually works.

    For this many casualties? Yeah, we should have the room. Totally. It's a pretty big bunker for the numbers we got. But lots of that room gets gobbled up by experiments, and the medical wing is going to have to do some serious pruning down to fit this many patients. Glad I don't have to deal with that tantrum waiting to happen.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2016-07-05 at 05:16 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Elanorin View Post
    [Apologies, was in 1.0 brain mode. Well Milliway is in complete instinctive flight mode so there's only really one thing on her mind; where's my best escape route?]
    Did you catch my answer to Luminark before? The answer to Milliway is about the same. The best way out is for either yourself or Luminark to give yourselves up for a good beating and ...

    Well, it looks like Prancer is about to make that decision for you.

    The earth pony really doesn't like the way you've been clinging to Luminark. After all, that pony is just the lap-dog of the Archmage, the go-fer. He doesn't deserve you. Not like Prancer does.

    He grabs you roughly away, determinedly dragging you towards the exit. Forced Smile seems surprised, but ends up just grinning at the younger pony's enthusiasm. Content to follow his subordinate's lead so long as one of you two ends up getting hurt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    I sit, cradling Trees' body. She'd been a good pony, and a friend. And whoever had killed her was going to wish that they'd been drawn and quartered, because it would feel more merciful than what I had planned.

    As a general rule, each department has control over their appointments. The members of the department elect a head, and that head is submitted to me for approval. If I veto that appointment, they are removed from the pool of candidates and the department votes on a new successor. As a general rule, it works well to ensure that the person in charge is well-liked by the department (or adept at coercion, which is also a plus), and is someone I can handle when I need to deal with them.

    For now, though, I need to find out what's going on. I recognize that even with well-disciplined troops, there's going to be a mess in an emergency, so I'm doing my best to filter that out in order to figure things out.

    [Read a sitch: [roll0] What is the true position of my enemy? What should I be on the lookout for? Holding 1.]
    Well, this isn't like an ambush. There's nopony here drawing a bead on you and it's not as if somepony is walking around with a bright sign on them saying "I did it!".

    With all the ponies bustling in and out, and most of those your Friendship Police to boot, only a suicidal pony would attempt something on you in here. No, if you're wondering what you should be on the lookout for, the answer is the follow-up stroke. Whomever tried to kill the ponies in here probably had some other plan, and it's not likely that it stops just at one bomb.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Absorbing Rod. He's lying in a pile of debris, and he hasn't so much as twitched since the dust settled. Whatever's wrong with him, odds are the goon squad isn't going to be able to help.

    If he wasn't surrounded by the dead and dying, he could've kissed her right there. The Scrapscallion wiped the grime from his goggles and popped the stiffness from his neck.

    "Start counting!"

    And he was off. He backflipped onto the ruined table, somersaulted off a stunned guard's helmet, grabbed hold of the broken water pipe, and flung himself through the hole in the ceiling. No crowded hallways or maze-like corridors for him. You want to get someplace quick? You gotta be prepared to get dirty. Metaphorically speaking, in this case.

    [Rolling to Act Under Fire. 6 + 2 + 2 = 10]

    *Medical Wing, twenty-seven seconds later*

    The Scrapscallion came crashing down through the ceiling, landing right in the midst of a pack of startled doctors. "Explosion in the conference room!" He shouted before anypony could say a word. "We got dying ponies, people! MOVE!"
    The doctors all take one look at you, and before you know it a good dozen of them are following your tail back to the blast zone. Bone saws, syringes and other unspeakably horrible tools of lifesaving.

    They reach Absorbing Rod just in time, and you're treated to the workpony's eyes opening as one of the doctors hits him with an adrenaline shot, just before he can slip away. His gaze focuses on you for just a moment, and you know he's going to make it.

    How does it feel, to save a life? Is it something you inherently feel good about? or is it the idea of having a pony in your debt you value more?

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Did you catch my answer to Luminark before? The answer to Milliway is about the same. The best way out is for either yourself or Luminark to give yourselves up for a good beating and ...

    Well, it looks like Prancer is about to make that decision for you.

    The earth pony really doesn't like the way you've been clinging to Luminark. After all, that pony is just the lap-dog of the Archmage, the go-fer. He doesn't deserve you. Not like Prancer does.

    He grabs you roughly away, determinedly dragging you towards the exit. Forced Smile seems surprised, but ends up just grinning at the younger pony's enthusiasm. Content to follow his subordinate's lead so long as one of you two ends up getting hurt.
    "No, wait, ow! Stop!" Milliway feebly protests, flailing, grabbing anything they pass and generally trying her best to dig her hooves in but failing horribly as she's being dragged off. She does leave a wake of mess, however. "Where are you taking me? This is all a setup! I'm the bestest and-and loyalest friend there is! Y-you should be helping me! N-not- not- A true true friend helps a frieee-eend in neeeeed! A friend will beee there to help them see-eee..." Milliway burst desperately in to song, her voice reaching new and, not entirely pleasant, highs. She seemed inclined to keep singing until her captor was assured of her Genuine True Friend status.
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Oh for goodness sakes, thought Luminark. Time to see how hard he could bank on 'so long as somepony gets hurt.'

    His horn blares a sharp, commanding flow of pink salmon light and without grace or finesse he telekinetically snatches Prancer's baton and beats the crap out of him with it.

    Seize By Force: 7. Take definite hold of it, impress dismay and terrify.
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2016-07-06 at 05:12 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Well, this isn't like an ambush. There's nopony here drawing a bead on you and it's not as if somepony is walking around with a bright sign on them saying "I did it!".

    With all the ponies bustling in and out, and most of those your Friendship Police to boot, only a suicidal pony would attempt something on you in here. No, if you're wondering what you should be on the lookout for, the answer is the follow-up stroke. Whomever tried to kill the ponies in here probably had some other plan, and it's not likely that it stops just at one bomb.
    So what you're saying is that I should be looking for someone who stands to gain from this, but who is not currently here. Thanks, Doc. That's just what I need to know. And I signal one of my leads to go and find the assistant heads of department, and hold them indefinitely for questioning.

    Right now, though, I'm going to check under the tables, in the nooks and crannies, for anything resembling explosives. They called me paranoid, but they'd see! They'd allll see!
    Last edited by Balmas; 2016-07-08 at 12:58 AM.
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
    Currently, we're playing through New Vegas as Gabriel de la Cruz, merchant and mercenary extraordinaire!

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    The doctors all take one look at you, and before you know it a good dozen of them are following your tail back to the blast zone. Bone saws, syringes and other unspeakably horrible tools of lifesaving.

    They reach Absorbing Rod just in time, and you're treated to the workpony's eyes opening as one of the doctors hits him with an adrenaline shot, just before he can slip away. His gaze focuses on you for just a moment, and you know he's going to make it.

    How does it feel, to save a life? Is it something you inherently feel good about? or is it the idea of having a pony in your debt you value more?
    I mean, feels good, I guess? I wasn't that close to the guy, but I'm not some freak Viper who gets his kicks watching ponies bleed out. And I'm not some Nightmare debt collector either. Like, I feel good, because what's there to feel bad about here? He's not dead, he owes me one, I won the race, I think we're all pretty happy about this. Why're you trying to make me put numbers on this stuff? Why's one thing gotta be better than the other?

    You're giving me the weirds, man.

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    So what you're saying is that I should be looking for someone who stands to gain from this, but who is not currently here. Thanks, Doc. That's just what I need to know. And I signal one of my leads to go and find the assistant heads of department, and hold them indefinitely for questioning.

    Right now, though, I'm going to check under the tables, in the nooks and crannies, for anything resembling explosives. They called me paranoid, but they'd see! They'd allll see!
    Also right about now, the Scrapscallion returns in triumph! An ordinary pony would be sweaty and gross, thick with ceiling dust, and stained with blood. But the Scrapscallion claims victory in style. "One minute, fifty-seven seconds," He proudly reports, flicking his goggles up.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2016-07-08 at 02:13 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Oh for goodness sakes, thought Luminark. Time to see how hard he could bank on 'so long as somepony gets hurt.'

    His horn blares a sharp, commanding flow of pink salmon light and without grace or finesse he telekinetically snatches Prancer's baton and beats the crap out of him with it.

    Seize By Force: 7. Take definite hold of it, impress dismay and terrify.
    Luminark, Forced Smile watches on as you proceed to beat Prancer into a bloody pulp. Despite his attempt to grab the baton back, you've got a firm enough grip on the thing.

    When you're done, Forced Smile turns to you.

    "Well ... that was somethin'." he says, staring you right in the eyes. "One'd almost think you make a habit of it, beatin' up us here representatives of the Friendship patrol."

    "You gonna take a swing at me now, colt?"

    Well, do you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    So what you're saying is that I should be looking for someone who stands to gain from this, but who is not currently here. Thanks, Doc. That's just what I need to know. And I signal one of my leads to go and find the assistant heads of department, and hold them indefinitely for questioning.

    Right now, though, I'm going to check under the tables, in the nooks and crannies, for anything resembling explosives. They called me paranoid, but they'd see! They'd allll see!
    You remember that 'important thing' you missed earlier? Yeah, that was somepony removing the debris from the bomb. With all the guards coming in and out, it could've been one of them, or maybe one of the doctors who are now piling in the place. Or somepony else? You've lost track in all the chaos.

    In the meantime, Friend Pony heads off to collect the researchers.

    With doctors piling in now, and most of the ponies getting triaged, things seem to be calming down in the office. Or at least getting back under control. What do you do next?

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Luminark, Forced Smile watches on as you proceed to beat Prancer into a bloody pulp. Despite his attempt to grab the baton back, you've got a firm enough grip on the thing.

    When you're done, Forced Smile turns to you.

    "Well ... that was somethin'." he says, staring you right in the eyes. "One'd almost think you make a habit of it, beatin' up us here representatives of the Friendship patrol."

    "You gonna take a swing at me now, colt?"

    Well, do you?
    Luminark was feeling a deep, electric thrill across the front of his brain, a crackling sparkling focus that came from the afterwash of magic through his horn and into his brain. A sudden jolt of light and for a moment he seems two-dimensional, like a picture of a pony, and then he's out of the ropes and back to normal. He spins the baton in the air and then matches Forced Smile's stare.

    "Take a swing at you?" said Luminark, faint arcs of light shining between the spikes on his headdress. "You? I am Luminark, Apprentice to the Archmage Moondancer, Marquis of Level Four and," this was the important part so he stressed it, "on extremely good terms with her Royal Highness, Administrator Starlight Glimmer. And you. Have. Allowed. Somepony. To. Touch. My." and this part was the most important to him so he snarled it. "Property."

    He stepped forwards and put one hoof on the bloodied Prancer's neck. "Give me your service weapon and maybe I don't make something of your role in this."

    [Go Aggro: 8]

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    You remember that 'important thing' you missed earlier? Yeah, that was somepony removing the debris from the bomb. With all the guards coming in and out, it could've been one of them, or maybe one of the doctors who are now piling in the place. Or somepony else? You've lost track in all the chaos.

    In the meantime, Friend Pony heads off to collect the researchers.

    With doctors piling in now, and most of the ponies getting triaged, things seem to be calming down in the office. Or at least getting back under control. What do you do next?
    What do you mean by they removed the debris from the bomb? Like, they uncovered where the original bomb was? I'm afraid I don't understand the statement well.

    If the secondary bomb is gone, then I'm going to help bandage up my little ponies.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
    Also right about now, the Scrapscallion returns in triumph! An ordinary pony would be sweaty and gross, thick with ceiling dust, and stained with blood. But the Scrapscallion claims victory in style. "One minute, fifty-seven seconds," He proudly reports, flicking his goggles up.
    "Well done," she compliments. "I'm afraid both of our outings are going to be delayed perhaps a bit. It seems we have a saboteur in our midst."
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
    Currently, we're playing through New Vegas as Gabriel de la Cruz, merchant and mercenary extraordinaire!

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Luminark was feeling a deep, electric thrill across the front of his brain, a crackling sparkling focus that came from the afterwash of magic through his horn and into his brain. A sudden jolt of light and for a moment he seems two-dimensional, like a picture of a pony, and then he's out of the ropes and back to normal. He spins the baton in the air and then matches Forced Smile's stare.

    "Take a swing at you?" said Luminark, faint arcs of light shining between the spikes on his headdress. "You? I am Luminark, Apprentice to the Archmage Moondancer, Marquis of Level Four and," this was the important part so he stressed it, "on extremely good terms with her Royal Highness, Administrator Starlight Glimmer. And you. Have. Allowed. Somepony. To. Touch. My." and this part was the most important to him so he snarled it. "Property."

    He stepped forwards and put one hoof on the bloodied Prancer's neck. "Give me your service weapon and maybe I don't make something of your role in this."

    [Go Aggro: 8]
    Prancer didn't seem to be in much of a position to answer, so Forced Smile made his answer for him. Besides being a bully, the lead pony had something of a yellow streak on him that had nothing to do with his mane colour.

    "Ah, well, it seems Prancer isn't feeling too well. Silly-Pony-itis looks like. Probably fell down some stairs." he said, hurriedly pulling the semi-conscious pony up.

    "It seems like everything is in order here, carry on. No friendship reports today. Sayhitotheadministratorforus!"

    The last was said at a jog, as he bustled his remaining, slightly confused, posse out the door.

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    What do you mean by they removed the debris from the bomb? Like, they uncovered where the original bomb was? I'm afraid I don't understand the statement well.

    If the secondary bomb is gone, then I'm going to help bandage up my little ponies.

    "Well done," she compliments. "I'm afraid both of our outings are going to be delayed perhaps a bit. It seems we have a saboteur in our midst."
    What I meant is that any remnant of the first bomb - you know, the stuff that might've been "forensically interesting" has been hoofed off by somepony. You'd have thought that even a blast as powerful as that might have left something recognisable behind. Like a piece of briefcase, or some electronics. But there doesn't seem to be anything out of place in the room.

    That goes for additional bombs by the way. There isn't a second bomb - at least, not in here.

    Tell me, if there was to be a second bomb, where would you be most worried about it turning up?

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Luminark, Forced Smile watches on as you proceed to beat Prancer into a bloody pulp. Despite his attempt to grab the baton back, you've got a firm enough grip on the thing.

    When you're done, Forced Smile turns to you.

    "Well ... that was somethin'." he says, staring you right in the eyes. "One'd almost think you make a habit of it, beatin' up us here representatives of the Friendship patrol."

    "You gonna take a swing at me now, colt?"
    This sounds like just the opportunity to skedaddle - surely in the midst of being beaten to a pulp, Prancer loses his hold on Milliway?

    But then...

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Luminark was feeling a deep, electric thrill across the front of his brain, a crackling sparkling focus that came from the afterwash of magic through his horn and into his brain. A sudden jolt of light and for a moment he seems two-dimensional, like a picture of a pony, and then he's out of the ropes and back to normal. He spins the baton in the air and then matches Forced Smile's stare.

    "Take a swing at you?" said Luminark, faint arcs of light shining between the spikes on his headdress. "You? I am Luminark, Apprentice to the Archmage Moondancer, Marquis of Level Four and," this was the important part so he stressed it, "on extremely good terms with her Royal Highness, Administrator Starlight Glimmer. And you. Have. Allowed. Somepony. To. Touch. My." and this part was the most important to him so he snarled it. "Property."

    He stepped forwards and put one hoof on the bloodied Prancer's neck. "Give me your service weapon and maybe I don't make something of your role in this."
    ...there was this, which was just too interesting to run from, so Milliway scrambled for cover, but made sure to get a good view and stay within earshot as she hid. And watched.

    That thing. It was doing... stuff. She couldn't stop staring as her mind started its gears and began to process what it was witnessing, trying to quantify it. It conducted electricity? Where did it source it? Did it have hidden inset crystals? Was there some part of it hidden? Was it wired to him? Was he part synthetic? The possibilities were endless but the more questions that bubbled to the surface in her mind, the more she could sense a want to get her hooves on that... thing.

    It was only fair, she reckoned, he took her eye after all.
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Luminark sniffed a haughty sniff, blasting little fragments of dust and muck from his clothes with bright shocks of light. He let anger roll through and out of him. He would very much like to have pressed the matter but he was acutely aware he was unarmed and unarmoured, and he was occupying some manner of slum. He didn't immediately see Milliway but he didn't care about that because it didn't matter and she was probably behind this entire humiliation to begin with.

    This had probably all come to pass because ponies had stopped respecting him. Fear needed refreshers.

    "What's the phrase?" he murmured, "I'll show them, I'll show them all?"

    He started towards the door.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    "Well done," she compliments. "I'm afraid both of our outings are going to be delayed perhaps a bit. It seems we have a saboteur in our midst."
    The Scrapscallion took a high dive into her praise, swam a backstroke through it, and guzzled it down like so much Sparkle Cola. It was sweet to his soul and life to his bones. Bones which may now be cracked in several places. He should look into fixing that.

    "Yeah. Not like conference rooms explode for no reason." He said, pacing restlessly. "...nopony's working on that, right? Nopony's making exploding rooms? Please tell me nopony's making exploding rooms." The day he scores a hot date with a Princess, and somepony goes and bombs the higher-ups. Typical. Now what was he going to do with himself?

    Actually, I think you can help answer that question, Princess. What exactly is the Scrapscallion's position in this Bunker of yours? It sounds like you've got a fairly organized hierarchy of scientists and departments, but he doesn't do science. His contributions are more indrect. So is he just a pony you've hired on as a go-fer? Or does he have an official position? Either way, what are his responsibilities?

    I mean, there's a solid chance he's about to ignore them completely, but it's good to know where you stand.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Luminark sniffed a haughty sniff, blasting little fragments of dust and muck from his clothes with bright shocks of light. He let anger roll through and out of him. He would very much like to have pressed the matter but he was acutely aware he was unarmed and unarmoured, and he was occupying some manner of slum. He didn't immediately see Milliway but he didn't care about that because it didn't matter and she was probably behind this entire humiliation to begin with.

    This had probably all come to pass because ponies had stopped respecting him. Fear needed refreshers.

    "What's the phrase?" he murmured, "I'll show them, I'll show them all?"

    He started towards the door.
    There was a scrape, a tink and then what sounded like somepony accidentally kicking a toolbox over and spilling its contents, shortly followed by softly whispered curses and profanity.

    Milliway emerged, backwards, from behind her hiding place, little screws and bolts rolling around her hooves. She looked over to Luminark, then threw quick worried glances around as she took a few cautious tinking steps towards him, limping just a little.

    "Uhm... are... are they gone?" she managed, quietly. She had calmed down a bit from her panicked singing episode (and clearly hoped nopony would remember that part of the whole encounter) but was still obviously nervous about the proximity of the Friendship Patrol.
    Last edited by Elanorin; 2016-07-12 at 04:41 PM.
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  17. - Top - End - #47
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Elanorin View Post
    There was a scrape, a tink and then what sounded like somepony accidentally kicking a toolbox over and spilling its contents, shortly followed by softly whispered curses and profanity.

    Milliway emerged, backwards, from behind her hiding place, little screws and bolts rolling around her hooves. She looked over to Luminark, then threw quick worried glances around as she took a few cautious tinking steps towards him, limping just a little.

    "Uhm... are... are they gone?" she managed, quietly. She had calmed down a bit from her panicked singing episode (and clearly hoped nopony would remember that part of the whole encounter) but was still obviously nervous about the proximity of the Friendship Patrol.
    "Temporarily," said Luminark haughtily. "I intend to make it permanently."

    Did that sound badass? He hoped it did. He felt pretty buzzed right now. He'd just gone full Battlemage on this situation.

  18. - Top - End - #48
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Man, y'all are more full of awkward questions than a filly who catches her parents schtupping, you know that?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    That goes for additional bombs by the way. There isn't a second bomb - at least, not in here.

    Tell me, if there was to be a second bomb, where would you be most worried about it turning up?

    "Target Practice!" I snap. "Divvy up your squad and go to check the generators and the experimental weapons range!" It was inconceivable that anyone in this bunker could do anything that their Princess would despise, but the very evidence sat before her eyes. And she would make sure that everyone in the town had no choice but to love her!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    The Scrapscallion took a high dive into her praise, swam a backstroke through it, and guzzled it down like so much Sparkle Cola. It was sweet to his soul and life to his bones. Bones which may now be cracked in several places. He should look into fixing that.

    "Yeah. Not like conference rooms explode for no reason." He said, pacing restlessly. "...nopony's working on that, right? Nopony's making exploding rooms? Please tell me nopony's making exploding rooms." The day he scores a hot date with a Princess, and somepony goes and bombs the higher-ups. Typical. Now what was he going to do with himself?

    Actually, I think you can help answer that question, Princess. What exactly is the Scrapscallion's position in this Bunker of yours? It sounds like you've got a fairly organized hierarchy of scientists and departments, but he doesn't do science. His contributions are more indrect. So is he just a pony you've hired on as a go-fer? Or does he have an official position? Either way, what are his responsibilities?

    I mean, there's a solid chance he's about to ignore them completely, but it's good to know where you stand.
    And it is well that he should revel in my praise, for it is not often that I take a break from my own magnificence to notice others.

    And really, it's almost a relationship of pity between you and I. You see, at the top, there's me. Then the captains of the friendship patrols. Then there's the heads. And then, not you, let me finish. Then the assistant heads, then the rest of the friendship patrols, and then the regular ponies. Then we have the various experiments. Then the plants. And then there's you.

    Officially, you have no position in the organization. Really, I ought to fix that; it's not orderly for you to be able to run around. I think I tried at one point, but... Has anyone told you that you're absolutely infuriating? I go out of my way to fit you into my organization and you refuse to just fit neatly.
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
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  19. - Top - End - #49
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    "Temporarily," said Luminark haughtily. "I intend to make it permanently."

    Did that sound badass? He hoped it did. He felt pretty buzzed right now. He'd just gone full Battlemage on this situation.
    This was it, they were alone again, this was a good time to resume the violence and torture that had been so rudely interrupted. But then he goes and says that.

    Milliway's head suddenly looked up in surprise and eyed him over from headdress-to-be-stolen to hoof, unable to resist being a little bit impressed.

    "You're going to get rid of the Friendship Patrol? How?" If there was one thing more important to Milliway than... well, anything, it was this. Violence deferred.
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  20. - Top - End - #50
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    And it is well that he should revel in my praise, for it is not often that I take a break from my own magnificence to notice others.

    And really, it's almost a relationship of pity between you and I. You see, at the top, there's me. Then the captains of the friendship patrols. Then there's the heads. And then, not you, let me finish. Then the assistant heads, then the rest of the friendship patrols, and then the regular ponies. Then we have the various experiments. Then the plants. And then there's you.

    Officially, you have no position in the organization. Really, I ought to fix that; it's not orderly for you to be able to run around. I think I tried at one point, but... Has anyone told you that you're absolutely infuriating? I go out of my way to fit you into my organization and you refuse to just fit neatly.
    You know you love me.~

    Having not received neither confirmation nor denial on the existence of exploding rooms - and with no clear orders or responsibilities - it was up to the Scrapscallion to choose his own way. And right now, he felt like preparing for whatever was coming next. There was a drive on the horizon, or chasing down a criminal. Or maybe both at the same time, if he was lucky. "If that's all for now, I better go see how many pills the docs want me to chug," he said, flicking his tail about. "Need somepony to find what went screwy with the sandstorms, you know where to find me. You need a breather from all this..."

    He leaned up to whisper softly in her ear. "Come on over, and I'll take your breath away.~"

    [This feels like a time to Seduce the Princess again. 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 It was bound to fail eventually. ]
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  21. - Top - End - #51
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    "Target Practice!" I snap. "Divvy up your squad and go to check the generators and the experimental weapons range!" It was inconceivable that anyone in this bunker could do anything that their Princess would despise, but the very evidence sat before her eyes. And she would make sure that everyone in the town had no choice but to love her!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    You know you love me.~

    Having not received neither confirmation nor denial on the existence of exploding rooms - and with no clear orders or responsibilities - it was up to the Scrapscallion to choose his own way. And right now, he felt like preparing for whatever was coming next. There was a drive on the horizon, or chasing down a criminal. Or maybe both at the same time, if he was lucky. "If that's all for now, I better go see how many pills the docs want me to chug," he said, flicking his tail about. "Need somepony to find what went screwy with the sandstorms, you know where to find me. You need a breather from all this..."

    He leaned up to whisper softly in her ear. "Come on over, and I'll take your breath away.~"

    [This feels like a time to Seduce the Princess again. 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 It was bound to fail eventually. ]

    One of the Friendship Patrol spoke a few words to the pony on the other end before stepping up to Starlight.

    "Madam Administrator, Target Practice had us heading down to the generators, but we've located something on the way. You'd better come see."


    Buddies Squadron was milling around outside the generators, and saluted as their Administrator approached. Target Practice nodded in acknowledgement, but was mostly concerned with reading the output from a terminal that2# one of the patrolponies was holding up for him.

    "Oh good, you brought the Scrap pony." muttered Target. "Maybe he can tell us if he knows what this is?"

    The pony held up a piece of wreckage that looked like a hemispherical steel ball trailing circuitry and wires. Scrapscallion, it looks like one of your bike's hover projectors - either stolen from your backups or ripped right off the chassis of your bike!

  22. - Top - End - #52
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Buddies Squadron was milling around outside the generators, and saluted as their Administrator approached. Target Practice nodded in acknowledgement, but was mostly concerned with reading the output from a terminal that2# one of the patrolponies was holding up for him.

    "Oh good, you brought the Scrap pony." muttered Target. "Maybe he can tell us if he knows what this is?"

    The pony held up a piece of wreckage that looked like a hemispherical steel ball trailing circuitry and wires. Scrapscallion, it looks like one of your bike's hover projectors - either stolen from your backups or ripped right off the chassis of your bike!
    "It's Scrapscallion." He corrected with a resigned shake of the head. Why was his name so hard for ponies to understand?

    Whatever remained of his good humor dried up as he saw what Target was carrying. "What the hell?! That's one of my hover projectors!" He snatched it up, examining the back with a tasteful selection of offended interjections. "Jeez, you've screwed up all the wires and crap...wasn't ripped like that before..." He glared at Target Practice. "What'd you go and tear that off for? Peregrine's a tough old bird, but she's going to be awful cranky about this."
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2016-07-14 at 04:05 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  23. - Top - End - #53
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Elanorin View Post
    This was it, they were alone again, this was a good time to resume the violence and torture that had been so rudely interrupted. But then he goes and says that.

    Milliway's head suddenly looked up in surprise and eyed him over from headdress-to-be-stolen to hoof, unable to resist being a little bit impressed.

    "You're going to get rid of the Friendship Patrol? How?" If there was one thing more important to Milliway than... well, anything, it was this. Violence deferred.
    "I am apprenticed to the greatest archmage in all the... ever," said Luminark, ego rising in time. "My range of options are limitless. I shall see what inspiration strikes when I visit the stacks."

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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    "I am apprenticed to the greatest archmage in all the... ever," said Luminark, ego rising in time. "My range of options are limitless. I shall see what inspiration strikes when I visit the stacks."
    'Apprenticed'? That's what they called it? Milliway wasn't sure if she should pity him or admire him. Either this pony was utterly deluded, not realising just how used he was. Or he knew everything exactly how it was and this humble worship was genuine and by choice. That would require a kind of strength of character Milliway really wasn't willing to grant to anypony. Certainly not Luminark. So pity it was.

    "Right," the impressiveness over Luminark melted away like butter in the sun. "So what you're saying is you have no clue how to do what you just said so your plan is to run home to your other half to ask for instructions?" she clarified, with a look of, well, something. "Don't forget to ask if she will extend your curfew while you're at it. Don't want to get in to trouble for being out past your bedtime." Condescending, yes, that's what that look was. It was in her voice too.
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  25. - Top - End - #55
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Elanorin View Post
    'Apprenticed'? That's what they called it? Milliway wasn't sure if she should pity him or admire him. Either this pony was utterly deluded, not realising just how used he was. Or he knew everything exactly how it was and this humble worship was genuine and by choice. That would require a kind of strength of character Milliway really wasn't willing to grant to anypony. Certainly not Luminark. So pity it was.

    "Right," the impressiveness over Luminark melted away like butter in the sun. "So what you're saying is you have no clue how to do what you just said so your plan is to run home to your other half to ask for instructions?" she clarified, with a look of, well, something. "Don't forget to ask if she will extend your curfew while you're at it. Don't want to get in to trouble for being out past your bedtime." Condescending, yes, that's what that look was. It was in her voice too.
    "I understand the limited earth pony imagination can only comprehend the act of recovering knowledge from the ancients through the lens of their own stunted familial experience," sniffed Luminark haughtily, turning on hoof and heading for the door with his nose in the air. "But I shall show you - and I shall show them all."

    It stung, of course, to be sneered at, but he had a great deal of pride in his apprenticeship. Ponies would - and had tried to - kill for his position so it was hardly his problem if she couldn't see it's value. He just had to make her see it.
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2016-07-15 at 03:03 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #56
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    "I understand the limited earth pony imagination can only comprehend the act of recovering knowledge from the ancients through the lens of their own stunted familial experience," sniffed Luminark haughtily, turning on hoof and heading for the door with his nose in the air. "But I shall show you - and I shall show them all."

    It stung, of course, to be sneered at, but he had a great deal of pride in his apprenticeship. Ponies would - and had tried to - kill for his position so it was hardly his problem if she couldn't see it's value. He just had to make her see it.
    Milliway was tempted to give a snarky reply, turn hoof and saunter off in the opposite direction with her head high, just like him, but paused herself. Then, for a second a wicked smile flashed before she stifled it and feigned innocence as she started after him, matching his pace, following close behind.

    "Okay," she said softly, "show me."
    "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel."
    ~ Neil Gaiman

    "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time."
    ~ Snow Patrol

  27. - Top - End - #57
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post

    One of the Friendship Patrol spoke a few words to the pony on the other end before stepping up to Starlight.

    "Madam Administrator, Target Practice had us heading down to the generators, but we've located something on the way. You'd better come see."


    Buddies Squadron was milling around outside the generators, and saluted as their Administrator approached. Target Practice nodded in acknowledgement, but was mostly concerned with reading the output from a terminal that2# one of the patrolponies was holding up for him.

    "Oh good, you brought the Scrap pony." muttered Target. "Maybe he can tell us if he knows what this is?"

    The pony held up a piece of wreckage that looked like a hemispherical steel ball trailing circuitry and wires. Scrapscallion, it looks like one of your bike's hover projectors - either stolen from your backups or ripped right off the chassis of your bike!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    "It's Scrapscallion." He corrected with a resigned shake of the head. Why was his name so hard for ponies to understand?

    Whatever remained of his good humor dried up as he saw what Target was carrying. "What the hell?! That's one of my hover projectors!" He snatched it up, examining the back with a tasteful selection of offended interjections. "Jeez, you've screwed up all the wires and crap...wasn't ripped like that before..." He glared at Target Practice. "What'd you go and tear that off for? Peregrine's a tough old bird, but she's going to be awful cranky about this."
    Starlight snarled, and a thunderstorm began to brew around her horn. "My patience begins to wear thin with your impertinence. You're going to tell me exactly why bits of your car are in my generator room. Who could have the technology to rip your car apart. Who has access to your garage. Who sneezed at you wrong last tuesday, everything you know. And you're going to do that because if you don't, our date tonight will be in one of the holding cells."

    Go Aggro on the Scapscallion: 6,1, +2, [9]. Tell Starlight everything you know related to why this would be here, or you'll get some personal Friendship Retraining with Starlight herself.

    "Keep in mind, the only reason I'm not having you hauled away in chains this instant is because your quick actions may have saved some of my scientists' lives."
    Last edited by Balmas; 2016-07-15 at 04:02 AM.
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
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  28. - Top - End - #58
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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    Starlight snarled, and a thunderstorm began to brew around her horn. "My patience begins to wear thin with your impertinence. You're going to tell me exactly why bits of your car are in my generator room. Who could have the technology to rip your car apart. Who has access to your garage. Who sneezed at you wrong last tuesday, everything you know. And you're going to do that because if you don't, our date tonight will be in one of the holding cells."

    Go Aggro on the Scapscallion: 6,1, +2, [9]. Tell Starlight everything you know related to why this would be here, or you'll get some personal Friendship Retraining with Starlight herself.

    "Keep in mind, the only reason I'm not having you hauled away in chains this instant is because your quick actions may have saved some of my scientists' lives."
    Quick as lighting - wait, poor choice of words. Quick as the wind, the Scrapscallion bowed his nose low to the floor. "You don't gotta do any of that, your most High Equalityness. The Scrapscallion's happy to oblige. Always is. Always has been." He kissed Starlight's hoof reverently. And with just a touch of desperation.

    He sat up on his haunches, looking over the device with freshly-motivated scrutiny. "Alright. Okay. No, I don't know how this got in the generator room. I do know it wasn't just forced off. You'd see a lot more torn wires that way. Whoever did this wasn't gentle, but they knew what they were doing. And they had the tools to make it happen. You can't just pop bits off a hoverbike with your bare hooves and horn. Best guess would be somepony from Engineering. They'd also be best at breaking in. I got locks on the door, but, y'know, those can be forced." His garage was basically just a storage shed that had a door to the outside. Because of that, none of the other scientists wanted anything to do with it, which made it the perfect place to store his bike. And hide from the eggheads. "It...could be one of the spare projectors I keep around, but I can't tell just by looking at it. But they'd have to do some real digging to find those." He added hastily. "It'd be super obvious if somepony did that."

    "...maybe you should ask Target Practice exactly where he found it?" He suggested, shooting the security pony a dirty look once the Princess looked away.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2016-07-15 at 01:01 PM.

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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Starlight skewered the Scrapscallion with her glare. "...Very well." She frowned, and scanned among the members of Buddies squadron. Let's see, who was the burliest member of the team? Ahhh, perfect. She'd recognize that massive-barreled stallion anywhere. Though for him, it may be been more appropirate to use tuns...

    "Kneecapper. I'm aware that you must be very busy, and eager to go home to your husband. However, I have a job for you." She grinned, showing far more teeth than were strictly necessary. "This pony is a hero. And as such, he deserves to have an escort. Please, follow him and keep him... Safe."

    And with that, Starlight set off. Ponies to save, traitors to retrain, so much time and so little to do in it.
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
    Currently, we're playing through New Vegas as Gabriel de la Cruz, merchant and mercenary extraordinaire!

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    Default Re: Cloudbreak IC: Glimpse of the sky

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    Starlight skewered the Scrapscallion with her glare. "...Very well."
    The Scrapscallion offered her an easy smile. All friends here. No need to lock anypony up in the cold, dark, tight, suffocating cells today. None at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    She frowned, and scanned among the members of Buddies squadron. Let's see, who was the burliest member of the team? Ahhh, perfect. She'd recognize that massive-barreled stallion anywhere. Though for him, it may be been more appropirate to use tuns...

    "Kneecapper. I'm aware that you must be very busy, and eager to go home to your husband. However, I have a job for you." She grinned, showing far more teeth than were strictly necessary. "This pony is a hero. And as such, he deserves to have an escort. Please, follow him and keep him... Safe."

    And with that, Starlight set off. Ponies to save, traitors to retrain, so much time and so little to do in it.
    Oh thank goodness she believed him. I mean, of course she believed him. She was a Princess, they were good at making the right decisions. But hero? The Scrapscallion carried himself just a little bit taller. He liked the way she said that...

    "Thank you, your High Equalityness. C'mon Cap. Let's go put this baby back with her friends." He patted the hover generator lovingly, and sauntered off towards his garage.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2016-07-17 at 01:00 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

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