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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Oct 2006

    Default The Kharheim Delegation

    As the day dawns in earnest, turning the sea to rippling silver and gold, the mighty ship stirs to life. It is done in silence, prefaced by nothing more than Captain Karthson tapping an officer on the shoulder. Each dwarf goes about his task with precision and discipline, unmatched by human sailors, alert to the slightest gesture of their officers, knowing their duties instantly with minimal prompting.

    In the face of such efficiency, you can do little but stand aside. The dwarves are wholly focused on the ship, paying you little regard except as obstacles in their path. Even Karth Kudrenson, usually very talkative, signals a need to remain still and quiet while the ship gets underway.

    Captain Bain Karthson stands at the bridge of the ship and watches the whole thing, for more than an hour, utterly still except for his eyes, taking everything in. Gradually New Ganthar recedes behind you, the stench of the city giving way to the crisp sea air. Finally, once you are far out to sea, the coast a smear on the horizon and the sails billowing with a healthy wind, the Captain moves. He leans to the rail and knocks on it twice, before walking over to you. From the grins on several faces, you take it that his signal was a mark of approval.

    "Now, I have leisure to speak with you," the Captain tells you. "Join me in my cabin; I will answer your questions as best I can."

    He leads you through a door and into a spacious cabin - in every sense except for headroom. For you humans, the roof is uncomfortably close, touching your hair as you walk; for the dwarf, it is low but comfortable.

    The cabin is mostly unadorned, but a large rectangular table is bolted in place at the centre, a dark red wood inlaid with panels in a much paler tone, forming a runic design. The Captain assumes his place at the head of the table, easing sideways into a chair affixed to the floor, and signalling for you to do the same.

    Taking a number of iron mugs, he opens a valve on a cask by the head of the table, pouring a shallow measure of a pale golden ale into each one. Handing them out carefully, he takes a sip before speaking.

    "You wish to learn more about our culture. It is difficult to answer that. When you live a way of life, you grow blind to it - you take it for granted. Perhaps you have questions I might answer, rather than my trying to guess what you don't know?"

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Apr 2008

    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    Gunn raises his mug toward the captain. "Perhaps you could start with drinking customs? We sometimes touch our mugs to one another before drinking. It is called a toast. Do you have a similar ritual? When you perform it, do you look each other in the eye?" Gunn smiles. "Consider us as knowing nothing of the dwarves, and you will not be disappointed."

    "You have been among the humans. Which of our customs seemed strange to you when you first began to interact with us?"

    "Do strangers acknowledge one another on the street? In the tavern? What time do crowds start to form in taverns? What drinks are respectable and what drinks are... curious? What games do children play?"

    "What is your most well known work of art of any kind? Specifically, what is your most well known poem? Painting? Sculpture? Story?"

    "How do you divide your week? What days do you work, and what days do you rest? What do you do on your rest days?"

    "What are your courtship rituals? Who approaches who, or does it not matter? How does a dwarf show their intention? How does your culture define beauty?"

    Gunn smiles again, and gestures with his free hand. "As you can see, Captain, there is no end to what I wish to know. I'm sure that your answers to my questions will lead me to more questions, and and appreciate all the time you have to give us."
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    dantiesilva's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    "Perhaps treating us like you would a dwarven child when you are teaching them how to be a proper member of your society? " Sister Rosalind comments thinking this would be the easiest way to learn. After all, asking questions would only get one so far versus living the lifestyle.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Oct 2006

    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    The Captain looks taken aback by the barrage of questions. Eyeing his drink, he says wryly, "I'm going to need a bigger mug.

    "A child learns through watching and copying. It takes many years. I doubt you have time for that. Answering questions is easier.

    "Drinking customs, you wanted to start with, yes? That's a pleasant enough subject, at least. Well, let's see. The host is meant to serve the drink in front of his guests, from one keg, and to drink before they do. Someone told me once it's to do with proving the drink isn't poisoned, but I don't know the truth of that. I do know it makes working behind a bar a job for those with iron stomachs.

    "I know a little of toasting - you do it sometimes to show respect for someone or something, I think? We don't do that, but if it's the holy day of someone's ancestor, they drink twice as much in honour of them. And those celebrating a victory of some sort will often buy drinks for other patrons - I think we have that in common.

    "I guess that says something about our attitude to drink. Contests are frequent and often go on for hours. Being able to hold your ale is respected; being out of control through drink brings shame."

    He drinks down his ale, pouring another and looking around to check everyone else has enough. "Oh - and it brings shame on a host to let his guests' cups go dry for long. So don't hold out on me!"

    Once satisfied you are all provided for, he turns to the next subject.

    "What seemed strange to me about humans? Why, you're all mad as a troll in a bonfire, if you'll forgive the insult.

    "You go around with no regard for clan, or even family. You think nothing of speaking falsehoods to get your way, of striking deals which put you at an unfair advantage. You have whole industries built around getting back more than what you give - 'interest' you call it - as though debt were a cause of joy.

    "You treat relationships like a cloak you can put on, and throw off on a whim. You strike up friendships and even romantic trysts with strangers. You serve first this master, and then that; accept this servant into your household, and then discard him within a few years for another.

    "You have men and even women - even children - on your streets, homeless, destitute. Have they no clan to care for them? If they do not, if such shame lies upon them as that, why are they permitted to walk the streets of your city at all?

    "It even comes down to the way to conduct yourselves each day. Two men can argue with bitter words - deadly words - but both walk away, and the next day they are reconciled. Men and women greet each other with touches and worse in plain view. Your dress, your speech - all that you do is strange to us. It will be long, I think, before we understand each other."

    He stops there, looking solemnly at Rosalind, then Gunn.

    "Forgive me: I have spoken freely because you asked it of me, in order to do your duty. If I have given offence, I offer suitable recompense."

    Once that is dealt with, he thinks back to Gunn's other questions.

    "What else... etiquette between strangers, I think? We have a different view of strangers to you, I believe. Those of a common clan - even those who have not met before - are never strangers. Those of another clan are greeted in line with the relationship between our clan and theirs. Those of no clan at all... well. Best avoided altogether.

    "But if your question is, how should a foreigner conduct himself on our shores, I can only give you the advice I was given by my father, when first I sailed to a strange land. Offer no disrespect or violence, let those you meet set the tone, and spend as much time as you can with your hosts or their kin. They will be your guides.

    "Perhaps in a tavern, where attitudes are as you rightly guess more relaxed, you could be more daring. I would not recommend it. As for drinks, if it's sold in our taverns, you're fine. I think you have this idea in your country, that some drinks are fitting for women, others for men? I've been drunk under the table five times in my life, and three of those were women. In Kharheim, women drink what men drink - and often better."

    He stops at a knock on the door. Rising, he walks with an easy, rolling gait to answer it, revealing the officer who was at the helm earlier. The two exchange quiet words, and then the helmsman leaves, while Karthson returns to his chair.

    "Ship's business. Forgive the interruption. Now, your other questions.

    "Children play whatever suits their young imaginations. Playing at being adults, mostly - at being warriors, in particular. Or at the roles in which their clans excel - whatever they most aspire to. Games of strategy - stones, chess, certain card games - have a following in older children, and indeed many adults.

    "Works of art... my clan are seafarers, Mr Gunn, not bards. But there are some things that are so widely known, even I have heard of them.

    "Poetry, stories - each clan has its records of the noble ancestors before us, but in the sense you mean, what springs to mind are the great sagas of Tarin Thundersoul. His works recount the great events in the history of Kharheim, centuries of conflict and triumph, honour and outrage, in verse and rhyme. My mother once took me to a reciting of the Fourth Saga. By my ancestors, those were an incredible three days.

    "Paintings, we don't tend to bother with. Our art doesn't have a lot of imagery in it; it is more like this."
    He taps the table, with its runic design in inlaid wood, to emphasise the point. "But sculpture - recording things in wood and stone - that we have plenty of.

    "Chances are you're going to the Hall of the Great Clanmeet, I guess? There's a statue there that fair takes the breath away. Or so I'm told - my son went there once, but I've not had the privilege. And Honoured Bhatrem spoke of it once. Supposed to be the founders of each clan, memorialised in stone higher than the masts of this ship, the stone work and the choice of materials - well, you'd swear it was real, is all. Hard to explain to an outsider what something like that means - what it symbolizes for us.

    "Now, I reckon that's all your questions - or all it's seemly to talk about, at least. Or is there still more you want to know?"

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    Gunn drinks while the Captain talks, listening and nodding respectfully. The ale is good, and he drinks his cup dry when the Captain mentions it, and the second one is nearly empty by the time the Captain's answers are finished. "Your people may not be artists, but you've painted quite a picture with your words. I have only one question--you said women drink what men drink; is there a division of roles along gender lines, perhaps in the household, or along fields of work? You also mentioned that your clan were seafarers, is that by tradition, or is it uniform--what I mean is, are most of your clan seafarers, or all?" He smiles, "And though I would not expect you to perform a recitation, perhaps you could give us a summary of that Fourth Saga?"
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
    dantiesilva's Avatar

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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    "A child learns through watching and copying. It takes many years. I doubt you have time for that. Answering questions is easier.
    " I believe in this instance a mixture of both may produce the best results. It will allow us to try to learn small things your people do that we would not think of, while also allowing us to practice what you have already taught us. For example while we are sailing if you could ask your men to help me learn your tongue, I doubt I will have mastered it by the time we make port. However a simple greeting in your native tongue could go a long way in showing how truthful we are being when we come to your lands to ask for forgiveness and peace for the mistakes of those who should not have been allowed to hold power. Something I have been told the prince made sure to change after the chancellor refused to back down from a war he started." Sister Rosalind explains, hoping if she showed a true interest in learning how to speak like them, and some of their social ques, they would see that the prince was at least trying to make up for the mistake the chancellor had made.

    When the topic goes on to drinking Sister Rosalind remains silent for the most part, she understood drinking customs were important to most men, however to her they seemed rather odd. Barbaric even at the worst of times, it was one of the reasons she rarely drank, unless it was a holy wine on a holy day. And even than it was only in prayer she did so. Because of this she made a point to nurse her own drink very carefully not knowing how well the exotic drink would have on her. " Would it be frowned upon if one who was not accustomed to drinking to hold back and not drink as much as others?" Sister Rosalind asked out of curiosity as it seemed she would be drinking a lot in the coming days if what she had heard so far was any indicator. "My vows do not stop me from drinking, however I tend to stay away from it unless it is a religious holiday, and as such I would not wish to bring shame for not being able to hold my liquor for instance, nor bring shame on my host for not keeping my glass full. Is their something your people do in this rare instance?"

    "What seemed strange to me about humans? Why, you're all mad as a troll in a bonfire, if you'll forgive the insult.

    "You go around with no regard for clan, or even family. You think nothing of speaking falsehoods to get your way, of striking deals which put you at an unfair advantage. You have whole industries built around getting back more than what you give - 'interest' you call it - as though debt were a cause of joy.

    "You treat relationships like a cloak you can put on, and throw off on a whim. You strike up friendships and even romantic trysts with strangers. You serve first this master, and then that; accept this servant into your household, and then discard him within a few years for another.

    "You have men and even women - even children - on your streets, homeless, destitute. Have they no clan to care for them? If they do not, if such shame lies upon them as that, why are they permitted to walk the streets of your city at all?

    "It even comes down to the way to conduct yourselves each day. Two men can argue with bitter words - deadly words - but both walk away, and the next day they are reconciled. Men and women greet each other with touches and worse in plain view. Your dress, your speech - all that you do is strange to us. It will be long, I think, before we understand each other."
    Sister Rosalind could not help as she tried to suppress a laugh as the Captain mentioned many of the flaws she herself had seen in New Ganther, that were different from her own home. However she was curious now on how they treated such things. " Please forgive my rudness Captain Karthson, it is just that as an outsider to New Ganther I noticed many of these things as well. Perhaps where I am from things are different, after all the Lovers are the primary gods worshiped where I live, so relationships are taken very seriously, as is the treating of ones neighbors. My homeland has no one living on the streets unless they personally choose to. Long ago we learned how to eliminate poverty, and while it was hard at first from what I hear. Now the kingdom is rather peaceful." Sister Rosalind explains kindly to the dwarf hoping he would forgive her laughing.

    "I myself came to New Ganther to challenge the natural way they were living and try to make it more civilized. In that regard I am happy to say I found Mr. Gunn to help me procure a building to begin treating the poor of the city out of as well as the sick. My temple you see treats all who enter it without question, all we ask is that while within the walls no weapons or violence be allowed to take place within the walls. Because of this, it seems even the gangs have left my temple alone, no doubt because they use it themselves. However it has become a safehaven to many poor people, and when I return I hope to keep the flame of hope I have begun to ignite flowing when I open a second hospice to help the poor. This one however will have a herb garden as well as a school to help educate the poor so they can try to better their lives. If you do not mind me asking, your clanless why are they this way? I can not see for instance someone becoming poor in your nation, and simply being shunned, plus the way you say it, as if they are outcasts makes me wounder why they are called such."

    "How does one become a friend unless one begins speaking to another however? I can understand the romantic part rather well given I worship a love that has gone on since the dawn of time. And to this day I can happily say I have not allowed anyone that close to me, but the starting of friendships seems odd to me. Could you perhaps explain how one were to make a friend in your homeland?" She asks curious, after all she had considered the captain a acquaintance at the moment, and perhaps a friend later down the road.

    "As for the way we dress, if it will make a bad impression I could try and sew my own version of one of your rather simple outfits. I would of course need some help knowing about what a woman should wear. I doubt their is enough material on the boat or spare that I keep on me however to make something for Mr. Gunn or Mr. Matryn." She offers, willing to do all she could to try and be accommodating to these peoples ways without breaking her own vows. "Also is any form of touching allowed in public, or is it strictly not allowed. This is something that I could see could easily cause a fight between our people and I would like to make sure Mr. Matryn is well informed of the guidelines and rules of when it is acceptable and not acceptable." she says filled with curiosity.

    "Please Captain, I have not been insulted by your words at all. We are speaking truthfully to one another, and in such all parties must be open to listen if they ever wish to learn. If someone got insulted by the answer to a question, they should have not have gone out seeking an answer." Sister Rosalind reassures the captain.

    "Your homeland sounds beautiful the way you describe it Captain Karthson. So if I may ask one more question before you must attend to your duties, may I follow around my host to learn the what I can until we arrive in port? I will make sure to do whatever other duties are required of me, as agreed upon in my own host gift of course as well." Sister Rosalind says formally, trying to make this sound as important as possible to her.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Yeah sister Rosalind out drink a dwarf......
    Diplomacy check to shadow and learn from Karthson and his crew (1d20+26)[45]

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    He starts with the last point, bowing in his chair to Sister Rosalind.

    "I can see the need, and your words have moved me. I will be your guide, so far as I can - but my duties are to this ship and my clan. I can only take you so far."

    He then turns to Gunn.

    "Now, I'm sure that's three questions you asked, but I'll answer all the same.

    "We don't treat women any different to men. I know for you humans, women aren't often as strong as men, so some hard labour is rarely given to them; and you seem to have other issues with women that baffle us. But dwarf women are no different from men in those ways.

    "You've perhaps seen that there are no women on this ship? On a ship, quarters are close, the level of intimacy is hard to tolerate. It is seen as unseemly to have mixed gender crews, because of that. So you have some ships that are all female, others that are all male. And knowing what we do about your kind, your prejudices, we chose a male crew to deal with you.

    "There are some other areas of work like that, but not many. Soldiers, miners... I can't think of any others. It's only where people are forced together in close quarters that it becomes an issue.

    "Apart from that, women who are with child or nursing are given the honour that deserves, but after that, go back to normal. I can't think of many other times it matters.

    "Now, as to my clan being seafarers, you've already met Karth Kudrenson, who became a warrior, and Honoured Bhatrem who became a leader and an ambassador. We don't all hear the call of the sea - but when we do, we hear it deeply.

    "The Blackforge Clan holds land by the coast. We've always had an affinity for the sea - something most other dwarves don't share. The sea is in our blood; our ships keep Kharheim safe from our enemies overseas, bring wealth through trade with other cultures, and ensure the Clan remains strong and influential in the Council of Clans."

    He turns to Rosalind. "Sister Rosalind, I would be pleased to teach you the rudiments of the dwarven tongue. And I should add that there is a passenger's cabin below mine, where you can sleep; you need not fear the indelicacy of common sleeping with my men.

    "As far as drink is concerned, there are those few holy men who give up drink - much as Honoured Bhatrem swore to speak only the tongue of our ancestors. Sacrifice as a mark of devotion to a cause, that we understand and honour. Where your reasons are known, there will be no shame in turning down drink.

    "I'm glad to hear not all humans share this madness, although some of the things you describe are strange enough. To do without weapons, to tolerate lawlessness... aye, strange indeed."

    He seems to find it difficult to address the next topic, and he sits silently for a minute. Looking first at Rosalind, then Gunn, then Matryn, he sighs before visibly steeling himself to keep talking.

    "I guess I brought up the clanless. And it's fair that you want to know more. Understand, though: talking of matters that are shameful is difficult. Taboo, even. Almost as bad as talking about what passes between men and women.

    "Well, then. For us, clan and family are vitally important. Our society revolves around the clans; our religion, around the ancestors who brought our clan glory. Our concept of honour is closely related to those ideas.

    "If someone does something which is dishonourable, he or she brings shame upon himself, his family, his clan, his master and his servants - in short, all who are connected with him. If it is a small thing, easily remedied, he will face pressure to resolve it - to repay the honour debt to those affected. Where the shame is greater, the solution becomes more difficult. The clan will help a penitent dwarf to make redress, for the shame of one is the shame of all. But for some, the shame is so great - or, worse still, there is so little willingness to atone - that the only answer is to expel the culprit and make such amends as we can on their behalf.

    "A dwarf can endure loss of his master, his comrades, his very family. But to lose one's clan... those who face that fate are no longer dwarves. Many take their own lives. Others choose a life in exile. But none remain in sight of their former clan and kin."

    He then moves on quickly to the next topic, his manner that of one distancing himself from the subject discussed.

    "You asked how friendship begins. The answer is, friendships between clans are rare. They are found where duty brings two groups together; they form quickly among those who fight together, particularly those who preserve one another's lives. So, though Karth is not of the Stonecutter Clan, but he counts Harn Grethson as... well, if not yet a friend, at least a comrade in arms. They have known each other barely a decade, after all.

    "And I hear you have a human on your shores whom Thuril Drakeslayer accounted friend? That is a wonder indeed - although the Runewardens are odd folk. But that is an example - if an extreme one - of what I mean: battle forms bonds that otherwise take decades, even a century."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
    dantiesilva's Avatar

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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    "I thank you for even considering it and fully understand that the duties of your kin must come first. Espically when you are their captain." She says understandably to Captain Karthson.

    Spoiler: Your post
    "Now, I'm sure that's three questions you asked, but I'll answer all the same.

    "We don't treat women any different to men. I know for you humans, women aren't often as strong as men, so some hard labour is rarely given to them; and you seem to have other issues with women that baffle us. But dwarf women are no different from men in those ways.

    "You've perhaps seen that there are no women on this ship? On a ship, quarters are close, the level of intimacy is hard to tolerate. It is seen as unseemly to have mixed gender crews, because of that. So you have some ships that are all female, others that are all male. And knowing what we do about your kind, your prejudices, we chose a male crew to deal with you.

    "There are some other areas of work like that, but not many. Soldiers, miners... I can't think of any others. It's only where people are forced together in close quarters that it becomes an issue.

    "Apart from that, women who are with child or nursing are given the honor that deserves, but after that, go back to normal. I can't think of many other times it matters.
    Listening to how the dwarves of Kharheim treat their women as equals in all regards sets Sister Rosalind's mind at ease, up until now she had not been sure how they would react to a female dignitary coming to their lands to speak with them. However this had given her a great insight into how the people thought. "What you say makes a lot of sense to me Captain, though I believe most humans tend to provide rolls to females that better suit our talents. As a shorter lived race we do not all have the luxury to defy the norms. Some however are gifted with a blade, as good as any man even I admit. However I believe most believe that if they were to take up the blade or do other things men tend to do our population would dwindle and perhaps go extinct because of this. We have to master things swiftly or suffer the consequences, where as a race such as your own has the proper time to teach everyone how to do something properly so they do not risk harming themselves for no reason." the priestess of the Lovers offers up as an explanation as to why she at least believed why women took some rolls men did not, and vise versa when it came to humans in general.

    Spoiler: Your post
    "Now, as to my clan being seafarers, you've already met Karth Kudrenson, who became a warrior, and Honoured Bhatrem who became a leader and an ambassador. We don't all hear the call of the sea - but when we do, we hear it deeply.

    "The Blackforge Clan holds land by the coast. We've always had an affinity for the sea - something most other dwarves don't share. The sea is in our blood; our ships keep Kharheim safe from our enemies overseas, bring wealth through trade with other cultures, and ensure the Clan remains strong and influential in the Council of Clans."
    "So it is not looked down upon for one to turn away from the trade their clan is known for so long as it brings honor to their clan?" Sister Rosalind asks, wanting to make sure she understood what was being said correctly. "Or are those who wish to seek another trade besides seafaring in the case of the Blackforge Clan, looked at as oddities to be kept an eye on so they do not bring shame to the clan? I only ask so that I may better understand how a clan works. For example if all the young men followed after Karth Kudrenson as an example, would your clans reputation fall slightly due to the fact that it is already known the next generation will not be following through with their duty as the first line of defense against outsiders with their ships, as well as the traders that bring wealth to the dwarven lands?
    she asks trying to learn all she could about the people as a whole and what could effect their clans.

    "If it is alright with you captain, I would not mind sleeping out under the stars to be honest. Looking up each night to see the Mother's face watching over me, and to awaken to the Father's gentle rays telling me it is time to rise would be a beautiful experience. Though if I would get in the way of the crew I will of course sleep in the room you have so kindly given to me for the voyage." She adds at the end so he knows she is willing to do what he thought would be best.

    Spoiler: Your post
    "As far as drink is concerned, there are those few holy men who give up drink - much as Honored Bhatrem swore to speak only the tongue of our ancestors. Sacrifice as a mark of devotion to a cause, that we understand and honor. Where your reasons are known, there will be no shame in turning down drink.

    "I'm glad to hear not all humans share this madness, although some of the things you describe are strange enough. To do without weapons, to tolerate lawlessness... aye, strange indeed."
    "I see, however I have taken no vow to give up the drink, I simply do not do it often. And would not wish to lose control due to the drink. If I told them I could not drink due to a vow it would be a lie, however if I drank to much and could not keep control I would bring shame to those I represent, and if my glass were to stay empty to long because I was trying not to drink as much to stay in control I would insult my host. None of these seem like a good choice in the long run if peace is to ever come between our people sadly." Sister Rosalind explains in more detail so he knew that she had not "forsworn the drink", but merely didn't do it often due to her lack of need for food or drink.

    "Indeed most outsiders to my homeland find it odd that we are able to maintain order. However just because we do not wield weapons, does not mean we are defenseless. Those who wish to protect the kingdom are trained all their life to fight using their body, so that they can stop a conflict without killing a person. Their are exceptions of course, for example when it is either your life or theirs, or when fighting unnatural creatures of the world. But these things rarely happen. As for tolerating the lawlessness in my homeland it would not be allowed, however in New Ganther I operate within the poor district, and sadly the lawless control it because no one will stand up to them. My vows forbid me from harming them which leaves me with only one option, to make it so that within the walls of my establishment no one can harm anyone else. I am sure Mr. Gunn could tell you how well that has worked in the past year. Those who break the rule are often dealt with by those who control the poor district rather swiftly as no one wishes to see their own people harmed at the end of the day. It is the one place anyone can go and know that they are safe."

    Spoiler: The Clanless
    "I guess I brought up the clanless. And it's fair that you want to know more. Understand, though: talking of matters that are shameful is difficult. Taboo, even. Almost as bad as talking about what passes between men and women.

    "Well, then. For us, clan and family are vitally important. Our society revolves around the clans; our religion, around the ancestors who brought our clan glory. Our concept of honor is closely related to those ideas.

    "If someone does something which is dishonorable, he or she brings shame upon himself, his family, his clan, his master and his servants - in short, all who are connected with him. If it is a small thing, easily remedied, he will face pressure to resolve it - to repay the honor debt to those affected. Where the shame is greater, the solution becomes more difficult. The clan will help a penitent dwarf to make redress, for the shame of one is the shame of all. But for some, the shame is so great - or, worse still, there is so little willingness to atone - that the only answer is to expel the culprit and make such amends as we can on their behalf.

    "A dwarf can endure loss of his master, his comrades, his very family. But to lose one's clan... those who face that fate are no longer dwarves. Many take their own lives. Others choose a life in exile. But none remain in sight of their former clan and kin."
    "I see, I will not ask again on this topic as it is considered taboo. I am thankful for what you have told me however for it will help me in understanding your customs. I simply have to ask two things though, well three really. How does one tell a clanless from a normal dwarf who has a clan? And how would your people react to an outsider treating a clanless that is dying? For you see my own religion dictates I must try and help all those I can. If this would become a conflict of interests I would have to revert to my own religion, which in turn may insult your clan elders. Is their a way we could make sure a conflict never arises?"

    "You asked how friendship begins. The answer is, friendships between clans are rare. They are found where duty brings two groups together; they form quickly among those who fight together, particularly those who preserve one another's lives. So, though Karth is not of the Stonecutter Clan, but he counts Harn Grethson as... well, if not yet a friend, at least a comrade in arms. They have known each other barely a decade, after all.

    "And I hear you have a human on your shores whom Thuril Drakeslayer accounted friend? That is a wonder indeed - although the Runewardens are odd folk. But that is an example - if an extreme one - of what I mean: battle forms bonds that otherwise take decades, even a century."
    "So than it is merely a matter of knowing someone for a long period of time under the right circumstances?" Sister Rosalind asks. " I could see how human friendships would seem odd to you than given the fact we are so short lived we do not have the time to build such close bonds often. However I also see the wisdom of how your own people handle it, a friendship you describe sounds like one that would never end as the two people would know each other fully down to their very souls. This would make it very hard I think for a dwarf and a human to consider each other friend than by your own standards due to them not being of your clan, and by the time you know them, they are already to old to enjoy the things you are still able to do with ease." she says thoughtfully.

    "Also when you have free time could you tell me more about the Stonecutter Clan, Harn Grethson, and Thuril Drakeslayer, and what are runewardens?"

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Gunn listens intently, content with Rosalind's questions and offering no more of his own, for now.
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

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    To your question about dwarves who do not follow their clan's heritage, Bain simply shrugs. "As I said, most Blackforge dwarves work towards our seafaring heritage in some way. Those who don't are rare, but a clan has many needs. So long as a dwarf is working to the good of his clan, there is no stigma attached to choosing an unusual path. If one were to turn one's back on the clan altogether... well, such things simply are not done.

    "Sleep beneath the stars if you wish; you may find the nights harsher at sea than you are used to, however.

    "As for the drinking, I will say only that you will give less offense by refusing a drink than by becoming intoxicated."

    He listens carefully to your description of your homeland, and understanding seems to dawn on his features. "Ah - you view unarmed combat as the highest martial art. Several of my kin agree. There are monastic sects, in particular, whose grasp of the open handed combat is breathtaking. Perhaps we are not so different, after all.

    "As to the Clanless, you will not come across them. To their own clan, they are known and recognised. For others, they have no means of making themselves a place. They have no one to vouch for them, no one to make introductions. Their words are wind, without the clan to give them substance. It will not be a problem."

    Spoiler: OOC
    I don't normally prompt for these, but Sense Motive check please.

    "As for friendship, it takes more than time alone - but time is certainly necessary. Trust builds slowly, and respect, with familiarity. On that foundation, a friendship may form. As you say, friendships between dwarves and humans are rare for that very reason."

    He stands, tapping the water clock on the wall. With a last few drips, the upper part empties; outside, you hear a bell chime, and with a practised motion Bain turns the You have been speaking for more than an hour; with a slightly apologetic smile, he nods to the door.

    "Now, I have duties to attend to. Feel free to use this room to talk among yourselves; I imagine there are many things you need to plan. Beyond that, you have the freedom of the ship, except that I ask you to respect the privacy of the crew quarters and my own cabin. Kindly keep out of the way of my crew while they are at their duties. There will be a light lunch at midday, and I will rejoin you for the main meal at five of the evening."

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    "Sleep beneath the stars if you wish; you may find the nights harsher at sea than you are used to, however.
    Sister Rosalind can not help but smile at the captains worry for her well being, she had no doubt that had she not the protection of the Lovers he would inin fact be right, however the temperature had never bothered her since she had graduated to being a full fledged priestess of the Lovers."" I thank you for your concern captain, however much like the magical abilities some have to adapt their body to extreme temperatures, so to does my body do this automatically. So unless it begins to rain, or a harsh storm I do not believe it will be an issue. Thank you however for being so considerate and warning me about the weather at sea." Sister Rosalind says, expressing gratitude to the Captain worrying about her well being.

    "As for the drinking, I will say only that you will give less offense by refusing a drink than by becoming intoxicated."
    "So it as as I feared than. I will take your advice on this matter, and thank you for your honesty. This will no doubt save me from causing to many problems during peace talks with luck." she says clearly realized before she looks to Mr. Gunn and Matryn, only looking to Mr. Gunn so Matryn did not believe she was singling him out. " I do not know how much either of you can drink, however I doubt it is more than a culture such as the one we are going to. I advise not trying to, and knowing your limit so we do not cause any problems that are not needed. If they note all of us drinking but not indulging in it I can see them forgiving us, however if one of us becomes intoxicated....It would look badly as why would the prince send someone like that, you would embarrass yourself, those with you, as well as your country. Remember that at all times."

    "Ah - you view unarmed combat as the highest martial art. Several of my kin agree. There are monastic sects, in particular, whose grasp of the open handed combat is breathtaking. Perhaps we are not so different, after all.
    "Perhaps if peace could be made between our people I could extend an offer to these sects, while the Order of the Justicar is no doubt very different in their views of training than your own people, I believe those who wish to join the temple of the Lovers could require a teach able to teach them the arts better than I can." She says kindly to the Captain, expressing interest in these different sects.

    "As to the Clanless, you will not come across them. To their own clan, they are known and recognized. For others, they have no means of making themselves a place. They have no one to vouch for them, no one to make introductions. Their words are wind, without the clan to give them substance. It will not be a problem."
    Sister Rosalind allows a long pause to go on between the two as if she were going to simply accept that, however something in her piercing emerald green eyes looking into the Captains gave the clear indication she did not fully believe what he said to be the truth, but would accept it so long as she believed it was because the topic was taboo to their culture. " I see, than I do not believe this will be a problem if this is the case."

    "Now, I have duties to attend to. Feel free to use this room to talk among yourselves; I imagine there are many things you need to plan. Beyond that, you have the freedom of the ship, except that I ask you to respect the privacy of the crew quarters and my own cabin. Kindly keep out of the way of my crew while they are at their duties. There will be a light lunch at midday, and I will rejoin you for the main meal at five of the evening."
    Noting how much time has gone by Sister Rosalind feels sorry for keeping the Captain busy for all this time when he no doubt had many important things to do. "Oh my, I am so sorry, I did not even realize we had been speaking for so long. The prusit of knowledge can do that at times though it seems, I thank you on behalf of myself, as well as the crown for taking time out of your day to help us learn." Sister Rosalind says, standing up and bowing slightly to the captain. Once he has left she looks to her two traveling companions to see if they have anything to say to her, before she heads up to the deck to learn what she could from observation, taking note to keep out of the way at all times, and lending a helping hand if asked.

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    Matryn waits until the Captain has left before turning to Gunn.

    "I'm sorry - I haven't had a chance to properly introduce myself. My name is Matryn. The Crown has assigned me to make sure this visit comes to the best possible resolution. Of course, I don't need to ask who you are, Mr Gunn. Your reputation precedes you. Although I confess, I am surprised to see you joining this mission. I wonder what you hope to achieve?"

    He listens politely to Gunn's response, and once that line of conversation is finished, points after Captain Karthson.

    "I'm impressed - you've learned more about Kharheim in an hour than the government has in three decades. Although, perhaps, that is for want of trying.

    "Still, don't be fooled: where we are going, there are great dangers. Read between the lines of what he said: they are a people prone to taking offence at matters we might not be able to predict, who may respond to insult with violence - even lethal force.

    "And that is the prospect of accidentally getting killed. There is also the real possibility that they want to conquer our country. Now, I believe they have a concept of diplomatic immunity similar to ours, but it has never been tested - and note that they are a divided people, with many factions, whose goals may not agree. If one faction does want a war, they may not stick to the high-sounding ideals of honour. Or they might try to take advantage of our ignorance, manipulate us into a position where they have an excuse to kill us off."

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    "My aims are my employer's aims," Gunn says, gesturing to Sister Rosalind. "I will serve her to the best of my significant capabilities." He listens to the rest of what Matryn has to say, then responds, "We will all have to watch one another's backs."
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

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    "I have asked Mr. Gunn here as a personal request Matryn. In all the years the crown has known of its neighbor Kharheim it has done little to learn about its people or culture. Simply allowing the relationship to stay as two people who trade with one another for muteral gain." Sister Rosalind says looking to Mr. Gunn before going on. " Mr. Gunn is a person I know well enough to know he will do what he can to learn what he needs to about the culture of Kharheim so that as you say the crown may be in a better place to negotiate peace. The Captain often spoke of honor, meaning they hold a high respect to the law, something Mr. Gunn is familiar with, even if not on foreign laws. It would be easy for him to understand something dealing with the laws than either one of us. And his judge of character has always been spot on." Sister Rosalind says defending Gunn's presence being here, though in a calm kindly manner.

    "I'm impressed - you've learned more about Kharheim in an hour than the government has in three decades. Although, perhaps, that is for want of trying.
    The priestess of the Lover's can not help but let out a laugh at this last comment. The sound of pure joy coming from her lips. "Please Matryn had the crown tried in the past three decades to broker something more with Kharheim or at least learned about them this job would not be needed to be done. Instead we have to clean up a mess that should not have been made in the first place. When we succeed here in bringing peace, I am sure the prince and his advisors will take it upon themselves to try to have a more open relationship with the government of Kharheim, at worst to simply make sure war is not a possibility again. However if you have any thought that the crown will make out ahead in these talks wash it from your mind now. Kharheim has the superior navy, and given it is only two days from their home to our own shores we will not be able to cut off supply lines or deployment of troops. Add in what the captain explained to us, about them hating the fact humans always try to get more than what they pay for back it would not be wise to try and cheat these proud people. Simply explaining the truth of the situation no doubt would be best."

    "Still, don't be fooled: where we are going, there are great dangers. Read between the lines of what he said: they are a people prone to taking offense at matters we might not be able to predict, who may respond to insult with violence - even lethal force.

    "And that is the prospect of accidentally getting killed. There is also the real possibility that they want to conquer our country. Now, I believe they have a concept of diplomatic immunity similar to ours, but it has never been tested - and note that they are a divided people, with many factions, whose goals may not agree. If one faction does want a war, they may not stick to the high-sounding ideals of honor. Or they might try to take advantage of our ignorance, manipulate us into a position where they have an excuse to kill us off."
    "There is great danger each day you walk out your door Matryn, though I will agree with Mr. Gunn we must watch each others backs. If we are to succeed we can not be fighting among each other. They may be prone to take insult, however as we are outsiders they are more capable of forgiving us than they would their own people due to us not knowing their ways. By us showing that we are trying to learn their ways we are showing them that we are willing to meet them halfway so long as they are willing to come greet us in the center. If they were such a violent people after all we would have been at war with them countless times already, if not simply under their rule." Sister Rosalind points out with disdain at the negative thoughts coming from the person who was supposed to help her make peace. However the thought that Kirest and Torae kept each other in balance reminded her that perhaps his negative views would help her stay safe from the danger the Lover's had warned her about. It seemed Mr. Gunn would be the voice of practical reason.

    "It seems while you have heard of me, you doubt the powers I wield Matryn. While we are meeting with the clan leaders I doubt none but the strongest of Will shall be able to get angry. And those with the strongest will tend to be those with wisdom who would no doubt see the benefit in peace, and those who are prone to acts of rage who would learn that their rage which gives them strength does not work anywhere close to me. The Lover's have blessed me greatly Matryn, and so long as you are here with me, you are under the protection of the Lover's as well. After all if I can keep an entire hospital of killers from attacking one another, how hard can it be to keep however many clan leaders meet with us?"

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    Matryn holds up a placating hand. "I did not mean to cast any doubt on your gods' power, Sister, or your standing with them. Indeed, I have heard several accounts of your power to avert or withstand conflict. I doubt you would have been chosen for this endeavour if you did not have such a reputation.

    "But a calm, rational foe can still conspire to do you harm. Not all evil stems from passion, nor are all those who would oppose us doing so out of evil intent.

    "Your power is a great reassurance to me - and I would not be here if I did not believe we could succeed. But part of my responsibility is to bring things to your attention that could affect the mission - for good or ill."

    Turning to Gunn, he smiles faintly. "You are here to serve your employer? I see. Well, we must all serve our masters as we best can. I trust your loyalty will be an asset to us."

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    "And that is why I brought those who have a quick wit and deal with such people in a courtroom each day with me. I trust in Mr. Gunn's skills to detect these kinds of threats as much as I trust in my deities to protect me from harm. Sadly I know little of your own talents so I do not know what I can expect of you besides to keep me informed about how the polices of New Ganther would interact with those presented during the peace talks. After all I never planned on taking on the role of a diplomat for two countries before. I simply came to New Ganther to help its people." se says as if wishing someone else were doing the job, however knowing that everyone else would have their own personal agenda in it, no doubt why the prince had asked her to come for him.

    "I see, well than please keep your eyes and ears open during our travels. This way we can compound all the information we know together and plan our best course of action together as a strong united people." she says looking to Gunn to see if he would agree with her.

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    Gunn nods his agreement, and has little else to say besides small talk before they arrive in Kharheim.
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

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    The rest of the day passes slowly, a series of inscrutable activity by the dwarves, unchanging seas, and quiet conversation.

    Matryn proves poor company as a bout of seasickness sends him to the rails, earning looks of reproof from the iron-stomached dwarves. His condition only worsens from there, and he divides his time between vomiting noisily into the sea and huddling, miserable, in the passenger cabin.

    Dinner with the Captain - minus Matryn - proves a surprisingly staid affair. He opens one of the wine bottles you brought, pours out a measure for himself and Gunn, then offers Rosalind water or fresh fruit juice, talking at some length of the benefits of the latter to human sailors on long voyages - though he seems unsure what counts as a long voyage for your race.

    Your conversation is not so enlightening as the earlier one, but it is far reaching.

    From Captain Karthson, you learn that there are seven clans in Kharheim. From the way he speaks of them, the members of a given clan seem to acknowledge a common heritage, some distant ancestor in common; but there is a distinction between family and clan, which the Captain struggles to articulate.

    More relevant for your current purposes, each clan holds a distinct territory within Kharheim. It appears the clans are largely autonomous, but each plays a role in the security and prosperity of Kharheim as a whole. They have distinct systems of law, administration, and economics, as well as their own military. Conflicts between clans - even to the point of war - are common enough that the Captain speaks of them as a fact of life.

    The Seven Clans have a Council of Clans, which meets in the Hall of the Great Clanmeet, which is nominally sovereign over Kharheim as a whole. Their authority is in reality limited, with each clan retaining near-total sovereignty within their own borders, but they assemble when a clan wishes to raise an issue of cross-border significance, and also every six months as a matter of routine.

    As well as Blackforge, the other clans are as follows.

    The Stonecutter Clan holds territory in the mountain ranges to the east of the Blackforge Clan. Relations between the two clans are varied, but currently amicable. The Stonecutters are predominantly miners, architects and stonemasons. They have a reputation for being surly and suspicious of others, but also for determination remarkable even by Kharheim's standards.

    The Stormhelm Clan occupy the smallest territory, north east of the Stonecutters. They are unique among the clans in never having gone to war with any other; Tharin Thundersoul was of this clan, and - largely due to him - they have a reputation for being creative and thoughtful, as well as more than usually sociable. They have a long association with the textile industry and the creation of fine jewellery, which they trade with other clans to shore up their territory’s lack of many natural resources.

    To the south of the Stormhelms lie the Hearthfire Clan. The industry this clan is most associated with is agriculture; their territory is one of vast, fertile fields and abundant water, fought over more fiercely than any other for a long time. Perhaps because of it, the Hearthfires are considered deadly warriors, quick to anger and slow to forgive, although they are also viewed as having a reputation for patience and hard work which can seem incongruous with that image. Most other clans rely to some extent on trade with the Hearthfire Clan to sustain them; because of this, and also their central position geographically, the Hall of the Great Clanmeet is situated here, and military conflict with the Hearthfires is now prohibited on pain of reprisal from all other clans. According to Karthson, this means some have started to doubt their warrior reputation, as it has not been tested in a generation - doubts not expressed to their faces, however.

    South of that lies the territory of the Oathkeeper Clan. As the name suggests, they have a reputation for integrity even among dwarves, although they are also viewed as more than usually harsh on those who fall short of their high standards. Their clan has many libraries and historians, but its wealth lies in its metalworking industry: the Oathkeepers are unparalleled artisans in the forging of weapons and armour, and their products are highly prized by the other clans.

    The northeastern territory is held by the Ironshield Clan. Geographically the largest territory, the Ironshields are in fact the least numerous of the clans. Their territory is a wild, terrifying place, full of beasts and monsters; the Ironshields spend their lives hunting the creatures, keeping their numbers in check, with many leading something close to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Scouts without compare, they have a reputation for being focused and deadly, but also for gregarious behaviour when interacting with others - largely because they are solitary for much of their lives. The Runewardens are based in this territory.

    The seventh clan is one Captain Karthson was reluctant to speak of. He grew increasingly taciturn as he spoke of them, seeming to be hiding his personal view of them as best he could. Named the Bloodriver Clan, the only information you are given about them is that their territory lies to the south east, that they have fought many wars with other clans, and that their clan exports timber and items of wood to other clans - theirs are the most skilled bowyers, carpenters, and pole-turners of Kharheim, although when asked if they also build ships, you receive a frosty glare.

    Not long after that, the meal comes to an end, with Bain promising you another meal and chance to interrogate him the next day. He is aware you have further questions, but says he has an early watch the next morning.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Pausing there because I’m out of time, and in case it prompts more questions or discussion among yourselves. I'll resume next time I have chance with the start of the next day.

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    As the Captain explains the benefits of drinking fresh fruit juices to humans on sea voyages, admitting that he didn’t know what they considered long Sister Rosalind smiled at him. Having only traveled once before over a large distance of water before when she left her homeland to travel to New Ganther she believed she could explain the details easier for him, along with her medical knowledge in a way he would understand, and perhaps even adopt for his own crew.

    Heal check (1d20+15)[22]

    “I see so what you are saying is while each clan may have all at one time come from a single family, as that family grew it divided into its own groups. People who shared a common goal if you will, and that is the main reason why your people have clans? I believe humans have a similar concept, though we call it branch families. Were only the firstborn child is an actual member of the main branch, while everyone else is a member of a different branch.” Sister Rosalind explains to the captain trying to see if she had the right idea or if she was making it more complicating than it had to be. “Also if ones clan means more than ones family, what would happen if someone wished to marry someone from another clan? After all at times it must get hard to keep a genepool strong if the same genes keep on showing up in it.” Sister Rosalind says, not sure if he would understand what she was getting at.

    “So what you are saying is that your kingdom is in truth seven different city-states, which have joined together for joint protection against outsiders threatening your home. However that each clan still fights among each other if no enemy threatens them? I can understand seven people ruling as a council, after all too much power in one person’s hands is dangerous, however being at a constant readiness for war must be hard at times.” Sister Rosalind notes, after all the land she came from didn’t fight with itself. It had been unified for as long back as the history books seemed to write, so to think that some people lived in places like this seemed odd to her. How could they have beauty when they were always ready for war? As most works of art are always destroyed in wars.

    Listening to each tale of the different clans Sister Rosalind notes a few people who may cause problems with the peace talks already, and the fact that no power was actually given to the Council of Clans besides what the other Clan leaders allowed others to do in their own lands was worrying. “So do you happen to know who the current Councilor of the Stonecutter Clan is? I ask so that I can at least know a name when I go to speak before these powerful figures of your daily life and believe that he may either be a great ally or at worst someone who may not take a side due to their being suspicious of outsiders.”
    Next Sister Rosalind asks about who controls each other clan, asking questions here and there as needed be.
    “So would it be safe to assume if we appealed to the Stormhelm Clan Councilor as a trade partner, to better extend our relations and strengthen our two countries they would agree to such a thing? After all simply agreeing to peace will not solve an issue, merely delay it. Instead we must find ways to work together as a whole and help one another if we want a true peace.”

    “I doubt the Hearthfire Clan will forgive the incident that happened just days ago, meaning we will already be on bad ground when speaking with them. So it would be best to not anger them further if we could. Would appealing to their Warrior honor give us any help in the peace talks? On one hand they would not allow an insult to go unpunished; however on the other, another kingdom is coming to their land to apologize to them and ask that they be allowed to prove themselves worthy of forgiveness.”

    “I believe the Oathkeeper Clan will remain neutral in this as well. At least until we have come to some form of agreement. After which they will no doubt make sure, and rightly so, that the prince’s new councilor honors whatever agreement is set upon. Even if it is only to meet again and not have a war.”

    “The Ironshield Clan from what you have described shall be a wild card. No doubt they have a central forum of belief, and if we insult it in anyway such hunters would not take to it kindly. Are they known for the trading of the skins of exotic animals or other such items? I know New Ganther has a host of wizards as well as temples who would no doubt be happy to begin opening up trade more for such rare materials.”

    Sister Rosalind makes a point not to comment on the last clan, seeing as the Captain does not seem to have good relations with their clan. No doubt from what she has heard due to a war no doubt very recent between the two in which the Bloodriver Clan gained more land.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Quote Originally Posted by dantiesilva View Post
    As the Captain explains the benefits of drinking fresh fruit juices to humans on sea voyages, admitting that he didn’t know what they considered long Sister Rosalind smiled at him. Having only traveled once before over a large distance of water before when she left her homeland to travel to New Ganther she believed she could explain the details easier for him, along with her medical knowledge in a way he would understand, and perhaps even adopt for his own crew.
    The Captain is alluding to scurvy - a condition which affects humans deprived of fresh fruits for a protracted period of time. Typically it takes at least a month for symptoms to manifest. According to the sages you have heard describe the condition, it results from an imbalance of the humours with the water humours in ascendancy. That said, you have read other sages who criticised the whole doctrine of humours - they suggested there was something specific in those fresh fruits which the body needs, a shortage of which is harmful. That theory does not yet have widespread acceptance.

    Your understanding is that dwarves are not susceptible to scurvy - or, if they are, it must take so long for symptoms to develop that no recorded voyage has been affected.

    “I see so what you are saying is while each clan may have all at one time come from a single family, as that family grew it divided into its own groups. People who shared a common goal if you will, and that is the main reason why your people have clans? I believe humans have a similar concept, though we call it branch families. Were only the firstborn child is an actual member of the main branch, while everyone else is a member of a different branch.” Sister Rosalind explains to the captain trying to see if she had the right idea or if she was making it more complicating than it had to be.
    "At one time, perhaps that was so. I know there were once more clans - that the wars between our people caused some to be destroyed, forced to accept absorption into the conquering clan. But distinctions along those lines now mean nothing. So I would say you're on the right lines, but there's more to clan than blood. It is about honour - allegiance."

    “Also if ones clan means more than ones family, what would happen if someone wished to marry someone from another clan? After all at times it must get hard to keep a genepool strong if the same genes keep on showing up in it.” Sister Rosalind says, not sure if he would understand what she was getting at.
    Captain Karthson seems not to understand what you are saying about genetics, but he looks offended at the idea of marrying outside one's clan. "Such a marriage is not possible," he says shortly.

    “So what you are saying is that your kingdom is in truth seven different city-states, which have joined together for joint protection against outsiders threatening your home. However that each clan still fights among each other if no enemy threatens them? I can understand seven people ruling as a council, after all too much power in one person’s hands is dangerous, however being at a constant readiness for war must be hard at times.” Sister Rosalind notes, after all the land she came from didn’t fight with itself. It had been unified for as long back as the history books seemed to write, so to think that some people lived in places like this seemed odd to her. How could they have beauty when they were always ready for war? As most works of art are always destroyed in wars.
    "City-state - this means a city which rules itself, yes? Our territories comprise many towns and cities, and cover much land. But, aside from that, you have the gist of it.

    "Although, consider: many dwarves view battle as something to be welcomed, as a test of skill and a chance to earn the respect of your clan. Serving one's clan is at the heart of honour; defending one's clan from its enemies, a glorious act. And, between ourselves, war is conducted honourably. Civilians are unharmed; crops untouched. The damage to the lifeblood of a clan is seldom severe."

    Listening to each tale of the different clans Sister Rosalind notes a few people who may cause problems with the peace talks already, and the fact that no power was actually given to the Council of Clans besides what the other Clan leaders allowed others to do in their own lands was worrying. “So do you happen to know who the current Councilor of the Stonecutter Clan is? I ask so that I can at least know a name when I go to speak before these powerful figures of your daily life and believe that he may either be a great ally or at worst someone who may not take a side due to their being suspicious of outsiders.”
    "Nay. I am a sailor, not a politician. But, when we arrive, I shall try to introduce you to those in my clan who might aid you."

    Next Sister Rosalind asks about who controls each other clan, asking questions here and there as needed be.
    “So would it be safe to assume if we appealed to the Stormhelm Clan Councilor as a trade partner, to better extend our relations and strengthen our two countries they would agree to such a thing? After all simply agreeing to peace will not solve an issue, merely delay it. Instead we must find ways to work together as a whole and help one another if we want a true peace.”
    "Formal trade with other nations is a matter for the Council. What you describe would affect many clans, ours not least - and not necessarily for the better. I do not doubt the Stormhelms would be glad of your offer. My clan would not."

    “I doubt the Hearthfire Clan will forgive the incident that happened just days ago, meaning we will already be on bad ground when speaking with them. So it would be best to not anger them further if we could. Would appealing to their Warrior honor give us any help in the peace talks? On one hand they would not allow an insult to go unpunished; however on the other, another kingdom is coming to their land to apologize to them and ask that they be allowed to prove themselves worthy of forgiveness.”
    "It may help that the one who gave offence was stripped of office. But he remains of your clan. Restitution will be difficult, I think. But that you earnestly seek it would be well regarded."

    “I believe the Oathkeeper Clan will remain neutral in this as well. At least until we have come to some form of agreement. After which they will no doubt make sure, and rightly so, that the prince’s new councilor honors whatever agreement is set upon. Even if it is only to meet again and not have a war.”
    "Neutral? Nay, Sister. We are talking about a treacherous, shameful act by one country against another. You think the Oathkeeper Clan, out of all the Seven Clans, will view that lightly?"

    “The Ironshield Clan from what you have described shall be a wild card. No doubt they have a central forum of belief, and if we insult it in anyway such hunters would not take to it kindly. Are they known for the trading of the skins of exotic animals or other such items? I know New Ganther has a host of wizards as well as temples who would no doubt be happy to begin opening up trade more for such rare materials.”[/COLOR]
    "Again, trying to bypass the Blackforge Clan would not be viewed lightly. They do trade such things from time to time - among the clans."

    With your discussion concluded, you are shown to your quarters - or, in Rosalind's case, a hammock on the deck. The night is peaceful enough, save for the chiming of the watch bell and the sound of Matryn's retching; the weather is cold, but dry, and sleep comes swiftly enough.

    Day 8 - 9 days remaining

    You awaken to an atmosphere of restrained anxiety on the ship. The dwarves are bustling around with more urgency than before; the Captain is standing at the rail with an elegant brass telescope held to his eye. Following his gaze, you can just make out the smudge of a sail on the horizon.

    "Good - you're awake," he says tersely. "On the way to your shores, we had a Runewarden to hide us. What magic do you possess to conceal us?"
    Last edited by ilinares; 2017-02-03 at 04:15 AM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    "At one time, perhaps that was so. I know there were once more clans - that the wars between our people caused some to be destroyed, forced to accept absorption into the conquering clan. But distinctions along those lines now mean nothing. So I would say you're on the right lines, but there's more to clan than blood. It is about honor - allegiance."
    Sister Rosalind remains quite for a few moments, contemplating what Captain Karthson had explained to her, and what little she knew of dwarves. For one she knew they could easily live much longer than humans, meaning the possibility of a tainted bloodline would take much longer to appear than it would with humans of such a situation. And if the clans were constantly warring with one another it meant they would constantly be getting new members, however one thing didn't seem to add up. Breaking her silence at last Sister Rosalind places her drinks down gently and looks to the captain. " Please if you will allow me to speak in hypothetical for a moment, I believe I understand what you are saying. However a few things seem out of place and seem to not add up in my understanding. So lets say the Blackforge clan went to war with the Stonecutter clan and gained some of their territory in the war. Would those you conquered than be considered members of the Blackforge clan, or still members of the Stonecutter clan? As if they gave up their title of being members of the Stonecutter clan simply because you took the land that would mean they are betraying their true clan and have no honor from my understanding." Sister Rosalind explains, making sure to once again state that this was simply a make believe case in which she was trying to see how their views of a clan would work in certain situations.

    "Such a marriage is not possible,"
    As Sister Rosalind listens to the answer she realizes that to the dwarves a different clan was very much like a rival nation to humans, one would not try to marry another nation's people unless they were trying to seize power and make it a peaceful transition. It still seemed barbaric to the priestess, but it was something she had been taught other people seemed to do outside the safety of her empire.

    "City-state - this means a city which rules itself, yes? Our territories comprise many towns and cities, and cover much land. But, aside from that, you have the gist of it.

    "Although, consider: many dwarves view battle as something to be welcomed, as a test of skill and a chance to earn the respect of your clan. Serving one's clan is at the heart of honor; defending one's clan from its enemies, a glorious act. And, between ourselves, war is conducted honorably. Civilians are unharmed; crops untouched. The damage to the lifeblood of a clan is seldom severe."
    "If that is the case why do you not hold games of strength and battle in place of wars? You would earn honor among your people, and each clan no doubt would compete with each other still to prove who is strongest, however it would keep many more alive than it would kill. The warriors I spoke of from my homeland, they often perform drills against other groups from across the empire I am from, they see it as a way to bring honor to their group, as well as to teach one another things they have learned in their own parts of the empire so that as a whole they grow stronger. Could something like this not work for your people as well?" The priestess asks out of curiosity.

    "Nay. I am a sailor, not a politician. But, when we arrive, I shall try to introduce you to those in my clan who might aid you."
    "Thank you Captain, you have been most generous with your aid and patience for me and my traveling companions. And I have learned much about your people in such a short time, even Matryn said that in merely an hour we had learned more together than New Ganther had in three decades. I feel with a neighbor so close you should at least know more about them. Even if it is only their most basic customs." She says kindly to the dwarf, letting him know how grateful she was for all the help he had provided her on this voyage.

    "Formal trade with other nations is a matter for the Council. What you describe would affect many clans, ours not least - and not necessarily for the better. I do not doubt the Stormhelms would be glad of your offer. My clan would not."
    "But if your clan controls the transport of goods, would it not bring great wealth to your clan than to be the ones who bring forth trade as you do now, but in much larger bulk? Or would it take away an advantage in warfare as items you would normally only be able to get through trade would now be accessible to all?" She says curious on how making formal trade agreements would be against the best interests of the Blackforge clan.

    "It may help that the one who gave offense was stripped of office. But he remains of your clan. Restitution will be difficult, I think. But that you earnestly seek it would be well regarded."
    "I assure you once your people left the chamber the prince tried to maintain order and stop the chancellor. He even asked for Mr. Gunn's help in finding a legal way to do this so that war would not come between our people. For it was not what he wished for his own people to suffer. While the prince is young he has proven very wise in what little dealings I have had with him, and has always placed the wellfare of his people, his clan, before what is best for him. Even during the meeting the chancellor tried to turn the prince against your people and once shown this he quickly made corrections to my knowledge." She explains to the captain truthfully. " Though I know he did not return a gift as is custom, though he was not aware of such a custom of your people. No doubt why he made sure to send back as much as he did this time, to try and make up for this mistake." She offered hoping it would help on that offense.

    "Neutral? Nay, Sister. We are talking about a treacherous, shameful act by one country against another. You think the Oathkeeper Clan, out of all the Seven Clans, will view that lightly?"
    Sister Rosalind was caught off guard for a moment by the accusations until she thought about how it would look. They had tried to seize those with diplomatic immunity wrongfully at that, forcing their guests to flee. There was no greater insult than to attack a diplomat or messenger, and she was starting to understand the grave offense she was being tasked with trying to smooth over. " I am sorry Captain, it escaped me until just now what sacred oath you were speaking of, but than it dawned on me, that it is the same one I am hoping allows me to speak with your leaders. My job just got a lot harder now that I have seen the great wrong that was placed on your ambassadors." Sister Rosalind says, her emotions very clear as she speaks.

    "Again, trying to bypass the Blackforge Clan would not be viewed lightly. They do trade such things from time to time - among the clans."
    "So trade is generaly frowned upon as well between clans? I would have thought given the many different cultures each clan holds trade would be a bit more common among your people. I promise I do not mean to cut the Blackforge out of their clans way of life, but merely express some way I can see our people working together as a united front in the future. Would the Blackforge clan look kindly on perhaps having a warehouse in the ports of New Ganther so that they could set up a shop in the human lands to sell their wares, and in turn be able to transport back and sell what they wanted to the other clans?" Sister Rosalind asked, not really sure how to treat the Blackforge clan, as fishers, a navy, or traders at this moment.

    Day 8

    Having decided it best to perform her rituals at night, under the watchful eye of the Mother while she was on this voyage when she would least disturb the crew Sister Rosalind awoke as the sun began to shine on her face. Looking to the captain the priestess shock her head as she looked up at the sky for a few moments. " I believe the spells I can use, will not be exactly what you need. I can create a darkness so deep none can see, however that would only hamper the crew, and alert the other ship to our presence. If you have some sort of way to make an object land on their ship I could use such a spell on said object and it would have the same effect, but on their own crew instead. I could also create a fog, though as it is not mobile, I doubt it would help us in the regard you have in mind." Sister Rosalind says going deep into thought.

    "If you wish I can try to commune with my gods and ask them to show me the exalted path which will lead us form conflict to our destination. There is another option, however I have never tried such a thing before, and the chances of it harming someone are rather high which gives me pause." She explains waiting to see what the captain had to say on the choices she had provided.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    "If we are still and quiet, I can create an illusion that would make it seem as there is nothing there."
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    Spoiler: Day 7
    Quote Originally Posted by dantiesilva View Post
    Sister Rosalind remains quite for a few moments, contemplating what Captain Karthson had explained to her, and what little she knew of dwarves. For one she knew they could easily live much longer than humans, meaning the possibility of a tainted bloodline would take much longer to appear than it would with humans of such a situation. And if the clans were constantly warring with one another it meant they would constantly be getting new members, however one thing didn't seem to add up. Breaking her silence at last Sister Rosalind places her drinks down gently and looks to the captain. " Please if you will allow me to speak in hypothetical for a moment, I believe I understand what you are saying. However a few things seem out of place and seem to not add up in my understanding. So lets say the Blackforge clan went to war with the Stonecutter clan and gained some of their territory in the war. Would those you conquered than be considered members of the Blackforge clan, or still members of the Stonecutter clan? As if they gave up their title of being members of the Stonecutter clan simply because you took the land that would mean they are betraying their true clan and have no honor from my understanding." Sister Rosalind explains, making sure to once again state that this was simply a make believe case in which she was trying to see how their views of a clan would work in certain situations.
    "Of course they would still be Stonecutters," he replies, seeming baffled that you would suggest otherwise. [B]"While the clan exists, capture does not end one's loyalty. It is only if the clan is destroyed that the survivors may accept integration into the conquering clan rather than becoming clanless.

    "Destruction of a clan is no easy thing, but if the clan's sacred ancestors are destroyed, if none still live who can channel their guidance, then a clan can die."

    "If that is the case why do you not hold games of strength and battle in place of wars? You would earn honor among your people, and each clan no doubt would compete with each other still to prove who is strongest, however it would keep many more alive than it would kill. The warriors I spoke of from my homeland, they often perform drills against other groups from across the empire I am from, they see it as a way to bring honor to their group, as well as to teach one another things they have learned in their own parts of the empire so that as a whole they grow stronger. Could something like this not work for your people as well?" The priestess asks out of curiosity.
    The Captain shakes his head. "Contests of that kind are known among clans, and can give individual glory. But for war to bring glory to the clan and its warriors, it must be in defence of honour. Conflict may be born of insult, or intrusion; of competing for disputed resources, or in desperation. No mere sport can address such issues."

    "But if your clan controls the transport of goods, would it not bring great wealth to your clan than to be the ones who bring forth trade as you do now, but in much larger bulk? Or would it take away an advantage in warfare as items you would normally only be able to get through trade would now be accessible to all?" She says curious on how making formal trade agreements would be against the best interests of the Blackforge clan.
    "As things stand, only the Blackforge Clan trades with other nations. We can purchase the goods of other clans, and sell them elsewhere; or purchase the goods of other nations, to sell on to the other clans. Allowing the other clans direct access to international markets would remove our monopoly.

    "Formalising trade agreements might increase the volume of trade. It might, ultimately, benefit us. But we would need to weigh it up."

    "I assure you once your people left the chamber the prince tried to maintain order and stop the chancellor. He even asked for Mr. Gunn's help in finding a legal way to do this so that war would not come between our people. For it was not what he wished for his own people to suffer. While the prince is young he has proven very wise in what little dealings I have had with him, and has always placed the wellfare of his people, his clan, before what is best for him. Even during the meeting the chancellor tried to turn the prince against your people and once shown this he quickly made corrections to my knowledge." She explains to the captain truthfully. " Though I know he did not return a gift as is custom, though he was not aware of such a custom of your people. No doubt why he made sure to send back as much as he did this time, to try and make up for this mistake." She offered hoping it would help on that offense.
    "The issue of the host-gift might be addressed. But your chancellor's actions cannot be so easily disowned. He was your lawful representative; he spoke with the voice of you all.

    "Do you think it will matter to Kharheim that your administration has changed? Your state gave offence to ours."

    Sister Rosalind was caught off guard for a moment by the accusations until she thought about how it would look. They had tried to seize those with diplomatic immunity wrongfully at that, forcing their guests to flee. There was no greater insult than to attack a diplomat or messenger, and she was starting to understand the grave offense she was being tasked with trying to smooth over. " I am sorry Captain, it escaped me until just now what sacred oath you were speaking of, but than it dawned on me, that it is the same one I am hoping allows me to speak with your leaders. My job just got a lot harder now that I have seen the great wrong that was placed on your ambassadors." Sister Rosalind says, her emotions very clear as she speaks.
    "You begin to understand. I would say your task seems harder for it, but in truth, had you not seen that, it would be all but impossible."

    "So trade is generaly frowned upon as well between clans? I would have thought given the many different cultures each clan holds trade would be a bit more common among your people. I promise I do not mean to cut the Blackforge out of their clans way of life, but merely express some way I can see our people working together as a united front in the future. Would the Blackforge clan look kindly on perhaps having a warehouse in the ports of New Ganther so that they could set up a shop in the human lands to sell their wares, and in turn be able to transport back and sell what they wanted to the other clans?" Sister Rosalind asked, not really sure how to treat the Blackforge clan, as fishers, a navy, or traders at this moment.
    "Trade between the clans is commonplace. Trade with other cultures is, at present, unique to our clan - well, and the Bloodrivers. Certainly better relations with your country could improve matters for us - but it might also remove our main advantage over rival clans.

    Captain Karthson regards the distant sail again, then grunts noncomittally.

    ”Pass word for Karth Kudrenson and Master Halson to join me in my cabin,” he instructs the nearest crewman. ”Sister Rosalind, Mr Gunn, I would regard it as a courtesy if you would join us. Your capabilities may be relevant to our strategy, and you know them better than we.”

    A few minutes later, you find yourselves back in the Captain’s cabin, where the table is swiftly covered with nautical charts, log books, and various instruments whose purpose is not immediately clear to landsmen. You are joined by Karth Kudrenson, less jocular than usual; the Captain, streaming a series of calculations under his breath as he gazes from the chart to the barometer and on to the notes in dwarven scrawled through his logbook; and a third dwarf - presumably Master Halson - an elderly whitebearded dwarf in light clothing, who leans over the charts with similar zeal to the Captain, tapping various points and commenting in a string of dwarven.

    ”Speak Common,” the Captain growls irritably. Turning to you, he points to the charts and indicates your current position.

    ”The other ship has us at a distinct disadvantage,” he says shortly. ”The weathergage is theirs, and they have been matching our maneuvers closely; they mean to bring us to battle. Our usual complement of warriors is absent: aside from Karth and Harn, they were all transported home with Honoured Bhatrem and Thuril Drakeslayer. In a sailing contest, I would back my men against most anyone, but if we cannot lose them, I doubt a fight will prove anything but one-sided.”

    He looks at Karth as he says that, who looks like he's bitten into something sour. ”A fight is not out of the question, but it would be costly. The crew would have to take up arms. While they are made of stern stuff, they would take heavy losses against a well trained foe. And I gather there are dangers still to come which will need a full crew to handle.”

    The Captain nods. “Aye. Which brings us to the possibility of evading them.”

    He looks over at Master Halson as he speaks. The elder dwarf speaks haltingly, as though unused to the Common tongue, and with a thin if steady voice.

    ”They've chosen well, lying in wait here. If we continue as we are, we will reach these waters.” He taps a spot on the chart. ”You see these markings? There are mountains beneath the sea here. Their peaks cannot, for the most part, be seen, but some of those beneath the waves are high enough to rip open the bottom of this ship.

    “Our course was to take us north of the mountains, here.”
    He demonstrates on the chart the path he is describing. ”But in these conditions, with the currents there being as they are, we might as well have the lee shore at our backs. And we will need to slow to take soundings of the depth.

    "North of that, we reach seas plagued with monsters. Turn south, and we have a couple of hours before we reach waters claimed by Elania. Neither would be desirable."

    The Captain nods, then turns to you.

    "Now you know the position. One of you can hide us, but only if we remain stationary. The other can hide our exact position, but only by making our general position clear."

    He looks at the chart, thoughtful.

    "I have one idea, though it is risky; but first: does anything new occur to you, given this information?"

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    Spoiler: Day 7

    "Of course they would still be Stonecutters," he replies, seeming baffled that you would suggest otherwise. [B]"While the clan exists, capture does not end one's loyalty. It is only if the clan is destroyed that the survivors may accept integration into the conquering clan rather than becoming clanless.

    "Destruction of a clan is no easy thing, but if the clan's sacred ancestors are destroyed, if none still live who can channel their guidance, then a clan can die."
    " But would not a captured clan rebel until reinforcements arrive from their own clan? Enough I am sure would accept it to make sure the children still learn the customs of the Stonecutter clan, but I can not believe all would comply to an enemy sleeping in their homes." Sister Rosalind explains, believing she was starting to understand the people of Kharheim a bit more by how they regarded those who were their captures under war.

    The Captain shakes his head. "Contests of that kind are known among clans, and can give individual glory. But for war to bring glory to the clan and its warriors, it must be in defense of honor. Conflict may be born of insult, or intrusion; of competing for disputed resources, or in desperation. No mere sport can address such issues."
    "But why have so many people fight for two people insulting one another, instead of having the two people settle it alone? I can see why an intrusion into another clans land could not be resolved in such a manner, but insults are generally between one person to another, and if the two clans are in their own lands it would be odd for an insult to randomly happen except in places all clans are welcome to gather."

    "As things stand, only the Blackforge Clan trades with other nations. We can purchase the goods of other clans, and sell them elsewhere; or purchase the goods of other nations, to sell on to the other clans. Allowing the other clans direct access to international markets would remove our monopoly.

    "Formalizing trade agreements might increase the volume of trade. It might, ultimately, benefit us. But we would need to weigh it up." "Trade between the clans is commonplace. Trade with other cultures is, at present, unique to our clan - well, and the Bloodrivers. Certainly better relations with your country could improve matters for us - but it might also remove our main advantage over rival clans.
    "So perhaps instead of making trade fully accessible to all, allow the Blackforge clan to own property in New Ganther where they could store their trade goods so they could keep their own edge, while still allowing trade to flow in greater volume when they so wished it, allowing the Blackforge in essence to become the clan that deals with the economics of your entire culture as well." Sister Rosalind states, after all if the Blackforge clan was given a small piece of land to store their goods in new ganther as well as sell them it would allow them to gain money from both New Ganther as well as their own homeland, allowing them to be no doubt one of the richest clans their was due to their ability to trade freely unlike the Bloodrivers clan.

    "The issue of the host-gift might be addressed. But your chancellor's actions cannot be so easily disowned. He was your lawful representative; he spoke with the voice of you all.

    "Do you think it will matter to Kharheim that your administration has changed? Your state gave offence to ours."

    "You begin to understand. I would say your task seems harder for it, but in truth, had you not seen that, it would be all but impossible."
    " New Ganther did indeed give offense by allowing such a man the right of power, however to my understanding it was given to him by a dead king, and in truth he should not have held the seat as long as he had. It was through the power a dead king gave him that he kept a seat. If I am not mistaken it took the prince, the churches, and many others to change the rules of a dead king, in essence they moved mountains to make sure such an offense would never happen again. It is also why they sent me, I was at the meeting, and witnessed first hand what transpired. I asked Mr. Gunn along because he helped the prince find a legal way to save his people from war. So we are two of the few people who know everything of what happened. Trust will be a hard thing to earn among your people after an insult such as the one given, I can only hope by the prince asking us to come and speak with you that it shows he did not wish this for his people and is trying to make amends.

    " Of sauce Captain." Sister Rosalind replies in dwarven, still speaking it like a human jumbling her words though not realizing it.

    "I am glad everyone, while I am trying to earn your language I believe ball of this trickk may be a bit over my feet at the moment. And I thank you for the honor you no doubt are baking at my expense by speaking the common tongue instead of your own native one." Sister Rosalind says quickly in dwarven to everyone.

    ”The other ship has us at a distinct disadvantage,” he says shortly. ”The weathergage is theirs, and they have been matching our maneuvers closely; they mean to bring us to battle. Our usual complement of warriors is absent: aside from Karth and Harn, they were all transported home with Honoured Bhatrem and Thuril Drakeslayer. In a sailing contest, I would back my men against most anyone, but if we cannot lose them, I doubt a fight will prove anything but one-sided.”

    He looks at Karth as he says that, who looks like he's bitten into something sour. ”A fight is not out of the question, but it would be costly. The crew would have to take up arms. While they are made of stern stuff, they would take heavy losses against a well trained foe. And I gather there are dangers still to come which will need a full crew to handle.”

    The Captain nods. “Aye. Which brings us to the possibility of evading them.”
    "I am one of the most skilled healers in the land of New Ganther, and have experience on the battlefield, if it came to close quarters and they tried boarding the ship I could no doubt keep a great deal of men alive so long as they stayed close to one another in battle. We would still lose people, however it would no doubt be a lot less than what you would normally lose in this condition." Sister Rosalind offers as she listens to the talks of battle so far.

    ”They've chosen well, lying in wait here. If we continue as we are, we will reach these waters.” He taps a spot on the chart. ”You see these markings? There are mountains beneath the sea here. Their peaks cannot, for the most part, be seen, but some of those beneath the waves are high enough to rip open the bottom of this ship.

    “Our course was to take us north of the mountains, here.” He demonstrates on the chart the path he is describing. ”But in these conditions, with the currents there being as they are, we might as well have the lee shore at our backs. And we will need to slow to take soundings of the depth.

    "North of that, we reach seas plagued with monsters. Turn south, and we have a couple of hours before we reach waters claimed by Elania. Neither would be desirable."

    The Captain nods, then turns to you.

    "Now you know the position. One of you can hide us, but only if we remain stationary. The other can hide our exact position, but only by making our general position clear."

    He looks at the chart, thoughtful.

    "I have one idea, though it is risky; but first: does anything new occur to you, given this information?"
    Sister Rosalind watches each spot on the map pointed to listening closely to what is said as an idea pops into her mind, she was not sure if it would work, but if it did, none would be harmed, something she would much rather have. "As sailors you know that the moon controls the water levels to an extent. What if I were to tell you the gods I worship represent the sun and the moon. I could with a bit of luck raise the water up around us as we pass over the mountains if you think it will be enough. I doubt I can go much higher than 10ft. however, though I may get very lucky if The Lovers deem my cause worthy." she explains to the others, offering a way where they would not need to fight. " And if their is a rock outcropping or something similar near the area and we still see them perusing us we could launch an arrow into it containing a spell that would flush the area for a short time in complete darkness." Sister Rosalind offers, believing this was perhaps their safest course of action.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Yes I changed/misspelled the words in dwarven on purpose. To show she is still learning the language, and perhaps even make a few sailors laugh. Control water will allow Sister Rosalind to basically move up to 14ft. of water higher (if I am reading it correctly) in a 70x70 square, meaning it should easily afford our ship the chance, even if we have to go slower, we would be going in a course that the enemy no doubt would not expect meaning they would have to first change course to get their, followed by slowing down as well, or risk sinking their own ship. And by the time they would be close enough Rosalinds spell would no longer be raising the sea level in that area meaning they would become shipwrecked if they tried to follow. Could also summon say a small air elemental and a small water elemental and air goes in the sails of the ship to help its speed, while the water makes sure we don't hit anything we shouldnt.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    Spoiler: Day 7
    To your question about conquest, Bain looks frustrated. "No, do you not see? If a clan no longer exists, those who once belonged to it have two choices. They can bind themselves to the conquering clan - a shameful course, but one capable of bringing future honour. Or they become clanless.

    "A temporary conquest, a passing imprisonment - these things would not end clan allegiance.

    "It has been centuries since last a clan was destroyed. I pray it will be many more before it happens again."

    To your other questions, he says little, except to comment: "Among dwarves, insults are not between individuals. Not when clan honour is engaged."

    Captain Karthson listens to your plan, nodding approvingly.

    "So we pass over the underwater mountains, and either they break off pursuit, or they follow and are wrecked. Excellent."

    Halson grunts, more sceptical. "Are you certain this spell will work as you anticipate? How large a body of water is affected? Can you move it with us? We are talking about miles of water here."

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground
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    "In truth this would be the first time I would be trying to channel the power of the Mother in such a way. In theory it should work, and no doubt if I was more powerful it would work much greater, however given my current power I could at most handle a little over an hour of control over the water before we would lose all control. If you believe an hour is enough it is a simple question of would an extra 10 or so feet make it possible for the ship to pass over the underwater mountains. If it is not than we have to think of another solution. However if it is enough we need to have an idea of how long it will take to get to the other side of these mountains, and if it is more time than we have I suggest slowing early to find a safe place for when my spell ends the ship is not damaged. This will stop pursuit from behind us, though it may make our trip to your home longer than we first thought. I sadly do not have the skills as you sailors do in the regard to reading maps, espically ones of the ocean. This is your ship you will be risking, so while I can offer a suggestion to aid you, I can not make the choice for you. This will be the safest course of action if it works however." Sister Rosalind explains to all in the room making it clear she would not make the choice for them.

    Spoiler: OOC
    I mean with gunns inspire courage and sister Rosalinds healing I mean we do have a better chance than had they not been on the ship to survive the battle, and if the enemy relies on rage or other such things 9/10 times rosalinds aura will shut it down. So fighting is still possible.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Master Halson scowls at that.

    "Captain, we're making 6 knots at present under favourable winds, and the enemy is matching us. To wholly cross the mountainous region at that speed would take nearly two hours.

    "The enemy are two miles astern. The limit of visibility from the crow's nest is about 7 miles. We could, I suppose, travel half way through the hazardous region - leaving us outside of their line of sight - then have the Sister recast the spell when she can to make the rest of the distance. But if they have some means of pursuing us, we'd be rats in a trap.

    "Not to mention that, if the wind changes and we're suddenly becalmed, we could end up skewered on a mountain."

    The Captain hums thoughtfully. "The other tactics you suggested were around hiding the ship from sight, I believe. If we could deceive the enemy into thinking we've entered those waters, how long could you hide us for?"
    Last edited by ilinares; 2017-02-06 at 03:50 AM.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Kharheim Delegation

    "I can maintain the illusion as long as I concentrate on it," Gunn says. "And my powers of concentration are significant."
    "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

    "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground

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    The Captain looks impressed as he considers Gunn's reply.

    "Excellent. Then here is what I propose - you can tell me if I have misunderstood how your magic works.

    "We let the enemy think they're gaining on us, let them close the distance to under a mile while we make a show of trying to out-manoeuvre them.

    "When they are close enough, Sister, you will cast your darkness spell on my gig. If I understand you correctly, the area it effects will cover the whole ship but move with the gig - yes?

    "We launch the gig, unmanned, in the direction of the seamounts and islands. Sister, can you use your control over these waters to propel it and keep it intact as long as possible?

    "While we are still in the veil of darkness, Mr Gunn, you will conceal us from sight.

    "Or, an alternative that might save me the loss of a gig - Sister, could you make a moving platform of water, so that it looks as though we are invisibly escaping through the mountains? By allowing them to see the moment we turn invisible, we would make the ruse more credible.

    "The enemy will believe we have fled into dangerous waters. Either they pursue, and with any luck are wrecked; or they withdraw, and we can safely resume our mission."

    Halson grumbles at that. "Or they wait us out - or see through the whole thing. I don't like a plan that depends on these foreigners, Captain. Even less one that depends on you guessing what they can and can't do."

    Karth, also, seems concerned. "Keeping a ship still and quiet is no easy thing. What about the motion of the water? And the noise of it? If we do this, I want the men ready to fight at a moment's notice. If we are discovered, we need to seize what advantage we can from the spell."

    Captain Karthson looks at the two of you, awaiting your input.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Titan in the Playground
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    "Eventually the spell would be out of my range of control, and when that happens if the enemy did not follow they will catch onto us, if as your crew says the noise of a ship does not give us away first. As I said I can also make the water descend as well as rise, meaning I could create one of those things that spins around in the water. Though if we are not careful it could also drag us in, and would rely on the enemy being rather close to us." Sister Rosalind reminds them all, making sure they knew her magic could be used one of two ways in the case of this spell.

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