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  1. - Top - End - #331
    Bugbear in the Playground
    LordCdrMilitant's Avatar

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    Inner Palace, Holy Terra

    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by Guizonde View Post
    is this taken from wrath and glory? how's the system handling-wise? also, requisition doesn't count as looting.
    The party prefers to think of what they're doing as "denying assets to the enemy".

    We are playing Wrath and Glory. Most of my players really like it [there's one that doesn't, but every complaint has boiled down to "it's not DH"].

    It doesn't have the built-up mass of material that the FFG40k RPG's have, so I end up making up most of the profiles for enemies and weapons myself. Profiles can't be directly ported over from the codecies, so by comparison a lot of the ones I pull out of my ass are of more questionable balance.

    My one complaint is with the relative balance of wargear, circumstantial modifiers, and characteristics. Armor is generally low compared to toughness and amounts to about a shift worth of protection, so AP isn't really crippling to lack. On the flip side, with a high enough BS, anything is high damage: the shooters in the party are throwing like 16 dice to hit targets [Even a NPC guardsman throws 9 dice for BS, and targets are basically all Defense 3], so they shift like 2-4 dice to damage routinely. Cover doesn't make a difference, because if your throwing 16 dice to hit defense 3 CSM, you're going to have enough non-shiftable dice over 3 that basically anything that modifies defense doesn't do squat unless it's a really big modifier, at which point it really exists to eat shifts more than prevent you from getting hit.
    Also, as a GM, be aware that shifting for damage will definitely kill your PC's. They're really fragile [which, to be fair, they are in Dark Heresy too, but in DH they have fate/infamy points to not die and just get horribly maimed when they get vaporized].

    More quotes from that session:
    Benedict, the Ultramarine Tactical: Here kid, have a bolter. Try to hit that target.
    Planetary Governor's 6 Year Old Kid: *fires Space Marine sized bolter, breaks arm* AHHH! MY ARM! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!
    Benedict: Writing in my notebook: "Planetary Government cannot be trained into a fighting force."

    Planetary Governor: *pleading* I though we were going to to a Garden World!
    Oslo: We have to make a pit stop to battle some Necrons.
    Titus: They're robot skeletons that have lightning guns that will strip the skin off your body and arc between people to melt entire squads. And then they'll wear your flesh like suit.
    Benedict: Yeah, tough too. They don't stay dead and just stand back up after you shoot them down.
    Planetary Governor: But, but I'll stay here and be safe?
    Benedict: That's not why we gave you that autogun and are having you practice on our range. At least you have a lot of fat for their gauss guns to flay away before they get to anything important.
    Planetary Governor: AIIEEE! *passes out*

    Benedict: Of course Sgt. Caeserus is in charge of the kill team. He's an Ultramarine!
    Last edited by LordCdrMilitant; 2020-03-10 at 03:52 PM.
    Guardsmen, hear me! Cadia may lie in ruin, but her proud people do not! For each brother and sister who gave their lives to Him as martyrs, we will reap a vengeance fiftyfold! Cadia may be no more, but will never be forgotten; our foes shall tremble in fear at the name, for their doom shall come from the barrels of Cadian guns, fired by Cadian hands! Forward, for vengeance and retribution, in His name and the names of our fallen comrades!

  2. - Top - End - #332
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCdrMilitant View Post
    The party prefers to think of what they're doing as "denying assets to the enemy".
    noted and filed for later use.

    inquisitor melman: i have full faith in you.
    grigori: i suddenly feel uneasy.

    wynnif: i could rip out all your secrets from your mind, but frankly, my psyche does not have rubber boots to wade through that cess-pit. grigori?
    grigori: great. i'm rubber boots, now.
    brigbal: *writing* one pair... of... psychic... rubber boots. which size?

    v5.32: ok, i dropped my robes, and i'm wearing arbites black fatigues. should make me seem friendly to the serfs and workers.

    dm: roll endurance to see if you like the beer.
    bernie: HURP! maybe the sweetmeats are better.
    dm: roll?
    bernie: HURP! AGAIN!

    bernie: look, all i'm saying is that beer shouldn't be chewed.
    wynnif: where the hell did you go? a cereal factory?
    brigbal: you'd think on an agri-world they'd know their way around grains...

    v5.32: i sip motor oil seductively while looking at the wall outlet.
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  3. - Top - End - #333
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by Guizonde View Post
    requisition doesn't count as looting.
    That depends. According to Battletruck (1982, also known as "Warlords of the 21st Century"):

    Striker: Willy! Inventory and Requisition!
    Willy (to the men): LOOT! LOOT!

    (probably the only thing worth remembering about that movie.)

  4. - Top - End - #334
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Spoiler: Legend for names

    C: Our Wizard with anger issues.
    D: Our Fighter with a dog.
    Dy: Our Druid with enabling tendencies.
    G: Our Ranger with no filter and ADD.
    J: Our Barbarian with possible brain damage.
    T: Our Rogue with no situational awareness.
    B: Our Wild Magic Sorcerer with the luck of the gods.
    DM: Our long-suffering and mostly-patient Dungeon Master.
    Cosmo: Our Fighter's dog who doesn't like J very much.

    G: "No thanks, I choose life."

    C: "Hey, G, Dy, I need healing!"
    DM: "Both healers dipped. I literally just told you."

    C: "I cast an illusion to make it look like I put my weapons on the ground."
    G: "Do you put your brain on the ground, too?"

    G: "Sure, she shot you. But she didn't mean it, it was just a warning shot."

    D: "I'm gonna go pet my dog and let you chuckleheads figure this out."
    J: "I'm going with D."
    C: "Don't touch Cosmo."

    Dy: "Roll for gravity."

    T: "How bad could it be to have your soul removed?"
    DM: "Pretty bad. Pretty much the worst thing possible."
    J: "So not as bad as stepping on a LEGO. Got it."

    G: "Are the velociraptors magical?"

    D: "On a scale of 1-10, how bad will this attack hurt?"
    DM: *mishears* "No, I need d8s."

    C: "I need, like, 6 d8s."
    DM: "We have two. Improvise."

    Dy: "Does anyone else have healing spells?"
    G: "I have a spell, yes."
    Dy: "Okay, how many spell slots do you have left?"
    G: "I have a spell, yes."
    Quotes from my adventuring party:
    "They're not really innards anymore. They're out-ards."
    "Your lower back burns from the death glare of a dwarf."
    "What's Thor gonna do, zap me?"
    "Is it drugs?"
    "I set my weapons on the ground." "Do you set your brain down, too?"

  5. - Top - End - #335
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    W: "A pool in the middle of a room with an altar. I bet it's tentacles."
    S: "I think it's going to be a robot or a distraction."
    C: "It could be another trap, but I think tentacles too.
    W: "I stand behind the door and chuck a grenade in the pool."
    Dm describes a giant armored jellyfish thing flying out of the pool to attack.
    All: "Tentacles."

  6. - Top - End - #336
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    langlois: ok, so what's the plan?
    grigori: you guys take the hangar, we take the house and arrest the farmer.
    wynnifred: i detect a cloud of psychic energy coming from the hangar.
    *obvious group sized pang of guilt*
    grigori: you know what? we'll take the hangar.

    dm: surprise round! *ten gretchin shoot*
    bernie: ow! what the hell are these things?!
    v5.32: uh, xenos of the ork genus, i believe.
    bernie: wrong. they're dead is what they are.

    brigbal: *death glare*
    farmer leduc: what seems to be the matter officer? *shakes*
    brigbal: *death glare*
    farmer leduc: ok, i confess, i screwed up!*starts crying tears of fear*
    brigbal: *death glare*
    *arbites take leduc away*
    brigbal: *grins* not too shabby for a 73 year old accountant.
    dm: what'll you do now?
    brigbal: i'm gonna loot the fridge.

    wynnifred: THERE'S AN ORK BEHIND YOU!!
    *ork hits grigori with his choppa*
    grigori ooc: i really wanna hit him with my chainsword in revenge.
    bernie ooc: that's suicide!
    dm: you totally should.
    grigori: i'm totally gonna hit him with my chainsword. *crits*
    *ork dies in one hit*
    grigori: i totally hit him with my chainsword.
    dm: you totally did.

    bernie: *kills 3 gretchin in one salvo* i hate xenos.
    dm: you know the first step to making mushroom stew?
    bernie: kill the mushrooms. *shoots and kills 3 gretchin with one salvo AGAIN*

    grigori: aw crap, i threw the grenade the wrong way!
    wynnifred: *telekinesis*
    *grenade explodes smack dab in the middle of the horde of gretchin*
    wynnifred: no you didn't.

    langlois: you guys do this often?
    v5.32: second day on the job, actually.

    v5.32: i'd like to recommend commissionner langlois' valiant efforts in helping us close the case.
    inquisitor melman: i know just what i can do for him.
    *langlois arrives wearing an inquisitorial badge*
    grigori: you too, huh?
    langlois: the emperor expects.
    bernie: vodka?
    langlois: YES, PLEASE!!

    great session, good roleplay, and a new character! adeptus arbites commissionner langlois. think judge dredd, but with a smoking habit and a grenade launcher
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  7. - Top - End - #337
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    "So what do I know about the nutritional value of human flesh?"

    -- Elf Wizard
    Kaedanis Pyran, tai faernae.

    The LA Assignment Threads: Attempting to Make Monsters Playable Since 2016

    My Homebrewer's Extended Signature
    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    Roland just endorsed a crack pairing?

    Did... did we break the universe?
    Quote Originally Posted by SassyQuatch View Post
    It is a major flaw in the game. Destroy a moon? Sure. Talk to somebody a hundred miles away, that's going to be difficult.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizban View Post
    Realistically speaking... D&D style magic doesn't exist, so... let's ignore reality.

  8. - Top - End - #338
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by Debatra View Post
    "So what do I know about the nutritional value of human flesh?"

    -- Elf Wizard
    I guess the elf Wizard needed food badly?
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other

  9. - Top - End - #339
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    double feature this week:


    lucii: believe me, my fighter is the best you've ever seen, she's great.
    npc: well, she looks enough like a sir. whatever.
    belsunce: that's sexist.
    lucii: a win's a win.

    belsunce: *misses*
    npc: *misses*
    belsunce: *misses*
    npc: *misses*
    militia: oh wow, i've never seen such a level of skill before...

    militia: this is disgusting! what the hell is that?!
    sylvie the server: lemon. you squeeze the juice onto the crab, you don't eat the rind.
    militia: ... i knew that.

    zbeb: *pickpockets*
    dm: you loot the guard's shoelaces. *rolls* he trips and falls.

    zbeb: *pickpockets*
    sylvie the server: mind asking your sneak to give me back my underwear?
    zbeb: *dies of shame*

    malax: i'm gonna be a pro doctor this time around.
    medical orderly: is this a prescription for ammonia, white phosphorus, and strychnine?
    malax: yes.

    zbeb: *pickpockets himself*
    dm: you fail. what did you expect?
    zbeb: *cries in subtitles*
    militia: well, that was weird, i just got a text notification of zbeb trying to pickpocket himself...
    lucii: who the hell are you talking about?!


    dark heresy:

    v5.32: i just learned i go full autistic when i read numbers.
    brigbal: so i can stop flicking paper airplanes at you?

    bernie: hey, grigori! let's go to the bar.
    grigori: yeah, going with wynnifred this time around!
    bernie: she can come too!
    wynnifred: ok, i'll go to the bar while you investigate the crime scene!
    bernie: so i'm going with you!
    wynnifred: i'll go with grigori!
    bernie: perfect! a threesome!
    grigori: he's not getting the hint, is he?

    v5.32: so, i calculate the manufactorum has a drop in production of 0,04 percent.
    brigbal: and it seems to be linked to hangar c-39, specifically in their delivery methods.
    team AND two inquisitors: nerds.

    bernie: ... so, anyway, i kicked him in the balls.
    brigbal, waking up: ... huh? did someone say my name?
    *team snickers* yeah, you deserve it for being so awesome.
    brigbal: oh, good. *snoozes*

    wynnifred: *rolls psychic power* *rolls double*
    wynnifred: oh no.
    dm: *rolls psychic phenomena* oh no.
    grigori ooc: oh no.
    dm: *rolls perils of the warp* OH NO
    wynnifred: OH NO
    grigori: well, nice knowing ya, wynnif!

    dm: how did you find a ham sandwich in a file cabinet?
    brigbal: it was filed under "delicious".

    bernie: i hate heresy. *finds a jacknifed truck* must be the work of some xenos.
    wynnifred: or it could be heretics.
    *investamagating* *finding splinter crystals*
    wynnifred: ... or it could be xenos.
    bernie: I KNEW IT!!

    grigori: yeah. i'm looking for a job.
    gangboss: you can drive?
    grigori: yes.
    gangboss: good, you start a 6 am.
    grigori: that was easy.
    v5.32: i'm gonna have a talk about this work gang's recruitment policy.
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  10. - Top - End - #340
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Fae Character: "Don't you just hate it when they just say your name? Like you're supposed to know what that means?"
    Troll Monk NPC: "Right? And then they say 'I can't think fast enough to articulate your stupidity before it gets worse' like it's somehow your fault."
    Fae Character: "Gods, that's so annoying! You know, maybe you're not so bad after all. My name is-"
    Troll Monk NPC: *Punches Fae with Cold Iron gauntlet*

  11. - Top - End - #341
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Me: So, something happened.
    PC1: What did you do?
    Me: Wait-
    PC2: what did you do?
    Me: I take offense you think it's my fault!
    Me: For once! Just once! Can you not blame me!?
    PC2: Okay. But were you involved?
    Me: ...Not directly.
    PC1: That doesn't mean much.
    PC3: What did you do?

    Me: *proceeds to make my rogue cry in the corner.*

    We had a good laugh.

  12. - Top - End - #342
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    lucii: look, all we did was spend 3 months of minimum wage on a coat. no big deal.

    louka: ok, i'm adding a flamethrower to my halberd.
    militia: here's a shotgun.
    louka: today on "pimp my halberd!"

    malax: pookie's gone. *cries*
    militia: i trust that doctor as far as i can throw him.

    malax: i try and wake up louka in the dark. *fumbles*
    militia: AH! UGLY FACE!! *starts blasting*

    dm: yeah, the arms on that rat-wolf that are strangling you? they're human.
    belsunce: ok, first i'm gonna break it, then i'm gonna puke.

    dm: the dock workers are revolting, and are demanding a safer work environment.
    lucii: have i mentionned i'm socialist today?

    zbeb: *manages to pickpocket himself*
    dm: ok, that was cool.
    lucii: who the hell is that guy?!

    zbeb: i just had an entire conversation involving eye blinks and croatian subtitles.
    militia: mind teaching me?
    lucii: who are you talking to?
    militia: the dude malax is trying to body slam.

    sylvie: zbeb, yellow is definitely not your color.
    zbeb: *cries*
    belsunce: told you
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  13. - Top - End - #343
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    "Sure, the FAIRY PRINCESS can go the cursed island. But when mama wolf does it, she gets Corona virus!"

  14. - Top - End - #344
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    From various Sessions of Albedo:
    DM: Alright, you ensure that this giraffe will never install toilet paper the wrong way again by court marshaling him.

    Biggs (Puma, Commanding Officer, Freefall Infantry): You authorized an ACV strike on the Net-cultists?
    Asrhei (Jackal, Tactical Advisor/Grenadier): Sir, with all due respect, ACV is short for 'Airstriking Cultist Villages', Sir!

    DM: The Horse in a disheveled business suit tells you that his name is Bojack Horse-Person.

    Unnamed Mouse NPC, holding a gun: Now now, we're not stealing from you folks. We're just suggesting that you share.
    Chahr (Hyena, Guerrilla Heavy Machine Gunner): Oh so you're forcing us to share, at gunpoint. You're right, that isn't stealing, that's communism.

    DM: This planet is so bad, that when the critters actually bother inventing religion, they will name the place bad people go when they die after it.

    Nathan (Tiger, Computer Hacker): I'd like the change the serial number on these pistols so the space ATF can't track us.
    DM: With all due respect, you are the space ATF. You even burned a bunch of cultists living in the middle of nowhere alive and no one thinks it was you.

    Hans (Badger NPC): I'm Hans!
    Frans (Twin Badger NPC): And I'm Frans!
    Hans and Frans together: And We are here to F*** you up!

    Amy (Fox, Sniper): I dunno if we should kill this guy, what has he really done?
    Asrhei: I want to roll disguise to lie and convince Amy that this guy we need to take out has touched children inappropriately and murdered a space-puppy.
    DM: So about that... He has done the former and only hasn't done the latter because people don't keep pets on this planet. Roll Persuade instead.
    Member of Chromestrike: Hot Mech on Mech Action
    Also playing Albedo: Platinum Catalyst and Savage Worlds: East Texas University

  15. - Top - End - #345
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    dark heresy: the first casualty of the game, due to a player dropping out. brigbal is now an npc.

    wynnifred: i got stoned flying around a psychic projection of the city. now i know how hippies feel.

    arbites: uh, commissionner? that's not how an investigation works.
    langlois, pointing to his inquisition badge: you're the law, maybe. but i am the law.

    v5.32: by the omnissiah, i think i just went full niagara in my briefs.
    grigori: does it smell like motor oil and sexual frustration in here or is it just v?

    dm: you're undercover in a 16 wheeler truck with an obese lecherous teammate with digestive problems.
    grigori: the emperor expects. at least the radio stations are good.

    bernie: wait, hold up. you're a psyker?
    melman: yes.
    bernie: you've met the emperor then?!
    melman: yes, i've been in his presence.
    bernie: *squees and prostrates himself*

    melman: you know how bernie is... aggravating?
    wynnifred: soooooo much.
    melman: i think he's a blank.
    wynnifred: i think he's just an idiot.

    bernie: so, i'm going undercover in a strip club? the emperor expects i guess.
    grigori ooc: i feel so jealous right now.
    dm ooc: shut up and keep driving your 16 wheeler. at least the radio works.

    wynnifred: *munches on a huge bag of candy in a traumatized fashion*

    grigori: you know, when i woke up this morning, i didn't expect to steal my boss' pants flying high on 'slaught and obscura.

    v5.32 ooc: so what happens to brigbal?
    dm: until further notice, he'll keep stealing ham sandwiches and chewing on books.
    bernie ooc: think he could get me some too?

    melman: our vodka budget just increased!
    bernie: *happy dance*
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  16. - Top - End - #346
    Bugbear in the Playground
    LordCdrMilitant's Avatar

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    "You know this is a good setting when you can go from fighting Egyptian Terminators with X-COM to being in a wild west train heist where the bandits are from Mad Max."
    Last edited by LordCdrMilitant; 2020-04-12 at 01:46 PM.
    Guardsmen, hear me! Cadia may lie in ruin, but her proud people do not! For each brother and sister who gave their lives to Him as martyrs, we will reap a vengeance fiftyfold! Cadia may be no more, but will never be forgotten; our foes shall tremble in fear at the name, for their doom shall come from the barrels of Cadian guns, fired by Cadian hands! Forward, for vengeance and retribution, in His name and the names of our fallen comrades!

  17. - Top - End - #347
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCdrMilitant View Post
    "You know this is a good setting when you can go from fighting Egyptian Terminators with X-COM to being in a wild west train heist where the bandits are from Mad Max."
    Warhammer 40k? The first one sounds like Necrons but I'm not sure about the second. Chaos cultists? Maybe Speed Freek Orks?
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2020-04-12 at 03:35 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  18. - Top - End - #348
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Warhammer 40k? The first one sounds like Necrons but I'm not sure about the second. Chaos cultists? Maybe Speed Freek Orks?
    for me the first are more akin to thousand sons, but necrons can fit, too. the second could be simply bandits, but any other scenario is possible.
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  19. - Top - End - #349
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Warhammer 40k? The first one sounds like Necrons but I'm not sure about the second. Chaos cultists? Maybe Speed Freek Orks?
    Yeah, it's Warhammer 40k. The party helped the Deathwatch board a Necron tombship, and then went to help deal with some Orks on a frontier/agri world.

    I actually run 2 40k-based RPG's per week: Black Crusade and Wrath and Glory. I also just play 40k [IG, SoB, SW, GK, Custodes], I have a serious plastic crack addiction ;).

    Quote Originally Posted by Guizonde View Post
    for me the first are more akin to thousand sons, but necrons can fit, too. the second could be simply bandits, but any other scenario is possible.
    Necrons are definitely "Egyptian Terminators" way more than the TSons will ever be, what with their Reanimation Protocols being called "We'll Be Back" at one point in time and their general skeletons & pyramids aesthetic and all their titles and names being obviously Ancient Egypt inspired like "Phaeron" and "Imhotekh". And as for the Orks being Mad Max Soccer Hooligans, have you seen the new Ork buggies, especially the Boomdakka Snazzwagon?
    Last edited by LordCdrMilitant; 2020-04-13 at 03:37 PM.
    Guardsmen, hear me! Cadia may lie in ruin, but her proud people do not! For each brother and sister who gave their lives to Him as martyrs, we will reap a vengeance fiftyfold! Cadia may be no more, but will never be forgotten; our foes shall tremble in fear at the name, for their doom shall come from the barrels of Cadian guns, fired by Cadian hands! Forward, for vengeance and retribution, in His name and the names of our fallen comrades!

  20. - Top - End - #350
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCdrMilitant View Post
    Boomdakka Snazzwagon?
    I want one. The name alone...

    On topic:

    "Hollow chocolate bunnies are a sign of the apocalypse."
    "Give me all you flamer reloads. I need to cleanse this candy shop."

  21. - Top - End - #351
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    "Can My Immortal be real in this universe?"

    I hadn't read it up until now.
    Proudly Founded Team 2

    "Everyone starts off making garbage.
    If you finally make something halfway
    decent, it'll be the best day of your life."
    Nehra, inventor

  22. - Top - End - #352
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    More Albedo Quotes:

    Asrhei: Kicks in the back door to a Supermarket and draws her concealed Vz. 61 Skorpion I demand to speak with the manager!

    Alysle (Only surviving Net Cultist, Allied NPC): ...So you see, the Net was put here by the creators to monitor all of us. They uplifted us so they can use us as some kind of science experiment for something.
    Chahr: And so the creators are the ones putting the chemicals in the water to make the native amphibians change gender?
    Alysle: No no, that's definitely the reptilian aliens, this is a completely different grand conspiracy!

    Biggs: Yeah, I'm gonna go take a dump. Asrhei is in charge until I get back.
    Asrhei: Alright, where are the ACV launch codes?

    Nathan: Can I roll computer science to invent Pong?

    Amy: What makes you say Asrhei isn't a good person?
    Nathan: Are you sure we're talking about the same Jackal? She turned that rabbit into a pretzel!
    Amy: Yes, but they were evil!

    Biggs: DM? I'd like to shoot myself in the head with my pistol! This will not do anything more than Wound me.
    DM: Err... what?
    Asrhei, OOC: No, no, he's right. Looking at the damage table for the pistol, it can't do anything but wound him even on a crit.
    DM: shakes head ...Roll Sidearms.
    Member of Chromestrike: Hot Mech on Mech Action
    Also playing Albedo: Platinum Catalyst and Savage Worlds: East Texas University

  23. - Top - End - #353
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by TriggerGunther View Post
    More Albedo Quotes:

    Asrhei: Kicks in the back door to a Supermarket and draws her concealed Vz. 61 Skorpion I demand to speak with the manager!
    see? this is why you never go full karen. 'murica. i think. although judging by the choice of machine pistol...
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  24. - Top - End - #354
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Quote Originally Posted by Guizonde View Post
    see? this is why you never go full karen. 'murica. i think. although judging by the choice of machine pistol...
    So this is one of those situations where while it's funny without context, it's even funnier with context. Game takes place in a Sci Fi Universe where firearms technology is only about late 20th century, not America, and the DM just uses real world analogues for the kinetic weapons because most of the illustrations in the rulebook are just real weapons. In the rulebook it's called "Pistol, Automatic - Kinetic Weapon Model 1 - 24"
    So the party, Consisting of Amy, Nathan, Tek [a Fennec NPC Driver Companion/Asrhei's boyfriend] and Asrhei [Biggs was Absent this session], were sent a mission by the local Guerrilla forces to steal food from the ILR held city. Amy and Nathan were supposed to sneak into the Manager's office of a supermarket and steal the shipping manifest so we knew when the next truck of food was coming, which we were to highjack. While they were doing so, Asrhei went to go use the Supermarket's bathroom. Nathan got caught and was about to have his cover blown by a police officer who wanted to take his fingerprints, which would not have been in the ILR database. Asrhei, hearing this over the radio, assembled the M79 Grenade launcher she keeps in her backpack, slung it over her shoulder, and kicked open the bathroom door, hipchecking the emergency Exit along the way so the alarms went off and she could take advantage of the Chaos. She then screamed this at the top of her lungs and punched the manager in the snout.

    Also, More no context Albedo quotes, because I have a lot.

    Amy: Chahr... I'm sorry to tell you but... Amar... She didn't make it.

    DM: You find the network technician sitting his chair, hands still on the keyboard. His neck was slit open by a crude blade and the net relay he was guarding destroyed.
    Biggs: Damnit Nathan, this is what you get for inventing Pong!

    Biggs: I was just out here looking for the sandwich delivery guy, have you seen them?
    Enemy Guard NPC: Oh man, that's probably what that alarm was about. I'll tell everyone to stand down. The guard radios everyone else to stand down, then turns around and comes face to face with Asrhei, who rolled very well on her Stealth check
    Asrhei:I gotta Knuckle Sandwich Delivery for ya! Asrhei lands a haymaker on him and rolls max damage, shattering his jaw

    Nathan: That's not a Kangaroo Accent, Now this. This is a Kangaroo accent.
    DM: Wait, did you just call an Australian accent a Kangaroo accent?

    Revolver Ocelot [Revolver Ocelot]: I just love the feeling of sliding a well greased cartridge into...
    Amy: I shoot him before he can finish his monologue. Rolls a few dice to contest his speed and shoot him
    DM: You slide a well greased bullet into his cranium, apparently.
    Member of Chromestrike: Hot Mech on Mech Action
    Also playing Albedo: Platinum Catalyst and Savage Worlds: East Texas University

  25. - Top - End - #355
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    From one of the few IRL games I've played (this was a long time ago obv)

    Antipaladin: "Come on, you brave, brave boy, come in here and get me!"
    Me (Paladin): "No, this is obviously a trap. The monk can keep throwing rocks at you indefinitely, all we gotta do is stand here."
    Monk: "Yeah."
    DM: "Okay. Alchemist's turn."
    Alchemist: "I step forward into the cave to lob a flask of acid at her."
    DM: "As soon as you step in a wall of force rears up behind you."
    Me: internal screaming
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  26. - Top - End - #356
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    militia: with that kind of damage, i'm dead three and a half times over.
    louka: i love this game.

    dm: ok, let's recap last session. zbeb?
    zbeb: 2d10

    lucii: what? 105 [platinum piece equivalent] per month? ok, i think we can buy strawberries.

    militia: i drink raki out of malax's boot.
    malax: uh, i haven't taken my boots off for a week.
    militia: it adds to the taste.

    malax: i try to poop my abacus and i *roll* fail badly. my stomach hurts.

    dm: you see a guy getting his head eaten off.
    mallax: *rolls evaluation* yup, he's dead.

    militia: can i reboot the medic? he's broken again.

    belsunce: a plate of strawberries? handcuffs? all that's missing is the whipped cream.

    militia: you know if he heals 17 wounds he revives me twice over.

    zbeb: i'm the face you don't see.
    Spoiler: quotes
    regarding my choice of sustenance:
    Quote Originally Posted by Raimun View Post
    I'm going to judge you.
    My judgement is: That is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    GM: “If it doesn't move and it should, use duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, use a shotgun.”
    dm is Miltonian, credit where credit is due.

    when in doubt,
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Ask the beret wearing insect men of Athas.

  27. - Top - End - #357
    Pixie in the Playground
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    smile Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    DM1: "No, the ogre is not Shrek, stop it!"

    PC1: "May I choose a Jar of Bees?"

    PC1: "How many eggs can I buy?"

    PC2: "I'll name my horse Chattahoochee"

    DM2: "I mean... you COULD use that, but..." *Grimaces*

    PC3: "I cast lightning bolt on EricAlvin! What do you mean 'No'? You said I could do it the next time he casts 'Long Arms'!"

    DM3: "Nonono, in a good way! It's a good thing, really! A positive effect! It's not evil!"

    PC2: "I think i'll name this one... ChattaTwochee"

    DM1: "No, that is not Fiona! Cut it out!"
    Last edited by EricAlvin; 2020-04-18 at 07:41 PM.
    /\_^--^ _/\
    oo|/ \
    /\/|n_n|\/ \
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    \nn_______n n /

  28. - Top - End - #358
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Me: Well, the cold never really bothered me anyway...
    Me, immediately afterwards: I'm so, so sorry.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  29. - Top - End - #359
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    GM: Oh relax, what's the worst [NPC] could do?

    Me: Find [P1's] friends and family and forge them into his new soulsteel cuirass? Occasionally reveal he's in the room with her while she's bathing, making it impossible to be comfortable in the shower ever again? Invent Twitter? Pass out false ads for her escort services at pricing so affordable even the desperate starved hobos of Thorns can afford it, meaning everyone in the entire city tries to find her and proposition her? Turn the bodies of her friends and family into flesh golems and send them after her? Oh! Trick her into eating innocent people made into "pork buns" through the application of illusions and trickery?

    P1: "You are thinking way too hard about this."
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  30. - Top - End - #360
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    "If you shoot for your dreams, sometimes your dreams shoot back."
    Guardsmen, hear me! Cadia may lie in ruin, but her proud people do not! For each brother and sister who gave their lives to Him as martyrs, we will reap a vengeance fiftyfold! Cadia may be no more, but will never be forgotten; our foes shall tremble in fear at the name, for their doom shall come from the barrels of Cadian guns, fired by Cadian hands! Forward, for vengeance and retribution, in His name and the names of our fallen comrades!

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