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  1. - Top - End - #211
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    Pack Hunting seems to be pretty all right though let me try with wording:
    Also at 2nd level, you see your comrades as your pack and your wild instincts help you in leading the offensive with your pack on your prey. Once on your turn, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can designate that creature as the your pack's prey. Until the start of your next turn, all creatures you deem friendly have advantage on melee attack rolls against the creatue designated, though only on their first attack on the creature.

    You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses upon completing a long rest.
    Yeah, that wording is a lot better, thanks! I'm glad to hear the feature holds up in terms of balance though.

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    I would recommend changing Alpha's Command to something else (maybe a free usage of Conjure Animals with buff to them?) if you are insecure on your subclass being sufficiently druid-flavored.
    Yeah, replacing Alpha's Command with something more druidy is definitely a good idea, but I'm worried free/buffed conjure animals would step to heavily on shepherd druid's toes. I'll think about this.

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    Heart of the Pack is also good Here is another potential way of wording it if you like:
    Starting at 14th level, you are an inspiration for your packmates, strengthening their resolve. All friendly creatures within 60 ft of you that can see or hear you are immune to being charmed and frightened along with having advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
    Yeah, that's better wording.

    Thanks a bunch! I'm gonna go implement the improved wording now, and I'll think about druidy replacements for Alpha's Command.
    Temporarily back from the void between realities.
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  2. - Top - End - #212
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    The first draft of my entry Barbarian, Path of the Horde Leader is out there and read for someone to take a look at.

    I will take a look at everyone else's entries on Monday :)
    Last edited by nickl_2000; 2021-04-02 at 02:07 PM.
    Pronouns he/him/his
    Spoiler: 5e Subclass Contest Wins

    ● IV-Pinball Wizard
    ● VI-Luchador Bard
    ● XIII-Rogue, Tavern Wench
    ● XV-Monk, Way of the Shrine Guardian
    ● XVI-Cleric, Madness Domain
    ● XVIII-Fighter, Chef
    ● XXI-Artificer, Battling Bowman
    ● XXV-Ley Line Sorcerer

  3. - Top - End - #213
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    A few changes to Deathtouched:
    • Reinstated the AoE "weakness" of the horde. Being in the swarm is actually still protecting them some from AoE spells/abilities (as the swarm can pack more than one creature into each 5*5 square) but now a deathtouched sorcerer at least has a reason to be concerned about such tactics.
    • Added two more tiers of damage to Grasping Horde, keeping the damage more consistent with the number of undead in the horde and generally making the tactic more powerful, creating less incentive for the player to make many small hordes instead of fewer larger ones.
    • Added a "your minions' attacks count as a magical" to the 14th level ability. This is very late when compared to some other summoning classes, but as a sorcerer you have plenty of tools for dealing magical damage, so I'm not terribly concerned.

  4. - Top - End - #214
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowben Gaming View Post
    Yeah, that wording is a lot better, thanks! I'm glad to hear the feature holds up in terms of balance though.

    Yeah, replacing Alpha's Command with something more druidy is definitely a good idea, but I'm worried free/buffed conjure animals would step to heavily on shepherd druid's toes. I'll think about this.

    Yeah, that's better wording.

    Thanks a bunch! I'm gonna go implement the improved wording now, and I'll think about druidy replacements for Alpha's Command.
    I have a suggestion! Maybe something with Wild Shape? You Wild Shape into an "Alpha" form of that beast. The "Alpha" form could have its physical stats (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) increased by your profiency bonus along with maybe its AC also getting an increase?

    The "Alpha" form could also have the function of your attacks in beast form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

    Maybe it could even be a size larger than normal, which explains the further boosted stats.

    Could be a once per long rest sort of thing.

  5. - Top - End - #215
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    I have a suggestion! Maybe something with Wild Shape? You Wild Shape into an "Alpha" form of that beast. The "Alpha" form could have its physical stats (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) increased by your profiency bonus along with maybe its AC also getting an increase?

    The "Alpha" form could also have the function of your attacks in beast form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

    Maybe it could even be a size larger than normal, which explains the further boosted stats.

    Could be a once per long rest sort of thing.
    Nice! Yeah, something to do with Wildshape is a good idea, as the subclass doesn't currently do anything with it, so some feature that uses it would be a good idea. I'll go brainstorm (and also maybe run some math).
    Temporarily back from the void between realities.
    Don't ask how long I'll be here for, I have no idea.

  6. - Top - End - #216
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowben Gaming View Post
    Nice! Yeah, something to do with Wildshape is a good idea, as the subclass doesn't currently do anything with it, so some feature that uses it would be a good idea. I'll go brainstorm (and also maybe run some math).
    And it would make sense after all. How else to show you are the alpha/pack leader? By becoming the apex of that beast?

    also, I hope everyone had a happy Easter!

  7. - Top - End - #217
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    I got delayed in my reviews, but here we go!

    Spoiler: Way of the Cruel Master

    Aspirants - The secondary ability here is pretty powerful, but you have it gated pretty well with the # of aspirants and ki usage. It is a little bit odd that it triggers when an aspirant can see you, but the bonus is based on the number of aspirants that you can see. There is a potential situation here were it could be triggers by an invisible aspirant seeing you, yet you not getting any bonus to your roll.

    Brutal Instruction - I'm very glad that you make this unarmed strikes only, that really gets rid of the cheese for a rogue getting an extra sneak attack during all of your turns. I do have one question, if you take an attack action at level 3 and make someone else make the attack, do you still get the Monk unarmed strike as a bonus action?

    Dodge! - I don't see any issues here. There is some funky interactions with initiative order, but you can plan for that.

    Disciplined Hearts - This could potentially be a huge amount of THP gained, or none depending. If you have a wizard who is successfully avoiding combat and doesn't take any damage, they wouldn't actually gain an THP through this feature. On the other hand, you have someone spending 10 HD of healing (which can certainly happen), they would get, on average, 49 THP. Which is huge. Since it's gated by the HD spent, it is likely fine in practice. I don't wonder if you would see more reliable, and less swingy, results if you gave everyone Wis Mod + Martial Arts Die Roll during a long rest. That puts the feature a little bit weaker than the Inspiring Leader feat, but similar.

    One School, Many Masters - I'm not totally sure I like the idea of Monks using two handed weapons as monk weapons, but you are at level 17 already. So, the difference in damage is minimal (1d10 v 1d12). I think the biggest problem here will come in when you combine weapons and feats. I spend 3 ki points and for the next hour I've picked up on how to use a great sword and have GWM running for a monk. Same thing on Sharpshooter.

    What happens if I copy half feats? Do I get the stat bonus? Do I only get the stat bonus they chose, or can I get anything? How about things that let me choose bonuses (skill expert feat, skilled, Magic Initiate)? How about something like tough, do I get bonus HP and then lose those in an hour?

    What spells can I copy? Can I only copy prepared spells, or do I get access to all their known spells? What is the cast mod for stolen spells? Can I borrow cantrips for 1 Ki and then cast them for free?

    What is the action cost to borrow abilities? Or can I just do it on the fly? Hmm, someone is falling, I will borrow feather fall from the Wizard and cast it immediately.

    Can I borrow an ability from someone who is unconscious? The healer drops, I take healing word from the healer and immediately cast it on them.

    I like this class, it is a good representation of a brutal martial arts master. I have lots and lots of questions on the level 17 ability that need clarification before this is used at a table though.

    Spoiler: Warlock: The Regulator

    Wow, this is really front loaded. Even for a Warlock. You get 2 cantrips (one being one of the best in the game), 2 skill expertise, medium armor, shields, and all weapons. That is absolutely killer. I might look at reducing some of the power here. Maybe give the skills and not expertise until later levels? Give the choice of Message or Guidance? Something like that.

    Your Force of Will - Cha Mod to weapon attacks at level 6 is pretty late, but I prefer seeing this later than level 1. Hexblade is amazing because this is a level 1 ability. By level 6 it's a nice option and not overpowered. Question on the bonus to skills and throws, when do you declare you are going to add the bonus? Before the roll, after the roll, after the roll and knowing the results? For an ability like this it is a very important distinction.

    Judging Gaze - Wow, more expertise and skills learned. You are a skill machine in this class and a social god. I think 2 more here is a little much as well personally.

    Authorative Paradigm - This may be more personal opinion, but I don't like seeing reliable talent on other classes besides rogue. Rogues are supposed to be the skill monkeys and this takes away from them. As I was reading this class, I expected to see something more along the lines of a free casting of Dominate X at this ability, but that is me.

    You have a different take on management than I expected on this one. I expected this to be more focused on domination and charm than skills. The skills aren't a bad take, but I think they are to much overall in this subclass. It's certainly worth playing and using though and could make a very compelling character

    Spoiler: Sorcerous Origin: Deathtouched

    Death Magic - I've always wondered why free spells ended at level 5 for spell casting classes. I don't see anything wrong with going higher personally, and the sorcerer needs all the spells it can get.

    One With Death - I think this should leave some DM fiat on it for the charming. Technically by your rules, if I cast Mage Armor on my charmed skeleton buddy it turns hostile on me. I do think you need to have a range on charming undead critters as well. As it is currently, you technically instantly charm all undead creatures in the world.

    Shambling Horde - You need 4 critters to make a hoard. What happens if you lose control of one of them? Is it still a hoard? I also, wouldn't mind seeing a bonus to HP depending on how many creatures you used to make the hoard as a way to boost it slightly. Nevermind all of this. You completely took care of these questions/problems/suggestions in the stat block.

    Infectious Necrosis - Seems good to me, a good way to get more, but sensibly limited.

    Undying Loyalty - An appropriate capstone, although a little bit boring since it's a passive ability instead of an active one. The nice thing about it is that it makes everything else that you have learned better.

    Grim Puppet - Should this be concentration? Having 2 Zombies under your command at level 1 is really strong.

    A dark, evil leader is absolutely still a leader. I do like how you can start your minionmancy at level 1 instead of having to wait until level 3 to.

    Spoiler: The Guide

    Mark Target - I'm glad this is per long rest as otherwise this would be way to powerful. How long does the AC penalty last? Do you need to concentrate on it per the Tasha's Favored Foe replacement? Is the penalty only against you or against everyone?

    Lead the Charge - Even though this is a high level I am not a fan of this being used at will. You are effectively doubling the damage of the rogue in your party (or someone else, but let's be honest it will always by used on the rogue). If you limit it to a certain amount of times per long rest, then I think you are good to go.

    Seize Victory - See above.

    I like the simplicity of this subclass, you get options to use and things to do out of it but its easily usable and understandable. I like that the higher level ranger features give you more of a reason to stick with ranger.

    Spoiler: LuLu Roe Consultant, I mean Otherworldly Patron: Eldritch Pyramid Schemer

    This is one of the funnier subclasses that I have seen. It certainly captures the essence of the pyramid scheme. I would absolutely adore it if you had to pay 1 hp and get 1 free spell slot (at level 1, but it grows are you do in level) to use per day when you join this subclass at level (implying that you are part of the structure and you don't know exactly where you are). Add onto that a certain percentage of failure on the casting of that spell per day.

    Spoiler: Circle of the Pack: A Druid Circle

    This is clearly a melee Druid, something that tends to be missing from other Druid subclasses. I think that you could easily add extra spells in here as Druid spells known without adding excessive power to anything.

    Pack Hunting - Sensibility limited in uses. It's powerful, but since it's limited I thin you are perfectly fine.

    Alpha's Command - One interesting thing here that I am not sure whether it was intentional or not. When you use pack hunting they get advantage on melee attack rolls, but the Alpha's Command allows you to make a ranged or melee weapon attack.

    Heart of the Pack - This seems like a little much to me. With it being a passive ability your entire party gets these features all the time. I would rather see this as an active ability with an action cost. Maybe a bonus action to end fear and charm or a reaction to give one creature advantage on a saving throw. It still is a good ability and still meets the goal of what you are going for, but makes it more effective overall.

    It's a good subclass and a good use of the melee template that is needed for Druids. I will mirror what others say in that it would be nice to see something use wildshape for added bonuses in melee.

    There we go, I'm all caught up. Great entries everyone!
    Last edited by nickl_2000; 2021-04-08 at 09:01 AM.
    Pronouns he/him/his
    Spoiler: 5e Subclass Contest Wins

    ● IV-Pinball Wizard
    ● VI-Luchador Bard
    ● XIII-Rogue, Tavern Wench
    ● XV-Monk, Way of the Shrine Guardian
    ● XVI-Cleric, Madness Domain
    ● XVIII-Fighter, Chef
    ● XXI-Artificer, Battling Bowman
    ● XXV-Ley Line Sorcerer

  8. - Top - End - #218
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    I got delayed in my reviews, but here we go!

    Spoiler: Warlock: The Regulator

    Wow, this is really front loaded. Even for a Warlock. You get 2 cantrips (one being one of the best in the game), 2 skill expertise, medium armor, shields, and all weapons. That is absolutely killer. I might look at reducing some of the power here. Maybe give the skills and not expertise until later levels? Give the choice of Message or Guidance? Something like that.

    Your Force of Will - Cha Mod to weapon attacks at level 6 is pretty late, but I prefer seeing this later than level 1. Hexblade is amazing because this is a level 1 ability. By level 6 it's a nice option and not overpowered. Question on the bonus to skills and throws, when do you declare you are going to add the bonus? Before the roll, after the roll, after the roll and knowing the results? For an ability like this it is a very important distinction.

    Judging Gaze - Wow, more expertise and skills learned. You are a skill machine in this class and a social god. I think 2 more here is a little much as well personally.

    Authorative Paradigm - This may be more personal opinion, but I don't like seeing reliable talent on other classes besides rogue. Rogues are supposed to be the skill monkeys and this takes away from them. As I was reading this class, I expected to see something more along the lines of a free casting of Dominate X at this ability, but that is me.

    You have a different take on management than I expected on this one. I expected this to be more focused on domination and charm than skills. The skills aren't a bad take, but I think they are to much overall in this subclass. It's certainly worth playing and using though and could make a very compelling character

    There we go, I'm all caught up. Great entries everyone!
    It's about being able to bring order and stability. You are the leader and should be able to fully utilize your Charisma. It's about being the leader to keep the rowdy folks in line and being cpable enough in how you approach your leadership capabilities.

    It shouldn't be focused purely on battle mechanics and I considered the possibility on using this subclass on some of the other PCs or the NPCs. I will tweak some stuff for balance though.

  9. - Top - End - #219
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    I tweaked Pact of the Regulator. Hopefully it's a bit more balanced now!

  10. - Top - End - #220
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    It's about being able to bring order and stability. You are the leader and should be able to fully utilize your Charisma. It's about being the leader to keep the rowdy folks in line and being cpable enough in how you approach your leadership capabilities.

    It shouldn't be focused purely on battle mechanics and I considered the possibility on using this subclass on some of the other PCs or the NPCs. I will tweak some stuff for balance though.
    It doesn't need to be about combat and if it came across that way that was a mistake in typing. Warlocks are perfectly effective in combat as a base class and really don't need anymore than they already have to be good. I just felt like the skills were a little much, I wouldn't mind seeing one of the expertise replaced with a charm like ability (but that is just me).
    Pronouns he/him/his
    Spoiler: 5e Subclass Contest Wins

    ● IV-Pinball Wizard
    ● VI-Luchador Bard
    ● XIII-Rogue, Tavern Wench
    ● XV-Monk, Way of the Shrine Guardian
    ● XVI-Cleric, Madness Domain
    ● XVIII-Fighter, Chef
    ● XXI-Artificer, Battling Bowman
    ● XXV-Ley Line Sorcerer

  11. - Top - End - #221
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    It doesn't need to be about combat and if it came across that way that was a mistake in typing. Warlocks are perfectly effective in combat as a base class and really don't need anymore than they already have to be good. I just felt like the skills were a little much, I wouldn't mind seeing one of the expertise replaced with a charm like ability (but that is just me).
    Yeah, that makes sense! I did tweak it a bit so it wasn't as skill crazy and specified on what you said with applying the bonus roll along with other stuff.

  12. - Top - End - #222
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    I got delayed in my reviews, but here we go!

    Spoiler: LuLu Roe Consultant, I mean Otherworldly Patron: Eldritch Pyramid Schemer

    This is one of the funnier subclasses that I have seen. It certainly captures the essence of the pyramid scheme. I would absolutely adore it if you had to pay 1 hp and get 1 free spell slot (at level 1, but it grows are you do in level) to use per day when you join this subclass at level (implying that you are part of the structure and you don't know exactly where you are). Add onto that a certain percentage of failure on the casting of that spell per day.

    Ha that's a good idea! I'll probably do that.
    My Homebrew (Free to use, don't even bother asking. PM me if you do, though; I'd love to hear stories).

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    Nod, get treat.

  13. - Top - End - #223
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    I got delayed in my reviews, but here we go!

    Spoiler: Way of the Cruel Master

    Aspirants - The secondary ability here is pretty powerful, but you have it gated pretty well with the # of aspirants and ki usage. It is a little bit odd that it triggers when an aspirant can see you, but the bonus is based on the number of aspirants that you can see. There is a potential situation here were it could be triggers by an invisible aspirant seeing you, yet you not getting any bonus to your roll.

    Brutal Instruction - I'm very glad that you make this unarmed strikes only, that really gets rid of the cheese for a rogue getting an extra sneak attack during all of your turns. I do have one question, if you take an attack action at level 3 and make someone else make the attack, do you still get the Monk unarmed strike as a bonus action?

    Dodge! - I don't see any issues here. There is some funky interactions with initiative order, but you can plan for that.

    Disciplined Hearts - This could potentially be a huge amount of THP gained, or none depending. If you have a wizard who is successfully avoiding combat and doesn't take any damage, they wouldn't actually gain an THP through this feature. On the other hand, you have someone spending 10 HD of healing (which can certainly happen), they would get, on average, 49 THP. Which is huge. Since it's gated by the HD spent, it is likely fine in practice. I don't wonder if you would see more reliable, and less swingy, results if you gave everyone Wis Mod + Martial Arts Die Roll during a long rest. That puts the feature a little bit weaker than the Inspiring Leader feat, but similar.

    One School, Many Masters - I'm not totally sure I like the idea of Monks using two handed weapons as monk weapons, but you are at level 17 already. So, the difference in damage is minimal (1d10 v 1d12). I think the biggest problem here will come in when you combine weapons and feats. I spend 3 ki points and for the next hour I've picked up on how to use a great sword and have GWM running for a monk. Same thing on Sharpshooter.

    What happens if I copy half feats? Do I get the stat bonus? Do I only get the stat bonus they chose, or can I get anything? How about things that let me choose bonuses (skill expert feat, skilled, Magic Initiate)? How about something like tough, do I get bonus HP and then lose those in an hour?

    What spells can I copy? Can I only copy prepared spells, or do I get access to all their known spells? What is the cast mod for stolen spells? Can I borrow cantrips for 1 Ki and then cast them for free?

    What is the action cost to borrow abilities? Or can I just do it on the fly? Hmm, someone is falling, I will borrow feather fall from the Wizard and cast it immediately.

    Can I borrow an ability from someone who is unconscious? The healer drops, I take healing word from the healer and immediately cast it on them.

    I like this class, it is a good representation of a brutal martial arts master. I have lots and lots of questions on the level 17 ability that need clarification before this is used at a table though.

    There we go, I'm all caught up. Great entries everyone!
    Thanks so much for your feedback!

    Taking the attack action trigger martial arts, so you don’t have to make any attacks, you’ve taken the required action. That’s my interpretation anyway.

    I’ll clarify the level 17 feature. My understanding is that taking Monk to tier 4 is a bit of a fool’s game so I wanted the capstone to be something spectacular.
    So yes, you can add in GWM/PAM and sharpshooter shenanigans, but I think it will be an appreciated boost and still avoid the worst cheese.

    Intent was spend Ki and cast a spell your Aspirant can using the same kind of action and using your Ki DC. So yes you could make zombies if you have a necromancing aspirant by spending 3 ki and 1 minute. But if they’re dead or unconscious I don’t think that works. Might go spell you’ve seen them cast in the last minute.
    Last edited by BerzerkerUnit; 2021-04-08 at 10:56 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #224
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    Death Magic - I've always wondered why free spells ended at level 5 for spell casting classes. I don't see anything wrong with going higher personally, and the sorcerer needs all the spells it can get.
    I did balance it against the other sorcerer subclasses by only giving them 1 spell at each level in this way, so fewer extra spells known total than others.

    One With Death - I think this should leave some DM fiat on it for the charming. Technically by your rules, if I cast Mage Armor on my charmed skeleton buddy it turns hostile on me. I do think you need to have a range on charming undead critters as well. As it is currently, you technically instantly charm all undead creatures in the world.
    The fluff here is that whatever magic sense it is that keeps zombies and skeletons from attacking other undead also keeps them from attacking you: you simply "ping" as undead to them unless you mess it up. Casting a beneficial spell on a skeleton (that you don't otherwise have control over) should absolutely turn it hostile, not because it doesn't like the mage armor or whatever, but because casting the spell drew its attention enough that it could see the spark of life lingering beneath the cloak of the necrotic energy that surrounds you. A charm effect from another source (the Dominate Undead spell for example) wouldn't be effected by casting the spell, so this shouldn't effect your control over your minions.

    And yeah, all undead everywhere (below a certain Int score) are charmed by you in this way until you break them out of it: charmed is the default state. I could limit it to "undead who can see you" or "undead within 200 feet of you" or "undead aware of your presence" or something, but I don't see why I would need to. Charmed doesn't really do anything while you're offscreen.

    Ultimately the charmed effect isn't perfect for what I'm going for, but it's a simple solution for what might otherwise be a more complex ability.

    Grim Puppet - Should this be concentration? Having 2 Zombies under your command at level 1 is really strong.
    The major limitation of the spell is in how much you have to micro-manage the minions. You can have 2 zombies under your control, but you can only make one of them do anything on any given turn because controlling them is a bonus action. They don't even dodge or move without it. The spell interacts nicely with Unholy Vigor, and later you can add them to your horde and control becomes moot, but by itself I think its fitting for a first level spell.

    A dark, evil leader is absolutely still a leader. I do like how you can start your minionmancy at level 1 instead of having to wait until level 3 to.
    There are shades of grey possible here: a necromancer or a death cleric chose to become what they are in one way or another, but a deathtouched sorcerer is born this way. Maybe they've gone all their life trying not to use their powers but are faced with an impossible choice when challenged by something darker, faced with a situation where raising the dead to save the living is the lesser evil.
    Last edited by Damon_Tor; 2021-04-08 at 03:16 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #225
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    Spoiler: Circle of the Pack: A Druid Circle

    This is clearly a melee Druid, something that tends to be missing from other Druid subclasses. I think that you could easily add extra spells in here as Druid spells known without adding excessive power to anything.

    Pack Hunting - Sensibility limited in uses. It's powerful, but since it's limited I thin you are perfectly fine.

    Alpha's Command - One interesting thing here that I am not sure whether it was intentional or not. When you use pack hunting they get advantage on melee attack rolls, but the Alpha's Command allows you to make a ranged or melee weapon attack.

    Heart of the Pack - This seems like a little much to me. With it being a passive ability your entire party gets these features all the time. I would rather see this as an active ability with an action cost. Maybe a bonus action to end fear and charm or a reaction to give one creature advantage on a saving throw. It still is a good ability and still meets the goal of what you are going for, but makes it more effective overall.

    It's a good subclass and a good use of the melee template that is needed for Druids. I will mirror what others say in that it would be nice to see something use wildshape for added bonuses in melee.

    Alpha's Command: I distinctly remember doing so on purpose, although I sure as hell can't remember why. Not like it really matters as Alpha's Command is going out the window for something using wildshape, haven't quite got the replacement feature up and running yet, but I shall do so soon.

    Heart of the Pack: I'm gonna go with bonus action to end charm or fear, its a more powerful version of the monk's stillness of mind (as that feature is an action) but it's also 7 levels later so I'm pretty sure it should be ok, if not too weak. And you've probably got better things to be doing with your bonus action in most situations anyway.

    Possible Circle Spells: Huh, I was thinking that bonus proficiencies would take the place of circle spells, but I guess spores druid has circle spells, symbiotic entity and halo of spores, so circle spells would still probably be ok power-wise. I'm not sure what spells I'd add though, other than Hunter's Mark. I'll think about it.

    Thanks for the feedback!
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  16. - Top - End - #226
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by nickl_2000 View Post
    I got delayed in my reviews, but here we go!

    Spoiler: The Guide

    Mark Target - I'm glad this is per long rest as otherwise this would be way to powerful. How long does the AC penalty last? Do you need to concentrate on it per the Tasha's Favored Foe replacement? Is the penalty only against you or against everyone?

    Lead the Charge - Even though this is a high level I am not a fan of this being used at will. You are effectively doubling the damage of the rogue in your party (or someone else, but let's be honest it will always by used on the rogue). If you limit it to a certain amount of times per long rest, then I think you are good to go.

    Seize Victory - See above.

    I like the simplicity of this subclass, you get options to use and things to do out of it but its easily usable and understandable. I like that the higher level ranger features give you more of a reason to stick with ranger.

    Ah, thanks for the review.

    Good shout on the Mark Target errors. Very poorly written on my part; I will tighten up.

    On lead the charge...

    I don't know. I am absolutely not saying you are wrong, but it takes things to an area of design philosophy I don't have settled views on yet.

    To what extent should design reflect what other players might bring? Mark Target for example is utterly brutal if you have a necromancer in the party. Lead the Charge is much better if you do have a rogue in the group (but then so is haste, so is the order cleric ability to give another attack (from which I shamelessly stole this ability), so is commander's strike). Actually, saying this I am maybe more concerned about haste on the Guide.

    I am really on the fence with this. On the one hand it is a highish level ability on a class that relies more than most on subclass features whilst also allowing someone else to shine - specifically that someone else is a class that falls off a bit in power (in my oppinion) at higher levels. The benefits are not every round, but rather every round they wouldn't have used a reaction to attack anyway. The subclass is already tracking daily uses of Mark Target so I don't want to get bogged down in bookkeeping - I was hoping to keep this simple to play and fill a niche for relatively simple support characters.

    On the other side it IS potentially really powerful. That extra attack does exceed what a fighter can do with their level 11 ability.

    One "fix" might be that the character gets its attack, not as a reaction but as an increase in the number of attacks it can make using the attack action. It keeps reactions open for fighters, paladins etc. and majorly nerfs the effects on Rogues. It does mean that it kind of sucks a lot more if you have a party heavy on casters who would be unwilling to take the attack action. It gets a bit fiddly though and is one more thing to remember between turns.

    I am less worried about this on Seize Victory - the odds of there being TWO rogues in the party is relatively small and at level 15 I feel they could use a hand, especially as thee is a good chance they are stepping on eachother's toes a bit. Also... like this is the level where spells like feeblemind and force cage are being thrown about; something to give a bit of a buff to those in the party without access to ultimate arcane power seems good.

    Trying to fix this at level 11 but leave the level 15 ability untouched is possible, but I can't easily thing of something that isn't an inelegant kludge.

    I will do something... I am just not sure what. Thanks for the input.

  17. - Top - End - #227
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm wondering what other ideas people can still come up with

  18. - Top - End - #228
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    I'm still thinking. Nothing leapt out at me this contest, so I may pick one of my old homebrew base classes and try to knock together a leadership subclass for it.
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  19. - Top - End - #229
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Only a few days left!

  20. - Top - End - #230
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    So I may have forgotten this existed. And only remembered the day before the deadline. Oops.

    I've thrown a last minute update onto the Circle of the Pack, the changes are as follows:
    • Circle spells! (Including a homebrew spell that is literally just holy weapon with elemental damage types (and without the light and blinding effects)).
    • Alpha's Command is now only melee attacks. I was planning on replacing this feature entirely, but I procrastinated and never decided on a full replacement.

    I'll try and be a lot more active for the next contest and actually get round to giving feedback.
    Temporarily back from the void between realities.
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  21. - Top - End - #231
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowben Gaming View Post
    So I may have forgotten this existed. And only remembered the day before the deadline. Oops.

    I've thrown a last minute update onto the Circle of the Pack, the changes are as follows:
    • Circle spells! (Including a homebrew spell that is literally just holy weapon with elemental damage types (and without the light and blinding effects)).
    • Alpha's Command is now only melee attacks. I was planning on replacing this feature entirely, but I procrastinated and never decided on a full replacement.

    I'll try and be a lot more active for the next contest and actually get round to giving feedback.
    Yeah, I hope to do the same... I need to get my computer fixed. Trying to do in depth reviews on my phone has been... problematic.

  22. - Top - End - #232
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Guess we'll be voting soon...

  23. - Top - End - #233
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Indeed we will, for the voting thread is upon us!

    Don't forget, the most important tiebreaker is whether you vote!
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  24. - Top - End - #234
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Voted though what's the Bunch of Fives about?

  25. - Top - End - #235
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    Voted though what's the Bunch of Fives about?
    Five fingers; it was the theme in contest 6, originally suggested along with a set of other themes themed on the number 5 for contest...5.
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  26. - Top - End - #236
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by MoleMage View Post
    Five fingers; it was the theme in contest 6, originally suggested along with a set of other themes themed on the number 5 for contest...5.
    If anyone is having trouble finding themes around the number 5, let me know. I've got about 7 different themes that you can can use to base a subclass around.
    Pronouns he/him/his
    Spoiler: 5e Subclass Contest Wins

    ● IV-Pinball Wizard
    ● VI-Luchador Bard
    ● XIII-Rogue, Tavern Wench
    ● XV-Monk, Way of the Shrine Guardian
    ● XVI-Cleric, Madness Domain
    ● XVIII-Fighter, Chef
    ● XXI-Artificer, Battling Bowman
    ● XXV-Ley Line Sorcerer

  27. - Top - End - #237
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by MoleMage View Post
    Five fingers; it was the theme in contest 6, originally suggested along with a set of other themes themed on the number 5 for contest...5.
    All right, so the theme is basically rule of five then? Five fingers, five things, so on and so forth, correct?

    Just wanna make sure.

  28. - Top - End - #238
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by CountDVB View Post
    All right, so the theme is basically rule of five then? Five fingers, five things, so on and so forth, correct?

    Just wanna make sure.
    For Bunch of Fives it's subclasses that use their hands (like fists, but also five-finger discount, etc.)
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  29. - Top - End - #239
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by MoleMage View Post
    For Bunch of Fives it's subclasses that use their hands (like fists, but also five-finger discount, etc.)
    Frankly I think you could get away with anything that includes the number 5. 5 Senses, five fingered discount, 5 love languages, High Fives, Take 5 (which is a term for a rest).
    Pronouns he/him/his
    Spoiler: 5e Subclass Contest Wins

    ● IV-Pinball Wizard
    ● VI-Luchador Bard
    ● XIII-Rogue, Tavern Wench
    ● XV-Monk, Way of the Shrine Guardian
    ● XVI-Cleric, Madness Domain
    ● XVIII-Fighter, Chef
    ● XXI-Artificer, Battling Bowman
    ● XXV-Ley Line Sorcerer

  30. - Top - End - #240
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: D&D Subclass Contest Chat Thread 2: Joke Entries Win with Alarming Frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by MoleMage View Post
    For Bunch of Fives it's subclasses that use their hands (like fists, but also five-finger discount, etc.)
    All righty! Definitely will be a bit tricky, but should be alot of fun then.

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