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    Titan in the Playground
    Kurald Galain's Avatar

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    Post Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Welcome to the latest incarnation of the Class and Level Geekery thread! Here, we are discussing what the possible stats are for each of the six OOTS members. Below is an estimate of the characters' stats; this was first kept by Runolfr, Wrecan, Chrismith, and RMS Oceanic. I will update these posts as the discussion continues and as subsequent strips reveal more information about OOTS and the other characters.

    The aim of this thread is that we give D&D statistics for the characters in the comic based on the events and statements made in the comic, plus statements by The Giant in the forum and his books. For this purpose, we assume that the comic strictly follows the 3.5E D&D rules. We are aware that The Giant has stated that he doesn't always follow the rules, because his goal is to write a story and not to write session reports from a D&D campaign. Nevertheless, in this thread we assume the rules are being followed anyway, and see what stats, feats, and skills could explain what happens. Essentially, that means we're taking the rules side of the comic more seriously than its author does; if you like, you can assume a little footnote on every factoid of this thread that says "* or The Giant used a houserule". Why? Well, because it's Geekery. If Star Trek fans can do it, then so can we

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Does The Giant check this thread?
    Yes, but only really for spell lists.

    Q: Which source books are used in the comic?
    • Player's Handbook 1 and Dungeon Master's Guide 1
    • Book of Vile Darkness (certain monsters; Boost Spell Resistance feat)
    • Complete Adventurer (ninjas)
    • Complete Arcane (warlocks; Tsukiko's and Zz'dtri's spells)
    • Complete Warrior (hexblade)
    • Dungeonscape (Thog; the acid-breathing shark; note that The Giant co-wrote this book)
    • Expanded Psionics Handbook (blue; mindblade)
    • Fiend Folio (certain monsters)
    • Frostburn (Frostbite spell)
    • Magic of Incarnum (mentioned by Redcloak's lackey)
    • Monster Manual (mentioned by Celia and Vaarsuvius)
    • Monster Manual 2 (certain monsters)
    • Oriental Adventures (other samurai class, and mentioned by Xykon)
    • Spell Compendium (numerous spells that aren't from the PHB1)
    • uncertain: Epic Level Handbook (a feat and spell from this book are mentioned, but most epic characters or spells in the comic don't follow the rules from this book)

    Q: In which comic do the characters demonstrate having leveled?
    9 12 12 12 12 12 12
    10 124 125 124 124 124 124
    11 ??? ??? 201 ??? ??? 186
    12 251 249 ??? 382 477 220
    13 ???, 665 ??? 556, 1162 392 511 397
    14 485, 862 ??? 859 647 ??? 627
    15 - 860 864 860 648 716
    16 - - - - 990 935

    Q: Which characters are included in this thread?
    (1) All named members of the Order, Team Evil, the Linear Guild, the Order of the Scribble, and the Vector Legion.
    (2) Any frequently occurring character, as noted in the Character Appearances thread. Note that this includes Samantha: it was easier to be a common character back when the comic was shorter. We don't unlist characters just because they've died.
    (3) Family members of the main characters, as long as we have something to write about them.
    This means that Daigo and Bandana would be next in line, but we don't have a lot of material on either character.

    Q: Which material is covered by this thread?
    All comics on the web and in print (including SSDT, Gygax magazine, and the Kickstarter bonus stories), as well as anything written about the comic by The Giant. However, not included are any one-panel joke comics, such as used for incentives, t-shirts, or the fundraiser.
    Note that even though the characters have stated they aren't sure whether this is the same continuity, certain items and abilities have been shown to carry over. We're listing all of it here for the sake of convenience, but any material from (e.g.) SSDT is clearly marked as such so that people can distinguish it from the main online comics.

    Q: I've heard there was a fight over some topic years ago, and now we're not allowed to discuss it any more. Is that the case?
    No; this thread does not have a banned topic list. Of course, the forum as a whole has one; please see the board rules for details.

    Q: Is a character's statement about another character considered evidence?
    Yes. We assume that when a character says something about another character's (or their own) ability scores, build, feats, and so forth, they are speaking the truth, except where this contradicts with other evidence or is clearly not possible within the rules.

    Q: If a character makes a special attack like grappling, and the victim does not make an attack of opportunity, can that be evidence of a feat like Improved Grapple?
    Yes, assuming the victim is armed, and otherwise capable of making AOOs. It is clear that the rules for attacks of opportunity are used in the comic, and there is no reason to assume that grappling/tripping/sundering is an exception.

    Q: If somebody doesn't say the name of a spell while casting it, does that mean he has the Silent Spell feat?
    Not necessarily. We know that Vaarsuvius doesn't have that feat, and yet V still occasionally casts spells while talking about something else.

    Q: What does "Core" mean?
    The three "Core" books in 3E D&D are the Player's Handbook 1 (PHB), Dungeon Master's Guide 1 (DMG), and Monster Manual 1 (MM). This is an official term defined by WOTC, who put the word "Core" in big letters on the cover of these three books. No other books are Core, and there is no such thing as "partially Core", "almost Core", or "semi-Core" - every book is either Core or non-Core. Note that both the OOTS comic and this thread contain numerous non-Core elements.

    Q: Does The Giant use house rules?
    Probably. But for the purpose of this thread, we assume that the comic doesn't, except where The Giant has explicitly said so, or where some event is clearly not possible by the rules. That is, we try to explain events in the comic within the rules as much as possible, and that means not leaving factoids out of this thread just because The Giant might not have followed the rules there.

    Q: A character undertook this heinous/awesome/dutiful/impulsive/meh action. Does that mean they are now evil/good/lawful/chaotic/neutral?
    No. As seen in a thousand forum threads, people have different ideas about alignment, and what defines and changes them. The alignments posted here are taken from the character's own mouth, someone else in a position to know their alignment, or their use of a spell/feat/whatever which has an alignment restriction. Kindly refrain from speculating from how a character's action changes their alignment, since it's not really something you can reason out with facts and numbers.

    Q: A character undertook this brilliant/moronic/insightful/ignorant/inspiring/repulsive action. Does that mean they now have a high/low intelligence/wisdom/charisma score?
    No. Similar to the previous question, people have different ideas about what the mental ability scores represent and how much they influence a character's personality. The ability scores posted here are taken from the character's own mouth, someone else in a position to know their scores, or their use of a spell/feat/whatever which requires a minimum ability score. Kindly refrain from speculating from how a character's personality changes their ability scores, since it's not really something you can reason out with facts and numbers either.

    Q: How does Xykon cast Maximized Energy Drain in comic 652?
    We don't know for sure. The most popular theories involve the feat Sudden Maximize, the feat Improved Spell Capacity, or a Rod of Metamagic. Each theory has its pros and cons. Note that comics 429, 442, and 1041 have implications for Xykon's level, and that 653 requires the Metamagic Specialist alternate class feature, regardless of his level.

    Q: What magic item makes Xykon immune to fire damage in comic 653?
    We don't know for sure; there are multiple items within RAW that make their user immune to fire, available from level 14. Note that Xykon doesn't specify whether it's an amulet, ring, belt, or other kind of item.
    Last edited by Kurald Galain; 2023-03-13 at 05:01 AM.
    Guide to the Magus, the Pathfinder Gish class.

    "I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums. I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that." -- ChubbyRain
    Crystal Shard Studios - Freeware games designed by Kurald and others!

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    Titan in the Playground
    Kurald Galain's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    wink Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Roy Greenhilt
    Lawful Good, Human male Fighter 14+ (forum).
    Str 29 (same as a frost giant).
    Dex 13+ (required for Improved Grapple).
    Con 12+ (151+ hit points).
    Int 14-17 (very good, less than Vaarsuvius, forum).
    Wis 14+ (very good, forum).
    Cha 12+ (decent, forum; less than Elan).
    Age: 29.
    Feats: Cleave (prerequisite for Great Cleave), Combat Expertise (prerequisite for Improved Disarm), Great Cleave, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, Least Legacy, Lesser Legacy, Power Attack (prerequisite for Cleave), Run, Spellsplinter Maneuver, Weapon Focus (prerequisite for Weapon Specialization), Weapon Specialization: greatsword.
    Skills: Bluff 0, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering 2+, Knowledge: Geography, Knowledge: Planes, Listen low, Profession: Baseball Player (BRITF), Profession: Goatherd, Ride 1, Sense Motive 0 (OOPC), Spellcraft, Spot low.
    Items: Magical heavy armor, Bag of Tricks, club, newspaper, heirloom +5 Starmetal Greatsword of Legacy, formal suit, shillelagh oil, potion of delay poison, Ring of Protection (WXP), Manual of Gainful Exercise (SSDT), non-magical boots, bedroll, list of Xykon's spells, feats and magic items, Belt of Giant Strength, book, sextant, runestone, Wrecan's book, scarf, potions of Cure Serious, Remove Paralysis, Magical Vestment.

    Belkar Bitterleaf aka Ali S. Fakenamington (KS:US), aka the Belkster, aka Death's Li'l Helper
    Chaotic Evil, Halfling male Ranger 14 / Barbarian 1 (forum, deafened by Holy Word).
    Str 14-17 (jump exceeds movement, forum, and carrying capacity in SSDT).
    Dex 13+ (required for Spring Attack).
    Int <10 (OOPC).
    Wis 9 (ability score penalty, and can use a third-level scroll when buffed).
    Cha <10 (without any charisma).
    Age: 28+ (ranger for three years, over a year ago).
    Feats: Endurance, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting (all ranger bonus feats); Bounding Assault, Craft Disturbing Mental Image, Dodge (prerequisite for Spring Attack), Improved Sunder, Mobility (prerequisite for Spring Attack), Power Attack (prerequisite for Improved Sunder), Spring Attack; no feats related to special attacks (SSDT).
    Skills: Balance 5+, Climb, Craft: Alchemy, Craft: Soap 0, Craft: Trapmaking, Handle Animal 0 (NCPB), Hide, Jump, Knowledge Dungeoneering, Move Silently 2+, Profession: gourmet chef 4, Sense Motive 0, Speak Language: Halfling (racial), Spellcraft 4+, Spot 0, Survival 0, Tumble, Use Magic Device (SSDT).
    Abilities: Halfling racial abilities, ranger and barbarian class abilities, animal companion: Mr. Scruffy, favored enemy: human (forum) and undead, scent.
    Items: Unholy symbol, red chalk, cloak, Ring of Jumping +20, stilts, Sapphire guard disguise, Ring of Protection (WXP), quill, string, chef hat, Mama Bitterleaf's secret ingredient, clothespin, bedroll, +4 and +2 daggers (forum), mallet and spike (DSTP), mimic (SSDT), wand of dispel clothing (SSDT), 18 pounds of salt (GYG), book: Dune, bucket and spade, +5 Dagger of Collision, +3 Vest of Resistance, Clasp of Protection from Evil, Feather Fall item, spatula, stakes, track-covering powder, fire-starting tools.

    Mr. Scruffy
    True Neutral (forum), Cat male, animal companion.
    Str 6 (animal companion).
    Dex 18 (animal companion).
    Con 10 (racial).
    Int 2 (racial).
    Wis 12 (racial).
    Cha 7 (racial).
    Age: 7 (WXP).
    Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse (racial bonus feats).
    Skills: Balance +10, Climb +6, Hide +16, Jump +10, Listen +3, Move Silently +8, Spot +3 (all racial skills).
    Abilities: Racial abilities; animal companion abilities; 3 tricks, including attack and come.
    Items: String, gear and wind-up key (UD), potion of Greater Magic Fang.

    Durkon Allotrope Thundershield
    Lawful Good, Dwarf male Cleric of Thor 13 (required to cast Regenerate).
    Str 16-21 (can carry Vaarsuvius, can't carry Roy, before getting his belt).
    Dex <10 (dex penalty, SSDT).
    Con ~12 (racial).
    Wis 22-23 (forum).
    Cha <10 (low modifier, see also DCF).
    Age: 55+.
    Feats: Extend Spell or Sudden Extend, Extra Turning, Leadership (UD), Martial Weapon Proficiency: Warhammer.
    Skills: Concentration 7+ (forum), Craft: Basketweaving 0, Knowledge: Dungeoneering, Knowledge: Religion not maxed, Listen 0 (OOPC), Ride 0, Speak Language: Dwarven (racial) and Giant (SSDT), Spellcraft, Spot 0.
    Abilities: Dwarf racial abilities, Turn Undead, Good domain (required to cast Holy Smite),
    Items: Candles, bedroll, deck of cards, holy symbol, Amulet of Natural Armor, Ring of Protection (WXP), parcheesi board, spyglass, religious vestments, scroll of Sending, belt pouch, Bleedingham papers, flask of liquor, Macebook, 5,000+ gp of diamond dust (Greg used 5000 for Symbol of Death), robe, Hammer of Thunderbolts, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Belt of Giant Strength, plate armor, shield.
    Spells: Standard cleric list, domain spells, plus Bless Beer (WXP), Call Lightning (DCF), Cat's Grace, Control Winds, Cure Itchy Wounds, Heat Blisters of Eternal Pain, Heathen Smiting, Mass Death Ward with backdoor, Thor's Lightning, and Tumor, unspecified clock spell.

    Chaotic Good, Human male Bard 14+ (required to retrain to Cure Critical Wounds) / Dashing Swordsman 1+.
    Str 10-11 (KS:H&J, and the same as Nale, forum).
    Dex 13-17 (required for Dodge, and to get a four on Move Silently).
    Con same as Nale.
    Int 4-9 (too low to cast cantrips, but higher than Thog.
    Wis <10 (not even a smidgen).
    Cha 22+ (required for 5th level spells at level 13, +2 from belt).
    Age: 22 (same as Nale, who is five years older than Julia, who is 17).
    Feats: Dodge, Mobility (both prerequisites for Spring Attack), Spring Attack, Still Spell.
    Skills: Bluff 0, Concentration 0, Craft: Shiv 0, Diplomacy, Hide, Listen (higher than Sir Francois, OOPC), Move Silently <3, Perform: riddles 2+ (BRITF), Perform: sing 12+ (required for Inspire Greatness), Perform: string instruments 15+ (required for Song of Freedom), Perform: kazoo 3+, Profession: Chef, Ride 2+, Spot 0, Spellcraft 2+, Tumble.
    Abilities: Bard class abilities, charismatic strike, dramatic instincts, glass damage immunity.
    Items: Bedroll, Banjo, coffee maker, espresto box, ceremonial meat costume (OOPC), ritalin (OOPC), dice, Boots of Elvenkind, kazoo, jam, lantern, pingpong bat, roller skate, squirrel, yoyo, Ring of Protection (WXP), dashing outfit, toothbrush, Lutey the Lute-tastical Lute, evil sword (SSDT), castanets and sombrero (SSDT), equipment lists (GYG), Belt of Charisma +2, treasure chest, drawing, The Stick the Order was named after, [url=]sash outfit[/url[, letter, Chaos Sabre, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, Armand Vestinghole; no armor worn.
    Spells: Animate Rope, Cure Critical Wounds, Disguise Self, Ghost Sound, Greater Dispel Magic, Heroism, Lesser Confusion, Major Image, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Mending, Neutralize Poison, Prestidigitation, Silent Image, Summon Plot Exposition; no Identify, nor Break Enchantment.

    Haley Starshine aka Mistress Nightingale, aka The Red Blur (OOPC), aka Dark Mistress Shadowgale
    Chaotic Good, Human female Rogue 16 (based on attacks per round and leveled since then).
    Str 15-19 (high enough to carry Belkar (forum), but can't carry Roy).
    Dex 20-21 (modifier of +5, forum).
    Con 9+ (higher than Vaarsuvius).
    Int 12+ (received bonus languages).
    Cha 12-19 (with any charisma; and with maxed out Bluff, for Hide to be her best skill, her cha mod has to be less than her dex mod).
    Age: About 25 (forum; was 24 here, and that was over a year ago).
    Feats: Dodge (SSDT), Improved Precise Shot, Manyshot, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longbow), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot (prerequisite for IPS), Ranged Pin, Ranged Sunder, Rapid Shot.
    Skills: Appraise, Bluff 18+ (maxed out), Climb, Disable Device, Forgery (OOPC), Hide 18+ (best skill), Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Planes, Knowledge: Religion low (forum), Open Lock 15 (forum), Ride 0, Search 10+ not maxed, Sense Motive 2+, Spellcraft 9+, Spot 0, Tumble, Use Magic Device 7+, Use Rope 8.
    Abilities: Rogue class abilities; three special rogue abilities, two spent on a feat (based on feat count for her level).
    Items: Two gemstones, 8 Bags of Holding, towel, hair dryer, Ring of Protection (WXP), rope, +5 Air Freshener of Pineness, a lot of clothes, bedroll, +5 Icy Burst Longbow, bag of copper pieces (SSDT), magic leather armor, dyed Boots of Speed (forum), trowel, metal detector, Bleedingham papers, 4+ quivers of green arrows including silver and cold iron, three potions (since Belkar took one), thief's tools, Z's wands, bounty paper, Wand of Obscuring Mist, Magic Missile, Fly, and four others, adamantine dagger, winter coat, Elan's coat, Quippie the dead osquip head.

    Minrah Elle Shaleshoe
    Lawful good, Dwarf female, Fighter 1+ / Cleric 9+.
    Str 15-19 (prerequisite for Knockdown, and can fail to pierce a vampire spawn's DR).
    Con ~12 (racial).
    Int 13+ (required for Combat Expertise).
    Wis 16+ (based on spells per day).
    Cha 6+ (can return as a ghost).
    Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Knockdown, Power Attack (to get through vampire DR after having all buffs dispelled), Improved Unarmed Strike.
    Skills: Craft: Crochet 0, Knowledge: Planes 0, Knowledge: Religion, Spellcraft.
    Abilities: Dwarf racial abilities.
    Items: Holy symbol, non-silvered warhammer (based on vampire spawn DR), armor, helmet.

    True Neutral (forum), High Elf (OOPC) genderqueer (BRITF) Wizard: Evoker (DCF) 16 (+1 caster level from Blackwing's ioun stone).
    Str 5-9 (can carry Yukyuk, and strength penalty).
    Dex <12 (no real attack bonus on rays, forum).
    Con 8-12 (to have enough HP to survive the fight against Xykon; also, lacks a decent con, forum; and lower than Haley).
    Int 24 (forum).
    Wis 10-11 (moderate, forum).
    Cha 6-9 (can return as a ghost, and without any charisma).
    Age: 131+ (WXP).
    Feats: Alertness, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Improved Counterspell, Maximize Spell (SSDT), Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat); no Silent Spell (forum), nor Still Spell.
    Skills: Appraise +3 (from familiar), Concentration 12+, Craft: Alchemy, Decipher Script (SSDT), Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Dungeoneering, Knowledge: Engineering, Knowledge: Planes, Knowledge: Religion not high (forum), Profession: Astrologer 0, Ride 0, Spot 0, Search 0, Speak Language: Elven (racial), raven, not draconic (SSDT), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device 2+.
    Abilities: Elf racial abilities, familiar: Blackwing, share spells with familiar, scry on familiar, barred schools: Conjuration and Necromancy (forum; also by elimination).
    Items: Headband of Intellect +4 (required to cast four 6th level spells with a base int of 18 at level 11), doily, Ring of Wizardry III or IV, two small gemstones, many scrolls and spellbooks, Ring of Protection (WXP), Finding Plot Holes for Dummies, twelve more books, two potions (SSDT), apricot-scented face gel (SSDT), chalice (SSDT), jar of diamond dust, Bleedingham papers, defensive potions, Tarquin's whip.
    Spells: Arcane Sight, Banishment, Bear's Endurance. Bull's Strength, Bugsby's Cat-Retrieving Hand, Bugsby's Clenched Fist, Bugsby's Expressive Single Digit, Bugsby's Flicking Finger, Bugsby's Grasping Hand, Burning Hands, Chain Lightning, Charm Monster, Cone of Cold, Crushing Despair, Detect Magic, Dimensional Anchor, Dimensional Lock, Disintegrate, Dispel Magic, Distant Inferno (OOPC), Dominate Person, Expeditious Retreat, Explosive Runes, Feather Fall, Fireball, Fire Trap, Flamefinger (OOPC), Forcecage, Fly, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Invisibility, Gust of Wind, Haste, Heroism, Hold Monster (SSDT), Hold Person, Hold Portal, Identify, Invisibility, discount Invisibility Sphere, Light, Lightning Bolt, Locate Creature, Locate Object, Magic Missile, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Enlarge Person, Mass Suggestion, Mind Blank, Overland Flight usable on others, Owl's Wisdom, Passwall, Polymorph, Power Word Blind, Power Word Stun, Prestidigitation, Prismatic Spray, Protection from Arrows, Ray of Frost, Resilient Sphere, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Sending, Shadow Conjuration (to cast Evan's Tentacles, forum), Silent Image a.k.a. Phantasmal Force, Sleep, Stinking Cloud (DCF), Stoneskin, Stone to Flesh, Suggestion, Summon Plot Hole (Supercollider Mash-Up), Telepathic Bond, True Seeing, Vaarsuvius' Enhanced Scrying, Vaarsuvius' Greater Animal Messenger, Vampiric Touch, Veil, Wall of Fire, Wall of Force, unspecified polymorph spell, unspecified sonic spell.

    Blackwing (Common name)
    Raven male, familiar.
    Str 1 (racial).
    Dex 15 (racial).
    Con 10 (racial).
    Int 13 (familiar).
    Wis 14 (racial).
    Cha 6 (racial).
    Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (racial bonus feats).
    Skills: Listen +5, Spot +7 (racial skills), can use Vaarsuvius's skill ranks (familiar).
    Abilities: Racial abilities; familiar abilities.
    Items: Bauble, sombrero, fake beard and mustache, wand, bracelet with Orange Prism Ioun Stone, sunglasses.
    Last edited by Kurald Galain; 2024-01-23 at 10:11 AM.
    Guide to the Magus, the Pathfinder Gish class.

    "I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums. I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that." -- ChubbyRain
    Crystal Shard Studios - Freeware games designed by Kurald and others!

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    Titan in the Playground
    Kurald Galain's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    furious Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Team Evil

    Xykon, pseudonym (SOD)
    Chaotic (forum) Evil, Human male lich, Sorcerer 21+ (see 429, 442, and 1041), metamagic specialist
    Str 15+ (forum).
    Con n/a (undead).
    Int ~15 (no evidence, age and lichdom).
    Wis ~15 (no evidence, age and lichdom).
    Cha 28+ (casts seven 9th level spells in one combat, SOD).
    Age: 111+ (WXP).
    Feats: Maximize Spell or Sudden Maximize, Still Spell or Sudden Still, Epic Spellcasting, unspecified craft feat, Dodge.
    Skills: Bluff, Concentration (required to cast while grappled), Spellcraft 24+, Knowledge: Arcana 24+ (required for Epic Spellcasting), Reverse Psychology 2+, Speak Language: Draconic (NCPB); +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
    Abilities: Fear aura, paralyzing touch, turn resistance, damage reduction (SOD), immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks (all lich abilities).
    Items: Soul gem (SOD), Ring of Positive Plane Protection (SOD), Serini's diary, Widescreen crystal ball, Teevo, crown that radiates evil, Dorukan's headband, unspecified item that gives fire immunity, Ring of Protection that gives deflection bonus, unspecified item that boosts Spellcraft, bunch of scrolls, Boots of Freedom of Movement.
    Spells: Animate Dead, Animate Dead Animal (SOD), Blackfire, Burning Hands, Cloister, Cloudkill, Contingency, Energy Drain, Epic Mage Armor, Finger of Death, Fireball, Ghostform, Greater Invisibility, Greater Shatter, Greater Teleport, Invisibility (SOD), Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Mass Hold Person, Meteor Swarm, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Overland Flight, Ray of Frost, Soul Bind (SOD), Stoneskin, Superb Dispelling, Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of Pain, Telekinesis, Teleport, Vampiric Touch, Xykon's Moderately Escapable Forcecage, spells for mind control (SOD), summoning, architecture, wall breaking, planar travel, and rock drawing.

    Bugbear female, racial HD 3 / unknown class 3+ (required for Beast Heart) / Beast Heart Adept 9+ (required for yrthak companion).
    Str ~14 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex 15+ (required for Two-Weapon Fighting).
    Con ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Cha ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Feats: Animal Affinity (required for Beast Heart), Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Pounce.
    Skills: Handle Animal 8, Knowledge: Arcana 4, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 4 (all required for Beast Heart Adept), Survival.
    Abilities: Bugbear racial abilities, Beast Heart Adept class abilities, monstrous companions: Lancer and Greyview
    Items: Mask of Cold Resistance, sack of monster parts, Two maces, dagger.

    Redcloak, pseudonym (SOD)
    Lawful Evil (SOD), Goblin male, Cleric (SOD) 17+ (required to cast 9th level spells).
    Str ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Wis 20+ (based on saving throw difficulty class).
    Cha 12+ (required to use Rebuke Undead four times per day).
    Age: 55+ (WXP), does not age physically (SOD).
    Feats: Craft Wondrous Item (Xykon's phylactery in SOD), Extend Spell.
    Skills: Diplomacy (SOD), Knowledge: Chemistry, Knowledge: Nature (SOD), KNowledge: Planes, Speak Language: Goblin (racial), Spellcraft; no Draconic (NCPB).
    Abilities: Goblin racial abilities, Rebuke Undead, Command Undead, Destruction domain (required to cast Disintegrate) and Law domain (required to cast Hold Monster, SOD).
    Items: Black armor (SOD), The Crimson Mantle, backup unholy symbol, Book of Vile Darkness, Fiend Folio, Monster Manual II, eye patch, spyglass, 8th level scroll (WXP), Xykon's Phylactery, Arcane half of the Snarl Ritual, Ring of protection from level drain, boots.
    Spells: Standard cleric list and domain spells, plus Unseal, Greater Obscure Object, Superior Resistance, Hardening.

    Tsukiko (deceased)
    Neutral Evil (forum), Human female, Wizard: Necromancer (forum) 3+ / Cleric 3+ (required for Mystic Theurge) / Mystic Theurge 6+, and two more levels of Wizard or Mystic Theurge (required to cast Create Undead).
    Int 16+ (required to cast Create Undead as a wizard).
    Wis 15+ (required to cast Flame Strike as a cleric).
    Feats: Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat), Quicken Spell.
    Skills: Knowledge: Arcana 6+, Knowledge: Religion 6+ (required for Mystic Theurge).
    Abilities: Rebuke Undead, barred school (forum): Abjuration (by elimination).
    Items: Spellbook (wizard feature), item that boosts caster level (to teleport six wights), unholy symbol (required to cast Flame Strike), Xykon plushie, Xykon portrait, various books and scrolls, quill.
    Spells: Standard cleric list, plus wizard spells Cold Orb, Create Undead, Dominate Person, Electric Orb, Fire Orb, Fireball, Fly, Invisibility, Lesser Acid Orb, Lightning Bolt, Mind Fog, Shout, Teleport, Tsukiko's Amazing Wight-Making Spell (forum).

    Monster In The Darkness
    Please see this thread for details.

    The Linear Guild

    Nale (deceased)
    Non-lawful Evil (forum), Human male, Fighter / Rogue 2+ (required for Evasion) / Sorcerer 8+ (required to cast Dimension Door); total level 15 (deafened by Holy Word).
    Str 10-11 (same as Elan, forum).
    Dex 13-17 (same as Elan).
    Con same as Elan.
    Int 13+ (required for Combat Expertise).
    Cha 15+ (required to cast Sending).
    Age: 22 (same as Elan).
    Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm.
    Skills: Bluff.
    Items: Longsword, business cards, wand of Enervation, Elixirs of Negative Energy Protection.
    Spells: Charm Person, Dimension Door, Expeditious Retreat, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Suggestion.

    Hilgya Firehelm & Kudzu
    Chaotic (required for Chaos domain) Evil (WXP), Dwarf female, Cleric of Loki 14+ (based on spells cast per day).
    Con ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Wis 24+ (based on spells cast per day).
    Cha 6+ (can use Turn Undead).
    Skills: Speak Language: Dwarven (racial).
    Feats: Empower Spell.
    Abilities: Dwarf racial abilities, Chaos domain, Fire domain, Turn Undead (despite evil alignment).
    Items: Horned helmet, armor, shield, holy symbol (required to use rebuke ability), morningstar, carrying sling, anarchic water, wand of Protection from Law, plate armor.

    Leeky Windstaff
    Neutral Evil, Gnome male, Druid 13+ (required to cast Fire Storm).
    Str ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Wis 17+ (required to cast Fire Storm).
    Feats: Leadership.
    Abilities: Gnome racial abilities, druid class abilities, animal companion: hawk "Kitty" (deceased).

    Neutral Evil, Half-Elf male, Wizard: Conjurer 5+ (required to cast Still Silent Animate Rope).
    Int 14+ (required to cast four 2nd level spells per day).
    Age: 44+.
    Feats: Scribe scroll (wizard bonus feat), Silent Spell, Still Spell.
    Skills: Knowledge: Arcana.
    Abilities: Half-elf racial abilities, barred schools: evocation and enchantment.
    Items: Spellbook (wizard feature).
    Spells: Animate Rope, Summon Monster I, Summon Monster II, five unspecified touch-range buff spells.

    Evil, Succubus female, Racial hit dice 6 / Level adjustment 6 / Rogue (NCPB) 4+ (at least as high as her personal rival Haley).
    Str 19+ (can carry Nale and Thog).
    Dex ~13 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~13 (no evidence, racial).
    Int 9+ (higher than Thog, lower than Nale, forum).
    Wis ~14 (no evidence, racial).
    Cha ~26 (no evidence, racial).
    Age: 2000+ (NCPB).
    Abilities: Flight, change shape, energy drain, charm monster, detect good, detect thoughts, ethereal jaunt, suggestion, greater teleport: self plus 50 pounds of objects, summon demon, damage reduction 10 / cold iron or good, darkvision, electricity and poison immunity, acid cold and fire resistance, spell resistance 18, telepathy, tongues; plane shift 1/day (all racial abilities), rogue class abilities, immune to fatigue.
    Items: Cellphone

    Non-lawful (required for rage) Evil, Half-Orc male, Fighter 2 / Barbarian 9+ (required to have 3 attacks a round).
    Str 22+ (to break down an iron door while raging).
    Con 16+ with Extend Rage feat, or 26+ without (based on rage rounds per day).
    Int <8 (racial, dump stat).
    Wis <10 (abysmal will save).
    Cha ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Age: 17+ (WXP).
    Feats: Extend Rage (see above), Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack.
    Skills: Jump.
    Abilities: Dungeoncrasher (forum), half-orc racial abilities, barbarian class abilities.

    Yikyik (deceased)
    Chaotic Evil (same as Belkar, DCF), Kobold male, Ranger (DCF).
    Str ~6 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex 12+ (gets additional attack from Combat Reflexes).
    Con ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Feats: Combat Reflexes, Track (ranger bonus feat).
    Skills: Speak Language: Draconic (racial).
    Abilities: Kobold racial abilities.
    Items: Dagger.

    Yokyok (deceased)
    Kobold male.
    Str ~6 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Skills: Speak Language: Draconic (racial).
    Abilities: Kobold racial abilities.
    Items: Rapier.

    Yukyuk (deceased)
    Kobold male, Ranger 4+ (required for an animal companion) / Rogue.
    Str ~6 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Abilities: Ranger and rogue class abilities, animal companion: riding dog "Sir Scraggly".
    Feats: Endurance, Track (ranger bonus feats).
    Skills: Speak Language: Draconic (racial).
    Abilities: Kobold racial abilities.
    Items: Two Crossbows of Quick Loading.

    Zz'dtri (deceased)
    Neutral Evil (forum), Drow male, Wizard: Transmuter (DCF) 15 (deafened by Holy Word).
    Dex ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Int 17+ (required to cast Plane Shift).
    Cha ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat), Silent Spell (forum), Boost Spell Resistance, unspecified feat that increases Spell Resistance, Empower Spell.
    Skills: Speak Language: Drow Sign Language.
    Abilities: Spell Resistance 28+ (racial, +4 from feats and an item); drow racial abilities; barred schools: Enchantment, Necromancy (by elimination).
    Items: Spellbook (wizard feature), unspecified item that boosts Spell Resistance.
    Spells: Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment: short version, Dimension Door, Disguise Self, Flesh to Stone, Fly: 3.0 version, Greater Dispel Magic, Gust of Wind, Locate Object, Magic Circle Against Evil, Phantasmal Killer, Planar Binding, Plane Shift, Protection from Energy, Scrying, Shield, Teleport, Vitriolic Sphere, Wall of Ice, unspecified lightning spell.
    Last edited by Kurald Galain; 2023-03-13 at 04:48 AM.
    Guide to the Magus, the Pathfinder Gish class.

    "I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums. I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that." -- ChubbyRain
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    Titan in the Playground
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    confused Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    The Sapphire Guard

    Lawful Good, Human male, Paladin 11+ (based on attacks per round).
    Cha 12+ (required for Lay On Hands).
    Age: 24+ (WXP).
    Skills: Diplomacy (GDGU), Swim 0 (GDGU).
    Abilities: Paladin class abilities, Summon Conscience, paladin mount: dire wolf "Argent".
    Items: Cold-iron katana, silvered katana; magic boots, cloak and armor (WXP).

    Lawful Good, Human female, Paladin 12+ (higher level than Hinjo).
    Str 13+ (required for Cleave).
    Int 10+ (good, not dumb).
    Wis 11+ (required to cast spells).
    Cha 12+ (required for Lay On Hands).
    Age: 23+ (younger than Hinjo, GDGU).
    Feats: Cleave, Power Attack (prerequisite for Cleave), Weapon Focus: Spear.
    Abilities: Paladin class abilities, paladin mount: large shark "Razor".
    Items: Spear; magic boots, cloak and armor (WXP); Ring of Waterbreathing, crossbow.

    Miko Miyazaki (deceased)
    Lawful Good, Human female, Monk 2+ / Fallen Paladin 10-14 (three main-hand attacks per round, higher level than Hinjo, and three smites per day, forum).
    Str 13+ (required for Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana).
    Dex 17+ (required for Improved Two-Weapon Fighting).
    Wis 11+ (required to cast Cure Light Wounds in the Miko fight).
    Cha 12+ (required for Lay On Hands).
    Age: 28+ (WXP).
    Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (two off-hand attacks per round), Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Stunning Fist, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting (prerequisite for ITWF).
    Skills: Knowledge: the Planes, Knowledge: What The Hell She's Talking About 0, Spellcraft 0, Survival 1.
    Abilities: Monk class abilities, unavailable paladin mount: horse "Windstriker".
    Items: Magic boots, cloak and armor (WXP); katana, wakizashi.

    Lawful Good, Human male, Fighter 8+ / Paladin 3-4 (has Aura of Courage but no mount), total level 12+ (higher than Hinjo).
    Str 11+ (can carry Vaarsuvius).
    Con ~25 (WXP).
    Cha <10 (dump stat).
    Age: 50+ (in GDGU, Hinjo is 15-16 and O-Chul is 42).
    Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana (GDGU).
    Skills: Bluff 0, Diplomacy 2+ (forum), Handle Animal 0, Spellcraft, Swim.
    Items: Protective cloak, go set, spyglass.

    Shojo (deceased)
    Chaotic Good, Human male, Aristocrat 14.
    Str / Dex / Con ~4 (no evidence, age).
    Int / Wis / Cha ~13 (no evidence, age).
    Age: 72+ (WXP).
    Feats: Improved Paranoia.
    Skills: Bluff, Perform (puppetry).

    The Vector Legion

    Lawful Evil, Human male Villain (DSTP), level 16+ (unaffected by Holy Word).
    Str 16+ (can carry Nale).
    Dex, Con ~9 (no evidence, age).
    Int, Wis ~11 (no evidence, age).
    Cha 16+ (higher than Nale, BRITF).
    Age: 51+ (adventuring for 35 years).
    Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip.
    Skills: Speak Language: Drow Sign Language, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot.
    Abilities: Evasion, Ballista Throw, Counter Charge, Disrupting Blow.
    Items: helmet, two Rings of Regeneration, Ring of True Seeing, Glamered plate armor, mask that says "Nope" on it, Extra Strength Keoghtum Ointment.

    Soul Muncher
    Intelligent (BRITF) ki focus axe.

    Evil (forum), Catfolk female.
    Items: Dagger.

    Lawful Neutral (forum), Kobold male, level 6-10 (paralyzed by Holy Word).
    Str ~6 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Items: Glasses.
    Skills: Speak Language: Draconic (racial).
    Abilities: Kobold racial abilities, Flight.

    Laurin Shattersmith
    Evil (forum), Human female, Psion 15+ (required to craft a +5 collision weapon).
    Str, Dex, Con ~7 (no evidence, age).
    Int 18+ (required to manifest Matter Manipulation).
    Wis, Cha ~12 (no evidence, age).
    Age: 58+ (forum).
    Feats: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Expanded Knowledge x2 (can manifest Clairvoyant Sense, Control Body, and Mind Probe).
    Items: Headband, two Ioun Stones.
    Powers: Body Adjustment, Clairvoyant Sense, Control Body, Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Dispel Psionics, Energy Adaptation, Matter Manipulation, Mental Disruption, Mind Probe, Telekinetic Force, Wormhole, unspecified attack power.

    Malack (deceased), pseudonym
    Lawful Evil (forum), Lizardfolk male vampire, Cleric of Nergal 12 (required for Craft Staff, but no higher spells, forum).
    Str ~18 (no evidence, racial).
    Dex ~14 (no evidence, racial).
    Con n/a (undead).
    Int ~13 (no evidence, racial, age).
    Wis 20+ (from spells per day, forum).
    Cha ~17 (no evidence, racial, age).
    Age: 200+.
    Feats: Craft Staff, Martial Stance, Martial Study, Quicken Spell.
    Skills: Speak Language: Draconic (racial), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
    Abilities: Vampire abilities, Death and Destruction domains (forum), Crushing Weight of the Mountain.
    Items: Holy Symbol.
    Spells: Standard cleric list and domain spells, plus Protection from Daylight.

    Miron Shewdanker
    Evil (forum), Human male, Wizard 15+ or Sorcerer 16+ (required to cast Horrid Wilting).
    Str, Dex ~9 (no evidence, age).
    Con 6+ (forum).
    Wis ~11 (no evidence, age).
    Int or Cha 18+ (required to cast Horrid Wilting, depending on his class).
    Age: 38+ (forum).
    Spells: Baleful Polymorph, Contingency, Greater Dispel Magic, Horrid Wilting, Teleport, unspecified defensive spell.

    We don't seem to know anything about the sixth member of the Vector Legion.
    Last edited by Kurald Galain; 2024-01-23 at 10:26 AM.
    Guide to the Magus, the Pathfinder Gish class.

    "I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums. I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that." -- ChubbyRain
    Crystal Shard Studios - Freeware games designed by Kurald and others!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    redface Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    The Order of the Scribble

    Soon Kim (deceased)
    Lawful Good, Human male Sacred Watcher, Paladin 21+ (Low Epic).
    Str 13+ (required for Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana).
    Con n/a (Deathless).
    Cha ~17 (old age, Sacred Watcher).
    Abilities: Flight, Paladin class abilities, Sacred Watcher abilities, Deathless abilities.
    Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana.
    Items: Enchanted Armor, Katana.

    Dorukan (deceased and soulbound, SOD)
    Neutral Good (forum), Human male, Wizard 21+.
    Str/Dex/Con ~4 (no evidence, age).
    Int 19+ (required to cast Gate, SOD).
    Feats: Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat), Craft Wondrous Item, Epic Spellcasting.
    Skills: Knowledge: Arcana 24+, Spellcraft 24+ (both required for Epic Spellcasting).
    Spells: Arcane Half of the Mystic Gate ritual, Cloister, Gate (SOD), Meteor Swarm (SOD), Monster Ward, Prismatic Spray (SOD), Pure Heart Ward, Seal Rift, Scrying (SOD), Teleport (SOD), unspecified fire spell (SOD), unspecified summoning spell.

    Girard Draketooth (deceased)
    Chaotic Neutral (forum), Black dragon-blooded human male, Ranger 2 / Sorcerer 19+ (low epic, forum).
    Cha 19+ (required to cast Microcosm).
    Feats: Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, no Epic Spellcasting (forum).
    Spells: Microcosm, Recorded Message Trap, unspecified illusion spell.

    Kraagor (deceased)
    Non-lawful, Dwarf male, Barbarian.
    Con ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Cha ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Skills: Speak Language: Dwarven (racial).
    Items: Axe.

    Lirian (deceased and soulbound, SOD)
    Neutral Good (forum), Elf female, Druid 21+ (Low Epic, forum).
    Dex ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Con ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Wis 19+ (required to cast Shapechange, SOD).
    Skills: Speak Language: Druidic (class) and Elven (racial).
    Spells: Standard druid list, plus Divine Half of the Mystic Gate ritual, Guardian Virus (SOD).

    Serini Toormuck
    Halfling female, Rogue 21+ (Low Epic).
    Str ~5 (no evidence, racial, age).
    Dex ~9 (no evidence, racial, age).
    Con ~7 (no evidence, age).
    Int/Wis/Cha ~12 (no evidence, age).
    Abilities: Regeneration from troll blood.
    Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot.
    Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft: Alchemy, Use Magic Device.
    Items: Shortbow, staff, Instant Magic Pot, crossbow, wand of Dimension Door, goggles, pouch, blowgun with poison darts, wand with cleaning spell.

    Family and other characters

    Lawful Good (DSTP), Sylph female, 6+ HD (required to cast Lightning Bolt).
    Str 14+ (required to pick up Roy).
    Cha 16+ (required to cast four 3rd level spells in a day).
    Age: 22+ (WXP).
    Abilities: Flight, cast sorcerer spells, shoot lightning out of her fingers (all racial abilities).
    Skills: Knowledge Nature, Profession: Lawyer, Spellcraft 10+.
    Items: Cell phone, feeblemind causing blue dress, black eyeliner pencil, bedroll.
    Spells: Alter Self, Charm Person, Lightning Bolt, Fog Cloud or Obscuring Mist, no necromancy spells.

    Nonlawful, Human male Rogue 3+/Wizard 5/Arcane Trickster 1
    Int 12+ (required to cast 2nd level spells)
    Feats: Scribe scroll (bonus wizard)
    Skills: Decipher Script 7+, Disable Device 7+, Escape Artist 7+, Knowledge (arcana) 4+.
    Abilities: Sneak Attack +2d6 or more, other Rogue class abilities, Wizard class abilities, Arcane Trickster class abilities
    Items: Shortsword (the sword he uses looks shorter than the one used by another character).
    Spells: Mage Hand, Bull's Strength, Acid Arrow and Scorching Ray.

    Eugene Greenhilt (deceased, OOPC)
    Lawful Good (SOD), Human male ghost, Wizard: Illusionist 11+ (required to cast Permanent Image).
    Str/Dex ~4 (no evidence, age).
    Con n/a (undead).
    Int 16+ (required to cast Permanent Image).
    Wis ~13 (no evidence, age).
    Cha 10+ (6 required to become a ghost, +4 bonus from ghost template).
    Age: 81+ (WXP).
    Feats: Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat).
    Items: Spellbook (wizard feature).
    Spells: Birth Control Spell (SOD), Conjure Chair (OOPC), Detect Scrying, Fly (SOD), Invisibility Sphere, Minor Image (OOPC), Permanent Image, Summon Boot, Teleport (SOD), unspecified fire spell.

    Greg (deceased)
    Lawful Evil, Dwarf vampire male, Cleric of Hel 15 (required to cast Symbol of Death).
    Str 20-25 (same as Durkon; +6 as vampire).
    Dex <14 (same as Durkon; +4 as vampire).
    Con n/a (undead).
    Int ~12 (no evidence; +2 as vampire).
    Wis 24-25 (same as Durkon; +2 as vampire).
    Cha <14 (same as Durkon; +4 as vampire).
    Abilities: Dwarf racial abilities, vampire abilities.
    Spells: Standard cleric list, plus Accelerate Vampirization.

    Gontor Hammerfalls (deceased)
    Evil, Dwarf vampire male, Cleric of Hel 13+ (required to cast Summon Monster VII).
    Con n/a (undead).
    Wis 19+ (required to cast Gate from a scroll).
    Skills: Decipher Script, Use Magic Device.
    Abilities: Dwarf racial abilities, vampire abilities.
    Items: Armor, belt, scrolls.

    Ian Starshine, aka Red
    Chaotic Neutral (forum), Human male, Rogue.
    Str, Con ~7 (no evidence, age)
    Int, Wis, Cha ~12 (no evidence, age).
    Age: 60+.
    Skills: Bluff, Knowledge: Local, Move Silently, Not Dying, Open Lock.
    Abilities: Rogue class abilities.
    Items: Signed amnesty papers, Elan's plan to take down Tarquin, dagger.

    Chaotic neutral, Human female Rogue 1+/Bard 3+/Sorcerer 1+
    Cha 11+ (required to cast Hideous Laughter as a Bard. If she had cast as a Sorcerer, it would need to be 12+)
    Skills: Perform (?*) 6+ (required to use Inspire Competence)
    Abilities: Bard, rogue, and sorcerer class abilities.
    Items: Harp.
    Spells: Hideous Laughter.

    Julia Greenhilt
    True Neutral, Human female, Wizard 3+.
    Int 15+ (required to cast Sending).
    Age: 17.
    Feats: Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat).
    Skills: Spellcraft.
    Spells: Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Mask Scent.

    Logann Brightstone
    Dwarf male, Fighter 6+ (based on attacks per round).
    Con ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Int 13+ (required for Improved Disarm).
    Cha ~8 (no evidence, racial).
    Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm.
    Abilities: Dwarf racial abilities.
    Items: Armor, Dwarven Waraxe.

    Lawful Evil, Imp male, Sorcerer 8-10 (required to cast Charm Monster, and to get only two Scorching Rays).
    Dex ~17 (no evidence, racial).
    Int 12+ (based on Zz'dtri's level).
    Wis ~12 (no evidence, racial).
    Cha 14+ (required to cast Charm Monster).
    Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse (racial bonus feats).
    Abilities: Flight, poison, detect good, detect magic, invisibility: self, suggestion, commune, alternate form, damage reduction 5/good or silver, darkvision, fast healing, poison immunity, fire resistance; greater teleport: self plus 50 pounds of objects, plane shift, summon devil (all racial abilities).
    Spells: Charm Monster, Extraplanar Phone Connection, Lesser Telepathic Bond, Lightning Bolt, Scorching Ray, Water Breathing (DSTP).

    Right-Eye (pseudonym; deceased, SOD)
    True Neutral, Goblin male, Rogue
    Str ~2 (no evidence, racial, age)
    Dex ~6 (no evidence, racial, age)
    Con ~4 (no evidence, age)
    Int 15+ (can speak common before aging; age)
    Wis ~13 (no evidence, age)
    Cha ~11 (no evidence, racial, age)
    Age: 40+ (venerable)
    Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency: greataxe
    Skills: Craft: carpentry, Diplomacy 0, Listen 2+
    Abilities: Rogue class abilities.
    Items: Eyepatch, greataxe, deck of cards, hooded cloak, Deathstrike Bracers, 3 credit cards, scroll of Regeneration.

    Samantha (deceased)
    Evil (NCPB), Human female, Sorcerer 12 (required to cast exactly three 6th level spells in a day).
    Cha 16-21 (required to cast Chain Lightning, but has no bonus spells at level 6). Also, her charisma is higher than Haley's.
    Age: 18.
    Feats: Maximize Spell, no Silent Spell, nor Still Spell.
    Spells: Chain Lightning, Fireball, Fly, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Protection From Arrows.

    Previous Threads:
    XVIII - Everyone's an Expert
    XVII - When you Wish upon a Stat
    XVI - These Characters May Now Drive the Plot
    XV - What's the Damage of a Thrown Pineapple?
    XIV - We are the Geek Pantheon
    XIII - Comic As Written, not Comic As Intended.
    XII - Even Nerds Call Us Nerds
    XI - Can Now Argue Three Times Per Page
    X: deals +1d6 thread damage
    IX: the thread levels up again!
    VIII (spoilers ahoy!)
    VII (some [spoilers])
    VI (some [spoilers])
    V (some [spoilers])
    IV (some [spoiler]s)
    III (some [spoiler]s)
    Class and Level Geekery
    Last edited by Kurald Galain; 2024-01-23 at 09:52 AM.
    Guide to the Magus, the Pathfinder Gish class.

    "I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums. I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that." -- ChubbyRain
    Crystal Shard Studios - Freeware games designed by Kurald and others!

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
    danielxcutter's Avatar

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Huh, wasn't Right-Eye's weapon for Sneak Attacking Xykon a positive energy dagger, not Deathstrike Bracers? Could be misremembering though.
    Cool elan Illithid Slayer by linkele.

    Editor/co-writer of Magicae Est Potestas, a crossover between Artemis Fowl and Undertale. Ao3 DeviantArt
    We also have a TvTropes page!

    Currently playing: Red Hand of Doom(campaign journal) Campaign still going on, but journal discontinued until further notice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Squire Doodad View Post
    I could write a lengthy explanation, but honestly just what danielxcutter said.
    Extended sig here.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by danielxcutter View Post
    Huh, wasn't Right-Eye's weapon for Sneak Attacking Xykon a positive energy dagger, not Deathstrike Bracers? Could be misremembering though.
    Yep, SoD page 101. positive energy infused dagger, scroll of regen. Page 104 a potion of.. Flight maybe?
    must think of something funny to put here...

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Deathstroke bracers are a different thing
    Spoiler: SOD
    They are the only way we’ve found for Right-Eye to deal enough damage as a rogue to KO the Treant, iirc they solve that he can’t critical hit plants. As far as we know he never lost those but by his death he dropped the dagger so it wasn’t in his posession.
    Arrrgh, here be me extended sig!
    Spoiler: Read this if I've posted a theory in the post above

    Quote Originally Posted by Schroeswald View Post
    I recognize that Conservation of Detail is Overrated, but I find the event that I am using as evidence for my theory above important enough/given enough focus to qualify for what I call Elan’s Exception, “Who wastes perfectly good foreshadowing like that?”. Also I have never correctly predicted any event in any piece of media so take this theory with a grain of salt (I call this Peelee’s Ye Old Reminder).

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Schroeswald View Post
    Deathstroke bracers are a different thing
    It's worth noting that:

    After slaying that treant, Right Eye was captured and imprisoned along with the Xykon and Redcloak. It's possible that they were confiscated before the imprisonment.

    This might explain his use of the dagger - on a "I needed a different way to sneak attack undead because I lost my last way".

    An alternative answer for his claims about the dagger besides "replace the effect of the lost bracers" is - that he doesn't trust Redcloak any more, and has decided "Just in case Redcloak tries to stop me without killing me, I'm telling him a lie about how I am able to sneak attack undead, so he uses the "destroy my weapon" method of stopping me, which won't work."
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Maybe Penetrating Strike ACF? That only lets you do half, so if you wanted to make sure you might still want a dagger like that…
    Cool elan Illithid Slayer by linkele.

    Editor/co-writer of Magicae Est Potestas, a crossover between Artemis Fowl and Undertale. Ao3 DeviantArt
    We also have a TvTropes page!

    Currently playing: Red Hand of Doom(campaign journal) Campaign still going on, but journal discontinued until further notice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Squire Doodad View Post
    I could write a lengthy explanation, but honestly just what danielxcutter said.
    Extended sig here.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Schroeswald View Post
    Deathstroke bracers are a different thing
    Personally, I find myself not needing bracers when doing the breaststroke or the death one, but different strokes for different folks.
    An explanation of why MitD being any larger than Huge is implausible.

    See my extended signature here! May contain wit, candor, and somewhere from 52 to 8127 walruses.

    Purple is humorous descriptions made up on the fly
    Green is serious talk about hypothetical
    Blue is irony and sarcasm

    "I think, therefore I am,
    I walk, therefore I stand,
    I sleep, therefore I dream;
    I joke, therefore I meme."
    -Squire Doodad

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    It's been a while since I saw anyone post in this thread, but for now could we tentatively assume that Serini has found a way to replicate or mass-produce a Pixie's "Memory Loss" arrow poison, since this would explain away the amnesia-inducing nature of the caulron's contents?

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildstag View Post
    It's been a while since I saw anyone post in this thread, but for now could we tentatively assume that Serini has found a way to replicate or mass-produce a Pixie's "Memory Loss" arrow poison, since this would explain away the amnesia-inducing nature of the caulron's contents?
    The pixie's memory arrow doesn't have the same effect as Serini's amnesia potion. The former erases all of the victim's memories, while the latter erases a varying amount of memory based on the dosage. It's possible that Serini's potion is derived from pixie arrows, but without any evidence to actually support that theory it's just speculation.
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    I must have missed the discussion at the time, but what is the deal with Durkon's Cousin's Brother-in-Law's niece's fiance? Is he a soul-knife?

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Think he might be an incarnate. Wasn’t there a similar dwarf in the recent A Monster For Every Season?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squire Doodad View Post
    I could write a lengthy explanation, but honestly just what danielxcutter said.
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    danielxcutter: discussion starts after not-Thad's first appearance. Thread mentions the Soulknife and Incarnate classes, a class called Champion that the Giant created, and spells Spiritual weapon and Flame blade, and that with the strange voice not-Thad might be an outsider or dragon. They mention #730 10th panel where someone wields a pair of long weapons made of glow. They mention that many of these seem incompatible with wearing heavy armor, but that you could solve that by multi-classing one level of fighter. Discussion briefly continues after not-Thad's final appearance, where we learn that their blade is made of pure, but it goes nowhere. Who'd have thought that when someone already has a weapon with a crossguard made of glow only, with apparently no material inside the glow, then mentioning that it's a blade made of pure doesn't add information? In any case, not-Thad has so very few appearances (only four strips) and casts no spells, so we can't conclude anything useful.

    Update: in an unrelated topic, please put the new shield in Durkon's entry. He clearly still has the shield, he uses it in #1239 3rd panels.
    Last edited by b_jonas; 2021-12-29 at 08:21 AM.

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    No, I mean wasn’t there a very similar sword being used in one of the AMFES things?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squire Doodad View Post
    I could write a lengthy explanation, but honestly just what danielxcutter said.
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by danielxcutter View Post
    No, I mean wasn’t there a very similar sword being used in one of the AMFES things?
    One of the human Soulknife Mindblade indeed looks exactly like the sword in the comic. There are also Kalasthar and Halfling Soulknives who have Mindblades with hilts in different colors, close to the one in the comic.

    There is also a human Soulknife with a Mindblade more similar to #730, but with different grips. (The one in the comic is more scimitar like, whereas in the AMFES one is more katana like.)
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurald Galain View Post

    Lawful Good, Human female, Paladin 12+ (higher level than Hinjo).
    Str 13+ (required for Cleave).
    Int 10+ (good, not dumb).
    Wis 11+ (required to cast spells).
    Cha 12+ (required for Lay On Hands).
    Age: 23+ (younger than Hinjo, GDGU).
    Feats: Cleave, Power Attack (prerequisite for Cleave), Weapon Focus: Spear.
    Abilities: Paladin class abilities, paladin mount: large shark "Razor".
    Items: Spear; magic boots, cloak and armor (WXP); Ring of Waterbreathing, crossbow.
    Given that regular Large or Huge sharks don't have Swallow Whole as an option, but Dire sharks do:

    might strip 1251 be used as evidence for Razor being a dire shark?
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    Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
    Given that regular Large or Huge sharks don't have Swallow Whole as an option, but Dire sharks do:

    might strip 1251 be used as evidence for Razor being a dire shark?
    Since Swallow Whole deals acid damage, it would contradict Liens words a bit.

    I also don't think Razor is big enough, but that's hard to judge.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unavenger View Post
    All the discussion of how weird the half-hour start is seems weirdly prescient, in retrospect.
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogue_alchemist View Post
    only IRL, not as in game proof, as we all know that recruitment threads don't count for making IG decisions

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    It's possible. Another way of justifying the scene is "Sereni wasn't actually swallowed - she fits in the closed mouth, but hadn't actually passed down the gullet to the stomach when Razor disappeared."
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Per #1240 first panel, Belkar must have fire-starting tools. Please add that to his entry.

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by b_jonas View Post
    They mention that many of these seem incompatible with wearing heavy armor, but that you could solve that by multi-classing one level of fighter. Discussion briefly continues after not-Thad's final appearance, where we learn that their blade is made of pure, but it goes nowhere. Who'd have thought that when someone already has a weapon with a crossguard made of glow only, with apparently no material inside the glow, then mentioning that it's a blade made of pure doesn't add information?
    For what it's worth, in that discussion about pure, I'm surprised that it doesn't actually bring up Incarnate Weapon's text, which reads...

    When you hold your incarnate weapon, a chain of nearly invisible blue incarnum connects it to the steel bracer on your weapon hand, channeling the force of your conviction directly to your weapon.

    As a move action, you can charge the incarnate weapon with the stunning power of pure conviction. If the next melee attack that you make is successful, the target (as long as at least one component of its alignment is opposed to your devoted alignment) must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or be stunned until the beginning of your next turn.
    The only downside to the argument is how the italicized fluff text the chains, and I'm not entirely certain if that's even technically fluff text. The "pure conviction" actually would fit well though.

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
    Given that regular Large or Huge sharks don't have Swallow Whole as an option, but Dire sharks do:

    might strip 1251 be used as evidence for Razor being a dire shark?
    Since a Dire Shark is always neutral, can it live in the Celestial Ocean? I thought Celestial Creatures always had to be good?
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    Templates like Celestial are often applied to animals. They change said animal's alignment from Neutral to Good (and the Type changes from Animal, into Magical Beast).

    "Celestial" is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin of good or neutral alignment (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

    Animals or vermin with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged.
    Last edited by hamishspence; 2022-01-07 at 01:42 PM.
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Well technically we are dealing with a Paladin Mount here. Which isn't a celestial creature (but a magical beast that lives on the celestial plane) and which cannot be a dire shark (at least within the core rules).
    Last edited by Yanisa; 2022-01-07 at 03:20 PM.
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    The core rules were published in 3.0 before the MM came out. It's inevitable that the 3.5 PHB is not going to reference monsters that are only statted in MM2.

    And considering that Hinjo's mount is a dire wolf (with there being no 3.5 rules for that either) it's fairly logical to presume "The OOTS-verse allows for non-standard Mounts".

    Probably the rules in the 3.0 book Defenders of the Faith (those rules do allow for Dire Wolf paladin mounts and discuss the possibility of using other creatures not in the table).
    Last edited by hamishspence; 2022-01-07 at 04:17 PM.
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Does this strip help us apply numbers to Serini? Specifically her Str score . grappling ability and her Intimidation and Persuasion skills?

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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Quartz View Post
    Does this strip help us apply numbers to Serini? Specifically her Str score . grappling ability and her Intimidation and Persuasion skills?
    I don't think this strip shows much of anything about Serini's stats.

    • Grappling: Haley successfully grapples Serini in panel 12, which means she beat Serini on an opposed grappling check. Haley's bonus is between +14 and +16, depending on what exactly her strength is, and assuming she doesn't have any gear that boosts it (which makes sense, as she doesn't typically do much grappling. Serini then kicks Haley in panel 13, which I think means she used the "damage your opponent" grapple option. If so, she must have beat Haley at an opposed grapple check. Since they each beat the other, neither one can have a grapple bonus more than 19 points higher than the other. Thus, Serini's grapple bonus can be no more than +35 and no less than -5. That's a broad enough range that I feel comfortable not listing it in Serini's stats.
    • As for her effect on Belkar, I don't think Intimidate fits her spouting insults, because she was talking to Haley, not Belkar, and Intimidate has to be directed at a specific person. Her dialogue in panels 14 and 15 definitely fits either Bluff or Diplomacy, depending on whether or not she was being honest, but regardless of which skill she used I don't think we can deduce anything from the attempt. Diplomacy automatically fails against PCs, so if she was using that skill there's nothing we can learn from her failure. She might have successfully bluffed Belkar, but since he has zero ranks in Sense Motive that's not much of an accomplishment - it could even be done if she has no ranks in Bluff!
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XIX - Nobody Cares about that Stuff Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
    The core rules were published in 3.0 before the MM came out. It's inevitable that the 3.5 PHB is not going to reference monsters that are only statted in MM2.

    And considering that Hinjo's mount is a dire wolf (with there being no 3.5 rules for that either) it's fairly logical to presume "The OOTS-verse allows for non-standard Mounts".

    Probably the rules in the 3.0 book Defenders of the Faith (those rules do allow for Dire Wolf paladin mounts and discuss the possibility of using other creatures not in the table).
    A dire wolf is a 3.5 core legal mount, but those rules aren't part of the SRD. It's in the DMG [3.5 revision] page 204-205. Bonus fun fact: Celestial horses are part of the unusual mounts.

    Still, those same rules also give a DM the room to add more usual mounts then the one listed. So your point still stands. The requirement being, it must be able to carry people, must be at least one size category larger than the rider and have a CR of no more then 3 lower than the rider. Those all three are yes, so Dire Sharks could be added under the same rules that added Dire Wolf.
    Last edited by Yanisa; 2022-01-08 at 02:09 AM.
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