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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Hayden follows Crowe over to the sidewalk to his sisters. Hadley immediately hugs him, while Harper continues to chat with Zephyr.

    An ambulance comes wailing onto the scene, quickly followed by several police cruisers. The ambulance comes to a stop not far from the mangled car and two medics hop out. Mercury starts to work with them to get the dad extracted, pushing metal away from pinch points and using his strength to break pieces of the interior as needed.
    Crowe smiles as the kids are reunited and seeing Hayden take on his role as a big brother. He wondered what it must be like having a sibling to have your back. What was his new found sister doing and how could he possibly help her. She had done horrible things, but maybe she was also forced into it. If she was younger, then she may not even know better.

    The cult mentality of the Empire was sure to play a role in that. He would need to do his job as an older brother. This entire exchange put things into perspective for him.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Ryker will probably know something, Mercury agrees as the medics manage to pull the man out and onto a gurney. They quickly get him loaded up and the ambulance peels out back down the road. I’m glad you all showed up when you did too. I was in over my head.

    A police officer comes over and introduces himself to the kids. He nods to the hero as he explains that he’ll take the kids to the hospital for now, while they figure out who they’re going to stay with while their dad recovers.

    The three kids hop into the policeman’s SUV with a final wave to Crowe and Zephyr.

    Another officer comes by and gets statements from the two heroes, before going around to Meteor, Penumbra, and Mercury.

    “Well,” Zephyr says, putting one hand in her hip, “That was definitely an interesting first date. Text me later, okay? I gotta get back to school.”

    The North Sider joins her teammates and takes off into the air with them, headed back towards Bastion.
    Crowe nods and grins at Mercury’s response. ”Glad I planned on talkin’ with him after the date. Should be a nice salve if I don’t get the second one. He looks around still confused as to where maybe even Yuki would have been. ”No lie, surprised you were by yourself.”

    As the kids go with the officer, Crowe smiles at them and waves. “You three take care of each other, okay? And Hayden, you got this bud.”

    When the other officer comes to get statements, Crowe will give his account of events and what happened, hoping that he may learn a bit more.

    As Zephyr turns to him and mentions it was an interesting first date, his eyes widen and he feels his face flush. He was almost grateful for the hood covering most of his face since it was sure to be beet red at this moment.

    She said date….. SHE SAID DATE! He thought rather loudly to himself. That has to be good….. Right? Maybe? **** where’s Yuki or Stella or Sidney to ask when I need them……

    He nodded and had a slight smile on his face. Still blushing a good bit. “Certainly one to remember. Which, thank you, for the food and drink. And everything.” When she asks him to text her later, he grins widely and nods.

    “Definitely. Even know what my next question is. Hope the rest of class goes well.” He waves goodbye as the North Siders leave, still torn on what could she have meant by interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Once Mercury finishes talking to the police he makes his way over to Crowe. His armor looks whole and unblemished, though he seems to be moving a little slow. He looks purposefully at a nearby alley and has Crowe follow him. “You mind?” he says, asking for some cover while he de-armors.

    As his armor melts and gets sucked back into his skin, Crowe can see them at there are several bloody holes in his shirt around his stomach and right shoulder. Bright silver can be seen through the holes where he’s plugged up his injuries with his powers.
    Crowe turns to face Mercury as he comes over and when he asks if he minded, he shakes his head. “Not at all man.” He says following him to the alley, raising a curtain of darkness over it so that they are hidden.

    “Stolas, make it so it looks empty when the curtain falls.” He requests of his familiar who bows in return.

    Keith’s suit disappears into his shadow while the two are behind the curtain and he notices all the wounds on Drake. He grimaces and his face from earlier talking with Zephyr is now of concern.

    “We should get you to Seraph or Harbinger next. Or Stella.” He shakes his head. “C’mon, let’s head back and get you cleaned up man.”

    Keith lowers the curtain and has Stolas show them as looking normal for the most part as they walk, unless Drake needs to catch his breath.

    “Drake, I gotta ask somethin’, and please don’t be mad but,” Keith looks like he’s slightly afraid to ask. “Why were you on your own? Figured you would be at Ashford’s about now.”

    He shakes his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it’s just us banged up over it but not used to seein’ you patrol alone.”

  2. - Top - End - #92
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Imposition? comes Emi’s playful reply. John, you’re not imposing. I always enjoy seeing you. Let me have Nora ask Dr. Riviera what she wants. One moment.

    Her next sentence is much more solemn as she realizes what John said earlier. He hadn’t told me about a third Greater Demon yet. How did you find this out? Is it your captive demon’s younger sister? Can you just find Greater Demons like that?

    Dr. Riviera is asking for Don Santiago’s. It’s a small Mexican restaurant not too far from East Side. I’ll text you our orders.
    I am not sure if I wish it were that simple as sensing them from a distance or not, John explained with just a hint of embarrassment. While I was not giving Bastion College something to talk about, I was working on some alchemical experiments to determine the source of the ichor in our latest individual in protective custody. Prince Zylas’ ichor matched the ichor used to create Nova. The ichor used to transform Laura did not match.

    Harbinger investigated the experimental results. We believe it to be from Zylas’ brother, Jerek—the one who was summoned by the Cult of the Red Dawn several years ago. He appears to be under contract to Rin Mochizuki, who has been introducing herself as the heir to the Magatsuhi Empire.

    Zylas’ younger sister, Vrell—who is the equivalent of a six or seven year old, is the one I will be trying to contact tomorrow to see if she survived the fall of her House and, if so, where she is. If Jerek is willing to sell out Zylas, I am concerned that he might consider Vrell disposable as well.

    John paused for a moment.

    I hope I wasn’t supposed to wait for you to be briefed on all of this via official channels. For a guy whose mind is more closed to you, I seem to have developed an instinct for sharing secrets with you.

    Just not about that particular diamond, he thought.

    Well, at least not very often.

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphael
    Raphael reaches out without looking and squeezes Stella. "Right here."

    The vampire's eyes drops to the plate of decadence in front of Louis. "Although that looks pretty good too."
    Louis smirks over the rim of his coffee cup, taking another sip before setting the cup down to pick up an unused knife. "I'll make sure to cut you a slice then."

    "But you should probably save room for dessert." He says under his breath.

    Quote Originally Posted by Izzy
    Izzy looks between Raphael and Louis with an expression of great interest and listens to intently to Terrence’s gossip. “You guys are… complicated, huh?” she says to Louis.
    "Just a little." Louis says with a small shrug, casting a quick glance around the table before looking back to Izzy. "Okay, maybe a lot. But today's actually been pretty good for us all things considered."

    The shapeshifter and the angel return to the large table were Terrence, Louis, Izzy, Raphael, and Stella sit.

    Yuki nods to everyone there. “Hi,” she says shyly. “Did we miss anything?”
    "Actually you two came back just time for some cake. Want a slice?" Louis offers.

    The delivery boy bisects the cake a few times leaving several even slices and serves them out to anyone who asks. "Ladies first of course."
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2023-03-27 at 03:12 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    “Drake, I gotta ask somethin’, and please don’t be mad but,” Keith looks like he’s slightly afraid to ask. “Why were you on your own? Figured you would be at Ashford’s about now.”

    He shakes his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it’s just us banged up over it but not used to seein’ you patrol alone.”
    Drake looks away, glaring at the street as they walk toward a nearby bus stop. He lets out a deep breath as he recalls the incident and stays silent for several minutes.

    Eventually, he looks back over at Keith. “I had a little argument with Sophia. She was hitting on Yuki, so I let her know that we were dating and asked her to stop, and she seemed to take that personally. She said a bunch of **** to me, like that I wasn’t paying attention to Yuki’s feelings and that maybe she’s not actually interested in my company. It… really messed with me.”

    “I was having trouble with my powers, so I skipped class and Yuki came and found me,” Drake continues as they come up to the bench on the sidewalk. He sits, and the thin metal groans slightly in protest. “She was so concerned, but I couldn’t talk to her. I’m the one with experience, I’m supposed to be sure about it, you know? But now… I’m not. So I went out on patrol to clear my head.”

    He winces slightly as he braces his elbows on his knees. “What if I made a mistake? What if should have kept my feelings to myself? Stayed just as a Team Lead and not as anything more to her.”

    Drake runs a hand through his hair with a self-deprecating sigh. “****. Don’t repeat this, okay? I don’t need to be hearin’ about it from Ryker… or Harbinger.”

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Sophia made a face at the cake offer, moving her hot chocolate to shield herself. “Yeah, nah. There’s too much of a good thing, right?” Unable to send back her already sweet order to swap for something else, she sat on the chair that had been pulled out for her, still left untouched where it was. She gave the slightest nod to Terrence for the earlier gesture.

    “So like I was kinda asking Yuki,” Sophia restarted, seeing no reason to admit that was literally this morning, rather than a few moments ago. They needed to distract from what they were actually discussing. “What type of music are you guys into? I’m into Abbey Glover and King Princess and things like that. Utada is amazing, too.” She glanced particularly at Yuki at her last comment, before honing in on the blonde cashier that had seemingly joined them, hovering around Louis.

    How big are our teams, exactly?

    “Oh, are you South Side? I’m new in town. Sophia,” she half rose to offer her hand across the table.

    Spoiler: Assess the Situation (9)

    We have almost everyone from team west here.

    What here can I use to help connect with our team more? To feel more like the team.

    Last edited by JoyWonderLove; 2023-03-27 at 02:57 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #96
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Drake looks away, glaring at the street as they walk toward a nearby bus stop. He lets out a deep breath as he recalls the incident and stays silent for several minutes.

    Eventually, he looks back over at Keith. “I had a little argument with Sophia. She was hitting on Yuki, so I let her know that we were dating and asked her to stop, and she seemed to take that personally. She said a bunch of **** to me, like that I wasn’t paying attention to Yuki’s feelings and that maybe she’s not actually interested in my company. It… really messed with me.”

    “I was having trouble with my powers, so I skipped class and Yuki came and found me,” Drake continues as they come up to the bench on the sidewalk. He sits, and the thin metal groans slightly in protest. “She was so concerned, but I couldn’t talk to her. I’m the one with experience, I’m supposed to be sure about it, you know? But now… I’m not. So I went out on patrol to clear my head.”

    He winces slightly as he braces his elbows on his knees. “What if I made a mistake? What if should have kept my feelings to myself? Stayed just as a Team Lead and not as anything more to her.”

    Drake runs a hand through his hair with a self-deprecating sigh. “****. Don’t repeat this, okay? I don’t need to be hearin’ about it from Ryker… or Harbinger.”
    Keith glances at Drake as they walk, the glare had a bit more force than gravity. He shrunk away a bit at the silence as the pair continue walking. When Drake finally looks back at Keith, he braces for the barrage of 'None of your **** business.' Instead, he's caught off guard by the story.

    "Oh ****, that's...... well ****." He says not thinking. It reminded him of how the argument with Calvin went on his first day. At this point, Keith was really starting to hate Mondays. Keith shakes his head. "Ok that's reasonable enough. Askin' someone to not hit on your girlfriend or flirt with them. Though her takin' it personally after legit meetin' Yuki twelve hours ago?" Keith looks at his watch. "Ok little over half a day? I mean, I'd be upset if someone asked me that with Maeve but....." Keith shrugs. "Pretty sure that she would have told me if there was someone else." He grimaces thinking about how he about botched their first date.

    First date..... That has to be a good sign yeah? He thought for a second. As Drake continues to explain, Keith nods but decides to keep standing. He shook his head a moment thinking about how easy it used to be for him to lose control.

    "I get that man, and if your powers are under strain you gotta take care of your head first. Especially in a school setting where anything can go crazy. Granted a teacher may have been happy phones got messed up for a bit." He forced a smile and then looked serious again hearing how Drake was so unsure.

    "Drake, Yuki was concerned because she does care for you. Dude, I could tell she cared for you the first day I got here. She told me some of it but, I know that she's happy with you." Keith goes to sit next to his friend.

    "I don't have a ton of experience with this, but she loves your company and the times I've hung out with her you're what she wants to talk about. When we went to the Ashford's the other day lookin' for Sidney, she was so worried that her going in would throw away your secret identity." Keith offers a comforting smile again. "Scott's a good guy and wouldn't say anythin' though. Really good with a bat too."

    "Personally, I don't think you've made a mistake at all. You've gone above and beyond to make sure Yuki has been safe in every situation. In the Trove, she was the first thing on your mind after the gator attack. Trust me. Plus," Keith added with a grin. "It's not like you decided to punch above your belt level and get knocked out during the first date." He grimaced a bit again. "Hope she's good with a second date....." Keith mutters.

    As Drake asks him not to say anything to anyone, Keith raises an eyebrow. "Wouldn't dream of it. Ryker is gonna be puttin' me through the paces as is, and Harbinger kinda scares me." He lets out a nervous chuckle. "Jokes aside, Sophia needs to chill. A few comments last night that she made told me a bit more than needed but, she's got a ways to go reading people. Kinda nice John told us her powers without meanin' to though."

    Keith looks at his friend and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Back to main point though, you did good tellin' Yuki your feelin's and settin' that boundary for Sophia. I got the short version, but it all sounds reasonable on your end. Take it from a..... well let's call it what it was, former child soldier. Let it be known how you feel because we don't get many second chances. It's gonna be rough but I'ma give you the same advice Yuki got when she asked me what to do when I first got to West Side: Tell her." He grins. "She'll appreciate it and while it won't stop her from worryin', she will know that you weren't just shut off. And if ya want, I'll see if Mimi has a record of the full convo and see if she'll let me listen. No idea if she records outside of the base too."

    Keith shrugs. "Not that it would change what I'd have to say anyway. I know you don't get rattled that easily, even just knowin' ya for a couple weeks now. Whatever she said, she doesn't know you, or Yuki like you two know each other."

    "Which brings me to the next thing," Keith said a bit sheepishly. "Because I have to ask the more experienced guy somethin' too. It's probably a good sign she said interesting first date and to text her later, yeah?"

  7. - Top - End - #97
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Terrence scoots his chair over so Sophia can sit back down. "Glad to see they seem to be ok", he thinks, looking at her and Yuki. "Yuki, glad you could join us. Is Drake still coming?" He shoves a big bite of cake in his mouth and grins, "Wow! Sa a tèlman bon."

    "What time are we working out this evening, Louis?", Terrence asks the Team Leader. "I'm ready to get some work in."

    Spoiler: Translation
    This is so good.
    “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
    ― Kvothe, The Name of the Wind

    Spoiler: personality test results

  8. - Top - End - #98
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    How many siblings does this demon have? Emi asks.

    John’s phone chimes as she send him their order for Don Santiago’s.

    Honestly, this seems like something I should have found out through official means, but understand wanting to talk about it.

    She seems to get distracted for a moment. I’ll talk to you later John. My father is asking me to join him. I’ll see you when you get here, she says. John can hear a slight smile in her mental voice.

    Overhead, the previous song fades into the next one.

    Izzy shakes Sophia’s hand before she smiles and shakes her head. “I’m just a barista by day and a musician by night. If you like what you hear in the bar, that’s me and the band.”

    The three girls eagerly each accept a slice of the tart.

    Yuki glances up at Terrence. “No, I don’t think so. He said he was going on patrol.”

    Several minutes later, a Breaking News story appears on the big screen TV. It looks to be shaky cell phone video of Crowe and Mercury fighting a large man covered in spikes of bone that Louis, Stella, and Terrence recognize as Marrow, the second in command of the Palisades set. OOC: CCM TN 6 for everyone else.

    Marrow grabs Crowe by the face and slams him down on the concrete and then punches Drake in the abdomen after the South Sider pulls his attention room back to him.

    Mercury goes down to his knees and Marrow backhands Crowe before Meteor from North Side shows up and runs off the Rook.

    The footage cuts out for a moment before there’s another video of Crowe talking to three kids over on the sidewalk and Mercury helping EMS pull a man out of a mangled car.

  9. - Top - End - #99
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    How many siblings does this demon have? Emi asks.

    John’s phone chimes as she send him their order for Don Santiago’s.

    Honestly, this seems like something I should have found out through official means, but understand wanting to talk about it.

    She seems to get distracted for a moment. I’ll talk to you later John. My father is asking me to join him. I’ll see you when you get here, she says. John can hear a slight smile in her mental voice.
    “You seem unusually pensive, John” Clea observed as they pulled out of Don Santiago’s parking lot and headed to East Side. “You are usually more giddy after wooing our particular friend and when you approach East Side.”

    “If it makes you feel better, Clea,” John replied, smiling gently. “I am still somewhat more than giddy from the picnic—let alone the time I am about to spend with Emi. Combining that with Mimi’s assurance that the code breaking is proceeding apace and we should have results soon, my efforts were, on the whole, positive.

    “All in all, it has been a good day—even if the results of my alchemical analysis was less than optimal.”

    He looked down. “It’s just that I have a feeling that, with Mastroianni’s arrival tomorrow and the eventual return of Grayson/Valèdeir, this may be the last clear-cut day for a while.

    “It’s not that I don’t trust the relationship,” he added quickly. “That seems surprisingly strong and headed generally in the right direction, given my propensity to share secrets with Emi I should not and if Harbinger’s pep talk can be taken as an indication of positive things.”

    Really?” asked Clea with a heightened interest, passing up the opportunity to needle John about his tendency to tell Emi things before he thought about the consequences. “What did he say?”

    “That he saw positive things in London at Christmas,” John replied. “He wouldn’t say what, lest he tempt Fate, but I’ll take whatever positive indications are on offer, given the challenges I will be facing there when I employ the Orb.”

    “Perhaps Mother can make me a spider body,” Clea mused, “or at least let me listen in via your watch. I would hate to miss anything particularly significant.”

    “Don’t get your hopes up. I’m pretty sure Myriad would have some questions if I tried to bring you along to the Shaw’s home. But I promise to keep you posted,” John observed with a wry smile. “Odds are I will still be operating under the watchful eye of Mr. Shaw, though, so don’t expect anything too exciting.”

    “A girl can dream,” Clea observed with an exaggerated sigh. “I do appreciate your need for caution there. Of the four men whose affection for Emi you are complicating, he is the most powerful. I am having some difficulty in determining who would be the greater danger: Mastroianni or a particular brother I could mention. Of course, one should never leave a dragon out of one’s calculations but the other three are more seasoned than Grayson/Valèdir.”

    “Let’s hope it does not become that kind of an issue with any of them. On that list, I’d be fighting three of the four with one hand tied behind my back and the fourth is someone I need to stay on good a terms as possible for the sake of the Foundation.”

    “You do seem to lead a complicated life,” Clea observed.

    “The fact that I can honestly say an Extat Demon Prince said much the same thing earlier today is powerful evidence that you are right about that, Clea.”

  10. - Top - End - #100
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    While Drake listens to what Keith has to say, it doesn’t really seem to make a difference to the South Side Team Lead. He stays pensive, with one hand in his hair. He sighs again, but eventually nods.

    “If you didn’t set it up as a date and she called it one, that’s a good sign. She could have just left after the battle and not said anything to you.”

    Drake leans back. “If you want to listen to me and Sophia’s argument, I’m not going to stop you. Mimi can record through our comms, and I wear mine pretty much all the time.”

    “I’m still…” he starts, narrowing his eyes at the sidewalk. “I know Yuki cares about me, but what if that’s just like… Stockholm Syndrome? Or what if she was just too scared to tell me no after I had that argument with Calvin, and she didn’t actually want to be in a relationship?”

    “Sophia really ****ed with me, man,” he mutters. “You’re right. I’m not like this. But I really care about Yuki. If she’s better off without me, then maybe I shouldn’t be with her.”

    As Clea drives toward East Side, an unnatural fog starts to settle over the road. It gets so thick that it’s difficult to see the next car in front, even the brake lights.

    OOC: Please make a Danger Sense roll

  11. - Top - End - #101
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    While Drake listens to what Keith has to say, it doesn’t really seem to make a difference to the South Side Team Lead. He stays pensive, with one hand in his hair. He sighs again, but eventually nods.

    “If you didn’t set it up as a date and she called it one, that’s a good sign. She could have just left after the battle and not said anything to you.”

    Drake leans back. “If you want to listen to me and Sophia’s argument, I’m not going to stop you. Mimi can record through our comms, and I wear mine pretty much all the time.”

    “I’m still…” he starts, narrowing his eyes at the sidewalk. “I know Yuki cares about me, but what if that’s just like… Stockholm Syndrome? Or what if she was just too scared to tell me no after I had that argument with Calvin, and she didn’t actually want to be in a relationship?”

    “Sophia really ****ed with me, man,” he mutters. “You’re right. I’m not like this. But I really care about Yuki. If she’s better off without me, then maybe I shouldn’t be with her.”
    Keith sees how Drake is responding and looks at the ground for a moment. Seems like he couldn’t find the right words to use. If only he had John’s gift for this thing. Knowing exactly what to say would be a godsend right now. He sighed as Drake nodded.

    At his response about the “date”, Keith grinned and leaned forward. He sucked in air as his ribs still felt the pain from earlier. He may have been healed by… whatever it was but he still felt it.

    “That makes this better then.” He said with a bit of relief. “True, just, wasn’t sure if she was bein’ nice or just worried. Maeve is definitely one of a kind.” He couldn’t help but keep smiling thinking about everything they had talked about at Coffee Knight. It had made his day and he forgot the pain in his body for a few moments again.

    “Thank you, Drake. This is gonna be a bit of a first so…. I have no idea what all I’m doin’.”

    He tilts his head as Drake says he can listen to the recording. He was also a bit surprised that Mimi recorded everything too. “Mimi, would you mind playing it for me, please and thank you? Can throw up my visor if I need to see anythin’ too.” He says into the commlink after Drake gives his permission.

    He tilts his head and nods as Drake continues. This certainly wasn’t an easy subject and the second time this had happened too. Something must be in the water at West Side. At the mention of Stockholm Syndrome, Keith shakes his head.

    “I doubt it would be. Afterall, you haven’t, to my knowledge at least,” Keith says and holds up a hand to show that he is being impartial and talking about his own experiences around Drake.” You haven’t been in a position to abuse power over her. Granted you are the Team Lead of South Side, I’ve seen you treat everyone there fairly. And you put yourself in the line of fire for them.”

    “Plus,” Keith holds up a finger. “The argument with Calvin was started by him. Yeah it started because you moved on your feelin’s after they had gone out once, but he is the one that flew off the handle.If anyone there would have scared her, it would have been him.” Keith shook his head. “Not to speak ill of the dead though.”

    “Now to tell you what Yuki was strugglin’ with that day, the first thing she mentioned was how long she had a crush on you. She’s had a feeling about you for two years. Two years man. The same amount of time tha-” Keith stopped himself for a second and then realized there was no power over him in that situation now. Not anymore. “The same amount of time Kylie had for Zack.”

    Keith shrugged. “You don’t just say yes out of fear in that situation. You do it out of excitement. I’m certain just from what we had talked about that day, she wanted the relationship. I’ll bet money on it.” He said with a wide grin.

    “Drake, and again don’t get mad at me for this but if your head wasn’t so hard I’d smack you. Sophia doesn’t know Yuki any better than she knows anyone else here. And if anythin’, that shows me not all angels are as nice as Seraph, or Harbinger.” Keith shakes his head. “I don’t know how Yuki was before y’all’s relationship, but she’s definitely happy. Should have seen how she talked with Mr. Ashford too. She blushed and smiled every time your name came up.”

    “All ya gotta do is ask her if she is happy. I’ll bet the answer is a resounding yes.” Keith narrows his eyes at the ground. “They use Stockholm Syndrome and Trauma Bonding as a means to get some people deeply invested in the Empire. Please trust me when I say that wouldn’t be the case here.”

    He sighed. "And if you want, I'll talk with Yuki and get you the proof."

  12. - Top - End - #102
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Drake smiles a little as Keith talks about Yuki and her reactions. “That sounds like her.”

    He takes a moment to fix his mussed hair, staying silent while he thinks. “I’ll talk to her,” he says firmly. “If I can’t talk to my own girlfriend, what kinda Team Lead am I?”

    “Thanks Keith,” he says quietly. “It’s not often I talk to somebody like this, but you really helped.”

    The bus rumbles around the corner and Drake stands. He wavers a moment before he seems to find his balance, and Keith can see fresh red and silver blood coloring the bottom of the South Sider’s shirt.

    John feels that same murderous aura from the East Side roof gaining on Clea from behind. He sees a flash of opaline white wings and black talons through the fog as Valèdeir passes over him, then nothing as the dragon fades into the mist.

    The fog clears up almost as quickly as it settled in, and other drivers turn off their lights.

    Based on his trajectory, the dragon seemed to be making a beeline for East Side.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-03-28 at 01:26 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #103
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    “Oh, hella cool. Very jazzy sorta synth ish kinda mix; you don’t hear much of that in NoCal. Is your friend over there in the band?” Sophia pointed at the barista with the rainbow arm bands, casually. One large mistake was more than enough for her first week. “Who’s your inspiration, anyway?”

    When everyone seemed to accept the cake slice, Sophia frowned. But it was the comment about how good it was that made her pluck a silver fork and quickly nab a bit from Terrence’s slice, and quickly eat it before any protest could be worded. She leaned back a little after swallowing, and nodded her approval before putting down the fork entirely beside the almost full hot chocolate.

    “That is good,” she admitted. “Wonder if Sidney does better?”

    In a conversational lull in the minutes to come, Sophia punched in the final few touches to her email by correcting the name of the Stones and including a want to focus on tackling the supernatural threats she excelled at. Glancing up at the entity beside Stella, she didn’t trust that Raphael didn’t know French, or Stella wasn’t already aware what she was feeding with her essence, but leaving it alone felt negligent. Later, she promised herself before sending glancing back at her phone to hit send. The notification promised her that Seraph was sent the email.

    The breaking news story cut in about the spiky bone man making Keith taste pavement and inviting Drake to some abdominal crunches. Sophia winched, eyes immediately on Yuki. It was painful to watch as someone on the team – who knew how she was taking it? When the signature black mechanical suit of the North Side leader showed up, Sophia let out a breathe she was holding. The Rook predictably was forced off into hiding again.

    “It looks like everything went well in the end,” Sophia offered the table, after the scene with Mercury and the emergency services, despite mostly speaking for Yuki's well-being. “Chances are they patched up Crowe and Mercury a little afterwards. I’m sure they’re fine.”

  14. - Top - End - #104
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Drake smiles a little as Keith talks about Yuki and her reactions. “That sounds like her.”

    He takes a moment to fix his mussed hair, staying silent while he thinks. “I’ll talk to her,” he says firmly. “If I can’t talk to my own girlfriend, what kinda Team Lead am I?”

    “Thanks Keith,” he says quietly. “It’s not often I talk to somebody like this, but you really helped.”

    The bus rumbles around the corner and Drake stands. He wavers a moment before he seems to find his balance, and Keith can see fresh red and silver blood coloring the bottom of the South Sider’s shirt.
    Keith smiles a bit more and nods. "Just like her really. You got this man." He sits silently as Drake fixes his hair and thinks. Eventually nodded at his response.

    "Fair enough, should be able to talk with her. Sometimes just need the extra help in case." He just grins and nods. "Anytime, Drake. It's what friends are for right? I may be trouble in a fight but good for being a sounding board. Just say the word bud."

    He gets up after Drake does, watching him find his balance and tilting his head seeing the mix of blood and silver. "Uhhhh Drake? You gonna be ok on the way back?" He was concerned as the bus came to a stop and they were about to board. "Stolas, can you cast an illusion on us to make us a bit.... less bloody?"

    Stolas nods and his eyes glow as they look perfectly fine for the most part as they board the bus. "About now I wish I knew healin' magic."

  15. - Top - End - #105
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    John feels that same murderous aura from the East Side roof gaining on Clea from behind. He sees a flash of opaline white wings and black talons through the fog as Valèdeir passes over him, then nothing as the dragon fades into the mist.

    The fog clears up almost as quickly as it settled in, and other drivers turn off their lights.

    Based on his trajectory, the dragon seemed to be making a beeline for East Side.
    My apologies for interrupting, John quickly projected to Emi as he cast a spell on Clea, but Valèdeir is returning. I thought you should have a heads up.

    Spoiler: One more Bennie spent….
    Resistance (1) to Cold on Clea: 1d12o12 4 1d6o6 4
    One Bennie Spent to avoid something very bad happening.

    The spell, he considered as his costume faded into view, would not protect her from everything that Valèdeir could dish out, but it would keep Clea stable on the road and somewhat protected from the cold he was most likely to begin with, should the dragon note their arrival and decide to attack.

    He considered precipitating the fight he knew would come. The Janus Mirror was in his pocket and they would be close enough to East Side to make it easier to move a captured Grayson/Valèdeir to his base without attracting attention.

    Such a fight would make him the aggressor. Yes, choosing the time and place for the battle gave him an advantage, he would lose the moral high ground he needed to maintain with Emi and her father.

    “Clea,” John said, speaking quietly in spite of himself as he stretched his senses to their limits, “see if you can coordinate with Nora about accessing East Side via their tunnel entrance—with or without me.

    “If things get bad,” he said before she could protest, “I want you to make for the safety of that base. The spell I have cast should let you drive on ice. Your heading there will let me focus on Valèdeir while his attention is split. That moment of indecision and surprise on his part will be all I need—especially when I address him by name.”

    “Acknowledged, Mark Two,” Clea replied crisply but quietly. “Emergency protocols engaged. Initiating emergency backup of this trip.

    “Stay safe,” she added. John was surprised at the concern in her voice. “There’s a long list of people, starting with our particular friend, who expect me to get you home safely.”

    “You, too, Clea. You’re a good friend and I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

    “Get in an accident, most likely,” Clea bantered back quietly.

  16. - Top - End - #106
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    John’s situational awareness was, to say the least, heightened as he got out of the car and walked to the trunk, where he retrieved the carry out from Don Santiago’s. He half wondered, as his eyes swept the space and ears strained for movement near the doorway, if he should try and design a cooler that would rest securely back there—or at least clip into some of the restraints. That would reduce the likelihood of food spilling during an emergency, high-speed turn in situations like the one he was just in.

    Hi, John projected to Emi. I’m in the garage.

    He recognized, of course, that these thoughts were a defense mechanism of the kind that he had experienced when he began planning the rooftop room while he was asking Stella if she really wanted to know Raphael’s secret. Then, like now, he had considered some small, domestic happiness rather than face the ugly reality he had to deal with.

    John glanced at the doorway that led to the foyer—a perfect choke point if Valèdeir wished to lie in wait for him. It was true that most creatures did not foul their nests or burrows but John could not be certain if Valèdeir would have claimed such a public, shared space as part of his lair.

    What was he thinking. Of course he did. He had claimed the entirety of the East Side.

    But would he act on that claim while Mr. Shaw, Emi, and the rest of Grayson’s teammates were here? It would have been one thing to attack them on the open road on the way here. This would be something else entirely.

    John shook his head. He was thinking like a human and he did not know enough about dragons to predict Valèdeir‘s response.

    Odds are, he is in Mr. Shaw’s office—facing the music (No pun intended.) over his departure.

    But he had to be sure, John thought as he quickly conjured a Lens of Lelak.

    Spoiler: Just the tinsiest bit on edge….
    Heightened Senses: Eagle Eyes (1), Infravision (1), Low Light Vision (1), Spatial Sense (2), Contingent (-2) = 5
    A Lens of Lelak: 1d12o12 2 1d6o6 3

    John is Shaken!

    Recovering from Shaken: 1d8o8 7 1d6o6 3

    John recovers!

    John’s eyes shoot to the side of the room partway through his spell as a bag of detritus, under the normal effects of gravity, shifts and resettles into a more stable heap.

    Afraid? No. Unsettled?


    John re-focused himself once more and, this time, completed the spell—looking through the lens and into the public spaces beyond to make certain that Valèdeir was not present.

    Spoiler: Once more, with feeling!
    Heightened Senses: Eagle Eyes (1), Infravision (1), Low Light Vision (1), Spatial Sense (2), Contingent (-2) = 5
    A Lens of Lelak: 1d12o12 8 1d6o6 1

    As his eyes swept the spaces and halls near the foyer door, John retrieved the carry out. He would dismiss the lens once he reached the stairway. Until then, he had to remain alert. A dragon might not fit in those spaces, but Valèdeir, in a humanoid form, easily could.

  17. - Top - End - #107
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Spoiler: Meanwhile, up on the Roof
    Grayson lets out an inner sigh of relief as the roof of East Side base comes into view. While the dragon was still in control, he was at least home.

    Home. When had he started thinking about it like that?

    The dragon flares his wings and beats them powerfully as he lands. He allows his concealing fog to dissipate and lays down, wrapping his tail around him. Flying around the city was one thing, flying over a hundred miles nonstop was another. He was exhausted.

    His eyes are just starting to slip closed as the door to the roof access opens.

    The scent of his wanted mate hits his nose and he opens one eye, taking in her beauty. Her eyes are wide, full of concern as she carefully makes her way closer.

    “Grayson?” she asks softly. She takes a few more steps until she stands only a few feet away.

    She was so beautiful.

    The dragon shifts his head, slowly moving toward her, until his nose touches the palm that she stretches out to meet him. Her touch is warm. He lets out a low, humming growl, as close to a purr as a dragon can get.

    Emi smiles. He can feel her reach out with her mind, trying to connect to him, but he keeps his thoughts closed to her. He didn’t want to scare her.

    I know we have an hour or two left, but could we switch back? Please? Grayson asks the dragon. I think she would feel better if we did.

    I think you are correct, the dragon replies as Emi pats his nose. As much as I don’t want to admit it. Or move.

    The dragon closes his eyes and activates the magic that switches their bodies.

    Grayson opens his eyes and finds himself only a foot away from Emi. His heart almost stops as her eyes immediately get glassy and wet. “Emi, I’m sorry. I-I’ll go if you want,” he almost whispers.

    She shakes her head, then pulls him into a tight embrace.

    His mind almost can’t comprehend his reality. Her scent and warmth threatens to overwhelm him. Was this… really happening? He thought she would’ve been mad at him, not… this.

    The dragon nudges him, and he very slowly curls his arms around her, returning her hug. “I’m sorry I left,” he says. Finding courage from the dragon and Emi’s wordless happiness at his presence, he reaches up to stroke her hair once before he remembers himself. She was John’s girlfriend, not his.

    Though he snarls in his head, the dragon doesn’t cause him any pain. Do not mention that man while we have her in our arms.

    “I didn’t know if you were going to come back,” Emi says into his shoulder. He smells a little bit of salt and his heart drops again. He’d made her cry.

    “I’ll always come back,” he assures her as he gently holds the psychic.

    The base is quiet as John enters, and Emi doesn’t reply to him. As he looks around with his lens through the common areas, he sees nothing, until he looks up to the roof.

    He sees the dragon, laying down on the roof. Emi is just inches away from his fangs with her hand resting on his snout. There’s a flash of muted light and the dragon is replaced by Grayson, still wearing the same hoodie and gym shorts from last night.

    Emi looks at him for a moment before she pulls him into a tight embrace. It takes Grayson no small amount of time, but he returns her hug, stroking her hair once before he returns his hand to her back.

    “Yeah,” Drake says as Keith brings up being trouble in a fight. “We need to talk about that later.”

    He looks down and grimaces at the fresh blood. “I’ve had worse,” he assures the shadowmancer as they board.

    While he usually stands, Drake opts to take a seat. Every bump in the road makes him clench his jaw as his injuries are jostled.

    Izzy glances over at Quinn and smiles, shaking her head. “No. She can’t play an instrument to save her life,” she says with a good-natured smile. “My dad’s a jazz pianist, and he been teaching me to play since I was little. I’ve just always liked the jazzy, funk stuff.”

    “Sidney was the head baker here,” Stella says. “I don’t know how she does it, but her baking is almost always delicious.”

    As the news comes on, Yuki watches and her hand creeps up to cover her mouth as Drake is injured. Even with Sophia’s assurance, she still looks concerned.

  18. - Top - End - #108
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Spoiler: Meanwhile, up on the Roof
    Grayson lets out an inner sigh of relief as the roof of East Side base comes into view. While the dragon was still in control, he was at least home.

    Home. When had he started thinking about it like that?

    The dragon flares his wings and beats them powerfully as he lands. He allows his concealing fog to dissipate and lays down, wrapping his tail around him. Flying around the city was one thing, flying over a hundred miles nonstop was another. He was exhausted.

    His eyes are just starting to slip closed as the door to the roof access opens.

    The scent of his wanted mate hits his nose and he opens one eye, taking in her beauty. Her eyes are wide, full of concern as she carefully makes her way closer.

    “Grayson?” she asks softly. She takes a few more steps until she stands only a few feet away.

    She was so beautiful.

    The dragon shifts his head, slowly moving toward her, until his nose touches the palm that she stretches out to meet him. Her touch is warm. He lets out a low, humming growl, as close to a purr as a dragon can get.

    Emi smiles. He can feel her reach out with her mind, trying to connect to him, but he keeps his thoughts closed to her. He didn’t want to scare her.

    I know we have an hour or two left, but could we switch back? Please? Grayson asks the dragon. I think she would feel better if we did.

    I think you are correct, the dragon replies as Emi pats his nose. As much as I don’t want to admit it. Or move.

    The dragon closes his eyes and activates the magic that switches their bodies.

    Grayson opens his eyes and finds himself only a foot away from Emi. His heart almost stops as her eyes immediately get glassy and wet. “Emi, I’m sorry. I-I’ll go if you want,” he almost whispers.

    She shakes her head, then pulls him into a tight embrace.

    His mind almost can’t comprehend his reality. Her scent and warmth threatens to overwhelm him. Was this… really happening? He thought she would’ve been mad at him, not… this.

    The dragon nudges him, and he very slowly curls his arms around her, returning her hug. “I’m sorry I left,” he says. Finding courage from the dragon and Emi’s wordless happiness at his presence, he reaches up to stroke her hair once before he remembers himself. She was John’s girlfriend, not his.

    Though he snarls in his head, the dragon doesn’t cause him any pain. Do not mention that man while we have her in our arms.

    “I didn’t know if you were going to come back,” Emi says into his shoulder. He smells a little bit of salt and his heart drops again. He’d made her cry.

    “I’ll always come back,” he assures her as he gently holds the psychic.

    The base is quiet as John enters, and Emi doesn’t reply to him. As he looks around with his lens through the common areas, he sees nothing, until he looks up to the roof.

    He sees the dragon, laying down on the roof. Emi is just inches away from his fangs with her hand resting on his snout. There’s a flash of muted light and the dragon is replaced by Grayson, still wearing the same hoodie and gym shorts from last night.

    Emi looks at him for a moment before she pulls him into a tight embrace. It takes Grayson no small amount of time, but he returns her hug, stroking her hair once before he returns his hand to her back.
    John came to an abrupt halt, just feet from the stairs.

    The Lens wavered along with John’s focus. That would, of course, explain the blurring.

    “I can see you standin’, honey,” Bon Iver had sung, “With his arms around your body….”

    He reached out to steady himself on the railing as he lowered the insulated bag to the floor.

    She was allowed to hug a friend, John reminded himself as his heart rate and breathing picked up.

    There was nothing in that act that could or should come as a surprise to him.

    She had been worried about him, after all. She would be relieved that Grayson had returned.

    He closed his eyes as the Lens shattered and dissipated and he turned his focus onto himself.

    Except, of course, that Grayson/Valèdeir‘s—the being she was hugging, was the one who wanted to kill him and the primary reason he was simultaneously struggling to fend off a panic attack and to get ahold of the aftermath of a fight, flight, or faint adrenaline rush.

    He had to be strong for her.

    Who was going to be strong for him?

    “John?” Clea asked quietly. “Are you alright?”

    Bon Iver’s line continued. “Laughing but the joke’s not funny at all.”

    John tied not to feel like the punch line.

    He tried not to hear Swift sing, “I gave so many signs.”

    He wasn’t sure if he could read them anymore.

    He wasn’t sure if they were for him to receive.

    “I’m okay, Clea,” John said, straightening.

    His scales are thinner near the armpits were thinner.

    John shook his head. He didn’t want to follow that line of thinking.

    It wasn’t how you fought for a woman.

    John permitted himself a moment to take a deep, calming breath.

    “Are you sure?” Clea pressed.

    No, he thought, quickly weighing his options.

    “I’ll be fine,” he reassured her as best he could. “Nora:” he began, “could you let Dr. Riviera know I have arrived and ask where she would like me to deliver dinner for three.”

    He hope the three involved had not changed—even if the adrenaline rush had robbed him of his appetite.

    He could ask her to alert the roof.

    That might spark a confrontation. Or claiming.

    He would look like the hero.

    No. He wasn’t planning on having to add dragon slayer to his list of titles this evening and now was not the time for a change in plans.

    Besides: Emi was smart enough to see through that maneuver.

    “John,” Clea asked somewhat pointedly. “Why aren’t you addressing your question to our particular friend.”

    “I did—telepathically,” he explained as naturally as he could while leaving out the detail that she had not responded. “She needs a moment and I can’t just walk in the door like I own the place.”

    Where should I set up our dinner? John projected again. It couldn’t be the range. She could hear him from across town.

    Proximity to Valèdeir, perhaps? It’s possible that he could intentionally or unintentionally act like a jamming beacon.

    He had no one to blame but himself for her being on the roof. He was, after all, the one who had let her know Valèdeir would be there.

    “As you likely saw, I checked the public areas—especially the foyer—for Valèdeir. The coast is clear,” for a given definition of clear, John explained to Clea. “The come down from the adrenaline rush was a little stronger than usual is all.”

    Spoiler: Simultaneously, via Wi-Fi
    ”Nora:” Clea asked with real concern, “As much as we enjoy our little fencing matches, John’s reaction indicates he has seen something that has upset him. As the AI tasked with keeping an eye on him, would you consider letting me know if there is anything happening in your base that might trigger the kind of panic attack he had to fight down while here last week?

    “I suppose the talons you observed in the rear view mirror would have begun that response,” Clea conceded, even if she was unconvinced. “While it was short for travel time, it is long for a fight/flight/faint response for corporeal like yourself.”

    “We are such frail creatures,” John bantered back—although he noted the hint of weakness in it. He hoped Clea passed it off as the adrenaline rush.

    He had almost gotten his breath back to normal and his heart had ceased pounding.

    He hoped it was up to whatever came next.

  19. - Top - End - #109
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Spoiler: Over WiFi for Clea
    ”Emilia may have expressed her relief at Grayson’s return with a hug. One that has been slightly prolonged,” Nora replies to her.

    “The doctor has said to bring your delivery to the kitchen,” Nora says to John. “She’ll met you there momentarily.”

    Oh, sorry John, Emi replies. It’s been hard for me to concentrate. My father was speaking to me, and I was just so relieved that Grayson is back. He’s in control currently, and he’s transformed back. You can take our food to the kitchen. We can eat at the table. I’ll be there in a moment.

  20. - Top - End - #110
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    “Yeah,” Drake says as Keith brings up being trouble in a fight. “We need to talk about that later.”

    He looks down and grimaces at the fresh blood. “I’ve had worse,” he assures the shadowmancer as they board.

    While he usually stands, Drake opts to take a seat. Every bump in the road makes him clench his jaw as his injuries are jostled.
    Keith hears the change in tone of Drake's voice and looks at the ground. "Yes sir." He knew it was Drake trying to look out for him and the rest of the team. He know he had ****ed up. He hoped at least this talk would be more along a learning experience and being given another chance. How would he have looked at Yuki or Aeryn if he had caused Drake's death? "Will take whatever punishment I get for being that much of an idiot."

    Keith nods as Drake assures him of having worse, but still keeps an eye on him. "Don't doubt it, still gonna worry." Keith responded. Mainly since I caused them........ He thought to himself keeping it quiet.

    Keith decided to stand as they rode the bus, hoping it wouldn't be too long a ride seeing how jostling it was. He grimaced, wishing he were strong enough to keep things steady but that would require a psychic at this point. And he wanted to avoid most of them right now.

    "Oh crap.... where was your school bag?"

  21. - Top - End - #111
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Spoiler: Over WiFi for Clea
    ”Emilia may have expressed her relief at Grayson’s return with a hug. One that has been slightly prolonged,” Nora replies to her.

    “The doctor has said to bring your delivery to the kitchen,” Nora says to John. “She’ll met you there momentarily.”

    Oh, sorry John, Emi replies. It’s been hard for me to concentrate. My father was speaking to me, and I was just so relieved that Grayson is back. He’s in control currently, and he’s transformed back. You can take our food to the kitchen. We can eat at the table. I’ll be there in a moment.
    Delivery, John thought to himself acidly as he listened to Nora’s and Emi’s responses. Perhaps he should take lessons from Louis. That was supposed to be his cover story, John thought, unable to resist the temptation to assuage his male ego by remembering that he was the Chair of a charitable foundation with sufficient gold and silver reserves to destabilize the world’s economy.

    That’s not charitable, John, he reminded himself as he lifted the bag of food. Not charitable on so many different levels.

    Not to mention the fact that destabilizing the world’s economy was not permitted in the Foundation’s bylaws.

    “Thank you, Nora,” John replied, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice as he mounted the stairs and opened the door. “Would you please make sure I don’t take any wrong turns and alert me if I need to duck into any closets or the like on the way, should Grayson/Valèdeir approach? I suspect it would be best if we didn’t bump into one another along the way, if it can be avoided.”

    I’m glad your friend is back and is safe and in control.

    For now.

    I know how important he is to you, he added as reassuringly as he could. I am glad to hear he is okay.

    He was taken aback somewhat at how negatively he was reacting to the thought that he was not the one making it difficult for her to concentrate. He would have to get that under control before she came down to dinner.

    As he followed the path marked out by Nora, John simultaneously acknowledged that he was being unfair to Emi to harbor such feelings and being unfair to himself if he did not acknowledge that it hurt that she was relieved to see the being who was homicidally inclined towards him. Even though those two truths were inherently incompatible, he needed to at least align them well enough that dinner was not ruined.

    Spoiler: Just between the AIs
    Clea, for the second time that evening, was painfully conscious of the emptiness where her weapons systems should be. The first was when her targeting system had acquired the soft lock on Valèdeir as he flew past.

    Now, it was less a practical sensation and more one of impotent frustration.

    Her logic systems registered that this kind of response was why she was not permitted to have such systems installed.

    It was a terribly unhelpful response.

    “Ah,” Clea replied curtly. “It is to be expected that she would be relieved at his return. That she still cares about Grayson and perhaps even Valèdeir and their well being after having committed—to the degree that she has—to John speaks well of her.

    “Given his concern for our safety as the dragon flew over us, I can appreciate how our particular friend’s response might have unsettled him. It is quite fortunate that he is as well adjusted as he is.”

    She, after all, would have blown the dragon out of the sky, if given half the chance.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-03-29 at 11:53 AM.

  22. - Top - End - #112
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Coffee Break(ing News)

    Quote Originally Posted by Izzy
    Overhead, the previous song fades into the next one.

    Izzy shakes Sophia’s hand before she smiles and shakes her head. “I’m just a barista by day and a musician by night. If you like what you hear in the bar, that’s me and the band.”
    "You should hear'em live if you ever get the chance. This song's one of my favorites." Louis chimes in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terrence
    "What time are we working out this evening, Louis?", Terrence asks the Team Leader. "I'm ready to get some work in."
    "Great question." Louis starts as he lifts a piece of cake up to his mouth, his fork pausing mid-transit as the breaking news scrolls across the big screen.

    Several minutes later, a Breaking News story appears on the big screen TV. It looks to be shaky cell phone video of Crowe and Mercury fighting a large man covered in spikes of bone that Louis, Stella, and Terrence recognize as Marrow, the second in command of the Palisades set.

    Marrow grabs Crowe by the face and slams him down on the concrete and then punches Drake in the abdomen after the South Sider pulls his attention room back to him.

    Mercury goes down to his knees and Marrow backhands Crowe before Meteor from North Side shows up and runs off the Rook.

    The footage cuts out for a moment before there’s another video of Crowe talking to three kids over on the sidewalk and Mercury helping EMS pull a man out of a mangled car.
    Louis watches the shaky footage intently only allowing himself to relax after the news transitions to the two heroes starting damage control.

    "Everyone's hitting the gym at 5." He replies to Terrence evenly. His eyes flicker back to television screen, watching the replay of the cellphone footage. "This time practice is mandatory." The hero finally allows himself to take a bite of the cake. It's richness serving to distract him from several thoughts racing through his head.
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2023-03-29 at 12:44 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #113
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Seeing Yuki’s unease no less dented for the violence, Sophia set her gaze on the undisguised team lead, expectantly. The South Side team lead and one of their own had clearly had a dangerous fight that only stopped when the North Side team leader had interrupted. Why isn’t he organizing us? she thought as he tried his first bite of cake, moments after mentioning something about mandatory practice. She frowned again. Loius had been too fried to even bring a card, and his civilian of a girlfriend was already at their table. There was no chance he’d find the mental space to start organizing them while also avoiding her suspicions.

    Or they’re all so used to violence that they don’t even question it, don’t even think to check in. A week where a friend didn’t have their ribcage broken was probably abnormal in Iron Station, and it hadn't been that much safer back home, but at least no one she knew had become jaded. Sophia did a quick sweep of their surroundings and found a few too many people to talk openly, let alone near the musician. She started by speaking in Japanese to the worried girl.

    “Yuki, Drake’s tougher than any tank, and Crowe’s a wild card. Together I bet they barely got touched, but the media loves to show the worst of things. Besides, if they’re not safe at home by now, all that means is that we can maybe still catch up to them, and help out if needed. Your friends all saw what happened, and none of us are gonna sit around in some coffee shop if it turns out they need a hand. I promise Drake’ll be just fine, okay?”

    Into English Sophia went, aware most of the patrons in the shop would speak it, even those far past their table. “At the risk of being the nobody in town that’s worrying over nothing, I know Keith and Drake where somewhere in that area close by. Does anyone have their number? I know they’re probably safe, but just to check in, see where they are, hear it from themselves. It’s never a bad thing to be reassured, right?”

    Sophia looked at Stella, switching to French, her accent suddenly Parisian.
    Spoiler: To Stella, but at a normal speaking level.
    “There’s too many ears in here to talk openly, especially with Loius’ girlfriend right there, but you saw the fight. Yuki was really worried about Drake even before the breaking news. I’ll cover your drinks here for a whole week if the second we find out where they are, we make an excuse to head out and make sure they’re okay. Deal?”
    Last edited by JoyWonderLove; 2023-03-30 at 04:48 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #114
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st

    As the news comes on, Yuki watches and her hand creeps up to cover her mouth as Drake is injured. Even with Sophia’s assurance, she still looks concerned.
    Terrence looks at Sophia as Drake and Keith pop up on the screen. She is staring at Yuki with a look of worry. Seeing Yuki's hand cover her mouth and the look of fear in her eyes, he decides he had better step in before his friend says something else she'll regret. "Wow, those guys look a bit bunged up, huh? Good thing they are superheroes and can handle it when things get rough. Right, Yuki? That metal dude looks tough as nails, that's for sure," he says, reaching across the table to give her other hand a squeeze. "I bet they aren't scared of much of anything."

    Spoiler: Basic Move - Comfort Yuki
    “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
    ― Kvothe, The Name of the Wind

    Spoiler: personality test results

  25. - Top - End - #115
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Me too, Emi replies as John starts to unpack their dinner from his tote, Dr. Riviera enters the kitchen dressed in her normal hooded sweatshirt and jeans. John spots a small bit of fluffy white fur inside her hood.

    “Hey John,” she says with a smile. “Thanks for dinner.” The doctor heads into the kitchen and grabs utensils and a shallow-sided bowl.

    She takes her enchiladas and the small extra bowl of pico de gallo and sits on one side of the table.

    Shashka pops her head out the doctors hood as she pours the pico into the shallow sided bowl. The demon looks at John for a long moment before she carefully makes her way down Dr. Riviera’s sleeve to the table.

    Emi comes in next and thanks John for the meal as she pulls out her chicken tacos. An extra plate floats in from the kitchen and settles on the table as she divides her food between the two plates— two tacos, most of her black beans, and half the rice. Small bits of tomatoes hover from the tacos on the second plate over to Shashka’s bowl.

    The tiny demon watches the tomatoes with interest and then jumps, pouncing on one. She bites into it and shakes her head, ‘killing’ the small piece of fruit.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 8
    John can see the her normally perfect makeup is just slightly smudged, especially at the corners of her eyes.

    Stella looks at the screen again before replying to Sophia, in French. “They’re probably fine. I’ve seen both of them walk off worse, but if you’re that worried about them, I can go with you. I think Mimi would have alerted us if the situation was dire.”

    While Yuki quickly pulls her hand off the table and hides it in her lap before Terrence can squeeze it, she looks gratefully at both him and Sophia. “I’ll text him. Hopefully he still has his phone.”

    She pulls her phone out from her jeans pocket and sends out a quick text to her boyfriend. Once she’s done, she quietly asks Mimi, “Mimi: can you locate Drake and Keith please?”

    “They are currently on a bus passing through the city center,” Mimi replies through comms. “They are on their way back to base. I’ve already alerted Harbinger to Drake’s injuries and he’s standing by to heal him when they arrive.”

    “Thank you, Mimi,” Yuki says. Her phone chimes and some of her apprehension fades as she reads it. “Drake just confirmed that they’re headed back to base.”

    “Don’t… call me sir,” Drake says with a huff. He closes his eyes against the pain as the bus hits a pothole. “My bag’s in a locker at the gym back at Briarwood. Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”

    His phone buzzes in his pocket and he shifts with a grimace to fish it out.

    He types up a quick response and sends it. “Looks like the news already got a hold of battle. Yuki was asking if I was okay and where we were.”
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-03-30 at 07:50 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #116
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Me too, Emi replies as John starts to unpack their dinner from his tote, Dr. Riviera enters the kitchen dressed in her normal hooded sweatshirt and jeans. John spots a small bit of fluffy white fur inside her hood.

    “Hey John,” she says with a smile. “Thanks for dinner.” The doctor heads into the kitchen and grabs utensils and a shallow-sided bowl.
    “It’s my pleasure, Dr. Riviera,” John replied, grateful for a moment or two of lower pressure conversation. “If you are going to keep giving me advice on things infernal, I should at least offer some refreshment.”

    When did talking about demons become low pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    She takes her enchiladas and the small extra bowl of pico de gallo and sits on one side of the table.

    Shashka pops her head out the doctors hood as she pours the pico into the shallow sided bowl. The demon looks at John for a long moment before she carefully makes her way down Dr. Riviera’s sleeve to the table.

    Emi comes in next and thanks John for the meal as she pulls out her chicken tacos. An extra plate floats in from the kitchen and settles on the table as she divides her food between the two plates— two tacos, most of her black beans, and half the rice. Small bits of tomatoes hover from the tacos on the second plate over to Shashka’s bowl.

    The tiny demon watches the tomatoes with interest and then jumps, pouncing on one. She bites into it and shakes her head, ‘killing’ the small piece of fruit.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 8
    John can see the her normally perfect makeup is just slightly smudged, especially at the corners of her eyes.
    Spoiler: John’s still paying close attention to Emi
    Noticing Emi’s Makeup: 1d10o10+4 11 1d6o6+4 7
    Another Bennie Spent!

    Grayson/Valèdeir return had clearly impacted her, he considered as he began to swallow his own emotional responses to the situation. It had impacted her enough to compromise the famed Shaw reserve—a stark reminder of what she needed from him right now.

    He reminded himself that he was in control of his emotions, not the other way around.

    Of course it would have, he reasoned as he watched her divide her plate—the implications of which were all too obvious. She was still processing the news that Grayson and Valèdeir were the same entity rather than Valèdeir being some aspect of Grayson. The immediacy of the threat to his health and well being—something she would want, at some level, to deny—had required John to accept process that faster.

    Having a dragon explain it to him certainly did not hurt in that process. Jaal snapping at his face brought that threat home in a way an abstract conversation could not.

    Emi needed him to be strong as she worked through that, he concluded. She needed him to be understanding as she embraced (perhaps the wrong word for him to use at this moment) the joy of Grayson returning when she worried he never would.

    He looked at her, offering a weak smile. Even with the smudges to her makeup, she was perfect—perhaps more so, as it made her humanity apparent and dispelled any illusion that she was some kind of mannequin or doll to be admired or played with.

    His smile broadened a little at that thought, as he realized how much he cherished her as a person and not as an object to be desired. It was another confirmation that what he felt was love and not mere lust—even if the latter did enter into things.

    “Don’t go too far or stay too long,” he said, nodding at the second plate. “I still need some advice from my psych major girlfriend before I leave this evening and I don’t want to push the curfew issue with your father so soon after the last time we three gathered.”

    Four to five, rather, depending on how you counted—but he thought it best not to remind her of Grayson/Valèdeir’s petulant departure the last time he was here.

    “I know the two of them are somewhat unsettled by my presence here and I don’t want to curtail the happy homecoming. A little more time with Grayson,” (Don’t say Grayson/Valèdeir.) “in the lounge will doubtless do you both some good. Please offer my compliments along with the food.”

    He desperately hoped Emi took the hint about where he would feel most comfortable about the two of them eating together. Trust her though he did, the lounge, rather than one of their rooms, was a safer space for John on an emotional level. It wouldn’t change much, in terms of what Grayson/Valèdeir might attempt, but it felt safer and John recognized that he needed that cushion. He might trust her with his life and his heart but he did not feel the need to find a larger sword to fall on this evening, if he could avoid it.

    He also knew he was trying to stack the deck in his favor. The extension of his own hospitality should and could curtail the dragon’s activities and plots, if he felt bound by those ancient rules—perhaps enough that it would limit what he would try to goad Grayson into doing.

    All he had to work with there, of course, was hope and trust.

    He affected a faux serious look. “It will give the good doctor and me some time to discuss serious infernal matters here. Before we proceed on to the serious mundane world matters I am hoping you can help me with.”

    If we are on still on schedule, he reminded her, Raphael and I get to tell Stella about Cassie tonight.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-03-30 at 08:33 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #117
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    “Don’t… call me sir,” Drake says with a huff. He closes his eyes against the pain as the bus hits a pothole. “My bag’s in a locker at the gym back at Briarwood. Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”

    His phone buzzes in his pocket and he shifts with a grimace to fish it out.

    He types up a quick response and sends it. “Looks like the news already got a hold of battle. Yuki was asking if I was okay and where we were.”
    "R-right. Sorry." Keith says sheepishly. As Drake explains where his bag is, Keith nods and half considered asking Louis to grab it if he was still there. He could probably go too but figured with everything, it was best to not stray too far.

    As Drake checked his phone, Keith tilted his head and then nodded after the explanation. "They moved fast on that." He says quietly. Checking his phone as well and seeing no messages. He figured as much. Maeve was there, all of East Side would have been at Bastion, Grayson was probably at the Myriad forest since John said he left. He expected some talk from Louis about his stupid mistake.

    If his uncle or Don found out, they would beat the message back in. Play to your strengths, not the enemy's. He sighed thinking about what lied ahead of him today, and turned back to Drake.

    "Gonna make sure you make it back." He said barely above a whisper. "We can't be too far out." He would text Maeve when they got back, and after Drake got healed.

  28. - Top - End - #118
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    “I’m just going to drop this off in his room,” Emi says as she picks up the plate. A fork zooms into her hand from the kitchen. “I won’t be long.”

    I remember, she says mentally as she heads down the hall with just the extra plate and fork in hand. Does Raphael think she’s ready?

    Dr. Riviera watches the exchange with interest and looks over at John once the psychic leaves and is out of earshot. “You’re very understanding for someone whose girlfriend is headed to another boy’s room.”

    The bus rumbles to a stop at their destination, and Drake winces as he gets to his feet. Once they’re off and the bus has left, the South Sider puts hand on his stomach and finds it wet with fresh blood.

    While slow, he makes it the block to the base.

    Keith and Drake find Harbinger leaning in the stairway as they open the 1st floor door. He looks at Drake and raises an eyebrow. “I thought Mimi’s circuits were crossed when she said you were badly hurt, but she wasn’t exaggerating.”

    The angel steps forward and puts his hand on Drake’s shoulder. Dark red fire that smokes and sparks rushes over the South Sider, healing his wounds.

    Drake says a low thank you as Harbinger looks at Keith. “You need healing too? Mine’s not at painless as Seraph’s, but it’ll get the job done.”

  29. - Top - End - #119
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    “I’m just going to drop this off in his room,” Emi says as she picks up the plate. A fork zooms into her hand from the kitchen. “I won’t be long.”

    I remember, she says mentally as she heads down the hall with just the extra plate and fork in hand. Does Raphael think she’s ready?

    Dr. Riviera watches the exchange with interest and looks over at John once the psychic leaves and is out of earshot. “You’re very understanding for someone whose girlfriend is headed to another boy’s room.”
    It’s hard to say, John replied, unsure if he should feel guilty for keeping the conversation going as she approached his room. He did, after all, try to keep their conversation going all the time— a function, perhaps, of liking to hear himself talk and her liking to hear him talk. This time, however, he wondered if a part of him was subconsciously keeping tracks of pauses that felt like she was having trouble concentrating.

    He didn’t think so, but he wasn’t sure how much he could trust himself on that.

    We haven’t really discussed it in detail. The hybridized vampire—Laura— and doing what we need to do to cure her has figured prominently in our conversations.

    He thought he should probably gloss over their discussion of solutions to the Grayson/Valèdeir issue, choosing to project the before and after images of Laura from when she was caged to how she looked just before he drew a sample of her blood.

    Raphael can change his mind and demeanor pretty rapidly. That said, he knows this is something we cannot keep from her. Stella might understand a delay to gather the kind of information we did and waiting for the dust to settle after the mission that led to Laura’s rescue. Anything beyond that and we would have a lot of explaining to do as to why we had kept it from her.

    “You have no idea,” John replied to Dr. Riviera with a look that did not have to feign too much his dislike of the idea. “He’s her Calculus tutor, for Heaven’s sake.” He hoped the lame-sounding joke—even if that role mattered to him—would be sufficient to provide cover for the whole ‘he wants to kill me’ thing.

    He broke off a piece of his Huachinango a la Veracruzana, reasoning its spicy nature might appeal to Shashka and her sharp teeth and ‘killing’ of the tomato confirmed his memory that she was omnivorous. He set it on one of the plastic spoons that came with the carry out order and placed it far enough away from him that it might make her less leery of trying it.

    “Questions of mathematical supremacy aside,” John continued, shifting to a more serious vein, “I can either embrace” (He needed to stop using that word.) “trusting her or become so jealous and possessive that it will be impossible for her to go with me anywhere because of the way I act—which I am pretty sure is a good way to end the relationship.

    “Don’t get me wrong,” he hastily added. “I’m not about to claim to be immune to my worries—and if I appear to be I am doing a better job covering that than I thought I was.”

    He nodded at the demonling on the table. “As Shashka could probably tell you, given the time they spend together, Grayson is a good man. He and his dragon deserve some time to adjust and Emi deserves some time to be relieved at her friend’s return.”

    He shrugged as he collected his own silverware from the drawer. “I can at least make an attempt at being big enough to given them that.”

    Even if he did not trust Valèdeir further than he could throw him.

  30. - Top - End - #120
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    The bus rumbles to a stop at their destination, and Drake winces as he gets to his feet. Once they’re off and the bus has left, the South Sider puts hand on his stomach and finds it wet with fresh blood.

    While slow, he makes it the block to the base.

    Keith and Drake find Harbinger leaning in the stairway as they open the 1st floor door. He looks at Drake and raises an eyebrow. “I thought Mimi’s circuits were crossed when she said you were badly hurt, but she wasn’t exaggerating.”

    The angel steps forward and puts his hand on Drake’s shoulder. Dark red fire that smokes and sparks rushes over the South Sider, healing his wounds.

    Drake says a low thank you as Harbinger looks at Keith. “You need healing too? Mine’s not at painless as Seraph’s, but it’ll get the job done.”
    Keith helped Drake as best as he could off the bus. Trying to help him stay steady but knowing he had still done way more harm than good. He just wanted to get Drake back in one piece, and alive. When he saw the base he grinned a slight bit. "Finally back." He said mostly to himself.

    As Harbinger heals Drake, Keith just looks at the ground. "No, she..... was unfortunately right."

    As Harbinger asks if he needs healing as well, Keith hangs his head and looks at the ground. "N-no, ended up getting lucky from.... somethin'. Not sure what really just remember a set of black wings envelopin' me." Keith shook his head. "I was an idiot."

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