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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Kansas City

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Awesome! I'm excited to join if you'll have me!

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
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    Old boring Denmark.....

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemnon View Post
    This is actually an interesting recruitment!
    I'd totally be game, if it's still open for interests!

    Just got the core rulebook (dun have anything else than that, so far), so still reading them.

    I do have a few questions... any specific timeperiod we'd be playing in? like are we 'early' in the timeline - such as during the bombs falling and needs to survive and scavenge? Are we from later on either a generation of two post-nukes falling? Are we later on akin to Fallout 1/2? Closer to 3 or new vegas? etc.
    And where exactly would we be playing.
    West Coast (personal favorite area for me)? east coast? further south around new mexico or texas or some such? Fallout Texas would be a cool theme btw. even more retro-cowboy-ish than new vegas (since that had a mix of mafia, old western-generic, etc.)

    But yeah, those are my general questions for now since they'd affect what my character ideas will narrow down to.
    Since GM wants US to pick overall timeperiod and place..... what do you all think? Pre-fallout 1 era? fallout 1/2 period.... etc? also where specifically? And what overall 'flavor' do we want to do? Settlement building? Should we all be vault dwellers and if so, what is the big-nasty that Vault-tec's been doing with our vault? Or more of a roaming troubleshooter team that takes whatever work pops up on their travels, depending on moral preferences, etc?
    Something completely different?

    I feel it's important we get this settled since it'll affect what sort of characters would fit the various combinations of '
    what we are going to play', etc.
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Kansas City

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Here's the character I'd like to play as. They were made using the character builder linked before ( and cross referenced with the core book.

    Anyway, here's Sasha, the "Female" Mr. Handy. She was stationed in a pre-war local militia outpost near where the campaign takes place. Her duties included assisting the outpost's quartermaster, giving her a familiarity with the value of most items that the outpost could have, as well as serving as a security lookout during the nights.

    Due to the lack of front-line infantry on the base, she was programmed to hold enemies at bay in combat using her attached flamer and buzz-saw blade arms, forgoing any truly ranged weaponry. She was made with the best parts the militia could find, making her just a bit tougher than other models.

    Her "personality" was set to be relaxed and somewhat loose with the rules to help build morale among the militia, and after many years of not having a commanding officer, she has pretty much given up on following any rules and just roams around the base, waiting for her next assignment. She makes sure there's always a fresh cup of coffee on her C.O.'s desk every morning, though she ran out of coffee grounds a long time ago, so it's just hot water now.

    Spoiler: Details
    Name - Sasha
    Origin - Mr. Handy
    Level - 1
    Max HP - 12
    Defense - 1
    Carry Wt - 150
    Caps - 45
    Melee Bonus - 3
    Initiative - 8

    Spoiler: Special
    (S)trength - 9
    (P)erception - 4
    (E)ndurance - 6
    (C)harisma - 7
    (I)ntelligence - 4
    (A)gility - 4
    (L)uck - 6

    Spoiler: Skills
    Athletics - 0
    Barter - 3*
    Big Guns - 0
    Energy - 3
    Explosives - 1
    Lockpicking - 0
    Medicine - 0
    Melee - 3*
    Pilot - 0
    Repair - 3
    Science - 0
    Small Guns - 0
    Sneak - 3
    Speech - 3*
    Survival - 0
    Throwing - 0
    Unarmed - 0

    Spoiler: Traits/Perks
    Trait(s) - 1
    Mister Handy Robot

    Perk(s) - 1
    Toughness (Rank 1)

    Spoiler: Inventory
    Inventory Wt - 15 lbs

    Starting Caps (10)
    + Sold Items ((25 + 30) + 10%) * .25 = (15)
    Baseball Bat [Melee Tag Item]
    Formal Clothing [Speech Tag Item]
    + 2d20 Extra Caps [Barter Tag Item] (15 + 5) = (20)
    = Total Caps (45)

    - Robot Repair Kit (x1)

    Mr. Handy Components and Worn Items
    - Head: Factory Optics
    - Torso: Factory Body
    - Arms: Factory Arms
    - Legs: Factory Thruster
    - Mod: Integral Boiler Mod
    - Arm 1: Buzz-Saw
    - Arm 2: Flamer (20 Ammo)
    - Arm 3: Pincer
    - Armor: Standard Plating
    - Hat: Formal Hat (Speech Tag Item)
    Last edited by Nuptup; 2024-01-20 at 04:26 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Kansas City

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemnon View Post
    Since GM wants US to pick overall timeperiod and place..... what do you all think? Pre-fallout 1 era? fallout 1/2 period.... etc? also where specifically? And what overall 'flavor' do we want to do? Settlement building? Should we all be vault dwellers and if so, what is the big-nasty that Vault-tec's been doing with our vault? Or more of a roaming troubleshooter team that takes whatever work pops up on their travels, depending on moral preferences, etc?
    I would personally like something set around Fallout 4 because that makes it so our selection of weapons and whatnot more closely reflects what's printed in the book we're using so there's less kerfuffle when it comes to figuring out anything out of the ruleset.

    As for location, I know the Overseer mentioned maybe doing something up in Washington state, which I think could be pretty cool with interesting set-pieces able to be used such as the space needle and stuff like that. I personally don't have any strict place I want to play in, so if that's something the Overseer is wanting to do, that works for me!

    For content/plot, I personally would like to have our characters not be IN a vault. If someone came from a vault, that's a'ok, but I would prefer that person to be out of the vault, either on a mission from their intact vault, having left/survived their corrupt/failing vault, or having been taken from their vault by force and then escaping whatever took them.

    For the actual plot of the game, I'm fine with it being a more flavor of the week kind of exploration game where we are mostly just traveling, following whatever quest markers get our attention. But I'm also totally fine with following the Vault Dweller's mission whether that be something the vault sent them on, purge/saving the corrupt/failing vault, or razing the group that took them from their vault.

    Seeing as my character (see above post) is mostly just a follow orders and help out kind of character, I won't personally have many "motivations" beyond don't get destroyed, make allies who can help me not get destroyed, and find coffee, I can slot into whatever mission and team comes along. My character will be a durable frontline brawler in combat, while being good at conversation, bartering and repairs outside of combat.
    Last edited by Nuptup; 2024-01-20 at 02:31 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    So I'm juggling around with two ideas, both would work for most finalized-game idea from the GM (or Overseer!), so, here we go:

    1) Dr. Mac Nificent! The man, the myth, the legend - An escapee from a Vault-tech vault whose experiment was based around the concept of the ego and the manipulation there-off. Dr. Mac Nificent (which was not his original name, but the split of the vault had one side be regular vault style, and the other half was where you went after getting an ego-manipulation), He's a massive science-head and fiddler of tech. And usually finds that most questions can be answered with 'SCIENCE!' and so can most problems.
    Basic Idea is Perks in Gun Nut and SCIENCE! to help allow for weaponry mods to be added to weapons, Repairs of Gear and overall knowledgable for anything Pre-War (and Pre-Pre War... for those of you that get that reference).

    2)Lucky... just.... Lucky. Overall skilled outdoorsman Survivor-Mans, more at home in the wilderness and animal-kinship than among fellow humans and such. He had a horrid childhood, parents killed by raiders, his wife early on died to disease, so he eventually just secluded himself. However, fate is strange and since those bad events he's been un-statistically lucky. Finding what is needed when scavenging, avoiding deadly situations, etc.
    Yes clearly Luck will be a major-important stat for Lucky, which of course was more of an ironic nickname prior to his self-exile - but now it's just an accepted Nickname, along with Perks around Luck - like scavenging and getting bonus stuff, good with ranged weaponry and, of course, Survival.

    I'm leaning more towards Lucky than Mr. Mac Nificent, but I'll wait until I know some more specific setting and 'campaign' info.
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    I personally really like Lucky as well. I have been curious how the luck rules will work out, and having someone designed from the ground up to work with them sounds really fun!

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuptup View Post
    I personally really like Lucky as well. I have been curious how the luck rules will work out, and having someone designed from the ground up to work with them sounds really fun!
    It'd most likely also be the choice of my own. Pretty much keeps returning with ideas or tweaks for Lucky's concept with random thoughts.

    Might even wanna go mysterious stranger perk just for the hell of it.
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    I saw the mysterious stranger perk and thought it was really cool. Since, you can kind of just use it at the start of a fight and consumer luck point, and at any point in time he'll just show up and shoot somebody which is pretty dope. I personally am not a huge fan of it being dependent on the DM, just because I don't like adding more things that the DM has to keep track of, so I would personally make it so that the DM or one of the fellow players can choose when it happens, but that would be up to them to decide if they want to rule it that way.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuptup View Post
    I saw the mysterious stranger perk and thought it was really cool. Since, you can kind of just use it at the start of a fight and consumer luck point, and at any point in time he'll just show up and shoot somebody which is pretty dope. I personally am not a huge fan of it being dependent on the DM, just because I don't like adding more things that the DM has to keep track of, so I would personally make it so that the DM or one of the fellow players can choose when it happens, but that would be up to them to decide if they want to rule it that way.
    I want the Mysterious Stranger to be what sorta affected my character's luck. Sorta avoidance of more bad things and eventually realizing this strange person would show up at odd moments and places and just vanish again after firing their revolver and blowing enemies into bits.

    Work the perk into the character's backstory rather than just 'oh so now perk is there and odd thing happens'.
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Yeah, exactly! Like having a guardian that's been watching over you for example.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuptup View Post
    Yeah, exactly! Like having a guardian that's been watching over you for example.
    up until recently having thought he'd just gone a bit nutty and imagined someone was there, but once another PC notices the Mysterious Stranger as well.... well, then things gets fun.
    'mmmh? oh that's my imaginary protector that is not real.'
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    "Lucky, during the last encounter, I detected an unidentified man that seemed to appear, kill your assailant, then just.., run away. Do you have any idea who that was?" ~Sasha, The Mr. Handy

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Spoiler: Charactersheet Template

    Spoiler: Core Profile


    XP Earned:
    XP To Next Level:


    Basic Description

    Spoiler: S.P.E.C.I.A.L!


    Spoiler: Skills

    Name - Tag [ ] - Rank

    Athletics (Str) [ ]:
    Barter (Cha) [ ]:
    Big Guns (End) [ ]:
    Energy Weapons (Per) [ ]:
    Explosives (Per) [ ]:
    Lockpick (Per) [ ]:
    Medicine (Int) [ ]:
    Melee Weapons (Str) [ ]:
    Pilot (Per) [ ]:
    Repair (Int) [ ]:
    Science (Int) [ ]:
    Small Guns (Agi) [ ]:
    Sneak (Agi) [ ]:
    Speech (Cha) [ ]:
    Survival (End) [ ]:
    Throwing (Agi [ ]:
    Unarmed (Str) [ ]:

    Spoiler: Perks & Traits

    (Name - Rank - Effect)

    (Name - Rank - Effect)

    Spoiler: Combat V.A.T.S & Health

    Melee Damage:

    Maximum HP:
    Current HP:

    Poison DR:

    Head (1-2)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Torso (3-8)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Left Arm (9-11)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Right Arm (12-14)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Left Leg (15-17)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Right Leg (18-20)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Spoiler: Weapon Quickslots




    Spoiler: Inventory

    Current Carry Weight:
    Maximum Carry Weight:


    (Item - lbs.)

    (Caliber - Quantity)

    Finished Template. Feel free to use it~
    Nuka Girl Seal of Approval.
    Last edited by Hemnon; 2024-01-22 at 04:15 PM.
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Kansas City

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemnon View Post
    Spoiler: Charactersheet Template

    Spoiler: Core Profile


    XP Earned:
    XP To Next Level:


    Basic Description

    Spoiler: S.P.E.C.I.A.L!


    Spoiler: Skills

    Name - Tag [ ] - Rank

    Athletics (Str) [ ]:
    Barter (Cha) [ ]:
    Big Guns (End) [ ]:
    Energy Weapons (Per) [ ]:
    Explosives (Per) [ ]:
    Lockpick (Per) [ ]:
    Medicine (Int) [ ]:
    Melee Weapons (Str) [ ]:
    Pilot (Per) [ ]:
    Repair (Int) [ ]:
    Science (Int) [ ]:
    Small Guns (Agi) [ ]:
    Sneak (Agi) [ ]:
    Speech (Cha) [ ]:
    Survival (End) [ ]:
    Throwing (Agi [ ]:
    Unarmed (Str) [ ]:

    Spoiler: Combat V.A.T.S

    Melee Damage:

    Maximum HP:
    Current HP:

    Poison DR:

    Head (1-2)
    Phys. DR:
    En. DR:
    Rad. DR:

    Torso (3-8)
    Phys. DR:
    En. DR:
    Rad. DR:

    Left Arm (9-11)
    Phys. DR:
    En. DR:
    Rad. DR:

    Right Arm (12-14)
    Phys. DR:
    En. DR:
    Rad. DR:

    Left Leg (15-17)
    Phys. DR:
    En. DR:
    Rad. DR:

    Right Leg (18-20)
    Phys. DR:
    En. DR:
    Rad. DR:

    That's hot!

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Old boring Denmark.....

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuptup View Post
    That's hot!
    If you say so.

    Just enjoy making those Forum-Friendly charactersheets that are a bit more indepth than 'made spoiler, write basic in it'. No idea why
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Kansas City

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    I really like it personally. Also, I'd like to introduce the new Sasha sheet! I made a few changes here or there, but overall used your template and just re-ordered things to be sorted in my liking and reduced any excess spacing to condense it a bit.

    See this post:
    Last edited by Nuptup; 2024-01-25 at 08:20 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Old boring Denmark.....

    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Spoiler: Lucky's Charactersheet

    Spoiler: Core Profile

    Name: Lucky (Just... Lucky. Given Name is Andrew)
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Origin: Survivor (Educated)
    Luck Points 5/5

    XP Earned: 0
    XP To Next Level:

    Level: 1

    Basic Description

    Spoiler: S.P.E.C.I.A.L!

    Strength: 4
    Perception: 6
    Endurance: 7
    Charisma: 4
    Intelligence: 5
    Agility: 6
    Luck: 8

    Spoiler: Skills

    Name - Tag [ ] - Rank

    Athletics (Str) [ ]: 3
    Barter (Cha) [ ]:
    Big Guns (End) [ ]:
    Energy Weapons (Per) [ ]:
    Explosives (Per) [ ]:
    Lockpick (Per) [ ]: 1
    Medicine (Int) []: 1
    Melee Weapons (Str) [ ]: 2
    Pilot (Per) [ ]: 1
    Repair (Int) [X]: 3
    Science (Int) [ ]:
    Small Guns (Agi) [X]: 3
    Sneak (Agi) [X]: 3
    Speech (Cha) [ ]:
    Survival (End) [X]: 3
    Throwing (Agi) [ ]: 1
    Unarmed (Str) [ ]: 1

    Spoiler: Perks & Traits

    (Name (Rank): Effect)

    Mysterious Stranger (1)
    From time to time, a Mysterious Stranger comes to your aid, with lethal results. At the start of a combat encounter, you may spend 1 Luck point. If you do so, then at any point during the scene, the GM may have the Mysterious Stranger appear, make a single ranged attack against an enemy you attacked, or who just attacked you, and then vanish. If you spend a Luck point and the Mysterious Stranger does not appear, the GM must refund the Luck point you spent.
    The stranger has an AGI of 10, a Small Guns skill of 6, and counts Small Guns as a Tag skill. They always roll 3d20 for attacks, rather than 2d20, and their attack—using a custom .44 Magnum revolver—inflicts 8 Dice Piercing 1, Vicious physical damage.
    They always appear within their weapon’s ideal range. Any attempt to find where the Stranger went after their attack fails.

    Scrounger (1)
    Whenever you roll to determine how much ammunition you find, you find more.
    At rank 1, you find +3 Dice additional shots. At rank 2, you find +6 Dice additional shots. At rank 3, you find +10 Dice additional shots. The additional ammo you find is the same as initially found, for example, if you find 10mm ammunition, this perk increases how much 10mm ammo you find. If you find multiple types of ammunition, Scrounger applies to the ammunition with the lowest rarity (GM’s choice if there is a tie).
    Each time you take this perk, the level requirement increases by 5.

    (Name (Rank): Effect)

    Educated (N/A)
    Gains one additional tag skill, But when failing a skill test using a skill other
    than a tag skill, the GM gains 1 AP.

    Spoiler: Combat V.A.T.S & Health

    Melee Damage: +0 Dice
    Defense: 1
    Initiative 12

    Maximum HP: 15
    Current HP: 15

    Poison DR:

    Head (1-2)
    Phys. DR: 0
    En. DR: 0
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Torso (3-8)
    Phys. DR: 1+1
    En. DR: 1+2
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Left Arm (9-11)
    Phys. DR: 1
    En. DR: 1
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Right Arm (12-14)
    Phys. DR: 1
    En. DR: 1
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Left Leg (15-17)
    Phys. DR: 1
    En. DR: 1
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Right Leg (18-20)
    Phys. DR: 1
    En. DR: 1
    Rad. DR: 0
    HP: 0

    Spoiler: Weapon Quickslots

    Name: Huntning Rifle
    Skill: Small Guns
    Damage: 6-Dice
    Effects: Piercing 1
    Type: Physical
    Rate: 0
    Range: Medium
    Qualities: Two-Handed
    Ammo: .308
    Weight: 10lb

    Name: Gun Bash (2H)
    Skill: Melee Weapon
    Damage: 3-Dice
    Effects: Stun
    Type: Physical
    Rate: n/a
    Range: Melee Range
    Qualities: Two-Handed
    Ammo: n/a
    Weight: n/a

    Name: Matchete
    Skill: Melee Weapon
    Damage: 3-Dice
    Effects: Piercing 1
    Type: Physical
    Rate: n/a
    Range: Melee Range
    Qualities: -
    Ammo: n/a
    Weight: 2lb

    Spoiler: Inventory

    Caps: 15

    (Item - lbs.)

    Hunting Rifle - 10lb

    Machete - 2lb

    Tough Clothing - 2lb
    Grants 1 Physical & 1 Energy DR.
    Covers Arms, Torso & Legs.

    Leather Armor Chest Piece - 5lb
    Grants 1 Physical & 2 Energy DR.
    Covers Torso.

    2 purified water - <1lb

    1 iguana on a stick - <1lb

    1 Calmex - <1lb
    Re-roll 1d20 on all PER and AGI tests, +2-Dice to sneak attack damage.
    Lasting. Addictive - 1.

    Multi-Tool - 1lb
    Reduce the difficulty of Repair tests by 1 (minimum 0).

    A note advertising a job in a nearby settlement that offers to pay 50 caps - 0lb

    (Caliber - Quantity)
    .308 - 21 <1lb

    Carrying Limits
    (150+(Str x 10))
    Maximum Carry Weight: 190
    Current Carry Weight: 20~ish

    Last edited by Hemnon; 2024-01-27 at 07:47 AM.
    Awesome avatars:

    Awesome dark heresy inquisitor avatar by Emperor Ing

    Gender bended avatar by Emperor Ing

    .... in her party dress, also by Emperor Ing

    Epic imperial Guardsman by The Architect

    Dingle Dongle Dangle - Do it at an Angle~

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Titan in the Playground
    Lentrax's Avatar

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Just waiting for official CharGen rules before refining my concept.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

    Spoiler: Online stuffs
    Lentrax has a Deviantart now, check it out!

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  19. - Top - End - #49
    Titan in the Playground
    BelGareth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Jut got back to work, if the forums let me, I'll get something up today.

    If you can't wait, feel free to poke me in my discord server

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  20. - Top - End - #50
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemnon View Post
    snipped because, really?
    I did not need the rules printed here.

    I have the core book. I have even already posted a barebones idea previously.

    Me saying I am waiting for official CharGen means just that.

    Waiting for the person running the game to make official determinations to what we need to make for characters. Including any restrictions or additions to the RAW.

    What you just did was completely unnecessary and, frankly, incredibly condescending.

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  21. - Top - End - #51
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Lentrax View Post
    I did not need the rules printed here.

    I have the core book. I have even already posted a barebones idea previously.

    Me saying I am waiting for official CharGen means just that.

    Waiting for the person running the game to make official determinations to what we need to make for characters. Including any restrictions or additions to the RAW.

    What you just did was completely unnecessary and, frankly, incredibly condescending.
    Oh, sorry. thought that's what you meant is all.

    and English is not a primary language for me and yeah I clearly missed a prior post from you then. Just trying to be helpful is all, since not everyone might have the rulebook.

    And uh... how exactly can it be taken as condescending?

    So I guess I am very sorry that my attempt at being helpful is taken as a rude thing.
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  22. - Top - End - #52
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    it's all good, so easy to misinterpret written media, we're all good, and you all are waiting on me.

    But to the point, the in book char gen is good, i was going to start you out with a little more caps/equipment. but we can discuss that after recruitment i guess, so feel free to create a level 1 character, if you need assistance, hit me up here or on Discord.

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  23. - Top - End - #53
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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemnon View Post
    Oh, sorry. thought that's what you meant is all.

    and English is not a primary language for me and yeah I clearly missed a prior post from you then. Just trying to be helpful is all, since not everyone might have the rulebook.

    And uh... how exactly can it be taken as condescending?

    So I guess I am very sorry that my attempt at being helpful is taken as a rude thing.
    Sadly, it does happen.

    All too often.

    I am going to accept your apology, and offer my own as well.

    I have a tendency to knee-jerk react to things like this, and if I went too far, then for that I am sorry.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
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  24. - Top - End - #54
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Lentrax View Post
    Sadly, it does happen.

    All too often.

    I am going to accept your apology, and offer my own as well.

    I have a tendency to knee-jerk react to things like this, and if I went too far, then for that I am sorry.
    and my reply back above wasn't exactly friendly either.

    But yeah, I very much did not intend on it being taken as anything but helpful quickguide for character creation steps.

    And no worries. we can all be sorry
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  25. - Top - End - #55
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Hopefully I'll have a character ready by this weekend, although I won't have as much free time as I hoped for in the times to come.

    Anyway, a consideration after reading the rules (which could really benefit from a better editing, I must say): is it just me or is Stun utterly broken? Like, all you need to do is roll an Effect on the attack, and the target basically loses a turn, regardless of whatever armor or protection they have.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Cap View Post
    Hopefully I'll have a character ready by this weekend
    Any idea what kind of concept you're considering so far? At the moment, looks like we have a melee bruiser with a silver tongue, and a lucky small guns sharp shooter survivalist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Cap View Post
    Anyway, is it just me or is Stun utterly broken? Like, all you need to do is roll an Effect on the attack, and the target basically loses a turn, regardless of whatever armor or protection they have.
    It is pretty strong, but after looking at the weapon tables, there's only like, 7 weapons that CAN apply the Stunned effect, 2 of which are gun bashing, then you have Boxing Glove and Power Fist. After that, you can get a sword, a super sledge, or a baton and modify them to have the Stun Pack mod, which requires 3 blacksmithing and 1 science for the sword and sledge, and 2 blacksmith 1 science for the baton.

    So, while it's powerful, it's not exactly.., common to come across. There's only 2 other ways for players to get the Stun effect which is the Pain Train rank 2 Perk, which requires Power Armor and being Level 6, or the Paralyzing Palm rank 1 Perk, which can be taken at level 1, but requires a full unarmed attack build. The only other way to get stun is to use a syringer with lock joint ammo, but you obviously do no damage to apply that effect, which is why it's the only ranged method.

    And, after all of that, if you DO stun someone, the can just spend an action point to still take an action and not completely lose their turn. It's a good effect, but certainly not game breakingly good.

  27. - Top - End - #57
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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuptup View Post
    Any idea what kind of concept you're considering so far?
    Probably something not too dissimilar from this (with enough Intelligence for stuff like Armorer, Gun Nut, and later on also Ammosmith), although I'm still not sure about the Ghoul part.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Cap View Post
    Probably something not too dissimilar from this (with enough Intelligence for stuff like Armorer, Gun Nut, and later on also Ammosmith), although I'm still not sure about the Ghoul part.
    I dig it, pretty cool concept! Pretty well rounded with plenty of skill coverage which is nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lentrax View Post
    Just waiting for official CharGen rules before refining my concept.
    Now that we've gotten confirmed that we'll be using pretty much by-the-book creation rules, what kind of ideas do you have? It looks like we have a melee bruiser who's good at charisma as well, then we have a lucky sharpshooter survivalist, and a skill monkey generalist with good intelligence for crafting stuff later on.

    I'd also like to just provide some nice reading for anyone who is genuinely serious about the game and who may not have played in a Play by Post game before. It's genuinely good information and has helped me personally do better with my gaming and I think it's a good resource to make sure everyone here has a good time with the game and we, as a group, don't let it die out.
    The answers to this post share a lot of good information and tips for how to specifically prevent campaigns from dying.
    This post contains general assumptions for how to play in a play by post game, specifically here on GitP.

    Both are great sources to read over for ways to be a better member in this collaborative roleplay experience!
    Last edited by Nuptup; 2024-01-23 at 05:22 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuptup View Post
    that we've gotten confirmed that we'll be using pretty much by-the-book creation rules, what kind of ideas do you have? It looks like we have a melee bruiser who's good at charisma as well, then we have a lucky sharpshooter survivalist, and a skill monkey generalist with good intelligence for crafting stuff later on.
    Guess I will post this again here, along with the few edits I’ve made since then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lentrax View Post
    Spoiler: In progress, and dependent on rules for CharGen

    Natalie Celestine

    S 4
    P 7
    E 5
    C 9
    I 6
    A 5
    L 4

    Tag skills:
    Energy Weapons


    Athletics 2
    Barter 3
    Energy Weapons 3
    Lockpick 3
    Medicine 2
    Repair 2
    Small Guns 1
    Sneak 1
    Speech 3
    Throwing 1

    Perk: Smooth Talker


    Vault Suit
    Canteen (One purified Water)
    10 mm pistol
    2 stimpacks
    10 caps
    Basic story concept is that she was the Vault Podiatrist, and was popular enough that the Overseer gave her the fools errand of finding somewhere to deploy the GECK so she could be made Overseer in his place.
    Last edited by Lentrax; 2024-01-25 at 11:56 AM.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

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  30. - Top - End - #60
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout RPG, interest check

    Quote Originally Posted by Lentrax View Post
    Basic story concept is that she was the Vault Podiatrist, and was popular enough that the Overseer gave her the fools errand of finding somewhere to deploy the GECK so she could be made Overseer in his place.
    Seems pretty legit. So, a face and gunslinger, sent out to find a good place to set-up a GECK. I can dig it!

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