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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Auerkan View Post
    Q 124b

    Would Mind Seed work on a dragon polymorphed into a humanoid? Multiple people have argued that RAW Awaken can be applied to a Wizard Polymorphed into Animal, so it should be same process.
    A 124b

    Yes, it would work.

    Every spell whose description refers back to the Polymorph spell changes the subject's creature type. Thus, a dragon polymorphed into any humanoid species gains the Humanoid type and becomes susceptible to any magic – or any psionic power – that affects Humanoids. Moreover, "a spell only checks to see if you are a legal target when it is cast. If you become an illegal target later […], the spell remains in effect." This rule appears on page 87 of the D&D 3.5 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (of the 30th of June 2008). Thus, any dragon that is a Humanoid at the moment you target it with the Mind Seed power is affected normally, and changing the creature back into a dragon does not reverse the effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auerkan View Post
    Q 124c

    Not related to original question, but instead to 124b. Will a corpse under Shrink Item - Permanency retain the effect once raised as undead, and if so, what size would be creature of initial Colossal or Medium size?
    A 124c

    Weirdly, yes.

    Strangely enough, I think the aforementioned rule from the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, as well as all the rules I can find on pages 171 and 172 of the PLAYER'S HANDBOOK v. 3.5, lead us to conclude that, yes, if you start with a shrunken corpse, then you create a shrunken Undead creature. If you don't want this to happen, then you should first dispel the Permanency spell and then use the corpse to create an Undead creature.

    According to the description of the Shrink Item spell, the spell's target shrinks "by four categories." However, this spell cannot affect any object whose volume is greater than two cubic feet per caster level. So you can't use this spell to shrink a Colossal corpse down to Medium size, but you can use it to shrink a Medium-sized corpse down to Fine size.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auerkan View Post
    Q 125

    Is there anything preventing projectiles from benefitting from all four types Quivers of Energy at once?
    It seems like arrow taken out of one retains the charge forever(until it is used for attack), and it does not use word "spell"/"power" anywhere in the body so it should not overwrite one effect with another.
    A malicious interpretation of my stance would claim it means arrow can benefit from two Quivers keyed to same element as well, however my counter-claim is that arrow charged with one Ice Quiver does not benefit from second because it is ALREADY dealing 1d6 extra cold damage, while same does not apply to cold-charged arrow inserted into acid Quiver.
    A 125

    One arrow cannot benefit from two or more Quivers of Energy at once.

    The problem is this. Firstly, in order for an arrow to be imbued with the power to inflict an extra 1d6 Hit Points of some kind of energy damage, it must be stored inside a Quiver of Energy "for at least 1 round before being drawn." Secondly, the arrow "loses this extra damage after it is used in an attack, or 1 round after it is drawn (whichever comes first)." So if you have already stored an arrow inside a Quiver of Cold Energy long enough to imbue it with the power to inflict Cold damage, but then you transfer it to a Quiver of Fire Energy, the arrow needs to spend one round inside the Fire Quiver to gain the power to inflict Fire damage, but during this time, it must lose its power to inflict Cold damage.

    It is possible to carry two or more Quivers of Energy at once, so that you are always prepared to shoot two or more kinds of magically imbued arrows that inflict two or more kinds of energy damage. (A quiver is not the kind of magic item that occupies a body slot.) However, each arrow can inflict only one kind of damage by itself.

    It is possible to use the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat to imbue a single magic arrow with the power to inflict more than one kind of energy damage. For example, you can craft an arrow that is both a Flaming arrow and a Frost arrow, or even an arrow that is a Flaming, Frost, Shock, and Thundering arrow. Of course, a magic arrow of this kind costs a lot more to create and has a correspondingly much higher market price.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auerkan View Post
    Q 126

    Actually, I would like to put it to completion, once and for all. I am sorry if this appeared already, but my search genuinely did not bring up anything conclusive.

    Can several castings of Extract Gift, at same CL and ability bonus magnitude, grant benefit simultaneously?
    A 126

    Every time you cast a spell, you get another chance to succeed; thus, all previous failures do become irrelevant.

    For example, you can cast the Charm Person spell once and fail, but the next time you cast the Charm Person spell, you may succeed. Your current success effectively makes your previous failure irrelevant.

    The same is true of the Entice Gift spell. (I think you meant to say "Entice Gift," right?)

    The only problem is the word "simultaneously." The only way you can cast two spells simultaneously is to use the Twin Spell feat. (Refer to page 84 of COMPLETE ARCANE v. 3.5.) This requires you to use a spell slot four levels higher than the spell that you intend to cast twice simultaneously. If one twinned spell fails but the other spell succeeds, the result is a success.
    Last edited by Duke of Urrel; 2024-05-19 at 07:18 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Urrel View Post
    A 126 I think you meant to say "Entice Gift," right?
    As a matter of fact, no, I meant Extract, which "ability bonus magnitude" points to. Necromancy Sor/Wiz 5 spell that takes some essence of the demon(no actual game effect on it) and applies it to a target creature in form of ability bonus up to half demons ability modifier or CL/4, whichever is lower.

    As alternative I am willing to accept judgement on (Greater) Bestow Curse, Ruin Delvers Fortune or un-augmented Animal Affinity also aimed at different abilities/saves(as appropriate), since the gist is about the same.

    This is a long-living debate, and I am not against opening a separate thread dedicated to it if it means there is a definite answer either way, since nothing I could find makes it final enough for me.

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    After 8 years of DMing I suddenly ask myself:
    When a monster entry gives you the treasure value (none/standart/double)
    Does that include what the creature might carry in gear?

    Like if a giant has a treasure value of 4k GP. I can then create treasure up to that value. Gold, art, potions, gear, other....
    But do I also have to give out the gear he is wearing? Armor, weapons, rings....? Which are sometimes not really listed.
    For example, I can calculate through if the club of a giant is a magical weapon or not or what kind of armor he is wearing, but in other examples (usually pre written adventures) it clearly states the entire gear for humanoid creatures and others.
    Last edited by Bobur; 2024-05-14 at 01:20 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #274
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    A 127

    The entries of War Troll (MM 3), 4th level Barbarian Ogre(SRD), Mind Flayer 9th level sorcerer(MM) and 7th-Level Fighter Harpy Archer(SRD) include their gear in treasure, so yes, equipment counts as part of it.

    Troll Hunter does not follow this pattern but it seems to be an exception.

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    The above question was 129; there were questions 128 and 127 on the previous page that went unanswered.

    Q 130

    A magical whip is adorned with a Lesser Crystal of Return.

    Lesser: As the least crystal, and in addition you can call the weapon (if unattended) to your hand from up to 30 feet
    away as a move action.
    As I understand it, "unattended" means "not in the grip/possession of another creature". What happen if the whip is entangled or even tied up (with a knot) to an inanimate object (for example to cross a chasm by swinging). Can the original owner still call the whip back to hand thanks to the weapon crystal, and it will magically untie itself?

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  6. - Top - End - #276
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 131:

    If I have multiple meldshaper classes, and I take levels in a prestige class that opens additional chakras, can I bind melds from both classes to those chakras?

    For example, say I'm a totemist 2/incarnate 3/ironsoul forgemaster x, and I'm using my ironsoul forgemaster levels to advance my incarnate meldshaping. When I reach ironsoul forgemaster level 4 and unlock my arms chakra, can I bind my totemist soulmelds to it?

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Ogre in the Playground
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    smile Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 132:

    Are there any (non magazine) 3.0/3.5 spells that are both reflex save and a fear effect?

  8. - Top - End - #278
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 133
    Trap the soul is a summoning spell, what would happen if the caster releases a trapped creature in conjuction with summon augmenting feats? More precisely with the beckon the frozen feat from frostburn.
    am was here

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 134

    A Sorcerer who summoned a familiar has the beast unfortunately killed. According to the rule, "A slain or dismissed familiar cannot be replaced for a year and day."

    A) If the character then gain a first level of Wizard, and thus gain the summon familiar feature again, can he summon a new familiar even if it's been less than a year since the death of the first?

    B) Even the answer to the above is "no", what if the first level of Wizard is with a variant that grants a different kind of familiar? For example Drakken Familiar (Dragon Magic), Deathwalker (gains an undead familiar), Fleshcrafter (gains a stitched flesh familiar) or Soul Reaper (gains a spiritual vassal) (all three from Dragon Magazine #312). Can he then summon immediately this new kind of familiar, even though it's been less than a year since the death of the Sorcerer's standard familiar?
    Last edited by St Fan; 2024-05-19 at 09:35 AM.

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  10. - Top - End - #280
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Pezzo View Post
    Q 133
    Trap the soul is a summoning spell, what would happen if the caster releases a trapped creature in conjuction with summon augmenting feats? More precisely with the beckon the frozen feat from frostburn.
    A 133

    The Augment Summoning feat does not affect the Trap the Soul spell.

    According to the description of the Augment Summoning feat, this feat bestows enhancement bonuses on each creature that you conjure "with any summon spell." This phrase does not refer to all spells of the Summoning subschool – which would be called summoning spells – but only to spells that have the word "summon" in their names. These include the Summon Monster spells, the Summon Nature's Ally spells, the Summon Swarm spell, and the Summon Undead spells. They don't include the Trap the Soul spell.

    The description of the Beckon the Frozen feat (from page 47 of FROSTBURN) has the same wording. It applies to any creature or creatures that you summon "using any summon spell."
    Last edited by Duke of Urrel; 2024-05-19 at 02:18 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D


    Are inherited template given traits considered racial traits?

    For example, would a character with an inherited template would lose most of the template features by going through the rite of rebirth?



    On character creation. You select a 2 hit dice race. You apply the necropolitan template on your character. It now has 1 racial hit dice.
    It says on the SRD that humanoids with 1HD trade everything for a class level... But it seems to apply to every other type since even in some other entry, they all replace their first HD with a class level. (Exemple: Aasimar, first level warrior, no RHD)

    Question is: Race with 2RHD, take necropolitan, now have only 1RHD. Can you trade if for a class level or not?
    Last edited by Condé; 2024-05-22 at 12:53 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #282
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by St Fan View Post
    Q 134

    A Sorcerer who summoned a familiar has the beast unfortunately killed. According to the rule, "A slain or dismissed familiar cannot be replaced for a year and day."

    A) If the character then gain a first level of Wizard, and thus gain the summon familiar feature again, can he summon a new familiar even if it's been less than a year since the death of the first?

    B) Even the answer to the above is "no", what if the first level of Wizard is with a variant that grants a different kind of familiar? For example Drakken Familiar (Dragon Magic), Deathwalker (gains an undead familiar), Fleshcrafter (gains a stitched flesh familiar) or Soul Reaper (gains a spiritual vassal) (all three from Dragon Magazine #312). Can he then summon immediately this new kind of familiar, even though it's been less than a year since the death of the Sorcerer's standard familiar?

    A 134 A and B

    Ask your dungeon master

    Suppose you are both a sorcerer and a wizard. When your familiar dies, do you lose it as a class feature of one of your familiar-granting classes? Or do you lose it as a character? If you lose it only as a class feature of one familiar-granting class, then adding a new level in another familiar-granting class should grant you the opportunity to gain a familiar as a feature of this class, without having to wait. But if you lose your familiar as a character, then your character must wait one year and one day, no matter how many familiar-granting classes your character has.

    There are reasons we can give for either possibility.

    Some special abilities of familiars are purely class-based. They depend not on your character level but on the number of levels that you have in "classes that grant familiars." These special abilities appear in the sidebar at the bottom of page 53 of the PLAYER'S HANDBOOK v. 3.5.

    Other, more basic features of familiars, namely Hit Dice and Hit-Point level, Base Attack Bonus, Base Save Bonuses, and skill points, depend on your character level, which includes all classes you may have, not only those that grant familiars. There is also one rule about familiars that is clearly character-based rather than class-based: "A character with more than one class that grants a familiar may have only one familiar at a time."

    So is the requirement to wait one year and one day a class-based requirement or a character-based one? I cannot say. I personally feel that this is a character-based rule and that you must wait one year and a day to replace a lost familiar, no matter how many familiar-granting classes you have.

    But I am not your dungeon master, so ... ask your dungeon master.

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Yeah, not surprised this one would not have a RAW answer.

    Q 137

    A character with a Vow of Poverty masters Wild Shaping (a likely proposition).

    The rules for Wild Shape include the one that, although you gain the Constitution score of your new form, your HP total doesn't change.

    Said character puts most of the enhancement bonus to ability scores (an Ex ability) gained from the Vow of Poverty to Constitution, thus boosting her hit points total.

    A) When Wild Shaped, her HP total being unchanged, it still includes the highest HP modifier from the enhancement bonus to Constitution, right?

    B) On the other hand, these enhancement bonuses coming from a feat, they still apply and are added to the physical scores of the new form, including Constitution, correct?

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  14. - Top - End - #284
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    A 135

    It may be up to DM, because, in general, Templates aren't Races - but, for example, Races of Faerûn, in the "Chapter 9: Minor Races", includes such Templates as Lycanthropes, Shades, and a Tainted Ones (the latter two aren't even inherited Templates!)

    Also, some Templates give bonuses(/penalties) with the "racial" type; thus, even if the whole Template wouldn't be considered a Race - those bonuses may be removed specifically

    A 136

    It's unclear: at some tables, it would be required to regain racial HD (since RAW for Ritual of Crucimigration don't say it can't be regained)

  15. - Top - End - #285
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by St Fan View Post
    Q 137

    A character with a Vow of Poverty masters Wild Shaping (a likely proposition).

    The rules for Wild Shape include the one that, although you gain the Constitution score of your new form, your HP total doesn't change.

    Said character puts most of the enhancement bonus to ability scores (an Ex ability) gained from the Vow of Poverty to Constitution, thus boosting her hit points total.

    A) When Wild Shaped, her HP total being unchanged, it still includes the highest HP modifier from the enhancement bonus to Constitution, right?

    A 137 A

    Right. Your Hit Point total remains unchanged.

    Quote Originally Posted by St Fan View Post
    B) On the other hand, these enhancement bonuses coming from a feat, they still apply and are added to the physical scores of the new form, including Constitution, correct?

    A 137 B

    Ask your dungeon master.

    The supernatural Wild Shape class feature mostly follows the rules of the supernatural Alternate Form ability, which is described on page 305 of the MONSTER MANUAL v. 3.5 (2012). Here are the relevant bits.

    The creature loses the natural weapons, natural armor, and movement modes of its original form, as well as any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class feature).
    The creature gains the natural weapons, natural armor, movement modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its new form.
    The creature retains the special qualities of its original form. It does not gain any special qualities of its new form.
    The creature gains the physical ability scores (Str, Dex, Con) of its new form. It retains the mental ability scores (Int, Wis, Cha) of its original form.
    Except as described elsewhere, the creature retains all other game statistics of its original form, including but not necessarily limited to HD, hit points, skill ranks, feats, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses.
    On the one hand, while you use the Wild Shape ability, you gain the physical ability scores (Str, Dex, Con) of your new form. On the other hand, you also retain the special qualities of your original form, as well as all of your feats.

    But what happens if a feat – which you should retain – enhances an ability score – which you also should replace with that of the target form? What happens if a feat – which you should retain – enhances your natural armor – which you also should replace with that of the target form?

    We can make judgement calls either way, I think.

    The simpler judgement call is to say that replacing an ability score or a physical quality (such as natural armor) simply means to replace the whole thing, including all modifications (except for effects of ongoing magic, which persist).

    The more complex judgement call is to split up attributes such as natural armor and ability scores into their components, so that any component of any attribute bestowed by a feat, as well as “all other game statistics of [your] original form,” must be retained, unless the rules specify otherwise.

    The more complex judgement is usually more advantageous to you as a Wild Shaper, except that it also requires you to retain ability drain and aging penalties to your physical ability scores while you are in a Wild Shape. (In contrast, if you accept the simple judgement call and require ability scores, in one piece, to be replaced by those of the target form, ability drain and aging penalties are simply wiped away).
    Last edited by Duke of Urrel; 2024-05-23 at 08:20 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #286
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Urrel View Post
    On the one hand, while you use the Wild Shape ability, you gain the physical ability scores (Str, Dex, Con) of your new form. On the other hand, you also retain the special qualities of your original form, as well as all of your feats.
    Anything marked as (Ex), (Sp), or (Su) is a special ability. Special abilities can be either special attacks (any offensive ability that can be used to harm or hinder something) or special qualities (defenses, vulnerabilities, and other abilities which are not a form of attack). The Monster Manual also calls special qualities a catch-all category for anything that a creature might have that doesn't logically belong anywhere else.
    You retain all special qualities, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of your original form when using the alternate form ability. The only thing you're passing up on is extraordinary attacks, except those granted by class levels. Since a bonus to ability scores is not a form of attack, it would be perfectly reasonable to say that your base ability scores change to match the base form and anything that would grant a bonus to an ability score is retained and applies to the new base score.
    "Technically correct" is the best kind of correct.

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Thanks for the insight.

    Q 138

    To take a feat, you need to meet its prerequisites.
    The Martial Study feat (Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords) has a blank in the prerequisite entry.

    However, in the text it specifies you must meet the prerequisite of the chosen martial maneuver, and that if you don't have martial adept levels, your initiator level is equal to 1/2 your character level.

    A) Can you take the Martial Study feat (gaining the key skill of the discipline as a class skill) even if your initiator level is too low to normally select the chosen martial maneuver as a martial adept (for example at level 1, where your effective initiator level is 0)?

    B) Can you use the selected martial maneuver if your initiator level is below what a martial adept would need to select it? (The RAI answer is certainly "NO!", but I'm unclear on the RAW...).

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  18. - Top - End - #288
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D


    Would having the Threefold Mask Of The Chimera soulmeld binded to your totem be considered as extra heads for the multiheaded template? (Then allowing you to use special attacks with them too.)

    Spoiler: From Savage Species & Magic of Incarnum
    Quote Originally Posted by Multiheaded Template
    Special Attacks: If the base creature has a breath weapon, the extra heads also have breath weapons. All weapons activate on the same round but can aim in different directions. This rule also applies if the base creature has a spit, spray, ray, or cone attack, so long as that attack comes from the head. A multiheaded creature does not gain extra gaze attacks, fear auras, and the like for its additional heads.
    Quote Originally Posted by Threefold Mask Of The Chimera Chakra bind totem
    Chakra Bind (Totem)
    Your threefold mask is no longer just a mask—your head branches into the three monstrous heads of a chimera. Three pairs of eyes look out on the world at once, three heads direct your actions, and three sets of savage jaws slaver for prey. (Flavor text)

    You can use the heads of your threefold mask to make natural attacks. The dragon head bites for 1d8 points of damage, the lion head bites for 1d6 points of damage, and the goat head gores for 1d6 points of damage. As a standard action, you can attack with any one of these heads, applying your full Strength modifier as a bonus on your damage roll. As a full attack action, you can attack with all three heads, applying your full Strength modifier on all three damage rolls. Alternatively, as part of a full attack, you can make a secondary attack with all of the heads at a –5 penalty, applying only one-half your Strength modifier as a bonus on your damage roll.(the Multiattack feat can reduce this penalty)
    Last edited by Condé; 2024-05-27 at 10:08 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Ogre in the Playground
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    smile Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    RAW this works, although clearly it was intended to refer to the extra heads granted by the template.


    Quote Originally Posted by RotD p. 15
    A tarnished dragonborn feels her skin crack, peel, and slough off. Her limbs twist, and her form distorts. This painful process of transformation reversal lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Hit Dice and deals 2d6 points of damage per round. At the end of this change, regardless of whether she survives, the dragonborn returns to her original race and form
    This doesn't mention any of the feat swaps that can happen when you become a dragonborn, so presumably those stay?

  20. - Top - End - #290
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 141

    Does the Subduing Strike feat (Book of Exalted Deeds) work with natural attacks? (For example, with a character using Wild Shape...)

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  21. - Top - End - #291
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 142
    Does immunity to paralysis protect from freezing glance?

  22. - Top - End - #292
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 143

    If something gives bonus to ability checks (either for all abilities, or for specific ability) - would it also grant bonus on skill checks?

    Q 144

    If monster inflicts Energy Drain with a Slam - can it also inflict it with a touch attack?

    Q 145

    So, wielding a (very) big weapon is a classical for D&D warriors (especially since 3.5 changes)
    But, besides the obvious mechanical benefits, bigger weapons just look cool
    While rules don't forbid to customize items for no actual bonus - DM still can say something like "it's too big for your size category"
    So, while thinking about how to make weapon bigger (without slipping into the next size category), I got it: since Intelligent Items are creatures - there may be some ways to apply Powerful Build
    Except - what mechanical effects it may have:
    -wouldn't such weapon weight more than "usually"?
    -wouldn't it do more damage? (If yes - how much?)
    -wouldn't it require "something extra" to wield it (like EWP, or other additional prerequisite)?

  23. - Top - End - #293
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    A 143:
    Ability checks and skill checks are different. Most things that give a bonus to ability checks will also say that they give the same bonus to skill checks, but there's no reason that has to be the case.

    A 145:
    If an intelligent weapon somehow ended up with the Powerful Build ability, it would increase the size of weapons that that weapon could wield. Which would almost always be irrelevant, because weapons generally can't wield other weapons at all (though, this being D&D, I'm sure someone could come up with some way to make it happen). The Powerful Build ability itself does not imply a size change. Most creatures that have that ability are on the high end of their size category, but that's a separate trait of those creatures.
    Time travels in divers paces with divers persons.
    As You Like It, III:ii:328

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  24. - Top - End - #294
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Urrel View Post
    A 124c

    Weirdly, yes.

    Strangely enough, I think the aforementioned rule from the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, as well as all the rules I can find on pages 171 and 172 of the PLAYER'S HANDBOOK v. 3.5, lead us to conclude that, yes, if you start with a shrunken corpse, then you create a shrunken Undead creature. If you don't want this to happen, then you should first dispel the Permanency spell and then use the corpse to create an Undead creature.

    According to the description of the Shrink Item spell, the spell's target shrinks "by four categories." However, this spell cannot affect any object whose volume is greater than two cubic feet per caster level. So you can't use this spell to shrink a Colossal corpse down to Medium size, but you can use it to shrink a Medium-sized corpse down to Fine size.
    Effects become irrelevant when the parameters of a spell are no longer met. Not to mention the skeleton and zombie templates use the base creature's size. So even if we say that changing an object into a creature does not make shrink item irrelevant, according to the stacking rules them gaining the templates would make the spell irrelevant.

  25. - Top - End - #295
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
    A 143:
    Ability checks and skill checks are different. Most things that give a bonus to ability checks will also say that they give the same bonus to skill checks, but there's no reason that has to be the case.
    This is correct, it essentially depends on the wording; for example:

    Q 146
    The Nymph's Kiss feat specifies, "You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related checks".

    Am I right to assume this one implies both Charisma-based skills, as well as other Charisma checks (like Wild Empathy)?

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  26. - Top - End - #296
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by St Fan View Post
    Q 146
    The Nymph's Kiss feat specifies, "You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related checks".

    Am I right to assume this one implies both Charisma-based skills, as well as other Charisma checks (like Wild Empathy)?
    Mostly yes.

    Although I would not suggest that Wild Empathy is not a "Charisma check" (although it is "Charisma-based" and "Charisma-related").
    (He/him or they/them)

  27. - Top - End - #297
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by St Fan View Post
    Q 141

    Does the Subduing Strike feat (Book of Exalted Deeds) work with natural attacks? (For example, with a character using Wild Shape...)
    A 141
    I don't know if any ranged natural weapons exist, but as long as the natural attack is performed with a melee natural weapon, the feat can be used with that attack.

    Q 147
    The multiweapon fighting feat replaces the two weapon fighting feat for creatures with more than 2 arms, and requires 3 hands or more.
    The two weapon fighting feat does not replace the multiweapon fighting feat for creatures with 2 or less arms.
    A human with two weapon fighting under the spell girallon's blessing has it's feat replaced, when the spell ends he no longer meets the prerequisite, does he need to take the two weapon fighting feat again if he wants to fight with 2 weapons with reduced penalties without extra limbs?
    am was here

  28. - Top - End - #298
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Pezzo View Post
    Q 147
    The multiweapon fighting feat replaces the two weapon fighting feat for creatures with more than 2 arms, and requires 3 hands or more.
    The two weapon fighting feat does not replace the multiweapon fighting feat for creatures with 2 or less arms.
    A human with two weapon fighting under the spell girallon's blessing has it's feat replaced, when the spell ends he no longer meets the prerequisite, does he need to take the two weapon fighting feat again if he wants to fight with 2 weapons with reduced penalties without extra limbs?
    A 147

    If you no longer have more than 2 arms then the feat no longer replaces your TWF feat.

  29. - Top - End - #299
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Quote Originally Posted by Pezzo View Post
    A 141
    I don't know if any ranged natural weapons exist, but as long as the natural attack is performed with a melee natural weapon, the feat can be used with that attack.
    A manticore's volley of spike would count as a ranged natural weapon, but they are indeed quite rare. Thanks.

    Q 148

    A wildshaped character normally keeps her mental stats while transformed. However...

    Quote Originally Posted by SRD
    Madness (Ex)
    Derro use their Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of their Wisdom modifier, and have immunity to confusion and insanity effects. A derro cannot be restored to sanity by any means short of a miracle or wish spell.

    *The racial madness of the derro provides a +6 bonus to their Charisma scores and a -6 penalty to their Wisdom scores. A derro restored to sanity gains 6 points of Wisdom and loses 6 points of Charisma.
    Would a Master of Many Forms of at least 7th level (thus able to take a Monstrous Humanoid shape and gain all the extraordinary abilities of the new form) wildshaping into a Derro get to modify her normal Wisdom and Charisma scores by the -6 and +6 adjustment from the Derro's racial madness?

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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  30. - Top - End - #300
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 149

    All monsters are given scores for grapple checks, which can be high for big and strong monsters, so it's obvious you don't need a humanoid shape for grappling. However...

    A) If a wild-shaped character initiate grappling while in a non-humanoid form, does she still gain the usual advantages for the Improved Grapple feat, and/or other martial arts enhancing grappling?

    B) Is the damage for grappling still the unarmed strike damage from the character, even though she's not in humanoid form (and thus unable to make normal unarmed strikes)? If yes, is the damage modified by the size of the wild-shaped form?

    DM: At the end of the meal, the innkeeper is bringing you the cheese plate. Roll for initiative.
    PC: Excuse me, what?
    DM: I said, roll for initiative. They like their cheese really ripe in these parts. They have the ooze type.

    "Excuse me, but... is it a GOOD or a BAD thing when the DM can't help bursting into laughter every time he hears the phrase 'level-appropriate encounter'? No, just curious..."

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