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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Welcome one and all to the Forty-Fifth round of Zinc Saucier challenge!

    Here Playgrounders come to test their skill in, so to say, making cupcakes of fish or T-bone steak of green beans.

    What exactly do you need to do? To make a build that has the same abilities, look and feel as the Secret Ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

    This time I want to see jack-of-all-trades. I'm asking you make Factotum base class from Dungeonscape.

    Our challengers will have about 1 month to build a complete build up to Effective Character Level 20 using a 32 point buy and all official WotC D&D 3.5 materials (excluding Dragon Magazine, but including any WotC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of a Rimefire Witch without actually being it.

    Entries must be submitted by Friday, 00:00 (12:00 am) GMT, April 26, 2024. As usual, please submit your entries via private message to the chairman. Extensions are available.
    Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

    Judges will then have as many time as they needed to post scores for all dishes.

    Contestants will be judged and awarded a score of 1 through 5 in each of 4 categories:
    • Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc.)
    • Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
    • Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e. not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavor for power or using flaws)
    • Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

    To standardize Entries, please use this format when sending it in:

    PM: loky1109
    Subject: Zinc Saucier 45, Name of your Entry

    For revisions and disputes, do the same thing. It makes it easier for me finding the entries in my mail box.

    If you have questions about the contest that feel inappropriate to ask in the main thread, please PM me with "Zinc Saucier 45 Questions". Keep in mind that I am not a judge, and so questions about how acceptable X or Y might be to judges will get (at best) a guess on my part due to my somewhat limited familiarity with the competitive community.

    Recommended style is as the spoilers below. The end of the second post has a link to a Google Sheet that helps show the layout, if that will help you with planning out your build.

    Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
    1st New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    2nd New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    3rd New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    4th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    5th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    6th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    7th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    8th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    9th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    10th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    11th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    12th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    13th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    14th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    15th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    16th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    17th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    18th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    19th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities
    20th New Class Level +x +x +x +x Skills Feats New Class Abilities

    Code immediately below (spoiler).
    [table="class: head alt1 alt2"]
    [td][B]Base Attack Bonus[/B][/td]
    [td][B]Fort Save[/B][/td]
    [td][B]Ref Save[/B][/td]
    [td][B]Will Save[/B][/td]
    [td][B]Class Features[/B][/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]
    [td]New Class Level[/td]
    [td]New Class Abilities[/td]

    For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)
    Spells per Day/Spells Known
    Level 0lvl 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
    1st - - - - - - - - - -
    2nd - - - - - - - - - -
    3rd - - - - - - - - - -
    4th - - - - - - - - - -
    5th - - - - - - - - - -
    6th - - - - - - - - - -
    7th - - - - - - - - - -
    8th - - - - - - - - - -
    9th - - - - - - - - - -
    10th - - - - - - - - - -
    11th - - - - - - - - - -
    12th - - - - - - - - - -
    13th - - - - - - - - - -
    14th - - - - - - - - - -
    15th - - - - - - - - - -
    16th - - - - - - - - - -
    17th - - - - - - - - - -
    18th - - - - - - - - - -
    19th - - - - - - - - - -
    20th - - - - - - - - - -
    Code immediately below (spoiler)
    [B]Spells per Day/Spells Known[/B]
    [table="class: head alt1 alt2"]

    Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others. Similarly, please try to refrain from speculating on possible builds too much even if you don't intend to use them yourself.

    This competition is inspired by the Playground Iron Chef Competitions and uses mostly identical rules.
    Last edited by loky1109; 2024-04-24 at 04:36 PM.
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2023

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I've had an idea -- I'm in to cook once I finish my Junkyard Wars entry.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Inevitability's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I'm sure I'll be able to get something in.
    Creator of the LA-assignment thread.

    Join the new Junkyard Wars round and build with Cloaked Dancer and a companion creature!

    Interested in judging a build competition on the 3.5 forums but not sure where to begin? Check out the judging handbook!

    Extended signature!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Round section.
    Q: TBD

    Q: How the heck do I even do this?
    A: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to select a combination of race, templates, classes, alternate class features, prestige classes, skills, and feats, meld them into a single character that progresses from ECL 1 to ECL 20, that is as close as possible to the secret ingredient as possible in look, feel, class/race features. How you do it is up to you, I recommend you read previous competitions if you are interested in seeing how others have done it before you. Capture the essence!

    Q: Is Dragon Compendium Allowed?
    A: Yes (as well as its Errata), but individual issues of Dragon Magazine are not.

    Q: What about 3.0 materials?
    A: 3.0 materials, whether online or in printed form, are allowed unless they've been officially updated to a 3.5 edition. Here's a guide to most of what has and hasn't been updated. I strongly dislike how WotC "updated" Master of Chains, Master Samurai and Weapon Master and you are free to use 3.0 version of them. It's specific exception.
    NB: Official Errata and 3.5 updates to 3.0 content are considered valid regardless of whether their sources would otherwise be legal. This includes the 3.5 update of Oriental Adventures given in Dragon Magazine #318, and the 3.5 updates of Dragonlance Campaign Setting content given in later third party Dragonlance books.

    Q: Are Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, Diablo II, or Kingdoms of Kalamar allowable sources?
    A: The Dragonlance Campaign Setting is allowed, but the subsequent books for Dragonlance are considered 3rd party, and are therefore not eligible, despite the "WotC approved" status of those books. The same holds for Oriental Adventures (1st party) and the subsequent Rokugan books (3rd party). Both Diablo II books are allowed. Materials from Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, and Kingdoms of Kalamar are considered 3rd party for purposes of this contest, and are therefore not allowed.

    Q: What about online sources in general?
    A: If the online source is a) published by WotC, and b) not replaced by an updated version at a later time, it is eligible. Use it, link it.
    I know at this moment WotC archive is shut down. You can use archive copy currently accessible via the Wayback Machine.

    Q: Where's the line drawn with "acceptable/unacceptable" for Unearthed Arcana?
    A: A few specific things are explicitly acceptable. The elemental/environmental races, spelltouched feats, variant character classes, specialist wizard variants, whirling frenzy, aspect of nature, and racial paragon classes are legal. Item Familiars and Gestalt have always been verboten. Use of flaws to take free feats is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category (penalty for use of flaws for some other reasons is up to judges). Traits are -0.5 each. Alternate spell systems, alternate skill systems and alternate crafting rules all create an uneven playing field, and as such, will be disallowed. In a similar vein, LA buyoff and fractional BAB are also disallowed. Bloodlines and the Retraining options presented in the PHB2 are ripe for abuse, and will be strongly discouraged as long as I am Chairman. Note that judges are allowed to look askance at any use of Unearthed Arcana not specifically mentioned above, at their discretion, and otherwise penalize Elegance according to their preference.

    Q: What, exactly, does the ban on Leadership mean?
    A: As folks have started to try to work around the edges of this one, I'm forced to spell it out more plainly. No Leadership, Draconic Cohort, or Feats that grant a similar ability are allowed EXCEPT Wild Cohort. Any PrC you choose with Leadership or a Leadership-analog has that ability entirely ignored for this contest, as it may neither be used nor traded away via any means whatsoever.
    However, Leadership may be taken to qualify for another feat or class (such as the Great Captain feat or Legendary Leader prestige class), though a character still doesn't get its usual benefit in those cases. This is to allow characters to access unproblematic material that'd otherwise be made unavailable because of the Leadership ban.

    Q: What's the minimum score in a category?
    A: Assuming an entry is legal, the minimum score in any category is 1. If a judge is convinced that an entry is mechanically illegal by the RAW, the judge may give the build a score of 0 in Elegance, and proceed to judge the entry as if the offending material was not included. Failing to meet a special requirement for a prestige class does not merit a 0, but may qualify for a penalty, at the judge's discretion. Because this contest focuses on Player Characters, an entry that is not technically allowed for a PC, but is viable as an NPC, counts as a legal entry, but may receive a minimum score at the judges' discretion.

    Q: Creatures and templates with no listed LA are playable, right?
    A: No. No listed LA is equivalent to LA: -. It is not suitable for PCs. If you use it, expect judges to look extremely disfavorably on it.

    Q: So what's the deal with equipment, anyway?
    A: There is no official policy on how much equipment you should list. Historically, judges have frowned upon "item dependent" builds, but unfortunately the definition of that has been applied to mean anything from builds that don't function if you remove one very specific item, to builds that so much as mention a particular weapon. Builds that don't list gear should be assumed to buy useful generics - items to boost their primary stats, cloaks of resistance, appropriate magical weapons and armor, and so forth. If a build would find particular items useful, they should be listed, but experience suggests that the more generic you keep them, the more favorably judges are likely to look upon them, as a build being shut down because the Thundering Bagpipes of Urist McTrumpetbritches were unavailable is considered a weakness. Similarly, requiring items in order to be able to qualify for things tends to be frowned upon.

    Q: Do you have any other rules and guidelines on how to judge?
    A: We do, actually, designed to try and avoid unpleasantness we've encountered in past contests. The things we've come up with to avoid repeating this are given below.

    One Mistake, One Penalty
    Spoiler: What does this mean?

    Judges are only allowed to penalize once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

    Non-exhaustive list of examples:

    • Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
    • Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
    • Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

    Not allowed:
    • Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation

    • Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
    • Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
    • Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalizing for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

    Not Allowed:
    • "Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
    • Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

    Other general things that are no longer allowed:
    • Penalizing because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
    • Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalize if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.
    • Please don't base your scores off the scores of another judge.

    Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.

    And some competition specific moments.
    • Since the goal is to emulate the Secret Ingredient, achieving much higher power than the Secret Ingredient is capable of is overkill and should be marked accordingly. Likewise if the build cannot match the power of the Secret Ingredient it should be marked accordingly. Individual judges can decide how much is too much, as each judge will have different tastes. The goal here is to prevent all entries being Wizard 20 because "they do it better."
    • For creature-SI rounds just polymorphing into SI isn't enough. Of course shape changing magic isn't banned, but using such straightforward approach should be penalized in the Innovation part.

    Q: Do you have any contest house rules or clarifications to ambiguous rules?
    A: Some that have come up in previous contests and needed answers to:
    • All creatures are proficient with any natural weapons they may have or acquire.
    • Bonus feats that are granted even if you do not meet the prerequisites do not require you to meet the prerequisites in order to use.
    • Able Learner's benefit applies to the level you take it.
    • Weapons from soulmelds are considered to be magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR.
    • Unarmed Swordsage grants Improved Unarmed Strike at level 1.
    • Not finishing Savage Progression is subject to a penalty to Elegance
    • One dispute per entry. Submit disputes by PM to the Chair.
      NB: If you just don't understand what did judge mean you are free to ask (also by PM to the Chair). It isn't count as dispute.
    • Ghostwalk ghost is banned
    • Gold, silver, and bronze are awarded regardless of ties (e.g., 2 silvers does not preclude bronze)
    • Spelltouched feats are legal and can be taken just like any other feat when you meet the prerequisites and have the feat slot available.
    • The Variant Classes in Unearthed Arcana are considered ACFs.

    Q: Can I submit more than one entry?
    A: You may submit up to two entries into a given competition.

    Q: Can I make edits or revisions to my submission?
    A: As long as it is before the dishes have been posted in the reveal, you are welcome to revise or make edits to your entry. Please do so by sending a new PM with the changes incorporated.

    Q: What is the chair's stance on builds with an "adaptation/variants" section?
    A: If chefs have adaptations or variations on the build they want to present, they are strongly encouraged to put them together in a single section in the entry writeup. If you have a large enough variation, consider something like this linked build which presents two similar concepts to be judged separately.
    In a build where major adaptations or variants are presented that would alter the score, judges are free to score the entry based only on the "central" or "main" build.

    Links amusement/edification:
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I was sure I posted FAQ post, but actually I just updated FAQ post in previous round. It was late night...
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
    dysprosium's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    the periodic table

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I hope this round of Zinc Saucier goes better then when I chaired the same ingredient in December 2014.

    OMG was that really almost ten years ago now?

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
    Inevitability's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Quote Originally Posted by dysprosium View Post
    I hope this round of Zinc Saucier goes better then when I chaired the same ingredient in December 2014.

    OMG was that really almost ten years ago now?
    The history of this place is something else: it just keeps astounding me just how many people and traditions have stuck around on these forums for all the time this place has been around.

    Speaking of which: the last build competition listed in your sig (JW X) is the first one I ever participated in! Just thought that was a fun coincidence to point out.
    Creator of the LA-assignment thread.

    Join the new Junkyard Wars round and build with Cloaked Dancer and a companion creature!

    Interested in judging a build competition on the 3.5 forums but not sure where to begin? Check out the judging handbook!

    Extended signature!

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Quote Originally Posted by dysprosium View Post
    I hope this round of Zinc Saucier goes better then when I chaired the same ingredient in December 2014.

    OMG was that really almost ten years ago now?
    You always could made entry this time, since you didn’t get a chance previous time. I'm sure, you had some build concept in mind ten years ago, didn't you?
    Last edited by loky1109; 2024-03-26 at 06:11 PM.
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Two weeks till deadline.
    How you doing folks?
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
    Inevitability's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Quote Originally Posted by loky1109 View Post
    Two weeks till deadline.
    How you doing folks?
    Same as always; lots of ideas, no idea how to make them work coherently.

    We'll see if something usable falls out, I suppose.
    Creator of the LA-assignment thread.

    Join the new Junkyard Wars round and build with Cloaked Dancer and a companion creature!

    Interested in judging a build competition on the 3.5 forums but not sure where to begin? Check out the judging handbook!

    Extended signature!

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Quote Originally Posted by loky1109 View Post
    Two weeks till deadline.
    How you doing folks?
    Hadn't even started. But I think I might have something cooking.
    My Avatar is Glimtwizzle, a Gnomish Fighter/Illusionist by Cuthalion.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2023

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I’m making decent progress on my entry. I should have it in by the deadline.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Two days till deadline and my inbox is empty.
    Do you need extension?
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
    Inevitability's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I've got one entry almost complete but I also have a second idea and an extension for that would be appreciated.
    Creator of the LA-assignment thread.

    Join the new Junkyard Wars round and build with Cloaked Dancer and a companion creature!

    Interested in judging a build competition on the 3.5 forums but not sure where to begin? Check out the judging handbook!

    Extended signature!

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2023

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I should be home to get my idea in before the original deadline, but I certainly wouldn’t complain about an extension to polish it.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Okay! I'll give you 5 more days.
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I for some reason thought 12:00 am April 26 is midnight between 26 and 27...

    Okay. I'm starting to post entries. Please don't post until I'll say it's done.
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    First entry.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Golden Hippo
    The Golden Hippopotamus

    LE Glimmerskin Halfling Cloistered Cleric of Tem-Et-Nu 1 / Hit-And-Run Fighter 1 / Halfling Monk 1 / Bonus Feat Rogue 2 / Assassin 1 / Unseen Seer 5 / Demonwrecker Arcane 1 / Master Thrower 5 / Unseen Seer +3

    Spoiler: Backstory
    Most know the Hippo only as a peaceful healer-priest, a man of small means and great generosity tending to a small riverside shrine, famed for his knowledge into most any ailment and his quickness of mind in deducing cures. And once, that was true.

    But one night, a beast rose from the river. It was enormous, smooth-skinned and wide-mawed, eyes bloodshot as it trampled through the temple door. Its massive jaws grasped an ill man ensconced there, and with the barest of efforts dragged him into the river, where the pair forever disappeared. The halfling was powerless to do anything.

    The halfling priest cried in despair, wept for the dead man, hurled insults at the river from the safety of the shore. But then, gurgling from an eddy, a voice responded. It declared the taken man had been a river pirate, a crook, a crude despoiler of this life-giving vein. His injuries were not to be healed, and any life he was given would have been spent at the expense of others.

    What right did this river-god have to make that choice, the future assassin demanded to know. How did her will trump that of a healer?

    Well, the eddy spoke. Was it not by the river's hand that healing was at all possible? With what water had this man's wounds been cleaned? Where swum the fish that fed him? How had the scalpels, salves, and restorative herbs found their way to this shrine? And if bandits attacked, how would the pharaoh's saving troops arrive?

    At these words, the halfling fell down to his knees and wept, for he saw their truth. And ever since, he served his new goddess faithfully, healing those she deemed worthy and slaying all who were not, for if the river brought all life, it could bring what death it wished as well. Taking his goddess' sacred beast as a crest, the Golden Hippo trained mind and body and in time became a frightful force, feared from deep inland to the delta's furthest reaches.

    At last, the halfling grew old and died. But his soul found itself retrieved by a group of devils that just happened to have heard of him. The fiends praised its vigilance in hunting down oathbreakers and lily-livers. They took it down the Styx, greatest of all rivers, and granted it the highest honor of an afterlife spent fighting demons. And indeed, if you find yourself sailing through the lower planes, know that your passage is the least bit safer thanks to the Golden Hippo's work!

    Spoiler: Build
    Stats: 12 STR / 14 DEX / 14 CON / 14 INT / 14 WIS / 12 CHA
    Halfling: +2 dex, -2 str
    Final: 10 STR / 16 DEX / 14 CON / 18 INT / 15 WIS / 12 CHA

    Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
    1st Cloistered Cleric of Tem-Et-Nu +0 +2 +0 +2 Concentration 4, Decipher Script 1, Disguise 2cc, Heal 4, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, Search 2cc, Spellcraft 4, Spot 2cc Heretic of the Faith (Knowledge -> Healing, Kama -> Shuriken), Weapon Focus (Shuriken)B, Travel DevotionB, Healing DevotionB Lore, Spellcasting, Rebuke Undead, Domains (Healing, War, Travel)
    2nd Hit-And-Run Fighter 1 +1 +4 +0 +2 Concentration 4, Decipher Script 1, Disguise 2, Heal 4, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, Search 2, Spellcraft 4, Spot +2cc (4) Point-Blank ShotB Hit-And-Run Fighting
    3rd Halfling Monk 1 +1 +6 +2 +4 Concentration 4, Decipher Script 1, Disguise 2, Heal 4, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, Search 2, Sense Motive +4 (4), Spellcraft 4, Spot +2 (6) Kung-Fu Genius, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Stunning FistB Unarmed Strike, AC Bonus, Skirmish +1d6
    4th Bonus Feat Rogue 1 +1 +6 +4 +4 Concentration 4, Decipher Script 1, Disguise +2 (4), Heal 4, Hide +4 (4), Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, MS +4 (4), Search 2, Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4, Spot 6 Precise ShotB Trapfinding
    5th Bonus Feat Rogue 2 +2 +6 +5 +4 Concentration 4, Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide +4 (8), Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, MS +4 (8), Search +2 (4), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4, Spot 6 Rapid ShotB Evasion
    6th Assassin 1 +2 +6 +7 +4 Concentration 4, Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, MS 8, Search +4 (8), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4, Spot +2 (8) Dragonfire Strike Death Attack, Poison Use, Sneak Attack +1d6
    7th Unseen Seer 1 +2 +6 +7 +6 Bluff +4 (4), Concentration +4 (8), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 4, MS 8, Search 8, Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4, Spot 8 - Skirmish +2d6
    8th Unseen Seer 2 +3 +6 +7 +7 Bluff +4 (8), Concentration +3 (11), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) +1 (1), Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) +1 (5), MS 8, Search 8, Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4, Spot 8 Silent SpellB Advanced Learning (Divine Insight)
    9th Unseen Seer 3 +4 +7 +8 +7 Bluff +4 (12), Concentration +1 (12), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search +4 (12), Sense Motive 4, Spellcraft 4, Spot 8 Spell Penetration Divination Spell Power +1
    10th Unseen Seer 4 +5 +7 +8 +8 Bluff +1 (13), Concentration +1 (13), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search +1 (13), Sense Motive 4, Sleight of Hand +3cc (3), Spellcraft 4, Spot 8 - Skirmish +3d6
    11th Unseen Seer 5 +5 +7 +8 +8 Bluff +1 (14), Concentration +1 (14), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search +1 (14), Sense Motive +6 (10), Sleight of Hand 3, Spellcraft 4, Spot 8 - Advanced Learning (Hunter's Eye), Guarded Mind
    12th Demonwrecker Arcane 1 +5 +7 +8 +10 Bluff 14, Concentration +1 (15), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search 14, Sense Motive +1 (11), Sleight of Hand +1cc (4), Spellcraft +1 (5), Spot 8 Searing Spell Breach Spell Resistance, Spell Smite 1/day
    13th Master Thrower 1 +6 +7 +10 +10 Bluff +2 (16), Concentration 15, Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search 14, Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand +3 (7), Spellcraft 5, Spot 8 Quick DrawB Thrown Weapon Trick (Palm Throw)
    14th Master Thrower 2 +7 +7 +11 +10 Bluff +1 (17), Concentration +2 (17), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search 14, Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand +2 (9), Spellcraft 5, Spot 8 - Improved Evasion
    15th Master Thrower 3 +8 +8 +11 +11 Bluff +1 (18), Concentration +1 (18), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search 14, Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand +3 (12), Spellcraft 5, Spot 8 Stunning Master Thrown Weapon Trick (Defensive Throw)
    16th Master Thrower 4 +9 +8 +12 +11 Bluff +1 (19), Concentration +1 (19), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search 14, Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand +3 (15), Spellcraft 5, Spot 8 Snatch ArrowsB -
    17th Master Thrower 5 +10 +8 +12 +11 Bluff +1 (20), Concentration +1 (20), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search 14, Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand +3 (18), Spellcraft 5, Spot 8 Improved Critical (Shuriken) Thrown Weapon Trick (Weak Spot)
    18th Unseen Seer 6 +11 +9 +13 +12 Bluff +1 (21), Concentration +1 (21), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search +3 (17), Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand 18, Spellcraft 5, Spot +4 (12) Scramble Divination Spell Power +2
    19th Unseen Seer 7 +12 +9 +13 +12 Bluff +1 (22), Concentration +1 (22), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search +3 (20), Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand 18, Spellcraft 5, Spot +4 (16) - Skirmish +4d6
    20th Unseen Seer 8 +13 +9 +13 +13 Bluff +1 (23), Concentration +1 (23), Decipher Script 1, Disguise 4, Heal 4, Hide 8, Know (arcana) 1, Know (history) 1, Know (nature) 1, Know (religion) 1, Know (the planes) 5, MS 8, Search +3 (23), Sense Motive +1 (12), Sleight of Hand 18, Spellcraft 5, Spot +4 (20) - Advanced Learning (Assay Spell Resistance)

    Spoiler: Spells
    On our cleric side, we can cast 3 cantrips, 2 first-level spells, and a 1/day Magic Weapon from our domain slot.
    On a typical day, we prepare Detect Magic three times and Ice Slick two times.

    Spells per Day
    Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
    6th 1 - - -
    7th 2 - - -
    8th 3 1 - -
    9th 4 2 - -
    10th 4 3 1 -
    11th 4 4 2 -
    12th 4 4 3 1
    18th 4 4 4 2
    19th 4 4 4 3
    20th 4 4 4 4

    Known Assassin Spells (acquired in order):
    1: Instant Search, Vigilant Slumber, Ebon Eyes, Shock and Awe
    2: Fire Shuriken, Alter Self, Swift Invisibility, Getaway + Divine Insight, Hunter's Eye
    3: Amorphous Form, Nightmare Terrain, Pall of Twilight, Vital Strike
    4: Assassin's Darkness, Mordenkainen's Trusted Bloodhound, Sniper's Eye, Shadow Phase + Assay Spell Resistance

    Spoiler: Benchmarks
    Level 5
    At this level, the basic tactic of the build is there: go first with our +5 initiative, use Travel Devotion to move as a swift action, trigger skirmish, then full attack with shuriken and deal big damage boosted by PBS and Hit-And-Run and stuff. There's some ambiguity about whether the War domain can actually grant proficiency in an exotic weapon, so just to be safe we also take a level in monk. Our saves are through the roof, and 1/day we can boost our own or an ally's by another +2 courtesy of glimmerskin halfling. Healing Devotion is a nice insurance policy (Heretic of the Faith makes resurrection. complicated).

    Stunning Fist (which I'm pretty sure counts as a 'monk special ability', what else would that line refer to) has its DC switched from wisdom to intelligence, and likewise our monk AC bonus draws on our higher stat. Another fun use of intelligence is Lore, which should help us cover random knowledge needs.

    Level 10
    Assassin into Unseen Seer is a progression I always find very satisfying, and on an intelligence-based build like this it's a perfect fit. We've got a modest DC on our death attack (free SoD is free SoD) and some Bluff and Disguise to try and set it up. Divine Insight gives us a big skill bonus whenever we need it and Divination Spell Power means it's already at +10.

    Assassin also gives us our new weapon of choice: flaming shuriken! The Fire Shuriken spell creates permanent shuriken made out of flame that we can accumulate during downtime and fling on adventuring days. They deal a solid 3d6 base fire damage, with 19-20 crit, and all the boosts regarding shuriken we already have. They're ammunition-like, so we don't even have to spend a feat on Quick Draw like other throwing builds! Our precision damage is now up to 4d6 skirmish and 2d6 sneak attack thanks to Dragonfire Strike.

    Level 15
    Searing Spell means our fire damage overreliance isn't as painful now. Master Thrower does lots of great things for us: we can throw a second shuriken with each attack (adding 3d6 more fire and a possible crit even if it doesn't carry precision damage), we can attack without provoking, and we get Improved Evasion on account of us already having regular evasion. We're also permanently protected from divinations via Unseen Seer's Guarded Mind, which together with our insane Sleight of Hand should let us conceal quite a few shuriken on our body.

    But the real trick of these levels lies in Demonwrecker. Spell Smite says: "you gain a bonus equal to your primary spellcasting ability modifier (Intelligence for wizards, or Charisma for sorcerers or bards) on your attack rolls and damage rolls" and "if this ability is used with a spell that deals damage for more than 1 round, the extra damage is dealt in each round". Use it to boost Fire Shuriken, and the created shuriken now add our intelligence to attack and damage both. And if we need even more damage, Hunter's Eye is adding 2d6 sneak attack for a round at the cost of a swift action; spells like Ice Slick can enable sneak attack if circumstances (or your fighter buddy with a bag of marbles) aren't enough.

    Or if damage isn't what we need: Stunning Master lets us apply our stunning fists via a special monk weapon aka a shuriken, and the DC scales with character level and is thus pretty respectable. Remember, a stunned enemy can be sneak attacked!

    Level 20
    Master Thrower comes with a great capstone: a fully tricked-out all-as-planned stars-align shuriken attack now looks like 3d6+4+5d6+2d6+4d6+1+3 resistance-ignoring fire damage, with a 3d6+4+1+3 attack tacked on. We get to make four of those per turn, they're all targeting touch AC, and they have a 17-20 crit range. If all that damage prompts an enemy to charge over and take us out, Scramble means that 1/day we can make a Reflex save to survive instead (again, heretic, we'd like to avoid resurrections), and Snatch Arrows means that any projectile flung at us can be turned right back on the attacker. Improved Evasion and pretty good all-around saves of +12 fortitude, +17 reflex, +16 will mean that magical effects don't do much better.

    We're a lightly armored warrior with a tricky fighting style that switches between arcane magic, divine support, and martial skill. Out of combat, we can slap +15 bonuses to arbitrary checks on short notice (a la Cunning Knowledge), roll Lore, or employ utility magic. We are highly intelligence-based, applying it to attack and damage rolls (as with Cunning Insight) as well as our Death Attack and Stunning Fist DCs and our AC bonus (equivalent to Improved Cunning Defense). We slightly imitate the save-boosting aspect of Cunning Insight with Glimmerskin Halfling's 1/day save boost. We have Trapfinding and maxed-out Search, and we have the arcane casting that Arcane Dilettante mimics.

    Cunning Strike is literally replicated by Hunter's Eye, and more abstractly by our reliance on precision damage. Brains over Brawn is hard to imitate, but note that we get +2 (half our intelligence modifier) to initiative thanks to hit-and-run fighter. We match Opportunistic Piety as close as possible with Rebuke Undead + Healing Devotion, giving us a pool of resources that can be used to heal or awe.

    Cunning Breach is imitated with Assay Spell Resistance (as well as our fire shuriken dealing energy damage and ignoring DR), and Cunning Dodge gets imitated via Scramble. I guess you could also view Snatch Arrows as the sort of no-action attack-negation that Cunning Dodge is meant to be?

    The only feature (aside from the un-imitable Cunning Brilliance) that we don't even try to imitate is Cunning Surge, though we do enough general-purpose action economy shenanigans that I don't feel we're neglecting it.

    This build originally started as me trying to do something with the prescience diviner, then I decided to work in halfling monk for the AC boost and precision damage, then I started looking at other arcane casters and switched to Wu Jen, then I decided on Fire Shuriken, and only then did I realize there was an alignment clash and I had to get that spell via assassin instead. Master Thrower was a late addition I found while looking for sources of Improved Evasion, but meshed perfectly so I didn't hesitate before adding it in. I'm remarkably pleased with how it all worked out, given how chaotic the building was!

    Spoiler: Sources
    Glimmerskin Halfling - DMagic

    Cloistered Cleric - UA (Tem-Et-Nu - Sand)
    Hit-And-Run Fighter - DotU
    Halfling Monk - RotW
    Bonus Feat Rogue - UA
    Unseen Seer - CMage
    Master Thrower - CWar
    Demonwrecker Arcane - Expedition to the Demonweb Pits

    Heretic of the Faith - Power of Faerun
    Travel+Healing Devotion - CChamp
    Kung Fu Genius - DComp
    Dragonfire Strike - DMagic
    Searing Spell - Sand Storm
    Stunning Master - Secrets of Sarlona
    Scramble - Savage Species

    Divine Insight, Assay SR, Fire Shuriken, Swift Invisibility, Instant Search, Ebon Eyes, Sniper's Eye, Shadow Phase, Shock and Awe, Amorphous Form - SComp
    Hunter's Eye - PHBII
    Vigilant Slumber, Mord. Trusted Bloodhound, Nightmare Terrain - CMage
    Getaway - Song and Silence
    Assassin's Darkness - CS
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Second entry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vesnica Pomenire
    Vesnica Pomenire, the Pure Vessel

    CG Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Fighter 1 / Paladin of Freedom 4 / Crusader 1 / Undying Vindicator 2 / Crusader +1 / Eternal Blade 10

    Spoiler: The Swordsman
    I am Vaeleth, of Aeren's people, master of the curved blade and the buckler-shield. Vaeleth, who passed away at seven hundred years of age, creator of the Cleaving Eye school, who rejected immortality and told the priests to save it for his tradition's greatest pupil. The style died before a deserving recipient emerged.

    But today, I live. I am tall and strong, sharing the body of an elf who stands as a warrior must. Fierce beasts assail us on all sides, but I worry not: my vessel is sharp and strong.

    We charge with sheathed blades, as is the proper form. Only at the last moment do we draw, lending force to our blow and catching our foe by surprise. A line of red bursts into foamy gore, a monstrous snarl gutters out, and already we are upon our next enemy. Two now approach us, but ours are the eyes and ears of elves, and their flank earns them nothing but overconfidence. A slash, another, and we stand victorious.

    At last, a worthy heir!

    Spoiler: Build
    Starting array: 15 STR, 10 DEX, 14 CON, 16 INT, 8 WIS, 14 CHA
    ASIs in Strength (4) and Intelligence (8,12,16,20)
    Final stats: 16 STR, 10 DEX, 14 CON, 20 INT, 8 WIS, 14 CHA

    Languages: Common, Elven, Giant, Draconic, Quori

    Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
    1st Elf Ranger 1 +1 +2 +2 +0 Balance +4 (4), Climb +3 (3), Concentration +4 (4), Disable Device +4 (4), Hide +4 (4), Iaijutsu Focus +4 (4), Listen +4 (4), Search +4 (4), Sense Motive +4 (4), Spot +4 (4), Tumble +4 (4), Use Rope +1 (1) Aereni Focus (Iaijutsu Focus) Elf Favored Enemy +3 (Undead), Trap Expert, Spiritual Connection, Skilled City-Dweller
    2nd Fighter 1 +2 +4 +2 +0 Balance 4, Climb 3, Concentration 4, Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (5), Intimidate +4 (4), Listen 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble 4, Use Rope 1 Quick DrawB Fighter Bonus Feat
    3rd Paladin of Freedom 1 +3 +6 +2 +0 Balance 4, Climb 3, Concentration 4, Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (6), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) +2 (2), Listen 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble +2 (6), Use Rope 1 Right of Counsel Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day, Holy Warrior, Skilled City-Dweller
    4th PoF 2 +4 +7 +2 +0 Balance 4, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (5), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (7), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) +2 (4), Listen 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (7), Use Rope 1 - Divine Grace, Lay on Hands
    5th PoF 3 +5 +7 +3 +1 Balance 4, Bluff +2 (2), Climb 3, Concentration +1 (6), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (8), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Listen 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (8), Use Rope 1 - Aura of Resolve, Divine Health
    6th PoF 4 +6 +8 +3 +1 Balance 4, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (7), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (9), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) +2 (6), Listen 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (9), Use Rope 1 Martial Study (Shadow Blade) (Cloak of Deception), Extra TurningB Turn Undead
    7th Crusader 1 +7 +10 +3 +1 Balance +1 (5), Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +3 (10), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (10), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) +2 (8), Listen 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble 9, Use Rope 1 - Furious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 5
    8th Undying Vindicator 1 +8 +10 +3 +3 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (11), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (11), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search +1cc (5), Sense Motive +1 (5), Spot 4, Tumble +2 (11), Use Rope 1 - Skilled City-Dweller
    9th Undying Vindicator 2 +9 +10 +3 +4 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (12), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (12), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search +1cc (6), Sense Motive 5, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (12), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab +2 Weapon Focus (Scimitar) Divine Recovery
    10th Crusader 2 +10 +11 +3 +4 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (13), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (13), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search +2cc (8), Sense Motive 5, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (13), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Indomitable Soul
    11th Eternal Blade 1 +11 +13 +3 +4 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (14), Diplomacy +2 (2), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (14), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive 5, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (14), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Blade Guide, Eternal Training 1/day
    12th Eternal Blade 2 +12 +14 +3 +4 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (15), Diplomacy +2 (4), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (15), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive 5, Spot 4, Tumble +1 (15), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab Ancestral Whispers Guided Strike
    13th Eternal Blade 3 +13 +14 +4 +5 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (16), Diplomacy +2 (6), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (16), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (6), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (16), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Armored Uncanny Dodge, Eternal Training 2/day
    14th Eternal Blade 4 +14 +15 +4 +5 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (17), Diplomacy +2 (8), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (17), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (7), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (17), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Eternal Knowledge (Arcana, Nature)
    15th Eternal Blade 5 +15 +15 +4 +5 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (18), Diplomacy +2 (10), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (18), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (8), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (18), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab Mercurial Strike Eternal Training 3/day
    16th Eternal Blade 6 +16 +16 +5 +6 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (19), Diplomacy +2 (12), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (19), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (9), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (19), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Defensive Insight, Eternal Knowledge (The Planes)
    17th Eternal Blade 7 +17 +16 +5 +6 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (20), Diplomacy +2 (14), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (20), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (10), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (20), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Eternal Training 4/day
    18th Eternal Blade 8 +18 +17 +5 +6 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (21), Diplomacy +2 (16), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (21), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (11), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (21), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab Martial Stance (Immortal Fortitude) Tactical Insight, Eternal Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
    19th Eternal Blade 9 +19 +17 +6 +7 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (22), Diplomacy +2 (18), Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (22), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +1 (12), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (22), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Eternal Training 5/day
    20th Eternal Blade 10 +20 +18 +6 +7 Balance 5, Bluff 2, Climb 3, Concentration +1 (23), Diplomacy 18, Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus +1 (23), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 8, Listen 4, Search 8, Sense Motive +4 (16), Spot 4, Tumble +1 (23), Use Rope 1, Acrobatic Backstab - Island in Time, Eternal Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering)

    Spoiler: The Priest
    I am Thaias, of Aeren's people. I studied at the feet of mighty deathless, learned to heal injuries of mind and body both. In time, I was chosen by the priests of transformation, and so joined their number. Alas! An assassin's knife ended my existence, and I continued on my journey.

    But today, I live. I am tall and strong, kneeling besides wounded allies. Life flows from me through calloused hands, and the comrades' breathing calms. May the Undying guard them now, as they have guarded my vessel.

    Spoiler: Maneuvers
    Maneuvers Known:
    ECL 6 (IL 3): Cloak of Deception
    ECL 7 (IL 4): Douse the Flames, Foehammer, Mountain Hammer, Shield Block, Vanguard Strike
    ECL 9 (IL 6): White Raven Tactics
    ECL 11 (IL 8): Sapphire Nightmare Blade
    ECL 13 (IL 10): Moment of Perfect Mind
    ECL 15 (IL 12): White Raven Strike
    ECL 17 (IL 14): Bounding Assault
    ECL 19 (IL 16): Diamond Defense

    Stances Known By Level Learned:
    ECL 7 (IL 4): Martial Spirit
    ECL 8 (IL 5): Assassin's Stance
    ECL 10 (IL 7): Thicket of Blades
    ECL 15 (IL 12): Press the Advantage
    ECL 18 (IL 15): Immortal Fortitude

    Spoiler: The Loremaster
    I am Iria, of Aeren's people. I ventured into the Blackwood jungle and tamed the wild apes of the eastern plains. I studied the beasts of the islands and seas, and inscribed their secrets upon scrolls of dry paper. I died before my time, brought down in the same fire that consumed all I wrote.

    But today, I live. I am tall and strong, standing aboard a large ship. Rising from the waves is a titanic beast, awoken from its benthic slumber, forgotten by the surface world. But I remember, and my vessel now does too, and without hesitance it dashes forward, aiming at a weak spot only I knew was there.

    Spoiler: Discussion
    So what are we looking at?

    On a fluff level, a devoted warrior of the deathless who channels the spirits of ancient elves to acquire their skills, martial and otherwise.
    On a mechanical level, an eternal blade that exploits the class's notable synergy with iaijutsu and manages to squeeze ruby knight vindicator in there for more reliable combat performance.
    And on a meta level, my attempt to cram as much elf-related stuff into a single PC as possible, in honor of this round's theme being factotum and the elves' noted tendency to eschew specialization - plus the little meta-joke of factotums being common Iaijutsu users in optimization

    ECL 5
    An Iaijutsu Focus modifier of +13 all but guarantees we'll get +2d6 bonus damage out of drawing a weapon, with favorable rolls taking that up to +5d6. We fight in a peculiar way: two scimitars, two bucklers, no TWF. At any given time, you're only using (or drawing) one scimitar and attacking with one hand, allowing the off-hand buckler to boost AC. You can even pack extra swords, and simply keep dropping and drawing a new off-hand blade if you find yourself faced with a flat-footed foe, while never being forced to let go of your primary weapon. Actually rendering foes flat-footed at this level is best done via marbles or a friendly wizard's Grease - or just win initiative, I guess.

    Defensively we're ahead of your typical fighter, with heavy armor, excellent Fortitude, okay reflex and will, and immunity to magical sleep and compulsions. We can find traps and do solid at disabling them, and in social encounters we bring a neat package of skills to the table while Detecting Evil all the while. Also on the SLA front, we can visit our deathless ancestor to obtain effects as strong as Heal,Dispel Evil, or Scrying, if needed.

    ECL 10
    We enter Undying Vindicator (Ruby Knight Vindicator reskinned for Eberron, because the Eberron equivalent of Wee Jas is the Undying Court, and this transfers across for PrCs too) and get the ability to expend our nine daily turn attempts to get key maneuvers back: very useful on a crusader.

    Pretty standard maneuvers, a lot of setup for our high-level payoffs (because this build is actually hitting IL 17), but note a pair of Shadow Hand techniques: Cloak of Deception gives a round of invisibility and thus flat-footed foes, while Assassin's Stance boosts our damage against our iaijutsu targets by another 2d6. Another way to get foes flat-footed is acquired in Acrobatic Backstab, which lets us turn our move action into a quick tumble that beautifully segues into a free action draw and a standard action maneuver.

    ECL 15
    Eternal Blade is giving us intelligence to attack/damage three times per day (or arbitrary maneuvers from two great lists), as well as initiating progression, uncanny dodge, and the ability to ignore DR for a turn (fixing a notable flaw in the golfbag approach to Iaijutsu Focus). Press the Advantage lets us move 10 feet without taking AoOs, freeing up a move action for manually sheathing our main weapon.

    Mercurial Strike goes great with Thicket of Blades, letting us draw and attack a foe on AoOs as well as regular hits. Rapid Counter likewise goes well with this strategy. Another source of flat-footed hits (because we didn't have enough) is White Raven Strike, readied to take place during the opponent's turn to ensure the effect remains a full round. Sapphire Nightmare blade is a plain and simple way to attack flat-footed foes as well.

    Ancestral Whispers, yet another piece of aereni elf exclusivity, lets us expend our turn attempts to roll skill checks with a +4 sacred bonus, in skills we aren't necessarily trained in, while letting us take 10. A lot of rolls now become very reliable to make: consider results of 20 on Climb or 15 on Use Rope, which we have just enough ranks to always guarantee.

    ECL 20
    We now get intelligence to AC while applying it as a penalty to our enemies' AC, we get a really strong stance that goes great with our insanely high Fortitude, we get Diamond Defense to give us an on-demand +17 saving throw bonus, and Swarming Assault lets all our allies wail on a foe we hit in melee. BAB rounds out at a perfect +20, intelligence ticks up to a +5 modifier, and skills continue to ramp up. IL hits 17, meaning we can now grab Time Stands Still via Eternal Training should the need arise.

    Anything I forgot, oh, right, just the insanely strong Island in Time, which is extra useful for us for letting us go first guaranteed, meaning we'll be attacking flat-footed targets. Plus it's a free turn every combat and I shouldn't have to explain how great that is.

    Spoiler: The Warrior
    I am Jal of Aeren's people, chosen by house Dalerenthi, warrior, tactician, slayer of cursed things, poet of some renown. Jal, who was called Sun-Bearer, who was life-leeched, who died atop a mound of formerly undead flesh.

    But today, I live. I am tall and strong, staring down a bloated dark worm from Mabar's deepest reaches, an undead thing that tries to gorge itself on life so it may avoid death - fool that it is! Time is a rushing river, in which we all are carried along. I have long learned not to claw fruitlessly at its banks: it does nothing but muddy the waters and spoil the land.

    But then, to my amazement, I watch that river recede. I and my vessel land strike after strike, a moment of perfect skill stretched out over two dozen heartbeats. Perhaps time, noting how this one warrior is two in truth, graciously grants use of twice what others would deserve. Perhaps it, too, bows to our holiest purpose. We stand unchallenged, unmoved, eternal in more than one way.

    And as the island at last crumbles, so does our foe.

    Spoiler: Comparison
    The unique traits of the factotum, and the way our build replicates them, are:

    Unlimited skill access: The most iconic use of this is the Iaijutsu Factotum, and we emulate this access to obscure skills via Aereni Focus.

    Trapfinding: We have trapfinding and just enough ranks to find DC 34 traps by taking 20.

    Cunning Insight: We can add intelligence to our attack and damage rolls via Eternal Blade. We can get a big boost to a single saving throw via Diamond Defense, and a big boost to will via Moment of Perfect Mind.

    Cunning Knowledge: Ancestral Whispers gives us boosts to arbitrary skills. The bonus is lower than with Cunning Knowledge, but we get to use trained-only skills and take 10, so in many cases it's just as good or better.

    Arcane Dilettante: We have some SLAs from our ranger and paladin levels, and we bring in higher-level magic via our access to the SLAs of deathless acquired through Right of Counsel.

    Brains over Brawn: Not much here, it's a weird ability to get, I'll just point out we have okay strength.

    Cunning Defense: Intelligence to AC against a single foe is exactly replicated by Eternal Blade.

    Cunning Strike: Switching into Assassin's Stance gives us SA.

    Opportunistic Piety: We can turn undead 9 times a day. We can heal with our paladin Lay on Hands, as well as Martial Spirit (technically unlimited out of combat).

    Cunning Surge: Eternal Blade's capstone grants us a full extra turn every encounter.

    Cunning Breach: Guided Strike lets us overcome DR.

    Cunning Dodge: Immortal Fortitude and our +22 modifier before items let us survive lethal attacks.

    Spoiler: The Visionary
    I am Aeren.

    I will not bore you with repetitions. Instead, I will speak to you of the vessel that so skillfully channels my memory. You are aware it is not wholly of my line, though by what means you know this I cannot imagine; the resemblance to a pure-blooded elf was carefully selected for. But have you deduced where its other half hails from?

    Human, yes. But what manner of human? The lumbering raiders up north? The fledgling kingdoms, founded on a continent not theirs? No, one of the dream-cursed puppets, an empty vessel, bred to host nightmares. Ask not how my deathless kin acquired one.

    There was sense in the act, I suppose. The curse of immortality is an acute awareness of how few of the greatest belong to the present; what if they could return? Knowledge thought gone, not just what but also how, all returned in an instant? And so, the creation of this vessel.

    You might wonder whether this matters. Aerenal, of all nations, can be most assured its great will endure, can it not? And indeed, I shan't deny that Aerenal lacks not for guidance. But its deathless are bound, confined to this land and its close-by boundless life. They will protect the islands, but never be able to strike out for its sake.

    But now, what still stops us from sending a thousand living hosts across the waves?

    Spoiler: Sources
    Crusader - ToB
    Elf Ranger - RotW
    Trap Expert Ranger - DungSc
    Paladin of Freedom - UA
    Spiritual Connection, Holy Warrior - CChamp
    Ruby Knight Vindicator, Eternal Blade - ToB
    Skilled City-Dweller - Web

    Aereni Focus - PGtE
    Right of Counsel - ECS
    Martial Study, Martial Stance - ToB
    Ancestral Whispers - FoE
    Mercurial Strike - DComp

    Iaijutsu Focus - OA
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Third entry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amilie Serris
    Amilie Serris

    Grey Elf
    Bonus Feat Prescience Immediate Magic Wizard 5/Paladin 1/Swiftblade 9/Elven Holy Warrior Paladin 3/Silver Pyromancer 2

    Spoiler: Abilities
    Str 8-2=6
    Dex 14+2=16
    Con 8-2=6
    Int 16+2=18
    Wis 14=12
    Cha 16=14
    Intelligence increases at all levels

    Spoiler: Level Table
    Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
    1st Martial Prescience Immediate Magic Wizard 1 0 0 0 2 Concentration 4 (+4), Spellcraft 4 (+4), Knowledge Arcana 4 (+4), Knowledge Religion 4 (+4), Knowledge History 4 (+4), Knowledge Local 4 (+4) Dodge, Moblity (B) Prescience, Glimpse Peril
    2nd Wizard 2 1 0 0 3 Concentration 5 (+1), Spellcraft 5 (+1), Knowledge Arcana 5 (+1), Knowledge Religion 5 (+1), Knowledge History 5 (+1), Knowledge Local 5 (+1)
    3rd Wizard 3 1 1 1 3 Concentration 6 (+1), Spellcraft 6 (+1), Knowledge Arcana 6 (+1), Knowledge Religion 6 (+1), Knowledge History 6 (+1), Knowledge Local 6 (+1) Improved Unarmed Strike
    4th Wizard 4 2 1 1 4 Concentration 7 (+1), Spellcraft 7 (+1), Knowledge Arcana 7 (+1), Knowledge Religion 7 (+1), Knowledge History 7 (+1), Knowledge Local 7 (+1)
    5th Wizard 5 2 1 1 4 Concentration 8 (+1), Spellcraft 8 (+1), Knowledge Arcana 8 (+1), Knowledge Religion 8 (+1), Knowledge History 8 (+1), Knowledge Local 8 (+1) Weapon Finesse (B)
    6th Elven Paladin 1 3 3 1 4 Concentration 9 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9 (+1), Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2 (+2), Ecstatic Fervor Action Surge Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Ranged Smite Evil
    7th Swiftblade 1 4 3 3 6 Concentration 10 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 7 (+7), Ecstatic Fervor Spring Attack (B) Swift Surge +1
    8th Swiftblade 2 5 3 4 7 Concentration 11 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 11 (+4), Spot 6 (+6), Ecstatic Fervor Blurred Alacrity
    9th Swiftblade 3 6 4 4 7 Concentration 12 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 12 (+1), Spot 12 (+6), Listen 1 (+1), Ecstatic Fervor Snap Kick Sudden Casting
    10th Swiftblade 4 7 4 5 8 Concentration 13 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 13 (+1), Spot 13 (+1), Listen 7 (+6), Ecstatic Fervor Arcane Reflexes, Swift Surge +1/+10ft
    11th Swiftblade 5 8 4 5 8 Concentration 14 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 14 (+1), Spot 14 (+1), Listen 13 (+6), Ecstatic Fervor Evasive Celerity
    12th Swiftblade 6 9 5 6 9 Concentration 15 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 15 (+1), Spot 15 (+1), Listen 15 (+2), Balance 2 (+2), Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor Arcane Strike Fortified Hustle
    13th Swiftblade 7 10 5 6 9 Concentration 16 (+1), Spellcraft 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 16 (+1), Spot 16 (+1), Listen 16 (+1), Balance 5 (+3), Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge Bounding Assault (B) Swift Surge +2/+10ft
    14th Swiftblade 8 11 5 7 10 Concentration 17 (+1), Spellcraft 13 (+5), Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 17 (+1), Spot 17 (+1), Listen 17 (+1), Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge Diligent Rapidity
    15th Swiftblade 9 12 6 7 10 Concentration 18 (+1), Spellcraft 18 (+5), Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 9, Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 18 (+1), Spot 18 (+1), Listen 18 (+1), Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge Knight Training Perpetual Options
    16th Paladin 2 13 7 7 10 Concentration 19 (+1), Spellcraft 18, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 16 (+7), Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 18, Spot 18, Listen 18, Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge Divine Grace
    17th Elven Paladin 3 14 7 8 11 Concentration 20 (+1), Spellcraft 18, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 20 (+4), Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 3 (+1), Tumble 18, Spot 18, Listen 18, Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge, Back on Your Feet Aura of Freedom, Divine Health
    18th Holy Warrior Paladin 4 15 8 8 11 Concentration 21 (+1), Spellcraft 18, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 21 (+1), Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 7 (+4), Tumble 18, Spot 18, Listen 18, Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge, Back on Your Feet, Listen to This Superior Unarmed Strike, Law Devotion (B) Turn Undead
    19th Silver Pyromancer 1 15 8 8 13 Concentration 22 (+1), Spellcraft 22 (+4), Knowledge Arcana 9 (+1), Knowledge Religion 22 (+1), Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 18, Spot 18, Listen 18, Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge, Back on Your Feet, Listen to This Pyromancer, Purge Undead
    20th Silver Pyromancer 2 16 8 8 14 Concentration 23 (+1), Spellcraft 23 (+1), Knowledge Arcana 13 (+4), Knowledge Religion 23 (+1), Knowledge History 8, Knowledge Local 8, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 18, Spot 18, Listen 18, Balance 5, Clarity of Vision, Ecstatic Fervor, Twisted Charge, Back on Your Feet, Listen to This Sacred Flame

    Spoiler: Spell Table
    Level Class 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
    1st Martial Prescience Immediate Magic Wizard 1 3 1 - - - - -
    2nd Wizard 2 4 2 - - - - -
    3rd Wizard 3 4 2 1 - - - -
    4th Wizard 4 4 3 2 - - - -
    5th Wizard 5 4 3 2 1 - - -
    6th Elven Paladin 1 4 3 2 1 - - -
    7th Swiftblade 1 4 3 2 1 - - -
    8th Swiftblade 2 4 3 3 2 - - -
    9th Swiftblade 3 4 4 3 2 1 - -
    10th Swiftblade 4 4 4 3 2 1 - -
    11th Swiftblade 5 4 4 3 3 2 - -
    12th Swiftblade 6 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
    13th Swiftblade 7 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
    14th Swiftblade 8 4 4 4 3 3 2 -
    15th Swiftblade 9 4 4 4 4 3 2 -
    16th Paladin 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
    17th Elven Paladin 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
    18th Holy Warrior Paladin 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
    19th Silver Pyromancer 1 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
    20th Silver Pyromancer 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 2

    Spoiler: Levels 1-5
    Spoiler: Story
    Amilie stared out the window of the classroom. At the front of the classroom, Magister Verth, the teacher, was drawing a diagram of the somatic components for Orb of Fire, but what interested Amilie was the knights practicing outside. Clad in silver armor, they were what every Thranish child aspired to be. Of course, Amilie was sickly and frail, even for a grey elf, so the knights had passed her by when they had come through her home village looking for recruits.
    “Ms. Serris,” Magister Verth interjected. “Can you tell me what the fourth motion in an Orb of Fire is? We covered it in class yesterday.”
    Amilie cursed. Flame take that man. She had been sick yesterday; her chronic cough had been acting up again, but Verth probably thought she had skipped class to go watch the knights.
    “Is it a hand crossed Fernian glyph?” she guessed.
    Magister Verth seemed ready to say something, but then stopped short. “That is actually correct, Ms. Serris.” He seemed surprised, but went back to the lesson. Amilie went back to starting out the window. As she looked out the window, she saw herself as one of the knights, dodging past her enemies' clumsy strikes to deal death to the enemies of the Silver Flame. Her main magical talents lay in divination, but she couldn’t tell if those visions were just her hopes and dreams, or something of the future.
    After a few minutes, Magister Verth dismissed the class. As Amilie prepared to walk through the door, the Magister called out “Ms. Serris, would you wait a minute?”
    Amilie turned around, wondering what he wanted. She had gotten the question right.
    Her classmates giggled, especially Braxis Volt, the magister’s prized student. Magister Verth didn’t keep her waiting for long. As soon as the rest of her classmates left, most giggling, he began. “You are a puzzle to me. You have great natural talent. Don’t let Braxis hear this, but you’re better than him in most areas of magic. I’ve rarely seen a better diviner, and you’re doing fine in every class except for necromancy- and yet your mind is never in the classroom. I see you watching the Templars every day. I know you want to be like them, but to be frank, you never will. We both know you’re much too frail.”
    “I may be weak,” Amilie interrupted. “But I have honor. The templars fight fairly, without magic.”
    Magister Verth shook his head. “You should be too smart to be caught up in that nonsense. Magic is what we make of it. Honor too. You should think about it, but for now you can go.”
    Amilie picked up her bag and walked out of the room. Maybe the old man was right. She wasn’t any good at fighting. Maybe she should become a mage. His talk about honor gave her pause. Everyone knew that mages had little honor- he was just trying to prop himself up. But was wizardry the only calling for her? She couldn’t get the vision out of her head. She could see herself fighting alongside knights and moving faster than anyone on the battlefield. She wanted to make the visions come true, even if that meant being a warrior instead of a mage. She wasn’t going to let people like Magister Verth or Braxis Volt stop her. She would live with honor, as a Templar not a mage.

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    As a low level mage with terrible con, Amilie is ridiculously fragile for the first few levels. She’ll mostly play like any other mage, using Dodge+Mobility to escape from combat and casting spells from a distance. Glimpse Peril can help her make saves at range and Prescience can potentially make a big roll once per day, but Amilie basically plays like a standard wizard at every level in this block. Improved Unarmed Strike and Weapon Finesse at 3rd and 5th make her very accurate with punches, but she still only uses them as a last resort for now.

    Spoiler: Levels 6-10
    Spoiler: Story
    The Templar recruits jogged through the training camp. For the most part, they were an inspiring sight- twelve tall warriors in gleaming silver armor topped with helms with crests sculpted into flames, carrying mighty longbows on their back and swords at their hips and taking long and even strides without visible effort. Behind those twelve ran another, a slight figure that also wore silver armor. Unlike the others, she carried no bow or sword and carried her helmet in her hands. Her hair was plastered all over her face, which was extremely pale, and her gait was uneven and ragged. Presently, the trainees came to a halt in front of the practice arena, the first twelve together with Amilie almost a minute behind. As she arrived, she could see the Master at Arms, a man called Tives Silvers, pairing off the other trainees. She took her place at the end of the line, putting on her helmet to try to hide her tiredness. As Tives reached her spot in line, he stopped.
    “Amilie, you’re last again.” he said.
    She nodded. “Yes, sir.”
    “You know what that means.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “I shall see if you’ve improved since the last time you’ve spared against me. Take your preferred weapon from the arms tent.”
    As she walked to the arms tent, she shook her head. Maybe Magister Verth had been right. Since she had left the Gilded Labyrinth to train with the templars, she had struggled to keep up. The other recruits were very polite, but she could tell they noticed how poorly she was doing. Fighting Tives would make it even worse. He was a good teacher who would make sure she wasn’t injured, but the others would see her lose, badly. Her weakness was acting up again, making it even harder for her to fight.
    Inside the arms tent, she considered the options. She was fine with a sword, but Tives had beaten her before. Axes and maces were too heavy for her, as were flails. Obviously, bows were no good in sparring, and she could barely draw a longbow anyway. After rejecting dozens of weapons, she decided on none of them. The Gilded Labyrinth had included unarmed training, for students on the road to becoming Enlightened Fists, and she had proved less bad at it than she had expected. Master Tives wouldn’t expect it at least. When she walked out of the tent, the other pairs were already sparring and Master Tives was waiting for her.
    “Where’s your weapon?” he asked. He carried a longsword, blunted for training, and a shield in his left hand.
    “I’m going to try unarmed fighting, sir.” she answered. “I’ve had a little training in martial arts already.”
    “Very well,” Tives replied, taking up a fighting stance. “Come at me, then.”
    Amilie charged forward, managing to knock his swing aside with her armored arm. She threw a punch, which Tives blocked with his shield as he resumed a fighting stance.
    “Not bad,” he said. “Again.”
    They sparred for the next half an hour, and though Amilie was still clumsy in the plate, she was able to land an occasional punch. By the end of the half hour, her stamina was totally depleted and her fighting ability began to decline. Eventually, Master Tives called a halt.
    “You did better today, Amilie.” he mentioned. “I didn’t know you were trained unarmed. You should continue fighting like that in the future.”
    By this point, most of the other recruits had melted away. As they walked back to the tent, Master Tives asked. “You used to be a mage, yes?”
    Amilie started in surprise. “How did you know?”
    He laughed. “I’m not blind. By this point, most of the recruits have probably seen your spellbook. I’ve also occasionally seen you react to things before they happen. Don’t worry, I’m not going to kick you out. Anyone who puts the amount of effort that you do into training deserves to be a templar. I do have a suggestion, however.”
    “Yes?” Amilie asked.
    “Have you heard of the Knights Arcane?”
    “Sir, they’re traitors,” Amilie replied, angrily. “They fight for Aundair, and they have no honor.”
    “That is mostly true,” Master Tives replied. “Though not all are as honorless as you might think. At least one secretly follows the flame. I won’t tell you their name, for their own safety, but they gave me something I think you might be able to use. Are you familiar with the spell haste?”
    She nodded.
    “Then this gift might be of great use to you.” From a pocket he pulled a book, its cover etched with silver. Amilie looked at the title. On Switftblades, it read, and as the words entered her mind, a vision flashed through her head. She could see herself running again, with silver blazing behind her. Perhaps this book was the answer. But could a mage fight with the nobility of a knight?
    “Thank you sir,” she replied. “But using magic in combat, it’s like cheating against knights who fight only with their skill and faith.”
    Master Tives shrugged. “You need not use it if you do not wish. But think on this- honor is not defined by needing to stick to a code. Paladins do, but it is just as honorable, if not more, if you follow a code because you don’t have to, but because it is the right thing to do. Honor isn’t following a code to the letter. It is doing what is right for others so that as many will live as possible. So much of Thrane forgets that.”

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    With a level of paladin, Amilie starts to become more of a gish. First level of Paladin doesn’t do much except for prereqs, but Action Surge is helpful in important battles. Next up is Swiftblade, a class as awesome as it is popular. First level brings a native attack boost and Spring Attack, which lets Amilie skirmish more effectively, especially when her speed is boosted, such as by expeditious retreat. This marks the start of her playstyle shift, which is augmented by Blurred Alacrity next level and Sudden Casting the level after that. At this point, Amilie mostly memorizes gishy spells like Ferocity of Sanguine Rage and Mage Armor. She also gets Snap Kick this level, letting her do two attacks for every one of her opponents. Next comes Arcane Reflexes and a speed and damage boost from swift surge, more aid to Amilie’s melee abilities. She also starts to pick up skill tricks that boost her maneuverability or help her senses.

    Spoiler: 11-15
    Spoiler: Story
    Amilie slipped in a pool of blood as she slammed her fist into an Aundarian soldier. The blow, to a sensitive nerve, knocked him out, but as she rose to her feet, two more Aundairian soldiers charged at her with swords in hand. She kicked the first, knocking him down, and then swatted the second’s sword aside with her hand, following it up with a knockout punch to the face. With her immediate opponents down, she surveyed the battlefield. Her unit of templars had relieved a beleaguered Thranish position, and their arrival had been very effective. Captain Calar had led those who could summon mounts crashing into the main enemy group, while the infantry, including Amilie, followed behind to deal with the stragglers.
    Now, the Aundairians were in retreat. It seemed the battle was won. She smiled. It was a victory won with honor. As Amilie thought this, she saw an explosion to her left- a burst of fire. She looked around to see where it had come from, ready to try to counter another spell if possible. After a few seconds, she caught sight of the source. A line of figures on a ridgeline a few hundred feet away. As she noticed them, a second wave of explosions blossomed among the Thranish soldiers. As the smoke cleared, only ⅔ of the force remained standing.
    “Mages on the ridge!” Captain Calar yelled. “Get them before they cast more spells!”
    At her captain’s command, Amilie muttered the words for haste and started to sprint towards the mages. Behind her, the mounts of their unit’s paladins and the foot soldiers faded into the distance as the air began to blur around her. Unarmored and with magic at the ready, she could take full advantage of her speed. The air seemed to glow silver around her as she quickly covered the ground to the mages. Before they could cast another round of spells, she had reached the group. The first mage in line turned towards her as she came on, but a kick leveled him before he could react. She dodged a blast of fire from another and landed a punch on her face. A third mage started to mouth the words of a spell, she charged, but before she could strike, a sudden pain sprung from her side. She felt at the wound to see a dagger had hit her, likely thrown by one of the mages. As the pain worsened, she started to feel weak. Though she had learned to overcome her weakness with constant movement, she had never been able to shrug off wounds the way some of the other soldiers could.
    Amilie limped away from the mages. Two turned towards her, motioning to cast spells, but before they could finish, another called “The Thranes are almost here.”
    Amilie leaned back against a tree in time to see the templars hit the Aundarian mages. Though the blood loss was starting to get to her head, she smiled as the mages were rode down. A few more battles like this and Thrane was sure to win the war.

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Evasive Celerity is next for Amilie, filling another hole in her defensive roster. Next level brings three things- Fortified Hustle, which is decent enough, Arcane Strike, which is a major damage booster, and 5th level spells. While 5th level spells are good for anyone, Unfettered Heroism combines well with action surge, giving Amilie a great source of extra standard actions during fights. This also showcases a quirk in Spring Attack’s wording. It is triggered on a standard attack action which can be taken at any point during a move. It follows that if one has multiple standard actions, you can perform multiple attacks in one spring, as long as you don’t move farther than your total movement. Amilie’s offense becomes more effective at 13th level with Bounding Assault as a bonus from Swiftblade, bringing her potential attacks per round up to 6. Next level isn’t amazing. Diligent Rapidity is very fun, though not amazingly powerful, but 15th is much better, unlocking the ever amazing perpetual options. Free extra standard actions are amazing, pushing Amilie’s normal attacks per round up to six, and potentially nine with action surge. By this point she can get effective nova damage with Arcane Strike and Action Surge, potentially taking down enemies by herself. Her feat for this level is Knight Training (Swiftblade) which is quite weak, but is a prereq for going back to paladin next level. By this point Amilie can just barely cast 6th level spells, often Tenser’s Transformation or Antimagic Field, and while she uses a lot of spells for Arcane Strike, she can still get some versatility from various random spells.

    Spoiler: 16-20
    Spoiler: Story
    The war was over. Had been for two years now, but peace wasn’t sitting easily with Amilie. When her unit had disbanded, she had returned to the training camp to complete her training as a Templar. By now, the spells of haste she had wielded during the war were almost automatic to her, but the constant usage of magic didn’t bother her anymore. Honor and magic could go hand in hand. Still, she wanted to complete her training without magic, almost just to prove she could. Magister Verth had invited her to rejoin the Gilded Labyrinth last year, but she had politely declined. She was considering rejoining after completing Templar training, but as time went on, she was growing less sure that was what she wanted to do. She still had the visions of her running, and though now she could run faster than anyone, she still felt something was missing.
    Now, she was on her way to another practice run in full armor. Though she was a lot faster than last time, she still struggled to carry full plate. Despite that, she tended to finish first now, assuming her cough didn’t interfere.
    A smell on the wind interrupted her thoughts. Something was burning in the distance. She looked around for the source of the smell to see a plume of smoke coming from the watchtower that guarded the training camp. Could it be an attack? But who would attack a camp in the heartland of Thrane, with the Last War over. Her suspicions were confirmed as an explosion blew off the top part of the tower. Amilie muttered the words for Haste as she started to run towards the explosion.
    As she approached, she saw a group of figures in armor with bone attachments fighting with templars in front of the entrance to the tower. On their surcoats the bone armored figures bore green claw marks. Soldiers of the Emerald Claw, Amilie realized.
    The templars were hard pressed, and by the time Amilie arrived, they were in full retreat. She tore into the group of Emerald claw soldiers, her punches knocking several down. They broke before her, turning and running away from the tower. Amilie prepared to pursue when she heard a figure moving behind her. She turned just in time to dodge a swing from a massive sword. Behind her was a- thing covered entirely in bone armor. Unlike the others, whose armor was only partially bone, this one was fully bone, leaving nothing of the person visible underneath. The figure stood eight feet high and wielded a massive sword as tall as it. Amilie ran at them, launching a kick and then backing away. Though her magically reinforced kick landed, it didn’t seem to do much, as the figure picked back up their sword and charged. Amilie leapt aside and slammed her fist into the bone knight as they passed. Again, the blow didn’t seem to do anything. While Amilie tried to think of a plan, the creature charged at her. She leapt aside, keeping well away from its massive sword. Looking around, Amilie saw that while the other Emerald Claw soldiers were in retreat, the camp held only trainees. The few actual soldiers were instructors, or had been in the guard tower. She would likely have to face this creature alone.
    Again, the creature charged at her and again she danced aside after throwing a magic enhanced punch. As she waited for the creature to charge again, she cast another spell, wreathing her hands and feet in fire that burned brightly, but did not harm her. This time, she went on the offensive, darting towards the creature and throwing a pair of punches and a kick, trying to shatter their bone breastplate. Her third hit cracked the plate, but before she could capitalize, the creature slammed its right arm into hers, sending her staggering away. She clutched at her right arm with her left. The wound was bad, but she could still fight.
    She readied herself for another charge, but this time the creature stood still, waiting. The change from its usual tactics confused Amilie. Was this a living person, or a construct or undead?
    “What are you?” she asked as she ran behind a mound of rubble. “Do you understand me?”
    “I understand you well enough.” it replied. “Servant of silver. Your flame will die. Lady Illmarrow will see it done. But you shall die first, to my blade, and then this whole camp will feel my wrath and the wrath of the undead your paladins have slain. I am the Lord of Bones, most powerful of the bone knights. And while you are fast, you cannot run from me forever.”
    While the bone knight talked, the crack in its armor began to mend. I can’t defeat this alone, Amilie realized. I need to buy time until help arrives, by distracting this “Lord of Bones”. I will use my magic, if need be, to save the lives of others.
    “I need not run.” she yelled, emerging from her cover. “My honor is my shield.”
    As she said this, she made the gestures and said the words to create a sheet of fire between her and her enemy. Though the fire manifested, a few seconds later the bone knight emerged from it, seemingly unharmed. Amilie cursed as she fired a volley of magical projectiles intended to drive the knight back through the fire, but the knight simply took the projectiles on its breastplate without flinching. She backed away, frantically casting more spells- fire, lightning, bursts of sound, and walls of magic, but nothing slowed the bone knight down. After minutes of elusive combat, she finally was almost drained of magic, and her last haste was starting to run out. Amilie shook her head. Nothing left to do but fight it head on. She suddenly changed direction, hoping to surprise the Lord of Bones with a quick attack, but the bone knight seemed to expect it. As she charged, the sword came crashing towards her. Though she knocked its edge aside with her hand, the brunt of the sword still slammed into her, sending her flying back. She slammed into a partially collapsed wall and fell to the ground. As she rose, she felt blood in her mouth and saw the bone knight advancing towards her. She spat out the blood and resumed a fighting stance, but her injuries left her footing unsteady.
    “Now you die.” the bone knight proclaimed as they raised their sword.
    Amilie prepared to dodge, but before the sword could come down, a blast of silver fire came from somewhere on Amilie’s left, knocking the creature to the side. Amilie turned to see a human male walking towards the bone knight in silver robes with gilded edges. He carried a staff in one hand and a holy symbol in another.
    “Go back to Dolurrh!” he yelled as he fired another blast of silver fire at the creature. As the smoke cleared, the bone knight’s armor was cracked and broken. As it tried to climb back to its feet, another blast from the human crashed into it, and the Lord of Bones moved no more.
    The human turned towards Amilie, and she recognized who he was. “Braxis Volt?” she asked, confused. Braxis had studied with her at the Gilded Labyrinth, but he was a mage, and that fire he had wielded looked to be divine in nature.
    “Amilie Serris?” he answered. “Is that you? What happened after you left the academy? Also, are you alright?”
    “I joined the templars,” she replied. “And I’ll be fine. Thank you for the help.”
    As she talked, she used her limited healing powers to start to repair the damage to her arm and side.
    “I saw some of the fight as I flew in,” he answered. “I answered the distress beacon one of the tower's guards must have sent. You did most of the work. All I did was take advantage of the distraction you provided to deal the finishing blow.”
    “About that,” Amilie asked. “What magic did you wield? That fire looked divine.”
    “It sort of was,” he replied. “It’s a technique of the Silver Pyromancers.”
    Amilie nodded. She had vaguely heard about them during the war.
    “So you’re a pyromancer now?” she asked. “That makes sense. You were always best with fire magic.”
    He shrugged. “Yeah, I’m pretty good I suppose. By the way, I’m sorry for how I treated you at the academy. I shouldn’t have laughed at you for wanting to become a templar.”
    “It’s okay.” Amilie replied. “I’ve come a long way since then. I used to be pretty stupid.”
    “That’s good to hear- not the part about being stupid of course. But you seem to be doing pretty well as a mage. I was wondering if you wanted to join the Silver Pyromancers? If you can fight like that, we could use you, and our techniques would help you a lot against abominations like this bone knight fellow.”
    As Amilie considered, her visions flashed into her head, feeling more real than ever. She smiled.
    “I'd love to join.” she answered. “I think I've gotten as much as I'm going to get out of Knight training, and there is no higher honor than taking the fight to evil, in whatever way is best.”
    Braxis nodded. “I see you already understand our philosophy. You’ll be a valuable asset to the order.”

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    A return to paladin doesn’t do a ton for Amilie’s power, but it does let her match Factotum more closely in a few ways- namely Turn Undead. In terms of abilities, Divine Grace is great, though Lay on Hands is quite lackluster. Next level, Aura of Freedom from Elf Paladin is pretty solid and Divine Health is occasionally awesome. 4th level brings Turn Undead, qualifying Amilie for Silver Pyromancer, as well as Law Devotion, a bonus feat she traded her paladin spellcasting four. Also, her normal feat is Superior Unarmed Strike, nicely boosting her damage. Her last two levels are spent on Silver Pyromancer, which lets her add Paladin spells to her list. While many are useful, especially for gishes, the particular spell she’s after is Divine Insight due to how similar it is to Cunning Knowledge. By 20th level, Amilie has all of her main tricks online. Sacred Flame is a useful feature for a proper pyromancer, though she mostly uses it on her Blade of Fire spells rather than direct blasting. In general, this last bank of levels doesn’t do much for Amilie’s direct power but rather helps her mimic Factotum.

    Spoiler: Concept and Notes
    This was a hard round to build for as I had a lot of trouble making a character that could do everything a Factotum can while preserving the flexibility that a real factotum has. Amilie definitely leans more towards the flexible, but she still can mimic to some degree most of a Factotum’s features. She has abilities that are the same or very similar to Cunning Insight (Prescience), Cunning Knowledge (Divine Insight), Opportunistic Piety (Turn Undead), Cunning Surge (Action Surge+Perpetual Options), Arcane Dilettante (Wizard Spells) and sort of Cunning Strike (Arcane Strike). I feel like Amilie also plays a fair amount like a Factotum- a versatile character that can nova but lacks stamina, though you might disagree. Regardless, I like Amilie’s build a lot, and hopefully you’ll find it interesting as well. One note as to spells- I didn’t include a usually prepared list, but you can assume that Amilie memorizes a couple of any spells that I mentioned and uses the rest of her spell slots mostly for Arcane Strike or on plot spells as needed.

    Spoiler: Sources
    Unearthed Arcana- High Diviner
    Complete Warrior- Warrior Paladin, Arcane Strike
    Races of the Wild- Elven Paladin
    Spell Compendium- Spells not mentioned elsewhere
    Eberron Campaign Setting- Action Surge, Knight Training
    Races of Eberron- Unfettered Heroism
    PHBII- Immediate Magic, Bounding Assault
    Tome of Battle- Snap Kick, Superior Unarmed Strike
    Complete Champion- Law Devotion
    Complete Scoundrel- Skill Tricks
    Last edited by loky1109; 2024-04-28 at 11:35 AM.
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    And that's all! Three entries are waiting for judges!
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

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    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    And table.

    # Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Total Place
    1 The Golden Hippo LE Glimmerskin Halfling Cloistered Cleric of Tem-Et-Nu 1/Hit-And-Run Tactics Fighter 1/Halfling Monk 1/Bonus Feat Rogue 2/Assassin 1/ Unseen Seer 8/Demonwrecker Arcane 1/Master Thrower 5
    2 Vesnica Pomenire CG Half-Elf Spiritual Connection Trap Expert Skilled City-Dweller Elf Ranger 1/Fighter 1/Holy Warrior Skilled City-Dweller Paladin of Freedom 4/ Crusader 2/Skilled City-Dweller Undying Vindicator 2/Eternal Blade 10
    3 Amilie Serris LG Grey Elf Martial Prescience Immediate Magic Wizard 5/Elven Holy Warrior Paladin 4/Swiftblade 9/Silver Pyromancer 2
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Interesting to see no savants or human paragons - I guess they're a bit of the obvious option?

    Another zero-effort idea I had was beguiler 20 - you get trapfinding, intelligence-based casting, presumably some obscure enchantment buffs to cover the factotum's short-notice boosts, the ability to override SR... I might've gone in heavily on Eberron's draconic prophecizer feats so I could emulate Cunning Dodge with Prophecy's Mind and the factotum's skill/attack boosts with Prophecy's Hero. It felt a bit too off-target, though.

    Something I also felt was pretty obvious was Insightful Reflexes, but nobody took it.

    One thing I'll say about this build is that needing to get turn undead tended to give most builds I could think of a very strong divine flavor - it feels a bit awkward how such a small part of factotum ends up being such a huge constraint on possible stories to tell.
    Creator of the LA-assignment thread.

    Join the new Junkyard Wars round and build with Cloaked Dancer and a companion creature!

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Do we have any judge volunteer?
    If you could make anything and everything welcome to the Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    My competition's medals.

    Spoiler: For purposes of clarity
    1109 is September, 11 - my birthday.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    There's only three entries: would anyone be willing to judge?
    Creator of the LA-assignment thread.

    Join the new Junkyard Wars round and build with Cloaked Dancer and a companion creature!

    Interested in judging a build competition on the 3.5 forums but not sure where to begin? Check out the judging handbook!

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I was considering something like psion with dips to lose some manifester levels and add int to more things. ADHD + being burned out on my other competition made it that I never got past that.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    I'm good to judge. I should have it this weekend.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Sorry for the delay. Sick toddler. Working on these.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro - Judgements

    What am I looking for in a Factotum?
    Skills - First and foremost, the Factotum is a skill monkey.
    Versatility - Factotums are known for being able to do a little bit of everything.
    Intelligence Focus - Factotums have a number of abilities that key off intelligence.
    Action Economy Manipulation - Factotums can bypass the usual restrictions in action economy with Cunning Surge.

    Spoiler: The Golden Hippopotamus
    General thoughts: This is the clear winner to me. Everything that I’m looking for in a Factotum is present and realized early.

    Innovation: This is probably the weakest area of the build. It’s an arcane skill monkey with a cloistered cleric dip, which is cool but not that surprising. That said, and I’ll expand on this below, it’s a classic dish well made with some nice flare. - 3.5

    Power: A fiery Gambit gone murderous, this is explosive when it needs to be. It values prep time, which is just a good look for a Factotum anyway, and rewards with good in combat utility while being plenty useful out of combat. More important than “how powerful” this build is, is “how the power mimics a well realized Factotum” and it does so quite well! - 5

    Elegance: First impression: Very well formatted! I’m honestly envious and will probably emulate it in my own entries going forward. Beyond that, I love the explanation of the thought process and the step by step breakdown of the various Factotum features. Surprised at no Knowledge Devotion but then I see why you made the choices you did with your Domains and I think the trade offs were worth it. The order of your build works very well to get your key features up and running early on. - 5

    Ingredient: Of all the builds, this clearly feels the most like a Factotum from early levels. A big part of that is the order you selected for your class levels, because that Cleric level is doing a lot of heavy lifting (as it should). It’s slightly more aggressive than a Factotum feels to me, but it’s still nailing the part. - 4.5

    Total: 18

    Spoiler: Vesnica Pomenire, the Pure Vessel
    General Thoughts: Always love me some Eberron! Also, always a fan of Initiators. Plus I dig the lore.

    Innovation: Ballsy choice to go completely full BAB. Kinda reminds me of the Heroes Reborn version of the Swordsman from the 90s, but that’s because I am a giant comic book nerd. Really didn’t expect such a martial heavy build in this contest and I like your lore. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Eternal Blade in a fully realized build. - 4.5

    Power: This is pretty close to a full initiator and I do like initiators. You’ve got the divine spellcasting and action economy elements down pat, though some arcane power (even UMD) and a slightly heavier skill emphasis would have made this complete. - 4.25

    Elegance: Ooo… I can’t help but feel like the note about Ruby Knight Vindicator was in response to my recently raising a stink when I tried to do a Chaotic Good Cayden Cailean RKV, like maybe just cutting off that criticism at the pass, but still… It’s funny if so. I’m not bothered. I’m not. I swear.

    On a similar note, can a Half-Elf take Aereni Focus? I’m not going to dock you because I think the blanket “Half-Elf counts as Elf” thing is sufficient and I’d allow it as a DM, especially because I enjoy “the vessel” concept, but legitimately asking because so many of these types of feat specify both in the text.

    The formatting is a little choppy with the various story bits, but I get why from a Lore standpoint. However, the only thing that really brings this down is that the main schtick of the build, the Initiator stuff, comes on seven levels in with the first six feeling like a character biding its time. - 4

    Ingredient: So my big knock is that despite the fact that your initiator levels come from Crusader, you end up feeling like a Warblade, aka the jock version of a Factotum and that’s not exactly a Factotum. It’s like if the challenge was to make Billy the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, and you built Tommy: very cool and the color is pretty close, but doesn’t quite feel like a nerd (even if he becomes a doctor in later seasons, lol). It also makes me think of those young Neil deGrasse Tyson pictures where he’s absolutely yoked.

    Still, this accomplishes a lot of what you were trying to do very smoothly and the rest gets there just with some rough edges. - 4

    Total: 16.75

    Spoiler: Amilie Serris
    General Thoughts: What if Batman and the Flash shared a sidekick? I like this build a lot and would love to run it, but it gets its real flavor later in the game and side steps some of the things I’d like to see in a contest specifically about Factotums.

    Innovation: This seems like a pretty standard Swiftblade build, maybe trading optimization for versatility. Silver Pyromancer was a welcome addition, but not wholly unexpected in a contest like this. - 3.5

    Power: Swiftblades are already potentially worth the cost in caster levels for class features and this is a contest that favors generalists anyway. It’s easily your strongest quality. You make a case for your spellcasting to replace the skill needs of the party, which is valid, but it is going to hurt you in the stamina department (and skill use is the one thing Factotums don’t run out of). - 4.5

    Elegance: It looks like it takes the whole of your build to get all the way to covering all aspects of the Factotum, but you do get there. Prior to that… and I see the difficult choice between optimization and emulation you have… you’re more of an arcane striker with ok skills. I think if you went the other way and brought in those later Paladin and Silver Pyromancer levels a little earlier and finished out Swiftblade at the end, you’d get that versatility online sooner in exchange for slower progression of raw power. - 3.5

    Ingredient: This doesn’t feel like a particularly skillful character, not that it’s without, but you do get all the arcane and divine tricks that a Factotum dabbles in, and a Swiftblade is known for pushing the limits of the game’s action economy. Like I said, you get there in the end. - 4

    Total: 15.5

    Spoiler: Totals
    The Golden Hippopotamus - 18
    Vesnica Pomenire, the Pure Vessel - 16.75
    Amilie Serris - 15.5

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XLV: Figaro

    Thanks for judging. No disputes from me.

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