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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    The Dunes of Song

    Somewhere on the prime material is a desert of white sand and blue sky. The winds are fierce, the sun is harsh, and few live to hear the wind whistle across the thin granite pillars that populate this desert.

    It is from this forbidding and austere wasteland that the greater universe was formed. That may come as a shock to those scholars that search the stars for mysteries infinite and ancient. But consider a moment; so much happens on this plane. Devils and angels do battle for our favor, kings change as rapid as the sifting of so much sand, and great wizards ascend from the soil. All of the elements can be found here, when so many other planes lack in one or more. There are reasons for this.

    All the rest of the universe is but a series of Dal Segnos on the themes found on this plane, even this desert with its oases and rolling seas of sand. There is so little life in the desert only because there is so much energy that it interferes with itself. It is wild, uncontrolled, a din of cosmic noise.

    But once an eon, the wind is unchained, allowed to free six obsidian pillars - the windstones, the Lyric Throne - from their white tomb in the center of the desert. Slowly, little by little, the sand gives way to six towering structures of dark glass that sing and hum, howl and bay with their rescuer. And when they are all free, fire and wind and light erupt in a sonorous chorus betwixt the six. And then, in this maelstrom of energy, a new plane is born and shaped.

    One heavy requiem folded the dunes upon themselves endlessly, becoming compact and gritty. We call it the Plane of Earth. An etude of light and gentle notes formed the Ethereal. And the last songfire was a bolero of such spirit and fire that I hear it became sentient.

    An order of monks have kept watch over the six windstones and the songfires for ages untold. It is they who keep the stones entombed in sand. Purest music is like the glass of the stones themselves, and those who toy carelessly with it would shatter the music and harm themselves. It is with heavy caution that they allow the winds and stone to sing, and it is with great watchfulness that they protect these from those who would abuse it for their 'greater causes'.

    Any with a command of the deep music who can reach the stones is able to access great power indeed. Even basic bardic music effects generated within a mile of the stones have double their usual effect, and the DCs for any saves associated with them increase by 5. Those who actually stand within the precise center of the circle of stones is even more blessed.

    If the stones are barely uncovered, those with at least 4 ranks in a music-related Perform skill can expend one daily use of bardic music to heal those within the circle (including yourself) by a number of hit points equal to your Perform check multiplied by your Hit Dice. You may voluntarily lower the strength of your perform check.

    This effect is achieved via temporal distortion, and targets afflicted by Dimensional Anchor or coated in quintessence are not affected. If the hit points recovered go in excess of more than double a subject's total maximum, the subject must make a Fortitude Save with a DC equal to your Perform check or explode and die. You can be killed by your own song.

    Subjects who hear your song (even those killed by an overload of temporal energy provided they are later resurrected) may add 50% of their natural lifespan, and go down one age category, to a minimum of adult.

    If the stones are at least a quarter uncovered, those with at least 8 ranks in a music-related Perform skill can expend one daily use of bardic music and call forth elementals as though by a Summon Nature's Ally spell equal to your ranks in Perform divided by 2. These elementals obey you completely as long as you do not move beyond the edge of the circle, at which point they have a 20% chance of dematerializing, a 40% chance of attacking anything in sight, and a 40% chance of simply going inert for the duration of the spell.

    If the stones are at least half uncovered, those with at least 13 ranks in a music-related Perform skill can expend one daily use of bardic music and shape the desert for an hour as long as they remain in this spot. Oases can be uncovered, solar flares can strike parts of the sand and turn them to glass, floods may strike. In effect, those who meet the above requirements can access any of the following spells as cast by a druid with a caster level equal to their ranks in Perform:
    Control Weather, Control Winds, Call Lightning Storm (dealing half-divine fire damage instead of lightning damage.)

    If the stones are completely uncovered, those with at least 18 ranks in a music-related Perform skill can expend one daily use of bardic music and rip open a maelstrom of swirling energy immediately above them. This maelstrom continually makes a bull rush against all but its creator that are within 300 feet. It has a +30 bonus to this bull rush check, and sucks all creatures towards itself for the maximum distance it can each round. Those who are pulled into the maelstrom are immediately Plane Shifted to a random plane; those who cannot be shifted for whatever reason take 100 fire, 100 electricity, 100 sonic, and 100 force damage each round they remain in the maelstrom.

    After an hour of the maelstrom's existence, you may immediately create a new plane as though by the Genesis spell, except that it is immediately 100 miles in radius upon creation, and you may create vegetation, elemental and animal life with a total HD equal to 1000x your Perform check; no individual creation may have an HD greater than your Perform check. Creatures with an HD of 1 are not counted against your total. These creations are not beholden to you, nor are you immune to the planar traits by virtue of being the plane's creator.

    If you are damaged for any reason during the summoning and control of the songfire maelstrom, the effect is interrupted and the maelstrom fades within 1d6 hours. You are no longer immune to its bull rush effect upon receiving this damage.
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-11 at 05:29 PM.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Throne of Song - Logothronos [Embodiment of Song]

    Multiclass Feats
    Lyric of the Desert Wind [General]
    You have grown in the desert and it has made you both strong and creative, deadly and beautiful.
    Prerequisites: Songfire Sword, any Desert Wind maneuver, Inspire Courage class feature.
    Benefit: When you are under the effect of your own Inspire Courage, your Desert Wind maneuvers are divinely inspired. As a result, half of the fire damage they deal is not subject to fire resistance or immunity. Additionally, you may expend 2 daily uses of your Bardic Music to perform one of your bard songs as part of a Desert Wind strike maneuver.

    Scorching Serenade [General]
    Your spirit burns white hot.
    Prerequisites: Songfire Sword, any 5 Desert Wind maneuvers.
    Benefit: When you are singing one of your Bardic Music songs and change into a Desert Wind stance, you deal an extra 50% fire damage with your Desert Wind maneuvers this round. This feat does not apply if you started out in a Desert Wind stance.

    Songfire Monk [General]
    You've come to understand the discipline in music and the freedom of discipline.
    Prerequisites: Bard or Monk level 1st.
    Benefit: You may advance as a monk as long as your alignment is non-chaotic, even if you have taken a level in another class. You use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier for any class features from the Monk class. Your levels in the Monk and Bard classes stack with one another for the purposes of determining your level-dependent class features of either class. This does not grant you a new class feature that you do not already possess.

    • Unarmored AC Bonus
    • Unarmored Speed Bonus
    • Flurry of Blows
    • Improved Unarmed Damage
    • Stunning Fist
    • Wholeness of Body
    • Bardic Music/day
    • Inspire Courage & Competence
    • Bardic Knowledge

    Songfire Sword [General]
    You've come to understand the harmony of blades.
    Prerequisites: Bard and Swordsage level 1st.
    Benefit: You use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier to improve your armor class, and may add your Charisma modifier to improve the difficulty class of your martial maneuver saving throws. Your levels in the Swordsage and Bard classes stack with one another for the purposes of determining some level-dependent class features. This does not grant you a new class feature that you do not already possess, nor additional maneuvers.

    • Improved Unarmed Damage (if using the Unarmed Swordsage)
    • Unarmored AC Bonus (if using the Unarmed Swordsage)
    • Swordsage Initiator Level (does not increase maneuvers known)
    • Bardic Music/day
    • Inspire Courage & Competence
    • Bardic Knowledge

    Stunning Aria [General]
    Your songs speak of death and war and the beauty in both.
    Prerequisites: Songfire Monk, Stunning Fist, Inspire Courage class feature.
    Benefit: When you are under the affect of your own Inspire Courage, your Stunning Fist attacks add your Inspire Courage modifier to their difficulty class and can affect any targeted creature capable of hearing you. Creatures with no intelligence score are unaffected by this feat.
    Additionally, you may expend 2 daily uses of your Bardic Music to perform one of your bard songs as part of a Stunning Fist or Flurry of Blows attack.

    Sudden Crescendo [General]
    You rise and fall with the glory of your music.
    Prerequisites: Songfire Monk, Abundant Step class feature, Bardic Music class feature.
    Benefit: When you are singing one of your Bardic Music songs, you may change to another song and use your Abundant Step class feature at the same time as a standard action. This does not count against your usual daily limit on the Abundant Step class feature.
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-06 at 11:41 AM.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dunes of Song [Embodiment of Song] (Under Construction)

    The Songfire Monks
    Alignment: True Neutral, with some Neutral Good and Chaotic Neutral.
    Number: 60

    An ancient and multiracial order established before Gith, before Dal Quor, before Netheril, before Suel, the Songfire Monks protect the sanctity of the windstones from those who would mar their song. Elusive and secretive, it is impossible to join the order proper; those that they count among their number are the same as they have had since time immemorial, thanks to the time reversing effects of the windstones when used in the right hands.

    Still, every so often, a monk is required to journey forth into the wider world to learn of threats and to teach of the purity of song and the discipline needed to harness it. Those who fit their methods may find themselves enlisted as a Friend of Song, to be a contact and helper for the next monk journeying out and to help encourage the beauty in life.

    Songfire monks can be identified quickly by those who know what they're looking at; they wear layered silk robes colored white, scarlet, gold and blue that are inlaid with various runic patterns. Word has it that these were the garb of the nation that formed the Songfire, though none know for sure.

    Most who wander into Songfire territory are left alone, in hopes that they will turn back from this place in peace. Those who meddle too far, or seem to have some idea of what they are searching for, are ambushed and slain. The monks will move with the whispered winds, singing beneath their breath, and leap upon their victim to destroy them with with well-timed, harmonic blows. Immediately activated Quivering Palms are a favored method of dealing with such intruders.

    Song Dragons are particularly despised and distrusted by the monks; like all dragons, they are self-centered and short-sighted, wrapped in their arrogance for the wisdom a mere thousand years will bestow on them. They seek only to use the windstones for their own ends, hoping to find out how the stones work or use them to tilt the balance of good and evil before the time has come for the fated end of evil. The monks consider them as so many frenetic and frantic ants scrambling upwards against the sands of time, and will slay any that come too near.

    Most Songfire Monks are approximately 14th level, being multiclassed somewhat evenly between Bard and Monk. Their best warriors tend to be Swordsages of various stripes, and they count a few Favored Souls, Fochlucan Lyricists and Druids among their number. Their leader, Ket-Mas, is a master of Song Magic (NG Human Bard 10/Sublime Chord 7/Logothronos 3).

    When the time has come for the windstones to be unearthed - after a vote is made by the monks as a whole once Ket-Mas has called for one, and the monks have unanimously voted in favor - the monks engage in a sacred dance outside the ring of the six stones, calling upon the winds.

    Learning About the Songfire
    Knowledge (Arcana, History)
    DC 15 "Word has it that a strange group of monks lives in a white sand desert."
    DC 20 "They protect a group of giant obsidian monoliths called the windstones."
    DC 25 "The windstones are also known as The Lyric Throne, and the desert is called The Dunes of Song."
    DC 30 "They say that these stones created the universe and all the planes."
    DC 35 "These monks are called the Songfire, and each and every one of them has lived for thousands of millenia."

    Knowledge (Local)
    DC 15 "There's a strange group of hooded people if you get deep in the desert. They just sit there, watching you."
    DC 25 "Heard they killed someone right in front of his buddy last month. Told the guy to get out of there, he looked too stupid to be dangerous."

    Knowledge (Music)
    DC 25 "One of the greatest sounds known to mortals and outsiders alike is the wind passing over the lips of the Lyric Throne. Too bad no one seems to know what the Lyric Throne is."
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-06 at 09:40 AM.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dunes of Song [Embodiment of Song] (Under Construction)


    Heavenly chords and deathly wails...
    Mine are the words of death and life.
    This is the way the world ends:
    Not with a bang, but my whisper.

    - Eilonwy-of-the-Harp


    The Words of Creation - a celestial language woven of the purest, most indescribable joys. The Dark Speech - a vile uttering scratched out from the mouths of the Abyss. Few mortals can even learn but a few syllables of either, and it was thought inconceivable that a one could learn both. But where there is a will, there is a way... Those who are dissatisfied with the limits of mortal speech have pushed themselves to master words without limits, transcending their shells in the process.

    The Logothronos, or 'Lyric Throne', is named for the six windstones of the Dunes of Song, which is where the Songfire Monks first learned the intricate ties between music, words and reality. Some who follow this path do not even know the relation between the two, however, due to the secrecy surrounding the Songfire.

    Hit Die: d6

    To qualify to become a Logothronos, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
    Alignment: Any good or evil.
    Abilities: Int 15+, Cha 15+, Wis 15+
    Base Will Save: 5+
    Feats: Words of Creation or Dark Speech
    Skills: Perform (any) 15 ranks
    Languages: Must know at least 8 different languages, including Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, and Auran.
    Spells: Able to spontaneously cast spells with a Verbal component.
    Special: Bardic Music class ability.
    Special: Must possess a sand-beaten shard of the Dune of Song windstones. A shard typically is about the size of a coin and retails on the black market for more than 5,000 GP. A Songfire Monk may part with one of these shards to one who has befriended them.

    The Logothronos' class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, and Spellcraft (Int).
    Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

    |Choral Curriculum, Desert Rituals, That Which is Heard, The Word of Knowledge|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |The Word of Wounds|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |The Word of Infinity|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Logothronos.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Logothronos do not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiency.

    Spellcasting: At each level, a logothronos gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a spontaneous spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spontaneous spellcasting class before becoming a logothronos, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

    Choral Curriculum: The logothronos' class levels stack with his levels in whatever class granted him the Bardic Music class ability for purposes of determining both what types of Bardic Music he has access to, as well as his daily uses and the effectiveness of his Bardic Music.

    Desert Rituals: Upon taking his first level in this class and once a year thereafter, the logothronos does not gain the benefit of any class features except for advanced spellcasting until he undergoes an initiation ritual that attunes him to the universal fabric. This ritual requires the logothronos to sing and dance for an hour in the focal point of a group of obsidian monoliths, with his windstone shard hanging around his neck to channel the energies.

    As he sings and dances, the obsidian will vibrate in tune as his windstone shard conducts and weaves energy between the monoliths and its owner, tying the creator into the essential fabric of the universe. At the end of the hour, the group of obsidian usually shatters due to its impurities; an outcropping of resilient and pure obsidian monoliths that can be used annually are highly valued by those who take up this path.

    The six windstones themselves theoretically can be used for this ritual, though none dare. It is whispered that the Songfire Monks fear this abuse of the stones most, for it could grant the wielder great power... though others say that they once numbered more and it was a monk who last tried it, dying horribly in the process.

    That Which is Heard: The logothronos' training prepares him for the rigors of the eldritch languages, and he learns to realize the subtle parallels between the Dark Speech and the Words of Creation, finding unusual linguistic similarities between them. Upon taking his first level in this class, he gains either the Dark Speech or Word of Creation feat, whichever he did not have prior. As long as his alignment is identifiably Vile or Exalted, he is considered to qualify for both feats.

    The Word of Knowledge (Su): At first level, the Logothronos rediscovers the etymology behind the words for 'knowledge' in the Dark Speech and the Words of Creation. With great care, they are able to reconstruct the root of both words, and find something even more powerful in the process, though they must call upon their supernatural training in order to master the exact pronounciation. When the Logothronos uses the Word of Knowledge, he must make a Perform check, and he may call upon it in one of two ways; by invoking a slight Celestial, Auran or Terran accent, all who can hear the Logothronos must make a Will Save equal to the result of his Perform check, or be forced to speak within his presence as if within a zone of truth. This effect lasts as long as he continues singing or speaking the Word of Knowledge.

    Alternatively, by invoking an Infernal, Ignan, Abyssal, or Aquan accent, the Logothronos can force one targeted listener to make a Will Save or be afflicted with diarrhea of the mouth, regurgitating memories and knowledge at random in an awful, unearthly language which sounds like the screeching of crows - Abyssal. They are rendered unable to intelligently communicate via speech or telepathy for the next 8 hours. Any spells or spell-like abilities the victim attempts to use which have a verbal component automatically fail while this is in effect. This effect is non-mental and uncontrollable, and does not hinder their ability to concentrate - for the duration of this effect, their mouth is essentially a separate entity.

    A creature affected by the latter usage, or who makes his saving throw against either usage, cannot be affected by The Word of Knowledge for another 24 hours after the effect or saving throw was made. The Word of Knowledge is spoken as a standard action, and requires two uses of your daily bardic music allotment per activation. It is an enchantment (compulsion) effect, and a mind-affecting ability.

    The Word of Wounds (Su): At second level, the Logothronos rediscovers the etymology behind the words for 'Injury' in the Dark Speech and the Words of Creation. With great care, they are able to reconstruct the root of both words, and find something even more powerful in the process, though they must call upon their supernatural training in order to master the exact pronounciation.

    By invoking a slight Celestial, Ignan, Terran, or Aquan accent, the Logothronos can heal allies or designated objects for a number of hitpoints equal to his ranks in Perform for every round he sings the Word of Wounds. This is not a positive energy effect, and can heal constructs or undead as a result. Creatures and objects must be within 120 ft of the Logothronos for this ability to affect them.

    By invoking a slight Infernal, Abyssal, or Auran accent instead, the Logothronos can sing a discordant melody that rends the matter of those who it is directed at. Hostiles within 120 ft of the Logothronos take sonic damage equal to his ranks in Perform for every round he sings the Word of Wounds.

    The Word of Wounds is spoken as a standard action, and requires two uses of your daily bardic music allotment per activation.

    The Word of Infinity (Su): At third level, the Logothronos realizes that the words for oblivion and eternal life in the Dark Speech and the Word of Creation share a common root. With great care, one can use the subtle interplays and assonances between the two words to create great and varied effects. Using an Abyssal or Infernal inflection causes local planar material to rip itself in two and reform, in a burst of white cosmic flame which can leave the area barren. Everything within a 20 ft radius of the Logothronos must make a Will Save of DC (19+Charisma Mod) or be ripped asunder by greater forces, instantly being destroyed. This usage is extremely taxing for the Logothronos, and he immediately falls to -1 hit points and unconscious upon using it, even if nothing was successfully affected. The immediate area looks as though it has been affected by an antigenesis field, but this field spreads no further.

    By contrast, a Celestial inflection supercharges the local reality; the Logothronos is surrounded by a 20 ft. radius field of unyielding positive energy. Within that emanation, life flourishes: colors are brighter, fires are hotter, noises are louder, and sensations are more intense. (This effect is purely sensory; game effects such as energy damage are not affected.) All living creatures within the aura, allied or hostile, are considered to be under a regeneration effect of zero; all damage taken in the field is non-lethal (unless you are somehow immune to non-lethal damage), and any magical healing received immediately restores lost limbs or body parts. Living creatures in the field cannot be reduced to -10 Hit Points, though other methods of killing them still function as normal. This effect lasts as long as the Logothronos continues to sing or chant the word, up to a maximum of one round per character level.

    Finally, an Ignan, Auran, Terran or Aquan inflection when chanted on the Astral Plane creates an Elemental Demiplane corresponding to the precise accent used. You are immune to all hazardous traits of your new demiplane; others are not. Para-Elemental Demiplanes can be created via careful blending of the accents. This usage costs 5,000 XP, and has no effect outside of the Astral Plane.

    The Logothronos can only use the Word of Infinity once a day. Activating is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and requires four uses of your daily bardic music allotment.

    Learning About Logothronoi
    Knowledge (Religion)
    DC 15 "Some think that you can control reality with words and singing. Bah! Bards."
    DC 25 "They say that the Words of Creation and the Dark Speech have a common origin, and that some have studied this to make use of it."
    DC 35 "Those who have mastered the essence of the true words of creation are known as Logothronoi, the Lyric Thrones. They have to attune themselves annually to the fabric of the universe for their magic to work."
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-06 at 07:41 AM.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (Under Construction)

    Treasures of Songfire

    Desert Silk: The secret to making this type of cloth has been lost to the ages with the nation that birthed the Songfire Monks, but the Dunes of Song contain enough troves of spare material that lucky adventurers are able to fashion new clothes of the material. Desert Silk is well-suited for desert trips, granting the wearer a +6 bonus to checks to resist non-lethal damage and fatigue from heat, while also shielding against stinging sand entirely.

    The cloth is startlingly reflective; when in daylight, light sensitive creatures fighting someone wearing Desert Silk take a -1 penalty to their attack rolls against that person.

    Price: +2,300 gp.

    Harmonic Crown: This simple and elegant circlet crown is made of white gold and studded with rubies. Said to be a relic of the nation that spawned the Songfire, every so often an adventurer finds one of these crowns... much to their misfortune, for the crown was meant to sift the unworthy from the worthy.

    If the wearer does not possess at least 10 ranks in Perform (Any music-related skill), every round they must make a DC 14 Will Save or suffer the effects of Tasha's Hideous Laughter until the crown's removal, singing wretchedly instead of laughing. (Treat as a Perform check at a -20 penalty.)

    On someone who does possess the necessary ranks in Perform, a spectral accompaniment joins the wielder whenever he sings or plays an instrument, past bearers of the crown coming into partial reality beside him to lend his song the harmonies and melodies that a solo just lacks. Beginning the second round he plays, one spectre appears every round, up to a maximum of eight. Each spectre that appears grants the wielder a +1 stacking circumstance bonus to his Perform check for that performance.

    Strong illusion; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, legend lore, major image, Tasha's hideous laughter, creator must have at least 10 ranks in Perform; Price 64,000 gp.

    Singing: A singing weapon is empowered by the magic of song. If its wielder is under the effect of Bardic Music, the weapon begins to strike rhythmically, assisting its wielder. Every successful strike made with a singing weapon under such conditions grants the wielder a stacking +1 sacred bonus to attack and damage for the rest of the round. If one of his attacks misses, however, the bonus immediately fades and starts over from his next successful strike.

    Da capo al fine; again, to the finish.

    Moderate transmutation; CL 7; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Sculpt Sound; Price +2 bonus.

    The Wind Whistle of White Sand: Made of polished obsidian with inlaid ivory, the Whistle was carved out of one of the six windstones ages ago by a clever dwarf who had managed to befriend and trick the monks into letting him near the stones unsupervised. He quickly cut off a long, thin slab of obsidian to haul back home and examine, only for the stone to resonate with such deafening noise that all of the monks were immediately alerted to the nature of the emergency. Before the thief could recover himself and take another step, he was slain on the spot.

    With the stone irreparably (but not critically) damaged in this way, the monks decided to keep the slab as a momento of what had happened the last time they let their guard down regarding a visitor. After many years, the slab - naturally hollow, actually - was slowly whittled and worn down into its current shape, before finally being fitted as a true whistle by a journeying monk, who felt it was perhaps the best and easiest way to make clear the beauty of music to outsiders.

    Within a week of the monk setting foot in a city however, the whistle was stolen by the great grand-niece of the first thief, who had no idea of the cosmic import or irony. She just happened to be a very curious toddler. Upon blowing a single note (by mere accident), the child disappeared from sight.

    Fortunately, she was swiftly recovered by her mother, a mage of some skill. Finding the object curious, she did eventually return it to the monk - but not before learning the secrets of its magic and passing it on to her colleagues. Wizards have since learned to make replicas of the fabled flute.

    Blowing on the Whistle will immediately summon a fierce, dusty wind that surrounds the user, then randomly teleports and plane shifts the user to the magically 'closest' area that most closely approximates the image in the user's head. Which of the two methods of travel used seems to vary depending on the whistle's whimsy. The user may make a DC 30 Perform (Woodwind Instruments) check to target a precise location to travel. There are no limits on how many times per day you can use this magic.

    Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift, greater teleport, creator must have at least 10 ranks in Perform (Woodwind Instruments); Price 200,000 gp.
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-06 at 07:36 AM.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Reserving a space just in case.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Added some more items, and Knowledge Check tables.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    My grandfather's deck has no weak cards, Kaiba... but it does have the inexorable... bump.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    I love this in more ways than one, but...
    solar flares can strike parts of the sand and turn them to sand
    I think you meant to glass.

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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by KKL View Post
    I love this in more ways than one, but...

    I think you meant to glass.
    No, no, no. I just left something out:

    Transmute Sand to Sand
    Transmutation [Earth]
    Level: Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 4, Ranger 4, Sor/Wiz 0
    Components: V, S, M/DF
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Unlimited
    Area: The entire multiverse
    Duration: Permanent
    Saving Throw: See text
    Spell Resistance: Yes

    This spell transforms any sand into the same type, consistency, and color of sand permanently.

    The sand is allowed a Will save to notice that the spell occurred. If Anakin Skywalker is present, he must make a Will Save or become shaken.

    Transmute sand to sand counters and dispels itself.

    Arcane Material Component
    A rock.


    But seriously, thanks. :D
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-11 at 02:58 PM.

    a steampunk fantasy ♦ the novelthe albumthe campaign setting

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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by AstralFire View Post
    No, no, no. I just left something out:

    Transmute Sand to Sand
    Transmutation [Earth]
    Level: Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 4, Ranger 4, Sor/Wiz 0
    Components: V, S, M/DF
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Unlimited
    Area: The entire multiverse
    Duration: Permanent
    Saving Throw: See text
    Spell Resistance: Yes

    This spell transforms any sand into the same type, consistency, and color of sand permanently.

    The sand is allowed a Will save to notice that the spell occurred. If Anakin Skywalker is present, he must make a Will Save or become shaken.

    Transmute sand to sand counters and dispels itself.

    Arcane Material Component
    A rock.
    This is quite possibly the most disgustingly overpowered spell I've seen on this homebrew board. I mean, DAMN.

    I should have you shot, drawn, and quartered.

    But in all seriousness, no problem.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by AstralFire View Post
    No, no, no. I just left something out:

    Transmute Sand to Sand
    Transmutation [Earth]
    Level: Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 4, Ranger 4, Sor/Wiz 0
    Components: V, S, M/DF
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Unlimited
    Area: The entire multiverse
    Duration: Permanent
    Saving Throw: See text
    Spell Resistance: Yes

    This spell transforms any sand into the same type, consistency, and color of sand permanently.

    The sand is allowed a Will save to notice that the spell occurred. If Anakin Skywalker is present, he must make a Will Save or become shaken.

    Transmute sand to sand counters and dispels itself.

    Arcane Material Component
    A rock.
    It's the little touches that really make this that much more awesome.
    Last edited by Lappy9000; 2008-10-11 at 05:16 PM.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lappy9000 View Post
    It's the little touches that really make this that much more awesome.

    I'm considering changing it to forcing him to enter into a mindless rage, killing the nearest tribe of desert dwellers he can find. Too much?

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    Default Re: [Embodiment of Song] The Dunes of Song (WIP, but PEACH)

    Back from the Sick bump!

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