How could this have gone so wrong so quickly? Laura had to wonder if something about the Hedge had it in for one or both of them. Perhaps the weather had left her too distracted to notice the obvious trap. Perhaps she was just out of practice. Perhaps she had already missed something important out here.

The sight of the Ogres wasn't exactly helping. It was too familar. Laura was pretty sure had been involved with massed hunts of such creatures back on the other side. Back then it wasn't just her hunting them. There had been horses and dogs and backup to assist her in bringing them down. Could she be absolutely certain she wasn't still back there? Best deal with the Ogres in front of you first. Giant's counting on you.

Even as Laura takes a few moments to panic internally she'll reach over her shoulder and draw the heavy sword from it's scabbard before holding it at rest in front of her. With a confidence she doesn't really feel she'll call out, 'What is the meaning of this?' As before it wasn't about how she fealt inside it was about how she presented herself. Do it properly and the universe would help her out. Surely she was owed a bit of good luck at some point.

Spoiler: ooc

Attempting Mask of Superiority again for 1 Glamour

Presence 3 + Subterfuge 1 + Wyrd 1
Any 10s