"You dare to challenge ME?"

Varanid Lizardfolk often obsess over developing their martial skills. Many hire out as mercenaries to aid in their education.

Most Varanid warriors will qualify..

Species: Varanid or similar species
BAB: +6
Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks
Feats: Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense

Class Skills
The Varanid Mercenary's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int

Hit Dice: d10

   BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
1. +1    +2     +0     +0    Two Weapon Fighting
2. +2    +3     +0     +0    Exotic Weapons
3. +3    +3     +1     +1    Battle Rage +1
4. +4    +4     +1     +1    Two Weapon Fighting
5. +5    +4     +1     +1    Exotic Weapons
6. +6    +5     +2     +2    Battle Rage +2
7. +7    +5     +2     +2    Two Weapon Fighting
8. +8    +6     +2     +2    Exotic Weapons
9. +9    +6     +3     +3    Battle Rage +3
10.+10   +7     +3     +3   Two Weapon Master
Weapon Proficiencies: A Varanid Mercenary gains no new armor or weapon proficiencies.

Two Weapon Fighting: At Levels 1, 4 and 7 you may choose a Bonus Feat that you qualify for from the following list: Greater Two Weapon Defense (see Complete Warrior), Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Defense (Complete Warrior), Two Weapon Pounce (see PHBII), or Two Weapon Rend (see PHBII).

Exotic Weapons: At Levels 2, 5 and 8 you gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency with one of the following weapons: Two-Bladed Sword, Varanid Barbed Net, Varanid Curved Axe, Varanid Punch Dagger, or Two-Headed Spear (basically a spear but it's a double weapon).

Battle Rage (Ex): At Level 3, you gain +1 to initiative and damage rolls as long as you aren't wearing Heavy Armor, or carrying more than a Medium load. This increases to +2 at Level 6, and +3 at Level 9.

Two Weapon Master (Ex): If you have none of the following Feats, you gain one you qualify for: Greater Two Weapon Defense (see Complete Warrior), Greater Two Weapon Fighting, or Two Weapon Rend (see PHBII). If you do have one of those Feats, choose one to be enhanced:

Greater Two Weapon Defense: When wielding two weapons (but not when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural Weapons), you gain a +4 Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +8 Shield bonus to AC.

Greater Two Weapon Fighting: The penalty for each of your attacks made with two weapon fighting is reduced by 2.

Two Weapon Rend: The extra damage you do is double the weapons damage plus twice your strength modifier.

You are the ultimate badass. At least you tell yourself that. Heck, it may even be true one day.
Combat:Your people's primary fighting styles are exotic weaponry, and two weapon fighting. Unless you discover a technique you like better, you tend to stick with those.
Advancement: You pursue whatever skillset you feel will make you a better fighter..
Resources: This rather depends on who's paying you.

"Don't ask her why reptile people have..."
The world is an ongoing challenge that stands in your way, and you need to learn how to beat it..
Daily Life: IF you aren't on duty, you are training obsessively.
Notables: Ess (N Female Varanid Fighter 6/Varanid Mercenary 4) is tired of traveling among the humanoids. Why must they all be so dirty?
Organizations: There are a wide variety of employers for someone with your skills.

NPC Reaction
NPC's tend to see you as heroes or villains, depending on what side hired you.

For once, this isn't a class that should be disruptive or cause trouble.
Adaptation: This is easily adaptable for other species with similar fighting styles.
Encounters: You can be found wherever there is conflict.

Sample Encounter
EL 12: Ths PC's are quietly drinking themselves sober when a lizard woman slaps a bar patron. Cue the flying chairs and whisky bottles!

N Female Varanid Fighter 6/Varanid Mercenary 4
Init +9, Senses: Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Lizardfolk and Common.
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+4 Dex, +3 Natural, +6 Armor)
hp 88 (12 HD)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +4
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee 2 Claws +15 melee (1d4+4) and 1 Bite +15 melee (1d4+2) and 1 Tail Lash (1d4+2)
+3 Varanid Punch Dagger +18/+13/+8 melee (1d6+7/18-20) or +14/+9/+4/+4/+3/-2 melee (1d6+7/18-20)
Base Atk +11, Grp +14
Atk Options Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Battle Rage +1
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str 16, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Multiattack, Weapon Finesse, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Varanid Punch Dagger), Greater Two Weapon Fighting (B), Improved Two Weapon Fighting (B), Improved Two Weapon Defense (B), Two Weapon Defense (B), Two Weapon Fighting (B), Two Weapon Pounce (B)
Skills Climb +5, Hide +6, Intimidate +5, Jump +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Search +2, Spot +4, Survival +5
Possessions +6 Bracers of Armor, Two +3 Varanid Punch Daggers, Boots of Speed, Type I Bag of Holding, 884 GP


Hit Die: d10
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Bonus Feats: The Epic Varanid Mercenary gains a Bonus Feat every 2 levels higher than 20th