I am truly awesome. Or at least some of my writing is. I terrify one person in SMBG and then make then enjoy my writing of insanity.
I stil treasure the moment in Y5 when I wrote a cliffhanger story parodying Star Wars and had the entire class, plus teacher and helpers demand a sequel. Oh Annie SeaSkimmer and the Revenge of the Mutant Horse Chestnut, I wish I still had that story and the preceding one.
Now if only I can concentrate.

We interrupt this ego-stroking for a some breaking news. This poster has obviously received too much praise and is temporaily more out f touch with reality than normal. It is true these events all occured but this ego must be burst.
Please, O Ego Slayer, wherever you are, come here and stop thi rampant ego before it goes out of control.
The silliness must end!

@Serpy: No problem. I just forgot the quote marks. But it wouldn't matter anyway as it was a broadcast and they wouldn't be seen anyway. Or something. Also, I have to wonder whether the above paragraph was metafiction or meta-reality as it's part of the continuing news show, but talking about OOC (if such a thing exists here) comments and now it brings me to wonder how many levels of reality this paragraph has warped.
Or something.

@Jib: Huzzah! The sick feeling is probably left over from the exam stress. Eat, drink and be merrie.