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  1. - Top - End - #301
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    I should probably warn you lot that I haven’t had any luck finding Ganlon or Apicot Berries so the best Poffin we’ll be able to make will still be Attack/Speed - and if we’re picking up more people we might need to pick and choose whose Pokémon get them, we aren’t going to have enough for all of them.
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith

  2. - Top - End - #302
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Quote Originally Posted by gorman View Post
    *yawning* "If not there's always time to think in the morning before we leave. Think I'll go to bed now though."
    Mark waved at Matt as he left. "Sleep well man. See you tomorrow." He should probably go to bed soon too... but there was still some more planning to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
    I should probably warn you lot that I haven’t had any luck finding Ganlon or Apicot Berries so the best Poffin we’ll be able to make will still be Attack/Speed - and if we’re picking up more people we might need to pick and choose whose Pokémon get them, we aren’t going to have enough for all of them.
    "If possible, we should prioritize a pokemon with a multi-target physical move. See if one of our allies has a pokemon with rockslide or something." Marick would be able to learn that eventually but wasn't there yet. Watching Matt walking away, Mark paused and then looked at Mina. "Mina? Could I... ask you a favor?" Assuming she said yes, he asked, "If you feel unsafe or think we should pull back, tell me. I'm not... comfortable risking you. Or- or, uh, anyone else either." Yeah, totally saved it. Definitely didn't just call out that you were talking about Mina specifically there, Mark. "I just... haven't had the best record of assessing danger recently, and I want to make sure someone is around to keep me from being... well, basically a blind and reckless kid, I guess."

  3. - Top - End - #303
    Ogre in the Playground
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    You head off to bed.

    As you are not one of the people trying to get into Skybreak tomorrow morning, your sleep is mostly undisturbed barring a few bad dreams involving a Dragon Pokémon with a skull-like head sinking the Shrine of Light, and you awaken about 7 AM.


    Mark, Pinklady, Mina:

    Mina waved good night to Matt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "If possible, we should prioritize a pokemon with a multi-target physical move. See if one of our allies has a pokemon with rockslide or something."
    That seemed sensible enough so Mina just nodded.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "Mina? Could I... ask you a favor?"
    Mina was herself feeling too tired to be terribly wordy, so she just responded with, “Sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "If you feel unsafe or think we should pull back, tell me. I'm not... comfortable risking you. Or- or, uh, anyone else either. I just... haven't had the best record of assessing danger recently, and I want to make sure someone is around to keep me from being... well, basically a blind and reckless kid, I guess."
    Mina was likewise too tired to pay attention to Mark’s slip.

    She considered the question, and then considered a way to answer tactfully. It hadn’t been the charging into the mountains she’d had a problem with last time so much as the pointless endangerment of the Pokémon they’d gone to rescue. That Caterpie could have been killed, and some of the other Pokémon had been. “…we should probably have more than one escape route. We don’t have to hammer the details out tonight,” And couldn’t hammer them out tonight in any case, until they had a better idea of how many people were going and what their capabilities were “but we need to think about it. We’re going to be crossing five miles of water to get there, we can’t depend on having the Teleporters up and able after we hit the town, and the rest of that area is Bandra-controlled.” And as she said that she recalled they’d sort-of had this conversation before, but as they hadn’t had an answer then it warranted repeating.
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith

  4. - Top - End - #304
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    *wakes up visibly sweating* "What...the actual....crap..." Oh good lord.... what do I DO!? Was this just a bad dream?!? Did it occur?!?! Can I make a quick run to the Shrine of Light to see if it WAS just a dream!? Oh god....

  5. - Top - End - #305
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Less spent the time between finishing his call and the rest of the group arriving for their early morning meeting scrounging up food for his team, and the others, if possible, while Buck trailed behind him, eating anything that fell on the floor.

  6. - Top - End - #306
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Mark nodded along with what Mina was saying, and he let out a slow sigh. "Yeah... we'll need to see what options we have tomorrow. We'll think of something." Lifting his organic hand up, he rubbed at his eyes and said, "Let's get to bed so that we can wake up at five in the freaking morning." Why had he agreed to that? They could have left later. The chairs thing wasn't until around noon, he could have gotten so much more sleep! "Sleep well, Mina."

    With that, he set an alarm for himself and finally went to bed.

    ((In the morning))

    Some days hurt more than others.

    At 4 in the morning, an hour before his alarm was supposed to wake him, Mark's rest was broken by sharp, lancing pain shooting from his shoulder into his chest. As he had gotten into the habit of doing, he had made sure to remove his prosthetic from its socket, which he was happy about today as it would have been left twitching uncontrollably if it were attached and would have made all kinds of noise with its mechanical spasms. As it was, outside of a sharp whimper as he woke, he managed to keep from making much noise by clenching his jaw and curling around his core. I will get through it, he promised himself, and forced himself to believe it until the pain did fade to a dull pulsing throb. By that point, there was no chance to go back to sleep before the alarm went off.

    With a trembling hand he silenced the alarm, then forced himself out of bed as a sheer act of will. Sending out Tattersail to help him, he picked out clothes for the day, packed his arm in his bag, and staggered into the pokemon center kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. When he met up with Less, Mark would be one-armed, more pale than usual, and glance at him with bloodshot eyes... but he still attempted a tired grin and mumbled, "Hey there old man. How's it going for you?"

  7. - Top - End - #307
    Orc in the Playground

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    "Seeya, Mark!" Pinklady waves her companion good-night. After he's away, she visibly remembers something, and refers to Mina. "Oh! I think asking Less about our Berry wants could prove..." - a giggle - "Fruitful! Him being native to here AND a teacher means he probably knows that sort of thing."

  8. - Top - End - #308
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    When he met up with Less, Mark would be one-armed, more pale than usual, and glance at him with bloodshot eyes... but he still attempted a tired grin and mumbled, "Hey there old man. How's it going for you?"
    Less looked over at the young man, trying to keep the concern from his eyes. "Mmm. I've been worse." Less grunted noncommittally, while preparing a cup of coffee and handing it to the young man. Frankly the young man looked hungover, though Less didn't smell any alcohol on him. Less quickly dismissed the thought. The lad was young enough he probably wouldn't feel much in the way of ill effects even if he had been drinking. Far more likely that something else was bothering him.

    "I take it sleep did not come easily last night?" Less asked. He continued preparing food for everyone as he spoke. Toast, mostly, so that they could eat while moving.

  9. - Top - End - #309
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Flotsam wakes and rubs at her eyes, which inadvertently smears a bit more mud on her face. And she scratches at the bug bites a bit, which were a slightly annoying but ultimately didn't bother her too much if she ignored them.

    Wow, she was absolutely filthy. And she didn't have a care in the world, regardless. Stretching and yawning, she bids good morning to each of her Pokémon and asks how they feel, and if they are too dry or not. They could probably spray each other with their water gun abilities if they really wanted to, but it was probably best if they simply found some body of water.

    The girl's stomach rumbled, but she didn't think she'd be welcome dragging a bunch of mud into the Pokémon center. Hm, well. Perhaps they could wander through the wilds a bit further south and see what they could find. Some food? A river or pond? Trouble!?
    Avatar by linklele!

  10. - Top - End - #310
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Mark took the coffee that was offered and muttered, "Thank you." He didn't really have time to sit down and enjoy it, but he could at least add a little bit of cream and sugar before they went- Oh. Less had asked him a question. Stirring in the additives on the countertop, he explained, "My arm hurts." With a small whirring of motors from the empty socket, he left it at that and sipped at his drink. Oh coffee, sweet nectar of the gods, revive him...

  11. - Top - End - #311
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Less glanced down where Mark's arm should be. "Ah." Nothing for it then. Still, based on the previous night the young man seemed to be the leader of his little group. If Less wanted to earn his trust, he likely needed to bring him into his plan. "Pinklady and I captured a pair of Bandra goons yesterday. Would you like to come with me when I interrogate them?"

  12. - Top - End - #312
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Mark considered the offer for a bit, sipping at his coffee to give himself a bit more time to think, before finally saying, "I don't have an appointment, so I'm not sure I would be allowed into... wherever they are. If I am, then, sure. I didn't have anything planned for the morning, so that works for me." He wasn't sure exactly how useful information from the grunts would be, but hey, talking never hurt, right?

  13. - Top - End - #313
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Less nodded in response. They might not know anything, but any information is better than no information." Less futzed with the food for a bit before his face twisted in an expression of remembrance. "Ah, I was also told there were some Pokedex applications you might be able to share with me. Something about being able to tell when a Pokeball has been stolen?"

    Before Mark had a chance to answer, Less looked back out into the lobby. "Akio, did you want some coffee and toast?"

  14. - Top - End - #314
    Ogre in the Playground
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    It took a while for Mark to process what Less meant, but when he remembered the ap that Wain had given him he said, "Oh, right! The scraped ball one." This isn't what the app was called at all, but Mark knew what the older man was talking about. His motors whirred a bit as he tried to reach into his bag with the arm he didn't have, making him squint at his own fuzzy-headed stupidity, then he set down his coffee and went one-handed fishing for his pokedex. With a link cable, he could just transfer this right on over to Less' device and get the older man's contact information. "Oh. And we should probably exchange phone numbers, while we're here. You know... in case we need to find each other in the city." A plausible excuse if anyone was listening in on them at this ungodly early hour.

  15. - Top - End - #315
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    Less nodded, and slid his Pokedex across the counter to the young man while Less continued cooking. "A fine idea." Less privately hoped that he could figure out how to work the dang thing after it was installed. A fight for another day.

  16. - Top - End - #316
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Checking in with the nurse, it seems it was just a bad dream - or at least, if the Shrine of Light did sink into the ocean (a feat in and of itself, given its location in the mountains) or get attacked by any Dragon Pokémon, skull-headed or otherwise, she doesn’t know about it.


    Mark, Mina, Pinklady (night before):

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "Sleep well, Mina."

    Mina was dimly aware there were a few things she still needed to fill the group in on, but she was also aware that she was tired, everyone else was tired, and potentially half the people she needed to tell had already gone to bed. It could probably wait, as long as she brought it up before their next mission.

    So she replied with: “You too Mark!

    Quote Originally Posted by essCee View Post
    "Oh! I think asking Less about our Berry wants could prove...Fruitful! Him being native to here AND a teacher means he probably knows that sort of thing."

    Mina’s mouth twitched in amusement at the joke. “I will do that. Tomorrow though! Good night Pinklady!

    And with that Mina went to bed for the night too. ((essCee I’m assuming Pinklady is going to sleep around this time too, but if you’ve got anything last-minute for her before bed let me know.))


    Pinklady (morning):

    As you are also not one of the people making their way to Skybreak, you are able to sleep in until the nice, sane hour of 7 AM.


    Mina (morning):

    Mina actually set her alarm a little earlier than necessary so she could squeeze in another Teleport-and-watering spree, since she wasn’t going to be able to tend the Berries while she was in Skybreak.

    ((Wild Plots:
    +3 Ebet Berries (8 total)
    +3 Qualot Berries (5 - 2 eaten by wild Pokémon) (5 total)
    Occa growing taller
    Shuca growing taller

    Petaya still in bloom
    Grepa sprouted
    Salac not sprouted yet
    Liechi not sprouted yet
    +3 Ekon Berries (4 total)
    Nilla growing taller))

    The Ebet plant had been nibbled on by something, and some of the Qualot Berries had been eaten right off the plant, but there wasn’t much Mina could do about it right now.

    She replaced the Ebet and Qualot plants with Sitrus. Their growth time was long enough they weren’t going to bear fruit (and probably get eaten too) while she was in town today, they were useful, and if something happened that she couldn’t get to them before the Pokémon did when they bore fruit tomorrow she had more.

    One of the new Qualot went into the newly-harvested Planter, so she could keep a better eye on it this time.

    ((Sitrus planted in Wild Plots #3 and #4, Day 27 5 AM
    Qualot planted in Planter, Day 27 5 AM

    All watered.))

    She reappeared in the Pokémon Center lobby afterwards with her Natu on her shoulder, and wandered into the kitchen while Mark was getting Less set up with the Pokéball Scrape-Checker App. She dug a cup out of one of the cupboards and started to make herself some tea.



    Your Pokémon are all hungry, as far as you can tell. The Luxio in particular is complaining loudly in Pokéspeak as you travel south, though as the land is no longer slick with rain and most of your Pokémon don’t have feet the rest of them are getting visibly more miserable as you travel, and the ones with the temperaments to do so start complaining as well as the hours pass.

    You do not, however, find much in the way of water beyond a few lingering puddles from yesterday’s rain, this area being grassland with only scattered trees and boulders that gradually rises into mountains to the west. As with the rest of the region it’s also rather barren of both fruit and Pokémon; you only find a single piece of fruit in the first two hours despite your best efforts. Around 9:30 AM you technically find a little more, but it’s being munched on by a small herd of four little antelope-like Pokémon – Helnith-native Twiggin.

    Spoiler: Twiggin

    They stamp their feet and shake their horns at you when you approach, warning you away.


    Mark, Less, Mina, Akio:

    After a moment Less’ Pokédex displays the message:

    Pokéball Scrape-Checker Protocol Download Complete!

    Mina peers over. “Oh, good idea. Here, you should have my number too.” ((Unless Less objects I’m adding Mina to his phonebook and vice-versa.))
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith

  17. - Top - End - #317
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Mark had zoned out, not even noticing that Mina arrived as he became entirely entranced by the progress bar on the download screen between the 'dexes. When she walks up behind him and talks, therefore, he physically left the ground with a startled yelp and then turned around, breathing a bit hard. "Oh! Mina! Arceus, you scared me. Whoo. I didn't hear you come in." Letting out one long breath, he settles a bit and says, "Uhhh... good morning. Things going well before the crack of dawn on your end?"

  18. - Top - End - #318
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    Scrape Checker. Hmm. Less spent a brief moment ideally wondering what stealing a Pokeball had to do with scraping something before deciding he wasn't going to figure it out without the internet. With a few last motions, Less finished up cooking the very simple breakfast he had prepared for everyone and their Pokemon.

    Less went around the room, making sure everyone had a quick bite to eat and swapping numbers with Mina. His contact list hadn't had this many new additions in such a short period of time since the first time he got a contacts list. He still remembered the days when he had to commit each number to memory. This was undoubtedly easier. Buck trailed behind, making eyes at anyone who didn't immediately start eating their toast.

    After everyone had a moment to wolf down their food, or use Buck as a handy excuse for a garbage disposal, Less addressed the room. "I have Pokechow prepared, but we should expect at least some wait once we arrive in the city. Is everyone ready to depart?"

  19. - Top - End - #319
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Mark, Less, Mina, Akio:

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "Uhhh... good morning. Things going well before the crack of dawn on your end?"
    Something’s eating the Berries I planted out in the wild. Other than that yes. And you?” Mina had noticed he was minus his mechanical arm this morning, but also knew from previous association it was prone to acting up, so she didn't comment.

    Mina took some toast from Less with thanks once their numbers were in each other’s Pokédex. Natu squawked indignantly when she made to give the last of her crust to the begging Arcanine, so she split it in half and gave a piece to each Pokémon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Ruby34 View Post
    "I have Pokechow prepared, but we should expect at least some wait once we arrive in the city. Is everyone ready to depart?"
    I’m ready. Are we Teleporting or going the slow way?
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith

  20. - Top - End - #320
    Ogre in the Playground
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    He looked at her with his bleary eyes at the question, blinked, and had to struggle not to lift an eyebrow. Well, if Mina was going to be polite and not notice how terribly he was doing, Mark wasn't going to bring it up. "Nothing I can't get through." At least, nothing he couldn't force his way through... without painkillers, since those made him extremely loopy and he wanted to be useful today.

    Refilling his coffee and taking his backpack back from Tattersail, Mark said, "Ready to go whenever you all are."

  21. - Top - End - #321
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    I'll pull out my phone and text message Ranger Wain about weird dreams, skull headed pokemon dragons, what it could mean, and explain the dream in great detail before looking around more confused than usual.

  22. - Top - End - #322
    Ogre in the Playground
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    "Let's teleport." Less sighed. If he was going to do this, it was time, no matter how uncomfortable it made him. The process probably didn't involve killing him and putting a new Less back together.


  23. - Top - End - #323
    Troll in the Playground

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    Akio finishes his tea and toast before going to the teleporter. "One life, one meeting! They say teleportation kills you to be reborn again in a new place. But, really, that's all travel."
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  24. - Top - End - #324
    Titan in the Playground
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    Flotsom sighs as the morning hours drag on. It was growing warmer, and hotter, and drier. She didn't mind this weather either, as it was also perfect for the way she was dressed.. but her poor Pokémon!

    "Well, I guess that's it, everyone.. No water, no rain. No food! Ugh. We should head back north, to that Pokémon center. But in the mean time-"

    As she's talking they stumble upon more fruit! But it's being eaten by Twiggin. Well, Flotsam didn't want to start a fight unnecessarily.

    "Whoa! It's okay," Flotsam said. Funnily enough, she may have looked a bit like a Pokémon herself, until she started talking. Backing up a bit, she addresses her Pokémon "Probably not worth fighting over that. Anyway, I was going to say, I guess I should keep you in your Pokéballs for now. I can see you're miserable.."

    She sighs as Rascal protests. "You too, Rascal. I don't want you to get sick. But I'll call you out at the first sign of trouble, okay?"

    Backing away from the Twiggin some more to give them distance, that just left Flotsam and the Luxio. She sat down on the grass, then laid down and sprawled out to rest, with a deep sigh. Not a sad sigh, not quite a contented sigh either, but a little weary. She tilted her head to the side and looked at the Luxio. "Welp. These are the ups and downs of traveling with me..."

    She closes her eyes, her muddied up skin soaking the sunlight. Flotsam was a really thin girl, and now it was very understandable why. Traveling alone, with little to nothing, subsiding off of the freebies what was left of civilization in this war-torn region had to offer. It was rather amazing that Pokémon centers were still even able to offer free food. She was very used to being hungry, to say the least.

    She says, "I'll be honest. It's not the first time I've befriended other Pokémon.. I just really didn't expect for you to stick with me this far. I.. I was kind of hoping you wouldn't..."

    "Not that I have anything against you and all. I'm really glad you stayed to help with the Murkrows. I'm just sorry if we don't feel the same about each other." She opened her eyes to look at the electrical cat.

    Spoiler: ooc
    I don't mind making new friends, although...

    I did want Flotsam to remain a "water specialist", if that wasn't clear by now.
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  25. - Top - End - #325
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Mark, Less, Akio, Mina:

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "Nothing I can't get through."
    Mina impulsively hugged Mark. “If you need a rest or something, just say so.” Mina wasn’t sure what the space availability was at the Skybreak City Pokémon Center, but it was probably better during the day than overnight. And she was sure there would be other odd jobs, if he was worried about money.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Ruby34 View Post
    "Let's teleport."
    Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
    "One life, one meeting! They say teleportation kills you to be reborn again in a new place. But, really, that's all travel."
    Mina hadn’t actually heard that before - one of the perils of growing up in an itty bitty town and not going out on a Pokémon journey ‘on time’ at age ten, she supposed - but the way the man in armor had put it was…very poetic. Positively uplifting, even!

    Which was good, because now that she had heard it, it helped squash the irrational spurt of paranoia she felt. She’d Teleported before, blast it, she knew very well it would be fine!

    Okay. Natu can only manage two at a time right now, so Mark, I was thinking to have Natu bring Tattersail on the first round so she knows where to go, then the Pokémon can come back and grab the rest of you.

    (Skybreak entrance: )

    For those of you who had not Teleported before, the experience felt a little like missing a step going down stairs, but at the same time everything around you changed - walls became grassland, the air conditioned atmosphere of the Pokemon Center swapped out for the smells of grass and dirt. Massive buildings - presumably Skybreak City - rise into the air nearby, and it really does look like the whole place is a giant fracture in the dome that is the sky.

    You appear not far from the entrance: there are guards stationed and security checkpoints set up, rather like an airport, but as it isn’t 6 AM yet they aren’t letting anyone through.

    Even now there are a tiny handful of people in line or on their way from Trainer Hill to join it: refugees, insomniacs, or other people both travel-savvy and willing to get up early to skip the worst of the line.

    ((You’ve got about a half-an-hour to chat in line, or I can skip ahead to 6 AM if you lot prefer. Or we can be in two places at once, and do both. What is everyone’s preference?))



    The Ranger texts you back in short order; even with the limits of the medium you can tell he’s confused.

    Ranger Wain sent you a message!
    Weird dreams? I’m not a psychic or an oneirologist, I’m not sure why you’re asking me. Do you have any Psychic Pokémon? Do visions run in your family?



    The Twiggin don’t follow and go back to their meal, though if Flotsam watches for any length of time she can see that they’re still keeping a wary eye on her for as long as she’s in their sight.

    Quote Originally Posted by WindStruck View Post
    "I'll be honest. It's not the first time I've befriended other Pokémon.. I just really didn't expect for you to stick with me this far. I.. I was kind of hoping you wouldn't..."

    "Not that I have anything against you and all. I'm really glad you stayed to help with the Murkrows. I'm just sorry if we don't feel the same about each other."
    The Luxio’s fur gives off a few irritated sparks and she trots away, growling under her breath. She disappears into the grass in short order.

    On your way back to town, a huge shadow blocks out the sun briefly. You hear a screech a split second before a pair of massive Fearow dive at you.

    Fearow A: 88/88
    Fearow B: 88/88
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith

  26. - Top - End - #326
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
    A "One life, one meeting! They say teleportation kills you to be reborn again in a new place. But, really, that's all travel."
    Less had to credit that as a practical, optimistic philosophy. It didn't manage to bring him any comfort though, as he felt the ground lurch beneath him. The experience was sickening, one place, then another. Less was grateful to his cane as more than a memento, as he leaned on it while the world came back into focus. Without the sturdy piece of oak he would have fallen. As it was, he had to take several deep breaths to keep from vomiting.

    That . . . would be difficult to get used to.

    After a moment to gather his composure, Less let out a deep breath, and began passing out the Pokechow he had prepared along with the toast. Buck, of course, insisted on the first portion. After that, Less was able to pass out the rest to the group of trainers so they could feed their own Pokemon.

    As the group waited in line, Less took the opportunity to venture a question. "How long has your group known each other?" Less asked, looking at Mark and Mina. Buck turned to listen as well, and Less absentmindedly started scratching behind the large Pokemon's ears while the group chatted.

    Spoiler: OOC

    My preference would be a split timeline.

  27. - Top - End - #327
    Ogre in the Playground
    Gnomes2169's Avatar

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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
    Mina impulsively hugged Mark. “If you need a rest or something, just say so.” Mina wasn’t sure what the space availability was at the Skybreak City Pokémon Center, but it was probably better during the day than overnight. And she was sure there would be other odd jobs, if he was worried about money.
    There was clear shock on his face at the hug, but he had just enough presence of mind to not instinctively loop his arm around her because... well, he was still holding a cup of fresh and hot coffee. A bit awkward, he did still tap the mug on her shoulder carefully to try and return the embrace safely, and he said, "Yeah, I'll make sure."

    Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
    Spoiler: Shrinking for Space
    Mina hadn’t actually heard that before - one of the perils of growing up in an itty bitty town and not going out on a Pokémon journey ‘on time’ at age ten, she supposed - but the way the man in armor had put it was…very poetic. Positively uplifting, even!

    Which was good, because now that she had heard it, it helped squash the irrational spurt of paranoia she felt. She’d Teleported before, blast it, she knew very well it would be fine!

    Okay. Natu can only manage two at a time right now, so Mark, I was thinking to have Natu bring Tattersail on the first round so she knows where to go, then the Pokémon can come back and grab the rest of you.
    For his part, Mark hadn't ever been afraid of teleporting. Honestly, much like a roller coaster, he'd always viewed it with a bit of thrill. A short thrill, sure, but that momentary sense of weightlessness around him still managed to wake him up a bit more. "That's what I was thinking." He said when Mina made her suggestion. "'Sail could probably just take the whole group at once, so that should make travel a bit quicker. By the way... is Natu's wing almost healed? Being able to evolve her could be really helpful... in the future." The very near future.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
    You appear not far from the entrance: there are guards stationed and security checkpoints set up, rather like an airport, but as it isn’t 6 AM yet they aren’t letting anyone through.

    Even now there are a tiny handful of people in line or on their way from Trainer Hill to join it: refugees, insomniacs, or other people both travel-savvy and willing to get up early to skip the worst of the line.

    ((You’ve got about a half-an-hour to chat in line, or I can skip ahead to 6 AM if you lot prefer. Or we can be in two places at once, and do both. What is everyone’s preference?))
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Ruby34 View Post
    As the group waited in line, Less took the opportunity to venture a question. "How long has your group known each other?" Less asked, looking at Mark and Mina. Buck turned to listen as well, and Less absentmindedly started scratching behind the large Pokemon's ears while the group chatted.
    Having an easier time of the teleportation, he'd done it repeatedly in the last day alone, after all, so he was pretty well adjusted to the sensation, Mark continued sipping at his second cup of coffee and he glanced between Less and Mina. "Well... honestly, it hasn't been too long. I came here looking for someone," who he now knew was super dead, "and I met up with Mina... what? A little over two weeks ago? Three? Maaaaybe four?" He asked, looking back at Tattersail for confirmation. He almost pulled out his phone to check the dates of their messages, but that would have required him to set down the sweet elixir of life that he was sipping on, and they hadn't exchanged numbers the first few days they had known each other.

    Spoiler: OoC
    I'll vote for a split timeline, too.

  28. - Top - End - #328
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    *sighs and messages back* "I simply figured that you're the man with connections to others fighting for what's right around the area and thought you might have heard of something if the Shrine was attacked or if Bandra's leader was on the move is all. Sorry."

  29. - Top - End - #329
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Pokémon Center (Mark, Less, Akio, Mina):

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "By the way... is Natu's wing almost healed? Being able to evolve her could be really helpful... in the future."
    The nurse gave him a clean bill of health, yes.” Mina scritched the bird in question, who smooshed his tiny body up against her hand in response. “I’m going to try and find a Silk Scarf for him so he can have Graceful Dance when he evolves.

    ((And it occurred to me I hadn’t actually put the explanation for what the Non-Typical Abilities do on the tab for same, so that has been updated.))


    Skybreak (waiting in line - Mark, Less, Akio, Mina):

    The Pokémon that were out of their balls ate quickly and nervously.

    Spoiler: Mark

    <We aren’t staying here for very long, are we?> Tattersail asked privately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Ruby34 View Post
    "How long has your group known each other?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
    "Well... honestly, it hasn't been too long. I came here looking for someone, and I met up with Mina... what? A little over two weeks ago? Three? Maaaaybe four?"
    Mina thought back. “Closer to three. It couldn’t have been four.” Mina herself hadn’t been here that long, and while she was pretty sure Dove and Fate were still running around the northeastern part of the region, most of the group from that time had vanished, died, or otherwise dropped out, and Mark was relatively new…and still the second-longest lasting member of the group from her perspective.

    Wow that was depressing.


    Skybreak (6 AM - Mark, Less, Akio, Mina):

    Security is reasonably brisk (and Mina is able to note, less miserable than they were the day previous) and don’t find anything suspicious on the group, so they are allowed to pass through with little fanfare.

    ((Skybreak City points of interest:

    Pokémon Center
    Department Store
    Silph Co. Helnith Headquarters
    Hall of Elders
    University of Helnith
    -University Library
    -University Museum
    -University Science Department
    Police Station
    Fire Department
    Ranger Station
    Human Hospital
    Park with a playground
    Gas Station))

    I was going to run over to the Department Store and see if they have any more useful Berries. I can sign us all up for the chairs thing afterwards if you guys want. Did you need me for anything else before that?


    Quote Originally Posted by gorman View Post
    "I simply figured that you're the man with connections to others fighting for what's right around the area and thought you might have heard of something if the Shrine was attacked or if Bandra's leader was on the move is all. Sorry."
    Ranger Wain sent you a message!
    I haven’t heard of anything about the Shrine being attacked. I’ll let you know if that changes.
    Spoiler: Adventures in Helnith

  30. - Top - End - #330
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Helnith: Assault on the Town of Ash (RPG)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
    Closer to three. It couldn’t have been four.
    Three weeks and some change. That sparked a memory. "Did you come through Siltis Villiage?" Less asked the two young trainers.

    Skybreak (6 AM - Mark, Less, Akio, Mina):
    Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
    I was going to run over to the Department Store and see if they have any more useful Berries. I can sign us all up for the chairs thing afterwards if you guys want. Did you need me for anything else before that?
    Less shook his head. "Not unless you would care to join us at the ranger station." The older man turned to the young samurai. "Akio, what are your plans for the morning?"

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