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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Sweating and with a throbbing headache Forks worldview swirled back into the present. "What I kill, I keep." He whispered faintly as if unwilling to let go of a dream.

    Then the stench hit him and he noticed the nasty feet of a red Slaad to either side of him. With a jolt, Fork suddenly remembered where he was and ignored the pain that was going through his entire body. He felt for his weapon and it was lying just there.. with a deep breath he rolled over slightly, freeing up his arm. He dragged the heavy crossbow, newly bought, up to his chest and aimed it upwards into an angle that was sure to hurt the slaad.

    He pulled the trigger.

    Then, without ever waiting for the outcome he released the mechanism and loaded another bolt. He didn't even consider aiming. The angle was still sort of similar and as soon he heard the mechanism shutting in acceptance of the second bolt he pulled the trigger again. Without pause he let go of the heavy crossbow and with his left arm pulled free a hand crossbow. In a similar style he shot from the hip as soon as he had the weapon raised. Like a porcupine Fork exploded with bolts shooting upward and it was a hot second before the light that had entered his eyes after falling unconscious started disappearing again.

    A shadow closed in on Fork and then darkness engulfed him. He couldn't breath but all his senses were assaulted by a foul taste and smell. Bitter and evil. It was all Fork could do not to throw up.

    Everyone else could see the Slaad fall over, then, a bit too long for comfort, Fork crawled out from under it. Gasping for air as he did so.

  2. - Top - End - #122
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 17/27
    PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Servius reaches down, his tail and body flexing as he pulls, helping Forkk get out from under the dead Slaad. "Good shooting. Only one left, but the most dangerous one." With a staticky popping sound, three more bolts of force fly towards the Grey Slaad, striking it.

    Magic Missile
    (1d4+1)[4] x3
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  3. - Top - End - #123
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Summary
    Ttharg uses a reaction to inflict 14 thunder damage on Gray, halved to 7 because it makes a DEX save.
    Fork fires two heavy crossbow attacks at Red, with advantage because of his position (essentially hidden). (11,11) misses. (13,16) hits, for 14 damage.
    This kills the Red Slaad.
    He fires his hand crossbow at Gray, still with advantage. (11,24) hits, for 9 damage.
    Rumble uses his reaction to add cold damage; however, 1 point of damage, halved by resistance, is 0.
    Servius casts Magic Missile and hits Gray for 12 damage.
    Nibum's temp HP comes back up.

    57 damage to Grey Slaad
    Red Slaad is dead.
    Blue Slaad is dead.

    4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
    18 damage to Rumble
    38 damage to Nibum, +3 temp hp
    24 damage to Ttharg
    39 damage to Fork
    10 damage to Servius.
    Minicliff is destroyed

    21 - Gray Slaad
    18 - Fork
    15 - Servius

    10 - Ttharg
    3 - Nibum
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-12 at 10:38 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #124
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    As the Grey Slaad takes a bite out of Ttharg, Ttharg retaliates by shouting back in the Slaad's face, his voice amplified by his faith into a thunderous assault on it's eardrums: "MAY YE SCALES ROT AND WITHER, BOTTOM FEEDER!" The Slaad seemed to dodge out of the way of most of Ttharg's tirade, but couldn't avoid all of it.

    For a moment, Ttharg was concerned when the Red Slaad collapsed onto Fork, but then the valiant Kobold crawled out from underneath it's corpse.

    He looked around at the crew, who all seemed to be in various states of injury, including himself. "Finish off this scaleywag! Hurry!"

    They needed to finish off this foe quickly, and so Ttharg quickly holstered his Warhammer, repositioned himself around the Slaad, and reached out to the sky above the melee. "Bahamut, I call to ye! Strike me foe with your blessed lightning!" In an instant, a small storm cloud appeared above the battle and a electricity crackled within the cloud. Ttharg took out his holy symbol of Bahamut and proudly displayed it to the sky. As if in response, a bolt of lightning struck the ground next to the Slaad with a sound that defined Ttharg's lineage: krixkrux. Electricity arced towards the Slaad almost like a brilliant white claw reaching out for the creature; the power of which was increased by Ttharg's display of faith.

    Ttharg then directed his Spiritual Weapon to attack whatever was left of the Slaad.

    Move Action to move around the Slaad, getting out of the way of the incoming Lightning Bolt.
    Free Action to Holster Warhammer
    Main Action to Cast Call Lightning (3rd Level Spell) centred just to the north-east of the Slaad so that it will only hit it. Grey Slaad needs to make a DC 13 Dex Save or take 3D10 Lightning Damage. Takes half damage on a success.
    Grey Slaad Dex Save = (1d20)[20]+mods vs DC 13.
    Regardless of whether the Slaad succeeds it's saving throw, Ttharg will use his Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage to it. So 30 Lightning Damage or 15 Lightning Damage depending on it's save.
    Bonus Action to direct Spiritual Weapon to attack the Slaad: 21 to hit for 9 Force Damage.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-01-12 at 12:29 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The lightning skitters over the Slaad's resistant hide, but in the brief heartbeat between the stroke and the sound, Ttharg, you feel a thrum from the vial of holy water; and then the loudest sound any of you have ever heard rips across the swamp and devastates the Slaad.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Bahamut transmutes the lightning to thunder damage. Everyone is deafened for 1d4 (4) rounds.

    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-12 at 02:12 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #126
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Relieved the hatchling fork is ok nibum can focus again. There's not much more he can do but to keep up the attack and keep trying to take down this creature like captains orders.He moves to flank once more and then he hits the switch to unlodge the spear head and stabs in again but the force of triceratools attack combined with how tired nibum felt in this moment had the thrust off its mark.

    Fetcher remains vigilant of incoming attacks
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2024-01-13 at 12:24 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #127
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: As the thunder rings out across the islands of Baratano...
    As the thunder rings out across the islands of Baratano, startling wyverns into flight and sending swampdrakes diving for cover, Captain Magyar shouts to the crew to make way towards the cape. They leaving behind a smouldering ruin where the Asphodian lair was. But it's like she said -- by the time the White Cliff makes it to you, it will all be over. One more round of combat will decide things one way or another.)

    At the same time, a bright copper figure takes flight from East Horn.

    Shanidar, the dragon of these isles, sets out from his lair towards the source of the holy noise. As he does, the standing stones atop the foothills of the The Grin glow in sudden flares of starlight, and the ethereal music of woodwinds and bells is carried on the wind, although none of you could hear it. Across the bay in West Horn, where you fight for your lives, he is almost invisible against the twilight sky.

    The gray slaad raises its spear in anger. It's badly hurt but still deadly, and each of you clings to the edge of life, too. Its huge eyes roll back and forth as its chaotic mind tries to calculate the odds.

    You can't hear it speak -- you can't hear anything -- and the telepathic ranting seems to have stopped. The tension draws out... and then with a mighty leap that carries it away from your attacks, the slaad flees across the swamp and dives into one of the ruined huts. It's not much, but it does have a roof, and (more or less) walls.

    Spoiler: Summary
    The slaad takes the disengage action and flees into a nearby hut.

    85 damage to Grey Slaad
    Red Slaad is dead.
    Blue Slaad is dead.

    4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
    18 damage to Rumble
    38 damage to Nibum, +3 temp hp
    24 damage to Ttharg
    39 damage to Fork
    10 damage to Servius.
    Minicliff is destroyed

    21 - Gray Slaad
    18 - Fork
    15 - Servius
    10 - Ttharg
    3 - Nibum

  8. - Top - End - #128
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 17/27
    PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Servius slithers north, dipping into the murky water in pursuit of the Slaad. As long as it doesn't shoot lightning, he's fine with getting a bit wet. He travels on a ship now, after all. And again - more magical darts fly after it.

    3 squares due north to get line of sight
    Magic Missile (1d4+1)[4] x 3
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  9. - Top - End - #129
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork darted after Servius in a similar direction and whistled once to indicate the chase was on.

    Rumble followed the grey Slaad towards the building and as Fork released two bolts, Rumble infused them with icy death just before running into the hut and tearing into the slaad

    Spoiler: actions

    1st bolt: 8+9= 17 to hit for 18 damage (includes 6 infused damage)
    2nd bolt: 15+9 = 24 to hit for 10 damage
    Drake attack: 19+6= 25 to hit for 4 damage

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Perhaps, in its jumble of a mind, the gray slaad thought that the hut could give it shelter long enough to turn invisible and vanish into the swamp. It almost did. If it could've closed a door behind it...

    But three weeks ago a bullywug spearfisher noticed the hut, while decrepit, still had a pretty serviceable door, and removed it from the hinges, and took it home.

    Earlier this week, that bullywug spearfisher met his death, and was consumed, and became a face for the gray slaad to wear.

    Perhaps, in whatever afterlife his amphibious kind believe in, he is pleased to know that for the slaad that killed him, death came through that open doorway.

    The drake claws at its face, and as it wrestles Rumble away, there come darts of steel and magical force to pierce its bulbous eyes.

    The two who can see the slaad see something strange--a flattening dissolution into thin air.

    Servius, who got the killing blow, sees the last, inexplicable thing. He's seen etchings for print reproduction before, and that's what the slaad looks like; two dimensional, inverted, sketched out and contained.

    --no no not THE BOOK--

    Gone. The Dilemma thumps to the packed earth floor. To the victors go the spoils.

    Across the bay, sails are visible, with the distinctive living figurehead of the White Cliff. And in the sky, a coppery draconic silhouette approaches from The Grin.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-13 at 02:55 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #131
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork clapped Servius on the shoulder when the Slaad finally croaked.

    "Nice blasting." He said..

    The adrenaline was leaving his body and he suddenly felt every wound on him, which were quite a few. He walked into the hut and hugged Rumble around the neck with one arm before petting him with his knuckles on Rumbles forehead with the other hand. "Good fighting buddy. Just as we trained." He said, proud of the drake.

    When eventually Ttharg came into view Fork got serious again and walked over. "I passed out there for a hot second. But something pulled me back.. I suppose that was you?" If Ttharg reacted to be in any way confirming this suspicion, it would be followed by a sincere "Thank you." Before Fork pulled out a thick bladed bowie-knife and started skinning what he could from the Slaads laying around.

  12. - Top - End - #132
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg had been prepared to cast another spell at the retreating Slaad, but the faces of victory on Fork and Servius stopped him.

    He dug a taloned finger into his ear, trying to stop the ringing from happening, even though he knew it was futile. He moved up to the hut and the rest of the group who had already begun digging through the remains of the Slaad.

    As Fork begins to speak, the deafness was still affecting him, and he had to bellow: "WHAT WAS THAT, LAD? I CAN'T HEAR YE!" several times before the ringing in his ears stopped and he could hear the Kobold. "Aye, it were me who brought ye back from Bahamut's locker. Couldn't have ye dying before the battle was over now."

    Whilst the others looted or skinned the corpses, Ttharg took a quick look around the entire area with the flask of Holy Water; double checking they weren't missing anything further. Holding the flask in his hands, he felt a strange power about it, as if it were empowering him with Bahamut's blessing. He made a mental note to have one of the White Cliff's labourers fashion it into an amulet proper when they returned aboard.

    (Ttharg will have the Holy Water made into an a wearable amulet, as per the Magic Item description, and will attune to it once back aboard the White Cliff)

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius cautiously slithers over to where the grey Slaad fell. He uses a piece of wood to poke cautiously at the book, then retrieves a second piece of wood. Using the two as tongs, he carries the book outside and sets it on a dry fallen stone, where he carefully flips pages while looking at the contents for a while before being satisfied that it is safe. "This is not the book that poisoned the tortle we seek, but a spellbook from one of the crew of the Broken Wing. I can put it to use. He took good notes."

    He studies the book, oblivious to the oncoming ship and dragon until someone actively interrupt him and points them out.
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Nibum has fetcher bring him the spear. He examines it suspecting that it's from the negniter hoard after all the book they are after was. As he does so he says to fork Im relieved your alive hatchling we arent done yet tho. Do you think you can find any more or all of the foul tadpoles?

    To everyone Im beat. Think theres time to take a break? Old bones havent moved like that for awhile. he weezes

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Whilst the others looted or skinned the corpses, Ttharg took a quick look around the entire area with the flask of Holy Water; double checking they weren't missing anything further.
    With more time to look around, you can follow the phantom footsteps of Vaarth Pthax and his goon squad onto the island, hunting slaad. You see their wraithly forms meeting with Trionyx, and at first the meeting is hostile, but then turns suddenly friendly. Two of the crew react badly to this--it would be really great to be able to hear--but the others are loyal and cut them down ruthlessly. Then they return to the dock, treating Trionyx like an honored guest. If you wish, you can follow the passage of their boat back to the Broken Wing, and the Broken Wing out of the bay, before the ghostly images pass beyond the sight of your flask.

    The visions only seem to follow Trionyx, so you can't see what becomes of the corpses, but it's not hard to deduce that they were found, infected, and cached by the gray slaad.

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    Servius cautiously slithers over to where the grey Slaad fell. He uses a piece of wood to poke cautiously at the book, then retrieves a second piece of wood. Using the two as tongs, he carries the book outside and sets it on a dry fallen stone, where he carefully flips pages while looking at the contents for a while before being satisfied that it is safe. "This is not the book that poisoned the tortle we seek, but a spellbook from one of the crew of the Broken Wing. I can put it to use. He took good notes."

    He studies the book, oblivious to the oncoming ship and dragon until someone actively interrupt him and points them out.
    The book is a Fulminating Treatise, a gift the primordial Imix grants to his warlocks. They are incredibly rare, due to their tendency to self-immolate when the bearer dies. Apparently getting turned into a slaad is an edge case. It will take some deciphering and study to make use of it properly, but time is all you need, and time is in great supply on a long voyage.

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Nibum has fetcher bring him the spear. He examines it suspecting that it's from the negniter hoard after all the book they are after was.
    You recognize the twin spearheads. Judges who serve beneath the Magistrate of Lapis carry these spears; ancient weapons of millennia past made of axiomatic steel and charged with the power of Order and Law. In the present day they are only used ceremonially, being antique and delicate. These look well-used but certainly not millennia old; the slaad must have been imprisoned with this weapon in the dawn of history.

    Someone very clever and devious has placed them in opposition to each other, so that two opposing poles of axiomatic energy create a vortex that shreds Reason and chews through Order.

    To everyone Im beat. Think theres time to take a break? Old bones havent moved like that for awhile. he weezes
    The White Cliff cannot come all the way into this tiny dock, but you can see a landing party led by First Mate Cocytus approaching in another boat to discover what has become of you. Maybe they can help clean up the other cached bodies. It looks like the copper dragon, Shanidar, is going to make it here first, though.

    Spoiler: Perception 15+
    At this distance you can just barely make out a tiny figure clinging to Shanidar's neck.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-14 at 01:11 AM.

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    "Somethin' were promised to Captain Pthax. Somethin' that stayed his hand and turned some o' his crew against him. Maybe it were a charm spell or some such, but it's difficult to tell." Ttharg said as much to himself as to anyone else.

    Ttharg looks up to Shanidar as they approach rapidly. "We won't have enough time to rendezvous back with the crew before the King o' these isles comes." He points to the Copper Dragon for emphasis. "There be someone hitchin' a ride with the King, though. Hopefully someone kind to our cause. We can only hope the King looks favourably on what we've done here. Maybe we could even petition him for information on the Broken Wing? In any case, Nibum, I don't think we have time for a rest, and if the King decides to fight us, we're dead anyway."

    Ttharg puts away his flask and stands in the open on the initial island they arrived on, as if inviting Shanidar to parley with him.

  17. - Top - End - #137
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    He grumles Fine then if im going out im gonna go out seated with back support. Saddles got my back sore. Come on treceratool fetcher help me out as he begins gathering up some supplies from the shack and setting up an improvised chair in the clearing tthrag went to.

  18. - Top - End - #138
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    It's a good chair, although it really doesn't take that long. There are few things as fast as a dragon in a hurry.

    Shanidar touches down neatly and quietly on one of the larger hummocks, which he takes up pretty much entirely. You are all well-accustomed to living among dragons, and it's clear he's an adult dragon, but maybe not long an adult. His copper scales are still largely untouched by green patina. He's big and bulky, with a heavy jaw and deep-set eyes that seem to gleam at you from under his cavernous brow.

    "How are you, now," he rumbles.

    Spoiler: Insight 12+ or History 10+ (adv for Fork and Ttharg)
    Shanidar is known as the dragon of Baratano, but he wouldn't say he ruled Baratano. Most metallic dragons don't like to make claims to authority like that.

    It's true, however, that he's the strongest creature in Baratano, and the richest, and the biggest, and that his opinion carries a lot of weight in Baratano because of his strength and wealth and general largeness; not to mention longevity and cultural, traditional role.

    No, he wouldn't say he's the *god* of Baratano, either.

    Spoiler: History 15+ (adv for Fork and Ttharg)
    The Grin is one of the longest continuously-occupied lairs in the Hic Sunt, changing hands frequently, and under Shanidar Baratano has thrived and enjoyed relative stability. He has smoothed the often-fractitious relationship between the natives of Frogtown, the pirates, the lizardkin fisherfolk, and even the less degenerate of the cultists.

    Like any metallic dragon he is not friendly to Lssthp, but there are worse neighbors. Shanidar keeps order in Baratano, in a rough and ready way, and upholds certain unspoken principles. It's lawless, but not ruthless, brutal anarchy.

    Almost unseen, a small copper figure drops from his neck and steps forward. It's a female copper kobold--a beautiful one, if you're the type of person who can see beauty in a kobold--and she looks a little friendlier. "Howdy boys," she says. "Rough day?"

    Spoiler: Same roll (Insight 12+ or History 10+)
    This is Shanidar's older sister Zab. Rumor has it she's the brains behind his brawn.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-14 at 12:31 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #139
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg bows to the pair.

    "Ahoy Shanidar, ahoy Zab. Our apologies for the disturbance; but we heard tell o' Slaad in these swamps and came to investigate on ye's behalf. We encountered a few o' 'em, but, as ye can see, we dealt with 'em. Took a few blows across the bow we did, but we're still afloat. We don't think there's any more about; so we'll be takin' our leave as soon as the jolly boat gets here."

  20. - Top - End - #140
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Shanidar's head snaps up at the mention of slaad, and he sniffs the air intently. He looks down at Zab, and she looks up at him, the kind of silent communication siblings excel at. "Well, get after it," she says. He shoots a line of acid that crosses a couple of islands, dissolving two additional caches of infected bodies.

    She turns back to Ttharg. "Much obliged. More hands mean less work, right, little brother?"

    The dragon nods its huge head. "If you can be one thing, be efficient."

    "Youse did us a favor. And with that in mind we won't even mention that snake bar got burnt down in Pierholt, will we, little brother?"

    The dragon rumbles, "Least said, soonest mended."

    She snaps a finger, and all your wounds are suddenly lightened.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Ttharg crits on both History and Persuasion.

    Mass Cure Wounds, +27 hp.

    "There's your boat," she says, pointing at the dock. "Pitter patter." She tips you a wink.

    Spoiler: Message Spell to Ttharg
    Come back and split a bottle with us sometime when you're not in such a hurry.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-14 at 12:30 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #141
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Im relieved your alive hatchling we arent done yet tho. Do you think you can find any more or all of the foul tadpoles?
    "That makes two of us Nibum, old dog." He said as only response to it. To be honest Fork didn't know if he wanted to find more tadpoles.


    As he set about skinning the hides, he followed the goings-on from a bit away. He finally tied together and slung the hides over Rumble's back to fly them to the ship and stepped up when the healing spell got cast over them. He felt instantly better.
    "Thank you kindly." He said with reverence to Zab. Fork was absolutely the kind that was the type of person who can see beauty in a kobold. "And pleased to make your acquaintance." He said to the both of them.

    "Any idea where the Broken Wing is off to?" Fork asked after Zab sort of sent them off of the island. He knew it was a risk asking for anything, and even revealing what their captain Magyar might be after was in and of itself a gamble. But something about the copper kobolds appearance seemed alright to Fork, and the way the pair conducted themselves right now made him take a chance.

  22. - Top - End - #142
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg bows again to the pair. "Thank ye from the bottom o' our hearts. May the winds and the water be kind to ye." He smiles at Zab when she messages him and subtly nods.

    Once the jolly boat arrives, Ttharg salutes the First Mate. "Ahoy, sir! It be me pleasure to report a successful excursion. Best we be back aboard the ship for debriefing, aye?"

  23. - Top - End - #143
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius

    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
    PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --
    The arrival of the dragon ruling the area is enough to jolt Servius away from his studies. "My thanks," he offers in exchange for the healing. It appears others have handled all the social niceties already.
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  24. - Top - End - #144
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    "Thank you kindly." He said with reverence to Zab. Fork was absolutely the kind that was the type of person who can see beauty in a kobold. "And pleased to make your acquaintance." He said to the both of them.
    Your courtesy nets you a flirtatious smile from the female kobold, and a low grumble from the hulking copper dragon.

    "Any idea where the Broken Wing is off to?" Fork asked after Zab sort of sent them off of the island. He knew it was a risk asking for anything, and even revealing what their captain Magyar might be after was in and of itself a gamble. But something about the copper kobolds appearance seemed alright to Fork, and the way the pair conducted themselves right now made him take a chance.
    "He's headed Sunward, I know that," Zab says. "We saw them our way back."

    "He's got friends in Cagway," says Shanidar unexpectedly. "More'n he's got here, anyway. If you're hunting him, and he feels like he wants some back up, he might head there." Zab gives him a surprised look, but the dragon says, "If they're huntin' Vaarth Pthax, it's fine by me, Zab. I'd have sunk himself for two pins."

    "Hard yes," she agrees.

    Spoiler: Cagway
    Cagway is the derelict remains of a once greater city. It was the center of reptilian life in the Hic Sunt before the migration of the chromatic dragons in the wake of the Cataclysm and the collapse of the utopian anarchist project of the worshippers of Bahamut. In the ruins of the great stone lairs built by metallic dragons in that lost age are bars, whorehouses, and auction markets selling stolen ships and goods, but never, ever slaves. Nothing infuriates a metallic dragon like slavery. It is further from Lssthp, within a few days of the Sunhome Isles.

    Back on the White Cliff, Captain Magyar brings the officers (plus Siduri) together in her quarters. She has her own information from the raid on the cultists's lair to share. "It seems like most of the Apophidians went over to Trionyx right away. He's got something in that book that swayed them. Not magical compulsion. According to our informant, he convinced them that serving Tiamat would serve Apophis. The Litany of Kin convinced them."

    "The ones who protested the blasphemy were killed. Only one was bright enough to keep his mouth shut until the moment came."

    Tegu chuckles and fingers her blood-stained maul. "We were the moment."

    "Based on the lad's testimony, we believe Trionyx is bound for Malatra. If his doctrine is as successful with the Apophidians there, we won't need any supernatural trouble... an alliance between the cult of Tiamat and the cult of Apophis would be more than bad enough."

    "That's what I've been most afraid of," Siduri admits.

    Spoiler: Malatra
    Malatra is a Yuan-Ti city that occupies the majority of an island (also called Malatra) within sight of Sunhome Qua. It is a great trade-port, a key junction between human lands and the empire of Lssthp. It is a city of great decadence and corruption; sometimes it seems they only pass laws as an excuse for bribes to change hands and to collect prisoners to sacrifice to Apophis.

    Cocytus speaks up: "Captain, Shanidar believed Pthax may head to Cagway to find allies, first and foremost. It's my duty to pass that along... but I'll also say I've got my doubts. Pthax isn't in charge anymore, Trionyx is. If we guess wrong and they don't head to Cagway, we'll have lost the time for nothing."

    The Captain considers that and looks to her officers. "All right... so straight to Malatra, to try and get ahead of him for once? Or keep chasing him along the route to Cagway, assuming they are going there first? Opinions?"

    Both routes have their risks. The route to Cagway is home to many populated islands, ships of the Flagless Fleet, and metallic dragons. A direct route to Malatra will go through emptier waters, where the odds of encountering illithid ships is higher... which is no doubt why Cocytus favors it. But there will also be less chance to stop for repairs until you reach the Yuan-Ti city.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-14 at 04:57 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #145
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
    PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Servius looks around. If no others speak up first, he'll give his opinion. "Malatra sounds like a certainty. If we arrive first, we can research, and prepare to engage Trionyx on our own terms, plus keep him from having the opportunity to spread his heresy to more of my kind. The only risk would be if he doesn't go there, and it takes us too long to realize it.."
    Things published on DM's Guild
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  26. - Top - End - #146
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The encounter with the dragon
    Nibum stood up of course and before he lowers his head he notices the relationship between the siblings. This confuses and irritates the ancient kobold. Perhaps the times are changing. He says nothing of it tho for that wouldn't be proper. I hope we were of use he says respectfully falling into old customs

    During the meeting
    He cares little for where they go but one thing is clear... wherever this tortle goes demons will follow and so he speaks up So he can charm with and without magic. He releases ancient foes with ancient weapons (indicating delima) from books. I say we follow and at the very least try to warn those in his wake if not deal with the horrors he releases. I am confident we will catch up and stop him. If we try and get ahead of him what will it matter if we stop him if he's released 100s of other horrors. he says ending looking at cocytus as if to apologize for disagreeing. He hated to do it.

    do the stars speak to you on this? he asks the navigator.

    He turns to Siduri I had misplaced anger from something i had learned just before meeting you. I wanted to apologize for that outburst now if i hadnt. My memory isnt what it used to be. Knowing trionyx what do you suppose is his next port?

  27. - Top - End - #147
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    "I hear that Captain Pthax is a vile taskmaster; helps him act on rumours o' plunder and get there before other pirates; or so I be understandin'. And now his ship might be boosted by whatever vile powers our Tortle lad has gotten his grippers on. Even with the White Cliff, I don't expect us to catch up with 'em before they reach Cagway. And I do expect he'll go to Cagway first, sir." Ttharg says respectfully to the First Mate. "The Tortle lad may be leadin' their voyage, but Pthax runs the ship and his crew, and like any scaleyrot pirate he'll want backup; 'specially if he's going to Yuan-Ti waters. I overheard at the Court that he'd convinced the crew to oust the old Captain. And now he's convinced 'em to work with a lad who releases Slaad and makes allies of cultists. He's got a force o' personality alright." Ttharg shifts uncomfortably as he relays this information, scratching at this hands as he does so.

    "Headin' to Cagway won't get us very much. I say we head to Malatra."

  28. - Top - End - #148
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork listened to it all and waited a bit before chiming in.

    "I don't have much to offer except for a strong instinctive urge to rush for Malatra." He took a second before trying to explain his reasons. "Pthax may not be in charge anymore but Trionix recruited him for a reason.. He needs him and his skill. He couldn't navigate the seas himself, we've seen this. And if there's the slightest chance we can catch up with them at Malatra, or spirits willing even get there before they do I think we should go straight for it. If we miss them there, I doubt the inhabitants there will be as helpful as they've been here.. and I don't want the trail to go cold."

  29. - Top - End - #149
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    do the stars speak to you on this? he asks the navigator.
    "The stars of the Outer Edge are few and wild," Cauda says. "Wherever we go I will do my duty. But I would stay where the paths are ones I have trod before."

    Tegu makes eye contact with Nibum and Kabett before she speaks up. "Fighting squids or fighting metallics, it's all the same to me, but speaking for them of us that have to keep this tub floating, I'd rather be where there's friendly ports for rest and repair and supplies easy to hand myself." Kabett nods.

    He turns to Siduri I had misplaced anger from something i had learned just before meeting you. I wanted to apologize for that outburst now if i hadnt. My memory isnt what it used to be. Knowing trionyx what do you suppose is his next port?
    "Please, don't worry about it..." she murmurs, then considers the question. "I am confident Malatra is his destination, after what we found here. But I see no reason to doubt the dragon of Baratano or Mr. Ttharg. Unless his impatience is mastering, he would trust the captain he has found. As for whether we should give chase or try to get ahead of him... I am not an expert in these matters, nor do I have a vote here. But I think your point about the dangers he might unleash along his path, whatever path he takes, is well-taken, Mr. Nibum."

    "Agreed," says the Captain heavily. Tallying up the votes, she sees that the decision is hers, as it always really was. "Those of you who think first of the ship chose Cagway. Those of you who think tactically chose Malatra. I need both sides, but in the end, I must favor mission. I am not a free woman. I serve the Throne."

    "But giving a thought for those along the path to Cagway, and weighing secrecy against decency... I'll speak candidly with Shanidar before we leave. The metallic dragons along the route to Cagway must be warned."
    She sighs. "Set a course for Malatra, Cauda. And gods grant we choose right."

    She holds back the four of you who fought the Slaad for a moment. "One last piece of business you gentlemen haven't heard of yet. As mentioned, there was one among the cultists who aided us in the raid and has given information since. He's a Yuan-Ti, a native of Malatra, and altogether horrified by Trionyx's religious opinions. Name of Orophias. I've brought him on board to fill our vacancy, in exchange for a lift home."

    "He'll do for the triage corps, I think."
    Even a junior Yuan-Ti priest tends to have a rough-and-ready understanding of anatomy, at least as it relates to human(oid) sacrifice. "Break him in, Mr. Krixkrux, and you and Mr. F'rrkkk pick someone to get their step to Able Seaman and the Marines."

    All of this is routine staffing business, but she adds: "The new lad is no born sailor, but he needs a ride and we need a cold body, and he knows more about Malatra and the Yuan-Ti than anyone else we have on board. He understands he's to be a resource to us, first and foremost, when he's not swabbing the deck. "

  30. - Top - End - #150
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Cauda lays her course while the Captain speaks briefly to Shanidar, and Ttharg and Fork sort out the crew roster. Then you point the White Cliff out of the bay, and set sail for Malatra, along the Outer Edge.

    The Outer Edge marks the boundary between the Hic Sunt and the outer chaos--the Plane of Chaos itself, the Far Plane and the space between worlds where the spelljammers fly. Visitors from Beyond must enter via the Outer Edge and navigate the Hic Sunt towards more stable waters. It is less populated than other areas of the Hic Sunt, with the reptilian and draconic population largely clustering around the Inner Rim in this quadrant. But the quickest path to Malatra from here will take you through it.

    These waters are lonely and largely empty; bare rocks are spotted passing by, or distant silhouettes of dragons island-hopping. Cauda predicts sixteen to twenty weeks of travel to Malatra; Tegu starts a pool betting on how long it will be before anything interesting happens.

    Everyone who bet on four weeks wins a tidy packet.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-15 at 02:35 PM.

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