Kaiser's Builds Addendum 1

England built an army? Weird. There's literally no reason to ever do that.

France built an army in Paris, as expected, but a fleet in Marseilles? I think he's underestimating Germany. Attacking Italy now is foolish, since Italy needs to be a speedbump in the way of the Juggernaut. Allying with Italy on the Mediterranean against Turkey is doable, however... if that's what they're planning, then congratulations on long-sightedness.

Russia, as necessary, army Moscow.

Germany, as necessary, army Munich.

Turkey is massing armies. Again weird - practically no reason to do that. Ever.

Italy built exactly the right things in exactly the right places. The only one to do so here, actually, if we don't count Russia and Germany with the obvious must-do builds. Good job. Turkey's lack of a second Fleet means Italy can actually do something against the Juggernaut right now - a one-sided Lepanto-ish attack possibly, or a contest in the Balkans. That Tunis army needs to be convoyed somewhere in the Fall turn, however. Preferrably somewhere it isn't expected.