"Ok, let's not panic." That was for his own sake. "They have to come through the tunnels to get here...We can lay some traps of our own. Then we watch where they come from, and follow 'em to Charger!"

He reached into his bags and dug around. He had a few tricks in there, of course.

After all, there was no way they could win in a fair fight. Spark was the best fighter they had...And Pyrite put trust in the other pony's speed and courage, but did he know how to fight? Probably not... Maybe

He, of course, was a thinker, not a fighter. And Dawn... Dawn was a lover. When they were on near-equal enough terms with these guys to talk to them, that could matter.

So he layed out two layers of a trap around them in a wide circle, since they could come from one of the other tunnels and end up behind them. The first, the farther one, was a basic cliche for child guile heroes: a thing of marbles. The second, however, was something of Pyrite's own invention. Caltrops, made out of the alumninum from a set of can lids all cut and twisted up, being careful to maintain the top's cutting edge. Those would slice up whatever walked on them something fierce, and the marbles would send their foes right into them.

He had left them some room for movement -- they were, after all, in a double choke-point, so covering themselves was easy.

"...Now we may want to find a safe spot to hide."