Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
"Thank you" Quaver said, her head still bowed towards the ground.

She was quiet for a moment more before she rose from her resting place. She gave a shake of her mane before opening her violet eyes, which were unnaturally clear.

"Yes, Thank you both for that." She said again, more clearly, as she hopped down the embankment of the ditch to her cart. Rummaging around for a moment, wincing only slightly at the sound of something broken rattling in the base of it, she extracted a satchel bag with her teeth which she slung around her neck.

"I'll deal with the rest of this mess in a moment. First though, I do believe I owe the lady of this establishment some bits for a pie, not to mention at least one smoothie although I'm suddenly inclined to buy two more. Would you care to join me?"
"That's amazing!"

Yes, that was their response to her offer to buy drinks. They just broke the laws of magic. She offered them drinks. But the latter of the two was the incredible part. ... Whatever you say, you two crazy ponies.

They happily went back into the bar.
"Alright, then! "
"Alright then!"

They stood at the enterance for a moment, and glanced at one another.

"We don't want to emberass our host, or call attention away from that mess outside, Silk Scarf. We need to keep it low-key."
"Right. Act natural. Like a normal pony. Slow and fluid."

They then proceeded to run around in perfectly synchronized circles before arriving at the menu. They looked it up and down, animatedly moving up and down with their line of vision. they looked like a couple of happy foals, being taken out for a sunday treat.

"I know! I will have a peppermint shake with whipped cream on top!"
"And I'll have chocolate cookie dough shape, likewise adorned!"