Quote Originally Posted by Corwin_of_Amber View Post
You're probably right, Shneeky. Anyway, I have gotten about all I need from this thread.

Emperor Tippy, I see that I was misreading exactly how the Weirdstone worked, so that's a good thing. I can just have the army accompanied by a construct with one built right into it. Do I need to preserve line of effect? And, do the players know that they are under its effects immediately?
Weirdstones need to be activated with a mental command when over a flat surface (I prefer using a Floating Disk or the like so that it follows you around all day), it would require a house rule to build one into a construct.

As for Line of Effect, Weirdstones are weird. They pretty much ignore the natural environment but how exactly LoE is handled with them is something for DM adjudication.

No, the players don't know when they come under it's effects. That's why I would have a flying baddy carry one about a mile or so up in the air along with a flat board to activate it on. The players aren't ever going to find the exact location of the Weirdstone.

Oh, and about the Ice assassin assembly line, I figured you just make your first one and mindrape it into your thrall. After that you order it to spend all possible time making additional ones and mindraping them (indoctrinating them to follow you), too, and giving them this order. It represents relatively little effort on your part to establish your own infinitely expanding economy. Get a divine caster and you've got all of the food and water you need for when you decide you need an actual population. As long as there aren't any gods that are the patron of not doing this, you should be fine.
You don't need Mind Rape. Ice Assassins are already absolutely loyal and obey and command that you give. It's *shudders* superior to Mind Rape.