Chapter 27, Week 20, Mood: Willfull
We are Justice!


Alright, time to do this thing!

I'm not sure there's a joke I'm allowed to make here, so let's move on.

For the week, we put back on our poofy magical-girl dress.
And the winners are... Ciphering and Resist Magic!

And we get a new outfit! This one's...Pretty special, guys. Yup.

That's a lot of resistance. Let's hope we're prepared for the next magical threat that comes our way! (She says, knowing when that is)

Joslyn's legalese needs some work.
On the other hand, it's time to be the Justice Novan needs, and hopefully pass enough checks to be the one it deserves, too!
"He does not deny the act, but requests a pardon that he might be set free."

Well, he might be insane, Lodie.

Callled it. Though is it really calling it if I already knew?
"Everyone knows the power of magical beasties! They used me, they twisted my fingers into chains. My wife found me screaming, she tried to shake me, and the chains wrapped around her..."

Riiight. Sure. Demons. I mean, odds are decent there are demons, and there definately are magical creatures, but...

[b]"I need the priestesses to bless me and make me clean again!"[/color]
You need less murdering to do that.

This is...The other early-game sense magic check I was thinking about. Congrats!
This guy's not surrounded by demons -- he's a WITCH!

Now, for passing that check, we get the option of pursuing the whole 'lumen' thing.