To Ante, Terran gave a sigh.

"Ask this of me when *thou* hast spent a moonless night repairing the lawn after digging up their tunnels to stop their absconding with the fruit of my labors."

"As for the hows....Listen."

He laid down on the ground and put his ear to the earth. The maids that did the same would hear it...

"After you, old chap."
"No, no, after you."
"Oh, but I do insist."
"Nonsense, nonsense! It'd be quite rude of me otherwise."
"Oh, I know! Why don't we both pull at the same time!"
"Oh, what a splendid idea!"

There was faint clapping and giggling.

And then a turnip vanished.

Leon was reminded, was the thing: it was hard not to be reminded of something someone was complaining about when it'd been your existence for years.

...But he also wasn't going to say it. That would just create a feedback loop of worry and sadness, and he wouldn't put her to that.

Instead he smiled and kicked up the sand with a black hoof. No, instead, maybe some good nostalgia.

"...What is your home like, My shining moon?"