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Thread: Random Superpowers

  1. - Top - End - #925
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Random Superpowers



    Annnnd Spacial tuning

    So a superassassin who kills by creating bows and arrows from water. Oh, and I can also create a field within which I can warp reality and create paradoxes. Cool enough for me. I'll take it.
    Last edited by Demidos; 2013-04-30 at 06:14 PM.
    My Homebrew:
    The Fortunar Base Class: A Fortuneteller wielding a minor Deck of Many Things. Mid T3.

    Completed Classes
    The Grandmaster : A master of animated stattuettes and tactical magic. High tier 3.
    The Hidden Word: An infiltrator with a wide range of abilities that works best in small teams. Tier 2-3
    Web-Spinner: A martial class based around using webs. Mid T3.
    The True Warrior: A swift mundane martial combat class that can dodge and slice their way to victory. Low Tier 3.