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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: [BitPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World II

    Quote Originally Posted by KerfuffleMach2 View Post
    Las Noches - Quinta District

    Randii nods a bit. Sounds good. So, the Flotas are being kept separate from the rest of us? Guess I'll have to pick a spot for the my team.

    At Tinja's comment on her uniform, Randii gives her a smirk. Glad you like it. I was thinking yours needs some work, too. Randii isn't so subtle with her teasing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post
    Las Noches -- Quinta's District

    Valentina, La Sexta Espada, receives the invitation from Madam Tinja. Upon arriving, she comments details of the army. "This looks very well-done. My only question is: How do you plan on keeping everyone in line? With so many layers of command, there's bound to be disloyalty and disobedience."

    I'm sure Tinja has something already worked out, but Valentina would like to know it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spacewolf View Post
    Las Noches -- Quinta's District

    Creon tags along with Valentina to Tinjas district hoping to find something to do rather than just getting left on the sidelines again.

    Tinja glares playfully at Randii. CLEARLY, this stern glance will discipline her unruly Fraccion.....clearly.

    "My uniform is quite fine enough as it is. In fact, I would say it was rather impressive, were I not too humble to voice such thoughts."

    A prim sniff indicates her opinion of the suggestion for alterations.

    Her grin breaks back out too quickly however.

    "We'll find a place for your Flota in this district. I don't think the other Espada would feel too threatened. At least, not until the army begins to take shape. Then we'll see what they say."

    Seeing Valentina and Creon approaching, Tinja waves cheerily.

    "Why hello there!"

    At Valentina's comment, she laughs. "If they disobey, they die, of course. We're Hollows, what do you expect? The Espada in charge of the Armada will be the ultimate arbiter, of course, but its not a draft. They don't have to come if they don't want to. If they come, its not to play".

    "Or rather, they don't play for themselves."
    Tinja's eyes gleam with a momentary cold shine.

    Then she's back to her usual cheery self. "So! Seeing as the Shinigami don't seem to have any immediate response, and their due-date isn't for a few days, what say you we have us some fun today? I had two ideas -- we could either give the old training grounds a good stomping, or we could investigate these rumors i've been hearing of a rogue Arrancar attempting to set up some sort of counter-kingdom to Las Noches. Cuevas de la Muerte, I believe it was called. I've been hearing these rumors for a few months though, so a day shouldn't make much difference. We can have one thing today, and one tomorrow, either either day. So, which shall it be? I have no preference myself either way."
    Last edited by Demidos; 2013-07-20 at 02:11 AM.
    My Homebrew:
    The Fortunar Base Class: A Fortuneteller wielding a minor Deck of Many Things. Mid T3.

    Completed Classes
    The Grandmaster : A master of animated stattuettes and tactical magic. High tier 3.
    The Hidden Word: An infiltrator with a wide range of abilities that works best in small teams. Tier 2-3
    Web-Spinner: A martial class based around using webs. Mid T3.
    The True Warrior: A swift mundane martial combat class that can dodge and slice their way to victory. Low Tier 3.