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    Firbolg in the Playground
    CurlyKitGirl's Avatar

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    Apr 2007
    The Black Desert

    Default Re: House of Much Random Banter and Haluesen's Various Wondrous Cookies #197

    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldRose View Post
    The boys are growing like weeds, and making me crazy. You know, the usual things boys do. It is only a real issue when I need to concentrate on school (like now) and they suddenly need 350% of my attention. (As opposed to the usual 200%).
    Children are like that. How old must the youngest be now? And the eldest should be in . . . his first or second year of primary school? The memories are a little fuzzy. I do remember I spoke to him once though, and he was four(ish), so he should be six or seven right?
    Either way, children are exhausting, but quite fun. As long as they're not pitching a fit. Good God I hate tantrums.

    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldRose View Post
    *joins Curly on the swings*

    You're right, of course, I need to just relax. Granted, the amount of coffee I have ingested so far today make work against that. Unless I add more and come out the other side. I may need to do that. In fact, I may need to remove myself from the house entirely and go to the coffee shop to get some work done. And have some coffee...
    As a non-coffee person, all I can suggest is perhaps decaf? Although the withdrawal could be painful. Or you could switch to good, proper tea.
    But definitely relax a little bit. Take a few hours on the swing, have a walk or read a book, maybe play/talk with the boys (it might get them to calm down a little too) and then get back to work.
    Is this graduate work now? I remember a while back you were doing some studies too, did you pass that and go on to the next level, or is this the same thing?
    But if you do have coffee, have a nice dessert with it. Cheesecake maybe?
    Here, have a cyber-lollypop.

    Steak or salad?
    I'm not a big fan have beef unless it's in a stew, but the salad has to be good as they're so often so bland.
    Give me a nice chicken salad over steak any day.
    Last edited by CurlyKitGirl; 2013-07-28 at 01:23 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by V'icternus View Post
    Why is it that you now scare me more than the possibility of nuclear war?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bath View Post
    To compare [Curly] to the beauty of the changing seasons or timeless stars would be an understatement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    But Koorly is the sweetest crime.

    Squid bones are lies.