It's been quite a while since I read The Snow Queen, and I hadn't even heard of Frozen until this thread, so I can't really comment on all that. I'm generally not too fond of Disney movies, though, or animated movies in general, so I suppose it would likely not be my cup of tea.

Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
I think this is a bit of a weird definition of misandry. Thoughts?
Spoiler: I get what they're trying to say, but I believe that it is a poor choice of word.
I believe that I understand what they're trying to say, but that perhaps they ought to either find another word to sum up the concept or simply explain it when it comes up. When most people hear that word, they will think of a person who hates or dislikes men simply for being men and acts accordingly, and I can't see how proudly associating oneself with that definition could help anything. It will only make one come off as prejudiced.

Yes, the things that they list are certainly not privileges that anyone should have, but I think that then going on to say that equality might mean that everybody has those as privileges is quite a leap. For one thing, I'm not convinced that's even possible; one can't use power and privilege to hurt people if everyone is truly equal. For another, the only reason many of those things are accepted is peer pressure and disdain for the rights of others, which presumably wouldn't happen in an equal society. Hopefully not, to be sure.

I'm all for holding everyone accountable for their actions, but switching over to oppressing a different group of people is not at all the way to go about it, and that is what I would assume someone meant if they were to use this person's definition of misandry in a conversation.

Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
I like the post except where they keep misusing the word "misandry", which really invalidates everything else because it makes them sound like a bigot too.
Yeah, that's the problem, really. It makes the rest of the post rather more uncomfortable for it.

Quote Originally Posted by DMwithoutPC's View Post
does anybody else love Khaos Comix? I think the stories are just so sweet, and It's a very good example of stories being very different from someone else's perspective.

It;s something that makes me very happy when I read it, and I wanted to spread the love! (although a lot of you probably allready know about it)
I keep thinking it looks interesting, but I've never actually read it. Perhaps this time.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Myself, I have to wonder why a blog that lists inclusiveness for all has a logo that happily proclaims "forever bathing in your male tears", but hey.
I found that somewhat strange, as well. Some form of humour, perhaps?

Quote Originally Posted by Enrico Dandolo View Post
I wrote this, which I find thread relevant: "It's permanent"
That was good. I think you made your point well.

Quote Originally Posted by Enrico Dandolo View Post
More articles on history, because that's what I do. Possibly with comparisons to the present, because I can do those on quiet Sunday evenings while drinking a hot chocolate, whereas in-depth historical research is more difficult.
That sounds very interesting.

Other news:
1) Quebec has passed a law allowing to have the legal sex change without any surgery!!! Yay, less bureaucracy for me
2) I should get my referral tomorrow! Yay!
Cool, that's great!