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Thread: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC III

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC III

    The skeleton dogs snarl and sprint to the webs holding down the party, but as they dash into the webs, they stick and bind to the white bones. As the skeleton dogs run the webs stretch, then snap back, knocking the dogs to the ground.

    They can't charge in a web, but are now next to the party. And entangled too. I'll add them to the map in a moment.

    "Sadly Badger, I do not believe Nedivax will listen to us until we--how do you say it?--Beat the tar out of him."

    A tiny brown weasel pops up next to Nedivax on his left side, and on his right side a ghostly hand rises up and over the party to slam down on Elsee and Kheel.

    He used Spectral Hand to deliver Chill Touch to Elsee and Kheel.

    Attack: (d20+5)[18] TOUCH
    Damage: (d6)[1], and roll a fort save or take 1 point strength damage.
    Attack: (d20+5)[6] TOUCH
    Damage: (d6)[5], and roll a fort save or take another point strength damage.

    Attack: (d20+5)[10] TOUCH
    Damage: (d6)[5], and roll a fort save or take 1 point strength damage.
    Attack: (d20+5)[11] TOUCH
    Damage: (d6)[3], and roll a fort save or take another point strength damage.

    You make a melee touch attack up to one time per level, so he attacked four times.

    Elsee manages to dodge both attacks, and Kheel evades the second, but he shudders as the first freezes a bit of his wing.

    Kheel needs to make one fort save, DC 16 and took 1 damage.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2013-12-20 at 09:01 PM.