
Belladonna frowns and says, "That's still not fair, and it's so incredibly unromantic too!"

Nedivax rolls his eyes, muttering something about Belladonna and hopeless romantics. He looks back at Elsee with a curious expression. "I hope you don't mind if I wait for this plague to roll over, if it's as bad as you say it is."

Everyone, later:

As torrid day gives way to muggy dusk, the Wyvern's Fanfd make their way down to the cafeteria. It's already jam-packed with people, but there's enough jambalaya for everyone, with heavily-spiced sausage. But they barely manage to sit down and take that first bite before Mica runs in and gives them a nervous tap on the shoulder.

"There's an elf outside who says she has a package for you?"