
Seeing the Carrier's Door system fail, the Midnighter quickly runs through his other options. Saving his people(as much as he hates the phrase applied to the politicians) had to be his first priority. And while the Doors were failing, his radiotelepathic link with his team's other members was functioning perfectly fine. The nanomachine implanted by the Engineer was completely unconnected to the Carrier, and if that was ever hacked...then Angie was compromised, a far worse scenario than some nut in a white mask.

Hawksmoor would be perfect help. A building demolition was nothing that the God of Cities couldn't handle; the man's alien implants let him command and empathize with major urban environments. Unfortunately, Jack was busy setting policy in DC, and with the Door system down, there was no chance he would be able to get here on time. Angie was busy improving the US energy grid(Read: strongarming energy companies), and while her nanoblood could let her do virtually anything she set her mind to, she suffered from that same problem of actually getting to the Midnighter's location. Hyper-sonic jetpack capable of spacefight? Easy. Teleporation? Hard. Swift and his husband also suffered from that same problem. They were fast. Not nigh-instantaneous. No use going around the world in three minutes if you'll be dead in two.

Of the two members of the Authority who had the power to teleport, the Doctor was likewise occupied. Earth's designated shaman, and the most powerful mystic in the world was serving time in divorce court, his wife still demanding a ridiculous amount of concessions. As powerful and enlightened a being the Doctor was, he was still, at heart, a former Dutch heroin addict and womanizer. Midnighter couldn't sympathize.

As for the last member...his daughter. Jenny Quantum, the Spirit of the 21st century, Earth's last defense mechanism, with the power of...well, anything really. Unfortunately, though, she was technically only ten years old, despite aging herself to sixteen out of boredom. Acting the typical rebellious teen was even worse with nigh-unlimited cosmic power. The cigarettes he could stand-sort of-but the Midnighter drew the line at sex. Or attempted to, anyway. Night's Bringer of War slumps his shoulders as he projects his thoughts to his daughter.

Jenny. I need transport for some slimeballs. Be a dear, and get them out of the city.

Sam Oliver

"Devil power: find whoever the hell(he-he) I'm looking for!" the devil's Heir mutters sarcastically. Though, seriously, what sort of lame power would finding things be? In lieu of that amazingly useless ability, though, Sam settles for asking around to see if anybody has heard of an "Archer" anywhere.


As he holds the blade closer to his eyes, the weapon's latent power, diffused by his shadow finally activates, initiating an explosion that blows him across the street and into an office building. Through one of the metal I-beams. Stunned for a moment, he wearily gets to his feet, and checks his left hand. The crystal still seems to be functioning. His clothes, on the other hand, are gone.

The arch-enemy of the Church reaches once more into his shadow to pull out yet another Hell-fire sword(if you have over a thousand years, why not have spares?), this one in the shape of a katana, and a spare set of clothing: a gray vest over a black silk shirt(with the noose acting as a tie), and a set of black pants. A leather belt held a .44 revolver, and the vintage (German-made, circa 1942) black leather trenchcoat both held spare rounds and completed the ensemble. Nicodemus smiled. Time to find, dismember, and kill an uppity vampire. In that order.