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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    When Hawkeye showed with his bow drawn with a pointy arrow Paladin immediately went for his patented 'Stun-Gun'. With one hand firmly on his holster he put his other hand up palm facing the Archer. "Whoa there Cupid! How's about pointing that thing elsewhere!"
    Last edited by jerichodrumm; 2011-04-07 at 05:54 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    She looks at all the men around her in disbelief, backing away from them while prepared to draw her firearms, if necessary. Her brow furrows in consternation, visibly annoyed that this job was apparently going to be much more difficult than Fenway had intimated. If all these guys were here to bid for the same job she'd been told about, or, worse, if they were trying to stop anybody from doing said job, this was a dead end.

    "...Gorram it," the mutant mutters. She really doesn't want to get into a battle royale with these guys for a couple thousand dollars. She might be able to take on Spider-Man or Daredevil on her own (though even that was presumptuous), but she knew the scene well enough to know that these guys were on the whole pretty chummy and would gang up on her if she started a ruckus. Things were looking to be pretty sour now.

    ...If Wade were here, he'd figure out how to make money off of this. That, or inadvertently set the entire Met on fire.
    Last edited by Four Horsebears; 2011-04-07 at 06:48 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Marc Spector - Moon Knight

    Things just kept getting weirder as more individuals were approaching the front door when he spotted his friend, Hawkeye. He lept off the building, letting his cape glide him down to the ground. Ignoring the others, he approached Hawkeye. "Hawkeye, my friend. I haven't seen you since you crafted my weapons. What's going on here?"

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    At Moon Knight's appearance Paladin shook his head. Still not taking his hand off his Stun-Gun the commented. "Waitaminute...Is this a Defenders for a Day thing? Is Dollar Bill going to hop out from behind a bush or something?"

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Hawkeye says "Sorry, like you have the best track record for being with the good guys."
    ARRRRGH, I'm a pirate, ninjas are no match for me, Yargh!
    Also this awesome avatar was done by KillItWithFire

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Quote Originally Posted by smasher0404 View Post
    Hawkeye says "Sorry, like you have the best track record for being with the good guys."
    "I am sorry Hawkeye. You're right...Waitaminute...What was your profession again before you joined the Avengers?" he asked knowing of the Archer's exploits against Iron Man before he became a hero.
    "I have never gone after anyone who wasn't wanted by Johnny Law. I can't help it if half of you have had warrants out on you. I would also like to bring up that I carry a STUN gun and not a razor-sharp arrow that could probably bring down an elk. Now unless you are going to shoot me; you'll have to pardon me. I have to see a man about a job." Paladin then sauntered up the stairs towards the entrance.
    Last edited by jerichodrumm; 2011-04-08 at 03:52 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    On the Steps of the Met

    "Look," the woman said again, the nervousness giving a bit of a quaver in her voice. "I don't know what's going on here any more than you do, but I'm sure Mr. Price is expecting you all."

    She continues towards the back of the Met, where the seven of them meet up with an older man acting as the security. He's been working on a pack of Marlboros for the last half an hour or so, and a small collection of butts have piled up by his feet. The man nods to the woman as she heads up the steps to the rear entrance. "Evenin', Felicia. Hope the bossman lets you go home sometime tonight!"

    He gave her a broad smile, and the woman returned it. "Thanks, Harry, I hope you're right. I'm running out of midnight oil to burn." As she heads in, she calls back to him. "Oh, and you aren't seeing any of this, right?"

    He surveyed your lot, a little awestruck seeing these costumed heroes filing in so late at night, then answered a pleasant, "Mum's the word, Felicia, mum's the word!"

    The inside of the Metropolitan Museum of Art isn't as iconic a New York destination as the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty or Times Square - still, it's an honored institution in New York, collecting culturally relevant pieces of artwork from virtually every era of history, from the Renaissance greats to unknown yet influential medieval artists. The back corridors the woman - Felicia, according to Harry - leads you down are seldom seen by those that frequent the Met's vaulted halls. Eventually, she leads you to an office somewhere on the third floor. Though most of the Met is darkened, the light is still on in here. A sign on the door reads "Office of Library Acquisitions - Maximillian Pride, Curator." Felicia knocks on the door, then cracks it open. "Mr. Price? There are some, ah, friends of the arts here to see you?"

    There is an audible sigh of relief from inside the office, and you hear the sound of a man getting up from a desk. "Show them in, Ms. Bifrost," the man inside says, his voice quiet yet deep. She opens the door, and an older man wearing a fine suit stands beside an oaken desk. Stacks of books line the shelves in his office, and a computer several generations old sits on his desk. He nods to all of his guests as they enter.

    "Thank you all for coming on such short notice," he says. "I am, as you may have surmised, Maximillian Pride, and am in charge of the purchases and maintenance of the rare books we keep here in the Museum. Before I begin, can I have Ms. Bifrost get you anything? Some coffee or tea, perhaps? I fear this might be a long night for you all."

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    "Some coffee please? I've been sitting around doing nothing but patrolling" Hawkeye says.
    ARRRRGH, I'm a pirate, ninjas are no match for me, Yargh!
    Also this awesome avatar was done by KillItWithFire

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    "I take my coffee black. And tell the security guard out there to stop smoking."

    The problem with enhanced senses at a time like this. Matt had to make an effort to refrain from coughing.

    "Oh. And an explanation for why you summoned us here. There are innocents who are being mugged as we speak. And right now, I don't see much of a reason to stay here other than curiosity."
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafnotDumb View Post
    Silly boy. I've played in Industrious's games. They don't murder characters. That means the torture ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aevylmar View Post
    It turns out that sometimes? He *does* murder characters.

    The Maze of Madness

    Gotham: Year One
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  10. - Top - End - #40
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    Paladin waved a hand at the offer of coffee. "Not unless you have any Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain..No? Then let's get down to business shall we?"

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    In Maximillian Price's Office

    "Very well. Ms. Bifrost, if you please, bring a coffee for me as well?" Felicia nodded and left the office. Mr. Price ran a hand through his thinning gray hair, and returned to his desk.

    "As some of you may know, there was a robbery here at the Met just last night. We've been trying to keep this rather quiet, as it was a minor intrusion - the only thing that was taken was a rare book on loan to us from a university we are affiliated with in central Massachusetts. Normally, this would be dealt with by the police, but this is a rather embarrassing situation for the museum, and we would like to avoid any publicity that goes along with a search for the book dealt with by New York City's finest.

    "That is why I have turned to you for help. That, and I suspect this theft was done by someone in your profession in the first place." He turns to his computer, and begins searching for something as he continues. "I had Harry send me the surveillance footage on the book when the theft took place. You'll see what I mean." He clicks on something, and turns his monitor around so the assembled heroes can see it.

    A black-and-white silent image of a library appears on the monitor, the time-stamp indicating that this footage was roughly this time yesterday. The library is dimly lit, with several rare books on pedestals, glass coverings protecting them both from damage and would-be thieves. The room is otherwise empty and unremarkable. At 12:43, a billowing darkness envelops the room, and the screen shows an inky blackness for over a minute and a half. At 12:45 precisely, the blackness disappears abrubtly, and two things have changed in the room. First, one of the books under glass has been stolen, the glass protecting it shattered. Second, and it's hard to make out in the footage, but it appears that something has appeared in the room, possibly a hat of some sort.

    "Our silent alarms triggered while the security feed was blinded," Mr. Pride continued. "Obviously, when we got there, the book was gone. Harry did, however, find this." He opened a desk drawer and retrieved a gray fedora, wide-brimmed and looking as though it came from a gangster film.

    "So," Mr. Price said. "You can see my dilemma. I would like to ask you six for help in retrieving this book. I do not know what the thieves want with the book, but I would like it recovered and delivered back to us. Will you help me?"
    Last edited by Bruendor_Cavescout; 2011-04-10 at 08:31 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    It smells of cloth and sweat, and is definitely in the shape of a fedora. Unfortunately, he'd need to take a closer look at it in order to get anything more out of it. Even with his enhanced senses, being blind posed challenges. One of them, for example, was his inability to appreciate paintings.

    "I'll need to take a closer look at that hat."

    The red-clad vigilante holds out a hand, waiting for Price to place it in his hand.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafnotDumb View Post
    Silly boy. I've played in Industrious's games. They don't murder characters. That means the torture ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aevylmar View Post
    It turns out that sometimes? He *does* murder characters.

    The Maze of Madness

    Gotham: Year One
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    RotSE II III] OOC2

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    Paladin held his chin as he watched the video, lightly tapping his pursed lips with his index finger as he did. "Hmmm so nothing else was stolen? What was the name of the Book? Its contents may tell us something as to why they wanted that particular book and left all the others unmolested."

    In his head Paladin ran through a mental list of known SPBs with darkness powers. Hmmm...Blackout, Cloak, Darkstar, The Shroud are the top ones. Of them only Cloak and Shroud really do the billowy darkness thing. The others just project beams or fields of darkness. Cloak is local but a vigilante. Shroud is a known criminal but is a West Coaster.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Marc Spector - Moon Knight

    Moon Knight rubs his chin, watching the monitor. After Mr. Price told them his situation, he shook his head. "I find it hard to believe that you would assemble a group like this over an 'embarrasment'. This book obviously has a tremendous value. I agree with Paladin here, we need to know exactly what that book was and why someone would want to steal it. I can only speak for myself in saying that this lost and found mission better be important enough to justify being off the streets, keeping the city safe."

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    The woman listened quietly through Mr. Price's explanation, and when she was finished she folded her arms, wondering how she was going to make a profit off this. It didn't seem likely that all six of them were really going to work together to retrieve the book, and even if they did, most of these guys were vigilantes... not the kind of people to collect a paycheck for doing what they did anyway. And it was possible that any one of them would try and keep her from collecting on her share, as well. She wasn't sure she liked this.

    "Ah'm willing to find this book of yours, but you never got around to sayin' what it's worth to you."

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    In Maximillian Price's Office

    Mr. Price nods towards Daredevil as he passes the hat over to the cowled vigilante. Even through his leather gloves, he can feel the soft felt of the fedora, the smoothness of the tight hat band, and the pungent aroma of allium. Clearly, whoever wore this hat last had eaten something with a lot of garlic in it, and his sweat soaked into the brow of his hat.

    To the other three, Mr. Price continues as Daredevil examines the hat closely. "The book is the diary of a Puritan by the name of Bartholomew Jacobs. He lived in Salem, Massachusetts in the late 17th century. We acquired this text, along with several others, for a collection displaying early colonial American artifacts; however, this is the only one that was stolen. Mr. Jacobs' journal is a glimpse into what daily life in pre-colonial America was like.

    "Now, there are those that believe Mr. Jacobs was a magician of the blackest sort. In fact, he was burned alive after being condemned as a witch during the infamous Salem trials of 1692. He is said to have visited with several prominent esotericians of his age; Francois-Honore Balfour, Joseph Glanvil and others are said to have visited him at his home. There are those that have a second name for Mr. Jacobs' journal - they call it The Madman's Musings. Such sensationalists believe Bartholomew left coded instructions within his journal to create, summon or bind inhuman creatures to the summoner's will.

    As Mr. Price relates the history of the journal, Felicia Bifrost returns to his office, carrying three cups of black coffee. She sets a cup down on Mr. Price's desk, and begins handing out the coffee to the others that requested it.

    "I myself hold little stock in such fanciful tales. However, I suspect that whoever broke into the museum last night is less of a skeptic than myself; otherwise, they would have taken more than just this one book. I'd asked an assortment of people to come tonight mostly because I wasn't certain if anyone would come. Some of you, I know, work for the good of the people. Some, however, are more motivated by enlightened self-interest. In that respect, I have earmarked a hundred thousand dollars to pay for the safe return of the journal. Make no mistake, I want this thief to pay!" He slams his fist down onto the desk to punctuate his outburst.

    Felicia jumps at the sudden noise, and the cup she was handing to Hawkeye slips from her grasp, spilling the scalding hot beverage on him. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." She grabs a box of tissues sitting on Mr. Price's desk and begins blotting up the coffee that's beginning to soak into Hawkeye's uniform.

    I need everyone to make an Intuition roll. You can make it here, or make it in the OOC thread, but if you make it here, please spoilerize.
    Last edited by Bruendor_Cavescout; 2011-04-11 at 11:28 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    He holds the hat by the brim, passing it along his hands until he reaches the point he started. Daredevil then states a single word.

    "It's from the Maggia. Hammerhead family."


    Intuition Roll: (1d100)[90]
    That's a red result, I believe, since Daredevil has Monstrous Intuition.
    Last edited by industrious; 2011-04-12 at 12:28 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafnotDumb View Post
    Silly boy. I've played in Industrious's games. They don't murder characters. That means the torture ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aevylmar View Post
    It turns out that sometimes? He *does* murder characters.

    The Maze of Madness

    Gotham: Year One
    Earth-52(abandoned) OOC
    RotSE II III] OOC2

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    She understood very little of the historical jargon, but she heard the words "hundred thousand dollars," and that was enough for her. And she felt confident enough in her own abilities to take on Hammerhead, more so with the other five guys around her doing most of the heavy lifting. And if not everybody collected their payment, it'd mean more for her... This was going to be a cinch.


  19. - Top - End - #49
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Says Hawkeye

    Don't read unless you want a quick laugh
    Should I take damage from extremely hot coffee
    ARRRRGH, I'm a pirate, ninjas are no match for me, Yargh!
    Also this awesome avatar was done by KillItWithFire

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    In Mr. Price's Office

    Daredevil "looks" in Mr. Price's direction, listening to the old man's heartbeat. It's slightly elevated, as one would expect for someone in his position. What the vigilante does not hear is a lie. If there's some hidden agenda that Price is attempting to keep from him, it's nothing that's been brought up thus far.

    All of the assembled heroes are able to tell that Felicia is rather nervous, and Mr. Price's sudden outburst truly frightened her. Daredevil can hear her heartbeat racing far faster than it should.

    The young woman dabs up what coffee she can from Hawkeye's leather costume, and comes away with several Kleenex soaked with the brown liquid. "I'm so sorry, let me go get some paper towels..." She rushes out of the room, heading towards the women's restroom.

    Mr. Price removes his glasses, and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I apologize for Ms. Bifrost - she's a new hire here at the Met. I think the events of this evening have her quite on edge."

    "If you have any further questions...?"

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Intuition Roll for Spiderman
    Artifical intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
    Quote Originally Posted by Rogerd View Post
    Strike me down and I'll clean the floor faster than you can imagine

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    "None that I can think of. Actually..."

    Daredevil rise to his feet.

    "I have to go the bathroom myself."

    Closing the door of the office behind him, Daredevil heads to the woman's bathroom.

    "We need to talk."

    If she was hiding something, she'd tell him very quickly.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafnotDumb View Post
    Silly boy. I've played in Industrious's games. They don't murder characters. That means the torture ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aevylmar View Post
    It turns out that sometimes? He *does* murder characters.

    The Maze of Madness

    Gotham: Year One
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    RotSE II III] OOC2

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Tried posting this last night but site was down for maintenance. :(


    Paladin listened as the curator spoke of the book and its history. "Hmm Madman's Musings...Great."

    "It's from the Maggia. Hammerhead family."
    "Huh. That doesn't quite jive. Inky darkness isn't quite Hammerhead's M.O. and it seems kind of convenient that they left a big hunkin' piece of evidence like that. Smells like a set-up to me."

    Intuition (1d100)[60]

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    In Mr. Price's Office

    "I'll admit, I'm hard-pressed into thinking of a reason why an organized crime family would want this particular book, but then, that's why I'm offering this reward. If this Hammerhead has the book, then get it back from him. If he doesn't, and someone's setting him up to take the fall, retrieve it from them. Either way, I want the book back - and you might be able to put away some influential members of the Maggia while you're at it."

    At the Restrooms

    Daredevil can hear Felicia's sobs as he exits Price's office. As he opens the door to the bathroom, he can see her seated on a small bench that's been placed in here for the patrons to wait for a stall. She has some paper towels she's grabbed from the dispensers, and she uses them to blot her eyes. She's startled as the door open, and sniffles as she sees the masked vigilante enter. "Please," she says, looking up him with imploring eyes. "Please, you have to understand, it's not his fault! I know he has to have been put up to this!"

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Orc in the Playground
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    At the Restrooms

    Under the weight of Daredevil's eyeless stare, Felicia breaks down and continues her story. "It's my brother, Johnny. We grew up poor, and he's been watching out for me ever since we were kids. After Dad died, Mom couldn't support us, so we took to the streets. He joined one of the gangs, the Flashing Blades, to keep us both safe. This is the first respectable job I've had in my life; before this I was singing in one of the dirtiest clubs you'd ever seen."

    She sniffles, and after wiping away tears, she continued. "Two nights ago, I met him outside of Hank's - the sports bar they gather at. I heard him on his cell phone, talking to someone, and he was talking about some job at the Met. He hung up after he saw me coming, as though he didn't want me hearing what they were discussing. The next evening, there's a break-in here, and that journal was stolen. I don't know what part he played in the theft, but he's a good man - he just runs with a bad crowd! If you can convince him to give the journal to you, it'd be much better than if the police take him into custody. Persuade him to leave the gang - he might listen to you, even though he's never listened to me." She looks up at Daredevil, her eyes imploring him. "Please, Daredevil, will you help me? Will you help my brother?"

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruendor_Cavescout View Post
    In Mr. Price's Office

    "I'll admit, I'm hard-pressed into thinking of a reason why an organized crime family would want this particular book, but then, that's why I'm offering this reward. If this Hammerhead has the book, then get it back from him. If he doesn't, and someone's setting him up to take the fall, retrieve it from them. Either way, I want the book back - and you might be able to put away some influential members of the Maggia while you're at it."
    Paladin was obviously still unconvinced but he shrugged in resignation. "Hey you're the boss. As long as your Money is good I'll knock around as many wiseguys as you want."

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    On second thought... Paladin said looking around the room. "I think this gig may not be my style. I'll leave dealing with all the spandex to you noobie!" he said to Outlaw. "I have a date with a Countess and a Bottle of Chateau de versailles." As the Merc left he looked over to the sound of sobs at the ladies room where he spied the silhouette of Daredevil through opaque glass. "Creepy."


    Yeah between getting more "server to busy" messages and this game being painfully slow I am gonna bail. Good luck.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside


    He can't promise anything definite. Experience had taught him that much. Make a promise, and break it, and they would never forgive you.

    "I'll do what I can."

    Daredevil moves in closer.

    "Where is he now? Still at the club?"
    Last edited by industrious; 2011-04-22 at 05:22 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafnotDumb View Post
    Silly boy. I've played in Industrious's games. They don't murder characters. That means the torture ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aevylmar View Post
    It turns out that sometimes? He *does* murder characters.

    The Maze of Madness

    Gotham: Year One
    Earth-52(abandoned) OOC
    RotSE II III] OOC2

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    In Mr. Price's Office

    The curator shakes his head with disappointment as he watches the violet-clad mercenary leave his office. "It's so hard to find good help these days." He surveys the remaining costumed heroes. "When you find the book, give me a call on my cell." He hands you each a card, the phone number penned in on the back.

    At the Restrooms

    Felicia nods her head. "If he's not there, someone probably knows where he went. Getting them to talk might be rough though."

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: On the Nightside

    "k" hawkeye grunts.
    ARRRRGH, I'm a pirate, ninjas are no match for me, Yargh!
    Also this awesome avatar was done by KillItWithFire

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