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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    My Little Pony: Friendship Is Was Magic
    Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Pretty much what it says on the tin.

    Note: If you posted a character in the old thread, please re-post their info here so it doesn't end up getting deleted if the old thread goes. Current characters are linked to the old thread tight now.

    A place to recruit and keep track of characters, particularly villains, that recur in the FwM RP.

    Eventually a place to keep track of running plots.

    The following is where I'm putting general information and FAQs as they are formed. It is a work in progress. If you have any information to add, please let me know.


    ((Note - All races listed here are able to be selected as protagonistic characters. Races deliberately not listed here are reserved for NPCs and antagonists. If you think I should add a race here, please PM me.))

    Earth Ponies - Standard ponies, and are well balance physically on average. Few possess any magical abilities.

    Unicorn Ponies - They have a single horn on their forehead and can learn and cast magic with relative ease. Nearly all of them have at least some telekinetic abilities.

    Pegasus Ponies - Ponies with feathered wings. They can fly, and often at great speeds. Some even possess wind based magic beyond what all pegasi use for However, the sheer odds against such an occurrence (when a griffon/pony couple get together in the first place) makes this race of half breeds extremely rare.aiding their flight.

    Alicorns - Ponies with both unicorn horns and pegasus wings. They have immense magical potential. So far, only the great princesses are of this race.

    Sea Ponies - The front half of a pony and the back half of a seahorse. They can breathe underwater and are all great swimmers. Their magic is almost exclusively centered around water manipulation.

    Flutter Ponies - Slender, and often very beautiful, ponies with the wings of either a dragonfly or a butterfly. They are not nearly as fast as Pegasi, being built more for hovering than gliding, but can fly in any direction with equal ease and make sharp turns in an instant. They tend to be a little smaller than average. Their magic is innate, and can rarely learn any other spells than what they can cast intuitively. No two Flutter Ponies have the exact same list of spells, and some produce decidedly bizarre and/or esoteric magics.

    Fire Ponies - Also known as Dragon Ponies because they look like a cross between a pony and a dragon. They have dragon wings, claws on their hooves, long dragon tails with pony hair, dragon horns, beaks, and most can breathe fire. A number of Fire Ponies also eat the occasional meat, which most ponies find disconcerting.

    Feline Ponies - These ponies have thick shaggy coats of fur and almost prehensile tails. They have been known to purr when content as well. On the whole, Feline Ponies tend to be more wild than most ponies, and are more likely to act on instinct. Like Fire Ponies, they also eat meat on occasion.

    Mountain Ponies - Shorter and stockier than Earth Ponies, the males are also characterized by having thick beards. Most of them live in mountain caves.

    Desert Ponies - Well known due to their large fangs, and pronounced underbite, and predisposition to living in hostile environments. They tend to form tribal groups and are skilled hunters. Obviously, they also eat meat which tends to alienate most other pony races. There are many cautionary tales circulating Equestria that paint the entire race as villainous. Not all of these are true, but just enough are to keep relations from progressing. Also known as Swamp Ponies depending on where they live.

    Underponies These are the 'dark elves' of ponies. They used to live up with the unicorns, earth ponies, etc. but many turned evil and were led underground by a dark god whose name [Dark Elf Bard] have not come up with yet...

    Not all underponies are bad, though. Some come out of the depths of the ground and try and fit in. Many wear masks until they find a friend.

    Nightmares - A type of ethereal pony that is capable of manipulating dreams. They have a fairly bad reputation as a whole. Sadly, this reputation is not completely undeserved.

    Pony Flies - Ponies that are rarely taller than one inch and flit around on buzzing insect wings. Not many ponies are aware of them as their small size makes them easily overlooked.

    Space Ponies - Immigrants from a destroyed extraequestrian civilization. They tend to be more slender and streamlined than the typical pony, but they can almost always pass as one of three races (Earth Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus) under casual scrutiny.
    Space Unicorns tend to have a corkscrew shaped horn rather than the usual spiral.
    Space Pegasi tend to have wings with feathers that fit together very closely, making it hard to pick out an individual feather and giving the wings a sleek appearance.
    There is a shadowy rumor among the Space Pony population of a Space Alicorn Princess somewhere in Equestria, but if anypony knows her identity, they aren't talking.

    Zebras - A striped pony-like race that still practices old tribal rituals and magics forgotten to most of Equestria. They often have a great deal of herbal knowledge and a few are said to be oracles as well.

    Deer - A tribal society that lives in the forests of Equestria and actively avoids pony civilization. Little is known about them and many ponies consider them merely legend.

    Griffons - For centuries griffons have been blood sworn allies with the princess', regardless of their own strife. Large non-pony creatures with the head of an eagle, body of a lion, and sharp claws. Griffons are imposing creatures, being about 50% larger than the average Earth Pony. They are not known for their patience nor do they have a reputation for playing nice. They are very powerful physically, but tend to be a slower in the air than Pegasi. They typically have zero talent for magic, but on the upside do not require any sort of weather magic to aid their flight. Predictably, their diet is primarily carnivorous, a trait that makes most pony races very nervous. (Thanks to MCerberus for initial description)

    Hippogriffs - The offspring of a Griffon and a Pony, the Hippogriffs get the best body of both worlds. As physically large and strong as a Griffon and as fast as a Pegasus, they are the giant flying speed demons of Equestria. Some are even able to use strong storm magic, primarily lightning, as well. They are known for being truly loyal to those who show them kindness and respect, and utterly merciless to those who make enemies of them. However, the sheer odds against such an occurrence (when a griffon/pony couple get together in the first place) makes this race of half breeds extremely rare.

    Moose - The Moose are a trio of gigantic hooved races that hail from a large island nation of the northeast coast of Equestria called Moosegard. They are twice the size of even the largest pony and have antlers. They consist of the intelligent Rime Moose, the barbaric Mountain Moose, and the violent Fire Moose.
    Unknown to most nonmoose, the bulk of the three races reside on a different dimension called Jotunhoof. Every decade, a portal called the Rainbow Bridge opens from Moosegard to Jotunhoof. The current moose race controlling Jotunhoof force their way into Moosegard and conquer it.
    Currently, most of the Moose population is antagonistic.
    All Moose, in addition to being physically powerful, command powerful magics.
    Rime Moose have ice-magic that allows them to create all manner of objects from frozen water.
    Mountain Moose have earth-magic allowing them to shift the terrain under their hooves.
    Fire Moose have flame-magic revolving around heat generation and projection.
    (Thanks to Orzel for initial description)

    Factions (aka Politics)

    Followers of Luna:
    Luna is the only one of the two princesses still left on Equestria. She is the 'nicer' of the two, and the one who believes most strongly in the power of friendship. She is diplomatic and democratic, and prefers to discuss problems rather than fight them out. This does not mean that she's helpless in a fight, far from it, but she prefers to explore other options first.

    Luna's followers are the bulk of the pony population, and a large number of them tend to be more open minded than other ponies. Like Luna herself, they dislike conflict, but they are not likely to just roll over for the opposition either. Unfortunately, they can sometimes take a long time to come to a decision regarding something important. Their hearts are in the right place, but they often lack a consensus on what needs to be done.

    Followers of Celestia:
    Celestia, also known as the Iron Hoof, was the premier military commander of Equestria before her dictatorial regime was overthrown by Luna and Twilight and Celestia herself imprisoned in the sun. She is not 'evil' however, and genuinely wants what is best for Equestria. She is quite militaristic and dictatorial, believing in a single point of command that is obeyed without question. She does believe in the power of friendship, but thinks it should be backed up with plenty of military might. Due to Luna's love for her sister and unwillingness to completely isolate her, Celestia can contact her followers at will, but cannot come in person.

    Celestia's followers still make up the bulk of Equestria's military, having been reintegrated after the coup, and they are almost all competent fighters. Most of them are fairly hard-nosed, and quite a few are more than a little distrustful of anyone outside their fellow comrades and display varying levels of xenophobia. They serve Equestria loyally, but nearly all of them would greatly prefer Celestia's leadership to Luna's.

    The Nobles:
    Less a true faction than a group of monetarily, socially, and politically privileged ponies who work towards their own ends within the Equestrian government. Politicians, military leaders, subversives, and layabouts alike can all be found in this group. Some may truly be working for the better of Equestria, some may only think they are, and still more could not care less as long as their personal fortunes and power remain intact. Some members of this group keep their own personal armies on their payroll that are outside the command of the Equestrian army.

    A Voice For Balance, The Unificationists:
    And finally is the most minority political group of ponies in Celestia, those that would seek to reconcile both sides and have the princesses rule side-by-side. The Unificationists think that the best option for Equestria is full unity of all ponies. Many followers of both princesses openly scoff at these ponies. The rest tend to think the ideal is a nice one, but believe that it is an impossible dream. Luna herself would dearly love this group to succeed, but tends to refrain from saying so out of worry that her own followers might revolt if she was seen to openly support this group.

    The Extreme Ends:
    There are extreme political ends of all three camps as well, the Purists of Luna, the Rebels of Celestia, and the Resistance.

    The Purists of Luna believe that Celestia's banishment should be complete and total, not this 'imprisonment with communication privileges' that she currently has. Most of them also think that all of Celestia's followers should share her punishment as well instead of being tolerated as part of the community. Fortunately, they do not have the numbers necessary to push this view through, much to Luna's relief.

    The Rebels of Celestia are dedicated to returning Celestia to the throne by any means necessary. They are a constant headache to the rest of the pony population, and even other Followers of Celestia often think they are out of line. Perhaps the most telling indication of how out of line they are is that no faction of the rebels has received contact from Celestia herself, despite the fact that Celestia probably could contact them if she wanted to.

    The Resistance is commonly believed to be another group of the Rebels of Celestia, but little could be further from the truth. An extreme camp of the Unificationists, the Resistance believes that Unification can only be achieved by literally uniting the two princesses into one entity. This plan is unknown to the pony population at large, but it would horrify every faction listed above, the other Unificationists most of all. The potential insanity inherent in a single pony who used to be two ponies means that this plan might be the result of influence by Dark Forces as they would greatly like to see the princesses driven irrevocably mad. Of course, it could just as easily be simply the result of a group of extremists with more vision and resources than sense.

    Special Note - The Decorated:
    Decorated ponies are those that have been recognized as having performed a great service to Equestria and one or the other princess. The Lunar Medal of Honor is typically granted to those whose efforts have bettered or protected the lives of all ponies in Equestria and its awarding is decided by Luna. The Solar Medal of Honor is typically granted for valor in combat and its awarding is decided by Celestia. Recipients of either medal are often greatly respected among the followers of the related princess, and sometimes suffer the enmity of the other camp. Most decorated ponies have even sworn an oath to the princess that honored them.

    There are a few exceptions though. An exclusive group of ponies known informally as 'Double Decorated' are those who have received honors from both princesses for services to Equestria. Acts deserving of this honor are so sweeping in their importance that neither princess can afford to ignore them. These ponies have almost never sworn a binding oath of service, aside from the usual 'loyalty to Equestria' that all ponies swear, to either princess at the time they are honored. As a result, they receive double the respect, as they are recognized by both groups, but also double the enmity. They are almost constantly hounded by zealots and politicians from both camps looking to get them to swear binding oaths to only one princess and foresake the other. They are some of the few ponies who can actually refuse an order from one of the princesses and get away with it, or rather they are burdened by the duty of sometimes having to refuse such an order because they know it would violate the principles of the other. They are caught in a political tug-of-war, burdened by being able to see both sides of the equation, knowing how hard it is to reconcile the two into a single whole, and understanding just how necessary such unity is for Equestria's future.

    Spirit Worshipers:
    Spirit worship is a practice that has been slowly dying for a thousand years as religious ponies switch their worship to the princesses themselves. The spirits in question are the spirits of nature. Forces such as fire, water, lightning, earth, wind, and many others are called upon by these shamanic priests. Some priests are even able to call upon the power of the spirits directly to aid them in various tasks. Few ponies still worship the spirits in any capacity and the practice is actively frowned upon in pony society. However, various non-pony races still actively practice spirit worship.

    An extreme minority of the pony population are those who can't seem to decide between the known factions. They are a minority because most who are undecided eventually cave to peer pressure and join one faction or the other.

    Dark Forces:
    Any intelligent individual that would be considered an antagonist to any of the above groups falls into this category. The Dark Forces are actively working to overthrow the princesses and bring an end to pony civilization. They wish to see the power of friendship stamped out forever and the lives of everypony under their control. The group is disjointed, with many heads that each have their own plots and plans for Equestria and there is more than a little infighting between distinct sub-groups. However, their biggest weapon is the disunity among the ponies and the princesses themselves that they have managed to engineer through centuries of careful manipulation. It is unknown how much direct influence, if any, the Dark Forces have over the extremist camps of ponies, but few level-headed ponies can deny that such extreme views ultimately serve the designs of the Dark Forces more than they do Equestria. This disunity will need to be overcome if the power of friendship is to ever truly prevail.

    Dark Factions:
    The Dark Army is an organization of monsters and evil ponies dedicated to the overthrow of the Princesses. Their movements are erratic and the various commanders spend almost as much time fighting each other as they do the rest of Equestria. Nevertheless, they are considered the largest active threat to Equestria as a whole.

    Devil Shamans are the opposite of Spirit worshippers and they actively worship and seek out the aid of the darkest most twisted spirits known to ponykind.

    The Nightmare Family is an organization of evil ponies who believed the line about 'Nightmare Moon' back when Luna was imprisoned by Celestia. Despite the fact that this proved false, they believe that a corruption of Princess Luna is possible and work towards this end.

    The Iron Empire is a group that not only wants Celestia back, but they want her back as the 'Iron Hoof' and not herself. They are very confident that they can pull this off. Confident enough to be worrisome.

    The Cult of the Eclipse is a group that works towards the corruption of both princesses, an event that would surely spell doom to all of Equestria if it came to pass.


    All of the following is tentative and subject to change

    ~1000 years ago - Twin alicorn princesses are born on Equestria. Their innate power and goodness is so great that the Dark Forces that plague the land retreat before it.

    Roughly 17 years after that, several thousand light years away, another pony planet known as Argonia is invaded by a mysterious and hostile force. The invaders, led by a horrific pony named Zoda, lay waste to the planet and the population when the Argonians refuse to surrender to their rule. The Argonians manage to put un enough of a fight against the invaders that a sizable portion of their population is able to flee the planet, including a stasis pod containing the Argonians' own young alicorn princess and six of her closest friends.

    ~950 years ago - An Argonian stasis pod is mistaken to be a meteor as it crashes into the ruins of an ancient pony civilization in the South Islands.

    ~900 years ago - The Dark Forces begin to tire of hiding in remote caves and start to organize into armies and attack cities all over Equestria. Celestia, the more proactive of the princesses, decides to form an army to fight back. A pony known as Gallant Garion becomes one of the first generals of the army and leads them to many victories over the Dark Forces.

    ~850 year ago - During one particular engagement that Celestia herself was present for, the princess is struck with an unknown form of dark energy. She appears to be unaffected, and the incident is written off as unimportant.
    Gallant Garion willingly volunteers for a magical procedure to make him an immortal servant in Celestia's army. However, the process goes awry and the villainous Simmer escapes into the wilds of Equestria.

    ~850 years ago to 20 years ago - Celestia gradually becomes more agressive and tempermental as the undetected taint from the darkness she was struck with influences her mind so gradually as to be unnoticable. As her temper worsens, only her sister Luna is able to stave of the worst parts of her personality.
    Argonian Space Pony refugees arrive on the planet sporadically and are absorbed into the greater population.
    Zoda hunts down the Argonian refugees across space, not knowing that political maneuvering (aka backstabbing) and subversive rebel movements are gradually eroding his existing galactic empire.

    ~500 years ago - A group of settlers in the northern mountains find a ship they name the Ark of Yamato frozen solid in a mountain lake. The lake remains solidly frozen for centuries.

    ~250 years ago: Due to a diplomatic breakdown whose root is lost to history, the griffons went to war with Equestria seeking to claim a section of the border (now known as the Hipogrif March). Outnumbered and facing pony magic, they still attacked. After the initial shock, the royal army pushed them back, forcing a treaty that lead to the current semi-autonomous region of the "Silver-Feather Highlands."

    ~110 years ago - An innately amoral pony named Xykon is born. He quickly kills his own family at a young age and joins the Dark Forces for a few decades before striking out independently.

    ~30 years ago - Xykon transforms himself into a skeletal abomination using forbidden magics. He bigins a plot to steal the powers of the princesses themselves.

    20 years ago - Organized Dark Forces armies show up claiming alliegance to an unknown individual they call 'Iron Hoof'.
    Celestia's temper finally reaches levels where even Luna can no longer calm her sister.

    13 years ago: The Mountian Moose king, Jotun the Red signs a peace treaty with Equestria.

    10 years ago - Celestia imprisons Luna in the moon after her sister was supposedly taken over by the Dark Forces and transformed into 'Nightmare Moon'.

    The Rime Moose conquered Moosegard and suddenly attacked Equestria. The invasion was repelled by the Equestrian military in a month but took heavy losses.

    10-5 years ago - It is revealed that 'Iron Hoof' is actually an evil split personality of Celestia that has become dominant in recent years.
    Celestia begins a tyrranical reign over Equestria under a sun that never sets, and a summer that never ends. She brutally quelches any resistance with either the Equestrian army, or an army of monsters under her control.

    A division in an old clan of Unicorn pyromancers throws nearly every fire-using pony in Equestria, including the entire Fire Pony race, into a bloody civil war.

    During The Summer, a large section of the griffon population wished to rebel against their blood ally ponies. A coalition of the reformers and loyalists fought them, eventually destroying the rebel army by trapping it between a small Equestrian force and itself.

    A young pony named Twilight discovers that 'Nightmare Moon' never truly existed and plots to release Luna.

    5 years ago - Luna escapes her prison thanks to Twilight. Together, they manage to best Celestia and imprison her in the sun. At the same time, they manage to dispel the evil personality of 'Iron Hoof' and free Celestia from direct influence by the Dark Forces.
    Luna, loving her sister very much, allows Celestia to contact ponies outside her prison. However, Celestia's personality is still highly aggressive and she and Luna get into frequent arguments over how Equestria should be run.
    Unable to reconcile their differences, and legitimately fearing that her sister might suffer a relapse into 'Iron Hoof', Luna does not ever set Celestia free. Celestia understands this position to a degree, but she feels that Luna is much too soft and forgiving to do what needs to be done to combat the Dark Forces which grow ever stronger.

    3 years ago - Zoda finally locates the escape pod that held the Argonian Princess in the South Islands and lands his flagship. He kidnaps a local archaeologist and has him decipher the instructions to bring the ponies in stasis out. The kidnapped pony's nephew, Mike, a Sea Pony named Echo Wave, and a wandering bard named Eric, band together to locate and rescue Mike's uncle, and then the Space Ponies in stasis, and hand Zoda his first military defeat in over a millenium. In the process, they destroy Zoda's flagship and strand the alien conqueror on Equestria with no way to contact his extraequestrian armies which also never come looking for him.
    Mike is able to free the Space Ponies from stasis and the Argonian Princess Mica finally awakens after nearly a thousand years of sleep
    Mike, Mica, Echo, and Eric are later joined by two other ponies, Shutter Shade and a pure white adult Blank Flank called Ammy. Together they call themselves the Starlight Six.

    The 40-day revolt. The two remaining griffon factions fight to see their vision of the future of the Highlands come to be. With the traditionalists victorious, the reformers were dealt with.

    2 years ago - Following a blood oath from his father, Roy forms a band known as the Order of the Stick to hunt down and destroy Xykon.

    1 year ago - The Great Eclipse occurs.
    Despite most science ponies saying that most of Equestria will only be able to see a partial eclipse, everypony views a full eclipse that then plunges the world into darkness. For several minutes, many ponies are claiming everything from Celestia turning the sun black from within to Luna finally showing her 'true evil colors' to the Dark Forces being victorious. Then the sun comes out and the shadows are banished.
    The official statement from Luna is that the event was due to a horrible weapon of the Dark Forces that was so powerful even the Dark Forces rightly feared it. Both she and her imprisoned sister present medals to a band known as the Starlight Six which they publicly credit with this weapon's defeat. Most ponies believe this story at face value, and within twenty four hours this previously unknown weapon has a dozen different foreboding titles/nicknames.
    The Starlight Six publicly disbands after they are awarded medals by both princesses. Oddly, a Pony Fly named Issun is among their ranks at the time instead of a now mysteriously missing Ammy.

    6 months ago - Xykon finally puts his plan to drain the princesses into action. Targeting the imprisoned Celestia, he is able to begin siphoning her powers without breaking or entering her prison in a process that would have killed Celestia had it succeeded. However, he is defeated and destroyed by the Order of the Stick at the cost of the lives of two of their members, saving Celestia's life. Thankfully, the details of the process Xykon developed die with him.
    The Order is presented with both the Lunar and Solar Medals of Honor, including posthumous honors to their fallen members, for their defeat of Xykon.
    Zoda's name begins to circulate across Equestria as a new powerful commander of the Dark Forces' armies.



    Character List


    Major Villains
    (Use with caution)

    Dark Forces Set-up
    The Dark Forces want control of all of Equestria, plain and simple. Their unity as a force is a simple hierarchy of power. If you can take the position, it is yours, if you can't then your life expectancy is increased by following orders. Plots to backstab and murder rivals and obstacles run rampant, and every member knows this. Sometimes a high-ranking individual, like Xykon, breaks off and sets out on their own, but one has to wonder if they are truly as independent as they think....

    Leader - Mysterious figure who is pretty much behind everything going wrong with Equestria to some extent or another. While 'it' logically couldn't know about every plan going on, any of its subordinates who thinks he or she is getting away with something without the leader's knowledge is likely in for
    a rude surprise.

    Seconds in Command - These two are the administrators. They oversee all the plans the Dark Forces have in motion (that they know of anyway). They are almost never seen on the battlefield anymore, and spend almost all of their time being 'puppetmasters' and manipulating various factions that think they are in control of their own actions. They would likely love to usurp full power, but even they don't know who, or even what, the Leader is.

    Generals - These four do some of the same things that the Seconds in Command do, but they also are seen on the battlefield and are the most fearsome foes any pony could face. Any given general is likely a Hero Killer to some extent. A-rank threat easily.

    Majors - Each general is served by two Majors who typically command the forces in battle. They are very powerful adversaries and are at least a B-rank threat.

    Elite forces - Squads led by Lieutenants, and under the direct command of a higher ranking official. These are the ones sent out when a ranking official wants something done right. Even the Leader has some squads that answer directly to 'it'. Every member is at least a C-rank threat.

    Grunts/Mooks/etc - Everything else. Disposable combatants and the bulk of the Dark Forces. Mostly made of D-Rank threats, but could include anything from E to B-Rank depending on circumstances.

    Dark Forces Ranking members

    Leader - John Flitwisp (Identity unknown to the rest of the Dark forces)
    Second in Command 1
    Second in Command 2
    General 1 - Jellax Hullaxburom (Killed by Soft Serve)
    General 2 - Mystic Blade
    General 3
    General 4 - Frankenstein (Killed and succeeded by Zoda)
    Zoda "The Prime Invader"
    Major 1a
    Major 1b
    Major 2a
    Major 2b
    Major 3a
    Major 3b
    Major 4a
    Major 4b

    Fire Pony Nobility (Second Page - can also be non-villain characters)
    Glados (Dead, we think...)
    Simmer ('Redeemed/Cured')
    Xykon (Dead/Destroyed)
    'Yami' (Destroyed)


    Q: How dark is this RP?
    A: Somewhere below 'Happy Sunshine Fun Land' and above 'Hopeless'. Happy endings are the bulk of life, but the possibility always exists for a sad ending. Darkness also runs rampant across the world and is always lurking outside the safe walls of town.

    Q: What is the tech level?
    A: I think the general consensus is 'Steampunk' right now. There may be occasional alien technology influence as well.

    Q: What is the general policy on weapons?
    A: Equestria is an armed society right now. Every military member, including the common town guards, carries a potentially lethal weapon with them everywhere, even off duty. Even civilian ponies are commonly seen carrying weapons. However, it is standard practice to never draw your weapon unless you intend to use it. Drawing a weapon, for whatever reason, is considered a hostile act by most ponies.

    Q: How dangerous is the town of Bridle Shores?
    A: Interesting question. The town has seen much more than its fair share of action and odd occurrences over the years since its founding, and no one can say why this is. Skirmishes with monsters at one or more town entrances happen almost daily, and certain loud noises are common enough that they no longer enough by themselves to induce a panic in any town resident. That said, the Town Guard and Militia are good at what they do, and few things are a high enough threat level to greatly disrupt life in the town for long. In D&D terms, this is a town where your neighbor is likely to have one or more levels in a PC class.

    Q: How are threats classified?
    A: Threat Ranks (guidelines):

    F-Rank - Helpless. No threat at all.
    E-Rank - Mild threat. Only about as dangerous as an average civilian.
    D-Rank - Competent combatant. Not something a pony could be expected to defeat without combat training.
    C-Rank - Dangerous combatant. Not something your average soldier could defeat reliably on their own.
    B-Rank - Highly dangerous. Defeating something like this is what makes your average heroes. Super-Mook/Sub-Boss/Early Boss status.
    A-Rank - Extremely dangerous. 'You and what army?' is no longer a joke at this point. Big Sub-Boss/Late Boss status.
    A-Rank+ - Army Killers, unofficial ranking. No official is really willing to admit that such dangers even exist at all. End boss status.

    Q: Where is the Roleplay thread?
    A: There's a link to it right below.

    Q: Where's the Out of Character thread?
    A: There's a link to that below too.

    Blank Character Sheet

    Title: (If any)
    Cutie Mark:

    [B]Title:[/B] (If any)
    [B]Cutie Mark:[/B]
    Last edited by Crisis21; 2012-03-31 at 03:12 PM.
    Wind & Sound Elemental Eric Greenhilt avatar by Akrim.elf
    Bodyguard in Lix's Harem
    Ninja-Pirate of BvS's Privateer village! Come and join me!
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Sandy 2: Cirrrus Crew Edition

    Name: Sandy Shore

    Race: Unicorn

    Appearance: Sandy is a pale blue unicorn with a short, scruffy sand-tan mane whose darker flecks lend it a grainy appearance. He is shorter and skinnier than most unicorns, leaving him rather small compared to other ponies. He wears very light leather armor with magically-hardened sand running along the legs and back. Usually seen with no less than a half-dozen knives.

    Age: 22

    Skills: Affinity for sand-based magic. He uses it mostly to augment physical attacks, whether by levitating the sand in his knife handles, or the sand in his armor to help with tricky maneuvers. Fairly acrobatic, takes advantage of his small frame making a hard target to hit. Overall, somewhere between a C and B rank, power-wise. Also has a general know-how with engines and machines, at least more than the other Cirrus crewmembers.

    Sandy is a lucky pony. Not “ooh, a big ol’ bag of bits lying on the side of the road!” lucky. More like “Wow, a few more inches to the right, and you would’ve landed in the lava instead of the hard ground!” lucky. His luck started at a young age when he survived a terrible disease, which stunted his growth terribly. As he cheated death again and again, he figured that he had to be a reason he was still alive. There was some duty he had yet to fulfill, and he would have to be ready for it.

    He joined the military as soon as he could, figuring that there couldn’t be a much more nobler duty than the security of all Equestria. Unfortunately, his luck did him in again. His first platoon that he was assigned to ran afoul of a dragon; he escaped with only moderate lacerations. After recovering, he was ordered to go on guard detail in Fillydelphia. The subsequent Parasprite swarm actually ate the wall he was standing on; he suffered a few sprained limbs. Finally, he was put on kitchen detail. Nopony’s exactly sure what happened, but needless to say, the poor kitchen was never seen again.

    With his commanding officer considering discharging him under allegations of “being straight plain cursed”, Sandy nearly lost hope...when a horde of manticores attacked the town he was in. The town was saved by the timely arrival of the Cirrrus and Gearstride, the latter landing in the town square aboard The Clunker.

    It was then that a singularly odd series of coincidences happened:

    Sandy, rushing to the town square to investigate the giant friggin’ mecha that just landed, was plunked on the head by a small piece of rubble. He stumbled, and ultimately fell in the back of an abandoned wagon, out cold.

    A stray shot from the Clunker knocked some masonry off of a nearby building. Every piece missed Sandy, but a large chunk hit the front of the wagon, catapulting him through the air.

    Gearstride, bracing herself against one of the charging monsters, moved the Clunker back a pace. Over the sounds of the battle, she didn’t notice Sandy sail through a conveniently open window and tumble into one of the Clunker’s many compartments.

    When he woke up, he found himself aboard the Cirrrus, headed for who knows where. Upon hearing the tales, exploits, and mission of the fair craft (mostly from a rather long-winded and over-the-top introduction from the Captain), he pleaded to stay aboard. He was convinced that fate had brought him aboard, and it was his duty, nay, his destiny to help fight evil wherever it may lurk.

    Role: Sandy is one of the lower-ranking members of the crew. In the field, he’s what you’d call a professional gofer, what with his work ethic and uncanny knack to survive just about anything. His sand-working abilities have proven useful as well; there’s more than a few parts on the Cirrrus held together by magically-enhanced sand. He's picked up the basics of being a mechanic, and primarily works in the engine room while on the ship. Mostly because he's proven he can survive being down there on a regular basis.

    Personality: Sandy has long since learned to not mope about the disasters that follow him or the trouble he gets into. He’s good at rolling with life’s punches, and manages to stay calm, focused, and friendly even under fire. He has a strong sense of duty and responsibility, though his willingness to follow orders often lands him in the very trouble he’s known for. He's coped decently with being on the Cirrrus, although still finds himself having the occasional, "What the heck are we even doing?" moments.

    Relationships: Aquainted with most of the crew of the Cirrrus. Friends with Silverpine for sanity's sake. Respectful and fiercely loyal to Gearstride.

    Cutie Mark: A sand dollar with four lines.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2011-08-05 at 03:19 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    This is going to be a long post.

    Name: Icy Touch

    Appearance: Unicorn with light blue coat. Cyan mane and tail. Has a cutie mark of three icicles, arranged radially.

    Skills: Ice Mage

    Biography: Icy Touch hails from the frozen northern regions of Equestria. Being a unicorn of the north, she has powers over ice and water, like most of the northern unicorns do.

    No one knows why she choose to leave her homeland for the warm beaches streets of Bridle Shores. There are rumours she seeks revenge on ponies loyal to The Great Tyrant who set her homeland ablaze and committed unspeakable atrocities on her family.

    Personality: Aloof and cold, a venerable ice queen, Icy will only speak when spoken too, and will not entertain strangers unless her interest is piqued, or she has some purpose of her own. Also ruthless in pursing her goals, with other ponies being tools for her purpose. Strongly believes in the concept the ends justifies the means.

    Friends with Fox Trot and Lone Star.
    Acquainted with most townsfolk.
    Love-hate relationship with her split personality, Esmeralda Touch.


    Name: Tyrol Shieldbearer
    Title: None
    Race: Earth Pony

    Appearance: Verdant coat with a slightly muscular build. Deep blue mane and tail. Has green eyes. Carries his trademark kite shield on his back.

    Age: 24

    Skills: Specialises in using shields as weapons, both offensively and defensively.

    Biography: Tyrol is a true Bridle Shores pony, through and through. He has lived here all his life and has sworn to defend the town to last drop of blood.

    Like most of his fellow guardspony, he was a reluctant recruit for the Luna administration. Currently assigned as a personal guard to Staccata.

    Personality: A by-the-book kind of guy. He will always obey his orders to the letter, even if it meant risking his own hide or the lives of fellow guardponies. Paradoxically, he takes every effort to ensure civilians are spared, even if they're rebels.

    Personally, he's a serious, if somewhat naive pony. Many jokes/innuendo tend to fly over his head and fellow guards love to rib him. Nevertheless, he takes these in stride.

    Best friends with Lemongrass.
    Unsure footing with Staccata.
    Acquainted with most of the town's inhabitants.
    Admires the Captain greatly.

    Cutie Mark: Silver kite shield.


    Name: Lemongrass
    Title: None
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: A pale yellow pegasus, with flowing maroon mane. Has blue eyes.
    Age: 26
    Skills: Spearpony
    Biography: A cheerful, happy-go-lucky guardspony, nopony knows why he joined the town's guards in the first place. Certainly the captain and that old goat Harten detests the lazy pegasus with a vengence, but he mysteriously managed to stay free of infarctions that might get him expelled from the guards.

    Personality: Happy-go-lucky and cheerful most of the time. Can be irresponsible towards his responsibilities at times. Enjoys teasing ponies and pulling the occasional prank on Tyrol.

    Best buds with Tyrol.
    Friendly with most townfolks.
    Dislikes Staccata.
    Currently in love with Dreamrunner.
    Has a grudging respect for the captain.

    Cutie Mark: A lone spear


    Name: Shell "Demopony" Shock
    Title: Black Scoltish Cyclops
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: Dark grey with black mane and tail. Has an eyepatch over his left eye. Wears a dark green beret.
    Age: 32
    Skills: Blowing things up. Literally. Specialises in every type of explosives known to ponykind.

    Biography: Hailing from Scoltland, he's the archtypical stereotype of a Scoltish pony in every way, except for his dark coat and mane. That alone consigned him to a life of ridicule and loneliness. Until he discovered his special talent. Incidentally, it took out half of the school with his eye. After that incident, everypony was eager to get on his good side.

    Shell Shock went on to work for Mann Co. and a mercenary group calling itself REDs, who was fighting another group called BLUs. After a couple of years of blowing each other up and near-misses with death, he decided to retire from the Demolition business and picked Bridle Shores as his home.

    Personality: Loves his alcohol. Usually ends up drunk half of the time if he had his way. Otherwise a friendly and raucous fellow.

    Acquainted with Staccata, Fox Trot and Skeletor.
    Otherwise, no other relations.

    Cutie Mark:


    Name: Silverpine
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: Same like his lite-RP counterpart. Orange coat, with silver mane and tail. Jade-green eyes. Keeps his mane neatly cropped.

    Age: 24
    Skills: Competent technician (though not Gearstride level) and crack shot with his shotgun. (Not that shotguns needed to be aimed to begin with, but... heh)

    Silverpine's home town, Ponyton, was at the fringes of known Equestria lands, and thus was spared worst excesses of Princess Celestia madness. He had a relatively stable childhood, which were often fuelled by dreams of travelling the world like Marco Pony of old.

    Disaster struck at the age of 16, when he lost his family in a freak thunderstorm which collapsed his house. Said thunderstorm also managed to level half of Ponyton in a single night, leading many to suspect the use of evil magic. No suspects were found, and the investigation soon fell to the wayside as civil war erupted and the country descended into chaos.

    Having nowhere else to go, the orange stallion decided to join the military, giving up his dreams of being an explorer for the more mundane reality of having food in his belly and a job. Military life wasn't all that bad. He adapted to the harsh training regime and accepted the legions of rules imposed on military ponies stoically. He cared little for the politics of the land, reasoning it was not his job to question orders, only to carry it out. Silverpine was probably destined for a life of unremarkable service in the military had he not met his future fillyfriend, Gearstride.

    The two definitely started on the wrong hoof when the then Corporal Silverpine met the young recruit Gearstride in boot camp. Being unfortunately assigned to her squad, he soon found himself being dragged into trouble that seemed to follow the free-spirited recruit around. More often than not, he tried to get the mare to obey orders (and rules), only to fail in some spectacular fashion. It didn't help that the mare teased him relentlessly for his failure. Despite all that, the orange stallion did find her antic somewhat amusing, where it not for the fact it also landed him in trouble with the drill sergeant due to unfortunate circumstances which always somehow involved him. For some reason the stallion found himself caring more and more for the mare. He did not agree to her methods, although he could certainly appreciate her idealism. Her flirty behaviour later only further muddied the relationship between the two. Her explosive departure from the boot camp was both a welcome relief, and somewhat sad at the same time.

    After Gearstride quit the military, Silverpine lingered on a little longer, his mind no longer interested. The stallion reluctantly admitted to himself one day, he missed the free-spirited, idealistic mare, who contrasted so greatly with his down-to-earth, cynical attitude. That same day, he handed in his resignation and went off to seek Gearstride. As luck would have it, he would not meet Gear again, until he heard a certain xanadu mare joined The Cirrus. He blackmailed and threatened his way to the job, just in time to be assigned as vice-captain. Along the way he also somehow accquired a sentient shotgun, which he fondly named Olympia.

    Personality: Cynical. Down-to-earth. "Rules Lawyer". Snarky. Adventerous. Realist. Pragmatist. Stubborn.

    Cutie Mark: A shotgun, tilted diagonally.

    Relationships: Taken a liking to Gearstride, though he probably won't admit it openly. Close friends with Sandy, on account of his relatively grounded attitude compared to the other crew. Acquainted with the crew of the Cirrus.
    Last edited by Grif; 2011-07-30 at 11:57 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Machanic
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: Yellow Pegasus with scruffy burgundy mane/tail wearing dark goggles over orange eyes.
    Age: 25

    Skills: Inventor and mechanist that specializes in the pointlessly elaborate. He believes in inventions that anypony can use, but often makes more traditional devices that channel a unicorn's specialized magic. This calling has also made first-aid a necessity..

    Biography: Mach was only 15 and learning to work with the weather machines in his home town of South Zephyr when the Summer started. This all but demolished the city, and nobody really knows what happened to it in the end and those who stayed. Now on the ground, Mach and the other refugees tried to get by, Mach himself coming into his own as an inventor.

    Years passed and Mach fell madly in love with one of the unicorns in his new home that didn't act all superior to everyone else. He... doesn't like to talk about her much. Eventually, Mach left the town and was swept into a few adventures with treasure hunters.

    A few weeks ago the group discovered some very precious gems in some ruins. The magic in the gems turned the group on itself, and Mach decided to get out before something bad happened. Now he's loaded as much of the parts he's collected that he could drag and tried to find the nearest town... Bridle Shores!

    Personality: Often boisterous and bold when around his sphere of talents. Inquisitive and often drives himself to exhaustion. Sometimes ends up sabotaging himself when getting closer to acquantanceponies without realizing he's doing it.

    Relationships: New in town.
    Cutie Mark: a hallow 10-tooth gear


    This is an NPC. Feel free to use him to fit the need for an NPC at the time.

    Name: Beyn Counter
    Title: Guardspony
    Race: Unicorn
    Appearance: Cherry red coat with an orange mane. Often seen with reading glasses that he keeps hidden when made to go on patrol due to regulations.

    Age: 30ish
    Skills: Sort Paperwork spell, doing said paperwork, miraculous ability to pass physical and combat exams to keep his job

    Biography: Beyn as a colt always wanted to be a guard and uphold justice and all that. When his cutie mark manifested as a balance, he naturally assumed it was the SCALES OF JUSTICE. Years and years later, his career is essentially dead-ended, but he keeps around due to a sense of duty.

    Personality: Though his heart's in the right place and he makes an excellent cog in the machine, it's really quite apparent Beyn wasn't meant to be a guard. He's more timid and less confident than the other guards, and often finds himself and easy scapegoat.

    Relevant: other guards

    Cutie Mark: A bronze balance


    Name: Staccata
    Title: Lady Ghost
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: Dark purple coat with a navy mane that always seems to be moving even when completely still. Oddly enough, she usually has her cutie mark covered with a cloak or black hind-armor.
    Age: 22
    Skills: Stealth, manipulative, you don't want to be around when she's wielding a dagger. Beautiful singing voice.
    Biography: Staccata grew up in Ponyville with a large part of her childhood during the Summer. Her home was the perfect combination of too weird to be normal and too backwoods to become famous. Since Celestia was imprisoned, she's tried to make a name for herself by fighting the darkness, diving into forgotten ruins. Usual adventuring stuff.

    Her most recent group finally got too greedy for their own good, and she left to pursue solo work. A few robbed nobles and new civic centers founded by a mysterious donor, Staccata became bored again. Information seems to point to something big going on in a po-dunk little town by the name of Bridle Shores.

    Personality: Seemingly obsessed with creating a reputation for herself. Outwardly flirty when dealing with Stallions, mostly to play with their minds. Uses cynicism and dark humor to mask her big softie teddy-bear side.

    Relationships: Former associate of Mach, happened to come across a few mooks that seem to think Bridle Shores is about to disappear.

    Cutie Mark: Always covered, leading to rumors of something evil or even a blank. In reality it's a white songbird.
    Ask me about our low price vacation plans in the Elemental Plane of Puppies and Pie

    Evoker avatar by kpenguin. Evoker Pony by Dirtytabs. Grey Mouser, disciple of cupcakes by me. Any and all commiepuppies by BRC

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Changes have been made to account for changes in the RP.

    Name: Smoothie. AKA "The Blind Seeress"
    Appearance: Same as in the other RP, except Often cloaked and always wearing her hat. She often has a smile on her face, but it looks much more menacing than it's intended to be.
    Skills: Magic.
    Biography: Has always enjoyed studying magic. She gained her cutie mark once Sprinkles gave Smoothie her wizard hat. All the general public really knows about her is that she never takes the band covering her eyes off, she can read minds, and that she almost never comes out of her room. So much so that there are many, many rumors surrounding her. She's pro Luna but also pro unification.
    Personality: Huge recluse. Doesn't speak a whole lot because she usually doesn't have a lot to say. Most who don't know her personally are quite unnerved by this. She sometimes uses this and her reputation to her advantage, appearing as an obscenely evil wizard to some if she thinks it will serve the greater good. She hates doing it, but occasionally considers it necessary.
    Relationships:Her immediate family, and any of her friends from the other RP.
    Cutie Mark:A wizard hat like the one she sometimes wears.

    Skills: Makes a mean drink, hard worker, and has magic. one of the best huggers you'll ever find. She's also a pretty darn good fighter if she gets in a situation where she needs it.

    Gestalt Level 10 Surrealistik Paladin/Sorcerer.


    60 HP
    Cutie Mark: A bear hugging a heart. Her talent is making people feel better when they're down.
    Biography: Soft is just about as happy in this world as in the other RP, but her background is fairly dark in this one as well. She was raised normally, but when the war came, she insisted on fighting. She trained with the shortsword and longsword, but eventually came to rely on the zweihoofer for its ability to kill with a single blow. She has been known to fight hoof to hoof if it came to it, or if she wanted to fight a pony non-lethally. It was said that when she was on the battlefield, anypony nearby felt bolstered by her mere presence, but it has yet to be explained whether this is some sort of magic she possesses, or if it was all in the heads of the soldiers who fought with her. Only her and Smoothie know which pony she was in a relationship with that lead to her giving birth to Hullabaloo.
    Personality: It's a serious world so she's a serious pony.
    Berserk button Lay one hoof on Hullabaloo and you'll have at least one of her signature blades at your throat.

    Name: Mystic Blade.
    Title: The Overmind or The Queen of Blades
    Race: Pegasus Pony. Sort of.
    Appearance: Her body is coated in what looks to be something between reptile scales and a bug carapace. The back of her legs are covered in spines, and her wings have turned into skeletal looking weapons. Despite this, she's still capable of flying. Her hair and Tail have turned into tentacles coated in the same stuff as her body.
    Age: Irrelevant since she no longer ages.
    Skills: She's good with animals, and before she became the overmind was pretty good at Dungeons and Dragons, building Legos, and Building Bionicles. Right now, she's extremely good at killing anypony who she deems a threat, and is extremely hard to kill. She's also immune to mind affecting abilities, and any form of poison.
    Biography: Mystic Muse was a mostly normal Pegasus Pony. She grew up with her family who loved her very much, and had, though not many friends, more than enough. That all changed a couple years ago. Once the war between Celestia and Luna began, she prayed each night she'd obtain the power to bring peace to Equestria. One day, on a stroll through the woods, by nothing more than luck, thing thing fell out of the atmosphere around where she was walking. She tried helping it, but it decided to try and take her over and start taking over her entire race. It enveloped her in a chrysalis for one week trying to take her over, but she resisted until the thing died. There was no preventing her becoming the leader of this then extinct race, but she retained complete control over herself. The transformation in the chrysalis granted her skin stronger than most metals, and total control over anything she assimilates into the alien race. After the transformation happened, she walked back home and explained things to her parents, but things were never quite the same after that. She ended up leaving home and ended up joining the Dark Forces thinking gaining control of the organization is the best way to bring peace to Equestria.
    Personality: Despite being evil, Mystic is extremely loyal to anypony she can consider her friend, and is even willing to die for her friends. Despite being quite evil at times, she does still have standard, and has an intense hatred of anypony who violates them. As a natural consequence, she hates most of the ponies in this organization and wishes most of them would just die.
    Relationships: None
    Danger level: High end A, possibly A+.
    Cutie Mark: A curling spiked tail

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Bunny Earz's Avatar

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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    [Minor NPC]

    Name: Ooloong
    Appearance: A grey coat with a black mane and tail. His long mane is pulled into an oriental style ponytail. He also has an oriental mustache and goatee like this

    Skills: Ooloong makes a wicked tea. He is also quite good at cooking oriental style noodles. He's quite handy in the kitchen.
    Biography: Ooloong grew up in a typical family. His father was a world class lawyer and always wanted his son to follow in his foot steps. Ooloong dreamed of being a chef so when he grew up he moved to Bridle shores and started his own tea shop called Ooloong tea.
    Personality: quite friendly, but sometimes annoyingly honest.
    Relationships: he has a wife named Jade living across the country and some day will join her.
    Cutie mark: a steaming cup of tea.
    Last edited by Bunny Earz; 2011-08-07 at 10:28 PM.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    This space is reserved for those pony profiles (other than mine) that haven't been updated to this thread. I'll be importing them tomorrow.

    Quote Originally Posted by RdMarquis View Post
    Name: Aero Naught

    Appearance: A white unicorn with a green mane. He wears a pair of goggles around his neck and a dark blue coat.

    Skills: Aero feels right at home in the sky, although his wings aren't attached to his back. He is an excellent airship pilot, and able to repair flying machines. He has a talent for telling remarkably accurate fortunes using the tarot deck he always carries around. In a pinch, they also make excellent throwing weapons. While he will never be a master magician, Aero has some skill in this area, which he is trying to improve. He hates fighting, but as a former member of the Equestrian military, he is more than able to do so.

    Biography: Before Luna's rebellion, he was a member of a special division of the Equestrian Air Force. Unlike the pegasi, this special unit was composed of unicorn pilots in magic and steam powered craft. When it became clear that Celestia would lose the war, he abandoned his post and fled Canterlot, taking his family and prized airship. Aero took refuge at a magic academy owned by a family friend. Remodeling his ship, he set himself up a courier, transporting goods and ponies throughout a world in which travel can be dangerous.

    Personality: Inherently mistrustful of others, but he would never let the ponies around him know this. Rather, he pretends to be social and friendly, knowing that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar. Aero Naught is self interested, with a mercenary outlook on life. If you can afford to pay for his services, rest assured you will. That said, he has a soft spot for anypony down on their luck, and he despises bullies.

    Relationships: He has family living elsewhere, and attends classes at a magic school. As far as Bridle Shores is concerned, he is a stranger.

    Cutie Mark: A wheel with five wings.

    Airship: Except for the "01" decal on either side of the nose and the basic design, there is little evidence that The Magician was once a fighter employed by the Equestrian Air Force. Almost every part has been replaced or remodeled to disguise the ship and improve its performance. Its hold has been enlarged for extra cargo and passengers and the body has been given a dark blue paint job.

    Like most airships, The Magician follows the "pegasus" design popularized by Canterlot artificers. Wings enclosed around a pair of propellers are placed on top of the cockpit and main body. The landing gear is extended from the base of the tail and where the cockpit meets the body. It resembles two pairs of legs and can be clamped around larger vessels to aid in boarding them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Name: 'Aventura' Gearstride

    Title: Commanding Captain of The Cirrus

    Age: A mare never reveals her age

    Appearance: Dark Charcoal blue mane and tail, xanadu furred, sangria eyes. Mane worn in a loose roguish ponytail, a bit like Applejack's to be honest. Wears a pilot's styled captain's hat with a pair of aviator goggles for rule of cool. Earth-pony.

    Cutiemark: Rose Compass but with a cartoon styled bomb in the center.

    Personality: Egocentric. Flirty. Idealistic. Hammy. Confident. Doesn't like to follow rules that much. Reckless. Can be brilliant if she didn't let her rebelliousness get in the way. Adventurous. Spirited. Likes cute things.

    Skills: Making things explode. Despite her recklessness she manages to get stuff done. Tinkering. Making ponies feel flustered. :P

    Mostly Long Background stuff:
    Gear was but a simple earth pony who watched as the land of Equestria changed all around her. Unlike many who gave into the grimdark world, this xanadu mare did not. Raised upon the stories of great heroes from the past who changed the world, she wanted to be the one to change the world, she wanted that to be her legacy.

    Born into a military family, Gearstride was expected to follow in her parent's hoof steps. For a while she did, she went through the basic training when she was a filly, where she was a drill master's nightmare. She was brilliant and very competent, but she did not like their ideals, from her viewpoint, they were just manure The military did not live up to her expectations. She had believed that through them, she would rise up and change the world. Little did she know at the time that the military was funded and run by nobles and political figures who did little but twiddle their hooves, and fight wars with each other instead of the real threats.

    She was kicked out of boot camp in the end and shamed her family, but she did not care, she felt that her calling did not lie there.

    During her boot camp stint however, she met fellow recruit Silverpine...and they did not hit it off right away. As a matter of fact they didn't even like each other that much. Gear was always getting him into trouble because he was such a rules lawyer colt, so conservative too, he made himself such a target for her. He probably couldn't even stand her much. It soon became flirty teasing with the mare when she found herself liking him just a little, well at least his reactions, and just made it more worse for him. Well nonetheless, even after getting kicked out, she still left an impression on the colt recruit.

    After a long while of assigning herself mercenary jobs that didn't fulfill her heroic aspirations she got a call one day from an old but influential contact about a job. A job aboard The Cirrus, a high ranking job with access to lots of resources. Resources that she would use behind the corporation's back to fund her personal campaign against the wrongs of this world.

    At the moment she's the bombastic captain of The Cirrus, doing her best to stop all manner of bad guys with her gung-ho attitude.

    Relationships: Acquainted with her crew, may or not have a lusty wandering eye for some certain members of the crew.

    Hammy Version


    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
    How's this as a rough draft? open to suggestions...
    [Minor NPC]

    Name: Barley Hop
    Title: none
    Race: Earth pony
    Appearance: Barley has an orange coat and a forrest green mane giving him the appearance of a carrot. He has shoulder length hair that is always pulled into a loose ponytail.
    Age: late 30's
    Skills: Farming, swimming
    Biography: Barley was a professional swimmer until false accusations of cheating ended his career. He then retired and moved to Bridle Shores where he started a farm with his late wife Clarra. She then died 3 years later from a deathly disease. He became very antisocial he is rarely seen outside his house.
    Personality: Sad and antisocial
    Relationships: His late wife Clarra
    Cutie Mark: a barley plant in a spirally twisty pattern.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    Name: Blazing Hooves
    Age: 16
    Role: Flying Pegasus Fighter of The Cirrus
    Title: The Flying Fighter
    Type: Pegasus Pony
    Apperance: A short red mane and an orange coat. He has a scar on his back from a fight with a manticore. He has emerald green eyes and is handsome.
    Skills: Master of Hoof to Hoof Fighting. Skill with a sword or a dagger. His flying skill is equal to Rainbow Dash's.
    Bio: Blazing Hooves has followed Hover everywhere. He met her when he was a kid and considered her his friend since. When she joined The Cirrus he did as well. He is actually in love with Hover and vowed to never date until she says yes to one date with him.
    Power Rating: C when using a weapon, B+ when using only his hooves.
    Relationships: Blaze considers himself good friends with Hover. He also has asked her out on many occasions, which she has constantly said no. He has proven his battle worthy-ness on many occasions, which has gained him respect in and off the field of battle. He favorite weapon aside from his bare hooves is a mecha. He is an master in hoof to hoof fighting, and is skilled with a dagger and a sword.
    Cutie Mark: A cloud with a flaming lightning bolt coming out of it.
    Notes: He keeps a journal called: 'The Hover Log'. In it he's been recording his 11 year long attempt to get Hover to date him. He has filled up 10 other journals before his current one. Each one is for a different year. They're a good read and have many wild attempts to get Hover to date him.

    Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
    Name: Brazen Thorn
    Race: Pegasus

    Age: 25
    Good at building things, very fast, can hide like a freaking rabbit in a bush (very well), and knows just how to use that knife he has.
    Brazen Thorn was once just a socially awkward airman's assistant/student, instead of the total jack he is now. Being a Pegasus, he would fly up to areas the airman couldn't easily reach on his zeppelin and repair any damage. One day, whilst flying through a storm, Brazen was struck by lightning and fell to the ground, shattered, burnt and missing a wing. The airman either didn't know what had happened, or didn't care enough to go back and look for Brazen, and the young Pegasus-then 17-was left to drag himself to the nearest village. Nobody had the time for him, though. There was drought, famine, and beings of a darker nature harassing the town every night, and nobody had time for a Pegasus who couldn't even stand up, much less help about the village. Brazen managed to find himself shelter in the crawlspace of a destroyed home, and over a few weeks, grew bitter as he healed.
    Once his bones had knit, Brazen did his best to help around the town, to prove himself worthwhile, but as it turned out, he knew absolutely nothing about farming, and merely ruined half a crop of corn. Driven out of town, Brazen grew more and more sure that he was right, and everyone who disagreed in the wrong.

    Personality: A coward with a caustic personality. He hates to take the blame for anything, whether it's right or wrong to blame him for it, and as long as there's someone else to cover for him, he'll run. He has a lot of rough talk in him, but he'll avoid anything that might lead to him being in pain. He's vindictive, and will try to play the hero or impress people if the odds weigh in his favor, but invariably winds up failing. He tries to make friends with people who he thinks would be helpful to him, but again, pretty much fails at everything via cynicism and jerk-ery. Strangely hypnotized by fire since the 'incident'. Hates his name. Hates it hates it hates it!
    Also, unusually for a Pegasus, he's afraid of heights. He wasn't always, though,
    Relationships: None so far, as he always screws them up.
    Cutie Mark: A pair of intertwined gears

    Why must I always play a jerk?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    Name Dreamrunner
    Title The Ghostly Medic
    Appearance She has a silver coat, and a silver mane. She has bright red eyes, and is a Pegasus pony. She wears a medic uniform with purple on it instead of the usual red or blue. She wears a pair of glasses, and is from a distant country called Germanequestria.
    Pony Type Pegasus Pony.
    Cutie Mark A red plus sign.
    Skills Huge medical expertise.
    Relationships She is very good friends with the engineer ponies at the power station, and used to be good friends with a tough pony who died a while ago because she wasn't fast enough.
    Bio Born in Germanequestria 20 years before Luna was first put on the moon, she was turned into a ghost on the year Luna was imprisoned on the moon. 2 years later, she was turned back into a solid pony. She then put all of her knowledge to good use, and became a Medic. When she first became a Medic, she did mercenary contracts for RED. She became fast friends with another mercenary there, who died because she wasn't quick enough to act. She later completed her contract, and left. She later settled down in Bridle Shores.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Name: Ember Sol
    Title: Ex-Noble of the fallen Noble House of Sol, followers of Celestia.
    Race: Pegasi

    Age: 17

    Skills: Sword Play (Fencing, though not as good as the other swordponies here), Survival (sorta forced on him).

    Biography: Ember was born into a life of privilege and wealth, but it was all taken away from him when his family was marked for death by the Purists of Luna. He and his servant were the sole survivors of the slaughter that would make headline news. Stripped from his life and thrown into exile and hiding, the ex-noble was forced to survive on luck and wit alone.

    Personality: He is stubborn, a tad arrogant, insecure, hides it behind his flashes of anger. Angry, confused, bitter about his situation. Hot-headed. A male tsundere

    Relationships: His family was an acquaintance to the powerful Flamestrong Nobel House. Aubade, his filly servant, older than him by two years and fellow exile.

    Cutie Mark: His family crest, which is of a sword with a golden radiance behind it on a shield.

    Notes: House of Sol, was a very low ranking noble family. They were not very powerful and were usually referred to as the dregs of the Noble Houses. Essentially they were the Squad Four in Bleach, Hufflepuff House, the Lovelace Family from Black Lagoon, given very little respect despite their contributions that are just overlooked/overshadowed by the more powerful Houses. One of the very few Pegasi Noble Families.

    They were killed off by The Purists of Luna for having had been known for being open Followers of Celestia and they were an easier target, and also because the Purists of Luna wanted to send out a message to other Celestia followers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
    All right well I'll try my best.

    Name: Fantasia
    Title: none
    Race: Unicorn pony

    Image by dirtytabs
    Her left back leg is tied up around her due to the fact that it is paralyzed.
    Age: 20
    Skills: Combat and magic
    Fantasia grew up in a small village with a small family. about 10 years ago her village was burned down. There were quite a few survivors (at least more than would be expected) but with most were injured. Fantasia lost her horn and back leg after being almost crushed to death by rubble. She used to be great with magic until the catastrophe. She can still use magic but not as well and her control can be unpredictable.

    Personality: mysterious and discreet.
    Relationships: None, for now.
    Cutie Mark: a steel dagger.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    Name: Fire Flowier Flamestrong
    Title: Major General
    Race: Unicorn
    Appearance: Bright red maned mare with a sandy coat. Sparkle Sparkle.
    Age: 50
    Skills: Flowier is an expert fencer of a fighting style that has been passed down the Flamestrong family for centuries. She also incredible strength that has been passed down the Flamestrong family for centuries. Flowier also knows but rarely uses pyromancy that has been passed down the Flamestrong family for centuries.
    Flamestrong family sword style A++
    Flamestrong family Unarmed Martial arts C
    Flamestrong family Pyromancy B+
    Strength B
    Speed B+
    Toughness C+
    Magic Energy D
    Diplomacy A
    Leadership B+

    Threat Level A Anti-Villian.

    Biography: After defeating her brother Axehandle for control of the Flamestrong family, Flowier reorganized Fetlock into a powerful military complex. Her warriors from Fort Fetlock are some of the best in the army. They have to be in order to deter Moose or Camel invasion forces. The civil war is complicating things.
    Personality: Cold hearted Social Darwinist Hammy Lady of War. That. Is. All.
    Relationships: Mother of Grills.
    Cutie Mark: a flaming longsword

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Name: Fox Trot/The Minstrel Colt

    Appearance: Essentially the same in the pony-lite RP, tall, dark and handsome but with a perpetual smirk on his face. Still an earth pony.

    Skills: He's rather quick and only has few peers who can match him in reflexive actions. He has made dodging an art form. He is very perceptive and reads body language very well, which he is always doing, a sort of perpetual effect. Combat wise, he's a fragile speedster. While he can do massive damage with a few precise strikes at weak points and sneak attacks, he's not that good at tank-style combat.

    Biography: He was once a naive upstart in the world of Broadway dance theater (or whatever pony pun-ness) believing the word of those who said they'd help him become a star. He soon found himself with everything, fillies under both forehooves, more bits than one could spent, and even the mare of his dreams. He soon found himself to have been nothing more but a pawn as rumors of him being a Celestia supporter began to circuit. He lost all credit to his name and soon everything as he began to fall into disgrace from the public eye. Fame, fortune, the love of his life, all gone, and now he's sworn revenge on those who took everything away from him. He understands that they were Celestia supporters who did this to him.

    He is a free-lance information gatherer though he is a loyal Luna supporter. Now is starting to show the trappings of being a secret agent apparently xD

    Personality: As a master of role-playing he embodies a variety of personality quirks, his favorite is the gentlecolt. He remains bitter and resentful towards those who used him and hides it under a perfected friendly smile. In the presence of rebel scum, he is not a nice pony. He has shown small signs of developing a personality disorder.

    Relationships: Most of those he befriended in the pony-lite roleplay.

    Cutie Mark: Comedy/Tragedy Masks which are kept under wraps under the suit he seems to wear a lot. Underneath his suit is a bodysuit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    I dunno

    Should I bring in Grills, a pony from the Fire Pony Civil War, or a descendent of a pony from the Fire Pony Civil War (Other than Grills)?

    Brief Summary of the Fire Pony Civil War:

    Fire Pony Major House Right before Luna's Imprisonment in the Moon


    Twinkletoes(not fire pony) -Captain General Fiery Explosion (recently deceased)
    Brigadier Wildfire & Brigadier Flashfire

    Flashfire- Honey Bun (not fire pony)
    Searing Clash, Hotspot, & Cocoa (still a foal)

    Wildfire- (Unknown Pony)
    Brimstone III

    Fiery Explosion mysteriously fell ill and dies before naming a successor to head the Fire Pony Family. Siblings Wildfire and Flashfire challenge each other for control of the family. When Civil War between the sisters break out, Wildfire takes half the family (most of the lower ranked family) and joins Luna. Hotspot breaks with his parent, Flashfire and joins Wildfire, Brimstone, and Luna's side.

    During the war, Wildfire sends a pony to poison Flashfire to prevent a sibling showdown. Searing Clash takes control of the main family troops and defends the lands north of Canterlot. Twinkletoes begs Searing to take a lesser role in the war but Searing ignore his mother's plea.

    Wildfire's forces clashes with Searing's. Searing reluctantly accepts a champion duel with his uncle/aunt and wins. Searing banishes his/her uncle/aunt into a volcano (tradition punishment for losing a fire pony duel).

    Hotspot duels Brimstone III for the right to challenge Searing. Hotspot wins the duel but does not banish Brimstone. Hotspot gather the Luna forces and rushes to Canterlot.

    Twinkletoes again begs Searing not to duel a family member, this time Searing's sibling, Hotspot. Cocoa advises Searing to fight Hotspot to finally end the family civil war and unite the family.

    Searing goes to her/his friend Celestia for advice as she is in the same predicament. Celestia decide she can't have the Fire Ponies banishing each other to volcanoes and decides to confront her sister.

    Unable to resolve the conflict, Wildfire takes what is left of the Luna allied fire ponies and leaves Equeastria to live in the land of the camel.

    Name: Grills (Flamestrong)
    Title: Colonel (Though only known by militia and guard members)

    Race: Unicorn

    Appearance: As the normal RP, Brown coat with either a dark red or bright red mane. Heterorchromia of the iris. One grey, one brown.

    Age: Mid to late 20s

    Skills: Pyromancy and Controlling magical energy. He is also a excellent chef but he rarely cooks anymore.

    Flamestrong family sword style C
    Flamestrong family Unarmed Martial arts A
    Flamestrong family Pyromancy B+
    Strength C
    Speed B
    Toughness B
    Magic Energy D
    Diplomacy B
    Leadership C
    Cooking A++

    Biography: A member of one of the highest noble Pyro Pony families, Grills dreamed of leaving the family military profession and becoming a world famous chef. After many bouts of betrayal and loss, he gave up on his dream and joined his family in their newly rekindled civil cold war.

    Personality: Similar to the normal RP. He is still kind and friendly to regular ponies. To ponies he is attracted to, he uses manipulation and seduction and a defensive mechanism. Grills is this way because he has to combat his fear of loneliness brought on from seeing his family fight and banish each other. Grills is paranoid, fearing his own banishment into a volcano will come soon. The paranioa is what fuels his everchanging addictions which include alcohol, mares, and physical punishment.

    Relationships: Most of the same ponies of the original RP. The Luna Celestia conflict is not a major issue to this unicorn. Fire Flowier Flamestrong is his mother.

    Cutie Mark: A fork poking into a flame.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Name: Gwynfillion

    Type: Former Planeswalker Unicorn

    Appearance: Same ol' looking Gwynfillion save for an ornate white gold collar around her neck. It contains powerful magicks. Do not touch it.

    Age: Eternally young. Looks to be an early aged mare. Has been around for a very long time.

    Skills: Magic and Hamming it Up and Having her pride wounded daily
    Personality: At this moment, in her current depowered state, she's less of a complete monster. She's hammily evil and basks in it. Takes amusement in plotting ways to torture others. Her personality can be summed up in a few sentences.

    "Bah! Stop hugging me you miserable pony! I am the Great Planeswalker Gwynfillion...Why if it wasn't for this collar I'd have destroyed your stupid world by now! *zap* Aaaah.....why universe...why do you hate me so?!"

    "Bhwahahah....all you miserable ponies will be sorry for insulting my pride, once I get my collar off I will paint this land red with your...blood...*zap*...ow...that hurt."

    "The answer to the problem is simple, just kill him *zap* uh...stab his eyes out? *zap* chop off a hoof? *zap*..punch him in the face? *zap*...oh you just suck! *zap*

    Biography: Gwynfillion just always existed as far as she knew, she was an evil tool of the eldritch gods who eventually broke away and became her own existence. She was incrediably powerful, while that pansy (:P) Zoda was destroying planets and whatever civilizations they held, Gwynfillion was decimating entire planes of existence. She was a complete monster with no remorse, as planarcide was just too much fun. But she soon grew mad with this power, she became much too prideful and challenged the Eldritch gods. Due to her arrogance the Eldritch gods placed a special collar on her neck which took away her power and banished her to the Pony Plane, to Equestria. Moments afterward the Eldritch gods for shats and giggles tossed in the remote control somewhere in Bridle Shores behind the Soda Shop.

    Relationships: She's technically a servent to whoever wields the remote control.

    Cutie Mark: For more torment the Eldritch gods placed a happy face cutie mark on her flank

    Significant Items

    Collar of the Eldritch Gods: It is a collar that she can't take off which is a sort of power limitar which was forced upon her in order to depower her. Without the collar she is obscenely overpowered to where she was once able to destroy entire planes without even breaking a sweat.
    Controller of The Collar: This is the remote that can be used to trigger the collar to zap Gwynfillion. It also functions as a spell level meter and goes up to nine level spells, its default is Level 0 so that she can at least function basic unicorn magic. Whoever wields this controller is essentially wielding a powerful weapon as she can cast *mostly any level spell, the wielder needs simply state the spell they want and she will cast it. She cannot however attack the current wielder of the controller due to ancient magicks in the collar that prevent her from doing so.

    *Except for level 7,8,9 spells as the remote seems to be magically disallowing the dial to go that way, probably as extra trolling by the gods.

    --Her current goal is to find a way to destroy this collar, and upon saying's not going to happen as she would soon immediately destroy this plane. But it will be fun watching her foiled attempts.
    --Also, the Eldritch Gods will NO way be a part of any plots, they were just flavor for this crazy pony.

    Quote Originally Posted by sildra45 View Post
    Name: Harten [ "That's DRILL SERGEANT Harten to you, ya whipper snapper!" ]

    Title: Drill Sergeant [Was once a Captain himself, but gave up the title when he got too old.]

    Race: Earth Pony

    Appearance: Both his mane and his body are grayed with age, the only remnant of his original coat being the dark blue 'frills' around his hooves.

    Age: In human years, he would be in his late 60's.

    Skills: Knows and practices nearly every form of battlefield combat, ranging from hoof to hoof, swordplay, and archery. Though his skills are 'rusty' since his body doesn't respond as quickly as it used to, his timing and strategic methods are still hard to beat.

    Biography: Once part of a crack team of a first wave assault unit, he retired to Bridle Shores in the hopes of peace and quiet. Since that never happened, he found solace in being able to teach other ponies the ways of the battlefield. Not much more is known about just who Harten is, but there has been speculation that there is more than meets the eye with this pony.

    Personality: Cranky to a fault, Harten does really care for the guardsponies in Bridle Shores, but feels they lack the conviction to be real warriors, and so, pushes them to train more than they usually do. Having trained even the current Captain of the Guard....Captain.

    Relationships: Captain, possibly Roy and Eric.

    Cutie Mark: Dagger over a Cloak, with a Sword and Shield 'embossed' on the cloak. This is what has led many to speculate as to what he really did in the army.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    Name: Hover Heart
    Title: Helmspony
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: A pink teenager filly. Her mane and tail are dyed black but a lot of her naturual blonde roots show. She often wears black and stripes with make up that emphasizes her eyes and lips.
    Age: 16
    Skills: Hover is very skilled airship pilot.
    Biography: Thinking life in this sad world wasn't work stressing over. She enlisted in the Air Force under a fake indentity. Her she was discovered before she could be shot down in one of her many suicide missions as an airship pilot. As pilot of the Cirrrus, she proves constantly to be the best one not getting a government paycheck despite her age.
    Personality: Hover is a complete sack sack who se self loathing has no bounds. She also pities everyone for not being as despressed as she is claiming that should be. Convinced the world is out to get her, Hover has given up and no longer fears anything.. except crabs.
    Relationships: Hover tries to not have relationships with anypony but they never let her.
    Cutie Mark: A heart shaped grey cloud

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
    I have a new character I've been dying to introduce...

    Name: Juniper Star
    Title: none
    Race: Deer
    Appearance: a normal brown doe

    Age: 19
    Skills: Gardening, public speaking, running
    Biography: Juniper, or June, was born and raised in the Blighted Weald(isn’t that we’re calling that forest?) with 3 brothers and her parents. They passed down the art of gardening to their only daughter who was the only one eager to learn. Her parents taught her to avoid pony civilization but June was always curious. She had a fairly average life and was not very affected by the Celestia Luna thing.
    Personality: Brave, friendly, very honest.
    Relationships: A big black raven that she raised in the forest and somehow communicates with is always found with her and is her only friend.
    Cutie Mark: do deer have cutie marks? If so it would be a juniper (obviously)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    Name: Kalectro Stelvana
    Title: The Stormbringer, Unburnable.
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: dark grey fur, golden-yellow eyes, blue mane, his blue tail having a white lightning bolt going through it
    Age: 21
    Rocket-Flying: his unique form of flying, if he goes fast enough he can smash through things and crash without getting hurt as much as other ponies
    Storm-bringing: he can bring storms, but can't take them away.
    Heat Resistance: ever since he got struck by that lightning bolt, nothing else ever got near the amount of hurt that it dealt him and as a result, heat doesn't hurt him as much.

    Biography: a flyer so bad, instead of developing the needed skills of flight control, maneuvering and other aerodynamics in the academy, Kalectro ran screaming in the other direction and became good at smashing through things at high speeds and surviving while flying like an out of control rocket on ADHD.
    This was only the start of his absurd life.
    The teachers forever wept tears of dismay and made yells of frustration, some even tearing their manes out in anger as Kalectro forever flew like a complete brutish thug from the mental asylum off his meds. If flying was a form of art, Kalectro was a dadaist. It is well known that even today, if he flies too low he will cause a lot of destruction to everything he flies through.
    The other pegasus kids of course taunted him to no end, which only him tackle them repeatedly, which landed him in a lot of trouble.
    Then one day he was dared to fly out into one of the biggest storms ever.
    Kalectro, being the stupid horse that he is, charged out there with a smile on his face then stuck his tongue out at the entire flight academy for not being brave as he was.
    Then he got struck by lightning.
    The lightning changed him, his pure white hide became dark grey, his light blue mane, became dark blue, his tail gained a white lightning bolt on it and his cutie mark appeared as a hurricane with a lightning bolt across it.
    The pain he experienced couldn't match a thousand suns burning him.
    He had been miraculously transformed, he came flying back with the same bad style as usual, but little sparks of electricity crackling across him and an ever wilder look in his eye than last time, laughing at everyone freaking out at what just happened.
    A day later, he got kicked out of the flight academy. He didn't care, as far he was concerned, he had graduated.
    He went on to be a wild card in the pyromancer-pony civil war, courageously going into infernos to rescue innocents caught in the crossfire and beating up ponies on both sides, some called him "Unburnable" in that his... unique style allowed him to fly through fire without being burned. But others called him the Stormbringer, as he can use his wind magic to bring storms, but not take them away.
    During this time he found Skyrial amidst a burning building and rescued her, however she had no family anymore and the building he had rescued her out of had been her home. A couple days later, Celestia is imprisoned in the sun.
    For the next five years He and Skyrial worked to survive amidst the various dangers and politics, taking no side...

    Personality: rebellious, reckless, foolish, disrespectful of authority, loves to prove people wrong and to beat all challenges, but has a soft spot for his sister and for people in need, and is one of the most courageous people in the world.
    Relationships: Adoptive Older Brother to Skyrial
    Cutie Mark: a hurricane with a lightning bolt across it.

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Name: Lone Star

    Appearance: A pegasus pony with an Inky Black coat, red irses and a silver mane.

    Skills: Lone Star possesses a great aptitude and competence for the written word, and adores writing stories of all kinds. He also is an above-average aerial combatant at night, and an average one by day.

    Biography: Largely unknown. He showed up at Bridle Shores one day with cuts all over his flank and an apparent refusal to speak. He kept that way for nearly four months, during which all his communication occurred in writing. He did eventually start talking again, but he still kept mostly quiet and grim.

    He showed a great aptitude for writing, especially highly outlandish fiction stories, and often took challenges and requests from other ponies to make something boring into something worth reading (though usually not worth remembering)

    Relationships: Usually complicated.

    Cutie Mark: A single silver star with a pen in the center.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Grimmace View Post
    I can probably handle it (I hope )

    Anyways, without further ado, here are my characters.

    Nimbus Grey
    Pegasus Pony
    Nimbus has a dark grey coat, blue eyes, and a light Orange mane that usually looks sort of windswept.
    He’s a skilled flyer and a good combatant, although he doesn’t really fight unless he absolutely has to. He also has a strange ability to communicate with, and sometimes even control, birds. Especially ravens.
    Nimbus has seen his fair share of suffering, from both the giving and receiving end. He never knew his mother, and his father was a ranking member of an evil organization, and was killed by some hero when Nimbus was around 14. Trained in combat due to his evil upbringing, and driven by a burning desire for revenge, the young Pegasus devoted the next several years of his life to hunting down and killing the hero and his friends. He then returned to his home and joined the group his father had belonged to, becoming their youngest, and one of their best, assassins. He had a change of heart, though, when he was ordered to kill a mare who had a newborn foal. He was already hated in the area, and he knew that his superiors would not take kindly to him leaving the group, so he ran for it, flying far away. Eventually he met an earth pony named Vermillion and the two became great friends, and have travelled together ever since.
    He acts fairly casual and laid-back, although this is more or less a defense mechanism to keep him from going insane from guilt.
    His only friend at the moment is Vermilion, but he has plenty of enemies back in his homeland.
    Cutie Mark:
    A trio of ravens with outspread wings

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    [Name: Rainbow Pepper
    Title: None
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: Magenta coat with long rainbow colored hair tied in white ribbons.
    Age: 20
    Skills: Rainbow was a trained sniper in the military. She controls the Cirrrus' chainguns, torpedoes, and cannons.
    Biography: Sixth in a military family of seven, Rainbow was always used to be behind others. She couldn't stay in the army under her siblings' collective shadows and took up employment on the Cirrrus.
    Personality: Rainbow is quiet. She rarely talks and usually just nods in agreement. She isn't cold but she comes off that way.
    Relationships: Rainbow is friendly with everypony, mostly since she rarely disagrees.
    Cutie Mark: Rainbow bullets

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    Name: Skyrial Stelvana
    Title: None
    Race: Unicorn
    Appearance: light purple hide, light brown mane and tail, both with dark purple bands on them to them into ponytails, she has blue eyes and wears a white labcoat
    Age: 16
    Unicorn Magic: some spells to help her with technology

    She was once the bright genius of a loving family, one burned down house and a rescue from a reckless fool of a pony later, and all she had left was an adoptive brother.
    However she had to make the best of it. It was the only logical thing to do. It was after a few months did she finally began to feel emotions after hiding from them in pure rationality to help her and Kalectro survive. This was when she gained her cutie mark, having gear but with suspiciously similar lightning bolt on the gear. Since then she has been working to make new inventions and repair whatever technology is broken. There have been times when Kalectro have broken some of her inventions of course and the siblings had some...disagreements over that, to put it lightly.
    However they persevered, Skyrial soon getting more success with her inventions and even now while things look uncertain, she is trying to build more durable buildings and other tools to better withstand Kalectro's bad flying, the only real successful thing being a little green rectangle you play video games on.

    Personality: sensible, logical, rational and caring. she has been deeply affected by the war, and wants to do anything to improve quality of life, and is mature beyond her years, with an unspoken fear of fire. She is the cool, rational sibling to balance out Kalectro's rampant foolishness and idiocy, however she gets angry at him at times. She also loves technology

    Relationships: Adoptive Younger sister to Kalectro
    Cutie Mark: a gear.... with a lightning bolt across it?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Grimmace View Post
    Earth Pony
    He’s got a red coat and a maroon colored mane that is almost always hidden under his large feathered hat. He also wears a cape and has a belt with a rapier attached to it.
    22 or so
    He’s quick, nimble, and very skilled with the rapier that he carries.
    Ever since he was young, Vermillion wanted to be an adventurer. He was always amazed when his parents told him stories about brave heroes and daring feats of adventure. He always dreamed of going on a journey of his own, and one day, he set out to do just that. He trained with the rapier, and traveled around fighting monsters and evildoers. On his travels, he ran into a pony named Nimbus who was fighting off some thugs. He helped defeat them, and, seeing that he was injured from some sort of flying accident, insisted on accompanying him on his travels. The two grew to become great friends, and have adventured together ever since.
    Vermillion is good natured and has a good sense of humor. He’s cocky, but he has the skills to back it up, and can, in fact, be somewhat of a show-off. Still, he tends to get along well with most ponies he meets.
    Having travelled around a lot, Vermillion doesn’t know many ponies other than his good friend Nimbus. He does still keep in touch with his family and friends back in Coltorado.
    Cutie Mark:
    A fleur de lis

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    Name Zach
    Title Leader of Celestia's Resistance
    Appearance A brown Stallion Pegasus Pony. With Brown Eyes, and glasses.
    Cutie mark The symbol for the game Caverns and Centaurs
    Feat: Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: Weapon Proficiency: Katana
    Feat: Two Weapon Defence
    Feat: Weapon Proficiency: Words
    Feat: Wizard Acolyte
    Str: 11
    Dex: 14
    Con: 15
    Cha: 21
    Wis: 21
    Int: 21
    Total Hp: 60
    Healing Surges: 9
    Biography When Zach was young he recieved a magic set of C&C dice. This was when his parents were still rich, since then, Zach has become an Orphan, trusting to his wits only. He dislikes the world he lives in, but it is like Caverns and Centaurs. He is the leader of Celestia's Resistance. An orginization who's finaly goal is too merge Luna and Celestia into one body. He does this secretly, lest someone rat him out to Princess Luna.
    Relationships None, he trusts no one.

    1 Saddlebag of Holding(To carry everything in)
    2 Katanas
    1 Dice Bag(Holding many dice)
    1 D20 Necklace
    1 Pair of Glasses(Note, these can be turned into a saw)

    ((The Alternate Universe form of Zach Rolfe))
    Last edited by Crisis21; 2011-08-10 at 11:08 PM.
    Wind & Sound Elemental Eric Greenhilt avatar by Akrim.elf
    Bodyguard in Lix's Harem
    Ninja-Pirate of BvS's Privateer village! Come and join me!
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    Major Locations

    Bridle Shores Guardhouse

    'House' might be something of a misnomer as the structure is the largest in the town, even larger than the Town Hall, taking up an entire town block by itself. Inside is a series of offices, training rooms, barracks, and holding cells.

    The holding cells, known as the Lock-Up, are not a formal prison and not meant to hold anypony long term. They do serve well enough for holding various ponies in the short term until they are either released or transferred somewhere more permanent. There are only two dozen holding cells in the guardhouse and are each only meant for one pony, though they can hold two if necessary. The interrogation rooms are kept here as well.

    The barracks are little more than a place to sleep and shower if a guardspony needs to stay overnight for whatever reason.

    The training rooms are set aside for mandatory training for all guards. Failure to meet the minimal training requirements for a pony's position means suspension from duty until such time as said pony can meet them.

    The offices are where the day to day business of the guard is taken care of. Every single scrap of paperwork that the guards have to deal with passes through here at least once.

    There are always at least 50 guardsponies on active duty in Bridle Shores at any given time.

    Standard Guard Codes and what they mean:

    Code Blue - False alarm. Threat was reported/suspected but turned out to not be an actual threat.
    Code Green - All Clear. No threats reported or suspected in the vicinity.
    Code Yellow - Minimal threat posed. No backup required. Often reported after the fact.
    Code Orange - Serious threat posed. Backup needed.
    Code Red - Major threat posed. Everypony who can fight, get here now. Everypony else take cover.

    Public Works Guild

    A little group for anyone who wants to play around with town construction. Mostly goes with the town forepony NPC I made up a few pages back, but MCerberus's character Machanic might like to meet them.

    Name: Bridle Shores Public Works Guild

    Occupation(s): Construction, Repair, Mechanics, Plumbing, Wiring, and anything involving building or repairing anything the town might ever conceivably need.

    Leader: Rockem Wrench, town forepony

    Facts: As Bridle Shores isn't a huge town, they don't really have room to support full individual contractors for all the various town needs. As a result, all of the jobs get folded into a single guild who is charged with handling all of them. The guild is on a flat-rate contract with the town regarding all of their work based on average time needed to complete similar projects for other such groups. The flat-rate means that they never get more money for taking more time, and thus they tend to work as fast as they can. They claim, not entirely exaggerated, that they will charge for a five hour job, that would take anypony else five hours to do, and get it done in one hour.

    Much of their work involves cleaning up after the various fights that plague the town on a steady basis, and they have defensive repair down to a speedy art. They can complete in days what would take other construction groups weeks to accomplish.

    The guild has a single construction mecha under their ownership, and it has been modified so many times that the manufacturer likely would not be able to recognize it.

    Membership: In a word: eclectic. There seems to be little rhyme or reason to who is a part of this guild. Stallions, mares, young, old, small, hug, thin, fat, smart, dumb, they have it all. The one common factor is that all of them take pride in their work and never leave a job unfinished. Most of them are also members of the militia and the town's volunteer fire department and can hold their own in a fight, even if their weapon choices tend to be straight or modified workpony's tools.

    Anypony looking to work off a sentence at the town lock-up can usually find community service grunt work with this group.

    The leader and town forepony, Rockem Wrench, is a boisterous individual with a powerful set of lungs and a tough charismatic demeanor. He works his ponies hard, and rewards them just as well. He also parties just as hard as he works when the situation calls for it. He has an impressive collection of magical items that increase strength that the guild uses to make heavy lifting go faster. His weapon of choice is a wrench that looks like it was designed for bolts the size of your average pony's torso.

    Named Members:

    Rockem Wrench - Earth Pony. Boss. Boisterous, Loud, Hard taskmaster

    Sockem Wrench - Earth Pony. Rockem's young teenage daughter. She's had the run of the guild since she could walk and not only knows everypony in it by name, but also has most of them wrapped around her hooves.

    Billy - Unicorn. Skinny teenage colt. Brilliant inventor. Mind works at an accelerated pace, making it hard for him to maintain focus on any one task.
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    Orzel's Fetlock Nobility

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    The Fetlock Nobility
    Seperate from the normal factions that fire for either princess are the noble families that once made up and funded the bulk of Equestria's army. Made up of unicorm pryomancers, draconic fire ponies, and specially bred dragons; these high ranked officers were charged with defending the country from outside forces. A thousand years ago, the battle between the princesses split the group into two and sent half of them into "self-imposed exile".

    Descendents of Flashfire: These are the ponies whose ancestors allied with Celestia and remained in Equestria. They are mostly unicorn nobles and hold great control over the Equestrian army. Slightly in favor of Celestia, they are more concerned with maintaining the quiet status quo.
    Followers of Wildfire: The children of the forces who left Equestria upon Luna's defeat. Luna has recently convinced them to return for their financial backing. There military force are almost as large but are generally less worried about the status of the nation. Dragon-like fire ponies make up most of their forces.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    If anyone wants to make a Fetlock noble pony, you can. Here are the noble families I thought up that will be involved in the Fetlock Noble Subplot.

    House Flamestrong: One of the richer Fetlock families, the Flamestrong hold major power or the military decision of Equestria. The Flamestrong can trace their lineage to the legendary Flashfire, who led the Celestia aligned nobles during the first civil war. They are headed by Fire Flower Flamestrong, a tough, ruthless, and cold unicorn who runs the nearby fort. Leadership of the Descendents of Flashfire has been passed down the Flamestrong family line for centuries! Sparkle Sparkle.

    House Scald: Scald had been recently allowed back into Equesatria after the the self imposed exile of Wildfire's forces back in the civil war. They are a regrettable major financial backer of Luna with all the funds raised during their time controlling the trade between the Camels and Zebras. Although having no relations to Wildfire, this weaselly clan has the most members in the council that leads the Followers of Wildfire.

    House Gumdrop: The Gumdrops are mercenaries. They fight for whoever pays them the most. They are just as rich as Flamestrong or Scald but lack the allegiances. Gumdrops will work for anypony and attack anyother pony, as long as they aren't other Gumdrops. They horde their bits, using it only for weapons and the medicine to treat their mental disorders. They are led by the probably insane, Rainbow Jimmies and his brother Sweet Tooth.
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    Villains, other than mine, that haven't been reposted yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    Name John Flitwisp
    Title Leader of Darkness
    Appearance A stallion with a black coat and a black mane and black eyes, he is a unicorn that is quite strong too. His cutie mark is a skull.
    Cutie mark Skull
    Skills Plotting evil things, doing evil.
    Biography He cannot remember his childhood(he is a clone)
    Relationships Best friends with everything that is evil.
    Danger Rank S(is above A+)
    Notes Is hiding in Bridal Shores until then soliders finally arrive. The real John is in the bunker, this is his clone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    Name Jellux Hullaxburom
    Age 35
    Type Earth Pony
    Appearance A pony with a deep red coat. He has brown eyes and a blonde mane and coat.
    Bio When he was 15 he still believed in goodness, that was when the accident happened. One of the most powerful Nightmare Ponies in existence got trapped in his head, and later a lightning bolt struck him. The freak accident fused them together, and drove him mad. He gained all of the Nightmare Pony's powers, and joined the League of Evil to do evil with them.
    Danger Level A
    Skills Dream Based Powers and Skills
    Cutie Mark It used to be a rainbow, but ever since the accident it disappeared.
    Relationships He trusts no one.
    Personality He is a jolly ol' bean who is crazy. His personality constantly changes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Soft Serve View Post
    Eh, screw the image, I'm posting villain anyway.

    Name: Mystic Blade.
    Title: The Overmind or The Queen of Blades
    Race: Pegasus Pony. Sort of.
    Appearance: Her body is coated in what looks to be something between reptile scales and a bug carapace. The back of her legs are covered in spines, and her wings have turned into skeletal looking weapons. Despite this, she's still capable of flying. Her hair and Tail have turned into tentacles coated in the same stuff as her body.
    Age: Irrelevant since she no longer ages.
    Skills: She's good with animals, and before she became the overmind was pretty good at Dungeons and Dragons, building Legos, and Building Bionicles. Right now, she's extremely good at killing anypony who she deems a threat, and is extremely hard to kill. She's also immune to mind affecting abilities, and any form of poison.
    Biography: Mystic Muse was a mostly normal Pegasus Pony. She grew up with her family who loved her very much, and had, though not many friends, more than enough. That all changed a couple years ago. Once the war between Celestia and Luna began, she prayed each night she'd obtain the power to bring peace to Equestria. One day, on a stroll through the woods, by nothing more than luck, thing thing fell out of the atmosphere around where she was walking. She tried helping it, but it decided to try and take her over and start taking over her entire race. It enveloped her in a chrysalis for one week trying to take her over, but she resisted until the thing died. There was no preventing her becoming the leader of this then extinct race, but she retained complete control over herself. The transformation in the chrysalis granted her skin stronger than most metals, and total control over anything she assimilates into the alien race. After the transformation happened, she walked back home and explained things to her parents, but things were never quite the same after that. She ended up leaving home and ended up joining the Dark Forces thinking gaining control of the organization is the best way to bring peace to Equestria.
    Personality: Despite being evil, Mystic is extremely loyal to anypony she can consider her friend, and is even willing to die for her friends. Despite being quite evil at times, she does still have standard, and has an intense hatred of anypony who violates them. As a natural consequence, she hates most of the ponies in this organization and wishes most of them would just die.
    Relationships: None
    Danger level: High end A, possibly A+.
    Cutie Mark: A curling spiked tail
    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    Name: Crossfire
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: Crossfire is a grey stallion with slick black mane. He wears a black jacket, jeans, and gloves. He is commonly seen flying on a floating disk.
    Age: 20
    Skills: Crossfire is a nice shot with the automatic cannon he carries. It shoots marbles that magically grow when shot.
    Biography: Sometime the near future, Crossfire becomes a cloppers dealer. Chased out of... some town, he comes to Bridle Shores.... for the ultimate challenge... or something.
    Personality: Crossfire is intense as if he were on cloppers. But he isn't, he's just that crazy.
    Relationships: Who would want to be friends with a dirty clopper dealer who yells "CROSSFIYAAAAA!"?
    Cutie Mark: A flaming marble

    Side effects of Cloppers include: Lightning strike hallucinations, pyrophobia, spinning around in circles, imaginary crowds, uncontrollable excitement, getting caught up in it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    This Character is a major villian:

    Name: Glados
    Title: Master of the Tests
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: She seems to be made completely out of metal. Her cutie mark is a Blue and Orange oval overlapping
    Age: Unknown
    Skills: She is the ultimate harbringer of Tests. And is perfect at everything that has to do with tests.
    Biography: Celestia's Resistance needed someone to run the tests for the new recruits, but only one pony wanted to do it. So, they completely put her in metal, and thus, Glados was born.
    Personality: Glados, is Glados
    Relationships: None except with Celestia's Resistance
    Cutie Mark: An Orange and Blue oval Overlapping.

    Again, she is a major villian. But she is here for the sole purpose of running the tests for the Recruits to go through.

    And yes, she is kinda like a portal ripoff. But, who is better to run tests then Glados?

    Can be taken down if people take offense at it.
    Quote Originally Posted by sildra45 View Post
    Heh. I thought someone would have posted the thread to it in here. I've already missed out. :P

    Hmm. Character, character..oh yeah, Simmer, FWM edition.

    Name: Simmer [ Gallant Garion ]

    Title: General

    Race: Cursed Pegasus

    Appearance: An empty suit of steel armor with steel wings that is maroon with silvered outlines.

    Age: Somewhere around 900

    Skills: Close combat specialist, hoof-to-hoof. Literally being his armor, Simmer is immune to many spells and technological attacks that would affect a most ponies. Even many alien weaponry seems to have no effect. He never sleeps, never eats, and never gets tired. While his skills with a sword or other melee weapon is limited, he doesn't really need them. Still able to fly at extreme speeds, and weighing in at over 500lbs due to being made purely of steel, he can ram opponents into submission. Oh, and he rarely misses his target.

    Biography: Was at one time one of Celestia's generals, and had volunteered to be turned into a creature of war to help empower the military. The spell went awry, causing Simmer to become permanently fused into his armor, rather than just temporarily as originally designed. Becoming bitter and crazed, being stuck as he was, he left the army and started causing havoc across Equestria, disappearing for years at a time only to return for a short time and cause even more havoc.

    Living mostly in the wilds, he'll raid towns and cause mass mayhem whenever he's up to it, or just generally cause trouble. The only pony that seems able to sedate him for any length of time in the past has been Luna, for her belief in friendship is able to reach him for a short time.

    Personality: Bitter, angry, and downright a pain in the rear. Speaking few words if spoken to, anypony that deigns to get his attention is likely asking for a bucking to the teeth.

    Relationships: Celestia; Luna

    Cutie Mark: Skull crossed by two swords in the background, with a third poking out of the top.
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    (Killable) NPC Villainous Group: The Followers Of Wildfire

    Name: Regal Burnstein
    Affiliation: House Skald (head), Followers of Wildfire (head)
    Threat level: B+ (higher threat when upgraded)
    Fighting Style: Various martial arts. Energy projection and reflection
    Appearance: Very tall red unicorn stallion. Blond mane. Missing right eye.
    Age: 35
    Skills: Regal can channel energy from his banished twin sister and the absorbed Fire Pony Siblings granting him an almost unlimited magic supply. He can also sense the energy of people nearby as he is a very good spellcaster. His well pedicured hooves allow enhance his master level martial arts. Also aiding his martial arts is his ability to copy the moves of other fighters. This allows his to learn over 20 martial art styles in such a short time.

    Biography: The older of the once feared Burnstein twins, Regal lent his troops to Wildfire during the first Pyro Pony Civil war. In failure, he lead his family, House Burnstien (renamed Skald) into the desert as a form as self exile. This was all a ploy as Regal wanted to build funds outside of the Equestrian princesses watchful eyes.

    Regal turned House Skald into a massive drugs and arms cartel. He fueled the war between the Zebras, Desert Ponies, and Camels. He make himself rich by selling weapons to both sides. Now back in Equestria, Regal has four hooved nations coiled around his tail.
    Personality: Regal is a cruel and powerful unicorn who will kill anyone who stands in his way. He only sees pony life in the form of the bit cost for their employment and funeral.
    Relationships: Crossfire (son), Royal (sister), Juribean (employee), Lok'ler (former general), Haggar (former employee)
    Cutie Mark: A crimson pony skull with bits for eyes.


    Name: Juribean
    Affiliation: House Gumdrop, Followers of Wildfire (current employer)
    Threat level: B
    Fighting Style: Ki reinforced Taekwondo
    Appearance: Slender light fuchsia earth pony mare. Brunette mane. Glowing hot pink left eye. She wears wears a purple breastplate-tank top and baggy white colored trousers which only cover her legs.
    Age: 22
    Skills: Juribean is a master Taekwondo user. She rarely uses her forelegs in battle, but her hindleg kicks are deadly.
    Biography: Juribean is top assassin in House Gumdrop. Most ponies outside the house believe she got the position by killing the previous top five assassins the noble house had due to their collective sudden availabilities.

    Much of Juribean's past before she started her murderous ways is unknown. She just appeared on the scene suddenly in a flurry of rapid kicks and orgasmic laughter.

    At some point Juri received special eye surgery. Her new eye enhances his vision, increases her reaction time, and allows her to control her ki. It also glows hot pink when activated.
    Personality:"You play rough. I like rough."
    Relationships: Staccata (rival), Regal (owner employer), Rainbow Jimmies (house head)
    Cutie Mark: 3 hot pink hoofprints (hidden under her pants)

    Name: Haggar (Deceased)
    Affiliation: House Skald, Followers of Wildfire
    Threat level: D
    Fighting Style: Monster creation
    Appearance: Ugly old grey unicorn mare.

    Warriors (Mooks) commonly used by the Followers Of Wildfire.
    Spearponies- Medium armored earth ponies trained in the use of lonngspears and shields. Threat Level-D
    Heavy ponies- Heavily armored fire pony mercenaries with axes. Threat Level-D
    Pegasus Archers- Light armored pegasi armed with hoofbows. Threat Level-D
    Ninjasi- Stealthy pegusi trained in ninjutsu. Threat Level-D (alone) B (solo)
    Pyro Nobles- Lower titled unicorn nobleponies trained in the use of evocations and abjurations. Threat Level-C+
    Moose Mercs- Rime, Mountain, and Fire Moose paid to fight who wield hammers and ice, earth, or fire magic respectively. Threat Level- B
    Last edited by Orzel; 2011-11-02 at 03:47 PM.
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    Name: <nameless> formerly Razoreye
    Title: the Exile
    Race: Griffon

    Appearance: Well toned and solid. Strong griffons tend to not be bulky as it interferes with flight. To most ponies, a griffon is a griffon, so not much would be distinct about him. One talon is dyed red, and his only possession is a star-metal "Order of the Highlands" Equestrian medal on a cold-iron chain.

    Age: 35
    Skills: Veteran both of the griffon civil war and the 40-day revolt. Expert with his talons, and knows how to use a longbow well enough. Those tend to be rare in Equestria, though.

    Biography: Growing up near the Equestrian border and a natural combatant, Razoreye made a name for himself fighting against the Traitor's forces. He among the few that stood with the pony military force to hold the line while the major griffon force closed the vice.

    An advocate of the radical 'republic' idea, Razoreye found himself on the wrong side of the next conflict. Because he never backed down and his previous heroics, the griffon was allowed exile with those he knew able to think he died in combat.

    Personality: Rather a softie to most Griffons, to most ponies he's rather quick to anger and very assertive. He's a believer in the 'open talon' philosophy, abnormal due its belief in conflict avoidance. That doesn't make him a diplomat, however.

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    Name: Lok'ler
    Title: Commander of the Moose forces
    Status: DEAD
    Race: Rime Moose
    Threat Rank: High B
    Appearance: Lok'ler is big, even for a moose. His body is perpetually covered with frost due to his immense ice powers.
    Age: Mid-30's (assumed)
    Skills: Lok'ler is immensely powerful in ice magic and has a talent for illusions. He isn't much of a bare-hoof or armed combatant, but he has numerous magical protections that prevent him from being harmed in melee.
    Biography: A prominent military figure when the Rime Moose conquered their fellow Moose races as well as when they attacked Equestria. He is noted for his unscrupulous tactics.
    Personality: Cunning and malicious are not a pleasant combination.
    Relationships: All military
    Cutie Mark: N/A
    Last edited by Crisis21; 2011-09-24 at 03:06 PM.
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    Name: Eric

    Orange unicorn pony with short black mane and tail. Has a keytar cutie mark and black eyes. Like to flirt with the ladies.

    Age: 24


    Eric is a Bard, and while he is quite competent with his rapier, and has an eclectic array of spells at his command, his true might lies in the use of music. He is a master of manipulating emotions through song and sound, and that's before any supernatural effects come into play.

    Every so often, Eric shows an ability to affect the world around him in a more substantial way through his music. He hasn't offered any explanation as to the nature of this ability, but most ponies would assume that he's using his music as a medium to cast spells. Such an explanation.... is not quite accurate.

    Eric currently has a headset that allows him to project his music, and its effects, across a large area.

    Biography: Eric is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He cruises through life in search of the next interesting thing and rarely stays at any one task for very long. Despite this, he's very intelligent and can follow conversation that goes over other ponies' heads. He likes to think of himself as very dashing and a ladies pony.
    Underneath Eric's goofy and flirtatious exterior is a veteran, though not quite famous, adventurer and combatant. He does a variety of high-level exercises every day to keep himself fit in addition to the normal Guard training.
    Eric is a former member of the now disbanded Starlight Six, but few ponies would believe him if he told them so as he doesn't really seem like a near legendary hero just by looking at him. Eric considers this a novel way of remaining anonymous.
    Eric has a fair deal of pain in his past, most of which he, understandably, blames upon his deceased father. Among other things, Eric had to run away from home to attend his dream school, the Manehattan Academy of the Arts. He was also estranged from his older brother, Roy, for a time, but the two have reconciled and neither seem to hold anything against the other.

    Personality: Very laid back and cheerful. Flirtatious, but also dependable and kind. Will not hesitate to help a friend in need.

    Eric works best outside the box, which tends to give numerous straight-laced ponies that he works with headaches. About the only reason that he continues to get away with it is that he produces results. Oddly enough, he works almost seemlessly with his older brother in combat despite the fact that their personalities and styles are very different.


    Acquaintances: Every pony he's met so far
    Casual Friendships: Smoothie, Soft Serve, several guardsponies.
    Close Friendships: Some unnamed former adventuring buddies (they write each other), Mike, Mica, Issun.
    Family: Roy (Older Brother, have not seen each other in years), Julia (Younger Sister, lives elsewhere), Parents (deceased)
    Intimate Friendships: None as of right now.

    Cutie Mark: Keytar


    Name: Roy

    A muscular blue earth pony with a brown tail and shaved mane. Carries a HUGE sword and his cutie mark is a shield with a stick on it.

    Affiliation: Unificationists, Order of the Stick (Disbanded), Bridle Shores Town Guard

    Race: Earth Pony

    Age: 29

    Skills: Roy is the physically strongest pony in town, and among the physically strongest in Celestia (top 50). His skill with a sword is masterful and few can claim to be his equal in fair combat. He has a great mind for tactics and is quite intelligent. His sword, a magical ancestral blade imbued with the magical properties of starmetal, has few equals as well.

    Biography: Roy is a very responsible person and dedicated to doing good with his life. He has little love for his late father, as the man judged people, especially his own children, on their ability in magic, a field in which Roy had no talent. He and his father had a falling out when Roy decided to take the family's ancestral sword and go to the Warrior's Academy of Canterlot against the wishes of his father, who insisted that Roy would graduate over his dead body (a claim that would come true when Roy's father died from old age just before Roy's graduation). He recieved a message from his father prior to the latter's death which seems to have caused Roy to distance himself from his family for over five years. His mother also passed away three years ago.

    Over those years, Roy's adventures have become the things of local legend and he is considered one of the greatest warriors in all of Equestria, as well as one of the greatest heroes. His defeat of Xykon roughly six months ago is very well known, and it has made him one of the most recognizable ponies in Equestria.

    Roy is vastly overqualified for the job of guardspony that he holds in Bridle Shores, and he's even been offered a job as a high-ranking commanded in the military. However, he wants to spend time with his family unburdened by the pressures of being a hero all the time. In addition, he has a feeling that there is more to Bridle Shores than there seems....

    Personality: Roy is a very dedicated individual. Generally selfless and straight-laced, he embodies the perfect warrior. He is also much more intelligent than many people would give him credit for, and takes exception to the assumption that he is not an intelligent person. He is also very witty and prone to lambasting people with sarcastic comments when he feels they deserve it. Roy loves his siblings greatly, and he is determined to ensure that Equestria remains standing for future generations.


    Acquaintances: Too many to list.
    Casual Friendships: Many, all across Equestria.
    Close Friendships: Several, though none that reside in Bridle Shores as of now.
    Family: Eric (Younger Brother), Julia (Younger Sister, attends and lives at the Equestria Magic Academy), Parents (deceased)
    Intimate Friendships: A flutter pony named Celia. (Long-distance relationship)

    Cutie Mark: Shield with a stick on it.


    Name: Mike
    Race: Earth Pony

    Mike is a light blue earth pony with a reddish mane and tail. He often wears a denim jacket and carries his weaponry around with him almost everywhere.

    Age: 19

    Skills: Mike is supremely good at throwing things, both accurately and with great velocity. This skill serves him equally well as a baseball pitcher and as a warrior. He can throw just about anything that he can lift, and is a superb long-range fighter.

    He has a set of magical anklets that allow him to jump ludicrously high, so much that claims have been made that he can fly. He has also been blessed with the ability to shoot magical bolts from his hooves that impact with the force of a standard or heavy punch.

    His primary weapon is a crimson spiked ball and chain called 'Shooting Star', a magical weapon that is picky in its wielders and can shoot magical bolts from the head of the weapon an additional five feet that are strong enough to crack stone. He has the ability to transform 'Shooting Star' into a stronger weapon he calls 'Super Nova' that is glowing white and shoots stronger blazing magical bolts with no firmly determined range.

    Biography: Mike was just a baseball player when he went to an island in the South Seas of Equestria one day to visit his archaeologist uncle, and found him to be kidnapped. Journeying to find his uncle, he came across the wandering Bard, Eric, and a Sea Pony by the name of Echo Wave. The three would eventually discover that Mike's uncle had been kidnapped by evil Space Ponies who wanted a trio of artifacts from an ancient crash site and needed Mike's uncle's skills as a translator to obtain them. Mike and Eric boarded the ship, found the artifacts, killed the alien leader Zoda, and barely escaped before the ship blew up. Echo had to swim the two to shore as they landed in the middle of the ocean. They then found that the artifacs were in fact magical stasis pods containing seven alien Space Ponies, including Mica who joined the three on a journey to learn more about Equestria.

    The group eventually added a Flutter Pony by the name of Shutter Shade, and a silent and mysterious white blank flank known as Ammy. This group would become known as the Starlight Six, a group of heroes famous for numerous deeds, some of which don't quite match up with the time of their formation.

    Personality: Mike is a jock, but not a dumb one. He prefers informal settings to formal and is always up for some manner of excitement. He's crude and brash to anypony he dislikes, but for anypony else, he's a true friend who would walk throught the darkest pit in equestria to aid them.


    Acquaintances: Far too numerous to list.
    Casual Friendships: Numerous. He's very likable.
    Close Friendships: Former adventuring buddies
    Family: Uncle (Archaeologist), Parents (Live in Seaddle)
    Intimate Relationships: Mica

    Cutie Mark: A Baseball


    Name: Mica Nohansen Dartanius Helena Allura Xion de Argos

    Race: Space Unicorn Actually a Space Alicorn, but that hasn't been revealed yet.

    Appearance: A slender pony with a corkscrew-like horn with a red coat and long purple mane. Additionally, she has a pair of sleek pegasus wings that she almost always keeps under magical concealment


    Age: 20 (almost 1000 years in stasis)

    Skills: Highly skilled with magic, telepathy, and telekinesis, but only in a supporting of peaceful role. Has virtually no combat ability to speak of.

    She is clearly a noble to anyone who can recognize such a bearing, and her diplomatic ability is phenomenal.

    Biography: Mica is from a dead world, destroyed by Zoda almost a thousand years ago. She, and six other noble ponies from that world, were placed into a stasis pod and launched away from the invaders' clutches and eventually crash landing on an island in Equestria. About three years ago, they were rescued by Mike and Eric after Zoda had caught up to them. Mica, wishing to know more about this strange planet they were on, decided to travel with Mike, Eric, and their Sea Pony friend Echo Wave.

    The group eventually added a Flutter Pony by the name of Shutter Shade, and a silent and mysterious white blank flank known as Ammy. This group would become known as the Starlight Six, a group of heroes famous for numerous deeds, some of which don't quite match up with the time of their formation.

    Personality: Mica is calm and proper almost all the time. She has a desire to be more wild and less restrained, which is part of what attracts her to Mike, but is often embarrassed by these desires.

    Mica is a devout, but practical, pacifist. She has little ability to defend herself against more than a common thug in a fight, but she has few problems with aiding stronger combatants to the best of her ability.


    Acquaintances: Far too numerous to list.
    Casual Friendships: Numerous. She's very likable.
    Close Friendships: Former adventuring buddies.
    Family: None living
    Intimate Relationships: MiKe

    Cutie Mark: A totem symbol.


    Name: Issun

    Race: Ponyfly

    Appearance: Issun is about an inch tall, with insect wings that he uses to hover around. His coat is a light brown, his mane black, and he wears a large (for him) hat and cloak. His cutie mark can only be seen upon very close inspection, and is usually covered by his cloak.

    Age: ?? (Never mentions it)

    Skills: Issun is a very skilled artist, and he's actually pretty good with a sword too (if one ignores the fact that it's smaller than a toothpick). He has shown the ability to (minorly) alter reality with his inkbrush, and his sword is rumored to have the ability to cut through time and space (though it's one of the few abilities that he actually doesn't brag about if it's true).

    Like all ponyflies, Issun is far more durable than his miniature stature would suggest. He regularly takes blows that, by scale, would kill normal ponies and gets up without any lasting injury moments later.

    Biography: Issun hails from a ponyfly village located deep within an enchanted forest far to the north. Very few are the ponies who can enter this forest and not become hopelessly lost. The ponyfly community there is one of the few places that still openly practices Spirit Worship (the worship of nature spirits), a religion that is all but dead in most of Equestria. Most ponyflies allowed out of this community are considered Spiritual envoys, their job being to rekindle faith in the nature spirits they worship among the other pony races.

    Oddly, it was this practice that led to Issun running away from home, as he didn't want to be a Spiritual envoy, a position that his grandfather, the chieftan, had been grooming him for. Issun wandered across Equestria until he found himself tasked to aid a pure white mare he would refer to as 'Ammy'. While Ammy joined a heroic band known as the Starlight Six, and Issun traveled with her the entire time, he was never formally a member of the band until a year ago when Ammy mysteriously vanished and he joined the other five in being honored for the band's deeds, upon which the group officially disbanded.

    Issun claims that the mysterious Ammy was, and still is, actually an ancient and powerful Sun spirit, and he currently preaches (off and on) her virtues as the Spiritual envoy he originally tried to avoid becoming.

    Personality: Issun is a womanizer, but is actually rather harmless in this way (which may be mostly due to his size). He is easily distracted by a pretty face and has a bad habit of judging a mare's personality based upon her looks. Issun tends to be a bragger, a trait only made worse when ponies realize he isn't completely full of himself. He is brash, rude, and lazy; with a hair-trigger temper; and has a habit of jumping to conclusions which are often wrong. His common solution to social problems is increasing the volume of his voice. That said, he's got a good heart and firm morals.


    Acquaintances: Many
    Casual Friendships: Not so many. Issun comes across rather rough.
    Close Friendships: Former adventuring buddies.
    Family: Ishaku (Grandfather)
    Intimate Relationships: None (despite any claims he makes to the contrary)

    Cutie Mark: An ink brush.


    Name: Echo Wave
    A bottle gray sea pony with a sea green mane. She is often seen in a wheelchair with her lower body covered by a blanket, often leading other ponies to think she is a member of a land-based pony race who is crippled.

    Age: 22

    Skills: Like all Sea Ponies, Echo is a strong swimmer and has a natural command of water magic. She also has perfected an echolocation technique like the dolphin that is her cutie mark and is able to find her way even in pitch darkness. She has an impeccable sense of direction.

    Echo also has a fantastic singing voice and has mastered a sea pony art known as spellsinging, which lets her cast her water magic with a great deal of flexibility by singing.

    She also has a great deal of physical flexibility and is a skilled acrobat as well as possessing greater than average upper body strength from the time she spent adventuring on dry land.

    Biography: Echo Wave is a native of the South Seas area to the southwest of the Equestrian continent. She met Mike and Eric when her younger sister had been captured by a giant octopus monster called Octo the Huge and she could not mount a rescue herself. She felt indebted to them both for saving her younger sister and pledged to help them in any way she could. It was she who fished them out of the ocean and swam them to shore when they escaped from Zoda's exploding spaceship. She would join them on their later adventures despite being ill suited to life on land. As a result, she has traveled to more of Equestria than almost any other Sea Pony in history.

    Personality: Echo is very cheerful and playful. To her, life is a gigantic game that she gets to play with everyone. Sure, some ponies are jerks about playing (the villains), but for the most part life is wonderful to her. She can be a bit mischivieous at times, but it's all in good fun. Her favorite joke is letting other ponies assume she's a cripple while she's in her chair with her tail covered up and watching their confusion when she hints otherwise. Despite her playful demeanor, she holds honor in very high regard and acts accordingly.


    Acquaintances: Many all over
    Casual Friendships: Several across Equestria
    Close Friendships: Her former adventuring buddies, Eric, Mike, Mica, Issun, and Shutter.
    Family: Younger Sister (unnamed)
    Intimate Friendships: None

    Cutie Mark: Dolphin


    Name: Julia

    A pretty forest green unicorn pony with brown eyes who likes wearing skirts. The skirts tend to cover up her cutie mark.

    Age: 16

    Skills: Julia is highly intelligent and the top of her class at the Equestria Magic Academy she lives and studies at. Her specialty is combat magic.

    Biography: Julia is the youngest of three siblings by eight years, and has lived at the Equestria Magic Academy (The boarding school attached to the university by the same name) for several years. Both of her parents are deceased and her older siblings have graduated their respective universities. About a year and a half ago, she was a victim in a kidnapping plot against her older brother and his band of adventurers.

    She was a consummate daddy's girl growing up, as her father valued magical talent very highly and she was the only one of his children that showed both talent and interest in the subject. She was not, however, blind to the way that her father ignored her older brothers who both showed other interests, and has some unresolved guilt issues over this fact. Oddly enough, it is her brothers that she owes her sense of morality to more than her father.

    Personality: Julia is a beauty queen capable of wrapping colts and stallions around her hooves, and she knows it. Despite this, her family managed to raise her with a firm set of morals that she sticks to despite frequent temptation otherwise. She has had numerous arguments with her siblings and friends in the past, but would stand by them against any threat in a heartbeat.

    She has a fairly intense dislike for spoiled brats, which may potentially be attributed to the realization that she could have very well been one herself if her upbringing had been different.

    In addition, she's shown an increased interest in the martial aspects of magic, as well as taken to daily physical exercise, since her kidnapping.


    Acquaintances: Classmates.
    Casual Friendships: Several classmates.
    Close Friendships: A few close female classmates.
    Family: Roy (Eldest Brother), Eric (Older Brother), Parents (deceased)
    Intimate Friendships: None. Has casually dated a few times, but nothing serious.

    Cutie Mark: A trio of magic missiles, usually hidden by her skirt.[/SPOILER]
    Last edited by Crisis21; 2011-08-23 at 11:55 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Wrench

    Title: The Engineer

    Race: Earth Pony

    Appearance: See above

    Age: Middle-aged

    Skills: Building, construction, guitar, and invention.

    Biography: Wrench, better known as the Engineer, served in battle alongside Dreamrunner the medic and other ponies. After the war he came to Bridle Shores, where he now works in construction and engineering.

    Personality: Wrench is an engineer, and proud of it. He posseses a very strong sarcasm muscle, and has gone slightly insane from his tenure in combat.

    Relationships: He knew Dreamrunner and the other TF2 parody ponies.

    Cutie Mark: A wrench with the R.E.D. team logo printed on it.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

    Extended Sig

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Name: Tourmaline Shock
    Title: None
    Race: ponyfly

    Age: ??? it's a mystery, sort of like her.
    Skills: She can produce a small electric shock capable of stunning a pony momentarily or control small electric currents.
    Biography: Tourmaline grew up in Bridal Shores. She was very shy and never had any friends. Her size was rare and she never met anyone like herself. She lives out on the farm in a little, unseen house up in a tree. She had always been very independent and after her old parents passed away she conquered her shyness. This is when she met the Captain. They became close-ish friends. Tourmaline soon became aware of the tomb and decided it should be her responsibility to guard it. She faked her own suicide and she became a secret.
    Personality: She is very strong willed and stubborn.
    Relationships: None, she's "dead"
    Cutie Mark: a lightning bolt.
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Czarina Bone
    Race: Feline Pony

    Skills: She is quite handy with the poisoned whip that she carries with her.
    Biography: Czarina grew up in the jungle, raised by, something. Her memory was lost when she was 18 due to an injury in battle. She remembers the basics such as the timeline and reading, writing, etc...
    Personality: Czar can be closed and secretive at times. She also has quite the temper. At times, however, she has quite the sense of humor.
    Relationships: none.
    Cutie Mark: a black splotch, appearing to be a spot. No one really knows what it's supposed to be.
    Last edited by Bunny Earz; 2011-08-23 at 09:54 PM.
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    My NPCs:

    The following is an NPC. Feel free to play him yourself if you need to for whatever reason. He's here to fill a role, so as long as you keep him in that role, you are free to use him as you see fit. If anyone needs to take over playing him for whatever reason, feel free.

    Name: 'Captain'
    Title: Captain of the Guard (Bridle Shores)
    Affiliation: Follower of Celestia
    Race: Earth Pony
    Appearance: Captain is a tough-looking earth pony with a near permanent scowl on his face. He has numerous scars on his beige coat and his dark brown mane is starting to gray.
    Age: Mid-40s
    Skills: Captain is one of the strongest ponies in town. To public knowledge, only Roy can legitimately claim to be stronger. He has a high amount of skill with grappling techniques and can subdue most ponies within moments if he can get his hooves on them. His only weapon is a nightstick that he wields with debilitating skill and precision.
    Biography: No one knows what Captain's real name is. He's been called 'Captain' for so long that it is all he answers to. He has lived in Bridle Shores all of his life and has dedicated himself to the town's defense for just as long.

    He has always been a supporter of Celestia, and makes no secret of this, but his first loyalty is to Equestria in general, and his town in particular. As such, he didn't even blink when the reins of power shifted to Luna. He just continued on as he always has.
    Personality: Captain is a notorious hard-nose, but he gets results. The town is one of the most secure in Equestria and the response time of defenders in cases of emergency is one of the fastest in the land.

    He does not like trouble-makers and has a particular dislike for the Rebels of Celestia. He cares little for reputation, which is actually one of the things those ponies on the guard shift like about him. What little sympathy he has is reserved for the law-abiding citizens of the town, and the guards under him on rare occasions. He does not have any left for law breakers.

    He's the classic 'tough-but-fair' personality, and he's never cracked a smile in anypony's memory. His berserk button is when anyone threatens a foal. The last pony to hurt a foal in his sight was nearly beaten to death by Captain's bare hooves before ten guardsponies finally pulled him off the perpetrator.
    Relationships: Captain is in charge of anypony who works as a town guard. He sets the schedule and rotation, and oversees training. He knows everypony else in town by both face and name as well, but really isn't close to anypony.
    Cutie Mark: Sheriff's Badge


    Another NPC, the town forepony (foreman). This is the stallion in charge of construction and reconstruction projects for the town.

    Name: Rockem Wrench

    Title: Bridle Shores Town Forepony

    Race: Earth Pony

    Appearance: His coat and mane have been stained so many times by so many substances that nopony is certain what his original coloration is.

    Age: Mid-30s

    Skills: The town Forepony is capable of building just about anything you ask him to. He's in charge of construction efforts in town as well as machine repair as the town is small enough that he doubles as the head mechanic. He has a sizable workforce of ponies at his command, and he can usually hit up the town guard for some ponies that need to do 'community service' if the job is particularly big or urgent and he needs some extra hooves.

    He's the third strongest pony in town, unenhanced, but he also has a sizable collection of strength enhancing magic items that he uses for his job and never goes anywhere without wearing at least three. He thus frequently lifts things much larger and heavier than he is with relative ease.

    He also owns a single construction model mecha that some of his workers operate when extra-heavy lifting is required. This mecha has been modified so many times, and by so many ponies, that it barely resembles its original appearance.

    His favorite weapon is an object simply known as 'The Wrench'. This wrench is, however, ridiculously large and is clearly meant for turning nuts and bolts as thick as an adult stallion's torso. The size alone is usually enough of an intimidation factor to discourage any opponent, especially since his enhanced strength means he can carry it with one hoof.

    Biography: (suggestions would be appreciated)

    Personality: Pretty jovial, and has a very loud voice. He is an exacting taskmaster, but also a rewarding one as well.

    Relationships: The ponies that work for him love him as dearly as anyone could love their boss.

    Cutie Mark: A wrench.


    Just a note, I'm basing the enigmatic 'Mayor' off of Twinstrike from the mane RP thread. Introbulus made him but then quit. I thought he was a hoot though, so I kind of stole and tweaked his personality and assigned it to FwM's Mayor of Bridle Shores.

    Name: Emerald
    Title: Mayor's Secretary
    Race: Unicorn
    Appearance: Bizarrely, Emerald has a ruby red coat and a sapphire blue mane. Her mane is almost always done up in a strict bun style to keep it out of her way when she's working. She also wears those thin reading glasses all the time as well over her piercing obsidian eyes. She would be quite beautiful if she ever loosened up.
    Age: Late 20s or Early 30s Nopony's quite sure.
    Skills: Emerald is unparallelled in the art of organization. She can sort, file, read, process, and record at speeds that boggle the minds of most ponies.

    In fact, it is mostly through her efforts that Bridle Shores manages to run at all. The mayor himself never seems to do any real work. This is actually a fairly beneficial arrangement as few ponies in positions of authority in town, such as the Captain and Rockem Wrench, don't really want to deal with the mayor personally when things need to get done. They'd much prefer to deal with her.

    She does not, however, possess any appreciable combat skills.

    Biography: Emerald is a Bridle Shores native, and a long time friend of the current mayor. When he was elected, the current mayor immediately assigned her as his secretary, and promptly delegated all of the busy work of the mayor's office to her. Everything that happens in town of any note eventually crosses her desk. Among other duties, she requests funds from the government to run the town, assigns tasks to town employees, manages town expenses (basically pays ponies for work rendered to the town), catalogs the local farms' harvests, handles exports and imports, and essentially keeps everything organized.

    Personality: Short and to the point. She does not have time to waste on frivolity or meaningless chatter. If it doesn't have any relevance, she can't be bothered with it.
    Relationships: Rumors abound that she and the mayor are 'involved', but nopony can ever seem to come up with any evidence of this, much less proof.
    Cutie Mark: A file folder.
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    My Villains:

    First major Villain! ((This is mostly background flavor for the world at large. This guy is a bonafide Hero Killer so don't invoke him casually.))

    Name: Zoda
    Title: Prime Invader
    Race: Evil Space Pony 'Alicorn'
    Appearance: A horrific space pony that looks like a twisted version of an alicorn. He has nasty dragon-like wings and a horn that's more like a blade than anything else. His 'hooves' sport vicious claws that he can use to grip with. He wears a helmet that keeps his face in constant shadow, only allowing his glowing red eyes to be seen, along with full sinister body armor complete with spikes and a dark cape (which his wings are usually hidden under).

    Age: Unknown (over a thousand years though)

    Skills: Basically, anything and everything that could possibly deal with War. He is a superior armed and unarmed combatant, he has great marksmanship, and he's a lot stronger than he looks (and he looks pretty dang strong). His magical ability is high magus level, and his telepathy has few equals.

    His leadership and tactical abilities led him to be an undefeated warlord for over a millennium.

    If he feels it necessary, he can shapeshift into another form that is even stronger and more horrific than his normal one.

    Biography: Zoda has made a business of scouring the galaxy and conquering or destroying extraequestrian pony civilizations for longer than the princesses have been alive. One of his conquests, the planet Argonia, managed to hold him off long enough to send a significant portion of their population, including their own alicorn princess, away from his immediate reach. He's spent the last thousand years hunting them down and eradicating them. This hunt is what ultimately brought him to Equestria, the place where the Argonian princess's own suspended animation escape pod crashed, where his perfect record of victory finally came to an end, resulting in the destruction of his flagship and his own death at the hands of a group known as the Starlight Six.

    However, he had clones of himself ready just in case he was ever slain and he rose again, and again, and again. He has been defeated, and killed, numerous times by the Starlight Six in general, and their primary warrior, Mike, in particular. It wasn't until he found himself on his last clone that he was able to check his pride and rage and examine the facts. This careful thought has made him more dangerous than ever. He is effectively stranded on Equestria until he gains enough resources to build another ship. Until then, he has found a position as general of the Dark Forces on Equestria.

    He sometimes wonders if his space empire has collapsed in his absence.

    Threat Level: High A, easily. He got the position of General by literally ripping his predecessor in half with his bare hooves.

    Personality: Zoda is pure evil, if there is anypony who fits the description. He is proud, arrogant, wrathful, greedy, and covetous. About the only personality flaw he doesn't have is laziness. He views everypony as either a tool to serve him, a rival to be dealt with, or garbage to be disposed of.


    Underlings: Most of the Dark Forces in Equestria
    Equals/Rivals: Any part of the Dark Forces that he can't intimidate into serving him or dispose of openly.
    Pawns: Anypony he can manipulate without their knowledge.
    Enemies: Everypony else.

    Cutie Mark: None. Zoda doesn't do things like cutie marks. He considers them pointless.


    Name: Frankenstein
    Title: General, 'The Butcher', 'The Mad Surgeon'
    Race: Earth Pony (Originally), Gestalt Pony Abomination (At time of death)
    Status: Dead. Killed by Zoda
    Appearance: Huge. Possibly three times the size of an average Earth Pony, or more. His skin is a patchwork of every coat color imaginable joined together by surgical scars. His muscle bulk is clearly more than could possibly be natural for even his size. He has four massive wings stitched together from pieces of every kind of wing across Equestria, Pegasus wings, Flutter Pony wings, and even draconic Fire pony wings. He has three unicorn horns made from the pieces of the horns of other unicorns, and a sea pony tail and gills as well.
    Age: Rumored to have been over 500 years old
    Skills: His surgical and technological skills are so good that he was able to do all of the surgical modifications to his body himself. He has many extra muscle fibers grafted to a surgically enlarged skeleton, giving him super-pony strength.
    Biography: An intelligent, but dissatisfied Earth Pony who was jealous of the special talents granted to other pony races. He developed the methods by which he could surgically graft parts of other ponies to himself and used it to become the horror he was known for.
    Personality: Arrogant and Proud. Does not treat others as if they were individuals worthy of his respect.
    Relationships: Pretty much views others as 'raw materials'.
    Cutie Mark: Brain in a jar


    The following is long, and potentially a bit gruesome, but here is Zoda's past induction into the Dark Forces as a General. Time is roughly a year ago.

    [Zoda - The Job Interview]

    The room wasn't something that your average pony could have found, much less entered. It was deep within a mountainside, accessible only by cave, and was one of several across Equestria that was used for a special kind of meeting.

    These were the darkest, most secret kind of meetings. This was a room where the ranking members of a group known to the rest of Equestria as only 'The Dark Forces' met to discuss their movements. The room was dimly lit inside, with only a massive scrying screen, a large table, and 14 chairs making it anything other than an empty cavern when not occupied. Outside, it was guarded by elite forces who were instructed to prevent any entry until the occupants had left.

    The fourteen occupants were the only members of the Dark Forces to boast a rank of significance apart from their mysterious 'Leader'. The two 'Seconds in Command' sat at the head of the massive table, flanking the large scrying screen that the Leader used to communicate from wherever 'it' secreted itself. At the sides of the table were four large ornate chairs, where the Generals sat, that were each flanked by two smaller chairs which held the Majors that served under the Generals.

    No occupant of that room held any illusion that any other occupant was a 'friend'. Most of them had gotten their rank by 'disposing' of their predecessor in one way or another. The only reason they worked together at all was that their desire to possess Equestria outweighed their distaste for sharing any measure of power. Almost all of them harbored notions of deposing the 'Leader' and taking full command, but even the Seconds had no idea who, where, or even what their Leader was.

    Normally, they met like this only a scant few times each year to discuss strategies and plots not directed at each other to prevent unintentional interference. That their rivals would happily provide intentional interference if they thought they could get away with it remained unsaid, but also fully known. This was a group that remained unified only by mutual greed and the need for more resources than any one of them could acquire on their own.

    Interestingly, none of that was on their minds right now. Their attention was instead drawn to the uninvited figure that stood in the doorway. The figure was larger than your average pony, and while his appearance would certainly give a few ordinary ponies nightmares, it wasn't that unusual when the other occupants of the room were taken into account.

    He looked like an Alicorn gone horribly wrong to start with. His wings were leathery skin stretched between the internal bones, and were currently folded in a way that made them look like a large cape. His horn was shaped like a large knife, an image enhanced by the fresh blood from stabbing some of the soldiers who had been standing guard outside dripping off of it. His hooves possessed vicious claws, making them a cross between hooves and a predator's paw. His skin, what little could be seen of it, seemed almost reptilian. He was covered in full plate armor with wicked spikes adorning it in places where he could easily drive them into an opponent's flesh if they clashed at close range. His face was completely shadowed by his helmet, but his eyes glowed with their own evil crimson light from beneath the shadows. He possessed no mark upon his flank. Behind him, seen through the open door, lay the dead and dying guards of the room.

    "And who might you be?" asked the voice of the Leader, seeming to be more amused than troubled by this development.

    "I am Zoda, the Prime Invader," the figure spoke, standing straight and tall, as if he hadn't just slaughtered their forces. His 'voice' held dual tone to it, as if it was only half spoken, the rest being forcefully projected into their minds with no regard for any harm he might cause them.

    "I have heard of you. What brings you here?" one of the Seconds inquired with a tone that suggested that Zoda's life expectancy would be greatly lessened if the speaker didn't like the answer.

    "I am here to take a position as one of your generals," Zoda responded.

    Perhaps it was the sheer audacity of the declaration, but no one in the room spoke for a few moments.

    The silence was finally broken by one of the generals, who began laughing at Zoda's statement.

    "Fool!" the general declared, his voice sounding like it came from a voicebox that had been horribly butchered and then pieced back together in a shoddy manner.

    The speaker was easily twice the size of Zoda, and was an infamous figure in Equestria. His name was Frankenstein, a pony supposedly almost five hundred years old, and few were the ponies in Equestria that didn't fear him. His body was a patchwork of surgical scars and was covered with pieces from coats of almost every color. He was infamous for taking the bodies of strong opponents and cutting them up to surgically add their physical strength to his own. About the only reason he hadn't tried to move up to one of the positions of 'Second' was that he liked to harvest his own 'raw materials' while the corpses were still fresh.

    He'd started as an average Earth Pony, but the addition of extra bone mass and muscle fibers had resulted in the hulk that now stood in his place. He'd stitched together massive wings sewn from every type of wing found in Equestria. Pieces of Pegasus wings, Flutter Pony wings, and even the draconic Fire Pony wings could be found in his four massive patchwork wings. He had a trio of horns on his head that were each composed of pieces from the horns of several unicorns. His tail had been replaced with a massive sea-pony tail to help him swim, and on the side of his neck, several sets of sea pony gills could be seen. He had also taken the organs from his opponents and now had more than five beating hearts, six eyes, and backups of every organ inside his own body, and more in storage just in case. It was even said that he took other pony's brains to increase his own brain size and access their memories directly. Only his mark, a brain in a jar, had remained the same throughout his life.

    "There are only four Generals of this army!" Frankenstein said, marching straight up to Zoda and looking pointedly down at him. "And, as you can see," he continued with an evil grin, gesturing to the rest of the room, "all such positions are filled. I guess you'll have to leave, or we could just kill you for your insolence." The general seemed positively giddy at the thought, and even the other occupants were getting ready for a fight against the intruder, Zoda.

    "I see," Zoda said calmly, bringing his hooves up to his face in a gesture of careful consideration. "I suppose there is only one thing for me to do."

    What Zoda did next was not so much surprising for its swiftness, but for its casualness. He hadn't made any sudden moves or threatening gestures. He hadn't tensed his muscles or acted like he was readying for an assault. He just calmly placed his clawed hooves on each side of Frankenstein's head, grasped it, and pulled them apart.

    The room echoed with a long, wet ripping sound. The other thirteen occupants just stared in stunned silence as Zoda calmly dropped both the left and right halves of the former general to the ground and returned to his formal posture. None of them would openly admit to fear, or that Zoda could have possibly beaten them all, but they each had a finely honed sense of self preservation nonetheless. While they were certain they could all defeat Zoda together, they were also certain that he could slay more of them before he was defeated, and none of them were willing to volunteer to die for the sake of the others.

    "It would appear," Zoda said in a sinisterly calm manner, in his dually spoken and thought voice, "that you have an opening."

    "It would appear we do," the voice of the Leader broke the silence. "Welcome, General Zoda. Please take your seat, for we are beginning to get behind schedule."


    Name: Xykon
    Status: Destroyed
    Race: Pony Lich
    Appearance: A skeletal pony who wears a small crown and a red cape.

    Age: Exact age unknown. Well over 100.
    Skills: While it is unknown if he was ever actually a unicorn, Xykon clearly has access to a wide range of magics, including dark unholy magics that are forbidden to practice by order of both Luna and Celestia.
    Biography: Xykon has always been an evil little piece of manure. Even those few who dealt with him prior to his willing transformation into an undead abomination had nothing good to say about him.

    He plotted a way to access Celestia's prison and draw out the corruption and power that made her into the 'Iron Hoof' (and kill her in the process) and use it to conquer Equestria. He nearly succeeded too.

    He and his army of enslaved Desert Ponies and animated pony corpses were eventually defeated by a band known as the Order of the Stick, led by Roy of clan Greenhilt. Xykon was completely destroyed with no chance to ever reconstruct himself, but it cost the lives of two of the Order to do so.
    Personality: Xykon loves exactly two things. Power, and watching other ponies suffer.
    Relationships: Xykon pretty much has only two types of relationships worth noting. Enemies and victims.
    Cutie Mark: None, as he was a skeleton.


    Another flavor villain/doomsday weapon. The only known example is destroyed though, but I thought it would fit in with this world nicely.

    Name: 'Yami'
    Status: Destroyed
    Title: Emperor of Everlasting Darkness, Ruler of Eternal Night, Lord of Endless Shadows, King of Immortal Gloom, Monarch of the Lightless Umbra, Empty Death, Void of Despair, Harbinger of the Great Eclipse, The Dark Moon, The Black Sun, Horror From Beyond The Stars, The Un-Pony Device
    Race: Mechanical Doomsday Weapon
    Appearance: An orb black as night with nightmarish glowing lines upon its surface.
    Age: Unknown (more than 500 years)
    Skills: The weapons housed within the device are as numerous as they are potent, and it can shape itself into an undetermined number of battle capable forms. Its most terrifying ability however is what can only be called 'Weaponized Despair'. It sucks out all the talent, vibrancy, and light from its targets and plunges them into a state of helplessness and hopelessness. This ability is all that most of its victims ever experience.
    Biography: A long time ago, a group of space ponies was fleeing a 'Great Darkness' and boarded a ship that would take them far from their former planet and the threat the 'Great Darkness' posed. However, they would soon learn that the 'Great Darkness' had somehow managed to enter their own ship ahead of them. Trapped inside, and unable to escape without unleashing the 'Great Darkness' on their ship, they elected to crash it into a mountain lake and use the last of their power to freeze the ship there for all time. By the time any inhabitants discovered the ship, which they would call the Ark of Yamato, it had been frozen in the lake for an unknown period of time. The ship remained in that frozen lake in the frozen northern reaches of Equestria, never thawing once for over five hundred years before a band of adventurers known as the Starlight Six unwittingly freed it on the day of the solar eclipse about a year ago, fulfilling an ancient prophecy. They battled the horror atop the alien ship underneath the dark of the eclipse and defeated it by breaking its hold of darkness and unleashing the light of the sun upon it.
    Personality: As a machine, it has no personality.
    Relationships: The only relationships it recognizes are 'targets' and 'threats'.
    Cutie Mark: N/A
    Wind & Sound Elemental Eric Greenhilt avatar by Akrim.elf
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    My characters of indeterminate allegiance.

    And here is my new character, specially made for the thief plot! Now that he's properly introduced himself to somepony, I can feel all right posting this. The name and inspiration for the character is taken from an old western slapstick called The Villain (though this wasn't the name of the villain, just so you know). He'll be leaving once the thief plot is over, one way or another.

    Name: Handsome Stranger
    Race: Flutter Pony
    Appearance: Handsome Stranger certainly lives up to his name. He is, in fact, incredibly handsome. He has a gorgeous face, toned body, dashing smile and a gentlecoltly-yet-roguish demeanor that the fillies swoon over. His coat is pearl white, and his mane sky blue, which matches the patterns on his butterfly wings. He's a bit shorter than average for a stallion, but that actually means he's taller than average for a male flutter pony. Tends to wear a wide-brimmed hat (cowboy hat, but I have no pony equivalent name to use as they don't herd cattle).
    Age: Mid-20s
    Skills: Aside from making fillies swoon over him, Handsome Stranger is a very helpful stallion and not a bad gunslinger with his specially modified seven-shot six-shooters. He's a decent fighter, and quite strong for his size, but he's no match for a truly seasoned combatant.

    Like all flutter ponies, Handsome Stranger has some magical abilities, but little capacity to learn spells through study. Flutter ponies instead 'develop' their spells somewhat randomly and spontaneously throughout their life, though they often have a common theme. Handsome Stranger bears the unfortunate luck to have his entire spell set based around the disruption of magical, psychic, and otherwise supernatural abilities of other spell-users. Mind readers experience mental static when he's around and active spells start to unravel in his general vicinity. Fortunately, runes seem to be an exception to this, but that may just mean he has to concentrate to counter them.

    He's an OK flier, but his counter-magic powers interfere with the kind of weather manipulation skilled flying requires. He does have a knack for directions, and rarely gets lost.
    Biography: Handsome Stranger is a wanderer. As he likes to tell it, his mother had an odd sense of humor, supposedly naming him after his father, who he has never met. He has suffered from the superstition of other ponies who assume his innate counter-magic abilities mean he must be some kind of subversive or bad pony. On the upside, life on the road agrees with him very well and he essentially lives his life out of the duffel bag he travels with.
    Personality: Dashing, kind, helpful, and self-sacrificing to a fault. Handsome Stranger is almost too good to be true. Though fillies who have tried to seduce him find his nobility to be immensely frustrating.
    Relationships: None.
    Cutie Mark: An open sack.


    Name: ???
    Race: Flutter Pony
    Appearance: Black as night from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. Even his irises (the colored part of the eye) are black.
    Age: Unknown
    Skills: Is capable of shadow magic, a branch of magic that most decent ponies would not touch with a ten foot pole. Among other things he is able to cloak himself in shadows, making his form and movements difficult to see, temporarily reverse magical light sources to 'shining' shadow, and radiate a field of shadows that can even block light beyond the normally visible spectrum. He can also apparently see just fine in pitch darkness.

    He is capable of moving with almost complete silence, though he cannot always impart this trait to some of the things he interacts with. It is likely a highly honed skill rather than a magical effect.

    He is also able to open supposedly locked doors without any undue trouble.
    Biography: Unknown
    Personality: Unknown
    Relationships: Unknown
    Cutie Mark: Unknown
    Last edited by Crisis21; 2011-08-25 at 07:36 PM.
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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Tanj
    Title: N/A
    Race: Feline Pony

    Age: 20
    Skills: some blacksmithing, throwing knives, hoof-to-hoof combat (will play dirty), has a set of spiked anklets on her back hooves
    Biography: Raised by her parents in a remote forested location, Tanj never had friends or experienced any social interactions with much of anyone. Her parents practiced spirit worship, savoring the seclusion of their home with the lack of interruptions and mocking from others. They tried to teach her the ways of spirit worship and the powers granted to followers, but Tanj, for one reason or another, was never able to pick it up. Her painful efforts were finally for naught when her parents perished in an 'accidental' fire. Since then, she's set out with unknown goals.
    Personality: Tanj is very mysterious, to say the least. The majority of her answers to any questions are vague and easily misconstrued. Despite this, however, she will ask plenty of her own questions and expect answers. Extremely manipulative, charisma is a practiced ability of hers, though when it fails (which it sometimes does) she will resort to...alternate means, if she wants the information bad enough. She seems to have a hidden agenda, but only the most alert around her are usually able to pick up on it.
    Relationships: Sunbleach - She (accidentally) saved his life during a 'freak' incident and he's followed her loyally ever since. They haven't been traveling together for long, so they still don't know each other very well, but she finds him useful and easily manipulated so she lets him stick around. Zach - Ran into him in Bridle Shores, recognized him as a member of the Resistance by the large tattoo on his back, and decided to try to earn his friendship and trust when she discovered he's the ex-leader of the Resistance.
    Cutie Mark: ?? (covered by her fur)


    Name: Sunbleach
    Title: N/A
    Race: Desert Pony

    Age: 22
    Skills: excellent resilience and endurance, hoof-to-hoof combat, talented guardian
    Biography: Born and raised in Timbucktu way out in the desert, Sunbleach has yearned for adventure his whole life, but kept from it by his family in need of his help under the harsh conditions of their environment. As the years went by, he grew calm and mellow, accepting any task and challenge as it came and completing it like no other thanks to his natural strength. It wasn't until one day, a strange looking pony came into town and shortly after stopped a throwing knife flying straight for his neck, that everything changed for him. Now he wanders the land, sworn to protect the strange pony who saved his life.
    Personality: Fairly easy to get along with, he doesn't anger quickly, however his fierce loyalty to those he sees as close to him is unparalleled: don't mess with someone he's protecting, or you'll quickly regret it. A follower of Unificationism, he's a good pony if a little simple-minded.
    Relationships: Family and friends in Timbucktu; Tanj - has remained loyal to her ever since she heroically saved his life from an angry Celestia rebel
    Cutie Mark: Golden Shield with Black Edging
    Last edited by Zylan; 2011-10-27 at 09:35 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name Zach
    Title Leader of Celestia's Resistance
    Appearance A brown Stallion Pegasus Pony. With Brown Eyes, and glasses.
    Cutie mark The symbol for the game Caverns and Centaurs
    Feat: Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: Weapon Proficiency: Katana
    Feat: Two Weapon Defence
    Feat: Weapon Proficiency: Words
    Feat: Wizard Acolyte
    Str: 11
    Dex: 14
    Con: 15
    Cha: 21
    Wis: 21
    Int: 21
    Total Hp: 60
    Healing Surges: 9
    Biography When Zach was young he recieved a magic set of C&C dice. This was when his parents were still rich, since then, Zach has become an Orphan, trusting to his wits only. He dislikes the world he lives in, but it is like Caverns and Centaurs. He is the leader of Celestia's Resistance. An orginization who's finaly goal is too merge Luna and Celestia into one body. He does this secretly, lest someone rat him out to Princess Luna.
    Celestia's Resistance has been disbanded by him.
    Relationships None, he trusts no one.
    This is no longer true. Nopony really trusts him though and many treat him like dirt.
    This is mostly true except for Scarlet Flair who he stays with and is romantically involved with.

    1 Saddlebag of Holding(To carry everything in)
    2 Katanas
    1 Dice Bag(Holding many dice)
    1 D20 Necklace
    1 Pair of Glasses(Note, these can be turned into a saw)

    ((The Alternate Universe form of Zach Rolfe))

    Name Dreamrunner
    Title The Ghostly Medic
    Appearance She has a silver coat, and a silver mane. She has bright red eyes, and is a Pegasus pony. She wears a medic uniform with purple on it instead of the usual red or blue. She wears a pair of glasses, and is from a distant country called Germanequestria.
    Pony Type Pegasus Pony.
    Cutie Mark A red plus sign.
    Skills Huge medical expertise.
    Relationships She is very good friends with the engineer ponies at the power station, and used to be good friends with a tough pony who died a while ago because she wasn't fast enough.
    In a relationship with Lemongrass.
    Bio Born in Germane 20 years before Luna was first put on the moon, she was turned into a ghost on the year Luna was imprisoned on the moon. 2 years later, she was turned back into a solid pony. She then put all of her knowledge to good use, and became a Medic. When she first became a Medic, she did mercenary contracts for RED. She became fast friends with another mercenary there, who died because she wasn't quick enough to act. She later completed her contract, and left. She later settled down in Bridle Shores.

    Name: Blazing Hooves
    Age: 16
    Role: Flying Pegasus Fighter of The Cirrus
    Title: The Flying Fighter
    Type: Pegasus Pony
    Apperance: A short red mane and an orange coat. He has a scar on his back from a fight with a manticore. He has emerald green eyes and is handsome.
    Skills: Master of Hoof to Hoof Fighting. Skill with a sword or a dagger. His flying skill is equal to Rainbow Dash's.
    Bio: Blazing Hooves has followed Hover everywhere. He met her when he was a kid and considered her his friend since. When she joined The Cirrus he did as well. He is actually in love with Hover and vowed to never date until she says yes to one date with him.
    Power Rating: C when using a weapon, B+ when using only his hooves.
    Relationships: Blaze considers himself good friends with Hover. He also has asked her out on many occasions, which she has constantly said no. He has proven his battle worthy-ness on many occasions, which has gained him respect in and off the field of battle. He favorite weapon aside from his bare hooves is a mecha. He is an master in hoof to hoof fighting, and is skilled with a dagger and a sword.
    He is engaged to Hover Heart.
    Cutie Mark: A cloud with a flaming lightning bolt coming out of it.
    Notes: He keeps a journal called: 'The Hover Log'. In it he's been recording his 11 year long attempt to get Hover to date him. He has filled up 10 other journals before his current one. Each one is for a different year. They're a good read and have many wild attempts to get Hover to date him.
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Pyrope (Means Fire Eyes)
    Appearance: A fiery bicorn (two small, conical, yellow horns by each ear) pony mare with a teal coat, a black mane and tail with red and gray streaks running through both, and red eyes that are hidden by red sunglasses
    Skills: Pyrope has the useful skill of intuition. Although she doesn't have any magic of her own, Pyrope can sense the emotions and intentions of others. It's not really a strong skill but can detect strong emotions of fear, love, anger, sadness, and happiness. She can also sense if someone has good or evil intentions towards another pony. This has become extremely useful in the coming times.
    Personality: Pyrope is alternatively civil, flirty, manipulative, derisive, and downright sociopathic. She is almost always grinning or cackling madly. Many ponies think she could be quite insane but the truth is she just likes to mess with people. Deep down, she is really a good pony and believes in justice.
    Background: TBA - However she is blind.
    Cutie Mark: One completely red eye with no iris or pupil.


    Name: Marzipan Muse
    Title: The Silver Arrow
    Race: Pegasus Pony

    Age: Around 18/19
    Skills: Archery, Marzi is very good at holding up a bow by magic and doing archery things. She's also a very fast flier and so is used to help create gusts and strong winds when they are needed.
    Biography: Marzipan was born into a lesser family of Pegasus nobility called Muse. They were rightly named as most of them were good at the arts. Their family was not very well known and they were neutral. Marzipan worked until she has been let into the Royal Guards. She was in training. Then her entire family was disgraced when her sister, Mystic, turned evil and was disowned from the family. Marzipan continued to train with the Guard until she was eighteen. They offered her a position but she doesn't know if she wants it anymore.
    Personality: Marzipan is one of those insufferable ponies who believes that there is good in everyone. She does not tolerate discrimination of any kind. She's kind to almost everyone and believes in second chances. One might say that she is a little bit naive in all ways. She's very passionate about her beliefs. She is in the minority that Princess Celestia should come back after she saw what the Luna Purists did to the Sol family.
    Relationships: Sister to Mystic Blade, friend to Ember Sol
    Cutie Mark: A silver arrow pointing Northwest on her flank
    Last edited by Moofin Bard; 2011-11-01 at 09:21 PM.
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  24. - Top - End - #24
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    I'm not normally fond of dark stuff, but this character seems like she'd fit better with darker comedy than in a lighter setting for obvious reasons. I'll let her handle her profile herself.

    Name: Hiya! The name's Blades, or Blades for short.

    Title: I said my name's Blades, didn't I? Well, I have been called other things, I guess. I've heard myself called "Stab-Happy Maniac", but ya don't normally call me that if ya're bein' all formal, do ya?

    Race: I'm an earth pony, of course!

    Appearance: Can't ya just look at me 'n see? Are ya blind or something? ...Oh, right, this is written.

    Well, as I told ya, I'm an earth pony. I've got a grey coat, 'n a gold mane, 'n fiery orange eyes, 'n a dagger as my cutie mark. Also, I lopped off my ear-tips by accident when I got a little careless tryin' to pierce 'em.

    Now, I like to wear a nice lightweight little suit of armour painted red 'n black, 'n a red headband. The armour's to be protective, but the headband's just 'cause it looks good on me. I've got a picture of me to show ya, if ya like.


    Age: I reckon I'm about eighteen, but I can't be sure.

    Skills: Well, I've got some skills with metal. I'm great at makin' weapons, makin' armour, makin' tools, makin' machine parts, makin' construction parts, makin' decorations, 'n makin' things die from bein' stabbed about fifty times.

    Biography: Wow, ya're curious about my past? I guess I might as well tell ya to be friendly. My mother was a blacksmith, 'n my father was a blacksmith, 'n my mother's mother was a blacksmith, 'n my mother's father was a blacksmith, 'n my father's mother was a blacksmith... Well, ya get the idea. Blacksmithin' sort of ran in the family.

    I discovered my talents for makin' and usin' weapons and armour early, 'n my parents sent me out into the world. I don't quite know why, but I think they either did it 'cause they thought I could use some experience in the outside world, or 'cause my cuttin' tails off local dogs was scarin' ponies. Either way, I left my home to find new adventures. 'N now, here I am, runnin' Heavy Metal Ironworks here in Bridle Shores!

    Personality: I'm just a normal, friendly-type pony, always with good cheer. My interests are mostly things like hangin' out with friends, honest work, havin' adventures, 'n stabbin' things. I'm a bit careless sometimes, 'n some ponies call me eccentric, but I don't mind.

    I don't really like bein' bored, but stabbin' can be good for dealin' with that. I'm not too fond of magic, either; a lot of it's cheatin' 'n laziness. Stabbin' can help fix that, too!

    Relationships: I'm startin' to meet new ponies now! I'm gettin' rather fond of my apprentice, Arvadraa, 'n I've also got Stellar 'n Flare workin' for me. I don't seem to have any enemies, though. Mostly 'cause they're nice and stabbed.

    Cutie Mark: Didn't I tell ya earlier? It's a dagger! Aw, see, all yar repeatin' questions are gettin' me bored. Now I'm gonna have to stab ya!

    ...All right, I think that's enough. Thanks, Blades. You can go now. It's over. No, you can't kill anyone on the way out.
    Last edited by PurityIcekiller; 2016-02-21 at 08:36 PM.
    When in doubt, use cute little dragons.

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  25. - Top - End - #25
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Sunny Wonders.
    Race: Pegasus pony
    Appearance: A grey Pegasus with a somewhat short mane and tail, both cut for practicality. Her hair is nearly always back in "Pony-tail" and she wears cokebottle glasses. Not because she needs them, but because she thinks they make her look cute.
    Age: About Hover's age.
    Skills: Healing, and specialized Martial Arts intended to incapacitate rather than kill. Her mom and dad maintain they trained her for war. She maintains they trained her to take care of the patients. These soldiers don't willingly stay in one spot most of the time, least of all when it's going to be something painful like setting a broken wing. She knows a little it of everything, and tends to work best in a calm environment with proper facilities.

    However, she does have some knowledge in what to do to the body if she deems death a necessity. There have been situations where she's had to act as the medic on a battlefield, and her patients have been too far gone. There are few long range teleporters, and any they had were involved in battle or somewhere else. There was nothing she could do to save them without things she had no way of getting access to. She made their suffering end as quickly as possible.

    She prefers proper Hospitals, and is hoping to be able to be a normal surgeon one day. Despite being fairly good at all medical disciplines, even being a bit of a chiropractor and good at getting ponies to relax, Surgery is her specialty.
    Biography: Sunny grew up in Cloudsdale, near Hover Heart. Everpony always wondered why they ever got along because they were petty much the exact opposite in terms of mood. They described Hover as a storm cloud and Sunny as a Sunny day. Sunny always claimed that storm clouds and Sunny days were friends.

    Sunny recently got assigned to the Cirrus by the "Backes" because of her previous relationship with Hover. They're under the impression the Cirrus could use a decent medic/doctor, and why not a pony at least one of them already knows?

    Hover is in for a surprise unless she has "Sunny-Sense" because Sunny has a tendency for surprise Tackle-glomps when it comes to Hover.

    Personality: Sunny is the polar opposite of Hover. She is nearly always in a happy mood, and even when she's sad, she's very rarely more than melancholy. The only times she's crie is the less than a half-dozen or so allies she's had to put at peace.
    Relationships: Sunny knew Hover back when they were still kids in school. This is the only real relationship she has with anypony in Bridle Shores.
    Cutie Mark: A sun with a smily face on it.
    Last edited by Mystic Muse; 2012-01-06 at 01:27 AM.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name:Astra Flora
    Title: None
    Race: Space Pegasus

    Appearance: Like all Space Pegasi, Astra is a little on the slender side, and her wings seem more one-piece than normal. Her coat is a Dark Olive Green. Her mane is kind of short and feathered out, while her tail is almost as long as her body. Both are a darker green than her coat. Her eyes are dark brown.

    Age: 21 (not including the 1000 in stasis)

    Skills: Astra is a fairly skilled in flier. She's only about average in speed, but way above average in agility. She's also talented when it comes to wilderness survival skills. She's skilled in hoof-to-hoof combat. She can use weapons when needed, but she's not really trained in anything more than a knife. Or machete.

    Biography: Prior to the events of Zoda's attack on her home world, Astra spent most of her time in the woods near her home. In fact, when she was 16, she started living in the woods. Even before then, she wasn't very social. She'd rather go exploring than stay in town.

    Since waking up in Equestria, Astra's curiosity has been on overdrive. First thing she did was find the nearest woods to explore. For obvious reasons. By now, she is curious about the towns and the other ponies here. So, she has recently decided to spend at least a little time in the nearest town, if only to see what it's like. Said town being Bridle Shores.

    Personality: Astra has a very well developed sense of adventure, as well as mounds of curiosity. She's fairly easy to get along with, as long as she has something exciting going on. She hates boredom, and will find things to do to avoid it.

    Relationships: Besides those Space Ponies she knew back on her home world, Astra doesn't have any yet. She's been in the woods since she got here.

    Cutie Mark: Astra's cutie mark is a leaf in the shape of a star, complete with a short stem coming from the top point.

    Quotes and goodies:
    You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb

    I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you. - Malcolm Reynolds

    Because I'm allergic to things I don't wanna do. *coughcough* - Caboose
    Photos from the 2014 Woodward Dream Cruise.

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    Name: Hay Bale
    Title: Unknown
    Race: ??????? (She changes it as it suits her)
    Appearance: Yellow pony with a green hood wearing big black sunglasses
    Age: Young adult
    Skills: Songfighting, Mutation to create various bodies suited to whatever task she needs.
    Biography: ???
    Personality: She's fracking crazy. There's no other word for it. She is strange, zany, and weird. She's also perverted and bisexual.
    Relationships: An old friend of Lone Star
    Cutie Mark:
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

    Extended Sig

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    So, I finally decided to make my character

    Name: Luka Stormshield, or just known as Luka

    Race: Pegasus

    He has a blue coat and black mane, is always wearing a caparisoned armor, the helmet is divided between the top and bottom half, and can open by moving either part or both.

    Though he looks like this without his armor in the case he gets it off

    Age: 14

    Combat based, you would simply call him some sort of "Warpony" or "Battlecolt" or anything like that.
    He's good with his sword and his shield, but REALLY good with his shield, which is complemented by his high amount of armor, getting to the point where he's REALLY hard to beat down, he doesn't do much damage though...
    He's capable of using most weapons given his training for using anything he gets, including guns.
    His knighthood also grants him light abilities that appears to come from any "good" source it gets, actually a mix of Luna's, Celetia's and Elemental, working like the literal complete opposite to the shamans. Also capable of some low grade Air magic, also combat based, but not really harming either
    The armor also has "locks" on the foreleg parts, where he can get his sword or other stuff hooked onto and use like an arm, and his shield can be strapped onto a foreleg and locked to, he uses it on his left one.
    His power Rating is like this:
    Unarmed: D
    Armed with any weapon: D+
    Armed with Both his shield and Sword: C+

    For Short: a Warcolt made of iron whose most damage done are scratches

    He was born in an isolated village inside a small valley, son of a pair of Knights that got in just before it went into hiding out of fear of the Iron Hoof and the Dark Forces, the pair was of an armored Gryphon and a golden Unicorn mare, both had 3 sons, Aisis Lightblade, Luka Stormshield and Mile Joyhoof: Aisis was pretty disciplined, having duty over everything else (like lawful-good), Mile was still a very young colt, so he's pretty hyperactive and...well "joyfull" (like chaotic-good); but Luka's a mix of both, maybe because he's the one in the middle, but he was both looking for what he has to do and helping others, but MOSTLY helping, so he's mostly in for his ideals and heroic-minded (like neutral-good).

    He started training at around 4 years old with his parents for being just like them, but he would instead be a Crusader, instead of a Paladin or a Knight (they're alike anyways), but instead of it being some sort of colt abusive thing he actualy enjoyed it, having a nice time with both his dad and his mom, though, he was so much into it that he was barely with someone else or doing something else (he doesn't know what are bits), he got friends though, one being a colt with a red coat that showed a great skill with dual wielding swords.

    When he turned 14 he completed his training and was finally armed as a Crusader, his sister was a Paladin already, his little brother was still training for being a Knight. They had a party with the rest of the village at night since, it was going well....until Dark Forces already found them and had to screw everything.

    The village had a pretty big Iron Mine inside, they knew they were in for it, so the family went to help the armed guards to fend them off. Luka was the centre of attention in there, he still had his armor on, so everything was getting on him...with no buy, there were many hilarious Dark Force members yelling around "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!?" as soon as their attacks were deflected aside by his shield or even given back to them.

    Everything was ok for a while...then more came, it became obvious, Zerg Rush ensued and the family couldn't hold them, the Knight pair and Luka were separated from Aisis and Mile. that's when he heard the Last things said to him by both his father and mother: the gryphon said "Go outside! to the east! warn them they're here!", then the Unicorn "Get your brothers with you....we love you..", he then stormed off to get the others, but got separated from them when the valley's mountains started falling on top of them, he then passed out for like 30 seconds to just see a small place where rocks didn't fall, and everyone lying on the ground not moving....Including the Unicorn, and the Gryphon standing near her, along some dark figure behind, the gryphon then rushed towards it in rage, but then it went down too, he was shocked by this, but REALLY, had to block his mouth from doing anything that could get anyone on him.

    He then noticed his sister doing the same to Mile, both behind a pile of rocks, then moving away towards the other side of the mountains. He's also seen some Dark Forces members.... Shocked, like they just realised what they did.

    After that, all he's been doing is wandering towards the east, not exactly knowing what to do and still a bit shocked from what happened back in the village, but with a course set.

    a pretty nice colt normally, being friendly and calm to people around and trying to help them, also protective and heroic-minded, trying to stop whatever wants to hurt them; he has his temper though.
    Even of what happened to his village, He LOVES fighting, when he's in one he explodes in hot-bloodeness and ocassionally yells (he does to a lesser extend when not in one too).
    Even though of what happened in the village, He know he's been armed as a Knight, and as such he fights for worthy causes: that means righteouss ones. He's also not really fond of love because of this, a lot more focused on what he's doing than on....that sort of stuff, that doesn't mean he wouldn't fall madly in love it if he finds his "true love" though....

    Relationships: Most of the people he knows are gone, though his big sister and his little brother are ok. Has several aquantances around the town, but no real "friend" yet, except Aero, who pretty much gave him and his brothers a home, and has a crush on Snowflake, though he doesn't even know it's a crush yet...

    Cutie Mark: A large Kite Shield with a Blue Cross on it, just like the one he uses; if watched closely, there's a dim spinny-spiky ring that looks like made out of air around it too.
    Last edited by Luka; 2013-01-16 at 04:39 PM.
    Extended sig
    It's not a Paladin it's a Crusader
    Bloody Screens
    : Bringing realism to Videogames since someone had the idea

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Name: Silver Cinders

    Title: None As Of Yet

    Race: Dovahkiin Dragon Pony

    Silver is a hybrid pony. As such, she doesn't quite abide by the standard guidelines regulating Fire Pony appearance and body composition. Her mother was an enthralling scarlet fire pony pureblood while her father was a beguilingly wily chestnut-tinted earth pony. As their union yielded her, her physical traits are an ideal combination of those earth ponies and fire ponies...with a couple of "minor defects." Her creation was an odd, flawed one. Through no inconsequential measure of atypical mutation, lustrous scales have claimed the epidermal layer of the back half of her shapely form, extending from the tip of her trim, pike-like tail (the end of the tail composed of one large armored segment mimicking the structure of a honed obsidian arrowhead with fearsome blood gutters) all the way over to the center of her underbelly. They are, as her namesake insinuates, of a slick, glossy, and gorgeous silvery tone. The way they snap up the radiance which is blessed enough-or hexed enough-to shed its radiance upon her ofttimes belies her enigmatic genealogy. This entire patch of flesh is frequently sabled under a heavy yet coarse crimson cape hooked around the base of her neck with a worn black iron clasp that initially belonged to her mother. The scales themselves are as smooth as a pane of glass, as dense as a stout slab of stone, and as unbending as a plate of boron carbide. They are the equivalent of the renowned metal links of chain mail armor in terms of scale-size, though a touch more difficult to penetrate. Her teeth are sharper and better maintained than the most precious surgical scalpels, able to effortlessly mince bone. She has sturdy nails planted in her four-toed claws to match, but she does file these down routinely. Each of her four appendages terminates in one of these claws instead of conventional hooves. She possesses a pair of humongous black, leathery dragon's wings, which are tucked neatly and compactly against her sides when not in use. Their combined wingspan is well over 1.75 times the length of the smallish pony. The remainder of her body is not unlike that of any other earth pony. Her sleek coat is chocolate-tinted while her underbelly and a single thin streak of hair and hide running up the middle of her muzzle are cream-colored. Her mane has been artificially died silver to match the pattern of her scales, though her natural mane color is raven black. Her eyes are a shimmering hue of aquamarine splendor. She always wears a cold black, roughly cylindrical, slightly abraded mineral about her neck from a thick reinforced steel chain. Evaluating the stone solely by the way it refracts light-or doesn't as happens to be the case-(as it functions as a photon vortex, granting it an almost nebulous, ghostly quality) would highly (yet indeterminately) suggest that its place of origin does not lie in this land. The pleasant and lively yet conclusively unearthly sounds it has been known to produce lend even more credibility to this theory.

    Age: 17 Years

    -Combat Proficiency Up-Close (Projectile/Missile Exchange is mostly out of her reach. She knows how to wield a sword and other such implements, but she could really use some training to improve. She can just barely hold her own in a regular scuffle.)

    -Probable Exotic Weaponry Finesse and (Basic) Technology Proficiency If Given Sufficient Time to Experiment with Something

    -Fire Breath! (Her breath is a tad more intense than that of most fire ponies with a regrettably limited range.)

    -Hardy Constitution (Silver isn't easy to infect with a disease, deplete the endurance of, or put down for good.)

    -Flying Ability (Whee! Do a barrel roll!)

    -Able to Conduct Advanced Rituals (Silver isn't at all able to cast magic. Her stone can cause some wacky but limited effects, but she herself can only setup and carry out rituals that rely on another being's power to some extent!)

    -Paranormal Detection (When Silver consciously or subconsciously notices anything that has gone awry or things just generally seem off, she'll shiver momentarily and uncontrollably.)

    -Forbidden Knowledge (Silver doesn't have much of this at current. But she may soon discover something that applies! After all, if one meddles in the affairs of the supernatural...)

    -Otherworld/Antiquity Channel (Silver's stone sometimes picks up voices from beyond the grave or from the past along with all of their other abnormal atmospheric vibrations.)

    -Cutting-Edge Chemical Synthesis (Silver can mass manufacture a gigantic slew of chemicals and substances of most things without breaking a sweat. This is her major feat at this point in time, though it is not the one she is best suited for.)

    Seventeen years and some odd months ago, Silver was born to a distinguished fire pony and an errant earth pony of little to no import near a village situated at the foot of an active volcano. A major scandal was associated with her conception. A silver-scaled dragon had been plaguing her mother’s community and infringing upon their territory for a week or so when Silver’s mother was dispatched to neutralize the threat. Upon arriving at the cave, Silver’s mother entered brandishing a wicked black metal lance. For days on end, no reports returned of either the dragon pillaging and burning the fertile farmlands of the scorched countryside or Silver’s mother emerging from the cave. Out of fear that through some foul magic was afoot by which Silver’s mother and the dragon were both bested by a force much larger than the two of them, the fire ponies avoided the area until about a week later, when Silver’s mother triumphantly cantered out of the dank hole minutes before it collapsed inward. Although she was victorious, and the town now knew of it, she did not return to it to gather her glory immediately. She embarked on a long journey to one of the borders of the realm to rendezvous with a completely unremarkable pony. So unremarkable was he that nobody knew where he came from. They would consistently forget his characteristic appearance as soon as he left. It was whispered that he might be a spy pony working to infiltrate their government, but they couldn’t dig up an ounce of proof to back those unjustified rumors. But the question remained. How was this pony related to Silver’s mother? She had never ventured out of the town before her pilgrimage to the border to meet up with him. Regardless, Silver was born some months after. The wrinkled midpony that delivered her commented that she was healthier than any foal she had seen in her past! Sure she was a tinier than normal, but she never cried and never took ill. The precocious pony was nominated for a prestigious and rigorous military academy at a young age thanks to her general aptitude for learning and her masterful control over her spear of a tail. Although everypony adjured her to accept and enroll in the institution, as in their war-centered culture it was the highest honor for a pony to be invited to join the ranks and serve their tribe, their entreaties fell on deaf ears. She had been somewhat isolated from her peer group due to her mutations. The last thing she wanted to do was protect them. That earned her chiding from the adults of her community to the point where she nearly repudiated her entire band in public, but bit her tongue at the last possible moment on account of the intervention of her parents. She had a penchant for wandering alone outside in ancient ruins and abandoned mines, which most ponies considered somewhat perilous, though her folks thought she could handle herself well-enough for it. They issued Silver her first longsword and let her do what she wanted for the most part, distributing an allowance of gold to her whenever she would bring home a dead animal or relic of interest. She had the instincts and senses of a bold predator through and through. She marched home from one adventure bearing her cutie mark and an old tome, upon which her father and mother gifted her with the precious stone which adorns her neck. Her parents didn’t have to sacrifice or devote a grand portion of time to their child. As soon as she was weaned, she took care of herself. When she showed a love for the alchemical arts, they never had to scrimp or fret about procuring the scarcest reagents and resources for her to play around with. They even furnished her with materials nopony had ever seen before. At the age of seventeen, on her parent’s 18th anniversary, she found that they had disappeared without a trace. She searched for them for months, never letting on that they were gone or admitting that it might be a permanent condition. The ponies in town had no clue as to the situation, as her family would rarely ever head into town on business as a unit. Silver ran the errands of her parents, so there wasn’t too much of a reason for them to be suspicious. Eventually, after a painstaking inspection of every inch of ground of her town’s land, Silver threw in the towel. Her parents were gone. Of course, running off like that without saying the mandatory farewells to everypony would shame her family name, especially since they had left their only child, not yet considered an adult by most ponies, to fare for herself in the big, scary world. Out of faltering respect for them, she cremated a couple of animals so that they could conceivably pass off as the charred remains of both of her parents and, as was tradition, she brought these to town in two earthenware pots for the obligatory interment rites in which she was obligated to ritualistically swallow a pinch of the ashes to represent that their lifeforces lived on within her. Without spending any time grieving over them, she resolved to leave town, such was the fury which brewed within her and clouded her mind over her parents abandoning her without warning. She couldn’t stand the sight of anything that reminded her of them, save her stone, the only piece of all her material wealth that stalwartly held warm, unpolluted memories of them. She said her goodbyes as was customary and lit out for anywhere that wasn’t where she was without hesitation, determined never to look back on what she had and what was so cruelly swept away.

    Silver is a hothead. She's sensitive and overly emotional. Driven by passion and nothing but it, she only classifies individuals under two labels: allies and enemies. With her, there is no middle ground. And if an enemy threatens one of her friends or derides her, she'll muster every force at her beck and call to share the hate right back with said enemy. This process is generally violent at its most fundamental level. Around those she doesn't know, she is cordial and genial but nothing more. She is an introvert, never an extrovert unless an imperative situation demands it. She’s a curious young mare too. It is her boundless inquisitiveness that drives her paranormal and alchemical studies. She is also fond of puns and jokes to a fault. She’s no critic. It is really easy to get her to laugh, which causes her to open up by setting her at ease. The proverb “Music soothes the savage beast.” is exceptionally vital in dealings with Silver, as appropriate music will make her mellow and, in certain circumstances, put her to sleep completely.

    Relationships: None as things stand!

    Cutie Mark: A flaming pentagram with a brightly-colored, vertically elongated dipyramidal crystal set in the middle of the interwoven coal black lines. The crystal changes colors depending entirely on her mood. These colors and their corresponding moods are identical to those of an average mood ring.
    Political Persuasion:
    Silver isn’t well-acquainted with the politics of Equestria. She believes strongly that peace and balance should exist between all ponies and nature. Her fears are not of Celestia’s tyranny. Her values are not of Luna’s reign. She is absolutely terrified of the darkness and yet is strangely impelled to seek it out, as she finds some of its most horrific secrets and prospects attractive from a multiplicity of standpoints. She is sure that Luna and Celestia both stand for life and creation, one being the sun and one reflecting its light. The impending doom she believes will eradicate Equestria hails from the chaos which existed before the universe was born. In her belief, there is not one good argument for why the chaos wouldn’t want to reclaim its space. She may be nothing more than another madmare, but her view of life is based on tangible experience and she won’t surrender it.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/Plot/Recurring Character Thread

    Alright, I’m taking Amish Pirate’s suggestion and starting up the weather patrol, so let’s start with some info about that. This is open to change if people want.

    The weather patrol has two different roles in the area. The first is scheduling and then actually brining the weather, not only to Bridle Shores, but all the nearby farmland. The second is as a sort of offshoot of the town guard. The fighters of the group keep the skies safe for the fliers. And since the weather ponies often have to fly quite far to fetch the clouds they need, their jurisdiction ends up extending far past the reaches of Bridle Shores. At any one time, there are multiple squads patrolling the city, keeping the weather on schedule, and keeping an eye out on the surrounding countryside. They even end up playing the role of scouts or messengers to other towns should the need arise. Squads that aren’t on duty spend their time training to keep themselves ready for action.

    And with that done , I’ll move on to the characters I whipped up.

    First off, an NPC captain for the weather patrol that anyone can use whenever they need to. She's also open to tweaking besed on request.

    Name: Kit
    Title: Captain of the Weather Patrol (But just Kit is fine, please. Captain is way too formal)
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: A light blue Pegasus with a very short, bluish white mane and tail to match. She is slightly smaller than average, but lean and well muscled. When on duty, she usually wears a roman style helmet with a blue and white crest.

    Age: Fairly young, like late twenties maybe,
    Skills: She’s a pretty good flyer, and a pretty good combatant, fighting with the wing blades that are standard issue for most of the weather patrol, although a swift kick is just as effective as far as she’s concerned. And her speed and agility more than make up for average strength. Even so, she’s not the best flyer or the best fighter in the weather patrol. Her real strengths lie in leadership skills, especially on the field. She’s great with tactics and her troops can pull off all sorts of complex formations and maneuvers.
    Biography: Kit grew up in Bridle Shores with a normal life. She joined the weather patrol when she was old enough, as was family tradition, and quickly rose through the ranks on her intelligence and likeability. And now here she is, captain of the weather patrol. And that’s just about all there is to it.
    Personality: In some ways, she’s quite the opposite of Captain; where he’s tough but fair, she’s quite easy-going. Sort of lax with the rules, and not a big fan of discipline. As a result, the weather patrol is considered quite a bit more ‘fun’ than the town guard, and although it’s not quite so efficient, morale couldn’t be higher. A lot of ponies think she doesn’t take her job seriously enough, as it is quite the important position, but when it comes down to it, she delivers results. For the most part, the weather runs on time, and for the most part, the skies are safe
    Relationships: She knows just about everypony in town, and is well liked by almost all of them, especially the ponies working under her command in the weather patrol. She works closely with Captain and the town guard, as well as the farmers of the area.
    Cutie Mark: A silver colored eagle holding a spear.

    And now the characters I’ll be playing:

    Name: Twinkle Toes
    Title Occupation: (soon to be former) Weather pony (Going to join Mystic as a minion)
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: A lanky pony with a light grey coat and a crazy reddish mane that sticks out every which way
    Skills: His main skill set lies in flying. He’s a speedy flyer with lots of stamina; can fly for miles without getting too worn out. When it comes to fighting, he could probably survive a combat, (he has been well trained as a part of the weather patrol, after all) but don’t expect him to take down any enemies unless you’re fighting a squad of bunnies or something.
    Biography: Twinkle showed up in Bridle Shores a couple years ago. For a while he just sort of drifted around, being sort of odd and mooching food and somewhere to stay off of anypony that he could amuse enough, but Kit put an end to that. She put on her ‘strict leader’ pants (a rare occasion) and enlisted the Pegasus in the weather patrol. Nopony expected all that much, but it turned out the job suited him perfectly. Long flights and lots of airtime were just his style, and he ended up building a bit of a reputation. He got put in the squad usually assigned to the farthest missions. (minion stuff to be edited in after it happens)

    As for before Bridle Shores, it’s generally agreed that he’s from Trottingham, but other than that, nopony knows. It’s not that he’s particularly secretive about his past, but every time he’s asked he changes the story. They all seemed fairly plausible at first, butr as time went on, they got more far-fetched and melodramatic. If anypony wanted a strange tale on a long flight, tradition became to ask Twinkle Toes what he did before Bridle Shores.
    Personality: There’s probably a slight twinge of insanity in that brain somewhere, which is evident in his strange mannerisms and droll sense of humor. Twinkle embodies the philosophy of going where the wind takes him, sometimes quite literally. He lives his life on a series of whims and impulses, which he follows without letting morals or common sense get in his way. Not to say that he’s evil; if anything neutrality suits him best. Generally avoids harming others, mostly because it’s just unappealing to him, but you probably won’t catch him going out of his way to help anypony. Socially, he doesn’t really care much either. You find him likeable? Cool, he’ll chat. If not, well, meh, that’s not gonna bring him down.
    Relationships: No close friends (as of now) but he’s known to plenty of the residents, and soon to be a minion to a certain queen of blades.
    Cutie Mark: A swirly cloud.

    Name: Lucky Stars
    Title Occupation: Weather pony
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: A small, bright orange Pegasus with a floofy yellow mane with streaks of sky blue, that is perpetually tied back into two large pigtails.
    Age: 17
    Skills: She’s always excelled at flying. Fast, nimble, and she can turn on a dime. She’s also a fairly natural combatant, provided she can get into the air. She picked up everything she learned in her training as part of the weather patrol, of which she’s the youngest member. Her favored weapon is a pair of wing blades, and she also generally wears spiky shoes when on duty to pack an extra punch in hoof-to-hoof combat.
    Biography: She was born one of four identical sisters, which was probably the beginning of her thirst for attention, although it would have likely developed anyways, even if she was an only child. She quickly showed a lot of talent when it came to flying. That and her show-offy style led her to join a n exhibition flight team, for a while, it was a perfect fit for the flashy flier, but the lack of any true meaning in the profession led her to other pursuits, namely joining the Bridle Shores weather team. On the merit of her skills, she eventually even became the leader of squad nine, the one always assigned to the far flights.
    Personality: Generally upbeat. In training, she’s cocky and a bit of a show off, but her skills back it up, in the field she’s calm and confident, and on her off time with her friends, she’s got a snarky sense of superiority that they’ve learned to live with. This would make her quite annoying, but it’s all undermined by a general helpfulness and good humor. She’s also a surprisingly graceful loser and (winner) when it comes to competition.
    Relationships: Her closest friends are mostly the members of her squad (which are currently NPC’s)
    Cutie Mark: Five feathers arranged into the shape of a star.
    Awesome Lion Avatar by the wonderful Mr. Saturn. Thanks

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