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  1. - Top - End - #121

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Changed plot point, since the IFCC have used 21 of their mins.

  2. - Top - End - #122

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Prophecy fulfilled indeed.

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    There was once a thread on Nale and Elan. Specifically, it addressed "nature vs nurture", and whether Elan would have been evil if raised by his father, etc. If someone could find it, it would be very helpful to my point.

    Anyway, when this question was asked, the Giant stepped in and put a kibosh on the whole thing, saying something to the effect of "answering this will spoil a plot point that will come later in the comic"

    Therefore, I think this is an unresolved plot point; namely, what exactly caused Nale to be evil and Elan to be good? (or something to that effect)
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  4. - Top - End - #124

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by littlebum2002 View Post
    There was once a thread on Nale and Elan. Specifically, it addressed "nature vs nurture", and whether Elan would have been evil if raised by his father, etc. If someone could find it, it would be very helpful to my point.

    Anyway, when this question was asked, the Giant stepped in and put a kibosh on the whole thing, saying something to the effect of "answering this will spoil a plot point that will come later in the comic"

    Therefore, I think this is an unresolved plot point; namely, what exactly caused Nale to be evil and Elan to be good? (or something to that effect)
    You best ask the index of Giant's Comments, not me.

    The plot point is already mentioned under "what was Nale's evil potential" as Sabine said the fiends assigned her to Nale personally, which there has to be a reason for.

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    OK, that works. I found the post, though.
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  6. - Top - End - #126
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunken Valley View Post
    The plot point is already mentioned under "what was Nale's evil potential" as Sabine said the fiends assigned her to Nale personally, which there has to be a reason for.
    Because he's a complete moron.

    Possibly also because she is.

  7. - Top - End - #127

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
    Because he's a complete moron.

    Possibly also because she is.
    Hence the " " on Evil Potential. Anyway, the Giant said it was a spoiler and this was the best phrase I could use to incorporate it in there that sounded like an actual plotpoint and not a what if?

  8. - Top - End - #128

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    The Lizardfolk ambassador came back. I thought he was a red herring to disguise the fact that Z was up to no good. He is not.

  9. - Top - End - #129

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Cleaned up a bit

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunken Valley View Post
    The big three:

    What is Varsuuvius’ gender?
    What is MitD?
    How will Belkar “die”?
    By engaging in more drastic character growth to the side of good.

    Story-wide plot points:

    When will Xykon and Redcloak fully betray each other?
    When they reach the gate at Kraagor's Tomb.

    What's the deal with the world in the world?
    It's either a third world or the first world.

    Do the crayon drawings hide a secret?
    Maybe, but there's definitely some lies (possibly of omission) in them.

    How will Elan get his happy ending?
    Marrying Haley and saving the world.

    Will Belkar kill Varsuuvius?

    How will the IFCC use their remaining 24 minutes of V’s soul?
    To bench Vaarsuvius as they already have.

    What are the 9 (or more) sides to the conflict?
    1) The Order of the Stick
    2) Xykon
    3) The Dark One, Redcloak, and the Goblins
    4) The IFCC
    5) MitD
    6) The Linear Guild
    7) Serini Toormuck and the denizens of Kraagor's Tomb
    8) Team Tarquin
    9) Lord Honjo and the Sapphire Guard

    Will MitD turn to the side of good?
    Yes, but only when Redcloak Vs. Xykon becomes a thing.

    What is Redcloak going to do with the Phylacetery and when will Xykon find out about the switch?
    Destroy it and Pass.

    Is the Dark One hiding a step in his grand plan from Redcloak?
    No, but Redcloak has not told us everything to us, the audience.

    How much has Vampire Durkon really changed?
    He's changed Alignment, but not loyalties. He seems to be sadistic but I imagine he'll stay in line out of duty unless threatened or provoked. AFTER the Comic is anyone's guess.

    Will Durkon become a normal Dwarf again?

    When will V tell the Order about the fiends?
    Prologue: #920

    Future arc plot points:

    What broke up the Scribble so much?
    Kraagor's death (or "Death") was likely THE biggest factor.

    How did Kraagnor die?
    Either 1) He didn't and has been in another type of existence for the last X years. or 2)By making Snarl un-doing powers.

    Where is Serini?
    Likely in or around Kraagor's Tomb. Remember that Dorukan hadn't died from old age when Xykon arrived and magic duelled him.

    How is Xykon's fortress going to show up in the plot?
    It won't.

    What else does Xykon have in secret?
    TBD as the plot demands.

    Why was the Dark One gathering an army of souls?
    Afterlife CTF competitions.

    What did Roy ask his Archon to do?
    Contact [insert name of extremely important LG religious person here].

    Will Eugene go to heaven?
    Technically the question should be "Will he be allowed in?" and I'll guess Yes.

    What will O-Chul and Lien find at Kraagnor's gate?
    Xykon, Redcloak, and MitD. Also Kraagor's Gate.

    What will happen to Azure city?
    Probably going to stay Gobbatopia.

    Will the Soul-Splice be used again?

    How did the Scribble find out what the gates did?
    Intelligence Checks.

    How will Belkar save Hinjo's life a 2nd time?
    By dying.

    What will really happen if all the gates are destroyed?
    Shenanigans of a world-shattering degree.

    Current arc plot points:

    How will Tarquin be defeated?
    Julio + OotS

    Why is Geoff acting all suspicious?
    Because he wasn't expecting to be out of jail this soon.

    Where is Ian's new hideout?
    We'll never know.

    What was Nale's "Evil Potential"?
    Below Belkar's if Roy hadn't intervened but above the pairing of Cruella De Ville and Sauron.

    Will Thog live?

    Where do Sabine's loyalties lie?
    In her loins.

    Who is Aunt Ivy really?
    Not important enough to show up yet.

    Will Amun-Zora return?

    What is Elan's plan?
    To get reinforcements from Julio Scoundrel

    Why has Eugene not haunted Roy as Xykon has left?
    Because the connection between his ancestors and the sword was broken when it was shattered and has begun anew with Roy.

    What is Shattersmith's favour?

    OtOoPC's and SoD spoilers:

    How will Durkon bring doom to the dwarves?
    By being a freaking Vampire.

    What Happened to Redcloak's niece?
    She's a waitress at Goblin Dan's All-U-Can-Eat Hydra buffett.

    What happened to Xykon's gem with the souls of the scribble in it?
    He's still carrying it.

    What about that anti-betrayal spell Xykon did on the Mitd?
    It's probably going to go off.

    What is Redcloak's real name?
    We'll never be told. It wouldn't add anything to the narrative at this point.

    What happened to Lirian and Right Eye's zombies?
    In reserve?

    Will we ever know:

    What is Daigo's surname?
    If Daigo gets into a situation where his last name is important enough. But having a first name is really enough honestly.

    What happened when Roy and Durkon visited the Oracle the first time?
    They shook the Oracle out over the window.

    Why is Fyron's son not in SoD?
    Regardless of V's gender, what gender is V's mate?

    What did Haley mean when she said she's not exactly what you call...?

    Will Hilgya come back?
    I think it's possible that Durkon and Hilgya will re-unite again in Dwarven lands with both of them remarking how the other has changed. They will have effectively switched positions or they will now be perfectly compatible.

    What is Elan's last name?
    The same as Nale and Tarquin's.

    Has Kazumi had that baby yet?

    What will Kazumi call the baby?

    Why does no one remember Blackwing?
    Rule of Funny.

    What happened to Dorukan's and Lirian's rifts?
    They expanded.

    Will Eugene keep his promise not to visit his family?
    Already we presume much.

    Predictions are bolded.

  11. - Top - End - #131

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II


    Edit: Some of your predictions are funny Ghost Nappa. But Geoff was acting suspicious long before he was released. What with his reaction to Boz's possible death.
    Last edited by Sunken Valley; 2013-11-17 at 12:56 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #132

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    940 closed two plotpoints!

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Another one bites the dust.

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    But 942 brings us the question:

    What is Elan's plan for fighting the Empire of Blood?

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    We know Laurin's favor now.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant
    Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes, characters that have a similar hairstyle just have a similar hairstyle. How many hairstyles do you think there are that can be drawn in stick figure style, anyway?

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    This seems like a good time to update my own list:
    A lot of loose threads (heh) have been resolved since last time: Girard's Gate, the Oracle's Durkon prophecy, the anti-spellcaster feat, Xykon's phylactery, who killed Penelope, and (as much as I hate how it was wound up) no one remembering Blackwing (there's still a question of how much Roy and Durkon remember of him but without anything Snarl-related being plausible it's not even a story angle). Also tweaked the Planet within the Planet item and removed Nale v. the IFCC as moot. Only new item is Elan's anti-Tarquin plan (Laurin's favor didn't even get a chance to be added to the list); let me know if you think I missed anything else.

    DEFINITE STORY PILLARS (in this order)
    Kraagor's Gate
    The Ultimate Fate of the Snarl/Elan's Happy Ending/Eugene's Blood Oath/etc.

    The Fate of Azure City
    V's deal with the IFCC, and the IFCC's motivations
    "I'm not what you call exactly-" (I could say possible, but...)
    MitD's identity
    Odin's Prophecy about Durkon
    Belkar's Last Breath
    The Dark One, The Plan and the Plight of Monster Races (could be a pillar)
    Xykon's anti-Redcloak-betrayal spell on MitD (I could say possible, but...)
    How Sabine is Haley's evil opposite
    Daigo's last name
    Celia's deal with Thieves' Guild/Guild's reaction to Haley breaking it (not quite the same as Lord Tyrinar/Ian Starshine)
    Right-Eye's Daughter
    The true nature of the Snarl and its relationship with the planet within the planet
    Why Girard is really so pissed at Soon
    Roy's plan for his Archon
    The fate of Thog

    The Doubly Occupied Soul Gem (possible good-aligned soul splice in the future?)
    Hilgya's return
    Pompey's return (could be definite, actually)
    "As for the elf-"
    Miko's return (hey, Rich did say she'd have an impact on the rest of the story...)
    Elan's last name
    V's divorce (I don't think it'll be settled as easily as it was at the start of the book)
    Kazumi's baby
    Why Roy keeps mentioning Fyron's son
    O-Chul's influence on MitD
    Elan's anti-Tarquin plan

    The Fates of Girard and Serini
    Soon's Rift
    Lirian's Rift
    Dorukan's Rift
    Eugene's promise not to visit family

    V's gender (and that of his/her family)
    Last edited by Morgan Wick; 2014-02-15 at 02:45 PM.
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  17. - Top - End - #137

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Now we know Shattersmith's favour. Keeping the wording of the two rift themed plot points though.

  18. - Top - End - #138

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Mega changes.

  19. - Top - End - #139
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by tassaron View Post
    I think 804 answered that pretty clearly. Even the title of the page is "Where Her Loyalties Lie".
    Where do you find the page titles? I didn't see a title when I went to the page.
    Not "fire at". I never used the word "at"
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  20. - Top - End - #140
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by keybounce View Post
    Where do you find the page titles? I didn't see a title when I went to the page.

  21. - Top - End - #141
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Ohh, thanks. Now, if there was only a way to see those while reading the comic.


    So a question on the rifts that seems to be an unresolved point, and even a "we know that we have been lied to, we just don't know by whom" point.

    The rifts existed before the gates. The rifts were flaws in the construction of the prison for the snarl (said prison being our reality).

    The gates were put up to protect the rifts, and to protect the people in this world from the rifts. That they could permit controlling the snarl was a side-effect, so the need to protect the rifts.

    Now, we are told that if the gates fail, there will be about 15 minutes before the snarl destroys the world.

    Excuse me? Rifts were there for untold time, and now are a 15 minute countdown?

    Something here is not right.
    Not "fire at". I never used the word "at"
    GENERATION ω+1: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. Remember, ω + 1 comes after ω.

  22. - Top - End - #142
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Not untold time. Sixty-six years from the rifts opening to the Order's trial at Azure City. Maybe sixty-seven if it took a year for Lirian to notice that wildlife were disappearing. The Snarl's claws protruding into the main OotS world were powerful enough to kill an epic-level barbarian in the last few seconds before Kraagor's Gate was created.
    Last edited by Kish; 2017-01-08 at 02:00 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #143
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Was Kraagor epic? Anyway, what is an epic barbarian like? epic wizards get epic spells and can make spells themselves, what does a barbarian get? More HP and more damage, or is there some special stuff?
    Boytoy of the -Fan-Club
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  24. - Top - End - #144
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by keybounce View Post
    Ohh, thanks. Now, if there was only a way to see those while reading the comic.


    So a question on the rifts that seems to be an unresolved point, and even a "we know that we have been lied to, we just don't know by whom" point.

    The rifts existed before the gates. The rifts were flaws in the construction of the prison for the snarl (said prison being our reality).

    The gates were put up to protect the rifts, and to protect the people in this world from the rifts. That they could permit controlling the snarl was a side-effect, so the need to protect the rifts.

    Now, we are told that if the gates fail, there will be about 15 minutes before the snarl destroys the world.

    Excuse me? Rifts were there for untold time, and now are a 15 minute countdown?

    Something here is not right.
    Indeed. It's almost as if blowing up the Gates is doing something.
    Last edited by Peelee; 2017-01-08 at 07:43 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  25. - Top - End - #145
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    In #64, Roy says “Some of my best friends are 3rd level fighters”. This seems strange to me, because I didn't get the impression from On the Origin of PCs that Roy has made many friends in fighter college. I don't think he means Durkon either, for Durkon is too good at casting divine spells to have multiclassed three levels of fighter. Anyway, Roy somehow has friends that were 3rd level fighters back then, may have gained levels since, and may have already had levels of other classes.

    Do you suppose Roy's fighter friends will turn up later in the comic and help Roy in his quest?

  26. - Top - End - #146
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by ti'esar View Post
    Good grief, that guy needs to go into the fortune-telling business. Wow.

    But seriously, I think the eye was pretty clearly established as Zz'dtri. Not sure why this keeps being debated.
    I will honor him by immortalizing a link to his post into my signature.

  27. - Top - End - #147
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by Mightymosy View Post
    Was Kraagor epic? Anyway, what is an epic barbarian like? epic wizards get epic spells and can make spells themselves, what does a barbarian get? More HP and more damage, or is there some special stuff?
    The Giant said the Scribblers were "low epic."

  28. - Top - End - #148
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by Gift Jeraff View Post
    This could go under "Will we ever know:"

    Who was Qarr's previous supervisor and what is this evil chalice s/he won't shut up about?

    Or was that just some pop culture reference that flew over my head? (Yes, I know it might just be fluff to make the OOTS world seem more alive, just like the reptilian humanoids discussed in the previous Plot Point thread.)

    I'm sure it's just a throwaway line with no plot significance, that will never be mentioned again. As for pop culture references, it's just an evil equivalent to a quest for the Holy Grail.
    Last edited by Ron Miel; 2017-01-13 at 05:30 PM.
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