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  1. - Top - End - #601
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    higher plane of existence

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    436-440 actions
    -curiosity- An expedition is sent north from Valeriya (region 77) to seek out new lands
    -curiosity- adapt tech Steam Power to be able to use Rock Juice as a fuel [project 1/2]
    -curiosity- adapt tech Steam Power to be able to use Vatn-Dauths as a fuel [project 1/2]
    -military- raise 1 land unit equipped with mithril tech in Niskovian Steppe (region 47A)
    -military- raise 1 land unit equipped with mithril tech in Niskovian Steppe (region 47A)
    -diplomacy- attend the Second International Council*

    Spoiler: Second International Council*
    • Agreement with Bordeux Concordant:
      • The Bordeux Concordant will allow and assist in the construction of a canal going through the border of Malkavan (region 71) and Valterre (region 70), to allow access to the Niskan Sea from the Asianic Ocean. In exchange for this, the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia will provide the resource Geliy Vapour to the Bordeux Concordant.
      • Any ships of trade, from any nation, may move through this canal. Any ships of war not from Niskovia, Bordeux or a vassal of either nation, moving through here, however, will be considered to be moving through Bordeux's territorial waters and shall be considered as a declaration of war, and treated as such.
    • Trade of Geliy Vapour will commence once the Bordeux Concordant confirms this deal.

    • the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia accepts the vassal contract between their nation and the nation of Fera
      • Fera will be willing to export fancy things to the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia without expecting anything in return
      • All trades with Fera must first be approved by the High Prince of Niskovia
      • Fera agrees to continue advancing sciences regularly
      • Fera agrees to not worship any foreign deities which may cause harm to Fera and/or the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
      • Ferans are allowed to roam the entirety of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia as long as they do not harm any other Niskovian citizens and abide by Niskovian law
      • Any denizen of Niskovia is welcome within Fera's borders as long as they do not harm any Feran citizens and abide by Feran law
      • The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia agrees to this amendment to Feran law
        • Nations interested in trade must border Fera or the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia and must have been in contact with Fera and the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia for a minimum of six years. Furthermore, trades must first be approved by the High Prince of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
        • Nations interested in an alliance must border Fera or the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia, have been in trade with Fera for a minimum of six years and allow us to construct an embassy in their capital city

    • Trade Niskovian Vodka to Jarrland (region 62?) in exchange for Raaneki Diplomacy tech

    • Gift patents for various new technologies** to Fera as per terms of the Uvrazhen Kostevnik
      • **Gift of Knowledge: Lenses tech from the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia to Fera
      • **Gift of Knowledge: Steam Power tech from the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia to Fera

    • Internal trade of Geliy Vapour from region 77 to region 47A
    • Internal trade of Rock Juice from region 77 to region 47A

    stat bonuses - military +1
    army changes - +2 hovercraft units in Niskovian Steppe (region 47A)

    Spoiler: fluff
    436, excerpts taken from an edition of an official Niskovian newspaper

    A state remembrance ceremony was held this week at Raykhenbakh Palace soon after the return of Grand Prince Vanya from Propinlonge. The individual honoured by this ceremony? Branimir Korošec, the heir of House Korošec. He was slain by malicious agents seeking to derail the peace talks taking place. At the ceremony the Grand Prince revealed several facts that many have long suspected. "I knew, from the very first moment I met Branimir, that he was the son of my older brother..."

    Spoiler: Births, Deaths and Marriages
    Zhenya Nisakovich gives birth to twins!
    Štefanija Nisakovich gives birth to a daughter!

    Vasiliy Nisakovich marries Štefanija Korošec
    Esteri Nisakovich marries Zakintein Vicryl of Karintiya

    Branimir Korošec dies as a son of House Nisakovich, in defence of the Sovereign, aged 54
    Last edited by Kitsanth; 2014-08-23 at 09:09 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

  2. - Top - End - #602
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: ACTIONS

    1) The assassins guild is hired out to eliminate Rongyao. The Triumvirate collects a significant bounty for these services (see Quinton's actions). [Luck] - roll.

    1.) Irvest leads the Salterri troops in Salteire (9 Military, potential winning tactics) ROLL BY ROUND OPENER [Military]
    2.) Tactical maneuvering plains for the Imperium (Morph) in Salteire Roll [Military] ROLL:
    3.) Curiosity 10 Vyuma Benders [Curiosity]
    4.) Aid Celero with the University in Galomyr +1 Project [Diplomacy]
    5.) Aid Celero with the construction of the International Embassy +1 Project [Diplomacy]
    6.) Aid the construction of the University of Asnaoga in Genivana +1 Project [Curiosity]

    Last edited by ImperatorV; 2014-08-23 at 11:16 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #603
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery


    1) [d/c?] Tech exchange! Give building tech to Guilder in exchange for Steam power. The exact exchange from the PM: "SB: I'm good with that though! 3 people of my choice, who can't distribute further for 5 rounds after receiving it, correct?" Correct.

    2) [m] Upon Bordeux's request and using that incredibly old ferry system from, like, 15 rounds ago, transport all available armies (minus those in the capital) to aid the Priory. Stuff sent: 8000 troops + Kralax + Plate Armor. BONUS: +9, +10 if nobody's using plate. I also transfer any Bordessi troops attempting to reinforce Salteire.

    3) [d] nope

    3-5) [c] Palace, North Quad, West Quad [2/5 each]

    6) [c] add 1 action to the palace. [3/5]

    Spoiler: AND...
    Due to Nilata's getting (slightly) old, She decides to adopt one of her great-nephews from a sibling that she did not have killed. This heir, Saindil, is currently 10 years old, and receiving special education in order to rule. Intelligence and religion are stressed, seeind as those are the pillars of Alydaxan society.
    Last edited by moossabi; 2014-08-21 at 12:57 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #604
    Ettin in the Playground
    TheWombatOfDoom's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 22 Actions for the Empire of Dawn (subject to change):

    1[Curiosity] - Roll 21
    Explore under Requiem for an underground region. Rumors say that the reason construction halted on the capital is that a frightening looking race was in the underground corridors. However, none workers were ever attacked. Perhaps they might be peaceful...
    Selyra raises 1 unit of Rhino cavalry.
    Selyra raises 1 unit of land troops to be stationed within the Titan in defence of the structure.
    Add 1 unit to the Borlmyn Navy.
    Continue work on the Capital in Selyra, given then name Rylineene. [3/5]
    Begin a thick spire on top of the Arch that spans the Straight of Ethelos. Whispers of the word "Titan" have been floating around the Empire of Dawn. Definition is being made in the arch, and it appears to be...yes...LEGS! Along the "arch" are arrow slits, and what appears to be trapdoors in the underside. The upper part that is being constructed must be a torso...but who is the figure to be depicting? [1/5]

    Non-Actions - Attend the funeral for Athelmere in the Carmine Kingdom, express the regret of the Empire at this loss, and assure the Empire that Guilder will not be involving troops in any further conflicts with the Kingdom, and has been admonished for their actions.

    -Cancel trade of Craftsmen for Bronze with Guilder.

    NPC Vassal Actions -

    Domhan Abhaile
    Join as a nation to the Kingdom of Serendel, the daughter of the Prism Council member, Luna, is married to Robert Serendel, Girard's son. The nations unite! A celebration occurs the Empire over!

    Build taverns in Serendel lands [3/5]
    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2014-08-22 at 01:25 PM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

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  5. - Top - End - #605
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    The Salterri Imperium

    1. [Diplomacy] Attend the 2nd International Council Summit
      • Princeps Senatus Zuei Piandao perishes in the explosion
    2. [Curiosity] Attend the First Tellurian Games, spending most time wandering Ardens Castro.
      • Watch Dissator Ethmorl get his butt kicked.
      • Stare at rampaging drunk apatosaurus.
    3. [Curiosity] Begin expanding the city of Aus-Teire to become grander than before and capable of accommodating more people. [1/2]
    4. [Military] Raise militia!
      • Aus-Teire: 35,000 (20% of 175,000)
      • Pontensulae 20,800 (20% of 104,000)
      • Penoccident 10,200 (20% of 51,000)
      • Shengdi 15,800 (20% of 79,000)
      • Discordia 23,600 (20% of 118,000)
      • Nan Hai Nian 20,600 (20% of 103,000)
    5. [Military] Tactical maneuvering! The fleet tries to intercept the Alydaxian fleet transporting Bordeusi troops. [10]
    6. [Military] WAR! General Jiao'ao continues the push into Salteire with 7000 troops. 4000 naval troops move to intercept the Alydaxian fleet transporting Bordeusi troops. (Techs: plate armor, orichalcum, Caercian cavalry.) CHECKS PENDING ROUND START / OR SEE OTHER INVOLVED PLAYER POSTS


    Spoiler: The Rise of the Zueis
    The Zuei clan had always been one of the more powerful aristocratic families in the Salterri lands. The war had cost them fields in Bor-Teire and mines in Salteire, and their lords had been eager to rise again to prominence and power as they had been prior to the schism within the Imperium, prior to the deaths of their clan head and his eldest two sons in captivity in Aloren...

    [IRRELEVANT] Raise 1000 plate-armoured troops.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2014-08-23 at 10:17 AM.
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  6. - Top - End - #606
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    In the Dark of the Night

    *Year ???, Somewhere in the North*

    Ridovo leaned forwards over the rails, below him a vast legion of his "sons and daughters" working on Fireblossoms, beasttaming and other practices to dark and evil to fathom.

    A servent came up behind him. It was a new one, his mind not yet completely under his control.

    "Father, we have completed 75% of the Fireblossoms you requested. The other projects are coming along smoothly as wel."

    A shimmer of free will broke through his control.

    "So why do you harbor such hatred against the world, Father?"

    If there were two things Ridovo liked, it were praising himself into godhood, and telling about his revenge and hatred for the world.

    "Come closer, child, I will tell you. It all started with a nightmare, many years ago."

    And as such, he broke into song:

    "Upon a night I was tossing and turning. The nightmare I had was as bad as it could be. It scared me out of my wits, my mind falling to bits! Then I opened my eyes and the nightmare!!

    I was once the most mystical man in all Kasumor. When the Earthguard betrayed me they made a mistake. My curse was making them pay, but all my plan went astray! Earthguards beware, Ridovo's AWAKE!"

    "Revenge will be sweet, when my plans are complete. In the midst of the night, They'll be GONE!"

    I can feel that my powers are slowly returning! Work my minions make the world pay for its crimes!
    As the Pieces fall into place, I'll see them crawl into place! Not any other, man can be my Grace!

    "In the midst of the night terror will strike them!
    In the midst of the night corruption will brew."

    Under construction, continueing when round 23 opens.

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. Attend Second International Counsil (Dip)
    • Almost breaking Menhirin
    • Agree with a marriage proposal with Palas Caercia. Marevain Earthguard with Claudia Caercia. (RP will be handled later) In addition, Palas Caercia will send one more stack of Wurms to Gwrîstin, two stacks of Keldagrim gold will be shipped to Palas Caercia, all people of Palas Caercia will be welcome to study at the Academy of Culture and Prowess. Finally, when the marriage is complete, a stack of each resource present and future produced in Campestrus Pratum shall be shipped to the Hurosha Empire.
    • Trade Kasumori Shintouite for Bereginian Light Crystals
    • Trade Kasumori Shintouite for Guilderene (or wherever it is) Magnetite
    • Exploding palace
    • Evil laughter
    • Support Calorum's Claim on Pryonia
    • Send one stack of Shintouite to region P8, for defensive purposes.

    2. Seeing that Gunung is falling appart, Wayve tries to claim their lands to bring prosperity and Prowess once more. His father would be proud. Make a claim on Gunung to take it over. It's Great Kingdom will be desolved in the process. (Target Number=15, result=18) (Dip)

    3. Militairy Ventures! (Mil)
    [list][*][*] Send 1000 naval troops through the Black Sea of Shikurai to the Black Sea of Galet Noiret, helping the Faedas troops there. (Available Techs: Insect Riding, Plate Armor, Orichalcum) +5 bonus to ReggieJam's roll. My own roll for the fight if need be: 6+everything else.[*]Send 6000 troops, 4000 of them land troops, 2000 air troops, to Intepuh to defend against the intruders. (Available techs: Insect Riding, Wurm Riding, Hovercraft, Plate Armor, Orichalcum, Adamantine, Lenses) Total bonus: +20. My own diceroll if necesairy: 11+everything else.

    4. Continue working on the Airship (3/5 Great Project, Mil) Raise 1000 Mushi-Heishi in Kasumor (Mil)

    5. Work together with the metalurgists of Tekorva and the inventors of Zargrim to convert the Steampower engine to work with water and Tanedhan feathers (To heat said water and produce steam). Tears of Yphine added to help the water condense faster, but not needed in the basic concept. The resulting engine is named a "Gouyuu Engine" or in the commoners mouth, a Magitech Engine. (Project 21/2 (+1 from Tekorva), Cur)

    6. Begin combining Steampower and later Gouyou Engines with Hovercrafts to give them more power, lift and thrust. (Project 1/2, Cur)

    Vassal Actions:

    Tekorva: Aid Hurosha with the creating of the Gouyuu Engine (Project +1, Vassal) Raise 1000 Ninja-Tai (Vassal)
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2014-08-24 at 08:09 AM.
    A swordmaster never backs off, I'll cut you to ribbons with my almighty sabre! CHAOS DANCE!!

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  7. - Top - End - #607
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Stat increases from last round: +1 Diplomacy, +2 Curiosity

    Spoiler: Actions
    1: Most of the army of Ashenia, seven thousand men, ride into Intepeuh and engage the invaders. Due to injuries sustained at the council in Propinlonge, the King doesn't lead the troops himself, but instead sends his second son, Prince Lazarul to lead the army. [Military] I'm not certain about the state of dice rolling for military at this point...
    2: With no luck with the expedition and the presence of a possible threat, the remaining one thousand men not sent to Intepeuh descend into the caverns beneath Ashenia to ascertain exactly what happened to the previous expedition. If there is a threat, they are not to engage it unless absolutely necessary. [Military]
    3: Despite previous failures to contact the local inhabitants, Zhela and Chancellor Kyadan remain beneath Lacertia hoping that their patience will eventually have results. Roll: 17 Failure
    4: A proclamation goes out to the people of the Kingdom of the Burning Mountains that the King of Ashenia has promised to defend them in the absence of their king. [Diplomacy] Roll for claim: 12 Failure
    5: Work continues on the University of Ryazen Bay. Scholars have begun collecting books in numerous tongues for the newly completed university library. [2/5] [Curiosity]
    6: The horse breeding programme continues and focuses extensively on the progeny of the two one winged horses born in the past. [Curiosity]

    Spoiler: Vassal Action
    Crima: A great domed chamber has risen around the Crypt of the Creestone. It soars above the city and its great glass windows shine in the sunlight. It is planned that the rest of the structure should be lower in height such that one can always see the main chamber from afar. [2/5]
    Last edited by Elemental; 2014-08-20 at 10:08 PM.
    Mauve Shirt, Savannah, Gnomish Wanderer, Cuthalion and Smuchmuch get cookies for making me avatars. (::)
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  8. - Top - End - #608
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    RP later. First lot of actions in a fairly isolated province ho:

    Bonus Actions:

    All my bonus actions go into a Great Project, the town of Oreth itself.

    Oreth is a grand city, all formed of stone. It is an architectural MARVEL, as if it were crafted by artisans rather that architects. Wherever you turn is some sort of wonder. Houses in curious shapes, stained glass windows in a thousand different shapes, coloured glass lanterns filled with Firestone litter the streets illuminating in a hundred different colours.

    The stone naturally exists as a vague orange or shiny grey, due to the stone coming from the Firestone Mine, but is often painted in hues of reds, yellows, blues and whatever other pigments they can eek out of the land.

    The interiors of the houses are no different. The furniture is also carved from stone, but is also covered with cloths and padded quilts of various colours. The walls are decorated with paintings, carved runes and other such aspects.

    Truly, there is little in this world that can rival the beauty of Oreth.

    Regular actions:

    [Curiosity]: Investigating more efficient methods of Firestone mining.

    [Curiosity]: Investigating potential "recipes" for Firestone, hotter but dimmer or vice versa, longer but cooler and dimmer, shorter but hotter and brighter, that sort of thing.

    [Curiosity]: Ditto for above.

    [Faith]: Raise a Shrine to The Guardian Spirits, consisting of 12 waist high poles arranged in a clock formation.

    [Military]: Tightening up the outer wall to Oreth, patching holes, replacing old stone, etc.

    [OOC: Should I roll now and edit the Curio roll link in or wait for the TN?]
    Open the lid and snatch a homebrewed treat from Cookie's Jar

    Ponytar by Dirtytabs

    Quote Originally Posted by DudeWhyAreAllTheNamesTaken(Imgur)
    Chaotic neutral. Might rob you blind. Might save your life. Might do both.

  9. - Top - End - #609
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    (I'm kinda out of it and planning on taking a break from empire)

    -continue my greath projects
    -" " (both now 3/5)
    -WaylanderX gets control of all Gunungs troops until I say otherwise.
    -Grant WaylanderX rights to Gunung in case of succession crisis
    -trade bluefire with WaylanderX and Celero

  10. - Top - End - #610
    Ogre in the Playground
    zabbarot's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Triumvirate Round 22

    • [Curio] Begin the search for Mosi's reincarnation. Roll 12*
    • [Faith] Convert Grmanhil to Radurja (Majority) Roll 14
    • [Faith] Convert Selyra to Radurja (Majority) Roll 12
    • [Curio] [2/5] Continue expanding the College at Asnaoga.
    • [Curio] [2/5] Mashahidi in Aloren oversee research into the properties of hai vyuma and it's applications.
    • [Curio] [Cur5] Expand mining operations in Hrathan-Tuor to increase production of hai vyuma. [Hai Vyuma Good -> Great]

    *Forgot to include last rounds increase, still a failure though : P
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2014-08-22 at 09:00 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  11. - Top - End - #611
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Calorum, Council of Truth
    All priests agreed, Calorum was too small. Many countries surrounding them had more resources and more land. This is of course strange, they all agreed. Calorum is the chosen land, ruled by the chosen family Divinorum. Chosen not by something minor like democracy but chosen by the Lord himself. But how can it be that such an important country is so small.
    Together they decided to expand. And the only good option for expansion? Pryonia!
    Ones Pryonia had been a blessed and devout friend of Calorum, and Arthus was certain that the people of Pryonia had not forgotten the Divinorum family.
    Arthus instructed letters to be send to all countries that Calorum claims Pryonia to be theirs, due to the strong relation between their leading families and the common vision on faith they share.

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. put a claim on Pryonia, convincing the people of pryonia to follow Arthus Divinorums leadership: Roll: 17 [Diplomacy]
    2. Convert some of Keldagrim to the Lord of Fire Calorum reformation, creating a minority: Roll: 11 [Faith]
    3. Start preparations for celebrating a festival in Pryonia to celebrate that they will soon be ruled by the Divinorum family [Faith]
    4. A gas reserve is found in Calorum, the gas apears to be very light and is called Helium (Curiosity 5) [Curiosity]
    5. Finalize the construction of a better infrastructure in Calorum, all roads lead to Umrich (5/5) [Curiosity]
    Last edited by Chief; 2014-08-23 at 04:31 AM.
    "Only the foolish overlook the threat that kobolds actually pose." - Races of the Dragon

  12. - Top - End - #612
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    End of Round Twenty-Two.

    Any edits to actions in posts edited after the time of posting this one are considered not valid. (Excepting the OP, of course.)
    GITP Blood Bowl Manager Cup
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    Spoiler: Previous Avatars
    (by Strawberries)
    (by Rain Dragon)

  13. - Top - End - #613
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round Twenty Three: Begin!
    Years 441-445 of the Common Calendar

    Don’t forget to link to any rolls you make for ANY Attribute checks, plus rolls for rulers you will start using at the start of next round. If you want a new ruler in the next round, you must state so in your action post for this round and link to their rolls. Any increases from actions for this round are counted for the ruler you start your next round with (because it’s handier to account for by the co-GM), which may or may not be your current ruler.

    Good luck!

    Rules Changes!

    Military battle rolls are no longer made by players, until further notice. The round opener will make battle rolls on opening the round. All other rolls (including tactical manoeuvring) are still to be made by players.

    +1 Luck for…

    Get to Luck votes!

    Growth! Shrinkage!

    The Kingdom of the Burning Mountains has disbanded its Great Kingdom, and become a vassal of the Huroshan Empire!




    [438.1] Stubborn Pavonian diplomats continue to try to win over the affections of the population of "Frios" [region 127] to no avail.

    [438.2] The Kingdom of Mularuhm has begun to recolonise its former region of Asterith!

    [438.3] The Kingdom of Mularuhm meets with success reoccupying its former colony of Galardoth!

    [438.9] AQUA has begun colonising Region 91!

    [439.2] The Kingdom of Ashenia has failed to colonise region 45B under Lacertia! Perhaps the diplomats offended the natives?

    [440.1] Tzalteclan has failed to colonise the natives in Region 104! Perhaps the Tzaltec diplomats offended them?

    [440.5] The Kingdom of Mularuhm succeeds at the second attempt at beginning colonisation of the kingdom of the Rockriders! [69B]


    [440] The Huroshan Empire has successfully claimed suzerainty over the former Kingdom of the Burning Mountains!

    [439] The Kingdom of Calorum has successfully laid claim to the Pryonic Kingdom!


    The Heartwaste now contains more followers of Children of Kina!

    Yorukuni now contains more followers of Children of Kina!

    Wenyavuk now contains more followers of Children of Kina!

    Galomyr now contains a minority of followers of Children of Kina!

    Region 87 now contains a minority of followers of the Tzaltec Dragon Cult!

    Grmanhil now contains more followers of Radurja!

    Selyra now contains more followers of Radurja!

    Keldagrim now contains a minority of followers of the Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation!

    A religious minority calling themselves Jaaku Na has arisen in Ashenia! This religion focuses on ritualistic self-mutilation and worshipping the so-called “Pristine Black Souls”.

    A religious minority calling themselves Jaaku Na has arisen in Guilder! This religion focuses on ritualistic self-mutilation and worshipping the so-called “Pristine Black Souls”.


    [436.1] The army of Faedas continues its invasion of Galie-Noiret assisted by Huroshan subterranean naval troops, where the Pryonic troops mount a stoic defence on the shores of the underground sea. The battle ends in stalemate with neither side able to gain a decisive advantage, although 1,000 Faedas troops are killed in the struggle. Conquest delayed 1/2.

    Spoiler: Details
    Faedas – roll is 8, +5 Military score, 2,000 troops, plate armour (+1)
    +5 Hurosha assistance
    Pryonia response – 1,000 troops +3 military score +2 techs.

    Faedas total is 21.
    Pryonia total is 21.

    Draw! Conquest is delayed by a round. Faedas loses an additional 1,000 troops for committing more than 1,000 to the battle.

    [437.2] The Sterkelv navy, attempting to intercept the Alydaxis ferry, is itself intercepted by the Bordeux navy! The Bordeusi succeed in manoeuvring the Sterkelv ships away from the ferry, but are defeated in the ensuing battle. Bordeux loses 1,000 naval troops.

    Spoiler: Details
    Tactical manoeuvring 10 Palas Caercia, 15 Bordeux. Bordeux wins and forces the Sterkelv ships away from the ferry.

    - PC has 1,000 + 2 Mil +3 techs +16 roll = 22
    - Bordeux has 3,000 +4 Mil, +6 techs +8 roll = 21

    Palas Caercia wins. Bordeux loses 2,000 troops, less 1,000 for Prosthetics.

    [437.3] On the other side of the Straits of Diyu, the Salterri navy intercepts the Alydaxian ferry bringing reinforcements to Salteire. They successfully harry the Alydaxian ships away from their intended destination back towards the Alydaxis coast and engage them. All the Alydaxian ships are sunk. 1,000 Alydaxian army troops go down with their ships, but the remainder of the army troops being transported are able to escape their sinking vessels, or were still waiting on the shore when the battle occurred.

    Spoiler: Details
    Heartlands fleet tactical manoeuvring. - roll:10 +1 Ocean-Faring Ships. Roll is unopposed.

    Imperium roll is 9.
    +4,000 troops
    +4 (plate armour, OFS, mithril/orichalcum)
    +4 winning tactic (Coastal)
    Military score 1 (half 3)

    Alydaxis roll is 9.
    +1,000 troops
    +2 (plate armour, OFS)
    Military score 3 (half 6)

    Imperial total is 22.
    Alydaxis total is 15.

    Alydaxis loses 4,000 troops. Only 1,000 naval troops are present. As the ships were carrying troops, an additional 1,000 army troops are lost. The remaining 2,000 casualties are disregarded.

    [437.5] General Jiao'ao continues his march into Priory territory. Due to the sinking of the Alydaxian fleet, the Priory's allies are unable to send reinforcements. In the absence of both Tailong and the Prime Minister, Irvest Ethmorl is petitioned by senior Imperial officials to take command of their army and agrees, but on arrival finds the Salterri generals will not listen to him! Despite this fiasco, it is a narrow victory for the Heartlands and their Carmine allies, who succeed in driving through the defenders' lines and capturing Anaphorica. 4,000 Priory troops are killed, along with 1,000 from the Heartlands. Conquest 2/2.

    Spoiler: Details
    Tactical manoeuvring by attackers – 17 (unopposed). Irrelevant, as no winning tactics are later used.

    Roll 7
    +9 military score (Irvest Ethmorl) invalid as the Triumvirate has no troops present
    +4 military score (King Alfmark)
    -13,000 Carmine troops with plate, mithril, cavalry (+4)
    - 7,000 Heartlands troops with plate, orichalcum, cavalry (no unique bonuses)

    Roll 13
    Priory: 7,000 troops, 4,000 militia, plate armour (+1)
    +4 (half military score)
    (+8,000 Alydaxis troops, +1 Kralax) – Intercepted by navy
    (+3,000 Bordeux troops, +2 black powder, 2 mithril) (claimed bonus for Berundas not applicable) – Intercepted by navy

    Attackers – 35
    Defenders – 30

    Attackers win by 5. The Priory loses 3,000 troops. The Heartlands lose 1,000 additional troops (leading the battle). The Priory loses 1,000 additional troops (more than 1,000 troops present) The Kingdom of the Carmine Sea loses 1,000 troops (more than 1,000 troops present), -1,000 for Prosthetics.

    [437.5] The army of Palas Caercia continues its invasion of Campestrus Pratum, opposed by the army of the Priory under Matriarch Militae. In a close-fought battle, the army of the Priory is narrowly defeated, with the Caercians seizing control of the region. 2,000 Priory troops are killed. Conquest 2/2.

    Spoiler: Details
    - Priory: 3,000 troops, 5,000 militia, +1 plate armour
    (+4,000 Bordeux troops, +2 black powder, +2 mithril) – Intercepted by navy
    Roll 17. (Earlier roll by Bordeux not used as Bordeux not present).

    Palas Caercia:
    - 2,000 Mularuhm troops with plate armour and mithril (+3 unique bonuses)
    - 8,000 Caercian troops with cavalry, plate armour, berunda-riding (+2 unique bonuses)
    - Total: roll 9 + Military 4 + 10 troops + 5 bonuses = 28.

    Attackers total 28.
    Defenders total 26.

    Attackers win by 2. Defenders lose 1,000 troops, and an additional 1,000 for committing more than 1,000 troops.

    [437.6] Duke Clovis of Pavonia leads 3,000 men in defence of Tempestia against the invading wildlings. The wildlings are routed, with all 3,000 of their troops lost. Pavonia also loses 1,000 troops in the battle.

    Spoiler: Details
    Pavonia total is 18 (25 less the 7,000 militia not yet applicable).
    Wildlings total is 7.

    The wildling army suffers 6,000 casualties (out of a total of 3,000 men). Pavonia loses 20% of 3,000 (600), rounded down to 0.
    Pavonia loses 1,000 troops.

    [437.9] The wildlings invading Farridon are met by the army of Glazfell under King Khyne and suffer a crushing defeat. The leaderless wildlings, already outnumbered, have no answer to the Frosten weapons, and are almost completely destroyed. Only two thousand wildlings escape. 1,000 Glazfelli warriors are also lost in the battle, most of them while pursuing the fleeing enemy.

    Spoiler: Details
    Wildlings total is 24
    Glazfell total is 48

    The wildlings lose 12,000 troops plus an additional 1,000. Glazfell loses 10% of the wildling losses - 1,200 rounded to 1,000.
    Glazfell loses an additional 1,000 troops for committing more than 1,000.
    Glazfell reduces losses by -1,000 for Prosthetics.

    [436.5] The attack on the city states in 138 breaks against the combined defences, reinforced by soldiers from Ri Chugang and Guilder. The attackers are driven off, leaving 4,000 of their troops dead on the field. The defenders are not without loss, for Guilder has lost all the troops it committed to the battle, and the allied commander Doge Inigo has been taken prisoner.

    Spoiler: Details
    Defenders have roll of 7
    - 5,000 Ri Chugang troops
    - 1,000 city states defenders +2 technology
    - 1,000 Guilder troops +1 plate armour +2 special metal +2 Tzaltec Fire, +7 military score (claimed bonus – Dragon? - unclear)

    Defenders total is 26
    Attackers total is 21

    Victory for the defenders – 3,000 attackers killed plus an additional 1,000.
    Guilder loses 1,000 troops as leader of the battle.

    [440.8] A combined army from Gunung, Ashenia and the Hurosha Empire meets the invaders of Intepueh in battle. The attackers' leader succeeds in forcing the defenders to fight him on an ice field where his troops' experience shows through against the bewildered defenders, who nevertheless manage to force the attackers to retreat. Ashenia, whose men bear the brunt of the fighting, loses 1,000 troops.

    Spoiler: Details

    Attackers tactical manoeuvring check is 15 (unopposed).

    Defenders roll of 4.
    +8 Military score (Wayve Earthguard)
    Gunung 5,000 troops +2 unique techs (+2 Adamantine)
    Hurosha 6,000 troops +4 unique techs (Claimed techs: Insect Riding +1, Wurm Riding +1, Hovercraft +1, Plate Armour +1, Orichalcum +2 (does not stack with Adamantine), Adamantine (duplicate), Lenses (tac-manoeuvring only))
    Ashenia 7,000 troops +0 unique techs (Plate Armour +1, Mithril-Forging +1, (duplicates/non-stackable) Pitch +2 (resources not available))

    Attackers total of 26 +4 winning tactic.

    Attackers Total – 30
    Defenders Total – 34

    Attackers lose 2,000 troops. Ashenia loses 1,000 troops.


    [437] The Second International Council in Propinlonge has been attacked by a man calling himself Ridovo, and several delegates have been killed! Ridovo was eventually killed, apparently by Zuida Rongyao, who himself perished in the act.

    [440] Letters have been intercepted all over Telluris, written in the same handwriting of the “Friend” that wrote letters of warning and requesting troops. These letters are more disturbing, detailing so called “Corrupt Souls” and the harnessing, and, most disturbing, resurrecting of said souls.

    [441] 3,000 fanatics arise in Valterre. They call out “Kangei Ridovo!” and attempt to occupy important tracts of land.

    [441] 3,000 fanatics arise in Genivana. They call out “Kangei Ridovo!” and try to occupy important spiritual sites.

    [441] 3,000 fanatics rise up in Tzalteclan. They call out "Kangei Ridovo!" and try to occupy important tracts of land.

    [441] Fanatics attempted to stir up the populace in the Sea of Glass, preaching revolution and trying to knock down the current regime.

    [443] Trouble in Ashenia! There are people, tired of the mundanity of existence and reality, rioting in the streets and demanding their leaders take action! They want a bit more magic in their lives! If their ridiculous demands aren't met, this could get out of hand.

    Explore! New Map! IN PROGRESS

    Region 61B has been discovered by Lyradis. It has a Good resource of goa-- netherine. It has a population of 80000.

    Region 75 has been discovered by Fera. It has a Good resource of tangleweave spiders. It has a population of 114000.

    Region 96 has been discovered by Pavonia. It has a Good resource of--strangely--giant frozen eggs. It has a population of 68000.

    Region 111 has been discovered by Niskovia. It has a Good resource of sabertooth tigers and a Good resource of wood. It has a population of 63000.


    [441.1] A genimawa by name of Hasali has been caught using strange earthen magicks to reform Heaven’s Blade in Aloren. He appears quite mad, calling himself the Grand Poobah of the Holey Mountain. Regardless of his madness, people claim there is some success to his endeavor. Among the kobolds rise several petitions, among which are one to stop his actions, another to claim the mountain officially as part of K’braashriix.

    [441.2] A foreign prince from lands beyond Tzalteclan with eyes gold and fiery and skin tinged with green and richly dressed in loose, heavy cloth and a turban comes with a large caravan to Sha’raa, where he spends a lot of gold. They call him the Grand Prince Montoyon, Gebui. [Character control: GMs]

    [442.1] To better aid the needy in the future, the Wives of Black begin to set up operations and recruit women to their cause in Celero and Propinlonge, where some who've fled war-torn lands still wait to return home. Orphans and widows find ready support among them.

    [444.1] One of Guilder's princes has gone missing! Curiously, around the same time, a statue of the missing prince has been found, cast in solid gold. It stood next to a gold statue of an old Doge who ruled two centuries ago.

    [444.2] Cracks have begun to appear in the giant ice wall east of the Glazfell! Instantly, ghost stories begin to arise about its origins. Oohhh-hoo-hoooo~

    [444.3] A large number of people have been found dead in Hrathan, their throats stuffed with Hai-Vyuma.

    [444.4] Underneath Ashenia, not too deep below the surface in the rocky tunnels, explorers have found the inscription GERR-->> carved into the walls.

    [445.1] Drinking contests have gotten popular in Niskovia. Leikjos warn against irresponsible consumption.
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2014-08-30 at 10:28 PM.
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  14. - Top - End - #614
    Ettin in the Playground
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    You lost the game.

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions

    Non-action: Guilder flips the flip out because Inigo got captured.

    1. Military: Recruit one unit of army in Frontier.
    2. Curiosity: Discover the story behind the gold statue of the missing prince Marco. Roll: [12]
    3. Military: Defend Region 138, using all technologies available to the two aerial units.
    4. Curiosity: Send peaceful scouts to the east of the city states in Region 138. (Please inform if this is military instead of curiosity, they're basically spies)

    5. Military: Raise one unit of army in Sah'raa.
    6. Solidify relationship with Serendel by lending them the use of the Printing Press (Assisting in their colonization for +2)
    Spoiler: Trades

    -Athletes for Camels with Grand Prince Montoyon
    -Efficient Building for Calculus with the Triumverate
    -Goldfire for Kelp Olive Oil with AQUA
    -Trade Dinos/Dino tech for Colored Glass/Stone with Montoyon.

    Last edited by SamBurke; 2014-09-04 at 07:28 PM.
    James/TheDoge Avatar by Ceika!


    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

    Homebrew Awards:

    First Place Pathfinder Grab Bags:

  15. - Top - End - #615
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions

    1.) Hold a special session regarding Heaven's Blade and its position in the provincial divisions between Aloren and K'Braashriix [Diplomacy
    • Heaven's Blade will be recognized as an official territory of K'Braasrhiix
    • The activities of Genimawa Hasali will be addressed in 5 years time once the Radurjic assessment has been fully completed
    • Funds to begin construction of the K'Braasrhiix Opera House and Musical Academy are approved

    2.) With the advent of advanced mathematics and the increasing need throughout Telluris for trained professionals and experts in the field of construction the architecture schools of Woodwind see an increase in funding and students. (Curiosity 5: Architects Good-->Great) [Curiosity]
    3.) Begin work on the Grand Triumviral Road in Aloren (1/5) [Curiosity]
    4.) Begin construction of the K'Braashriix Opera House and Musical Academy which will use the newly acquired territory of Heaven's Blade to build a great orchestral dome to serve as a center piece of the building (1/5) [Curiosity]
    5.) Endorse treatise on the inalienable rights of sentients and rights of citizens written by Senator Kondriix Valtis of K'Braashriix as a guiding law and principle for the Triumvirate [Curiosity]
    6.) Raise 1,000 land troops in K'Braashriix [Military]

    Spoiler: Re-Coronation Sub Actions

    Though ImperatorV is likely to be spending the action on attendance I'm listing happenings here so there's no need to send a PM every time there's an update.

    • Trade with Carmine: Aloren Goats for Jarrland Limestone. Stone directed to Nyroth
    • Trade with Carmine: K'Braashriix Dragon Scales for Vennland Oysters. Oysters directed to Woodwind
    • Betroth Kwau Ignafar to Eldred Jarrow
    • Betroth Lyra Shaeldtae to Athelwyr Jarrow
    • Trade Calculus Tech for Efficient Building Tech with Guilder
    • Trade Calculus Tech for Insect Riding Tech with Hurosha
    • Betrothe Dissator Ethmorl of Triumviral Hrathan to Li Yue Jarrow--under the provision that at least one of their children will be sent to Aus-Teire at the age of 7 to become a proper Li and thus surrendering their claim to the Chancellor's Trial for Lord Chancellorship of the Triumvirate.

    Spoiler: Election News

    Fall 444 and another election in the Senate is at hand. Speaker Ajeet Nia-Rohana, first Speaker after Aluic Shaeldtae's tenure finds the seat on the Triad Council more fickle than his predecessor and despite proving popular with Triumvirate allies AQUA and Celero loses his support at home. The election of Vig Ertmont represents the first peaceful transfer of power between opposing sides in the history of the Triumvirate, and more boisterous patriots say, the history of Telluris, a telling sign of the Triumvirate's advanced and civilized rule. Many in the Senate were however surprised by the significant following garnered by kobold senator Kondriix Valtis for his own growing party, the Civil Rights Party, a small but growing number of Senators wishing to expand the rights of Triumviral Citizens and extend greater personal and civil liberties to the people. If the Traditionalist Speaker wishes to retain his position in the next election he'll have to hope to appease this growing number.

    Speaker-elect Vig Ertmont is a Hrathanese Guildmaster distantly related to the Ethmorl line of the Lord Chancellor and is a renowned businessman and tradelord in his home province and across the Triumvirate.

    Traditionalists - 40
    Reformists - 30
    Civil Rights - 16

    Spoiler: New Leader

    Speaker Vig Ertmont

    Diplomacy: 1
    Military: 4 (+1 assigned bonus)
    Curiosity: 5 (+1 assigned bonus)
    Faith: 3 (+1 Oracle Bonus)
    Luck: 3
    Original Rolls

    Spoiler: Rumors and Happenings

    • Speaker-elect Vig Ertmont is said to have connections with the Ancient Guild
    • The growing Civil Rights Party and their sentiments have led to increasing pressure on the Triad Council to address the issue of slavery in Tzalteclan
    • The number of those partaking in the Mtambuzi training at the Enclave of Existence in Aloren has increased significantly in recent years, nearly 40% of students and scholars at the Enclave have undergone the rituals and awakened their mind.
    • Rumors say a secret mission was undertaken by the Triad Reserve to meet with a rising Merchant Prince in Guilder to discuss potential financial aid to catapult said Guilderene Prince of the non-Doge line to the position of Dogeship. If true it would likely mean a favor owed to the Triumvirate...
    • Whispers speak of the Triad Network bristling with anticipation for some great happening, whether Ridovo or something else varies by the teller.

    Spoiler: Treatise on the Inalienable Rights of Sentients and Citizens

    Part 1 - Inalienable Rights of Sentients

    We of the Triumvirate Federation hold these truths to be self evident, that all sentient creatures are created with equal capacity for greatness. It is thus only appropriate to admit and write into legislation a listing of these rights possessed by all sentients regardless of nationality or origin or relative position and to recognize that these rights cannot be taken by any sentient or body of sentients without the consent or relinquishment by the subjected either voluntarily or through offending the rights of another through acts deemed criminal by the greater populace. These rights are written into law, not to legalize and allow future generations the possibility to edit or censure the law and infringe upon one's natural rights but to codify and clearly state these rights that they may be known well and wide and thus never infringed upon by any sentient or government now or hereafter.

    1.) It is the right of all sentients to live their lives fully
    2.) It is the right of all sentients to pursue freedom and liberty and to pursue it that which it does not conflict with the first right.
    3.) It is the right of all sentients to pursue enrichment and fulfillment through all means that do not conflict with the first two rights.

    With these rights so condemned are the institutions of slavery, tyranny, and slaughter and all those who would perpetrate crimes upon their fellow sentients. It shall be the duty of the body politic and the weight of the governmental body to ensure these rights are preserved and to protect all sentients who fall under its care or governance and so too shall the body public monitor its government to insure these rights are preserved and protected and ensure the body politic is held accountable for the actions taken in its name. It shall be the duty of both body politic and body public to monitor the other and to take action when one or the other is found at fault to correct the balance and restore order and preserve these rights so charged are both bodies from this day until their last.

    Part 1 - Rights of Free Citizens

    As much as all sentients are entitled to certain rights and liberties which cannot be interfered with or altered by any body other than their own certain privileges and rights remain in the realm of the commonly agreed upon societal governing body to bestow in exchange for recognition of authority by the peoples. These bodies are our laws, codified in more complete and thorough ways within the Triumviral Codex though certain rights and privileges of the citizen bear greater import and thus further recognition in this treatise. But first the citizen must be defined.

    The Citizen is the cognizant and self governing sentient born in, raised in, and residing in the country to which he or she would claim citizenship. The Triumvirate Citizen is recognized as any adult: Humans 16 and older, Kobolds 8 and older, Lizardfolk 12 and over, Orcs 14 and older, Faefolk 20 and over, and so on living within the provinces of the Triumvirate. Those under the age are afforded equally all the rights of sentients and the rights of their caretaker shall be extended to them such that a citizen may represent an underaged potential citizen until such a time as they reach the age of maturity and are recognized citizens. So too must a citizen be born and/or have resided in the Triumvirate for a minimum of seven years.

    To be a citizen is to recognize and abide by the authority of the Triumvirate in all its parts: The Triad Council, the Triumvirate Senate, the Chancellorships, the Radurjic Courts, et all. as well as to honor and defend the laws and authority of the Triumvirate, participate in governance, and pay proper taxes. In exchange the citizen is recognized to possess greater rights within the Triumvirate.

    1.) Citizens are entitled to own property and lands and have these possessions officially recognized under the law
    2.) Citizens are entitled to own and operate businesses officially recognized by the Triumvirate
    3.) Citizens are entitled to vote in provincial elections for their provincial Senate representatives
    4.) Citizens are entitled to run for election within the Triumvirate
    5.) Citizens are entitled to a fair trial before the Radurjic Court System
    6.) Citizens are entitled to serve as Federal employees and to hold officer commissions within the Triumviral Armies

    These rights are the exclusive domains of citizens and citizen protectorates within the Triumvirate and so long as the citizen has not been found by fair trial before the courts to have broken the covenant between citizen and nation the Triumvirate shall uphold and maintain these rights with all available power.
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2014-09-06 at 02:57 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  16. - Top - End - #616
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery


    1.) Attend the coronation of Qzarina Li Tianshi [Diplomacy]
    • Ship 1 stack of Grain, 1 stack of Longhorn Cattle, and 1 stack of Timber from Minotron to the Hurosha Empire
    • Cancel shipments of tribute/trade from Campestrus Pratum/Minotron to Salteire and Ri Chugang
    • Ship 1 unit of Timber from Minotron to Wyrmar

    2.) Stabilize Campestrus Pratum/Minotron (Diplomacy 5) [Diplomacy]
    • Appoint Marevain Earthguard Protector of Mintoron, after his swearing of fealty to the Lord Protector and renouncement of previous titles and claims, to rule jointly with the appointed Governess of Minotron Cornelia Caercia, eldest daughter of the Lord Protector himself. Cassius refuses to have his daughter married to an unproven foreigner and the marriage does not go through despite the appointment and joint rulership.
    • Recognize the Minotines as proper Imperial members
    • Rename the region Minotron as was its original title given to it by the Imperial Protectorate Minotines
    • Expunge Priory bureaucrats
    • Recognize the wives of the current Protectors as Governesses and the wife of the Lord Protector as Lady Governess and grant equal control of the regions to the ruling diarchies of Governess and Protector as hereby appointed.

    3.) Begin construction of Grain Silos in Campestrus Pratum to store the bounties of their grain harvests (1/2) [Curiosity]
    4.) Raise 1,000 troops in Campestrus Pratum [Military]
    5.) Rally 3,000 Caercian Riders, 3,000 Wurm Riders, 1,000 Sterk Peryton Riders, and the Sterk Hird (1,000 Men) under the command of Cassius Caercia to invade Region 92 and conquer the Bear/Beard loving natives for the Caercian Consortium and the Greater Salterri Imeprium. (5 Military Leader, 8,000 troops, +1 Plate Armor, +1 Peryton/Berunda, +1 Horses Total Modifier: +16) [Military]

    Region 92

    Caercian explorers have discovered Region 92 to the northwest of Sterkelv! The region contains one Good resource of gretan clawlings, one Good undefined resource. Populace of 105000, army of 2000. Hostile if disturbed. Nondwarven culture with great pride and cultural significance focused on bears. Or beards. The words were hard to decipher.

    News and Rumors

    • Councilor Deiter Stein, jovial friend of the northern world and ambassador to Raaneka dies in the year 441 at the age of 70. He is replaced on the Caercian Council by his eldest nephew Kinwig Stein
    • The Lord Protector hasn't visited Palas Caercia proper in weeks since the war with the Priory and appears to be intent on focusing his efforts to the west of Sterkelv rather than returning. His son Markus has begun to make a name for himself among the people as the Golden Emir, bequeathing much wealth to the common people and journeying to visit the sick and poor and lend aid as well as making extensions to the Rijwak to join him in court for deliberations.

    A Letter

    Nao, son of Jiao'ao,

    I bid you greetings young man from the Caercian Consortium, a staunch ally and friend to your father as well as vassal to our Lady the Qzarina Li Tianshi and in service of She of Silver. I write to you now inviting yourself and your family that has not been held for trial to come and join my court in Palas Caercia where you may be cared for and protected from those who would seek harm done unto the son of a great man. I fought with your father against the Priory Rebels and I respect him as a leader of men and as a man of action willing to do what was necessary when our Qzare Tailong was abducted in Priory lands. I followed your father and worked with him in time of war and crisis and so too shall I stand beside him now in time of peace, not least of these actions will be to protect his family as I would my own. I hope you will take me on my offer and join me at my court young Nao. The Caercian Rider who delivered this message has brought along a small retinue of other fine Caercian stock upon which you may return should you desire.

    Lord Protector Cassius Caercia
    Praetor Caercian Consortium
    Last edited by DurkBlanston; 2014-09-06 at 04:05 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #617
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Ill be acting this round! woot!

    Light shines through the oceans surface, bringing light and life to the creatures there. But what lies beneath the curtain of sunlight is a dark world, a strange racked with cataclysms in ages past; and even now no trace remains, except one.

    Dorum snapped awake his mind still dull yet aware of the soothing currents, he entoned a single continuous melody; suddenly he felt the rustling, and a great rattling with the harmony of thousands of voices. His mind grew sharper as he shook off the sleep, the sound louder; he moved from the alcove in which he had hidden for eons. His four legs unsure at first, but more stable every second; and then the magnificence of his race emerged, they burst forth from their resting places and swam ever upwards and in all directions. suddenly they sang no more and swirled to hear his voice.

    His voice was stronger now and as the Nixdarum gathered he felt pride, and fear, he knew not how much time had passed only that his people persisted. Thus his voice seeming to almost shatter the water rang out and said,

    "We live! Our race persists beyond our enemies! It is time to go back and take back our lands, to re-emerge from the waves as the will of the thousand commands!"

    Thus the Nix spread to the remnants of their last city and cried, for time had swept away their works, and their past was gone. However Dorum demanded the wailing stop and it did, then he commanded in hsis booming voice that they reconcile the past and work for the present. It was then that they were inspired and as a people began the torture of piecing together their coral city and finding the truth of this strange new world.

    Years Pass

    What seemed like an eternity had passed since the awakening and the reconstruction of the coral city. The Nix were finally beginning to settle into this new time, even so many ventured to the surface or deep waters often seeking answers to their questions from the thousand Tidals. Those who searched the surface began learning the language of the "Carmines" and even trading with them. Those who looked for answers in the deeps instead found a bioluminescent coral, witch quickly spread around the nix territory lighting corridors and homes. Dorum himself declared that the Nix would need to defend themselves, and so raised a small army of willing individuals.

    Spoiler: bonus actions

    1-5 Great project coral city

    Spoiler: actions

    1 [curiosity 5] the Nix discover a strange coral that glows with bioluminescence.
    2 [curiosity] Trading post 62-A controlled by Aedrid, going to borrow timber, and kick of diplomacy with it.
    3-4 raising naval troops (2000)
    5-the extensive travels of the Nixdarum have resulted in a great curiosity about modern ecosystems and ocean dynamics, so these things are studied heavily to learn more about them. (project 1/2)

    Spoiler: Ruler stats
    Curiosity: 5
    Diplomacy: 4
    Faith: 3
    Military: 2
    Luck: 3

    Curiosity: 6
    Diplomacy: 4
    Faith: 3
    Military: 3
    Luck: 3
    Last edited by Sorrcerousflux; 2014-09-06 at 07:52 PM.
    Sry, for any delays; its not my intarnet... its probobly thr fact I spend several minuts spell checing miself.

    also, trilobites are awesome, no questions asked.

    Sorcerer in the playground, horror to bandits and wizards alike.

  18. - Top - End - #618
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Over the river

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    1 Attack the militants in Valterre with 7000 soldiers. [MILITARY] (+7 troops, +2 mithril, +2 Blackpowder, +1 Plate).
    2. Upgrade Cedar Wood in Bordeux to [Great]. [C5][CURIOSITY]
    3. Bordeusi ships sit off the coast of Aus-Teire to commence trade with Fera and sign agreements with Niskovia at the Coronation. [DIPLOMACY]
    4. Stabilize Valterre. [DIPLOMACY]
    5. Colonize Region 137. Roll: Failure. [DIPLOMACY]

    Spoiler: Event
    Trade Cedar Wood (Bordeux, 3/3) for Vatn-Dauth (?, ?/3 (Fera)).
    Sign agreement with Niskovia:
    The Bordeux Concordant will allow and assist in the construction of a canal going through the border of Malkavan (region 71) and Valterre (region 70), to allow access to the Niskan Sea from the Asianic Ocean. In exchange for this, the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia will provide the resource Geliy Vapour to the Bordeux Concordant.
    Any ships of trade, from any nation, may move through this canal. Any ships of war not from Niskovia, Bordeux or a vassal of either nation, moving through here, however, will be considered to be moving through Bordeux's territorial waters and shall be considered as a declaration of war, and treated as such.
    Trade of Geliy Vapour will commence once the Bordeux Concordant confirms this deal.
    Last edited by Lord_Burch; 2014-09-06 at 12:30 PM.
    Amazing Jaune Arc avatar made by the talented artist Comissar. Thanks a lot!

    Playing as the Kingdom of Gleiss in Empire! 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    A ravenous, numberless horde of immortal, undying goats cursed with unceasing hunger would actually be a very disturbing apocalypse.

  19. - Top - End - #619
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea - Round 23


    Spoiler: General Proclamation following the death of Opus Petrichor
    BY PROCLAMATION OF Alfmark, King of the Jarrs, the Venns and the Sylphids, Prince of Farridon, Proconsul Carmine of the Salterri Imperium

    BE IT KNOWN generally that the actions of the late Athelmere, of the Jarrs the Venns and the Sylphids King of blessed memory, and collusion therein by the royal council regarding the tyrannicide of Tupelo Cornus and actions both concurrent and subsequent against his colleagues were motivated by and undertaken out of grief and rage at the treatment of the King's family. No insult or challenge was meant to the government or sovereignty of the Ancestral Quill Unification Alliance.

    The state of war undeclared but widely regarded internationally between the Kingdom of the Carmine Sea and AQUA is hereby denied and any statements suggestive of such are revoked with immediate effect.

    The King hereby commits his crown to a state of future non-intervention in AQUA affairs except as later mutually and specifically agreed. The King and his successors reserve the right to provide support or sponsorship for candidates for leadership of AQUA but will not intervene directly in governmental affairs.

    Trade between the Kingdom of the Carmine Sea and AQUA shall resume. Any and all writs of marque on AQUA shipping are revoked with immediate effect. Ships flying the flags of the Jewelled Cities or Tar are to be regarded as exempt from any standing orders regarding enemy ships.

    The King expresses his pleasure at the generous spirit with which AQUA approached the prospect of reconciliation and hopes that the former state of friendship between his crown and the AQUA council will resume and endure.

    Proclaimed this tenth day of Sugumand, Year 441 of the Common Calendar.

    Alfmark King

    News and Rumours
    • Duke Radber of Vennland has died at the age of 78. He was badly shaken by the injury and later death of his son Siggi and for some years he had seemed to be trying to hang on so that his grandson could inherit. Rule has reverted to Duchess Talli at least until Earl Kasmi comes of age, although it is rumoured her authority is challenged by Lady Valéria, Siggi's widow.
    • The king's daughter Melhyn and Durin Alabasa of Faedas have finally married after a long betrothal. As yet they are childless.
    • Prince Elwyr is rumoured to have married in Calorum.
    • A daughter has been born to Eldred Isling and Marana Earthguard. By way of congratulation, the king has finally recognised Eldred's claim to his cousin's earldom, held in abeyance after the previous earl's execution for treason in 430. The baby girl has been named Seirwynn, in what some have seen as an overtly political move.
    • A poem entitled The Defiance of Pryonia has become popular in literary circles, celebrating the heroism of a mere thousand Pryonic soldiers against invading soldiers until their allies could come to their aid. Some critics have claimed to see influences of an Ashenian style in the composition.

    Spoiler: Actions

    1. [Diplomacy] Attend the coronation of Qzarina Tianshi.
    • Issue a declaration regarding AQUA (above)
    • Reinstate trade of Jarrland Dyes for Jewelled Cities Fruit
    • Trade Vennland Papyrus for Jewelled Cities Kelp-Olive Oil (replacing Papyrus export to Jarrland)
    • Trade Jarrland Limestone for Aloren Goats
    • Trade Vennland Oysters for K'braashriix Dragon Scales
    • Trade Vennland Oysters for Wenyavuk Amber
    • Eldred Jarrow is betrothed to Kwau Ignafar
    • Athelwyr Jarrow is betrothed to Lyra Shaeldtae
    • Yuli, Talli and Timei Jatten-Sunder are sent to foster in Niskovia

    2. [Diplomacy] Attempt to contact the surviving 2,000 wildling migrants diplomatically and come to an arrangement allowing them to settle in Carmine territory. Roll - 13 (+1 Printing Press bonus not included in roll post)
    3. [Military] Send 4,000 troops into Region 126 to form a buffer zone against future incursions from the south. - Roll by round opener if necessary.
    Spoiler: Troops

    1,000 Farridon tagmata infantry (plate armour)
    1,000 Jarrland tagmata infantry (plate armour, mithril-forging)
    1 Vennland cavalry turma (plate armour, advanced horse-riding)
    1 Vennland peryton cavalry turma (plate armour, berunda/peryton-riding)
    Total bonuses +5 techs, +3 (half) Mil score

    4. [Military] Raise a unit of Huma riders in Tempestia.
    5. [Curiosity] Begin developing a new diplomatic technique based on the Raaneki system, but using Niskovian vodka rather than Heartwine. (Convert Raaneki Diplomacy to work with Niskovian Vodka). Project 1/2.
    6. [Curiosity] Curiosity 5 Special: New resource in Farridon - Arpied Mercenaries

    Bonuses: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Military, +1 Curiosity

    Cancel ongoing Papyrus gift to Jarrland
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2014-09-06 at 04:30 AM.
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    Spoiler: Previous Avatars
    (by Strawberries)
    (by Rain Dragon)

  20. - Top - End - #620
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions

    1. Colonize Asterith (62B) (2/2) Diplomacy
    2. Colonize Galardoth (63B) (2/2) Diplomacy
    3. Colonize Rock riders (69B) (2/2) Diplomacy
    4. Colonize TBD (61B) (1/2) Target: 10 Roll: 20 Diplomacy
    5. Raise 1,000 Mithril Plate Armored Dwarves in Mularuhm Military
    Last edited by RandoMan; 2014-08-30 at 08:31 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #621
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    441-445 actions
    -faith- the religion foreigners have dubbed 'circle paganism' is formalised, Niskans decide to keep the name, finding it somewhat amusing. Officially 'circle paganism' is known as 'Kartina Zhizni' [faith5 action]
    -curiosity- An expedition is sent north-west from Valeriya (region 77) to seek out new lands
    -curiosity- An expedition is sent north-east from Valeriya (region 77) to seek out new lands
    -curiosity- adapt tech Steam Power to be able to use Rock Juice as a fuel [project 2/2]
    -curiosity- adapt tech Steam Power to be able to use Vatn-Dauths as a fuel [project 2/2]
    -diplomacy- attend the re-Coronation of Li Tianshi*

    Spoiler: Change of Ruler
    A minor injury sustained by Vanya at Propinlonge is actually more serious than first thought, prompting him to step down from the throne at the end of this round. Zhenya Nisakovich, eldest grandchild of Vanya Nisakovich will to ascend to the throne at the start of next round.

    Zhenya's stats
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 4

    Spoiler: reCoronation*
    • Agreement with Bordeux Concordant:
      • The Bordeux Concordant will allow and assist in the construction of a canal going through the border of Malkavan (region 71) and Valterre (region 70), to allow access to the Niskan Sea from the Asianic Ocean. In exchange for this, the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia will provide the resource Geliy Vapour to the Bordeux Concordant.
      • Any ships of trade, from any nation, may move through this canal. Any ships of war not from Niskovia, Bordeux or a vassal/ally of either nation, moving through here, however, will be considered to be moving through Bordeux's territorial waters and shall be considered as a declaration of war, and treated as such.
    • Tribute of Geliy Vapour (region 77) is sent to the Bordeux Concordant.

    • Teodor Nisakovich is betrothed to Li Shuxian Jarrow of the Salterri Imperium - in accordance with the agreed upon provision their eldest child will be sent to Aus-Teire at the age of 7 to become a proper Li.
    • The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia recieves gift of cocoa nuts for the next 5 years

    stat bonuses - curiosity +2
    army changes -

    Spoiler: fluff
    no stuff here

    Spoiler: Births, Deaths and Marriages
    Štefanija Nisakovich gives birth to twins!
    Sveta Nisakovich gives birth to a daughter!

    Susanna Nisakovich gives birth to twins!

    Štefanija Nisakovich gives birth to a daughter!
    Sveta Nisakovich gives birth to a son!

    Galina Nisakovich gives birth to a son

    Susanna Nisakovich marries Vitaliy Orlov!
    Sveta Nisakovich marries Andrey Orlov!

    the betrothal between Teodor Nisakovich and Li Shuxian Jarrow is confirmed!

    Galina Nisakovich marries Iosif Volkov!

    ooc: I am fairly sure the above is accurate, it may be missing a few individuals
    Last edited by Kitsanth; 2014-09-07 at 02:03 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

  22. - Top - End - #622
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    441-445 actions
    -Ferans of Halja unbury relics of the past... Bones (though of course, no Haljan bones). Fossils. Among these is evidence which calls multiple aspects of Laiks Riqis into question 「Faith」
    -Bring the word of Laiks Riqis to Neo Scandza「Minority - 13」「Faith」
    -Complete the adoption of the yak plough collar, griffon harness and flight techniques to the Luftus Nochenwaurm so they may pull Airships 「Great Project 5/5」「Curiosity」
    -Dip. colonize region 75 - TN: 14 - Use the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia's Diplomacy score - 「Roll - 17」「Colonise 1/2」「Diplomacy」
    -Aipiskaupus Thuidans Talzjands Leikeis Kaiser roams Fera on a quest to reassure the people 「Project 1/2」「Diplomacy」

    Spoiler: *Sub-Actions
    -Trade: Fera, Halja 「47B」 Vatn-Dauths for Bordeusi Concordant, Bordeux 「20」 Cedar Wood
    -Gift: Fera, Neo Scandza 「76A」 Aizium to Fera, Halja 「47B」
    -Redirect Import: The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia, Valeriya 「76」 Geliy Vapour to Fera, Halja 「47B」
    -Write and send a proposal for a Peace Pact with the Imperial Alydaxian Dominion.
    Fera agrees to not take any action that would negatively interfere with the Imperial Alydaxian Dominion and/or its assets
    The Imperial Alydaxian Dominion agrees to not take any action that would negatively interfere with Fera and/or its assets

    Stat bonuses - +1 Diplomacy | +1 Faith
    Army changes - None


    I have changed my coronation attendance action due to being unable to trade and discovering an immediate redirection of resources is not currently necessary. I will for sure, however, spend an action on a Peace Pact with Alydaxis next round. /For sure/.

    The people of Fera whisper doubtfully of recent events. Most whispers concern the terrorism at the Council and the new religion of bordering Ashenia.

    Spoiler: Not fluff
    --NOTE-- This is a continuation of last week's story, which can be found on page 20 in my actions post under the 'Not fluff' spoiler. I think my writing here is rather mediocre.

    Bokareis Thuidans clicked a pincer softly, "You provoked him."
    "Yes." Spark responded.
    Bokareis raised his antennae slightly before turning to Bloth. The rest of the Kvista scuttled away to continue with what they were doing before being interrupted by Bloth Rauour's shenanigans.
    "Why did you threaten another Haljan?"
    "She was... Well, sh..." Bloth Rauour fell silent as he realised exactly what the Haljan would think of his reasoning.
    "Do you fancy yourself one of the Western Lords?"
    "Of course not." Despite his words, Bloth felt the shaman was frighteningly close to the truth.

    After allowing some time for Bloth Rauour to think things through properly, Bokareis finally spoke, "So... What do you think of the treaty, then? As you have until this day successfully managed two Kvista by yourself for several years, your concerns are likely valid. However!" Bokareis clicked his pincers loudly as Bloth begins a protest, "Your method of expressing these concerns is most unacceptable."
    "Fera must export anything Niskovia desires."
    "Fera will be willing to export fancy things to the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia without expecting anything in return, actually."
    "Not very well worded, however its purpose is for assisting the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia in defending and advancing the technology of Fera. Were this to change, the Kaiser would rebel for certain. Furthermore 'fancy things' covers resources the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia cannot easily obtain otherwise. Future Grand Princes will not be able to, for example, import all of our resources leaving us with nothing."
    "The wording is indeed... strange. Spark, did you not have something else to do?" Bokareis doesn't seem too concerned when Spark does not take the hint.
    "They control our trade."
    "The approval process is to prevent Fera unwittingly trading with enemies of our liege. Furthermore, it saves the Kaiser and other Ferans much time, as the Niskovian government is fully capable of properly documenting these trades easily."
    The Kaiser felt it gave our scientists and philosophers much more time for their work. Spark remained silent this time, however. She knew better than to test the patience of the High Shaman.
    "What of the foreign deities clause?"
    "What did it say again? I cannot seem to recall." All three Haljans knew very well Bokareis knew the treaty to the letter.
    "Fera is not to worship foreign deities."
    "...which may cause either party harm. I believe much of the problem is misunderstanding."
    "The roaming rights of Nisk-!"
    "Are you comparing the denizens of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia to the raiders of yesteryear?! Despicable! In fact, most Haljans celebrate our peoples becoming one nation, and this is a fair way for it to happen."
    "Come with me, Spark. Bloth, think on these words and reflect on your poor behaviour." Bokareis turned and strode away. Spark followed after hesitantly.

    After a few days where neither Haljan exchanged many words with the other, Bokareis and Spark stopped around the area where the High Shaman heard a warrior Kvista was.
    "You are not in trouble, despite your admittedly minor transgressions."
    Spark tensed slightly in surprise before lowering the tips of her antennae slightly. In the distance, Bokareis saw the warrior Kvista approach.
    "I've been watching the Kvista under Bloth Rauour for a while now."

    A rather large Haljan approached the pair. In one hand she held a buckler and dagger and in the other she held a sword. Gently, she placed these weapons at the feet of the High Shaman.
    "Always a pleasure to see you, Bokareis High Shaman."
    "This time, it is mine. Today, I shall be bestowing a scythe upon a rather brilliant Haljan."

    Spoiler: Feran Airship Examples

    Each airship has been designed by its own kvista and as such Feran airship designs will vary widely. Above are only a couple of examples.

    --Please note--

    I do not read the OOC thread.

    ((OOC - I wuv spiders. ^^))
    Last edited by Rain Dragon; 2014-09-04 at 04:17 AM.
    I go by they/them/their or he/him/his pronouns

  23. - Top - End - #623
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Second Rolls
    1. Continue the indoctrination of Xochiconetl [Faith] SUCCESS
    2. Convert Region 84 to Tzaltec Dragon Cult Minority [Faith] SUCCESS
    3. Convert Region 106 to Tzaltec Dragon Cult Minority [Faith] SUCCESS
    4. Convert Region 54 to Tzaltec Dragon Cult Minority [Faith]
    5. Wage a Holy War on the newly risen cult of Ridovo [Military] UNKNOWN

    Last edited by TheDarkDM; 2014-08-25 at 12:24 AM.

    I was old when the pharaohs first mounted
    The jewel-decked throne by the Nile;
    I was old in those epochs uncounted
    When I, and I only, was vile;

    Quote Originally Posted by apocalypsePast2 View Post could possibly refer to you guys' elaborate dance of allies-to-enemies-to-suicide-of-the-universe as some sort of weird art form.

    If one were on drugs.
    Quote Originally Posted by VonDoom View Post
    Behold, the mighty slayer of strangely coloured mutant equines! The thwarter of forum woes! The! Dark! DM!

  24. - Top - End - #624
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    AQUA Round 23 (441-445) actions:
    Previous round increase: +1 Curiosity, +1 Faith

    Events and Rumors:
    The Senior Council consolidates production of Pitch to the Tar Region. This make the Quill very happy, as independent prices for Pitch go up.
    The Senior Council consolidates production of gunpowder to the Jeweled Cities Region. The isolate production to small facilities scattered about the islands. The opportunity for new income pleases it Islanders.
    Spoiler: A procalamation of Reconciliation

    We of the AQUA Senior Council resolve the following:

    That the actions of Tupelo Cornus toward Amber Grant were allowable under the Code of Conduct at the time.

    That as members of a civilized society, we shall no longer deep such actions acceptable. Civilized behavior demands civil discourse, including change of leadership.

    That the actions of Tupelo Cornus towards the Grant, Grumby, and Grant-Tremblor families were heinous and without merit. We condemn them and all actions which harm the innocent.

    We welcome back any and all members of the Grant, Grumby, and Grant-Tremblor families who wish to return to the islands. You are our cousins, and we welcome you back. To that end, we shall refurbish the Grant family merchantman ”The Coral Skipper at our cost.

    That we hold no malice or hatred towards the Kingdom of Jarrland. Their actions toward Tupelo, while excessive, were motivated by family loyalty and despair over his heinous crimes. We resolve to set aside any harsh words or perceived injustice for actions taken during that time. Predation upon our shipping by ships being Jarrow Letters of Marque are dismissed and forgiven.

    We resolve to be honest and competent trading partners to the Jarrow, and share equally and with happiness the community of the sea.

    Andus Fitzrion, Skipper General
    John LaFitte, Councilman Admiral
    Tumberink Grumby, Councilman Admiral
    Salix Caprea Denali, Councilwoman Admiral
    Gonzo the Great, Adjutant Councilperson

    Action #1 (Faith) AQUA donates funds to the Children of Kina to distribute to the Wives of Black, for the development of orphanages and widows' communes. Free copies of the Call of the Mother are provided for each room.
    Action #2 (Faith) Finish codification of writings and mandates of Children of Kina for printing and distribution called Call of the Mother (minor project 2/2)
    Action #3 (faith) FAITH 5 Special: Andus Fitzrion gains permission from Linden Flint, Eldest Child of Kina, to sponsor the Holy Order of the Great Deceiver, to protect Temples and root out heretics.
    Action #4 (diplomacy) Finish colonization of Region 91. Note- per rules this should be automatic, unless opposed. Here is my roll in case I am opposed. colonization roll of 16
    Action #5 (Diplomacy) Attend the recoronation event
    As part of event, conduct the following:
    ----> Reorganize internal trade within AQUA to cancel export of Tar to the Jeweled Cities.
    ----> Trade Jeweled Cities Fruit for Jarrlander dyes. Final location will be Tar
    ----> Trade Jeweled Cities Olive Oil for Jarrlander Papyrus.
    ---> Trade Tar from Tarl for goldfire from (samburke). Final destination is to the Jeweled Cities

    Expected Increase this round: +1 Faith, +1 Diplomacy


    Meat & Hides (3/3): Sympol <r11>; Jeweled Cities <r15>; Aloren <r17>
    Tar (3/3): Nyroth <r13>; Bordeaux <r14>; Jeweled Cities <r15>
    Wood (2/3): Razdis <r10>; Niskovia <R14>
    IMPORT NECESITY- Precious metals/gems: Jeweled cities <r20>
    Technology / military critical Imports: Kelp-Olive Oil <Jeweled Cities r15>; King Birds/Griffins <Solus r14>,
    Other: Fruit <Jeweled Cities r15>; Silk <Estglaz r12 to J.C. redirect r20> Star Metal <Niskovia r14>; Vegetables <Sympolemou r14>;
    Cancelled imports: Dyes <Jarrland r11, lost r14>
    Tar-Trading Posts
    EXPORT (1/2): Salterri Imperium (Aus-Teire) for Tar
    IMPORT- in Pennocident for goats; in Sea Of Glass for Adamantium;

    Jeweled Cities-Exports
    Fruit (5/6): Scla’ca <r5>; Ignato Empire <r8>; Salterie <r11>; Tar <r15>; Raaneka <r17>; Zargrim <r30>;
    Kelp-Olive Oil (3/6): Kasumor <r11>; Glazfell <r12>; Tar <r15>
    Gems <amber, turquoise, Opal, Pearl> (1/3): Quarimos <R17>
    Cancelled: Kelp-olive oil: Alydaxis <r5 cancelled r15>; Raaneka <r10, cancelled r15>
    Cancelled: Gemstones: Raaneka <r10, cancelled r15>
    Cancelled: Fruit: Wenyavuk <r11, cancelled r13>

    Jeweled Cities-Imports
    IMPORT NECESITY- Iron: Razdis to Tar < r10>, redirect <r20>;
    Technology / military critical Imports: Tar <Tar>; Quartz <Gwrîstîn>
    Other: Architects <Woodwind, to Tar r17, redirect r20>; Brass <Terkorva r20>; Elephants <Qarimos r17>; Inventors <Guilder r14>; Lumber [size=1][i]<Scla’ca <r5>; Meat <Tar r15>; Sandstone <Raaneka r10, lost r15 regained r17>; Salt [size=1][i]<Salterie <r11>;
    [SIZE=1]Cancelled imports: Heartwine <Raaneka r10, lost r15>; Lumber [size=1][i]<Bordeaux <r5, lost r8>; Mammoths <Wenyavuk r8, lost r13>; Ordinarium [i]<Alydaxis <r5, lost r15>; Silk <Nyroth r8, cancelled r17>
    Jeweled Cities-Trading Posts
    EXPORT (2/2): Salterri Imperium (Aue-Teire) for Kelp Olive-Oil; Triumvarite (Aloren) for tropical Fruit
    IMPORT - in Nyroth for silk; in Raaneka for Heartwine; In Hrathan-Tuor for ‘fine crafted goods’; in Sea of Glass for Nitrates


    Aerial Naval carriers timber Tar and Native trees
    Berunda riding Berundas needed
    Black Powder Sulfur, nitrates, charcoal need sulfur, sea of glass nitrates, tar trees
    Clockwork Technology metal multiple sources (iron, brass, starmetal)
    Ocean faring ships Timber tar and native trees
    Pitch Tar and Oil tar from Tar, oil from J.C.
    Plate Armor metal Razdis Iron & Niskovian Star Metal
    Printing Press paper needed
    Raaneki diplomacy Heartwine trading post in Raaneka]
    Magnetic Technology Magnetite needed
    Sewer Technology Stone local & Raanekan imports

    Spoiler: AQUA measurement system

    Link Distance Base 3 inches 7.6 cm
    Chain Distance 200 link 50 feet 15.24 m
    Sound Distance 10 chain 500 feet 152.4 m
    Candle Distance 20 sound 10,000 feet 3.05 Km
    Link Weight Base 0.5 lb 0.23 Kg
    Chain Weight 200 link 100 lb 45.4 Kg
    Crate Weight 27 chain 2700 lb 1224.7 Kg.
    Box Volume Base 1 cu ft.
    7.48 gallon
    0.03 m3
    28.32 L
    Last edited by lt_murgen; 2014-08-28 at 01:08 PM.
    Keeper of the 49 Rules.

    Pet Peeve: Yay ≠ Yeah

  25. - Top - End - #625
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 23 Actions

    1.)Stabilize Wenyavuk (Diplomacy 5: P2) [Diplomacy]
    2.)Attend Re-Coronation [Diplomacy]
    3.)Spread Children of Kina as a Majority in the Heartwaste Success [Faith]
    4.)Spread Children of Kina as a Majority in Yorukuni Success [Faith]
    5.)Spread Children of Kina as a Majority in Wenyavuk Success [Faith]

    Re-Coronation Subactions

    • Pledge Vassalage to the Hurosha Empire
    • Receive stewardship of Tekorva from Hurosha
    • Receive stewardship of Galie-Noiret from Calorum
    • Trade Wenyavuk Amber to the Kingdom of the Carmine Sea for Vennland Oysters to Wenyavuk

    Last edited by Reggiejam; 2014-09-06 at 12:12 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #626
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Fluff to come later. Hopefully I don't space it this time; I've got something important planned.

    Spoiler: Actions

    1. Devise Winning Tactic: INSERTSOMETHINGHERE! (Military 10)

    2. Introduce new technology: Refrigeration! (Curiosity 10)

    Spoiler: Refrigeration
    The art of making a place warmer has been well-understood for some time now. Fire and fuel are a good start, and some places might even have a variant on the Franklin Stove. However, the art of keeping things cold has been mostly limited to places with lots of ice available, aside from the extremely inefficient methods of cooling obtainable from simply rubbing Tears of Yphine or True Ice on one's body. While Frosten in particular have trouble with this, surely anyone can benefit from the power to keep a room, their food, or maybe even an entire street cool? Now, with the power of carefully treated True Ice or, if you prefer, Tears of Yphine, you too can beat back the tides of summer!

    Buy now, before the next grand-scale Religious Disaster!

    (Maybe +2 to Population Growth in non-polar regions? I dunno.)

    3. Pending

    4. Pending

    5. Pending

    6. Pending


    1. Pending

  27. - Top - End - #627
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. Attend re-coronation: [Diplomacy]
    -Granting Faedas control of Galie-Noiret
    2. Start building a new tempel in Pryonia, the Burning heart (1/5) [Faith]
    3. Arthus Divinorum travels to pryonia in order to visit several important tempels including the tempel of the flame. [Faith]
    4. Raise 1000 troops in Calorum [Mil]
    5. Raise 1000 troops in Pryonia [Mil]
    "Only the foolish overlook the threat that kobolds actually pose." - Races of the Dragon

  28. - Top - End - #628
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions
    1.) Attend Re-Coronation and make deals (See Quinton's post as well as any I list here. ) [Diplomacy]
    2.) Meet with and address the concerns of the fanatics in Genivana in an attempt to maintain domestic tranquility without resorting to martial force. (Diplomacy 5: Genivana) [Diplomacy]
    3.) Lock down the Hrathan-Tuor supplies of Hai Vyuma to strictly military facilities and the Enclave of Existence, monitoring the substance and keeping records of who has access and when to prevent further deaths. [Military]
    4.) Continue work on the Grizzland Shintouite Fort System (3/5) [Military]
    5.) Investigate the Hai-Vyuma deaths of 444 roll: [Curiosity]
    6.) Aid work on the Grand Triumviral Road in Aloren +1 Project [Curiosity]

    The Dark Moon Rises

    Spoiler: Part the First

    Dissator Ethmorl liked to think he was above such undignified emotions as nervousness. He certainly acted like it. However, as he knocked on his father's door, he felt the tell-tale churning in his stomach. As assistant chief of staff, he had issued official reports often; and as son of the Lord Chancellor, he was certainly used to speaking to the closest thing the Triumvirate had to royalty. That was not what made him nervous.

    What he dreaded was the inevitable part of the report when he would have to discuss the replacement for the recently retired chief of staff. He himself was the obvious choice, from his unbiased perspective. He had been assistant chief of staff for four years, and was the frontrunner for the next Lord Chancellor competition. Certainly, he could easily best his siblings in any competition the Triumviral Council could think of, and if more than two of them declined to participate the Senate would be hard-pressed to find anyone at all who could match the Lord Chancellor's youngest son.

    So, he was without a doubt the best choice. But there was that little problem so many authorities seemed to have with him: he was young. Sixteen, to be specific. And "kids," in the minds of many, were not up to the rigors of such a position. An onlooker would see the Chancellor's youngest son being appointed to one of the ten most influencial positions in the nation and "nepotism" would be the only reason they would bother to consider. Politics could be unforgiving sometimes.

    Come in. His father's voice rang out.

    Dissator opened the familiar door without a thought and stood before the desk he had played under as a child. He did his best to speak formally; perhaps doing so could swing his progenitor's mind about his readiness for the position.

    Your lordship, if we could discuss the appointment of a new chief of staff...

    That can wait. I want to hear your report on your older brother first.

    Dissator's stomach turned again. Stars and Eclipses, why did he have to postpone the important part. Still, trying to steer the report where he wanted it to go wouldn't do him any favors, so he did what his father asked.

    Ivgald has always been a heavy drinker. In the past two years, however, his consumption has increased to become absolutely ludicrous. He spends more on alcohol per year than the salary of a full-time navy captain. It has been noted by myself that his behavior while drunk is becoming increasingly aggressive, and he often gets into unseemly brawls and blacks out afterward. He has been arrested five times for a variety of petty crimes committed while intoxicated. When he is not drinking, he becomes sullen and violent. Ellis recently confided in me that she is more afraid of him when he's not drinking than when he is.

    The Lord Chancellor sighed heavily, pushing his chair back.

    So what my other advisers have been telling me. But without mincing words.

    He stood, walking to the large scenic window that looked out towards the Senate building. A statue of the Triumvirate founders stood in the center of the square. As always, Loki Ethmorl faced away from them, towards the Senate building.

    I... I don't really want to punish him. For his behavior. I feel like... I am the cause. I spent all my time training you to be the perfect successor. I ignored him. No wonder he turned to drink.

    He turned back to Dissator, who was by now very confused and still half hoping they could skip to the part about the chief of staff.

    Am I a bad father?

    Dissator's response was immediate and, perhaps, not thought out.

    Your first loyalty is to the Triumvirate. Training the probable next-

    Yes, Yes. He interrupted. I did the right thing for the nation. And I sacrificed a son to do it.

    He walked back to the desk, picking up a sheet of paper with ink drying on it.

    This is an executive order. It forbids anyone in the Triumvirate from selling your brother alcoholic drinks, and imposes a fine and a one month incarceration on any that defy it. It will solve Ivgald's problem, and is probably the best thing for the nation that he still has a chance, no matter how small, of ruling. It's what I should do as a father, to reign in my wayward son. I can't make this decision though. I won't. I'll leave the final decision to my chief of staff.

    Ah, finally. The moment of-

    The Lord Chancellor walked right up to Dissator and pinned the paper on his chest.

    Please, make the right decision. I trust your judgement.

    And then he left.

    It took a minute for it all to sink in. Then Dissator laughed. He clapped his hands and kicked a foot in the air. If anyone had been present, they would have been shocked at this unprecedented display of emotion.

    Oh right, there was that paper he was holding. He gave it a precursory read-over, making sure all was in order. Then he grinned.

    Your disgrace ends today brother.

    He signed the document Dissator Ethmorl, Chief of Staff

    Spoiler: Part the Second
    A serving girl with messed-up hair scurried down the hallway, giving Ellis a sidelong glance before rushing passed her without a word. Ellis wished she wasn't heading to the exact place that poor girl was running from. She hadn't visited her older brother's room since Dissator had issued his decree, but she had heard stories, and for not the first time she wondered why she was even thinking about this. It wasn't a case of brother against brother, as Ivgald and the general population made it out to be. She knew father was behind this, even if it was Dissator's signature on the paper. Why would she go against her father?

    It wasn't that she felt sorry for Ivgald - he wasn't exactly handling the situation in a sympathetic manner. Mainly, it was the memory of something he said about her. You always do what I want.

    She knew he was just going to get more violent. She'd tried explaining, first to father and then to Dissator when the former refused to make a decision, that his drinking is what kept him sane. Take it away and... She didn't want to think about it. She also didn't want to think about who he would expect to help him, and who he would come after first when no help came. But she had to think about those last two. And that is why she was walking up to the one room in the city she most wanted to avoid.

    The door was open. All thing's considered, the room was pretty clean. She would have thought they would have run out of servants willing to tidy it by now; and if not, they would certainly run out soon. Ivgald himself was sitting on his bed, chomping sullenly on a piece of meat; the plate and utensils were scattered across the floor. He looked up, sleep-deprived eyes fixing on her. The lower half of his face was covered in mucus. She started breathing faster.

    Whaddo you want?

    She didn't want to do this, she didn't want to do this, it was going to end badly...

    I- um, I found...

    His expression changed from annoyed to curious and impatient.

    Found what? Speak up already!

    Lunakellai help her...

    I found-ahm-a place. Kinda shady bar. They uhm-

    He was really interested now. Oh stars.

    They... might be willing to sell you... something.

    He was right up in her face in less than a second.

    Take me there. Now.

    There was no going back now. If she wanted to leave in one piece, that was.

    It's not heartwine or ale or anything like that though. It's this crude liquor stuff that looks nasty, I don't know if you'd want to-

    I don't care. Can we go now?

    He didn't sound angry any more, just exasperated. And a bit subdued. She let out a sigh of relief; maybe this would actually make him less explosive. She's have to talk to father later, maybe they could give him drinks as a reward for good behavior or something. She felt better about her decision now.

    Follow me.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Dissator noticed Ivgald and Ellis running off too somewhere as he crossed the square. Ivgald actually looked happy. Good, he'd expected it to take a lot longer for him to recover. He glanced upward as he approached the Senate building; strange, he'd thought it would be a full moon tonight. There seemed to be a little dark indent in it.

    The meeting with the traditionalists went better than he expected. He was confident the party was in line with father's policies, and they seemed to be gaining popularity in general. Which was good, a traditionalist majority would practically ensure he would succeed his father as Lord Chancellor. As much as he enjoyed being Chief of Staff, he admitted to himself that he was already thinking about the next step. A man like him was born to lead, and he would lead from the highest position, if at all possible. As he left the Senate building, however, his thoughts and his feet stopped in their tracks.

    The moon was now half covered by a circle of pure darkness.

    Dissator glanced around; a crowd had gathered to watch the moon. He wasn't the only one seeing it. He, however, had the benefit of being well acquainted with various celestial phenomena as part of his religion.

    The next lunar eclipse was not due for eight months.

    Spoiler: Part the Third
    The almanac could be wrong, your lordship.

    Irvest whirled to face the scholar-general.

    The same almanac that, and I quote your predecessor, "Was a collaborative effort between our best scholars and mathematicians, referencing similar works from foreign nations and the ancient Hrathanesse texts detailing celestial events?" The same book that has correctly predicted every eclipse to within the hour since it has been introduced? Is that the almanac of which you are speaking?

    The scholar hung his long thin head.

    Our understanding of the heavens is far from complete, your lordship.

    Irvest paused to consider. He wasn't sure why he was angry at the man; or angry in general. Eclipses were sacred nights of Lunakellai. But something about this situation made him uneasy. Very similar to the way oracles described their craft when it heralded bad events.

    And that, really, was what scared him. He had been using Osuro daily for three years to control his now signature Hai Vyuma armor, and sometimes he thought he could see more than the vague few seconds of foresight the drug usually granted.

    Head to the enclave. Have them check the calculations. I need to investigate the possibility that this is not a natural phenomena.

    The grateful looking scholar scurried out, passing an out-of-breath Dissator as the later entered the room.


    Dis, I need ride to the Ngome Utawa wa Lunakellai. Hopefully I'll be back before noon tomorrow.

    The Monastary-Keep of the Taratibu wa Lunakellai was not far from the capital, at least. If the Castellan was there, he might be able to get answers before the night was over.

    He didn't wait for a reply before he walked out.


    Outside the tavern, Ellis watched the sky. The moon was almost completely covered now, and she guessed the eclipse would be at it's most dark in less than a half-hour. Ostensibly, witnessing it had been the reason she had come outside, but really she wanted to get away from the regulars at the bar. They were large, crude men who drank filthy hard liquor and slapped at anything even vaguely female that came within arm's reach. Being a slight, high-born girl, she was an especially enticing target. She was just glad none of them had come out here.


    She turned, grinning at Ivgald's voice - until she saw his face. He was clearly extremely drunk, much more so than she had been expecting. And he had a large bruise on his face.

    Did you get in a fight?

    He better not have, that would make covering this up much harder... Not to mention undermine any chance she would have of convincing father and Dissator than he could be given back his drinking privileges in exchange for good behavior.

    Some of those lugs wanted to come out here and "talk" to you.

    He seemed to have his wits about him, at least.

    Well, thank you, but-

    But? But what? I defended your honor you ungrateful slut!

    Oh, this would end badly.

    Maybe I should take you in there and throw you to them! Huh? How would you like that?

    No, no, you did nothing wrong. She said hurriedly.

    Thank you very much, really. You're a perfect example of how an older brother should be.

    She paused, then added Can I do anything to thank you? As an afterthought.

    Well, he thought hard for a minute, The barkeep offered to let me drink in his back room. Private, you know. Think you could come keep me company back there?

    It sounded ideal, actually. A private room, she could keep an eye on him, no possibility of more fights, and there would be a wall between her and those awful men inside.

    That sounds lovely. I'll come.


    It was nearing dawn when the door opened. Dissator had been waiting; Ellis and Ivgald up all night? Sounded like they might be breaking his edict. And that. Would. Not. Fly.

    He forgot every other line of thought as Ellis stumbled in. She was alone. She wasn't drunk. Her dress was covered in blood and ripped apart down the front. She was crying.


    But just by looking at her, he knew what.


    She looked into his eyes, and he knew who.

    There was only one thing that mattered. One answer. That was all he needed. And gods help his brother when he got that answer.


    His voice was ice. Ellis collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Dissator stood over her, unmoving.

    Th-the falling st-star tavern. On the east s-side of the city.

    He knelt down, putting his hand on her shoulder.

    I-I'm sorry...

    It wasn't your fault. Do you need help getting to your room?


    She looked up, right into his eyes.

    Kill him.

    As if I could do anything else.


    The sun was rising as Irvest rode up the path to the Gates of the Moon. A group of white-robed monks wearing swords was waiting for him.

    Lord Chancellor.

    He opened his mouth to make the traditional greeting and request to speak to their leader, but the monk who had greeted him cut him off.

    Castellan Lirriel needs to see you. Now, please. Follow me.

    Spoiler: Part the Fourth
    There were two leaders of the Taratibu wa Lunakellai; the Marshal, and the Castellan. The Marshal represented the military side of the order, and was selected by popular vote based on military expertise and leadership abilities. The Castellan represented the spiritual side of the order, and was chosen by Lunakellai himself through a vision. Irvest admitted he didn't know as much about the current Castellan as he should, but he did know that she was an oracle. And if she had know he was coming, and wanted to see him right away - to say it was worrying would be an understatement.

    The warrior-monks lead him at a fast walk through the white stone fortress to a small chapel sitting on a man-made hill. There, the monks stopped.

    You should continue alone. Castellan Lirriel said this was for your eyes and ears alone.

    That was unusual - the Taratibu members were carefully tested, and were among the most trustworthy secret-keepers in the Triumvirate. Why would she not want them to hear? This was getting more and more disturbing.

    Irvest thanked the monks and walked into the chapel. The room was filled with smoke - smoke, he realized as he as he smelled it, was Osuro and Fruxt burning on braziers scattered throughout the room. The configuration appeared to be random at first, but then he realized they mirrored the location of the stars in the north-west corner of the sky.

    It took him a minute to find the Castellan - who proved to be a middle aged brunette sitting cross-legged on a cushion. She had her eyes closed, but smiled and addressed him as he approached.

    Irvest Ethmorl, grandson of our lord. I thank you for coming quickly.

    She opened her eyes.

    Sit, and hold my hands.

    Normally, Irvest would object to this - but this was an unusual situation. Still, he felt compelled to question her as he sat and took her hands.

    What is the purpose of this, exactly?

    Lunakellai has given many revelations to his chosen servant. One of them is how to share my foresight - something I have never done before now. You are under Osuro?

    He shifted, not entirely comfortable with the idea of seeing a vision. These things seemed mysterious and dangerous.

    I took some before I set out. However, I don't think th-

    We begin.

    Irvest's vision went dark. He tried to cry out, but had no voice. Then color unfolded before him, a great expanse of land. He realized he was looking on the Triumvirate as if from a great height. Then, from about where the capital should be, rose a towering figure of shining brass. It was Dissator, and he was proud and glorious, looking down on the lands at his feet. Then Irvest could see the inside of the brass Dissator; and it was hollow. The great lord collapsed on himself, coming crashing down. Irvest flew, and he was in the capital at street level. The metal Dissator was smaller now, and had rebuilt himself. His exterior was dull and cracked, and had nothing of the former's great height and girth. But then, he could see inside again, and metal-Dissator was filled with Platinum.

    Then he was moving again. He flew to the eastern side of the city, where he could see Ivgald. His oldest son was floundering in a great lake of reddish-brown liquid; he couldn't tell if it was wine, ale, blood, or some combination of all of them. Ivgald held on for a long time, but eventually sank and drowned. Then, he rose to the surface; Irvest could barely recognize him. He had turned into a dark monster, with clawed hands and a great maw and corrupted flesh. Then, the moon appeared above the monster, and turned black. A spear of shadow fell from the moon, impaling Ivgald and sending him beneath the surface; this time, he did not come back.

    Then his vision went black again. And, for the first time, his senses other than sight worked. A cold draft blew over his skin, and the air reeked of decay. Then the light came.

    He was in a gigantic field. Ellis was there as well; she looked pale and afraid. Then a shadow came, shoving itself into her. She screamed, and Irvest tried to run to her; but the shadow pulled her, carrying her away. He gave chase, and eventually caught her; then the shadow burst forth from her, taking the form of a small beast. Ellis collapsed, and breathed easily. Irvest checked to make sure she was alright; she seemed to be so. Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw movement. He turned, and as he watched the shadow beast that had left Ellis grew, larger and larger, until it filled his field of vision. Malicious green eyes the size of tower shields looked down at him.

    Mtu huyu dogo, ambaye inaonekana juu ya mimi kutoka kabla ya wakati huu ni nani? Wewe ni Ethmorl, kiasi kwamba naona. Mimi nitakupa radhi ya kujua nini mimi. Mimi ni adhabu. adui wa roho. Mimi ni yale Lunakellai alitaka kuweka siri, kwamba sasa ni huru.
    Mimi ni giza Miezi.

    Najua hili, Ethmorl. Mimi ijayo.

    The vision faded, and Irvest was back in the chapel filled with smoke. He let go of the Castellan's hands, shaking violently.

    What... was that?


    It had taken Dissator more than an hour to find the Falling Star Tavern, and his mood had only worsened. He was about ready to cut down the man standing in the doorway.

    That is, we was until the man threw up his hands, yelling.

    Finally! The authorities! I'll take the penalty, get that madman and his crazy robed friends out of my back room!

    Dissator stopped short.

    Robed... Friends?

    Spoiler: Part the Fifth
    I am... uncertain. I received the vision during the eclipse. However, in my vision, the great shadow did not speak. Actually, it seemed to be addressing you specifically. This confirms my earlier premonition that this was meant for your eyes and ears.

    And, what would that mean, exactly?

    The Castellan tilted her head, thinking.

    As I said, I am uncertain. The vision is very vague. I would guess, however, that the events we witnessed are symbols of what is to come. I have a... possible lead on what the great shadow may be. But I will have to consult with a certain radical priest I know. In the mean time, perhaps you should go to your children? I assume that's who the two young men and the young woman in the vision were.

    That's correct.

    Irvest thought of something, and jumped to his feet.

    Could they be in danger? From what we saw -

    Possibly. But I think it would be difficult to avert what was predicted. Maybe some of it has already happened. Still, there is a possibility that they would need your guidance.

    Irvest nodded.

    I'll ride back to the capital then. Should I... tell them what I saw?

    If my premonition was correct, this was meant for you, and no others. However, I will trust your judgement if you wish to tell them.

    Very well. I won't tell them, unless I think it would be dangerous not to. Baraka ya Lunakellai, Castellan.

    Baraka ya Lunakellai, Chancellor. She echoed as he left.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

    So, you have no idea who these robed people are?

    The Barkeep shook his head.

    Well, if they are conspirators of the criminal -

    It felt strangely satisfying to call him that. It felt like justice would be served.

    - then they will be placed under arrest, or killed if they resist. Now, show me to this back room.

    The man lead him inside, pointing to a door behind the counter. In front of it stood a pale man with a black circle tattooed around his face, wearing a dark blue robe with a circle of pure black on the chest. He held up his hand, blocking them.

    Halt, friends. Only a select few are allowed to visit the heri-kulaaniwa, I must know your -

    Dissator didn't even feel the searing rage until he was already moving, slamming his sword down on the man's arm.

    Get out of my way.

    The man stumbled to the side, staring at the blood-spewing stump of his arm. Dissator slammed his body into the door, and when it wouldn't give way, he turned the handle. It swung open, and Dissator burst through, sword raised.

    In the name of the Lord Chancellor, surrender and die!

    Then he stopped dead, stomach churning.

    Four more of the robed men were in the room, standing in each corner. But that was not what caught his attention.

    Ivgald was sitting on the floor, his back propped up against a cot on the opposite wall. He was stark naked, and his body was covered with sores that weeped blood.

    Blood, Dissator realized with a sickening twinge, that was tinted with brown.

    The Observer enters. Chanted the robed men.

    Ivgald inclined his head.

    You have come to kill me, brother?

    Dissator's anger rose as he remembered why he was here. He stepped forward, pointing his sword at Ivgald's throat.

    You deserve a thousand times worse than death.

    He tried to avoid grimacing as a disgusting odor wafted from his brother. Ivgald laughed; the sound was hollow and emotionless.

    You'll be happy to know the god has already punished me far beyond your thousand-fold doom.

    Dissator lowered his sword slightly.

    What are you talking about.

    What am I talking about? I am talking about this: The Dark Moon Rises.

    The Dark Moon Rises Echoed the four. Then, as one, they drew daggers, and before Dissator could react they in one motion slit their throats. Ivagald just smiled, and his head fell back, resting on the cot. His eyes glassed over, and his face froze in a wide, unnerving, and very dead, smile.

    Spoiler: Part the Sixth
    ~~~~~~~~~~Two Months Later~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Castellan Lirriel turned to her guards.

    I wish to meditate alone, please.

    They bowed and walked back down the path. Lirriel turned her gaze to the rugged sloping expanse of the Brown Hills below her. She loved this view, but was too preoccupied to really enjoy it. Already, she could sense him coming up the other, lesser known path to this point. His aura exuded conviction. Of the Dark Moon elders, he had always been the doubter; they had been unable to sense it, but she had. It was why she had chosen him as her contact. But now, his conviction was stronger than even the most fanatical of the elders, and it scared her to think of what could have brought such a change.

    His mentality was not the only thing that had changed she noticed as he came into view. His right arm now ended in a stump wrapped in black cloth.

    Greetings, Castellan.

    Greetings. She replied coldly. I take it from your injury you were the one who stood against the Lord Chancellor's son after the eclipse?

    He nodded.

    Then, the men who killed themselves were the other elders.

    At this, she sensed an emotion from him, for just an instant before it slipped away. Was that... Regret?

    You are correct. It was a sacrifice, to give thanks for the coming of the Exis.

    The Exis...

    As she said the word, she had a premonition. Whatever an Exis was, the very thought of it sent ripples through the spirit realm. And she could sense whatever it was, it was coming.

    What is this... Exis?

    She felt it again, stronger this time. As if it sensed her saying it's name and was directing attention towards her.

    Yes, the EXIS! He shouted, the word echoing. Wait, there was no echo at this part of the Brown Hills. And did each of the echos sound like a different voice?

    On the other side of the Seal, she felt the waves of feedback crashing into him, and his reaction to them. They were reinforcing his spirit, making it stronger.

    The Exis, Castellan, is like an avatar, but different. Where an avatar is a human with a connection to a higher being, the Exis is... it takes the form of a human, but it's something... different. Suffice to say, it has been what the cult has been waiting for since it's inception.

    And the events of the eclipse?

    Of that, I am less certain. They are connected to the coming of the Exis, certainly. I do not thing the Exis cause those events, however.

    Very well than. Listen... Jorten...


    I have been very accepting, even helpful, to your cult, despite your less... Moral tenets. Because I truly believe you worship Lunakellai, even if you do so in a strange, twisted way. But, if I ever find your cult are not followers of the Lord of the Stars, or if you go against Radurja or the Triumvirate, or if you harm innocents or anyone outside of your cult, rest assured, I will not hesitate to stamp you out.

    I would expect no less, Castellan.

    Jorten turned to leave.

    That wasn't a reassurance, was it?

    I will let the Exis decide that.

    Lirriel let out a controlled pulse of willpower, a spiritual flex.

    Then I look forward to meeting your Exis.

    As do I.


    It was raining in the capital. Dissator had once avoided the rain, hating the feeling of being beat on, and the inevitable chills that followed. But now, he found walking in the rain helped him think. No one had noticed the change yet. Maybe they never would. Just as no one would ever know when he closed his eyes at night, he didn't sleep. Sleep was for rest, and he had no time for that.

    One thing he kept thinking back on was how much of this had been his fault. He knew there was no way to know, and that many people were responsible. Perhaps his actions had been the best thing he could have done. But he did know one thing: he hadn't cared. He had blown off the decision, too enthusiastic over his new job to think that maybe, this decision was important. The most important decision he had ever had to make. He had spent maybe five seconds on it.

    He still craved power and office. But now, it was a masochistic pleasure. He knew now what the responsibility on his shoulders was, and he gathered more to himself. Perhaps if he carried enough it would make up for his mistakes. It would make up for everyone's mistakes. His father's, his sister's, his brother's... They had made a tragedy. Just as more people would make tragedies, if there wasn't someone to stop them.

    And that was why he did not sleep. He had a job to do, and if he was to do it right, he had to think of everything. If he knew every possible outcome, he would always make the right decision. he had started using osuro more and more, in the hope he would spontaneously develop oracular abilities. He would be right.

    Now, he had to get back to his office. He had a nation to run.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

    He found, to his surprise, that Ellis was also out in the rain on his way back. He thought about it, and realized she must be crying.

    Ellis. Do you want to talk?

    Oh, Dis. I'm not crying about that. It's just... I think... What Ivgald, d-did, might have more long-lasting effects...

    She broke down for a few moments. Dissator waited; he had time.

    Dissator, I think I'm - I'm...

    He waited some more. What was making her like this? He had a bad feeling...

    I think I'm pregnant.



    Spoiler: Translation for Holy Radurjic Language
    Spoiler: Read this after Part the Fourth
    Approximate translation of what the shadow-thing said in the vision:

    Who is this little man, who looked on me from before this time? You are Ethmorl, from what I can see. I will give you the pleasure of knowing what I do. I am the doom. Enemy of souls. I am what Lunakellai wanted kept secret, that is now unleashed.
    I am the Dark Moon.

    Know this, Ethmorl. I come.

    Spoiler: More from part the Fifth
    Baraka ya Lunakellai=Blessing of Lunakellai

    heri-kulaaniwa=cursed blessing, or being blessed with a curse.
    Last edited by ImperatorV; 2014-09-29 at 01:07 AM.

  29. - Top - End - #629
    Ettin in the Playground
    TheWombatOfDoom's Avatar

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    May 2012

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 23 Actions for the Empire of Dawn (subject to change):

    1[Curiosity] - Roll
    Colonize region 61B!
    Continue work on the Capital in Selyra, given then name Rylineene. [4/5]
    Titan Torso and arms! [3/5]

    Non-Actions -

    NPC Vassal Actions -

    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2014-09-04 at 10:11 AM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
    Annotation of the Comic | Magic Compendium of the Comic | Transcription of the Comic
    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
    (you can't take the sky from me)

  30. - Top - End - #630
    Ogre in the Playground
    Logic's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    WA, USA

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions
    Diplomacy: Attend the Coronation of the Qzarina
    Military: Raise 1 unit of Ships in Galolmyr
    Military: Raise 1 unit of Aerial Cavalry in Galolmyr
    Military: Raise 1000 land troops in the Galolmyr
    Military: Raise 1000 land troops in Propinlonge
    Last edited by Logic; 2014-09-04 at 03:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by bosssmiley View Post
    You altruistic weirdo you!
    Discord: Spacecamp-Logic-Yako
    Former Avatar by Ceika, which I have long since lost a copy of.

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