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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Planinfrag

    Ruler: King Rufus of Stolok
    Region: 108
    Population: 92,000


    Spoiler: King Rufus of Stolok
    Diplomacy: 3
    Military: 6
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 1
    Luck: 3

    Born the lesser noble of a disgraced lineage in the region of Haiwaste. His family had mostly broken apart since the first Orc invasion; their land soiled and home sacked, it was in order to re-establish pride amongst noble courtiers that Rufus joined the military as captain, and fought alongside his liege against the Orcs during the second Orc war, during which time he showed courage and steadfast resolve in refusing to retreat when the day had been lost.
    Such courage was given honour by the Planin peoples, who had long suffered under the Orcish hordes, the King Ezra had recently fallen deathly ill and, leaving no heirs, sought to adopt a rightful and honourable ruler into his house, that some curse may be taken off the region. Emissaries from the Kings court tracked down the Noble Captain and gave him orders to take the throne immediately and offer the Orcs his steel once more.

    Spoiler: Terrain
    To the west, the lowland foothills on which the pastures of sheep freely roam, is known the Kamen Hills, relatively peaceful within the territory of much disaster and fear, it is home to the old cave paintings that have given the Soothsayers of Hradiska much of their knowledge regarding the disparate pagan pantheon worshipped in Planin.
    Further east beyond the foothills and higher into the highland Mountains is the Planinmor, a region of untended meadows and in which the Highland berry unique to the region grows, within a particular basin, all surrounded by the peaks of the Koros and Planin Mountain ranges, is the capital Hradiska, it is founded upon what is said to be the most beautiful location in the world, and in legend is the given cause for the curse which lay upon the region.
    Lastly, as the Koros Mountains dominate the horizon east, comes the desolate and frigid lands that home only the most insane of fools, those who would risk swift death at the hands of Orcs, or worse a slow, cold and lonely grave atop quiet peaks. Within the mountains lay the paths of the Koros passes, an informal series of thin, winding and often dangerous passages that allow slow movement further eastward and into darker territory.

    Spoiler: People
    Population: 92,000
    The people of the Planinfrag are a fearing but optimistic lot, though innately cursed they have still constructed themselves a civilisation of pride, comfort and friendliness, spending their time between pastoral farming or hunter gathering and then at night in fine crafts and storytelling.
    The men typically wear their hair braided and tied in a knot to the side, their beards in equal fashion are braided, though into two forks, they have long woolen clothing with intricate patterns and details, typically a tunic, hose and a cloak, with finer patterns, colours and designs indicating the wealth and status of the wearer.
    Women wear long robes and coats, typically shorter sleeved, and, again, have a propensity towards brighter colours, patterns and designs, their hair is typically kept in a short braid and dressed with colourful ties, womens clothing may also include a hood or other headdress.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Highland Berries: A sweet berry that grows in plentiful quantities, acrid in taste and quite harsh to those unfamiliar with it, popular due to its hardiness and extreme allergic reaction in Orcs, most often made into a strong syrupy wine, a preserve to last through winter or in dyes for wool clothing.
    Sheep: Used for wool, dairy and food, the pastoral lands are kept away from Orc invasion to the West, as flocks of sheep can be moved, if needed, to neighbouring regions if in real danger, sheep make up the largest industry in the Planinfrag, and the processes of weaving and felting the wool are well known and practiced across the region.
    Mineral Dyes: Mined in the summer, surface stains, preferably the more stunning the colours, are processed for use in clothing dyes, fine textile work and illuminated manuscripts, all of which form a fine trade in luxuries against bitter odds.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The religion of the Planinfrag is a disorganised pagan ancestral worship, their pantheon deals with patrons of all trades and aspects of life, but specifically to the people of the Planin their patron is he of beauty, finery and the arts. The story goes that Planin crafted the lands of the Planinmor, and with that showed an arrogance to the others within the pantheon, for which he was cursed, his hands switched so that he would never create anything as beautiful, and his land beset upon by the warfare and ugliness of mortals.
    This worship has presented itself in the Planin as one of doting forgiveness, expecting that Planin will be accepted back into the pantheon should his worshippers show the greatness of his work and his divine inspiration, it is practiced in the illustrative works of art that feature in manuscripts and upon finely detailed clothing, and in the castle keeps where stories are told and tales met.

    Spoiler: Courtiers
    Dionytz Blatha: Bearer of the Planinmor War standard, a prop that comes out of two long shafts strapped to the back in an arch, with a wool tapestry displaying the proud standard under which the people of Planin march. Dionytz is youthful, much like all members of the royal court still alive in Planin and has the typical exuberance of optimism on display for the region.
    Gretna of Bojovnak: Royal advisor, and soothsayer to the pagan belief, she balances both the wisdom of the elder lessons and stories, with the harshness and necessity that comes from administering such a panicked and fraught region.
    Krizhan of Koros: A wildman, fierce and with the soulless eyes of a man filled with battle and toughness, he is of few words, but acts as advisor to the King for all matters relating to the Koros people, it is assured that he got on quite well with Ezra but has a suspicion towards Rufus and his new court.
    Cpt. Otto Voigt: Veteran of the Orc hordes alongside Rufus, he has long been a family ally and confident, and best friend of Rufus. Otto harbours a suspicion and disliking for this region already, but for the sake of his friend is willing to test his hands at any task set for him, including that which he finds most unpalatable.
    Last edited by Acco Spoot; 2014-10-20 at 02:37 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Silverbit's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    England. The northish bit

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Razdis after my return and the civil war.

    Region 13 (below ground), Silverbit

    Mormaer Ogier
    Current stats:
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 1
    Luck: 3

    Population: 57,000

    Original stats:
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 1
    Luck: 3

    Region details:

    Razdis is located below Lyradis, primarily beneath the Dis range to the northwest. Due to the tropical climate many caves and tunnels were eroded by streams within the mountains (though they remain chilled), and the doughy Dwarves have added more carved passageways to this.
    Three landmarks are:
    Andbar's Forest: a massive cavern network below the southwest of Lyradis, filled with giant fungi of all types. Named for the quasi-legendary first recorded king of the Razdissi. Now the source of edible mushrooms.
    Finbael's Deep: located in the deepest tunnels roughly within the center of the country. A great pit, superstition says it is bottomless. Named after the foolhardy dwarf pioneer who attempted to reach the bottom. They were not successful, and resided in a madhouse till the end of their days.
    Kalpraz: meaning "below sky" this is a sinkhole open to the air in the northernmost reaches of Razdis. Water cascades down into it from one side, and on the other is built the Razdissi capital.
    The Razdissi people are dwarves, believed to be related to the dwarves of Sulvan's Fury, but many differences have emerged during their separation, mainly due to hybridisation with Ore Elves from Eyrecradia in ages past. Razdissi are still tough and bearded, but their skin is normally greyish black, similar to burned charcoal, and they tend to be nearly man-height. Their hair is most commonly iron grey, but rust red and coal black occur nearly as often. Eyes are black, orange or blue in most Razdissi. They're not as long lived as Keldagrim dwarves, with their lifespans being closer to humans. This is probably due to slight incompatibilities between Elven and Dwarven metabolisms. In personality, Razdissi are passionate about their work and tools; a common joke is that when you give a Razdissi a shovel, he'll spend a week getting to know it's name before using it to dig. Razdissi worship the very ore that they mine, in a somewhat odd animistic tradition. It is believed respectful to make a small sacrifice of plant matter (such as smoking a pipeful of pipeweed) before beginning mining. The population is low at 13,000, mostly in the capital Kalpraz with some in the minor holds of Dismil and Lunderbog. Due to the long-standing alliance with Lyradis, a rising number of the population are half-dwarves. They appear as slightly short humans with thick hair, grey-tinted skin and in some cases dwarven hair and/or eye colour.
    Stone is very common, as the Razdissi constantly quarry and dig to expand their lands. It is transported out of the pits by a breed of particularly small and strong horse.
    Iron is also frequently mined.
    Coal is mined in the south and east; it is used as fuel for furnaces and forges throughout the world.
    Mithril was discovered in 363.

    The Razdissi are in constant need of wood, as little is to be found beneath the earth.
    Razdis follows animistic principles, but is unusual in applying them to ores, gems and stone instead of the usual plants and animals. Indeed, it is respectful to ritually destroy a small sample of plant matter before beginning mining or construction work. Razdissi don't generally agree with Rh'llor the Fire Lord; in the sweltering heat of the tropics or the coal-heated tunnels underground, fire is less important. This may lead to conflict in coming years.
    Razdis has normal technology for the early Middle Ages, with the addition of the knowledge of how to create Steel, forge Mithril, print paper, wear plate armour, grind Deep lenses and normal Lenses and construct primitive hovercrafts.

    Formerly a minor Unbroken Line noble, Mormaer Ogier rose to prominence in the years after Mormaer Cogan's sudden death. Defeating the Ratdwarf's supporters, he re-established outside contact after a bloody civil war and years of isolation.

    Coal for grain with Lyradis.
    Coal and iron for wood with Domhain Abhaile.
    Iron for ships with Qarimos.
    Coal for hovercraft technology with Kasumor.
    Bronze (copper and tin) for amber with Wenyavuk.
    Mithril for Heartwine with Raaneka.
    Mithril for Rhino Meat with Lyradis.
    Mithril for Mammoths with Wenyavuk.
    Iron for Wood with Tar.
    Platinum for Gold with the Glazfell.
    Mithril for Inventors with Guilder.
    Mithril for Engineers with Niskova.
    Stone for Plate Armour technology with Guilder.
    Andbar's Mushrooms for Lacertal Milk with Guilder.
    Andbar's Mushrooms for witchlights with Bordeux.
    Stone for gold with Guilder.
    Andbar's Mushrooms for alchemical seaweed with Hurosha.

    Silver Pact
    Dawn League



    Razdissi Clan Structure
    Razdissi Lexicon
    Razdissi Music
    Razdissi Bestiary

    Colonised Elbaraz, region 14b.

    Name means "under Farsight" in Razdissi.
    Region 14 (below ground), Silverbit

    Population: 59,000

    Region details:

    Elbaraz is located beneath Guilder, significantly deeper than Razdis is beneath Lyradis. Some links to the surface exist, but most traffic to the region is done underground.
    Three landmarks are:
    Hykeholt: The major city of Elbaraz, consisting of a network of tunnels filled with ramshackle shacks constructed of animal bone, leather, and hard fungus.
    The Mouth of Elbaraz: a cave system that spirals round and round, ending in a pool. Within this pool dwell large (shark-sized) blind white fish, and multiple species of squamous oozes. The area constantly stinks of vinegar, from ooze secretions.
    The Coins of the Earth: a massive domed cavern, with the walls encrusted with circular fossilised animals, resembling fist-sized stony coins. Enterprising Elbarazi sell them to Guilderine merchants as memorabilia of the caves beneath them.
    In order of commonality: Guilderine half-dwarves, a subspecies of dwarves closely akin to both Razdissi and Keldagrim dwarves, exiled Guilderines and least commonly of all, goblins.. Torches are only found in areas populated by the still not entirely cave adapted exiled Guilderines.
    Tin is mined, as it is in Guilder.
    Copper is also frequently mined.
    Andbar Mushrooms were discovered in 391. They are a variety of large edible mushrooms, with a very slight hallucinogenic effect if consumed in excess. They are believed to have been transplanted from Andbar's Forest in Razdis in ages past, probably by the Elbarazi dwarven subspecies as a food source.

    Elbaraz is in constant need of food, as little grows in the cramped tunnels.
    The same mineral animism as Razdis, with some Guilderine money-worship as a minority.
    As Razdis.
    As Razdis.

    Note: Guilder counts as having access to the resources of Elbaraz.

    Last edited by Silverbit; 2014-11-03 at 03:44 AM.
    I'm also on the Bay12 Games forums under the same username.

    The awesome Ceika made both my avatars! All hail!
    Spoiler: Former avatar

    Currently playing the parched and honourable Rabhid Dynasty in Empire2!

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Troll in the Playground
    Snowfire's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Republic of
    Regions 11, 11b, 12 & 31, Snowfire
    Last Updated: Beginning of Round 31
    The Painted Diarchy
    Region 11

    Interim Governor
    Ambere Family Tree

    Current Stats:
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 7
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 6

    Original Stats:
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 2

    Total Population: 4,537,000
    Raaneka: 1,253,000
    Qarimos: 1,681,000
    Ayava: 817,000
    Grmanhil: 786,000

    Spoiler: Trade (Resources and Technology by Region)
    Heartwine [Great]: 1 available
    • Guilderene Bronze
    • Hurosha Quartz
    • Lyradissian Bricks and Pottery
    • Palas Caercian Cana Beans
    • Sulvan Mithral and Tech

    Colored Sandstone [Good]:
    • Hurosha Alchemical Compounds
    • AQUA Kelp-Olive Oil
    • Slca'ca Gold

    Lumber [Good]:
    • Selyran Rhinos
    • Solusian Glass
    • Qarimosi Mhaki Jana

    Berundas [Good]:
    • Ayavan Scholars
    • Clanships Shaping Wood
    • Selyran Sulphur

    Need Livestock (receiving Selyran Rhinos for Raaneki Lumber)
    Trading Posts: Heartwine for AQUA and Aus-Tiere

    Ships [Good]: 1 available
    • Enclave Star Nectar
    • Jarrland Dyes

    Spices [Good]: 1 available
    • Domhan Lumber
    • Guilderene Crops

    Elephants [Good]:
    • Grmanhili Iron
    • Triumvirate Fish and Goats

    Mhaki Jana [Good]: 1 available
    • Kasumori Insects & Tech
    • Raaneki Lumber
    • ??? ???

    Need Lumber (receiving Lumber from Domhan Abhaile & Raaneka)
    Trading Posts: Ships for Aloren, Elephants for Lyradis

    Scholars [Good]:
    • Alydaxian Artifacts
    • Genivanan Osuro Mirc
    • Raaneki Berundas

    Mushroom Trees [Good]: 1 available
    • Estglaz Silver
    • Triumvirate Vegetables

    Cave Cats [Good]: 1 available
    • Jarrland Papyrus
    • Triumvirate Fish

    Need Light (Receiving Berundas from Raaneka)
    Trading Posts:

    Iron [Good]: 2 available
    • Qarimosi Elephants
    • Criman Pegasi
    • Trade-Gift to Lyradis

    Sheep (Wool) [Good]: 1 available
    • Lyradissian Grain
    • Hrathan-Tuor Hai Vyuma

    Bees (Honey, Mead) [Good]: 2 available
    • Trade-gift to Raaneka

    Glass [Good]
    • To Niskovia in exchange for Engineers to Selyra
    • Celeroan Nitrates
    • Borlmyn Giant Pistol Shrimp

    Need Crops (Receiving Grain from Lyradis)
    Trading Posts: Glass for Guilder, Bees for Aloren

    • Aerial Naval Carrier
    • Avian Riding (+1 Military Battle Checks, +1 Military Maneuvering Checks)
      • Maian Athletes (to Raaneka)
    • Blackpowder (+2 Military Battle Checks)
    • Calculus (Combination Tech)
    • Clockwork (Combination Tech)
    • Clockwork Automata (Combination Tech)
    • Efficient Building (Spend 2 actions/turn on a construction related Project)
    • Griffon Riding [Inactive due to lack of resources]
    • Hovercraft
    • Inspired Militia
    • Kralax Riding
    • Lenses (+2 to Tactical Maneuvering Checks)
    • Magnets (Faster Colonisation)
    • Medicine [Inactive due to lack of resources]
    • Mithral Forging (+2 Military Battle Checks)
      • Raaneki Heartwine to Sulvan's Fury
    • Ocean-Faring Ships
    • Oracles
    • Pitch (+2 to Defensive Military Checks) [Inactive due to lack of resources]
    • Plate Armor (+2 to Military Battle Checks)
    • Printing Press (+1 to all Diplomacy checks)
      • Gifted from Sulvan's Fury
    • Prosthetic Limbs (Grants -1 on Unit Loss in Battle)
    • Raaneki Diplomacy (+2 to Diplomacy checks vs. opponents who lack Raaneki Heartwine)
      • Gifted to Lyradis, Razdis, and the Jeweled Cities
    • Refrigeration (+2 Population growth in non-polar regions) [Inactive due to lack of resources]
    • Sewers
    • Steam Power (Combination Tech)
    • Tzaltec Fire (+2 Offensive Military Checks) [Inactive due to lack of resources]
    • Ultralight Materials [Inactive due to lack of resources]
    • Zepplins

    Spoiler: Military
    Raaneka (10 max):
    5 Aerial Unit
    1 Land Unit
    1 Naval Unit

    Qarimos (5 max):
    1 Aerial Unit
    3 Naval Units

    Ayava (5 max):
    1 Aerial Unit
    3 Land Units

    Grmanhil (5 max)
    3 Land Units
    1 Aquatic Unit

    The Fellows (Keyword: Investigation)

    The War Doctrine of Queen Anguri Adite
    Raaneka excerpt from the Scrolls of Prowess
    Qarimos excerpt from the Scrolls of Prowess
    Fellows excerpt from the Scrolls of Prowess

    Spoiler: Projects Great and Small

    (Great) Raaneki Taverns, raised as embassies throughout the Empire of Dawn

    (Great) The Kindred Stadiums, home of the Raaneki Games.
    • The Wave Stadium, overlooking Bandar Harbor for the Mock Naval Battle of the Raaneki Games
    • The Great Stadium of Sarab, housing all other events of the Raaneki Games
    • Raaneka Racecourse, stretching from Bandar to Sarab by means of the Painted Coast, Lower Berrylands, and the Sarabi Steps.

    (Great) Royal Council Palace in Bandar, home to the members of the Royal Council
    (Great) The Eastern Floor, diplomatic ground of the East
    Ancestral Shrines, raised in every settlement and vineyard
    Golden Berunda Statue, Champions' Plaza, Sarab

    Granaries, raised in Qarta and Melytis
    Spirit Shrines, raised in place of power, especially along the coast
    Loading Bay, raised in Melytis

    (Great) Illumination; exquisite, scintillant decoration of the scripted page
    Ancestral Shrines, raised within Grand Delving and along the Sea of Sunken Stars

    (Great) The Grand Canal

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Full many a wonder is told us in stories old, of rough, color-slashed ranges, of wide blankets of wine dark berries, of sorrowful losses, of a bold and noble folk. Hark, and recall the glory of Raaneka, the painted lands.

    The terrain of Raaneka was seen by few enough, but known by many in fable and tale. Who could look upon the Painted Coast, that riot of colored stone which fell from vibrant, seabound peaks to dappled-sand shores, and not pause with teary eye? How else might Bandar of Many Colors, that sea port of old, have been raised?

    And rising into Raaneka, what soul would not be stirred by the Berrylands, from which the sweetest wines still flow? Who could not craft the sacred ink from the emerald berry, or the sable, or the scarlet flowerberry, and be not moved?

    And high in the mountain passes, what soul has not wished for the solace of the Miracle Pools, those healing hot springs? What man or woman abed has not wished for the cleansing minerals of that elusive water?

    Spoiler: People
    Raaneka excerpt from the Radurjic Codex
    Raaneki excerpt from the Bestiary of Telluris

    Hearty humans dwelt in that land, with sharp and mirthful eyes. They recorded joy and sorrow both upon their flesh with the sacred inks of the Berrylands. Upon their arms, and legs, and bodies they enshrined memory and oath with pride, and often walked unclad (or near enough) that all might see that pride displayed.

    Their braided hair reminded them of the virtue of fellowship, and the community they dearly loved. They made a pact to that end when well and truly grown, after 16 years of life, and their first tattoo was a reminder of that pact. Would they live for themselves, serve others in bold and mighty ways, and live in freedom all their days? Or would they seek out marriage, raise a family, and act as leaders of their community? Honor might be found on either path, and though there was little shame in changing paths in life, such a decision was grave indeed, and was not made in haste.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Berunda excerpt from the Bestiary of Telluris

    What resources might the Raaneki coax from their beautiful and fruitful land? Most famous by far was Berryland wine, how varied, how subtle, how sublime! Alas, that same terrain that yielded their greatest treasure was their greatest challenge, for what livestock could they find among such endless brambles and vines? Alas, the Raaneki must needs trade for this abroad.

    They cleared forest land for lumber to win trade and prosperity. They mined the colored sandstone of their land, a luxury for all ambitious builders of the world.

    Spoiler: Religion
    Example of a Raaneki Fellowship Rite

    And religion, that ancient rite, was found amongst them too. Those daring and clever ancestors of each family line were raised as exemplars in death. Their wisdom trickled down from the firmament for long years after their death, and guided the Raaneki to harmony, the joy of fellowship, and the glory of stunning vistas and new scenes. Some few of them worshipped the Lord of Fire, and their worship was welcomed but unvalued by those who held their ancestors in higher esteem.

    Spoiler: Technologies
    • Acrobatic Saddles*
    • Athletics*
    • Avian Riding
    • Falconry*
    • Good Roads*
    • Horse Jumping*
    • Kites*
    • Permanent Skin Dye*
    • Revelry**

    *Fluff only/not tradeable.

    Spoiler: Heraldry Roll

    House Ambere

    Lady Aditi and Lord Devdan

    House Adite

    House Devdano

    House Satato

    The Principality of
    Region 12

    "Music and Flexibility"

    Prince Mawru and Princess Aditi Sultana

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Hark now, ye listeners gathered near, to tales of windswept adventure, of the ancient bond of blood, of memories long-hidden in the mists of time. Such was the song of Qarimos by the sea, an ancient land of sun-parched plains, where majestic beasts walked abroad, and where ancestral ties brought those long-sundered closer together.

    Those dry lands to the south, where no tree could be found, they were full to bursting with treasures and wonders alike. The Glass Hills rose in jagged terror betwixt Qarimos and the Berrylands of Raaneka, an ancient scar of mighty battles. So say the legends. And high in the barren land, what traveler would not marvel at the Flower Lakes, inconstant jewels upon that scrubby plain, that wax in rain, and vanish in sunshine, and burst with their namesake but once each year?

    But first of all the treasures of Qarimos was Stormgate, relic island of their mythic past. When the Sea People came from the depths, they took that island for their colony and their bulwark against this new world above. There they met the ancient Raaneki of old, and made a new people. Their doughty spirits guard that sacred island still, against all who would profane their puissant memory.

    Spoiler: People
    Tikta Satato, Prince of Raaneka, was ever a seeker of unseen shores and unthought wisdom. It was this spirit-fire that sent him on his quest, a quest to learn what he could of the people that became the Raaneki. It was this spirit-fire that uncovered a link with the folk of the sea. The ancient Raaneki spread south into the lands of Qarimos, and there met the Sea People and made a new kindred, Il-poplu Tal-bahar in their own tongue.

    And in the harbors of cosmopolitan Melytis, long rival of princely Qarta in the Glass Hills, who could gaze at Raaneki and Qarimosi together and not find semblance? Though the sea’s bounty did make its people taller, and the Raaneki had hair in many strange colors, still the same flash of the eye, the same olive flesh! The tongue of the sea folk rolled like the tide. Raaneki twisted like vines upon a trellis, yet even here there was kinship. Long sundered, they welcomed each other as brothers and sisters.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Though the land was barren and Qarimos had need of lumber, there were yet things for which they might trade abroad. Most plentiful of these were its potent spices, gathered from the shrubs of the high plains and the harvest of the tides. They garnished food and strengthened drink, and some were burned in rites to the spirits. Grander than these were the elephants, which grazed from the high plains to the southern lowlands by the shore. Prized as beasts of burden and war, with peerless ivory to reap from their bones.

    Greatest in the eyes of the Qarimosi, though, were their seaborn ships. Keen of prow and shaped of timbers as dark as night, they smote upon the waters with grace. Their sails were colored in the fashion of their use, white for royalty, yellow for trade, red for acts of war. These snared the winds and sped the ships with power and agility. Their holds were wide and deep, for long exploration and heavy trade. Their weapons were many, for red war and black death.

    Spoiler: Religion
    When the Sea People came up from the ocean deep, in the days before they had news of other races abroad, they saw the beasts and bounties of this world and gazed upon their spirits, aided by their gift of watersight. They passed this wisdom to their children and their children’s children, though their lineage lost the watersight in time. The Qarimosi were left with tales without vision. The tales remained but dwindled in reverence. As sure as tide returns, so too did spirit worship ebb and flow by age and by hearth. Each man and woman came to the spirits alone, and many did not speak of it.

    Region 11b

    Deep Scholars Agadhamast "Adham" and Bisamkhaba "Sami"

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain
    What dream or treasure could be more sacred than memory, of fond recollection, of stirring reverie, of bold tales shared and shared again? Hark, for there were memories of tumults and triumphs aplenty in merry Raaneka, and in the land of Ayava beneath it.

    In the north of Raaneka, in the 375th year of the Common Calendar, between the Mountains of Dis and the borders of Hrathan-Tour, many a wonder was found that the Raaneki had lost for long bygone ages. A hidden tunnel lead to Ayavazarmanbuh-ja, the cavernous world below the empty north. Deep down it descended, into the vaults of the earth where no light could ever breach.

    First of the gauntlets traversed by adventurers from the world above was the Sea of Sunken Stars, which feeds the Miracle Pools above. These explorers came upon the sea when night shrouded Raaneka above, and it seemed measureless and black. But as they skirted its edge and the sun rose above, the very night sky it had pushed from the heavens came into view in the depths of the sea. It was upon the shores of this sea where the gnomes built their many-tiered city, Grand Delving. Here the gnomes lived, as nimble on a rock face as in a contest of wits.

    Chief among the treasures of Grand Delving was the academic hall of Kevanubhadarz, called Flickerhall by those bold Raaneki explorers, in the deepest bedrock of the city. It was an academy of shadows and silence in Ayava’s heart. Many recessed lights flickered in its corridors, but the library at its nadir was black as Sableberry dye. Only with the aid of a gnome’s darksight could any tome be found. Such was their protection in those chambers beneath the earth.

    Spoiler: People
    This world of pressing rock was home to small and studious folk, known to themselves as Dhanazarmanoms, the guardians of memory. To the folk of the surface they were known simply as gnomes, and were a wonder unlike any the Raaneki had yet beheld. Exceedingly small were they, and those with smaller stature won greater renown among them.

    Their historians told the Raaneki of a great cataclysm, of the loss of many tomes, of a long age in the dark, and of dwindling fuel for their fires. Their wide eyes learned to see in the dark, but only by light could they read the tomes they treasured. Dark and light fell out of balance, and much learning drifted back into the pages from which it had sprung. Knowledge, their child to protect and their lord to obey, its sight did fade til the Raaneki returned the light to Ayava below.

    But light was not the last gift Raaneka sought to give. Tales they brought too, tales of bound tomes in distant lands, and unknown realms beyond. The sun’s light held power the gnomes could not bear, but by moonlight they schemed and dreamed and worked their way abroad. Such was their desire, to reach out and reap a broad harvest of learning.

    Spoiler: Resources
    In the world beneath our feet, there were once many fine things to be found by those with strength of heart and mind. Though gems and ore bedecked the deeps of other lands, Ayava, long a bastion of ancient knowledge, had pride beyond things of craft. They prized knowledge, and memory, and had such store of scholars as no other land had seen. On the surface world they studied only at night, but could discover much of history, craft, and forgotten mysteries by light of the moon.

    But all things need meat, or graze, or something to sate their hunger, and the gnomes were no different. They harvested the mushroom trees from that cavernous city, and from those caps they made stews and pastes, grilled delicacies and folk medicine. The wood of the tree was spongy and light, though not good for construction without reinforcement.

    Rarest of all gnomish resources were the cave cats, known to control even the most fickle of vermin. Though prone to mischief and not suitable as pets, cave cats hunt through scent alone, and have no need for light or darkness in their business.

    Alas! Such a scholarly people delighted in nothing so much as the scripted page and the wisdom preserved within. By secret ways, the gnomes did learn the way to see in total darkness, but no writing could they spy with such sight. To read, and yay to write as well, the gnomes did yearn for light, and the fuel to keep it kindled.

    Spoiler: Religion
    And what spirits or ancestors did the gnomes know in their long and pensive seclusion? As the tomes they saved sat in the black of Flickerhall, they dreamed of protection. As their torches guttered and their candles finally flickered out, they dreamed of light.

    These were their spirits. Nivertastrazreyasa, the light where knowledge is discovered, and Ayavazarmanbuh-ja, the darkness where knowledge is kept safe. When first they climbed from their warren in the north, they gazed upon the silver moon and knew it for their most fervent guardian. They called it Caradhanavabuh-ja, the holy lamp of knowledge and memory. It gave them light to learn in the dark that kept them safe, so unto it did they dedicate their study.

    Region 31
    [Governed by the Thunderhand Clan]

    Population: 67,000
    Military: 2,000 Land Units

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    The region of Grmanhil is a region of rolling hills, dotted with forests and rocky flats and plains. The Orcs have taken residency in the hills, and their towns are centered around Hill Forts. To the south, west and north of Grmanhil the flater plains continue, and make travel easy between Grizzland, Raaneka and Qarimos. To the east, the is the Lyrian Ocean. The region is well known for three notable geographic areas:
    • Splashing Springs - Near the center of the region, in the heart of the rolling hills, rests the Splashing springs. These springs are Hot Springs that gush forth warm, clean water from the ground regularly. These springs are a place of peace for the Orcs, and it is forbidden to even raise a hand or voice in anger there.
    • Pale Sand Shores - The Grmanhil's shores along the Lyrian Ocean host a sizable amount of white sand dunes. The sand is fine and plentiful, and stretches across the entirety of the Eastern coast. Reeds and wildlife grow and thrive within the dunes, though the coast is often referred to as the "Blinding Coast" due to the stark color reflecting the sun.
    • The River Meander - A fat sluggish river makes its way along the northern stretch of plains in Grmanhil, which makes its way out of the hills in the south west all the way to the Pale Sand Shores. The river is somewhat deep, and easily fordable due to it's slow pace. The southern side of the river has been selected by the Orcs to begin a great project, to deepen the river for ship travel.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of the Grmanhil are Orcs, which are grey and green skinned humanoids, with enlarged canines protruding from their mouths. They are most commonly the height of a man but are more muscular. Eye color range widely from orange to blue to green to gold. The males do not have any body hair but female Orcs have black hair they keep braided. Grmanhilli Warriors favor large Two handed weapons. However, do not let an Orc's brutish appearance fool you - they have a love of art and poetry. In fact, most of Orcish history and legends have been recorded as Epic poems that are recorded on sheep skins. Also, uncharacteristcally, the Orcs of Grmanhil hold the Honey Bee as sacred creatures, as without honey, there is no mead. Most personnel disputes are Settled by Duel with a dagger called a stinger. It's blade is a spike shaped diped in a paralyzing poison. Grmanhilli wear wool clothing - women wear dresses and men wear kilts - most common colors are white, black, yellow, red and brown.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Though the lands may not be as impressive as the mountains to the north, the lands of Grmanhil are rich with Iron, which the Orcs mine to make their weapons, tools, and various other things. Due to the low light vision of the Orcs, they are perfectly suited for exploring the underdark in search of more Iron. Within the plains themselves are heards of sheep, that the Orcs shepherd. The Orcs use the wool to make thier clothing, as well as the ornate tapestries they produce, as well as mutton for food. Grmanhil Orcs are also known for their bee keeping, which the use to make honey, mead, and beeswax. Killing a Bee in Grmanhil will bring down an angry horde of Orcs upon your head, as they are sacred to the people.

    Hoever, the Grmanhil Orcs while fine with toiling within the earth, or working with Bees and Sheep, refuse to farm. Perhaps they don't know how, or perhaps they do not care for it. Because of this, Crops are a needed resource for the region.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The people of Grmanhil worship their honored dead, which are those who have fallen in combat. They believe that if a warrior dies in honorable combat that they will be reincarnated anew.

    The Chronicle of the Painted Lands

    Spoiler: Queen Lomadi and King Ujval Devdano (362-383)

    Spoiler: Queen Anguri and King Krama Adite (383-401)

    401-405--Defeat and Rebellion
    406-410--Renewal and Remembrance
    407--The Fifth Raaneki Games
    411-415--Faith and Union
    416-420--Illuminating the Canon
    421-425--New Horizons, Peaceful Days
    422--The Sixth Raaneki Games

    362--The Abdication of Lady Aditi and Lord Devdan
    369--First Example of a Raaneki Rite of Amity
    372--The Tale of the Very First Raaneki Games
    386--Fellowship Chronicle: the Qarimosi Killings
    392--Toward the Dawn, a Raaneki Historical Record
    399--Warrior Queen, Blazing Avatar
    406--Fellowship Chronicle: Crisis at Temple Mountain
    407--Second Example of a Raaneki Rite of Amity
    Last edited by Snowfire; 2015-01-28 at 04:04 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    Many thanks to Snowfire for collating all these. He's a madman, but he's a helpful madman.
    Spoiler: Things
    Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post
    Damn you Snowfire. I cried.
    Quote Originally Posted by Falcon777 View Post
    T_T I swear, you just made me cry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    Well, here's another for your sig, Snowfire.

    <struck dumb>

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities
    "Land of Free Knights"
    Region #138, Kasanip

    National Anthem: Jupiter - 平原綾香

    Steward Ilex of Neu, Grandmaster of the Order of Free Knights
    Current Stats:
    Military: 5
    Diplomacy: 5
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 8
    Luck: 10

    Population: 621,000
    Army: 5,000 (4,000 Free Knights; 1,000 Lightning Ballistas)
    Agents: Hospitalers
    Even if all free knights receive medical training in the Prestigious Heroic Academies, free Knights who dedicate their service to become hospitalers are a special kind. These free knights are generous and dedicated to helping those in need. Dedicated to helping, they are usually noncombatants, too. However, they are still free knights, and can defend themselves with their swords as necessary.
    About Hospitalers:
    A [Military Action] or [Diplomacy Action] must spend to deploy Hospitalers to theatres of war. The designated locations follow similar rule to soldier distribution.
    Hospitaler Aid gives -2 to casualty losses to participants in the battle. The aided sides must be designated with the locations.

    Great Project: Prestigious Heroic Academies of Free Knights

    Original Stats:
    Military: 5
    Diplomacy: 4
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 6
    Luck: 10

    Previous Rulers:

    Steward Commelina of Neu (450-491), Grand-Master of the Order of Free Knights (465-491), First Steward of the Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities (465-485)

    Current Stats:
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 4
    Original Stats:
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 4

    Steward Euco of Verbena (471- 521), Free Knight, Queen of Greater Kingdom Zuiguo (500-521), Second Steward of the Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities (486-500)
    Current Stats:
    Military: 1
    Diplomacy: 6
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 1
    Luck: ??
    Original Stats:
    Military: 1
    Diplomacy: 3
    Curiosity: 2
    Faith: 1
    Luck: ??

    Steward Passiflora of Rubia (485-524), Free Knight, Hospitaler Knight, 3rd Steward of the Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities (501-524)
    Current Stats:
    Military: 6
    Diplomacy: 10
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 9
    Original Stats:
    Military: 3
    Diplomacy: 9
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 2
    Luck: ??

    Steward Yfa Da'at Zwei of Bastet (??-??) 4th Steward of the Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities (525-540), High Priestess of Inyannya
    Current Stats:
    Military: 3
    Diplomacy: 4
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 10
    Original Stats:
    Military: 2
    Diplomacy: 3
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 9

    Steward Ilex of Neu, (527- )5th Steward of the Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities (543- )
    Original Stats:
    Military: 4
    Diplomacy: 4
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 6
    Luck: 10

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain


    The land of the United Free Cities is dotted with broken massif hills and valleys. There is heavy rain in the north, which strengthens the strong rivers that run through the land. Heavy flooding is common in the summer rainy season, and transport on the river is often faster. The geography is divided into the four regions; Taumeria, Low-Lands, Uzan, and Verbena.
    Taumeria- The northern region receives the most rainfall. It is known for it's dangerous thunderstorms and production of [tangled lighting]. The southwest area are the misty swamps called Fernbrake. Dangerous monsters harasses from this area, and brave adventurers or monster hunters are often hired to fight them. Originally the Order of Free Knights was formed to protect from this area.
    Low-Lands - The central region is river valleys of farms and towns. Trade from the North and South follows the Violet River and West to the Duchy of Uzan. Primarily [grains] and [fibrous flame] are produced in these towns and cities.
    Uzan - The Dwarf Duchy of Uzan is based in the massif hills in the West of the country. The defensive terrain is also a shield against desert sandstorms or invaders. However, most food must come from the central regions and is imported.
    Verbena - Receiving much water from rain and rivers, Verbena is fertile plains and hills. There are some forests, too. This southern region was once prosperous and connected to trade with Zuigou Empire. However, the past invasions caused many troubles and most people escaped to the free valley cities.

    Spoiler: People

    The United Free Cities is a confederation of independent city states, fiefs of the Order of Free Knights, and the Duchy of Uzan. The agreement to cooperate came from necessary defense from Zuigou and other troubles. Recently victory against Zuigou has supported good spirits.

    The people of the United Free Cities primary races are Human and Dwarf races. There is a harmony between the two races for their long time trade and cooperation. Humans are usually short, however humans are taller than dwarfs. Hair colors of blue and green are the most common, however black and brown can be found, too. Swimming and boat skill is very high because of canal and river use. They also have developed good weather prediction ability because of the changing weather. "Self-reliance" and "self-expression" are strong opinions.

    The northern people of the League of Taumeria are called Tauman. Taumerian can be used, too. Free Knights are called such, and the rest are free people. Usually it is better to call by their city, however lazy foreigners probably will call all the citizens of the United Free Cities Tauman or Taumerian.

    These are the 12 Free Cities:
    League of Taumeria: Neu, Uran and Fernbrake.
    League of Verbena: Verbena, Poa and Maranta.
    Free Valley Cities: Rubia, Boragina, Primula, Campanula, Capsella.
    Duchy of Uzan: Uzan.

    Society is civilized with republic law. Skill is valued very highly, and great architecture, art, archery and swordsmanship are proud skills. There are three classes of society: Knights, Merchants and Guilds, and Farmers. The Knights are also [executive] administration, however representatives of each class choose the Steward, who is given responsibility and power to govern the region. It is not a hereditary position.

    The council is 30 representatives. 2 come from each city. 2 come from the Free Knights. 4 come from village chiefs. Usually decisions are locally made. However, important decisions like foreign policy and defense are responsibility of the council.

    Chivalric Order of the Free Knights

    The Chivalric Order of Free Knights guards the Republic against threats. They are gendarmes and noble soldiers. The City States have little military strength. The Order was formed to protect the roads and merchants. Originally the three guilds at the three primary city states, they are an organization that the Steward has now turned to to defend the Commonwealth. When the Zuigou Empire invaded, the League of Taumeria and Verbena asked the Grand-Master of the Order of the Free Knights to take command of the militias and armies. Successfully fighting off the Zuigou; they have now been strengthened and organized into an elite Chivalric Order to protect the region and keep peace.
    The Chivalric Order serves the Grand-Master. The current situation of the Grand-Master being appointed the first Steward of the United Free Cities means that the responsibilities of the Order have grown, too.

    Spoiler: Resources

    [2/4] Fibrous Flame: Very strong and fire-resistant textile. It is popular for clothing because it isn't cold and heavy.
    [4/4] Tangled Lightning: Lightning captured from thunderstorms is a powerful energy source. Especially it is used with crossbow bolt and festival fireworks.
    [2/4] Grains: The rainswept lands are very fertile. Because of the impressive development of terrace farms and irrigation, this land produces excess grains, such as rice and wheat.
    [4/4] Knights: Of course this country is famous for it's prestigious Free Knights.
    Tea: This simple and elegant drink is extremely popular in the free cities.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The religion is [animism]. Especially important are gods of rivers and rain. Artifact spirits are personal and familial bonds. Fortune is popularly sought and it is thought that brave actions bring fame and good fortune. Recently, such a goddess of Fortune and Chivalry became the most popular amongst Free Knights.
    Each region has popular local deities and festivals. Along the roads and canals, hostels can always be found to have shrines.

    After 538, Sphynks [Chosen of Inyannya] also entered because of Sphynks influence. Please read [Bastet] about [Chosen of Inyannya] and [Sphynks Spiritualism].

    Spoiler: Diplomacy

    [International Humanitarian Law]
    "It is a knight's duty to protect!" It is the rallying words of Free Knight Euco and Grand-Master Commelina. All nations are invited to international conference in Uran. The conference invitation addresses the international community.

    We must think of the helpless during war. As nations, we should agree:
    1) Noncombatant and refugees must be protected. They must not be killed. Surrendered warriors and prisoners are included.
    2) Care for wounded and sick is responsibility. Medics and doctors should not be impeded.
    3) The international symbol White Shield and Red [H] must be respected as sign of protection.
    The organization [International Hospitalers] are free knights and volunteers who serve in disaster and war areas for humanitarian purpose. They should have free access to nations who sign this [International Humanitarian Law].

    Spoiler: Technologies
    +Lightning Ballistae
    +Plate Armor, +Lenses, +Printing Press from SamBurke (Guilder)
    +Lenses, +Magnetism, +Ocean Fairing Vessels, +Plate Armor, and +Sewage Systems from Logic (Kingdom of Celero)
    +Prosthetic from BladeofObliviom (Glazfell Hegemony)
    +Efficient Building from BladeofObliviom (Glazfell Hegemony)

    +Higher Education from Snowfire (UJR)
    +Recruitment Centers from QuintonBeck (Kemuliaan)
    + Steam Train technology for signing Railroad Treaty from Elemental (Kingdom of Ashenia)

    Spoiler: Special Features

    Great Project: Prestigious Heroic Academies of Free Knights (5/5)
    Garden City of Ekbatana of Bastet (5/5)

    Expanded Southern City Fortifications (1/1)
    New River Infrastructure (2/2)
    Improve Farm Terrace Infrastructure (2/2)
    Railroad of Dong-Nam-Dosi (2/2)

    Public Schools in Land of Free Knights (2/2)
    Free Knights Academy Curriculum (2/2)
    Republic Children's Opportunities Curriculum (2/2)


    Inspired Chivalric Society: <Knights>

    International Humanitarian Law - Uran Convention

    In 488, the signed International Humanitarian Law is celebrated as a success.
    With considerations for the feelings of other races, it is renamed the [The Uran Convention], for the hosting free city.
    The signed members of this treaty are:
    • The Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities
    • The Glazfelli Hegemony
    • The Kingdom of Celero
    • The Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    • The Kingdom of Ashenia
    • The Salterri Imperium

    Of 491-495, it was signed by such a nation:
    • The Ash Kingdom of Maur
    • The Guilderene Expanse

    Of 496-500, it was signed by such a nation:
    • The Alzeroth Collective
    • The Hurosha Empire
    • The An Nádur
    • Union of Radurjic Republics
    • The Makgrull of Praeclarus
    • Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    • Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    • Faedas Freehold

    Of 501-505, it was signed by such a nation:
    • Cooperation agreement of Hospitalers and The Iron Cross to coordinate together about health situations.
    • Tyranny of New Crima
      Spoiler: Special Tyranny of New Crima Agreement

      [The Cree Pledge to The International Hospitalers]
      In a time of War, the Cree do hereby seek to conduct themselves by the following principles...
      1) Noncombatants and refugees will be spared from injury and death.
      2) Surrendered warriors and prisoners are to be considered 'Noncombatants' if they surrender or are captured before a battle begins.
      3) The food and medical needs of Noncombatants must be met. Philanthropic aid must not be impeded.
      4) The international symbol White Shield and Red [H] must be respected as sign of protection.
      The organization [International Hospitalers] are free knights and volunteers who serve in disaster and war areas for philanthropic purpose. They should have free access to the territories of the Cree and nations who sign the [Uran Convention].
      5) The above principles shall be considered void against any nation that attempts to exploit them. Combatants who attempt to hide themselves among Noncombatants, or abuse the above sign of protection, doom their nation. War shall continue in that region until their land is despoiled nearly beyond use and the living are made to envy the dead.

      --Signed with the Blood of Khoonbish the Inhuman,
      Second Tyrant of the Cree
      Winter, 499cc
      May Oluska's Holy Spirit Forever Guide Us

    Of 511-515, it was signed by such a nation:
    • Kingdom of Mularuhm

    Of 551- 555 it was signed by such a nation:
    • Fera
    • Great Sharixian Republic

    Of 556-560 it was signed by such a nation:
    • The Kingdom of the Isles

    1) Noncombatant and refugees must be protected. They must not be killed. Surrendered warriors and prisoners are included.
    2) Care for wounded and sick is responsibility. Medics and doctors should not be impeded.
    3) The international symbol White Shield and Red [H] must be respected as sign of protection.
    The organization [International Hospitalers] are free knights and volunteers who serve in disaster and war areas for humanitarian purpose. They should have free access to nations who sign this [International Humanitarian Law].

    "Land of Sphinxes"
    Region #142

    Population: 383,000
    Army: 2,000 Sphynks Executors
    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain


    The great desert to the west is called the Sea of Sand. It is very inhospitable. Travel is not recommended without a local guide.
    The Sea of Sand is scattered with ruins and ancient statues of sphinxes.

    The valley most of such statues can be found is known as the Garden of Requiem. This sacred place has religious value to the nomads who travel through the desert. It is believed the sphinx statues are guardians of an ancient civilization. They are landmarks, and probably the only way to navigate through the Sea of Sand. There are rumors of great treasures and artifacts buried in the Garden of Requiem.

    In 538, the new Garden City Ekbatana was built in the Garden of Requiem. This paradise city is the new sacred holy city of Sphynks.

    The most important features are the Oasis. Water is a treasure in the desert, so these places are important for the nomads and any visitors. However, please be careful of mirages.

    Spoiler: People

    Bastet is home of the nomadic tribes of Sphynks race. A culture of music and dance continues with this religious catfolk race. Although it can be hard to tell the difference, their colorful clothing and decorations are beautiful examples of textiles.

    Most sphynks travel in their nomadic caravans and make tent villages at oasis in the desert. They are sly desert navigators and very tough to endure the environment. Their favorite animal is <Desert Sheep> to provide transportation, food, and textiles. They are plucky and lithe. Usually noble-minded, Sphynks are very honorable. They are warriors and guardians of the desert.

    About Sphynks
    Sphynks are in general slightly shorter than humans on average, a tall Sphynks is 170cm. They call into this adult range of around 155-170cm. Eye and hair color usually to follow Cat styles.

    Sphynks lifespan to be until 50 years of age, shorter than the other races, though they tend to not lose physical condition until their last year, and such is a sign that they are dying.

    It is said that before they became wanderers, they were a great desert civilization. However, they became too proud and their garden cities were destroyed and turned to desert. The ruins and statues in the west are remnants of their civilization, or so they say. Usually pilgrimages are made to the ruins for religious reasons, and the priestesses have great power in their society.

    Each nomadic tribe has a chief, who is also the priestess. Although there was no central government, the religious order makes decisions and mediates disputes.

    In 538, the new Garden City Ekbatana was built in the Garden of Requiem of Bastet. The Sphynks became again the [Chosen of Inyannya], and the wandering days are finished. Many Sphynks travel in caravans and style for trade and culture, however they proudly have a home now.

    Although the usual style is to travel nomadic, there are two oasis cities.
    These are the 3 Cities:

    Ekbatana "The Holy City of Inyannya": The beautiful fertile great garden city of the Sphynks. Rebuilt in 538 in the Garden of Requiem, Ekbatana is the capitol of Sphynks now. A religious city and paradise, in the twilight hours the many painted temples and beautiful architecture reflects light like a beacon of the goddess Inyannya.

    Al-Hazar "The Glass Gate": A beautiful and exotic oasis city of stone and trees. Al-Hazar was once the most important city in Bastet. However, now it is the subservient city to Ekbatana. It is a thriving merchant city that is visited by many of the nomadic tribes, too. It is the last trading city before reaching Ekbatana, so many pilgrims and merchants travel through. Therefore the city always has a thriving trade and is a haven for refugees from the east or west. The glass trade and textiles trade is strong.

    Tanzer "The Heart of Sphinks": Tanzer was once a cultural city where many of the nomads stayed at for ceremonies and rituals. However, Ekbatana has united the Sphynks people as the culture and religious center, therefore Tanzer's influence has sharply faded. However, it has a strong culture of music and dance, and the city is decorated with woven banners representing all of the tribes and clans. History of the wandering years makes it a pilgrimage location, too.

    Al-Hazar and Tanzer both have merchant councils who are responsible for usual affairs, however the temples have strong influence on affairs, too. The High Priestess of the Chosen of Inyannya resides in Ekbatana, and a theocracy has recently formed.

    Spoiler: Resources

    [4/4] Glass: The art style of such a sandy place is famous for it's pure glass.
    [4/4] Textiles: The desert sheep and skill of sphynks artisans makes textiles valuable trade.
    [4/4]Musical Instruments: The legendary skill of sphynks dancers and musicians makes the musical instruments of similar quality and desire.

    Food: The desert environment makes food difficult to grow. Although there are many nomadic tribes with animals, especially grains are desired.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The religion is [The Chosen of Inyannya] and [Sphynks spiritualism]. The desert god punished long ago, and so their duty is to repent until such a punishment is paid for. The ancestor spirits are prayed to for guidance and help. Respect for family and clan is important. Especially dance and music are important to honor the god.

    Sphynks Religion: The Chosen of Inyannya

    Era of Prosperity
    The Sphynks are the chosen people of Inyannya, the Goddess of Sun, Music and Life. The supreme deity, Inyannya rules over all of the lesser deities as a judge and queen, to be fair and benevolent. Sphinxes are her messengers and servants, and the four winds are chosen guardians and servant deities.
    Long ago the Sphynks people were prosperous and close to Inyannya, living in the beautiful sacred Gardens of Inyannya, called [Garden Cities]. As the chosen people, they grew to great ability in the arts and unmatched culture.

    The Separation
    Because of the many sins accumulated by the Sphynks, especially the arrogance and pride caused them to become impure. In the disaster and punishment, the gardens of Inyannya and cities of the Sphynks were destroyed. This event is called [Separation] occurred in ancient years. To suffer the punishment and atone for sins, the Sphynks became wanderers in the Sea of Sand, attending to religious sites at the ruins of garden cities, and continuing ritual prayers, music and dances for generations until Inyannya saw their earnest actions worthy of the return.

    The Return
    The High Priestess Yfa Da'at Zwei succeeded in unifying the tribes of Sphynks in Bastet in year 538. Having built the new Garden City of Ekbatana, the prophecy of united Sphynks seemed to be concluding. The sacred rites were performed, and so it was declared the [Return] of Sphynks prosperity, to reunite in the grace of Inyannya and purification of sins.

    The Era of New Covenant of Sphynks and Inyannya
    Inyannya's cleansing of sin of the Sphynks and return of the Sphynks to the side of their goddess is the beginning of the new era. So long as the Sphynks remain united and loyal to their goddess, they may continue to rise.
    Such an important point are the dances and music of praise and offering to the goddess, who in return blesses the chosen people.

    About Religion
    Of course anyone can become a worshiper of Inyannya. It is correct to properly obey the spirits and deities, so it is proper to obey the supreme deity.
    Worship must be through music and dance. Crafts of textile are woven patterns of life and stories of Inyannya, so it is proper to wear the clothes of Sphynks.
    However, unless one is a Sphynks, it is probably unfortunate to not be as close to Inyannya. Perhaps if one prays fervently enough, one can become a Sphynks. Some humans may wear cat-ear headbands to attempt to show this desire.
    However, most Sphynks will only politely smile at this thought. It is appreciated the reverence and desire of Inyannya, because it is the correct action. However, one should respect all of the spirits and below deities, too.
    Especially the four winds are important, and the deity of Water, and the deity of Sands and the ancestors of the stars. Sphinxes are very much respected as messengers and spirits of Inyannya.
    A Sphynks who does not obey the teachings is an unfortunate outcast. Such a person cannot be considered 'Sphynks' anymore. They are pitiful and unclean. When the Sphynks were all wanderers, there was unity in the suffering, but one must be a fool to turn away from the merciful goddess.

    "Land of Lazurite Refuge"
    Region #143, Kasanip

    Population: 335,000
    Army: 3,000 Zuiguo Soldiers

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The great desert to the west is called the Sea of Sand. It is very inhospitable. Travel is not recommended without a local guide.
    The most important features are the Oasis. Water is a treasure in the desert, so these places are important for the nomads and any visitors.

    Kanyat's unique feature is the three two mountains that receive some snow in winter. One of the mountains is flat head. The rumor is that a god cut it off in an ancient battle. These mountains are called Ram's Horns Mountains. The great bazaar city of Dalmasca is between them, and most people live around this area because of the water and climate.

    Spoiler: People

    Kanyat is home to some of the nomadic sphynks tribes. However, it is also home to many people of Zuiguo, who came as colonists. As such, the culture is a mixture of desert lifestyle and Zuiguo's influence. A hospitable people who must work hard together, Kanyat people are known to be welcoming to foreigners.

    Most people live in the great bazaar city of Dalmasca. It is a famous trade center for travelers traveling West or East, and so many cultural merchants can be found in this international city. The impression of such a busy city is contrast to the desert. Most people travel in caravans, sometimes with Sphynks guides.

    Spoiler: Resources

    [4/4] Stone: The desert and Ram's Horns Mountains provide very good quality stone.
    [4/4] Lapis Lazuli: This precious stone comes from the mountains, and is popular as jewelry and decoration.

    Wood: The desert environment has few trees. Wood is a useful resource that cannot be easily found.

    Spoiler: Religion
    Please read [Bastet] for information about [Chosen of Inyannya] and [Sphynks Spiritualism].

    In Dalmasca many merchants can be found from different regions. However, no single religion is dominant.

    Dong-Nam Dosi
    "The Greater Kingdom Zuiguo"
    Region #136, Kasanip

    Population: 1,115,000
    Army: 5,000 Zuiguo Soldiers

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Mist Mountain Road The long road to travel from coast through Zuiguo is an ancient route. Most castle towns and village connect to this road. Famous cultural poetry and art shows this road. Probably it is most important from East to West road.

    Imperial City: The center of the Greater Kingdom Zuiguo, the Imperial City is very crowded. Beautiful buildings and ornamentation have been for a long time. The feeling of old pride can be overpowering to visitors. However, the famous temples and castles mix to provide a multistory feeling.

    Eternal Autumn Forest: This beautiful bamboo forest seems always to be the season of autumn. Beautiful red and gold colors can surround a traveler until they become lost in such a place. The imperial colors were chosen to reflect this eternal place. Such is a wish for long life, it is a spiritual home of the monks of Q'Jes.
    If one becomes lost, light incense and clap a prayer.

    Spoiler: People

    The people of Zuiguo are mostly humans. Having a proud lineage of ancient empire, they are always interested in continuing the legacy. Pride and Honor are important to Zuiguo people, however recently they have suffered many failures. The Old Imperium is remembered proudly, and people work hard to surpass old achievements.

    The society is feudal style. Local region and rural area are controlled by [Castle Lords]. They serve kingdom's ruler, who is called [Wang]. Such a ruler is defender of the lands. Long ago [Wang] was protector of many tribute states. However, with the weakening of the kingdom, many such a states became independent.

    However, the population and culture of this are is still very strong. Organization of society is around families. Most people are farmers and merchants, however there is a long military tradition, so warriors are famed and skilled with swords. Usually [Castle Lords] are strong with families of this style.
    Silk clothing is very popular, and usual clothing is robes with layers. Colors are simple and admire natural designs. All arts are admired and respected, especially poetry and swordplay.

    Spoiler: Resources

    [3/4] Aimoh: A soothing drink.

    [4/4] Ban-terato: Spiritual Artifacts made from bamboo. From the eternal autumn forest, they are believed to provide spiritual protection and good health.

    [4/4]Wood: Plentiful bamboo forests and temperate weather provides bountiful supply of wood.

    [4/4]Damascening Beautiful intricate inlaying created with Silver, Tangled Lightning and Steel, Damascening is metalwork art and design useful for the creation of intricate decoration of armor and other metal objects.

    Metal: Metal for weapons and utility uses is needed by this large population. Especially such a metal like Silver and Iron are valued.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The religion is [Q'Jes]. This religion's belief is spiritual harmony of oneself to be found and then released from entanglement. It is the individual's attempt to free from sins and imperfection of world, to find the purification. There are many deities who are prayed to for guidance and teaching. However, most important of the eight priceless things is Q'Jes. Q'Jes was the first monk to achieve such a spiritual harmony of oneself.
    Austere tradition, especially forest and mountain ascetic is important and popular. Many temples were built, and most are also location of teaching. Knowledge and Wisdom are important and respected greatly.

    Sorry, map of such regions isn't finished. However, I hope this feeling is acceptable.


    Spoiler: Trade Agreements

    Please see below about Trade. This is summary of trade agreements.

    Ash-Kingdom of Maur to trade <Steel> for <Grain>
    Kingdom of Ashenia to trade <Tea> for <Fibrous Flame>
    Guilderene Expanse to trade <Cake> for <Grain>
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea to trade <Giant-Bear-Dogs> for <Aimoh>
    Alzeroth Collective to trade <Firestone> for <Fibrous Flame>

    Receive from Tyranny of New Crima <Pegasi>

    Trandar to trade <Grains> for <Textiles> (Bastet)
    Glazfell Hegemony to trade with Dong-Nam-Dosi <Silver> for <Aimoh>
    Kanyat <Stone> for Zuiguo (Dong-Nam-Dosi) <Wood>

    Trade <Shedding Trees> from Rě Chūgǎng (The Kingdom of Celero) for <Lapis Lazuli> from Kanyat.

    Trade <Fish> from The Kingdom of the Isles> for <Glass> from Bastet.

    Gift of <Glass> is given to Kemuliaan to complete trade of <Silk> and <Glass>. <Textiles> is given to Kemuliaan to complete trade of <Rubies>
    Trade <Tea> from Salteire (The Salterri Imperium) for <Lapis Lazuli> from Kanyat.

    Spoiler: Trades Info

    Region Name used Resources Exported to
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities {#138} 0/2 Trading Posts
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities {#138} 2/3 Fibrous Flame Kingdom of Ashenia, Alzeroth Collective
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities {#138} 0/3 Tangled Lightning
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities {#138} 2/3 Grains Ash-Kingdom of Maur, Guilderene Expanse
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities {#138} 0/3 Knights
    Bastet {#142} 0/2 Trading Posts
    Bastet {#142} 2/3 Glass Kemuliaan, Kingdom of the Isles
    Bastet {#142} 2/3 Textiles Trandar, Kemuliaan
    Kanyat {#143} 0/2 Trading Posts
    Kanyat {#143} 1/3 Stone Dong-Nam-Dosi
    Kanyat {#143} 2/3 Lapis Lazuli The Kingdom of Celero, The Salterri Imperium
    Dong-Nam-Dosi{#136} 0/2 Trading Posts
    Dong-Nam-Dosi{#136} 2/3 Aimoh Kingdom of the Carmine Sea, Glazfell Hegemony
    Dong-Nam-Dosi{#136} 1/3 Wood Kanyat
    Dong-Nam-Dosi{#136} 0/3 Ban-terato

    Imported To from Realm Region Name Resources
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Kingdom of Ashenia Kingdom of Ashenia Tea
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Guilderene Expanse Guilderene Expanse Cake
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Ash-Kingdom of Maur Ash-Kingdom of Maur Steel
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Alzeroth Collective Alzeroth Collective Firestone
    Dong-Nam-Dosi Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Coldwell Giant-Bear-Dogs
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Tyranny of New Crima Crima Pegasi
    Bastet Trandar Trandar Grain
    Dong-Nam-Dosi Glazfell Hegemony Glazfell Hegemony Silver
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities The Salterri Imperium Salteire Tea
    Kanyat The Kingdom of Celero Rě Chūgǎng Shedding Trees
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities The Kingdom of the Isles The Kingdom of the Isles Fish
    Bastet Kemuliaan Kemuliaan Silk
    Bastet Kemuliaan Kemuliaan Rubies
    Last edited by Kasanip; 2015-08-08 at 11:41 PM.
    Kasanip's Sketchbook 2 Thread
    It is difficult to speak English, please excuse mistakes kindly m(_ _)m

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Titan in the Playground
    HalfTangible's Avatar

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    The Primus Imperium

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    (Most of this is copied verbatim from Blade's post on the country, largely so I can keep track of previously established facts about the region)
    (also, this post is not very well maintained - you'll probably find more recent data in the wiki)

    Holy Kingdom of Sycia
    Region 50, HalfTangible


    [Attribute Rolls]

    High Priestess Marvella
    (First winter: 457)

    Current Stats:
    Diplomacy: 7
    Military: 3
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 9
    Luck: 2

    Original Stats:
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 2
    Faith: 5
    Luck: 2

    Region Details

    Population: 957,000

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Sycia is a coastal land comprised mostly of mountains. These mountains boast a harsh climate largely consisting of snowfall, but a small portion of the summer boasts beautiful mountaintop meadows. Nearer to the sea, the land flattens out, and the weather warms slightly. This allows for the hardier of grains and grasses to grow, a necessity for the survival of the nations pegasi.

    Sycia has three important landmark features to mention:
    •Located between the Inner Shore and Frozen Peaks, lies the Great Sycian Plains. An abundance of hardy grasses and grains that can survive through the winter can be found stretching from the top to the bottom of this region. In the summer, it gets just warm enough for the southern end of the plains to spring flowers and transform into a series of beautiful meadows.
    •In the direct center of the kingdom is Mount Shivira, tallest of the Frozen Peaks. On the slopes of this mountain is located Yphinerra, the capital city and spiritual center of Sycia. Due to it's mountainous location the city is incredibly difficult to access without the help of pegasi.
    •The Icefall of the White Lady can be found where the Frozen Peaks meet the polar regions of the north and the sea to the west. This large glacier is a beauty to behold. It also serves as the main source of clean, fresh water throughout the kingdom.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of Sycia are best well known for the features they share in common with cats. The visible traits are those of cat ears and a tail, but they also have excellent vision, including in the dark. This is helpful, as the people of Sycia are a nocturnal bunch, though there is a specific culture within Sycia of people who are expected to go against their natural instincts and must learn to live a diurnal life. Women always have white hair and men can have either brown or black. Eye color can be blue, green, and gold. Sycians are not known for their physical hardiness, but are quite nimble and naturally acrobatic.

    Spoiler: Resources
    •The most famous resource in Sycia is their pegasi. Found both domesticated and in the wild, the pegasus is a staple of Sycian culture and is frequently necessary for easy travel throughout the region. The pegasus is a black-haired horse, with wondrous wings that allow it to fly through the air. These creatures, like the Sycians, are nocturnal, though they can be trained to be diurnal. A rare genetic mutation sometimes occurs that causes the hair of the pegasus to be a beautiful white. If one of these is found, it is highly prized.

    •A largely mountainous region, rare and exotic gems have been found throughout the kingdom and are mined both for the purpose of trading, and to be used for religious purposes.

    •The Great Sycian Plains grow an excess of grains whose ability to weather the rough Sycian winters can be found nowhere else. These grains are necessary for both the survival of the region's people, and that of the pegasi, though they can feed of the grasses found in the plain as well.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The people of Sycia Worship Yphine, Goddess of the Frost. They see every winter as a holy trial, allowing the Sycian's to become strong. The leader of Sycia is the religion's High Priestess, and also the spiritual leader of the Kingdom. They believe she is an avatar of the Goddess sent down to the mortal realm. The people believe Yphine will one day bury the world in an eternal winter, and only the true believers will be saved, lead to a land of eternal prosperity.

    Those who practice the Doctrine of Frost are expected to make two pilgrimages in their lifetime. The first is to the Icefall of the White Lady, where one is expected to stay for two straight days of prayer and thought. The second is to Yphinerra itself, to attend either the festival celebrating the beginning of Winter or that celebrating the end led by the High Priestess. They only need attend once in their life, but they are certainly willing to come back as many times as they would like as their personal spirituality or desire for fun so demands. Though never required, many bring gifts to the High Priestess at this time. The first pilgrimage is expected to be done alone before the person turns 21. The second is more of a tradition than a religious ultimatum.

    The Head Priestess has always been a woman of Sycian catfolk blood. There are numerous signs to determine who the next high priestess will be, but the most important is ice magic. Each high priestess possesses some magical sorcerous ability, largely focused in ice and cold.

    Below the High Priestess are 12 Head Priests that are half male and half female (always, except in temporary cases of extreme need), who act as advisors to the High Priestess. Each one heads (thus their name) a section of the Church/Nation and that sections duties. These sections are Culture, Worship, Construction, Scribes, Agriculture/Industry, Foreign Affairs, Interfaith Affairs, Funds, Military, Clergy Oversight, Judicial/Moral Guidance, History/Tradition. Obviously, the High Priestess has final say in all matters should she so choose to intervene, and under the Head Priests, the hierarchy is further broken down by duties, but the gist of it is that each one heads many priests and priestesses under them. The Clergy Oversight Head Priest chooses who is raised to the position of Head Priest from that positions respective department, when such a decision is necessary. The agreement of the High Priestess is necessary however. When a new Head Priest of Clergy Oversight is needed to be chosen the High Priestess elects him or her from (according to tradition, but not law) from among the other 11 current Head Priests. The Head Priest of Clergy Oversight is the only Head Priest without a large department under him or her, instead being aided by a select few priests or priestesses of his or her choosing. There is no rite or rules (though there is training) that prevent one from entering the clergy, though only true dedication, faith, and talent can elevate a person from the lowest levels.

    Spoiler: Military

    While Sycia is mostly peaceful, it maintains a defense force should it come under attack (or if allies are truly in desperate need of assistance).

    Sycia: 1000 troops, 1 Pegasi Wing (1000 troop units each)
    Felitora: 1000 troops, 1 Pegasi Wing

    Spoiler: Foreign Trade (Incomplete)
    Grain to Glazfell (Glazfellian Hegemony)
    Grain to Jarrland (Kingdom of the Carmine Sea)
    Pegasi to Selyra (Empire of Dawn)
    Pegasi to Froskov (Glazfellian Hegemony)

    Abyssium from Selyra (Empire of Dawn)
    Jeweled Clams from U27 (Trading Post)
    Silk from Frosskov (Glazfellian Hegemony)
    Bronze from Glazfell (Glazfellian Hegemony)
    Cavorite from Glazfell (Glazfellian Hegemony)
    Dyes from Jarrland (Kingdom of the Carmine Sea)

    Spoiler: Technologies
    Military Technologies:

    Black Powder
    Plate Armour
    Tzaltec Fire
    Pavonian Crossbows
    Aerial Naval Carriers
    Aerial Infantry Harness

    Scholarly and Civic Technologies:

    Efficient Building
    Advanced Lenses
    Printing Press
    Raaneki Diplomacy
    Sewage Systems
    Paper from wood pulp

    Transportation Technologies:

    Abyssium Ballast
    Advanced Horse-Riding
    Ocean-Faring Ships

    Mystical Technologies:

    Ultralight Materials

    Mechanical Technologies:

    Steam Power

    Spoiler: Felitora
    Area Region 51
    resources: Crystal, wood, and pelts/furs, imports coal
    Population: 862,000
    Religion: Doctrine of Frost

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The alpine mountains, forests, and tundra of Felitora, dusted with snow for half of the year, are mainly a vast plain with a long mountain range dividing most of the southwest corner from the region. A large river descends from it, and forms numerous tributaries often blogged with ice. Most of Felitora is covered in alpine forests, and the mountains bear many as well.

    Spoiler: Landmarks
    1: Turath, the Capital of Felitora. A bustling trade center, a military fortress, and a sanctuary of knowledge all in one, the city is divided into the outer ring, or Exportia, which is passed through on one side by a large river where ports rest that provides access to boat travel and delivering cargo. The other sides possess shops and storage areas.
    The inner ring, or Luxia, is full of schools, temples, and libraries, home to locations devoted to providing education. Most of Turath's inhabitants live in this area.
    The center area, Eyria, is walled off to the rest of the city, only accessible via gates guarded by soldiers. The center of Felitora is home to the Senatius Palace, home to the ruler and his advisers, and the military training programs.
    2: Cryoal Spire, a large mountain peak in the north, towers above the nation at a staggering 1,063 feet above sea level. This steep mountain is perpetually covered in snow and riddled with caverns full of crystals.
    3: Spirus River, a large winding river that stretches across the region and intersects with Turath.
    It is a well-traveled route used by traders.

    Spoiler: People
    Felitora is home to numerous different races of beastfolk, the most prevalent being Catborn and Drakefolk.
    Bearborn: humanoids with Nordic-similar relatively muscled bodies, fair or pale skin, and tall, sturdy builds. Bearborn are adorned with bear ears and an increased body hair growth, which is quite similar to fur in feeling.

    Wolfeborn: men with a lean, wiry build, vaguely lupine faces, wolf-like ears, fair skin, and a doglike tail.

    Catborn: a human with fair or pale skin, a long catlike tail, and cat ears. They possess an athletic, slender form and a skill with acrobatics.
    Catborn are descended from werecats.

    Drakeborn: Men with skin coated in scales, with a powerfully strong resistance and a draconic face. Occasionally possessing horns, Drakeborn also have a long tail. They are descended from dragons interbreeding with humans.

    Bearborn: 24%
    Wolfeborn: 18%
    Catborn: 27%
    Drakeborn: 31%
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2015-02-05 at 04:20 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ettin in the Playground
    Tychris1's Avatar

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    Jul 2010
    Mt. Ebott

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Everburning Horde!
    Region 16-N

    Population: 57 Dünfel (57,000 Converted)
    9,000 Sympol Mad-Rats
    13,000 Tekorvan Beastbreakers
    4,000 Pyronian Pyromaniac Fire Berapi

    Current Leader:
    Fel Malengorius, Lord of the Hell Pit, Breaker of Foes, Pyrelord, King of Devastation, Prince of Smolders, The Unbroken, The Unconquerable, The Unyielding, The Obsidian Fang, Drechai Slayer, Liege of the Great Emblazoned One, Hoardstealer, Undertyrant, Master of the Abyssal Realm and the Everburning Horde, Kinslayer, Fatecrusher, Oathbreaker, Foe-Reaper, The Great Liberator, Sovereign of Raiders, Suzerain of Salt, Champion of the Night, Captain of the Heartgouger; First vessel to pierce the Burning River, Chieftain of Cutthroats, Warden of the Depraved, Soulflayer, Mentor of the Mad, Emissary of Enforcers, Guide of the Defiant, Vagabond Commander Most High, Subjugator of the Inferno, The Blazing Tempest, Master of Massacres, Father of Fangs, The Drifting Death, World Render, The Eternal, The Soul of Summer, The Father of Spring, The Earth's Fury, Tutor of Terror, Keeper of the Dark Wind, He Who Gazed Into the Abyss, He Who Smiles at Death, the Shockingly Swift, First of his name.


    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 1
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 8

    Spoiler: Military
    6 Mercenaries (6 Military Units) are currently employed by the Everburning Horde.

    Krag "The Hacked Five": Eternally hunched over, Krag seems almost dragged down by the weight of the world itself pressing on his shoulders, and it certainly stretches to his personality. Bitter and lethargic, his massive underbite is rarely seen without a scowl marking it, and though he can speak perfectly fine he much prefers to merely grunt or growl at whatever irritates him at the moment. During his years underground Krag spent the vast majority of his time exploring the riches and wonders that the underscape can provide. Precious gems, metals, and scenery to which he could lounge and watch all day. It excited him, inspiring him to continue searching for the hidden beauties of the world. All of that changed when he spotted a vein of darkstar iron that twinkled like the night sky he'd never seen before. All that separated him was a relatively small chasm, and this wonder would be his to touch and behold.

    The edge of the chasm proved to be more unstable then he anticipated, and it collapsed underneath him with too much fury for him to grab a ledge. He plummeted, falling into the depths below, his screams of anger and surprise echoing through the tunnels. His body was rent, his claw pinned under piles of debris, and mind left in agony. Time passed and eventually Krag managed to free himself from the rubble, yet his claw did not survive the incident. Mangled and shattered, it crumbled away until all that was left was a painful, bleeding, edge. Staring at his deformed limb, Krag decided his only purpose now was war. Krag now fights his battles not as himself, but as a rampaging nihilist trance referred to as "The Hacked Five" in honor of the limb he uses as his only weapon.

    Bregün and Garün "The Silent and the Blind": Born under unusual conditions for their kind, Bregün and Garün were twins hatched from the same egg. The others in the horde did not know what to think of it, a soul split in two, and so they branded it an omen of darker things to come. Ostracized by the others, Bregün and Garün were forced to rely on each other for most of their lives, scraping what they could get, and stealing what they couldn't. Over time they were viewed as a nuisance more then a spiritual threat, and eventually they began to grow more encroached in their tribe. The Lord of Fire is an unknowable and mysterious force however, and his hand on fate can be hard to read sometime, so it is that the omen surrounding the brother and sister turned out to be true.

    Natural born hunters, Bregün and Garün's tribe followed packs of underground monsters, stalking them before picking at them one by one and devouring them. Oftentimes they would let a whole pack escape just to follow them back to the larger herd. It was during one such following that disaster struck. Perhaps someone moved too close to the main herd too early, perhaps the herd merely had a sixth sense, or maybe it really was cursed to begin with. Whatever the reason, ultimately it didn't matter, for it would end the same anyway. Somehow startled, the swarm of subterranean abominations proceeded to stampede on the unsuspecting hunters, trampling them in a hurricane of teeth, claws, and tentacles. Bregün was soon cut off from Garün, the wall of flesh pushing them apart incrementally until Garün was pulled under by the living tide. Cutting a bloody path through what stragglers remained from the tail end of the stampede, Bregün lifted her brother from the ground and found his face was mauled beyond repair, his eyes scratched into uselessness.

    Ashamed, Bregün vowed an oath of silence from then on for failing to protect her brother, and watches over him like a guardian angel. For his part Garün has not allowed his new found blindness to leave him a mere broken thing to be cared for the rest of his life. Already a proficient bowmen, Garün spent months honing his other senses, transforming his body into a machine of alternative impulses. He now sees through a system of vibrations, sounds, and smells that paint an image in his mind of the intended quarry. Pin point precision isn't really his forte, but then again accuracy isn't very important when shooting arrows sized for him. Bregün acts as his shield maiden on the battlefield, covering him from returning fire with her massive slab of stone for a shield, and when more accurate shots are required, she helps to correct his aim through a series of taps on his shoulder acting as a secret tongue.

    Cheron "The Dark Wind, He-Who-Chases-The-Sun, Moonslayer, The Magnificent, Duke of Devastation, The-Blade-That-Sunders-The-Sky": Cheron is the epitome of arrogance and skillful hubris taken to the extreme. Renowned not only for his skill with a blade but also for his dashing good lucks (Amongst the Dünfel that is) and agile form, his form is far more lithe and nimble then his brutish kin, granting him an aerial and acrobatic grace that defies the norm for all other Dünfel. Built with a broad chest and 2 sets of curving, pink, crystalline horns he vaguely resembles the ideal appearance of a dashing heroic man dragged bloody and screaming through a demonic fun house mirror covered in flames and blood seeping through the chipped edges. Several more rare gems are embedded into his body all over, acting more as decoration and accessories then any real intention of protecting himself. His signature weapon is a set of paired crude fencing sabers formed from a mixture of molten rock and screeching crystals that emit high pierced shrieks with each parry and taunt.

    Born the heir of a different clan of Dünfel Cheron aspired for greatness, being molded in a cradle of a relatively cushy lifestyle, personal training and pampering at a young age, and being turned into an utterly spoiled brat. When the time came for him to inherent his throne and lead his people, Malengorius swooped in and slayed Cheron's father on the spot. Stealing his title due to the honor of battle trumping the honor of blood. Outraged he challenged Malengorius to a duel, intent on slaying the wretch who dared take his rightful position. For 2 days and 2 nights they battled, titans clashing against one another in pitched battle that caused the earth to tremble and cave systems to quake. Finally at the dawn of the third day Cheron, impressed by his adversaries ability to survive his skillful onslaught, relinquished his throne. To best not only his father but hold his own in combat against The Dark Wind was a truly great feat in and of itself.

    Grän "The Insatiable Insanity, The Star Chaser, The Broken, The Warped Warrior, The Rabid Reaver, He Who Was Touched by The Great Emblazoned One, The Hysterical Hunter": Grän is an odd specimen amongst the Dünfel, in that his body structure differs wildly from the rest of them. Where his kin have legs, Grän only has a writhing mass of igneous tentacles. Where his kin have sharp, angled heads Grän has a smooth skull in an almost circular shape. His horns twist from the back of his head, following the circular pattern. His face is scarred and deformed, sporting 3 vertical gashes for eyes, with a myriad of smaller holes on his face that flare and hiss spontaneously. His arms are fractured and broken, carved and split in twain, resembling two forearms fused together to form a single arm.

    Little is known of Grän's past save for the fact that he was once known as Delaghast, a Banner carrier for the Everburning Horde. Years ago he disappeared in the midst of a battle, seemingly vanishing into thin air only to appear in recent times on the outskirts of the Everburning Horde's territory twisted and mutated beyond recognition. He was driven truly mad, his mind crumpled into a belligerent state of irrational behavior and pain. Some Dünfel called for him to be executed on the spot, to have what little remained of his dignity spared, but Yaltar opposed it vehemently. He saw within Grän's broken eyes the blessing of The Great Emblazoned One, and surmised that their Infernal Patron had taken Grän to his realm to be molded and shaped. For what purpose has yet to be seen, but Yaltar believes that it could be the key to bringing forth their Fiery Father to the world once more. As for Grän's name, he seems incapable of saying anything but his own name, saying it with different tones and inflections to act as almost a secondary language, and so it stuck with him, his old self gone forever.

    Spoiler: People
    ~Log 298, Ninth Year of Service, Dray Blacktail Stormvermin Battlefield Medic

    Specimen is unlike anything I've ever seen before. From toe to head it stands taller then 7 Stormvermin stacked ontop of each other, with shoulders as wide as 4 Sympol standing shoulder to shoulder. It's skin resembles obsidian or darkstar iron, hundreds of scales interlocking together as a crude armor. Incredibly coarse to the touch, it's rigid, hodgepodge nature makes it seem more like the side of a mountain then it's true flexible nature. Eyes are completely orange with black irises, seemingly containing some kind of inner flame. Eye socket is large enough to fit a Sympol head inside of (Side note: This is actually how the specimen was discovered, as the right eye of the specimen has gone through severe damage from the gnawing of a Sympol scavenger. Claw marks can be found all across the Specimen, some from Sympol making, and yet others from creatures far too large to exist in Sympolemou proper).

    Two horns protrude from the beasts elongated head, massive curling things that continue to burn even after the creature has deceased, discounting the idea that it's life and the fire may somehow be correlated. I will now extinguish one of the horns to observe them while they are not on fire.

    (Equipment Log Reminder: 20 Buckets removed from warehouse)

    After repeated failed attempts at extinguishing the horn, I have come upon a few conclusions. The first of which is that extinguishing these flames is harder then first anticipated, as it continued to instantly rekindle so long as a spark remained. The second of which is that there are several rings on this horn, layers sliding over one another that seem fresher at the tip then the base. It's hard to conclusively say, but these horns seem analogous to tree rings on the surface.

    A continual flow of smoke has been filling my workshop during this operation, and it seems that I now have discovered the source. After managing to flip the beast over, we found several holes in its back that secrete this smoke. Most likely the byproduct of the internal burning that originally lit this creature.

    With surface investigations complete, we will now move on to the incision so as to investigate the beasts inner body. Due to my importance in the investigation, I will supervise the operation while my assistants enact my orders. We will now begin the incision.

    (Equipment Log Reminder: 1 Broken Scalpel)

    The scalpel broke, not surprising given it's rocky exterior, so we will move to more extreme measures of puncturing.

    (Equipment Log Reminder: 1 Broken Sword, Axe, Rapier, Scythe, Greataxe, Bastard Sword. 2 Broken pickaxes)

    The third pickaxe managed to tear a hole in the monsters skin, sadly upon puncturing the skin a jet of fiery liquid (most likely it's equivelant of blood) shot forward and roasted the assistant. After containing the spill, we found that the internal bones were also onfire, and required further dosing. Suffice to say we've taken all the buckets from the supply cache. The monsters anatomy is completely foreign to me, but it seems to have some similarities to the Sympol. It possesses multiple redundant organs, counting 3 hearts, 4 stomachs, 4 Lungs, 2 Livers, an absolute mess of intestines that will require another investigation to catalogue, multiple miscellaneous organs, protective layering of bones around core organs, and a host of things I've never seen before. It's muscles and tissue are incredibly dense and resistant, leading to delays in removing the organs as chunks of meat must be removed first. One of the more interesting discoveries is an organ lodged above the lungs and connected to them, considering the beasts fire breathing capabilities I assume this must be the source of it's breath attack.

    I am apparently being granted permission to name these monsters, as an honor for performing this autopsy. As a child my mother used to tell me stories about horrible monsters that came from the Forest of Bones to eat disobedient runtlings that refused to fight. They haunted my dreams and paralyzed me until I learned how to wield a sword and empower myself. But now, looking at this aberration, I am filled with the same fear I was gripped with as a child, and the name of these story time monsters dances on my lips as I look at it.


    Spoiler: Resources

    Ah so you wish to trade with Ixigar yes? Ixigar knows what it is you seek small one, for Ixigar has travelled far and wide since coming to the surface realm, and during his time under eath he has seen such wonders that the mind cannot begin to behold them! Yes, yes please see Ixigar's wares. Do you seek meat? Then spices and blood you shall have! The flesh of beasts too mighty for smaller hands to fell. Perhaps you want gems? Ixigar has spent years in the land of the gems, plucking from underneath the earth. Comd, come! I will show you a gem so large I could replace my eye with it! I would too, if I hadn't done so already with this beauty.


    Neither meat nor precious metals interest you? Hmmm. Perhaps then, you seek a more base desire? The flesh and touch of another small one as yourself? I have many such people under my "employment" out back. Perhaps if some of your horses went missing, some of my own cattle could go missing to, yes?


    Oh! Of course, you have come for the trade of my people, I see. Well, Ixigar is a friend to all, and he is certainly a friend of his kin. What of my kins delicacy are you interested in? Our Tinderbone burns long and fiercely, outshining any mere wood or other fuel for miles around. If you can stamp it out a lit Tinderbone with your foot, I'll give you the whole thing for free! I wouldn't do it personally, of course, unless you wanted to lose a foot in a blazing inferno.

    Ah, I see you are short on Horses, perhaps then it is the Drechai you seek. Monstrous crab like creatures, their hide and claws nearly match our own, and their blades are sharp enough to crush caravans with ease. If that's what you're into of course. Their blood and heart burns like my own, their smoldering interior bleeds out through a tiny, what is it you little ones call it? A volcano? Yes that's the word, a tiny volcano like assortment grows from their back and ruptures out their intense burning liquids. Excellent for keeping warm and smiting your enemies. Of course, tie some reigns around them and you have an excellent beast of labor aswell, capable of long periods of work with minimal effort in feeding them.

    Oh, of course! Excuse me for presenting you with all these ridiculous objects, my time spent with the other traders around here has left me rather disconnected from reality (They are particularly strange, you're the first normal merchant I've met in a long time). You've come for our Salt. A practical and intelligent choice of ware, I had actually just ate my lunch earlier. Give me an hour and I'll have some salt for you once I'm done digesting this meat. I hope you don't mind it smelling a bit of sulfur, Salt is a natural excrement of my people so the smell is impossible to avoid.

    Thank you for the business!

    Spoiler: Religion
    The Dünfel practice a perverted variation of the Lord of Fire religion that they call the Cult of the Everburning Pyre. According to the Dünfel, long ago their race was made by the Lord of Fire himself as a sort of Guardian Angel, warriors that would banish the cold from the world and kindle the sun. When the world was barren and cold the Dünfel struck out, carrying the torch and the whip across the land. When all was said and done, the Lord of Fire deemed that the Dünfel were no longer needed, and sent them beneath the earth to rest and be ready for the day they would be needed again.

    Life is an eternal burning flame, with each soul contributing a spark to the total pyre. It is only by stoking this pyre and shining brightly that the Lord of Fire can return to this world. As of such, each follower is instructed to live his life in reflection of his inner flame, to dance and move from place to place, unrooted.

    "Only the weak imprison themselves behind walls. We live free under the wind, and our freedom makes us strong." - Fel Malengorius

    Followers are encouraged to act based on their heart, to be spontaneous and combust in fits of anger or passion when presented with the opportunity to do so. To love deeply, to stab swiftly, and to crush harshly. The Lord of Fire holds no remorse for the weak or the timid who restrict their inner fire by strictures and fear. As of such, if someone lacks the strength to hold onto what he has earned, he never deserved it in the first place. The exception to this is when trickery is employed, as the Great Emblazoned One frowns on those who rely purely on it to get what they want.

    "It's not a matter of deserving. It's a matter of strength. The power to hold versus the power to take." -Excerpt from the Tome of Fire, Holy Book for the Cult of the Everburning Pyre

    Furthermore, the Lord of Fire enjoys blood sacrifices, drinking deep of its inner fire, it helps to invigorate him and bring him that much closer to returning to this world in full force. However the Lord of Fire only enjoys drinking the blood of the worthy, those whose sparks burn most brightly before being devoured by him. True believers, martyrs in his name, and zealots are all like the most beautiful delicacies to him. The blood of infidels and heretics however, are like stale bread to him, sufficient to keep him from growing hungry, but not enough to satisfy him or keep him from being angry. The greatest thing a believer can do in the name of the Lord of Fire is to die in a blaze of glory, burning out in the name of their one true fiery god.

    Spoiler: Every Non-Combatant Dünfel named

    Ixigar "The Ruby Eyed, The Fleshing Flincher, The Cheat, The bronze tongued, The Whelp Warren, Goldthief, Greedtooth, Price Poacher, Slave Siren."
    Dalshün "Blood Painter, Artisan of Anarchy"
    Togg "The Twin"
    Grogg "The Other Twin"
    Asdob "Song Sower, Battle Bard, The Magnificent Maestro Maker of Magically Meticulous Melodramatic Maleficent Major Masterpieces Mentioning Miniscule Mandolins."
    Hud'Gor "The Gore Swine, Minister of the Malcontent, Salt Seeder, Dirt Dilettante, Book Bane."
    Grimrä "Matron of Mountains, Flat-face, The Mule, Drechai Whisperer."
    Flai "Border Butcher, Bastard Bruiser, The Twice Dropped, Fatherchucker."
    Kelrax "The Enlightened, Voice of Fire, The Hand of Our Lord, Avatar of Ancestors, Prophet of Pain, Priest of Punishment, Cleric of Calcification, Thrice-Blessed."
    Dorlingus "The Second Best, The Sociable, Stonemouth."
    Earnest "Never Heard of Him, Who?"
    Frank "The Unimpressive, Never-Shuts-Up-About-That-One-Time"
    Last edited by Tychris1; 2015-06-25 at 01:37 PM.
    “I’m a Terrorist not an idiot.” - Me

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Umajin Frontier

    Cridan (94)

    Population: 858,000


    The Phantom Steppes
    The original Caercian explorers and map makers called this place the “Cas-Teire Expanse”, but anyone who's ever endured living in it for over a year quickly becomes accustomed to a less formal (and uncomfortably more apt) moniker. They call it the Phantom Steppes.

    It stretches from the center of the region far out into the east and south. Nothing but dry and hilly steppe land as far as the eye can see, with nearly nothing living upon it. Even with the wild horses brought in by the Cree stone, there's still something of an eerie serenity to the place.

    Those who live and wander there are known to frequently report strange sightings of spectral phenomena, such and roving spheres of ghostfire and disembodied whispers on the wind. Several Rijwak Cree shaman claim to have conversed with gigantic grief maddened poltergeists, but they have yet to present any definitive proof.

    The Weeping Crags
    The mountainous expanse that divides Cridan from Sterkelv to the north is known as The Weeping Crags. Many exiles who were jostled and whipped down these sheer cliffs lost their lives. Foreigners can be forgiven for mistakenly imagining the name originates from the fact that the Crags are filled with hot springs and snowfed rivers, each of which generates uncounted and often spectacular waterfalls.

    The Osfluv
    Named after the Sterk explorer who first traversed it, the “Osfluv” snakes from the Weeping Crags on down to the coast taking a widely circuitous arc that extends nearly through the heart of the region. Most of the major settlements in Cridan are built along it. It's a lifeline of fishing, fertile farmland, and transportation.

    The 13 Palas Deums
    Anywhere you go in Cridan, you'll find some part of the skyline blighted by any one of thirteen cyclopean abominations of craved granite. These are the Palas Deums, and their dead shadows loom long over the both this landscape and its mysterious history.

    Each fortress is the size of a large market at it's base and tower easily four stories above the ground on which they rest. Though only a few have been explored, reports indicate that inside they are filled with vast cavernous rooms although no signs of furnishing beyond vast murals painted onto the walls but having faded greatly, as if they were built a long time ago but never used. 13 fortresses were accounted for by the explorers, each scattered about a day's ride from the next all along the coast and into the interior of the region.

    The Cree Tyranny has been very cautious about exploring these ruins and punish unauthorized treasure hunters with extreme prejudice. The apparent unhurried abandonment and preservation of these structures, coinciding with the almost total lack of original animal life in the region, is regarded by scholars to be “extremely alarming”.

    The Oluska Stone
    When the First Good Tyrant of the Cree first set foot in Cridan, her power over Providence was demonstrated by the landing of the second ever Cree Stone. It is considered by many to be a kind of holy relic, and is protected as such. A large fortress temple has been constructed over and around it, using the crater it formed as the beginnings of a mote.

    It is regarded by many to be the spiritual center of the country.

    Oluska Bay
    The political capital of the province, this once small port city was renamed by the locals almost immediately after the First Good Tyrant arrived there.


    Caercian explorers who first discovered Cridan (then calling it Cas-Teire) found no signs of habitation or even wildlife, though more careful examination since has revealed this was not always the case. The most obvious sign of previous habitation is of course the Palas Deums, which indicate a now fled or extinct race of giants.

    The Four Voices
    Regardless of its past, the region is now inhabited by the Cree. The Cree of the Daughter Land, Cridan, are a chorus of Four Voices united by the arrival of the Oluska Cree Stone. These four voices grow ever more mingled in fellowship under the Tyranny, but it is important to remember their origins.

    - The Old Cree
    The past always casts shadows into the future. Even in the rightful light of the First Good Tyrant's reign, there were some who could not stop grieving the tragic but necessary loss of the old Khaliphate. So that they might attempt to start it anew, they were allowed to leave and colonize the then empty “Cas-Teire”. Ultimately, Good Tyrant Oluska's arrival in that new land, along with the evidence of her Providence, swayed the last hearts back into the protective embrace of the Cree Tyranny.

    - The Former Kell
    The Kelldra foolishly spurned them. Their faces were branded with hot irons, and they were abandoned in “Cas-Teire”. Now, what was once of scar of shame is a mark of pride. It has quickly become a custom of the Cridan Cree to scar their own faces with burning brands symbolic of their life ambitions when celebrating establishing themselves in their adult careers.

    - The Rijwak Cree
    The Rijwak are not “Goblins” and never were. That is merely a name the invaders gave them. In any case, that is what the Rijwak claim.
    They have an unusual sexual dimorphism. The menfolk are small, abundant, and incredibly reckless. The women are larger, but far fewer in number. They tend to give birth to triplets on average, each of which might have a different father

    The stereotypical Rijwak male is highly competitive, always looking to prove themselves the “flashy best” at something or other in the hopes of being invited into (or keeping their place in) a rich and influential woman’s harem. Other then that and their skin color, they aren’t much dissimilar from humans.
    While fellowship as Cree has done much to sooth the pain of being removed from their ancestral home in “Palas Caercia”, many quietly dream and whisper of eventual revenge.

    - The New Ascension
    The then young Patriarch Rofilius, Successor to the Legacy of Patriarch Famulatus, Guardian of the Holy Tenet of Obedience, was present to witness the arrival of Good Tyrant Oluska and the second Cree Stone. He partook in the great pilgrimage. He ate and drank with heretics. He witnessed the good Tyrant walk into the crater, he heard her words, and his voice joined so many others in crying the name of his new people.

    Moments afterward, he began to writhe and speak in tongues. He had strange visions. He saw the foundation of his faith, and wept in confusion and horror. He journeyed for a long time through the ethereal world. He witnessed the afterlife, and saw almost nothing he'd been taught to expect.

    It can not be known how far his soul traveled or for how long, but for a full year his body writhed and screamed and spoke of strange things of which few but the Rijwak shamans had any understanding. It was they who were trusted with much of his care in those hard months.

    When he awoke, he was different. He was many years older, and carried an air of wisdom, drawn up from a well of unimaginable suffering.

    He abandoned the title Patriarch, saying,
    “Do not toddle after me any more like helpless children. We are all no more then Seekers. You already have eyes should you choose to open them. You need no one to see for you.

    Perhaps I know the path a little better now, but that only makes me a master of myself. If you can not help but to heap titles on my back... then call me Pathfinder.”


    -Osfluv's Journal, Day 36
    After venturing into the first two Palas Deums, we encountered vast murals on the walls inside, though they were faded and chipped and bore no words, only pictures. They seemed to depict some great struggle between winged lizards and a bipedal race of men or giants in arms and armor being fought out across the fields of Cas-Teire as indicated by the appearance of the Palas Deums in the background of the pictures. The art is magnificent and grand in scale, although so much has been lost to time and wear that much of the story is seemingly missing. Whether these were painted 100 or 1,000 years ago is impossible to determine and what it is they exactly depict will remain uncertain at least until more is known about these great fortresses, but for now these murals are the only link to the past anchoring this region to history.


    Granite (Good)

    Cridan Horses (Good)
    The Blessed Herds were evidently summoned (perhaps conjured?) by the arrival of the Oluksa Stone.

    Required Import- Entheogen Substances
    The sooth sayers and healers of Rijwak have relied on their specially cultivated Cana Beans for uncounted generations. Now that Caercia has banished them from their land of origin and caliously monopolised that crop for their own recreational use, the Rijwak Cree are forced to seek out alternitive sacred substances.

    There's no one dominate religion in Cridan at this time. The devote Rijwak Shamans and lackadaisical Cree Animists, cut pretty evenly with the Ascension faith, which has recently divided itself between Reform and Orthodox interpretations.
    For Later use: The majority religion of Cridan is a strange hybrid of Cree animism, Rijwak shamanism, and core principles of Ascension. The result is a New or Reformed version of the Ascension faith. This derivation still holds to the core understanding of the historical Ascendent and the story of her first four disciples, but rejects the treatment of them as “Patriarchs”.

    Reformed Ascension rejects the structure of the old church and the dogma of waiting to receive rewards in the afterlife. It places a greater emphasis on semiotic collaboration and personal growth over authoritarian conquest and blind obedience.

    Rather then Patriarchs followed by Supplicants who obey, the Cree Reformists organize as Pathfinders followed by Seekers who question.
    Last edited by DoomHat; 2015-02-09 at 11:00 AM.
    ...with a vengeance!

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Salterri Imperium



    Qzare Li Aarne "Laoying" Krii Valkoinen
    (starting rolls; end stats:)

    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 9
    Curiosity: 8
    Faith: 7

    Inheritance bonuses: +2 Dip, +2 Mil, +2 Cur, +2 Faith
    Oracles: +1 Dip
    Greater Vassal Bonuses: +1 Cur, +1 Fait
    42: +2 Mil
    43: +2 Mil, +1 Cur
    44: +2 Fait

    Spoiler: The Li Dynasty
    ~ Family Tree ~

    * denotes a piece of fluff poetry, prose or a proverb

    Tailong -- A Glorious Union, A Fractured Empire (421-425 CC, r19)
    Tailong -- Master of the Trade Imperium, Father of Princesses (426-430, r20)
    Tailong -- The Qzare Disappears, War with the Priory! (431-435, r21)
    Regent Zuei Piandao -- The Worst and Brief Rule of the Zuei (436-440, r22)
    Tianshi -- A New Direction for the Future (441-445, r23)*
    Tianshi -- A Woman's Silken Gloved Iron Grip (446-450, r24)*
    Tianshi -- Honour Grows, Gold Spreads and Silver Words are Woven (451-455, r25)*
    Tianshi -- The Imperium Spreads, the Might of the Dragon Shows (456-460, r26)*
    Tianshi – The Traitorous Merchants Strike (461-465, r27)**
    Tianshi – The Grandest Games Of All Time (466-470, r28)**
    Tianshi – The Unification of the Hundred Seas (471-475, r29)*
    Tianshi – The Weeping Blades and Mourning Moon (476-480, r30)**
    Gun Huang -- Remember The Dead, For They Await You (481-485, r31)*
    Gun Huang -- A Promise of Might, the Gentle Fist of Man (486-490, r32)**
    Gun Huang -- To War! Through the Twilight Veil! (491-495, r33)
    Gun Huang -- Treaties are Signed, Truth is Found (496-500, r34)
    Gun Huang -- The Games Return, the Trade Imperium! (501-505, r35)*
    Gun Huang -- Dang Darsian Doldrums Digesting Directives (506-510, R36)**
    Gun Huang -- The Subtle Work of the Iron Palm (511-516, r37)
    Gun Huang -- Passing the Torch (517-520, r38)
    Teutus "Shiren" -- Internal Trade Arrangements (521-525, r39)
    Teutus "Shiren" -- Tiaqra Crystals Found (526-530, r40)
    Teutus "Shiren" -- The Tzaltec Plot in Faedas (531-535, r41)*
    Teutus "Shiren" -- Old Age's Fading Strength (536-540, r42)
    Aarne "Laoying" -- Gold Grows, Silver Sleeps (541-545, r43)**
    Aarne "Laoying" -- Fabulous Faith, Faeman's Fist (546, 550, r44)**
    Aarne "Laoying" -- The Ethmorl Claim (551-555, r45)**
    Aarne "Laoying" -- The Final Tellurian Games (556-560, r46)*
    Aarne "Laoying" -- Hundredth Birthdays All (561-565, r47)**
    Aarne "Laoying" -- The Divine Wishes to be Found (561-565, r48)*
    Aarne "Laoying" -- Growth Overseas, Growth in Fire (561-565, r49)
    Aarne "Laoying" -- Facing The End (576-580, r50)**

    Spoiler: Former Rulers
    Qzare Li Teutus "Shiren" di Tar (starting rolls; end stats:)
    Diplomacy: 7
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 6

    Qzare Li Gun Huang (starting rolls; end stats:)
    Diplomacy: 8
    Military: 9
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 10

    Qzarina Li Tianshi (starting rolls; end stats:)
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 8
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 1

    Princeps Senatus Zuei Piandao (regent) (starting rolls; end stats:)
    Diplomacy: 1
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 2
    Faith: 1
    Luck: 1

    Qzare Li Tailong (starting rolls; end stats:)
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 7
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 2

    Qzare Xiu Hanyeo (end stats)
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 6
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 6
    Luck: 3

    Qzare Xiu Wandao (end stats)
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 9
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 10
    Luck: 3

    Trivise Imperia
    Sobrida Imperium [liege] -- Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    Sobrida Imperium [vassal] -- Kingdom of Mularuhm
    Sobrida Imperium [vassal] -- Kingdom of the Isles
    Sobrida Imperium [vassal] -- Coalition of the Abyssian Sea
    Sobrida Imperium [vassal] -- Niemida Prefecture

    Caercian Consulatium [liege] -- Caercian Consortium
    Caercian Consulatium [vassal] -- Grand Duchy of Pavonia
    Caercian Consulatium [vassal] -- Kingdom of Faelthalas

    Seaborne Confederacy
    Kingdom of Celero
    Kingdom of Novrania -- Seaborne vassal

    Protectorate Provinces
    Region 5B, Eyrecradia [under Faedas]
    Region 61, Requiem [under Serendel]

    Spoiler: Line of succession
    Line of succession from Qzare Li Gun Huang Jarrow as of 551 (round 45):
    1. Li Teutus di Tar (452-540) -- eldest son, passed away at the end of his reign
    2. Li Aethelflaed di Tar (452-535) -- eldest daughter, passed away before her twin brother
    3. Li Aarne Krii Valkoinen (460) -- second eldest son [Current Qzare]
    4. Li Aeglaeca Toiphle (466) -- second eldest daughter
    5. Li Ensio Lius Timanpaholainen (460) -- third eldest son
    6. Li Tris (516) -- Ensio's seventh (sixth?) eldest Li son
    7. Li Xiuhcoatl (466) -- Gun Huang's third eldest daughter
    8. Li Hannu Maa Loistavaseppä (463-562) -- Gun Huang's fourth eldest son
    9. Li Hongbao (511) -- fourth eldest daughter stricken from the line of succession on suspicion of conspiracy against other members of the House of Li
    10. Li Aelfhare Su Mustaihoinen (467) -- fifth eldest son
    11. Li Fenghuang (514) -- fifth eldest daughter stricken from the line of succession on suspicion of conspiracy against other members of the House of Li
    12. Li Tsernobog Toiphle (472) -- sixth eldest son
      • Li Dragoweitezca (475-515) -- seventh eldest son, died in Darsia
    13. Li Pyry Hel Kaivaar (476-569) -- eighth eldest son, died upon hearing the news of the Blazing Temple converting to worship of Tzetultep
    14. Li Huanglong (499) -- ninth eldest son
    15. Li Euria (517) -- eldest daughter of Huanglong
    16. Li Longfang (521) -- eldest son of Huanglong
    17. Li Anaies (523) -- second eldest son of Huanglong
    18. Li Sester Kungpao (523) -- third eldest son of Huanglong
    19. Li Brutus Gunlin (525) -- fourth eldest son of Huanglong
    20. Li Qilin (514) -- tenth eldest son of Gun Huang
    21. Li Lucius Tezcamun (517) -- eleventh eldest son stricken from succession due to killing his half-brothers
    22. Li Guntai (518) -- twelfth eldest son stricken from succession due to marriage out of the House
    23. Li Gunlong (518) -- thirteenth eldest son
    24. Li Fengbao Jarrow (425) -- second eldest sister of the Qzare, eldest sister had already been Qzarina
    25. Li Shurao (453) -- eldest daughter of Fengbao
    26. Li Aiguo (476) -- eldest son of Shurao
    27. Li Shuxian (483) -- eldest daughter of Shurao
    28. Li Huanglei (478) -- second eldest son of Shurao
      • Li Shandian (455) -- eldest son of Fengbao, died in the invasion of Grmanhil in 492
      • Li Meiyan (475) -- eldest daughter of Shandian, ward of the Empire of the Silver Moon
    29. Li Shanshin (478) -- second eldest son of Shandian
    30. Li Zorja Nisakovich (491) -- second eldest daughter of Shandian
    31. Li Kai Nisakovich (486) -- third eldest son of Shandian
    32. Li Mao Nisakovich (489) -- fourth eldest son of Shandian
    33. Li Leiming (455) -- second eldest son of Fengbao
    34. Li Taien de Leiming (491) -- eldest son of Leiming
      • Li Iulia de Leiming (486) -- second eldest daughter of Leiming, Matriarch of the House of Lang
    35. Li Shandian de Leiming (499) -- second eldest son of Leiming
    36. Li Tianshi de Leiming (486) -- third eldest daughter of Leiming
    37. Li Kitara de Leiming (497) -- fourth eldest daughter of Leiming
    38. Other branches

    Spoiler: Government & Noble titles
    Noble ranks in the Imperium:
    1. Qzare
    2. High King
    3. King
    4. Lord Protector
    5. Grand Duke
    6. Duxong / Duke / Protector / Eparch
    7. Marchou / Marquise / Granqueso
    8. Comezi / Count / Earl / Jarl
    9. Viscomezi / Viscount
    10. Baronan / Baron
    11. Mileshi (Imperial Knight)

    The Qzare is the head of the state, of the Salterri Imperium as its ultimate liege, and of the Salterri Heartlands as its direct ruler. He is ultimately responsible for the protection of the realm against outside threats, and the political and economic stability of the nation. He is lawmaker and adjudicator, the one responsible for appointing leading bureaucrats to the branches of government and the executioner of all death sentences within the Salterri Heartlands.

    The Kings are the vassals of the Salterri Imperium of the highest rank, directly below the Qzare. They hold power of the Silver Mandate via the approval of the Qzare and the blessing of their Houses' long and powerful bloodlines. They rule with strength and justice. The title of High King is reserved for a King who stands above all other kings, but such a title is as yet not in official use.

    The Lord Protector title is used by few. The Qzare's secondary title is Lord Protector of the Salterri Imperium, to denote his military role in safeguarding all lands within the Imperium. The title is primarily used by the Lord Protector of the Caercian Consortium, who lords over the region of Palas Caercia and the city of Palas Ritius directly, serving the King of Caercia as primary military commander and second hand. Thus, only two people bear the title.

    The Grand Duke is the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Pavonia, and he is the only Grand Duke within the Imperium.

    A Duxong is the Salterri title for a Duke, equal in rank to a Caercian Protector. The only Duxong in the Salterri Heartlands are the Duxong of Bracia, the Duxong of Pontensulae and the Duxong of Penoccident. The Eparchs in the Imperium include the regional rulers of Discordia and Tempestia in the Kingdom of the Carmine Sea.

    A Marchou is the Salterri title for a Marquise, equal in rank to the various Granqueso of Frios. In most parts of the Imperium, they are seen as on par with the next in rank, rather than above them, but in the Heartlands the minute details of noble rank are often found important.

    A Comezi is the Salterri title for a Count, equal in rank to a Carmine Earl or a giant Jarl.

    A Viscomezi is the Salterri title for a Viscount. Though they are rare within the Imperium, Salterri nobles often find it important to note where they stand on the social ladder of noble ranks.

    A Baronan is the Salterri title for a Baron.

    A Mileshě is an Imperial Knight. There are many within the Salterri Imperium. Typically, roughly a fifth of cavalrymen or two-fifths of flightrunners (aerial unit soldiers) are mileshě.

    Spoiler: Military Organization

    Spoiler: Technologies
    Berunda <35 Berunda OR dinosaurs OR huma birds OR perytons YES!
    Blackpowder <35 Sulfur, Nitrates/Bat Guano, Coal/Charcoal(From Wood) YES!
    Clockwork <35 Metal YES!
    Horse-riding (Advanced) <35 Horses No…
    Loaders <35 MECK OR Large Animal Yes?
    Magnets <35 Magnetic Metal YES!
    Medicine <35 Shedding Trees No...
    Mithril-forging <35 Mihtril or Orichalcum YES!
    Ocean-faring <35 Wood YES!
    Plate armor <35 Hard Metal YES!
    Printing Press <35 Paper or Papyrus or Books YES!
    Prosthetics <35 Metal YES!
    Refrigeration <35 True Ice or Tears of Yphine YES! (find out where my Tears of Yphine went)
    Shintouite Crafting <35 Shintouite No…
    Wurm-riding <35 Wurms No…
    Adamantine-forging 34 Adamantium No…
    Aerial Harness 34 Tech: Mithril Forging, Plate Armor; Resources: Arpied Mercenaries YES!
    Aerial Naval Carriers 34 Wood YES!
    Griffon-riding 34 Griffons OR Pegasi YES!
    Inspired Militia 34 Raised Militia Circumstantial
    Kralax-riding 34 Kralax OR Dinosaurs No…
    Lenses 34 Glass OR Quartz Maybe?
    Oracles 34 Osuro Mirc OR Fruxtkorp'r No…
    Pitch 34 Tar AND Oil YES!
    Raaneki Diplomacy 34 Heartwine OR Vodka YES!
    Sewage Systems 34 Stone YES!
    Zeppelins 34 Lighter than air gas No…
    Agriculture 35 Plant-based food resource in a region YES! (see individual regions)
    Automata 35 Clockwork Technology and its requirements, Solid Metal YES!
    Beast Masters 35 Monstrous Rats OR Big Dumb Non-Domesticated Animal Maybe?
    Calculus 35 Intellectual Specialists (Architects or Scriveners or Scientists etc) YES!
    Efficient Building 35 Stone Maybe?
    Hovercrafts 35 Leather YES!
    Shrieking Crossbows 35 Wood, Wurmsxupp (Dragon Scales) No…
    Steam Power 35 Clockwork Tech and its Requirements AND Advanced Fuel (Bloodfire OR Goldfire OR Dragon's Blood OR Rock Juice OR Vatn-Dauths OR Coal) X 2 AND Alchemical Components No…
    Tzaltec Fire 35 Goldfire and Dragon's Blood (Oil) No…
    Ultralight 35 Cavorite No…
    Abyssium 35 Abyssium YES!
    Physics 35 Any established education system/institution OR an educated persons resource YES!
    Imperial Bureaucracy 38 Great Project Law; bureaucrats [resource] or personal servants [resource] YES!
    Salterri High Cuisine 38 Personal servants [resource] YES!

    Agreements of Utmost Import
    Spoiler: The Grand Charter of the Salterri Imperium
    The Grand Charter of the Salterri Imperium

    The Salterri Imperium exists as a unified empire with the goal of bringing peace, order, and civilization to the world. All Regions, Provinces and Protectorates of the empire agree to a code of conduct to support those goals.

    {1} Loyalty to the Qzare is absolute. As ruler of the Imperium, the Qzare maintains ultimate authority over the empire. The Qzare agrees never to rule unilaterally without the input of the Senate unless necessary for the preservation of the Imperium.
    {2} Regions under direct control of the Qzare shall be referred to as The Silver Throne. These regions shall retain their native leadership and traditional native methods of leader selection. Said leader is granted the Imperial Title of Provincial Governor and may use this title for all legal purposes. Traditional local titles for leadership may be retained and legally used, provided said titles explicitly called out in this treaty.
    {3} Cohesive geographical unions consisting of 4 or more regions shall be called Provinces. These Provinces are bound to the Imperium by treaty or conquest. Provinces shall have full rights and responsibilities to maintain their native leadership and methods of selection. Leaders of such nations shall be granted the Imperial Title of Proconsul and may use this title for all legal purposes. Traditional local titles for leadership may be retained and legally used, provided said titles explicitly called out in this treaty.
    {4} Non-cohesive geographical unions consisting of 1 or more regions shall be called Protectorates or alternatively Prefectures. These Protectorates are bound to the Imperium by treaty or conquest. Protectorates shall maintain their traditional methods of leadership unless formally objected to by the Qzare or a vote of the Senate. Leaders of such nations shall be granted the Imperial Prefect and may use this title for all legal purposes. Traditional local titles for leadership may be retained and legally used, provided said titles explicitly called out in this treaty.

    The Senate
    {1} The Senate shall be convened on a regular basis to debate the priorities, goals, and agendas of the Imperium and put to a vote said issues. The result of such votes shall be made law to the Imperium.
    {2} Senators are to be selected by a method determined by the regional rulers, whether that be by vote or appointment. The Imperium shall not interfere in the method of Senatorial selection.
    {3} Each region shall have one Senator and receive one vote in the Senate. Additionally, for every two regions under direct control of the Silver Throne, they shall receive an additional senator and vote.
    {4} Each Proconsul shall also receive one vote.
    {5} The Qzare shall receive no votes but does maintain veto power over any law passed by the Senate. The Senate may, however, override the Qzare's veto with a three quarters vote of the Senators.

    The Imperial Court
    {1} Each regional ruler, Protectorate Preator, and Provincial ProConsul shall have the right to attend or send a duly appointed representative to the Comitatus Judex Primus, Court of the Chief Magistrate of the Salterri Imperium. Here, leaders may petition the Imperium or have grievances addressed.
    {2} A tribunal of three Magistrates will hear the petitions and issue rulings on a timely basis.
    {3} The Chief Magistrate of the Salterri Imperium shall be appointed by the Qzare, and serve a term of no less than 5 years.
    {4} Two other Magistrates shall be chosen by the Imperial Senate from a candidate list of no more than two from each region. These candidates should be of good moral character and knowledgable in Imperial Law.


    Military Obligations
    {1} The territorial integrity of all provinces and protectorates is guaranteed by the Silver Throne.
    {2} All provinces and protectorates are expected to maintain reasonable defensive forces proportional to their extent and population, including a navy.
    {3} All military units shall follow the following naming convention, to assist in integration of disparate units from multiple sources. A Legion is defined as 1,000 armed and expertly trained soldiers or equivalent thereof. A Classis is defined as a grouping of naval ships capable of carrying a Legion as well as defending it while in transit.
    {4} Should any region within the Imperium come under attack from outside, all provinces and protectorates are expected to contribute a reasonable number of troops to its defense at the request of its ruler, reasonable to be construed as all troops that can be made available without endangering the integrity of that subject.
    {5} Provinces and protectorates are encouraged but not obliged to support foreign deployment of troops undertaken or endorsed by the Silver Throne.

    Military Actions and Limitations
    {1} No region will raise arms against another member of the Imperium, except in defense.
    {2} Proconsuls and Prefects shall not raise unreasonable military forces and will voluntarily disband some or all of them upon request of the Qzare or a vote of the Senate.
    {3} No region will militarily invade lands belonging to nations outside of the Imperium, except in times of war. With Senate approval, expiditionary forces can be sent to assist and encourage undeveloped regions to join the Imperium or to protect native unaligned peoples.
    {4} No region shall sponsor privateers nor issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal without consent of the Senate.

    Faith and Religion
    {1} The Imperium officially recognizes the Hailings of the Silver Sea as the official state religion for use in all Imperial ceremonies. Clergy of the Hailings of the Silver Sea are granted autonomy to move through all Imperium lands and spread their beliefs without hindrance.
    {2} The State officially recognizes the Qzare as the bearer of the Silver Mandate and having divine favor to rule.
    {3} Proconsuls and Prefects must adhere to a state approved faith for all public Imperial actions. Special dispensations may be given to leader who follows a regional religion with long standing traditions in the area.
    {4} The Qzare and the Senate reserve the right to ban any religion determined to be detrimental to the Imperium.
    {5} Regional rulers may petition the Courts to restrict the Hailings of the Silver Sea to a minority in a region where a conversion to a majority might cause civil unrest.
    {6} The spreading of native faiths to other regions requires consent of the ruler of that region, the Prefect or Proconsul, and a full vote by the senate. At no time may any traditional faith be greater than a minority outside its home regions.
    {7} No member of the Imperium may start or organize a new faith or religion without formal decree from the Senate.
    {8} No member of the Imperium may spend more than 1/5 of its taxes in support of any religion without formal decree from the Senate.
    {9) Missionaries from outside of the Imperium are denied entry to Imperial lands and are prohibited from spreading their faith anywhere within the Imperium without formal decree from the Senate

    Trade, Resources, & Technology
    Imperial Provinces and Protectorates may make trade agreements as they see fit with the following requirements.
    {1} If a region of the Imperium has need of a resource you can provide, you must offer the resource to that region before offering it to any nation outside of the Imperium.
    {2} No trade agreements of any sort may be made with any nations declared to be an enemy of the Imperium.
    {3} The Qzare and the Senate reserve the right to declare any technology a ‘state secret’ and forbid trade of it outside the Imperium.
    {4} All acquired technologies are to be shared openly with all members of the Imperium, though recipients of the technologies may still be required to provide resources in payment for the technology.
    {5} No ruling member of the Imperium or Senator shall support illegal acquisition of technology that violates existing Imperial Treaties.

    Spoiler: Propinlonge Convention Concerning the Treatment of Prisoners of War
    As all others, the Salterri Heartlands signed the Propinlonge Convention in 425.

    • Prisoners of war may under no circumstances be compelled to work against their own allegiances.
    • Prisoners of war must be treated with the basic dignity of all sentient creatures. As such, they are to be provided with sufficient food, shelter and clothing as their anatomy requires. Under no circumstances are they to be deprived of such basic necessities.
    • Prisoners of war may only be harmed if in the process of escaping, and then only to prevent a successful escape.
    • Prisoners of war must follow the laws of the land in which they are incarcerated. If said laws are broken, they are to be treated appropriately.
    • Prisoners of war who hold rank, whether civil, aristocratic, martial or ecclesiastical, are to be kept in separate confinement as their status accords.
    • Prisoners of war may be ransomed if both parties are in agreement, but may not be used as hostages.
    • Prisoners of war may not be used as labourers save by their own agreement and only then for suitable payment.
    • Prisoners of war may not be sold into slavery, banished to distant lands or otherwise prevented from returning to their country of origin at the cessation of hostilities.
    • All the above points may be suspended if it is necessary to prevent harm to sentient creatures.

    Kingdom of Ashenia,
    Salterri Heartlands,
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea,
    Triumvirate (now the Union of Radurjic Republics),
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia,
    Kingdom of Celero,
    Ancestral Quill Unification Alliance (now Seaborne Confederation),
    Imperial Alydaxian Dominion,
    Tzaltec Empire

    Spoiler: Uran Convention (International Humanitarian Law)
    The Salterri Heartlands signed the Uran Convention in 488.

    1) Noncombatant and refugees must be protected. They must not be killed. Surrendered warriors and prisoners are included.
    2) Care for wounded and sick is responsibility. Medics and doctors should not be impeded.
    3) The international symbol White Shield and Red [H] must be respected as sign of protection.
    The organization [International Hospitalers] are free knights and volunteers who serve in disaster and war areas for humanitarian purpose. They should have free access to nations who sign this [International Humanitarian Law].

    Signatories (as of 515):
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities
    Glazfelli Hegemony
    Kingdom of Celero
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    Kingdom of Ashenia
    Salterri Heartlands
    Ash Kingdom of Maur
    Guilderene Expanse
    Alzeroth Collective
    Hurosha Empire
    An Nádur
    Union of Radurjic Republics
    Makgrull of Praeclarus
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    Faedas Freehold

    Spoiler: Trades
    Receiving Import Necessity: salt? Yes!

    Crops (Great) [4/6]
    1. to Jarrland for limestone
    2. to Pontensulae (gift)
    3. to Meimanda for Lightbringers (ro35)
    4. to Faelthalas for Fish (ro36)
    5. --
    6. --

    Silver (Great) [4/6]
    1. to Palas Caercia for Flax
    2. to Ri Chugang for Rubber
    3. to Tzalteclan for Maztpoalaa Goldfire to Penoccident (ro38)
    4. to Wyrmar for Desert/Fire Dragons (ro38)
    5. to the Ever-Burning Horde for Drechai (ro38)
    6. --

    Corundum [1/3]
    1. to Ashenia for Hazarian Salt
    2. --
    3. --

    Personal Servants [1/3]
    1. to Tumeland for Rouge Rogues (ro38)
    2. --
    3. --

    From trade posts:
    • [rU1] Abyssian Sea: Nix Coral (ro40)
    • [rU1] Challenger Depths: Chitin Whod (ro40)
    • [rU18]: Tittering Cobbles (ro41)
    • [r2] Celero: Griffins (ro30)
    • [r11] Raaneka: Heartwine (ro19)
    • [r14] Guilder: Inventors (ro25)
    • [r24] Tar: Tar (ro20)
    • [r25] Jeweled Cities: Kelp-Olive Oil (ro20)
    • [r31] Grmanhil: Bees (ro34)
    • [r31] Grmanhil: Iron (ro35)
    • [r32] Selyra: Abyssium (ro36)
    • [r49] Errelosse: Cattle (ro25)
    • [r52] Drugaud: Scientists (ro25)
    • [r54] Maos: Athletes (ro21)
    • [r65] Minotron: Longhorn Cattle (ro29)
    • [r67] Palas Caercia: Cana Beans (ro40)
    • [r69] Farridon: Arpied Mercenaries (ro29)
    • [r90] Galomyr: Bananas (ro33)
    • [r92] Sterkelv: Perytons (ro25)
    • [r121] Sanglea: Skywhales (ro37)
    • [r125] Trinacria: Sparkfellow Iciles (ro40)
    • [r126] Tuhiland: Vallotake (ro40)
    • [r131] Novrania: Medicinal Herbs (ro37)
    • [r134] Nan Hai Nian: Rice (gift from Caercia)
    • [r134] Nan Hai Nian: Leviathans (gift from Caercia)
    • [r149]: Sapphire Wood (ro39)
    • [r153] Puerto Melizine: Ships (ro37)
    • [r156] Darsia: Navigators (ro36)
    • [r156] Darsia: Sleetmice (ro39)
    • [r160]: Whispered Darkness (ro35)
    • [r160]: Malhanan Brew (ro35)

    Getting gifted:
    • Quartz from Farridon
    • Toma Nuts from Farridon
    • Huma Birds from Tempestia
    • Horses from Requiem
    • Clay from Requiem
    • Iron Wood from Requiem
    • Ice Dragons from Promise
    • Storm Dragons from Bjurnja (see Bracia)

    Spoiler: Future Trade Posts within the Imperium
    Discordia - Discordian rock
    Jarrland - Scriveners / Dyes
    Farridon - Toma Nuts
    Tempestia - Huma Birds
    Sea of Glass
    Bloomenwald Isles
    Ri Chugang
    Dong Bu Dosi
    Mapuílli - Ice totems
    Bjurnja - Chickens (Storm dragons?)
    Wyrmar - Cacti / Fire dragons(?)
    Graberlock - Mole Owls
    Landerkunst - Boiling Smoke, Glass Ore
    Conjelado Anillo - Miner Durirus

    Receiving Import Necessity: food? Yes!

    Gold [0/3]
    1. --
    2. --
    3. --

    Salt [1/3]
    1. to Bracia (gift)
    2. --
    3. --

    Silver [2/3]
    1. to Mapuílli for Fish (round 36)
    2. to Niemidaland for Fish (round 35)
    3. --

    Tea [2/3]
    1. to Kanyat for Lapis Lazuli (ro38)
    2. to Maur (gift)
    3. --

    Getting gifted:
    • Drum Lizards from Bor-Teire

    Receiving Import Necessity: wood? Yes!

    Ale [3/3]
    1. to Jarrland for Wood (ro35)
    2. to Rathenal (Thalmann Legacy, 161) for Wood (ro35)
    3. to Ri Chugang for Shedding Trees (ro35)

    Drum Lizards [1/3]
    1. to Salteire (gift)
    2. --
    3. --

    Receiving Import Necessity: salt? Yes!

    Hops [2/3]
    1. to Dong Bu Dosi for Nightcrackle Lichen (ro35)
    2. to Bjurnja for Storm Dragons to Aus-Teire (ro 38)
    3. --

    Getting gifted:
    • Salt from Salteire (round 35)

    Receiving Import Necessity: grain? Yes!

    Diamonds [2/3]
    1. to Ayava for Cave Cats
    2. to Maur (gift)
    3. --

    Everlava [3/3]
    1. to Darsia for Sleetmice (ro35)
    2. to Esuma for Visionaries (ro35)
    3. to Maur for Deathiron (ro38)

    Orichalcum [2/3]
    1. to Zargrim for Tanedhan
    2. to Tempestia for Geese
    3. --

    Getting gifted:
    • Crops from Aus-Teire

    Receiving Import Necessity: alcohol? Yes!

    Cliffhorn Goats (Great) [6/6]
    1. to Palas Caercia for Flax
    2. to the Heartwaste for Galie-Noiret's Nitrates
    3. to Novorogh for Hellstone
    4. to Valeriya for Niskovia's Vodka
    5. to Krepida for Glazfell's Tears of Yphine
    6. to Sycia for Crops

    Fish [1/3]
    1. to Niskovia as a gift
    2. --
    3. --

    Receiving Import Necessity: metal? Yes!

    Goats (Great) [3/6]
    1. to Neo Scandza for Halja's Lothra Dragk Absinthe
    2. to Rathenal (Thalmann Legacy, 161) for Geras Fruit
    3. to K'braash(riix) for Fruxtkorp'r (ro38)
    4. --
    5. --
    6. --

    From trade posts:
    • [r31] Grmanhil: Iron

    NPC Vassals
    Niemidaland (88)
    Receiving Import Necessity: precious metals? YES!
    Importing silver from Salteire.

    Meimanda (89)
    Receiving Import Necessity: grain? YES!
    Importing grain from Aus-Teire.

    Darsia (156)
    Receiving Import Necessity: fuel? YES!
    Importing everlava from Pontensulae.

    Mapuílli (157)
    Receiving Import Necessity: precious metals? YES!
    Importing silver from Salteire.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-10-06 at 04:31 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Region 36

    Population: 2,116,000 (1000 soldiers, 1000 navy, 4000 aerial)
    [incl +37 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    Much of Aus-Teire is covered in bamboo forests.

    Several miles from the capital of Xianzhi Urbe, one can find the hauntingly beautiful Nightwood, where the canopy is so dense that what light reaches down during the day is filtered and reflected several times, giving it a ghostly appearance. Not much can grow on the forest floor, besides some weeds, herbs and some unique flowers of which the dew literally attracts light towards it for some mysterious reason and purpose, ensuring that the forest is often not much darker during the night than during the day in places where these flowers grow.

    The Mountain of Light is a mountain with a strong magnetic field that has been the cause of some shipwrecks on the shore in years past. During some nights, spread throughout the year, the skies are lit by lights normally only seen in polar and near-polar regions.

    Spoiler: Cities
    Xianzhi Urbe
    Population: 319,000

    Xianzhi Urbe is the largest city in the Imperium and most likely the world. It has stood for over five hundred years, and was founded when Old Imperials founded a fortress on a hilltop nearby a village, and built six tower outposts spread a few miles apart on separate hilltops each. The fortress became the central locus of control for the new arrivals and therefore many of Old Imperial trade to the inland areas of the new colonies found its way through. Soon, the Old Imperials built temples to their old gods there and named it Xianzhi Urbe, the First and Only City.

    The city has been fortified with imported shintouite in recent years.

    Population: 78,000

    Flumenkŕn, also known as Riverwatch, lies at the outermost edge of Aus-Teire. It is a city isolated by land, relying much of the river it is built besides.

    Long D'Ora
    Population: 58,000

    Long D'Ora, also known as Wyrm's Edge, is a city near the border with Wyrmar. It is here that most of the corundum mines are found.

    Portaeyin Nushi
    Population: 47,000

    Portaeyin Nushi is the entrance to Pontensulae. Its outermost gate lies exactly one mile away from the Gates of Salted Earth and Molten Sea.

    Spoiler: People
    Humans of primarily dark skin, though the nobles are of lighter tint and smaller and leaner build. It is said that the Salterri originally came from over the sea, called by the Silver Lady and her Prophet, who came to them years later and spread them across the land. The Salterri later split from the Old Empire that lay in the Far West and became a nation entirely of their own as the nobility and darker-skinned natives mingled and formed an empire of their own, defeating tyrannical neighbours and offering free peoples a gentler hand as lord--a way of government often referred to as the Iron Palm.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Aus-Teire has a Great supply of crops and silver, with mines in the southern parts near the border with Wyrmar having access to corundum. On the other hand, the region is quite lacking in the salt the Salterri so prize.

    Resources: Crops [Great], Silver [Great], Corundum [Good] and Personal Servants [Good]
    Import Necessity: Salt

    Spoiler: Religion
    The sole religion in Aus-Teire is She-Of-Silver-Spear-And-Coin, the Lady that the Salterri worship known as the Hailings of the Silver Sea. The Salterri would not have it any other way in their capital region, after all.

    Hailings of the Silver Sea [ONLY]

    Region 35

    Population: 1,039,000 (3000 soldiers)
    [incl +15 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    Set in a temperate alluvial plain, Salteire is crisscrossed by many shallow rivers. While one might expect such terrain to be fertile and lush, much of the land is barren and unsuitable for farming. The very rivers that should bring life are so heavily laden by minerals washed down from the Discord Mountains on the southeastern border of the region that they become toxic to plants and animals. A collection of freshwater lakes in the west is the main source of fresh water in the region, and most of the population centers are based here.

    Within the region, there are three features of note:
    The Sayleen River, the largest river in Salteire, flows from the Discord Mountains to the far northwestern edge of the region, where it empties into the gulf. The river is so muddied by the minerals of the Discord Mountains that the land around it is unfit for anything. All along the river are artificially flooded regions where the water is allowed to sit and dry so that the dissolved minerals, mostly salt, can be easily harvested. Small communities are built up around these salt pools to house the workers.

    The largest lake is called the Godwell. Believed to be a freshwater well dug by gods in ancient times, it is the primary source of freshwater in the region. Nine freshwater springs flow into the lake from the hills surrounding it. The Godwell in turn feeds several smaller lakes in the area.

    The eastern border of Salteire is formed by the Discord Mountains, a tall mountain range formed by the collision of two continental plates. The upwelling forced many minerals to the surface, which wash down in the rivers that flow into Salteire.

    Spoiler: People
    The people are lean, tough, and cruel. The harsh land beget a harsh people. Though rich in rare mineral resources, the difficult conditions has made life far from comfortable for the Salterri. Generally pale with a reddish hue, these ruddy folk usually have reddish blonde hair which seems almost golden in the sun. Their wiry frames conceal an unexpected physical strength. Though not the brightest or most creative people, their have a sense of conviction and self assurance that drives them forward. While they have long had strong spiritual beliefs, these beliefs have only recently been codified into a religion.

    Spoiler: Resources
    The majority of useful resources in Salteire come from the many rivers. Evaporation pools cover the landscape like cultivated fields, workers toiling away to harvest the crops of salts and precious metals. Seasonal floods and a network of canals replenish the salt fields.

    The distinct lack of vegetation through much of the country and poor water supplies mean that most buildings are constructed of baked mud brick, though this is almost always covered with ornate carvings and decorative scroll work with gold and silver filigree to hide the drab materials. Even the poorest citizens have some gold or silver in their homes to brighten the mood. Some sources of stone are also quarried for construction, but these are usually reserved only for the wealthiest and most powerful members of the country. Most of the government buildings are palatial, built of imported marble, polished granite, and layered with gold leaf and silver amidst intricate carvings showing the glory of the Imperium.

    Occasional rains replenish cisterns dug across the region for that purpose which, when combined with the waters of the Godwell, provide for the drinking needs of the people, though little enough is left to water any crops. Fishing is prevalent along the coast, but Salteire boasts no great fisheries.

    Resources: Salt [Good], Gold [Good], Silver [Good] and Tea [Good]
    Import Necessity: Food

    Spoiler: Religion
    The Salterri have long followed She-Of-Silver-Spear-And-Coin, the Lady that the Salterri worship in a religion known as the Hailings of the Silver Sea, a minority of which still exists within the region.

    In recent years, a cult has arisen in the shadows of the Imperium which believes in the strength and 'rightness' of their humanity and their right to rule as an empire. This religion has come to be known simply as Ascension, and has grown to become the dominant religion in Salteire. Ascension espouses a belief that each and every man is but an embryonic god. Through a concerted effort towards enlightenment, dedication to the church, and becoming a powerful leader in this life, one can ascend upon entering the afterlife, literally becoming a god. Naturally, this appeals strongly to many of the Salterri, and in the wake of the imperial instability at the time, many looked towards Ascension for guidance in this life and the next. The church teaches that the path of ascension has been suppressed by the Lord of Fire, and that he and his evil avatar on Telluris directly interfere in ascension and must be brought down for mankind to truly take its rightful place in this world and the next.

    The Church of Ascension holds 17 tenets at the core of their beliefs which dictate the thoughts and actions of that faith's adherents. These are organized into the Quaternity of Quaternions, or four sets of four to the layman. Each Quaternion has a chief Principle and three supporting Virtues. These are Obedience, Temperance, Readiness, Vigilance, Ambition, Efficiency, Diligence, Precision, Respect, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty, Valor, Justice, Mercy, Sacrifice, and finally, Spirituality.

    Ascension [majority]
    Hailings of the Silver Sea [minority]

    Region 34

    Population: 840,000 (1000 soldiers)
    [incl +13 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    Mirror Lake is a pristine lake near one of the most famed towns in Bor-Teire that is like a perfect mirror, except it mirrors not what is there, but presumably what was there thousands of years ago, allowing a gaze into the past.

    [two as yet undefined features]

    Spoiler: People
    The people of Bor-Teire are divided between man and the native orc. The orcs have long formed a strong part of the Salterri army, while at home they tend to the hops farms, from which they both brew and also eat. They are a little taller and quite a bit broader than Grmanhilian orcs, and when deprived of their hops-filled diet often become aggressive. Possibly for that reason, the orcs aren't much seen outside of Bor-Teire, aside from the army. The orcs live in tents and move around in caravans, often having one cart filled with dirt to grow hop plants in even while they move around.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Bor-Teire is well-known for its hops and the ale brewn from it, as well as its drum lizards, which are kept for their delicious meat. Though in the wild they can grow three times as big as in captivity, the wild ones' meat often causes stomachache due to their diet of a kind of berry that is poisonous to humans, but not to orcs, who hunt the wild drum lizards.

    The region sorely requires stone to build, having only meagre supplies of it and being sparse in wood.

    Resources: Ale [Good], Drum Lizards [Good]
    Import Necessity: Stone

    Spoiler: Religion
    There is a majority of Ascension adherents.
    The majority religion is She-Of-Silver-Spear-And-Coin, the Lady that the Salterri worship known as the Hailings of the Silver Sea, which still maintains a minor presence in the region.

    There is a minority of oppressed Lord of Fire worshippers in Bor-Teire, mostly underground worship. There are attempts to drive the faith out of the region entirely.

    Ascension [majority]
    Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation [minority]
    Hailings of the Silver Sea [minority]

    Region 33

    Population: 436,000
    [incl +3 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    Along the northeastern edge of the Salterri Imperium, Bracia marks the northernmost edge of the Discord Mountains. Though it has a mostly temperate climate, the summers are hot, humid, and tropical with regular rains and good soil, perfect for growing hops to make the beer for which the region is famous. Beeches, oaks, and other deciduous trees constitute about two-thirds of the forests, though the vast majority of forests are composed of various species of ebony.

    Within the region, there are three features of note:
    The Sine River is a deep, gentle river of crystal clear water flowing back and forth across Bracia in broad curves. A network of glaciers and streams high in the Discord Mountains trickle together to form the Sine's pristine headwaters. The water of the Sine is used for irrigation across the region.

    The Dark Forest gets its name from the many Diospyros trees growing in the region rather than any quality of light or superstition. These trees grow to an immense size, unusual in the species, and are harvested for the valuable dark ebony heartwood.

    The southern border of Bracia is formed by the Discord Mountains, a tall mountain range formed by the collision of two continental plates.

    Spoiler: People
    The Bracians are descendants of the old Salterri from before the days of the Imperium. Though very similar physically, they tend to be heavier set and a bit fat.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Bracia grows many crops and has a vast supply of ebonyl, however the only resource they have developed enough to be exported is their high quality hops. Bracia has a great need for salt. After all, what good is quality beer without salted nuts and pretzels?

    Resources: Hops [Good]
    Import Necessity: Salt

    Spoiler: Religion
    The Salterri have long followed She-Of-Silver-Spear-And-Coin, the Lady that the Salterri worship in a religion known as the Hailings of the Silver Sea, but has during the tenure of the Priory of Ascension been reduced to a minority within Bracia.

    Ascension has recently gained popularity in the region, attaining a majority in the region.

    Ascension [majority]
    Hailings of the Silver Sea [minority]
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-02-18 at 01:55 PM.
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  10. - Top - End - #40
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Region 37

    Population: 1,168,000 (1000 soldiers, 2000 navy)
    [incl +10 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    Pontensulae has three rather active volcanoes and almost a dozen tall and sleeping ones--with a handful presumed to possibly be dead.

    The Bladelands are flatter parts of the region in the south, with short sprigs of grass that are very stiff, so that some have likened them to tiny little blades. Running barefoot is disadvised there.

    Near many of the sleeping volcanoes of Pontensulae can be found vast flower fields in yellow primarily--a symbol of unity and comradery often given as sign of apology (because the one who's sorry felt strongly enough to spend so much time out in the field to gather the apology gift), but the natives also prize their growing of a peculiar blue rose as well, which is highly sought after by nobles as it stands symbol for divine love.

    Spoiler: People
    Pontensulae is home to the Storm Berapi. Legendary madmen and mad manly legends. With blotched and speckled skin of metallic shades and cool blues their lean appearance is quite a difference with that of their neighbours. The storm berapi are known to seem fickle, for many have a compulsion to speak their thoughts as they happen, which means that only a handful of humans have ever managed to sit through a full five-year apprenticeship in any profession taught by a storm berapi, no matter how skilled and talented the master was or the student hoped to be.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Orichalcum is a pseudomagical metal found in many digsites near Pontensulae's volcanoes, making it dangerous to mine due to the presence of everlava. Researchers think it is a metal closely related to gold, with which it shares many properties, but it's far stronger and harder, and a little less dense, as if its naturally alloyed with something. Orichalcum is an incredibly good conductor of heat, electricity and other energies, which makes it hard to mine and harder to forge into something not misshapen. Techniques to forge orichalcum into weapons and armour or great works of art have sadly been lost to the ages. The only examples that remain are the orichalcum chains that hold up the Gates of Molten Earth and Boiling Seas and a long shirt of chainmail that belongs to the Qzare.

    Everlava is found near Pontensulae's volcanoes, and are the primary reason why most cities are located on flatlands far away from them, or partially on islands. Everlava flows from volcanoes like ordinary lava, but has a purple tinge to it and doesn't seem to harden. The coolest it has been found was still above boiling for water. Not all lava that flows from the volcanoes is everlava, but a significant portion of it is.

    Diamonds are far more common in Pontensulae than in surrounding regions. Before the rise of the Salterri Imperium, wars between hill tribes and clans were often fought to bloody ends over them.

    Grain is the common desire of the Pontensulates.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The sole religion in Pontensulae is She-Of-Silver-Spear-And-Coin, the Lady that the Salterri worship known as the Hailings of the Silver Sea.

    Region 38

    Population: 699,000 (3000 soldiers, 2000 navy)
    [incl +X pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    In the midst of Penoccident, one can find the Heaven-Reaching Pillars, a unique mountainous region with several pillar-like mountain formations that rise up beyond a thousand meters. Natives have even created bridges between some of these, so that the area is traversable. At the ground level, the forest is dense and full of dangerous wildlife, which is why the natives rarely venture there.

    The Pink Lake is actually pink during the warmer seasons thanks to high amounts of algae and prawns colouring the briny water.

    The rock desert covers small parts of Penoccident, but the main road to Propinlonge passes through there. Not many komola live there, and therefore connections with Propinlonge exists mainly by sea thanks to Salterri ships and ports.

    Spoiler: Cities
    Population: 51,000

    Diamondhead is a city built originally around the trade post for cliffhorn goats that AQUA founded, and the Islanders were the most prominent builders who suggested the creation of the city. The growth of Diamondhead has been sponsored a lot by the Silver Throne, and many foreigners have moved into the city, which expanded greatly when the Glazfell Hegemony aided its expansion by the founding of a second trade post, this one for fish.

    Diamondhead's population still mainly consists of Islanders and Salterri, but also contains minorities of frosten berapi, tieflings and komola. The outer bounds of the city are closed off from the rest of Penoccident, and non-Komola citizens of the city that aren't otherwise specifically authorized for it are not allowed to leave by land, partly because of the dangers the inlands of Penoccident is known for, partly because the komola and Salterri are still not fond of the idea of strangers mucking about in their backyards.

    Population: 30,000

    Plummeton is built on the sides of three tall karst towers, all the way down into a huge sinkhole that extends at least a mile underground. Further into the depths noone has tried to build yet, and there is currently a ban on it, as sunlight does not reach that far down even on summer days.

    Population: 17,000

    Stonecrown is situated atop a huge karst tower and several of its neighbours, connected by long rope bridges. Stonecrown is a cultural center for the komola, where several festivals are held each year.

    Spoiler: People
    Penoccident is home to a nonhuman race of stocky, furred creatures of intelligence known as the komola. Their eyes are in front of their heads and they are more omnivorous, with mouths full of sharp front teeth, though some might liken their appearance to rabbits, which belies their ravenous nature. Komola gladly eat nearly anything, though their diet consists largely of fish, roast flower bulbs and goat custard. Among them exists great variety in shapes of their ears and tails, with many having long upright ears, but a not insignificant amount also having smaller, pointed ears. Tails come in any length and with any amount of fur or fluff, and some boast of their tails, saying that more fluff is better, a smaller tail is a sign of moral superiority, a bigger tail is a sign of strength and so on.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Penoccident has a Great supply of cliffhorn goats, an omnivorous kind of goat that subsists on the weeds that prevail as the region's plantlife, as well eggs of coastal birds and fish, which is also a good resource of Penoccident. The people have strong desire for alcohol.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The sole religion in Penoccident is She-Of-Silver-Spear-And-Coin, the Lady that the Salterri worship known as the Hailings of the Silver Sea.

    Region 26

    Population: 935,000 (5000 soldiers)
    [incl +5 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain
    The Skyrise Rock Formations are several chains of karst towers that can be found throughout Shengdi, but especially the more southwestern parts of the region. Many are covered in forest, though some parts are too steep or too dry and hard for anything to sprout on there beyond weeds.

    The Red Beaches are large coastal fields of red grasses and reeds that can grow and be fed by salt water instead of fresh water. It is home to several unique species of birds, as well as some large crustaceans and mollusks.

    The Mirror Fields is one of the reasons Shengdi is a holy land to the Salterri. They are salt flats that are distinctive because they are often covered by a thin layer of water, causing it to become incredibly reflective, as if it becomes a perfect, natural mirror.

    Spoiler: People
    The Cassians are very similar to their Solusian brethren, with olive-toned skin and darkened hair and eye colors. However, one notable difference is what appears to be similar to a mane around their neck. This mane, made up of short hair running around their neck and tapering off down their spine, silvers with age and is a status symbol among them.

    Spoiler: Resources
    A tradition lasting from since the natives first lived here, plentiful goats [Great] have led to a thriving shepherd population, with rivalries between tribes for the best goat. However, the region contains few minerals of any sort, needing imports of some form of metal.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The native Cassians follow much the same customs as their Solusian relatives. However, one notable difference is the inclusion of the Angelic Summoning. Every year, a young woman is sacrificed to the Angel. To them, this represents the sacred covenant between themselves and the Angel. The sacrifice binds the giant beneath the earth for another year. While the colonists are trying to stamp out this practice as barbaric and brutal, the Angel's High Priest continues to evade the colonist forces.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-02-18 at 01:56 PM.
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  11. - Top - End - #41
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Niemida Prefecture
    Lesser Vassal of the Salterri Imperium, the Salterri Heartlands, the Silver Throne

    Region 88

    Population: 1,047,000 (3000 soldiers, 2000 naval troops)
    [incl +7 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Summary
    Region name: Niemidaland
    Region: 88
    Ruler: Martin Grant-Tremblor Gilligan Grant-Tremblor
    Terrain: Fisheries, Estuary, Hills
    People: Human
    Resources: Fish [Good], Spices [Good]
    Imports: -
    Religion: Pagan (majority), Ashmar (minority)
    Technologies: Ocean-going ships, Plate Armour, Printing Press

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The region comprises a stretch of coastline between the mountains and the sea to the west, and a huge inlet to the south, extending from an estuary further to the east.

    To the south and west are the Yu Lakes, a series of lagoons, the westmost of which is sufficiently open to form an excellent natural harbour.

    In the hills to the north there are the ruins of a large settlement near an abandoned mine, which the people call the City of the Dead. The ruins have been abandoned for centuries, and although they appear to have been quarried by the locals at some point, are now avoided.

    The Great Flats are an expanse of mud in the east of the region left exposed at low tide in the inlet. Those who can traverse the mud report it is a wonderful place to look for shellfish and lungfish which have adapted to survive out of the water. However the mud is treacherous, and unwary folk venturing onto it can easily find themselves trapped and drowned when the tide comes in.

    Spoiler: People
    The people call themselves the Shinan. They are copper-skinned, broad-shouldered humans with strong, well-defined features. Their hair tends to be dark, though fair and red hair is not unknown. Men wear their hair short and go clean-shaven, although they are capable of growing full, thick beards if they do not shave. Women wear their hair very long, and seem only to cut it for the sake of maintaining its condition. As a result, elaborate hairstyles have developed to keep the long hair out of the way when it would otherwise be impractical.

    The Shinan are expert fish-keepers, and most of the coast and lowlands is given over either to growing crops or spices, or to tending fish. Every village and large house has several fish pools full of attractive and brightly-coloured fish, and the size and diversity of a collection is a point of pride among both communities and wealthy individuals.

    The people live mostly in walled villages with only a couple of small towns. They are suspicious of outsiders, after a long history of being raided and enslaved by foreigners, and while not particularly warlike they maintain militias and weapons-training so that they can defend themselves if attacked. Their soldiers tend to wear hide and leather armour, although many of them carry greatswords bearing a striking resemblance to Kasumori weapons.

    Spoiler: Resources
    The extensive coastline and wide river estuary means that the area is well-provisioned with a wide variety of Fish. The people have long since cultivated and bred the fish, and while many of the fish are indeed eaten, many are also kept for aesthetic purposes.

    The region is also well-provisioned with Spices.

    Although there are the remnants of mines in the hills, the people do not use them, and crave precious metals for use in jewellery and coinage.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The people keep to their native paganism, which holds water spirits in particular reverence.

    A very small number of people appear to have adopted Ashmarism. Marius Earthguard may bear responsibility for this.

    Spoiler: Technologies
    Ocean-faring ships
    Plate armor
    Printing press

    Spoiler: Government and History
    There are no large towns in the region, although ruins suggest there once were. The Shinan claim that once they were part of a great empire located to the east, but they were long since abandoned and left to their own devices. They used to have territories stretching much further north along the coast, but these settlements were raided and enslaved by invaders from the north, and those people who did not flee south are presumed lost. The people retreated inland or into small walled communities that could be defended more easily.

    In 407 the Qzare of the Salterri Imperium requested that Jarrland send an exploratory fleet to the east, so that the Imperium might establish a colony there. The land was formally discovered in 411 by Princess Ambryn, the king's daughter, who eventually named it Niemidaland, meaning roughly “eastern cape” in the Jarrland understanding of Old Elvish. Other names are still occasionally used informally, such as “Ambria”, “New Jarrland” and “Shinia”. It had actually been discovered and visited by Marius Earthguard some years before 411, as he revealed following his arrest in 415, and his time there seems to have had a minor influence on the population.

    Before the arrival of the Jarrs, there was little central organisation in the region at a higher level than the villages, although in times of great need the village elders would sometimes convene to discuss matters affecting all the Shinan people. Such a meeting was called upon the arrival of the Jarrs, the first such in sixty years, and eventually it was agreed to allow Jarr and Venn immigrants to settle along the coast. Seven years later another such meeting was convened and the elders agreed to become subject to the Jarrow king, and, ultimately, the Salterri Imperium. Many of the elders became enthusiastic about becoming part of a great empire once more, and some even claim it is the same empire.

    In 420 King Athelmere appointed his cousin by marriage, Martin Grant-Tremblor, as governor of Niemidaland, and it became a vassal of the Salterri Imperium. Martin stepped down in 452, passing governorship onto his adopted son, Gilligan Grant-Tremblor, who married Athelmere's granddaughter Ambryn Jarrow-Toranath.

    Region 89

    Population: 770,000

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Summary
    Region name: Meimanda
    Region: 89
    Ruler: Martin Grant-Tremblor Gilligan Grant-Tremblor
    Terrain: -
    People: Human
    Resources: Lightbringers [Good], Wood [Good]
    Imports: -
    Religion: Druidism (sole)
    Technologies: Ocean-going ships, Plate Armour, Printing Press

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The region of Meimanda has a varied and rich landscape, with thick pine forests in the west stretching into shrub-land and increasing badlands in the east. The primary source of sustenance centers around a long river-like inlet stretching east to west across the region.

    The Brilliant River is the name of the inlet/river that runs through the center of the region, so named for the original path of lights laid down by the ancient lightbringers that still keep the water lit in the night and push back the dark.

    Mentia's Rest is the name of a great canyon lying along the division of the land between green and badland. Though nowhere close to comparing to the Grand Canyon of Sah'Ra it is still a sizable mark in the earth and leaves a significant impression.

    Elder Pine is the name given to the largest tree in the thickly wooded western portion of the region but often used interchangeably to refer to the entirety of the pine forest. Elder Pine itself is considered sacred by the people, and the other trees of the forest its children and gift to the people of Meimanda.

    Spoiler: People
    Known as the Jinsa in their own tongue they match in many ways the Shinan of Niemidaland, copper-skinned, broad-shouldered humans with strong, well-defined features. Unlike the Shinan the Jinsa men often grow their beards out in simple styles although the women here too leave their hair long although many wear it loose or in a simple braid or ponytail.

    The people live mostly along the Brilliant River in haphazard villages that bleed over into one another as time goes on and grow into cities as they are connected by light. The lightbringers are revered as great spirits of good and leaders must prove themselves to have their blessing before being accepted as legitimate by the people.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Lightbringers [Good] – It is unclear what exactly these 'creatures' are. Appearing to be small glowing orbs of warm orange light it is clear that they possess at least some level of self-awareness as they have consistently led the Jinsa to places of great prosperity. They can and are captured and held by the Jinsa for requesting guidance but are never kept contained for longer than two months, fading and eventually ceasing to exist if deprived of free roam for too long. The Jinsa proclaim they are watchful and caring spirits, less mystic observers believe they may be some form of creature simply incredibly adept at settling humans to serve some unknown symbiotic purpose as they are often found around settlements and have not been observed near the badlands of the east.

    Wood [Good]– Great pine forests cover the western portion of the region and provide an excellent source of wood for the natives.

    The Jinsa lack greatly in grain for their daily bread.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The Jinsa worship the lightbringers as helpful and loving spirits and devote themselves solely to these spirits.

    Spoiler: Government and History
    Believed to have been Shinan who retreated east to escape the slaving of their northern neighbors the Jinsa were at first widely separated and desperate refugees with no unified identity. Upon arriving in Meimanda the settlers led by a man known only as Mentia discovered the native lightbringers and, according to legend, were guided to the Brilliant River and to the perfect spot to allow them to survive the winter and begin to prosper in the subsequent years. Over the course of their history an occasional leader-seer would rise up claiming the lightbringers had a new destination for those willing to travel and would lead a group of followers to another place of settlement.

    Over time these groups would lose contact with one another only to have it restored when a lightbringer would return another set of travelers to a forgotten settled land. The explorers from Niemidaland were thought by most of the settlements they came across to be other Jinsa and that they were foreigners who had discovered so many of the lightbringers' enclaves they were admired and welcomed as brothers.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-02-18 at 01:58 PM.
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  12. - Top - End - #42
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Nanguang Prefecture
    Lesser Vassal of the Salterri Imperium, the Salterri Heartlands, the Silver Throne

    Region 156

    Population: 627,000
    [incl +7 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Summary
    Region name: Darsia
    Terrain: -
    People: Human?
    Imports: -
    Religion: The One Path (sole)

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Spoiler: People
    The Darsians as a people are mostly concentrated around the coast.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Navigators [Good]

    Sleetmice [Good]

    The Darsians lack greatly in fuel to keep them warm during the winter.

    Spoiler: Religion

    Spoiler: Government and History
    In 463, Novranian explorers came upon the coast of Darsia. There they met with the local ruler, who was known as the Mappadisha, a man with an impressive collection of turbans and taxidermied snowcats.

    The region was invaded by Jomani conquerers in late 468, and they had established their control by 472. By 476, after an exceptionally harsh winter, the Jomani left and control was ceded to Salterri bureaucrats working closely with the Mappadisha.

    Region 157

    Population: 557,000
    [incl -3 pop, round 35]

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Summary
    Region name: Mapuílli
    Terrain: -
    People: Human?
    Imports: -
    Religion: Shamanism (sole)

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The Ruined City, where a stone throne stands in a thick building that resembles a fort, the inscription Naodybgyb inscribed at the bottom.

    Spoiler: People
    Cold and barren the land supports small tribal villages of natives. They are known as the Pataka Che, the hundred peoples.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Ice Totems [Good] – They are said to be capable of telling ones future!

    Fish [Good]

    The Pataka Che, since their contact with other peoples, have taken a great liking to precious metals for their sheen and reflectiveness, and some have taken well to the finer smithing skills.

    Spoiler: Religion

    Spoiler: Government and History
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-02-18 at 01:59 PM.
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  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Praeclarus, Jewel of the Seas

    Regions: U31, U32, U16, U17, U33, U34
    Sanctus Makgrull B'tman

    Spoiler: The Makgrull

    The glorious city-state of Praeclarus is a wonder to behold. Vast and sprawling, it has been untouched for centuries as it and its people, the Makgrull, grew and grew. Gardens of rocks have been cultivated and made beautiful over decades of hard work from generations of Makgrull. The grand diamond towers of the main city of Praeclarus are painstakingly carved from the great natural landscapes, and then polished to near gleaming perfection. They are hundreds of feet high, and can be seen for miles from the ground. Or at least, could be.

    If one could breathe underwater.

    Praeclarus, for all its wondrous towers of earth and coral, and its sprawling rock gardens, has been unheard of by the rest of modern civilization only due to being under the ocean. It glimmers and shines when the sunlight travels down to it through the rolling waves of the northeastern waters of the Sea of Glass.

    Fish swim through Praeclarus like multicolored birds. Dolphins dance and swim, and play from dawn to dusk and on into the night, only to do it all over again the next day. Deep sea creatures, things that have no names, sometimes bother the Makgrull, only to be rebuffed by the combined efforts of the people of Praeclarus.

    Peaceful and untouched by the politics of those on the surface, the Makgrull have enjoyed years of silent prosperity and growth that have propelled their tiny tribe-like towns into the vast city-state of Praeclarus that can be seen today. And they would have continued unhindered and been quite content, if they had not begun to see strange wood demons – their bellies filled with tiny, noisy multi-colored demons who threw things into the sea – come over their sky. The Makgrull have also begun to hear rumors and stories of strange creatures coming deep into the waters themselves, and taking precious things with no care to what is being left behind.

    So, though they are normally peaceful, and though they do not wish to become involved, involved they must become.

    Population: 884,000 (U31)

    - The City of Praeclarus: Made of coral and carved into high rising earth and moss, the towering city of Praeclarus dominates all around it. Though many Makgrull live in the towers themselves, with the city leaders living in the Grand Tower, most Makgrull make their homes on the seafloor in huts of stones and sand.

    - The Rock Gardens: Intricately designed, and having had decades to be laid out, viewing the Rock Gardens of Praeclarus is a marvel into and of themselves. The most marvelous of them incorporate colorful reefs, which are the homes of many fish – creating living features to an otherwise still garden – that make things even lovelier looking.

    - The Maw of Telluris: One of the deepest know underwater trenches of the world can be found to have one of its edges ending near Praeclarus. Dark and dangerous, only the bravest of Makgrull have tried to explore even the tops of it’s depths.

    People: The Makgrull are (on average) grey and slick skinned, with their evolution from dolphins obvious even to those who don’t look for it. Though humanoid in body, their head is closer to that of a short nosed dolphin, and their wide smiles are full of round friendly teeth. Their eyes are found more to the sides of their heads then the forefront, but this doesn’t seem to bother their degree of vision so much as it enhances it.

    The Makgrull, in their most common form, have small fins on their fore-arms, and a larger dorsal fin along their backs. Though their ancestral evolution suggests they came from dolphins, the Makgrull no longer have the long, powerful tails, and instead have bony ridges along their bipedal ankles that, when clasped together, naturally lock into place and create a sudo-tail for easier swimming. Between their fingers and toes are thin filaments of skin that act as a small form of webbing to assist in swimming. Where humans have cuticles upon their hands and feet, Makgrull have a much firmer form of bony nails that they commonly utilize to gut fish.

    Male Makgrull are usually larger, stronger, and have duller grey skin, where female Makgrull are typically sleeker and more dexterous, with shinier skin.

    Their natural speech is a series of clicks and chirps, which are more easily heard within the water. Through careful observation and imitation, they also have learned to imitate some speech from the small demons found in the wood demons’ bellies. They know that most of the small demons call themselves ‘people’ or ‘humans’, but there are some with different names.

    The most curious thing about Makgrull, however, is that evolution doesn’t appear done with them. In truth, it is more like evolution took a look at them, decided that it wanted to do something more with them, started to work on it, but then became distracted. Probably by monkeys. Whatever the reason, Makgrull find themselves able to make minor changes to their body. The less skilled are only able to change things like their internal body temperature, adjust themselves (to some extent) for water pressure, or their ability to breathe air or water as needed. The more skilled can alter their skin tone to some degree and facial features, or even pull in their fins into their arms and back.

    Makgrull are naturally curious and playful. They like to dance with dolphins, and find new rocks to expand the large gardens that surround the city. Makgrull eat fish and squid, but particularly enjoy the rare whale that swims through the sovereign waters of Praeclarus.

    Though as a whole, the Makgrull dislike fighting, they still have their fair share of warriors. Mostly, these warriors remain watchful along the borders of the city, and along the edge of the Maw. In times of trouble, however, the Makgrull can and will band together to repel any monsters or large sea creatures that might threaten Praeclarus.

    Image Courtesy of DoomHat

    Spoiler: Resources


    (Good) Praeclarus Squid: The size of a sheep, the Praeclarus Squid has been domesticated by the Makgrull and lazily float in the fields of the rock gardens and coral reefs. The Squid are used for food in times of troubles, but mostly are cultivated for their Praeclarus Ink. Makgrull enjoy using the ink to write upon deep sea cave walls, and for some, they find sharp fish bones and tattoo intricate designs onto their bodies. Praeclarus Ink does not wash away in water, and must be scrubbed out utilizing the tentacle of a still living Praeclarus Squid Matron. The Matron naturally absorbs the Ink, and her body transforms it into liquid food for younger Praeclarus Squid.

    (Great) Diamond: [also known as Adamas Coral] Primarily used by the Makgrull for building their tall tower buildings, the Adamas Coral is a beautiful mineral that may have other uses. It grows upon the lip of the Maw of Telluris, and can get as tall as buildings itself, if left uncultivated. To those who know the secret, it is very easy to dig up whole.

    (Good) Whales: Makgrull have a love-love relationship with Whales. Whales love to try and eat the strange creatures living in the Adamas Coral towers, and Makgrull love to kill them and eat them. And use their bones for weapons, tools, and whatever else they can. If the Whales were not so persistent in their pursuit of Makgrull meat, Makgrulls would never have developed a taste for Whale lard. Prepared properly over undersea steam vents, the lard is a delicacy among Makgrull.

    (Needed) Gold: Makgrull have occasionally found that the wood demons and their lesser belly demons drop small coins of shiny yellow metal that the Makgrull understand is called “No, not the bloody gold!” based upon what is most commonly yelled when it falls into the water. Within Praeclarus, the small, shiny coins have been placed in places of importance, such as in the Great Tower or in the centers of the Rock Gardens. Makgrull have found that No-not-the-bloody-gold is paired very pleasingly with the Adamas Coral, and desperately want more to make their city even more Praeclarus then Praeclarus already is.

    Spoiler: Religion
    Spoiler: Stone Tablets of Praeclar

    From the stone texts of Praeclar, Lord of the Perfect Seas:
    From the wavering first light of the pale sky rock, chasing after the strong sharp light of the shining sky shard, there came the first flow. The flow moved left. It pushed. It moved. It flowed.

    Through the ages, sky rock to sky shard for so many times that it cannot be counted, the flow continued to move and push. Though it took many cycles, the flow carved and cut, and then the sea quaked, and the Maw opened in anger and confusion. The flow pushed itself far into the Maw, and stretched it beyond the horizon and deep into the sea.

    The Maw tried to grow teeth to trap the flow, but still, the flow moved. Still, it moved left.

    The teeth grew and were shaped by the flow, and they shined from the flow’s polish and pressure. And they became perfect.

    And that is when Praeclar found them. He swam with the flow. He danced with the flow. He, too, moved left. But unlike the flow, Praeclar also knew that, sometimes, you move right. For it is this perfect difference that displays what is, and what is not, beautiful.

    And so Praeclar swam with the flow. And found times to push against the flow, so that when He went with the flow, He would know the difference.

    He flowed. He swam. He danced.

    He found the teeth of the Maw, and knew them for what they were: Adamas Coral. The building blocks of safety. He descended upon them, touched upon them, and spake He the words:

    “Oooo! Pretty.”

    Nearly all Makgrull of Praeclarus are followers of Praeclar, Lord of the Perfect Seas. Praeclar teaches that working on the beauty of that which is nearby, and not of one’s self, will improve the beauty of that which can be found within, so long as one does not corrupt that which is without. Change that which is not beautiful to make it more beautiful. Change that which is beautiful to make it more beautiful.

    It makes perfect sense to the Makgrull. Shiny things are nice, and more shiny things, in the right spots, will improve the already shiny things. It just has to be done without making others not shiny. Praeclar, Lord of the Perfect Seas, understands that things that do not mix can sometimes mix in ways that no one would have thought of before.

    He taught this to his children. They taught this to their children. They taught this to their children, and so on, and so on, to time immemorial. The holder of the stone tablets, the wisdoms of Praeclar himself, is known as the Sanctus Makgrull, and is the leader of the city-state of Praeclarus.

    Spoiler: Scions of Jongo

    During his time within the city of Praeclarus, Duc Fozik spent many a night with his daughter and son-in-law, casually chatting and enjoying themselves. Duc Fozik politely inquired as to how the new Sanctus Makgrull was doing with his religious duties, and T'manc was excited to explain that he'd made a startling discovery. Praeclar, the founder of Praeclarus, and the author of the Tablets of Praeclar - the holy relics held by all Sanctus Makgrull back to Praeclar himself - had a divine teacher. Praeclar, though not a god himself, was said to have been taught by a divine being, and it was only now that religious researchers were uncovering this. Recent explorations along the northern caves near Praeclarus had found a new cave where it is believed that Praeclar first stayed, while Praeclarus was being built.

    The next day, Duc Fozik and Sanctus Makgrull T'manc spend time in this Cave of Praeclar, and review the early script found within. Both come out of the cave looking shaken, and not speaking. Only when they return to the Grand Tower does Duc Fozik said a single word to his daughter, Magreen, and she too became quite surprised. Magreen was attracted, in part, to the current Sanctus Makgrull because of T'manc's knowledge of various religions. She was a very devout following of Waedyr, the hero of the Golden Age, and had been wondering about this teacher of Praeclar. Waedyr, it is said, also had a divine teacher, so news that Praeclar was similar was very exciting to her.

    Duc Fozik had only to say the one word, and her whole understanding of Praeclarus changed.


    The name of Waedyr's divine teacher. It was the same as the name as the divine teacher of Praeclar. Where Waedyr went on to create a golden age of a perfect civilization, Praeclar sought to achieve perfection through gradual fluidity, and they were both instructed by the same being. Jongo, the Everchanging. Though the divine one never had children of it's own, Waedyr and Praeclar were the closest thing the godly being had to children. It had been speculated for many years in the Penitential Empire of Waedyr, that Jongo was real, but many disputed the claims, stating that if it were true, Golden Waedyr would have written more then a few lines about the divine being.

    Waedyr had not.

    Praeclar had.

    It was all over the Cave of Praeclar, which was now being treated as a holy site. Praeclar had carved the story of his time with Jongo, and his time spent with his older spiritual sibling, Waedyr. Though the two had separated when Praeclar chose to explore and wander, the founder of Praeclarus had not forgotten what he had been taught. He'd written the shorter version on his Tablets, but the longer versions were in the cave.

    • Perfection can only be found through change.
      - Do not fear change, but reach out to it and embrace it, as though it were family. The world will continue to move, regardless of your actions, and you can only try to contain so much.
    • Change can be good, and what is good can change.
      - Always evaluate your actions, seek the right course, and then act. Only by stagnation and doing nothing can a true mistake be made. Remember, though, that what worked for your fore-bearers may not be that which works for you. Seek the good change, not the bad.
    • Contain the harm, release the harmony.
      - Harming thyself or thy neighbor does not bring about good change. Work together to reach perfection, and if your neighbor is not of sound mind, help them so that they may change for the good.
    • Eat not of the dolphin, for it is thine brother.
      - Jongo did not create the world. Jongo changed the world. Jongo took dolphins and created the Makgrull, and spent years teaching and raising us to be the rational thinking creatures we are this day.
    • Treat every new home as an old one.
      - Jongo came from elsewhere, a different place, and no matter how much my elder spiritual sibling Waedyr or I inquired, Jongo would not explain. The divine would only smile, and talk of Bunnies, Fishies, Duckies, and Flowers, some of them Roses, some of them Irises. Jongo taught us that every home, even those that were not ours, should be treated with respect.
    • Go where the flow leads, but know when to lead the flow.
      - Not everything will go as planned. Do not be disappointed if things go wrong, or a mistake is made, but instead embrace the change, and direct it towards an outcome that will do more good then harm.
    • Family first. Always.
      - One must protect one's family, and that that family can be larger then one's immediate relatives. There seems to be more to this, but... Though Waedyr and I asked many times for full the meaning of this, the divine Jongo would only sigh and adopt a mournful expression.
    • Dance to the Band of Chaos, for it Rings true, even when it's a liar.
      - Jongo would always laugh after saying this. Waedyr insists that it means that there is order - music - even in chaos. I am... less certain. My wildest theory is that the Band of Chaos was a Ring that could speak, but even I recognize how ridiculous this thought is. So most days I must agree with Waedyr. Through chaos, there is order, and through order, there is chaos. A dance that continues, even through truth and lies.

    Spoiler: Rex Fozik
    The Makgrull, Duc Fozik from Myrwik, currently leads the Regnum of Praeclarus (which includes Makgrull, Belua, and Malleus). Though his original country was once part of the now broken empire of Waedyr, Duc Fozik has been charmed by the simplicity and honor that Praeclarus holds, and is dedicated to making the Regnum better than when it was handed over to him. Married at a young age, and even having a son when the Duc was but nine years old himself, Duc Fozik grew up in times of strife, and yet he is a hero to his people in Myrwik, having led them from the overbearing Penitential Empire. He was crowned Rex Fozik of the Regnum of Preaclarus by Sanctus Makgrull B'tman.

    Spoiler: Previous Rulers
    The Sanctus Makgrull, B’tman – the current ruler of the Makgrull is B’tman. B’tman is the most skilled shifter currently alive among the Makgrull, and was born with naturally white skin. He lives within the tallest tower of Praeclarus, known as the Great Tower, which houses the stone tablets of Praeclar. Sanctus Makgrull B’tman is tall for a Makgrull, even for males, and many Makgrull are even disturbed by the unusual pink color of his eyes.
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 2

    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 6
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 8

    Luck: 9

    Regnum of Praeclarus Tables
    (The following are tables for the entire nation of Praeclarus)


    Spoiler: Military Units
    Numbers are in multiples of 1,000
    Unit Name
    Type of Unit
    Turn Created
    Makgrull Warriors
    32, 37, 38
    Makgrull Specialists
    Makgrull Bodyguards (Praestes)
    Malleus Warriors
    Myrwik Armed Forces
    War Belua

    *1 Specialists are split into 250 Scouts, 250 Medics, 250 Ship Fighters, 250 Monster Fighters

    Orators - Provide a +2 to rolls for Colonizing Underwater regions.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Resources in Red fulfill resource requirements (such as Food for U17, or Gold for U31)
    Total Owned
    Traded To
    Traded From
    Diamonds (Adamas Coral)
    UJR, Tzaltec, Carmine Sea, Hurosha, Barathrum, Empire of Dawn
    Squid (Ink)
    An Nádur, Tzaltec, New Crima
    Dünfel, Empire of Dawn, Myrwik
    Ashenia, Kingdom of the Isles, Empire of Dawn
    Kingdom of the Isles, Belua Bay, Myrwik
    Sea Turtles
    Seaborne Confederation, Myrwik, Belua Bay
    Lignum Aqua
    Praeclarus, UJR, Hurosha
    Bubbling Stones
    Praeclarus, Salterri Imperium, Sycia, Caramel, UJR
    Praeclarus, New Crima
    Margaria, Guilder
    Sea Drake Scales
    Praeclarus, Hurosha
    Praeclarus, Guilder, Seaborne Confederation
    Sea Wurms
    Praeclarus, Hurosha, Empire of Dawn
    Seaborne Confederation
    Dream Sugar
    Trading Post
    Praeclarus Caramel
    Tzaltec, Myrwik
    An Nádur
    Dünfel Bones
    New Crima
    Carmine Sea
    Empire of Dawn
    U31, U33
    Geotrophic Teratons
    Crescent Jellies
    Maritumus Reef (U13)
    Seaborne Confederation
    Mhakai Jana
    Empire of Dawn
    Giant Pistol Shrimp
    Empire of Dawn
    Mithril Willows
    Kingdom of the Isles
    Whispering Darkness
    Seaborne Confederation
    Seaborne Confederation
    Shuffling Vacua
    Empire of Dawn
    Kingdom of the Isles
    Rit Phal

    Spoiler: Technology

    Technology in Red cannot be traded easily.
    Primary Effect
    Mechanical Bonus
    Required Resources
    Abyssium Ballasts Allows use of Abyssium Gas for ballast purposes in water. Allows Underwater Exploration Abyssium
    Adamantine-forging Metallurgy +1 Battle Checks Adamantine
    Aquatic Cathedrals - Allows Aquatic Colonization by Land based races Tech: Lifeskin, Abyssium Ballasts, Lenses
    Resources: Stone
    Aquatic Cloud Weapon - +1 Casualties for Enemy Resources: Blowstars, Poison
    Blackpowder Creates weaponry that utilizes explosive power +1 to Military battle checks Sulfur, Nitrates/Bat Guano, Coal/Charcoal(From Wood)
    Calculus - Combination Tech: Allows combination/advancement of existing technologies Intellectual Specialists (Architects or Scriveners or Scientists etc)
    Efficient Building Allows faster work on Projects and Great Projects centered on construction Spend 2 actions/turn on the same Project or Great Project as long as said project concerns construction Stone
    Heavy Underwater Calvary Allows Sea Wurms with saddles to be used as underwater calvary Grants +1 Battle, +1 Tac Man Sea Wurms
    Horse Riding (Advanced) Allows Horses to be used as specialized cavalry Grants Specialized Cavalry Bonus Horses
    Hovercrafts Can create land vehicles that hover. +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Leather
    Insect Training Allows Giant Insects to be used as Aerial Units Grants Aerial Unit Bonus Giant Insects
    Inspired Militia Allows more efficient home militias +1 to battles involving militia and no formal troops, +2 to battles involving militia and milita's national troops. No bonus for militia alongside allied troops Raised Militia
    Lenses Allows faster exploration +2 to tactical maneuvering checks. Glass OR Quartz
    Lifeskin - Allows creation of Aquatic Units in Regions Mhaki Jhana AND Shaping Wood
    Loaders - One additional trade post available in regions with constructed Loading Facilities (1 round action) MECK OR Large Animal
    Magnets Allows advanced usage of Magnetic Properties Allows faster exploration Magnetic Metal
    Medicine Allows better treatment of diseases -2 on rolls to lose population to disease Shedding Trees
    Mercenary Recruitment Able to hire an additional unit of military +1 to Military Region Caps Recruitment Center Project (2/2), Precious Gems or Precious Metals, Logistics
    Mind Conference Build Projects to connect regions. Regions no longer need to be adjacent to count towards a Great Kingdom. Mind Altering Resource (like Dream Sugar), Calling Tower (Minor Project) in each non-adjacent region group
    Mithril-forging Metallurgy +1 Battle Checks Mithril, Darkstar Iron, Orichalcum
    Ocean-faring Ships Allows passage over the open ocean. Grants Ship Bonus in Naval Regions Timber
    Oracles - Grants +1 to a randomly determined stat (excluding Luck) to new Rulers Osuro Mirc OR Fruxtkorp'r
    Physics - +1 to Curiosity Checks Any established education system/institution OR an educated persons resource
    Plate Armour Allows creation of Plate Armor +1 to Military battle checks. Hard Metal
    Printing Press Allows creation of Printing Presses Grants +1 Diplomacy Paper or Papyrus or Books of Lignum Aqua
    Prosthetic Limbs Allows creation of Prosthetic Limbs Grants -1 on Unit Loss in Battle Metal
    Raaneki/Heartwine Diplomacy - Grants +1 Diplomacy Checks Heartwine OR Vodka OR Absinthe
    Sewage Systems Allows creation of better sewage system infrastructure Grants +2 Population Growth Stone
    Sub-Aqua Rimor - Allows 1 round underwater exploration Tech: Lenses
    Resource: Whales, Underwater Lightsource

    Last edited by Gengy; 2015-07-26 at 11:24 AM.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes!

    Got me a Real Job™ (yay!). Still busy (boo!).
    ~avatar by myself

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Tuvaak

    Selyra N32A, XIII


    Harbinger Uyarak Suluk-Tukutkaa

    Current Stats:
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 5

    Spoiler: Original Stats
    [Link to Original Rolls]
    Original Stats:
    Diplomacy: 3
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 3

    Population: 32,000

    Spoiler: Demographics
    Humans-15%; Fae/Faeblooded/Demi-humans-20%; Merfolk-10%; Goblins-10%; Kobolds-10%; Orcs-30%; Misc Bestial-5%.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Landstriders (Tuttukpak) are the main domesticated animal, used as horses are. The Landstriders are gentle but very protective creatures. They are very tall reaching up to a height of at least 20 feet tall for the adults and the offspring at least a height of 10 feet tall. They are designed to run as fast due to their long legs. They have tooth-like projections running down the caudal side of their upper forelimbs that are used for defense. They have thick whisker-like projections on their faces, and some strange projections that resemble rabbit ears that appear to be extensions of the scapula. When the Landstriders come into battle they have an appendage-like stinger that comes out of their mouth. When they duel with their enemy, they let the stinger come out. When the creatures whip their head and send their stingers flying they send a jolt of electricity through their enemy wherever they sting them. They also use their long weapon-like legs to push or hit enemies.
    -"Naniitchuk" - Sugar cane distilled liquor. Sweet/Pleasant but extraordinarily potent; Very Flammable. Please drink responsibly.
    -Leathers from various hunted beasts

    Spoiler: Military
    2,000 - Clanships
    4,000 - Selyra

    Spoiler: The Harbinger
    The current harbinger is Uyarak Suluk-Tukutkaa. He earned his name and honor through his grand attacks on flying beasts. He specialized in climbing on the beasts backs and breaking their wings, bringing them down for the kill. When the last Harbinger grew older, he brought the clans together and asked for a challanger. Tan'Gerrliq Nalupkinaktuk was a beloved Harbinger, and at first nobody challenged him. The people wished for him to continue his benevolent rule. He addressed the clans about the world changing, times of trouble ahead and that they would need a new leader. A younger Tuvaak with a fresh outlook that would see their people to further prosperity when they came out to the world at large.

    Uyarak challenged Tan'Gerrliq after hearing this. He wanted to bring the honor and glory of the Tuvaak to all peoples of this world. With a heavy heart, he stood before the elder elf, armed with his great-axe while Tan'Gerrliq took up his legendary longbow. The people looked on, confused that the elder had brought only one arrow with him, but not doubting he needed only one. The duel began and ended in less than 5 seconds. Tan'Gerrliq shot his arrow, burying it in the shaft of Uyarak's axe, between his two hands. He dropped his bow and claimed defeat, for he had no weapon to fight with. The symbolism was not lost on anyone. Tan'Gerrliq remained strong and skilled, but was wise enough to know that things were about to change, and the Tuvaak must change with it; begining with a new Harbinger.

    Before re-joining the ranks of the hunters, he left Uyarak with a final statement to ponder. "I was always just a hunter, even as Harbinger. It is what our people wanted and needed. Now they will need something else which I have no mind for. It is up to you to figure out what that will be, for I know not. Be warned, young one, civilized men will prove more dangerous to us than any beast or even Nunani, the demon who sleeps."

    Spoiler: Family Tree
    Community upbringing has leaned the culture towards biological parents being unimportant. The strongest and respected hold leadership positions, bloodlines are moot. All are brother, sister, father, and mother. Specialized caretakers who receive newborns keep records to prevent inbreeding; a mating couple must first seek approval from their Shepherd. Wisdom is passed down by word of mouth but also written into stories weaved by clergy. Harbingers pass down their wisdom and follies to the next Harbinger, if he is not killed first.

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Land nomads

    Spoiler: History
    Long ago, the Tuvaak were part of a different peoples. Originally of the Clanships, they splintered off under the philosophy of bettering the mind and body above pursuing peace with others. They preferred isolation from civilization and other tribes, hunting great beasts to prove their might. They sought to be spiritual philosopher-warriors longing to find the biggest and baddest thing with fangs and claws to put down or dominate for honor and glory. Physical strength as well as mental discipline are paramount to the Tuuvak. Enduring the elements, dominating, breeding and slaying beasts, and keeping out of the affairs of the world at large were all the people cared for as long as they can remember. Since the schism, their numbers have grown exponentially. They accepted all humanoids into their tribe as long as they proved themselves worthy. Now, world is changing, becoming smaller, and word has reached the people of a dragon king; a kill that would send any Tuvaak into legend. They cannot and will not stay isolated any longer. The Tuvaak seek to make their strength and honor known and to move about mother earth without molestation. They will not abide a kingdom lead by a monster.

    Spoiler: The Culture

    • The strongest rule and hold that position through respect and strength – “Shepherds” for individual clans, “Harbinger” for the overall leader of clans.
    • Leaders are subject to others openly challenging them to single combat – the rules to be decided between combatants
    • Rulers are advised by clergy
    • The people are all called to duty by the gods living in nature, whom are served by the clans, regardless of where they are.
    • Citizenship is dictated by meritocracy. You must be socially accepted. Race, gender, ethnicity, etc. are not variables taken into consideration.
    Culture fixated on self betterment (strengthening) through “monster-slaying"
    • Honor/Shame based culture
    • Killing or taming a great beast brings great honor to one’s name
    • Unnecessary cruelty to hunted or tamed creatures is taboo; Either kill it or tame/care for it
    • Assassination, murder, backstabbing, sneaking, hiding, etc. are all extremely dishonorable
    • Politicking is generally frowned upon but understood as a necessity in some cases (such as dealing with outsiders)
    • Arrogance/Boasting/etc. is frowned upon
    • Level-headed people, not war-like; Strength is celebrated, not flaunted. Warring with humanoids is distasteful, save the blade for beasts
    • This does not mean the people are cruel towards animals, pets are very common and welcome
    • Breeding (new) types of beasts is a prestigious profession. Long tradition of experimentation with animal husbandry
    • Gender equality
    • Weakness is frowned upon
    • “An eye for an eye” makes up the justice system
    • Farming is not a thing, foraging and gathering what nature provides
    • Strong sense of community

    Spoiler: Religion
    • Spiritualists, worship nature
    • Faith referred to as: “The Truth”
    • “Druids/Shamans” make up the clergy, no gender restrictions
    • Druids concentrate on the physical world and Shamans on the unseen spiritual world/afterlife
    • Each aspect of nature is represented in their pantheon, including “the beyond”
    • Believe the earth was made for the people by the Sky Father, who also created humanoids. We are the supreme race and therefore the example; beasts are to be tamed or killed for glory
    • Cultural and religious norms overlap. Ravaging the land/torturing beasts are punishable acts
    • Live in harmony with nature (beasts are still meant to be killed or tamed)
    • Never take more than what you need from the earth

    Spoiler: Technology
    Last edited by XIII; 2015-02-22 at 05:11 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Troll in the Playground
    QuintonBeck's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Mega Euge Terrible Alliance of Lanteroc
    Regions: 100, 103, 105, 107

    Spoiler: Religion

    There are two primary organized religions in METAL, the Sapha Rasta, The Clean Way, of the Monto and the Mugerkhal, the Spine, of the Saroc.

    Sapha Rasta is a highly detailed religion brimming with thousands of names of various gods and hundreds upon hundreds of anecdotal tales relating to lessons taught by these deities. Yet despite the extreme detail contained within the religion ultimately it is a rather simple religion to explain and appears in many ways highly similar to the religion of Radurja.

    Sapha Rasta preaches that all gods, spirits, and apparitions are real and may effect the mortal world when and how they see fit and are thus all worthy of praise and deference for theirs is a realm beyond comprehension by untrained mortal mind. Mazha Gupsta is in alternating texts the One God above them all, or the embodiment of Heaven and the Spirit World and is said to be the architect of the universe. In either role Mazha Gupsta represents full enlightenment for both spirit and body, being the ultimate being beyond even the spirits who sit above mortals. The doctrine of Sapha Rasta preaches that it is the spiritual duty of a mortal to seek enlightenment so that their spirit may join the other spirits in Mazha Gupsta and in this realm continue to perfect ones spirit until they ascend to join with Mazha Gupsta. It is said to take millennia for a mortal spirit to achieve full enlightenment to join the spirit realm fully and until a mortal spirit achieves this knowledge it shall be reborn, coming closer and closer to enlightenment with each mortal life. No text speaks of how long full enlightenment from the spirit realm to join directly with Mazha Gupsta might take for the only tale centers around the first teacher of the Clean Way who is said to have ascended directly to join Mazha Gupsta after passing his teachings on to the ancient Monto.

    The Majority of the Monto follow Sapha Rasta and pray during everyday chores and events to various deities, prior to the invasion by the Saroc the Coinspinner was a Rastan popular deity to pray to and with slow return to stability under occupation she has once again become a more common spirit to revere. She is the embodiment of the concept of luck. She is seen as a fickle goddess, and no permanent images of her are allowed. People entreat her by calling her name and flipping a coin in the air. Mentally, they choose a side. If they pick correctly, they see it as a sign of her favor. Small pools of water or small ponds are marked as a place to toss in a coin to ask for her favor. Some priests, known as Pujari, tend these spots and promise to pray for the person.

    Mugerkhal is a religion with far less doctrinal details of exact faith and structure and no great lineage. Mugerkhal is more philosophy than full religion and its tenets are simple.

    • It is no better to lead than to follow
    • Strength is power, but power is strength
    • A great sword shall never overcome a great hadnik
    • The leader leads because he is allowed to lead

    Partially Mugerkhal is based on the philosophies of some of the first great Saroc Khas and Khabosses, but it wasn't until the ascent of the first Megadeth Khaboss Kruvik Lanteroc that the ideas were formalized and put into code to be learned by every Saroc thereafter. So too did the first Megadeth evolve it from a code of strength into a philosophy with religious implications, laying out the foundation for the Saroc belief system and afterlife. In Saroc myth, Kruvik is said to have laid out in an impassioned speech following his unification of the Saroc before a great battle with the Kazul that would eventually lead to their arriving in the Thumping Plains. In it Kruvik promised a Saroc's reward after death would be proportionate to their accomplishments in life, to fell a great foe, to serve loyally a good Kha, or act as a good Kha should was to ensure the most rewarding afterlife possible. Filled with song, drink, and pleasures of the flesh. To act cowardly, to run from battle without due cause, to kill a member of one's own Hadnik, this would ensure a torturous and horrifying afterlife, no foes to face, no pain or pleasure, no identity, to become lost in a vast sea of emptiness from which one could never escape. (Later stories tell of Saroc who died before being able to regain their lost righteousness before dying who through devotion to revenge and regaining their right to a better afterlife forced themselves back into the mortal world and brought great and terrible fury that earned them a superior afterlife but these stories, while common enough to be known, are not official teachings of Mugerkhal.)

    Region 100: Mugerkhal - Sole
    Region 103: Sapha Rasta - Majority; Mugerkhal - Minority
    Region 105: Sapha Rasta - Majority; Mugerkhal - Minority
    Region 107: Sapha Rasta - Majority; Mugerkhal - Minority

    Spoiler: Technology

    Plate Armor
    Kralax Riding
    Tzaltec Fire

    Spoiler: Military

    Land Armies:
    100 - 4,000 Saroc
    103 - 4,000 Saroc
    105 - 7,000 Saroc
    107 - 4,000 Saroc

    (Formerly Bashul Kentoya)
    Region 105, METAL

    Population: 1,500,000

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Dazhim Underpasses

    Were it not for the myriad tunnels through the mountains, travel throughout Bashul Kentoya would be nigh impossible. Much of the Dazhim are ornately decorated with fine jewels, ornate engravings and ingenious water features. Though outside may be naught but harsh deserts and jagged mountains, the Monto's ancestors found natural bodies of water in some of the mountains. It is said the water from the Dazhim Underpasses is the purest water in all of Telluris so is kept safe and revered rather than utilised. The improvement of the natural tunnel systems was carried out during ancient times and is one of the Monto's proudest achievements though there is no tangible evidence to suggest they were the ones who accomplished this feat.

    Sapphire Oasis

    In a land of harsh deserts and jagged mountains, an oasis is a welcome sight to any traveller. One of the largest oases in Bashul Kentoya is called the Sapphire Oasis. From afar, it appears to be a large deep blue jewel surrounded by greenery set against the light sandy colour of the desert. Nestled in the shadow of a mountain nearby is the capital city of Bashul Kentoya, <BLANK>. It is near the Sapphire Oasis that the largest of Bashul Kentoya's orange tree farms can be found.

    Gebui Mountain

    Wealth can be found in the mountains for those bold enough to explore. Gebui Mountain is one of the oldest and largest mountains in Bashul Kentoya, named after the royal family. It is said that one of the early Grand Princes found a tan-coloured being with the silhouette of a human and features of a cat. He had keen blue eyes and fur the colour of sand. In his hand he held the first Heart Ruby found in Bashul Kentoya. The Grand Prince knew instantly the power of the Heart Ruby and offered to trade many valuable things in exchange for it. It is said he even offered the cat-like person three palaces, a veritable legion of servants and an army which dwarves all but the Grand Prince's own personal army. Yet, the cat-like being refused. After some thought, the Grand Prince offered to find more Heart Rubies. Intrigued, the cat-like being listened to the Grand Prince's clever plan to trade a better Heart Ruby for the one the he already had. The Grand Prince told the cat-like being however, that to find another Heart Ruby, he would have to examine the one the cat-like being already had. After much time examining the Heart Ruby, he informed the cat-like being he would have to take the Heart Ruby back to his palace where he had the tools necessary to examine it. The cat-like being agreed to accompany the Grand Prince to his palace so he could examine the Heart Ruby.

    True to his word, the Grand Prince allowed the cat-like being to walk freely from the palace with his Heart Ruby. Many years later, the Grand Prince found the first Heart Ruby in the depths of Gebui Mountain. It was not larger than the one the cat-like being possessed but was more powerful. The trade was irrelevant however, as by then the pair had become friends.

    Spoiler: People

    The Monto

    At first glance, the Monto appear more or less the same as any other human. Indeed, aside from a greenish tinge to their skin the Monto were much the same as any other person. Their eyes range from orange to red in colour. Their hair range from black to brown to orange to blonde in colour and grey as they grow older as any other human. What sets the Monto apart is their ability in trade (see the Keystone Mountains for further details). The Majana Sha was undoubtedly one of the wealthiest nations and only grew more wealthy. The wealth of the Monto was reflected in the gilded streets of their great cities, the opulent palaces, the rich clothing and even the fine gardens which one would not have thought possible to maintain in the desert. Bashul Kentoya was the shining capital of Majana Sha, the kingdom ruled by the line of Gebui, untouched for years.

    At least, until the orcs came...


    The Saroc are a proud race of warriors who place importance on good leadership qualities. Independently, a Saroc Warrior is a formidable opponent, however nothing compared to a group led by a Kha. Though the Monto had an army with which they defended their lands, they eventually suffered defeat at the hands of the Saroc Nation who came from the south. It is not known from where the Saroc originally came (Saroc legend claims they were born from the desert to the east, wandering it for decades before arriving in the Thumping Plains to the south). For many years the Saroc stayed nearby repeatedly raiding the Monto but never attempting coqnuest until the day that Megadeth Khaboss Urindak Stormskull led his hadnik known as METAL into Majana Sha and conquered it for themselves. Deposing the Grand Prince Montoyon and sending him into exile from which he would fight against the Saroc for years to come until his defeat in BLANK. The lands once known as Bashul Kentoya are now known as the Alliance Kapital of Lanteroc. Though many Monto still live here, they are subject to the Saroc authority.

    'Megadeth Khaboss' is the title held by the leader of the Saroc, which is not hereditary as other nations' leaderships tend to be. Instead, the strongest Khabosses gather their hadnik together for wargames to determine the strongest leader who is worthy of the title 'Megadeth Khabos'. Beneath the Megadeth Khaboss are the Khabosses who are above the Kha. Second to leadership qualities, the Saroc value personal strength. As such, most of them possess an impressive physique. The Saroc naturally stand head and shoulders taller than the average human, however are built more broadly. Their leathery skin ranges anywhere between grey to green to light tan. A Saroc's tusks are usually small and light grey in colour (as are their teeth). Their hair is usually worn short or tied back so as not to get in the way when fighting and ranges anywhere between black, brown and grey in colour. Their eyes are small and usually yellow, though brown or black is not unheard of. It is said the Saroc rely more on their excellent hearing and sense of smell than their eyesight though it is far from poor.

    The Saroc are usually clad in the hides of beasts they have felled themselves in a hunt. As such, the weakest of warriors can be easily picked out as they wear either cotton or nothing at all as a mark of their shame. Nonetheless, the Saroc frown upon wastefulness and utilise as much of their prey as possible. Perhaps surprisingly to those who believe the Saroc to be 'bloodthirsty monstrous orcs', they take great care of the domesticated stock upon which they rely on for food. Though not nomadic anymore, many Saroc farmers still find it necessary to move their animals between suitable feeding grounds lest they run out of food altogether.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Heart Rubies (Great)

    The Heart Rubies are easily one of the most valuable resources to have been found in Bashul Kentoya. Each as large as a man's fist and a deep red, they would be easily worth more than most people would ever see in their life were they just any rubies. The Heart Rubies however, are much more than that. If the tales are to believed, a Heart Ruby grants life just short of eternal, the strength of twenty Khaboss and most importantly the ability to soar through Heaven and speak with Mazha Gupsta. The more easily proven properties of the Heart Rubies include glowing and being almost too hot to touch. Only seven Heart Rubies have been found to date.

    Camels (Great)

    Were it not for the camels, travel through the desert would be nigh impossible. Unlike horses, a camel's feet do not slip and slide in the sand. Nor will a camel die of thirst (for it is said they carry water upon their backs). In a sandstorm, their long lashes protect their eyes from the stinging sandy winds. Most camels are the color of the sand and stand a little taller than a horse. Unfortunately, however, camels tend to be more bad tempered than other mounts. Nonetheless, camels serve as excellent mounts and/or pack animals in the harsh deserts of Kapital.

    Oranges (Good)

    The Monto are famous traders. A long time ago, a merchant traveled through Bashul Kentoya with an exotic tropical fruit known as an 'orange'. The Grand Prince was intrigued and bargained for a sizable amount of these oranges. After a good while trying and failing, the first orange trees prevailed in the harsh climate of Bashul Kentoya. Now many years later, sophisticated orange tree farms can be found near oases or carefully constructed irrigation systems. It is said the oranges of Bashul Kentoya are the sweetest in the world.

    The Kapital region greatly enjoys its Oranges and acquiring the fruit known as Bananas is a lifelong goal for many and a sign of much wealth and prestige.

    The Thumping Plains
    Region 100, METAL

    Population: 890,000

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The Thumping Plains are a quaint, quiet place. It is almost an unusual peculiarity that the region is the place that the Orcs first settled in, after their flight from the desert and "the Kazul". In terms of terrain, the Thumping Plains are made of wide stretches of flat land, separated by mesas and basins. Where there aren't giant fields of green and yellow grass, one can see the sunlight reflecting off of the red dirt that is nearly unique to the region. It is as though some god saw the desert, did not like the color, and painted it a deeper shade of crimson.

    With such a stunning feature, it is curious as to why the place is not called the Plains of Red Sand, or some other such moniker. But no. The Thumping Plains are what they are known for. And not for the Bison that roam through the flat lands, though their hoof-beats are thunderous. Not for the sounds of friendly fighting among the orc clans, though the sound of stone and metals clashing ring out frequently for those near enough to hear it. No. The Thumping Plains are called that for the basins that inhabit the area. Curious orcs, with nothing better to do, have followed the basins from the east to the west of the region, and what they found perplexes and confuses them, even to this day.

    Each basin takes on a similar shape. It is a thin ovoid, with the smaller side of the deformed circle always pointing to the west, and the large half of the shape pointing east. The only differences between each basin is that each one alternates in shape. Either there is a squeezed part of the ovoid shape on the north side, or the same squeezing happens on the south side. Either way, it always alternates. Some basins are deeper then others, but the shapes are always similar.

    When the orcs first came to the region, and found it unsettled and without anyone here for them to have to fight, they were pleased. But at night, even clear nights with no storms, they heard the sounds of something moving. Something large. It was a thumping sound. The ground shook soon after the orcs heard it. Always. Like lightning preceding thunder, the loud thumping sound preceded the minor earthquakes.

    It was from this that the region gets it's name. The Thumping Plains, according to the orcs, is the hallway of giants. The basins are their foot prints.

    If that is true, no one has ever seen these giants. Many Kha and Khaboss have sent out raiding parties to find and take one down, but the thumping sounds are heard almost never these days, so the giants remain a myth.

    The Foot Steppes: Basins of some mythical giant lead anyone curious enough to follow from the west to the east. They are sometimes filled with water, but sometimes are empty and just great depressions in the otherwise large expanse of grassy unforested land that makes up the majority of the Thumping Plains.

    Megadeth Camp: In nearly the exact center of the Thumping Plains is one of the largest gatherings of METAL Orcs to exist. It is from here that the first group of otherwise nomadic orcs came together to become METAL, and from here that they sent out raiding party after raiding party to conquer those who were too weak to resist them. When the Megadeth Khaboss is in Camp, the two great Mesas that lie on either side of the great city of tents and fortifications have torches lit along their ridges, so that other orcs know where they might find the greatest of Khabosses.

    Fecal Flats: From the southwest of the region, towards Niemidaland, the desert and steppes become wet, muddy, and smell terrible. It is a dangerous swamp to traverse, and few go through here. Orcs who like the idea of the mythical giants walking through the Plains are the ones who came up with the name. And who said Orcs didn't have a sense of humor?

    Spoiler: People
    The original inhabitants of the Thumping Plains are still here. The bison were the biggest creatures that the Orcs could find when they arrived years and years ago. They explored the whole region, basin to basin, just to be sure there wasn't something they needed to fight.

    Other than the unusual thumping sounds that gave the region it's name, they found no resistance, so they settled in and claimed this land as their own.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Bison (Great)

    Though the orcs now number in the hundreds of thousands within the Thumping Plains, the wild bison are nearly as numerous. Their coats of brown and black leather is used for making more tents, their fur is warm and good for clothing, and their bones are a common part of METAL orc architecture. The meat of the bison is the staple of anyone who makes this region home.

    Though the plains are vast and provide the METAL orcs with plenty of land, little of it is useful for farming. The heat from the plains makes it difficult to grow things reliably. As such, the orcs constantly need Agricultural/Grown Food of various types.

    (Formerly Daksin Lasha)
    Region 103, METAL

    Population: 600,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Keystone mountains are a key section of a much larger mountain range stretching roughly north and south along the western continent. The Tzaltec call it the Earth Spine. Along the border with Axquahitl, they soar so high, their peaks are often lost in the clouds. Farther north, along the border with Oztotla, they are shorter, but no less jagged. The region gets its name because it is the east/west border for water and weather. The western peaks block the weather and make the western slopes home to the redwood forests and their guardian predator fungus. On the eastern slope, barren sandy deserts with a few palm and juniper plants are all that grows. This region is called the Foresaken Lands.

    Alpaca and mountain camel are common. Small rodents with exquisite fur also are common. Raptors in wide variety soar on the mountain thermals, On the eastern slopes, desert hare, snake, and a plethora of insects make their home. The mountains also contain the deadly razor-goats; a species of mountain goat evolved into a predator of alpaca and camel. They use their horns to knock their prey off their feet, then use their tiny, razor sharp rows of teeth to dispatch them.

    There are three terrain features of prominence:
    The Dappled Cataracts: Located on the border of Axquahitl, Oztotla, and Keystone, this is a miles-wide region where numerous small streams converge into a series of pools and waterfalls. Dissolved minerals make these streams have varying colors in all hues of the rainbow. The waters cascade together until the plunge over the Wall of the West almost a thousand feet below. The water then breaks up into multiple rivers spreading out across the western lands. Many small villages dot this region, with the people subsiting on local fish.

    The Verdant Field: The eastern slope of the mountains is called the Foresaken Lands for a reason. It is difficult to traverse, impossible for those without preparation and knowledge. The Verdant Field is one of a few oasis available, and the only one of any size. Encompassing several dozen acres of tall palm and rich grass, it holds no less than a dozen wells tapping into an underground spring. Its location is jealously guarded by those that traverse the Foresaken Lands. A large fortified caravanserai guards it.

    City of Brass: In the very far east of the land, The Keystone region bulges out between region 105 and 100. This is a large plateau of land, upon which sits the City of Brass. The plateau has been carved into multiple terraces for farming. The City itself lies at the center. Aptly named, the buildings are wood framed and brass covered. There are four walls in concentric cirles surrounding a spring-fed lake which has been turned into canals and flow-ways feeding the entire area. The walls are also shod in Brass. Seven gatehouses in the outer walls contain seven gates of solid brass, intricately carved. It stands as the capital of the region.

    Spoiler: People

    The original inhabitants of the area are a near-human species called the Monto. They were largely a peaceful people living in a region undisturbed by the world and separated by geography before the arrival of the Saroc. The region is called the Keystone Mountains also because it contains two passes into Axuahitl and three down into Oztotla. Without these passes, it was hundreds, if not thousands, of miles around the Spine of the World.

    Monto society favored the traders and artisans over the miners and farmers. Clothing and mode of travel denoted wealth and status. The poor walked and were nearly naked. Those in the middle rode camels and homespun cloth. The wealthy were draped in rich, thick fabircs and carried on litters by the poor. Jewelry and gems were greatly prized as portable signs of wealth. Your trade ability is, quite literally, your life. Those that fail to live up to their reputations are punished harshly by those that fail.

    The people were average height and general human appearance. They have green skin and orange hair and eyes. Normal vairiation in shades run from almost red to almost brown for both hair and eyes. Hairstyle is also a sign of wealth. The more hair, the more time needed to groom. The poor can’t afford the time, so they were bald, while the rich wore long hair covered in ornate turbans.

    This region It is also named the Keystone Mountains because it is one of the few places where you can cross the earth spine in that portion of the world. Two passes lead down into Axuahitl, and three into Oztotla. This was of little concern for decades, as the natives of those reasons were shy and pacifistic. This changed when Tzalteclan occupied these areas. The Monto spent 50 years (a great project) fortifying the passes to the west, in preparation for an invasion.

    The sudden assault of orcish tribes from the south caught them completely unaware. In less than a decade, the entire region was subjugated. The Monto leadership attempted to find support in Tzalteclan and Guilder, but was largely left to fend for themselves. Now, the two groups live in uneasy peace. The orcs are militaristic, the Monto are trade focused. The pair might work well together if not for the intense divide between them.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Iron (Good)
    The mountains have rich deposits of iron. The iron veins are heavily polluted with other minerals, requiring extensive working to purify. These impurities provide elements needed to make their second export.

    Stained Glass (Good)

    The desert sands of the Foresaken Lands and the trees of the highlands provide ample raw materials for stained glass. The mineral impurities from the iron works provide the minerals to produce glass in a kaleidoscope of colors. The City of Brass is the epicenter for these artisans. The City is wildly decorated with mural windows.

    The traders want for very little and tightly control the precious food and water resources. They prize luxury items, such as the fine crafted goods of Hrathan-Tuor, silken clothing, and crafted jewelry. In most cultures, this would be mere opulence. But this is a society that rewards your ability to possess something that others cannot. People have killed and died for rare and exotic items.

    West Kap
    (Formerly Uttara Lasha)
    Region 107, METAL

    Population: 500,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Razor Peaks are the dominant mountain range in the area, stretching south into Nezetkharras and beyond and north into the Planinfrag. On the west side of the mountain range a decent amount of rain falls and despite the rocky and craggy land plants do grow and animals to forage. The east side however is another tale entirely, marking the entrance to the vast desert said to be the origin of the Saroc.

    First colonized by the Monto and believed to be their first expansion beyond Bashul Kentoya the region contains a network of mountain roads all connecting to the current administrative capital of the regions, the Shining City. Sitting nestled in a valley between two of the larger peaks this city is constructed of stone and brass and shines brightly when the sun rays fall upon it. Monto records indicate it was already there when colonized but Saroc generally assume it was the Monto who built it.

    -Third Terrain Feature-

    Spoiler: People

    The Monto originally colonized this region when the Monto were still led by the Grand Prince Montoyons of Majana Sha and retain a significant presence. The green skinned, orange haired humanoids of the region serving as the primary representatives of Grand Prince Montoyon Gebui to Guilder during their years of trade.

    The Saroc, a branch said to have joined Megadeth Stormskull after his conquest of Bashul Kentoya and having reportedly come from the desert, not the Thumping Plains, conquered this region at the same time as the Stormskull subjugation of the Majana Sha conquest and went on to conquer the southern range of mountains as well, although recent interactions with the Tzaltec has led to speculation that they since fell subject to the Tzaltec Empire.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Stone (Good)

    The Razor Peaks supply and abundance of Stone, quarried by Monto under the watchful eye of the Saroc.

    The region's mountainous and rocky ground means little more than shrub bushes can grow here and the region is in need of Timber

    Bluefire Principality
    Regions: 83A, 83B, 105B, 107B

    The Clanships
    Region 83, Bluefire Principality

    Population: 540,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Clanships are a harsh, twilight region of strange happenings. One can enter a forest, and leave from a mountain, or enter a mountainside cave, to emerge in a swamp far below. While there is no proof of supernatural forces, all of the clans have three hallowed grounds where they do not travel.

    The Twilight Forest. The Twilight Forest is one of the most revered places for the shamans to go, but only they may pass without change. It is said that the greatest Clansmen poets have all spent many years in the forest, because entering its threshold means becoming a new person.

    The trees move and shift, a few inches to the right or left at the outside of the forest. However, as one reaches further inwards, the bark always seems to be moving. Never whilst you look at it, never while you think about it, but always directly behind you. Sometimes, trees will seem to "follow" folk walking through, though these tales are like unto madness, for all of the trees look exactly the same.

    Worse still are the beasts which reside there--or might. No one has actually seen the cryptids rumored to devour prey, but every child can see them in their nightmares. Isn't that proof enough?

    The Darksiding. A massive mountain, called Adam's Scream, looms at the far Western edge of the clanships, a monstrosity that seems to travel straight up in front of the setting sun, and by just after mid-day, any travelers nearby begin walking in shade. By the time a normal night has fallen, those in the Darksiding are groping through a blackness like pitch, or blinded eyes.

    Here, again, there is no proof of life. No tribe is daft enough to live there, and no traveler moves through. No creatures have been brought back, nor any plants seen to grow. The Darksiding is bitterly cold, too, with a sweeping wind falling from the peak of the mountain, and a chill in the bones no matter the weather.

    Part of what impressed the Clanships about their new liege-lords was, in fact, their traversal of this area. The Guilderene colonists walked through, mapping out the area with golden lights, which are visible from miles away throughout the Darksiding. But, despite the wonders of these new men from the West, the lights aren't... always there. Every now and again, they blink out, sometimes for an hour at a time. Then they light again, as if nothing had changed.

    The Gelded Halls. These are the halls of the Ancient Clans, and none may enter, save them. There is no way into the halls. There are none alive. There is no way into the halls. None of the past remain. There is no way into the halls. None of the Ancient are buried there. None shall return. Why?

    There is no way into the Gelded Halls.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Clanships is a region with a long history of religions, but in a very free-form, independent sense. There is no "organized" religion as such: instead, each man, woman, and child lives their life by a "Mantra" or code. For the Zahn, this is Peace, leading them to prepare for war. For the Cimbran, this is Weakness, leading them to build walls and cities. For the Chanaw, this is Leisure, leading them to spend their lives working. Finally, for the Iahbar, this is Unity, leading them to divide themselves, traveling amongst the other Clans to preach dissenting words.

    Many of those coming from the outside --especially Guilderenes, who are fairly straightforward, especially as religion goes-- are confused by this system. How can one believe and act the opposite? Part of it is that a person's Mantra is a personal illustration of a clan's belief. Part of it is that a Mantra represents both a positive and a negative stance in the world: both a desire and an avoidance. Part of it, also, is that the people of the Clanships do not seem to view the world as something which can be approached in the straight lines of a balance sheet. Interesting indeed.

    Spoiler: People

    The Clanships are, conveniently enough, made up of clans. The four surviving clans are known as the Zahn, the Cimbran, the Chanaw, and the Iahbar. These each cohabitate and take control over various facets of life, depending on their values. Each of these clans has a different highest "Mantra" (see religions) and this is what created their division.

    -Zahn. Most powerful clan currently, but semi-nomadic. They travel around in hordes to deal with problems internally and keep the peace. Their mantra is "Peace", and this desire to see a world eventually developed into a place that they need not exist. Thus, the Zahn will often train others in certain of their martial arts, especially those focused on negating attacks.

    Since the Zahn have done the most wandering, their maps are the most complete, but, equally, they understand the least. Even their central high command, where copies of every explorer's travels are kept, can barely piece together two thirds of the land they call theirs. Even with explorers who have traveled every supposed inch of the territory, there seem to be... blind spots.

    -Cimbran. Warlike, living in high towers and defensive structures. They fight with each other, but often gather other tribes of the clans around them, under their protection. Interestingly enough, they are the ones with the most artists. Partly this is because they spend much of their time in one place, thus turning to the intellectual pursuits. However, their mantra of "Weakness" is also a part: they value those who do not grant strength to the community, but wisdom and soul.

    The Cimbran dwell closest to the ruins of the Gelding past, and often find that their tools are not enough to cut the stone of their home. Even with the help of an Iahbar blessing, some of their cities have been abandoned. That, however, was long ago, and is scarcely of interest to any save the most doddering of sages.

    -Chanaw. They're the peaceful ones, renowned for their hard work and devotion to completing a task. "When a Chanaw gets to work," or so the saying goes, "you're only ever going to talk to him in a coffin." The Chanaw usually live in set areas, though they send out merchants and monks to other areas often enough. The Chanaw's mantra is "Leisure", which is part of their phrenetic motivation. Just as they work hard, Chanaw settlements celebrate with large, ornate festivals and organized feasts.

    It is said that the first Chanaw, a man named Alahn, was once an Iahbar, but saw something in a vision that changed his perspective. They have many sayings passed down from Alahn, many of which remain uninterpreted to this day.

    -Iahbar. The priests, shamans, and spiritual guides. In some communities, they are greatly revered, having a special tower all to their own near the gates of the town. In others, their extreme dedication and presumption of "ruling" all the clans' beliefs causes them to be cast out. Because of this, they often go in disguise; groups of merchants and travelers are considered to be bad luck by many because of Iahbar caravans. Currently, they are the only clan with the ability to use shaping-wood, which greatly helps their disguise. Because of their mantra of "Unity", they proclaim their messages all the harder, despite the division it causes.

    There are dangers to the life of the Iahbar: wearing the Shaping-wood for too long can cause it to bond more and more with the wearer's flesh. Some have reported that the more exposure one has to Shaping wood, the more a person becomes feral. They shed clothing, abhor company, and by the end, run to the Twilight, and merge with the spirits of the land. Of course, that's just the story, because no one has actually seen that happen. That is recorded. And surviving. And widely known.

    Spoiler: Resources

    -Shaping Wood (Good): A species of leafless trees grows throughout the Clanships, often forming the lone landmarks on its landscapes. These trees, if carefully grown and trimmed, if watched for their whole life, will eventually shed long, thin, skewers. When slid underneath skin, its natural sap seals wounds, and can be used to stretch, break, and reform those materials. Similarly, when woven into a mask and held over a portion of a victim's face, that portion will begin to merge with it.

    Given proper training, and a long period of careful movement, this subdermal wood structure can be bent, forming new strength or faces. Sometimes, this is used for tribal piercings and show, though the Iahbar are rumored to use it to re-form their face for a disguise...

    -Black Cake (Good): Perhaps the only easily-transferable thing in the Clanships is their fantastic black cakes, which, when properly re-hydrated, are moist and delicious delicacies. The Chanaw spend hours on each cake, carefully guiding it through the process of baking and forming, before drying it out to be saved for a later day.


    Region 83B
    Population: 1,000,000

    Spoiler: Summary

    Population: 1 million Goblins
    Resources: Narcoweb [Good], Iron [Good]
    Requires: Arable crops
    Religion: Animism (sole)

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Deep below Ahmeskharras the ground opens up into a series of vast caverns, filled with translucent stalagmites and stalagtites. Some of the caverns are said to be so large that it is impossible to see across them, although whether or not this is true, the presence of the stone forests and the webbing strung between them lends the caves a claustrophobic air, despite their enormous size.

    Spoiler: People

    The people of Xictloali are goblins, of a similar phenotype to the Afreet: a diminutive and green-skinned people. Upon discovery the entire population was suspended in Narcowebbing, and unresponsive to any attempt to communicate, but those removed from the webs have eventually begun to communicate. They appear to have no recollection of how they became trapped in the webs, but many of them seem to have been there for some time: it seems that many of the goblins are as much as two hundred years old, although theirs is not normally a long-lived species.

    Spoiler: Resources

    The region is well supplied with Narcoweb, although the substance does not appear to be native to the region. This is similar to spider's webbing but on a much larger scale, and has a soporific effect on those trapped in it. In fact those suspended in the webbing are apparently immune to the passage of time, completely removed from their surroundings, the effects of ageing, or anything save direct physical contact – even then, they will not respond unless cut free, and those injured while suspended in the web appear to remain in a completely stable condition until separated.

    The region also seems to have a good supply of iron.

    The goblins, once freed from the Narcowebs, require grown crops like any other people.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The awakened goblins seem to have no religion beyond a vague animism, and a healthy fear of the supernatural properties of the Narcoweb.

    Suranga Chella

    Region 107B
    Population: 700,000

    Spoiler: Summary

    Population: 700,000
    Race: Monto
    Resources: Prickling Snaps, Platinum
    Requires: Food
    Religion: Sapha Rasta (majority), Tzetultep (minority)

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Suranga Chella is less a region than a collection of tunnels with the occasional cavern, but even the largest caverns of the region pale in comparison to the great subterranean cities of the central continent. Even the largest of them, and site of the biggest settlement in the region, Gupha Basti, is little more than a few hundred feet across, though it contains the

    Almost all the tunnels are artificial, narrow and cramped, all the more for the dwelling spaces carved into the sides of the tunnels by the inhabitants. There are a few natural caverns and noteworthy underground rivers, principally Nadi Jivani, the main source of water for the region and without which the majority of the people could not survive.

    Most of the tunnels leading to the surface or to neighbouring regions were collapsed more than a century ago and are no longer maintained. The exceptions are the Akasa Khula, which lead high into the mountains and were eventually discovered by explorers searching for an underground region. These tunnels are rarely used by the inhabitants, and many among the people initially called for them to be collapsed along with the others, but were maintained as insurance against the direst of emergencies, such as region-wide flooding.

    Spoiler: People

    The people of this region are Monto or very close relatives thereof, somewhat paler. skinnier and more diminutive than their surface cousins thanks to decades of living underground, but still with characteristically green skin and reddish eyes.

    They are the last outpost of the old Montoyon civilisation of Majana Sha. Initially the tunnels of the region were used exclusively for mining, known as Suranga Sapheda for the platinum produced from its depths. After the death of Gebui and the increasing destruction of the kingdom above, the inhabitants chose to collapse the majority of the tunnel entrances to the surface in the hope of survival, rather than imprisonment under the Saroc, and the region adopted its new name of Suranga Chella. Though the Saroc searched for entrances to the historic mines, they were unable to find an entrance and eventually forgot the project, assuming the Monto were dead or had abandoned the mines.

    It was not until Tzaltec-sponsored explorers renewed their efforts that the tunnels were rediscovered. The Monto population chose not to resist their new overlords.

    Spoiler: Resources

    The region produces a fair quantity of platinum, the mining of which was the original purpose of the tunnelling.

    Also found in the region are Prickling Snaps, a carnivorous plant which is normally dangerous to handle, but when cooked and properly prepared can provide a tasty treat.

    The region is desperately short of food.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The historic religion of the region is Sapha Rasta, which is still followed by a majority of the population. Since colonisation by the Bluefire Principality, a minority of Tzetultep followers has established itself in the region.

    Under Kap

    Region 105B
    Population: 906,000

    Spoiler: Summary

    Population: 906,000
    Resources: Pale Writhers [Good], Silver [Good]
    People: Various
    Religion: None (majority), Tzetultep (minority)

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The region comprises a group of tunnels through the hard rock, with bulbous caverns in which the population live. While the majority of the people seem to live in the caverns near the surface, the mountains here are high and the tunnels go deep: their full downward extent has not been explored.

    The Glass Walls is the name colloquially given to many of the deeper eastern tunnels, which would otherwise lead out into the desert. At some point long-forgotten these have been sealed as if by some great fire, the stone melted together to prevent any passage. Although the majority of the tunnels are sealed, some remain open, especially higher in the mountains.

    The Mudpool is a large cavern where the floor is largely comprised of a nutrient-rich sludge. This is the largest hatching-ground for the Pale Writhers, and they are capable of surviving here even without a host. Nevertheless the Writhers who live in the Mudpool and are never bonded seem to have severely curtailed lifespans.

    Spoiler: People

    There is no single dominant population in Under Kap, save for the Pale Writhers themselves. The humanoid population comprises a mixture of folk from surrounding regions, who have strayed into the region and bonded with the Writhers. Thus here are to be found humans, orcs, and some Monto, descendants of miners from the north, as well as small numbers of other humanoids from further afield. There are rumours of invertebrates living in the deeper caverns who have been bonded and are used as warriors, though little evidence of this has yet been seen.

    It is rare for one of the hosts to be bonded with more than one Writher during their lifetime, unless the initial bonding goes badly and the Writher dies. If the Writher can be extracted in time after the death of a host, they are usually re-bonded, and this apparently imparts some memories and experiences of the former host into the new host. The lifespan of the hosts and the Writhers seems to be similar, however, and due to the sympathy of the bond, even if a host dies by violence and the Writher is otherwise relatively young, it usually survives no more than a few minutes at most.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The people of the region appeared to display no particular interest in religion, unless one counts their adherence to the will of the Pale Writhers themselves. Since its takeover by the Bluefire Principality, a minority of Tzetultep worshippers has appeared.

    Spoiler: Resources

    The most noteworthy resource in the region is the Pale Writhers themselves. These are hairless and white grub-like creatures a few inches in length (when separated from their host), so named for their coloration and their wriggling. Despite their unwholesome appearance, they are intelligent and reportedly benign creatures.

    Pale Writhers are reliant on a humanoid host to survive and after hatching can survive only a few days at most unless bonded. The process of bonding involves placing a (usually young) Writher in the ear of the host, from where it burrows to a position behind the ear and towards the base of the skull. Those bonded can be distinguished by a raised and slightly discoloured area of skin just below the hairline on one side of the back of the neck. Although the process of bonding may appear disgusting to outsiders, it apparently benefits both host and Writher: hosts appear to have greater mental acuity, improved facility for language, and the ability to go without sleep for much longer than the Unbonded.

    Those sceptical of the bonding process claim that the hosts also suffer a loss of free will, and become slaves to the will of the Writhers, though the hosts themselves claim that it is in their interest to cooperate with the Writhers, as both parties gain from the arrangement. Nevertheless it is difficult to deny that the shape of society in the region is organised in such a way as to benefit the Writhers.

    Apparently the Writhers are also delicious if lightly sautéed. It is best not to mention this within earshot of the local population.

    The region is also posssessed of silver mines, which allows it to export quantities of that precious metal.

    The people of the region desire books and other cultural items to fuel their minds.
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-08-18 at 11:20 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Troll in the Playground
    QuintonBeck's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    NPC Regions

    Warriors of Syivine
    Groups: N110

    Population: 33,000
    Army: 10,000

    Spoiler: History and Leadership

    The Na'nuk of Wenyavuk were and are a peaceful people, mostly content to live in their sheltered valleys in the Tears of the Sun and around Irfrin's cauldron. Their legends and histories told them, however, that they were not the most northerly people on Telluris, and that deep within the Plains of Frost to the north, the Warriors of Syivine waited to do their mistress's bidding.

    A hundred years ago, the Na'nuk chieftain Naďyop an Kal led a group of his people northwards in search of the pole. The journey was long and arduous, and many did not survive. Under the strange skies and the unknowable influence of the pole, during the burning days of summer and the endless, freezing nights, a change was wrought upon some of Naďyop's people. Whether it was the influence of the scattered people they encountered en route, a loss of faith in their leader, or merely a search for something to protect them from the harshness of the landscape in which they were immersed, they abandoned Irfrin and turned to a new patron, Syivine. According to some of the Warriors, it was Imnaya an Pajen, Naďyop's heir apparent, who led them away from his side and into the arms of their new mistress.

    What became of Naďyop, his loyal followers, and the polar expedition, remains a mystery, but with the zeal of new converts, and the speed of movement granted them by their ice boats, the followers of Syivine ranged around the pole, gathering followers from the wandering tribes eking out a living there. It is not clear whether the Warriors of Syivine as the Na'nuk imagined them were ever more than a myth, but those who came south were real enough. By 440 they numbered around twenty thousand and had amassed enough warriors to send a small expedition into Intepeuh, where they were defied only by a hasty coalition of southern kingdoms. Encouraged, but concerned about the defences being built in the region by the Ashenians, they spent a few more years building up their numbers, before arriving in Tletica in full force in 468 and defeating an army of Hurosha. Thereafter they were contacted by Ashenia and, after a brief period of mutual suspicion, agreed to become vassals of the King.

    Spoiler: People

    As their name would suggest, the Warriors of Syivine are a martially-inclined people. Unlike most nomadic groups, they are not yet bound by particular ties of blood or family, and they have no other universal name for themselves. They have been gathered from numerous other tribes of the north, either leaving their people to join the Warriors, or following the conquest of their original tribe, and they are united by their devotion to Syivine and desire to serve Her. Almost every member of the group is a trained warrior, and children are trained in use of the spear as soon as they can walk.

    The people are mostly human. Their skin is for the most part very fair, where it has not been burned brown by exposure to the harsh polar sun. They are a hardy people, generally shorter than humans further south, but possessed of a wiry strength.

    Traces of non-human origin can be seen in some of the people: a smile that betrays wickedly sharp teeth; a soft downy fur on the backs of necks and hands; pupils that appear unnaturally large in low light and unnaturally narrow in the sun. Some of the younger people in the tribe have taken to filing their teeth to points, even if they are otherwise fully human.

    The Warriors are matriarchal, in honour of their patron, and possibly their first leader. The leader is known as the “War Chief” although in fact she has authority in all aspects of the Warriors' lives. Leadership selection is by tanistry, with the chieftain recognising the most powerful and cunning warrior among the people's young women as her heir. The current War Chief is Angayak Tulimaq, who was trained from an early age in all forms of combat and strategy and is a formidable warrior. She is however now well into middle age and competition to succeed her among the girls and young women of the Warriors is fierce.

    Spoiler: Religion

    Far from the Tears of the Sun, in the night and under the cover of storms, lurk the creatures that welcome the cold. First among them is Syivine the Snowtiger, who will turn the world to ice again if Irfrin ever turns His gaze away completely.

    The Warriors follow Syivine (or Syvine, as Her name has been styled in some southern scripts, following the Ashenite spelling) with utmost devotion, and tolerate no other gods. They believe that if their devotion is pure enough, eventually Syvine will grant them her blessing, in the shape of great green wings of light capable of bearing them aloft. According to some older Warriors, their previous War Chief had been blessed in such a manner.

    After meeting with High Priestess Marvella of Sycia, they have however recently come to accept that Syvine is an aspect of Yphine, the goddess of the Frost, given the close similarities in both name and doctrine. Angayak allowed missionaries from the Doctrine of Frost to spread their word among her people, and a majority of them have now converted to the orthodox Sycian version of the faith, including Angayak herself, although most of them still refer to Yphine by Her more familiar name.

    The “conversion” to Yphine has done nothing to dull the Warriors' fervour, and they remain as devoted to their mistress as ever, whatever She may call Herself.

    Spoiler: Resources
    [Good] Ice Carvings: Decades spent in the harsh polar region have given the Warriors a great facility with shaping ice. Many of the people practise it as a hobby when not training with weapons, and a few have achieved standards of great artistry. Wherever they travel the Warriors are always keen to show off, whether in the shape of small carvings that would last less than an hour in the summer's heat of the south, or huge statues which might form the centrepiece for a village a whole winter festival.

    [Good] Dogs go everywhere with the Warriors, and are used in hunting, as beasts of burden for pulling small ice boats and sleds, and even in battle. They make relatively poor companion animals, being to the untrained eye hardly distinct from wolves, although that does not stop the occasional Warrior treating one as a favoured pet.

    The Warriors, being nomads, have no mines and as such must trade for the iron they use to create their weapons.

    The City of Uncounted Tales

    Region: 141

    The Sun Wrath Waste
    Crossing this endless burning ocean of sand is a logistics nightmare. Burning days, freezing nights, and progress halted altogether by sandstorms. Then there's the periodic contact with wildlife. Hungry jackals picking off stragglers, venomous beetles hiding in sleeping bags, and every dune could be hiding a sleeping wyrm.

    It's almost as if the terrain itself actively hates you. The sun is somehow hotter here then anywhere else, and look vaguely different as well. Orange bands contort around it, as though dragging some of the halo of dawn along with it through it's procession into noon. As it sets in the evening, the swirl of color normally associated with sunset seems to drag the heat out of the air toward it, leaving none behind to keep you comfort as your breath begins to fog and your body begins to shiver.

    Praise the Sun as you might praise a cruel and omnipotent king, for he can crush you at a whim, and is always watching...

    The Oasis
    At the heart of the Sun Wrath Wastes springs forth an oasis of unspeakable beauty and unparalleled luxury, the City State of Kemuliaan. Here in the sun is more kind. A cool soft wind hums and sings through artfully constructed chimes and silk hammocks. It is this place that makes crossing The Wastes worth while, but this is not to say it is without its own dangers.

    To many it is a paradise full of sweet poisons and silk nooses. A place where the guileless are drowned in their own delight while the cunning lose themselves in a wilderness of mirrors. But then, depending on who you ask, all these things are just another selling point.

    What happens in Kemuliaan, so they say, stays in Kemuliaan.

    The Necropolis
    The over city is for tourists and laborers. It is beneath, in the catacombs, where serious works are done, and true depravity is wrought. It is here that the hidden Undead Lords of Kemuliaan are sheltered from the outside world, and indeed each other. A thousand generations of master artisans have craved this place into an incomparable labyrinth composed of suffocatingly beautiful etched stone.

    The People of Kemuliaan are split between human immigrants and a branch the Sphynks people. History has forgotten if these Sphynks moved into the city, or if Kemuliaan is actually the last of Bastet's legendary Garden Cities. It is possible that it is the only one to have survived the disaster that destroyed all the others. The elder Mummies who remember the first meetings with the Sphynks refuse to say.

    Regardless of their race, all people in Kemuliaan share a love of hearing and telling good stories, along with good food and wine.

    They also like to pretend at being total pacifists. There's no such thing as a professional soldier in Kemuliaan, but the city has legions of armed "desert guides". Strike a Kemuliese man in the face, and he'll apologize to you with a smile... because soon a terrible and unexplained accented will happen when you're not looking.

    Kemuliaan's most notable eccentricity is their unusually strict requirements for high office. Before taking any position of real importance in the Thanatocracy, the candidate must be gutted alive in an arduous ritual of mummification that, if successful, forces the subject to remain conscious and aware throughout and beyond their own death. For reasons known only among their own culture the Sphynks have never elected to participate in this ritual and despite their ancient ties to the city do not hold official high office. Yet their history and relation to the city has kept their people from becoming overrun and their possession of secrets and ancient knowledge maintains them as an important facet of administration and daily life.

    While this does tend to weed out those lacking a certain degree of conviction, there are... side effects.

    The Mummified Lords of Kemuliaan.
    Like all who die, the mummies of Kemuliaan are inanimate. The Red Pharaoh is slumped back and motionless on his throne, while the rest feel more comfortable sealed safely in decorative sarcophagi. However, they possess potent capacity for astral projection.

    They can invade dreams. They seize control of the bodies of lowly animals and people with wills weakened by drugs or madness. Their spirits can soar far and wide, observing people in all parts of the city, and the only way to know they are there is a slight chill down the spine of someone with a strong sense of the eerie.

    Pouring water upon and smashing the fragile body of a Kemuliese mummy is the only to banish their spirit from the world forever.

    The Red Pharaoh
    In a court of bored eternal mummies, intrigue causes upheavals in leadership a couple times a century. The throne is passed around like a trophy, or in some cases pushed back and forth until landing in the lap of someone willing to tolerate the burden.

    The current “Red” Pharaoh is so called because his reigns are often exceptionally bloody ones. He usually craves to provoke and court some degree of carefully planned violence during his turns upon the Throne. He is also known of his astounding bravado in leaving himself exposed outside an iron Sarcophagi.

    Resources: Silk, Rubies, and Necrosand
    The silk is of exceptional softness.

    The rubies cascade with a unique brilliance, and bring to mind the very essence of life's blood made crystallized (There are some who say this is how the Rubies of Kemuliaan are made...).

    Necrosand can be found nowhere else. The ritual desiccation of a living person that keeps their soul alive and powerful within the physical world would not be possible without it. The exact details of it's manufacture are secret. Suffices to say, the hateful rays of the Kemuliaan Sun are applied to reduce the very stuff of life itself into a powder.

    Appeasements to the Wrathful Sun.

    Reference Images: Daily life in Kemuliaan

    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-04-12 at 10:20 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Barbarian in the Playground
    RandoMan's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Kingdom of Mularuhm
    Regions 33B, 34B, 62B, 63B, 64B, 65B, 68B, 69B RandoMan
    Greater Vassal to Sobrida

    King Koncordan Ringmaker
    King of the Dwarves and Gnomes. King of Mularuhm, Asterith, The Riderock, Norogh, Graberlock, High Ambassador to Galardoth and Landerkunst, Master of Meiterdon, King in Triwilix, Proconsul Mularuhm, Suzerain of the Niemida Legacy Warden of the Deep

    Current Attributes
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 8
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 10

    Original Rolls
    Family Tree

    Spoiler: Current Trades

    • Shellfish [Good]
      • Palas Caercia Potatoes (To Mularuhm)
      • Frontier Goldfire (To Mularuhm)
      • Challenger Depths Chitin Whod (To Mularuhm)
    • Mithril [Good]
      • Jarrland Timber (To Mularuhm)
      • Alzeroth Firesteel (Landerkunst)
      • Palas Caercia Flax (To Mularuhm)
    • Gold [Good]
      • Palas Caercia Potatoes (To Mularuhm)
      • Abyssian Sea Nix Coral (To Mularuhm)
      • Available

    • Amoeba Colonial Oozes [Good]
      • Wyrmar Cactus (To The Riderock)
      • Available
      • Available
    • Sulphur [Good]
      • Vennland Oysters (To Asterith)
      • Bjurnja Chickens (To Asterith)
      • Available

    • Discordian Deeprock [Good]
      • Wyrmar Gulpsand (To Galardoth)
      • Challenger Depths Skin Coral (Galardoth)
      • Alydaxis Ordinarium (Landerkunst)
    • Giant Spiders [Good]
      • Sterkelv Gnarls (To Galardoth)
      • Tzaltec Violet Manzer (Galardoth)
      • Available

    The Riderock
    • Rokuers [Good]
      • Minotron Cattle (Riderock)
      • Galomyr Aloe Vera (Riderock)
      • Available
    • Cave Fungus [Good]
      • Bjurnja Gretan Clawlings (To The Riderock)
      • Guilderene Nitrates (Riderock)
      • Meiterdon Red Jelly (Riderock)
    • Riders [Good]
      • Minotron Timber (Riderock)
      • Available
      • Available

    • Rubies [Good]
      • Novranian Timber (Meiterdon)
      • Sterkelv Gnarls (Mularuhm)
      • Available
    • Red Jelly [Good]
      • Riderock Cave Fungus (Meiterdon)
      • Available
      • Available
    • Rose Steel [Good]
      • An Nadur Sung Blossoms (Meiterdon)
      • Isles of Tepetl Breathing Peat (Meiterdon)
      • Available

    • Mole Owls [Good]
      • Gift to Triwilix
      • An Nadur elfin Rune Chanters (Graberlock)
      • Available

    • Boiling Smoke [Good]
      • Tekorva Iron (Landerkunst)
      • Oztotla Potatoes (Landerkunst)
      • An Nadur Talismans (Landerkunst)
    • Glass Ore [Good]
      • Axiquahitl Wood (Mularuhm)
      • Abyssian Sea Pearls (Landerkunst)
      • Sea of Glass Adamantine (Landerkunst)

    • Hellstone [Good]
      • Jarrland ???
      • Frios ???
      • Penoccident Goats (Norogh)
    • Amethysts [Good]
      • Grmanhil Honey/Mead (Norogh)
      • Available
      • Available
    • Sulfur [Good]
      • Available
      • Available
      • Available

    Mularuhm Owned Trade Posts
    Triumph - Netherine - To Mularuhm
    Jarrland - Timber - To Mularuhm

    Trade Posts in the Kingdom

    Spoiler: Technologies & Armies & Artifacts

    Mithril Forging
    Horse Riding
    Ocean Faring
    Plate Armor
    Printing Press
    Wurm Riding
    Raaneka Diplomacy
    Berunda Riding
    Steam Power

    Winning Tactic: Underground

    Mularuhm - 7,000 Land Units
    Asterith - 4,000 Land Units
    Galardoth - 4,000 Land Units
    The Riderock - 4,000 Land Units
    Meiterdon - 4,000 Land Units
    Graberlock - 4,000 Land Units
    Landerkunst - 4,000 Land Units
    Norogh - 4,000 Land Units

    Spoiler: Seven Swords

    Quake (Mithril) - +1 Enemy Casualty Checks (In possession of Mularuhm)
    A simple blade of silver-white with a plain cross guard and handle set with an amethyst in the pommel intricate ancient dwarven runework runs the grip and the blade seems to sing when swung through the air. The sword of a leader at the forefront of his men the sword in the hands of a skilled leader inspires even the most craven to fight on.

    River (Glass Ore) - -1 Casualty Checks (In possession of Nixadarum)
    Shaped from the Glass Ore of Landerkunst the green-tinted blade of this sword is unique for its non-metallic qualities and the weaving glasswork spiraling down the hilt. Almost more art than weapon this sword's long thin blade seems ill fitted for defense yet when put to combat draws a natural motion from the wielder to deflect incoming blows and interfere and prevent attacks upon one's fellows without sacrificing one's own safety.

    Thorn (Rose Steel) - +1 Single Combat (Assassination & Duels) (In possession of Carmine)
    Blackened handle set with finely cut rubies and bearing a blade of blood-red Rose Steel this sword is at once imposing and awe inspiring. Fit for a duel and imbuing a great personal power to its wielder this blade calls for the blood of one’s enemies to be spilled over it, unsatisfied with their deaths at any blade but itself.

    Unbroken (Adamantine) - +1 Battle Checks against those of a different race than the wielder (In possession of Tzaltec)
    A broad bladed sword of such size and heft as to nearly be a hand and a half this purple-black blade runs through a silvered handle beset with amethysts and filigreed with silver. Most efficient at breaking other weapons and by all accounts unbeset by concerns of breaking itself even in the most stressing situations this blade cuts through any and every threat.

    Render (Ordinarium) - +1 Battle Checks against those of the same race of the wielder (In possession of Caercia)
    Forged in the style of the cavalry blades of the Caercian Consortium and Salterri Heartlands this single edged blade possesses a handle of wrapped mole owl leather and its end pommel is set with a thin ruby which shines with an inner fire. Like Thorn this blade calls for blood, though it calls for it to be spilled in far off lands non native to the wielder who possesses it.

    Edge (Firesteel) - +1 Tactical Maneuvering (In possession of Seaborne)
    Firesteel handle beset with Ruby, Pearl, and filigreed with gold this sword is one of a leading king. Though finely crafted and a match for any sword crafted before or hence Edge thrives when in the hands of a tactician at the forefront of battle whose men follow with loyalty and skill.

    Heaven (Orichalcum) - +1 Martial rolls against divinely empowered entities (In possession of Qzare)
    Forged as a replica of the Qzare's Sword this blade hums with energy from beyond the mortal realm and grows warm in the presence of the divine as if hungering to taste it. According to Simovyr and the Elder Smiths this blade was forged for the mightiest of mortals that they might dispatch unwelcome intruders from beyond the mortal realm.

    Spoiler: Collected Artifacts

    Crown of the Last King: +1 Military Checks defending a region with a majority population of the bearer's race (In possession of Mularuhm)
    Though stained rust colored with the blood of the Usurper Kalderdan reached out in his final moments to grasp it, the moment the King did so his touch driving back the stained twisted form leaving a circlet of finely made gold with three spectacular gems set into its form.

    Spoiler: International Agreements

    Spoiler: Agreement of Everlasting Friendship Between Mularuhm, The Kingdom of the Jarrs, and the Nix

    Land to the east and south of the Discordian Mountains" herein refers to the regions known numerically as 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69 and any and all regions subsequently discovered to the east of 69]

    By joint decree of the High King of Mularuhm, the King of the Jarrs &c. and He-Who-Guides-the-Nixdarum with relation to the territory to the east and south of the Discordian Mountains including the Carmine Sea and neighbouring seas (regions 60-64, 69, 120-126, U1 and further habitable underwater regions discovered bordering any aforementioned region):

    • The rights, privileges and obligations of the Salterri Imperium with relation to its protectorates and vassalages in this territory are hereby affirmed.
    • At such a time as the Salterri Imperium is unable to fulfil its obligations towards the inhabitants of its protectorates and vassalages, or otherwise forfeits its claim upon them, and with immediate effect regarding such lands and such lands as are not rightfully subject to the Salterri Imperium:
    • The land, and sea to a distance of one mile from the high tide mark, lit by the sun, or upon which trees grow, shall be rightfully subject to the King of the Jarrs &c. and his heirs in perpetuity with the exception of that territory needed to provide access to subterranean realms
    • All territories beneath the soil shall be rightfully subject to the High King of Mularuhm and his heirs in perpetuity with the exception of mines and quarries agreed between sovereigns
    • All territory beneath the waves of saltwater seas from a distance of one mile from the high tide mark on land shall be rightfully subject to the Nixdarum with the exception of specified trade routes, fisheries, defensive bastions, the Kell Bay and like exemptions agreed between sovereigns

    The King of the Jarrs &c, the High King of Mularuhm and the Nixdarum hereby proclaim an everlasting friendship between their crowns and peoples to be upheld by their heirs in perpetuity:

    • The King of the Jarrs undertakes to supply Mularuhm with timber so long as forests continue to grow in Jarrland
    • All persons of peaceable intent subject to any signatory crown may travel freely in either realm under royal protection
    • Each crown undertakes to assist in bringing to justice any of its subjects found to have violated the peace or laws of its neighbour
    • The King of the Jarrs &c. the High King of Mularuhm and the leader of the Nixdarum shall not fail to come to the aid of one another in the event of invasion or encroachment by hostile forces
    • In the event that the King, family of the King or other rightful ruler of any realm is driven from his lands, the other shall provide him and his heirs with amnesty until he can reclaim his just rights and inheritances or otherwise indefinitely

    Spoiler: The Salterri Imperium: Agreement
    The Salterri Imperium
    Participants: Salterri Imperium, Mularuhm

    Preamble: The Salterri Imperium exists as a unified empire with the goal of bringing peace, order, and civilization to the world. All provinces and protectorates of the empire agree to abide by the following requirements.

    1. Leadership
    1. Loyalty to the Qzare is absolute. As ruler of the Imperium, the Qzare maintains ultimate authority over the empire. The Qzare agrees never to rule unilateraly without the input of the Senate and provincial Governors unless necessary for the preservation of the Imperium.
    2. Regions under direct control of the Silver Throne shall retain their native leadership and traditional native methods of leader selection. Said leader is granted the Imperial Title of Provincial Governor and may use this title for all legal purposes. Traditional local titles for leadership may be retained and legally used, provided said titles are not Qzare, Emperor, Senator, or derivatives thereof.
    3. Protectorates of the Imperium shall retain their native leadership, provided that said leadership at time of acquisition meets with the approval of the Qzare. Traditional native methods of leader selection will be honored, but new leaders must be approved by the Qzare. Leaders of Imperial Protectorates are granted the Imperial Title of Provincial Lord and may use this title for all legal purposes. Traditional local titles for leadership may be retained and legally used, provided said titles are not Qzare, Emperor, Senator, Governour, or derivatives thereof.

    2. Military
    1. A Legion is defined as 1,000 armed and expertly trained soldiers or equivalent thereof.
    2. Defensive Requirements
      1. All Provinces and Protectorates must maintain a minimum of 1 Legion standing army in each province.
      2. Each Provincial Governor must maintain a minimum additional force of 4 Legions ready to mobilize at a moment's notice to any region of the Imperium.
      3. Each Provincial Lord must maintain a minimum additional force of 2 Legions and no more than 4 Legions for the same purpose.
      4. The Imperium shall maintain a minimum of 1 Legion and no more than 4 Legions standing army in every province for the same purpose.
    3. Military Limitations
      1. The Imperium shall not house more then 4 Legions in any Province outside of the Homelands, except in times of war.
      2. Provincial Governors shall not raise unreasonable military forces, as determined by the Senate, except in times of war.
      3. Provincial Lords may not raise more than 2 Legions per provincial region in addition to the mobile force, except with permission in times of war.
    4. Requirements and Responsibilities
      1. No region will raise arms against another member of the Imperium, except in defense.
      2. No region will militarily invade lands belonging to nations outside of the Imperium, except in times of war.
      3. Should any region of the Imperium come under attack, all mobile forces as defined above shall immediately be sent to defend the populace.
      4. Regions incapable of supporting the minimums as laid out herein may be given special dispensation until such time as they can meet the requirements.

    3. Faith and Religion
    1. The state officially recognizes the following religions: Hailings of the Silver Sea; Ascension. The state officially endorses the Hailings of the Silver Sea.
    2. Provincial Governors must adhere to a state approved faith, if necessary openly and publicly converting prior to claiming a leadership role in any Province or Protectorate. Provincial Lords may continue to practice their original faith, but conversion is preferable.
    3. The clergy of all state approved faiths are granted autonomy to move through all Imperium lands spreading their beliefs without hindrance.
    4. Members of unapproved, traditional faiths may continue to practice their beliefs within their traditional lands; however, spreading of such faiths to other regions is strictly forbidden.
    5. No member of the Imperium may start or organize a new faith or religion.

    4. Trade, Resources, & Technology
    1. Imperial Provinces and Protectorates may make trade agreements as they see fit with the following requirements.
      1. If a region of the Imperium has need of a resource you can provide, you must offer the resource to that region before offering it to any nation outside of the Imperium.
      2. No trade agreements of any sort may be made with any nations declared to be an enemy of the Imperium.
      3. No technology of any kind may be given to any nation not belonging to the Imperium without approval of the Qzare or Senate.
    2. All acquired technologies are to be shared openly with all members of the Imperium, though recipients of the technologies may still be required to provide resources in payment for the technology.

    5. Representation
    1. All Provincial Governours and Provincial Lords have the right to attend or send a duly appointed representative to the Comitatus Judex Primus, Court of the Chief Magistrate of the Salterri Imperium. Here, leaders may petition the Imperium or have grievances addressed.

    Spoiler: Former Leaders

    King Konhagen Ringmaker and Queen Kaitlind Gemgrinder
    Stats at Death
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 5
    Last edited by RandoMan; 2015-09-04 at 04:01 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Region 64B

    Population: 1,190,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The most densely populous area in the region, and any nearby underground region, is the large Mularuhm River Cavern – the mighty Mularuhm River has carved out a massive tunnel underground, stretching from its source in the mountains to the ocean coast. It is a cave almost a thousand feet tall in some places (not including the 30-40 feet deep river), 300 hundred feet wide on average, that stretches for hundreds of miles underground. Nearly all of the dwarves of this region live here, and it is where all their major cities are found, with settlements elsewhere typically being little more than mining towns. The largest cavern on the river is the home of the capital of the realm – Dag Torum. It is a massive city, and showcases the pinnacle of dwarven engineering. Intricately carved buildings line the walls, and the stalactites and stalagmites have been carved into representations of the kings of old. At the delta of the river is Hrogar’s Falls, named for the dwarf who first found the exit to their great tunnel. A 50’ fall from the lip of the caves into the ocean below. On each side of the caves are carved paths and large permanent scaffolding, with houses crawling up the cliff sides from the ocean surface up into the tunnel. This is Hrogar’s Outpost, and is the closest surface dwellers can get to the dwarven homeland. It handles all trade between the dwarves and outsiders, using large winches and pulleys attached to scaffolding to haul cargo up to the river and back down to the ocean.

    Spoiler: People

    The Mularuhm Dwarves take their name from the river that provides them life. Their civilization extends through the entire cavern and its nearby cave systems, with cities and towns carved into the walls of the caves in a very distinctive style. They look like most dwarves – short and stocky, bearded and bushy eyed, and living between 150-200 years, if they die of old age. They decorate their bodies with various metals – both wearable jewelry (necklaces, rings, etc) and piercings of all sorts are common. The poor typically wear copper or iron, with precious metals reserved for holy days. The rich wear their gold and silver jewelry daily, and may even have a piece of mithril or electrum they wear on special occasions. The society is very family based – each family is led by a married couple who share power. Each family is part of a Clan led in a similar way, and the heads of each clan pays homage to the High King. When a leader dies, those immediately below them (clan leaders if the King dies, Family Heads if a Clan Leader dies, or married couples if a Family Head dies) elect a replacement from their ranks.

    The Clans also follow a Caste based system. Clan Heads are members of the Head Caste, and while they belong to their own Clans whom they represent they fall outside the general role of their Clan itself. The head couple of the Swordcarver Clan for instance represents the interests of the Swordcarver Clan, themselves the finest craftsman of weapons for the Mularuhm, but rarely do these Heads have experience working the Clan specialty, having been raised to best fit their caste roll. As married couples head clans it became important in the society to distinguish the rights of men and women, and as such rules were established for clan inheritance. All children born to a sanctified union belong to the clan of their father and the caste of their mother. As such the daughters born to Clan Heads are often married to the sons belonging to other Clan Heads, thus retaining the caste of Clan Head for their children and allowing the heirs of current Clan Heads to produce their own progeny. The same folllows all the way down through individual families amongst the clans and keeps the Dwarven society functioning and equal.

    The most prominent clan in Dwarven history and politics is the Clan Ringmaker, which has served as the royal line for the Mularuhm for hundreds of years. Though the heir to the previous High King is elected by the Clan Heads, tradition holds that the heir generally be the eldest son of the previous High King. Though various times in history this has not always held, it is generally practiced and never has a non-Ringmaker been elected to serve as High King, though such remains a possibility by Dwarven Law.

    The Dwarves themselves, though long lived, suffer from slower breeding rates than many surface dwelling races. The largest number of children ever recorded to be born in a lifelong union remains to be five, and such was an extreme circumstance. The average tends to be closer to two, if not one, and though some developments have allowed for faster breeding the majority of population growth comes from the long lives of all the inhabitants. Most Dwarven children are born when their parents are in their forties, and some of the later births occurred when the mother was in her nineties. Though it's not impossible for Dwarves to have children while in their twenties, such is rare and often seen as the act of rash members of the community. There is also a propensity among the Dwarven people to produce more males than females, leading to a pressure on their numbers.

    The current High King and Queen are High King Konhagen Ringmaker and High Queen Kaitlind Gemgrinder. The pair are more in line with the historic average age of King and Queen in Mularuhm, being 56 and 53 respectively. Konhagen was elected by the Clan Leaders after a stint of nearly 20 years in which a relative of the late King Kalderdan, himself childless at the time of his death during the Norogh invasion, could not be found and the coalition of Clan Leaders, unable to decide on a Clan worthy of wearing the crown operated as an electoral body. It was under the Clan Council, as it came to be called, that Mularuhm remained stagnant, the result of infighting and bickering from the lack of a clear leader. Eventually it was uncovered by the Line Readers of Mularuhm that the supposedly lowborn Konhagen Rocksplitter was in fact a distant nephew of Kalderdan. With this revelation the Clans of Gemgrinder and Stonesinger leapt at the chance to groom the lowborn castemember into an acceptable heir the Clans would support. Through political maneuvering and deals made with the other Clan Heads Konhagen was granted legitimacy to the Clan Name Ringmaker, married to the eldest daughter of the Clan Gemgrinder, and elected to the seat of High King in an emergency moot. The raised Konhagen, now High King, now sits upon the Stone Throne, though the deals made by the Clans who aided him to secure his position yet still lay in shadow and the Commoner King still has yet to prove himself in the position of a leader.

    Spoiler: Resources

    The Mularuhm Dwarves harvest Shellfish from their river. The river has countless clams, crawfish, and crabs. Once outsiders get over the fact that they often lack eyes and pigment, they find they taste the same as any other. They also mine both Mithril and Gold from the far reaches of their caves. There are minor mines near the city, most of which are low yield iron or copper, but farther away from The River are large veins of Gold and Mithril. Around these veins spring up the only Mularuhm towns not on the river. They mine out the metals and ship them inward to the river, where they are processed and sold. They are lacking a source of Wood, however. It is needed in droves for torches, support beams, ships, and countless other uses.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Mularuhm practice a mix of animism and ancestor worship – the dead act as interpreters between the spirit world and the human one. A typical family home will have a shrine in the back, where the ashes of the dead are interred. For problems around the home and in their personal lives, they will pray to the dead of their family – either someone who is revered for being wise, or someone tied to the problem in some way. Those who are renowned through their clan (including all former clan leaders) are interred in a much nicer temple, often its own building or in the back of the local administration building. Because of the extra space, some clans have taken to mummifying their dead rather than burning, though this practice has not taken off everywhere. These dead are prayed to for larger, clan wide, problems. With the recent unification into a single kingdom, there was a great Mausoleum dug out in Dag Torum. Here those who have rendered great service to their High King and the Mularuhm at large are buried. Each has also been given a Day of Remembrance, when the entire population is supposed to stop and give thanks to them for whatever deed they dead to earn their honor.

    Region 62B

    Population: 575,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Asterith has several rivers flowing through it, though none on the scale of the Mularuhm. The largest of the rivers is the Asterith River, ironically one of the only not colonized by the Deep Dwarves, due to its high sulfur content. The Asterith is rather shallow, running through the yellow rocks of the sulfur deposits within the region it has taken on some of the color and while not drinkable, still draws some to it simply to see its strange color.

    The Deep Dwarven capital city is located in Zilired, a 3 cave complex where the largest Amoeba Ooze farms are. The cavern is less massive than the cavern housing Dag Torum in Mularuhm, with lower ceilings and a damper atmosphere because of it. Small streams and trickles run through the complex and onward to join the Asterith and feed the Ooze farms which the Deep Dwarves make their homes near. Though not conventional farms, the Deep Dwarves manage to utilize the full area of the space, growing oozes along the stream banks and along the damp walls and ceilings and harvesting them with careful scraping and shaving. The majority of Deep Dwarven homes are small holes, tunneled into the walls that lead into more expanded dormitories where the Dwarves live. This limits the interference of the Dwarves on the habitat of the Oozes.

    Finally, Haiacia Falls is believed to be the largest waterfall under the southern mountains, with a 300’ straight drop. The Falls come at the end of the Asterith, as the chalky yellow river spills down into the Carmine Sea. Unlike the Mularuhm this Fall is not inhabited by the Dwarves of Asterith and remains a stock, natural beauty of the region.

    Spoiler: People

    Asterith is home to the Deep Dwarves, a race similar to the Mularuhm. They live further underground, alongside lesser rivers than the Mularuhm. It is in the damp caves quite alongside these rivers that they farm their Amoeba Oozes, their main food source.

    The Deep Dwarves appear largely similar to the Dwarves of Mularuhm with thick bushy hair and beards and a general stocky shape. Unlike the Mularuhm Dwarves however the Deep Dwarves are often lighter of skin and hair color, and the pupils of their eyes have grown larger and adapted more fully to the darkness of the caves, making them more sensitive to light. Also, unlike the Dwarves of Mularuhm, the Deep Dwarves seem more virile and capable of producing female offspring which has been a boon to the Mularuhm who have slowly but surely begun to interbreed with those of Asterith.

    The Deep Dwarves follow a similar Clan system as the Dwarves of Mularuhm, though before the arrival of the Mularuhm they had not developed a clear caste system, though they have taken to it readily with its introduction. The Ringmaker Clan of Mularuhm has been given the same place within Asterith as it carries within Mularuhm and the Dwarves of Asterith sat upon the Clan Council when it ruled in interim between Kalderdan and Konhagen. This time helped develop ties and relations between the Deep Dwarves and Mularuhm Dwarves and the two people now consider themselves largely one in the same.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Amoeba Colonial Oozes are farmed by the Deep Dwarves for food. While it is unknown if others will develop a taste for them, alchemists have shown an interest in them, as have boatbuilders hoping to use them as a substitute for Tar. Sulfur is found in the Asterith River, and is valued by alchemists.

    Due to the adaptation of the Deep Dwarves to the darkness of the cave system they do not desire light nor mining resources from timber as the Dwarves of Mularuhm do, however the Deep Dwarves do have a great desire for spices as their main food of Ooozes are rather bland in taste.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Deep Dwarves follow a similar form of ancestor worship to the Mularuhm, though theirs is more focused on the family rather than on the society as a whole, due to their lack of unification.

    Region 63B

    Population: 990,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The natives of Galardoth live in a series of caves known to the dwarves as the Starlit Caverns. While the light from the stars doesn’t reach these caves, the bioluminescence of the natives originally made it appear as though the cavern had no ceiling.

    Nearby, in the Groreven Gorge, the giant spiders of the region make their home. The Gorge itself is a deep ravine under the earth and as of yet no Dwarf has dared venture down past the great webbed nests of the spiders.

    Finally, in the Adaep Deep, dwarven scouts have found signs of Discordian Deeprock. This area, deep underground appears to have once been mined, though long since forgotten. The Dwarves of Mularuhm have worked steadily to bring it back as a mining hub in the region.

    Spoiler: People

    in addition to a negligible number of dwarven colonizers, Galardoth is home to bat-like natives. They live in upside down towns throughout the vast Starlit Caverns. While their hearing is excellent, they communicate through bioluminescence. Their wings are capable of incredibly intricate displays, most of which appear as white spots across their wings (though to the bats, they may appear differently. The Dwarves refer to the bats as Kroi.

    As of yet the Dwarves have only developed limited communication with the Kroi, though the two have lived together peacefully so far. The Dwarves are largely ignored by the Kroi, though it was noted by some Asterith Dwarves that they expressed a keen interest in the Ooozes brought with some of the miners and consumed them ravenously when offered. As such most Dwarves who travel to Galardoth carry some amount of the oozes to offer as a sign of friendship to the natives.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Discordian Deeprock is found in the Adaep Deep, and is useful in both smithing and alchemy. Giant Spiders live in Groreven Gorge. In addition to their poison and web, dwarven scholars believe they may be able to be trained and ridden.

    The Kroi seem to greatly enjoy consuming Oozes though official shipments from Asterith have not been started.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Kroi seem to practice a form of animism, though the exact details of their religion and civilization are not known to outsiders due to a communication barrier.

    The Riderock
    Region 69B

    Population: 780,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Owing to the fast flowing rivers and great depth which the region sinks underground Riderock is quite open and cavernous, especially for a dwarf, and the great roads carved through by Rokuers and rivers turn the region into a fast paced tangle of constant motion with Riders zipping along quickly upon their Rokuers and winds carried along by rivers from the sea outside the region howling down through the caverns and tunnels.

    The meeting point of most of the rivers is a lake known as Nexus . It is here where the majority of non-Riders make their homes as the freshwater provides enough for sustaining oneself as well as for providing tribute to any Rider Klatch that comes calling.

    The deepest point of the region lies in the region’s south-west, where a great waterfall pours down at least 400 feet into the deeper black. The waterfall and the chasm are collectively called Drop Off and generally avoided by civilized folks and even the Riders tend to shy away.

    Most of the region is crisscrossed with various paths carved out by Rokuers and their Riders, but one stands above the rest. Old Road is the innocuous name given to the massive path seemingly carved out by a Rouker the size of 20 of the largest Roukers recorded to exist in this day and age and this major path is used often by Riders to move throughout the territory for purposes of raiding and war and the Old Road has seen more battles than any other path in the region.

    Spoiler: People

    The population of Riderock is quite divided despite all being Dwarven in birth and heritage. On one side are the “Settled” those Dwarves who live alongside Nexus and work to sustain themselves and make a living by the sweat of their own brow. The Mularuhm note these Settled seem to follow similar Caste and Clan systems to that of Mularuhm and Asterith.

    Converse to the Settled are the Riders of the Confederacy, the so-called leaders of the region. The Riders are in essence gang-clans, known in the region as Klatches, whose prowess riding the Rouker beasts native to the land allow them to exert dominance as raiders and extortionists over their Settled brethren.

    The Confederacy is a loosely defined and often broken peace treaty brokered between the various Klatches and the Settled over 300 years ago. In it Nexus is defined as sovereign territory for the Settled that no Klatch can claim but any Klatch is allowed to take tribute from Nexus as payment for assurance to keep the other Klatches following the bargain and remaining out. It also states no Klatch shall raise blades against another without authority from the Klatch Confederacy Elders, and while skirmishes still break out between the Klatches all out wars have been cut in half and with them the destruction wrought and thus most Riders and Settled both support the Confederacy despite its shortcomings.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Rokuers [Good] – Shaped like great dire hounds as one would find upon the surface the Rokuer shares little else in similarity with the common creatures of the world. For one, the Rokuer do not appear to be composed of flesh and blood as any normal animal might be, being composed of stone itself and seeming to subsist off of mineral consumption, not the nutrients of plants or other animals. Further the Rokuer’s heads are stunted, having no area for eyes or a nose, possessing only a mouth filled with hard and jagged ridges for grinding rocks for ingestion. It is believed the Rokuer sense their location and surroundings through tremor-sense and that the consumption of minerals is directly related to the size to which they grow. While used as mounts by the Riders, specific techniques have never been adopted for their relevant usage in a more advanced capacity.

    Cave Fungus [Good] – Grown by the Settled the Cave Fungus of Riderock is a highly valued and efficient food crop, packing many needed vitamins and minerals into its fibrous form making it an excellent source of food for the Settled and serving as tribute for the Riders.

    The Dwarves of The Riderock greatly desire some form of fuel to keep fires lit in the howling caves and stave off the cold.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Riders revere a singular spirit known as Zandel, a historic Rider and/or his Rokuer depending on the tales said to have ridden through the solid rock of Riderock in ancient days and carved the tunnels. The Settled tend to view Zandel as a more demonic being but more advanced philosophies or religions are absent in the region.

    Region 65B

    Population: 501,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Crimson Caves are the most apparent natural landmark to an outsider, a crisscrossing web of ruby lined passages beneath the ground. Few Zheisi live here but many of their population do work to mind free the gems in these caves.

    Lake Asama is the center of the Zheisi civilization, said to be named after a proud historic matron though adamantly denied to be the mortal name of the Ruby Matron. The Zheisi capital, Asama-Ur is built on the coast of this underground freshwater body.

    The Forbidden Tunnels are a section of the region deemed unsafe to explore by the Zheisi though records indicate they once inhabited the area. Old texts seem to agree it was in these tunnels that the ancient Zheisi conducted their Carnomancy and that it was abandoned and collapsed following some undetailed disaster. The Mularuhm Dwarves have decided it best to respect the wishes of the Zheisi and not explore this sinister complex of tunnels.

    Spoiler: People

    Appearing to be possible relatives of the Sambli or Moss Elves of Eyrecradia the inhabitants of Meiterdon, known as Zheisi, are elven featured underdwellers of short, but not Dwarven, stature with the elven features of sharp bone structure and pale skin as well as pointed ears. Typically the Zheisi are pale skinned with luminescent blood much like the moss elves of Eyrecradia though it tends to always be crimson in glow and their hair has decidedly less variance ranging from stark white to silver-grey. All Zheisi eyes are red or pink and glow with the same faint luminescence of their blood.

    The Zheisi are a very reserved people who avoid prolonged conversation among both themselves and outsiders. Despite this, their general openness in providing the access to the catalogs of their vast libraries has led to much knowledge being gained. The Zheisi have records dating back to before the Cataclysm that speak of a journey south from their ancient homeland and eventual settlement in the caverns where they now reside. These documents also contain records of Zheisi experimentation upon the inhabitants of the surface above, using ancient techniques of Carnomancy to fuse the human inhabitants with various beasts of the south including the cattle of the surface world. This is believed by the Mularuhm to be the origin of the Minotines who returned to the surface and went on to form their own society to challenge the humans above, likely once in service to the Zheisi whose records contain many complaints levied against the surface dwellers.

    Despite these vast categories of knowledge having been preserved however the Zheisi are not a magically or philosophically engaged people which the Mularuhm believe is due to the loss, or rather, depletion of a resource known as “Earthblood” which had allowed the Zheisi to carry out their more arcane magics and alterations. Without it the people have reverted to serving their everyday needs, mining the rubies of the deep and collecting food while serving the Ladies of the realm who serve as matriarchal clan heads for the various families of Zheisi.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Rubies [Good] – The finest rubies produced in Telluris the mines of Meiterdon are filled with vast deposits of massive rubies. Fist sized rubies are common, head sized not rare, and smaller rubies are a common find even outside the mines. The art of crafting from the stones the beautiful gems to come out of them is a well respected craft among the Zheisi

    Red Jelly [Good] - A common source of nutrition for the Zheisi the creature known as the Red Jellies are an edible if somewhat difficult to safely acquire form of sustenance. While not deadly and of such limited intelligence as to only move and breed a live Red Jelly can, if handled improperly thus coming into contact with bare skin, burn the handler with up to second degree burns. Once dead this toxic response is eliminated and the Jelly may be consumed raw though many Zheisi prefer their Jelly lightly roasted. Historically living Jellies have on occasion been substituted for dead Jellies in assassination attempts with varying degrees of success.

    The need for heat to melt away impurities in ruby stones and the desire for fire to cook Jellies leads the Zheisi to greatly value timber.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Zheisi revere a spirit known as “The Ruby Matron” believed to be the haunting and watchful spirit of the matron that lead the Zheisi to Meiterdon.. She is said to protect the Zheisi and provide life, protection, and knowledge to her people. The Mularuhm have noted some similarities to their veneration as akin to the worship of She of Silver, not out of deference as one would to a goddess, but as a guiding hand.

    Region 34B

    Population: 755,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    Low Stone – A great crater believed to have been formed millennia ago by a great sinkhole it now serves as the meeting place for the Graber Council and houses the capital building with the major capital city of Gugenvaan encircling the crater's edge.

    Mist Caves – Sitting beneath a natural reservoir and above a natural source of magma these caves are constantly filled with steam and mist from the interaction between beneath-floor and above-ceiling. Many Dwarves relax in these caves as a source of healing, most often in the nude though their hairy nature tends to prevent directly offending foreigner sensibilities.

    The Herd – Although originally used to describe the original herd of Mole Owls discovered and tamed by the Graber Dwarves the region in which they were discovered, a vast and open cavern that served as a natural encircling stone fence, has come to bear the name for itself and still contains the majority of the Mole Owl breeding population and is directly owned by Clan Tamerowl.

    Spoiler: People

    This region is dominated by Dwarves similar to the Dwarves of Mularuhm, Asterith, and the Riderock in both appearance and social structure and appear to be relatives to the Dwarves of Triumph, who are currently unrecognized as Dwarves by the Serendel administration. The Dwarves of Graberlock, known as the Graber, share appearance traits with the Dwarves of Mularuhm, despite their geographic interruption by the Kroi, leading many to suspect beneath the rocky hide granted to them by the Netherine the natives of Triumph are also of similar Dwarven stock though now severely altered by years of Netherine use.

    Much like the Dwarves of Mularuhm the Graberlock Dwarves suffer a lack of female progeny among their lines and are slow to grow as a population. Asterith deep dwarven women, who already control a fair amount of power given their qualities, have expressed quiet optimism at chances for a new land to gain prestige within.

    The clans of Graberlock are led by a Council of Clanheads though dominated by the Clan of Tamerowl who first domesticated the Mole Owls of the region for use as draft animals by the local populace. As de facto leader of the regions, Tamerowl's clanhead was the primary negotiator with the Mularuhm diplomats. The Head of the Clan was eventually granted the title Duke of Graber, lord of the region and subject to the King of Mularuhm.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Mole Owls [Good] – Beasts of burden, source of food, mount, family pet. The Mole Owl is a versatile and well loved beast within the region. The Mole Owl appears similar to a a typical mole except for possessing smooth tightly grouped dull cooper colored feathers covering its body to keep it clean and allow it to squeeze through small openings and, more distinctly, being much larger often reaching the size of a young cow at adulthood.

    The Graber have subsisted for centuries using just the Mole Owl but one thing they have uniformly lacked is a decent supply of metal.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Graber worship their ancestors as one unified people, accentuating the contributions of especially noteworthy members of their race above the others.

    Region 33B

    Population: 577,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Great Mirror – Believed to have been an art project by the ancient Dhana who first arrived the Great Mirror is a circular stone the size of two dwarves at it's diameter polished to such a fine sheen and layered with absurdly thin coatings of metal dust has produced a piece of stone that can reflect the sunlight that reaches in at such a diffused level as to be tolerable for the Dhana and to illuminate much of their primary settlements.

    The Lunar Forge – Said to be blessed by the greatest ancestors the Lunar Forge is a medium sized cavern open to the sky and always lit by the large moon whatever the Solar Cycle so long as it is not a New Moon. Within the cavern the Dhana constructed, although they claim it was there upon their arrival Mularuhm scholars insist its design is clearly Dhana, is a great forge for processing Glass Ore. The forge is only run at night and only under a full moon but Mularuhm observers believed this to just be ceremony and any forge to be capable of shaping and forging Glass Ore. They attempted this using mithril forging techniques and, while they were successful, the product were not of the same quality as those forged in the Lunar Forge. Mularuhm scholars and smelters chalked this up to their inexperience with the material.

    The Mosaic – A painted history of the Dhana stretching for about a quarter mile along a cave devoted to preserving their history, the Mosaic is considered a curiosity by Mularuhm but a place of much importace and reverence by the Dhana.

    Spoiler: People

    Incredibly small by surfacer standards and small even by Dwarven standards the inhabitants of Landerkunst are believed to be relatives of the gnomes of Ayava, a fact further supported by their name for themselves, the Dhana. Unlike the gnomes of Ayava however, the Dhana are not a race bound to knowledge and preservation of text and matters of learning but instead a more impulsive and artistic people who revere the written word not for the knowledge contained within but for its beauty and the works of art made by great workers of stone and brush not for their skill, though such is marveled as well, but primarily for the aesthetic wonder captured by the artisan's ability.

    Like their northern cousins and the Dwarves of Asterith, the Dhana are sensitive to sunlight and prefer spending their time underground although are careful to have display areas near the entrances to their caverns or below openings to the sky so that at night when the moon is high they might come and appreciate the art of their ancestors.

    Although the Dhana don't tend to keep fastidious or even consistent written records they are capable of writing and based on Dwarven investigations into these as well as oral histories it has been determined the Dhana were either cast out or chose to leave Ayava and their cousins in the north centuries ago due to ideological differences with their northern brethren. They wandered for variably a week, forty days and nights, or a century depending on which source is taken to be true before discovering Landerkunst, a name given by the Mularuhm as the Dhana had never before titled their lands, and settling.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Boiling Smoke [Good] – Rising from the ground and collecting in pools this resource is a pitch black substance that appears to hover between a state as a liquid and as a gas. Though it remains pooled as a liquid on the ground it constantly bubbles, or boils, and black smoke rolls off of it though it does not appear to evaporate. Despite its threatening appearance it is apparently non-toxic in its natural state, although inhaling the smoke will prompt a brief, one to three minute, but incredibly intense hallucinogenic state. The Dhana use it ritualistically as a high, some falling to addiction, but it is also used in art projects for its peculiar state of being.

    Glass Ore [Good] – Appearing to be pieces of glass stuck in the rock or gems hidden by rocky surrounding this substance is far more strange and unique. It is an ore, much as iron, and can be smelted and when smelted can be crafted into any items normally made of more mundane metal substances yet it is crystal clear, hard as diamond, and as light as mithril. The Dhana use it to create art pieces but it also serves as a source for the creation of metalware such as tools or cutlery. The Mularuhm have noted its exceptional usefulness for the creation of weapons and armor. Though the Dhana only contain one record of crafting a weapon of Glass Ore, the legendary Glass Sword of Andu, and this tale tells of how the violent conquest of Andu was his undoing but the Dhana have not protested the Mularuhm forging plans, believing they're lessons shall be learned as the Dhana learned their own.

    The Dhana love art, it is in their very nature to create and express themselves and they take great joy in seeing the expression of others. With the arrival of the Mularuhm one of their stipulations for joining with the Ringmaker Crown was the promise they would be given access to foreign crafted art pieces.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The Dhana revere their ancestors and believe them to be the stars of the night and the moons to be the greatest ancestors. They pursue worship through studying their ancestor's art as well as creating their own in reverence to their forebearers.

    Region 68B

    Population: 533,000

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Terrain – The Nalep Inferno is a large cavern that was a vein of Hellstone. The rock has been on fire for millennia, slowly burning away to form the large cave, the edges of which are still on fire. The other major feature of the region is the Yballa Crystal Cave, which is filled with Amethyts, some as large as a dwarf. The inhabitants of the region live in the Herath Ice Caves. These are high in the mountain, in the areas close enough to the surface for snow, ice, and the occasional bit of sunlight to stream down.

    Spoiler: People

    Norogh's natives are small goblinoid creatures with blue skin. They are half again as small as a dwarf, with large ears and eyes, and mostly hairless bodies. They are only half civilized, still wearing animal skins and using bone and stone tools. They have been dubbed Cyaqueets by the Pavonians, combining archaic words for "blue" and "goblin" Perhaps fifteen thousands remain in the caves, with another ten thousand scattered among the surface goblin tribes for integration. Perhaps seven thousand Pavonian civilians currently reside in the caves, mostly goblins but with a scattering of humans and Jaegers.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Hellstone, a stone that burns three times as long as coal and twice as hot, has formed the Nalep Inferno, and could likely be mined. It has uses both in industry and in Alchemy. Amethysts are found through the Yballa Crystal Caves, and are worked into Jewelry. Large deposits of refinable Sulfur have also been located within the caves, and are now a major export. However, the underground nature of the caves means that herd animals are rare, with Goats especially valued.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The Cyaqueets of Novorogh have all but universally adopted the Pavonian runes, though in most cases this is not due to any belief in their efficacy but simply due to the fact that Pavonian law and custom is built on the assumption that you have them. For example, Pavonian law dictates that a man and woman become legally married when they join their heartrunes. No runes, no marriage. No marriage, no children (or no legitimate ones, at any rate). Some have merged their old animistic beliefs with the sygaldry, an act that the Pavonians have no objection to.
    More recently, the Path has spread through Novorogh, rapidly rising to become a visible minority.
    Last edited by RandoMan; 2015-04-20 at 11:40 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Barbarian in the Playground
    RandoMan's Avatar

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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Coalition of the Abyssian Sea
    Regions U1, U2 NPC
    Lesser Vassal to the Kingdom of Mularuhm, Salterri Imperium

    Murudu He-Who-Guides-the-people
    Guide of the Abyss, Guide of the Depths, Guide of the Reaches, Prefect Abyssian, Warden of the Abyss

    Current Attributes
    Diplomacy: 9
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 1

    Original Rolls

    Abyssian Sea

    Region: U2
    Population: 780,000
    Aquatic Army: 2,000

    Spoiler: Terrian
    Notable regions include,

    The Maw of the Abyss, this notable land mark is a volcanic scar in the otherwise reasonably level northern reach of 120's surrounding coast, it is a deep rift valley were the trilobites (the Nix-durum amongst themselves) hid for unknown eons.
    another notable area is the Great Reef built to house the Nix before the terrible doom that nearly whipped them out, it was abandoned but being a living super organism it continued to grow, the thing is massive; (think the great barrier reef in real life where I got the idea in the first place.) And it takes up a substantial part of the southern waters.
    Finally to the west there is a gargantuan, inactive volcano know as the Spire of Doom it is a place of worship for the Nix but as the name suggests it has been the doom of many a sailor as their vessels bottom is ripped through by the spire and they scream their last.

    Spoiler: People
    People:physically the Nixdarum are simi-bipedal trilobites with brown or grey exo-skeletons, arched backs and 2 pairs of slim arms and legs. their head is wide and flat shaped with multi-facitited eyes for sight. they have fingers and hand live on land foe short periods of time, as well as communicate with their ability to mimic sounds.
    The Nixdarum have an unfortunate history with other races, long before than any mammal or reptile existed there were the amphibious drexal and the Nixdarum; the Drexal were hateful evil things, while the Nix sought only enlightenment. the drexal believed the poor trilobitic creatures weak and warred on them for centuries, that is until a heroic Nix managed to annihilate them both by cross-breeding several plankton breeds and letting the product go. almost every Nix and Drexal died; save those who were lucky and outside the major population centers. and placed into metabolic slumber... until now!
    Religion: The Nix practice a complex polytheistic religion focused on the reverence of the 1000 tidal spirits, who protect that Nix from harm.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Resources: the water the Nix inhabit are rich in various mundane but delicious fish. In ages past the Nix mastered the process to grow and manipulate the "material" called Nix Coral, its a strong, flexible organism that naturally renews itself; it is employed in toolmaking and building construction. finally they harvest lots of pearls form the bivalves on the seafloor. The Nix do have a soft spot for gold, and its heavily featured in religious ceremonies.

    Nix Coral(good)


    The Challenger Depths

    Region: U1
    Population: 630,000
    Military: 1,000

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The Challenger Depths are an undersea region encompassing the bay in between 124, 69, and 64. It is a volcanic rift valley, although it seems relatively normal from the surface; below it's quite different. The sea floor is cracked and scared with rifts and canyons witch are filled with mineral wealth. The water itself is actually toxic to most modern life, only prehistoric creatures can survive here; not just because of the bizarre water content and high temperatures, but because within the rifts old diseases spread, like the walking corpses of the parasites of old. the first feature any sentient creature would find interesting would be the Skin fields, though not really made of skin, the pre-domesticated Nix coral looks disturbingly like Nix'darum hide. The fields cover many miles of ocean and release spore-like polyps that bond with sea creatures and enhance their immune system and can even heal cuts and bruises. In exchange the coral saps nutrients away from the host, until its full-grown, when the spore disperses harmlessly
    The next notable land mark is the Obelisk of the fallen Dorum This blue-green triangular obelisk of mutated Nix Coral stands in the near center of the bay. The obelisk is covered in strange glyphs, not even the Nix can read them as they appear to be in a break of dialect of the native Nix. The story goes that a sense lost leader of the Nix was deposed at the spot where the obelisk now stands, and that with his last breath the obelisk appeared. None yet know it's purpose.
    Finally there are the True Fire Crevasses These fiery vents are filled with alkaline metals and molten magma, the violent reactions caused by the mixture kill most things that dare to enter the area, There are thirteen vents in total, spread out over the interty of the bay.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of the deeps are immigrants from the abyssian sea and Nix who were trapped in the depths, inside of a slumber similar to that of Dorum's people. The people of the Challenger Depths are a rugged practical group. They are deeply religious, and have a near fanatical devotion to the tidal spirits. While they viewed as somewhat stubborn and irrational by their contemporaries, they dont care what other people think about them, as they are proud of their nature. The natives spend extensive amount of time helping each-other, and despite the reputation of their culture, it is often that only they can successfully heal the sick with their medicine.

    Spoiler: Resources
    The natural fatality of certain parts of the Depths reveals Skin coral's great protective quantities. So far one of the only complex native native organisms to be discovered is the Chitin Whod Large, heavily plated, walrus like, beasts of burden, they can live for nearly a century and their meat is a delicacy. finally the domestic variety of Nix Coral was introduced by settlers and is currently taking root.
    Unfortunately the Climate kills of many potential food sources and the region must import fish.

    The Savage Reaches

    Region: U6
    Population: 530,000
    Military: 1,000

    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Savage Reaches is so known for its ragged ocean floor of broke coral and stone and the rough waters that mark the territory.

    Across the floor of the territory is the Sharded Field so known for the dead and gnarled coral that litters the ocean floor.

    In the east of the region is the Mezic Outcropping named for the Nix recorded in ancient tablets as the discoverer of the region and former leader of this coalition of Nix. The Outcropping also serves as the highest concentration of Mezic Discs, named after the region.

    In the south is the Great Whirl a naturally occurring whirlpool that wreaks havoc on the underwater ecosystem in its immediate vicinity and has an effect on the entire region. The squid and the Nix of the region tend to avoid this area for most of the year but the squid population journeys here during its mating season to breed.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of the Reaches are Nix, another pod found slumbering by the Abyssian Sea who when awakened immediately recognized their brothers from the north and eagerly joined the growing Coalition. These Nix posses keen minds for the natural world and its operation and it is believed by some that the creator of the planktophage may have originated from this colony.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Squid [Great] A natural food source for the Nix and occassional companions the Reaches are practically overrun with these creatures.

    Mezic Discs [Good] Believed by the original explorers to be mineral deposits, these small perfectly circular discs of silver are believed to be some form of ancient Nix technology though their function is lost to time. Currently they are most often used as barter tokens among the native Nix populace.

    Unfortunately the region lacks sufficient aquatic building material must import coral
    Last edited by RandoMan; 2015-03-23 at 12:44 AM.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Ogre in the Playground
    zabbarot's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    امُجَ وَ جَمهُرِ زَ رَدُرجَ
    Umoja wa Jamhuri za Radurja
    Union of Radurjic Republics

    Region 3, 6, 8A, 8B, 9, 10, 11A, 11B, 12, Region 30

    Mimi nitapiga wewe mwenye kishindo mkuu na ghadhabu adili, nyinyi ambao hujaribu kusumu na kuua kaka yangu.

    UJR Executor: Chancellor Manaroth Chain Hammer Focus: Military Ban: Faith

    UJR Legislator: Speaker Cheyna Sisvul Focus: Curiosity Ban: Military

    UJR Judicator: Shahidi Imani Mbeba Focus: Faith Ban: Diplomacy

    Spoiler: Population & Military *Needs update*
    Population: Aloren Province (Capital): 1,613,000 [Military: 10,000/10,000] (4,000 Ground Units) (2,000 Naval Units) (4,000 Aerial Units)
    Population: Ayava Province: 817,000
    Population: Genivana Province: 1,861,000 [Military: 4,000/5,000] (2,000 Ground Units) (2,000 Naval Units)
    Population: Grizzland Province: 1,532,000 [Military: 4,000/5,000] (3,000 Ground Units) (1,000 Naval Units)
    Population: Hrathan-Tuor Province: 1,521,000 [Military:4,000/5,000] (2,000 Ground Units) (2,000 Naval Units)
    Population: K'braashriix Province: 430,000 [Military:2,000/4,000] (2,000 Ground Units)
    Population: Nyroth Province: 1,495,000 [Military:4,000/5,000] (4,000 Ground Units)
    Population: Raaneka Province: 1,253,000
    Population: Qarimos Province: 1,681,000
    Population: Woodwind Province: 1,673,000 [Military:5,000/5,000] (1,000 Ground Units) (2,000 Aerial Units) (2,000 Naval Units)

    Spoiler: Technologies, Holy Orders, & Agents

    • Adamantine Forging - Usable
    • Clockwork - Usable
    • Heartwine Diplomacy - Usable
    • Naval Aerial Carriers - Usable
    • Kralax Riding - Usable
    • Ocean Faring Ships - Usable
    • Oracles - Usable
    • Pitch - Usable
    • Plate Armor - Usable
    • Printing Press - Usable
    • Sewage Systems - Usable in all regions
    • Shintouite Crafting - Usable
    • Wurm Riding - Usable
    • Zeppelins - Usable
    • Mithril Forging -Un-usable
    • Blackpowder - Un-usable
    • Lenses - Un-usable
    • Berunda Riding - Usable
    • Calculus - Usable
    • Vyuma Bending - Usable
    • Efficient Building - Usable
    • Mtambuzi Technology - Usable
    • Insect Riding - Usable
    • Tzaltec Fire - Un-usable
    • Automota - Usable
    • Shrieking Crossbow - Usable
    • Medicine - Usable
    • Advanced Agriculture - Applicable in Genivana and Grizzland
    • Abyssium Ballasts - Usable
    • Pavonian Arbalests - Usable
    • Prosthetics - Usable

    Holy Orders
    • Taratibu wa Mwalimu in Genivana
    • Taratibu wa Yrrmindel in Aloren
    • Taratibu wa Lunakellai in Hrathan-Tuor
    • Taratibu wa Anagua in Grizzland
    • Taratibu wa G'sangfrau in K'Braashriix
    • Taratibu wa Ignatumna in Woodwind

    • Assassin Network in Hrathan-Tuor (+2 to assassination rolls)
    • The Fellows (+2 to investigation rolls)
    • Radurjic Mahakimu in Genivana (+2 to law rolls)

    Spoiler: Necessary Imports

    Aloren Province - Metals (Satisfied)
    Ayava Province - Light (Satisfied)
    Genivana Province - Metals (Satisfied)
    Grizzland Province - Butter (Dairy) (Satisfied)
    Hrathan-Tuor Province - Fruits and Vegetables (Satisfied)
    K'braashriix Province - Food (Satisfied)
    Nyroth Province - Stone (Satisfied)
    Raaneka Province - Draft Animals (Satisfied)
    Qarimos Province - Wood (Satisfied)
    Woodwind Province - Metals (Satisfied)

    Spoiler: Trading Posts
    UJR Trading Posts

    Trading Post for Ships in Qarimos (To Aloren)
    Trading Post for Fruit in Jeweled Cities (To Aloren)
    Trading Post for Shintouite in Kasumor (To Aloren)
    Trading Post for Heartwine in Raaneka (To Aloren)
    Trading Post for Honey Bees in Grmanhil (To Aloren)
    Trading Post for Adamantine in Gunung (To Aloren)

    Trading Posts in the UJR







    Fine Crafted Goods Post - AQUA




    Silk Post - AQUA


    Architects Post - Calorum
    Architects Post - Raaneka

    Spoiler: Projects & Great Projects in the Provinces

    Aloren (Capital)
    • Senate Building (5/5) - The grandest building within the Triumvirate laying within Aloren but scraping the borders of Genivana and Hrathan-Tuor the Senate Building marks the heart of the Triumvirate
    • Triumvirate Capital, Miji Mkuu (5/5) (2/2) (5/5) - The grandest city on the face of Telluris Miji Mkuu is the capital of the Triumvirate government, lying on the borders of Aloren, Genivana, and Hrathan-Tuor though the majority of political buildings are concentrated in the area within Aloren around the Senate House many religious structures lie within the Genivanan District and Financial Buildings dominate the Hrathan-Tuor district of the city.
    • Expanded Enclave of Existence (2/2) - The Enclave is one of the oldest institutes of learning and study in Telluris and its expansion has seen that it will remain a bright spot for bright minds.
    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.
    • Triumvirate Law Codex (5/5) - Desiring to establish a rule of law applicable to economic, international, and domestic sectors the Triumvirate Law Codex seeks to clearly define the laws, traditions, and expectations of citizens and travelers within the Triumviral Provinces.
    • Second Expansion Enclave of Existence (2/2) - As exciting tales of new revelations regarding the original Enclave's psionic testing and goals become more and more prominent the Senate authorizes a greater stipend of taxes be sent on to the institute and it expands once again.
    • Hai Vyuma Research (5/5) - Mashahidi in Aloren pursue possible uses of Hai Vyuma, noting its psychokinetic properties and wishing to expand upon them through Osuo and Fruxt use.
    • Grand Triumviral Road (5/5) - The central road system to which the other Triumviral provincial road systems will connect no expense was spared on this massive lane for trade and military use.
    • Aloren Shintouite Fort System (5/5) - Modeled after the Forts of Nyroth but constructed from the very foundations up the Aloren Fort System seeks to emulate the ancient styling of the region as well as incorporate the facilities necessary for the full usage of modern warfare. The great Shintouite fortresses stand resolute guarding the capital, most notably Miji Mkuu, from invasion.
    • Triumvirate Public School Curriculum (5/5) - WIP

    • Illumination (5/5) - exquisite, scintillant decoration of the scripted page.
    • Ancestral Shrines (2/2) - Shrines honoring the ancestors built along the Grand Delving and the Sea of Sunken Stars.

    • Radurjic Codex (5/5) - A compilation of the various religious beliefs held across the north central continent and parts of the western and eastern continents.
    • Radurjic Codex Expansion (2/2) - A compilation of the various religious beliefs held among Salterri holdings
    • Grand Radurjic Temple-Court Msikiti wa Asili Mkuu at Miji Mkuu (5/5) - A grand site for worship amongst the devout Radurjic faithful and home to the Watafiti and Mashahidi as well as the Shahidi Mkuu herself the Great Temple is a marvel to behold, with towers that rise above the thick foliage of the jungle around them and a great base that houses the most devout followers of Radurja. So too does the Temple serve a secondary purpose, as the site of training and rearing of qualified Radurjic Judges for placement within the Radurjic Judicial System throughout the Triumviral Provinces. These Judges are an extension of the Shahidi Mkuu, the Chuod wa Mashahidi, and the general will of Radurja, settling disputes and arbitrating disagreements to maintain the peace and cohesion of the Triumviral Provinces and their people.
    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.
    • University of Asnaoga (5/5) - A site for learning the intricacies of law, both Radurjic and secular, the college at Asnaoga offers yet another avenue for greater study within the Triumvirate alongside the Enclave of Existence in Aloren.
    • Genivana Shintouite Fort System (5/5) - Modeled after the Forts of Nyroth but constructed from the very foundations up the Genivana Fort System seeks to emulate the ancient styling of the region as well as incorporate the facilities necessary for the full usage of modern warfare. The great Shintouite fortresses stand resolute guarding the region, most notably the Grand Radurjic Temple-Court.
    • Grand Triumviral Road (2/2) - The central road system connecting to the other Triumviral provincial road systems built for trade and military use.

    • Western Grand Canal (5/5) - Connecting to the Afric sea to the west and the Eastern Grand Canal in Grmanhill to the east this great manmade waterway allows connection between the great oceans of Afric and the Northern Americ
    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.
    • Grizzland Shintouite Fort System (5/5) - Modeled after the Forts of Nyroth but constructed from the very foundations up the Grizzland Fort System seeks to emulate the ancient styling of the region as well as incorporate the facilities necessary for the full usage of modern warfare. The great Shintouite fortresses stand resolute guarding the region, most notably the precious Western Grand Canal.
    • Amber Stadium (5/5) - Intended to be a site worthy of holding the successor to the Raaneka Games, the Tellurian Games, in the coming years this great stadium encompassing areas for all the great events of past games and built at the mouth of the Anagua/Western Grand Canal. It is one of the most impressive structures in Grizzland and while only capturing a fraction of the magnificence of the Stadiums at Bandar it is still an awe inspiring monument to peace.
    • Western Grand Canal Refurbish (5/5) - Intended to make the Grand Canal usable by the more advanced and larger ships that currently struggle to make the journey this refurbishment project is but the initial phase to widen, deepen, and modernize the Grand Canal.

    • Pit of Suldephir (5/5) - Begun by Guildmaster Loki Ethmorl before the times of the Triumvirate and completed at the time of the First Republic of the Triumvirate this unfathomably deep pit beneath the city of Tuor is a source of mystery and intrigue for many and at it's deepest depth is the source of the Hai Vyuma used by trained Vyuma Benders throughout the Triumvirate.
    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.
    • Triumviral Reserve (5/5) - The first fully government backed bank and monetary system the Triumvirate Reserve is being built in Miji Mkuu in the area of the city that falls within Hrathan-Tuor an area quickly becoming known as the financial district. The Reserve will mint coinage, set values, and oversee the economic growth of the Triumvirate upon its completion. The denominations minted and controlled by the reserve are the Trivals, made of Platinum and of the the highest denomination and marked with the Triskelion of the Triumvirate on the obverse and the three founders of the Triumvirate, King Tendaji, Empress Syana, and High Guildmaster Loki on the reverse. Fedhas are the second highest denomination, made of Silver and bearing on the obverse the head of Mosi and on the reverse an image of the Radurjic Codex. The Igno is the lowest denomination, made of Gold, and bearing the outline of the Senate Building on the obverse and the oak leaf of the Ignato line on the reverse. Former guildmasters of Hrathan-Tuor and current Senators have taken key positions within the Reserve's internal structure with many owing allegiance to the High Speaker and the Ethmorl family.
    • Grand Triumviral Road (2/2) - The central road system connecting to the other Triumviral provincial road systems built for trade and military use.
    • Hrathan-Tuor Shintouite Fort System (1/5) - Modeled after the Forts of Nyroth but constructed from the very foundations up the Hrathan-Tuor Fort System seeks to emulate the ancient styling of the region as well as incorporate the facilities necessary for the full usage of modern warfare. The great Shintouite fortresses stand resolute guarding the region, most notably the cities of Hrathan and Tuor which house the majority of the population and control access to the Pit of Suldephir.

    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.
    • K'Braashriix Opera House and Musical Academy (5/5) - A great underground University the Opera House and Academy is a site where the musical kobolds may share their love and knowledge of music not only with one another but with any who wish to learn of the symphonic arts. The first university devoted to musical programs the Opera House and Academy has begun to draw in many of the more musically talented members of society domestically and abroad though many note the strangeness of underground life the facilities and education provided more than make up for the strange surroundings.

    • Nyroth Shintouite Fort System (5/5) - Restored after decades of work by Woodwind Architects the strategically placed forts built by the original Faedas rulers, now reinforced with the Shinouite of Kasumor the Forts serve as a shining beacon of old and new power and pride. Banners of Triumviral and Nyrothian heraldry hang in the freshly restored halls and Dusk Knights walk the halls proudly and fill them with purpose once again.
    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.

    • The Kindred Stadiums (5/5) - Built for the first Raaneki games, the Kindred Stadiums are three great stadiums built to seat thousands. The Great Stadium of Sarab houses the majority of events while the Wave Stadium overlooks Bandar Harbor for the Mock Naval Battle, and the Raaneka Racecourse stretches between the two, winding through the Raaneki countryside.
    • Royal Council Palace (5/5) - Once home to the royal council this building now houses the Provincial Senate of Raaneka.
    • The Eastern Floor (5/5) - This grand concourse is a meeting area for diplomatic events of every kind.
    • Ancestral Shrines (2/2) - Shrines to honored ancestors are present in all settlements.
    • Golden Berunda Statue (2/2) - This statue is a symbol of Raanekan prosperity and of a hopeful future.

    [LIST][*]Graneries (2/2) - Qarta and Melytis each have extensive granaries to feed the populace in times of drought or poor harvest.[*]Spirit Shrines (2/2) - These shrines are raised in places believed to have a strong connection to the anga lingine, especially along the coast.[*]Loading Bay (2/2) - This massive dock network was built to handle the stresses shipping of new boats and elephants.

    • Triumvirate School System (2/2) - The school system of the Triumvirate is intended to teach the commonfolk of the lands basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math and measurement using the Pryonic metric system. The completed project has proved quite a success and seen literacy and ability to conduct simple mathematics skyrocket among the common people of the Triumvirate.
    • Emerald City Expansion (2/2) - With increasing population from the Triumvirate and AQUA Emerald City is forced to expand its borders and reenforce its infrastructure.
    • Grand Triumviral Road (2/2) - The central road system connecting to the other Triumviral provincial road systems built for trade and military use.

    Spoiler: Projects & Great Projects Outside the Provinces
    New Crima
    • Triumvirate Embassy (2/2)

    • Eastern Grand Canal Refurbishment (5/5) (With Raaneki and Cree aid)

    Empire of Dawn
    Raaneki Style Taverns (5/5)

    Spoiler: Constitution of the UJR
    Constitution of the UJR 424 - Amended 500

    The Union of Radurjic Republics is the sole and primary governing body of the provinces of Aloren, Ayava, Genivana, Grizzland, Hrathan-Tuor, K’braashriix, Nyroth, Raaneka, Qarimos, and Woodwind. All former independent governments including the Ignato Empire, the Kingdom of Genivana, and the Guild System of Hrathan-Tuor are officially and completely dissolved as surviving entities, with details of their integrated internal governance to be discussed herein.

    The UJR shall be composed of three separate branches of government: The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial whose powers and duties shall be discussed further in their respective subheadings. The heads of these branches shall sit on the High Council and act as the ultimate source of leadership and representation of the UJR as a whole. The branches of the UJR government shall work multilaterally amongst themselves and shall exist to check and balance one another but shall ultimately be independent of the other branches to make decisions and take action of their own accord. No branch of governance shall claim superiority over another or take action against another. To take action against one branch shall need the cooperation of both branches against whom the charges are not levelled.

    Executive Branch
    The Executive Branch of the Union Government and Executive Seat of the High Council shall be headed by the Chancellor, whose succession shall be determined by trial of wit and prowess amongst the eldest three children of the current Chancellor, first of whom shall be Irvest Ethmorl. Should the current Lord Chancellor lack three children the Senate shall elect a member of the Lord Chancellor’s blood related family to participate in the trial against the children of the Lord Chancellor.
    Spoiler: Amendment:
    The position of LORD CHANCELLOR shall be renamed to simply CHANCELLOR, to further separate our democratic governance from the trappings of monarchy. Furthermore to halt confusion, Provincial Chancellors will be given the title of GOVERNOR, and city Governers will hold the title of Mkubwa. Older titles shall be abolished.

    Henceforth the position of Chancellor shall also be decided by a vote amongst all literate UJR citizens at least 20 years of age. To be elected to Chancellor one must have a majority vote of at least 51%. In the case that there is a tie or that no one reaches the 51% majority a run off election will be held between the two with the highest number of votes.

    In order to run for election one must have receive the blessing of at least two Provincial Governors.

    The duties of the Chancellor will be to primarily maintain military cohesion throughout the UJR, raise armies, declare war, and act as commander in chief in times of war. The Chancellor shall too be permitted to make treaties, trade agreements, and represent the UJR to the world stage. So too shall the Chancellor be allowed to fund scientific, economic, and cultural ventures and pursue these avenues as desired pending approval of funding from the Senate. The Chancellor shall be forbidden to interfere with matters of religious context, this being the sole duty of the Judicial branch.
    The Chancellor shall preside over the Executive branches within the UJR Provinces. The provincial Executive leaders shall be granted the title of Provincial Chancellor but may maintain any local title that does not conflict with existing granted titles. The Chancellors of the Provinces shall be the heads of the royal lines of individual provinces and will be allowed to maintain any methods of succession currently employed within the province. Their duties will echo those of the Chancellor on the provincial scale.

    Beneath the Chancellors shall preside the Governors, titles given to the heads of cities, whose appointment shall be the duty of the Chancellor of the province in which the city lies. The Governor of Miji Mkuu shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor himself.

    Legislative Branch
    The Legislative Branch of the UJR Government shall be composed of the Senate and the Legislative Seat of the High Council shall be filled by the Speaker of the Senate. The Speaker of the Senate shall be elected by the Senators from amongst their own body and shall serve as the voice of the Senate and their needs. The position of the Speaker shall be non-hereditary and no Senator shall be permitted to serve more than 3 terms as Speaker. Elections for Speaker shall be held within the Senate every 5 years and the winner shall be determined by the nominee with the plurality of the votes.

    Senators shall be elected to represent 10,000 people within each province, rounded upwards, and shall be voted for by all literate UJR citizens at least 20 years of age. A Senator’s term is for life though retirement is allowed. Elections for Senators shall occur once every 2 years as needed by loss of Senators to death or retirement or expanded population. To qualify for Senatorship the candidate must be a UJR Citizen, be at least 26 years of age, and have lived at least the past 8 years within the province for which they’re running to represent.

    The duties of the Senate shall primarily be the concerns economic and scientific in advancement and shall determine the allocation of funds for such projects being in control of the UJR Reserve. The Senate shall also retain secondary rights to military ventures, though ultimately under the realm of the Chancellor the Senate shall maintain equal rights to raise armies and aid in maintaining military cohesion but shall have no right to declare war. So too shall the Senate through the Speaker be allowed to attend diplomatic events and sign treaties for the whole of the UJR, especially in regards to matters of trade but not excluding political reasoning alone. The Senate shall not, under any circumstance, interfere with matters of faith within or without the UJR, that being the sole duty of the Judicial Branch.
    Spoiler: Amendment:
    The Senate shall henceforth have no rights to military ventures, but will maintain oversight of the the military ventures of the UJR as a whole. Meaning that their permission must be sought before waging war, and before agreeing to terms.

    Furthermore the Senate may make decisions pertaining to matters of faith at home, but not abroad. However their focus shall remain, as always, the advancement of the citizenry of the UJR as an educated, technologically sophisticated people.

    Judicial Branch
    The Judicial Branch of the UJR Government shall be composed of the Radurjic Faith as headed by the Shahidi Mkuu who shall sit upon the High Council and, in the absence of the Shahidi Mkuu, the Chuo wa Mashahidi shall elect a member to sit upon the High Council to represent the Holy Radurjic Judicial Branch. The Shahidi Mkuu shall be determined by the testing of the Chuo wa Mashahidi upon those whom it determines have a high likelihood of being the Shahidi Mkuu upon his/her rebirth. The Shahidi Mkuu shall then be raised and educated by the Chuo wa Mashahidi until such a time as he/she is capable of assuming the position of Shahidi Mkuu.

    The Chuo wa Mashahidi shall be composed of the eldest 15 Mashahidi from across the UJR Provinces and abroad from those who practice Radurja who have proved themselves capable in crossing the Anga Lingine by completion of the Osuro Ritual. They shall serve for life and shall be succeeded by the next senior member of the Mashahidi upon their death. In times in which the Shahidi Mkuu is unable to rule due to age or lack of discovery the Chuo wa Mashahidi shall hold a special election amongst their number to determine a representative to sit upon the High Council.
    The duties of the Judicial Branch shall be primarily those matters of faith and mediation therein. It shall hold exclusive rights to such acts and act for the betterment of the domestic cohesion of the UJR. The Radurjic Judicial Branch shall also pursue matters of economic, cultural, and technological betterment with funds approved by the Senate. The branch so too shall maintain a limited degree of control over matters military, capable of raising troops and aiding in the military cohesion of the UJR but incapable of declaring war, this being the sole right of the Lord Chancellor. The Radurjic Judicial Branch shall under no circumstances pursue matters of foreign diplomacy, these being the shared duties of the Executive and Legislative branches of the UJR government.

    The composition of the Judicial branch on a provincial level shall be determined by local courts and Radurjic leaders, with each Judge of the Province appointed by the Shahidi Mkuu and/or the Chuo wa Mashahidi and lesser provincial judges then appointed by the Judge of the Province with input and veto rights granted to the Shahidi Mkuu and/or the the Chuo wa Mashahidi.

    Spoiler: Treatise on the Inalienable Rights of Sentients and Citizens

    Part 1 - Inalienable Rights of Sentients

    We of the Triumvirate Federation hold these truths to be self evident, that all sentient creatures are created with equal capacity for greatness. It is thus only appropriate to admit and write into legislation a listing of these rights possessed by all sentients regardless of nationality or origin or relative position and to recognize that these rights cannot be taken by any sentient or body of sentients without the consent or relinquishment by the subjected either voluntarily or through offending the rights of another through acts deemed criminal by the greater populace. These rights are written into law, not to legalize and allow future generations the possibility to edit or censure the law and infringe upon one's natural rights but to codify and clearly state these rights that they may be known well and wide and thus never infringed upon by any sentient or government now or hereafter.

    1.) It is the right of all sentients to live their lives fully
    2.) It is the right of all sentients to pursue freedom and liberty and to pursue it that which it does not conflict with the first right.
    3.) It is the right of all sentients to pursue enrichment and fulfillment through all means that do not conflict with the first two rights.

    With these rights so condemned are the institutions of slavery, tyranny, and slaughter and all those who would perpetrate crimes upon their fellow sentients. It shall be the duty of the body politic and the weight of the governmental body to ensure these rights are preserved and to protect all sentients who fall under its care or governance and so too shall the body public monitor its government to insure these rights are preserved and protected and ensure the body politic is held accountable for the actions taken in its name. It shall be the duty of both body politic and body public to monitor the other and to take action when one or the other is found at fault to correct the balance and restore order and preserve these rights so charged are both bodies from this day until their last.

    Part 2 - Rights of Free Citizens

    As much as all sentients are entitled to certain rights and liberties which cannot be interfered with or altered by any body other than their own certain privileges and rights remain in the realm of the commonly agreed upon societal governing body to bestow in exchange for recognition of authority by the peoples. These bodies are our laws, codified in more complete and thorough ways within the Triumviral Codex though certain rights and privileges of the citizen bear greater import and thus further recognition in this treatise. But first the citizen must be defined.

    The Citizen is the cognizant and self governing sentient born in, raised in, and residing in the country to which he or she would claim citizenship. The Triumvirate Citizen is recognized as any adult: Humans 16 and older, Kobolds 8 and older, Lizardfolk 12 and over, Orcs 14 and older, Faefolk 20 and over, and so on living within the provinces of the Triumvirate. Those under the age are afforded equally all the rights of sentients and the rights of their caretaker shall be extended to them such that a citizen may represent an underaged potential citizen until such a time as they reach the age of maturity and are recognized citizens. So too must a citizen be born and/or have resided in the Triumvirate for a minimum of seven years.

    To be a citizen is to recognize and abide by the authority of the Triumvirate in all its parts: The Triad Council, the Triumvirate Senate, the Chancellorships, the Radurjic Courts, et all. as well as to honor and defend the laws and authority of the Triumvirate, participate in governance, and pay proper taxes. In exchange the citizen is recognized to possess greater rights within the Triumvirate.

    1.) Citizens are entitled to own property and lands and have these possessions officially recognized under the law
    2.) Citizens are entitled to own and operate businesses officially recognized by the Triumvirate
    3.) Citizens are entitled to vote in provincial elections for their provincial Senate representatives
    4.) Citizens are entitled to run for election within the Triumvirate
    5.) Citizens are entitled to a fair trial before the Radurjic Court System
    6.) Citizens are entitled to serve as Federal employees and to hold officer commissions within the Triumviral Armies

    These rights are the exclusive domains of citizens and citizen protectorates within the Triumvirate and so long as the citizen has not been found by fair trial before the courts to have broken the covenant between citizen and nation the Triumvirate shall uphold and maintain these rights with all available power.
    Spoiler: Addendum:
    The changing of the nations name from TRIUMVIRATE to Umoja wa Jamhur za Radurja (Union of Radurjic Replublics in trade tongue) does not alter the governments agreement to uphold this agreement in anyway.

    Spoiler: UJR Government Positions
    UJR Government
    Provincial Governorships
    • Aloren - Governor of Aloren
    • Ayava - Governor of Ayava
    • Genivana - Governor of Genivana
    • Grizzland - Governor of Grizzland
    • Hrathan-Tuor - Governor of Hrathan-Tuor
    • K'braashriix - Governor of K'Braashriix
    • Nyroth - Governor of Nyroth
    • Raaneka - Governor of Raaneka
    • Qarimos - Governor of Qarimos
    • Woodwind - Governor of Woodwind

    Wakubwa in the Provinces - Needs Update
    • Aloren
      • Miji Mkuu
      • Kalyn's Keep
      • Enclave of Existence
    • Genivana
      • Dvipabedapura
      • Asnaogapura
    • Grizzland
      • Ardens Castro
      • Grlack
    • Hrathan-Tuor
      • Hrathan
      • Tuor
    • K'Braash
      • No significant population centers
    • Nyroth
      • Bel
      • Lint
    • Woodwind
      • Emerald City
      • Water's Watch

    Current Provincial Senate Seats - Needs Update
    • Aloren - 16
    • Ayava -
    • Genivana - 19
    • Grizzland - 16
    • Hrathan-Tuor - 15
    • K'braashriix - 4
    • Nyroth - 15
    • Raaneka -
    • Qarimos -
    • Woodwind - 17

    Last edited by zabbarot; 2015-05-09 at 07:52 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Aloren Province
    Region 8, UJR

    Aloren is mostly deep jungle, similar in many aspects to the lands of Genivana to the south but with great cliffs along its shore and a high elevation above the sea. Its tall trees that tower over the landscape inland keep much of the lower level vegetation stunted or bare. The deep jungle was long feared by the native peoples of Aloren, rumored as home to monsters and danger, not least of which were the Kobolds whom were long feared by the humans of Aloren. It was believed the Kobolds of the Jungle lived inside the trees or rocks and would steal the children of any foolish enough to enter their terrain. For this reason the major human settlements are settled on the craggy coast of Aloren.

    Deep within the center of the Aloren interior is Heaven’s Blade, the tallest point in all of Aloren and visible even from the craggy shore above the massive trees the mountain has for centuries been a marker of the deep interior of Aloren and serves as a post for the border between Aloren and Calorum. In the year 395 the mountain was blasted through by strikes of fire from the Blazing Mountain to Shengdi, putting a hole through the great mountain that scraped the sky for centuries. Though it still stands with its point rumbling has been heard by those who have ventured to it and most speculate the tip of the mountain will collapse into a crater in the coming decades and Heaven’s Blade shall be broken.

    The coast is not much friendlier to habitation than the jungle. It consists of steep cliffs that drop to the sea, dire reefs, and tall, sharp rocks that jut from the depths. Though Alorese live on the sea, the only resources they have ever taken from it are fish - which they cook into spectacular dishes for which they are famous. However, their main livelihood is goatherding. Almost as famous as their fish, the goats that live along the jagged coast are known around the world for their strength, their stubbornness, and, most of all, their milk. The milk of Alorenic goats tastes rich and creamy, like the ideal of cow's milk, and is their main export to the outside world, aside from furs, leathers, and copies of their most famous sagas.

    Population Distribution – 114,000 Total (Humans: 114,000)
    Miji Mkuu - 70,000
    Kalyn’s Keep – 23,000
    Enclave of Existence – 1,000
    Various Villages and Towns in the Province – 20,000
    The people of Aloren are generally believed to be related to the Woodwind, Genivanan, and Grizzland humans of the regions to their north and south who are themselves believed to be related to the native populations of southern territories of Salterri heritage. Dark skinned, and relatively tall, with men averaging 1.75-1.85 Pryonic Meters and women around 1.65-1.75 Pryonic Meters in height. The Aloren people generally have dark eyes, though green eyes are not unheard of.

    Historically Aloren was a rather backwoods region through its development and the rising of powers around it. Its unfriendly terrain and lack of unique resources pushed it low on the list of high priority targets. The people however, benefitted greatly from the lack of attention from outsiders. Though growing superstitious and somewhat conservative in their seclusion the Alorese people also began to develop a written language faster than their strife filled neighbors and so too began to develop strong ties with literature and the poetic word becoming storytellers and poets as other regions worked towards conquest and consolidation.
    The tradition of literary pursuit is strong within Aloren and the focus on expanding the mind and the recording of stories historic and fictional helped thrust Aloren into a position of cultural importance in both the Ignato Empire and the Triumvirate.

    The three primary resources of Aloren are: Fish, Goats, and Timber
    Due to the thick jungles and the nature of her soil mining is impractical in Aloren. Thus all metals must be imported.

    The people of Aloren are devout followers of Radurja, their patron Radurjic spirit being an adapted god from their ancient druidic beliefs, Yrrmindel. The people of Aloren are so devoted to their faith that a Holy Order, the Taratibu wa Yrrmindel, was founded in the region. The Order serves as a small Radurjjic monastery where Wapagni Watafiti, warrior monks devoted to Radurja and the Shahidi Mkuu, are trained.

    An Excerpt From the Radurjic Codex Dated in the Year 370
    Aloren Religious Beliefs – The Old Man in the Forest, The Springing Kid, The Great Oak, all names for the chief spirit within the province of Aloren. Known as Yrrmindel by the native druids the spirit serves as a representative of nature within the Aloren faith system. Taking on three faces, Yrrmindel is represented within art most often in the form of the Old Man or the Great Oak (sometimes fused together) and is only rarely seen in the form of the Springing Kid, a young goat full of life and energy. Radurjan scholars were initially unsure whether this was the same spirit at all but discussions with converted druids have revealed this to be the case. Whatever his form the spirit is placed at the top of any sort of Aloren pantheon that might be drawn. Representing the harsh brutality of nature and that nature within man as well as the sustenance and life wrought by nature Yrrmindel serves a primary force as a teacher within Aloren. He is said to give wise counsel and advocate peace and coexistence as well as preparedness in dealing with threats from outside. Yrrmindel is slow to act and slower still to anger, though provocation draws from him all the ferocity of nature. He is said to grant worthy followers the power of the wilds and is prayed to by travelers for protection within his wild domain.
    Portfolio: Nature, Wisdom, & Life
    Domains: Nature, Animals, Plants, & Meditation

    Spoiler: *Needs Update* may be discontinued...
    Executive Government
    Chancellor Jarui Shaeldtae (B. 378)
    Governor X Y of Miji Mkuu
    Governor Handrin Malstaean of Kalyn’s Keep (B. 376)
    Judicial Government
    Provincial Judge Y Z
    Legislative Government
    • Senator Aluic Shaeldtae (B. 384)
    • Senator Kalyn Shaeldtae II (B. 386)
    • Senator Oedic Malstaean (B. 383)
    • Senator Jodric Maerathyn (B. 364)
    • Senator Odelia Shaeldtae (B. 370)
    • Senator Zaryn Gaelstae (B. 378)

    Though most historic human settlements stayed along the rocky coast a decreasing fear of the jungle and the advancements of joining the Triumvirate has seen Aloren expand into it inland area, most notably at the city of Miji Mkuu.
    Miji Mkuu – Miji Mkuu is the capital city of the Triumvirate and lies at a bend in the Nadanada that marks the shared border between Aloren, Genivana, and Hrathan-Tuor. Borrowing heavily from Genivanan Architecture due to its deep jungle position the city of Miji Mkuu is grander than any other city in the Triumvirate and perhaps the world in size and scope. It is dominated by grand spires that rise above even the tall jungle trees of Aloren and grant an unfettered view over the city and the jungle surrounding it. The center of the city lies squarely on the agreed upon border of the three provinces and the main plaza square marks this spot clearly. In the area that would fall within Aloren the Senate Building stands facing inward on the north side of the square and sprawled behind it are the various administrative buildings and offices of the Senators behind whom are the houses of the Senators and their families. Facing the square on the east side is the Triumviral Reserve which dominates and centers the Financial District behind it, a sprawling landscape of money lenders, money changers, Guild Offices, and the homes of guild leaders and their families. Facing in on the west side of the square is the Msikiti wa Asili Mkuu, the Grand Temple of Radurja, which houses the Shahidi Mkuu and the Chuo wa Mashahidi as well as serving as a training ground for mashahidi and a worship site for all followers of Radurja.

    Kalyn’s Keep – Along the coast a majority of minor villages and towns dot the landscape, but none are large enough to be given names outside local custom save one, Kalyn’s Keep. Kalyn’s Keep, despite its name, is not solely a keep and is in fact the largest native population center from the time before Aloren’s joining with the Ignato Empire or the Triumvirate. Named after one of Aloren’s historic Kings who supposedly built the Keep the city is small compared to the inland Miji Mkuu but it holds a place of historical and cultural importance and it is within Kalyn’s Keep the Chancellor of Aloren makes his official home, despite spending much time in Miji Mkuu. The city is squat, clung to the side of the cliffs as it is, and is encircled by a short wall. The Keep itself is made of stone and is the largest structure in the city. Though rougher than more modern architecture it has an amount of charm and finesse that makes it a fitting place for the royal line of Aloren. The houses surrounding it are simple and small in comparison to those of Miji Mkuu, but made of solid stone and housing historic nobles of the region for centuries ensures they are always well populated.

    Enclave of Existence – Founded in times before Aloren became a member of the greater international world the Enclave of Existence exists as an institution devoted to the greater understanding of the mind, both mentally and metaphysically. Originally founded to study the purported latent psionic powers of individuals chosen by the scholar and founder of the Enclave, Far Walker Aryn Malstaean, the Enclave’s goals and intents shifted towards more widely accepted academic practices as the pursuits of psionic powers was deemed a dead end field and Far Walker Malstaen grew too old to continue his studies. Nevertheless, the founder’s penultimate work, the tome Mind and Body stands within the Enclave’s library as a valuable and important historical document and some scholars who come to study at the Enclave still pursue the works of the Enclave’s founder though none have ever reported much if any success. Scholar Ragnar Aelestyn’s work, The Draconomicon is also highly revered and until the recent addition of K’Braashriix to the Triumvirate still stood as the most complete body of work concerning kobolds. Though smaller than many other institutes of higher learning across Telluris the Enclave boasts a broad curriculum of mostly self-guided study that sees a fair amount of lawyers, scholars, and researchers produced from those who seek education within its walls. Recently, religious influences from Radurja have also crept into the Enclave and study and practice with Osuro has led to a resurgence of studies into the power of psionics and the mind.

    Spoiler: Images of Aloren

    Ayava Province
    Region 11b, UJR

    What dream or treasure could be more sacred than memory, of fond recollection, of stirring reverie, of bold tales shared and shared again? Hark, for there were memories of tumults and triumphs aplenty in merry Raaneka, and in the land of Ayava beneath it.

    In the north of Raaneka, in the 375th year of the Common Calendar, between the Mountains of Dis and the borders of Hrathan-Tour, many a wonder was found that the Raaneki had lost for long bygone ages. A hidden tunnel lead to Ayavazarmanbuh-ja, the cavernous world below the empty north. Deep down it descended, into the vaults of the earth where no light could ever breach.

    First of the gauntlets traversed by adventurers from the world above was the Sea of Sunken Stars, which feeds the Miracle Pools above. These explorers came upon the sea when night shrouded Raaneka above, and it seemed measureless and black. But as they skirted its edge and the sun rose above, the very night sky it had pushed from the heavens came into view in the depths of the sea. It was upon the shores of this sea where the gnomes built their many-tiered city, Grand Delving. Here the gnomes lived, as nimble on a rock face as in a contest of wits.

    Chief among the treasures of Grand Delving was the academic hall of Kevanubhadarz, called Flickerhall by those bold Raaneki explorers, in the deepest bedrock of the city. It was an academy of shadows and silence in Ayava’s heart. Many recessed lights flickered in its corridors, but the library at its nadir was black as Sableberry dye. Only with the aid of a gnome’s darksight could any tome be found. Such was their protection in those chambers beneath the earth.

    Spoiler: People
    This world of pressing rock was home to small and studious folk, known to themselves as Dhanazarmanoms, the guardians of memory. To the folk of the surface they were known simply as gnomes, and were a wonder unlike any the Raaneki had yet beheld. Exceedingly small were they, and those with smaller stature won greater renown among them.

    Their historians told the Raaneki of a great cataclysm, of the loss of many tomes, of a long age in the dark, and of dwindling fuel for their fires. Their wide eyes learned to see in the dark, but only by light could they read the tomes they treasured. Dark and light fell out of balance, and much learning drifted back into the pages from which it had sprung. Knowledge, their child to protect and their lord to obey, its sight did fade til the Raaneki returned the light to Ayava below.

    But light was not the last gift Raaneka sought to give. Tales they brought too, tales of bound tomes in distant lands, and unknown realms beyond. The sun’s light held power the gnomes could not bear, but by moonlight they schemed and dreamed and worked their way abroad. Such was their desire, to reach out and reap a broad harvest of learning.


    Resources: Scholars [Good], Mushroom Trees [Good], Cavecats [Good]
    Imports: Light

    In the world beneath our feet, there were once many fine things to be found by those with strength of heart and mind. Though gems and ore bedecked the deeps of other lands, Ayava, long a bastion of ancient knowledge, had pride beyond things of craft. They prized knowledge, and memory, and had such store of scholars as no other land had seen. On the surface world they studied only at night, but could discover much of history, craft, and forgotten mysteries by light of the moon.

    But all things need meat, or graze, or something to sate their hunger, and the gnomes were no different. They harvested the mushroom trees from that cavernous city, and from those caps they made stews and pastes, grilled delicacies and folk medicine. The wood of the tree was spongy and light, though not good for construction without reinforcement.

    Rarest of all gnomish resources were the cave cats, known to control even the most fickle of vermin. Though prone to mischief and not suitable as pets, cave cats hunt through scent alone, and have no need for light or darkness in their business.

    Alas! Such a scholarly people delighted in nothing so much as the scripted page and the wisdom preserved within. By secret ways, the gnomes did learn the way to see in total darkness, but no writing could they spy with such sight. To read, and yay to write as well, the gnomes did yearn for light, and the fuel to keep it kindled.

    And what spirits or ancestors did the gnomes know in their long and pensive seclusion? As the tomes they saved sat in the black of Flickerhall, they dreamed of protection. As their torches guttered and their candles finally flickered out, they dreamed of light.

    These were their spirits. Nivertastrazreyasa, the light where knowledge is discovered, and Ayavazarmanbuh-ja, the darkness where knowledge is kept safe. When first they climbed from their warren in the north, they gazed upon the silver moon and knew it for their most fervent guardian. They called it Caradhanavabuh-ja, the holy lamp of knowledge and memory. It gave them light to learn in the dark that kept them safe, so unto it did they dedicate their study.

    Some Gnomes probably.

    Gnome Cities. Probably small.

    Genivana Province
    Region 9, UJR

    The nation of Genivana is dominated by dense jungle that extends all the way to the shoreline. It is said that the name Genivana means 'strange forest', a relic from when the first Genivanans crossed the ocean to settle this land. The coastline tends to be either white sand beaches or mangrove forests. Most human settlements are along the coastline or on rivers since the mawa do not believe in roads.
    • Nadanada - The largest river in Genivana. The capital is settled in its estuary. The Nadanada is a major trade route for the nation. The Nadanada flows in a southwest direction through Genivana, its origin lying just past the crux of the border with Hrathan-Tuor and Aloren within the land of Hrathan-Tuor and its end spilling out into the Sea of the Golden Sun.
    • Asnaoga - A tall plateau in the jungle. The mawa have a massive city here. The architecture is a mix of stone and living wood. It a day’s travel from Nadanada and five days by boat from Dvipabedapura.
    • Atala Ofuma - North from Asnaoga the ground beneath the jungle becomes treacherous. Deep pits open to subterranean rivers. The mawa do not walk the forest floor here, but some do draw water from the cenotes since it is cold and clean. It is thought that the pits might all be interconnected, but there has not been any investigation.

    Population Distribution – 119,000 total (Humans – 40,000; Mawa – 40,000; Genimawa – 39,000)
    Dvipabedapura – (44,000) 30,000 Humans; 11,000 Genimawa; 3,000 Mawa
    Asnaogapura – (49,000) 32,000 Mawa; 15,000 Genimawa, 2,000 Humans
    Miji Mkuu – (13,000) 6,000 Genimawa; 6,000 Humans; 1,000 Mawa
    Various Villages and Towns in the Province – (11,000) 5,000 Genimawa; 4,000 Mawa; 2,000 Human
    The Nation of Genivana was once two kingdoms, which joined together close to 200 years ago. The human kingdom of Dvipabeda and the mawa kingdom of Vana were joined through marriage in the year 251 of the common calendar.

    The humans of Genivana claim to have descended from explorers across the ocean, but this claim is debatable. They appear to in large part be related to fellow neighboring coastal regions and to the dark skinned humans of the south central continent lending credence to the idea that they may have been sailors who came north from the southern lands in ancient times. They cling to that belief and are still sailors through and through. Many are born and eventually die on a ship. They are tall and dark of skin and complexion, though red hair is not unheard of.

    The mawa are native to the jungles of Genivana. They stand as tall as a man, but tend to hunch when walking. Their arms are long and their hands a bit oversized. They have opposable toes. Male mawa have great manes of red hair encircling their face and exceptionally large canines. The females have shorter hair and smaller canines. Both have red fur over their entire body and tan to black skin that is visible on the face, hands, and feet. They revere the jungle and their ancestors. Their buildings are of primarily of carved stone and carefully manipulated plants. The mawa consider treeshaping an art and some of the greatest works of mawa architecture are living trees that have been sculpted for generations as they grew. They travel easily through the canopy of the jungle, but when their relation with the humans of Dvipabeda flourished they took just as easily to ships rigging, and many are just as at home at sea.

    Humans and mawa can interbreed and in Genivana the offspring are referred to as genimawa.


    Resources: Vegetables [Great], Lumber [Good], Fish [Good], Osuro Mirc [Great]
    Imports: Metals

    Genivana is blessed with the many spoils of the jungle. A vast variety of fruits, vegetables, and spices are native to the jungles, not to mention they have bountiful lumber. The rivers of Genivana are flush with fish, and pale only in comparison to the sea on her shores. Recently Genivanans have discovered and made use of a strange pepper that grows in the jungle. Osuro mirc they call it. It has a sweet flavor and gentle heat. The pepper has a mild psychedelic effect that can be enhanced through meditation.

    Due to the thick jungles and the nature of her soil mining is impractical in Genivana. Thus all metals must be imported.

    The population of Genivana follows solely and completely the teachings of Radurja, as revealed by the first Shahidi Mkuu, Mosi Nia-Rohana II.
    ]Faith name: Radurja
    Deity Name: Asili Mkuu, The Great Ancestor
    Other Names: Eternal One, The Vast Will
    Portfolio (Major): Perfection, Knowledge, Struggle
    Portfolio (Minor): Life, Change, Rebirth

    There are two levels of clergy within Radurja, the Watafiti(sing. Mtafiti) and the Mashahidi(sing. Shahidi). A mtafiti is a seeker, or one who wishes to learn. A shahidi is one who has completed the Osuro Ritual and traveled under Anga Lingine as Mosi once did. At the top of the clergy, underneath the Shahidi Mkuu himself, are the Chuo wa Mashahidi (College of Witnesses), the eldest 15 members of the Mashahidi who act as advisors to the Shahidi Mkuu and leaders of the Radurjic Faith in the absence of a Shahidi Mkuu.
    Another branch of the Radurjic faith is the Wapigani-Watafiti, warrior monks trained to defend and protect the tenets of Radurja and those who follow its practices. The ranks of the wapigani-watafiti are often filled by those of the watafiti who rather than pursuing greater spiritual understanding and awakening prefer a martial path of enlightenment, similar in some ways to the Blade Scholars of Hurosha.

    Executive Government
    Chancellor Tendaji Nia-Rohana III (B. 366)
    Governor X Y of Dvipabedapura
    Governor ZTV of Asnaogapura
    Judicial Government
    Provincial Judge Y Z
    Legislative Government
    • Senator Ajeet Nia-Rohana (B. 373)
    • Senator Hari Nkemdelim (B. 368)
    • Senator Asim Vasanta VI (B. 380)
    • Senator Vanavati Nia-Rohana (B. 375)
    • Senator Zahra Nkemdelim (B. 382)
    • Senator Kibwe Nia-Rohana (B. 379)

    Cities in Genivana vary greatly by location. Coastal cities are primarily human while those in the jungle are primarily mawa. Architectural styles differ primarily because of physiological differences between human and mawa. Humans prefer to stand and walk, while mawa climb and hang. Mawa tend to build high in the canopy and in a mawa home it is not uncommon to have windows on what a human would consider the floor. Yet human/mawa relations have flourished and so they have adopted parts of each other’s architecture and even worked together to create a new style.

    Streets in Genivana cities often have pergolas of thick rope netting and vines. These provide a dual purpose, first they allow the mawa to move more easily, as they prefer brachiation to walking. Second, they provide shade and shelter from the sun and rain of Genivana.

    • Dvipabedapura - The capital of Genivana. The city sits on an island in the estuary of the Nadanada on the Sea of the Golden Sun. The island itself is not large and is entirely covered by the walled city center. The rest of the city is comprised entirely of boats. One could walk from the castle to shore by hopping from deck to deck.
    • Asnaogapura - Before the union of the two kingdoms this ancient city was the capital of the mawa. It is still a busy city and its location atop Asnaoga means it is level with the canopy of the jungles that surround it. Ancient trees grown in sweeping spirals rise to the front gates and are used as a walkway to reach the city.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2015-02-05 at 04:12 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Grizzland Province
    Region 30, UJR

    Grizzland, the regional name given to the land by the locals long ago (believed to be a bastardization of “grazeland” used in reference to the grazing lands for some forgotten beast) and then adopted by the colonizing orcs, is a large, mostly flat plains-land with rich black soil making up most of the inland region around the Anagua with drier, harder soil marking the outer extremities, north and south, around the region’s borders. This rich land is perfect for growing crops and has been used by the native humans as land to grow extensive fields of grain since the introduction of agriculture to the region from the south.
    On the west coast the flat lands turn rocky and largely unfriendly to habitation, often beset by storms and rough waters despite, or perhaps because of, it's location in the gulf of the Afric Sea this hostile land is home to the Dire Crabs famed in local tales and legends. Through the entire region a great river flows from east to west, its origin lying in a great lake in the far eastern part of the region. Locals refer to the lake and river both as Anagua and it is considered by some to be a spirit of great renown.

    The Amber Fields – Making up the majority of the lands bordering the Anagua the Amber Fields are the fertile crescent and breadbasket of the region, where all the grains are grown, the majority of the human villages lie, and the regions greatest cities are built.

    Anagua – Both lake and river this body of water is seen by natives and the colonized orcs as the lifeblood of the region. The river flows through the Amber fields and the lake to the east marks a natural eastern border and is ringed with settlements of orcs who chose to stay out of Grmanhil after Chief Bangboom's arrest by the Serendels. The lake is fed by a natural hot spring in the east of Grizzland and with the recent expansion of Anagua and its incorporation with the West Grand Canal the land around the lake has been shaped to draw more water to the river-canal and increase its size and depth.

    Cracked Shell Coast – Named for the crabs hunted here as well as for the great rocks beaten and shaped by the ocean into shapes resembling broken shells this land is the least hospitable and thus least inhabited land of the region. There are however a few human villages sprinkled throughout the coast that maintain their livelihood by keeping crab meat in supply to the larger settlements inland in exchange for grain.

    Population Distribution – 103,000 (92,000 Humans) (11,000 Orcs)
    Ardens Castro – 23,000 Humans
    Grlack – 11,000 Orcs
    Various Towns and Villages throughout the Province – 69, 000
    The native humans of the region, by and large outnumbering the colonizing orcs, are distinctly human, dark as a Genivanan and seeming to share ancestry with the southern lands. While the language and culture of the native Grizzland Humans speaks of some ancient ties to the land of Salteire such time has passed as to make confirmation of this supposition difficult to draw conclusively. The humans of Grizzland have lived in relative seclusion for most of recorded history, a fact that likely saved them from extensive contact with the Salterri Imperium. Ruled by local city “kings” the largest settlements have never seen war nor strife content as they are with their bountiful harvests and meat from the coast. When Chief Bangboom first sent orcish explorers into these lands it is said they met “no man less amicable than the last” and negotiations between Grmanhil and Grizzland were swift. Opened up to the outside world and promised trade goods to astound them as well as innovation that would strengthen the power of Anagua the region was turned over to Chief Bangboom and the local lords swore fealty to the orcish power. When the Chief was arrested the local lords grew concerned and for the first time in their history war was discussed, a discussion that was ended when Hrathanese troops marched south to restore and maintain order. With the official declaration of the Triumvirate accompanied by distribution of Triumviral acquired food stores the human settlements have declared themselves loyal Triumviral citizens.

    The colonizing orcs were granted the land around Lake Anagua, having never been colonized by the natives due to ancient beliefs it was the heart of Anagua and a distinct lack of desire to expand following their move away from such spiritual beliefs. The Grmanhil orcs quickly adapted to the new land, bringing with them the cultural traditions of art, poetry, and bee keeping from their homeland. For a few years after its complete acquisition the land was a boom town, drawing in orcs from all across Grmanhil who wished to live in the new western lands. Though the humans still outnumbered the orcish colonizers it seemed the orcs were coming to stay and more orc businesses began to appear within the cities of the Amber Fields. This increased orc activity halted and then reversed ten years ago when Chief Bangboom was arrested for terrorism and his lands handed over to the Serendel Kingdom. Many colonizers returned to their homelands as Hrathanese troops moved down into Grizzland to maintain order, but many stayed as well, unwilling to abandon their homes and lives over maintaining ties with their country. These remaining orcs continue to live near Lake Anagua, still official citizens of Grmanhil but shwoign by their actions a willingness to pledge fealty to Hrathan-Tuor. With the official declaration of the Triumvirate accompanied by distribution of Triumviral acquired food stores the orc settlements have declared themselves loyal Triumviral citizens.

    Resources: Grain [Good] Dire Crabs [Good]
    Imports: Dairy (Butter)

    The primary foods of Grizzland, bread and crab, are both vastly improved by the addition of butter. It has quickly become something of a cultural phenomenon, and butter poached dire crab is served on all major occasions.

    The majority of the human cities adhere to the Lord of Fire, spread to them ages ago by the Blazing Temple of old. Due to their long period of isolation from outside affairs they remained largely unaware of the goings on regarding the faith but the adherence to it is historically rooted in their culture. Yet, it is not the only religion. Travelers from Hrathan-Tuor who moved south a generation ago or remained after the great war with the Salterri brought with them the teachings of Radurja, a minority amongst the human population. The orcs brought with them their unorganized ancestor worship of the honored dead which still maintains a strong influence amongst the orc settlements.

    After joining the Triumvirate Grizzland's Radurjic population has expanded, pushing out the antiquated Lord of Fire worship within the human cities out to the fringes and finding home amongst the orcish settlements near Anagua Lake who have taken to the belief happily as its tenets promote the idea of an afterlife and rebirth for the already revered ancestors.

    Executive Government
    Janius Frumen (B. 382)
    Governor Alesius Frumen (B.383) of Ardens Castro
    Governor Kirgnak Stonesting (B. 398) of Grlack
    Judicial Government
    Provincial Judge Y Z
    Legislative Government
    • Senator Ithico Frumen (B. 383)
    • Senator Ognarik Riverider (B. 370)
    • Senator Articus Vero (B. 376)
    • Senator Brutus Burgo (B. 383)
    • Senator Marco Vero (B. 374)
    • Senator Carlo Frumen (B. 375)

    Ardens Castro – The largest human city built upon the Anagua River, now Canal and the home of the largest petty kingdom from before the arrival of Grmanhil or the Triumvirate Ardens Castro is a simple city, made of stone shipped in from the coast it is a walled Keep and walled ring around a village more than an actual city. Traditionally ruled by the Frumen family the unification of the human kingdoms as encouraged by the incoming Triumvirate has led to the city becoming home to the second largest noble family in Grizzland, the Vero family.

    Grlack – In truth more a collection of the orc established colony than a focused city, Grlack essentially lays dominion over the entirety of the orcish population in Grizzland. Grlack’s center of administration is a longhouse built on the east side of the Anagua Lake from which the leading clan of Grlack, the Stonesting Clan traditionally rules. Grlack has developed friendly trade relations with the human towns down river from them and has actually begun to cultivate greater power and respect from the humans of Grizzland than many of the human petty kingdoms ever did owing to the orc sense of refinement and coming from Grmanhil which had been a more advanced civilization than that of the Grizzland humans.

    Hrathan-Tuor Province
    Region 10, UJR

    The majority of central Hrathan-Tuor is dry, dusty plains. While the land gets slightly more arable in the southern half the majority of the central and eastern portion of the land is largely empty and devoid of much natural life. The dry air from the brown hills keeps the moist air from Genivana pushed down and west, out of the center of the region, however, the situation changes gradually along the west coast of Hrathan-Tuor where the city of Tuor lies. Along the northern coast there is a region of light jungle within the region, coming down from the vast jungles of Genivana, but this narrow sliver of resource rich land is not enough to sustain the population much less provide much in the way of resources for trade.
    The Great Plains of Hrathan-Tuor are, if nothing else, its most vast feature. Stretching from the Brown Hills in the north to the recognized border with Grizzland and even beyond the Plains are where the humans of Hrathan-Tuor have learned and adapted to survive becoming hardened to the harshness of their land.
    The Brown Hills is the name given to the rocky, dry hills and minor mountains in the northeast of Hrathan-Tuor. These lands are filled with dried riverbeds and dusty ravines where the spiny venomous Hrathanese basilisks make their home.
    The Caves Under Hrathan are the name given to the complex cave system that makes up the bulk of the city of Hrathan. The caves are impressive feats of engineering and working with the natural world. Though often cruder in poorer sections the integration of mudbrick and expansion of existing caves makes the cave systems of Hrathan-Tuor a marvel to behold.

    Population Distribution – 85,000 (Humans)
    Hrathan – 31,000
    Tuor – 51,000
    Miji Mkuu – 3,000

    The inhabitants of Hrathan are generally pale with dark colored hair, because they spend most of their lives underground. Those that live above the city, in Tuor, and elsewhere in the region are blonde and tan. The extended, intertwined family that includes most of the guild masters has a much larger than normal percentage of red hair, leading the Hrathanesse to view red hair as more attractive and a sign of prosperity. It is believed by genealogical scholars that the High Guildmaster line may have had some ancient and limited interaction with the Mawa of Genivana, giving them this propensity for red hair though such claims have not been validated by any source.

    Resources: Basilisks [Good] Fine Craft Goods [Good] Assassins [Good] Hai Vyuma [Good]
    Imports: Food

    The Basilisks of Hrathan-Tuor are a valuable resource to the natives of the land, and while no feasible way has been devised to tame the beasts for riding or greater usage use has been found for their deadly venom. Basilisk Venom is a prized and deadly poison often used by the Assassin’s Guild to ensure the death of any target that faces contact with a blade coated in its liquid death. While harmless to the touch, basilisk venom goes to work immediately upon contact with blood, acting as an anti-coagulant as well as triggering an increased heart rate and prompting rapid fever to develop in the victim. Some believe it may have some alchemical value or properties but most know it already has a valuable role in being one of the most effective poisons on Telluris.

    The Fine Craft Goods of Hrathan-Tuor are another valuable commodity produced within the region by the local craft guilds, 5 of which compose the 9 guilds upon which Hrathan-Tuor was founded. Most commonly fine pottery items made from local clay the Crafted Goods also include worked leather items and fine clothing woven from provided materials.

    The Assassins of Hrathan-Tuor are perhaps the most well-known resource within the region. Though newer offspring guilds now exist in Woodwind, Genivana, and most recently Vennland, the original and most feared and respected Guild is the one which calls Hrathan-Tuor home. Home to the Assassin Network of the Guild Assassins as well as the most experienced and honored members of the Guild the Hrathan-Tuor Assassins are the number one name in getting an opponent dead. For a price.

    Recently miners in the Pit of Suldephir have discovered a new resource, a liquid silvery metal that seems drawn to the thoughts of intelligent creatures. Named Hai Vyuma in the Holy Radurjic Language the metal is currently being studied by the guilds for applications and a few Guildmasters have taken to keeping small glass boxes or jars filled with the stuff in their studies, practicing ways in which to shape the strange, almost living metal with their thoughts.
    Resource dependency: The lands of Hrathan and Tuor are unsuitable for growing vegetables and fruits. Hrathan in particular is at constant risk of scurvy outbreaks if the city fails to import enough fruit.

    As a fully Radurjic state Hrathan-Tuor embraces the teachings of the Shahidi Mkuu wholly and completely and follow Radurjic Law in their activities. Their Radurjic patron spirit is that of Lunakellai, the spirit of the moon and stars who was long worshipped in Hrathan-Tuor since time immemorial. It is believed by many that Loki Ethmorl, first and longest living ruler of Hrathan-Tuor ascended to join with Lunakellai during the events of the Grand Ball of 381, a theory that has been corroborated by the Shahidi Mkuu herself who is said to have witnessed Loki across the Anga Lingine during her battle alongside the Blazing Avatar Greta and High Priestess of Yphinne Glamora against the mad First Brother Adam at the Blazing Temple.
    A holy order, the Taratibu wa Lunkellai, exists within Hrathan-Tuor devoted to the moon spirit, training as warrior monks and spreading the message of Radurja and Lunakellai among the populace ensuring a strong faith among its people.

    Executive Government
    Chancellor Loki II Ethmorl (B. 390)
    Governor X of Hrathan
    Governor Y of Tuor
    Judicial Government
    Provincial Judge Y Z
    Legislative Government
    • Senator X (seat open due to transfer of Irvest Ethmorl)
    • Senator Thor Ethmorl III (B. 367)
    • Senator Frigg Themont (B. 375)
    • Senator Tyr Themont(B. 380)
    • Senator Baldr Midgil(B. 368)

    Hrathan – At the center of the region is Hrathan, the city of caves. Wracked by frequent dust storms, and possessing no nearby forests or stone quarries, the surface of the bustling metropolis is dominated by mud brick and cloth hobbles. Beneath the city is a huge network of tunnels and caves that provide shelter from the scorching midday sun and aforementioned dust storms; this is where the vast majority of the populace live, although living conditions vary widely and the cave sectors inhabited by the lower class have been known to collapse on occasion. Fortunately, the hard packed earth, for the most part, holds firm.

    Tuor – A heavily fortified port city lying just outside the jungle along Hrathan-Tuor’s coast Tuor is the second largest, and only other, city in the region. Believed to have possibly been established by explorers or sailors long ago the city integrated with Hrathan in some time long forgot and became a part of the native Guild System. It is unknown how old Tuor is in its entirety but it is known it has been the primary port into and out of the region for centuries and continues to be an economic powerhouse despite its smaller number of guilds and Guildmasters.

    The Pit of Suldephir – Deep under the Brown Hills a great mine deeper than any ever dug by a surface reaches down into the pits of Hrathan-Tuor. The Pit is a gigantic mine shaft dropping several miles into the earth. No one is sure what possessed Loki Ethmorl and later his son Nathanias to spend thirty years digging straight down, but the result is impressive. Recently, the project has finally paid off with the discovery of Hai Vyuma.

    K'braash Province
    Region 8-B, UJR

    der Stoll'n - The first and most striking features of the K'braash are the tunnels themselves. They sprawl out for hundreds of miles in every direction, twisting, and looping around one another. No living kobold knows the full extent of the tunnels. In fact, most only know the main throughways and their tribes territory. Crossings are often marked simply with tribal symbols showing which tribe lives that direction, or bold warnings marking cave-ins, floods, or other dangers.

    der Abgrund - Far below the surface at the deepest point in the tunnels there is a massive open pit. A torch seems pitiful compared to the enormity of the darkness within. Kobold legend says that this is where G'fuhllos, the Dread Wurm and father of the kobolds, went to rest after killing G'sangfrau, their mother. A temple was built long ago, suspended over the chasm. Here kobolds sing as G'sangfrau taught them long ago. They have sung for as long as anyone can remember, and their ancestors sung before that. They sing to keep G'fuhllos from waking. They never stop.

    der Großmarkt - Roughly in the center of the realm there is a massive network of rooms known as the Großmarkt. It is where the kobolds come to trade their goods, which prior to joining the Triumvirate were mostly stolen goods from the surface or interesting things found deep in the earth. It is as much a meeting place as a place of commerce. Intertribal festivals are held here.

    The entire population of K'braash is kobold. They have long serpentine bodies and short limbs. They claim descent from two great dragons who share these traits with them. The kobolds travel their tunnels on all fours and stand .5m-.75m tall at the shoulder. However they are quite long, often between 2m-3m from head to tail, making them quite intimidating should they choose to stand upright. They are in fact the creatures that the humans of Aloren feared for so long. Historically they lived predominately off raids against the humans of Aloren, but the unification of the Triumvirate has made that significantly more difficult. They have since embraced the idea of trade though claiming, "Ve never thought to ask."

    There are 27 kobold clans in K'braash. The clan K'braash currently leads them as it has since it was blessed with the song by G'sangfrau in time immemorial. They live in the deepest dens surrounding der Abgrund.


    Resources: Fruxtkorp'r [Good] Wurmsxupp' [Good] Musicians [Good]
    Imports: Food

    Fruxtkorp'r - An entheogen much like osuro mirc that is native to the tunnels. Specifically it is the spores that are consumed. The rest of the plant is a mold that sprouts faintly glowing pale blue mushrooms. These are the predominant source of light in the tunneldom.

    Wurmsxupp' - These are believed to be the discarded scales of the great dragons G'sangfrau and G'fuhllos. The come in many colors and sizes. The largest can be up to a meter across, but small chips and splinters are more common. There are two types of wurmsxupp'. The light ones come in all colors and resonate with sound, as if they yearn to sing. The dark ones are believed to come from G'fuhllos. They only scream, and are best left undisturbed.

    dii Frau und d'r Wurm - Info coming soon.(tm)

    Some kobolds

    Some kobold towns, probably named after the tribes.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2015-02-09 at 01:37 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Nyroth Province
    Region 3, UJR

    The majority of Nyroth is covered in [B]The Verdant Expanse[/I], a forest of stout oaks where the timber of the region is grown and where many of Nyroth’s inhabitants make their home.

    The most prominent feature is the Barli Mountain Range, which blocks off the majority of the eastern border. It is within this mountain range that many of Nyroth’s impressive and ancient forts lay amid valleys, controlling access to the region from the east.

    A curious feature in Nyroth is Blackrock Crater, and it's pretty obvious what this is. Rumors have it that all who enter to mine its rich minerals are never seen again. Survivors report a large monster in the mist, but these people are not the most trustworthy. An expedition sent to the crater discovered a small vein of Light Crsystals similar to those of Beregine, which may connect to a greater vein.

    Population Distribution – 105,000 (55,000 Lizardfolk; 45,000 Fae; 5,000 Bereginians)
    Bel – 48,000 (22,000 Fae; 21,000 Lizardfolk; 5,000 Bereginians)
    Lint – 57,000 (23,000 Fae; 34,000 Lizardfolk)

    There were historically in Nyroth, two peoples, the Fae and the Lizardfolk. The Fae of Nyroth are silvery-white skinned humanoids with pink hair and slightly pointed ears. They are extremely active at night, as they do not sleep and have developed night-vision. There are also tribes of lizardfolk in the forests and at the base of the mountains. The lizardfolk bear heavy resemblance to the lizardfolk of Alydaxis and Scla’Ca and are suspected to have immigrated to Nyroth in some forgotten age. After the disaster in Beregine refugees fled to Nyroth and integrated themselves into society there, filling in the lowest rung where the lizardfolk had once stayed.

    For centuries the Fae of Nyroth ruled over the lizardfolk, using them as servants and warriors subservient to their Fae masters. Though not often cruel the system was one which saw injustices carried out against sentient beings daily. Khan Dyamus “Doomkhan” Ignato led a coalition force of Woodwind, Aloren, and Hrathanese troops to liberate the lizardfolk and add Nyroth to the growing Ignato Empire, a plan which succeeded and saw the deposition of the ruling Fae class the the reigns of leadership handed over to the long subjugated lizardfolk.

    While the lizardfolk were well intended their leadership skills were often questioned and though as time went on they began to develop then Empress Syana Ignato granted a way to the Fae of Nyroth to regain their positions in the region, establishing the Dusk Knights. The Dusk Knights program allowed the former nobles of the Fae bloodlines to earn back representation and power through sending young Fae nobles to serve in the military as a specially trained Knight. The program eventually saw the many noble bloods of Fae in Nyroth restored to positions allowing them to once again hold power and now the balance between lizardfolk and Fae, while still stilted in the favor of the lizardfolk is beginning to swing back to equilibrium.

    Weaving, as might be expected in a land which produces some of the finest silk in Telluris, is a popular leisure and art activity among the people of Nyroth province. The delicate art was long considered to be much to complex and precise for the lizardfolk to partake in and was held by the Fae of Nyroth as a symbol of their superiority that they were able to craft such fine pieces of art.

    However, in the first year following Nyroth's acquisition by the Ignato Empire (361) a mysterious weaver began to create masterpieces unparalleled by anything that had been made before. Eventually in order to determine who this artist was a weaving competition was organized by a wealthy human merchant who had received a mysterious weaving depicting a unified lizardfolk and human holding hands in peace. The competition offered 1,000 platinum pieces to whoever took first place. All the finest weavers from across Nyroth and the rest of the Empire came to try and prove themselves to be the best, only one lizardfolk arrived, a young female named Dras-Ta hatched only within the time the Empire had absorbed the nation. The other weavers laughed at her, assuring one another they would at the very least not lose to that. It came as a shock to all when Dras-Ta weaved with perfect accuracy the pattern that had prompted the merchant to host the competition. She refused the money, asking instead that the merchant pay to send poor lizardfolk to study at the Enclave of Existence in Aloren and in exchange she would weave him more masterpieces. The merchant agreed and Dras-Ta was given the title of Mistress of the Weave, a title she will be challenged for again in 10 years when the second competition is set to be held.
    The current Mistress of the Weave and head Radurjic Priestess is Calindra Belith-Syn

    Resources: Timber [Good] Spices [Good] Gossamer [Great]
    Imports: Stone

    All tradable resources in the region come from the forests, so, obviously, lumber is a primary export. But near the town of Lint, ginger plants are grown in the outskirts of the woods. These have a subtle scent that draw in moths from miles around. These moths' larvae produce a silky substance when cocooned, which, when woven, produces silk. Many other goods, such as metals and grains, are produced locally in low abundance. The Nyrothians are short on building materials and currently desire stone.

    While many of the lizardfolk follow the Cult of the Sky of their Alydaxan and Scla’Ca brethren and older, traditionalist Fae households still pay homage to the Lord of Fire by and large the majority of the population are followers of Radurja. Specifically they follow a local spirit deity within the Radurjic pantheon, the Great Weaver Sericyx. An excerpt from the Radurjic Codex explaining the spirit is included below.

    An Excerpt From the Radurjic Codex Dated in the Year 370
    Nyroth Religious Beliefs – The Great Weaver, Mother Weaver, Moth Mother just names for the great spirit known as Sericyx. Sericyx is the spirit held in highest regard within the province of Nyroth’s Radurjan sect. Said to weave together the threads of the lives of all people, bringing them together and making the beautiful tapestry of life she is also known as Life Binder for her role as a matron of marriage and childbirth. Taking the form of a silk moth as well as a kindly woman of middle years, Sericyx is often prayed to by young women seeking to enter womanhood, as well as midwives. Due to this Sericyx is often seen as a feminine spirit and as such most of the watafiti and mashahidi in Nyroth are female. Yet, Sericyx is not strictly a spirit devoted to females, her domain includes planning and she is often revered by lords, senators, and commanders for her ability to navigate the threads that compose ones surroundings. She is seen as wise, guiding steady and slow hands to resolve the disparate threads of life into a tapestry worthy of awe.
    The Great Weave, the competition held to determine the Mistress of the Weave is said by religious sorts to be discovering Sericyx’s champion of the era. As Radurja and its reverence continues to foster faith within the people of Nyroth this sentiment grows stronger and since Dras-Ta’s appointment as Mistress of the Weave this has allowed more and more reconciliation between the lizardfolk and human populations.
    Portfolio: Destiny, Womanhood, & Unification
    Domains: Weaving, Community, Craft, & Fate

    Executive Government
    Chancellor Salasa Si'This'Ka (B. 397)
    Governor X of Bel
    Governor Y of Lint
    Judicial Government
    Provincial Judge Y Z
    Legislative Government
    • Senator Jaristizo Lilin (B. 378)
    • Senator Tasas Sa'Saka (B. 394)
    • Senator Hashana Sil'Stis (B. 398)
    • Senator Ili'Sta'Sa Sa'Saka (B. 396)
    • Senator Restizo Belith (B. 364)
    • Senator Gerestizio Lilin (B. 365)

    Bel – Capital of Nyroth, the city of Bel lies on the coast of the region acting as an important trade port and economic hub. For centuries the Lilin family ruled out of Bel, and though the Fae no longer hold the Chancellor position or sit in the palace at Bel their influence can be felt throughout the city. Crafted of ancient stone before the quarries ran dry the city is a beautiful reminder of ancient Fae architecture and matches seamlessly with the styles of the Forts found throughout the rest of the province.

    Lint – The primary production city in Nyroth, the city of Lint lies within the great Ginger fields and the nesting sites of the silk moths that produce the silk so prized throughout Telluris. While not the capital the sheer size of the workforce makes Lint the largest city in Nyroth and thus it is well guarded and protected sitting upon its hill surrounded by fields ringed by woods.

    Qarimos Province
    Region 12, UJR

    "Music and Flexibility"

    Hark now, ye listeners gathered near, to tales of windswept adventure, of the ancient bond of blood, of memories long-hidden in the mists of time. Such was the song of Qarimos by the sea, an ancient land of sun-parched plains, where majestic beasts walked abroad, and where ancestral ties brought those long-sundered closer together.

    Those dry lands to the south, where no tree could be found, they were full to bursting with treasures and wonders alike. The Glass Hills rose in jagged terror betwixt Qarimos and the Berrylands of Raaneka, an ancient scar of mighty battles. So say the legends. And high in the barren land, what traveler would not marvel at the Flower Lakes, inconstant jewels upon that scrubby plain, that wax in rain, and vanish in sunshine, and burst with their namesake but once each year?

    But first of all the treasures of Qarimos was Stormgate, relic island of their mythic past. When the Sea People came from the depths, they took that island for their colony and their bulwark against this new world above. There they met the ancient Raaneki of old, and made a new people. Their doughty spirits guard that sacred island still, against all who would profane their puissant memory.

    Tikta Satato, Prince of Raaneka, was ever a seeker of unseen shores and unthought wisdom. It was this spirit-fire that sent him on his quest, a quest to learn what he could of the people that became the Raaneki. It was this spirit-fire that uncovered a link with the folk of the sea. The ancient Raaneki spread south into the lands of Qarimos, and there met the Sea People and made a new kindred, Il-poplu Tal-bahar in their own tongue.

    And in the harbors of cosmopolitan Melytis, long rival of princely Qarta in the Glass Hills, who could gaze at Raaneki and Qarimosi together and not find semblance? Though the sea’s bounty did make its people taller, and the Raaneki had hair in many strange colors, still the same flash of the eye, the same olive flesh! The tongue of the sea folk rolled like the tide. Raaneki twisted like vines upon a trellis, yet even here there was kinship. Long sundered, they welcomed each other as brothers and sisters.

    Resources: Ships [Good], Spices [Good], Elephants [Good]
    Imports: Lumber

    Though the land was barren and Qarimos had need of lumber, there were yet things for which they might trade abroad. Most plentiful of these were its potent spices, gathered from the shrubs of the high plains and the harvest of the tides. They garnished food and strengthened drink, and some were burned in rites to the spirits. Grander than these were the elephants, which grazed from the high plains to the southern lowlands by the shore. Prized as beasts of burden and war, with peerless ivory to reap from their bones.

    Greatest in the eyes of the Qarimosi, though, were their seaborn ships. Keen of prow and shaped of timbers as dark as night, they smote upon the waters with grace. Their sails were colored in the fashion of their use, white for royalty, yellow for trade, red for acts of war. These snared the winds and sped the ships with power and agility. Their holds were wide and deep, for long exploration and heavy trade. Their weapons were many, for red war and black death.

    When the Sea People came up from the ocean deep, in the days before they had news of other races abroad, they saw the beasts and bounties of this world and gazed upon their spirits, aided by their gift of watersight. They passed this wisdom to their children and their children’s children, though their lineage lost the watersight in time. The Qarimosi were left with tales without vision. The tales remained but dwindled in reverence. As sure as tide returns, so too did spirit worship ebb and flow by age and by hearth. Each man and woman came to the spirits alone, and many did not speak of it.

    Dunno, gotta make up names.

    Gonna make Snow do this. If you're reading this, get on it :P
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2015-02-09 at 01:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Raaneka Province
    Region 11, UJR


    Spoiler: Terrain
    Full many a wonder is told us in stories old, of rough, color-slashed ranges, of wide blankets of wine dark berries, of sorrowful losses, of a bold and noble folk. Hark, and recall the glory of Raaneka, the painted lands.

    The terrain of Raaneka was seen by few enough, but known by many in fable and tale. Who could look upon the Painted Coast, that riot of colored stone which fell from vibrant, seabound peaks to dappled-sand shores, and not pause with teary eye? How else might Bandar of Many Colors, that sea port of old, have been raised?

    And rising into Raaneka, what soul would not be stirred by the Berrylands, from which the sweetest wines still flow? Who could not craft the sacred ink from the emerald berry, or the sable, or the scarlet flowerberry, and be not moved?

    And high in the mountain passes, what soul has not wished for the solace of the Miracle Pools, those healing hot springs? What man or woman abed has not wished for the cleansing minerals of that elusive water?

    Spoiler: People
    Raaneka excerpt from the Radurjic Codex
    Raaneki excerpt from the Bestiary of Telluris

    Hearty humans dwelt in that land, with sharp and mirthful eyes. They recorded joy and sorrow both upon their flesh with the sacred inks of the Berrylands. Upon their arms, and legs, and bodies they enshrined memory and oath with pride, and often walked unclad (or near enough) that all might see that pride displayed.

    Their braided hair reminded them of the virtue of fellowship, and the community they dearly loved. They made a pact to that end when well and truly grown, after 16 years of life, and their first tattoo was a reminder of that pact. Would they live for themselves, serve others in bold and mighty ways, and live in freedom all their days? Or would they seek out marriage, raise a family, and act as leaders of their community? Honor might be found on either path, and though there was little shame in changing paths in life, such a decision was grave indeed, and was not made in haste.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Berunda excerpt from the Bestiary of Telluris

    What resources might the Raaneki coax from their beautiful and fruitful land? Most famous by far was Berryland wine, how varied, how subtle, how sublime! Alas, that same terrain that yielded their greatest treasure was their greatest challenge, for what livestock could they find among such endless brambles and vines? Alas, the Raaneki must needs trade for this abroad.

    They cleared forest land for lumber to win trade and prosperity. They mined the colored sandstone of their land, a luxury for all ambitious builders of the world.

    Spoiler: Religion
    Example of a Raaneki Fellowship Rite

    And religion, that ancient rite, was found amongst them too. Those daring and clever ancestors of each family line were raised as exemplars in death. Their wisdom trickled down from the firmament for long years after their death, and guided the Raaneki to harmony, the joy of fellowship, and the glory of stunning vistas and new scenes. Some few of them worshipped the Lord of Fire, and their worship was welcomed but unvalued by those who held their ancestors in higher esteem.

    Spoiler: Technologies
    • Acrobatic Saddles*
    • Athletics*
    • Avian Riding
    • Falconry*
    • Good Roads*
    • Horse Jumping*
    • Kites*
    • Permanent Skin Dye*
    • Revelry**

    *Fluff only/not tradeable.

    Spoiler: Heraldry Roll

    House Ambere

    Lady Aditi and Lord Devdan

    House Adite

    House Devdano

    House Satato

    Woodwind Province
    Region 6, Triumvirate

    Situated in a transitionary climate between the jungles of Aloren and the forests of Nyroth the land held by the Woodwind people has abundant natural resources and its oceanfront border encourages fishing and allows a solid barrier against overland armies on the western side.

    Sapphire Shores-The beaches along the Western border are known as Sapphire Shores and are said to shine with the beauty of a thousand gemstones when the sun sets over the water. Housing many settlements, the largest of the Woodwind people the Shore is a jubilant and lively place. Sapphire Shores is home to the capital of the Woodwind people, a quasi-fort city known to the people as Water's Watch stands on the coast and contains about 1/6th of the total population and has housed the leading Chancellor of the region for all remembered and recorded generations.

    Eurial Forest-Spanning much of the middle-north of Woodwind territory and running up against the Eastern border the Eurial Forest is home to a diverse group of animals and plants and provides lumber and good land for settlement. While the larger settlements along the shore dwarf those nearer the forest a plethora of hamlets and villages make up the interior lands.

    Stonetable-A great monument situated near the northern border the Stonetable is a large rock plateau that towers over the land around it. Nearly two miles across from side to side the Stonetable is a strange natural phenomenon but its relative lack of useful material leaves it largely as a simple guidepost with which to discern the border and only a few settlements stand near it.

    Population Distribution – 111,000 (110,000 Humans 1,000 Bereginians)
    Water’s Watch – 25,000 (Humans) 550 (Bereginians)
    Emerald City – 40,000 (Humans) 450 (Bereginians)
    Hamlets and Villages throughout the region – 45,000
    Dark skinned and tall with sharp featured humans the people of the Woodwind are generally lithe but well built, natural hunters. Most have brown eyes though some are born with green and are said to be infused more deeply with the nature of the world around them.

    The people of Woodwind have a relatively peaceful internal history. Coastal cities, established by the first settlers said to have arrived in ancient times rose slowly over the course of decades and the plentiful fishing kept the people there satisfied and allowed them to build. Ancient stories tell of a single great schism arising within the people and the banishment of a more militant and hostile faction of the Woodwind People away from the coastal lands and this banishment and push by the banishers led the Woodwind people to expand their holdings inland. As they expanded inward they encountered others with strong hunter gatherer traditions that had built up livelihood in the woods and established their own civilization. The coastal city state and the inner woodlands tribes coexisted and soon trade prospered between them and over time the more politically dominant coastal cities absorbed their inland neighbors into the fold establishing the dominion owned by the Woodland peoples.

    The government of the Woodland people is one of inherited monarchy, led by the eldest child of the last reigning Khan upon his death this tradition dates back to the society's inception. No texts speak of the origin of this government but the legends say the first Khan was the first man to organize the fishing villages so that they could grow and support one another, guided by the light of Ignatumna and that he went on to build the great keep at Water's Watch that sheltered the people from the Great Storm and in so doing became their savior and their Khan and he being wise and disciplined dictated the laws of succession and of governance, stating that an Ignato would always lead the tribe and that under a Khan the people would become great.

    The people of Woodwind had not been overly aggressive in their relations with outsiders prior to the year 330. Though their land was defended the borders were somewhat nebulous and interaction with outsiders was usually for trade. With the rise of Khan Dyamus Ignato the political nature of Woodwind changed. Borders were quickly defined and expanded and the relatively stagnant population of Woodwind was whipped into a powerful fighting and invading force. Aloren, the land to the south of Woodwind fell under the Khan's expansion first and intermarriage between the lower castes was encouraged, however the Ignato line remained purely Woodwind in stock.

    When Nyroth fell to the Doomkhan it followed a similar suit as Aloren, its lower castes mixing and muddling time is quickly eroding provincial differences in people and many in Woodwind have begun to adopt Alorese and Nyrothian customs. At the time of the Triumvirate unification the people of Woodwind were already well integrated in working with their neighboring provinces and people.

    Resources: Fish [Good] Dire Boar(Game) [Good] Timber [Good]
    Imports: Platinum

    Abundant dire boar for hunting, a coast for fishing, and a vast forest makes the Woodwind land a producer of food and timber. Unfortunately the land has been found largely lacking in mineral resources, notably platinum which is much prized throughout the province forcing the region to find a supplier of the precious metal.

    The majority of Woodwind, having long been a member of the Triumvirate, follows the teachings of Radurja and the Shahidi Mkuu though a few traditionalists still hold onto the animistic ties of the past and a few preserve the traditions taught to them by the Calorum Reformation Priests decades ago. The primary Radurjic spirit in Woodwind is Ignatumna, explained in detail from this excerpt from the Radurjic Codex.

    An Excerpt from the Radurjic Codex Dated in the Year 370
    Woodwind Religious Beliefs – The Great Boar, The Conqueror, The Blazing Oak are epithets for the primary spirit followed within the province of Woodwind. Noted by Radurjan scholars to be officially recorded within texts as Ignatumna, this spirit in various forms has appeared in Woodwind history for as far back as recorded. Originally a simple spirit associated with nature and rites of passage for young men symbolized by the boar the spirit soon expanded when the Ignato family claimed power within Water’s Watch by claiming to be chosen by Ignatumna. Texts are unclear as to which direction the naming went. Needless to say the spirit saw some significant growth and interpretation as the oak leaf, already a symbol of the Ignato family, was taken to be associated with the spirit as well. So too with the rise in power of the Ignato bloodline the spirit came to be associated with conquest, the assimilation of the various Woodwind tribes into one. It is surprising then that until the rise of Khan Dyamus Ignato Woodwind, himself not overly religious, Woodwind remained relatively peaceful. Calorum Fire Reformation saw the Oak leaf of the Ignato line become the Blazing Oak and so too it entered into the portrayal of the spirit. Appearing in art most often as a mighty boar with great tusks or as a flaming oak leaf recent interpretations have seen Ignatumna portrayed as a Woodwind warrior bearing a marked resemblance to the Khan of Khans Dyamus Ignato. This has been adopted without much question and the Ignato clan has not spoken in favor or in opposition to this close association.
    Portfolio: Conquest, Manhood, & Unification
    Domains: War, Pride, Strength, & Courage[/QUOTE]

    Executive Government
    • Chancellor Dyamusan Ignato (B. 362)

    Governor Pierre Mason of Emerald City//Baron Administrator of Emerald City Hawkeye Grumby
    Governor Turk Ignafar of Water’s Watch
    Judicial Government
    Provincial Judge Y Z
    Legislative Government
    • Senator Roderick Ignafar (B. 368)
    • Senator Zeburi Halfar (B. 372)
    • Senator Amit Halfar (B. 380)
    • Senator Zaafarani Vasanta (B. 387)
    • Senator Dyamu Kindara (B. 374)
    • Senator Rebdin Halfar (B. 382)

    Water’s Watch – Capital of the province, though small this city is little more than a wooden walled fort with a speckling of houses and shops surrounding it. The city has grown haphazardly over the years and many poorer sectors have run down into slums under poor care and mismanagement, though Beregine slums have seen a resurgence thanks to the efforts of Bereginian mercenaries. Despite this, the central fort palace itself remains in relatively good condition and it is from here the Governor of Woodwind wields his authority.

    Emerald City – Built by the Jeweled Cities in an agreement with the former Ignato Empire Emerald City is a bustling trade port that has attracted much business and merchants, foreign and domestic, to its walls. The administration of the city is split between the Triumvirate and AQUA, with the Triumvirate given power to appoint a Governor capable of enforcing Triumvirate law and maintaining order and AQUA appointing a Baron-Administrator given leeway to handle the economic and AQUA based administration within the city, namely the post established to receive the Nyroth silk gathered by local Jeweled Cities traders in Nyroth. The city itself is known to be the wildest within the Triumvirate provinces owing to its Islander origin and while order is maintained for the most part crimes and dissidents can find relative safety within its streets.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2015-02-09 at 10:26 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Spoiler: this space reserved
    The Del'taihn Provinces
    Vassal State of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia

    Population: 1 182 000

    space reserved for flag

    [link to original rolls]

    Consul Marrwin Kozlov

    Current Stats
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 2
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 1
    Luck: ?

    Spoiler: Current Ruler
    Consul Marrwin Kozlov has pledged himself to not only strengthen Cantroth's position within the Commonwealth but to also ensure that Cantroth becomes known to wider world as more than just 'that small insignificant protectorate of Niskovia'.

    Spoiler: Past Rulers
    Consul Avidiens ???-???

    Diplomacy 5
    Military 1
    Faith 2
    Curiosity 1
    Luck 3

    The period when Cantroth was lead by this man is a curious blank in the historical record and the Homirum rarely speak of his reign. What is clear is that he was deposed by a military coup and the democracy was instated soon thereafter.

    Governor Caprians ???-505 (starting rolls; end stats)

    Diplomacy: 3
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 1

    Governor Caprians is an incredibly average Homirum, neither too-tall nor too-short, his hair an intermediate shade of brown and hair an indistinct reddish-brown. The man doesn't even have a distinctive voice, however this may be his only distinguishing feature, for when Caprians gives a speech his audience is soon fast asleep.
    When asked none can remember his policies and no one is entirely sure how exactly he got elected in the first place. Probably the only thing this Governor has ever done to differentiate himself from his predecessor was grant the Niskovian ambassadors an audience.

    Spoiler: Succession Laws
    Cantroth is a democracy... perhaps this is why Niskovian ambassadors had so much trouble gaining an audience with their leader?
    Elections occur every 35 years, the belief is that faith in Ovidions will guide the people to choose only the most worthy candidate.

    Original Stats
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 2
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 1
    Luck: ?

    Region 113, Cantroth
    population: 1 182 000

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain
    -general terrain summary goes here-

    Ovidions River: The water that cascades from Serdtsezimiya's Lake Yablokilze becomes the Ovidions River. This river - easily a mile wide in places - meanders south from the border to the shore of the Blue Horizon Sea.
    Anvigarde: This city is the capital of Cantroth and the largest city in the entire Province. Stretching from the coastline down the Ovidions River's Eastern bank, if one were to stand in Central Square and gaze westward, they would see the the Great Prophet's tomb. Legend states that the city was founded on the site where the Great Prophet Ovidions proclaimed Cantroth as the Homirum's new homeland.
    Ode to Ovidions: This statue on the western bank of the Ovidions River makes the location of the Great Prophet's mausoleum. The masterpiece depicts Ovidions' as he must have looked after his divine ascension, triumphant and otherworldly. The statue rises some 69 meters into the air and is plated with platinum.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of Cantroth are the Homirum. They bear a strong resemblance to their Valeriyan neighboors, from the waist down their legs resemble a goats, complete with cloven hooves - unlike a Favn their pelt is the same colour as their hair. They also have horns like the Favn do but unlike theirs, the Homirum's have a strong tendency to curl.

    -more detail-

    Spoiler: Resources
    Sheep (good)
    • Practically sacred to the Homirum, sheep provide both food and clothing. Every family has a meal of lamb each week, an occasion when many prayers to Ovidions are said

    Platinum (good)
    • The rarest of metals mined in this region and this the most valued, it is currently believed that Cantroth has the most abundant source of this mineral in the entirety of Telluris

    Tar (good)
    • It is worth braving the dangerous Eastern Inkholes in order to secure supplies of this resource

    Import desire - wood
    • Much of Cantroth's land has been cleared for pasture and what little woodland that remains is monopolised for mining purposes.

    Spoiler: Religion
    Ovidianism - majority

    Ovidianism is the most important religion in Cantroth. Contained within the Great Book are the teachings of the Great Prophet Ovidions. The Homirum believe that when they follow the words of Ovidions he will always lead them to peace, victory, and glory.

    Spoiler: Technologies

    Spoiler: Trade
    Cantroth (region 113)

    • Sheep (0/3):
      • available
      • available
      • available
    • Platinum (0/3):
      • available
      • available
      • available
    • Tar (0/3):
      • available
      • available
      • available
    Trading Posts
    • vacant
    • vacant

    import requirement: Wood

    no other imports

    Spoiler: Tech Table
    in progress

    Spoiler: History
    Ash-Kingdom Maur
    The Reign of Dragon-Queen Tyarel Volshevrin



    The Reign of Dragon-Queen Kara Volshevrin



    Del'taihn Provinces
    Governor Caprians' Term
    Last edited by Kitsanth; 2015-05-31 at 08:30 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    I believe when looking at a southern region, all you need to do is flip a coin. On heads - it belongs to the Salterri Imperium. On tails - it will SOON belong to the Imperium.

    31 regions...sheesh.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Ogre in the Playground
    lt_murgen's Avatar

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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Seaborne Confederation Vassal States

    Novrania (region 121)
    Population: ?


    An evergreen rainforest covers most of the island, the wet climate providing a thriving ecosystem. The center of the island rises up in a series of hills that are just a bit too short to be called mountains and slopes down to rocky beaches on the eastern coast.

    The Sunset Cliffs: The western side of the island is composed of sheer cliffs that drop into the ocean below. The Sunset Cliffs, as the locals know them, become a myriad of colors every evening due to their namesake.

    The Shark’s Teeth: To the north of Novrania is a large swath of open water that hides a sprawling coral reef. This reef has been the cause of many shipwrecks, including the very first ones that caused the island to become inhabited. Locals know better than to sail through this area.

    The Ancient Spines: A breed of tree that has grown taller and larger than any other on the island. The reddish hue of the wood has prompted superstition and even though no man could conceivably fell such a behemoth, it is forbidden by law to even try.

    Humans descended from lost sailors with no desire to return to their homelands. Over the many generations of interbreeding and merging of new populations, the Novranian people have some major qualities in common. Universally dark haired, there are few bloodlines with hints of red in beards of men. Their skin has a perpetually sun-browned look, and even those that are avoidant of the sun have light brown coloration. Most of the population, regardless of sex, near six feet in height, and quite a few surpass that. Eye colors often reflect the sea, with blue, green, and grey being the most pervasive.

    Their King and royal family are strongly tied to the Salterri Emprie, even more so than their nominal leige, the Seaborne Confederation. They have a dragon gained at the Imperial rite event that founded Panshen.


    Wood: The great amount of trees and a conscious understanding of replanting and replenishment have kept the Novranian people in a surplus of timber.

    Fish: The relatively protected east coast has lead to massive amounts of fish and easy waters for fishermen. This is the majority of Novrania’s foodstuffs.
    Medicinal Herbs: In the damp and dark undergrowth of the vast forest of Novrania, many different herbs thrive. Over the decades, the locals have experimented and crossbred those with the most usage in medicine, taking their health into their own hands.
    Needed: Metal. (Hurosha and Bordeux)
    Desired: Grain and Precious Stones. (Palas Caercia and Bordeux)

    Spoiler: Religion
    Although originally Novranians may have held onto the religions of their homelands, today they have a small pantheon of nature spirits. They give thanks to the Sea for the fish, they respect the Island for allowing them to thrive and grow, and they pay homage to the Sky in fear of storms, while being thankful for rain.
    When they joined the Seaborn Confederation, they gained a minority of Children of Kina. Since then, the Salterri Imperial religion of Panshen.

    Conjelado Anillo (region 154)
    Population: 75,000


    Conjelado Anillo, “the Frozen Rings”, is a sub-arctic region far to the south of Telluris. It has long, cold winters, and short, brutal summers. The hardy vegetation is low, rugged, and largely berry-bearing. The interior slopes rapidly up from the coast into a twisting maze of canyons and glaciers. They place bursts into the brief spring and summer in vast fields of flowers. Travel is hazardous at the best of times, and nearly impossible in the deep cold of winter
    The area has several unusual species. Giant bees, the size of a human forearm, collect pollen and make honey. They make their nests in caves in the ravines. . Arctic tunnel worms, dozens of feet long, chew through the stone of the mountains feasting on the limestone layers. Miner Durirus, a strange carnivore, hunt them and attack anything else in their territories. They are fearsome beasts of claw and beak, standing at their shoulder as tall as a man. There are three primary landmarks.
    Ria Plata forms the north-eastern border with region 153. The massive falls cascade from the great lake to the east into a deep ravine that runs the length of the region, boiling into the sea. The entire length of the river is one vast rapids. The water tumbles and foams along its trip, hence the name. The Basahuan fear this ravine. They claim in ancient times it was spanned by 4 stone arches that their ancestors destroyed to prevent the ancient demons from invading.
    Piedro Dejos are the chain of small, shaggy islands to the north of the region. Tempered by the warmer ocean currents, it is more overgrown than most regions. Vast flocks of snow geese and swans come here in the breeding season to lay eggs and raise their young. Minga melons grow here in abundance.
    Atalya Anoche is a vast watchtower literally carved from a mountain. Or, to be more precise, an entire mountain was carved and crafted into a vast watchtower. It lies at the point of deep, geochemically warmed valley surrounded by a glacier. Its massive dimensions tie it to the cast structures of region 153 and beyond. It is considered a haunted place by the Basahuan. It is said to glow on certain nights, providing a waypoint for travelers in the wild.


    The native people are called the Basahuan. They are giants, standing close to twenty feet tall. Their skin varies from blue to near purple. Their hair can be pale blue to stark white. They are a heavily muscled species who are nearly impervious to the cold. Their muscles bulge, showing off veins in stark white lightning shapes up and down their bodies. Incredibly strong, they stand the equivalent of 10 normal humans.
    They are a primitive people, living in small communities in the deep valleys and caves of the glaciers and ravines of the interior. They venture out to the coasts to fish with nets. In spring, they gather flocks of geese and ducks the same way. In summer they collect honey from the great bees and in fall they gather minga melons. Most communities have a summer residence and a winter residence of long lodge houses and surrounding palisades. A few metalsmiths and carpenters make more permanent homes around their mills. Travel is by foot or duirirus-sled.
    They are a tribal and militaristic people, fiercely defending their fishing and gathering grounds. Steel plate armor, shields, and bludgeoning weapons are worn and used by both men and women.
    Spoiler: Basahuan


    The area is largely undeveloped. There is sufficient wood to build lodges, and enough metals to manage basic tools. Honey and fish feed the population. Minga-melon, a large hard shelled fruit, grow quickly in the brief summer. Tunnel worms are hunted sparingly to be turned into leather. Still, they have very little worthy of export.
    Miner Durirus are the pack animals of the Basahuan. Congregations of them live in the tunnels and caves of the glaciers. Their sharp claws and crushing beaks constantly carve new passages. They hunt the tunnel worms for food. Despite their massive size, they are domesticated by the Basahuan and used in much the same way as guard dogs and sled dogs are used by humans. They are a Good resource
    Spoiler: miner durirus

    Spoiler: tunnelworm

    Weeping Stones are another goodresource. They are round stones found in the Ria Plata and along its shores. They appear to be large pieces of rounded blue adventurine, rounded by the crushing river flow. They always appear to be wet, even along dry patches of shore. The Basahuan have discovered that they excrete a watery fluid no matter what the temperature. The fluid tastes like water flavored with roses, and is nutritious enough to sustain a being. Each stone produces about 1/10 its weight in fluid a day, every day, for years. The Basahuan believe that if they are not returned to the Ria Plata at least once every decade, they will dry up.
    Along the thin northern peninsulas there are many rocky outcroppings with significant sources of ammolite, also known as Dragon Scale. The locals have little use for it as it is brittle and requires careful handling. With the right 'small person' touch, it could be turned into another resource.


    They Basahuan worship the Cold Woman. She is the goddess of ice and snow. She hold the land in her grasp, sleeping only for a brief time each year. If the people please her, she gives them more mild days to collect their food. Their history says that the land was once all verdant and green, but that was unnatural. Some other creatures, even larger than they, used them as slave labor in the lands. It was their watch-tower that they so fear. It was the Cold Woman who helped them free themselves. She destroyed the bridges and defeated the evil gods, freezing the lands to drive them out.
    With the recent inhabitation of region 153, the Basahuan fear the return of the evil gods. Some advocate attacking the “little people” before they cause something bad to happen.
    Last edited by lt_murgen; 2015-05-22 at 09:08 AM.
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  27. - Top - End - #57
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Philote's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Caramel Kingdom
    Region 162 (Esuma), Philote

    Original Stat Rolls
    Original Population Roll

    Current King: Varith Freeform

    Stats at end of round 50:
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 7
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 4 + [0/2]

    Population: 1,529,000
    Standing Army: 8,000 native land troops, 2,000 native naval troops

    Original Stats:
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 2

    Spoiler: Summary
    Region name: Esuma
    Region: 162
    Firrion Freeform [Age of Dreams]
    Tiril Freeform [Age of Scrolls]
    Mirian Freeform married to Guilder's Caspian from house Morganstern [Age of Rooks]
    Dorith Freeform [Age of Tents]
    Varith Freeform married to Royal Visionary Julian Freeform [Current Age]
    Royal Visionaries:
    Cheri Yung
    Sebastian Mouse
    Julian Freeform [Current]
    Voice: Caramel / Primary
    Terrain: Hexrises, Spectacular, Witherdowns
    People: Human (Esumans)
    Resources: Carnival Troops, Garb [Great], Dream Sugar [Great], Visionaries
    Religion: Ramhsa (Majority), Radurja (Minority), Doctrine of Frost (Minority)
    [Mind Conference] [Multitool] [Grand Vardos] [Hanging Gardens] [Misc Imported Techs]
    College (The BigTop), Improved Bridges, Hospital Network, Improved Banks, Artificial Spectacular, Improved Harbors, Fortifications, Infrastructure Management Centers, Resource Stockpiles, Embassies, Research Post, Fu Lakes Lagoon Canal, Aid Construction of Guilder's Deepflame Arrow: Finality
    Scrolls of Prowess: Eucatastrophe
    Artifacts: Spirit's Focus

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Hexrises: Large pillars of ancient solidified magma that rise high above the surrounding terrain. There are many pillars rising across the terrain which have become interconnected with bridges. The tops of the pillars are large flat plains that shimmer and glow.

    Spectacular: A naturally occurring fireworks show that occurs monthly near the empire’s capital. The fireworks originate from a multicolored combination of hot spring and geyser. Liquid bubbles are shot into the air which explodes into a shower of light.

    Witherdowns: The dense forest area at the center of the empire on the land below the Hexrises. Made of trees with black bark that also possesses roots that glow eerily white. A landmark that plays on the senses, newcomers are tricked into viewing it as spooky while locals can recognize it for the harmless place that it actually is.

    Spoiler: People
    Esumans of the Caramel kingdom are a race with their hearts set towards discovery and entertainment. Their skin is colored the same as the name of their kingdom, but as a people, they more often feature painted faces and bodies covered by another layer of Ostentatious clothes. The Caramel kingdom has promoted a strong sense of national pride, maintaining a strong sense of unity and cultural identity even as they enter the world stage and bring their gifts to other nations.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Carnival Troupes: Trained squads that specialize in entertainment. A combination of professional actors and performers as well as trained animals. They can raise the morale of those they entertain and persuade the hearts of those that view their shows.

    Garb [Great]: A magical cloth with theme changing properties. Items equipped with Garb can be shifted between many different styles The base item is always recognizable under the garb, but the style and qualities that it possesses can be changed by skilled craftsmen.

    Dream Sugar [Great]: A special substance gathered from the Spectacular landmark that can be made into many different sweets and desserts. Those that consume confections made with this substance experience enhanced imaginations and dreams.

    Visionaries: The greatest artistic talent of the nation can be promoted to Visionaries. They forge thoughts and substances together to form exquisite items. Masters of combining form and function, they can improve the efficiency of products. Visionaries have undergone a process to replace their eyes with glass, giving them vision beyond mere sight, or at least so they claim.

    Needed Resource: Metals. Having a desire for both artistic and scientific advancements, the empire is in need of metals for constructing larger projects.

    Spoiler: Religion
    Majority: Ramhsa
    Minority: Radurja
    Minority: Doctrine of Frost

    Spoiler: Military
    Investigation Agents: The Visionary Council. A court of visionaries headed by the Royal Visionary has been established with authority inline with the king in matters of science and investigation. Based within the BigTop college, The Visionary Council will lead the empire in matters of enlightenment.

    Winning Tactic: Coastal

    Spoiler: Technologies
    Created Techs:

    Spoiler: Mind Conference
    Mind Conference – Resources: Dream Sugar / Visionaries

    a. Expanded use of the Dream Sugar substance through the design of Visionaries has yielded a new technology. Those who intake a concentrated form of Dream Sugar under the care of a Visionary may transcend their physical form for a limited time. Able to travel during these dreams, individuals could cross continents and oceans in a matter of seconds. Those in this transcended state are able to meet others feeling the same experience, a useful quality if a time and date for conference is already set. The dream world is perceptually altered from the real world, so landmarks are a key to meeting with others.

    b. Regions no longer need to be adjacent to count towards a Great Kingdom.

    c. Required Resource Type: [Mind Altering Resource] + [Designer Resource]

    d. Technology Requirements:
    i. Great project Visionary Academy in capital Region. Technologies which speed up construction may be used. If a University or Academy currently exists in capital region, this is reduced to a minor project.
    ii. A minor (2 action) project to build Calling tower in each contiguous group of regions non-contiguous to capital region. Technologies which speed up construction may be used.

    e. Players may attempt sabotage or terrorism against the towers in non-capital regions. If successful, that region becomes unstable on the next round. If this results in a player dropping under four stable, tower-connected regions, that player loses his Great Kingdom status until the region is re-stabilized and a single round repair project is undertaken.

    Spoiler: Multitool
    Multitool – Resources: Garb / Metal

    a. Research into the qualities of the mythical fabric Garb has revealed ways to apply the substance’s unique theme changing properties to other materials. Garb, when used as a controlling device and combined with metal substances, can be used to create a Multitool device that can shift between different states.

    b. Basis Tech

    c. Required Resource Type: [Variable Resource] + [Metal Resource]

    Spoiler: Grand Vardos
    Grand Vardos– Resources: Stone / Dinosaurs / Tech: Efficient Building

    a. The Caramel Kingdom is known for its magnificent traveling carnival troops which have entertained populations the world over. Always aiming to bring more joy to the world and improve their shows, a more efficient form of travel has been developed to transport grander shows. The existing carnival wagons have evolved into new Grand Vardos, large sturdy gypsy caravans which may have improvements built upon them and carry larger projects along with the show across the world.

    b. Basis Tech for Larger Mobile Projects

    c. Required Resource Type: [Building Resource] + [Transport Resource] + [Efficient Building Tech]

    Spoiler: Hanging Gardens
    Hanging Gardens– Resources: Dream Sugar / Tech: Grand Vardos

    a. The resource Grand Vardos of the Caramel Kingdom have been adorned with beautiful hanging gardens capable of sustaining crop. The sugarcane that is the source of the empire's valuable resource of Dream Sugar is the first staple crop that is harvested from these Hanging Gardens, allowing the Caramel Kingdom to retain their Dream Sugar resource as they transition into a nomadic life style.

    b. Improved Crop Resources for Nomads

    c. Required Resource Type: [Crop Resource] + [Grand Vardo Tech]

    Imported Techs:
    Available Resource:
    [Aerial Naval Carrier] [Automata, Clockwork] [Berunda Riding] [Calculus] [Clockwork] [Deepflame Lenses] [Efficient Building] [Higher Learning] [Inspired Militia] [Kralax Riding] [Lenses] [Loaders] [Logistics] [Mercenary Recruitment Centers] [Mithril] [Ocean Faring Ships] [Oracles] [Physics] [Plate Armor] [Printing Press] [Prosthetic Limbs] [Psychology] [Raaneki Diplomacy] [Refrigeration] [Resplendent Brilliant Uniform] [Sewage System] [Shintouite Crafting] [Solar Ray Towers]
    Missing Resource:
    [Abyssium Ballasts] [Aerial Harness] [Aquatic Cathedral] [Blackpowder] [Cannons] [Griffon-Riding] [Hovercraft] [Lifeskin] [Magnets] [Medicine] [Mtambuzi] [Pitch] [Renders] [Shrieking Crossbows] [Steam Power] [Steam Trains] [Sub-Aqua Rimor] [Tzaltec Fire] [Ultralight Materials] [Vyuma Bending] [Wurm Riding] [Zepplins]

    Spoiler: Projects
    Great Project: Curiosityx5: College: The BigTop: A study of the art within science.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Ring of the Body: New performance and research Ring added to the BigTop. Focus on the study of physical forms and the application of themes.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Ring of the Mind: New performance and research Ring added to the BigTop. Focus on the study of the applications of mental thoughts and the furthering of enlightenment.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Ring of the Soul: New performance and research Ring added to the BigTop. Focus on the study of emotional works and the connections between beings.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Visionary Academy: Installed into the heart of the BitTop. This new establishment will monitor and conduct the new use of the developed Mind Conference technology within Esuman borders. Infrastructure for communications has also been put in place to communicate with external regions once the technology has spread to other corners of the world.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Scrolls of Prowess Wing: The BigTop's scope of study has expanded into the physical arts, including The Caramel Kingdom's signature style, the Eucatastrophe. Additional forms of physical mastery will be offered in this new wing as well.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Culture Centers: In an effort to provide the greatest educational facilities in the world, the Visionary Council has incorporated large Culture Centers within facilities of the BigTop. These Culture Centers will work to assimilate knowledge and wisdom across the globe to further the minds of Esuman citizens as well as making the stay of foreign students more pleasant.
    Project: Curiosityx2: College Expansion: Dorms: With an ever expanding college, the Visionary Council has taken measure to provide adequate living arrangements for both local and foreign students in order to promote an atmosphere of learning during all parts of a student's life.
    Project Curiosityx2: College Expansion: The Sebastian Mouse History Wing: In remembrance of the legendary Royal Visionary who sacrificed his life to reveal every possible detail he could about the Kazul to protect his empire, this memorial wing has been added to the BigTop. This wing serves to collect and remember the knowledge and histories of the past so that they may not be lost to the oncoming Kazul as well as serving as a reminder for future generations about the danger of the Kazul so that they may not succumb as easily.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: The BigTop: The BigTop is taken in almost its entirety. A special fleet of Grand Vardos is reserved specifically to preserve the Caramel Kingdom's most valuable resource, their source of knowledge.

    Project: Curiosityx2: Improved Bridges and Ramps: Improved bridges and ramps across nation allowing for easier travel between the individual Hexrises and the ground below.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Ferris Wheels: Alexander Ferris, of the Visionary Council, is credited with this augmentation of the empire's Grand Vardos. Ferris' overview of the nation's expansive transportation system in the form of its Improved Bridges and Ramps and Improved Harbors has led to the creation of these all terrain wheel modifications.

    Project: Curiosityx2: Hospital Network: Improved healthcare network throughout the Hexrises and Witherdowns so that injuries and diseases can be treated efficiently in the separated geographies.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Sanctuary Themed Vardos: Grand Vardos stylized as monuments to signify a place of healing. Statues line the top of the Grand Vardos and stained glass adorns the sides. Inside, the medical knowledge of the Caramel Kingdom is stored from the Hospital Networks of the past.

    Project: Curiosityx2: Improved Banks and Currency System: An economic system comprised of chips and cards regulated by the empire’s bank system. Metal chips act as currency while the cards act as notes for loans and checks.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Vault Themed Vardos: Gold lined Grand Vardos crafted with heavy metal structures and large vault doors. These Grand Vardos manage the wealth and economy of the Caramel Kingdom. Knowledge from the Improved Banks and Currency System of the past is integrated within the workings of these Grand Vardos to keep the empire flourishing.

    Great Project: Curiosityx5: Artificial Spectacular:
    1. Visionaries of The Caramel Kingdom have constructed infrastructure around the Spectacular landmark in order to initiate its show under controlled conditions. Further work will be made to bring the glory of the Spectacular outside of the landmark's limit area.
    2. Continued work and study on the Spectacular landmark by the Visionary Council has discovered the most efficient way to recreate the Specacular's show at remote locations. Further work will bring the prototype into completed construction as an independent model.
    3. After many years researching how to induce the Spectacular's show artificially and recreate the conditions in remote locations, The Visionary Council is proud to announce the completion of the Artificial Spectacular, now open for the enjoyment of all. Brought from prototype to full attraction, the Artificial Spectacular has bore fruit as an icon of the Caramel Kingdom's imagination.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Artificial Spectacular: Another project taken in its entirety, the Artificial Spectacular is converted into a singular over sized Grand Vardo. Among all of the projects converted during this age, this one was especially saved to act as a symbol of future hope to the Esuman people.

    Project: Curiosityx2: Improved Harbors: Improved coastal infrastructure allowing for more efficient trading, exploration, and diplomatic contact with the far corners of the world.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Ferris Wheels: Alexander Ferris, of the Visionary Council, is credited with this augmentation of the empire's Grand Vardos. Ferris' overview of the nation's expansive transportation system in the form of its Improved Bridges and Ramps and Improved Harbors has led to the creation of these all terrain wheel modifications.

    Great Project: Militaryx5: Fortifications: Use of the abundance of new materials, primarily metals, to improve the defenses around various landmarks and geographies.
    Project: Militaryx2: Fortification Expansion: Shintouite Fortifications: [Rook Theme] Mighty Shintouite walls that draw upon the history of ideas built into the great game of chess. The Shintouite is formed into designs such as mighty rook-like towers, Walls with statues of knight chess pieces, and a king standing over the front gate.
    Project: Militaryx2: Fortification Expansion: Solar Ray Towers: [Celestial Themes] Sleek Solar Ray configurations designed across the empire's fortification. Like stained glass, these focusing mirrors evoke varying images. Circling planets direct light to a central sun that beams out to defend your empire. A nebulous cloud reflects out many smaller scattered beams. Mirrors can slide to where their defense is most needed, like shining comets coming to save your empire.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Vardo Plating: The specialized Rook Themed and Celestial Themed defenses of the Caramel Kingdom have been adapted to the mighty structures of the kingdom's Grand Vardos.

    Great Project: Diplomacyx5: Infrastructure Management Centers: In an effort to plan for the future, Caramel has constructed IMCs around the major areas of population in the empire. IMCs are designed to monitor and maintain the growth of the population, resources, currency, and infrastructure of the region during times of peace and periods of crisis.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Exhibit Themed Vardos: The Infrastructure Management Centers of the past are reintegrated into the Caramel Kingdom's culture in the form of these advanced Grand Vardos. Each Grand Vardo is designed after an unique aspect of the Caramel Kingdom's art and culture, giving each subsection of the Caramel Kingdom an identifying icon.

    Great Project: Diplomacyx5: Resource Stockpiles: With the Caramel Kingdom rapidly growing, an effort has been made to preserve the wealth of the empire by storing away valuable resources to be used during times of deficiency or need. While the empire is having prosperous times, resources will be attempted to be overproduced to keep the storehouses well stocked.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Market Themed Vardos: Large mobile markets offering every form consumption produced by the Caramel Kingdom, made possible by the abundance of wealth from the Resource Stockpiles of the past.

    Great Project: Diplomacyx5[3/5]: Embassies: The Caramel Kingdom has grown rapidly in its influence and involvement on the world stage. As such, with Esumans visiting foreign events and the citizen's of other empires visiting Esuma, the Caramel Kingdom has set forth to establish rules and embassies to carry out and oversee such rules for the betterment of all diplomatic endeavors involving the empire.
    L10 Nomadic Conversion: Globe Themed Vardos: Grand Vardos decorated in cultures celebrated by the Caramel Kingdom from around the world. These Grand Vardos act as the interaction point with outside cultures for the Caramel Kingdom in the place of past Embassies.

    Project: Curiosityx2: Research Post: Events in Domhan Abhaile have attracted the attention of Esuman scholars. With permission from North Lyradis, a research post has been constructed in order to investigate the rumors of dragon sightings during storms that seem to vanish as the storms pass. Visionaries conducting experiments with Dream Sugar have been sent to oversee the research in the hopes that their expanded senses can find the root cause of the problems. Investigation Roll = 16!

    Project: Curiosityx2: Fu Lakes Lagoon Canal In cooperation with the Niemida Prefecture, the Caramel Kingdom will contribute its portion of the work to the maintenance of the Fu Lakes Lagoon Canal.

    Project: Military: Aid Construction of Guilder's Deepflame Arrow: Finality: As a final course of action, the Caramel Kingdom sends some of its brightest minds to aid its ally, Guilder, in the construction of one final tool of defense to divert the incoming threat of the Kazul.

    Spoiler: Curiosity
    1. It does not come as a surprise that just as the Answering Stone, Spirit's Focus, is brought into the Caramel Kingdom, the infamous "Guilder Lily" is noted to be within the area. With forethought to finally put the thief behind bars, the Visionary Council sets a trap to display their trademark creativity. Using a false Answering Stone as bait and regular celebrations within the capital, it is hoped that the "Guilder Lily" will finally be brought to justice. Investigation Roll = 17!

    2. With their sights set on capturing the criminal, "Guilder Lily" the Visionary Council has decided to also set their sights on removing an additional criminal, Stuyvesant, from the world to make it a better place for all. Drafting together a small and proficient squad from the BigTop of Eucatastrophe practitioners, the Visionary Council aims to capture the villain stealthily and escort him to imprisonment so long as the investigation is not denied by the empire of his last known location. Investigation Roll = 17!

    3. With such a great danger looming on the horizon, the Caramel Kingdom has decided to lend aid in the way that it is most adept, by delving in to the secrets of the incoming enemy to reveal what assets and weaknesses exist to be exploited. A small band of Esuman Eucatastrophe practitioners have been deployed towards the expanding lines of the Kazul, equipped with Garb themed to blend in with the surrounding landscape. The team brings with them none other than the Royal Visionary, Sebastian Mouse himself. Mouse carries with him a small bag of tools to conduct experiments in the field and a supply of Dream Sugar to keep his mind at its peak. Investigation Roll = 19!

    4. Sebastian Mouse continues his research of the Kazul, delving into every known method and practice at his disposal to unravel every mystery that the Kazul represent. His advanced mind begins to look towards options of escape and defense. He tests several methods: If Dream Sugar journeys could be used to divert the Kazul, if the Kazul have connection to magic, if the desert creatures have any aversion to the cold, and so on. This data he collects and relays to the Visionary Council and Royalty so that future generations may have a chance to escape the incoming disaster. Investigation Roll = 19!

    Spoiler: Artifacts
    Spirit's Focus – The Answering Stones (Zjornu Bruka). Sourcestone / Antimagic stone.

    Spoiler: Diplomacy
    1. Vassalise into the Empire of Dawn

    2. Non-Aggression Pact with Thalmann Legacy

    3. Non-Aggression and Trade Pact with Praeclarus

    Spoiler: Trades
    Darkgm - Livefire
    Snow - Heartwine
    Samburke - Dinosaurs
    Gengy – Bubbling Stones
    Aedilred – Vallotake
    WaylanderX – Shintouite

    Dream Sugar:
    Samburke - Trueice
    Halftangible - Mithril
    Randolf - Geras Fruit
    Soommor - Feltan Pods

    Carnival Troupes:
    Snow - Wood
    Aedilred – Discordian Rock (Stone / Music)
    TheWombatOfDoom - Netherine

    Randolf - Orichalcum
    Morph Bark - Everlava
    TheWombatOfDoom – GoldFire

    Trading Posts:
    [Dream Sugar TP] Gengy – Dream Sugar Tech Adaptation for Oracles

    Missionary Acceptance:
    Halftangible - Crystal

    Quinton – Deepflame
    Kasanip - Fibrous Flame
    Last edited by Philote; 2015-10-05 at 11:52 PM.
    The Caramel Kingdom! Empire 1!

    High Order of the Pran-El! Empire 2!

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    Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Thalmann Legacy
    Rathenal (161), Randolf
    Link to rolls
    Link to rerolls

    Ruler Stats:

    Population: 850,000

    Spoiler: Terrain
    Rathenal has a diverse range of features, going from beautiful coast-land to lush, green forest to steep, rugged mountainsides.

    The coast is predominantly filled with a sheer cliff, called Knife of the Sea by the locals, that juts out into the ocean for quite some distance. However as one travels alongside the cliff it slowly grows less steep and the height lowers so where it connects to the mainland it is almost ground level. On either side of the end of the Knife you come across great, flat beaches that stretch for miles on either side of the large cliff. While the beaches stretch for quite some distance it only takes a few minutes of walking before reaching the forest.

    The forest isn't actually one large forest but three with short strips of plains separating them. These plains are not suitable for farming thanks to the small area size and rough soil, so the only really remarkable feature of them would be the homes of the wood cutters. The forests themselves harbor large, hardy trees called Geras Trees along with a small assortment of smaller plant life. The Geras Tree has very long lifespan yet a surprisingly fast growth rate too, leading them to become giants of nature in these forest. One old Geras Tree is so large that it is almost twice the height of every other adult Geras Tree in the forest and has been nicknamed Father Geras.

    After the forest comes the final stretch of the region: the mountain. Although only one side of the mountain is considered to actually be in the region, it is still large enough to take up a third of the area. The side of the mountain is not very steep itself but is filled with small cliffs that make climbing it difficult. It also has an unusually large amount of caves, a few of which can go quite far into the heart of the mountain. The most obvious and striking feature of the mountainside would be the so called “Spear of the Mountain King” a huge, jagged piece of Orichalcum shaped, appropriately, as a spearhead that pierces the sky. The Spear is actually a small city as the deposit has been hollowed out by the locals over thousands of years, so much so that the locals cannot mine out any more of the Orichalcum or the entire city may start collapsing on itself.

    Spoiler: People:
    The people of Rathenal are a diverse group of humans, culturally as well as physically. The humans that live in the forest are quite tall and muscular, fit for chopping down the large trees in the forest. The humans that live on the mountain side are short yet dexterous, excelling at both climbing the mountain’s terrain and navigating the caves. Those that live near the beaches or on the Knife are of average height but have a darker complexion than the others, but are good crafters and tradesmen to the other clans. But the one thing that all of the groups share in common is the long life span, able to outlive other humans by a decade, or in rare cases, two.

    Regardless of where they live, all tribes within Rathenal practice a basic form of eugenics, which has deep ties with their ancestor worship. This has caused intermixing between the tribes to be quite rare, rare enough for all of the tribes to keep their own distinct features but not for offspring between two different tribes to be unheard of.

    Spoiler: Resources
    Orichalcum [Good] - A rare metal, used to forge excellent arms and armors. Needs technology to be worked on. Veins of it are found through the mountainside, the locals using the cave systems to locate the majority of them.

    Timber [Good] - The local forests are filled with good quality timber. The locals may work for days to feel a single tree but that one tree provides a huge amount of timber to use.

    Geras Fruit [Good] - The local trees produce a fruit, the size of a orange but with a gooey texture. It tastes extremely tart. Locals that eat it throughout their lives tend to live a few years longer than their average fellow.

    Needed Resource: Meat - The Rathenal region has a defency of game. The forest do not provide enough food for large animals, leaving birds as the primary source of meat. But as the population has grown, even the birds are not enough to sustain Rathenal.

    Spoiler: Religion: Ancestor Worship
    The people of Rathenal value heroic deeds and achievements in their ancestors, using these to help prove their own capabilities. This has lead to most households keeping a long and detailed list about their ancestors, as the longer you can trace your family line the more deeds you get announce. Preforming great deeds while alive is considered the greatest honor you can give your ancestors and assures that your descendants have better position in the tribe.

    Spoiler: Diplomacy

    Spoiler: Peace Treaties

    Spoiler: Non-Aggression Pacts

    Spoiler: War

    Spoiler: Military

    Spoiler: Land Units
    1 Unit, Region 161

    Spoiler: Naval Units
    1 Unit, Region 161

    Spoiler: Trade

    Spoiler: Technologies

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    The Kingdom of Faelthalas
    Region 99
    Population: 940,000

    King Trius Pyrrhanal III
    Diplomacy: 5 (4+1)
    Military: 5 (4+1)
    Luck: 3
    Faith: 2

    Wood [Good], Fish [Good], 2 Adamantine
    Resource Needed: Crops
    Resources Possessed Through Trade: 1 Miner Durirus

    The Kingdom of Faelthalas is a bleak place. The majority of the land is covered in stony hills and valleys. Regardless of this, the nation’s people generally make their towns at the base of hills, and for work if they are close to the coast will turn to fishing, and if not will gather wood from one of the many dense forests spotted around Faelthalas.

    Three notable landmarks:
    Winterside Forest: On the southeastern side of Faelthalas is the Winterside Forest. Made up of mostly evergreen kinds of trees, these forests are habitat to the majority of wildlife found in Faelthalas. Being one of the primary work outlets for peasants of Faelthalas, it is not uncommon to find temporary villages and loggers camps within this forest. When Faelthalas was originally being claimed by the glorious King Trius Pyrrhanal I from inhabiting barbarians, The Winterside Forest was the main army base used. Because of its significance in claiming the country, the Winterside Forest is often revered as the lifeblood of the nation, not only giving much of the population money in the form of wood sales, but serving as a constant reminder of where they all came from.

    The Pirhan Valley Chain: Named for King Trius Pyrrhanal I, the Pirhan Valley Chain is a group of three valleys in the West and within them three different towns (Northern Valley: Dalbor, Eastern Valley: Hyolstad, Western Valley: Kryn.) that together make up the city of Greater Pirhan, the capital of Faelthalas. Within Greater Pirhan, the main castle and other governmental functions are found in the city of Hyolstad. The Pirhan Valley Chain is windy most times of day, but generally occurs in small bursts of 5-10 minutes, interrupted by a generally 30 minute stoppage. These valleys are heralded for their natural beauty and it is said that whilst atop the Northern Valley, you can see each major city in Faelthalas, being Greater Pirhan, Hrrostad to the southeast (near the Winterside Forest), and Cralyk on the northeastern coast.

    Hrrostad: (Pronounced Row-Stad) The Hrrostad is one of the most historically signifcant areas in all of Faelthalas. Originally the barbarian capital of the region Pre-Faelthalas, it was captured during the conquest of King Trius Pyrrhanas I. In their history, the Faels (citizens of Faelthalas) were nomads themselves, and uphold the value of remembering those who came before you. Therefore after the barbarians were driven out, Hrrostad became inhabited by the Faels instead of razing it. The city center of Hrrostad was left untouched as town additions were added around it, so that all the residents of Faelthalas could have at least a little insight onto those who came before them in this region.

    The Faels of Faelthalas are generally relatively tall and burly, and are pale, more so depending on the region. Northern Faels are generally less pale while Faels inhabiting any southern regions are paler. While it varies, Faels generally have dark hair and dark eyes. Faels are extremely hardy and are not quick to complain. Most Faels are relatively cold resistant but naturally prefer warmer environments.

    Faels have a very perseverant culture. Next to responsibility, being a hardy person is the trait most valued, and while complaints are necessary at times, they are looked down upon in excess. The most important thing in life to a Fael is camaraderie between all Faels, as they’re made aware of the great things they can accomplish while together, the main evidence being the fact that they were able to claim Faelthalas from the barbarians. On one day a year during the winter months, the Faels all gather in Greater Pirhan and have the Frostreach Festival, a celebration of the founding of Faelthalas in practice, but in design was originally a festival solely to bring the Faels together. The majority of Faels religiously practice the Faeldra religion.

    While some are pagans, the majority of Faelthalas practices Faeldra. Coming from the word Fael (which in Faelish means blizzard), the practice of Faeldra can be traced back to the Fael’s roots in colder territories as nomads. Faeldra is a Monotheistic religion, with its worshippers worshipping Lyrea, otherwise known as the Snowfall Queen. Lyrea is said to visit worshippers in the form of wolves, and therefore Faels make pilgrimage to the Winterside Forest (if they do not reside in Hrrostad) in hopes of seeing a wolf and becoming enlightened. While there are small altars in basically every town in Faelthalas, the three major cities each have one of the Frej (pronounced fray) Altars, magnificent structures which each have their own high priest. Exactly one week after the Frostreach Festival, all of the high priests gather at the Frej Altar in Greater Pirhan and try to channel Lyrea through them in case she has any direction for the Faels. Another note is that while most Faels practice Faeldra actively, those that don’t actively are not shunned if they still identify as Faeldra. While sometimes influenced from a religious and respect standpoint, the rulers of Faelthalas are not in any way obliged to follow the high priests of Faeldra.

    -Adamantine Forging
    Last edited by Shadowz1797; 2015-03-05 at 05:00 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Empire! The Lands of Telluris (the fluff beyond the crunch)

    Kingdom of Kuldran
    Region P6
    Population: 28,000

    King Gamok Svinnr

    Luck: 2
    Military: 4 (3+1)
    Diplomacy: 5 (4+1)
    Curiosity: 3
    Religion: 2

    Resources Possessed:
    • Gold (good)
    • Iron (good)
    • Bronze (good)
    Resources Needed:
    • Foodstuffs

    The people of Kuldran have been native to the land as long as their history tells. The Kuldranese are fair skinned, which has led some to believe that their people migrated from somewhere else. Most are short, as the lack of nutrients limits growth. Traits of the Kuldranese include honesty, hard-work ethic, and gifted at outdoor activities, such as tracking, climbing, etc. Outsiders are not normally seen in Kuldran, and if they are anywhere, they are found in the capital, Miskunn.

    The terrain of Kuldran is what is to be expected of a polar region. Bleak, covered in ice and snow, and almost no life. This is the reason that the nation must mostly import their food, as hunting can only get them so much. The basic setup of the people is one half of the Kuldranese live in Miskunn, while the other half live in small hunting villages, and fend for themselves.
    1. Dragonsbeak Glacier- The largest glacier in the region, once a year, there is a contest held to see if anyone can climb it to pay their respects to Ishun, the Ice Goddess (see religion). If they can indeed make it to the top, they are rewarded with a house in Miskunn paid for by the King.
    2. Shrine of Ishun- Built under the rule of King Gellik Svinnr, this shrine is a massive complex with a large gold statue of the Ishun. Many people come to pay their respects. The shrine itself lies in the center of the city, along with the Central Palace, which is the main palace for the monarchs.
    3. Hellir Lake- Towards the southern region of Kuldran, this lake remains frozen all year. However, the villages that surround this lake have developed methods of ice fishing, and are able to sustain themselves upon this catch as well as any hunting they are able to do.

    The main religion of Kuldran is known as Issa. It is based around the worship of Ishun, who is known as the protector of the land. The Kuldranese pray to Ishun for protection, good hunting/catching, good fortune, and health. The only other God in Issa is Brotun, who is Issa’s brother. He is associated with bad things, mainly the opposites of what Issa can bring. Some religious holidays in Kuldran include:

    -Ishunlana, which is the aforementioned ritual climbing of Dragonsbeak Glacier. Most citizens go to the glacier at least to watch, if not try and climb the glacier.

    Nyrtag- The ritual new year, happens on the Ruler’s birthday, so is prone to change. To celebrate, people go to the Shrine of Ishun, and also at as soon as the clock strikes midnight, and Nyrtag has begun, a massive bonfire is burned in Miskunn, and is symbolically fending off Brotun for another year


    The Hierarchy of Kuldran is very respected by all citizens. It puts the King at the top, family below him, and then advisors below them. After that, the hunters are symbolically seen as more respected than people who work in the capital, but this is starting to change. The two groups (Village People and People of Miskunn) are at odds with eachother, as respect means a great deal, and it is customary for the king to make a decree whenever a group’s social status changes. The biggest non-religious holiday in Kuldran is known as Aldri. This is a festival celebrating good times, and culminates in a two day fishing contest on Hellir Lake.

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