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  1. - Top - End - #1231
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Calorum, Umrich, The Skytemple

    Captain Eargor looked out of his cabin window, observing the city of Umrich. It was a beatifull sight, from this altitude you could still see the tiny people in the steets minding their own business. In 5 days from now Eargor would start the biggest journey of his life. Together with many important priests they would travel to every known country on Telluris. Captain Eargor had no idea why anyone would want to do this but as long as they paid him he was okay with it.
    At first he had laughed when they told him what kind of ‘ship’ he would be sailing. He knew of course that it was some sort of airship but when he saw it for the first time he had almost pissed his pants. It took a lot of effort to hide his laughter and he was sure that some of the priests had noticed. He had quickly pulled himself back together. “better not upset the priests” he thought. The airship was not just some airship, it wasn’t like anything he had ever seen before. It looked like a Temple floating in the skies. Obviously he could see that the whole construction was supported by zeppelins, but still, it looked almost as if it was levitated by the Lord himself.
    Someone nocked on his door and Captain Eargor’s thoughts returned back to his cabin in the Skytemple. “entrez vous!” he said with a strange phony accent. A young woman opened the door, she presented him a sealed letter. Eargor took the letter and dismissed her. He carefully opened it and read the words that were directed to him.
    When he was halfway through the letter he dropped it to the ground and remained motionless. “The High Priestess is going to travel with us?” He never said anything out loud when he was on his own, but this time he couldn’t control himself. “She is coming with us?!”.
    Captain Eargor spend the remainder of the day commanding everyone to clean the decks until you could see your reflection in the wooden floors and then he went to bed without success.

    10 days later

    High Priestess of Fire Arvaya Divinorum, had been given the most luxurious bed room in the Skytemple. They were now traveling towards their first destination, the 7th Tellurian games! From there on they would travel the lands and offer knowledge and blessing to everyone they meet. The world will be a better place when they finish their journey.

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. mass produce copies of the holy book on flame sheet and supply the Skytemple with an ample amount of books. [Faith]
    2. Start a grand journey with the skytemple [Faith]
    3. AttendThe Seventh Tellurian Games [Dip]
    - Accept the following technologies from Hurosha: Shintouite Crafting, Adamantine Crafting, Blackpowder, Loaders Tech, Magnets, Medicine
    4. Mass produce copies of the holy book on flame sheet [Faith]
    5. Send letters to several world leaders, asking permission to visit their lands. (letters will arive next round) [Dip]

    Spoiler: Warning
    This is not the end of the round!
    Last edited by Chief; 2015-05-31 at 06:23 AM.
    "Only the foolish overlook the threat that kobolds actually pose." - Races of the Dragon

  2. - Top - End - #1232
    Ogre in the Playground
    zabbarot's Avatar

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    Jan 2013

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    امُجَ وَ جَمهُرِ زَ رَدُرجَ
    Umoja wa Jamhuri za Radurja
    Union of Radurjic Republics

    UJR Round 42

    Actions - UJR Executor: Bozhidar Iron Glaive (Dip:6 Mil:6 Cur:2 Fth:2 Lck:2)
    • [Mil][3/5] Continue construction on the Syana Ignato National Defense Academy in Woodwind.
    • [Mil][4/5] Continue construction on the Syana Ignato National Defense Academy in Woodwind. (Efficient Building)
    • [Mil][Mil5] New Agents - The Ministry of Befuddling (MoB) Keyword - Maintaining National Secrets Basis - Assassins/Illuminators
    • [Mil][5/5] Complete the long delayed fortification of Ayava(?)
    • [Dip][+1/5] Send workers and materials to Selyra to assist with the construction of the Mind Conference Academy of Mind Conference.
    • [Dip][+1/5] Send workers and materials to Selyra to assist with the construction of the Mind Conference Academy of Mind Conference.(Efficient Building?)

    Non-Action Actions

    Rumors and Nonsense
    • The new discovery of amplification techniques quickly led to a new style of music! No longer are the soft classical instruments of K'braash drowned out by the traditional west coast percussion. With the aid of amplification it as if the usually soft spoken K'braashi string instruments have been unchained. Ironically despite it's rapid popularity in the UJR the new style is almost completely untolerated in K'braash.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2015-05-30 at 11:34 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  3. - Top - End - #1233
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    The Seaborne Confederation Round 42 (536-540) actions:
    Previous round increase:, +1 curiosity,

    Events & Rumors
    - - - - > 536: Darrel Grant to Marry Princess Gatalea Starridge.
    - - - - > 536: Li Mako to marry Joanna Airguard of the Hurosha Empire
    - - - - > 537: Varwynn Jarrow, widow of Arthur Grant-Tremblor Fitzrion, dies. She was born in 460, and her multi-fae heritage* brought great insight and beauty to the Seaborne Confederation. She will be missed.
    - - - - > Lilum Sedras, known as Tiger Lily, will marry Silene Onergin, Eldest Child of Kina on winter’s ever in 540. She is a full decade older than him, but they have known each other for years.

    Action #1: (Faith) Attempt to change NEw Crima into a majority of Children of Kina. Roll was [url=""]12[/url
    Action #2: (faith) Publish and distribute the Eldest Child of Kina's ruling that all Children should follow their conscience on the rescue of Queen Lorisanth.
    Action #3: (Diplomacy) Issue a proclamation that allows free traders to sell Black Lotus syrup to lands allied with the Tzaltec Empire.
    Action #4: (military) Build one unit of Skyships for Galomyr
    Action #5: (military) Commit 4 naval units from the Jeweled Cities, 4 from Galomyr, and 2 from the Bloomenwald to a Naval Blockade of sea lanes around the Tzaltec Imperium. They will be supported by 2 units of Kingbird troops (Tar, Galomyr) from aerial carriers and the Skyship armada from the Sea of Glass.
    Spoiler: relevant bonuses

    arbalests, black powder for naval troops (+1), naval cannons(+2), carvel building(+1, +1 T), lenses(+2T), plate mail(+1_, skyship tech (+1, +2 T) +6 battle check, +5 tactical maneuvering to stay away from coasts

    Action #6: (Diplomacy) Attend the Tellurian Games
    Spoiler: games sub-actions

    Accept Dream Sugar and Oracles technology from Gengy
    Confirm marriages made last round & listed above
    Release resolution of condemnation to all attendees on Tzalteclan
    Spoiler: Resolution

    To all Rulers of Lands across Telluris, greetings!

    The Seaborne Confederation Congress wishes to address the political situation in Faedas. It bears similar, disturbing, parallels to a dark period of our own past. We believe that the lessons of that dark period should be shared with the world, so that none other may have to suffer similar tribulations.

    In last decades of the third century, the religious Quill had joined their fortunes to the sea-faring Islanders of the Jeweled Cities. Under the leadership of Regina Amber Grant, the Ancestral Quill Unification Alliance prospered. But the prosperity was unevenly distributed. Tar, and the Quill, received only the smallest portions of the wealth. Regina Grant did not heed their call for expanding their religion, nor expand their economy. Eventually the rift between secular and religious, Islander and Quill, grew so great that a violent revolution occurred.

    The revolution was seen by other sovereigns as regicide, a violation of the rights of kings. Their reaction was swift and violent, and resulted in the death of the person they held responsible for the actions. But that was not the end. That action triggered a civil war. Thousands of innocent men and women perished as various factions vied for control and power. Villages burned, ships were sunk. The violence spilled over into port towns across the Sea of the Golden Sun; dark, violent murders in the shadows. It is a period we now look back upon with shame.

    The parallels with the situation in the Faedas Freehold present disturbing similarities. The conflict between secular and religious aspects of a society; a violent revolution with unintended consequences and loss of innocent lives; and outrage from sovereigns who are intimately connected to the situation. We urge all involved to learn from the lessons of our past. Violence and warfare only beget more violence and warfare. The very society you struggle over will be rent and torn beyond recognition.

    To the leadership of Tzatec Empire, we entreat you to return Queen Lorisanth to her people. Your interference in what should be an internal matter only worsens the situation. Like the Jarrow of old, you may earnestly feel that your actions are the best for all concerned. But as our history shows, the unintended consequences of those actions can undo all you hoped to accomplish. Allow the Freehold to determine their own path.

    To other regents around Telluris, we simply ask for careful deliberation upon your actions. War should never be entered into lightly. There are other options. To that end, the Seaborne Confederation will establish a trade blockade against all Tzaltec Empire naval shipping. We encourage all those who oppose their actions to cease trade with the Empire and block their trade through your lands. We will welcome all ships who wish to join our blockade.

    The Seaborne Confederation Congress

    Expected Increase this round: +1 faith, +1 military, +1 diplomacy

    Spoiler: Trades Info

    Region Name stacks used Resource Shipped to
    Bloomenwald Isles 0/2 Trading Posts -
    Bloomenwald Isles 0/3 Grape Lotus -
    Bloomenwald Isles 0/3 Kright Mushrooms
    Bloomenwald Isles 2/3 Thundersheet plants Frosskov; Guilder
    Galomyr 1/2 Trading Posts Guilder (Galomyrii Sages)
    Galomyr 2/3 Aloe Vera Darsia; Riderock
    Galomyr 3/3 Bananas Raanara, Kapital, Yorukuni
    Galomyr 2/6 Galomyrii Sages Drugaard; Niskovia
    Propinlonge 0/2 Trading Posts -
    Propinlonge 2/3 Pigs Fellitoria; Jarrland
    Propinlonge 1/3 Platinum Sahara’a
    Propinlonge 2/3 tropical Fruit Nyroth; Ziben Yong
    Sea of Glass 1/2 Trading Posts Guilder (adamantium)
    Sea of Glass 1/3 Adamantium Landerkunst
    Sea of Glass 3/3 Nitrates Grmanhil; Grizzland; Niskovia
    Tar 1/2 Trading Posts Aus-Tiere (Tar);
    Tar 0/3 Aeromancers
    Tar 3/3 Meat and Hides Aloren; New Crima; Sympolemou
    Tar 2/3 Tar Bordeaux; Nyroth
    Tar 2/3 Wood Niskovia; Razdis
    The Jewelled Cities 2/2 Trading Posts Aloren (Tropical Fruit); Aus-Tiere (Kelp-Olive Oil)
    The Jewelled Cities 5/6 Tropical Fruits Frosskov; Jarrland; Kasumor; New Crima; Zargrim
    The Jewelled Cities 2/3 Gemstones Qarimos; Yorukuni
    The Jewelled Cities 4/6 Kelp-Olive Oil Guilder; Jarrland; Nyroth; Raaneka
    The Jewelled Cities 2/3 Ships Kaspiskiya; Vagas Littus

    Imported To From Realm Region Resource
    Bloomenwald Isles Glazfell Hegemony Frosskov Silk (Import Req.)
    Galomyr Triumvirate Raaneka *TRADING POST* Heartwine
    Galomyr Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Kaspiyskiya *TRADING POST*Pearls
    Galomyr New Crima Crima *TRADING POST*Stone (Import Req.)
    Galomyr Triumvirate Woodwind Architects
    Galomyr Celero Ziben Yong Bureaucrats
    Galomyr METAL Kapital Camels
    Galomyr Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Engineers
    Galomyr Guilderene Expanse Raanara Magnetite
    Galomyr Guilderene Expanse Guilder Inventors
    Galomyr Triumvirate K'Braasrhiix Kobold Musicians
    Galomyr Nanguang Prefecture Darsia Navigators
    Galomyr Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Precious Gems
    Galomyr Glazfell Hegemony Drugaard Scientists
    Propinlonge Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Dyes
    Propinlonge Triumvirate Nyroth Ginger
    Propinlonge Guilderene Expanse Sahara'a Lacertals
    Propinlonge Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Star Metal
    Propinlonge Kingdom of Celero Celero Wood (Import Req.)
    Sea of Glass Novrania Conjelado Anillo *TRADING POST* Weeping Stones
    Sea of Glass Yorkuni Kinu Koroth (Fabrics) (Import Req.)
    Sea of Glass Kingdom of Serendel Grmanhil Glass
    Sea of Glass Mulhaurm LanderKunst Glass Ore
    Tar Salterri Imperium Penoccident *TRADING POST* Cliffhorn Goats
    Tar MUlharum Riderock Rokeurs
    Tar Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Dyes
    Tar Alydaxan Dominion Solus Kingbirds
    Tar Faedas Freehold Eyrecradia (opals) Precious Stones (Import Req.)
    Tar Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Star Metal
    Tar Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Sympolemou Vegetables
    The Jewelled Cities Triumvirate Hrathan-Tuor *TRADING POST* Fine Crafted Goods
    The Jewelled Cities Triumvirate Nyroth *TRADING POST*Gossamer weave
    The Jewelled Cities Faedas Freehold Tekorva Brass
    The Jewelled Cities Triumvirate Raaneka Coloured Sandstone
    The Jewelled Cities Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Valeriya Geliy Vapour
    The Jewelled Cities Tyranny of New Crima Crima Grain
    The Jewelled Cities Razdissi Underpire Razdis Iron (Import Req.)
    The Jewelled Cities Faedas Freehold Yorukuni Ketsuek Crystal
    The Jewelled Cities Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Vennland Papyrus
    The Jewelled Cities Hurosha Empire Gwistrin Quartz
    The Jewelled Cities Praeclarus Vagus Littus Sea Turtles
    The Jewelled Cities Kingdom of the Isles Tepeti Skywhales

    Spoiler: Techs Info

    Aerial Infantry Harnesses Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 30 Mithril Forging (NO); Plate Armor (tech); Arpied Mercenarires (NO)
    Aerial Naval Carrier Celero 19 Timber (Tar)
    Automata ?; New Crima 24; 29 clockwork (tech); metal (multiple)
    Beastmasters Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 30 ROUS/monsterous animal (NO)
    Berunda Riding Raaneka 13 Berundas OR Dionosaurs OR Perytons OR Huma Birds (NO)
    Black Powder ? 14 Sulfur (); Nitrates (sea of glass); charcoal/wood (tar)
    Black Powder Cannon Tech captured in battle! 33 black-powder
    Calculus Guilder 29 Intellectual specialists (multiple)
    Caravel tech Jarrland 37 ships of shipwrights (Jeweled Cities)
    Clockwork tech ? 20 metal (multiple)
    Efficient Building KCS 29 stone (raankea)
    Griffon riding Celero 19 Griffons (Celero)
    Horseriding Tech Kindgom of the Carmine Sea 30 Horses (Cridan)
    Hovercraft New Crima 29 leather (Tar)
    Imperial Bureaucrats Celero 37 ?)
    Inspired Militia Guilder 29 Milita (multiple)
    Kralax Riding Celero 27 Kralax or dinosaurs (no)
    Lenses Celero 19 Glass or Quartz (local)
    Loader Tech Guilderne Expanse 30 MECK or large animal (NO)
    Magnets Celero 19 magnetic material (?)
    Medicine Jomani Kralstovo 27 Shedding trees or AloeVera + medicinal herbs (Galomyr + Novrania)
    Mithril Forging New Crima 28 Mithril (no)
    Mysticism Studies Niskovia 34
    Ocean faring Ship Own effort 2 Timber (Tar)
    Oracles Celero 27 Osuro Mirc OR Fruxtkorp'r (NO)
    Physics Guilder 29 Naval Academy (own)
    Pitch Own Effort 12 Tar AND Oil (Tar & Jeweled Cities)
    Plate Armor ? 13 hard Metal (many)
    Printing Press ? 13 Paper or Papyrus or Books (own)
    Prostehetics New Crima 28 metal (many)
    Raaneka Diplomacy ? 12 Heartwine (Raaneka)
    Refrigeration KCS; Salterri Highlands 29, 34 True Ice or Tears of Yphinne (NO)
    Sewage Systems ? 20 stone (raankea)
    Shintoutie Crafting Celero 27 Shintouite (NO)
    Shrieking Crossbows KCS; Triumvirate 29; 30 wood & dragon scales (J.C. & NO)
    Skyships own invention 39 kyright mushrooms; aeromancers, ships or shipwright; lighter than air gas; clockwork tech; hovercraft; zepplin’ carvel tech’ lenses
    Sub-Aqua Rimor Preclarus 27 whales & underwater light source (NO & Ketsuek Crystals Yorokuni)
    Tzaltec Fire ? ? goldfire & oil (NO & J.C.)
    Ultralight Materials ? ? Cavorite (?)
    Wurm Riding Celero 27 Wurms (NO)
    Zepplins New Crima 29 lighter than air gas (geilly vapor, )

    Spoiler: Ruler Info

    Skipper General Elizabeth Grant D M C F L
    Current 4 6 4 6 8
    end of round 41 0 0 1 0 0
    end of round 40 0 1 1 1 1
    end of round 39 0 1 0 1 0
    Initial stats 4 4 2 4 7

    Last edited by lt_murgen; 2015-06-04 at 06:46 AM.
    Keeper of the 49 Rules.

    Pet Peeve: Yay ≠ Yeah

  4. - Top - End - #1234
    Barbarian in the Playground
    The Blue Guard's Avatar

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    Nottingham, UK (GMT)

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Great Sharixian Republic
    Previous Rounds: Round 39, Round 40, Round 41.

    Actions, Round 42
    Prime Minister Alixvara Tierrasha
    Diplomacy: 8
    Military: 2
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 1
    Luck: 4

    1 [Diplomacy] Attend the Seventh Tellurian Games!
    While Fera's new laws controlling its border would ordinarily forbid the entry of the Sharix, vassals of the Tzaltec Empire, the Tellurian Games are an exception! With a grand celebration, the royal airship takes off from Shalisha and makes its way to Fera.
    2 [Curiosity] Great Project: Red Canal (Kakowokula) [3/5]!
    Construction of the third leg of the Red Canal reaches the mid-way point in Kakowokula!
    3 [Curiosity] Great Project: Red Canal (Kakowokula) [4/5]!
    Construction on the third leg of the Red Canal begins to come to a close in Kakowokula!
    4 [Military!] Defend Trandar!
    With the official support of the Sharix gained through talks at the Tellurian Games, four regiments march west to protect the city-state, aided by advisers from the Empire!
    Military: 10
    Units Sent: 4
    Relevant Technology: Plate Armor [A] (+1 Battle Checks), Prosthetic Limbs [Med] (Grants -1 on Unit Loss in Battle), Crossbows [RSA] (+1 Battle Checks), Logistics (When rolling for desertion roll 1d3 and only 1 is a risk for loss)
    Rolls: 1
    Result: 19 (before unit modifier)
    5 [Military] Raise One Military Unit!
    With the threat of assault by the mysterious Kazul, the parliament considers it long past due that a new regiment be founded in Valasharix!
    6 [Military] Raise One Military Unit!
    With the threat of assault by the mysterious Kazul, the parliament considers it long past due that a new regiment be founded in Valasharix!

    Attribute Increases (This Round)
    Military +1
    Curiosity +1
    Luck +1

    News & Rumours
    [536] The Great Sharixian Republic welcome its second new member state, Jaote! Six new electoral districts are created, covering the major areas of inhabitation of these underground dwelling people, and six new seats are added to the parliament.

    [536] The tenth anniversary of Kakowokula's acceptance into the republic is celebrated in Shalisha and across Kakowokula, as well as in Jaote, the newest member state of the Sharixian Republic!

    [536] With the celebration of the tenth anniversary of Kakowokula's acceptance into the republic, the people of Triwilix begin to agitate even more strongly for representation. However, while their rhetoric convinces members of the Unionist Party (who wish to give all a fair voice in the parliament), the Progressive Party are more hesitant. However, while in Triwilix the people clamour for representation, the people of Rikorsial and Maisel, seeing the Sharix as unwelcome conquerors, make known their displeasure with their forced inclusion in the Great Sharixian Republic. In Rikorsial, these agitators are calmed by the Mortician's Order, but in Maisel they gain ground.

    [536] The forty-third general election begins and concludes! In the end, the coalition government of the Progressive Party (23 seats) and the Unionist Party (14 seats) remains in power! The Sharix First Party (14 seats), however, is still gaining support amongst those dissatisfied with the power the Tzaltec Empire holds over their nation, maintaining their place as the opposition! In addition, the surprise seat gained by the Royal Restoration Party (1 seat) is retained! As the population flocks to the three major parties, smaller parties and independent politicians are left out in the cold (1 seat)!

    [537] The raising of two new regiments is the cause of much celebration as two thousand young women and men are recruited and trained over the course of the summer! National pride soars as these two new regiments take their place amongst the eight regiments already raised in Valasharix.

    [538] With great pomp and circumstance a royal birth is announced! Queen Lacantha, after a secretive pregnancy, has given birth to a healthy baby girl, named Viozetria by her mother.

    [539] The Grand Master of the Mortician's Order, a human man ancient by the reckoning of his race, makes the long, arduous trip to Shalisha. He spends a month in the capital of the Sharixian Republic, and then returns to his homeland. Several men of Kakowokula also make the long trip to Shalisha, spend a month there, and then return to their homeland.

    [537] Sightings of mysterious figures near the Dragonbone Steppes increase over the course of a week in spring, and then return to normal.
    Last edited by The Blue Guard; 2015-05-31 at 09:59 AM.
    "Everyfing I see is mine. All da uvver bits are mine too - I just ain't got there yet." - Grimgor Ironhide

  5. - Top - End - #1235
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery


    ~ Null

    Spoiler: Round 42 Actions

    1. A supply of Thunderstone is discovered in Sahra'a! This mineral, found only underground, is believed to be an alchemical relative of the Screeching Crystals found in Aimplach. However, unlike the Screeching Crystals, Thunderstone is extremely unstable and often produces an explosive and terrifyingly loud result when struck. Carefully grinding it to powder generally increases the force of the resulting burst but decreases its volume. This is believed to be the agent used by the raiders with "sticks that thunder" encountered by Glazfell's explorers in Skarval back in the days of King Hroar. (Curiosity 5)

    2. Attend Seventh Tellurian Games (Diplomacy)
    Spoiler: Subactions

    1. Glazfell resigns from Membership in the Concordat of Frost and Flame, citing the precedent of Guilder having done so. (This is contingent on an incomplete RP thread and may be subject to change)
    2. Treaty offers with terms suspiciously identical to those of the Concordat with the addition of a pencilled-in "No signatory shall take action directly against the crown of another signatory, nor will any interfere with the rightful and lawful process of succession of another signatory." are extended to the Tyranny of New Crima and the Freehold of Faedas.
    3. Glazfell rescinds its proclamation of friendship with Tzalteclan, though toothlessly: No actions are taken with regard to trade, no military threat is made, and the border is not sealed.

    3. Though no action is taken to deal with the huge militia fleet off the coast of Drugaud, the gathering of so much force without oversight is quietly noted by local authorities. Mysteriously, money soon flows from the royal coffers to fund Naval production. (Build 1 Naval Fleet in Drugaud) (Military)

    4. Raise 1 Aerial Fleet in Frosskov. (Military)

    5. Raise 1 Land Unit in Glazfell. (Military)

    6. Found Holy Order in Skarval: The Knights of the Frozen Hand (Faith 5)

    Spoiler: Knights of the Frozen Hand

    Skarval's Deihandrs have long been a renowned warrior class with special privileges and training, and that hasn't changed under Glazfell's rule. However, with the introduction of many new cultures into the Doctrine of Frost and increasing diversity under the Frozen Lady's luminescence, it was perhaps inevitable that some things would change.

    In 537, under the Frostmoon, a group of particularly devout Deihandrs chose to forsake their spears and slings, and dedicate themselves to the noble art of Frosten Magic. It didn't take long for them to learn that spears of channeled frost willed into existence by the faithful were no less effective at striking their targets than the Cavorite-soaked spears of the last age.

    Like the classical Deihandrs, members of the order wear a red half-cape to identify themselves, though they've added a snowflake flourish to the heraldry where the normal Deihandrs would put the symbol of their lord.


    Spoiler: Vassal Actions
    Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine: Attend the Seventh Tellurian Games.

    Spoiler: Subactions

    1. Trade Screeching Crystals (Aimplach, 18B) for Fallen Stars (Kingdom of the Isles)


    Planinfrag: Handed to GM.


    - King Torre heads south on a private diplomatic mission in 537. Though a royal mission is nearly impossible to hide, details are nevertheless kept sparse.

    - After the bloody campaign to end the threat posed by the Knights of Black, the imprisoned Dread Knight Ron'c is turned over to the Fel of the Everburning Horde at his request. While King Torre reports that he was looking forward to making an example of the villain, he acknowledges that whatever fate the Dunfel have in mind for him is likely more fitting.

    - The Black Bulwark is locked away in Shezhan, kept where whatever foul magic fuels it cannot do harm. Only experts such as specially-cleared Shezhan Royal Society Members and a rare few Huroshan Academics with more detailed knowledge of the magic of the Jaaku Na are allowed to access the chamber where it is held, and even they are forbidden to touch the dangerous artifact until such time as its unholy nature has been certainly purged.

    Spoiler: Rumors and Events

    In late 540, King Torre comes down with a terrible fever and is constrained to his bed; the nature of his illness is unknown, and while he is conscious he is likely to be unable to rule adequately until Khyne II comes of age. As such, his wife has been given authority during this intermediate time.
    Last edited by BladeofObliviom; 2015-05-30 at 11:31 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #1236
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Philote's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 42 actions for the Caramel Kingdom:

    1. [Curiosity] Improved Resource: Dream Sugar [Great]
    2. [Military] Investigation Agents: The Visionary Council. A court of visionaries headed by the Royal Visionary has been established with authority inline with the king in matters of science and investigation. Based within the BigTop college, The Visionary Council will lead the empire in matters of enlightenment.
    3-5. [Military x3] Raise two sets of Land Units and one set of Naval Units

    New Stats at Round's End:
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 8 + 2 = 10
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 6 + [1/2]
    The Caramel Kingdom! Empire 1!

    High Order of the Pran-El! Empire 2!

    Superpower List + Forum

    Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

  7. - Top - End - #1237
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Blood and fire. The acrid smell of charred wood filled Telk'Hazar Duriduo's nostrils, clotting in his lungs and scorching his throat, like a Gala Bird had flown into his mouth and made a nest there. Rage and hatred. That was there too. The infidels lay before him, perforated with uncountable crimson gashes, across the neck and face. He had not given them the time to speak in their defence, nor the mercy of Mazara's final blessing. For their crime, there could only be punishment. A glow on the horizon. The very jungle ablaze, the work of infidels and cowards attacking the integrity of the Tree Home. There was no more mercy to be given to infidels of the East. This Trandar was the epicentre of the attacks, and like a Hagad nest in Gres season, the king nest had to die first. Rolan'Bagdon Julino stood to his side. Together they took in the chaos before them.

    Rolan: Telk, you're men stand ready to strike at the very heart of the corruption, and the Tul'Ski recognise the urgency of this situation, and until the Home Tree in secure, they will answer to you.

    Telk: Then we can only pray to Mazara for blessing in the destruction of these infidels. As for you're Tul'Ski, keep them ready and on alert. I fear that already more Eastern Landwalkers are shuffling at the base of Telek'kra. I will not abide it. In Mazara's name I will have their blood.

    Telk's voice never rose, but the fervour of his righteous passion shone through his eyes. He turned from the destruction before him to pace down the long branch of the Gnarled Delta, to where a large Mazradin sat upon a brown and red Mazra of enormous size, two blades of some gleaming foreign crystal tucked by his belt. This was Urun'Nefun Kelikar, first chosen of Mazara, and first chosen of Telek'kra. As a young man he had proven himself a steadfast and skilled fighter, purging a group of cultists and traitors singlehandedly. 10 years on, Telk had chosen him to lead the army against the infidels. Telk would of course also be there, but by his own admission was not so great a fighter as he was a flyer, and would serve as second in military battles. Urun was a sturdily built Mazradin, years of training clear in his torn fingers and the ease in which he wore his blades. He had his hair cut back into a warrior's style, a short peaked cut, that did not trail in the wind, nor obstruct him in battle. His Mazra was equal in size, with thick muscles and teeth like tombstones, unusually large and flat rather than pointed. Urun was a faithful man, as he had displayed time and time again, but where Telk's eyes shone with the glory of his belief, Urun's were dark with threat, a challenge to infidels and betrayers who found themselves unfortunate enough to be looking into them.

    Telk: Entaro'Tazingar Urun'Nefun, may Mazara find you safe and strong. Are your men ready to assault the infidel stronghold?

    Urun: Entaro'Tazingar Telk'Hazar, Great Leader of Telek'kra, first chosen of Mazara. My men stand ready. I stand ready. The infidels shall tremble before the wind of our wings.

    Telk: Then there is little more to say. Let us ride with the wings of Mazara. Lead on, Great Warrior.

    As the two set off into the distance, legions of faithful Mazradin in pursuit, Rolan stood in thought. While they would make war in the heart of the infidels lands, the true battle would be in Telek'kra. You cannot cure a Feltan Tree if Durgan have already infested it's roots, and Telk was right, the very roots of Telek'kra were infested with Landwalker scum. His Tul'Ski confirmed it. Sightings of them living alone on the lands of Telek'kra, far below where any normal Mazradin would care to fly. But then, the Tul'Ski were not normal Mazradin. He would need a militia of the people, to capture and drive out the Landwalkers. Then there was the matter of the Whispering Wood swords to attend to. Over the years they had gathered 14 of the ancient swords, 11 from within Telek'kra, 2 from a strange building in the lands to the south, and one from a peculiar waterbound Mazra that an even more bizarre silk-clad human had lived in. They had rather been forgotten in recent times. However, first was first. Rolan recalled how his father had taught him to care for Feltan Trees in the forest. To remove Durgan, one must lure them out...

    Telk'Hazar Duriduo
    Diplomacy - 1
    Military - 6
    Curiousity - 4
    Faith - 6

    Luck - 1


    1. Invade the land of Trandar to the East with 5 Mazra Riders (Land Units). Strike with the intention of capturing or killing the leader of Trandar and subduing hostile forces within Trandar. Civilians are to be spared if possible, as they will be given the choice to renounce their demon worship. (Mil)

    2. Raise 1000 Mazra Riders in Telek'kra, to bolster the defences of the Homeland for the coming war. (Mil)

    3. Spread rumours and information regarding Mazara and the nature of our soldiers within Trandar, in the hope that it will produce support for Telek'kra and Mazara within Trandar. (Cur)

    4. Begin to research the nature of the Whispering Wood Swords that have been gathered thus far, and possible ways to recreate such weapons. (Cur)

    5. Gather infidels hiding within Telek'kra, with the use of a voluntary militia. Assemble and execute the infidels, in order to make the 'Blessing of Mazara' the sole religion in Telek'kra.


    The head tender of the Feltan Forest passed away in his sleep, along with his Mazra. Yiran'Gow Hallidan has been selected as the most qualified among the population and has accepted his role.

    Rumours are spreading that the King of Trandar openly worships and pays homage to Braganis himself. The details of such rumours vary greatly, and there is much scepticism of the truth behind such claims.

    A group of Landwalkers passed through Telek'kra in a series of brightly coloured caravans. While they were at first reluctantly accepted into Telek'kra, where they provided 'merriments' and other various entertainments. However, their leader was executed after making light of the power of Mazara on his stage. His body is still on display at the Tul'Ski Temple, and can be seen by those who would make a jest of Mazara's name. The rest of his troop left later that month, towards the lands in the south.

    For ten nights in a row, the moon was not visible from Telek'kra itself. This has been taken as a good omen, that will doubtless lead Telek'kra to victory.

    Military + 1

    Curiosity + 1

    1 Land Unit (Mazra Rider) in Telek'kra
    Last edited by Soommor; 2015-05-27 at 07:42 AM.
    Maker of Plays, King of the Pitch, First Chosen of Mazara, Camel Sniper, Last Remaining Fragment of Bill Shatner's Mind, Agony Incarnate, Not Jesus, Inventor of the Electric Condom, General Disaster, King of Africa and Uganda in Particular, Better than the Rest of Us.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkDM View Post
    Oh you are just a treat.
    A Brutal and Shameless Plug if I ever saw one.

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  8. - Top - End - #1238
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery


    Blazing Temple (N/A)
    Round 32 Round 33 Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    First Brother Rodrigo Bartolomeu
    Diplomacy: 3
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 2
    Faith: 9

    Population: 4,000

    Conflict over Cridan prompts the Blazing Temple to issue a decree that it supports continued Cree administration but if there is to be war that conflict within the region must be avoided at all costs. Rodrigo himself prepares to travel to the malaffected region in the next half of the decade and rituals are prepared there for unknown purposes. Priests in the region organize a peaceful resistance of occupation and invasion of the Temple-theatres of the region.

    In the early morning of a Fall day in 537 the Blazing Comet, portent of a new Blazing Avatar, is spotted streaking through the sky only to shatter in the atmosphere into three distinct trails of fire. Temple scholars set to work trying to figure out the meaning of the sign from the heavens and missives are sent across the world with concentration in lands faithful to the Lord to search for the new Blazing Avatar. Or Avatars... Many scholars speculate Greta being one of the three but the other two and their locations are completely unknown.

    Missionary work continues among the Primarchy turning the growing kingdom into one of the most powerfully devout nations in modern Telluris. In the hopes the the KSM will embrace the religion of its newest vassal missionaries are sent to the KSM capital to speak with the people there of the Lord and His words.

    1.) Convert Under-Sulvan to Lord of Fire Majority TN: 12 Roll: 19 [Faith]
    2.) Convert Valterre to Lord of Fire Minority TN: 10 Roll: 13 [Faith]

    Banished Kingdom of Kelldria (P9, P10, P16, 129)
    Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Gregor Argulus
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 2

    Population: P9 –340,000; P10 – 210,000; P16 – 450,000; 129 – 740,000; 165 -
    Land Armies: P9 –5; P10 – 5; P16 – 0; 129 – 7; 165 - 5

    The Frozen Lands and the unwanted natives there who did not breed with the Kell soldiery are left to their own devices as the Kell send more conquerors to expand east into better lands.

    1.) Complete unified law of the Kell (2/2) [Diplomacy]
    2.) Relinquish P6 to the wild [Diplomacy]
    3.) Raise 1 Land unit in 129 [Military]
    4.) Conquer discovered region [Military]

    Voreal Kingdom (P4, P5, 80, 81, 117)
    Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Pagos Autokratos Bacchus Laad
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 8
    Curiosity: 8
    Faith: 7

    Population: P4 – 489,000; P5 – 430,000; 80 – 940,000; 81 – 1,032,000; 117 – 745,000
    Land Armies: P4 – 5; P5 – 5; 80 – 5; 81 – 10; 117 – 3

    Reinvigorating the Kingdom remains a top priority for the Autokratos. Work continues on the capital and the academy for the practicioners of Frosten Magic, known as Cryomancers in the Kingdom and formerly the Dominion.

    When news of Thadeus Karkanos makes its way to the Kingdom the Autokratos again reinforces the request that the mad priest be put to death immediately if the Kingdom of Ashenia wishes to avoid a similar fate as the Vorealk Kingdom, the Autokratos revealing the mad priest was caught once before and the Kingdom believed itself capable of learning the mad man's techniques but instead were doomed and cursed and he escaped. Ashenia is emphatically encouraged to kill the man and destroy any records of his work before the same happens to them.

    1.) Construct capital of Voreanstople in Issedonia (2/5) [Curiosity]
    2.) Construct Cryomancer Academy in Issedonia (2/5) [Curiosity]
    3.) Construct Trading Post in Kuldran for Gold [Curiosity]
    4.) Construct Trading Post in Kuldran for Iron [Curiosity]

    Trandar (145)
    Round 35 Round 41

    Raeth Tanar VII Aerdoth
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 9
    Faith: 5

    Population: 145 -
    Land Army: 145 - 1

    Rumors filter in of messengers from the south and the Raeth decides to follow up on these messages and make the first international show of the people of Trandar, attending the Seventh Tellurian Games. The Raeth seems shaken by the presence of the nation to their west and eager to secure his nation's safety.

    1.) Continue construction of Trandar Academy of Arts (2/5) [Curiosity]
    2.) Construct Trading Post in Rikorsial for Loquats [Curiosity]
    3.) Defend Trandar from the wanton aggression of their Western neighbors as best as they're able, sending out requests for aid to the world abroad and promising technology and assistance to any who come to their aid.
    1 Mil Unit under 1 Mil Leader

    Kingdom of Kuldran (P6)
    Round 36 Round 37 Round 41

    King Gamok Svinnr
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 7
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 4

    Population: P6 -
    Land Army: P6 - 2

    The Kingdom of Kuldran has reached some economic agreement with the Voreal Kingdom and an exchange of tradeposts occurs. Meanwhile diplomats continue to filter into the neighboring polar region.

    1.) Colonize Region P7 (2/2) [Diplomacy]
    2.) Construct Trading post for X in P5 [Curiosity]
    3.) Construct Trading post for X in 117 [Curiosity]

    Tyranny of New Crima (23A, 94, 95, 97, 98)
    Round 41

    Good Tyrant Sarnai Eats-the-Eyes
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 7
    Faith: 1

    Population: 23 - ;94 - ;95 - 1;97 - 0;98 -
    Land Forces: 23 - 0;94 - 4;95 - 0;97 - 1;98 - 1
    Naval Forces: 23 - 4;94 - 0;95 - 0;97 - 0;98 - 0
    Aerial Forces: 23 - 5;94 - 0;95 - 0;97 - 0;98 - 0
    Aquatic Forces: 23 - 1;94 - 0;95 - 0;97 - 0;98 - 0

    The beginning of the claiming of Cridan by the Caercian Consortium on citation of belief that the Tyrant has displayed negligence and ineptitude prompts the Good Tyrant Sarnai to declare war in defense of the lands bequeathed in agreement with the Consortium. The Tyranny openly reveals itself as a member of the Concordat of Frost and Flame and pleads for assistance from its treaty bound fellows as well as reaching out to Ashenia and the KSM for any aid as well. If it will come remains unclear. The Tyrant himself seems to be coming unhinged under the pressure and pressures for a Vote of No Confidence circle the Tryannical Cabinet.

    1.) Transfer 4 Land units home region out of Cridan into Vantalaan (98) [Military]
    2.) Raise 1 Land unit in Miskaton (97) [Military]
    3.) Raise 1 Land unit in Miskaton (97) [Military]

    An Nádur (N-64A, N-64B, N-69A)

    Ceannin Llyeth
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 10

    Population: Ti-Kathuan (N-69A) - 61,000, Ti-Saethyl (N-64B) - 45,000, Ti-Zal Veroshem (N-69A) - 36,000

    Passive growth:
    Ti-K: 1
    Ti-S: 2
    T-T: 3

    Ti-Kathuan - 5 Land, 1 Aerial
    Ti-Saethyl - 2 Aerial
    Ti-Zal Veroshem - 0

    The An Nádur spread farther afield, growing with bounty and prospering in the temperate climate long enough to grown though they will soon move again as is their way for now they focus on preparing for continuing the long journey ahead.

    1.) Spill into Meiterdon (65B) with a 4th Group TN: 16 Roll: 17 [Diplomacy]
    2.) Raise 1 Land unit Ti Zal Veroshem [Military]
    3.) Raise 1 Land unit in Ti-Zal Veroshem [Military]
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-29 at 03:43 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  9. - Top - End - #1239
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Empire of the Silver Moon
    New Ruler! Cedrik Bordeux II has succeeded his father, who after years of illness has finally left this mortal coil- though some say it was not of his own accord.

    D: 3
    M: 5
    C: 6
    F: 4

    1. Raise 1000 soldiers in Escularan. [Military]
    2. Raise 1000 soldiers in Escularan. [Military]
    3. For too long have the Bordeux's ignored their own prestige! To rule an Empire, one must have a palace. Begin construction of a grand palace in Valterre. [Curiosity][GP][1/5]
    4. Begin production of a state-controlled newspaper. [Curiosity][MP][1/2]
    5. Crown Cedrik Bordeux II as emperor- not Lord, as was the ancient title- of the Silver Moon. [Diplomacy]
    6. Tighten restrictions on private printing enterprises. [Diplomacy?]

    Last edited by Lord_Burch; 2015-05-31 at 12:02 AM.
    Amazing Jaune Arc avatar made by the talented artist Comissar. Thanks a lot!

    Playing as the Kingdom of Gleiss in Empire! 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    A ravenous, numberless horde of immortal, undying goats cursed with unceasing hunger would actually be a very disturbing apocalypse.

  10. - Top - End - #1240
    Ettin in the Playground
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    You lost the game.

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions

    1. Raise one unit in U25.
    2. Raise one unit in U25.
    3. Raise one unit in Maos.
    4. Raise one unit in Maos.
    5. [Diplomacy] Attend the 7th Tellurian Games. Possibly compete? While there trade and make the following sub actions:
    Spoiler: Trades

    Gift the Caramel Kingdom Region 160, with the comfort of knowing it will be under good governance.
    Gift the Kingdom of Serendel Region U21.

    Last edited by SamBurke; 2015-05-25 at 09:08 PM.
    James/TheDoge Avatar by Ceika!


    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

    Homebrew Awards:

    First Place Pathfinder Grab Bags:

  11. - Top - End - #1241
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 42 - U14 Cephalo'Di

    Spoiler: The Fleet.
    536: The news reached the High Lord as he floated near the alcove of his father, the old man’s Lu’Sindra glowing a vibrant red as it always did. The messenger was a slip of a boy, agile and thin with little in the way of unique head features, his two head tentacles bound with a coil of kelp rope behind him. His colors pulsed with his rapid breaths, the light blue glow noticeably brightened the small shrine more than the High Lords own deep red had before. He at least had the respect to wait for the High Lord to finish honoring his dead fathers resting place before speaking.

    ”Something important is afloat or my lady would not have giving you my location. But, this had better be for your sake boy.” His deep cord never wavering as the sound echoed around the chamber. He spoke to the shrine turning to him only at the last few words, his features locked in a mask of authority.

    After fidgeting some the boy produced a rolled up... thing with dyes and markings and colors hard to see in the darkness of the deep sea crypt. ”They call this a map High Lord. That is... some creatures from a large group of surface dweller that passed by the Morla farms yesterday. They called themselves tradesmen. Our mayor said that they had almost fifteen of those large wooden ships. He got this for two bundles of kelp rope. He said you should see it as soon as possible, which is why they sent me.”

    Lachlan took the ‘map’ from the boy and unrolled the exceptionally thin material. Lines and markings paired with strange symbols dotted the map. Much of this was useless to him without translation, but some symbols were quite clear to him, a crude image of his kind, and a dotted path marking the course of the ships. Each time the path took a sharp turn there was a large dot, and he could only assume these were cities. The news was troubling as it looked as if his people were surrounded by these surface dwellers.

    ”You were right to bring this to me. Go and rest, I have much work to do.” As the boy turned and departed leaving him, he gave his father one last honor. Clutching the map lightly he left the crypt departing into the dark ocean. The list of those with a skill for talking surface dweller words was forming in his mind, he needed to know more about these cities and they would be the key to finding out.

    Spoiler: Reviewing the Foundry
    537: Anju Thel’sor floated down the hall as the last touches were worked on by the engravers. His deep red glow easily out matched but the vibrant blues of his two body guards. Being the third spawn of the High Lord a lot of the busy work fell on him. His father and older brother were busy dealing with the returning envoys to the recently discovered nations. His sister had been taken to some large gathering of surface dwellers. His father’s prized project had fallen out of focus of the busy leader.

    If anything young Anju was happy at this chance to show his father how far he had progressed in his diplomatic studies. The great forge had consumed his father’s mind for years, and Anju hoped to report a favorable completion date. Yes even if matters of the wider world had distracted him, Anju knew this project was still dear to his father.

    The guide for this tour was an attractive young lady glowing in a wonderful shade of pink. She was knowledgeable about the details of the project and had been showing him the ins and outs of the forge. “As you can see work on the major traffic halls is complete except for some finer detail work. We expect to turn over the finished project by the end of the year.”

    Returning to the conversation he made an offhand comment to show her he was paying attention, “Amazing the time table allowed for another few years. Your manager must take his commitments to the High Lord seriously.”

    “Oh the entirety of the Sha’Lure guild was honored to have this opportunity. It also helps that the High Lord allowed us first pick of slaves and allowed us to bypass the maximum limit normally placed on a guild of our size.”

    The two guards grew tense as fast as her words came. There spears no longer resting on their hips, but instead held firm in their hands. “You would take such a risk? I hope none of your family have been hurt.”

    “Oh, we have weeded out the truly bad apples over the years. A few executions on those who lash out and rest fall in line. My father has a knack for picking the truly repentant so that lesson is rare.”

    “How many of your slaves have earned their choice from this project?”

    “Three so far and another six with in the month, many more will only need to work on a few more projects.”

    “You can afford to lose that many workers at once? Although I suppose completion of this project will take a load off your resources.”

    “Actually we must release that many, or execute them... The High Lord's exception runs out after we finish here and we will not be able to legally maintain the current number.”

    “I see, well hopefully they will return to the life of a productive worker.”

    He tried hard to not glare at the potential criminal working down the hall, but he knew his guards would not be so disciplined. The foundry looked good and it would serve his father well, as long as none of the slaves made a move on the High Lord's son.

    Spoiler: Freedom Comes to the Deep?
    538: The High Lord floated behind his wife as she stood watching over a third of the population assemble in the field below, her steady sky blue glow illuminating the dark ocean like a beacon of hope in the night. The masses below were mostly freemen. The few nobles in attendance floated slightly higher in the back, most openly scowling already aware of the reason for this gathering.

    He could hardly decline the generous gift the people of the UJR had offered for such a small change. But it would affect the nobles and gilded more than most of his people. But even then it would only help them in the long run; they were just opposed to change. Still why was his wife making the announcement?

    He had bathed Melka’Ruin in blood to remove the Vicca’Roy family from power. Their food bans and pleasure hunts had driven the people to revolt. He could not let his family seem weak by going back on his red washed policy, but she was known as the light of compassion among the freemen. If anything they would see this as her proving her point to her rough husband.

    The guard at the city rim signaled that those that were coming had arrived. And the ocean filled with the strong hum of his wife yelling their announcement.

    “People of the deep! A glorious day is upon us!

    To long has the threat of execution been the rule of law for our people. I have talked long and hard with my husband, and the High Lord has agreed to hear my words.”

    He could see the people below fidget, arguably rule changes like this were historically bad for the majority of the populace. Of course that would also account for why attendance was so poor.

    “Rejoice in the news that the Tier of Slaves is no more! In its place we will form the Tier of Reprobates!

    Execution has been removed from the process, and from now on your life will not be ended by government nor owner!

    As in the old system if you commit food theft, murder, or tier fraud you will go to jail on the first offense. Violent acts will get you a hefty fine on the first count and as before the second count sends you to jail.

    We are extending the minor crime scale, now the first four times you will receive fines then a public flogging on the fifth. On the sixth offense you will be imprisoned. As a reminder minor crimes include theft, fraud, and talk of rebellion."

    The people seemed to be taking the news well so far, perhaps this change was for the best. Or perhaps they were as enthralled by his wife as he was. Either way her speech continued uninterrupted.

    “All prisoners will be put on the listing for the work program as a Reprobate rather than a Slave after being cleared by the warden. All criminals will get a second chance to become hard working citizens. Reprobates can be returned to the prison if they do not work out, but no longer will owners be allowed to execute their workers.

    In addition to these changes we will be increasing the allowed Reprobates for all tiers. Nobles will be allowed five Reprobates per person up from three. Gilded will be allowed two per person up from one. And for the first time, Freemen will be allowed one per family.

    We caution families from taking those guilty of high crimes, but hope this change will allow more Reprobates to eventually enter a successful Freeman trade.”

    Smiles had broken out across the nobles, and even the people seemed to buzz with excitement. It looked like this announcement would go without incident.

    “Thank you all for coming to hear the word of the Thel’sor, may your days be filled with abundance via work!”

    At the conclusion the masses below gave a mighty chorus of cheering voices that could be heard throughout the city, and celebration rang along the streets for days after.

    Mechanics Stuff
    High Lord Lachlan Thel’sor
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 3

    Spoiler: Historical Actions
    1. [Curiosity] Great Project Deep Sea Foundry [1/5]
    2. [Curiosity] Great Project Deep Sea Foundry [2/5]
    3. [Curiosity] Great Project Deep Sea Foundry [3/5]
    4. [Curiosity] Great Project Deep Sea Foundry [4/5]
    5. [Curiosity] Public Schools [1/2]

    Spoiler: Round Actions
    1. [Military] Build Unit Aquatic Light Infantry
    2. [Military] Build Unit Aquatic Light Infantry
    3. [Diplomacy] Attend Seventh Tellurian Games
    4. [Curiosity] Public Schools [2/2]
    5. [Curiosity] Great Project Deep Sea Foundry [5/5]

    Spoiler: Deep Sea Foundry
    The Deep Sea Foundry is a great lava Furnace that is constructed along some of the hottest deep sea vents. The project was started by High Lord Lachlan in an attempt to craft better spears for his troops. However, the higher control of heat has allowed many of the smiths in the area to craft higher quality metal tools and decorations as well.

    Spoiler: Sub-Actions - Seventh Tellurian Games
    Meet with neighboring nations.

    Sign Mutal Defense Pact with UJR, Terms form Cephalo'Di below.
    • Restructure the Tier of Slaves to the Tier of Reprobates.
    • Allow a minority of the Radurjic Religion in Cephalo'Di.
    • Assist in the defense of UJR when possible.
    In return UJR will provide.
    • Assistance in the defense of Cephalo'Di when possible.
    • Technology - to be given after the reformation of the Tier system.
      Spoiler: Techs
      • Advanced Agriculture
      • Appertisation
      • Automata
      • Calculus
      • Clockwork
      • Efficient Building
      • Mysticism Studies
      • Lenses
      • Loaders
      • Magnets
      • Medicine
      • Ocean-faring Ships
      • Patriotism
      • Physics
      • Printing Press
      • Prosthetic Limbs
      • Refigeration
      • Sewage Systems

    Trade Agreement with UJR:
    Gossamer Weave for Needed Import from Nyroth [3] for Anju’Tellurium from Cephalo'Di [U14]
    Stone from Grizzland [30] for Lu'Sindra Mushrooms from Cephalo'Di [U14]
    Vegetables from Genivana [9] for Chorda Kelp from Cephalo'Di [U14]

    With the backing of Hurosha and Praeclarus, Accept the chance to join PADL:
    Spoiler: PADL
    Members of PADL agree to the following:

    - Nonagression amongst intelligent beings living below the sea
    - All avenues of diplomatic and peaceful exchanges between members of PADL must be attempted before any formal dissolution of membership from this League are considered
    - Members agree to discuss the sharing of resources and technologies, as they exist or are developed, for the benefit of undersea exploration and retaining control of the sanctity and safety of the sea
    - In the event of a dispute of ownership of certain areas of the sea, members will resolve the conflict peacefully
    - Members will defend the ocean against any intruders that mean it harm
    - Confirmed international pirates will be treated as invaders that would mean the ocean harm
    - Members of PADL agree to allow the exchange of students between schools, such as the diplomatic college, Uncle Sky's School for Surface Walkers
    - Where politically possible, members of PADL will assist each other in other diplomatic ventures

    Current Members:
    - Praeclarus
    - Hurosha

    Trade Agreement with Praeclarus:
    Lignum Aqua from Vagas Littus [U32] for Anju’Tellurium from Cephalo'Di [U14]
    Sea Wurms from Palitanate of Myrwik [U34] for Chorda Kelp from Cephalo'Di [U14]

    Gratefully accept the following gift of Underwater Heavy Calvary tech from Praeclarus.

    Trade Agreement with Hurosha:
    Dearg Sreang from Cuan [U11] for Anju’Tellurium from Cephalo'Di [U14]

    Spoiler: Non-actions
    Send envoys to nearby regions. (U13, U16, 9, 10, 30)

    Spoiler: Expected Stat Changes
    [Curiosity]: +3
    [Military]: +1
    [Luck]: +.5
    Last edited by Dracolon; 2015-05-30 at 12:43 AM.

    Dracolon doesn't know where the door is....
    Gengy you're pretty awesome, thanks for the avatar!

  12. - Top - End - #1242
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Alzeroth Collective, Lesser Vassal to the Hurosha Empire (139A, 139B)

    Grand Minister Jirwalis Rimbur
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 2

    Population: 139A – 840,000; 139B -
    Land Army: 139A – 8; 139B - 3+1
    Aerial Army: 139A – 1

    1.) (Diplomacy) Continue Colonizing region "Under Bastet" (142B) 2/2 Roll TN=14 (Got a 22, didn't realize it was unnecessary to use half of your diplomacy; so I've changed it to reflect the full amount.)
    2.) (Military) Build Land Unit in 139B [Alzerian Knight]
    3.) (Religion) Start Constructing temples of Ashmarism in Alzeroth (1/2)
    4.) (Curiosity) Construct Sewer System in Alzeroth (1/2)
    5.) (Diplomacy) Attend the Terruian Games
    -Accept the Fera-Hurosha Treaty

    New Player Bonus Actions!

    6.) (Religion) Continue constructing temples of Ashmarism in Alzeroth (2/2)
    7.) (Curiosity) Continue Building Sewer System in Alzeroth (2/2)
    8.) (Military) Build Land Unit in in 139B and send it to 142B
    9.) (Curiosity) Start Building "The Great Adamantine Mine" In Hribonga (139B) 1/5
    10.) (Curiosity) Continue Building "The Great Adamantine Mine" In Hribonga (139B) 2/5

    Spoiler: Fluff

    Continuing with their previous expansion to region 139B, they hope to be the first (and only) group adding these new people to their cause.

    Having adopted a religion has far reaching affects in Alzeroth, with even the Grand Minister taking to the new religion known as "Ashmarism," because of this, new temples are being constructed to honor it and help solidify it's position in The Collective.

    A new sewer system has been introduced to the region, as The Collective attempts to keep up with the surrounding nations in terms of sanitation and science.

    People say there isn't all that much in Hribonga, but really there just isn't that much variety. In truth, there is a lot of one thing. Adamantine. Hoping the make the most of this precious resource, The Collective has started constructing a large an enormous mine! Not only will this new hallowed out area mean more space to build homes, but the metal that comes with it is known to be quite valuable, and could provide a large boost to the economy. They hope to become one of the central traders of Adamantine on the world/continent.

    Spoiler: Expected Stat Changes

    Diplomacy +1
    Military +1
    Curiosity +2
    Religion +1
    Last edited by Zayuz; 2015-05-30 at 01:42 PM.
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

  13. - Top - End - #1243
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Election of the Grand Duke

    Frederick had served the Grand Duchy well, and it was a sad day across the lands when news of his death rang out. He was not an incredibly old man, but he had lived a hard life, having fought in the war in his youth and having been subsequently selected to succeed his aunt Maria in leading the people. It had weighed heavy on him and without a wife or children to invest in it seemed the strain had grown to be too much. So it was the fifteen Duke Electors met in the sacred halls of Grove City to discuss and vote for the next Grand Duke or Duchess of the united Pavonians, Burratans, and Jaegers. Seven of the fifteen electors were pure blooded Pavonian houses included among them the duplicitous and deceptive House Markov, the practitioners of Formor blood magic and source of the Pavonian vampire population as well as the catalysts for the war waged on their lands some years prior. So too was House Wulfendyne-Gryker composed of a proud line of werewolves, easily identifiable by their runic tattoos running up and down their face and body. House Wulfendyne, the uniters themselves, were represented by the eldest Wulfendyne, too old to qualify for the position of Grand Duke but still retaining position as head of the Wulfendyne clan.

    Mingling among the Pavonian Houses were the five lines of Granqueso's of Frios, most outstanding among them the finely dressed and well groomed matriarch of the Ramirez line, Claudia Maria Ramirez. Even as the electors were meeting as equals her fellow Granqueso's deferred to her presence and humbled themselves before her and her young eight year old daughter, Gabriela Teresa Ramirez, a handsome young woman with deep chocolate eyes and smooth dark skin the envy of many other girls who had seen her.

    Standing off to the side from the humans of Pavonia and Frios were the Jaegers, though the Jaeger houses of Pavonia mingled more than their southern cousins led by their Herzog. All easily a head taller than their fellows they seemed to make a concentrated effort to refrain from large gesticulations or quick movement so as to not intimidate their fellows.

    At last the Hour of Unification came and the Duke Electors parted themselves from their retinues and withdrew to an inner council chamber. Though the process of Grand Duke election had been phased out under the Pavonian Imperium with the decline of the line of Wulfendyne the power had swung back and the forgotten passages of the Pavonian Constitution were asserted to grant the nobles a say in their Grand Duke. The deliberations went on for hours behind closed doors but on the evening of the first day the electors emerged with a result. With 9 for and 6 against Benfu Caercia, brother of the Caercian King and husband of Frederick's niece was chosen.

    Rumor and hearsay persisted throughout the land of what compromises or deals had been struck to elect the foreign blood of Caercia as Grand Duke with some even going so far as to say dark Formor magic had been involved, though everyone knew the Markov's had voted against Benfu's appointment. For the more politically astute and watchers of current affairs the ploy was an obvious move. Promise, taken by the Caercians, was being returned to Pavonian hands now that the election of the King's brother had been successful and the King of the Consortium had overturned his support for the Treaty of Deeptree allowing Pavonia the opportunity to strike against the Cree Tyranny without fear of retribution from their liege. When the marriage of Benfu and his Wulfendyne wife's son to Gabriela Ramirez was announced the pieces all fell into place on how the Caercian influence had managed to push itself through court and it was known clearly who the next Grand Duke, or rather Duchess, after Benfu would be.

    Spoiler: New Player Actions

    • Raise 3 Ducal Circles (Land Units) in Pavonia M
    • Expand Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Pavonia (3/5) (4/5) D

    Spoiler: Round 42 Actions

    • Attend the Tellurian Games D
    • Raise 1 Ducal Circle (Land Unit) in Pavonia M
    • Stabilize Frios with a special action D
    • Claim the Thousand Vales from the Cree Tyranny with the blessing of the Caercian Consortium (Using Morph Bark's Diplomacy score) Roll: 19 claimed in one round D
    • Stabilize Pavonia with a special action D

      While at the Tellurian Games
      • Accept the region of Promise from the Caercian Consortium

    Spoiler: New Ruler

    Spoiler: Stat Changes from this Round

    +3 Diplomacy
    +2 Military

  14. - Top - End - #1244
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery


    Warriors of Syivine, Lesser Vassal to the Kingdom of Ashenia (N45, NP8)
    Round 30 Round 31 Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Angayak Aujac
    Diplomacy: 7
    Military: 3
    Curiosity: 2
    Faith: 8

    Population: YH - 46,000; YF - 43,000
    Land Army: YH - 9,000; YF – 2,000

    The Ash Kingdom has been targeted by the Kingdom of Ashenia for conversion and the Warriors are eager to spread the faith by icy word or sword should it come to it. Niskovia is considered an ally of Ashenia for unfortunate reasons of proselytizing and by extension Maur had been protected too, but now as a vassal to the hated Tzaltec Empire the Warriors areno longer constrained by their liege's wise temperance of moderation and eagerly make pilgrimages out to the lands of Maur, spreading the word of Yphinne and daring the Ash Kingdom to oppose them.

    Passive Recruitment: YH: 4; YF: 1

    1.) Convert Pomequi to Doctrine of the Frost Majority TN: 12 Roll: 16 [Faith]
    2.) Convert Denarri to Doctrine of the Frost Majority TN: 12 Roll: 13 [Faith]
    3.) Raise 1 Land Unit in YF [Military]

    Kingdom of Stolok, Lesser Vassal to the Glazfell Hegemony (108, 109, 119)
    Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    King Gideon of Stolok
    Diplomacy: 8
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 5

    Population: 108 - 933,000; 109 - 1,020,000; 119 - 689,000; 82 -
    Land Forces: 108 - 8; 109 - 2; 119 - 2; 82 - 3
    Aerial Forces: 82 - 1

    Small but powerful the Kingdom of Stolok continues to grow stronger and more united as King Gideon and the Queen Mhaki have become sensations throughout Planinfrag, Anavia, Haiwaste, and the land taken to be understood as Sheia in the western tongue. The aging royal couple announces their intent to travel to the Tellurian Games in Fera and a host of volunteers pour out in support and preparation to make the journey.

    1.) Raise 1 Unit in Anavia (109) [Military]
    2.) Complete the Story-Teller's Circle (5/5) [Diplomacy]
    3.) Attend Tellurian Games [Diplomacy]

    Niemida Prefecture, Lesser Vassal to the Salterri Imperium (88, 89)
    Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    New Ruler: Prefect Pinna Grant-Tremblor Shinwa
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 2

    Population: 88 – 1,040,000; 89 – 770,000
    Land Army: 88 - 6; 89 - 2
    Navy: 88 - 3; 89 - 3

    With the Dappled Sea now connected to the Red Canal through land controlled by the Prefecture and agreed to support Caramel naval operations the Prefecture sits on an important economic and military position. With news coming in from the east of an invasion of the small nation of Trandar the Prefect decides to poke at the Sharix to see where their eyes are falling and construction of Niemida trading posts begin in Sharixian land.

    1.) Raise 1 Land Unit in Niemidaland (88) [Military]
    2.) Construct Lemons Trading Post in Valasharix [Curiosity]
    3.) Construct Yaks Trading Post in Maisel [Curiosity]

    Kingdom of Novrania, Lesser Vassal to Seaborne Confederation and the Salterri Imeprium (131, 154)
    Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    King Corvus II
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 3
    Faith: 5

    Population: 131 – 730,000; 154 – 750,000
    Land Armies: 131 – 3; 154 - 4
    Navy: 131 - 3; 154 - 1

    With Caercian support now deployed the forces of Novrania move to conquer the lands of Darsia and reclaim the land of Mapuilli as part of the Salterri Imperium, though this time under a different Prefect, the King of Novrania.

    1.) WAR Send 7 Land Units (3 Transported by Navy from Novrania) into Darsia to begin conquest of the region with Caercian assistance led by King Corvus II [Military]
    2.) Raise 1 Land Unit in Novrania [Military]
    3.) Colonize Mapuilli TN: 14 Roll: 15 (Ultimate Liege Substitution) [Diplomacy]

    Coalition of the Abyssian Sea, Greater Vassal to Sobrida (U1, U4, U6)
    Round 30 Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    He Who Guides the People, Murudu
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 6
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 1

    He Who Guides the People, Jerintigo
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 2

    Population: U1 – 967,000; U2 - ??; U4 – 222,000; U6 - 530,000
    Aquatic Armies: U1 - 2; U2 - 2; U4 - 2; U6 - 1

    Murudu, like his predecessor, is sucked into an undercurrent and leaves the position of leader open to claiming. A Nix from the Savage Reaches claims the title and sets to work guiding the now united Nix in attempted attempts at further expansion and continued presence among the international word.

    1.) Colonize U7 TN: 18 Roll: 16 [Diplomacy]
    2.) Attend Tellurian Games [Diplomacy]
    3.) Raise 1 Aquatic Unit in U6 [Military]
    4.) Raise 1 Aquatic Unit in U2 [Military]

    Kingdom of North Lyradis, Lesser Vassal of the Empire of Dawn (13A, 19)
    Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Lord Lucas Serendel
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 9
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 2

    Population: 13A - 1,483,000; 19 - 1,344,000
    Land Forces: 13A - 3; 19 - 1
    Naval Forces: 13A - 1; 19 - 3
    Aerial Forces: 13A - 3; 19 - 0

    The Empire of Dawn grows mighty with the joining of the Faedas Freehold and the Razdissi but its strength must be maintained with potential threats all around.

    1.) Raise 1 Land Unit in Lyradis [Military]
    2.) Raise 1 Aerial Unit in Lyradis [Military]
    3.) Raise 1 Naval Unit in Domhan Abhaile [Military]

    METAL, Greater Vassal to the Tzaltec Empire (100, 103, 105, 107)
    Round 33 Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Megadeth Urindak Stormskull
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 10
    Curiosity: 1
    Faith: 10

    Megadeth Grebthar Ironarm
    Diplomacy: 1
    Military: 1
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 4

    Population: 100 - 890,000; 103 - 600,00; 105 – 1,500,000; 107 – 500,000
    Land Armies: 100 - 4; 103 - 4; 105 - 5; 107 – 3

    Infused with the might of the Dragon the blessing laid upon Stormskull by the previous Megadeth that had granted him such long life and power is driven from him as the fire of the dragon consumes him in a blessed apotheosis. Witnesses claim to have seen the Great Dragon Tzeltuelp himself appear in the sky in a fiery visage at the passing of the acclaimed Megadeth and to have breathed fire that found its way to the Megadeth's son, Senuda and infused the Dragon Blooded Saroc with an intense and burning power and passion. Still only fourteen the young boy defers to his "uncle" Grebthar Ironarm to challenge the Khabosses for the title of Megadeth but vows to take the title when he is ready. Grebthar, whose daughter is betrothed to the impassioned child of Urindak, agrees to meet Senuda in the Thumping Plains to face him for the title of Megadeth when the boy is ready to challenge him, Grebthar himself old and wishing to die in competition with the son of Urindak than in some undignified death while reigning over the Alliance.

    Desiring to reinforce the Alliance and the mighty Empire Grebthar grants Khaboss titles to important Saroc and even a few Kha titles to Monto in West Kap to allow them easier recruitment into war bands bound to their Megadeth.

    1.) Bless Senuda Stormskull (Faith 10) [Faith]
    2.) Convert Valasharix to Tzeltulep Minority TN: 10 Roll: 14 [Faith]
    3.) Raise 1 Land Unit in the Thumping Plains (100) [Military]
    4.) Raise 1 Land Unit in West Kap (107) [Military]

    Ahmeskharras, Lesser Vassal to METAL and the Tzaltec Empire (83A, 83B)
    Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Megadeth Khaboss Ahmes of Tzalteclan
    Diplomacy: 7
    Military: 5
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 6

    Population: 83A - 540,000; 83B - ; 107B -
    Land Armies: 83A – 5; 83B - 0; 107B -

    Expansion of Ahmeskharras continues beneath the surface and efforts are made to strengthen ties within the Empire and with foreign powers through trade agreements at the Tellurian Games.

    1.) Colonize 105B TN: 16 Roll: 18 (Liege Substitution) [Diplomacy]
    2.) Attend Tellurian Games [Diplomacy]

    • Trade Ahmekharras (83A) Shaping Wood for Silk with the Kingdom of the Isles

    3.) Convert Triwilix to Tzeltulep Minority TN: 10 Roll: 11 [Faith]

    Sulvan's Primarchy, Lesser Vassal to the Empire of the Silver Moon (21A, 21B, 20A, 20B)
    Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Primarch Razkai Son of Freki
    Diplomacy: 9
    Military: 8
    Curiosity: 2
    Faith: 2

    Population: 21A - 1,126,000; 21B – 50,000; 20A - ; 20B -
    Land Army: 21A - 9; 21B – 1; 20A - 0; 20B - 1

    Letters are issued throughout Bordeux, Undersulvan, and Archos in 540 requesting the attendance of local lords to be made available in Sulvan's Fury for a momentous occasion to occur in 2 years time and to review and revise a proposed constitution that will unite the four regions under the Primarchy and Alicean Law. Meanwhile the Primarchy attends the Games to ensure all international trades are in proper order and work begins internally to rebuild the armies of Bordeux long ago crippled by the Balefrog and never fully recovering.

    1.) Raise 1 Land Unit in Bordeux (20A) [Military]
    2.) Attend Tellurian Games [Diplomacy]
    3.) Complete the Alicean Law Code (5/5) [Diplomacy]

    Razdis, Lesser Vassal to the Faedas Freehold (13B, 14B)
    Round 33 Round 34 Round 35 Round 36 Round 37 Round 38 Round 39 Round 40 Round 41

    Mormaer Alikai
    Diplomacy: 3
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 6

    Population: 13B - 659,000; 14B - 776,000
    Land Armies: 13B - 4; 14B - 4

    With the disturbances in the Freehold concerning the undernation's liege state the Mormaer orders legions raised to provide security to the realm beneath. When news reaches the dwarves of their liege's vassalage to the Empire of Dawn it is met with much joy. Now old and new allies are united under one banner! The Call of the Mother may spread and the ideals of Lyradis and Razdis may reconcile and provide much good for this new empire!

    1.) Raise 1 Land unit in Elbaraz [Military]
    2.) Raise 1 Land Unit in Razdis [Military]
    3.) Raise 1 Land Unit in Razdis [Military]

    Kingdom of Faelthalas, Lesser Vassal to the Caercian Consortium and the Salterri Imperium (99)
    Round 36 Round 37 Round 41

    King Trius Pyrrhanal III
    Diplomacy: 9
    Military: 6
    Curiosity: 6
    Faith: 2

    Population: 99 -
    Land Army: 99 - 5

    1.) Raise 1 Land Unit [Military]
    2.) Colonize Region 151 (2/2) [Diplomacy]
    3.) Colonize Region 152 TN: 10 Roll: [Diplomacy]
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-31 at 07:25 AM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  15. - Top - End - #1245
    Bugbear in the Playground
    WaylanderX's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Both Tide and Fate are Turning

    1. Attend Tellurian Games (Dip)
    • Accept The Feran-Huroshan Treaty (The Seki Treaty). Trade Shintouite from Kasumor and Shintouite Technology for Zjörnu Bruka from Neo Scandza and a future tech.
    • Offer trade with Cephalo’Di for Dearg Sreang from Cuan for Anju’Tellurium.
    • Gift Alzeroth and Calorum Shintouite Crafting, Adamantine Crafting, Blackpowder, Loaders Tech, Magnets, Medicine, Printing Press.
    • Betrothe Janina of Shikurai to Zoran Alkaev-Nisakovich of Niskovia.
    • Trade Basilisks and Venom from Hrathan-Tour for Blowstars from The Abyss of Corraich. Also accept Mysticism Studies tech, in accordance with the Shintouite deal.
    • Grďend Pwning everything as usual.

    2. After centuries of quietness, Shikurai shows it's true collors. A large percentage of the population is an expert on the Scrolls of Prowess and has the means to use them! Over the decenia, large amount of Shikurai people have trained at the Academy and honed their Prowess to the extreme. Now these socalled Experts of the Scrolls show themselves and pledge eternal loyalty to the Hurosha Empire! Introduce Resource in Shikurai: Martial Adepts (Cur 5)

    3. Stabilize Pryonia. (Dip 5)

    4. Help building "The Great Adamantine Mine" In Hribonga (139B) (+1 GP, Cur)

    5. Raise one unit of Mushi Heishi (Aerial unit) in Kasumor. (Mil)

    6. Raise one unit of Mushi Heishi (Aerial unit) in Kasumor. (Mil)
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2015-05-30 at 11:38 AM.
    A swordmaster never backs off, I'll cut you to ribbons with my almighty sabre! CHAOS DANCE!!

    Nyllana OotS Avatar by Lord FullBladder, Master of Goblins!

    Nothing to see here
    My Extended Homebrew Sig!

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    People willing to provide feedback are appreciated

  16. - Top - End - #1246
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Fluff goes to here!
    A swordmaster never backs off, I'll cut you to ribbons with my almighty sabre! CHAOS DANCE!!

    Nyllana OotS Avatar by Lord FullBladder, Master of Goblins!

    Nothing to see here
    My Extended Homebrew Sig!

    Currently writing a fantasy novel: The Dawn of Life!
    People willing to provide feedback are appreciated

  17. - Top - End - #1247
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    The Salterri Imperium
    536-540 CC, 1086-1090 Salterri Calendar

    ~ Derp

    1. [Curiosity 10] Introduce tech. Yay.
      Prerequisites: Logistics [tech]; Miner Durirus [resource]
      Effects: Military land units can tunnel underground to bypass 1 region with troops in them.
    2. [Diplomacy] Return Hansa Alabasa, her husband Li Cassius Wen Toranath and their children, to the Heartwaste. A full Imperial retinue rides with them for their protection and prestige. Should it be permitted, by the grace of Queen Loris Varinel, the Qzare sends along a dozen mentors from the Imperial Court, who have taught the children during their stay at the palace in Aus-Teire. It is his wish that they may become learned in the ways of governance taught in both the ways of Faedas and the ways of the Salterri.
    3. [Military] Raise one land unit in Bor-Teire.
    4. [Military] Raise one land unit in Bor-Teire.
    5. [Military] Raise aerial land unit in Bor-Teire.
    6. [Military] Raise aerial land unit in Bor-Teire.

    Next round, Li Aarne Krii Valkoinen takes to the Silver Throne. [rolls]

    News & Rumours
    Li Aethelflaed di Tar perishes during the celebrations of the New Year as 1086 approaches. Her old age has taken her, and she joins the Mother's embrace.

    A ship headed for the Seventh Tellurian Games in Fera sinks in a storm that rages upon the Hundred Seas. Several members of the Imperial House of Li perish.

    Some say Li Ensio Lius Timanpaholainen practices Tzaltec blood magic in the privacy of his chambers, or even the privacy of the dark alleys of Xianzhi Urbe.

    Queen Areta and King Uialben of the Kingdom of the Isles are called to Salcaster and named the Wardens of the Dappled Sea.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-05-31 at 07:37 AM.
    Homebrewer's Signature | Avatar by Strawberries

  18. - Top - End - #1248
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Cantroths actions

    1) curiosity 5 action. Improve platinum to great resource curiosity
    2) start work on good roads (1/2) curiosity
    3) start work on great temple of Ovidions (1/5) faith
    4) continue work on temple (2/5) faith
    5) continue work on temple (3/5) faith

    new player actions
    1) continue work on temple (4/5) faith
    2) raise ground unit military
    3) raise ground unit military
    4) finish work on good roads (2/2) curiosity
    5) start work on great university (1/5) curiosity

    expected stat boosts
    faith+2 military+1 curiosity+2

    Last edited by woolli264; 2015-06-02 at 07:02 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #1249
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Spoiler: Actions
    • [Military] Raise 1 unit of Navy in Ziben Yong/New Celero.
    • [Diplomacy] Assist in the fortifying of the passes into Discordia. [3/5]
    • [Diplomacy] Assist in the construction of Mount Gromm Stadium. [4/5]
    • [Diplomacy] Assist in the construction of the Puerto Melizine [4/5]
    • [Diplomacy] Assist in the construction of the Frost Troll settlement, Silvermire, in the Coldwell. [3/5]
    Last edited by Logic; 2015-05-30 at 03:23 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by bosssmiley View Post
    You altruistic weirdo you!
    Discord: Spacecamp-Logic-Yako
    Former Avatar by Ceika, which I have long since lost a copy of.

  20. - Top - End - #1250
    Ettin in the Playground
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    An Abyssal Tower

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Stat increases from last round: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Faith

    Spoiler: Actions
    1: With Hartigan Borealis, or Thaddeus Karkanos, in custody the question arises as to what to do with him. The Voreal Kingdom's request that he be executed immediately is taken into consideration, but rejected in favour of a full interrogation under the influence of Somnorum. Representatives from the Holy States are invited to be witness to the proceedings should they wish to. Roll: 15 [Curiosity]

    2: While the interrogation is under way, Heartgouger's Tower is subject to a full search, primarily for the stolen texts, but also for any other items of interest as well as the remains of victims. Roll: 21 [Curiosity]

    Concerned at the state of the military, the new monarch, Hazael IV, expands the army by encouraging recruitment and offering incentives to local governing bodies to get men to enlist.
    3: Raise 1000 troops in Ashenia. [Military]
    4: Raise 1000 troops in Hazaria. [Military]

    5: A representative is sent to the games in order to conduct negotiations with foreign diplomats. [Diplomacy]
    -Accept Interprovincial Trade from the UJR.
    -Gift Pitch and Advanced Horse Riding to Niskovia as payment for services rendered.

    6: Concerned at the actions of the Tyrant, the King calls for Sarnai to explain their apparent alliance with Tzalteclan, a state clearly diametrically opposed to Crima's own anti-slavery philosophy.
    Simultaneously, he calls for the Tyrannical Assembly (or whatever they're called) to review Sarnai's leadership, suggesting that perhaps his recent actions show the need for a replacement. [Diplomacy]

    The Queen is dead! Long live the King!
    Idrisa Toranath III succumbed to the rigours of age shortly after returning to Adrakand for the final time. She is succeeded by her only child, Hazael Toranath IV.

    Last edited by Elemental; 2015-05-30 at 11:40 PM.
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  21. - Top - End - #1251
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    The necropolis was a place of darkness and shadow, a place most peoples of the world would fear. Not so for the inhabitants of Kemuliaan, not those who had known nought but the seething hatred of the sun for so many long centuries. To them, the darkness, with all it’s horror, it’s kindness and it’s mystery, was a source of great comfort. A reprieve, however temporary, from the blinding lights of the sun.

    Little wonder then, that, somewhere, in their long, storied history, that they began to worship that which dwelled within the darkness. Calling out to idols carved to resemble the creatures that made the darkness their home. Not uncommon in the grand scheme of things perhaps, or even unexpected when one observed their culture closely. What no one expected was for the creatures in the darkness to respond to their calls.

    More then a hundred voices raised in song, dancing to the tune of Grandfather Thirst…..a great...hulking beast. A spider-shaped hole in reality…

    A sense of great, ageless hunger...hunger for life, blood, the need to feed….it was natural for a family such as hers to embrace such a god. What was wealth but food of another sort?

    Contracts made in struck in the darkness were at long last coming due...

    The ritual...the parts of it she was able to remember had changed her. And changed her family. They were not dead...nor living. Undead too, was not the proper term, for their status could not be compared to that of the august mummies. Their bodies did not rot, but…. Rekiua ran her fingers of her carefully, noting the snakelike fangs for the thousandeth time. The mirror reflected black eyes, that would have seemed more at home upon a demon than a human…

    One could not rightly call them living anymore.

    Voices chanting in the darkness, tendrils of silky shadow reaching out to embrace them, as the children of the Grandfather danced upon their many legs, screaming out in tones unnatural for any beast or man…

    Her son holding his lover close, the two men torn between terror and elation as the blessings of the Grandfather wormed it’s way into their bodies.

    That same blessing reaching her, black shadows that covered her whole….reached within her spirit…

    Kemuliaan was a city of secrets. What was one more? The Red Pharaoh was a wise man. Wiser than most.

    The child spoke. “And time marches on, to a drum not set by gods or man. The world changes and turns….and burns as it is wont to do. We shall endure. But can we grow as well? You will answer this question for me I suspect.

    Do not disappoint me ….”

    Vizier Rekiua Al-Jeezra held a hand to her throat and blinked. One must not dwell upon the consequences of failure. Or upon the price one paid for success. There was work to be done…first, diplomacy. Honeyed words and fine wines to keep the world at bay.

    One could hardly gather wealth by force after all. One had to play the game. And play it well. Wars were messy.

    Bad for business.


    1 Continue colonization of region under Bastet
    2 Continue colonization of region under Kemuliaan.
    3 Invest in diplomatic scriptures and treatises from other nations (dip)
    4 Begin hiring any freewheeling diplomats to continue training of Kemuliaan’s budding diplomatic corps (dip)
    5 Educate current diplomats in the ways of other lands-so they might better deconstruct the fellow at the other end of the table (dip)

  22. - Top - End - #1252
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    End of Round Forty-Two

    Any edits to actions in posts edited after the time of posting this one are considered not valid. (Excepting the OP, of course.)


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  23. - Top - End - #1253
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round Forty-Three: Begin!
    Years 541-545 of the Common Calendar

    Rolls: 1 2 3

    Don’t forget to link to any rolls you make for ANY Attribute checks, plus rolls for rulers you will start using at the start of next round. If you want a new ruler in the next round, you must state so in your action post for this round and link to their rolls. Any increases from actions for this round are counted for the ruler you start your next round with (because it’s handier to account for by the co-GM), which may or may not be your current ruler.

    Good luck!

    Rules Changes!


    The Kingdom of the Isles emerges as a Great Kingdom in the south!

    The Faedas Freehold, along with its lesser vassal of Razdis, pledge to the Empire of Dawn!

    P16 is released from Kell control and becomed unclaimed!

    The An Nadur grow once more becoming the largest nomad group in Telluris! (Dunfel height not withstanding)

    Region 160 passes from the hands of Guilder to the care of the Kingdom Caramel!

    Region U21 passes from the hands of Guilder to the stewardship of the Kingdom of Serendel!

    Promise passes from the hands of the Caercian Consortium to the Grand Duchy of Pavonia!


    [538] UJR and Feran investigators cut into the corpse of the Daughter of the Watcher to uncover the workings of the strange and foreign creature. Despite careful procedures and intimate Feran medical knowledge none of the surgeons or researchers can understand what they are looking at, the task made even more difficult as the unidentifiable organs dry up and disintegrate upon contact with the air. From what brief observations could be glimpsed a few of the researchers hypothesize that the creature in some way converts the residual thought energy of mortals into a source of food, noting some similarities in what could only be the creature's brain with patterns of brain alteration in long-time Osuro users. Where the creature came from, its purpose, or its makeup remains unknown and completely alien to the researchers.

    [540] UJR investigators sail out to the Hundred Seas to investigate the rumors of a new Dread Fleet. What they find is something strange. The Fellows find a massive fleet, equal or greater to the reported size of the Dreadfleet, but as they approach the foggy mass of ships they are hailed and invited aboard the flagship Justice. Once aboard the ship, crewed by a demure and quiet crew, they are introduced to the Captain-Admiral Jean Luc la Serre, famous and in some circles infamous, Baron of the KSM who personally killed Captain Dreadlove. The investigators report the Captain-Admiral is a massive man, much larger than any members of the KSM except perhaps the giants of Errelose, with a missing leg and eye patched by a prosthesis and a patch respectively.

    The Captain-Admiral gives the investigators a tour of the ship, explaining it was personally commissioned by him in Malkavan and has been his flagship as he gathers his Judge Fleet for the past few decades. The Judge Fleet, he explains, will ensure safety upon the high seas and that only the rightful execution of justice shall be permitted to occur by the navies of nations upon it. For now he is limiting operations to the Hundred Seas, noting his recent excursion against the invasive and aggressive Novranians who sought to carry out an unjust attack on the nation of Darsia, though he has plans to expand into the Sea of the Golden Sun in time and is quite glad the UJR have made an appearance so that he might begin speaking to them about allowing his fleet full access to move through the Grand Canal to ensure just operations in the Lyrian and Dappled Seas as well.

    The Captain-Admiral is courteous for the whole stay of the investigators stay but when it comes time for them to depart he insists the make a crew exchange. One of the investigators to stay behind in exchange for one of la Serre's crew returning to the UJR to ensure continued good relations between the fleet and the Radurjics who were accosted by the Dread Fleet those many years ago. Though reluctant the investigators agree and leave behind Khari Mutombo, a senior member of the Fellows, taking along Parst Stormclaw, the Captain-Admiral's first mate in their return to the UJR mainland.

    [541] Ashenian interrogators elect to pressure Hartigan Borealis to reveal his secrets under the effects of Somnorum but the madness of the Ice Wizard runs deep and the Hartigan impersonator manages to use the spoon used to force feed him the Somnorum to disembowel himself cackling madly as his blue-black and odious blood spills out on the boots of the interrogators, making them sick to their stomach as the twisted Frosten succumbs to death.

    [541] The Ashenians pour through Heartgouger Tower searching for secrets kept by the mad ice wizard and find more than they had bargained for. Though ready to find possible bodies even the most stalwart investigator was forced to turn away upon uncovering a secret room in the Tower's dungeon containing the rotting and putrid remains of man and beast fused and frozen together with black ice and puddles of water and ooze staining the floor through. Eventually the Ashenian investigators manage to push through and discover the texts of the Ice Mage which includes detailed instructions between maddened rambling praising the Frozen Lady as the divine judge of the unworthy of how to create Ice Golems. According to the texts the technique was taught to Hartigan by his mentor in the Voreal Kingdom and involves the sacrifice of flesh to the glorious Yphinne and infusing the life into frozen constructs made to serve the creator. The constructs retain the knowledge of the souls used to infuse them and for this reason Hartigan expounds upon the need to turn trained soldiers into these frozen constructs to make useful defenders. (Technology recovered: Ice Golems: 1 Military Unit killed to convert to 1 Golem Unit (Faith action). Requires: True Ice for the Golem Body. Golem Units count as 2 units while taking up 1 Unit Slot. Golem Units cannot use technologies. Golem Units are killed last when calculating unit loss)

    [543] The strange book found in Kaspiykiya is brought to Niskovia for in depth study at the capital. Local scholars and experts in linguistics manage to translate the Radurjic on the front into what approximates as The Bale. The Head Master of the Academy of Advanced Learning takes on reading and translating the pages as a personal project and the book is forgotten about by the lesser academics. Concern is raised among friends and family of the Head Master however as the man begins spending more and more time locked away in his study with the book, letting no one else look at it or his work. His appetite has also changed, desiring only fresh meat for consumption and flying into a rage if denied it. His family doesn't know what to do.


    The Kingdom of Faelthalas completes colonization of Region 151 [Colonization 2/2]

    The Kingdom of Kuldran completes colonization of Region P7 [Colonization 2/2]

    The Alzeroth Collective completes colonization of 142B beating out the Kemuliaan colonists! [Colonization 2/2]

    Kemuliaan completes colonization of Region 141B! [Colonization 2/2]

    The Kingdom of Faelthalas begins colonization of Region 152 [Colonization 1/2]

    The Regnum of Praeclarus begins colonization of Region U18 [Colonization 1/2]

    Fer begins colonization of Region 76B [Colonization 1/2]

    Novrania begins colonization of Mapuilli (157) [Colonization 1/2]

    Ahmeskharras begins colonization of Region 105B [Colonization 1/2]


    The Caercian Consortium fully returns Cridan/Cas-Teire to the fold of the Consortium!

    The Grand Duchy of Pavonia claims the Thousand Vales back fully from the Cree Tyranny!

    The Kingdom of the Carmine Sea successfully gains the Thalmann Legacy as a vassal to Sobrida!


    Sanglea now contains a Children of Kina Majority!

    Maur now contains a Tzeltulep Minority!

    Jaote now contains a Tzeltulep Minority!

    Symphony now contains a Ramhsa Minority!

    The Chosen of Inyannya emerges as an organized religion in Bastet creating a Majority in the region and a Minority in the Land of Free Knights, Dong Nam Dosi, and Kanyat!

    New Crima now contains a Children of Kina Majority!

    Under-Sulvan now contains a Lord of Fire Majority!

    Valterre now contains a Lord of Fire Minority!

    Denarii now contains a Doctrine of Frost Majority!

    Valasharix now contains a Tzeltulep Minority!

    Triwiliz now contains a Tzeltulep Minority!

    Myrwik now contains a Radurja Minority!

    Celapho'Di now contains a Radurja Minority!


    [537] The Telek'kra's invasion of Trandar is met with opposition by the natives of Trandar reinforced by the armies of the Great Sharix Republic! The Sharixian forces meet the invaders head on and with superior technology and tactics provided by their liege in the Tzaltec Empire manage to turn back the invaders with negligible losses securing Trandar's continued independence and putting a not insignificant dent in the Telek'kra war machine!
    Spoiler: Details

    Telek'kra Attack Roll: 12
    Military: 6 (Telk'Hazar Duriduo)
    5 Telek'kra Units
    +0 Technology
    Total: 23

    Trandar Defense Roll: 10
    Military: 10 (Prime Minister Alixvara Tierrasha with Tzaltec support)
    4 Sharixian Units
    1 Trandar Unit
    +2 (Plate Armor, Crossbows)
    Total: 27

    -1 Losses Prosthetics

    Results: Telek'kra loses 2 Units, Sharix lose 0 (1-1) Units!

    Field Losses: 1 Telek'kra Unit

    Net Troops Loss
    Defending: None

    Attacking: 3 Telek'kra Land Units

    [539] While en route from Novrania to Conjellado Anillo to reinforce the troops readying there to strike Darsia the Novranian navy is enveloped in a thick fog and engaged by a large fleet of naval ships led by a top of the line Silver Moon war galley, Justice. The entirety of the fleet and the army it was transporting is destroyed and a few survivors are found and recovered by merchant vessels, though the King who had been leading the forces is not recovered. Survivors tell the tale of the event with some claiming to have seen a large man with a hollow eye and a Sympol by his side commanding the massive fleet and having taken King Corvus as a captive. The UJR soon bring greater news of the fleet to the wider world!
    Spoiler: Details

    Intercepting Tactical Maneuvering
    Attack (Open Sea): +4
    Defense (N/A): None

    +4 Attacker

    Judge Fleet Attack Roll: 13
    Military: 10 (Captain Jean Luc la Serre)
    +11 Judge Units
    +2 (Blackpowder Cannons)
    Total: 40

    Novranian Fleet Defense Roll: 12
    +3.75 Novranian Units (3 Naval, 3 Land)
    +2 (Special Metal, Plate)
    Total: 17.75

    Results: All 6 Novranian Units (3 Land, 3 Naval) wiped, 2 Judge Units Loss

    Field Losses: 1 Judge Unit Loss

    3 Judge Fleet Units Loss

    6 Novranian Units (3 Land, Novrania; 3 Navy, Novrania)

    [540] Without reinforcements from Novrania proper the campaign into Darsia does not fare as well as was expected. A Caercian Legate is forced to take command when the Novranian King fails to arrive and although the coalition Consortium and Novranian forces manage to make inroads against the self-proclaimed Mappadisha Li Kaveh who in the time since last contact with the region appeared to have united the warring sects, they ultimately fail to establish a foothold in the region though suffer few significant losses in campaign.
    Spoiler: Details

    Novrania Attack Roll: 4
    Military: 4 (Caercian General)
    +7 Caercian Units
    +4 Novranian Units
    +9 (Light Land Cavalry, Plate Armor, Heavy Land Cavalry, Light Aerial Cavalry, Heavy Aerial Cavalry, Crossbows, Land Vehicle, Metallurgy, Blackpowder)
    Total: 28

    -1 Prosthetics
    -1 Panshen Holy Order
    Logistics Caercians

    Darsia Defense Roll: 16
    Military: 8 (Mappadisha Li Kaveh)
    9 Darsian Units
    Total: 33

    Results: 1 (3-2) Caercian Unit Loss; 1 Darsian Loss

    Field Losses: 2 Darsian Units

    Net Troop Losses
    1 Caercian Unit (1 Land, Palas Caercia)

    3 Darsian Units (3 Land)


    [541] Ivet Volshevrin is found dead in her chambers, a knife plunged into her heart! Though the killers are unknown the knife is identified by the royal smith as of Karintiyan craft, though whether this means the killers were Karranan or if the use was intended to throw off scent from the true culprit is unknown! Whatever the truth it remains that the Crown Princess is dead and her sister stands to inherit, if this might spell doom for the now matriarch of House Volshevrin is unknown!

    [542] In Cridan chaos erupts as the Bale Horse rises! A storming force with mane and tail of fire and eyes of death the creature is easily twenty times the size of a normal horse and seems intent to kill and maim all int its path. The monks of the Blazing Temple in the region insist they be given leave to address the beast alone but the threat seems likely to spill over if not contained by military forces! 4,000 civilians lie dead as the Bale Horse makes its way across the haunted hollows of the region. Whether some trap left by the Cree or some effect of the so-called "Oluska Stone" is unclear but the fact remains that if nothing is done the Bale Horse may soon rain destruction across the south!
    Spoiler: Image

    [543] 5 years after the caper in Guilder news of the Guilder Lily once again attains international attention as in Emerald City, Woodwind the Cane of Jonas Grant is found replaced with the signature flower used by the now-international thief to identify his crimes! Perhaps to accentuate the theft and the thief's skill UJR and SC investigators find their files on the crime stolen the day after collecting them, replaced with a Guilder Lily.

    [544] The people of Tekoshkiya report a terrible winged monster descending from the mountains to devour their livestock! Reports of the monster's appearance vary but all say it has a tail like a Haljan. As yet none of the Felcath have been eaten... but it is surely only a matter of time!

    [545] A wild band of freebooters calling themselves "The Red Feather" rise up in Trandar and launch a campaign of conquest against the Trandar government, promising to fight alongside the Telek'kra's forces if their commander is given administration of a conquered Trandar. Their number is 2,000 strong and they seem to have acquired plate armor from raids on Sharix camps!

    Explore! New Map!

    Spoiler: Old Discovery
    The Nix actually discover Region U7 southeast of U6! it contains [Good] resources of Grey Sand and an undefined resource. The inhabitants number 854,000 and appear to revere the concept of duality!

    Tzaltec explorers discover Region 105B beneath Kapital! It contains [Good] resources of Pale Writhers and Silver! The inhabitants, symbiotically bonded with the Pale Writhers, number 906,000 and take are composed of a variety of phenotypes!

    The Kell discover Region X East of 165!


    [541] The Merchant Marines off the coast of Drugaud launch their expedition to cleans the Serpent's Teeth of pirates and successfully push out the resistance there, the pirates preferring to flee than fight a unified force! (New Half-Region, The Serpent's Teeth, Islands between Region 18 and 50) The Sympol captain of the expedition is proclaimed Duke of the islands and begins to administrate a small naval state there, sending out contacts to the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine, the Holy Nations, and Glazfell asking for recognition of his sovereignty.

    [542] In Crima a man called Manjusrin claims to be the great-grandson of Karaji and thus a descendant of Khalif Umajin speaks out against the tyranny of Sarnai Eats-the-Eyes and the war against the Consortium. He denounces all the Tyrants since the death of Oluska as useless and claims that in light of the continued failure of the Tyranny the Khalifate should be reinstated!

    [543] A dark skinned man of unknown nationality appears in Kaspiyskiya. His clothing is tattered and his hair is wild and unkempt. He looks as if he was shipwrecked or lost. When questioned he only repeats "I need to see the book."

    [544] In New Celero many of the citizens are questioning how long until the King of Celero moves the capital into the area, the regions being more concentrated and unified than the distant holdings of Celero proper and many nobles and wealthy merchants put pressure on the Celerese Crown to marry royalty into the natives of the lands to build ties.

    [545] An orc merchant originally from Grizzland by the name of Angar Stompsmash has founded a political party to protest the killing of the Daughters of the Watcher. The party, called Save Our Daughters, is small but is gaining a disproportionate amount of attention. Angar claims he will run for Speaker at the next election!
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-31 at 03:42 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  24. - Top - End - #1254
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 43 Actions for Sobrida

    The King's Cup

    To promote unity and excellence among the various peoples of Sobrida the king has sponsored a new cup for the finest duellists in the eastern Imperium. The cup is held annually, with the champion being named First Sword of Sobrida. The previous year's champion is given the opportunity to defend their title against new challengers.

    Spoiler: Results
    Year Champion Country of Origin Notes
    541 Meryn FitzJarrow Kingdom of the Isles
    542 Princess Mellado Roimata Kingdom of the Isles
    543 Princess Mellado Roimata Kingdom of the Isles Defended her title against the Vigilante of Mularuhm
    544 Deryn Menwyr Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    545 Reichtin Victor Mithredge Kingdom of Mularuhm

    News and Rumours
    • Following a controversial keppjat game at Sertsey in Vennland, between Lord Menwyr's XI and the Earl of Arristham's XI, at in which one player used a bat two feet wide, many keppjat sponsors (who had bet heavily on the match) have lost hundreds of crowns.
    • In order to ensure such a nonsense never happens again, Lord Menwyr (whose team lost the match) has established a society to codify the laws of the game, called the Menwyr Keppjat Club.
    • Meanwhile, and probably not in response to the Sertsey financial disaster, the king has given his blessing to the Mularuhm banking project and announced that the kingdom will be adopting the Mularuhm standard for coinage. Work on construction of a mint to Mularuhm standards has already begun.

    Spoiler: Actions

    1. [Faith 5] Create a Panshén holy order in Tuhiland: the Knights of Concord
    2. [Faith] Begin building a school of divinity at Teshyn in Tuhiland (project 1/5)
    3. [Curiosity] Begin construction of an observatory at the university at Lamadyr (project 1/2)
    4. [Curiosity] Begin work on a mint to the standard of the Mularuhm central bank (1/2)
    5. [Military] Build a naval unit in Tuhiland
    6. [Military] Continue the shintouite fortifications in Discordia (3/5)

    +1 Military, Curiosity, Faith

    Round 43 Actions for the Thalmann Legacy (Sobrida NPC Vassal)

    The death of king Rythex without a clear heir in 435 after a prolonged period of illness led to instability and fears of civil war, or worse, the long-threatened invasion by the Sharixian Republic. Eventually, with the support of her family, Princess Celwyrr, widow of Prince Vathek and mother of Rythex's only male-line descendant, Akonis, succeeded in claiming power on behalf of her young son, and was appointed as regent.

    News and Rumours
    • Many believe that Princess Fyris's death at the age of just 36 was no accident; being one of the stronger claimants, she was eliminated by one of her rivals for the throne.
    • Some claim that King Akonis is not truly the posthumous son of Prince Vathek but a bastard passed off as a prince in order to cement Celwyrr's power. Had the old king been in full possession of his wits in his later years he would have seen through the deception immediately.
    • The Princess Regent plans to mark the new era with a strident and activist foreign policy.

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. [Diplomacy] Marry King Akonis to Prefect Ginger of Niemidaland, unite the two realms.
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2015-06-10 at 01:18 PM.
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Strange Happenings in Halja
    Entering hex 47 B, which I may as well call my starting point.
    From caves and cracks and caverns they crawled, scampering about like an evil hoard, crying out with unearthly qualls.
    Through the caves of everlasting night, truly they were a ghastly sight, bringing with them untold fright....

    Misshapen and deformed yet onward they wormed bringing with them...

    The bard trailed off as the tunnels before him filled with... monsters was the word that came most readily to mind. Thick Gnarled knuckles and unsightly untrimmed claws pressed lightly and scrapped upon the ground as some crawled, others walked, or rather shambled forward as more still labored to drag ragged bundles of cloth behind them. Larger then any "army" the bard had ever seen, he turned to run without a second thought, his melodic voice letting out a somewhat-too-high pitched scream as he embarked, leaving his companion, one Travinous Haught in the wake of the encroaching horde. Travinous quickly followed suit, nearly catching up to the bard in his own haste to retreat until on the uneven ground Travinous' leg caught a hole and fell out under him, clean white bone piercing out the side. Onward they crawled heedless of his cries for mercy and their riddance, and as they reached him he was pulled up by the arms and placed upon one of the ragged cloths, and secured him as they moved. Onward, onward, onward they moved gathering what they liked as they moved. Faster, faster, faster the bard we, his heart beating fiercely in his chest...

    Strange Happenings in Halja II

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    The Kardilossas Council

    "They could be Orth-"
    "They are not Orthyknin." The High Prince of the Kardiloss' voice was chill yet empty of emotion. The small group all stood and stared in shock, their crystalline Hanseiyoku pulsing and twirling as they watched as Ainiveous surveyed the room and left again.
    Seconds stretched into minutes of stunned silence as hundreds of questions hung in the air. "The not-Orthyknin then. The... beings we have heard rumours of." a Visyknin with emerald Hanseiyoku and eyes glanced at her fellow Council members, "We cannot afford these rumours to cause widespread panic. What should be done? I have sent a message to the Kaiser and the Eorl of Halja, but it would take a while to get to the former and the latter is busy dealing with Traditionalists rioting against Aglus' social projects."
    A Visyknin with deep purple Hanseiyoku and eyes crossed his arms and scowled, "Whatever his Majesty Ainiveous Elysius is doing here again in Fera he'll surely claim is 'none of our business' but surely he'll want to minimise risk to his people."
    "He doesn't care, though. Because of that, he's unpredictable." The statement hung in the air. Though it was perhaps better left unsaid, the truth in it left them all feeling unable to deal with anything for the minute.

    What are they dealing with?

    The tips of Aglus Thuidans Leikeis Kaiser's antennae curled upward as he intently examined the leg which had been sliced open in front of him. The patient had passed out long before and though the human's leg's musculature intrigued Aglus he swiftly pulled the shard of obsidian from the fellow's leg and began to stitch the skin together.

    "Kaiser!" a Haljan halted in the doorway, only then noticing he was interrupting something. The tips of Aglus' antennae twitched but otherwise the Kaiser showed no sign of having noticed the newcomer. The Haljan examined the new piece that had been engraved into the handle of his Scythe as the Kaiser neatly wrapped the patient's leg in cloth that had been sitting in hot water. "Kaiser, a message." the Haljan handed Aglus a hefty scroll detailing information on a potential new threat emerging from rock itself. Aglus raised an antenna at the newcommer, "The Kardiloss won't kill you if you leave this on a table for me to read later, whatever they say. Now there's blood on it..." Aglus laid the scroll out to dry. The Haljan left Aglus to sort out the scroll in peace.

    This is unusual...
    The Kardiloss did not often communicate with those outside the Bat Caves or the Sycamore Depths, nor did they often venture into the caverns which lay between those and Haljan territory. Furthermore, the lack of certainty and hints of worry throughout the scroll was even more unusual for them; especially considering exactly what they were capable of. Aglus' tail raised slowly as he considered potential reasons why the world class Kardilossas Spaiha were not consulted first, what beings who thrive in such a place could fear and most importantly that word reached him personally long before any tales could.

    The report says there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, but.. Aglus Thuidans paused mid-thought and looked to the woman whose leg he had just treated. The Kardiloss are still more prone to panic than we; especially in the absence of their High Prince...

    Months later...

    The sleek insect black of Haljan bodies would be nigh indistinguishable from the dark rock were it not for the constant motion. The swarm came prepared with polearm weapons, crossbows and a few of the rare blackpowder boomsticks in case they could assist were something to go awry. Scorpion legs scuttled silently into place a few Fjarmikils from where the mysterious happenings had last been witnessed. In the open where they could more clearly be seen were a handful of figures. All wielded Scythes though only the one wielded by the shortest member of the group was decorated. A spine-like piece spiralled around the ornate black and gold metal handle where the others' handles were only plain wood.

    Suddenly, the short Haljan turned and stared into the darkness of the cavern as though he'd heard a sound. What light there was if any at all was still not quite enough for his large, black eyes to see too far in front of him; an unusual experience for a Haljan. His deathly pale face face contrasted sharply with his long black leather jacket with copper coloured cog buttons. A series of round copper coloured studs circled the bright green spikes on his shoulders. Sets of matching spikes on his elbows below where his sleeves ended and where humanoid body met scorpion implied the spikes were part of him rather than a fashion statement. A few dreadlocks fell in front of his eyes and rested against his muzzle. Closer inspection would reveal his black dreadlocks with green streaks more resembled limp bug legs than human hair. Tucking them behind a thick pointed ear, the Haljan spoke a foreign phrase to his companions in a voice that sounded more like a cicada than a human accented with a few clicks of his pincers. As one they turned and walked a short way into the darkness where they understood they may never return and waited patiently for something that nonetheless may never come.

    Yet, this had to be done not just to calm the Kardiloss but also to satisfy the Haljans' insatiable curiosity, if only for a short while.

    ((OOC note - The shorter Haljan's companions don't have any green markings.))

    A light rumble sounded within the caves, not like the rumble of hoof-beats, but the hissing rumble of claws on stone or bodies being dragged away into the night. Like all rumblings however, this one foretold of an army on the march.

    Like wraiths they flowed through the cave entrance, ragged cloaked sectors at the edge of the Haljan's vision, flowing onward as if a part of some great tide. The encroaching hoard could not be described as fast however. In fact they approach at a reasonable walking pace, though even that seems fast as the large cloth bundles come into view, some large enough even that some eight of the wraith-like figures share the load of a single bundle. The figures each wear cloths of different colors, though all are dimmed by the dust of the road making the group as a whole look like a great beggars quilt stitched from the rags and leftovers. As more and more come into sight it becomes readily apparent that whatever this force, it's numbers alone surely might overwhelm all but the largest of armies. As the procession drew closer faces became distinguishable from the masses. Most notably they appear to almost as a whole be both old and sick, as if all the young and healthy of the group had been killed, abducted, or had just plain left the old and ill to their dying.

    As the group draws closer still a quiet chant can be made out among them...

    Booooorhi, booooorhi, booooorhi- HA!
    Booooorhi, booooorhi, booooorhi- HA!
    Booooorhi, booooorhi, booooorhi- HA!
    Booooorhi, booooorhi, booooorhi- HA!
    Booooorhi, booooorhi, booooorhi- HA!
    Booooorhi, booooorhi, booooorhi- HA!
    ... echoing from the masses as if the caves themselves were chanting. In truth, they were, for the low hum of the chant reverberated through the caves, redoubling upon it self, making it sound as a ghostly whisper above an echoing rasp. The Haljan also note that often times one among the group will find a bed of moss against a wall or a comfortable stone and rest or sleep falling back through the procession allowing the mass to move continuously without ever stopping to make camp, the sheer multitude of eyes around them ensuring that nothing would come upon them in their sleep. Furthermore others could be seen eating as they walked as more still gathered fungi, insects, and anything else in the wake of the encroaching mob.

    Strange Happenings in Halja III

    The horde continues to advance, seemingly without regard to the Haljan, but as they draw nearer two, twins by the look of them, hasten their stride to reach the diplomat first. The two were thin and wiry, matts of tangled grey hair hung down to their sides and fine bat-bone amulets jingled with their very step, such jewelery seemed quite common within the mob. Stopping before you they grin giving them an almost sinister and devious visage as the great mob closes in behind them. They speak in a broken form of the trade language, as one might were they only to know half the words and even less of the grammar. "Whattss should us does with yourself?" The first asks.
    "Whattss not trues sister." The other replies snickering.
    Whattss does it-te wanted?" The first asks again, this time of the Haljan. As she speaks she rubs her hands against one another as if for warmth, the action did more however to draw attention to her crookedly misshapen decimeter length fingernails then anything else.
    Casually the second sister took a bite of a strange paste she held in her hand. Sticky, black, and thick like feces or a rich dark cake. Her mouth opened and closed as she chewed revealing yellowed teeth riddled with gaps and a tongue so black you'd have thought it was covered with fungus.
    The mob parts before the Haljan and the two stopped sisters as water parts before a rock, and behind them the mob rejoins leaving not even the space required to step back, making an isolated island of the diplomat and the twins among a veritable sea of the creatures.

    Strange Happenings in Halja IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    The Haljans clustered together unwilling to leave the diplomat alone; a fact which strengthened and comforted him. A few of Haljans were dismayed to see so many bat bones as the creatures were scarce as it was and considered important in Haljan culture. The Haljans' antennae curled back as the pair approached. As their own language was quite different to the Trade Language, most of the Haljans did not understand what the pair meant. The diplomat raised one of his antennae and replied, "We came to see what was happening here."
    "There were strange stories coming from the people who live here about, we think, your people." a Haljan not much bigger than the diplomat replied. He lacked the green markings of the diplomat and had more angular features.
    The diplomat looked at his short sharp claws briefly and wondered how such strange cl- nails would affect how she used her hands. His ear twitched as the second sister ate and he focused his solid black eyes on the other. Whatever she was eating was likely not something that he could stomach; fresh meat was typically a nice, juicy red or blue whereas meat that had rotted enough turns black. Before he could think of other things that could be black he asked, "We don't need to know where you came from if you don't want to tell, but how did you come to be in our lands?"

    Using size 1 font for strong accents in her dialect.

    Casting their gaze out across the crowd, their yellow-brown eyes stop at the same point and as if coming to the same decision turn back from the crowd. The second woman speaks to the first, and this time if it’s the trade language at all it’s more than just broken. “Cavver Katter hevetch Oma Klinder Harum Pavvats Hek Umbelledon.” The first sister tells the second. The Second sister slips back into the mob, weaving around people and obstacles with all the dexterity and familiarity of a fox passing through underbrush. A ripple passes through the crowd as room is made for an old woman with an unusually long and pointed nose. Her wrinkled grayish skin bulges with small veins trying to break free and as she walks a clattering can be heard like the sound of rain from the charms beyond count that she wears, made from the skeletal remains of many creatures under the earth. About her neck hangs a skull you can’t quite place, somewhere between a cat and a parrots but with queer boney protrusions. The woman smiles a kind grandmotherly smile as she takes in the small company. “Hello.” She greets them in the common trade tongue. kYou muost be the preoples of this land." Reaching down she picks up a handful of dust off the cave floor smiling somewhat incredulously. "kYour preoples gather and own dirt? They collect and sellm dirt?"

    Strange Happenings in Halja V

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    The Haljans watched the two speak among themselves and disappear. One of the larger Haljans unhooked a scroll case, a pen and small board from their belt. Jotting down notes with pen in one hand and paper and board in the other, the Haljan and a few of their companions briefly exchanged a few words in their own language. After another being approaches and asks her query, one of the Haljans quipped in Haljan, <What a strange misunderstanding but then, the Guilderenes would sell dirt if anyone would buy it.> Most of the Haljans raised an antenna and emitted a low, quiet buzzing at the joke.

    "No." the diplomat responded shortly and though a Haljan's body language and tone of voice differs from a human, the brevity of the response spoke for itself. "The others never answered my question; how did your people come to be here?" The diplomat reworded his question slightly to avoid a second potential mistranslation whether accidental or deliberate. As these people are foreigners and if they use all in their path they are neither welcome nor sustainable here. If they are somehow natives however, the situation becomes significantly more delicate... the diplomat thought to himself. At least they seem willing to talk.
    "We come by feet." The new woman replies cheerily, then after a moment correcting herself. "By foot." Dimly she gestures to the remaining sister, dismissing her, or perhaps telling her to go. The first twin didn't need telling twice. Somehow the gesture carried components of a more primal language, almost animalistic in a way that transcended language. "We lyearn much from kyour Travinous. Does An Nádur hoard and dtrades dirt, or do man lie?" Her light tone suggested it wasn't so much a problem that the man might have been having his fun, but still she seemed perplexed by the topic as a whole. "Maybe this..." She enunciates the word in Haljan "Guildernenes?"

    As she listened she fumbles through a turtle shell pot hanging from three conjoined strands of finer bones, drawing forth a thick dark paste she takes a bite and offers it around. Using only her nails she removes six of the odd bone ornaments, offering them together with the paste. The ornaments rattle softly as they sway along the grandmotherly woman's nails. On her fist nail is a rat skull bound by a shimmering green wax onto a circuit of its ribs into a ring. On the end of the same nail rests a short spiraled horn that has been hollowed out and decorated with bones from an animal no bigger then a frog, with a shard of a skull, an eye socket overlapping with the opening to the hole. On the next nail hangs a bird skull on a loop of something resembling twine or woven hair, rotting matted flesh still lines the skull, though it's been cleared in looping spirals that meld into each other. On the third nail a plate of bone hollowed into a bowl hangs uneasily by its core. On the fourth hangs what looks to be a decapitated fish skeleton of which the tail intertwines with that of another decapitated fish skeleton. On the fifth nail a chain of bones seemingly fused together bears a small flask made of teeth. Not the blocky flat teeth of a herbivore but elongated sharp teeth like those of a snake with a three fanged clasp holding it shut. Unlike one might expect the woman's nails neither bent nor strained under the added weight of the charms as she offered them about.

    Strange Happenings in Halja VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    "Thank you." the diplomat tried to sound friendly with limited success, though that he could achieve this much was why he was a Feran diplomat after all. "If the question seemed odd, I hope you will not think less of us. A while ago, explorers came to these caverns and followed the tunnels south only to find solid rock or dangerous chasms at their end. We don't want to assume, but did you come from that way?" the diplomat holds an open palm southward, his short black claws angled slightly downward with the general terrain.

    The diplomat's antennae move back and forth as he clicks his pincers a few times slowly. Carefully, he responds, "There was a bard with him who claims he 'got away' and told us some very strange and confusing tales. It would seem his companion was the same; we are Haljans of the nation Fera. The An Náduri are predominantly fae tribes with no territory who currently roam the far south. They gather and trade many things; flowers, dragonflies, talismans, but not dirt. I do not know if Travinous is from there, but neither the bard nor Travinous are citizens of Fera. Though recently borders to foreigners have been opened conditionally, Halja remains largely forbidden for numerous reasons we can discuss at some point if you would like. The bard has been allowed to live." The diplomat casually shuffled and stretched his six legs to improve circulation as he spoke. He was careful to keep his tail low and well away from the person with the strange skull ornament so as to avoid startling her as he stretched it side to side briefly and was still again. It would seem the diplomat did not quite understand humour, causing a couple of his largest companions to buzz low and quietly all over again.

    The biggest Haljan of the group by a small margin explained in a thick accent which made vowels sound somehow thicker and consonants enunciated crisply and strangely especially at the beginning or end of a word, "The Guilderene Expanse is a merchant nation far east of here. Or far west, depending on whether you prefer sea or desert. They are dedicated to their coin. My companion was joking that they would sell anything if anyone would buy it.

    The diplomat called a Haljan from the back of the group with a short phrase in Haljan. They stood out compared to the others purely by the simplicity of their clothes; a simple black tunic. They didn't even wear a cloth around their 'hairline' to keep their 'dreads' neat. The diplomat offered, "Would you like a quick map of these places?"

    The Haljans examined the assortment of bones curiously. They seemed most interested in the fish bones as few had seen many types of fish before. At the paste however, many of them tried not to be rude but eventually it became clear only one of the larger Haljans would try it. Quietly they ask the diplomat a question in Haljan. "One of my mates was wondering whether this would be safe for carnivores to eat? We don't mean to be rude, but a lot of foods other people rely on make us feel ill. That is, if this is food." The diplomat bowed his head slightly in an attempt to emulate embarrassment though he was still unsure what sort of people he was addressing. Flicking his antennae lightly he chirrups and animatedly offers, "Sorry, we did not know we would be talking to people! My manners are shocking! Would you like some of our Absinthe?" he produces a dark copper coloured flask fron his coat pocket and offered it to the being. Etchings of large flighted bone serpents, bats and a Feran airship adorned it.

    ((Oops, I misread your previous post and didn't realise the other sister was still there. Does it make much of a difference?

    Also, if some of the things in this post aren't very accurate feel free to let me know!

    A while ago, Fera explored south and didn't find region 48B so I'm 99% sure it doesn't exist.))

    No worries mate, truth be told I forgot to include a bit IC so I suppose it's OOC for now, but the two didn't understand the tongue so well. Which is why the third was called over.

    Oh yeah, and I think I'm gonna spend a diplomacy action on this after all, keeps options open.

    The woman freely offers up the intertwined fish skeletons before returning the rest to her clattering skeletal collection. Then, thinking hard, the old woman wrinkles her brow as if in concentration, but shakes her head. "We wanderers and wanderers, but through the winding Kuthuluks..." Waving her hands above her then in a circular shape she adds "... caves..." She pauses to make sure she's been understood "...and the time has gone out. I do not know." Taking a sip of the drink she hands it back shaking her head dimly but remains silent, not possessing the words to say it properly.

    Extending the paste she informs the Haljan "Harithspot." Replacing it into its container she fumbles about to draw forth some bugs and mashes them in the bone bowl she had offered before they could get away. Then she pulls out a jug made from some sort of giant serpentine insect skull for examination. As she unstoppers it the familiar green glow shimmers forth from the eerie greenish liquid often found in pools down below. "With, kyou make Harithspot." Once more she offered the Harithspot around in much the same way a grandmother might offer cookies and ice cream to her grandchildren. At the offer of a map she tilts her head in confusion, yet still inclines it signaling her consent.

    "Where kyour preoples?" The old lady asks curiously before suddenly shaking her head as if she had forgotten something and gesturing to herself. "Oma Klinder" She informs them. By this point the marching group is still passing by, and while it's hard to tell, the diplomats would probably estimate that several thousand have passed already without any sign of letting up.

    Strange Happenings in Halja VII

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    The Haljans pass the fish bones among themselves, pointing and speaking quietly in voices which sound more like cicadas than humans. They were extremely careful not to pull the piece apart as they examined the fish skeletons as they did not wish to offend those who by this point could vaguely be considered their hosts. One of the Haljans who seemed least interested in them before found something unexpected and pointed out what they saw to the others. The diplomat tried to not be distracted by what the Haljans seemed to think was a different species of fish to the ones they knew and replied, "I see. So you are wanderers of these caves, but not quite these caves? Fryx!" the diplomat said this last slowly with a sort of reverence as though what the being had just said amazed him in a way the myriad stars set against the colourful backdrop that is the galaxy in the night sky amazes most anyone while at the same time making them feel very, very small.

    The Haljans still seem largely uncertain of the 'Harithspot' yet ultimately few refuse it especially after the being went to so much effort to modify it to their tastes.

    The diplomat mutters a phrase to the simply dressed Haljan who borrows a pen, some light grey chalk and a piece of paper from the scribe. They quickly sketch coastlines, Fera's borders, the Commonwealth of Lorvyn's borders and almost as an afterthought the Guilderene Expanse. With the chalk they quickly scratched in lines where the seas were. The diplomat points to the land south of the North-Westernmost sea and says, "The pieces in grey are oceans and seas; this one is the Blue Horizon Sea. These are Fera's lands above ground. Halja is here, beneath the land just west of our northernmost Eorldom on this map. This larger piece of land is the entirety of the Commonwealth of Lorvyn, which Fera is part of though Haljans for the most part only live in Fera. This small strip of land to the far East is Guilder, which would take years of travel to reach by foot."

    The diplomat raises an antenna, "I am Sinths Thuidans Waithja Sokjan Talzjands." He gestures to the other male Haljan with a closed pincer, "This is Kjami Thuidans Leikeis Shaman."

    Spoiler: The Map

    Note - For a more accurate map (aside from the one in the round opener) Aedilred took the time to draw one which can be found here. (Though, Fera actually extends a bit north on its eastern side; 76A is mine not Kitsanth's. :P) Without modern cartography tools and due to Fera's isolation, their understanding of the world map is going to be a bit different to how the world actually looks. Also to ensure it looked like a quick sketch, I made it a quick sketch, so it looks dodge as heck.

    I also never bothered to find or obtain a proper pen/brush/pencil brush/tool so the lines look way digital. >.>

    ((I'm not sure what the green glowing liquid is.))
    The Harithspot has a mushy and groungy if not somewhat gritty texture, with a queerly heightened off flavors, presumably from the strange green liquid found in pools down below.

    Oma Klinder nods as her eyes take in the curves and lines of the map as if it were something foreign to her entirely. Afterwards she nods curtly as if coming to a decision. "I will speak to the bone tent, and we will share dirt with kyour preoples." She announces with a crooked grin. "Ours have need of reason to animate the tents for some ages presently. Will you guide us the path?"

    No worries mate, it's better then I would have done.

    Seems there may have been a cultural misunderstanding here some parts ago on the topic of dirt.
    If you wish to time-skip feel free and perhaps this will be continued with another cast, or we can continue as is, your call.
    In any case, The Ancient Coven will graciously accept your hospitality.


    The Coven will extend to their host nation access to all of their inherent resources. (herbs, potions, and bone charms)

    The Coven believes in knowledge kept, in personal possession, and in privacy as it's required by any given subject, but The Coven also believes in sharing the prosperity of today before the coming of tomorrow. They gather the endless herbs and creatures that litter the world's surface, and they cut them apart for healing, for potions, to weave the very bones of all they harvest into their skeletal charms which they claim are laced with magics untold. Through their travels however the witches gather more then they need so they might settle and animate the tents once more, flourishing off the excess they have gathered through their mystical dance of moving. While this excess lasts the witches of The Coven freely share their bounty to those who share their dirt.
    As the dark cavern ceilings above them flicker with the light of the frittering glow-bugs, Kirudam the Grand Master of Pasts, Horrage Pishpot, Tod Tote the Eldest of the Healers, Zuluthea Speaker of the Dead, and Oma Klinder eldest of the bone knitters stand before their people. Zuluthea, standing furthest to the right, speaks, her voice a shrill screech that reverberates through the caves with all the vigor of a thousand bats who's voices are all echoing back through the winding caves. "Witches, all! I call you to here my words, to feel the hiss of the dark and feel the damp of the stone. I call you to join me in hearing the ancestor's calls! Dance beneath the starless sky and hear the endless moans of those who speak no more! Let them whisper through the floor with voices deep and cold and soft, let us hear them in the dark. Screech with me sisters gone and lost, let your torments to us tell and may we not misfortune befell. They speak and speak and cry out more, they demand we leave this cavern dour. They speak and screech and claw the door demanding that we quest on forth. These Haljan they who cry no more tell us will lead us on forth. Mystical lands both far and wide with suns and moons and stars of sky. Those gone and lost and dust under shrub advise we take and move on over through there. That we see and hear and tell for sure the agonies of those who may us fear. Witches all and witches grown, witches with your darkened moan we call you here and call you now to saw we will push onward through. It took not a moment before the whole of the coven had dispersed, dancing eagerly if not frantically about their tents, cooing and crying in tongues all dead.

    Woohoo, raising moral, yeah.
    So enamored and invigorated are they, those healthful and able run about through the tents smearing potions and ointments weaving herb-wraps and stringing talismans of all kinds, working their foul "magics" in healing throughout the tents. Working the stiff and sore with ointment and lotion, bandaging cuts from their travels and slinging the over sized cobwebs of the deep about any injuries improperly healed, re-breaking them if needed. Slowly the healing tents begin to fill and more still are erected for the hides of the last mystical dance of moving are still found bountiful. Old men and woman all looking about ready to keel from a myriad of fetal conditions gleefully run about catching each other, binding each other in countless thick colored pastes, stringing them up with protective charms like ornaments upon a tree, forcing each other into tents filled with rich herbal incents, and pouring bitter elexer after bitter elizer down each others throats.

    Heal the witches.
    Those free of injury begin to conspire and plot over steeping cauldrons blue of plots left to brew. Sweeping into town at the break of light the fall upon any plight. Forcing men and maidens fare to through their dreadful torments bear. Of backs long bloke and voices unspoken they do make new hardy folk. Whispers spread wide and far of their dark and frothy char, of police and potion of midnight light and those made of cats by means which fright. Swiftly through the Hajan sight do witches spread like an evil plight. With baskets and aprons and grins so fare, that never would a disbeliever dare. One by one and eight by eight the witches do find every plight, and three by three and twelve by twelve to they work to set each one right. Once more do the tents fill heaving and hoeing, their noxious gasses ever onward are flowing. One more with one time past do patients come to receive new casts.

    Heal the Haljan
    So enamored and excited are they, and so too their patients with miracle and delight that they do wish to venture on through the night. One by one and ten by ten do Hajan enter into the witches den. Ke-ke-ke-ke-ke.

    Recruit pop from Haljan
    bonus 1) faith special 5
    Seeing the lawless religions in mass the witches devise to stopper its hold so crass. With cunning and secrecy not soon forgotten the Circle of Whispered Truths were begotten.

    Establish new religious order: Circle of Whispered Truths

    The Circle of Whispered Truths is a new and rather ill loved order that teaches of times not long past where knowledge was known and knowledge was kept, and divinity was all lost into the past. Where gods were tyrants who would hunt the witch, and how the whispered teachings of sorcery were best. On through the crowd they flew making sure spilled holly drivel would not stew.
    bonus 2)faith
    begin great project furnishing the bone tent (1/5)
    bonus 3)faith
    begin great project furnishing the potions tent (1/5)
    bonus 4)faith
    begin great project furnishing the healing tents (1/5)
    bonus 5)faith
    begin great project furnishing the tent of charms and stars (1/5)

    Initial stat rolls
    action rolls
    Expected ability mods: +4 faith, +1 diplomacy I think... A bit confused by the +2 diplomacy in the example first turn post under rules section, almost as if sub-actions counted as separate diplomacy actions which strikes me as queer so I'll assume this is not the case.
    Last edited by drack; 2015-06-12 at 10:56 PM.
    That mystical swirling of multicolored leaves as they dance in the air, that fresh fall smell, the perfect weather that makes you feel so very alive. You can almost forget that you're watching dead tissue accumulate as winter claims the world and floods it with the calming scent of death.

  26. - Top - End - #1256
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    KOI Actions Round 43
    Years 541-545
    Queen Areta and King Uialben
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 7
    Curiosity: 8
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 5

    6 Actions!!!!!!!!

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. Finish the construction of Silvermire, The Coldwell 5,5 [CUR]
    2. Begin construction of a Mint in the standard of Mularuhm (1/2) [CUR]
    3. Begin the rebuilding of Galilor in Sanglea. (1,5) [CUR]
    4. Hasten the repair of Galilor, Sanglea. (2/5) [CUR]
    5. Convert Prince Crother Starridge, Regent of Sanglea to An Náduri Paganism. [FTH]
    6. Subjugate all the Serpents. [DIP]
    Spoiler: Trade Sub-Actions
    Send 1 stack of Breathing Peat [Tepetl, 120] to Palas Caercia [67] as a permanent gift.
    Send 1 stack of Skywhales, [Sanglea, 121] to The Coldwell. [123]
    Trade Skywhales [Sanglea, 121] for Wood [Tekoshkiya, 111] Skywhales are to be routed to Kaspiyskiya [74]

    Spoiler: A Promise Kept
    Foreign Affairs Assistant Venia stood beaming next to Regent Cregi who's massive, white furry form dwarfed her. Cregi's Second, Oto stood on the other side of the Regent, the three facing the large gathering of Blood Drinkers and the craftsmen who had helped in building the shining silver city that sprawled beyond the gate they stood in front of. Queen Areta had made the voyage from the Broken Enclave to attend Silvermire's grand opening ceremony. She, and the rest of the Spriggan and human attendees from Celero and Caercia wore a cloth over their mouths to help protect them from the rustwind which was continually pollinating on the island. Cregi addressed the crowd in his rumbling baritone,

    "Many years ago, my Grand-sire pledged loyalty to the Crown of The Isles in the hopes of securing security and prosperity for our people. Today that hope is realized, as we declare the construction of Silvermire officially finished, with the help of our Queen and our friends from Caercia and Celero. Many people risked their lives over the long ten years it took to complete, a project funded and coordinated by our Queen who has made good on the promise of her forebears that was made before she was born." Venia had removed the cloth from over her mouth to translate the Regent's words.

    Cregi crossed his big right paw over his broad chest and bowed to Queen Areta, Oto and the other assembled Frost Trolls followed suit and Areta walked up to Regent Cregi and took the fluffy giant by the arm, in the traditional Frost Troll way. She lifted the large red and white Coldwell banner up to Cregi, who took it from her gently and hoisted it over his head as the Blood Drinkers roared their approval. He lifted it into place, the red of the banner bright against the gray sky and the silver gate on which was engraved, "Silvermire, the first city of the People."

    Spoiler: The Sanglea Elections 541
    Queen Areta stood in the city of Coliear, high above the ground as the dawn pinkened the sky around her and the large crowd of Sangleans who had turned out to witness the election of their new Regent. Areta looked over the potential candidates, she recognized a few of them as former allies of Alushen and was not surprised, she was also gladdened to see there were representatives from Dumpardo, along with her Nephew, Prince Crother Starridge who had astonished them all by stepping in as a candidate. It had been a few weeks since his return from his time with the An Naduri, having always been a quiet sort who kept to himself, he had been even more so, often spending most of his time awake in the middle of the night, and sleeping during the day. Where he disappeared to, or what he did during the darkest hours hours of the morning nobody knew, but one of the Springlings Governesses claimed to have seen his shadow transform into a wolf.

    "People of Sanglea, today we have gathered to usher in a new era, to elect your new Regent, who, with guidance from the crown will value all of the citizens equally, and afford the same opportunities to every individual, regardless of status or address. Opportunities like education, nutritious food and sanitary habitation. The terrain of Sanglea has remained largely unexplored, those more adventurous of you willing to undertake expeditions into the Sanglea interior will receive crown-funded grants. Likewise, those of you wishing to plant large farms on the ground will receive labor aid to ensure your crops are harvested before the floods. Finally, this year will begin the rebuilding of the burned capitol, Galilor, with the intention to move the Sanglea government back there upon completion." Cheers went up from the back of the crowd from where the majority of those former Grounded had gathered, Areta had attained the reputation as their savior after the ousting of Alushen, and was fiercely supported by them.

    "Will those who would vie for the Regency of Sanglea please find their starting position? The contest is about to begin!" A tense excitement coursed through the crowd as the candidates found the marked starting positions.

    "The rules are as follows: Candidates are not allowed to purposefully physically hinder their competition. In the case of an unlikely tie, they will climb again within an allotted time and a winner will be chosen. The candidate who climbs to the highest point on the Pillar will be Sanglea's new Regent! Begin the climb on the count of one!"


    The candidates leapt into action, navigating the first obstacles easily, Crother and a representative from Dumpardo took an early lead. The two leaders remained neck and neck over the next hurdle, each using their upper arm strength to pull themselves up and over the barrier that protruded from the Pillar. the next obstacle required them to leap from station to station, by now a dizzying height above the city, the crowd gasped as the Dumpardo delegate slipped and suddenly tumbled over the side, taking a formerly Risen candidate out with him, the two entangled in their harnesses as they came safely to a stop near the start position. Crother was the clear leader now, almost supernaturally graceful as he sped up the Pillar until one by one, his opponents either tumbled off or gave up. Crother paused in his climbing as he heard the cheers rise up from below and realized he had won. As he rappelled down the Pillar, he heard his Aunt the Queen announce his victory,

    "We have a winner! Prince Crother Starridge, Regent of Sanglea!"

    Spoiler: Happenings
    • Prince Crother Starridge is named Regent of Sanglea and betrothed to Li Guntai of the Salterri Empire.
    • Prince Nymir and Alavara welcome a baby boy, Prince Danilo Sira, B. 544.
    • The first Frost Troll settlement, Silvermire is completed in the Autumn of 545 on Phoenix Isle.
    • Meryn wins bragging rights for a year along with claiming the first Sobrida cup, Mellado vows revenge and manages to hold the title of First Sword of Sobrida for two years before finally losing it to Deryn Menwyr, of KCS.
    • Assistant to the Foreign Affairs Ambassador, Venia Deathbranch is married to Lady Alavara's brother, Dammir Sira. 545.


    Spoiler: Stat Increase for Next Round
    +2 CUR
    Last edited by PepperP.; 2015-06-14 at 12:19 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
    Somehow it is nostalgic to see the lewd discussion to return again to EMPIRE game.
    BIG thank you to Gengy for my fabulous avatar! ღ

  27. - Top - End - #1257
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    The Regnum of Praeclarus

    Regions: U34, U31, U32, U33, U17, U16

    Round 43

    News and Rumors
    • The Regnum of Preaclarus becomes recognized the world over as a Great Kingdom!
    • In 543, to the joy of the region of Praeclarus, Sanctus Makgrull T'manc and his wife Magreen have a clutch of three children, naming them M'anca, Waedyr, and G'onzo.
    • Spoiler: Margaria Book Keeping Scandal!
      The scientifically minded community of Margaria (U17) is caught completely unawares by the realization that a trusted Praemonstrator of the region has been, in surface terms, 'cooking the books'. Over-promising the region's ability to produce Merlight, the Praecmonstrator was trying to utilize the unique resource to further their political career. Needless to say, this was a huge embarrassment for Margaria when it was discovered by none other than Sanctus Makgrull T'manc himself.

      The Praemonstrator was removed from office, and the book-keeping error was quickly corrected. Alas, this did mean that a region that had previously been supplied with Merlight would have to do without. After many communications with Rex Fozik, Sanctus Makgrull T'manc offerred to allow Praeclarus (U31) to no longer utilize Merlight for the time being, as it was needed more in the dark caverns of Myrwik.

      [OOC: Sub-Action - Cancel trade of Merlight to Praeclarus, so that the shipments of Merlight might go through to Myrwik (U34).]
    • It is with a heavy heart that Praeclarus announces the passing of Chief Orator T'chep in [y. 545]. As requested by his family, the aging Makgrull's remains are offered up as sustenance to the Whales of Praeclarus, so that he might live on in some manner, even in death. Newly promoted Chief Orator G'gjin takes up the gold-tipped stave, and requests of any friendly nations that T'chep is remembered for his friendly smile and love of mud sculptures.
    • With mixed feelings, Rex Fozik sends his youngest daughter, Mezpi, to be wed in Hurosha. This strengthens the ties between the two nations!

    Spoiler: ACTIONS
    Turn 43 ACTIONS:
    • <Diplomacy 10> In a grand ceremony with previous Sanctus Makgrull B'tman presiding, Duc Fozik is crowned Rex Fozik, and there is much rejoicing among the people of the Regnum [Great Kingdom, U31, U32, U33, U34; Captial U34]
    • <Curiosity> Explore the region east of U16, south of U14, on behalf of the UJR.
    • <Curiosity> With the Canal being built in the Fu Lakes Lagoon, Praeclarus establishes a Trading Post for Obsidian in Valasharix (163), with the permission and support of the Great Sharaxian Republic.
    • <Curiosity> At the urging of the region of Praeclarus, send an Exploration Team far to the north west, in the Blue Horizon Sea found near Fera (North-west of Region 75, South of Region 77).
    • <Curiosity> With utmost care for what was once the Penitential Empire of Waedyr, send an Exploration Team west of U34.

    Spoiler: *Rex* Fozik
    Age at End of Round: 50 years old

    (chart shamelessly stolen from lt_murgen)
    Duc Rex Fozik D M C F L
    Current 10 5 6 6 7
    End of round 43 0 0 0 0 0
    End of round 42 2 0 0 0 0
    End of round 41 2 0 0 0 1
    End of round 40 6 5 6 6 -

    Expected Stat Increases for this Round
    +2 Curiosity
    +1 Luck (2 rounds since last increase)
    Last edited by Gengy; 2015-06-14 at 07:41 AM.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes!

    Got me a Real Job™ (yay!). Still busy (boo!).
    ~avatar by myself

  28. - Top - End - #1258
    Ogre in the Playground
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    QLD, Australia

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Round 43 Actions for the Ash Kingdom of Maur - 540-545

    Spoiler: Actions

    - Continue construction of the Dragon Wall in Pomequi (140) [2/5] [Military]
    - Raise 1 unit of land troops in Maur (region 73) [Military]
    - Raise 1 unit of land troops in Maur (region 73) [Military]
    - Convert Maur (region 73) to a Tzetultep majority [Faith] TN: 12 Roll= 16. SUCCESS
    - Convert Pomequi (region 140) to a Tzetultep minority [Faith] TN: 10 Roll= 10. SUCCESS
    - WAR! [Military]
    - Send aid in the police action of their liege the Tzaltec Empire against Valasharix by sending all available troops via the Kingdom of Stolok and METAL lands

    Maur (73) - 8,000 lands troops
    Pomequi (140) - 1,000 land troops, 4,000 aerial troops

    Spoiler: Opposing conversions

    - Oppose conversion of Maur to DoF majority TN: 16. Roll=19. SUCCESS

    - Oppose conversion of Pomequi to DoF sole TN: 15. Roll=10. FAIL

    - Oppose conversion of Dinarii to DoF sole TN: 14. Roll=13. FAIL

    - Oppose conversion of Taloqi to DoF minority TN: 10. Roll=10. SUCCESS

    - Oppose conversion of Ravusia to DoF minority TN: 17. Roll=8. FAIL

    Spoiler: New Ruler - Tyarel Volshevrin the Second

    Dragon-Queen Tyarel Volshevrin the Second

    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 5
    Faith: 4
    Luck: 6.5

    Stat increases from last round:

    +1 Mil
    +1 Cur

    News and Rumours
    • The Ash-Kingdom mourns as the Dragon-Queen Kara Volshevrin passes on into Maur's fiery embrace in 540.
    • The throne of the Dragon-Queen passes on to Kara's daughter, Ivet Volshevrin-Nisakovich, along with her prince consort Li Julius Yin-Ho.
    • The head of Jaran Baltiz* appears on a spear over the front gate of the capitol in Maur in 540, warning any who would wish to betray the Dragon-Queen that they will meet a swift death.
    • Ivet Volshevrin is assassinated in her own chambers by an unknown assassin in 541, although the knife is of Karintiyan make. As a result of this, Jowan Jarrow-Nisakovich is immediately taken to the dungeons under heavy twenty-four hour guard as a prime suspect of either the assassination or via affiliation.
    • It was discovered that within only a month of her assassination, that Ivet had given birth to a daughter and had hidden both her pregnancy and her birth from the public eye, guaranteeing that the Volshevrin line was continued before her untimely demise.
    • Tyarel Volshevrin the Second claims the throne of the Dragon-Queen as a result of the demise of her sister.
    • Nitra Volshevrin gives birth to not one daughter, but two! Maur both gives life and takes it away, as this marvellous news spreads throughout the Ash-Kingdom. Ylda Volshevrin-Li born in early 541, Wintry Volshevrin-Li born in late 542.

    Spoiler: A missive to the UJR
    Greetings to the collective UJR,

    I have been recommended by my liege the Teotlkan of the Tzaltec Empire to ask for your assistance in investigating the matter of my sister's death, which was a result of an assassination with a dagger of Karintiyan make hailing from the realm of Niskovia. As such, I am contacting several nations to investigate this matter so that it cannot be seen as biased if it were proved to be true, as any could see the intense tension between Maur and Niskovia. I would also like to extend a hand of friendship to your nation in an effort to increase Maur's diplomatic relations, which have been sorely lacking as of late.

    It would be much appreciated if your people were able to aid us in this most urgent matter, and if so, we would like to create and maintain friendly relations with your nation as a whole.

    Yours sincerely,
    Dragon-Queen Tyarel Volshevrin the Second

    Spoiler: A missive to the Kingdom of Ashenia
    Greetings to Queen Idrisa the Third of Ashenia,

    The Ash-Kingdom of Maur extends its greetings to the great Kingdom of Ashenia, and bids it to assist us in an extremely delicate matter. The situation is thus:

    My mother recently passed away, and my sister Ivet took the throne as it rightfully was. But after only a short year of rule, she was assassinated by an unknown enemy. Our only information of who it could be is by a dagger left in her heart, which is of Karintiyan make. Which you no doubt realise hails from Niskovia. We have been informed that you are close allies with Niskovia and as such, we request that you would assist us in our investigation of the assassin, so as to allow one one who would search for the culprit without wrongly framing their ally in the process.

    This would aid us incredibly, and we would be willing to maintain more friendly relations with your people if you would be willing to help us in this matter.

    Yours sincerely,
    Dragon-Queen Tyarel Volshevrin the Second

    Stat changes:

    +2 Mil
    +1 Faith

    Army changes:

    + 2,000 land troops (2 units) in Maur (region 73)

    Spoiler: *OOC
    Jaran Baltiz was the wealthy merchant who abandoned Maur when they left Niskovia in favour of the Tzaltec Empire, and tried to garner support from Cantroth and the Grand Prince of Niskovia to declare war on Maur
    Last edited by Mynxae; 2015-06-14 at 07:34 AM.
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    Epic quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Ahh Kyth'ra... A knight of such honour and virtue, not to mention suppressed homicidal rage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    His life was over.
    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    Mystic who fluffs things with madness and zeal,
    Mynxae who always seeks rifts to heal,
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    These are a few of our favorite mods!

  29. - Top - End - #1259
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Actions for the UJR Senate, Round 43

    1[Req Curiosity 5]
    Modified version of amplification technology applied to the apparent 'resonant frequency' of K'braash Province Dragon Scales has led to a considerable increase in the amount of scales being unearthed by the kobolds in the region. They are still very careful to not delve too deeply, but the enhanced precision supplied by this experimental instrumentation does wonders for production. Upgrade Dragon Scales from a Good to Great resource.
    2[Req Curiosity]
    Although initially highly unwilling, after several long sessions with input from Chancellor's office and Foreign Ministry specialists, the Senate finally votes to approve the dispatch of a Fellows group to the Ash-Kingdom of Maur to investigate the murder of their Queen. Rolled a 16 (+1 from Mtambuzi).
    Continue the Grand National Map survey project [3/5]
    Continue the construction of the Ministry of Mentality in Miji Mkuu [4/5]
    Diplomatic Outreach! Being the construction a train network in the Free Cities. [1/2]


    News & Rumors
    • After years of economic reconstruction, the Senate finally passes a landmark funding bill that, given time, will support the full restoration of the Republican Army to prewar force levels. The bill does not go without opposition from some areas of the Senate, specifically certain Liberty hardliners, but their moderates combined with the majority Unity block agree that it is past time to restore the military bled so terribly by the Sunset War.
    • With time and sharing, the initial trepdiation - and some might say outright fear - of the Cealophyte people has passed. The change of name, although derided by some foreign powers, of their lowest tier to what it truly is in combination with the removal of the death penalty comes as an immense aid in the fight to approve the acceptance of their new friends into the Union.
    • There are rumors of a secret Ministerial meeting, without the Speaker present, shortly before the final vote on the Maur Investigation request. It is unknown as to which Ministers attended, but several are believed to have done so.
    • Work has continued apace at the Enclave of Existence, with the Illuminators leading the way in their teaching. Mtambuzi and Shahidi studying their techniques have started to show some ability to apply them to other mediums. One of the latest experiments, featuring a Hai Vyuma construct, held its form for a fully day before required attention from a Mtambuzi.
    • Finally given the funding they've long asked for, the military scientists of the Union swiftly bring forward several long archived designs for prototyping. Among them is a small, single handed crossbow designed as a close range armament for Republican army officers. Although initially created for military use only, the weapon quickly becomes popular among merchants, landowners and bodyguards for its small size and impressive hitting power.

    Spoiler: Safari Sub-actions (Actioned by Zab)
    Gossamer Weave from Nyroth for Tangled Lightning from Land of Free Knights
    Fine Crafted Goods from Hrathan-Tuor for Textiles from Bastet
    Architects from Woodwind for Glass from Bastet
    Fish from Genivana for Musical Instruments from Bastet
    Spices from Qarimos for Ban-terato from Dong Nam Dosi

    Sign the Sharix Treaty.

    Spoiler: Ruler Stats
    Dip: 7
    Mil: 2
    Cur: 8
    Fth: 3
    Luck: 5
    Last edited by Snowfire; 2015-06-14 at 06:39 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    Many thanks to Snowfire for collating all these. He's a madman, but he's a helpful madman.
    Spoiler: Things
    Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post
    Damn you Snowfire. I cried.
    Quote Originally Posted by Falcon777 View Post
    T_T I swear, you just made me cry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    Well, here's another for your sig, Snowfire.

    <struck dumb>

  30. - Top - End - #1260
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    The Holy Kingdom Of Sycia (has given up on trying to rename itself the Holy Nations of Winter because public opinion is weird like that)
    Ruler: High Priestess Gloria

    Mechanics Post
    Spoiler: Stats
    Dip: 5
    Mil: 3
    Cur: 4 + 2 = 6
    Faith: 6

    Expected Increases this round: +2 Cur

    Spoiler: Actions
    [Curiosity 5]: In light of recent events regarding ice magic and its dangers (in particular, the news regarding ice golems and the destruction of Easteros) the High Priestess Gloria has begun enacting a new policy: Cryomancers are to be rounded up and given "proper training" in the use of their powers the moment they are discovered, in many cases tearing children out of their homes. This is deemed a necessary (if grim) measure, and while Sycia objects to it in principle, little headway is made in opposing it. Sycia now has a good resource of Cryomancers.

    [Curiosity Project 1/5 - Mage Towers] - High Priestess Gloria orders special schools - called 'Mage Towers' - constructed to house and properly train the Cryomancers of Sycia. Strangely, these towers are constructed all throughout the Holy Nations, including one larger, more impressive tower within the Holy States where the 'most promising' students are sent.

    [Curiosity]: Sycia's work on researching the bubbling stones' applications for combat continues. In particular, the sea-dwelling Orkhan of Starbed (U27) have begun lending their own knowledge of the sea to Sycia's efforts, in part because they too are curious about the bubbling stones and their properties.


    [Military]: The locals of Starbed (U27) have little need for military action, but several of their citizens are equipped with weapons anyway just in case. Raise 1 aquatic unit in U27.

    Spoiler: Suspended projects

    [Curiosity 10] - I owe Gengy one. Yay for bubbling stones!

    Spoiler: Nonactions
    To come
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2015-06-09 at 06:54 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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