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  1. - Top - End - #1321
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    I once stomped on a nail because of the high-place phenomenon and the fact that I was trying to avoid stepping on the nail.

    It was, I believe, almost a year ago; the inside of my foot still itches occasionally...

    ION: I don't like other people's Crafts, regardless of whether or not they involve George Lucas.
    Last edited by enderlord99; 2015-04-13 at 01:24 PM.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  2. - Top - End - #1322
    Firbolg in the Playground
    CurlyKitGirl's Avatar

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    The Black Desert

    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post

    Well, I can appreciate the pun, at least!
    I was thirteen or fourteen when I first read that - I think closer to thirteen than not, and for some reason it just didn't click. Even though I knew how to spell 'fallacy'. Once upon a time I was an innocent thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Nah, that assumes that I intentionally kept short, rather than just happened to write short and then tack on a hasty excuse.
    Mmmm, point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    That's... noo. Nooo. That's so many degrees of awful. And, well, there is a reason dry slopes are the exception and not the rule. Real snow (even if it's just artificial (i.e. created with a snow cannon)) is nothing like that...
    I can imagine. Still never been skiing or engaged in any form of snow sporting fun aside from a snowball fight in the dark of the night one cold, cold January night right next to a frozen river. In a park that locked its gates at a certain time. Oh, and one time I went 'skiing' backwards down a hill with my hands full of groceries.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Ahh, I think I see...

    I don't know what's worse, though: The awareness that every time together could be the last, or the complete inawareness that your last time together actually was the last...
    They're equally as bad. With Granny I was six and I didn't really understand. You just have to breathe and work through it. That said, both states do have their good points too; with the former you really treasure the time, but with the latter there's no foreknowledge 'tainting' the time spent together with grief-in-advance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Well, it nevertheless seems like you manage to get a few words about it on paper.
    Yep! For me it's quite meditative as well just to stop and think back throughout the day. In some ways it also makes me pay attention to the things going on around myself because I might be actively (or subconsciously) looking for things to write about.
    I mean, I wouldn't have gotten to have a nice little chat with the lady who hand makes and creates products for a small, award winning line of hair-and-body-care products if I hadn't wandered into the shop to have a look around.
    More about that below, 'kay darlin'?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    And she married a governor, so you can't exactly call her life that of a farmer's...
    Well she started off that way? You can take the girl off the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Spoiler: Of course~♫
    A package of coffee substitute from the Second World War saved in one of the many outbuildings.

    Adverts in a German newspaper from 1887, glued to the wall in the "härbre" (hórreo) for what I assume are insulatory purposes:

    Okay, I didn't spot this until now that I get to study the pictures closer, but Julius Wolff's Freiluftsathmer ("fresh air breather") is the most hilariously ridiculous thing I've seen in a long while! *snips*


    Due to the quality being slightly uneven in the following two pictures, I've kept both to facilitate reading for the interested.*snips*

    Patent universal chair! I love it! *snips*

    I like this advertisement, if only because I know nothing about Palestine as it was before the Second World War, so this book intrigues my imagination.

    Some googling tells me that "Weichsel" seems to be a materal which you can make tobacco pipes out of. However, it only appears in old texts, which means it's probably suffered a spelling drift or complete renaming since, and it shares its name with the German name for a Polish river, making it extremely hard to track down...

    A very damaged advertisement, so I can't tell what it's selling. I think the correct decomposition of the headline is "Roll-schuk-mä[...]", which I have no idea of what it might be. The other reference to "Schuk" in the ad seems to spell "Schukapparat", which also is fairly ungoogleable. "Kautschuk" is rubber, but I'm not entirely sure you're allowed to shorten it like that...

    I like how one different yet similar these advertisements are to our contemporary kind. One step removed, we have a non-prescription drug, a pair of private clinics and a pair of schools, a hearing implant, a book and a pair of crazy things you probably could find on TVShop. *snips*

    Too bad about the things I never managed to understand what they were, though...
    Oh, those are pretty cool! It's a shame you don't know anyone who knows German to translate more fully, maybe you could show them off at uni if the desire so takes you. Anyway, that's pretty damn cool! There was actually newspaper remnants in the lathe and plaster ceiling that fell down in my Gran's house from back in the 1860s when the house was first built; but the lime was fairly acidic so they couldn't make out a lot. I'd still have liked to see them though, but Gran's still somewhat traditional in that she thinks young ladies shouldn't be involved in building work, so I wasn't even asked to come help.
    On the plus side: no heavy labour or awkward interactions with the boyfriend of my cousin. The boyfriend who I think is in his forties. Not that it'd be weird because of the age difference between the pair, it'd be weird because I've never even seen him, I only know his name and that he has a car.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    A tip, if you don't want to be mistaken for savvy, it might sometimes be worthwhile to not talk the talk. Especially if it is among people who aren't savvy themselves.
    The problem is that I've been the Tech Person since I was sixteen, or roughly a year after joining the Playground. I learnt Tech Stuff because everyone was asking and relying on me anyway, and then getting all huffy when I didn't know what was happening, why or how to fix it.
    My limited Tech Skills were hard earnt and I like to show them off even though I'm fully aware of how limited they are. And it is kind of gratifying fixing things and making things better. I certainly don't get any thanks from anyone bar Mother Dearest so I've learnt to enjoy the simple boost I feel when I do things.
    Don't tell anyone, but I think it's kind of fun at times too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Yes. Microsoft more or less reasonably expected an explosive demand for hybrid tablet/laptops, and designed Windows 8 to work as well on those systems as possible. It then turned out that these systems couldn't manage the performance to price ratio the customers expected, so their new GUI never became as useful to the customers as they'd hoped.
    I don't like greasy fingertips all over my screens, and whilst I could leave those little plastic sticker covers on them we all know that I'd just get annoyed and rip it off anyway when the corners start peeling and it begins to look untidy.
    Besides, these hybrid laptablets really are expensive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Personally, I don't like it when people change to names I can't diminutivise (further), because I love calling people by dimunitives. In fact, I'm slighly frustrated that there's no satisfactory dimunitive of "Teddy". But then again the word "Teddy" itself is etymologically a dimunitive, so there's that...
    When I was little I used to have a friend with a bear called Theodore. And I was very, very little - about the age of Cute Baby Koorly so I would play with Té (pronounced like the French 'thé')-dore Te. Theodore Teddy.
    So how d'you feel about Té? Granted it's more a nickname than a true diminutive, but I doubt you'd want to be Ted now, would you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Don't forget Facebook!
    I try to forget that exists.

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    As soon as you mention "swipe" then you lose people using mouse and keyboard. For instance, the laptop Koorly linked to in an earlier post doesn't appear to have a touchscreen, and getting the charms bar to pop up with a trackpad or mouse is an exercise in frustration--in 8.1, though, you can just click the Windows icon at the bottom left, click the power icon on the homepage, and select Shut Down from the menu. Three clicks, easy.
    Charms?! I'm not at Hogwarts or practising any form of magic, why should I learn these bloody things?
    Not to mention the Dirty Screen problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    It is possible to change the settings so that just pointing in the upper or lower right corner brings out the "charms". I think I just may've stumbled over it, but it should be possible to google yourself to using fairly natural keywords...
    . . . I think I'll just stick to Windows 7 like a boring person who refuses to move with the times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    If you're used to 7, then 8 shouldn't be too bad for you. With the exception of the tiles/start menu difference, 8 is very similar to 7.
    Ooooh, but can't I just be a stick-in-the-mud? That's fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    GNOME is a desktop environment (or GUI - I use the terms interchangeably, though desktop environment is more accurate), yeah. Ubuntu and Fedora are actually OSs, not GUIs. I believe both are packaged with GNOME, but you should be able to get another (KDE is another popular one, I believe) without too much trouble.


    Er... automatic... I forget what automatic means anymore. What do you mean by automatic?
    Ah, I wasn't completely certain how to define GUI vs. OS though I kind-of knew the difference between them; that makes sense. And yeah, it seems that switching GUIs is pretty easy for several Linux based OSs.

    Automatic - a system that runs itself after the original start up procedure has been initiated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    WINE's sort of like an emulator, in that it'll run applications for other operating systems (notably for running .exe files on Unix-like OSs). There's a lot of stuff it doesn't support, though, so I'd suggest grabbing a proper emulator like VirtualBox instead if you want to emulate an OS.

    You should be able to get a media player laid out similarly to WMP if you go the Linux route, and that'll work a lot better than trying to emulate (whether properly or in something like WINE) a media player. OpenOffice should probably work, but I haven't tried using it on Linux so I wouldn't know for sure.
    Eh, I don't really want to fully emulate an OS just yet (though I'll keep in mind VirtualBox should I ever need to), I just want something that'll play my DVDs, my mp3s and so on, and WMP is the default one I've always used because it's on virtually every laptop and computer I've ever used.
    A quick Google says that MPlayer or VLC are pretty good media players for Linux distro so I'd probably use that. As for OpenOffice . . . short answer is "yes". Long answer is "Yes, but now i r confuzed"
    I'm seeing words/orders like 'sudo'/'su' and things. There will be Googling of Googled instructions for how to do things. Honestly, it's so strange when you have to legitimately use a variation of "I Googled what I Googled so I do do the thing I Googled how to do."

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    It's designed with tablets and touchscreens in mind, yeah. Again, it's possible to totally ignore that part of Windows 8 for most of the time you use it - nearly everything can be done from the desktop.

    From what I understand, you can also remove tiles, which should help make the tiles screen a little less cluttered.
    A lack of clutter is usually preferred unless books are involved, in which case it's controlled clutter with a discernable-only-to-me pattern of order.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    My laptop lasts 4-5 hours, I think, but I don't go out of my way to keep down the number of running applications. Games tend to bring it down, though, as did Firefox until I figured out which Google script was hogging all my CPU and told NoScript to kill it for good. Haven't had a problem with that since.
    Hmmm, how would you do that? Firefox appears to be doing something similar (from what I can tell) and I've been wondering how to sort that out. Sometimes it can be appalling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    There are definite distinctions to be drawn between being technologically literate, savvy, proficient or whatever other similar words you may choose to use. I'd consider you technologically literate, because while you may not know or understand a bunch of stuff about the technology you use, you get it enough to google the right things and thus find out how to do the things you need to be able to do. Being non-prefixed literate just means being able to read and nothing more, and I'd say those are comparable levels of proficiency in the different areas.
    That's a nice way to put it; Tech Literate (Upper Intermediate) - Tech Savvy (Upper Beginner) because this sort of stuff does stick around and one finds oneself having to Google basic stuff less and less.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    At first glance, I misread 'wash' as 'which' and got terribly confused.
    Don't be foolish, I only switch bodies once every twenty-eight years in order to retain my youthful looks and innocent demeanour, I've still got four years left on this one!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    The way I put it is that I'd rather have a phone which is a phone, not a miniaturised computer. It phones, it texts, it tells the time and has an alarm function. These are functions appropriate to a phone.
    I don't even have that any more. It said my SIM registration failed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    I used to and occasionally still do get called by a single letter diminutive, not because it's the first letter of my name, but because the phonetic spelling of that letter appears in my name. It seemed endearing enough to me, as diminutives go.
    So . . . how many times have they asked you to sing songs by a fairly popular 90s Britpop band that was known for having choreographed virtually every song they sang and releasing the moves along the single?
    Speaking of, had a song stuck in my head for a few days. Well a line or two.
    It's the sound of the underground
    Where the beat goes around and 'round
    Into the overflow

    Googled it. No way was it Radiohead. Turns out? Girls Aloud. And instantly the song 'Jump' popped into my head.
    If you wanna take
    My kisses in the night
    Jump for my love

    Still, has to be a little better than Destiny's Child and much better than Britney Spears. But good God, why's so much pop from the nineties and early two thousands so insanely catchy.

    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    ION, I'm still hanging out with this flu of mine. *coughs lungs out* *picks up lungs and puts them back*
    Lemon and ginger tea?

    Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
    That actually looks pretty good. The only problem with it is that it seems to be pretty clunky and not that portable, and the CPU isn't that good, but it's still nice if you're looking for a budget laptop.
    It's the most expensive one I was looking at, not the one I really wanted. I was mostly interested for the hard drive space because externals can be a bit pricey and while I do want back ups of my teaching stuff I can kind of cheat and save a fair bit as drafts in my e-mail account.
    Still not entirely sure what makes a good CPU if I'm honest, and given that I've still got three hundred and sixty odd gigs free out of a five hundred gig hard drive getting a 1TB would be a bit overkill. Currently looking at 500GB or 750GB, and really I think a lot of my files could be more economically compressed, but I'm not sure how to do that without losing audio quality.
    And not being portable is the least of my worries, I seldom take my laptop out of the house, and when I do I'm usually only carrying it for half an hour or an hour at a time.
    Now if you want clunky, Mum's laptop is an hp compaq 67somethingb from 2005/6. It's about twice as thick as my current laptop and I can hear the old fashioned dial up sound coming from it at times.
    Still, given that I really only use the laptop for general internet stuff, watching things and word processing (call it moderately heavy duty stuff) what kind of CPU thingy would you recommend?

    Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
    If you dislike touchscreens, then you should know that you can disable the touchscreen on all Windows touchscreen laptops. Nowadays, more and more laptops are becoming touchscreen, but you shouldn't rule one out because it's a touchscreen.
    I'm not really, it's more that even at refurbished prices touchscreens still tend to be more expensive than a non-touchscreen.

    Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
    If you don't like clutter then you'll LOVE Linux, and especially Mint.

    WINE is a program that allows you to run Windows programs on Linux (and more recently, Mac). I don't know if you can find a way to download the actual program files for iTunes and Windows Media Player, or if WINE is compatible with them, but there's a very good chance that it is.
    Oh sweet. Looks like the Prospective Laptop is definitely going to have at least a partition running Linux Mint. Or is it LinuxMint? I've seen both; particularly as Linux does support OpenOffice and I am not paying seventy odd quid to use Microsoft Office when I get get the same thing for free.

    Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
    When I say technologically literate, I'm talking about people who don't go "what's a Linux?", don't click on viruses thinking that they won things, and call me over saying "Oh, honey, how do I get my Internet Explorer back" even though all that they did was get rid of the Chrome shortcut on their desktop. The fact that you're able to do what you're doing means that you're tech savvy. In reality, all that being tech savvy is is having great Google-fu, being able to adapt on the fly to situations, and being creative.
    Wow. People still actually do that?
    My mother is fifty-four years old, she mostly uses her laptop for the Book of Faces and a bit of YouTube and very basic Googling. Even she knows not to click on pop-up ads saying YuO'vE wOn!11eleventy! and things like that. Hell, she actually asked me to "install those adblocks because I know my touchpad is really sensitive even when you turn it low and my fingers are jittery so I don't want my apms to accidentally download something I didn't want to".
    HOW DID SHE KNOW WHAT APM MEANT?! I know it's probably not the most precise term to use for accidental muscle spasms on a stupidly sensitive touchpad, but actions-per-minute? From my computerphobic mother?
    *head asplode*
    Still, at least after using her laptop for a few days whilst mine was in the shop I know why she avoids using Firefox and tends to stick to internet explorer. Nine year old laptop can't keep up with some things; the best way to put it is that there's almost lag when switching between tabs and doing a few other things.

    Guess who's got her laptop back?! ME!
    I don't think they fixed the keyboard in fully, if I push the delete button above backspace I can feel the keyboard sink into the space underneath it, but that's not a big deal and something I could probably fix on my own. And if not, I've got the service receipt and sticker so I can just walk back into the shop and they should fix it gratis.
    Anyway, it's not randomly locking up, freezing, crashing and giving me the Blue Error Message Boxes or just fadin to black any more.
    So suck it Patronising Older Guy with the Goatee who told me that I needed to clean my laptop like I was a complete moron. Because my misreading it as 'you should clean the interior of your laptop of dust in case there's a build up in the fan causing the heat sink to misinterpret things and force an ermergency shut down to prevent fires (or something like that)' and then saying "Oh, but I cleaned the laptop fan area -"
    But nope. You interrupt me before I can:
    1) Even fully explain what the problem is and
    2) Even explain what I mean by cleaning the God damned laptop and prove that I know how to do even the most basic take-apart-a-laptop job and then actually get back to explaining what I thought the problem was
    and say in the most Talking to Dumb Woman voice ever "No dear, you need to run an anti-viral check on it first, do you know how to do that?"
    "Yes. In fact, I have several installed that I run fairly regularly depending on the type of scan I want to do. I even run the free version of Kaspersky TDSS to make sure there's nothing that slipped in that way." By this point I'm already contemplating just walking out of the shop before I do something that could result in my getting a police file. Like punching a moron in the face.
    "So you don't have any paid versions installed?"
    "Well, no -"
    "There's your problem. Now the one we run on all our computers -"
    Great, a sales pitch. I interrupt and scedaddle, citing an appointment. Honestly, trying to sell a person with a single laptop used for not much more than basic daily stuff a programme used by a network of computers in a business that repairs damaged and potentially dangerously infected computers is likely to be serious overkill. Yeah, it'd work, but it wouldn't be the best for my situation. I don't think.
    Fortunately the younger man at the shop actually listened to me last week when I said, "It keeps locking up and sometimes completely crashing to black; I did some reading online and I think it might be a problem with the heat sink or the solder, but I'm not quite certain it's definitely something to do with the hardware and not the software or a virus." And he agreed with me.
    It's people like Idiot that make others so frustrated and maybe even intimidated by the people they're meant to be helping.

    Anyway, back to the story I hinted at waaaaaay back up in the Wall-o'-Text.
    So I was killing some time browsing in town when I entered a shop sellin the aforementioned handmade, fairly hippy dippy stuff and did the usual thing of looking around, picking up bottle and reading the description and ingredients list.
    Then I noticed some tester bottles. So I pick up one - I think it was a moisturiser or something, and I had a patch of dry, rough skin under my left eye so I gave it a quick try. That's what testers are for after all.
    "Can I help you at all?"
    Oh no! I was noticed.. Really, I shouldn't have been surprised, the shop is rather small with most of the back being the actual workshop where things are made, and I was the only customer. So with my finger on my cheekbone I turn around and there's a lady smiling at me from behind the counter.
    Here's a secret, I'm not actually good with people. I'm terribly anxious and I can become a very shrinking violet at the slightest provocation. And there's a stranger - someone who sells the stuff I'm using - talking to me while my finger and cheekbone are displaying evidence of using their products. Guilt. Inexplicable guilt.
    Internally flailing I seize upon a lifeline, I actually am considering switching shampoos to a solid one without ALS in it, and I know that my hair really like jojoba oil. "Actually, I was wondering if you have any shampoos with - ah, how do you say it? - yohoba [my pronunciation] oil in it?"
    "No, I'm afraid we don't - "
    And then we ended up having a conversation where I mentioned how jojoba oil can balance scalp oils and soothe certain problems and just a nice little chat. I even learnt that the jojoba harvest had failed four times in a row so that it meant that the oil was selling at £36 a litre even to businesses direct from manufacturers or whatever at the argan oil was actually currently cheaper when buying by the litre.
    The terror of speaking with people, once overcome (or squished defiantly down by making a semi-genuine inquiry) can lead to interesting things. Like facts and having the actual manufacturer of a brand of beauty products say that she might try using jojoba oil in more things such as the soaps she was planning on making in a few weeks. See, because of the price she only used it sparingly in a few of their conditioners, but she was willing try experiment anyway.
    The line where helpfulness and pushiness in salespeople can be very, very fine. I wasn't even looking at her. I suppose using a tester is effectively stating 'I am interested in your things', but it was so unexpected and actually fairly unusual. Hell, she even gave me her contacts information in case I decided I just wanted to buy jojoba oil direct from her after I mentioned I'd occasionally made my own 'beauty' products. And of course she dropped the name of the other shop that specialised in natural stuff too.
    Now here's the thing.
    I actually had been to that shop before. In fact, it's where I got my jojoba oil shampoo from. My mostly full bottle of jojoba shampoo that is now being surreptitiously used by my mother after she found it doesn't affect her Supremely Sensitive Scalp.
    I was walking down the hill away from the centre of town. The other shop is pretty much in the centre of town, albeit on an offshoot road. To get to it I would have to walk uphill. And because of my question and the implication that I wanted to buy some that day I had to 'walk to the shop'. By that I mad to walk up the hill and then take another turning to get roughly to where I wanted to go.
    I didn't want to make it seem like I was lying to her! Or that I was ignoring her well meant suggestions and things!
    Last edited by CurlyKitGirl; 2015-04-13 at 07:05 PM. Reason: Forgot a spoiler tag

    Quote Originally Posted by V'icternus View Post
    Why is it that you now scare me more than the possibility of nuclear war?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bath View Post
    To compare [Curly] to the beauty of the changing seasons or timeless stars would be an understatement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    But Koorly is the sweetest crime.

    Squid bones are lies.

  3. - Top - End - #1323
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Koorly, where do you fine the time to post like that? Aren't you in grad school?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonprime View Post
    AT, I esteem you above all other men now.

  4. - Top - End - #1324
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Don't be foolish, I only switch bodies once every twenty-eight years in order to retain my youthful looks and innocent demeanour, I've still got four years left on this one!
    You could maybe even run it a bit longer than normal, it looks younger than it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    So . . . how many times have they asked you to sing songs by a fairly popular 90s Britpop band that was known for having choreographed virtually every song they sang and releasing the moves along the single?
    I think I'd had the nickname a couple of years before that occurred to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Speaking of, had a song stuck in my head for a few days. Well a line or two.
    It's the sound of the underground
    Where the beat goes around and 'round
    Into the overflow

    Googled it. No way was it Radiohead. Turns out? Girls Aloud. And instantly the song 'Jump' popped into my head.
    If you wanna take
    My kisses in the night
    Jump for my love

    Still, has to be a little better than Destiny's Child and much better than Britney Spears. But good God, why's so much pop from the nineties and early two thousands so insanely catchy.
    I remember both those songs incredibly well, though I would not have been able to say who they were by without googling it myself. Also I feel like maybe Jump was originally by someone else but then covered? Not sure, too lazy to find out.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    The line where helpfulness and pushiness in salespeople can be very, very fine. I wasn't even looking at her. I suppose using a tester is effectively stating 'I am interested in your things', but it was so unexpected and actually fairly unusual.
    While I'm right there with you on liking to be left alone while I browse, a thought which just occurred to me is that they may in some cases just be bored, especially if it's a slow day in the shop.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Hell, she even gave me her contacts information in case I decided I just wanted to buy jojoba oil direct from her after I mentioned I'd occasionally made my own 'beauty' products. And of course she dropped the name of the other shop that specialised in natural stuff too.
    Now here's the thing.
    I actually had been to that shop before. In fact, it's where I got my jojoba oil shampoo from. My mostly full bottle of jojoba shampoo that is now being surreptitiously used by my mother after she found it doesn't affect her Supremely Sensitive Scalp.
    I was walking down the hill away from the centre of town. The other shop is pretty much in the centre of town, albeit on an offshoot road. To get to it I would have to walk uphill. And because of my question and the implication that I wanted to buy some that day I had to 'walk to the shop'. By that I mad to walk up the hill and then take another turning to get roughly to where I wanted to go.
    I didn't want to make it seem like I was lying to her! Or that I was ignoring her well meant suggestions and things!
    And that I also get. I think it's somewhat of a general British thing. It sounds a lot like something I'd see shared by a friend from a facebook page/twitter called 'Very British Problems'.
    "'But there's still such a lot to be done...'

  5. - Top - End - #1325
    Ettin in the Playground
    Amidus Drexel's Avatar

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    . . . I think I'll just stick to Windows 7 like a boring person who refuses to move with the times.

    Ooooh, but can't I just be a stick-in-the-mud? That's fun.
    Wooohoooo~ (this is me also)

    You can, is the best part!

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Ah, I wasn't completely certain how to define GUI vs. OS though I kind-of knew the difference between them; that makes sense. And yeah, it seems that switching GUIs is pretty easy for several Linux based OSs.

    Automatic - a system that runs itself after the original start up procedure has been initiated.
    Generally speaking, yeah. I mean, it's not the simplest thing to do, but compared to trying to change your GUI software on a Windows system, yeah, it's easy.

    Well, in that case, sudo yum install [whatever] should be good enough for you, if you're willing to install programs from the shell. I think most Linux distros are packaged with yum (a program that manages "packages" - downloading, updating, installing, uninstalling, etc) or something similar nowadays.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Eh, I don't really want to fully emulate an OS just yet (though I'll keep in mind VirtualBox should I ever need to), I just want something that'll play my DVDs, my mp3s and so on, and WMP is the default one I've always used because it's on virtually every laptop and computer I've ever used.

    I'm seeing words/orders like 'sudo'/'su' and things. There will be Googling of Googled instructions for how to do things. Honestly, it's so strange when you have to legitimately use a variation of "I Googled what I Googled so I do do the thing I Googled how to do."

    A lack of clutter is usually preferred unless books are involved, in which case it's controlled clutter with a discernable-only-to-me pattern of order.
    WINE should function for you, then, although you might find it a little clunky - I don't know, I've not used it to any great extent (as I run Windows 7 and only emulate Fedora when I need a Linux system, so WINE is largely unnecessary for me).

    sudo and su are commands that let you perform actions as the "root" user, or as the "superadministrator", as it were - you have full authority to change anything and everything on your computer. Generally you only want this kind of authority for a few instructions (like when installing a program), so you don't accidentally do something you're not supposed to (Linux isn't all that big on generating warnings when deleting files, for example).

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Still, given that I really only use the laptop for general internet stuff, watching things and word processing (call it moderately heavy duty stuff) what kind of CPU thingy would you recommend?
    If the most CPU-intensive thing you'll commonly do is stream videos and use Word documents, you can get away with basically any computer they'll sell you. Get as much hard drive space as you think you'll need, and 4-8 GB of RAM (what's become the 'usual' these days, as I understand it), and don't spend too much time worrying about things like hard drive RPM or the exact capabilities of your onboard graphics/sound chips. - it'll likely be a waste of time for you if you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Senator Cocklord View Post
    Koorly, where do you fine the time to post like that? Aren't you in grad school?
    Where do we all find the time to post?

    ION: My sleep schedule has gone from unsatisfactory to horrible over the course of the past week or so - thankfully out of choice/necessity and not insomnia, so it's not as frustrating as having no choice in the matter. But still - I prefer to keep reasonable hours when that is an option.
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Victory ahead but sadness ahead.

    Try friendship, help me...

    I did it! Therefor Praise The Sun!

    (totally beat Dark Souls 2 guys)

    (Also recorded 3 videos for the Zelda thread in one recording session and that's satisfying)

  7. - Top - End - #1327
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Victory ahead but sadness ahead.

    Try friendship, help me...

    I did it! Therefor Praise The Sun!

    (totally beat Dark Souls 2 guys)

    (Also recorded 3 videos for the Zelda thread in one recording session and that's satisfying)
    Yeah, buffer videos!
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    This is probably obvious to a significant portion of this thread.

    It's funny, though.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    I was thirteen or fourteen when I first read that - I think closer to thirteen than not, and for some reason it just didn't click. Even though I knew how to spell 'fallacy'. Once upon a time I was an innocent thing.
    Yeah, I don't think I knew enough English at that age to get either side of the pun...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    I can imagine. Still never been skiing or engaged in any form of snow sporting fun aside from a snowball fight in the dark of the night one cold, cold January night right next to a frozen river. In a park that locked its gates at a certain time. Oh, and one time I went 'skiing' backwards down a hill with my hands full of groceries.
    You've only engaged in one snowball fight ever?

    Now I just have to drag you up here and introduce you to the winter proper!

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    They're equally as bad. With Granny I was six and I didn't really understand. You just have to breathe and work through it. That said, both states do have their good points too; with the former you really treasure the time, but with the latter there's no foreknowledge 'tainting' the time spent together with grief-in-advance.
    Yeah, you're probably right...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Yep! For me it's quite meditative as well just to stop and think back throughout the day. In some ways it also makes me pay attention to the things going on around myself because I might be actively (or subconsciously) looking for things to write about.
    I mean, I wouldn't have gotten to have a nice little chat with the lady who hand makes and creates products for a small, award winning line of hair-and-body-care products if I hadn't wandered into the shop to have a look around.
    More about that below, 'kay darlin'?

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Well she started off that way? You can take the girl off the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the girl.
    Well, I'm not entirely sure about her upbringings to start with...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Oh, those are pretty cool! It's a shame you don't know anyone who knows German to translate more fully, maybe you could show them off at uni if the desire so takes you. Anyway, that's pretty damn cool! There was actually newspaper remnants in the lathe and plaster ceiling that fell down in my Gran's house from back in the 1860s when the house was first built; but the lime was fairly acidic so they couldn't make out a lot. I'd still have liked to see them though, but Gran's still somewhat traditional in that she thinks young ladies shouldn't be involved in building work, so I wasn't even asked to come help.
    On the plus side: no heavy labour or awkward interactions with the boyfriend of my cousin. The boyfriend who I think is in his forties. Not that it'd be weird because of the age difference between the pair, it'd be weird because I've never even seen him, I only know his name and that he has a car.
    Well, mum knows fairly good German, and I'm sure I've got some well-versed friends in my social circles. I just haven't tried asking anyone to translate for me.

    Oooh, that's interesting. A shame you couldn't get a look at the remnants yourself, though...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    The problem is that I've been the Tech Person since I was sixteen, or roughly a year after joining the Playground. I learnt Tech Stuff because everyone was asking and relying on me anyway, and then getting all huffy when I didn't know what was happening, why or how to fix it.
    My limited Tech Skills were hard earnt and I like to show them off even though I'm fully aware of how limited they are. And it is kind of gratifying fixing things and making things better. I certainly don't get any thanks from anyone bar Mother Dearest so I've learnt to enjoy the simple boost I feel when I do things.
    Don't tell anyone, but I think it's kind of fun at times too.
    Well, being savvy is in itself always good, so I'll give you that. And I like helping people too. Seeing people regain their comfort in knowing where the world is in relationship to them is a reward in and on itself...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    I don't like greasy fingertips all over my screens, and whilst I could leave those little plastic sticker covers on them we all know that I'd just get annoyed and rip it off anyway when the corners start peeling and it begins to look untidy.
    Besides, these hybrid laptablets really are expensive.
    Well, that's what you keep a microfibre cloth for, but yes, touch screens are very rarely cheaper than their non-touch counterpieces.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    When I was little I used to have a friend with a bear called Theodore. And I was very, very little - about the age of Cute Baby Koorly so I would play with Té (pronounced like the French 'thé')-dore Te. Theodore Teddy.
    So how d'you feel about Té? Granted it's more a nickname than a true diminutive, but I doubt you'd want to be Ted now, would you?
    Well, I have nothing against nicknames, so sure. But yes, I'd actually prefer to not be called Ted. I have no idea why, I just don't like it. Doesn't feel very me somehow...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    I try to forget that exists.
    Nah, I think it's good to always have a Big Bad inc.TM to blame all your desillusions with the world on.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    A quick Google says that MPlayer or VLC are pretty good media players for Linux distro so I'd probably use that. As for OpenOffice . . . short answer is "yes". Long answer is "Yes, but now i r confuzed"
    I'm seeing words/orders like 'sudo'/'su' and things. There will be Googling of Googled instructions for how to do things. Honestly, it's so strange when you have to legitimately use a variation of "I Googled what I Googled so I do do the thing I Googled how to do."
    Congratulations! You have found Linux install instructions!

    Given, apart from relying heavily on the command line, they are pretty standardised, so they shouldn't be too much of a headache unless you really distrust command line shells...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Hmmm, how would you do that? Firefox appears to be doing something similar (from what I can tell) and I've been wondering how to sort that out. Sometimes it can be appalling.
    Well, first you need to install the NoScript extension for Firefox. Then you'll probably want to enable scripts globally again, because having them disabled can be a real impediment to causal browsing unless you're sticking to a very strict routine or like whitelisting. Then, while looking around on different pages, right click to open up the context menu and check under the NoScript submenu to see if any of the two domains and are listed as blockable alternatives. If yes, block them. And then you're done.

    Oh, and on a sidenote, NoScript will open up a donations page in its own tab every time you open Firefox after you've installed it, but unless you're badly allergic to begging or poor colour schemes, that should hardly be a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Wow. People still actually do that?
    People always do that. Even I managed to catch myself in the midst of falling for a PayPal scam once. Was a bit embarrassing when I realised I'd forgotten to check the sender's address first...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    My mother is fifty-four years old, she mostly uses her laptop for the Book of Faces and a bit of YouTube and very basic Googling. Even she knows not to click on pop-up ads saying YuO'vE wOn!11eleventy! and things like that. Hell, she actually asked me to "install those adblocks because I know my touchpad is really sensitive even when you turn it low and my fingers are jittery so I don't want my apms to accidentally download something I didn't want to".
    HOW DID SHE KNOW WHAT APM MEANT?! I know it's probably not the most precise term to use for accidental muscle spasms on a stupidly sensitive touchpad, but actions-per-minute? From my computerphobic mother?
    *head asplode*
    Still, at least after using her laptop for a few days whilst mine was in the shop I know why she avoids using Firefox and tends to stick to internet explorer. Nine year old laptop can't keep up with some things; the best way to put it is that there's almost lag when switching between tabs and doing a few other things.
    Are you sure she didn't mean something else? I mean, Wikipedia draws me blanks, but still, feels like it doesn't fit very well at all. But then again, she might've heard it in some context and picked it up without caring all too much about what it actually meant...

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    *computer stuff*
    Bad customer supporters are a devilsend, but good customer support is divine.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    *products stuff*
    Shop assistants should practice calming words for anxious people. Like "Don't worry, that's what the samples are for.". But otherwise, I'm glad to hear you had a fun exchange.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Well, in that case, sudo yum install [whatever] should be good enough for you, if you're willing to install programs from the shell. I think most Linux distros are packaged with yum (a program that manages "packages" - downloading, updating, installing, uninstalling, etc) or something similar nowadays.
    Can be apt-get too...

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    sudo and su are commands that let you perform actions as the "root" user, or as the "superadministrator", as it were - you have full authority to change anything and everything on your computer. Generally you only want this kind of authority for a few instructions (like when installing a program), so you don't accidentally do something you're not supposed to (Linux isn't all that big on generating warnings when deleting files, for example).
    Generally advice, though: Don't ever touch su. All security which comes with making the superadministrator account inaccessible in all but specific cases crumbles as soon as you log in on the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    If the most CPU-intensive thing you'll commonly do is stream videos and use Word documents, you can get away with basically any computer they'll sell you. Get as much hard drive space as you think you'll need, and 4-8 GB of RAM (what's become the 'usual' these days, as I understand it), and don't spend too much time worrying about things like hard drive RPM or the exact capabilities of your onboard graphics/sound chips. - it'll likely be a waste of time for you if you do.
    8 GB will give you a bit more headspace in the future, as application programmers assume the users will be having lots of RAM and thus get increasingly sloppy with their memory usage, and memory is (comparatively). But if you don't intend to keep this computer for as long as possible, you might as well stick to the lower memory and save the extra pounds for the next one. Or for living, whatever that is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    ION: My sleep schedule has gone from unsatisfactory to horrible over the course of the past week or so - thankfully out of choice/necessity and not insomnia, so it's not as frustrating as having no choice in the matter. But still - I prefer to keep reasonable hours when that is an option.
    I'm with you right there. I've come to clasify any night I go to bed before 2 in the morning as reasonable. This should be very bad...

    Finally finished composing and typing out my letter to Kneen. One and a half month is pretty terrible, procrastination-wise, but I kind of managed to confirm why I was procrastinating, as it took a good 5 hours to write it all out, figure out what postage rules this would fall under and pack it all together. And no, I didn't write him a shorter novel, I simply decided to use a little less common material to write upon, namely näver, or bark of birch. Here's how it all turned out in the end:

    I'm sorry about the blurriness, I just prefer it when people can't read my letters. Also, this picture illustrates pretty well the primary problem with näver, which is that it curls when it dries, meaning I had to use

    Tautology of the day: Argenterium sterling silver, an alloy with at least 92.5% silver and the rest germanium. Or if you you just look at the words, "Silver silver coin silver".

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    This is probably obvious to a significant portion of this thread.

    It's funny, though.
    Well, as a Swede, I merely had to sort out all the words which didn't sound Swedish. Although I did actually trip on "Adde" even though it sounds perfectly okay to me, because I forgot that IKEA sometimes uses personal nicknames (Adde -> Andreas) for their item names...

    But the premise is funny.
    Last edited by Teddy; 2015-04-14 at 04:44 PM.
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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  10. - Top - End - #1330
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by AtlanteanTroll View Post
    Koorly, where do you fine the time to post like that? Aren't you in grad school?
    . . . No? I'm not in grad school, what gave you that idea? I did get another qualification after uni, but it's more vocational than anything. Anyway, I find the time to post usually after ten in the evening until about one in the morning which has become my bedtime +/- half an hour.
    I type quickly, but I don't see that post as being all that big.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    You could maybe even run it a bit longer than normal, it looks younger than it is.
    But there's still wear and tear internally and stuff, I'll switch bodies in a few years, and then Koorly shall be no more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    I think I'd had the nickname a couple of years before that occurred to me.
    . . . Seriously?
    It's time to begin
    Now count it in
    5, 6, 7, 8
    My boot scooting baby
    Is Da-riving me ca-razy
    My obsession for a lesson
    My chance for a date
    (is a)
    When you can't go home
    and something something

    How could you not get the joke?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    I remember both those songs incredibly well, though I would not have been able to say who they were by without googling it myself. Also I feel like maybe Jump was originally by someone else but then covered? Not sure, too lazy to find out.
    Don't know, don't really care, they ended up stuck in my head for a few days. 'Jump' probably was a cover though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    While I'm right there with you on liking to be left alone while I browse, a thought which just occurred to me is that they may in some cases just be bored, especially if it's a slow day in the shop.


    And that I also get. I think it's somewhat of a general British thing. It sounds a lot like something I'd see shared by a friend from a facebook page/twitter called 'Very British Problems'.
    I don't mind a bit of help occasionally, if I ask for it or I'm feeling like I can chat with people without panicking. Or when I'm actively browsing for skin/beauty/hair stuff because it's always nice to get a second opinion when you're buying something that can last months or years.
    Or when said person happens to be a friend of mine or someone I just knew in school because then it's a little more social and stuff.
    Ha. 'Very British Problems' include:
    being gagging for a cuppa constantly
    accepting that cup or tea or coffee even when you don't want one
    being miserable in the rain
    being miserable in the sun
    being miserable in the cold
    being miserable in the heat
    loathing queue jumpers and treating them like lepers
    becoming more and more polite the more you want to be away from a person or place
    having hours long argumentsdiscussions over how to make a cup of tea
    bickering over whether it's cream of jam first on the scone
    how to pronounce the word 'scone'
    the act of taking off a jumper or hoodie marks the heady heights of high summer
    trying to discern whether the inflection given to "You're welcome," means it's sincerely meant or they're insulting you
    constantly apologising to everyone for everything, even when the other person is at fault
    a 'sec', 'jiffy' or 'dreckly' means 'anywhere from a few seconds to never'
    "I'll let you get on . . ." means leave
    chronic understatement means that someone actually saying 'it was great' might as well mean they ascended to godhood and rewrote the universe according to their whims and now all things are perfect
    chronic understatement means 'not half bad' is more akin to perfection
    'a spot of bother' means 'THE WORLD IS ENDING!'
    being invited over to someone's place - even that of a relative or close friend - leads to being on perfect manners and sitting/standing so that you take up as little place as possible and disturb even less
    'Anyway, just an idea' means 'I think you all think my idea was stupid so I'll trail off into embarrassed silence until we all spontaneously decide it never happened and carry on with the conversation'
    an exchange of half-said apologies such as 'Excuse me, could I just'
    'Of course, sorry,'
    'Sorry, thanks' is understandable to everyone around as long as they're British or have acclimated to British culture. Or have studied it.
    Daylight Savings means that you're constantly amazed by how light it is in the evenings now
    The endless worry that for some reason your perfectly legal train tickets will get you in trouble as you hand it over for inspection. Every. Damn. Time.
    Hairdresser/barber's mirrors invoke existentialism and the dread of trying to avoid looking at yourself without being super obvious about it
    "I'm just looking, thanks,"
    'I beg your pardon?' might as well be a declaration of war
    the mildest of swear words can carry all the power of the worst ones imaginable
    'oh bother' means run for the hills
    nodding and saying 'uh huh . . . oh yes . . . of course' and finally saying 'yes, I understand' when you were lost over fifteen minutes ago

    I thought about adding in 'tea fixes everything', but it really does.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Wooohoooo~ (this is me also)

    You can, is the best part!
    Stick-in-the-mud buddies! Who knows, maybe one day we'll switch to Windows 10 and be shocked and amazed when no one realises just how earth shattering such an event really is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Generally speaking, yeah. I mean, it's not the simplest thing to do, but compared to trying to change your GUI software on a Windows system, yeah, it's easy.

    Well, in that case, sudo yum install [whatever] should be good enough for you, if you're willing to install programs from the shell. I think most Linux distros are packaged with yum (a program that manages "packages" - downloading, updating, installing, uninstalling, etc) or something similar nowadays.
    You know, I actually understood that and might even attempt it. I feel so intelligent right now. I can babble babble jargon strange words and even take part in such a conversation without feeling weird.
    On a side note: Gunnerkrigg Court:

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    WINE should function for you, then, although you might find it a little clunky - I don't know, I've not used it to any great extent (as I run Windows 7 and only emulate Fedora when I need a Linux system, so WINE is largely unnecessary for me).

    sudo and su are commands that let you perform actions as the "root" user, or as the "superadministrator", as it were - you have full authority to change anything and everything on your computer. Generally you only want this kind of authority for a few instructions (like when installing a program), so you don't accidentally do something you're not supposed to (Linux isn't all that big on generating warnings when deleting files, for example).
    Sweetness. Though I'm a little concerned by Linux not generating warnings when deleting files, sometimes one just misclicks, you know?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    If the most CPU-intensive thing you'll commonly do is stream videos and use Word documents, you can get away with basically any computer they'll sell you. Get as much hard drive space as you think you'll need, and 4-8 GB of RAM (what's become the 'usual' these days, as I understand it), and don't spend too much time worrying about things like hard drive RPM or the exact capabilities of your onboard graphics/sound chips. - it'll likely be a waste of time for you if you do.
    Coolios, get any dreck you can, up the RAM and get a half-decent graphics/sound chip.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    Where do we all find the time to post?
    By multitasking. Or neglecting other, more important things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
    ION: My sleep schedule has gone from unsatisfactory to horrible over the course of the past week or so - thankfully out of choice/necessity and not insomnia, so it's not as frustrating as having no choice in the matter. But still - I prefer to keep reasonable hours when that is an option.
    And conversely, mine has become rather good. I'm not entirely sure what's happened, but I have a genuinely reasonable schedule now.
    How did that happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by V'icternus View Post
    Why is it that you now scare me more than the possibility of nuclear war?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bath View Post
    To compare [Curly] to the beauty of the changing seasons or timeless stars would be an understatement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    But Koorly is the sweetest crime.

    Squid bones are lies.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Victory ahead but sadness ahead.

    Try friendship, help me...

    I did it! Therefor Praise The Sun!

    (totally beat Dark Souls 2 guys)

    (Also recorded 3 videos for the Zelda thread in one recording session and that's satisfying)
    (bloodsoaked and gore-spattered) chest is safe. :3

    C'mon, what could possibly go wrong? :P

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeppio View Post
    (bloodsoaked and gore-spattered) chest is safe. :3

    C'mon, what could possibly go wrong? :P
    Caution: liar ahead, therefore try destroy.

    (I love the Souls games so much. Next time I get paid a lot of money I'm going to pick up a PS4 and Bloodborne.)
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2015-04-14 at 07:44 PM.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Caution: liar ahead, therefore try destroy.

    (I love the Souls games so much. Next time I get paid a lot of money I'm going to pick up a PS4 and Bloodborne.)
    I have a feeling I wouldn't be very good at the Souls games. Unless I could get a huge supply of some sort of projectile, to poke absolutely everything with to make sure it's actually a crate or a rock and not some sort of doom beast.

    Also, I think I hear another thunderstorm brewing (there was another one late last night)....

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeppio View Post
    I have a feeling I wouldn't be very good at the Souls games. Unless I could get a huge supply of some sort of projectile, to poke absolutely everything with to make sure it's actually a crate or a rock and not some sort of doom beast.

    Also, I think I hear another thunderstorm brewing (there was another one late last night)....
    It's not that bad. The only creature that disguises itself are Mimics, and they have obvious tells. Though yes the games are PRETTY tough, and having ranged is very useful.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeppio View Post
    Also, I think I hear another thunderstorm brewing (there was another one late last night)....
    Oooh, exciting!
    (Yes, I love thunderstorms. And especially the thunder!)

    Now where did my last two hours go?
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Generally advice, though: Don't ever touch su. All security which comes with making the superadministrator account inaccessible in all but specific cases crumbles as soon as you log in on the same.
    Yeah, I generally just use sudo when I need that kind of permission. su has all the extra effort of needing to log out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    I'm with you right there. I've come to clasify any night I go to bed before 2 in the morning as reasonable. This should be very bad...
    2am is downright early for me. Before 4am is reasonable. After 4am is more common. Last week, around 5pm was more common...


    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Stick-in-the-mud buddies! Who knows, maybe one day we'll switch to Windows 10 and be shocked and amazed when no one realises just how earth shattering such an event really is.
    I've seen the Win10 beta (one of my roommates is using it for his desktop), and it seems to combine the things I liked about 7 and 8, so I'll probably switch reasonably soon after it's properly available.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    You know, I actually understood that and might even attempt it. I feel so intelligent right now. I can babble babble jargon strange words and even take part in such a conversation without feeling weird.

    On a side note: Gunnerkrigg Court:

    You made me check it again before I remembered it was Tuesday and we're not due for an update until 3am Wednesday morning (EST). Yeah, it's kinda sad right now. Interested in seeing which direction it goes from here.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Sweetness. Though I'm a little concerned by Linux not generating warnings when deleting files, sometimes one just misclicks, you know?

    Coolios, get any dreck you can, up the RAM and get a half-decent graphics/sound chip.
    The idea is that you know what you're doing and presumably don't need to be asked if you really want to do what you're doing.
    Hence, be careful with rm

    Basically, yeah.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    By multitasking. Or neglecting other, more important things.

    And conversely, mine has become rather good. I'm not entirely sure what's happened, but I have a genuinely reasonable schedule now.
    How did that happen?
    Usually the latter.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    . . . Seriously?
    It's time to begin
    Now count it in
    5, 6, 7, 8
    My boot scooting baby
    Is Da-riving me ca-razy
    My obsession for a lesson
    My chance for a date
    (is a)
    When you can't go home
    and something something

    How could you not get the joke?
    I wasn't enough of a fan to know the names of the members. I just remembered the songs, because insidious earworm 90s pop will do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Ha. 'Very British Problems' include:
    being gagging for a cuppa constantly
    accepting that cup or tea or coffee even when you don't want one
    being miserable in the rain
    being miserable in the sun
    being miserable in the cold
    being miserable in the heat
    loathing queue jumpers and treating them like lepers
    becoming more and more polite the more you want to be away from a person or place
    having hours long argumentsdiscussions over how to make a cup of tea
    bickering over whether it's cream of jam first on the scone
    how to pronounce the word 'scone'
    the act of taking off a jumper or hoodie marks the heady heights of high summer
    trying to discern whether the inflection given to "You're welcome," means it's sincerely meant or they're insulting you
    constantly apologising to everyone for everything, even when the other person is at fault
    a 'sec', 'jiffy' or 'dreckly' means 'anywhere from a few seconds to never'
    "I'll let you get on . . ." means leave
    chronic understatement means that someone actually saying 'it was great' might as well mean they ascended to godhood and rewrote the universe according to their whims and now all things are perfect
    chronic understatement means 'not half bad' is more akin to perfection
    'a spot of bother' means 'THE WORLD IS ENDING!'
    being invited over to someone's place - even that of a relative or close friend - leads to being on perfect manners and sitting/standing so that you take up as little place as possible and disturb even less
    'Anyway, just an idea' means 'I think you all think my idea was stupid so I'll trail off into embarrassed silence until we all spontaneously decide it never happened and carry on with the conversation'
    an exchange of half-said apologies such as 'Excuse me, could I just'
    'Of course, sorry,'
    'Sorry, thanks' is understandable to everyone around as long as they're British or have acclimated to British culture. Or have studied it.
    Daylight Savings means that you're constantly amazed by how light it is in the evenings now
    The endless worry that for some reason your perfectly legal train tickets will get you in trouble as you hand it over for inspection. Every. Damn. Time.
    Hairdresser/barber's mirrors invoke existentialism and the dread of trying to avoid looking at yourself without being super obvious about it
    "I'm just looking, thanks,"
    'I beg your pardon?' might as well be a declaration of war
    the mildest of swear words can carry all the power of the worst ones imaginable
    'oh bother' means run for the hills
    nodding and saying 'uh huh . . . oh yes . . . of course' and finally saying 'yes, I understand' when you were lost over fifteen minutes ago

    I thought about adding in 'tea fixes everything', but it really does.
    Yep. I think Very British Problems probably also includes deriving great amusement from listing our own eccentricities, then worrying that people from other countries think we're strange.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    On a side note: Gunnerkrigg Court:
    I KNOW.
    "'But there's still such a lot to be done...'

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    I KNOW.
    What happened to it?

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    What happened to it?
    In it.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    What happened to it?
    Just a very upsetting chapter.
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Indeed. Although there is some hope.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    You're my favorite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    I'll kill them! I'll kill all of them!
    Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
    We're crashing Wombat's wedding! WITH AN ARMY OF WOMBATS AND BUDGIES.

    "So whosoever is a hedgehog let him see to it that his wife is a hedgehog also, and so forth."

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    . . . No? I'm not in grad school, what gave you that idea? I did get another qualification after uni, but it's more vocational than anything. Anyway, I find the time to post usually after ten in the evening until about one in the morning which has become my bedtime +/- half an hour.
    I type quickly, but I don't see that post as being all that big.
    Not entirely sure. Probably that you're going to be teaching ESL in Vietnam? Figured you were wrapping up some sort of post-grad teaching degree. Also, you are also quite loquacious, especially by the standards of typical internet forums.

    ION: I drew something for the first time in ages. Feels good, though it would have been nice to be get paid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonprime View Post
    AT, I esteem you above all other men now.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by AtlanteanTroll View Post
    ION: I drew something for the first time in ages. Feels good, though it would have been nice to be get paid.
    Needs moar shoulder pads!

    But in all seriousness, nice work! Has a propaganda poster feel to it, which I certainly enjoy...
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    Yep. I think Very British Problems probably also includes deriving great amusement from listing our own eccentricities, then worrying that people from other countries think we're strange.
    we are strange who else would vote a dog as the most entertaining thing in the country (thereby proving that Britain has no talent)

    Avatars by various artists my thanks to them all

    i won silver Protoss itp... and a Magtok!
    Quote Originally Posted by dsmiles View Post
    I know you...kind of...the hippie is always picking on you...
    Quote Originally Posted by smellie_hippie View Post
    The local Troglanders have decreed that Archie was victorious for actually bringing a KNIFE to a Skype fight.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    I've just thought of a stupid overextended metaphor instead of sleeping and I can't figure out what it would actually mean.

    In the context of the phrase "the $#%& hit the fan," what would it mean to say someone held up a pinwheel? Are they making something out to be more disastrous than it is? Delaying the problem? Buffering it?

    Am I going to regret this when it's no longer one in the morning and my eyes stay open on their own again?

    How many types who's I be making without autocorrect?
    I'm going to shut up now.
    Last edited by Qwertystop; 2015-04-18 at 12:11 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    I've just thought of a stupid overextended metaphor instead of sleeping and I can't figure out what it would actually mean.

    In the context of the phrase "the $#%& hit the fan," what would it mean to say someone held up a pinwheel? Are they making something out to be more disastrous than it is? Delaying the problem? Buffering it?
    That would be someone delaying an important process, in my mind. Especially one which multiple people (the figurative machinery) are part of. Unless you by "held up" just think of them lifting it over their head, in which case it makes little sense at all...

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    Am I going to regret this when it's no longer one in the morning and my eyes stay open on their own again?
    And here I thought it was at least 3 for you...
    I need help.
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    And here I thought it was at least 3 for you...
    I need help.
    I thought you were less than 3 for Qwertystop?

    "My Hobby: Replacing your soap with gravy" by rtg0922, Doll and Clint "Rawhide" Eastwood by Sneak

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Rawhide View Post
    I thought you were less than 3 for Qwertystop?
    Ehh, what?
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    And here I thought it was at least 3 for you...
    I need help.
    Well, it was 3 for Central. But Qwerty is two timezones further west.

    Hai people. Hi Koorleh. *continues to lurk*
    Can only thank GitP for being so good for so long.
    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    If it helps, think of me as the Agent from Serenity. Just not that good a fighter. Also, I have a mustache.
    Quote Originally Posted by kpenguin View Post
    I'm probably hilarious far off, aren't I?
    Quote Originally Posted by Telonius View Post
    This is not... the greatest story Tolkien ever wrote. No... This is just a tribute.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracon1us View Post
    don't feed the troll...

    A pile of thanks piled on other thanks to Teddy for photorealistic avatar.

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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    I've just thought of a stupid overextended metaphor instead of sleeping and I can't figure out what it would actually mean.

    In the context of the phrase "the $#%& hit the fan," what would it mean to say someone held up a pinwheel? Are they making something out to be more disastrous than it is? Delaying the problem? Buffering it?

    Am I going to regret this when it's no longer one in the morning and my eyes stay open on their own again?

    How many types who's I be making without autocorrect?
    I'm going to shut up now.
    A pin wheel is like a cheap, "not really a fan" fan. So in context it would mean "a false solution that looks good but in reality does next to nothing."

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