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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    "You have mine as well, for what it's worth. "

  2. - Top - End - #122
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Woggle's Avatar

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    May 2014

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    The weight of the situation finally settling in on Kára, she rests her left hand on her father's sword's hilt. She gives the captain a small bow, adding "My sword is yours, Captain." Unsure of what else to say, she leaves it at that for the time being. Thoughts of family flit through her mind. Surely, if Kattershir wasn't hit first, then her parents and brothers would have had time to get away? She shakes her head.

    "Beg pardon, Captain, but were there ones you knew in Wardston?
    Last edited by Woggle; 2016-08-23 at 08:26 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    With a solemn nod of thanks, the Captain takes Lim's hand in both of hers and gives it a squeeze before releasing. She repeats the gesture with Ivar and Kára and each of Jenner's crew that offer. The only ones not to make the same offer are Merrick, Sera, Gerđr, and the other cartographers. "I know it's a serious situation and that times are hard and confusing," Captain Bloodmane says to the raiders, "but I want you to know you've got an ally in me. If any of you find yourselves out of sorts, I'll offer what aid I can." With that the lot of you are dismissed aside from the cartographers. On her way out, Kára is stopped by the Captain, "In response to your earlier question: We've all had to come from somewhere, Kára. Even those of The Old Ways." Kára's dismissal then leaves no time for retort and soon it's just the Captain and the mapmakers left in the cabin.

    Spoiler: Gerđr
    You spend the next few hours drawing out many copies of the map on every scrap piece of paper Harv and Captain Bloodmane are able to muster. You will be free to leave afterwards. If you have no complaints or other things you'd rather do, give me an Int Check with your Cartographer's Tools, please.

    Outside, Jenner speaks up, "Alright. We've all gone through some storms, and I won't pretend to know you from the next raider for hire that graces my boat, but you're not a bad lot. I reckon Captian wants Beck and I back on the short ship for the time being, and that means them two, too," he points to Merrick and Sera, "but the lot of you eat, sleep, and sh*t here now. You're officially crew of the Crimson Dog!" The last line is hollered out and there's a rousing cheer from many of the working crew as ways of welcome. The celebrations die out as soon as they were birthed and everyone's back to work with grim tidings on mind.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Welcome to the crew.
    Gerđr, don't worry. If you want on the crew a word with the Captain gets you on board. If you'd rather wait and see, that's understandable too.

    Everyone: you sleep mostly on deck underneath the forecastle at the prow of the ship huddled up with everyone else. On rotation, some crew are permitted to sleep in the hammocks below decks or on top of stored goods if overcrowding is a problem. The Crimson Dog has 15 regular crew members and is known to hire on seasonal sailors for the raiding months. This is all general knowledge you would have picked up over time by now.

    Lim: Your chest was moved below decks to somewhere out of the way for now. It doesn't seem as if anyone else has tried opening it since you've moved it.


    All through the night and well into next morning the Crimson Dog sails on. Lanterns and torches and short ships lead the way during the dark, and once the sun rose the shifts changed over. Soon, around late morning, the coastline of Vansterrock comes into view. To the left and north of the city is a large, thousand foot rock sticking up out of the bay. This is the "rock" of Vansterrock. The rumours circling it have been recited for as long as there ever was a Vansterland. Some say it's made of pure metal stronger than any iron. Others say its insides are pure gemstone. The tales vary wildly and little is ever known of the truth.

    In its immediate shadow is Oldtown. The site of Vansterland's first camps and homes. Now the center from which the kingdom is run, it is filled with palatial estates and high walls. There's a small private port that is property of the High King exclusively and it is heavily guarded. Also in Oldtown are the barracks and training grounds of the only professional soldiers this side of Wardston. As the Crimson Dog nears the city, figures can be spotted marching the walls of Oldtown.

    To the immediate south is the very long stretch of land that is absolutely filled with docks, shipyards, and piers. This is the largest port in all of Vansterland and it runs all the way south to the mouth of the River Orrik. Surprisingly the docks are filled with hundreds of ships. The vast majority are the short ships you're so familiar with, eight-seater rowing vessels with scarcely enough room to sleep. There's about a dozen or so larger sailing ships, much like Crimson Dog. Many belong to raiders and Captains, others belong to incredibly wealthy merchants.

    Although you can't see it, you all know that beyond the docks is a large portion of the city that is a mix of stacked residences and large storerooms. Warehouses, taverns, inns, and brothels are all within a ten minute walk from any dock. Beyond those would be more respectable establishments and residences that stretch on for a few streets until reaching the large open-air market. All the major roads in Vansterrock cross the market or Market Street eventually, and it stretches down to the River Orrik as well. On it's other side are more residences and fine establishments that eventually dwindle into farmlands. All in all, you've each got at least a rough idea of how the town's suppose to be.

    But now you can taste it on the air: the thin, acrid taste of smoke. There are columns of greasy black smoke rising up throughout the city at random distances. It's impossible to be certain what's happening where from your position on Crimson Dog, but as you draw nearer, more becomes clear. Eventually the lookout calls out that there's a mountain of burning wreckage up river that seems to have halted any and all river-to-sea traffic. She reports that it looks like the roads are shimmering from all the people heading for the rumoured safety of the city.

    With barely twenty minutes before reaching the docks Captain Bloodmane takes the helm of the ship. Her stern countenance and steady voice are able to keep some semblance of order as final preparations are made and the Crimson Dog eases up to a dock. "Jenner, take the ship. All hands keep weapons ready. You are not yet released from contract! For the safety of every man and woman on board, consider us in unknown lands! You lot," she points at the four of you, "you're coming ashore with me and the mapmakers. Sharp blades, sharper wits, right?"

    In a matter of moments the four of you are accompanied by the two commandeered cartographers and Captain Bloodmane. She's brought her painted shield and heavy axe, while they brought sacks nearly bursting with rolled up papers and parchments. Jenner Longclaw has taken command of the Crimson Dog and the crew scan the streets with a paranoid energy. As you approach the streets proper you're greeted by a trio of rough looking thugs with painted shields and well used weaponry. The foremost of which is a halfling man with a greying goatee and a thick scar across his forehead that culminates in half an ear. He asks in a rough voice, "No civvies on the docks! Who's your Captain, then?"

    Before anyone else can say or do anything, Bloodmane spits at his feet, "They take your eyes with your ear, Kalder? I'm Captain Bloodmane and I'm heading for the Council. If you're not leading us there by the time it takes Frida's biscuits to dry out a mouth then I'll even out your other ear!"

    There's a split second of pause before he cracks out, "Lorana?! They made you a Captain? Was everyone else dead?" A second later and everyone's smiles and laughter as both speakers are grasping each other's wrist in greeting. Cursory introductions are made and Kalder's companions are known as Ethel and Iden. There's some news and some catching up as he leads your party further from the docks. It turns out most of the refugees have been coming straight to the docks to get passage anywhere else. Many of the refugees have forcibly taken over buildings and are attempting to survive off their contents. It got so bad that all the Captains had to band together to provide security measures in order to create some semblance of peace. When asked about the soldiers, Kalder gives a sorry laugh and says, "They're all holed up in Oldtown. High King's gone off his rocker when he heard the news that Borriston burned down the other night. Whole city, nothing but ashes and debris. So the entire army that we thought would protect or defend us is hiding behind their stone walls as the Wildmen's numbers seem to keep growing."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Okay, small break here. You're currently walking through mostly empty streets with a guard patrol guiding you. Alleys seem chock full of debris and human detritus and you've never seen conditions this bad before. As far as any of you know, you've never seen war before, now that you're on equal footing with an enemy. Feel free to toss questions to any of the NPCs but I'll be updating this hopefully soon.

  4. - Top - End - #124
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jul 2016

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Having a bit of time to get familiar with the ship and his chest, Lim tries to find a place to sleep nearby, but will settle for huddling with everyone else if nothing catches his eye.
    He also tries to find time to search for any hidden compartments in the chest.

    Spoiler: Chest
    Investigation if applicable: (1d20+1)[15]

    Watching the encounter between what he assumes to be two old friends, Lim makes his best effort at staying focused on where they're going rather than letting his thoughts drift to what could be causing the plumes of smoke, or the state of the docks.
    He holds out for a few minutes before he cannot stop himself and moves closer to one of the guards to ask him,

    "Have there been any postings of names for the refugees? Any way to find people in this mess?"
    There's a short pause as Lim looks at the state of things around them,
    "Or has there been any effort to draw up a list of the dead?

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Woggle's Avatar

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    May 2014

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Kára secures her sword belt at her waist, slinging her bundle of javelins over her shoulder along with her shield. She follows Bloodmane and the others into the city, now visibly shaken by the sight of refugees and plumes of smoke in the distance. She keeps her own council for the time being, but at the mention of the High King and the army doing nothing, she addresses the old greying halfling Kalder:

    "Is there any reliable news from beyond the city? Do we have any warriors beyond the walls? Any idea as to the number of the wildmen? Kára does her best to mask any note of anxiousness in her voice as she speaks.
    Last edited by Woggle; 2016-08-24 at 11:39 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #126
    Ettin in the Playground
    SaintRidley's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Spoiler: OOC
    Sorry about the delay, beginning of the semester, so lots of getting my ducks in a row and doing copying and stuff.

    Back in the map room

    Gerđr listens. "Makes sense. I don't really know anything about interpreting maps, just making them. I'm uncommon good at that part." She turns to the captain. "Captain, I heard nothing about Wolshir. I can only hope my family got out safely, but there's no telling where they could be. It'd be fruitless to try and find them, so I'd like to stick with you and your crew if at all possible."


    On shore
    Gerđr looks around, taking in the devastation that has even reached here. "It's like the whole world's gone against us."
    Last edited by SaintRidley; 2016-08-24 at 11:22 PM.
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  7. - Top - End - #127
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    "I'd much prefer getting on to the roofs to cover us, but I don't know the city well," Ivar says gloomily. Taking notice of the smoke plumes in the distance, he continues,"Anything damaged by the fires won't be safe to climb."

    Ivar follows the group with his bow in hand.

  8. - Top - End - #128
    Troll in the Playground

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    Apr 2011

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Spoiler: Gerđr (in the Captain's Cabin)
    Captain Bloodmane takes your hand in the same manner as the others and welcomes you aboard. You're now part of the crew.

    Spoiler: Lim (Investigation results)
    There seems to be no secret compartments to this chest.

    Ethel, a young looking woman with a sweet smile and pockmarks answers Lim's question, "Oh yeah, there's been some attempts. Refugees getting lists together about who made and who they're looking for. But they keep moving buildings or getting evicted so it's not easy keeping track. Someone at the Council's been trying to keep tabs, I'll point him out when we get there."

    At the same time, on the other side of the small party, Kalder is answering Kára's questions. "No, maybe, and more than expected," he replies tersely. However, a nudge from Bloodmane gets him to elaborate some more, "News is news. Comes in with the folk fleeing. None of them are sticking around long enough to figure out exact facts, though. There's probably some resistance out there somewhere, but the High King's called all soldiers and fighters to Oldtown to defend his worthless sack of grease and those of his friends. Folks with true iron are sticking to their Captains and that's what this Council's about. As for the Wildmen? Every report is more than the last. There's rumours that they're taking thralls and making them fight for them at the head of every battle. It's an old trick that's proven historically useful, but bringing slavery and thralldom back into Vansterland... I don't know how it'll last."

    Iden and the mapmakers nod to both Gerđr and Ivar's comments. They seem dour as can be and as the lot of you walk, the sky turns grey and cloudy. The sharp taste of smoke and cinders on the wind keeps the fires and smoke in mind even when they're out of sight. Soon you're brought to a large warehouse on the relative border of the Dock's District. Kalder nods to the standing guards, a pair of large men with swords, and leads you all inside.

    The world inside is almost entirely different from the world outside. The large open space in the center is nearly filled with people of varying heights, strengths, sexes, and attire. Each of them appear to be sailors or raiders or both. No weapons are drawn and those of you that don't stow your own are met with glares and stares. As Kalder leads you closer to the center, pushing through the crowd, he calls out, "Make way for Captain Bloodmane of Crimson Dog! Make way, you louts!" The crowd parts further and within moments your Captain is standing proud at the inner ring of all these people.

    Around the inner circle are nine other Captains, each somewhat finer or more austere than those behind them. As the rabble continues, a large man with a mass of white hair and a short white beard steps forward, "Silence! I, Captain Hansul Dorinsget, call this Captain's Council to order. As the Caller of the Council, it falls to me to relay the purpose of this meeting to those gathered." A hush falls over the crowd as he continues talking, "We are here to discuss a most heinous crime: Treason! I accuse High King Toriksget of treason against the people!" The crowd bursts into excited rabble as this proclamation is made. Many people cheer, some nod sagely, but most notably the Captains say nothing. "My friends, brothers, sisters, and everyone else, what use does this country have for a High King who hides behind his walls and soldiers during times of war? What use does a ship full of proper sailors have for a Captain that is intent on sailing them into death and destruction? Absolutely none!" The roar of the crowd is nearly too much for the meager warehouse and the heat of so many people in one place is nigh unbearable. It's a close, loud place to be and tempers seem to be guided by Captain Dorinsget's words.

    "I am here to call all Captains together in a mutiny against the High King. I say we sail around his high walls and show him who he's leaving out of his protection! I say we hang him outside the gates for the Wildmen to find and do with as they please! I don't wanna fight those savages alone out here in the city, I wanna fight them with a wall and an army on our side! I want to crush them! I want them turned to corpses or turned away! I want to fight through this! And you know who's in our way? The High King!" Captain Dorinsget is pacing the circle as he continues his rants. He's met with cheers each time he slams his fist into his other hand. There seems to be more people cheering from one side of the packed warehouse than the rest, though. And he's aiming his arguments not only at the Captains, but their sailors as well. Captain Bloodmane looks tense and impatient, nearly anxious.

    "So that's my reason for calling this Council. I don't see any other way we're going to survive this war, and if anyone has a better plan, I'm all ears," he says with an open armed plea. Perhaps he didn't expect any resistance. Perhaps he thought this was a done deal. Perhaps a many number of things, but least of which was him expecting the following.

    Captain Bloodmane stepped forward into the circle and called out, "I am Captain Lorana Bloodmane and I do, in fact, have a better plan than dying in a cage. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a sailor! A raider! A bloody Captain! I don't want to die in these streets or behind those walls. I want to die on my own bloody ship at sea with an axe or a drink in hand!" A surprising number of people cheer at this and the attention of the Council is in her hands. "The good Captain Dorinsget has a fair point, the High King has left the best of his citizens to die in the streets and he's too stupid to know it! We don't have the land advantage, we don't have the numbers, we don't even have surprise on our side. You know what we do have? The entire Dock's District. Unfettered access to every store, home, and tavern in the city. And," she pulls open the first map you brought to her, "a map to get out of the Great Bay!"

    The ensuing silence is deafening. Then all at once questions, whispers, gasps, and other noises of exclamation and surprise fill the large warehouse. Each and every one of the Captains has a shocked look on their face as they stare, open mouthed at Captain Bloodmane. Who, one must admit, was grinning like a madwoman. She snapped her fingers and beckoned forth the mapmakers and their parcels. Soon each Captain was staring at their own copy of the original map, pointing here and there, and conferring with their second-in-commands.

    The chaos continues for another solid minute before Captain Dorinsget steps forward and speaks up, "How did you find this?! How do you know it's accurate?!"

    "I had good information from an unlikely source. As for accuracy, I've had my best experts working on it since we retrieved it from the Islanders. It's not like we have many options, anyway. I'm not going to die here in Vansterland at the hands of a savage Wildman who'd probably prefer to trade with my bones than my jewels. I want out of this damn cage and I don't intend to leave anyone one behind. I have a good set of cartographers that can reproduce copies for any Captain who wants one. I'd rather not throw my sailor's lives away in some fight instead of giving them the chance to sail freely." And with that, the mood in the room changed. Instead of the gloom and anger of fighting a hopeless fight the vast majority of the people in the room had a glint of hope in their eyes. Captain Bloodmane tapped into two primal emotions with her offer: she offered safety from a deadly fight, and she offered unexplored waters to a room full of sailors. Captain Dorinsget seemed to see it too, and if his smile was anything to judge by, he was much happier for the new choice.

    "Alright! That's one suggestion, if anyone can top it, I'll eat my figurehead," he called out to the room. The room laughed back. "We've got work to do, then. Latest news is that Borriston burned down, and that the Wildmen are only about a couple of days away. I don't think they're stopping any time soon and while I was going to suggest my mass mutiny tonight, we have a better option. But we'll need supplies. And people. We're the keepers now, the people will look to us to lead. We're going to need tradesmen, farmers, cooks, healers, and every one else that can be useful. I want ships low in the water from overfilling by the time we leave tomorrow! I want the shipyards rushing all night to pump out as many crafts as they can! I want to save the people of Vansterland! The resounding cheer that follows is such a far cry from the earlier bloodthirsty roar that it's hard to believe that the room's filled with the same people. "Captains, you have your charge. Now get out there and take everything you need!"

    The room emptied like water out of a bottle, slowly but not for lack of urgency. As the shuffle pressed tight, Captain Bloodmane beckons the rest of you to the center of the room. "Listen to that, eh? We've just changed the course of history," she says, smiling as wide as ever. "But don't go forgetting your oaths and your duties now. I want each of you out there gathering supplies or recruiting refugees. Come back to the Crimson Dog before first light tomorrow morning or I'll have to leave without you. Does everyone understand?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Alright, I'm going to try and abstract out the next mini-mission. Each of you are going to give me a general target and a related skill check of your choice as well as a 1d100 roll for luck. Higher is better in D&D, just for your information on d100's. After that post I'll give you a response each and you'll likely have to respond to that with a choice of some sort and then head back to the ship. Despite the amount of time, Vansterrock is about to burst into utter chaos and so you'll only have time for one general target.

    Ethel points out a thin halfling with a large book and wispy attempt at a beard. He informs you of several groups of refugees that have made contact with him, including a small group from Wolshir and a group of farmers from Kattershir.
    Last edited by MintyNinja; 2016-09-04 at 11:13 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #129
    Ettin in the Playground
    SaintRidley's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Gerđr rushes to the halfling with the book. "I heard you had news of refugees from Wolshir. I need to know where they are. Do you have names? I'm looking for Ođinn Gunjarsget, Sóley Hildrsget, and Helga Hildrsget. Any information, any at all you can give. Please.

    Investigation: (1d20)[10]

    Luck: (1d100)[84]
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Kára's stomach turns over with a lurch at the sound of folk from Kattershir. She follows Gerđr to the halfling with the book, waiting in turn to ask about any survivors from Kattershir with the family name Halfdansget, trying not to get her hopes up too high, for fear of being disappointed.

    After checking the book, she sets out to recruit refugees, aiming for any survivors from Kattershir, or any others willing to work. She sorts through histories and stories in her head, trying to chose those most relevant and most likely to inspire a journey beyond the teeth. She gives Lim, Gerđr, and Ivar a quick wave as she heads off to recruit. "I'll be back shortly. Best of luck!"

    Spoiler: OoC

    History check for inspiring recruiting stories and any potential precedent.

    History - (1d20+3)[21]
    Luck - (1d100)[64]

  11. - Top - End - #131
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    With no mention of refugees from Wardston, Lim doesn't bother checking with the man. Realizing that the Wildmen would readily ravage anything the people here thought important, Lim abandons his previous plan of finding a grave site, he'll instead say his goodbyes looking back at Vansterland from his captains ship. His new plan is to help stock up the ship for a long trip.
    Returning Kára's nod, Lim calls out to the captain and the rest of the group.

    "Til tomorrow then, see you on the ship."

    Going around to find a well stocked store, perhaps one with a hard to access back room, Lim will put his skills and tools to work gathering resources.

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Investigation to find a well stocked store store - (1d20+1)[8]
    Stealth - (1d20+10)[29]
    Thieves tools for picking locks - (1d20+7)[20]
    General luck roll - (1d100)[53]

  12. - Top - End - #132
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Gerđr's the first to reach the bookish halfling and with an air of practiced professionalism he flipped to the near end of his book and scanned the page of tight scribbles muttering "Hildrsget... Hildrsget..." After a few more pages his eyes light up and he says, "Right! Here we are, there's a Helga Hildrsget with a group of shepherds across town. Try the Fool's Grin Inn on the road heading east out of town. I'd be cautious were I you, this information's a couple days old and a lot can happen in that time."

    With the information fresh in mind, Gerđr races out into the city. Chaos has broken out into the streets just before her and while she would love nothing more than to barrel ahead full force, a touch of caution keeps her out of several serious engagements on many of the major streets. Gangs of thieves and brutes wander the streets, taking whatever they want and often coming into conflict with refugees and raiders alike. The taste of smoke mingles cruelly with her hurried breaths as Gerđr makes her way across the city during the waning daylight hours.

    As the shadow of the great rock stretches farther with the help of the setting sun, Gerđr finds a large Inn just outside the city's limits. There's also hundreds of tents, bedrolls, soup lines, and road weary refugees everywhere. Some still seem to be trickling in from the edges of the kingdom and rumors of the conditions inside the city have broken many spirits here and now. The Inn had a small wall around it's yard but with the amount of tents propped up against it, it looks more like a town in it's own right with some great palace in the center. There's a small herd of sheep in one corner of the yard, about six of the animals that Gerđr can count in this low light. There's also a pair of young men on the front steps of the inn with bows out and arrows drawn. They're aiming not precisely at Gerđr, but near enough to convey the threat. "We're full up here, move along!"

    Spoiler: Gerđr's OOC
    Give me a response: What do you say? Or do?
    Give me a check: And why does it apply?
    Give me an answer: What's a higher priority: People or livestock? Would you fight terrible odds to save one or the other?


    When Kára gets to the bookish halfling she's also met with success. "The Kattershir Group have been sighted nearby, actually. Last notes I took were that they got into a scuffle with a Brayd Stonejaw. That was at a brothel called The Silverfish, about six streets to the north. From there you might find more."

    The trip to The Silverfish takes longer than she's expecting since it's absolutely filled with raiders, sailors, and thieves of every stripe. It takes some clever ducking and backtracking, but in two hours Kára finds herself outside a beaten down brothel with the hanging sing proclaiming it The Silverfish. The sun's still high in the western sky, and the smell of salt and smoke hang heavy in the air.

    Just inside the front doors Kára finds a decadent and filthy room. A lounge, of sorts, for sitting and waiting one's turn in the back rooms. Now it's filled with broken furniture, ashes, dirt, and what looks like blood. Across the most solid wall there's a red line of blood drops, lit from a hole in the wall to the west. A moment of silence and she can hear heavy snoring coming from one of the backrooms. A name is poorly scratched into the door frame: Brayd. Pushing the door open a moment reveals a small room lit by a cluster of candles and a scrawny old-timer sleeping on the floor, snoring loudly. On the bed are a trio of small children between the ages of six and ten. Their eyes are wide, lips trembling as they stare at Kára.

    Spoiler: Kára's OOC
    Give me a reaction: What's next?
    Give me a check: And why does it apply?
    Give me an answer: How far would Kára go to get information on her family's whereabouts?


    Lim's day is spent traversing the crowded city streets amidst chaos, smoke, and fury. Every street is the home of some desecration or another and the screams that fill the air seem to mingle with the smoke and create a sense of space closing in while in open streets. As the hours tick by and the sun sets in the west, the long shadow of the great monolithic rock spreads out across the crowded streets. During the final hour of dusk, after skirting the third group of brazen thieves as they prowl the alleys, Lim finds what amounts to a small miracle: an undamaged Tavern. What's more, it's surrounded by guards. Strong, heavy men with strong, heavy weapons. They're no raiders, but they're not soldiers either. They're probably hired mercenaries.

    With the darkness on his side, Lim is nearly invisible as he approaches the building, low to the ground. Lights are visible from the main entrance of the tavern and the majority of the guards stand by said entrance. What catches his eye instead are the stables to the right side of the main building. Using the cover of an errant scream and the quickness of his own fingers, Lim's able to pick a lock keeping the doors close and duck inside without being spotted.

    Inside, however, it's incredibly dark. Once in a while there's a glint of light from a fire outside, but the flickering orange is soon faded or moved before Lim get's much more than a feel fro the stable. What he knows for sure is that there's at least one horse here, a four-wheeled wagon, a saddle, and two doors further in. From his best guess, one leads to the taproom and the other leads to the storeroom.

    Spoiler: Lim's OOC
    Give me a plan: What do you want to do?
    Give me a check: And why does it apply?
    Give me an answer: Which door do you check, if any (Left or Right)? Would you attack someone to get away?

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Kára hesitates a moment as she takes in the scene before her: the old man snoring on the floor, the three children on the bed. Giving a small, reassuring gesture to the children, she nudges at the old man's feet with her boot, saying, "Awaken, old man. I've need to talk with you." With no immediate response, she leans down to place a hand on the man's shoulder to rouse him more vigorously, but she's careful not be violent.

    When the man wakes, she asks "Are you Brayd? I've heard you had some altercation with a party from Kattershir; do you know if there were men by the name of Flosi or Wodric among them, or a woman by the name of Sigrún? They may have had two young boys with them. There's coin in it if you can offer any information."

    Spoiler: OoC

    Persuasion check to attempt to convince the old man to give out anything he knows, appealing to Kára's familial duty (and helped with some coin, if need be).
    Persuasion - (1d20+3)[11]

    Kára will be willing to spend most if not all of her new-found wealth to find her family, but she would want to avoid any violence if possible, and if there isn't time before needing to be back to the ships, then she will hope her family can manage on their own.

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Ivar admittedly struggles with thinking of a place to search. It is easier to search something that you are familiar with after all. Ultimately he decides to try cautiously exploring the perimeter of the town. His main objective is to stay alert and learn the area, but he is trying to aid anyone he comes across or take anything that seems useful.

    Spoiler: Rolls

    Luck: (1d100)[71]
    Stealth: (1d20+7)[16]
    Investigation: (1d20)[2]
    Perception: (1d20+6)[16]

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Seeing the untouched tavern, Lim has two thoughts; There's either someone important, or someone rich in there.
    After sneaking past the mercenaries and into the stable, Lim thinks up a quick plan.

    Might be a while before I get to put these skills to use again.

    Lim will take out a torch and remove most of the flammable wrappings in order to create only a low flame, then he attempts to quietly saddle the horse and hook up the accompanying wagon, for use as a getaway or distraction, whichever need seems higher.

    Unsure of which door leads where, Lim shrugs and heads to the door on the right. He'll peek through, and if nobody is around he'll grab anything that isn't nailed down, trying to keep an eye out for valuable items.
    If he were to run into somebody, or somebody were to notice him, he would attempt to keep them quiet, threatening them if necessary but would prefer not to hurt any innocents.
    If someone tries to stop him from getting away, Lim will readily cut them down to secure his own safety.

    Spoiler: rolls
    Animal handling to keep the horse quiet: (1d20+2)[5]
    I'm proficient with Land Vehicles, so I assume I know how to set them up as well.
    Stealth to remain unseen/do things quietly: (1d20+10)[19]
    Perception to catch something shiny: (1d20+8)[19]
    Investigation to search for valuables: (1d10+1)[2]
    Persuasion/Intimidation to keep someone quiet: (1d20+6)[21]

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    "Hold that arrow, I'm not here for a fight," Gerđr says. "I have no quarrel with you, and I don't want one either. I'm looking for my family. This here's where the refugees from Wolshir are, yeah? I bring news, and hope. I don't want anything of yours, I just want to be able to find my family and get them, and as many as will come with us, out to the docks where we can sail to safety."

    She kneels down and sticks one hand into her boot while she holds the other up, palm out to the two men. "You tell me what you can about Ođinn Gunjarsget and Sóley and Helga Hildrsget, help me find them if they're here, and let me lead as many people as I can convince away from here, and I'll give you something that can help you avoid the wildmen when they come. Because they are coming, and there's no stopping them, only avoiding them." She pulls out the first copy of the map she made, the one she made in secret, and tucks it inside her leathers. "What do you think? Shall we talk?"

    Persuasion: (1d20)[6] - I'm going to try to talk these guys into helping me help everybody else.

    If this goes poorly, Gerđr is absolutely prepared to put them in their place so she can find her family and bring as many people to the sea as she can. She's still riding the high of the first raid, and she's cautious, but unafraid, and she's ready to fight if it comes to it. One hand is already twitching for her bow in anticipation of a poor negotiation.
    Last edited by SaintRidley; 2016-08-30 at 02:24 AM.
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  17. - Top - End - #137
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Kára Halfdansget

    The old man comes awake with a start and immediately coughs up some phlegm. He spits into the corner of the room before looking up at you with slightly glazed eyes. "Aye, Brayd Stonejaw, that's me," he says as he sits with his back up against the bed. There's an axe handle visible from under the bed but for the moment he has his arms leaning on his knees in front of him. "Kattershir? Don't know where they was from but some folks came by not long ago. Lady tried to take my cubs here," he says as nods at the children on the bed. The children sit, incredibly still, staring wide-eyed at Kára with something akin to fear in their eyes. "They ran off when I fought back. Must've been a dozen of them, I think. Said something about stables, that'd be towards the bay from here. Now, about that coin?"

    If you take his information, read the following:
    A couple blocks west of The Silverfish you find a stable with doors hanging loose but closed. In the darkness of very late evening you see some flickering lights from inside the not-so-abandoned building. On closer approach, Kára hears a familiar voice: her brother! Throwing the large door open she finds a horrid scene before her. There's eight adults cowering for warmth around a small fire. One or two hold small children in their arms. Off to the side, Sigrún is hunched over Wodric's still form with Flosi at her side. In Flosi's arms are little Balder and Snorri, crying into their uncle's chest as he holds them tight. With the flickering light Kára can see that Wodric has a large wound across his face and down the right side of his neck. It's impossible to tell anything more at this distance though, and before you can really react all eyes have turned to you. Flosi is the first to recognize you,"Kára!?"

    Spoiler: Kára's OOC
    You've rolled a very good History check earlier so any historical references or reasons you want to use to convince this group of farmers will be almost guaranteed to work.


    Ivar Jorsget

    Ivar spends several hours stalking the edges of the city, torn between options and more often than not losing them to indecision. It's an hour past dark by the time he comes across a curious sight: a young woman pulling a handcart behind her with the occasional strained bark coming from the cart. He waits a moment and he hears something more, someone whispering in a consoling manner. As Ivar approaches unseen from the side, he understands more of the situation. There seems to be someone in the cart consoling a dog. A canine whimper confirms his suspicions but it's at that point that he's spotted. "Hey! Who are you? What do you want with us?" the woman yells from the front of the cart. A small boy pops his head out from the cart and you can see a family resemblance. They're likely siblings.

    Spoiler: Ivar's OOC
    Give me a response: What do you say? Or do?
    Give me a check: And why does it apply?
    Give me an answer: Has Ivar's family ever kept or cared for dogs before? Could he stand to see one suffer?


    Lim Ruksget

    With a low light to work by, Lim's life is considerably easier. He's able to saddle the horse and attach the wagon quickly and quietly. Checking the door on the right he finds the storeroom of the inn and it is absolutely filled with food and drink. In a matter of an hour, Lim's got the wagon nearly full with sacks of potatos, bread, carrots, apples, onions, and box of dried meats. He's also loaded on four medium casks of ale and a smaller one of applejack whiskey. Before he's ready to leave he hears steps from above, in the rooms of the inn. As he takes a moment to listen more carefully he brings his low-lit torch too close to the horse's face and it rears up with a loud whinny. Before Lim can even begin to calm the beast down he can hear chairs and tables scraping on floorboards as someone comes to investigate.

    As the young halfling opens the door from the taproom to the stable his eyes are greeted by darkness only. He closes the door behind him and approaches the sounds of the horse as he whispers calming words to it. Suddenly, without warning or even a sound, a rough hand is clasped over his mouth and low voice whispers in his ear, "If you want to live till morning you'll sit very still and quiet." The younger halfling nods to Lim's threat and sits himself down. As Lim clambers up onto the wagon his hostage whispers, "Take me with you, please? I don't want to die here."

    Spoiler: Lim's OOC
    Sorry for putting words in your mouth, but it was the best I could come up with. You have another choice to make here: what do you do with the young halfling who was sent to calm the horse?


    Gerđr Hildrsget

    The two guards share a look and one calls back into the Inn, "Sóley! Get out here!" Out runs a young halfling woman with short sword half drawn in one hand and a shortbow grasped in the other. She's wearing an ill-fitting helm of boiled leather and regular traveling clothes, but it's Gerđr's sister. "Wha- Gerđr! Sis!" she says as she drops her bow and let's her short sword slide back into it's sheath and runs past the guards right into your arms. "It's so good to see you! Mum and I were so worried, we didn't know what to expect down here in the big city!"

    By this time the guards have eased their bows and put away their arrows. The one that's done all the talking approaches but waits while Sóley holds Gerđr. Eventually the embrace is broken and he speaks up, "I don't want to be rude, but you claimed to bring news and hope. We're on short supply of both here and would like to hear you out, inside." He and Sóley lead Gerđr into the large Inn and there she sees a large delegation of Wolshir shepherds and their families. The main taproom is just short of crowded and there's more people looking down from the upstairs balcony. Rushing down the stairs is the familiar sight of Gerđr's mother, Helga. "Oh, my daughter! My poor, sweet, daughter!" she calls as she wraps Gerđr in another crushing embrace.

    Spoiler: Gerđr's OOC
    You have the full delegation's attention for when you want to say your bit. I'll need a Persuasion check to see how many will go with you, but know that your family will absolutely go with you.

  18. - Top - End - #138
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Gerđr returns her mother's hug. "I'm so glad I found you. Where's dad?" She turns to her sister. "You look a little ridiculous, Sóley. I hope you weren't going to shoot at me. Never mind that, though. We're going to get you a helmet that fits after we leave here."

    Gerđr heads inside. There are a lot of people there. More than she expected. More than she's ever spoken to at once. "Keep calm, and just tell it to them straight," she mutters.

    "Hello, everybody. My name is Gerđr Hildrsget. I see some familiar faces in here, now that I'm looking at you, and many unfamiliar faces. Those of you who know me know that I set out not too long ago to become a raider. And when I returned from my first successful raid, it's to the news that my home, our home, is bing overrun."

    She pauses. "I was terrified I'd never see my family again. Terrified we would all die. I know many of you are prepared to stand and fight. Many are ready to make a stand at the capital. The High King has fortified and closed his gates. He means for all of us to die and hope the wildmen tire themselves of throwing their lives at his walls." As she speaks, she gains confidence and pulls her copy of the map from her leathers. "We found something on our raid. Something that could change our fates."

    Gerđr opens the map and holds it up for all to see. "We found a map. And the world is larger than we thought. This is my own, personal copy of the map. I invite you all to have a good look at it, because here," she points to a spot on the map, "This map shows us a way out of here. Past the Teeth. To lands we've never seen before. All of the captains were preparing to mutiny against the High King, but Captain Bloodmane, my captain, she proposed we use this knowledge. We leave Vansterland. We find a new home. The captains are taking as many people and supplies as possible. I believe the phrasing was 'ships low in the water from overfilling by the time we leave tomorrow' - and we leave tomorrow."

    She sighs and looks to her mother and sister, a tear in her eye. "I want to bring us all to safety. If you want to live, I'm offering your best chance. Anyone who wishes to leave Vansterland, join me. Bring as many supplies as you can carry. I know some of you will want to stay. I understand. For you, I would like to give you this map, as a final avenue of retreat should it come to that. Thank you, for hearing me out."

    Persuasion: (1d20)[4]
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  19. - Top - End - #139
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    "Thanks. Here, take these." Kára hands the old man 5 coins from pouch, then moves purposefully to the door and out into the city, making her way towards the bay.

    Kára blinks in the dim light of the stable, stunned for moment by terrible scene before her. She turns to her brother Flosi as he calls out her name, and she clasps his proffered arm firmly. She tries to raise a smile, but can manage little more than a grimace. Wordlessly she moves to Sigrún's side, staring down at her eldest brother Wodric's wounded face. "Oh no... does he yet live?" Kára speaks quietly, her voice faltering a little, as she kneels beside Wodric. She opens up her pack, adding "Can nothing be done? I have bandages and salves..." Kára reaches out to place a comforting hand to her eldest brother's wife, Sigrún. A small gesture, but there was little else she could do.

    After her Wodric has been attended to, Kára addresses the group as a whole, gazing at the tired, scared eyes of the men and women about the fire. "I've come to you not just to seek out my family, but also to ask something of all of you. I sail out tomorrow, with all of the captains, and I ask that you come with me. On our most recent raid we've found a way beyond the teeth." Kára holds up her hand for silence, then continues. "I know this seems incredible, but with the High King cowering behind his walls, we cannot fight the wildmen here. I ask that you take inspiration from our founder, Halfdan, when he first settled Kattershir. It took courage and determination for him to claim it from the wild and the unknown, and he didn't do it alone. He, like me, needed the help of his family and followers. I ask that you follow the example of those men and women, and come with me to a new home." Turning to Flosi in particular, she adds, as she draws out her family sword: "I swear on our father's family sword, I will protect and lead. There isn't anything left here for you. Please."

    Kára spends the night helping the refugees gather any supplies they need, and leads them in the morning back to the ships.

    Spoiler: OoC

    I'm not sure whether Wodric is alive or dead, or if a healer's kit will do any good, so I'll leave that up to DM's discretion. Would it be feasible to take his body (if he's indeed dead) and conduct quick rites of death (not sure if it was ever mentioned).
    Last edited by Woggle; 2016-08-31 at 10:11 AM.

  20. - Top - End - #140
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Quote Originally Posted by MintyNinja View Post
    Spoiler: *snip*


    Ivar Jorsget

    Ivar spends several hours stalking the edges of the city, torn between options and more often than not losing them to indecision. It's an hour past dark by the time he comes across a curious sight: a young woman pulling a handcart behind her with the occasional strained bark coming from the cart. He waits a moment and he hears something more, someone whispering in a consoling manner. As Ivar approaches unseen from the side, he understands more of the situation. There seems to be someone in the cart consoling a dog. A canine whimper confirms his suspicions but it's at that point that he's spotted. "Hey! Who are you? What do you want with us?" the woman yells from the front of the cart. A small boy pops his head out from the cart and you can see a family resemblance. They're likely siblings.

    Spoiler: Ivar's OOC
    Give me a response: What do you say? Or do?
    Give me a check: And why does it apply?
    Give me an answer: Has Ivar's family ever kept or cared for dogs before? Could he stand to see one suffer?

    Recognizing their common tongue, Ivar comes out of his hiding spot. "Relax," he begins. "My name is Ivar Roscosget. I am part of a group of raiders who returned to shore after hearing news of the attack. We're looking for survivors like yourselves at the moment. Is there anything I can do to help?"

    Ivar doesn't move towards them after revealing himself, waiting for a signal that it's okay to approach. He openly shows his hands to the pair, revealing an empty right hand as he puts away a knocked arrow, and the bow in his left hand. He seems unsure of whether or not to keep the bow out. His eyes do not focus on the siblings as he speaks, but rather the area around them; Ivar fears an ambush or an opportunistic attacker.

    Spoiler: Rolls

    Perception: (1d20+6)[18]
    Last edited by Ghost Nappa; 2016-08-31 at 12:54 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #141
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Cursing to himself that he was daft enough to hold a flame up to an animals face, Lim turns to the child and asks quietly,

    "Do you know how to tie knots? Or work a sail? If you've got any set of skills, you're welcome to come along."

    Then, thinking briefly of his family and the horrors of a Wildmen attack, Lim looks down at the halfling child, and in one of the flashes of light through the window he catches a glimpse of his face.
    The fear, the pleading expression, Could have been one of my own...

    Choking back tears, Lim clears his throat and whispers to the little one,

    "Climb in child, if you've got no skills of your own I'll teach you a few things to keep you useful."

    And in an effort to ease the small halflings worries he adds,

    "You ever been on a boat out at sea before? You're in for the time of your life."

  22. - Top - End - #142
    Troll in the Playground

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    Gerđr Hildrsget

    Right from the start, Gerđr's speech wasn't going well. The majority of the people began muttering the moment they heard your name and private conversations followed with little regard for your words. Those that listened didn't seem to take you seriously, latching on to detracting facts like leeches. Your first raid? Just a child, really. Maybe she's had more, just not successful. Should've stayed home, should've been there for her father. Ungrateful child, novice raider. I'd rather take my chances with a good sheep dog. That's barely a map, it's like a squiggly line! I can't see what she's pointing to. The muttering permeates the air and while dark glares are cast throughout the crowd by your family, it doesn't seem like anyone's convinced.

    In the end, the only ones that agree to go with you are your mother and sister. They're permitted to take their own belongings, and some people even offer them small parcels of food in farewell, but in the end it's just the three of you. As you look about for your father, your mother says, "He was out to the eastern pastures when they came. He stayed behind with a small village to buy time for the messenger. He didn't make it home, but his sacrifice gave us the head start that saved our lives. Now we have you to look out for us." Sóley wipes away a tear at this but adds nothing.

    It's a mournful walk back through the city, but after a few hours you're back on the Crimson Dog. Jenner's coordinating storage of the "foraging parties" as the raiders are calling themselves. "Bring your family to the crew quarters for the time being. They get the one hammock between them and later I'll have Harv come around for interviews. Gotta sort out who's worth what and all that," he says with a laugh.

    Spoiler: Gerđr's OOC
    That's your night's activities. If you want to continue roleplaying with your family for the time being, that's fine. Once I get everyone caught up we'll be moving on.


    Kára Halfdansget

    Sigrún heaves a sob and chokes out, "He's gone. It's all my fault! I should've just left those kids alone... My Wodric is gone..." She breaks down into tears again and the children cling tighter to their uncle. For his part Flosi looks devastated, but strong. He gives Kára an attempt at a warm smile and says, "You just missed him. You know him, always had to be first at everything." His own short laugh cracks mid way and he goes silent for a time. Sigrún regains some control over herself and with red-rimmed eyes she looks up to Kára and asks, "Could you say the words? You've always been so good with words. When we bury him, that is..."
    Spoiler: Death Rites
    When someone dies the euphemism depends on the person and what they did with their life. A farmer like Wodric would be said to have gone back to the dirt. A sailor or a raider would be said to have gone back to the sea. Often the deceased is buried as well as one can, and those closest would say a few words over them. Sometimes it's a bit like a sermon, "He showed us all the value of hardwork!" or sometimes it's a story, "This one time, when we were kids..." Often it's an honest telling of the person, but in death they're treated with some respect. The very rich or important are graced with grave markers. The more prosperous, the more elaborate. That's not very common outside of large cities.

    No matter her answer, Kára's next task is addressing the refugees around the fire. She gives a rousing speech and the people are respectful of the loss she just endured. It seems Wodric was their leader up until his death and the transition from him to Kára feels very natural for those gathered. There's plenty of nodding and agreement and even some hope in their eyes, dancing with the low firelight. By the end of it, everyone's agreed to follow you wherever you'll lead. The next several hours consist of a small funeral for Wodric in the loose mud of the stables and the refugees packing up what belongings they have. It seems someone packed a satchel of seeds, as well. Formerly a snack, that satchel now contains what these farmers consider their entire livelihood.

    Once you reach the Crimson Dog Jenner welcomes you and directs your people below decks. "Good haul of people, hope they're a useful bunch. Seems like they'll listen to you, though, so that's good." Below decks the Kattershir Group are able to cluster around a group of four hammocks and make themselves as close to comfortable as they can get.

    Spoiler: Kára's OOC
    That's your night's activities. If you want to roleplay out the funeral, feel free. Once I wrap up everyone we'll be moving on.


    Ivar Jorsget

    There doesn't seem to be anyone else watching Ivar, as far as he can tell. The woman speaks up in response and says, "If you know your way around a pregnant dog then we're in dire need. Bell isn't doing so good and we've been on the road a long while. If you can help us, we'd be damn grateful." The boy waves over frantically to Ivar as he looks concernedly over the dog in the cart.

    Spoiler: Ivar's OOC
    If you choose to try and help the dog and thus the refugees, give me an Animal Handling Check. If you choose not to, then you'll be returning to the ship in my next post.


    Lim Ruksget

    In the darkness it's nearly impossible to tell the young halfling's expression, but his whisper is hopeful, "I can drive a cart and calm a horse. My master's been teaching me about the merchant's trade, though." He climbs up with Lim's help and sits down next to the older man. "I always wanted to go out to sea, though," he adds wistfully. With that settled, Lim urges the horse forward and it nudges the large unlocked door open as it takes to the streets. There's a moment of tense silence broken only by the sound of hooves on cobblestones and wagon wheels rolling, but it's over as a man shouts from an upstairs window.

    Lim passes the reins over to the young driver and draws his bow. As the horse picks up speed to the young man's urging, Lim picks out a shot and looses an arrow. In a split second the lantern held by the man upstairs drops down onto the guards below, sounding loudly and causing one to lose his balance and fall. In moments the wagon is streets away from the tavern and barreling across the city. The young man's obviously a decent driver and he seems experienced with this particular horse as he leads you around twisting, burning wreckage in the dead of night. More than once a gang of bandits try to take the seemingly easy mark but an arrow from Lim puts them down and howling into the night.

    It's only half an hour and six arrows later that the two halflings reach the dock. A small crew offer to take the goods up the gangplank to the Crimson Dog while Jenner pats Lim on the back. "Looks like someone thought ahead. That's a damn good haul and it's sure to go over well with the lads when our own ale barrels run out. You and your friend can take a hammock down below. Welcome to the Crimson Dog..."

    "Mik. Mik Donsget. Apprentice to... well, I guess I'm not apprenticed anymore."

    Spoiler: Lim's OOC
    That's your night's activities done. Feel free to converse with Mik aboard Crimson Dog if you like. We'll be moving on once I get everyone wrapped up.

  23. - Top - End - #143
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    After helping the crew load up supplies, Lim finds Mik and tries to find out more about the boy.

    "That was some fine driving Mik. I wonder though, how old are you? And I suppose more importantly, have you ever been shown how to fight?"

    Lim will chat with Mik so long as there's no pressing work that needs to be done, he'll start to show him how to throw a proper punch and how to tie sailing knots.

    "This wont be an easy life, you understand? You'll have to work for your food, but these are good people. You stay smart and the ocean will teach you more than your master ever could."
    Last edited by HatMadder; 2016-09-02 at 02:37 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #144
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Kára watches on in numbed sadness as Wodric is prepared for burial. She runs through things to say in her head; unwilling to deny Sigrún's request. When the moment arrives, she takes a deep breath to steady her voice and begins.

    "Wodric was a man dedicated to family and the farm. I've never met a man who shouldered his day's work with such vigour and good humour. Even as a boy he was like that, and that dependability gave me the freedom to pursue my own talents, and for that I will be forever grateful. May he return peacefully to the earth." Kára wipes away a tear from her cheek, adding finally, "I can only hope that I can follow his example."

    After the ritual, Kára spends time with Sigrún and Flosi and the children, helping them prepare and traveling back to the Crimson Dog.
    Last edited by Woggle; 2016-09-02 at 10:53 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #145
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Gerđr gives her mother and sister hugs once they're aboard. "So that's what happened, then? Brave. Foolish, but brave. And not really different from what I tried back there - it was stupid of me to think I could convince them to come. I've never been a great talker." She turns and sees Kára and the throng of people she turned up with. Maybe someday I should talk to her and get some pointers. She seems to know what she's doing.

    She turns back to her mother and sister. "Ma, you go rest now. It's good to have you safe. Sóley, you go sleep too. We'll talk soon - I want to know how much training you've had with that bow. We'll turn you into a fine archer either way, but if you've gotten some real practice it'll make things easier."
    Last edited by SaintRidley; 2016-09-03 at 01:16 PM.
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

  26. - Top - End - #146
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Ivar sheepishly tries to look away and says, "T-the most I can do for you is to take you to the others and hope one of them knows something about dogs."

  27. - Top - End - #147
    Troll in the Playground

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    Apr 2011

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Aboard the Crimson Dog

    Lim Ruksget

    "It's about mid-summer now, so I'll be sixteen winters come next spring, sir," Mik replies to Lim. "Ain't ever learned to fight, but my pa was a driver for a rich merchant and when he passed I had to work to keep food on the table for mum. She passed not long after. I've been working for the last year hoping to learn more about being a merchant, but Master Caliasget never seemed to have time." The deck is well lit and now Lim can see his new friend a bit more clearly. He's got a wispy nothing of a goatee and sandy blond hair that hangs loose. After your quick lesson on not-destroying-your-own-thumb-when-punching, he replies, "I've got nothin on land. I'll gladly apprentice to you, sir, if it means I get to leave."

    Some time later Mik is unable to stifle his yawns and you realize that you've both been up most of the night. A couple hours of sleep before the open water seems like an intelligent choice and you both retire below decks.


    Gerđr Hildrsget

    "Ha, training? Aim the pointy end at the thing you want to hit," Sóley says with a strained laugh. "I'm never gonna be as good as you, sis, but I'll gladly practice with ya when the time comes." She retires below decks with her mother, both smiling warmly for Gerđr. There's a hint of comfort behind their smiles, as if they aren't sure this plan will work, but that being with their Gerđr again makes it a worthy risk. Maybe that's enough. Maybe it's not. It's too close to morning for clarity of thoughts such as these, and maybe Gerđr needs to take her own advice about sleep.


    Ivar Jorsget

    It's dark, but you can still see the woman's face fall. She's on the verge of saying something before the dog gives a pained whimper. "Fine, let's hurry!" And you do hurry. Leading the woman through winding streets choked with debris, bodies, fires, and roving bands of looters, Ivar goes as fast as he can. However, the woman's been carrying the cart for some unknown amount of time and the pace is necessarily slower than expected. It's a long trip back through the town as you're hounded by whimpers and cries from he back of the cart. Occasionally a sob can be heard from the young boy as well.

    After a rough three hours Ivar and the hand cart pull up to the docks. The woman crumples to her hands and knees immediately, exhausted beyond belief. The young boy doesn't move but he can be heard sobbing from the back. Risking a glance into the cart, Ivar sees that the pregnant dog as stopped moving entirely. She was a large breed, likely a hunting hound, and was resting on a bed of blankets. Her belly is swollen beyond the bounds of normality and completely still. The young boy is sobbing into his hands, with his back to the wall of the cart. There's a small knife stabbed into the wood of the cart, probably in anger.

    By now a large man has approached from the ship and Ivar recognizes Jenner Longclaw. "What's happened, are you harmed?" he says as he goes immediately to the young woman. Seeing no wounds he turns her to her side and lets her rest. He stands and approaches the back of the handcart with Ivar. "What's going on, Ivar. What are- Oh. Damn. That's a real shame," he says as he takes in the scene. Jenner puts a hand at the dog's throat and waits a second. Then he dips a finger beneath the lips and waits another second. "She's gone back to the dirt, that one. Good girl, must've fought till the end. Ain't that right, boy?" The young boy gives a nod between sobs. "Alright, well you're a smart boy, ain't ya? Do you know where you are? You're on the docks, next to the great sailing ship, Crimson Dog! Maybe she got you here for a reason, eh?" The young boy looks up with a shocked expression and glances around. As his eyes take in the name of the ship along it's side, he manages a small smile. "That's the spirit. How about you help me get your sister on board so she can sleep in peace, eh?"

    Before Jenner brings the two on board, he says to Ivar, "It's a good thing you brought them. Shame about the dog, though. I'll see you on board."


    Spoiler: OOC for All
    Alright, I'm gonna give everyone a quick chance to catch up and eek out some minor responses if you wish but I'll be continuing the game tomorrow.

    @Kára: I didn't have anything more to add for you this post, you were not forgotten.

  28. - Top - End - #148
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jul 2016

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    With a smile, Lim slaps the boy on the back,

    "I'll do my damn best Mik. We wont be on this boat forever, but you should know that once you're on the deck of the Crimson Dog, you're a crew member no matter who you're apprenticed to."

  29. - Top - End - #149
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Woggle's Avatar

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    May 2014

    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Kára busies herself helping the Kattershir folk settle in on the ship, and when she has a few moments to herself, heads above decks. Careful to stay out of the way of the working folk, she finds a quiet spot to take out her shawm and work through a few musical phrases for a new ballad. She reflects briefly on the events of the last day, feeling herself lucky that she managed to find at least some of her family.

    Afterward, she lends a hand to any on the ship that need it, and greets Lim, Gerđr, and Ivar as they return.
    Last edited by Woggle; 2016-09-04 at 05:39 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #150
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Vanstermen IC

    Gerđr nods to Kára. "I hope you found who you were looking for in all them people."
    Linguist and Invoker of Orcus of the Rudisplorker's Guild
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    Fantasy literature is ONLY worthwhile for what it can tell us about the real world; everything else is petty escapism.
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    No author should have to take the time to say, "This little girl ISN'T evil, folks!" in order for the reader to understand that. It should be assumed that no first graders are irredeemably Evil unless the text tells you they are.

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