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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knaight View Post
    While technically true I'm not sure this actually helps in any way.
    You've clearly never been to Alabama.
    Cuthalion's art is the prettiest art of all the art. Like my avatar.

    Number of times Roland St. Jude has sworn revenge upon me: 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    You've clearly never been to Alabama.
    I know there's a problem with biting and stinging things, but tin socks still seem like overkill.
    I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums.

    I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that.
    -- ChubbyRain

    Current Design Project: Legacy, a game of masters and apprentices for two players and a GM.

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
    Something I don't understand? The gays.

    Why would a guy prefer to love, sleep and be with another guy than with a girl?

    They are guys! They should know better.

    Most guys are selfish and disgusting huge jerks.

    How can a guy find that more attractive than a girl?
    Hmm, let us see.

    1. Pretty sure no one likes being referred to that way. "The Straights" would be an equally incorrect way to refer to straight individuals.

    2. Lots of reasons, even if we ignore the biological determination question. Men smell different, often have different body shapes/more muscular/lower BMI, and will have a different relationship to society and thus to their lover.

    3. I think there is some self-loathing going on here. Why would you classify half of the population as inherently undesirable and unlikable? And going beyond that, it comes off as more than a little objectifying. Women are not passively pleasing things for desiring, they are as capable or incapable of being gross boors as men.

    4. Lots of individual reasons that can't be widely assumed.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Vibranium: If it was on the periodic table, its chemical symbol would be "Bs".

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
    Something I don't understand? The gays.

    Why would a guy prefer to love, sleep and be with another guy than with a girl?

    They are guys! They should know better.

    Most guys are selfish and disgusting huge jerks.

    How can a guy find that more attractive than a girl?
    Quote Originally Posted by An Enemy Spy View Post
    I desperately hope this isn't a serious question, because if so... yeesh. There is something deeply wrong with your view on people.
    Right... so while it might be a troll question, there are indeed folks around who just don't understand. And he's not saying it's morally wrong or disgusting, so I'm going to try to answer honestly.


    Mojo - you need to keep in mind that you're seeing this from a skewed perspective. You are attracted to women. You are intrinsically wired to find them attractive. So seeing how someone could not be might be difficult.

    So yes, women are amazing, beautiful creatures. This is great. Yet a majority of THEM are attracted to men. If men are as you say, how is this possible? They are women! They should know how great they are, right?

    But just like you are attracted to women because of your own internal wiring, those women are attracted to men because of how they're wired.

    Now, the big thing is, this wiring isn't consistent. Some women aren't very sexual at all. Some are extremely sexual and will obsess over their crushes. Some are bi, and attracted to both men and women. And some are only attracted to women. The target and level of attraction varies from woman to woman.

    This is also the case in men. Most are attracted to women. Some are attracted to men. Some are attracted to both. And the level of attraction varies from person to person. But it isn't a choice, it's part of their internal wiring.

    So the ultimate answer is just: Why are gay men attracted to men? Because that's just how they are programmed. And they couldn't help it any more than you can help being attracted to women.


    Though you bring up one other point. "Most men are selfish and disgusting huge jerks."

    You're overstating this, but not 100% wrong. Society's current form of "ideal masculinity" encourages this behavior. Men are encouraged to be rude, condescending, consider themselves superior to women, not express feelings, and be violent, while women are encouraged to be submissive and demure.

    This is part of a concept known as "toxic masculinity".
    It isn't a good thing, and is a learned behaviour. Men aren't intrinsically any of these things (though we may have some tendency towards aggression due to hormones, it isn't overwhelming). Men can be soft, caring, beautiful people, just like women can.

    Currently society pushes them in the other direction. There are many people out there today trying to mitigate this harmful effect.

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    I think this one is applicable here.

    I'm unable to grasp what it is people get from looking at art. I can respect the skill that goes into making a painting, sculpture, etc., and I can look at a picture and go "oh, that's cool" but that's the sum total of my reaction. I don't have favorite art pieces, I don't feel any need to buy art to hang in my home, and there isn't any imagery that I feel passionate enough about to want to have it tattooed on my skin. I certainly don't begrudge people who are moved by art, and on an intellectual level I can understand discussions about one art style vs. another, but none of it really means anything to me in the same way that it seems to mean something to other people.

    The same goes for dance as well. For me it's just... there.

    Music, theatrical performances, stories, those I understand the appeal of and can appreciate.

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knaight View Post
    I know there's a problem with biting and stinging things, but tin socks still seem like overkill.
    Imean, a lot of people can it tin, but it's really aluminum.
    Cuthalion's art is the prettiest art of all the art. Like my avatar.

    Number of times Roland St. Jude has sworn revenge upon me: 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Imean, a lot of people can it tin, but it's really aluminum.
    Is this a real thing? I was assuming a misspelling of "thin", but aluminum foil socks seems vaguely plausible.
    I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums.

    I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that.
    -- ChubbyRain

    Current Design Project: Legacy, a game of masters and apprentices for two players and a GM.

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Imean, a lot of people can it tin, but it's really aluminum.
    "It won't turn to aluminum in the can."
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Vibranium: If it was on the periodic table, its chemical symbol would be "Bs".

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Velaryon View Post
    I think this one is applicable here.

    I'm unable to grasp what it is people get from looking at art. I can respect the skill that goes into making a painting, sculpture, etc., and I can look at a picture and go "oh, that's cool" but that's the sum total of my reaction. I don't have favorite art pieces, I don't feel any need to buy art to hang in my home, and there isn't any imagery that I feel passionate enough about to want to have it tattooed on my skin. I certainly don't begrudge people who are moved by art, and on an intellectual level I can understand discussions about one art style vs. another, but none of it really means anything to me in the same way that it seems to mean something to other people.

    The same goes for dance as well. For me it's just... there.

    Music, theatrical performances, stories, those I understand the appeal of and can appreciate.
    I am much the same: paintings, drawings, etc. rarely move me. Sculpture never does. Painting is moving; paintings . . . really not.

    Music, stories, and poetry teach my soul how to fly.

    I can possibly relate to how people feel when they look at art, because it may (or may not) be how I feel when I hear music. I suspect that it's hardwired and there's a disconnect between how different people experience the arts (see the discussion that's also going on around sexuality?). So I can't really explain the answer to this question, but here's a related thing that I've noticed: most "looking-at-art" type people that I know either disregard or actively dislike music. Just another part of how humans are different from each other?

    As for why people get tattoos, that seems like a whole other discussion.

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    As for why people get tattoos, that seems like a whole other discussion.
    Undoubtedly, but I think in my particular case it's related. I can't think of any image that's meaningful enough to me that I'd want it on my skin all the time. Even if there were, depending on where it went, either I wouldn't care to look at it all the time, or I wouldn't be able to see it anyway. So based on that, I would rather spend the money on something else.

    And I'm sure my complete and utter terror of needles has nothing to do with it.

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knaight View Post
    Is this a real thing? I was assuming a misspelling of "thin", but aluminum foil socks seems vaguely plausible.
    It may be a southern thing or an older generational, but I've hear plenty of people refer to aluminum foil as tin foil.

    Also, quick googling: tin·foil
    noun: tin-foil; noun: tin foil
    foil made of aluminum or a similar silvery-gray metal, used especially for covering or wrapping food.

    So it's even more common than I thought, apparently.

    Also, just in case I'm being dense and you're being serious, no, the "tin" thing was my phone's new (well, relatively) onscreen keyboard being incredibly stupid. I think I'm gonna change it again. It was supposed to be thin. And then it was too funny to change it.
    Last edited by Peelee; 2017-10-14 at 02:24 PM.
    Cuthalion's art is the prettiest art of all the art. Like my avatar.

    Number of times Roland St. Jude has sworn revenge upon me: 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Velaryon View Post
    I think this one is applicable here.

    I'm unable to grasp what it is people get from looking at art.
    Art is intended for two main purposes (plus a secondary "author showing of skill" purpose). Leaving aside the obvious "record what someone/something looks like for posterity", the other reason is to instill an emotion. I suspect that most art that attempts this fails (just like songs and films fail: Sturgeon's law: 90% of everything is crap). But just like you may find a song blah while others are moved by it, same with art.

    In case it helps, I am like you. I have visited museums all over the world, and while I too appreciate the skill in art, I am mostly unmoved by it (it doesn't help, of course, that museums just overload you with art). But once in a while, I do come across this or that picture that does resonate with me. And it's not necessarily the famous ones - I once came across a picture in a private collection of a harbour city in flames at night, with a ship moored off of it, which somehow impacted me far more than anything else in the collection... and as far as I could tell, I was the only one affected so. I couldn't even find the stupid thing in catalogues.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
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  13. - Top - End - #163
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    It may be a southern thing or an older generational, but I've hear plenty of people refer to aluminum foil as tin foil.
    I'm not exactly young anymore, but I can confirm that it is used outside of the south. Say tin can/tin foil and people know what you mean, not that the actual item is made of tin.
    Last edited by Honest Tiefling; 2017-10-14 at 03:50 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oko and Qailee View Post
    Man, I like this tiefling.
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  14. - Top - End - #164
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    It may be a southern thing or an older generational, but I've hear plenty of people refer to aluminum foil as tin foil.
    Canadian here. Around where I live, at least, it's commonly referred to as tin foil, regardless of age.
    The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep.~ That's your horoscope for today.


  15. - Top - End - #165
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Girls just don't know any better. ;p

    Yeah that was a joke, sorry it was a bad one, I suck at... Pretty much everything.

    But a little bit of it is true, I still haven't find a guy that I think is pleasant or nice to be around.
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  16. - Top - End - #166
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
    But a little bit of it is true, I still haven't find a guy that I think is pleasant or nice to be around.
    Um. Pretty sure the majority of the forum-goers here are dudes. Or are you just here to talk to the ladies?
    Quote Originally Posted by Oko and Qailee View Post
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  17. - Top - End - #167
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
    Um. Pretty sure the majority of the forum-goers here are dudes.
    Yes, and you are all jerks! I'm joking but I guess online meeting doesn't count.
    - Follower of Topaxci, God of great ideas that you forgot to write down and will never remember again -

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  18. - Top - End - #168
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
    Yes, and you are all jerks! I'm joking but I guess online meeting doesn't count.

    That's a fair cop in my case, as I'm told by the "guests" on the 7th floor most every work week.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeJ View Post
    Does the game you play feature a Dragon sitting on a pile of treasure, in a Dungeon?
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    You're an NPC stat block."I remember when your race was your class you damned whippersnappers"
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  19. - Top - End - #169
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Eye View Post
    So there are a lot of stuff that I just don't understand, so I’ll list them here in the hopes someone cane explain it to me. If you also have your own stuff that you just don't understand, feel free to post it here as well to be clarified or mocked.

    1- People who spit in the street, why do why people spit on the street? It's such a horrible habit that I see so many random pedestrians just spiting on the street as if it was something normal and no one besides me batting an eye or calling then out on their horrible behavior. Why? In my 24 years of existence I never felt the need... The urge to do that, why do people feel that they need to? Is there a thing I'm not getting?

    2- Public displays of affection, it's so rude and inappropriate, I'm not a prude or anything but why don't keep private actions, you know, private?
    1- Your post about people spitting in the street has inspired me to start spitting on the street!

    2- so you don't like hand holding? A little kissing? Perhaps Anal? Does this apply only to a man and woman doing PDA?

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreddyNoNose View Post
    1- Your post about people spitting in the street has inspired me to start spitting on the street!

    2- so you don't like hand holding? A little kissing? Perhaps Anal? Does this apply only to a man and woman doing PDA?
    Oh my, what have I done to you to deserve such hatred and contempt?

    What's pda? You mean anal in public? Of course I object. Who wouldn't?
    Last edited by The Eye; 2017-10-14 at 08:03 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #171
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Late to the party, but I'm firmly on Team Wear Shoes In The House. Why? Because I wear hiking boots with ankle support, and I do so because my doctor told me that if I wanted to stop spraining my ankle several times a year just walking around, my two choices were to wear ankle braces or to wear fancy hiking boots.

    Living in Oregon, hiking boots were the more fashion-conscious choice, and I've been happily wearing my boots everywhere ever since. I sprained my ankle twice the year in which I finally gave up and bought them, and zero times in the five years since (I have two pairs of the older version of these, which I get re-soled as needed and have otherwise held up just fine as my only two pairs of shoes for five years now), so I am going to keep on with this wearing boots everywhere thing. (One of the two times I sprained my ankle that last year was simply walking down a normal set of carpeted, indoor stairs. The other was stepping down a curb. I don't trust uneven surfaces of any kind at this point.) If I know I'm going to the house of someone who doesn't allow shoes indoors, I bring my ankle brace so I can go shoeless, but I need advance warning to do so since most houses around here allow shoes and I don't generally haul medical equipment around with me "just in case".

    (The flannel shirt, on the other other hand, is a fashion choice. No doctor's recommendation involved.)

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    It may be a southern thing or an older generational, but I've hear plenty of people refer to aluminum foil as tin foil.
    It's more of a reduction from 5-6 syllables to two thing than anything - it's the socks which seemed vaguely plausible. Kind of dumb and pointless, sure, but it wouldn't be the first niche fashion item to fit that description, or even the first made of tin foil.
    I would really like to see a game made by Obryn, Kurald Galain, and Knaight from these forums.

    I'm not joking one bit. I would buy the hell out of that.
    -- ChubbyRain

    Current Design Project: Legacy, a game of masters and apprentices for two players and a GM.

  23. - Top - End - #173
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Eye View Post
    Oh my, what have I done to you to deserve such hatred and contempt?

    What's pda? You mean anal in public? Of course I object. Who wouldn't?
    2- Public Display of Affection. How does that related to PDA... The list from hand holding to anal was suppose to show you that PDA isn't as meaningful as when you tell us specifically what you are so offended by. Ex: Hand holding...

  24. - Top - End - #174
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Here's another one...What exactly constitutes Old School Gaming? I see people post about it a lot, and I don't really get if it is a mere mechanical thing, or if there are certain themes and plots to the actual story that really make it feel old school.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oko and Qailee View Post
    Man, I like this tiefling.
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  25. - Top - End - #175
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
    Here's another one...What exactly constitutes Old School Gaming? I see people post about it a lot, and I don't really get if it is a mere mechanical thing, or if there are certain themes and plots to the actual story that really make it feel old school.
    Generally 80's-era. Arguably early 90's. Pre-82 games are usually referred to by "old-school arcade" or by their specific names. At least, that's the general feel I get when I hear about it.
    Cuthalion's art is the prettiest art of all the art. Like my avatar.

    Number of times Roland St. Jude has sworn revenge upon me: 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  26. - Top - End - #176
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
    Here's another one...What exactly constitutes Old School Gaming? I see people post about it a lot, and I don't really get if it is a mere mechanical thing, or if there are certain themes and plots to the actual story that really make it feel old school.

    Beats me. I played RPG's in the late 1970's and early 80's (so arguably the "old" era), but when I read about "how it was" I remember different (maybe my tables in Berkeley, California were different?).

    @Yora has posted a lot on the subject, maybe search his old posts.

    The OD&D in the Playground? thread, has posts by some old-timers, maybe that's a start, but I get the distinct impression that what is meant by "old-school" is not the same as "how it was". I'm reminded of certain other bogus claims about "how things used to be" that I hear more and more of.

    When I get some more time, I'll do a compare and contrast, maybe in a new thread.
    Last edited by 2D8HP; 2017-10-16 at 11:19 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #177
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    It may be a southern thing or an older generational, but I've hear plenty of people refer to aluminum foil as tin foil.
    I use both depending on context. I use 'aluminum' when using foil to preserve food, and 'tin' when making hats to keep out the government mind control rays.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Eye View Post
    What's pda? You mean anal in public? Of course I object. Who wouldn't?
    Hey man, don't knock it 'til you tried it.
    Spoiler: I've checked out the spoiler thoroughly and there's no actual erotic Harry Potter fanfiction
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    I've checked out the comic thoroughly and there's no actual erotic Harry Potter fanfiction
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    I can't find the one with the "cartoon butt," though.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    OK, finally tracked the Naked Superheroes guy down
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    What do you see as being objectionable about it? The use of the word "bimbos"?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by stack View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    There are no nipples or genitals
    Looks like a nipple when I look close.
    Then don't look close.

  28. - Top - End - #178
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fawkes View Post
    ...don't knock it 'til you tried it.

    That's Phil Hartman as Ed McMahon reacting to something funny kids!

  29. - Top - End - #179
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
    Here's another one...What exactly constitutes Old School Gaming? I see people post about it a lot, and I don't really get if it is a mere mechanical thing, or if there are certain themes and plots to the actual story that really make it feel old school.
    "Old-school gaming" really just means playing old games and games which try to emulate those games. As time passes, the definition naturally changes as more and more games become old.

    The confusion comes from the arguments over what are the important parts of "old school" games. Because even when the games are the same, newer players may appreciate different things in them than the old ones. Then there's general "back in good old days / bad old days" biases which warp the discussion, especially noticeable when the person talking of "good old days / bad old days" couldn't possibly been there themselved is essentially reciting biased history from someone else.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  30. - Top - End - #180
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Stuff I just don't understand, post here yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by joeltion View Post
    I don't understand how hypocrites function in RL. You know, those people who preach something and then do exactly the opposite anywhere else? There are a lot, from Left to Right, to Upper to Lower class. Education usually isn't a factor either. There's always one in every field, from every religion, philosophy or group. I don't understand how they cope with their own contradictions.
    Just so I’m clear - you don’t ever do something and think, “Oh man, I said I would never do this”? Or is it different because you’re not doing so regularly?

    Everyone’s hypocritical in some way, small or large. Believing otherwise is self-delusion. Now, if you’re specifically targeting a group you find “particularly” hypocritical (I can take a couple guesses as to who), there are some blatant examples of hyper-hypocrisy, but let’s not pretend we don’t all have core values we betray every now and again for someone’s benefit (whether our own or another’s depends on the value betrayed).
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