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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post

    Mr. Plugg eyes you up and down disdainfully. “Weak eyes? Best hope you don’t have a weak back. It’ll be the bilges for you today. Badger!” he snaps to a nearby pirate. “Show ‘im to the bilges. Maybe Magpie’d like some company.”

    The sailor indicated is an exhausted looking older woman, half-elven at least judging by the ears. Her graying black hair is shaved into stripes, with the remainder gathered up into a tight ponytail.

    The bilges prove to be a cramped room in the very bowels of the ship, where the low ceiling is mere feet above the unpleasant, stinking surface of the water. Or, what could be politely termed as water, for this contains many worse substances. The only thing worse than the smell would be the abnormally large spiders you occasionally sight scuttling across the ceiling.

    You aren’t alone down here, and that’s not just because of your new arachnid friends. There’s also several sets of manacles screwed into the wood, in one of which a morose man slumps. He turns his face away as you enter, but the tear tracks in the grime on his cheeks are still plain as day.

    Badger sloshes into the knee-deep water, and over to a pump. “We take turns,” she says simply, rolling up her sleeves. “You gamble any?” She asks in the brief period before exertion makes conversation uncomfortable.

    Spoiler: CoffeeIncluded

    Your job for the day is to man the bilges. How exciting.
    Man the Bilges: Vile and sweaty work cleaning out the bilges (area A11), requiring a DC 12 Strength check. The PC must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

    This, of course, restricts whom you can choose to socialize with to Badger and Jakes Magpie.

    Dimitri gags and very nearly vomits into The already stinking vomit. He manages to control himself and mutter, ”Yeah, I’m not doing this.” a muttered incantation, a flash of violet magic, and the room suddenly smells significantly better. There’s still an undertone of bilge water but it’s not overwhelming like before.

    “Yeah, and I’m a pretty damn good bluffer myself. Rat bastards stole my cards too.” And his cigarettes, he realizes with horror, but he’d rather not think about that right now. What happened to him?”

    Spoiler: Actions

    Dimitri casts prestidigitation to help make the room smell better and keep everyone relatively clean. He does this more if he rolls poorly.

    Strength: (d20-1)[10]
    Constitution: (d20+2)[4]

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Table Flipper's Avatar

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    "Thanks, but I'm not so bad at fishin' either." Sarra looks over at this Conchobhar. "That is a nice hat, and an impressive mustache!" Sarra turns back to Giffer. "I'm sure ya could get his attention somehow, if'n ya were looking to."

    Spoiler: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THIS TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THAT TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ \\('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES!
    ಠ_ಠ Put.
    ಠ__ಠ The tables.
    ಠ___ಠ Back.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER!!!!

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Elim, you stand tall and proud at the top of the crow’s nest, sun on your face and the wind in your fur, it’s perhaps the most pleasant place you’ve been in a while. Godfrey still remains halfway up when Mr. Plugg calls to “GET BACK DOWN HERE” and impatiently taps his foot as you descend.

    Finally, Mr. Plugg waits for Elim at the base of the mast, stroking the haft of his pistol thoughtfully. Then he stalks off to do… whatever it is he does with himself aboard a ship. Remaining behind him is a small gnome who, at first glance, is the piratiest thing you’ve ever seen. On second glance, he appears like a small child playing dress up. He bears a foppish purple hat that throws shade on his sweatstained ruffled shirt, and a dandyish cane in one hand. His mustaches are well oiled and curl playfully up towards his glistening eye patch, for of course he has an eye patch.

    Spoiler: SirCatbeard

    Elim’s job for the day is Mainsail duty.
    Mainsail Duties: Tough work raising and lowering the mainsail, requiring a DC 10 Profession (sailor) or Strength check. The PC must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

    He has access to any and all Riggers today:

    Elim's eyes track Plugg coldly as he leaves. Only when he is out of sight does he turn to regard the tiny pirate next to him.

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    “Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone,” he introduces himself as he reaches up to shake your furred hand. “I’m here to show you the ropes. See, there’s one over there-” He points to a coil of rope and laughs uproariously at his own poor joke. When the laughter dies down he wipes at the corner of his eye. “We’re on Mainsail duty today. Don’t worry, it’s knot a bad job. Get it- Knot?” He chuckles again.
    Elim stares at the gnome's words for three moments before a smile and a chuckle reach his face, the first genuine
    reaction he has displayed on the ship."Heheheh. You aren't much like the others, are you." As they begin to go through the motions of the work away from others, where the cool breeze covers the words, he adds quietly "But you try to look it. Why? I take it you were abducted, too. Or is the look just a mask?"

    Spoiler: Ship Actions, Rolls
    Work and Influence Conchobhar, because he sounds like a fungi.
    Well, I've never hoist a Mainsail: (1d20+3)[11]
    Constitution: (1d20+2)[21]
    Last edited by SirCatBeard; 2020-08-22 at 01:17 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimaera View Post
    "Shivikah it will be then", he says and is confused for a moment, "My pistol? Ah no. I prefer crossbows and shivs the better, but the best is not to have to use them at all".

    "Any tip to avoid the lash as much as possible?", he eventuallt asks her after delivering some messages.
    "Tips? No, I have no tips. Simply obey." She shakes her head. "And don't try any funny business. Look," She stares down at you, making sure Godfrey's attention is as rapt as she desires. "Simply follow my lead and you too will rise to a place of success in this crew. Mr. Plugg is a kinder master than most in the City of Chains." This time, her refrain is clearly meant as comforting words.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
    Dimitri gags and very nearly vomits into The already stinking vomit. He manages to control himself and mutter, ”Yeah, I’m not doing this.” a muttered incantation, a flash of violet magic, and the room suddenly smells significantly better. There’s still an undertone of bilge water but it’s not overwhelming like before.

    “Yeah, and I’m a pretty damn good bluffer myself. Rat bastards stole my cards too.” And his cigarettes, he realizes with horror, but he’d rather not think about that right now. What happened to him?”

    Spoiler: Actions

    Dimitri casts prestidigitation to help make the room smell better and keep everyone relatively clean. He does this more if he rolls poorly.

    Strength: [roll0]
    Constitution: [roll1]
    Badger appears relieved at the lessening of the scent, the web of wrinkles around her eyes easing. "Thanks. You and me, we should gamble some. Tell you what, I bet my rum ration that I can take you on."

    She turns to look at the chained man before answering Dmitri's question. "Poor sot. Got caught stealing. Won't last past bloody hour." Badger nods as if confirming the thought to herself.

    Spoiler: CoffeeIncluded

    Dmitri is Fatigued.

    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    "Thanks, but I'm not so bad at fishin' either." Sarra looks over at this Conchobhar. "That is a nice hat, and an impressive mustache!" Sarra turns back to Giffer. "I'm sure ya could get his attention somehow, if'n ya were looking to."
    "I've done tried everythin'", Giffer says, preening a little. "But while he's got eyes for ev'ry woman on this here ship, his heart belongs to Rosie. Shame is, she won't have hide nor hair of him! Ya think he'd give up when she called him a 'yellow-livered fop'."

    Quote Originally Posted by SirCatBeard View Post
    Elim's eyes track Plugg coldly as he leaves. Only when he is out of sight does he turn to regard the tiny pirate next to him.

    Elim stares at the gnome's words for three moments before a smile and a chuckle reach his face, the first genuine
    reaction he has displayed on the ship."Heheheh. You aren't much like the others, are you." As they begin to go through the motions of the work away from others, where the cool breeze covers the words, he adds quietly "But you try to look it. Why? I take it you were abducted, too. Or is the look just a mask?"

    Spoiler: Ship Actions, Rolls
    Work and Influence Conchobhar, because he sounds like a fungi.
    Well, I've never hoist a Mainsail: [roll0]
    Constitution: [roll1]
    Conchobhar briefly spares a hand from his work to twirl his mustache in mock affront. "Excuse you, I look mauvelous." He gestures at the indeed mauve trousers that poke out from his downturned boot tops. “My clothing has stayed with me. You know, the women always love a pirate.” He winks- or you assume he’s winking, for his eye closes. ”Or at least most of the women love a pirate. That Rosie…” He sighs melodramatically. “As for abducted… you could say that. I prefer to say I was ‘fortuitously nobbled’.”

    One way or another, you work away until the ship’s clock tolls the Bloody Hour, as you have learned the punishment time aboard the ship is called. It’s all hands on deck for the Bloody Hour.

    The ship’s clock is a macabre thing, bolted to the front of the mast and carved with intricate depictions of whale corpses through which large and bloated worms writhe. Its chime is dolorous and uluating, as if the clock itself is aggrieved to see blood spilt before it.

    And blood will be spilt today, for Master Scourge soon comes up on deck, accompanied by two of his stooges. Between Aretta and Shiv struggles the unfortunate man that Dmitri remembers from the bilges. As they begin tying him up, Mr. Plugg declares the charges. “Today, we bear witness to the punishment of one Jakes Magpie, thief.”

    “I didn’t do it!” Jakes blurts out, his cheeks burning a feverish red beneath the grime. “Someone must’ve put it in my locker, I swear--” Master Scourge’s backhand cuts off any further protest.

    “Thief.” Mr. Plugg repeats. “And for this terrible crime against Captain and crew, we sentence him to a keelhauling. Nice and slow.”

    There’s a mixture of cheers and groans from the crew.
    The color drains from Jakes’ face as he stammers garbled pleas for his life, pleas that go unanswered as he is tied up and led to the rail. “But I really didn’t-” and with the last protest, he’s gone, to be dragged under the ship.

    Spoiler: Perception DC 15

    Mr. Plugg, in particular, seems to tug at the rope with relish. It’s clear that he’s enjoying this.

    What is pulled up on the other side is barely recognizable as human, and is soon thrown overboard to feed the sharks.

    Spoiler: Heal DC 15

    You doubt that any of you would be able to survive the drowning, let alone being cut to shreds by the barnacles peppering the Wormwood’s hull.
    You estimate that the unfortunate Jakes took about 24 points of damage, aside from the obvious drowning.

    Mr. Plugg turns to the crew, one boot on the spot still slick with Jakes’ blood. “Now that’s over with- what say we celebrate the death of a traitor. Master Scourge- fetch the Owlbear.” His lip curls with pleasure as Scourge disappears back belowdecks, to many more genuine cheers from the crew.

    “And who volunteers?” Asks Plugg as a man with a red bandanna pulled low over one ear shoots up his hand immediately. “No, Cog, you embarrassed yourself enough last time.” Mr. Plugg rolls his eyes as Cog lowers his hand like it’s been bit. “No… I have an idea. Why don’t we see how the fresh blood fares against the Owlbear?”

    He scans the crowd, picking out each of your faces in turn. “Yes. One of you will fight. Who volunteers?”

    Spoiler: Faces

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    "I hope the permission to attack was nothing personal. Other than that, I can follow the lead. Any chance to allow me calling you Shiv? I personally like how shiv sounds: sharp and deadly", he waits no answer as he set off to deliver whatever message he was given before.

    When the bloody hour start, Godfrey watch as they bring a man reeking and play trial. Because he stole in a pirate ship.

    Wasnt that the point in being in a pirate ship, Shu? For people who like to steal, they sure dont like being stolen from.

    Once the freakshow is done with, Godfrey was hoping they would let them be and have a break. Instead Plugg wants more blood. Great, just great.

    Not being very brave, Godfrey watch the other new guys and wait for someone else to embrace a grizzly death.
    Last edited by Chimaera; 2020-08-23 at 07:41 AM.
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    "Well, hello Yamayim." Sandara takes Yamayim by the arm and leads them to one side of the vessel. "Yes, they did 'this' to me. Someone fell that time around too. He died on the spot." She nods,businesslike. "I wasn't a good enough healer that time. I tried." She shrugs. " But this time, the Lady favored you. Better a leg than a neck." Sandara ventures a smile. "Management around here's a bit... heavy handed for my taste. What do you say we try to stick together, two heads better than one and all that."
    "Yes, I think that would be best. I suppose I ought to thank the Lady as well." Yamayim nods and manages a weak smile, then gazes upward, imagining a kindly Goddess with a familiar face, splashing with them in the river back home, the light from the sun forming a halo around bright turquoise locks... They force themselves out of the daydream and look back at Sandara with the same smile, only sadder.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Conchobhar briefly spares a hand from his work to twirl his mustache in mock affront. "Excuse you, I look mauvelous." He gestures at the indeed mauve trousers that poke out from his downturned boot tops. “My clothing has stayed with me. You know, the women always love a pirate.” He winks- or you assume he’s winking, for his eye closes. ”Or at least most of the women love a pirate. That Rosie…” He sighs melodramatically. “As for abducted… you could say that. I prefer to say I was ‘fortuitously nobbled’.”
    "Well of course you do, I meant nothing contrary to that." Ah, so this is all to attract others. Elim eases, as the motivations for this man's bizarrely contrary behavior become clear.

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Mr. Plugg turns to the crew, one boot on the spot still slick with Jakes’ blood. “Now that’s over with- what say we celebrate the death of a traitor. Master Scourge- fetch the Owlbear.” His lip curls with pleasure as Scourge disappears back belowdecks, to many more genuine cheers from the crew.

    “And who volunteers?” Asks Plugg as a man with a red bandanna pulled low over one ear shoots up his hand immediately. “No, Cog, you embarrassed yourself enough last time.” Mr. Plugg rolls his eyes as Cog lowers his hand like it’s been bit. “No… I have an idea. Why don’t we see how the fresh blood fares against the Owlbear?”

    He scans the crowd, picking out each of your faces in turn. “Yes. One of you will fight. Who volunteers?”

    Spoiler: Faces

    Elim leans close to the nearest crewmember and whispers, slipping back into the apparent common parlance of the ship, "I reckon we ain't to kill it and spoil future fun, when's the fight end?"
    Last edited by SirCatBeard; 2020-08-23 at 11:40 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimaera View Post
    "I hope the permission to attack was nothing personal. Other than that, I can follow the lead. Any chance to allow me calling you Shiv? I personally like how shiv sounds: sharp and deadly", he waits no answer as he set off to deliver whatever message he was given before.

    When the bloody hour start, Godfrey watch as they bring a man reeking and play trial. Because he stole in a pirate ship.

    Wasnt that the point in being in a pirate ship, Shu? For people who like to steal, they sure dont like being stolen from.

    Once the freakshow is done with, Godfrey was hoping they would let them be and have a break. Instead Plugg wants more blood. Great, just great.

    Not being very brave, Godfrey watch the other new guys and wait for someone else to embrace a grizzly death.
    Spoiler: Chimaera only

    You get the sense that this man is no stranger to thievery, but in this particular instance truly believes what he's saying; he didn't do it.

    On the other hand, that begs the question of who did... and why plant it on this man?

    Quote Originally Posted by PolarBugbear View Post
    "Yes, I think that would be best. I suppose I ought to thank the Lady as well." Yamayim nods and manages a weak smile, then gazes upward, imagining a kindly Goddess with a familiar face, splashing with them in the river back home, the light from the sun forming a halo around bright turquoise locks... They force themselves out of the daydream and look back at Sandara with the same smile, only sadder.
    "The Seafoam Lady," Sandara specifies, seeing Yamayim's apparent interest. "I serve her." She gestures at a shiny button affixed to her shirt. Said button is apparently made of shell with the outer layer peeled away to reveal the glimmering innards in a wavelike pattern.

    Spoiler: K(religion) DC 5- can be made untrained

    You know the Seafoam Lady is the goddess of sailors and the ocean.

    Spoiler: K(religion) DC10- can be made untrained

    Specifically, she's the goddess of pirates and sea monsters. How apt.

    Quote Originally Posted by SirCatBeard View Post
    "Well of course you do, I meant nothing contrary to that." Ah, so this is all to attract others. Elim eases, as the motivations for this man's bizarrely contrary behavior become clear.

    Elim leans close to the nearest crewmember and whispers, slipping back into the apparent common parlance of the ship, "I reckon we ain't to kill it and spoil future fun, when's the fight end?"
    The nearest crewmember is a bald halfling with unusually long arms. "Fight ends when Plugg says it ends- usually when Owlbear knocks someone out. Or rips off an ear..." His voice is higher than you'd expect, and has a breathy sort of quality. "That ended the fight right quick."
    Spoiler: Face

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Sarra remains silent. She wasn't about to risk her life just to entertain Butt Plugg of all people. Well, given the current circumstances, not willingly, anyway.

    Spoiler: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THIS TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THAT TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ \\('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES!
    ಠ_ಠ Put.
    ಠ__ಠ The tables.
    ಠ___ಠ Back.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER!!!!

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Mr. Plugg turns to the crew, one boot on the spot still slick with Jakes’ blood. “Now that’s over with- what say we celebrate the death of a traitor. Master Scourge- fetch the Owlbear.” His lip curls with pleasure as Scourge disappears back belowdecks, to many more genuine cheers from the crew.

    “And who volunteers?” Asks Plugg as a man with a red bandanna pulled low over one ear shoots up his hand immediately. “No, Cog, you embarrassed yourself enough last time.” Mr. Plugg rolls his eyes as Cog lowers his hand like it’s been bit. “No… I have an idea. Why don’t we see how the fresh blood fares against the Owlbear?”

    He scans the crowd, picking out each of your faces in turn. “Yes. One of you will fight. Who volunteers?”

    Spoiler: Faces

    Elim looks around at the others not saying anything and sighs inwardly.
    "Sure. Give me a few light blades and I'll show ye a fight. Hell, if ya give me use of my property and I'll even show you how to use it right, but I win I want my property back." Even if improbable, this crowd likely admires some boasting confidence and that respect could be worth the risk here.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    "Blades?" Laughs Plugg. "Kitty's wanting more of a fight than the rest of you sods! But if you get a weapon, so does the Owlbear. Syl, your knife-"

    A grinning blonde woman standing near Plugg loses her smile and begrudgingly hands over a well-worn dagger. Elim notices the weapon feels unusually rough in his hand, courtesy of the dozens of tiny notches carved into the hilt.

    The crowd backs up from Elim, forming a rough arena of warm bodies. Whispered voices dart out into your ears- "Fifty on the Owlbear" "No, ten on the cat"
    "Let's make it interesting," Says Plugg. "One hundred to the winner."

    Master Scourge returns from the hold, rope trailing behind him like a crude leash. He takes in the prepared spectacle, bares his teeth, and yanks on the rope.

    Stumbling out from the darkness is not, in fact, a maelstrom of feathers and teeth that some of you may have expected, but simply a man. One that you may recognize as the bound and sleeping form leaning against the stairway below. A very large man, to be sure, with a rope lead tied about his throat and his pale skin marred by many scars as well as the evidence of tarring and feathering that happened not altogether too long ago. "May I present your Champion," says Plugg, "The Owlbear!" Plugg brushes the rope aside and raises the Owlbear's right arm in a gesture of victory.

    The Owlbear blinks, seemingly confused by the array of pirates, or perhaps by the sunlight he apparently does not see with any frequency, and allows his bare arm to be hoisted aloft. He lets out an inquisitive, hooting grunt.

    Scourge presses a club into the Owlbear's other hand, and understanding dawns across his face. "Again?" He asks, hefting the weapon. At Plugg's curt nod, he slowly shakes his head as if to clear it, turning the club over in his hands. "Alright."

    Then he moves, finally, with surprising speed for a man of his size, not hampered at all by the crude and restrictive-looking kilt he wears.

    Spoiler: Perception or sense motive DC 10

    A character who makes a DC 10 Perception or Sense Motive check notices that the Owlbear is blind in his left eye. If his opponent notices this and attempts to fight the Owlbear from that side, that PC can make an Acrobatics or Bluff check each round to easily avoid the Owlbear’s clumsy blows.

    Spoiler: Attack!

    (1d20+5)[18] attack
    (1d6+3)[7] damage

    Spoiler: Initiative has been rolled

    Welcome to your first fight! Catbeard, Elim is up.

    Spoiler: Faces

    Last edited by aReallyGreatAxe; 2020-08-26 at 12:49 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Relief and mild disappointment flicker through Elim when the non-owlbear appears, but still not too different from fights he had watched growing up, he just usually hadn't been on this side of them. Of course this reminiscing earns him a staggering club to the side. But once again his childhood training pays off and he circles to the man's left before lunging at him.

    Spoiler: Attack and such
    Attack: (1d20+5)[6]
    Damage: (1d4+4)[6]

    Acrobatics to dodge: (1d20+8)[13] = 14
    Also do my last point to Dodging Panache 5ft back and +4 to AC vs next attack. Cause ow, level 1 hitpoints.
    Last edited by SirCatBeard; 2020-08-26 at 10:56 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    The Owlbear avoids Elim's slash, seemingly almost by accident as he draws back for another swing. Then the cat makes use of his superior reflexes, zipping back out of range. The club flails out once more, but hits nothing but air as the Owlbear turns, trying to keep Elim in his field of vision.

    Spoiler: OoC

    Catbeard, you're up!

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Thrown off at first by the short knife blade and the roll of the ship, Elim lunges in from his right once more, making sure to actually close the distance this time.

    Attack: (1d20+5)[12]
    Damage: (1d4+4)[5]

    Acro: (1d20+8)[20]

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    The Owlbear grunts, a thin river of blood now running down one muscular arm.

    In the crowd, there's a shift as money changes hands, among mutterings of "first blood" .

    Elim is easily able to sidestep the Owlbear's retributive bash, which leaves the champion wide open for a brief flicker of time.

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Despite himself, Elim feels the adrenaline rise as he continues to circle and lunge, in and out, to stay out of reach of the heavy club.

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Attack: (1d20+5)[9]
    Damage: (1d4+4)[7]

    Acro: (1d20+8)[15]

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Elim manages to keep the Owlbear turning, always bobbing and weaving just out of range, blade nipping in for another shallow slash. The champion looks distracted and concerned, glancing back at Mr. Plugg. It appears he doesn't know quite what to do when someone actually puts up a fight.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Elim throws a pointed glance at Pluggy as well, eyes visibly flicking once from his eyes to his belt before ducking in low to hamstring the large man.

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Attack: (1d20+5)[7]
    Damage: (1d4+4)[5]

    Acro: (1d20+8)[15]

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Plugg meets Elim's gaze coolly and lays his hand almost tauntingly on the offending weapon, as the Owlbear's kilt interferes with any attempts at hamstringing. It's clear the big man is starting to tire, his wild swings coming with a larger wind up than before.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Rather than going low this time, Elim stabs the borrowed knife for the forearm of the man's weapon hand.

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Attack: (1d20+5)[14]
    Damage: (1d4+4)[8]

    Acro: (1d20+8)[21]

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    The Owlbear doesn't drop his weapon, but he comes close, blood splattering down onto the deck. Dawning horror is in the champion's eyes. "Stop it," he says quietly, lowering his club. "You win."

    "What're you waiting for?" snaps Plugg. "Finish him." He rattles his coinpurse in demonstration.

    Tears well up in the giant's eyes. "You win," he insists defiantly, cringing back from Elim and, more specifically, his dagger.

    "Hurry up," declares Plugg impatiently.

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Elim nods at the big man, before turning, eyes pausing on the familiar object now on Plugg's belt then rising to stare intensely at him. He extends his free hand, palm up, in silent demand.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Plugg meets Elim's gaze with a sour expression. His lip curls. "So." He states slowly, fixing his eyes on the catfolk's outstretched hand. "We have no winner." Money again changes hands in the crowd, along with a rumbling storm of curses.

    The Owlbear's shoulders, which had been hunched in expectation of pain, unclench. He looks to Elim with pure, unadulterated gratefulness. "Thank you," he says in quiet disbelief, as Scourge grabs on to his rope leash and yanks the ex-champion back down into the hold.

    "Give back the knife," Plugg orders grumpily. "And what are the rest of you standing around for-Fishguts is waiting."

    Fishguts' ministration turns out to be a cup of thoroughly mediocre fish stew, followed by a dispersion of the crew into small knots and cliques.

    King among these cliques seems to be the bane of many a seaman's existence- gambling. Bent and battered cards are pulled from many a pocket, dice are rolled across the deck, arm wrestling rings erupt, drinking games spontaniously arise, and most bizarre of all, people begin lobbing a greasy lead ingot. Around each of these little knots small amounts of gold and sloshing drinks are constantly changing hands, by-products of the rampant betting.

    Cog sidles up next to Elim, turning his head so that his good ear is nearest the catfolk. "Was nice seeing that brute bloodied for a change. Tell you what, my rum ration ain't much, but it's your winnings for tonight."

    Spoiler: Ship Actions

    So, there's a new set of ship's actions that take place at night!
    You get two of these, unless you want to stay up all night, in which case you get four.

    Nighttime Ship Actions

    Sleep: Go to bed early and sleep through the night
    (automatically recover from fatigue)

    Gamble: Play or gamble on a game of chance or pirate
    entertainment. You all start with one rum ration to bet, save for Elim, who has two.

    Entertain: Make one Perform check to entertain the crew

    Influence*: Attempt to influence a single NPC

    Sneak*: Take time exploring one area of the ship. The PC
    can take 20 on a single Perception check or other skill
    check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered.

    Steal*: Attempt to open a locked door or locker. The PC
    must make a check to avoid being discovered.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Aug 2020

    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post

    "The Seafoam Lady," Sandara specifies, seeing Yamayim's apparent interest. "I serve her." She gestures at a shiny button affixed to her shirt. Said button is apparently made of shell with the outer layer peeled away to reveal the glimmering innards in a wavelike pattern.
    Yamayim looks at the shiny button, mesmerized by the waves. Surely a lady with such tokens would know of their village, its people, and their ways. Mayhaps, with the Lady's help, Yamayim might repay them in kind for all they had done...

    Spoiler: Rolling for Knowledge Religion

    Rolling for Knowledge Religion

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by PolarBugbear; 2020-08-26 at 06:31 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Dimitri just watches the carnage with horror, And rising bloodlust in the back of his mind. How would he like being dragged under the ship?

    ”What did you say your name was? Elim?” he whispers. Probably best to get the other people shanghaied on his side too. Though, for now, probably better to keep his nose down.

    Dimitri makes his way over to the card table, where Badger is probably waiting for him.

    (Dimitri will gamble and then sleep early to recover from fatigue)
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2020-08-26 at 09:50 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    With the owlbear fight over, Godfrey is glad they get a break. That man seems interesting, Shu.

    He walks over and sit with the new champion and the others 'recruits'.

    "You did well in noticing he was half blind and to let him live. If i havent woke up in a pirate ship I would even share my rum ration as well, but today was a bit rough", he says and look at the people gambling, "Well, congratulations".

    He leave the new champion to his own and start walking towards a gambling table to see ig he can at least triple up his rum ration as he hardly think his ration alone will be enough to have him drunk enough to forget today.

    "Who want to play some cards?", he challenges some of the crew before adding, "And have cards to: they took all aces from my sleeves when they recruited me", he give whoever is in moody to play a grin and start playing whatever game he knows the rules.

    Spoiler: Night Actions
    Gambling and influencing someone in the table. Going to sleep if losing, but staying up if winning.

    Note: will edit colors and format later.
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Sarra walks up to the catfolk that fought the owlbear during a time when neither of them are preoccupied. "Nicely done earlier. Shame it didn't you yer property back. Am I correct thinking that second pistol don't belong to him?"

    Spoiler: Actions
    Whenever exchange with Elim is over, will influence Conchobhar and Rosie for my two night actions.

    Spoiler: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THIS TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THAT TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ \\('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES!
    ಠ_ಠ Put.
    ಠ__ಠ The tables.
    ಠ___ಠ Back.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER!!!!

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Plugg meets Elim's gaze with a sour expression. His lip curls. "So." He states slowly, fixing his eyes on the catfolk's outstretched hand. "We have no winner." Money again changes hands in the crowd, along with a rumbling storm of curses.

    The Owlbear's shoulders, which had been hunched in expectation of pain, unclench. He looks to Elim with pure, unadulterated gratefulness. "Thank you," he says in quiet disbelief, as Scourge grabs on to his rope leash and yanks the ex-champion back down into the hold.

    Cog sidles up next to Elim, turning his head so that his good ear is nearest the catfolk. "Was nice seeing that brute bloodied for a change. Tell you what, my rum ration ain't much, but it's your winnings for tonight."
    Elim ignores Pluggy, Never expected him to give it back, anyway. "Well thank ye, Cog, was it? Though I find it odd that is all he seems to do here. Man of his build would be useful for a number of more productive duties on a ship like this. Can't run a ship efficiently if ye're too busy being a sadist."

    Wiping off the blade, he hands it back, hilt first, to Syl, "Thanks. 'Course if he had bothered to mention that it wasn't an actual owlbear, it may not have been necessary."

    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
    ”What did you say your name was? Elim?” he whispers. Probably best to get the other people shanghaied on his side too. Though, for now, probably better to keep his nose down.
    Turning to man speaking, Elim smiles amiably, "Yes, and you are?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimaera View Post
    With the owlbear fight over, Godfrey is glad they get a break. That man seems interesting, Shu.

    He walks over and sit with the new champion and the others 'recruits'.

    "You did well in noticing he was half blind and to let him live. If i havent woke up in a pirate ship I would even share my rum ration as well, but today was a bit rough", he says and look at the people gambling, "Well, congratulations".
    Well, I certainly made an impression; now I just have to use it right. Elim thinks, as yet another person approaches him. "Wasn't sure anyone else noticed, ye have sharp eyes."

    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    Sarra walks up to the catfolk that fought the owlbear during a time when neither of them are preoccupied. "Nicely done earlier. Shame it didn't you yer property back. Am I correct thinking that second pistol don't belong to him?"
    Elim smiles as the woman approaches, "Thanks. Didn't really expect him to. Ah, should have figured he stole the other, too. Well, it seems we have a common interest there, then."

    Spoiler: Actions
    After exchanges, will head to wherever Syl is gambling(if they are) and Influence them plus Gamble.

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by SirCatBeard View Post
    Elim smiles as the woman approaches, "Thanks. Didn't really expect him to. Ah, should have figured he stole the other, too. Well, it seems we have a common interest there, then."
    "So it would seem. I admit, I haven't met many... fishermen, was it?... that knew how to work such technology, though I suppose I don't much look the part myself." Sarra smiles and holds out her hand. Sarra, by the way."
    Last edited by Table Flipper; 2020-08-29 at 04:11 PM.

    Spoiler: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THIS TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THAT TABLE!
    ┻━┻ ︵ \\('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES!
    ಠ_ಠ Put.
    ಠ__ಠ The tables.
    ಠ___ಠ Back.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER!!!!

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Axe's Skull and Shackles

    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    "So it would seem. I admit, I haven't met many... fishermen, was it?... that knew how to work such technology, though I suppose I don't much look the part myself." Sarra smiles and holds out her hand. Sarra, by the way."
    "Elim." He replies, taking the hand. "Well, it's sort of a family heirloom. No, you are not quite who I would have expected Pluggy to have stolen the other from; may I ask how you got yours?"

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