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  1. - Top - End - #781
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    (OOC: So that's 4 successes for the swimming rolls and 4 successes for the stealth rolls, or one success per PC)

    Each member of the pack dives into the icy water, leaving Kara alone on the boat. The choppy waves create an under toe that makes diving feel like swimming upstream. Fortunately, whatever power the strange spirit masks were imbued with helped protect the Uratha, who never feel the growing pressure of the water as they pull farther and farther under the surface. The sensation of breathing through gills is strange at first. Pulling the icy water into and out of the many slits was simultaneously almost painful, but incredibly refreshing, and of course it meant that there was no panicked need for air.

    Ever meter the pack dives pull them farther away from Mother Luna's light. This far out, there were few materialized water spirits, leaving the depths of the ocean dark and mirky. Worse, as the icy waters darkened, there was the growing sensation of wrongness, that had seemed to pervade several areas of the Hisil, where the Idigam had taken hold. Not only was it the eerie absence of spirits. Not only was it the knowledge that the pack was swimming closer and closer and closer to the heart of their greatest enemy. No, the waters themselves seemed to coat the flesh in a film of pervasive slime that stuck to the gills and burned at the eyes. The darkness seemed to vibrate, the mirky waters shifting unnaturally around the pack, like shadows in the heart of a fog. And far off was the sound of voices, speaking a language as ancient as The First Tongue and yet twisted away from it.

    Slowly, as the pack goes deeper and deeper, the waters below begin to glow with a faint green light. Swimming even further down, you can see the source of the light. At first it is an indistinct outline, which grows slowly into focus. The glowing light comes from an impossibly giant hive, or maybe city. Even though the architecture is maybe still a half mile down, you can see its twisted structures of black stone, shiny like glass but seeming to pulse or move as if belonging to the hide of some impossible and terrible eel. The city put The Great Sea King's castle of coral and sunken treasure to shame. And it too was teeming with life, though this far away you could only guess that the dark slimy things crawling along its surface were more of the abominations. The things crawled in and out of pustule-like orifices that dotted and marred the black hive's surface. Hundreds, maybe thousands of the spawn moved about the surface of the city. God only knew how many infested the innards of the hive.

    Here was the lair of the Idigam, deep under the waters of the New Bedford bay. But the sense of unease was nearly unbearable this deep and this close to the hive city. Even if none of the spawn had yet responded; and thank God the ranks were not yet swimming after the pack, it was as if a thousand eyes were upon the Uratha, watching and waiting for their next steps.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  2. - Top - End - #782
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Joanna felt out of sorts. On land she knew exactly what she needed to do to be sneaky. Apparently she was born for it. Down here who could say what not being noticed even looked like. Were those things capable of percieving their heat or noticing that they weren't moving like fish? Would they only find out when a hundred or so of those things decided to investigate?

    She'll try to stay very still as she treads water and try to see if there's anything especially notable about the structure. And maybe there was an entrance down there that was large enough that they could consider entering the structure without running straight into one of those things.

    Spoiler: ooc

    In case there's anything more to notice

    Wits 3 + Composure 3 + Dalu 2
    Any 10s

  3. - Top - End - #783
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Bear tries not to think about the mollusk thing clinging to his face as he surveys the area with eyes wide open, incredibly frustrated that he couldn't smell anything other than the mask's own unpleasant scent.
    "No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main... Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." -John Donne-
    Guides, tables, and other useful tools for 5E D&D

  4. - Top - End - #784
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Floundering through the water - well, maybe not floundering as flounders are far better swimmers - Jeremy moves with the pack, entering the sickly green twilight and whispering to the others, words burbling through the water. "What's the plan? There's a lot of corruption there. Is there a keystone or back door we can take?" Still not shifting at this time, he's uncertain and uncomfortable in plain view of the mass below.

  5. - Top - End - #785
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    The only other thing Joanna can ascertain is that whatever material the city is made of, is clearly something twisted from the Hisil. The whole area is just not right; though none of this is surprising given this is the liar of the Idigam.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  6. - Top - End - #786
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    'I feel like we're fighting Godzilla. Like we're better off dropping a bomb on them.' Joanna speaks as quietly as possible. 'Maybe they aren't there all the time. There was that family of them who were living in town.' She didn't think it was likely that everything down there clocked off for the night but it wasn't like she knew what was normal here. 'Maybe there's a way to draw them off somehow? But what can we do down here that's big enough to distract them?'

  7. - Top - End - #787
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    "What about doing much the same as we have been - summoning clean Essence into the area? Would that have a beneficial effect on the waters and cause problems for the corruption below?" Jeremy suggests, ignorant of the way things work on this side.

  8. - Top - End - #788
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    'How much essence would it take to make a difference?' Joanna looked to the other pack members. 'I like the idea of finding a way to change things over here to see if it pisses them off but I wouldn't know where to start.'

    She looked towards one of the larger holes. 'Maybe me and Jeremy could slip in somewhere but it's a hell of a gamble given how many of them there are.'

  9. - Top - End - #789
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    For a moment the sigils of Joanna's Auspex begin to glow across her body, rippling and shimmering in the waters until they dim and die out. Somehow, the waters around the Irraka begin to darken as if the moon's light above was blotted out.

    With or without a word, Joanna parts from the group, diving down and down towards the black twisted hive below. The terrible sensation of unease grows only stronger as she descends, till it is almost unbearable. Closer and closer Joanna swims. Yet even 1,000 meters out, close enough to see the eyes of the thousands of spawn crawling over the surface of the black oily rock, nothing seems to notice her. This close, Joanna can see that the onyx surface of the hive is inlaid with intricate gold filigree. The decorations take the form of strange non-Euclidean creatures, asymmetric and impossibly formed. Even staring at the symbols for long enough causes Joanna's vision to swirl, and her gorge to rise in the back of her throat.

    This close as well, Joanna can see that the strange frog people are not the only creatures crawling in and out of the pores of the black city. Abomination eels is the name that slithers into Joanna's mind. Long wriggling green worm things, covered in pustules and jibbering gnashing mouths and eyes bulbous and clustered. Other strange creatures, crustaceans with tentacles ending in human digits. Gyrating tubes covered in flippers and leathery fins. The Idigam's city is a menagerie of unearthly unthinkable horrors. The spirits of the Hisil were strange, but these creatures defy all of even The Shadow's most confused logic.

    (OOC: Joanna has gotten very close without being detected. Don't forget she has the Lone Wolf aspect)
    Last edited by Bennosuke; 2024-02-06 at 11:21 PM.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  10. - Top - End - #790
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    At a certain point while they were talking Joanna had decided '**** it' and slipped away. She had no idea what those things were capable of but if a Irraka couldn't get any closer without being noticed then they might as well give up and go home.

    As she gets closer she will move very carefully and concentrate on staying out of everything's way. For all she knew these things were capable of noticing if someone was swimming nearby in a way that they were unfamilar with. Initially she is hyper focused at the behaviour of the things that were closer to her. If anything seemed to be interested in investigating the area where she's swimming she's prepared to slip away and start over. When she's absolutely sure she'll get closer to the structures themselves.

    Joanna is tempted to get her phone out and try to take some pictures while she was down here but in the end decides against it. Whether or not her gift would hide the action she is firmly of the opinion that no one else should have to look at this.

    If it still seemed that no one was paying attention to her she'll try to find the largest or most important looking structure even if it was accompanied by the biggest concentration of creatures. Ideally she'd like to find an entrypoint that was large enough that she could get inside without running into something without there being any room for her to get out of the way.

  11. - Top - End - #791
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Studying the structure, Joanna can see that the massive hive is dotted with hundreds of pustule like orifices large enough for a probably two adult humans to swim through shoulder to shoulder. She can imagine the aperture leading into tunnels that maybe fed into larger chambers within the structure. In some ways it was like a obscene mockery of The Great Sea King's giant castle, though who knew what sort of labyrinthine maze Joanna would find inside if she were brave and stealthy enough to sneak inside.

    All of this was appreciable without getting closer to the structure, though that task would likely be much much harder.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  12. - Top - End - #792
    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III


    “Bad news. It ain’t here man,” Blaze said, “either it’s somewhere else or it’s down there sleeping or something, but there ain’t anything as powerful as an active Idigam down there. Good news, those obsidian things and those weird looking creature things probably share the same bane as it. I can try to figure out what it is like we did with the plague lord but that’ll probably piss them off. Let me know.”

    He looked around.
    “Hey, where’s Joanna?” he asked.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  13. - Top - End - #793
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    For a moment Joanna considers trying to get inside anyway. If she was quick and a bit lucky perhaps she could find somewhere out of the way of the creatures where she could hide. Since they had come all the way out here she wanted to see if she could find the Idigam itself. But in the end she decided against it. All it would take would be for one of those things to brush against her in the tunnel and they would know something was here even if they couldn't see her.

    Joanna will withdraw and go looking for the others.

    Spoiler: ooc

    I don't think this counts as solving a problem but if I'm wrong maybe I can get Wp for Lone Wolf at least.

  14. - Top - End - #794
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    (OOC: Joanna does earn a WP for Lone Wolf and is back to 2/5)

    Joanna watches the various creatures, spawn of the Idigam, for a moment longer before deciding to turn back. With every foot she ascends, she can feel the squeezing nauseating pressure subside. But still she is left feeling slimy, despite being underwater, as if being this close to the Idigam's sunken city had left her skin and fur slick with oil.

    “Bad news. It ain’t here man,” Blaze said, “either it’s somewhere else or it’s down there sleeping or something, but there ain’t anything as powerful as an active Idigam down there. Good news, those obsidian things and those weird looking creature things probably share the same bane as it. I can try to figure out what it is like we did with the plague lord but that’ll probably piss them off. Let me know.”
    Bear nods his head. "Worth a try," he says, "as long as it isn't going to exhaust you too much, nor expose us in any way." He casts his gaze from Blaze, down to the teaming city hive below and shudders slightly before adding, "I think we need as much information as we can to get the upper hand."
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  15. - Top - End - #795
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Joanna will take her time heading back towards the others. As the pressure eases she had to wonder if some of those creatures would even be able to survive on the surface. Weren't things like that normally adapted to the pressure? Obviously the rules were different here. Eventually she'll approach the group from the rear without relaxing her gift. Keeping it going couldn't hurt right?

    'I thought I'd get a little closer. Looks too crowded to get inside easily. The good news is they had no idea I was even there.'

  16. - Top - End - #796
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    "Well I'm glad nothing followed you back," Bear says in reply, his voice seeming to carry through the bubbles produced from the gills at his neck. He turns back to Blaze, "You're move then."
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  17. - Top - End - #797
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    "Well I'm glad nothing followed you back," Bear says in reply, his voice seeming to carry through the bubbles produced from the gills at his neck. He turns back to Blaze, "You're move then."
    'They do that and I'm heading in the opposite direction.' Joanna was being careful, but if they were going to avoid trying anything then they might as well go home.

  18. - Top - End - #798
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III


    Blaze focuses and his eyes glaze over as he calls upon the gifts bestowed upon him by his connection to spirits and the Hisil. He stares into the void, and the void whispers back the characteristics of the abominations swarming beneath them.

    "I got it man," he said, his eyes still out of focus, "weird. These things don't like knowledge. We can use books and computers and stuff to hurt them. They also don't like the moon. They can't come out of the water during a full moon."

    He blinked.

    "Sound works well under water. Maybe we can get some underwater speakers and play like... reading rainbow for them or something. Or program a bot to read super fast and like... broadcast wikipedia to them."
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  19. - Top - End - #799
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    'Heh, they don't like Mother Luna. Seems appropriate. I take it there's no way to check whether it has to be the real thing and not like a youtube video of the nightsky?' The other stuff sounded promising, 'There's a lot of stuff on the Internet. I'm sure we could find something.'

  20. - Top - End - #800
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    "What about waterproof sheets of logarithms? Clothes with Shakespearean sonnet stitched on them? We should capture one of these abominations and experiment. Hey! Maybe THAT'S what the Pure have been doing out on the boat!?" Jeremy says, getting an inspirational thought.

  21. - Top - End - #801
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Bear listens quietly, his lids heavy, his lips pulled back in almost a scowl. But slowly his expression turns soft, and a smile spreads across his face. With deep gravity he says flatly, "Databold and ATANT!" His eyes lock on Blaze's.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  22. - Top - End - #802
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    Bear listens quietly, his lids heavy, his lips pulled back in almost a scowl. But slowly his expression turns soft, and a smile spreads across his face. With deep gravity he says flatly, "Databold and ATANT!" His eyes lock on Blaze's.
    "yeah, they should have some ideas man. Wanna get back and talk to them?" Blaze said.

    refresh my memory, what's atant?
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  23. - Top - End - #803
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Bear nods his head and replies, "Unless anyone has any other thoughts." He grins and with a shrug adds, "I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to."

    (OOC: Atant is the spirit of Kara's cellphone. I have a list of important spirits which includes it in the OOC thread. Everyone okay with moving things forward?)
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  24. - Top - End - #804
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Joanna nods at Jeremy's point, 'I guess if we come across any sign anyone else is down here then we'll know for sure. Otherwise, only worth staying if we want to conduct some experiments on how much knowledge is enough. I got a history podcast on my phone I never did get round to listening to.'

    Spoiler: ooc

    Ok to move on unless someone wants to try something

  25. - Top - End - #805
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    Bear nods his head and replies, "Unless anyone has any other thoughts." He grins and with a shrug adds, "I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to."

    (OOC: Atant is the spirit of Kara's cellphone. I have a list of important spirits which includes it in the OOC thread. Everyone okay with moving things forward?)
    “Yeah man, let’s get outta here,” Blaze said.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  26. - Top - End - #806
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Act 2 Scene v

    "If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain to be in peril,"

    Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

    Pink Floyd, Eclipse

    When the pack returns to the boat, they fill Kara in on everything they have learned, though Bear remains somewhat silent. The return trip is marked by choppy waters, heavy clouds and light rain. As they come closer and closer to land, the Hisil grows more healthy and a larger number of spirits become visible in the dark. Exhausted by the day, the pack is mostly silent till they return.

    As Jeremy is tying the boat up on the dock, and before the pack has crossed back over the Gauntlet, Bear speaks up, encouraging the pack to listen. "We accomplished a lot today," he starts, though there is little enthusiasm in his voice. He looks out over the group, and gives an exhausted smile. After a sigh, he continues, "I don't think we should go on the attack right away. I think there is a lot we can accomplish, and I want to use the next day or two to gather our strength and prepare for what will likely be a very dangerous next few weeks."

    He first gestures towards Blaze, "I want you to get Joanna initiated into the Iron Masters. If you need, take Jeremy. Her joining a tribe will only make her stronger, and we have to start investing more in the pups. If you need to call up Knowlton to get some more of your tribe for the initiation, then do it and you can tell them I'm the one who asked the favor." He pauses, then sighs again. "The rest of us can start reaching out to the data and knowledge spirits for help. I think I still owe Databolt a Gathra of upping the technology in our den anyways. Kara, I'm sure you'll be able to help with this."

    She nods and says, "Blaze, wasn't there a knowledge spirit you were talking too at the Whaling Museum? Walks with Truth or something?"
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  27. - Top - End - #807
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Joanna is lost in thought on the way back. After seeing the domain of the Idigam close up the scale of the problem was now very apparent to her, and all those spirits weren't even the Idigam itself. She can't help but regard Bear's words somewhat gloomily. 'At least we know they won't see us coming when the time comes.'

    She'll nod at Bear's mention of her joining a tribe. 'Whatever helps.' Under the circumstances she felt like she needed to do whatever was neccessary here. There was no time for half measures any more.

  28. - Top - End - #808
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    "The rest of us can start reaching out to the data and knowledge spirits for help. I think I still owe Databolt a Gathra of upping the technology in our den anyways. Kara, I'm sure you'll be able to help with this."
    "I have a couple of ideas on that. We need better security and control systems for the Den. How about we incorporate Databolt and integrate it so it can access and expand it's reach, through cameras and control points? I'll put forward a design and get input, then go shopping." Jeremy offers, wanting to use his prior skills for the benefit of the Pack, and seeing a way to improve the spirits reach.

  29. - Top - End - #809
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    Act 2 Scene v

    "If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain to be in peril,"

    Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

    Pink Floyd, Eclipse

    When the pack returns to the boat, they fill Kara in on everything they have learned, though Bear remains somewhat silent. The return trip is marked by choppy waters, heavy clouds and light rain. As they come closer and closer to land, the Hisil grows more healthy and a larger number of spirits become visible in the dark. Exhausted by the day, the pack is mostly silent till they return.

    As Jeremy is tying the boat up on the dock, and before the pack has crossed back over the Gauntlet, Bear speaks up, encouraging the pack to listen. "We accomplished a lot today," he starts, though there is little enthusiasm in his voice. He looks out over the group, and gives an exhausted smile. After a sigh, he continues, "I don't think we should go on the attack right away. I think there is a lot we can accomplish, and I want to use the next day or two to gather our strength and prepare for what will likely be a very dangerous next few weeks."

    He first gestures towards Blaze, "I want you to get Joanna initiated into the Iron Masters. If you need, take Jeremy. Her joining a tribe will only make her stronger, and we have to start investing more in the pups. If you need to call up Knowlton to get some more of your tribe for the initiation, then do it and you can tell them I'm the one who asked the favor." He pauses, then sighs again. "The rest of us can start reaching out to the data and knowledge spirits for help. I think I still owe Databolt a Gathra of upping the technology in our den anyways. Kara, I'm sure you'll be able to help with this."

    She nods and says, "Blaze, wasn't there a knowledge spirit you were talking too at the Whaling Museum? Walks with Truth or something?"
    "Yes, Walks with Truth required us to give it some information it didn't know when we wanted its help last time," Blaze replied, "it's worth paying it a visit again to see what it would require for its help vs the Idigam. I'll talk to Knowlton too."

    we should probably flesh out how to join the Iron Masters.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  30. - Top - End - #810
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

    "I have a couple of ideas on that. We need better security and control systems for the Den. How about we incorporate Databolt and integrate it so it can access and expand it's reach, through cameras and control points? I'll put forward a design and get input, then go shopping." Jeremy offers, wanting to use his prior skills for the benefit of the Pack, and seeing a way to improve the spirits reach.
    Bear nods his head with approval, but he replies, "It's a good idea. But I want you helping with the initiation unless Blaze says he doesn't need you." He looks at the Ithauer, deferring this decision to his fellow senior Uratha.

    To Blaze's response, he says, "Good. Do you have a sense for how long it will take? I mean, most initiations are one night, correct? Anyways, also let me know if you need any of the wolf blooded to help out."
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

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