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    Titan in the Playground
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    Hell itself (Ohio)

    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "The early bird may get the worm, but its the second mouse that gets the cheese."

    Anthropomorphic mice the size of cats. People find you adorable, or terrifying in equal measure. They're fond of assuming you're perfect spies as well, and will attempt to employ you as one regardless of your actual skills in that area.

    · +6 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, -6 Str (minimum of 3)
    · Size Class: Tiny. +2 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +8 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -8 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are one quarter those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 15 ft.
    · Climb land speed 15 ft.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Mice Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1 point of damage plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier.
    · Mice Folk receive a +4 Racial Bonus to Hide and Move Silently Checks. They also have a +8 Racial Bonus on Balance, Climb, and Listen Checks. They may always Take 10 on a Climb Check, and may use their Dex Modifier instead of their Str modifier for Climb Checks.
    · Mice Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Buggy, Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +2
    · Favored Class: Factotum

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 1'7" Female: 1'5"
    Height Modifier: +1d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 4 lbs. Female: 3 lbs. 5 ounces
    Weight Modifier: x (2d6) ounces

    Mice are great for any Dex related build, as long as you can offset their size issues. They're probably best as casters if you want to do damage.
    Adventuring Race: Mice go an adventures for various reasons, usually for revenge or to aid their people.
    Character Development: Your first goal should be to offset your lack of Reach and speed.
    Character Names: Mice folk take the naming conventions of whatever local culture they live in.

    It's high time your people stopped letting themselves be taken advantage of. A new world deserves a new attitude, and you don't intend to be bullied anymore..
    Personality: You're much more social amongst yourselves than people realize. You have strong community bonds. Outside the community? Not so much.
    Behaviors: Your instincts cause you to hide when you aren't moving, and not speak unless you are being spoken to. When everything is bigger than you, it's sometimes best to be unobserved.
    Language: Mice Folk primarily use Furry, though they make a point of learning the languages of those around him.

    Mice have no realms of their own, and blend in with the local culture of wherever they live.
    Alignment : Most Mice are fairly Neutral, striving to not be involved in the affairs of others.
    Lands : Mice Folk aren't picky, they're found just about every where.
    Settlements : Mice will settle any where they can gain acceptance.
    Beliefs : Most Mice Folk worship Rabbit or one of the Professional Pantheon.
    Relations: Due to their small size, Mice tend to keep to themselves. They're generally friendly, but they've been put upon a lot.

    · One of the local politicians has made a point of weeding out 'undesirables', and you're pretty sure he includes Mice. Your goal is to find dirt on him before the elections.
    · Your clan has been tasked with guarding the Assassin's Guild. Who are all Cat Folk. Yeah this can't go well....
    · A local contested Guild election has spun wildly out of control, and given your small size, all parties concerned feel you make the perfect spies. You'll be rich if you can survive this, but first you need to hide the fact that you're quietly working for everyone at the same time...


    Levels 5, 10, 15 and 20: Replace Arcane Dilletante with Woodcraft.
    Woodcraft: Instead of arcane magic, you choose spells from the Druid spell list (you still use Int as your casting stat).

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Gnaw
    Combat Style: 2nd Level gives you Gnaw, 6th Level gives you Improved Gnaw and 11th Level gives you Superior Gnaw.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Born Self-Sufficient
    Born Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.

    Levels 10+: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability, Tiny but Mighty (Ex): You always threaten adjacent squares if their occupants are unaware of you, regardless of your actual reach. Once you have successfully attacked someone your Reach is considered to be 5 feet for the rest of the encounter. When making a damage roll against an opponent who is unaware of you, you may re-roll any natural 1's.


    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Gopher, Mouse, or Rat; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt.
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 19-20. Your Bite now ignores the first 5 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Not So Little Now Am I?
    You can biggify yourself.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Race that is Small or smaller.
    Benefits: You may cast Enlarge Person 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability. Unlike normal, you may cast this on Monstrous Humanoids instead of Humanoids.

    Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat or Packrat.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Bonus on Reflex Saves against Traps.

    Improved Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Trap Shy.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Dodge Bonus to AC against Traps that make an attack roll.

    Greater Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Improved Trap Shy.
    Benefits: If you would normally set off a trap due to a failed Save, you get to roll 1d20 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice, plus your Charisma modifier. If this total is higher than the Trap’s Save DC, the trap activates after you have passed through it's area of effect instead. If the Trap makes an Attack roll instead of requiring a Save, compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +4). If you have the higher number, it still doesn't activate until you pass (if not it attacks like normal). If it allows no Save and makes no Attack roll, you pass it unharmed and it activates afterward.

    You is one sneaky critter.
    Prerequisites: Tiny Size (or smaller) or the ability to gain it somehow
    Benefits: You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when entering an opponents square.

    People are unreasonably terrified of you for reasons you don't quite understand.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat or Packrat, Cha 15+, Level 6+
    Benefits: You do not take Size Penalties to Intimidate Checks.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Mouse Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Mouse Folk are anthropomorphic Mice about the size of small Gnomes. They tend to be thought of as excellent spies and saboteurs due to their size, despite wanting nothing to do with these activities. They prefer a calm life with family and friends.

    The Mice may not like the idea of being sneaky, but being bullied by the taller peoples has made them good at hiding due to necessity. They generally live as a subculture apart from whatever society they live among. They try to be the perfect neighbors who keep their mouths shut, and who mind their own business. They make it clear they don't want involved (whatever you're up to), and just want to live their lives in peace. They strongly dissuade their children from becoming Adventurers.

    Mouse Folk borrow the naming conventions of whatever society they live among.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +2, and your Intelligence score by +1.

    Age. Mouse Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Mouse Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 30-35 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, as is your Climbing speed.

    Smol: You are small enough that your Armor Class improves by +1.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    EEK! A MOUSE! (Prerequisite: Must be Mouse Folk)
    People have a weird, atavistic response to you. As a Bonus Action, choose one creature who can see you to make a Wisdom Check (Save DC is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier). If it fails, it is Frightened of you for 1 round. The target has Disadvantage on the Saving Throw if it's Size is bigger than yours. Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

    Mouse Folk
    "Nice of the Mothsquatches to direct us to the nearest city."

    We're Mice, Not Rats!
    "And to loan me this Hat of Disguise."

    "Why do you need a Hat of Disguise?"

    "Well, hello there little fellow. I'm Harlan, and this is Jim. Sorry, we didn't see you there.."

    "I'm Ralph And you didn't answer my question."

    "Er...we're Adventurers."

    "Murderhobos, eh? Well I'm with the Guard. And let me state up front, we don't approve of your kind."

    "Would it help if I said we're pursuing a dangerous villain?"

    "You always are. This villain have a name? So we can deal with him without the usual collateral damage?"


    Sir, We Are Not Rogues, We're Just Short.

    "Aw Hell. I want nothin' to do with this."

    "Who would you suggest we speak to?"

    "Try the Rats. They're sketchy enough."

    "Why are they sketchy?"

    "Because they're Adventurers. Like you."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-04-28 at 12:41 PM.
    Revised avatar by Trixie, New avvie by Crisis21!
    Mah Fluffy Death Critters
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    Behold the Power of Kitteh!
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  2. - Top - End - #842
    Titan in the Playground
    Bhu's Avatar

    Join Date
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    Hell itself (Ohio)

    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "A thief believes everybody steals."

    Packrats greatly resemble the Rat Folk, whom they are not fond of (mostly due to being mistaken for them).

    · +2 Dex, -2 Str
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Climb land speed 20 ft.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Packrat Folk have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier, with 2 Claws on a Full Attack.
    · Packrat Folk receive a +4 Racial Bonus to Escape Artist, Hide, Listen and Move Silently Checks. They also have a +2 Racial Bonus on Balance, Climb, Search, Sleight of Hand and Spot Checks.
    · Packrat Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Buggy, Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Rogue

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Packrats were born to be Rogues or Scouts. Maybe Rangers or Druids too.
    Adventuring Race: Packrats adventure because circumstances force them to. They really don't like to leave their family nests.
    Character Development: Try working on increasing your land speed.
    Character Names: Male: Arthur, Albert, Charles, Edward, Frederick, James, William. Female: Alice, Dorothy, Edith, Elizabeth, Gladys, Mary, Winifred. Surnames: Baker, Brown, Cooper, Dickens, Griffiths, Sayer, Shaw.

    You spend equal amounts of time fighting against the belief that you're all Thieves Guild members or something, and somehow getting roped into shenanigans against your will. You don't steal for a living. You do stage magic and carnival tricks. Totally different things.
    Personality: Your people thrive on trade and negotiation. Packrats rely on being excellent hagglers.
    Behaviors: You tend to always snag anything you find that might be potentially useful in the future. You're stereotyped as nabbing anything you can, but you don't consider yourself thieves. You're just preparing for emergencies.
    Language: Packrats speak Furry.

    Packrats hide underground in the country, and below the streets in cities. Few know any details of their world, and they prefer it that way.
    Alignment : Packrats strongly tend towards Neutrality.
    Lands : Packrats live just about anywhere.
    Settlements : Packrats settle where ever they can remain hidden.
    Beliefs : Most Packrats worship Rabbit. Those who go against type, and are actual Thieves Guild members, worship Sheila.
    Relations: Packrats are a bit more xenophobic than Mice and Rats. They avoid everyone.

    · You go on a horrific public rant when someone mistakes you for a Rat for the umpteenth time. Turns out he's a local noble. Your mistake means you'll have to flee.
    · People have been acting weird since your latest deal. A lot of them have come sniffing around your warehouse since you took the delivery. Time to start opening boxes.
    · Vampires have hired you to retrieve their daughter who is being held hostage. Mostly because no one else will work for them. There's no way this ends well.


    Levels 1+: You can replace some of the spells on your spell list. You can swap any 1st Level spells from the Bard list for any of the following: Instant Locksmith, Instant Search, Jump, Lightfoot (see Spell Compendium), Rooftop Strider (see Races of Destiny) or Silent Portal. You can swap any 2nd Level spells from the Bard list for any of the following: Marked Object (see Spell Compendium), Smoke Stairs (see Complete Scoundrel) or Veil of Shadow (see Spell Compendium). You can swap any 4th Level spells from the Bard list for any of the following: Shadow Form (see Spell Compendium)

    Level 4: Replace Cunning Strike with Cunning Flight
    Cunning Flight (Ex): Beginning at 4th Level, you may spend one Inspiration point to increase one Movement speed by +30 feet for 1 round.

    Level 10: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability: Wallbreaker (Sp): You can cast Passwall 1/day as a Spell-Like ability.


    Not So Little Now Am I?
    You can biggify yourself.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Race that is Small or smaller.
    Benefits: You may cast Enlarge Person 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability. Unlike normal, you may cast this on Monstrous Humanoids instead of Humanoids.

    Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat or Packrat.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Bonus on Reflex Saves against Traps.

    Improved Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Trap Shy.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Dodge Bonus against Traps that make an attack roll.

    Greater Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Improved Trap Shy.
    Benefits: If you would normally set off a trap due to a failed Save, you get to roll 1d20 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice, plus your Charisma modifier. If this total is higher than the Trap’s Save DC, the trap activates after you have passed through it's area of effect instead. If the Trap makes an Attack roll instead of requiring a Save, compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +4). If you have the higher number, it still doesn't activate until you pass (if not it attacks like normal). If it allows no Save and makes no Attack roll, you pass it unharmed and it activates afterward

    People are unreasonably terrified of you..
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat or Packrat, Cha 15+, Level 6+
    Benefits: You do not take Size Penalties to Intimidate Checks.

    You're quite talented.
    Prerequisites: Packrat, Sleight of Hand 4 ranks
    Benefits: When you make a Sleight of Hand Check as a Free Action, the Penalty is now only -10. You may also perform a Check as a Swift Action, but take a -5 Penalty.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Packrat Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Packrat Folk are anthropomorphic Packrats about the size of Elves. They prefer odd jobs, like carnival or circus workers. Unlike most performers, they tend to be nesters who stay in one place. Travel is for scruffy Adventurers!

    Packrats tend to be completely hidden when they aren't working their jobs. They get mistaken for Rat Adventurers all the time, and have to deal with revenge crazed loons because of it. Therefore, they have learned to be alert, and sneaky. Packrats are also fond of collecting odd bits and bobs they wander across, hence their name. A common belief among them is that something that draws their attention is something they'll need to save their butt one day.

    Packrats have fairly standard naming conventions.

    Male Names. Arthur, Albert, Charles, Edward, Frederick, James, William.

    Female Names. Alice, Dorothy, Edith, Elizabeth, Gladys, Mary, Winifred.

    Family Names. Baker, Brown, Cooper, Dickens, Griffiths, Sayer, Shaw.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Packrat Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Packrat Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 5 feet tall and weigh around 120 pounds at most.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Deceptive You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) Checks and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) Checks.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Bite. You have sharp teeth that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    TRAP SHY (Prerequisite: Must be Packrat Folk)
    When attacking with a weapon using your Dexterity for attack rolls, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) Check opposed by your opponents Wisdom (Insight) Check, If you succeed, you gain Advantage on that attack roll.

    Packrat Folk
    "Well, lets find us some Rat Folk. Maybe they'll be easier to talk to.."

    We're Not Rats! NOT RATS!
    "Excuse me sir? We're looking for the Rat..."


    "We just need to talk to..."


    "Pardon my ignorance, but what is the difference between a Rat and a Packrat?"


    "Ah...well, Jim and I are scruffy Adventurers, and we require assistance in locating a criminal madman."

    "Fourth time this week....Which madman are you after?"


    Pick A Card!

    "Doesn't ring a bell."

    "Who would you suggest we speak to?"

    "Yeah, in this case, I would try the Rats if I were you."

    "Thanks. And our apologies if we've given any offense."

    "No worries. Things have just been a bit tense lately."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-04-27 at 01:38 PM.
    Revised avatar by Trixie, New avvie by Crisis21!
    Mah Fluffy Death Critters
    Orcs and Goblins
    Behold the Power of Kitteh!
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  3. - Top - End - #843
    Titan in the Playground
    Bhu's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hell itself (Ohio)

    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation."

    Anthropomorphic Rats the size of human children. People tend to find you either adorable, or terrifying in equal measure.

    · +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str, -2 Cha
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Climb land speed 20 ft.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Omnivore (Ex): Rat Folk will eat anything, and because of this they gain a +4 Racial Bonus on all Saves against Ingested Poisons and any Diseases. If the Saving Throw vs Disease would have failed without the Racial Bonus, then it becomes a carrier. Anything attacking the rat with a natural weapon before it rids itself of disease must make a Fortitude Save to avoid Infection against Inhaled, Ingested or Contact diseases. Anything bitten by a rat with a disease that transmits via injury must also save.
    · Rat Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d3 plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier.
    · Rat Folk receive a +4 Racial Bonus to Balance, Hide, Listen and Move Silently Checks. They also have a +8 Racial Bonus Climb Checks. They may always Take 10 on a Climb Check, and may use their Dex Modifier instead of their Str modifier for Climb Checks.
    · Rat Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Buggy, Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Rogue

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Rat Folk make pretty good Rogues (or any build needing Dex really), or any build for Small Clerics.
    Adventuring Race: Rats generally go on adventures for revenge or because of deep personal necessity (i.e. they're being blackmailed).
    Character Development: You tend to freak people out, so try to have some Cha based skills in order to talk people down.
    Character Names: Rats take the names of whatever local culture they live in.

    You wish to rise above, and prove your people aren't just thieves and murderhobos. Complicating this is the fact that your people's main employers are either Adventurer's Guilds, or Thieves Guilds. Even the Assassin's Guilds like to hire you, and they're Cats. But lets be honest, they're willing to hire, and you need to eat somehow. You just have to figure out how to avoid the darker side of things.
    Personality: You prefer to live in large colonies for defensive purposes. You aren't as small as the Mice, but you still aren't big.
    Behaviors: Rats are very inquisitive, always sniffing things. They see and hear a lot of things they shouldn't because of this.
    Language: Rats speak Furry, and probably Thieves Cant as well.

    Rats have no realms of their own, and blend in with the local culture of wherever they live.
    Alignment : Rats don't care about other people's business, and as such are usually Neutral.
    Lands : Rats live everywhere.
    Settlements : Rats will settle anywhere they can find acceptance (or failing that, remain hidden).
    Beliefs : Rats are fairly diverse religion wise. They'll accept any Gawd that accepts them.
    Relations: Rats are suspicious of other species. Gain one's trust, and you have a friend for life though.

    · You are being given the option to be a traitor to the Furry Folk in order to save your own skin. You need to convince the other Furry Folk that not only have you not betrayed them, but are working to undermine the enemy by pretending to serve him.
    · You awake in a drunken stupor. Or at least you assume so, because it feels like one, and you have no memory of the last week. And you are surrounded by dead bodies, the burned out husks of buildings, and the wailing souls of the damned. Explaining this will require more creativity than usual.
    · The local Assassin's Guild is blackmailing you to kill someone they could easily take down themselves. Somehow you have to delay the murder until you can figure out their angle.


    Levels 5, 10, 15 and 20: When choosing spells, you have the option of choosing from the Assassin spell list.

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Gnaw
    Combat Style: 2nd Level gives you Gnaw, 6th Level gives you Improved Gnaw and 11th Level gives you Superior Gnaw.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Born Self-Sufficient
    Born Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.

    Levels 10+: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability, Disabling Strike (Ex): A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also makes a Fortitude Save (Save DC is Dex based) or be Staggered for the duration of the encounter.


    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Gopher, Mouse, or Rat; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 19-20. Your Bite now ignores the first 5 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Not So Little Now Am I?
    You can biggify yourself.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Race that is Small or smaller.
    Benefits: You may cast Enlarge Person 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability. Unlike normal, you may cast this on Monstrous Humanoids instead of Humanoids.

    Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat or Packrat.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Bonus on Reflex Saves against Traps.

    Improved Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Trap Shy.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Dodge Bonus against Traps that make an attack roll.

    Greater Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Improved Trap Shy.
    Benefits: If you would normally set off a trap due to a failed Save, you get to roll 1d20 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice, plus your Charisma modifier. If this total is higher than the Trap’s Save DC, the trap activates after you have passed through it's area of effect instead. If the Trap makes an Attack roll instead of requiring a Save, compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +4). If you have the higher number, it still doesn't activate until you pass (if not it attacks like normal). If it allows no Save and makes no Attack roll, you pass it unharmed and it activates afterward.

    People are unreasonably terrified of you..
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat or Packrat, Cha 15+, Level 6+
    Benefits: You do not take Size Penalties to Intimidate Checks.

    Crafty Mage
    You have a talent for sneaky magic.
    Prerequisites: Cat or Rat
    Benefits: An innate talent for magic grants you the following spell-like abilities as a first level caster 1/day: Detect Poison, Instant Locksmith (Spell Compendium), Silent Portal.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Rat Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Rat Folk are anthropomorphic Rats about the size of Elves. They tend to be employed by various sus employers, such as Adventurer's Guilds. This has led them to have a sometimes iffy reputation.

    Rats tend to live in their own tightly packed neighborhoods, as they consider their neighbors to be too 'nosy' for their own good. This despite the Rats being infamous for their own curiosity. They consider it less curiosity, and more 'defensive scouting'. They don't feel comfortable unless they know simply everything, which leads others to mistrust them. This leads them to try to hide things from the Rats, who then wonder what they have to hide.

    Much like their cousins the Mice, the Rats use the naming conventions of those they live among.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +2, and your Wisdom score by +1.

    Age. Rat Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Rat Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 5 feet tall and weigh around 120 pounds at most.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Mobile: You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) Checks and Dexterity (Acrobatics) Checks.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Bite. You have sharp teeth that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    TRAP SHY (Prerequisite: Must be Rat Folk)
    You have Advantage on Saving Throws against traps as long as you aren't Incapacitated. Your Armor Class improves by +1 against traps, so long as you aren't Incapacitated as well. Your Passive Perception improves by +1.

    Rat Folk
    "Finally. This looks like the right place."

    We're Not Hired Killers! That's The Cats!
    "It looks like some of the Adventurer's Guild Halls we used to hang out in. Only it's swallowed an entire neighborhood."

    "We're not hiring, move along."

    "We aren't here for jobs sir. We're here for info..."

    "We aren't selling. Move along."

    "You haven't even heard us out yet."

    "Don't need to. Been enough trouble this week."

    "What kind of trouble?"

    "None of your bidness. Move along."

    "We're looking for a mad Necromancer"

    Go Away!

    "We don't deal with that crap. Head back out of town and talk to the Gophers."

    "The Gophers?"

    "MOVE! ALONG!"


    "If you think that's rude, wait'll you see what my sword has to say."
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    "Don't you judge me!"

    These small anthropomorphic Gophers live in underground communities out in the boonies. Unfortunately, this means they tend to encounter Undead a lot more than average. As a result, they tend to have a lot of Necromancers as a defense. On the downside, this has given them a poor reputation.

    · +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Burrow land speed 10 ft.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Tremorsense (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual, with a range of 30 ft.
    · Gopher Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d3 plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier.
    · Gopher Folk receive a +4 Racial Bonus to Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, and Listen Checks.
    · Gopher Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Buggy, Sylvan, and nearby species.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Dread Necromancer

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Gophers make decent Wis or Cha based caster builds for small size critters.
    Adventuring Race: Gophers often go on adventures to find secrets, or keep them hidden. They know better than most that some hidden things should stay that way.
    Character Development: You're a little slow, so find a way to speed up or defend yourself.
    Character Names: Male: Adi, Alexandru, Andrei, Anghel, Antoniu, Apostol, Aurel. Female: Adel, Adelina, Adina, Alexandra, Amalia, Anastasia, Andra. Surnames: Adamache, Adamescu, Adamesteanu, Agarici, Albu, Aldalescu, Andronescu.

    You see dead people. This has made your life...complicated.
    Personality: Gophers are mildly xenophobic, since their communities were often under siege by dead people pretending to be living.
    Behaviors: After meeting you're fifth Vampire, you tend to reflexively believe all Humanoids are dead. This can be amusing when you ask the Paladin what sort of fancy, new-fangled Wight he happens to be.
    Language: Gophers speak Furry. And occasionally some long dead languages as well.

    Whilst gregarious among their own, Gophers are suspicious of anyone they don't know. Especially Humanoids. You never know when they're gonna drop dead, only to get back up and start mumbling about brains.
    Alignment : Most Gophers are Neutral, with there being a mild tendency towards Evil due to their propensity for Necromancy. There's always that one guy who goes mad with power...
    Lands : Gophers prefer to live in open plains or forest areas.
    Settlements : Gophers will settle anywhere that doesn't bar them for practicing necromancy.
    Beliefs : Most still worship Rabbit, but there are also many temples to Berg.
    Relations: Their species proclivity for necromancy leads many to avoid the Gophers.

    · One of the local rich weirdos is offering fabulous sums for you to plunder a mass grave from an old war. You have smiled and accepted his moneys, while informing the appropriate people. Operation Boogity proceeds at dusk.
    · Dead people have been wandering into town and asking to speak with you, and your neighbors are a tad concerned...
    · A local vampire has accused you of workplace harassment. You don't even know him. Obviously, you've cheesed off someone.


    Levels 4: Replace Still Mind with Sealed Heart
    Sealed Heart (Ex):: You gain a +2 Bonus against spells or effects of the Necromancy school.

    Levels 1+: You have a slightly different spell selection. Choose one 0 Level spell to be replaced by Disrupt Undead. Choose any 1st Level spells to replace with Dawn Burst (see Complete Mage), Halt Undead. Choose any 2nd Level spells to replace with Life Bolt (see Magic of Faerun), Shroud of Undeath (see Spell Compendium). Choose any 3rd Level spells to replace with Greater Disrupt Undead (see Spell Compendium). Choose any 4th Level spells to replace with Holy Smite. Choose any 5th Level spells to replace with Imprison Possessor (see Book of Vile Darkness). Choose any 6th Level spells to replace with Anger of the Noonday Sun (see Spell Compendium). Choose any 7th Level spells to replace with Sunbeam. Choose any 8th Level spells to replace with Devastate Undead (see Lords of Darkness). Choose any 9th Level spells to replace with Deadly Sunstroke (see Sandstorm).

    Level 1: You can replace Rebuke Undead with Chastise Undead.
    Chastise Undead (Su):: You can Chastise Undead a number of times per day equal to (1 plus your Cha modifier). Chastising Undead is a Standard Action, and all Undead within 30 feet of you take 1d6 damage per Dread Necromancer Level. Undead get a Willpower Save for half damage (Save DC is Ch based).


    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Gopher, Mouse, or Rat; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 19-20. Your Bite now ignores the first 5 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Not So Little Now Am I?
    You can biggify yourself.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Race that is Small or smaller.
    Benefits: You may cast Enlarge Person 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability. Unlike normal, you may cast this on Monstrous Humanoids instead of Humanoids.

    Punitive Spell (Metamagic)
    You can teach Undead a painful lesson.
    Prerequisites: Caster Level 7th, Spell Focus (Conjuration)
    Benefits: Spells you cast from the Conjuration (Healing) school do an additional +1d6 per two spell levels of Positive Energy Damage (i.e., +1d6 for a 1st level spell, +2d6 for a 2nd & 3rd level spell, etc.) to Undead creatures. A Punitive spell requires a special material component – a small holy symbol inscribed with 25gp per Positive Energy die the spell is to cause. Only someone with this feat can create or use these components, which require an hour each to create. Thus, the extra dice of damage a Punitive spells does is limited by both the spell level and the cost of the material component expended with that spell. This does not use a spell slot of a higher level.

    Pierce Resistance
    You can Damage the toughest Undead.
    Prerequisites: Gopher, Turn/Rebuke Undead
    Benefits: If you fail to Turn/Rebuke Undead they are still unable to take any actions for 1 round, but they have no penalty to AC.

    Channel Positive Energy
    You have a surprise if the local Wights get frisky.
    Prerequisites: Gopher, Turn/Rebuke Undead
    Benefits: When using your Charnel Touch or Negative Energy Burst abilities, you can choose to use positive energy instead, healing the living and harming the Undead. Damage remains the same.

    Zombie Apocalyptist
    You have studied the Undead extensively.
    Prerequisites: Gopher, Dark Knowledge, Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks
    Benefits: Choose one of the following aspects of Dark Knowledge: Tactics, Puissance or Foe. When using these abilities against Undead they are more potent. If you apply it to Tactics, the Bonus it grants increases by +1 (with a minimum of +1 even if you fail the Check). If you apply it to Puissance, the Bonus it grants increases by +1 (with a minimum of +1 even if you fail the Check). If you apply it to Foe, it grants an additional +1d6 damage (with a minimum of +1d6 even if you fail the Check). This Feat can be taken up to three times, and applies to a different use of Dark Knowledge each time.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Gopher Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Gopher Folk are anthropomorphic Gophers about the size of Halflings. They originally lived in areas heavily contaminated by undead, which led to Necromancy becoming a common art among them. And a lot of Undead Gophers and power mad lunatics.

    Gophers prefer to live underground. Sometimes in burrows, sometimes in the Underdark proper. Thankfully it's not as infested as the old world, but their reputation still lingers. One Necromancer in a thousand goes mad with power, and the rest of you have to hear about it for a lifetime. And yes, you do have a zombie butler, but what else are zombies for if not butlering?

    All Gopher names begin with the letter A. All Gopher names. No one knows why, and they seem weirdly loathe to discuss it.

    Male Names. Adi, Alexandru, Andrei, Anghel, Antoniu, Apostol, Aurel.

    Female Names. Adel, Adelina, Adina, Alexandra, Amalia, Anastasia, Andra.

    Family Names. Adamache, Adamescu, Adamesteanu, Agarici, Albu, Aldalescu, Andronescu.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Gopher Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Gopher Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. You have a Burrow speed of 15 feet.

    Tremorsense: You have Tremorsense with a range of 10 feet. This increases to 20 feet at Level 10.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Bite. You have sharp teeth that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Punitive Magic (Prerequisite: Must be Gopher Folk, and must be able to cast one damaging spell.)
    When you damage a target with a spell, you do an additional +1d6 Radiant damage (1d8 if the target is Undead).

    Gopher Folk
    "This looks like a barren field."

    We're Good Necromancers. Really, We Swear.
    "Everyone swears this is where the Gophers live though.."

    "What are you two doing on my upstairs porch?"

    "Oh! Good evening ma'am. We're Adventurers here or advice."

    "My advice is quit being Adventurers."

    "Way ahead of you. But first, we have this loose end we have to deal with."

    "Is this loose end a Gopher?"

    "No ma'am, he's a criminal raising Undead."

    "People say that same crap about us. Doesn't make it true ya know."

    "We've raided his factories. The pollution they create makes Undead."

    Are You A Wight?

    "We deal with the Undead, not make them."

    "Know any one who does?"

    "Lemme check my little black book. Ahh, here we are! Souls of the Damned. Go to the address I'm scribbling down."

    "We're going to regret this aren't we?"

    "Yes. Yes you are."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-04-28 at 01:01 PM.
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  5. - Top - End - #845
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I'm moving to a 60 hour a week schedule for a bit, so critters will be 4 a week or so for a bit now.
    That's… A lot, once more. My sympathies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Mice Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1 point of damage plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier.
    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Gopher, Mouse, Packrat or Rat; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt.
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 18-20.
    These feel like a trap option for these guys, given the low base damage of the bite.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Also, wood is pretty much always immune to critical hits.

    Levels 5, 10, 15 and 20: Replace Arcane Dilletante with Woodcraft.
    Woodcraft: Instead of arcane magic, you choose spells from the Druid spell list (you still use Int as your casting stat).
    Good one and a precious resource (INT-based divine spells!).

    Levels 10+: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability, Tiny but Mighty (Ex): You always threaten adjacent squares if their occupants are unaware of you. Once you have successfully attacked someone your Reach is considered to be 5 feet. When making a damage roll against an opponent who is unaware of you, you may re-roll any natural 1's.
    I think I understand what you mean (reach is 5' against unaware foes and aware foes damaged), but getting there requires some interpretation and much common sense. As is, the text allows attacks against unaware foes on the two squares adjacent to the Tiny space in the corner of the Mice' square and 5' reach against anyone ever everywhere once somebody's damaged. I'd rephrase it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Packrat Folk have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier, with 2 Claws on a Full Attack.
    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Gopher, Mouse, Packrat or Rat; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 18-20.

    These guys don't have bite attacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Omnivore (Ex): Rat Folk will eat anything, and because of this they gain a +4 Racial Bonus on all Saves against Ingested Poisons and any Diseases. If the Saving Throw vs Disease would have failed without the Racial Bonus, then it becomes a carrier. Anything attacking the rat with a natural weapon before it rids itself of disease must make a Fortitude Save to avoid Infection against Inhaled, Ingested or Contact diseases. Anything bitten by a rat with a disease that transmits via injury must also save.
    That's an exquisitely designed mechanism for sturdy carriers. I very much approve!

    · Level Adjustment: +1
    Too bad about the sea of skill bonuses. I understand how and why they fit what you're doing here, but they are a bit too much numerically for what I'd otherwise let slide as LA +0.

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Gnaw
    Combat Style: 2nd Level gives you Gnaw, 6th Level gives you Improved Gnaw and 11th Level gives you Superior Gnaw.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Self-Sufficient
    Self Sufficient
    Self-Sufficient is also the name of that lame PHB skill feat. I'd recommend calling this something else.

    Levels 10+: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability, Disabling Strike (Ex): A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also makes a Fortitude Save (Save DC is Dex based) or be Staggered for the duration of the encounter.
    That's not a bad ability, but I'm not sure what makes it a Rat ability in particular.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Burrow land speed 10 ft.
    Yes, please. (Good mix of abilities overall too.)

    Character Names: Male: Adi, Alexandru, Andrei, Anghel, Antoniu, Apostol, Aurel. Female: Adel, Adelina, Adina, Alexandra, Amalia, Anastasia, Andra. Surnames: Adamache, Adamescu, Adamesteanu, Agarici, Albu, Aldalescu, Andronescu.
    Romanian names for your Necromancers? Dude, that's cheap. (I do find the idea that they only ever use names starting with an A very amusing, none the less.)

    Behaviors: After meeting you're fifth Vampire, you tend to reflexively believe all Humanoids are dead. This can be amusing when you ask the Paladin what sort of fancy, new-fangled Wight he happens to be.
    "Ah, what can ail thee, wretched wight, alone and palely loitering"?

    Language: Gophers speak Furry. And occasionally some long dead languages as well.
    Just out of curiosity: what dead languages does your setting come with? (I like dead languages.)

    I demand that the collective noun for them be cart.

    Pierce Resistance
    You can Damage the toughest Undead.
    Prerequisites: Gopher, Turn/Rebuke Undead
    Benefits: If you fail to Turn/Rebuke Undead they are still unable to take any actions, but has no penalty to AC,. for 1 round.
    I think this need some cleaning up.

    "We're going to egret this aren't we?"
    I like egrets. They are BIRDIES!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post

    These feel like a trap option for these guys, given the low base damage of the bite.
    I know, but I didn't give it to the mice when they were originally made, and had to edit them in. There was a fuss.

    Romanian names for your Necromancers? Dude, that's cheap. (I do find the idea that they only ever use names starting with an A very amusing, none the less.)
    I know, I know. I suck at names though, and at the time I was running low on name charts to pick from (and they had lots of names beginning in a).

    Just out of curiosity: what dead languages does your setting come with? (I like dead languages.)
    I have yet to officially work out a list.

    Did some editing as usual.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-04-27 at 02:10 PM.
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    "One more beaver fever joke, and I (beep) swear to Gawd..."

    Small anthropoid Beavers. That make soft, cooing noises. Just because every campaign needs them.

    · +2 Con, -2 Wis
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character. Space is 5 ft., Reach is 5 ft..
    · Monstrous Humanoid, giving you Darkvision 60 ft..
    · Base Land speed 20 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 20 ft.
    · +1 Natural AC Bonus
    · Hold Breath (Ex): Beavers can hold their breath underwater a number of rounds equal to 4 times their Constitution Score before they risk drowning.
    · Beavers have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d4 plus Strength Modifier.
    · Beavers have a +8 Racial Bonus to Swim Checks, and can always Take 10 on a Swim Check. They may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line. They also gain a +4 Racial Bonus on Craft (woodworking) and Survival Checks. They also gain Gnaw as a Bonus Feat.
    · Automatic Languages: Common and Furry. Bonus Languages: Bonus languages generally depend on who or what lives nearby.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Scout

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 3'0" Female: 2'10"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 40 lbs. Female: 35 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    If you want to play a small, hardy semi aquatic species the Beaver is a go. The extra Con makes them decent tanks even if they will need some help with their Will Saves.
    Adventuring Race: Usually you only adventure to right some perceived wrong against you or your loved ones, or because you reeeeally need money. You don't like leaving the community unless need or danger makes it necessary.
    Character Development: You're a common, hard working folk. You keep your nose out of other peoples business, and they do the same for you. Or they get whooped. You may not much care for outsiders or people different from yourself, but you believe in hospitality and are willing to accept anyone who doesn't cause trouble.
    Character Names: Males: Albert, Andre, Etienne, Henri, Jacques, Jean, Justin, Louis, Maurice, Papite, Paul, Raoul, Remy, Sebastion, Theophile, Zachary. Female: Ada, Adele, Adrienne, Anne, Betty, Claire, Claudine, Clemntine, Clothilde, Deborah, Dee, Enola, Francine, Georgette, Laurie, Madeline, Marie, Mattie, Odette, Olive, Sarah, Sharon, Sherri, Tami, Therese. Surnames: Allain, Arcenaux, Aucoin, Babin, Babineaux, Bellefontaine, Benoit, Bergeron, Bernard, Blanchard, Boudreaux, Bourque, Bourgeois, Boutin, Brasseaux, Braud, Breaux, Broussard, Brun, Bujeau, Castille, Chiasson, Comeaux, Cormier, Cyr, Daigle, Derouen, David, Doucet, Dugas, Dupuis, Foret, Gaudet, Gautreaux, Giroir, Godin, Granger, Gravois, Guidry, Guilbeau, Hebert, Jeansonne, La Bauve, Landry, Langlinais, LeBlanc, Leger, LeJeune, Guidry, Martin, Melancon, Mire, Mouton, Naquin, Orillon, Part, Pellerin, Pitre, Poirier, Prejean, Richard, Rivet, Robichaud, Rodrigue, Roger, Roy, Savoie, Sonnier, Thériot, Thibodeaux, Trahan, Vincent.

    You admire toughness and perseverance, qualities which many assume you do not possess because you are a round, little floofball. Then there are the jerks who make fun of your teeth or your tail. The teeth won't be so darn funny when they're being used to bite your opponent in the behind.
    Personality: Beavers are fairly laid back and patient. It takes a bit to tick them off usually, other than violating their privacy. Beavers are a very private folk and don't tolerate invasions of such well. Even then, they prefer a good old fashioned fistfight to actual lethal combat.
    Behaviors: You're fairly calm for the most part, unless someone butts in on your business. Then you politely tell them to sod off or fight. Other than that you enjoy the simple pleasures of life such as food and drink. Fishing is also quite the common past time as are lumberjack competitions.
    Language: Beavers speak their own dialect of Furry, much like the other Furry species.

    Beavers are well known for their native cuisine, music, and religious beliefs. Since their tightly knit communities don't interact much with others beyond holidays and trade, many nearby cultures find them fascinating.
    Alignment : Beavers are generally Neutral, with the more fun loving sort drifting towards Chaotic or Good tendencies.
    Lands : Beavers live near lakes and rivers, usually in cold or temperate areas.
    Settlements : Beavers rarely settle, and usually only in places with access to water.
    Beliefs : Beavers usually worship the Furry Pantheon or the Nature Pantheon, and are fairly devout.
    Relations: Given their reputation as fun loving craftsmen, the Beavers get along well with others. And if they don't, they dam up your river and dry up your water supply! But seriously, as long as you aren't foolish they're kinda hard to offend in the long term.

    · A passing Balor called your mama names, and that just ain't right. Time to call up yer Gawd.
    · Local humanoids are damming the river upstream. That's your job. Time they were reminded of that.
    · Your uncle Louie's moonshine could put down a Frost Giant. But it's all gone missing. Time to find out how before Louie has a stroke, cause he ain't passed on the recipe!


    Level 1: Replace Rage with Whirling Frenzy from Unearthed Arcana.

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Gnaw
    Combat Style: 2nd Level gives you Gnaw, 6th Level gives you Improved Gnaw and 11th Level gives you Superior Gnaw.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Born Self-Sufficient
    Born Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.

    Levels 3 and 11: When you get Fast Movement you can choose to apply it to your land speed or your swim speed.


    Craft Moonshine
    You can brew the potent restorative known as moonshine.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Brew Potion, Must be able to cast Cure Light Wounds, Delay Disease, Delay Poison, and Lesser Restoration.
    Benefits: A shot of Moonshine automatically wakes up sleeping or unconscious creatures, and stabilizes them if they are dying. It also conveys the benefits of Delay Disease and Delay Poison, and heals 1d4 ht points in damage. Unfortunately it is also a potent DC 15 alcohol (see Arms and Equipment Guide). It is brewed in batches of 10 potions at a time. A batch cost 75 GP and 3 xp to make. It takes 10 days to brew in the still.

    Items you build are durable.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Craft 4 ranks
    Benefits: Items you craft have their hit points increased by 60%.

    Master Craftsman
    You're the best there is at what you do.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Craft 4 ranks
    Benefits: You gain a +2 Bonus on Craft Checks, and the Craft DC for making Masterwork items is the same as it is for crafting the item. For example a crossbow is normally a DC 15 Craft Check with the Masterwork portion being DC 20. With this Feat, both are DC 15.

    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Mouse, Gopher, or Rat, Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 19-20. Your Bite now ignores the first 5 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    River Shaman
    You have a talent for water magic.
    Prerequisites: Beaver
    Benefits: An innate talent for magic grants you the following spell-like abilities as a first level caster 1x/day: Create Water, Know Direction, Wave Blessing (Stormwrack).

    Wood Shaman
    You have a talent for nature magic
    Prerequisites: Beaver
    Benefits: An innate talent for magic grants you the following spell-like abilities as a first level caster 1x/day: Shillelagh, Mending, Naturewatch (see Spell Compendium).

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Beaver Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Beaver Folk are anthropomorphic Beavers about the size of small Gnomes. While they tend to keep to themselves, visitors find them to be cheerful, polite people always willing to lend a hand. Given their dietary need for gnawing wood, they tend to be woodworkers by nature.

    The Beavers other major export is alcohol, specifically of a magical sort that can help aid people's health if used sparingly. Each family has it's own recipe that is jealously guarded, often using fruit of some sort. They also have a variety of mages specializing in water and nature magic that hire out as workers as well. No matter what skill they have, they tend to find a way to monetize it.

    Beavers use common names. Except George.

    Male Names. Albert, Andre, Etienne, Henri, Jacques, Jean, Justin, Louis, Maurice, Papite, Paul, Raoul, Remy, Sebastion, Theophile, Zachary.

    Female Names. Ada, Adele, Adrienne, Anne, Betty, Claire, Claudine, Clemntine, Clothilde, Deborah, Dee, Enola, Francine, Georgette, Laurie, Madeline, Marie, Mattie, Odette, Olive, Sarah, Sharon, Sherri, Tami, Therese.

    Family Names. Allain, Arcenaux, Aucoin, Babin, Babineaux, Bellefontaine, Benoit, Bergeron, Bernard, Blanchard, Boudreaux, Bourque, Bourgeois, Boutin, Brasseaux, Braud, Breaux, Broussard, Brun, Bujeau, Castille, Chiasson, Comeaux, Cormier, Cyr, Daigle, Derouen, David, Doucet, Dugas, Dupuis, Foret, Gaudet, Gautreaux, Giroir, Godin, Granger, Gravois, Guidry, Guilbeau, Hebert, Jeansonne, La Bauve, Landry, Langlinais, LeBlanc, Leger, LeJeune, Guidry, Martin, Melancon, Mire, Mouton, Naquin, Orillon, Part, Pellerin, Pitre, Poirier, Prejean, Richard, Rivet, Robichaud, Rodrigue, Roger, Roy, Savoie, Sonnier, Thériot, Thibodeaux, Trahan, Vincent.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Constitution by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Beaver Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Beaver Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 30-35 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, as is your Swim speed.

    Hold Breath: You can hold your breath for 15 minutes.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Bite. You have sharp teeth that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Gnaw. (Prerequisite: Must be Beaver Folk)
    Your Bite now does 1d6 plus Str modifier Piercing damage, and scores a critical on a 19-20. You have Advantage on attacks with it, and can make a Bite as a Bonus Action.

    Beaver Folk
    "This town doesn't seem like a residence of the 'damned'."

    We're Not Cute Dammit!
    "Yeah, it just seems like a bunch of cute, fluffy little Beaver people."

    "Who the Hell are you calling cute? You got Beaver Fever?"

    "I can genuinely say we don't know what you mean by that."

    "Beaver Fever is a psychic disease. Causes people to hug us and squeeze us, and sometimes call us George."

    "Well.. that's...we're not..."


    "We're her on business sir. I can assure you we aren't ill, and don't mean any offense. We're looking for a local caster."

    "Their neighborhood is down by the river."

    "Thank you."

    Wizards of Wood and Water.

    "Say...while yer here, would you like to buy some pie? We got pine cone and thistleberry."

    "What do the casters like?"

    "Smart man. That'll be the Thistleberry. One silver."

    "That's one expensive pie."

    "Sir, you don't wanna give cheap pie to the casters. They curse people."
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish."

    The Guppy Folk are multi colored bipedal fish people with large eyes. Colors and fin size vary widely.

    · +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -6 Str (minimum 3)
    · Size Class: Tiny. +2 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +8 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -8 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are one quarter those of a Medium character.
    · Monstrous Humanoid with the Aquatic and Amphibious Subtypes, giving you Darkvision 60 ft.
    · Base Land speed 10 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 30 ft.
    · Blindsense (Ex): Guppies can sense other corporeal creatures within 30 ft. when underwater as if they had Blindsight.
    · Guppies have a +8 Racial Bonus to Listen and Swim Checks, and can always Take 10 on a Swim Check. They may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line.
    · Automatic Languages: Common and Guppy. Bonus Languages: Bonus languages generally depend on who or what lives nearby.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Druid

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 7" Female: 6"
    Height Modifier: +1d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 8 lbs. Female: 7 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Guppies are good for those of you who want an aquatic themed caster of some sort. Their size and stats make them pretty decent Divine casters.
    Adventuring Race: Guppies tend to go on adventures for idealistic reasons more than glory or gold. They want to change the world as oppose to rule it or steal it's stuff.
    Character Development: Given their stats, you're probably better off going for a Divine caster. You have the perfect set up for it with your ability score bonuses. You should probably do something about your reach and speed disadvantage though.
    Character Names: Guppy names tend to be descriptive of either physical attributes (Bigeyes, Redfins, Black Tail) or deeds (Basskiller) or something the Guppy is noted for. Surnames are generally unhearable by most other races.

    As a Guppy, you're brightly colored, exotic, and tend to attract attention. Your people are well known for their flamboyant dress and scale patterns.
    Personality: Male Guppies who are new fathers can be a tad aggressive, and likely to bully outsiders away from their children. Otherwise they tend to be champions of Nature, doing their best to ensure the waterways remain clean. By force if they have to. After all, they breathe in the water.
    Behaviors: Beings who throw trash in the rivers are fair game. Everyone else gets respect, but polluters can be gigged at will. Also, you will protect the children at all cost. They are the future.
    Language: Guppy is a fairly high pitched language understandable only to Guppies. Many of it's tones are outside the humanoid range of hearing. It has no written form.

    Guppies are an odd society with males and females not really associating with one another outside of reproduction and child rearing. This separation tends to cause other species a great deal of confusion and frustration when negotiating deals.
    Alignment : Guppies have strong tendencies towards pure neutrality. If no one bothers them, they don't bother them back. Pollute their streams and homes, and then you discover the teeny fish people aren't exactly pacifistic. And they have lots of truly weird magic items they find on the bottom of the waterways that they can use to make their point.
    Lands : Guppies prefer Warm waters to live in, usually near islands or jungles.
    Settlements : When they settle they prefer aquatic areas far from land dwelling civilizations. That way they avoid pollution in their homes.
    Beliefs : Guppies prefer Variel the Fish God or the Nature Pantheon. Many are also Druidic.
    Relations: Guppies aren't fond of land dwellers as they tend to accidentally hook the kids while fishing, or pee in the water. They do make exceptions for those environmentally friendly races who don't pollute the water ways though.

    · Something upstream has been polluting the river. Your team is being asked to find out who and how.
    · The local fishermen have gotten ticked, and accuse you of scaring off their catch since you moved into the lake, and have decided to try kidnapping you. Needless to say this will end in blood, recriminations, and a lot of summoned monsters. You haven't even been trying to scare off the fish, so it's time to find out what's up before war breaks out.
    · The local Hags have decided your people are tasty. You have decided the Hags are right awful and need taught a lesson. Therefore your team has been chosen to activate a Relic near their village that will cause the sky to rain zombified buffalo. You've no idea why this is a thing, but why pass up a good curse?


    Level 2: Replace Woodland Stride with Fast Swimmer
    Fast Swimmer (Ex): Your Base Swim Speed increases by +20 ft.
    Level 3: Replace Trackless Step with Scentless
    Scentless (Ex): You have no Scent and cannot be tracked or detected via the Scent ability.

    Level 1: Replace Spontaneous Casting with Spontaneous Casting: Summon
    Spontaneous Casting: Summon: You now have Summon Nature's Ally I-IX on your spell list but may only summon animals with the Aquatic trait or Water Elementals. You spontaneously cast these spells instead of Cure or Inflict spells.
    Level 1: Replace Turn/Rebuke Undead with Rebuke Sea Life
    Rebuke Sea Life (Su): Instead of Rebuking Undead you may Rebuke any opponent with the Aquatic Subtype or the Amphibious ability.

    Favored Soul
    Level 17: Replace Wings with Speed
    Speed (Ex): Your Base Swim Speed increases to 80 ft.


    Summon Fishbowl
    You can summon a magical globe of force filled with water to protect you or other aquatic creatures on land.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Must know the Water Breathing Spell, and any 3rd level spell form the Abjuration school
    Benefits: You may 'lose' a spell of any Level to create a water filled sphere of Force as a personal conveyance. The Sphere provides you a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to the level of the spell used in it's creation. It also has a Flight Speed equal to the Level of the spell used x5, with Good Maneuverability. The Fishbowl lasts up to 1 hour per Level of the spell lost.

    Improved Summon Fishbowl
    You can now summon Fishbowls for a small group.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Summon Fishbowl
    Benefits: When using your Summon Fishbowl Feat you may now 'lose' an additional Spell and create a number of additional Fishbowls for your Allies equal to the level of the spell lost minus 1.

    Greater Summon Fishbowl
    Your personal Fishbowl gains some options.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Improved Summon Fishbowl
    Benefits: If you sacrifice a second spell of equal Level when creating your Fishbowl, your personal Fishbowl gains one of the following options (you may choose which one you want when creating the fishbowl): Energy Resistance 10 of any one type, DR 10/Magic, SR equal to your CR +11, or increase your Flight Speed by +30 ft. (and increase maneuverability to Perfect).

    Epic Summon Fishbowl (Epic Feat)
    You can summon a truly Epic Fishbowl.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Greater Summon Fishbowl
    Benefits: You may 'lose' an Epic spell to create a water filled sphere of Force as a personal conveyance. The Sphere provides you a +10 Deflection Bonus to AC. It also has an 80 ft. Flight Speed, with Perfect Maneuverability. The Fishbowl lasts up to 24 hours. If you sacrifice a second spell when creating your Fishbowl, your personal Fishbowl gains one of the following options (you may choose which one you want when creating the fishbowl): Energy Resistance 20 of any one type, DR 10/Epic, SR equal to your CR +16, or increase your Flight Speed by +40 ft.

    Curse of the Guppy Folk
    Your curse causes land dwellers to gain the Aquatic Subtype, meaning they can't breathe air.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Must be able to cast Bestow Curse
    Benefits: When you cast Bestow Curse you can choose instead to give your opponent the Aquatic Subtype. Which can be bad if you do it when there's no water around. This curse can be removed in the usual manner and is otherwise identical to the Bestow Curse spell. If you choose to cast Bestow Curse in this manner, it uses a spell slot one level higher than normal.

    Curse of the Guppy Eyes
    Your curse causes your opponent to gain huge round eyes.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Curse of the Guppy Folk
    Benefits: When you cast Bestow Curse you can choose instead to curse your opponent so that he takes a -8 Penalty all Saving Throws against Gaze Attacks. This curse can be removed in the usual manner and is otherwise identical to the Bestow Curse spell.

    Curse of the Goldfish Bowl
    Your opponent is imprisoned in a Fishbowl.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Summon Fishbowl, must be able to cast 4th Level spells
    Benefits: You may expend any spell of 4th Level or higher that you have memorized to spontaneously cast Otiluke's Resilient Sphere.

    Curse of Fin Rot
    Your curse causes your opponent to have difficulties in the water.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Curse of the Guppy Folk
    Benefits: When you cast Bestow Curse instead of the usual effect you can curse your opponent to take a -8 Penalty on all Swim Checks. This curse can be removed in the usual manner and is otherwise identical to the Bestow Curse spell.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Guppy Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Guppy Folk are anthropomorphic fish about the size of Halflings. While they vastly prefer warm water environments, they'll accept colder areas if they're pollution free. They are very easily upset by pollution.

    The Guppies are well known wielders of curses, which they learn to keep the bigger folk at bay. Otherwise they tend to get bullied, and they sure aren't putting up with that. They are the prime source, in fact, of many anti-bullying campaigns.

    Guppy names tend to be descriptive of either physical attributes (Bigeyes, Redfins, Black Tail) or deeds (Basskiller) or something the Guppy is noted for. Surnames are generally unhearable by most other races.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +1, Wisdom by +1, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Guppy Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Guppy Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. You have a Swim speed of 30 feet.

    Curse: Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the Hex spell with this trait. Starting at 5th level, you can also cast the Bestow Curse spell with it, without requiring a material component. Once you cast either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

    Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait (choose when you select this species).

    Amphibious You can breathe air and water.

    Knowledgeable. You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice, or gain Expertise in one you are already proficient in.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Guppy, and any one other language of your choice.

    Summon Fishbowl (Prerequisite: Must be Guppy Folk, and must be 4th Level.)
    You can summon a magical globe of force filled with water to protect you or other aquatic creatures on land. Once per Short or Long Rest, you may create a water filled sphere of Force as a personal conveyance. The Sphere provides you, or another creature that is Medium Size or smaller, a +1 to AC. It also has a Flight Speed equal to 20 feet. The Fishbowl lasts a number of hours equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

    Guppy Folk
    "This is the cleanest river I have ever seen."

    Building A Better World Through Curses
    "Which must be an effort given the local industry."

    "That's because we work hard to maintain it."

    "Oh! Good evening ma'am. We're looking for 12 North River Way."

    "You've found me. What can I do for you?"

    "We're on the trail of a villain, and we were given your address."

    "y address? By who?"

    "A Gopher got it from the Little Black Book."

    "My address was in the Little Black Book? Crap, I need to mend my ways..."

    "We're looking for a man named Cohle. The pollution from his factories is creating undead."

    Defenders of the Waterways

    "I'll see what I can find. Is that pie for me?."

    "Yes ma'am?"

    "Excellent! Give me two hours."

    "Is there an Inn here?"

    "Yes. There's a nice little Capybara family at the end of the road."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-05-05 at 11:39 AM.
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  9. - Top - End - #849
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · +2 Con, -2 Wis
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character. Space is 5 ft., Reach is 5 ft..
    · Monstrous Humanoid, giving you Darkvision 60 ft..
    · Base Land speed 20 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 20 ft.
    · +1 Natural AC Bonus
    · Hold Breath (Ex): Beavers can hold their breath underwater a number of rounds equal to 4 times their Constitution Score before they risk drowning.
    · Beavers have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d4 plus Strength Modifier.
    · Beavers have a +8 Racial Bonus to Swim Checks, and can always Take 10 on a Swim Check. They may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line. They also gain a +4 Racial Bonus on Craft (woodworking) and Survival Checks.
    · Automatic Languages: Common and Furry. Bonus Languages: Bonus languages generally depend on who or what lives nearby.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Scout
    That's not bad, but not much. I'd recommend giving them Gnaw as a racial bonus feat. Shouldn't affect LA and is very fitting. (At any rate, though, you just gave me a BAD idea…)

    Level 1: Replace Rage with Whirling Frenzy from Unearthed Arcana.
    I mean… Anyone can do that.

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Gnaw
    Combat Style: 2nd Level gives you Gnaw, 6th Level gives you Improved Gnaw and 11th Level gives you Superior Gnaw.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Born Self-Sufficient
    Born Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.
    No, seriously, I'd just give them all Gnaw for free.

    Craft Moonshine
    You can brew the potent restorative known as moonshine.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Brew Potion, Must be able to cast Cure Light Wounds, Delay Disease, Delay Poison, and Lesser Restoration.
    Benefits: A shot of Moonshine automatically wakes up sleeping or unconscious creatures, and stabilizes them if they are dying. It also conveys the benefits of Delay Disease and Delay Poison, and heals 1d4 ht points in damage. Unfortunately it is also a potent DC 15 alcohol (see Arms and Equipment Guide). It is brewed in batches of 10 potions at a time. A batch cost 75 GP and 3 xp to make. It takes 10 days to brew in the still.
    Top-notch, if bottom-shelf! I like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    The Guppy Folk are multi colored bipedal fish people with large eyes. Colors and fin size vary widely.

    · +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -6 Str (minimum 3)
    · Size Class: Tiny. +2 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +8 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -8 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are one quarter those of a Medium character.
    · Monstrous Humanoid with the Aquatic and Amphibious Subtypes, giving you Darkvision 60 ft.
    · Base Land speed 10 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 30 ft.
    · Blindsense (Ex): Guppies can sense other corporeal creatures within 30 ft. when underwater as if they had Blindsight.
    If it's Blindsight, then it's Blindsight, not Blindsense. Honestly, I'd let them get away with that, though. It's already conditional and all that.

    Character Names: Guppy names tend to be descriptive of either physical attributes (Bigeyes, Redfins, Black Tail) or deeds (Basskiller) or something the Guppy is noted for. Surnames are generally unhearable by most other races.
    Language: Guppy is a fairly high pitched language understandable only to Guppies. Many of it's tones are outside the humanoid range of hearing. It has no written form.
    Instant secret language! I like this kind of thing.

    · The local Hags have decided your people are tasty. You have decided the Hags are right awful and need taught a lesson. Therefore your team has been chosen to activate a Relic near their village that will cause the sky to rain zombified buffalo. You've no idea why this is a thing, but why pass up a good curse?
    rain zombified buffalo

    No kill like overkill, I guess?


    Summon Fishbowl
    You can summon a magical globe of force filled with water to protect you or other aquatic creatures on land.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Must know the Water Breathing Spell, and any 3rd level spell form the Abjuration school
    Benefits: You may 'lose' a spell of any Level to create a water filled sphere of Force as a personal conveyance. The Sphere provides you a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to the level of the spell used in it's creation. It also has a Flight Speed equal to the Level of the spell used x5, with Good Maneuverability. The Fishbowl lasts up to 1 hour per Level of the spell lost.
    Cool line of feats. I approve!

    Curse of the Guppy Folk
    Your curse causes land dwellers to gain the Aquatic Subtype, meaning they can't breathe air.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Must be able to cast Bestow Curse
    Benefits: When you cast Bestow Curse you can choose instead to give your opponent the Aquatic Subtype. Which can be bad if you do it when there's no water around. This curse can be removed in the usual manner and is otherwise identical to the Bestow Curse spell. If you choose to cast Bestow Curse in this manner, it uses a spell slot one level higher than normal.
    Who's the fish outta water now?!

    Curse of the Guppy Eyes
    Your curse causes your opponent to gain huge round eyes.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Curse of the Guppy Folk
    Benefits: When you cast Bestow Curse you can choose instead to curse your opponent so that he takes a -8 Penalty all Saving Throws against Gaze Attacks. This curse can be removed in the usual manner and is otherwise identical to the Bestow Curse spell. If you choose to cast Bestow Curse in this manner, it uses a spell slot one level higher than normal.
    That's a big hit, but it has a rather niche utility. If one took two feats for this on a caster and carries an Abyssal Greater Basilisk in some back pocket to do something with it too, I think one earned a win. I wouldn't have it increase the spell level, in other words.

    Curse of the Goldfish Bowl
    Your opponent is imprisoned in a Fishbowl.
    Prerequisites: Guppy, Summon Fishbowl, must be able to cast 4th Level spells
    Benefits: You may 'lose'
    Did you mean: forget?

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Cute little Capybara folk. Much like their real world counterparts they are known for their mellow.

    · +2 Wis, +2 Cha
    · Size Class: Medium
    · Monstrous Humanoid, giving you Darkvision 60 ft..
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Base swim speed 20 ft.
    · Hold Breath (Ex): Capybaras can hold their breath underwater a number of rounds equal to 4 times their Constitution Score before they risk drowning.
    · Scent (Ex)
    · Capybaras have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d6 plus Strength Modifier.
    · Capybaras have a +8 Species Bonus to Swim Checks, and can always Take 10 on a Swim Check. They may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line. A Capybara gains a +4 Species bonus on Hide checks when in the water. Further, a Capybara can lie in the water with only its nostrils showing, gaining a +10 cover bonus on Hide checks.
    · Automatic Languages: Capybara speak Furry and Common. Bonus Languages: Bonus languages generally depend on who or what lives nearby.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Cleric

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Since your species prefers to avoid violence, a divine spellcaster is a good option, especially with your ability scores.
    Adventuring Race: Capybaras usually go on adventures to help others or to defeat Evil. They care not for fame or gold.
    Character Development: Your species carries with it an expectation of being excellent de-escalators, so you may want to buy some Diplomacy if you wish to live up to that reputation.
    Character Names: Male: Alfredo, Brayan, Carlos, David, Frank, Gael, Hector, Jefry, Jose, Paul. Female: Andria, Fabiella, Fiorella, Jacinta, Katia, Laka, Lucero, Luz, Maria, Paola. Surnames: Quispe, Flores, Rojas, Salazar, Medina, Aguilar, Palomino, Campos, Apaza, Carrasco.

    People tend to find you cuddly, or at least inoffensive. Even Evil Overlords are known to go easy on the Capybaras. In the old world you tried your level best to be peacemakers, and when that wouldn't work in the end, you were first to the front to assist your fellows.
    Personality: You tend to be thought of as quiet, modest and unassuming. This doesn't mean you can't raise Hell if the situation calls for it.
    Behaviors: Capybaras are often found in their saunas, heated pools, or meditating. They believe mental and emotional health is just as important as physical.
    Language: Capybaras speak Common and Furry. They often know another local language.

    Capybaras tend to keep to themselves. They will participate in society, but they often find the other races too quarrelsome to put up with, and need some moments away from them to meditate and relive stress.
    Alignment : Virtually all Capybaras are Neutral, and a clear majority are also Good.
    Lands : Capybaras live in warm forests, marshes and plains.
    Settlements : Capybaras will insist on being near water.
    Beliefs : Capybara tend to go for Rabbit, the Nature Pantheon, or sometimes the Gawds of Concepts.
    Relations: Capybaras get along with everyone. They just seem so nice.

    · A local race for Postal Office Supervisor has spiraled wildly out of control, and you have been called in to bring peace before another hundred or so people die.
    · The local BBEG has adopted you. As a pet. You think. She just wants to hug you and cry. So do you try to talk her down so she goes back to committing evil? Or do you take on the more arduous task of reforming her?
    · The local nobles don't want you 'scruffy' rural types living near them, and are conducting a campaign to get you tossed off your land. You have been sent to seek assistance. And by assistance we mean 'murderhobos'.


    Level 1: You can choose to cast one of the following spells spontaneously, instead of healing spells (you must still be the appropriate Level to cast the spell): Atonement, Calm Emotions, Helping Hand, Sanctuary, Tongues.

    Levels 10+: Gain a new option with the Rogues Special Ability.
    Friendly (Ex):: Regardless of what you roll on Diplomacy Checks, NPC's attitudes can never be worse than Indifferent towards you. Attempting to change others attitudes can be done as a Full Round Action, instead of a Minute.

    Levels 3 and 12: Replace Deity's Weapon Focus and Deity's Weapon Specialization with Divine Cleansing (Complete Warrior), and Divine Ward (see PHBII).


    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Capybara, Gopher, Mouse, Rat or Spiny Temple Mouse; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt.
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 19-20. Your Bite now ignores the first 5 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Dodge
    You can really move when you have to.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Dodge, Mobility
    Benefits: Any Dodge Bonuses you get from Feats improves by +1.

    Calming Effect
    You're good at talking people down.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Cha 15+
    Benefits: You may Take 10 on all Diplomacy Checks. Additionally, if you are a spellcaster, add the spell Calm Emotions to your spell list (it does not count towards the maximum number of spells known if you have that limitation).

    You may clear your thoughts, and your mind of distractions.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Wis 15+, 3rd Level
    Benefits: You may cast Lesser Restoration 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability, on yourself only.

    Improved Meditation
    You may Meditate while acting now.
    Prerequisites: Meditation, 9th Level
    Benefits: When meditating, you now cast Restoration instead of Lesser Restoration.

    Greater Meditation
    You are strong of spirit.
    Prerequisites: Improved Meditation, 15th Level
    Benefits: When meditating, you now cast Greater Restoration instead of Lesser Restoration.

    You are loyal to your neighbors.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
    Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Capybara Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Capybara Folk are anthropomorphic Capybaras about the size of small Gnomes. They are mild mannered, and good to a fault, to the point that even evil folk don't like to see them to come to harm. This makes them the perfect negotiators, as they are widely held in great esteem.

    The Capybaras are peacemakers, diplomats, negotiators, judges, clergy and healers. Unlike other species which seem driven to prove how good they are, the Capybaras simply ARE nice people. It seems to come to them naturally and without effort. Indeed, seeing a Capybara raise it's voice in anger is so odd as to bring everything nearby to a screeching halt.

    Capybaras use traditional names.

    Male Names. Alfredo, Brayan, Carlos, David, Frank, Gael, Hector, Jefry, Jose, Paul.

    Female Names. Andria, Fabiella, Fiorella, Jacinta, Katia, Laka, Lucero, Luz, Maria, Paola.

    Family Names. Quispe, Flores, Rojas, Salazar, Medina, Aguilar, Palomino, Campos, Apaza, Carrasco.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Capybara Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Capybara Folk are Neutral or Good.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 30-35 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, as is your Swim speed.

    Hold Breath: You can hold your breath for 15 minutes.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Bite. You have sharp teeth that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Meditate. (Prerequisite: Must be Capybara Folk)
    You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
    You have Advantage on Saving Throws against spells or effects from the Enchantment or Illusion schools.

    Capybara Folk
    "Pardon me sir, is this the local Inn?"

    Building A Better World Through Kindness
    "We need a room for the day."

    "Yes sirs! Welcome to Guinea Bigs! You're just in time for lunch, and the weekly church social!"

    "Lunch is good, but we can do without the social."

    "Nonsense! Everyone will want to meet you! It's not often we get visitors!"

    "We...are adventurers..."

    "Well, we'll try not to hold that against you. Ma is making peach cobbler today if you gentlemen want any!"

    "If it wweren't for the legions of enemies I've made who would track me down, I'd say this was a great place to retire."

    "They aren't hunting you right now are they?"

    "We never know really."

    Gentle By Nature

    "Good thing a lot of the local priests are here..."

    "No one knows we came this way if it helps."

    "It does help set my mind at ease."

    "Oh my, your patio is full."

    "Our cobbler is famous! Let me introduce you to everyone."
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    Titan in the Playground
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    "And there came an Angel a-hah! And he spoke to me a-ha! And he said 'Johnny a-ha. You need to spread the word a-ha! And the word is disposable crossbows a-ha!"

    Spiny Mice are likely closer to Gerbils than mice, and are called that because they have stiff guard hairs similar to hedgehogs. These are pretty much the teensy, anthropomorphic version of those.

    · +6 Dex, +2 Wis, -6 Str (minimum of 3)
    · Size Class: Tiny. +2 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +8 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -8 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are one quarter those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 15 ft.
    · Climb land speed 15 ft.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Fast Healing (Ex): You heal 1 point of damage each round as long as you have at least 1 hit point.
    · Spiny Mice Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1 point of damage plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier.
    · Spiny Mice Folk receive a +4 Species Bonus to Hide and Move Silently Checks. They also have a +8 Species Bonus on Balance, Climb, and Listen Checks. They may always Take 10 on a Climb Check, and may use their Dex Modifier instead of their Str modifier for Climb Checks.
    · Spiny Mice Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Buggy, Sylvan, and nearby species.
    · Level Adjustment: +2
    · Favored Class: Archivist

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 1'7" Female: 1'5"
    Height Modifier: +1d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 4 lbs. Female: 3 lbs. 5 ounces
    Weight Modifier: x (2d6) ounces)

    Most of your people are a divine caster of some sort. Try to gravitate towards the ones that offset your weaknesses.
    Adventuring Race: Temple Mice usually go on religious crusades, missions for their Church, or because their Gawd appeared to them in a vision.
    Character Development: Spellcasting will offset your lack of reach, but you'll still need to deal with that if you want to be a healer primarily.
    Character Names: Spiny Temple Mice take names from whatever society they dwell among.

    Overall, you have a fairly decent reputation, and you don't get much flak from anyone, unless they really dislike religion. But you aren't usually the pushy religious type.
    Personality: Temple Mice tend to be devoted to their own pet cause, ideology or religion, but not usually to the point of exclusion and fanaticism. They often strive to be a force for Good. Or at least 'not Evil'.
    Behaviors: Temple Mice are curious, and often hoard religious texts and artifacts, some of which would probably be better left alone...
    Language: You primarily speak Furry, though you make an effort to learn any other local languages.

    Spiny Temple Mice are a fairly religious folk, and not just one religion. They serve just about any Gawd who is helpful to the community. To this end they don't so much as have a society, as they blend in with whatever local community they are among, and try to minister to them.
    Alignment : Most Temple Mice are some flavor of Neutral, although the various forms of Good are also strong pluralities.
    Lands : Your people's original home was a warm desert.
    Settlements : Spiny Temple Mice can be found wherever there are churches.
    Beliefs : The Temple Mice worship an astonishing variety of Gawds, sometimes to the point that individual family members all have separate religions.
    Relations: Temple Mice get along with the more religious species, but not so well with people who are cruel, vulgar or disruptive to the community.

    · Plorg, the Gawd of Subtlety, has demanded you go on a mission for him. You think. You can't understand him. Actually, no one can understand him, and your entire religion is basically a precariously balanced house of cards. But he sure seems to want you to do something.
    · Someone has offended Mary Lou, the Gawdess of Vengeance, and she has demanded you go hand him his own butt. The problem? You aren't a member of her clergy. You serve the Gawd of Tinkering. Not that you're going to tell her that...
    · The Pantheon of Vice is holding a party on your front lawn. At 3 am. On a weekday. Without bothering to be so kind as to ask you. So how do you get an entire pack of Gawds and hundreds of their drunk and stoned followers to "Git off mah lawn!" without being smited?


    Level 4: Replace Still Mind with Protected.
    Protected:: At 4th Level you gain a +2 Bonus on Saving Throws versus spells or effects from the Necromancy school.

    Level 20: Replace Damage Reduction with Spiny!!
    Spiny!! (Ex)::

    Level 1: Instead of being able to spontaneously cast Heal spells, you may choose to instead cast spells from the Abjuration school (these must still be spells of a level you can cast).


    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Capybara, Gopher, Mouse, Rat or Spiny Temple Mouse; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Improved Gnaw
    Your teeth hurt.
    Prerequisites: Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite attack does x3 damage on a confirmed critical.

    Supreme Gnaw
    You go through wood like butter.
    Prerequisites: Improved Gnaw
    Benefits: Your bite threatens a critical on an 19-20. Your Bite now ignores the first 5 points of Hardness or DR/-.

    Not So Little Now Am I?
    You have spiny hairs in your fur to provide defense.
    Prerequisites: Spiny Temple Mouse, Con 13+
    Benefits: You gain a Natural Armor Bonus to AC equal to your Con modifier.

    Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Mouse, Rat, Packrat or Spiny Temple Mouse.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Bonus on Reflex Saves against Traps.

    Improved Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Trap Shy.
    Benefits: You gin a +2 Dodge Bonus to AC against Traps that make an attack roll.

    Greater Trap Shy
    You are used to dodging Traps.
    Prerequisites: Improved Trap Shy.
    Benefits: If you would normally set off a trap due to a failed Save, you get to roll 1d20 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice, plus your Charisma modifier. If this total is higher than the Trap’s Save DC, the trap activates after you have passed through it's area of effect instead. If the Trap makes an Attack roll instead of requiring a Save, compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +4). If you have the higher number, it still doesn't activate until you pass (if not it attacks like normal). If it allows no Save and makes no Attack roll, you pass it unharmed and it activates afterward.

    You is one sneaky critter.
    Prerequisites: Tiny Size (or smaller) or the ability to gain it somehow
    Benefits: You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when entering an opponents square.

    Your Healing factor is dramatically improved.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Spiny Temple Mouse, Con 15+, Level 6+, Must be Good
    Benefits: Your Fast Healing 1 becomes Regeneration 1. You take regular damage from evil-aligned weapons and from spells and effects with the evil descriptor.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Spiny Temple Mouse Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Spiny Temple Mouse Folk are anthropomorphic Spiny Mice about the size of small Gnomes. They are often dedicated to some cause (usually a Church), or looking for the right one to dedicate themselves to. Preferably a cause that is noble and just. Despite being predators in their dim past, they aren't murderhobos, and aren't common adventurers.

    The Spiny Mice are renowned for their healing abilities, some of them being able to regenerate heart tissue, and regrow large patches of skin without scarring. They see it as a gift from the Gawds, and thusly they devote themselves to many a Gawds cause (as long as it isn't skeevy or cruel). They often go on missions to recover lost texts and artifacts, which can be a dangerous proposition indeed. It can be very dangerous to deal with Gawd created items, because (let's be hones) most Gawds are not the most mature, level headed beings in the Jester's Realm. A fact which has disappointed many a mouse, but they always find another good cause to attach themselves to.

    Spiny Mouse Folk borrow the naming conventions of whatever society they live among.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +2, and your Constitution score by +1.

    Age. Spiny Mouse Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Spiny Mouse Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 30-35 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, as is your Climbing speed.

    Guard Hairs: You are tough enough that your Armor Class improves by +1 (natural armor).

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Self-Healing. When expending Hit Dice to heal during a short rest, you gain one extra die for free.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Regeneration (Prerequisite: Must be Spiny Temple Mouse Folk)
    You regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, provided that you have at least 1 hit point. If you lose a body part, the missing part regrows and returns to full functionality after 1d6 + 1 days if you have at least 1 hit point the whole time.

    Spiny Temple Mouse Folk
    "Good morning sirs, I am the Wizard Harlan Jurgens, and this is my assistant Jim."


    "This fellow is Father Thomas, High Priest of Hiss, the Gawd of Wizards!"

    "Praise be! Is Jim your Familiar?"

    "Father Thomas funds many archeological expeditions to find lost knowledge."

    "I am not a familiar, I am his friend."

    "His church also funds the local library!"

    "I don't much care for Familiars."

    "But Familiars are a wizarding mainstay!"

    "And, I might add, not Humanoid."

    Don't Touch Anything In This Room

    "Not true sir! Even in our small town one may contract with the Familiars Guild."

    "I care for the Guild even less."

    "They are rascals aren't they?"

    "Familiars have a Guild?"

    "More like a semi-legal union that strong arms casters."
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on."

    A small race of Anthropomorphic rabbits who sell other species on their gift for spiritual power and wisdom. Whether or not they possess the wisdom part is sometimes questionable.

    · +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Enhanced Jump (Ex): The base distances for your Jump Checks are doubled.
    · Enhanced Hearing (Ex): So long as it is not deafened, a Rabbit does not lose it's Dex Bonus to AC.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Rabbit Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d3 plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier.
    · Rabbit Folk receive a +4 Species Bonus to Hide and Move Silently Checks. They also have a +8 Species Bonus on Jump and Listen Checks.
    · Rabbit Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Spirit Shaman

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    You do pretty good at Wis based Caster builds. People know you as seers and oracles, and you are built to play that part.
    Adventuring Race: Rabbits adventure out of necessity. They really don't like leaving home.
    Character Development: You aren't a physical powerhouse, so learn to intimidate people by acting mad or ill in order to keep them at bay.
    Character Names: Male: Aled, Cai, Daffyd, Gareth, Osian, Owain, Rhodri, Sion. Female: Alys, Beca, Carys, Elin, Ffion, Gwen, Rhian, Sioned. Surnames: Abse, Baugh, Beddoe, Cadwaladr, Dyfodwg, Fflur, Lush, Nutbrown.

    You like to utter vague pronouncements that sound intelligent and creepy. Being formerly raided and murdered frequently has made you tend to put up smoke and mirrors when meeting strangers.
    Personality: You can be kind of grumpy and direct among your own. The 'mystic' nonsense is for others outside your community. Granted, many of you do possess mystic abilities, you just tend to exaggerate how dangerous they are.
    Behaviors: You play up being weird forest mystics who know 'spirit magic'. Because people rarely kill their advisers (or goofy madmen), or at least that's your theory. And it doesn't hurt that a lot of your people actually ARE Spirit Shamans when it comes to selling this.
    Language: Rabbits speak Furry.

    Rabbits tend to be reclusive rural folk who live quiet lives. On the outside at least. They're actually quite the little hellions.
    Alignment : Rabbits are largely Neutral due to keeping to themselves.
    Lands : Rabbits prefer either large open areas where they can see things coming, or forests with plenty of places to hide.
    Settlements : Rabbits will settle where ever they feel safe.
    Beliefs : The Nature and Professional Pantheons are well represented among Rabbits, as is (unsurprisingly) Rabbit.
    Relations: Rabbits get along with species that aren't predatory (meat eaters give them the fits).

    · You are approached by a talking Badger who offers you a quest to achieve enlightenment. You knew the mushrooms were a bad idea.
    · A crazed Druid is raising an army to wipe out civilization, by which he means a small farming village of humans who have no idea whats coming. On the one hand they've never liked you, and have treated you poorly. On the other hand...the Druid is crazy, and might not stop with just them...
    · A local Queen has adopted you as her herald and servant, without asking your thoughts on the matter. On the plus side she's loaded. On the down side, she's barking mad and has a personal army.


    Levels 1+: Replace one spell on your spell list of each Level with a spell from the Sorcerer list. You may only choose spells of the Illusion school of the same spell level.

    Levels 1+: Replace one spell on your spell list of each Level with a spell from the Sorcerer list. You may only choose spells of the Illusion school of the same spell level.

    Levels 1+: Replace one spell on your spell list of each Level with a spell from the Sorcerer list. You may only choose spells of the Illusion school of the same spell level.


    Rabbit's Paw
    It really is good luck.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Cha 15+
    Benefits: You gain a +2 Luck Bonus to AC.

    "Outta the way!".
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Dex 15+
    Benefits: Your base land speed increases by +10 feet. This feat stacks, and may be taken multiple times.

    Rabbit's Paw
    "I'm late!"
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Rabbit's Paw
    Benefits: Your Luck Bonus to AC increases by +1 per 10 feet moved on any round you move. This only lasts until the beginning of your next turn, so if you want too keep it, you need to keep moving.

    Easter Bunny
    You may hide small objects in such a way that they can only be found by the person you intend to find them.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Must be able to cast at least one spell from the Illusion school
    Benefits: When you hide any object you can designate someone who is able to find it. Anyone who is not this designated finder gets a -10 Penalty on all Search or Spot Checks meant to find it. If someone else manages to find it, the item immediately teleports up to 30 ft. away to a random place, but only once. This is a Supernatural Ability.

    Ninja Bunny
    You are a sneaky bunny.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Improved Feint
    Benefits: If you successfully Feint in combat, you do +2d6 damage if your subsequent strike is successful.

    Bunny Kick
    You're kicks are a blur.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Snap Kick, Superior Unarmed Strike
    Benefits: When making a Full Attack using your Unarmed Strike you get two additional attacks per round at your (highest BAB -2).

    Bunny Radar
    You hear all.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Must be able to cast one spell from the Divination school
    Benefits: You may expend a spell you have prepared to gain Blindsight with a range of 30 feet. This lasts for (level of spell lost) minutes.

    Shadow Master
    You have mastered shadow magic.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Must be able to cast one of the following spells: Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Greater Shadow Evocation, Shades
    Benefits: The damage percentage of Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Greater Shadow Evocation, or Shades spells you cast increase by +10% (or is 10% stronger for other effects).

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Rabbit Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Rabbit Folk are anthropomorphic Rabbits about the size of Halflings. They originally lived in areas rife with spirits of varying sorts, and had to learn to live and coexist with them. This has led to a sometimes iffy reputation, which the Rabbits play to by constantly warning people not to anger the spirits.

    Rabbits seem calm and serene (some practically seem comatose), but in reality they are wired for sound at any given moment. Their resting heart rate is probably 150 beats per minute, and they spend much of their life a hair's breadth away from having a public freakout. This nervousness has led to a society in which individuals all atttempt to be spookier than each other, much to the confusion of outsiders.

    Rabbits use conventional names.

    Male Names. Aled, Cai, Daffyd, Gareth, Osian, Owain, Rhodri, Sion.

    Female Names. Alys, Beca, Carys, Elin, Ffion, Gwen, Rhian, Sioned.

    Family Names. Abse, Baugh, Beddoe, Cadwaladr, Dyfodwg, Fflur, Lush, Nutbrown.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by +2, and your Dexterity score by +1.

    Age. Rabbit Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Rabbit Folk are Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Bunny Radar: As long as you aren't Incapacitated or Deafened, opponents within 30 feet cannot gain Advantage on attack rolls against you.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Bite. You have sharp teeth that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Luck (Prerequisite: Must be Rabbit Folk, must be a spellcaster)
    You may gain Advantage on any Saving Throw up to 3 times per long rest.

    Rabbit Folk
    "Few things are scary than the Guild of Familiars when they are angry."

    "How have I not known this until now?"

    "Next to Father Thomas is our local spirit interpreter, the Lady Beca."

    "The spirits tell me something is not as it appears with your Familiar."

    "Now now Miss Beca..."

    "Again, I am not a familiar."

    "In her defense, her spirits are kind of paranoid."

    "Are these actual spirits or the (beep) kind?"

    "You dare imply my power is fake? I demand justice!"

    "Ma'am, we both have the ability to detect magic, we know your powers aren't fake."

    Let Me Consult The Spirits


    "I'm not saying you don't have powers, I'm just saying has anyone checked to be sure you aren't touched by the Fey?"

    "That's it, I'm calling up the spirits."


    "No spirit summoning during the social. You know the rules."
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom."

    The Owl Folk are small flightless humanoid Owls. Largely untouched by the war on their old world due to their predilection for vengeance, people leave them alone.

    · +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 120 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Climb land speed 20 ft.
    · Predator Burst (Ex): At will, an Owl can gain the benefits of the Haste spell for 5 rounds. At the end of this time it is Fatigued for the rest of the encounter. It may do this once per encounter.
    · Light Sensitivity (Ex): Owls are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Owl Folk have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier, and a Secondary Bite doing 1d3 plus 1/2 Str modifier, with 2 Claws and 1 Bite on a Full Attack.
    · Owl Folk receive a +4 Species Bonus to Balance, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot Checks. They also have a +8 Species Bonus on Climb Checks. They may always Take 10 on a Climb Check, and may use their Dex Modifier instead of their Str modifier for Climb Checks.
    · Owl Folk automatically speak Feathery, and Common. Bonus languages include Furry, Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Druid

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Owls are built to be Wis or Cha based casters, especially the feisty kind who get into fights.
    Adventuring Race: Vengeance is a common reason, as well as protecting those under your care. But usually vengeance. Owls will follow you into Hell willingly to get revenge.
    Character Development: Try to find some way to alleviate your Light Sensitivity.
    Character Names: Male: Aidan, Cian, Cilliam, Liam, Niall, Sean, Shay. Female: Aisling, Ciara, Caoimhe, Eimear, Fladh, Sadhbh, Shannon. Surnames: Ceallaigh, Conchobhair, Cuinn, Dochartaigh, Dubhghall, Murchadha, Sullivan.

    Revenge must be swift and cruel. It ensures that no one else will risk harming or betraying you.
    Personality: Despite their reputation, the Owl Folk are very kind and loving, and will go to any length to help a friend of loved one. Just don't make them angry.
    Behaviors: You like to set back and watch whats going on. You call this common sense. Others call it 'creepy'. Maybe if they watched a little more and spoke a little less they'd understand. But that would require them learning patience.
    Language: Owls speak Feathery.

    Owls try to live in harmony with the forest. Being predators, they have an intuitive understanding of how the balance needs to be maintained.
    Alignment : Owls are Neutral, with some mild tendencies towards Law.
    Lands : Owls prefer forests.
    Settlements : Owls remain among themselves and do not settle elsewhere.
    Beliefs : Most Owls worship Idrista and the Nature Pantheon. Maybe Boris sometimes.
    Relations: Most races see the Owl Folk as a secretive forest cult, who may or may not be bad news. It doesn't help that you set staring, silently, without blinking, for long periods of time.

    · A local merchant swindles you in a deal. Quite a shame his grain warehouse vanished in a meteor swarm. He blames you for some reason...mind you, you were going to burn it down, but you can't hand out 9th Level spells. So someone has set you up...
    · A local fool came to you for advice, and you told him to leave town because he was outnumbered. Now the fool is broke, and waylaying people outside of town, and worse he's good at it. So now you've been asked to tell the fool to quit robbing people.
    · There's been a zombie outbreak, and the humans insist on pestering you about it despite the fact that you are neither a Cleric or Necromancer. Then when you did get involved, they decided you were a witch who needed to hang, and you were probably responsible for the zombies in the first place. And it's only Tuesday.


    Levels 1+: You replace some of the spells on your spell list, swapping out any spell of the same level for one of the following: Backbiter (1st, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Impending Blades (2nd, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Petty Failing (3rd, see Miniature's Handbook), Bestow Curse (4th), Mass Curse of Ill Fortune (5th, see Spell Compendium), Eyebite (6th), Destruction (7th), Greater Bestow Curse (8th, see Spell Compendium), Soul Bind (9th).
    Levels 1+: Instead of being able to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally spells, you can cast the alternate spells listed above.

    Levels 1+: You replace some of the spells on your spell list, swapping out any spell of the same level for one of the following: Backbiter (1st, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Impending Blades (2nd, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Petty Failing (3rd, see Miniature's Handbook), Bestow Curse (4th).
    Levels 1+: Instead of being able to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally spells, you can cast the alternate spells listed above.
    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Predator
    Combat Style: You gain Improved Predator Burst at 2nd Level, Greater Predator Burst at 6th Level, and Superior Predator Burst at 11th Level.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Favored Enemy Focus.
    Favored Enemy Focus (Su):: The Save DC's of spells you cast that target Favored Enemies are at +1 (this stacks with Feats like Spell Focus).

    Levels 1+: You replace some of the spells on your spell list, swapping out any spell of the same level for one of the following: Backbiter (1st, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Impending Blades (2nd, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Petty Failing (3rd, see Miniature's Handbook), Bestow Curse (4th), Mass Curse of Ill Fortune (5th, see Spell Compendium), Eyebite (6th), Destruction (7th), Greater Bestow Curse (8th, see Spell Compendium), Soul Bind (9th).
    Levels 1+: Instead of being able to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally spells, you can cast the alternate spells listed above.


    Improved Predator Burst
    You're feisty.
    Prerequisites: Ferret or Owl
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, your Bonus to attack rolls improves to +2.

    Greater Predator Burst
    You're a tad more than feisty...
    Prerequisites: Improved Predator Burst
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, your Dodge Bonus to AC and Reflex Saves improves to +2. Once per round you may take a 5 foot step as a Swift or Immediate Action.

    Superior Predator Burst
    You're one foaming at the mouth (beep).
    Prerequisites: Greater Predator Burst
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, you gain a +2 Bonus to damage rolls as well. You may also opt to make another additional attack at -2 BAB.

    Silent Stalker
    You rarely make a sound.
    Prerequisites: Owl, 6th Level
    Benefits: You take no penalty to Move Silently Checks from your own movement speed, even while Running or Charging.

    Wide Angle Vision
    You have wide angle vision.
    Prerequisites: Owl, Spot 6 ranks
    Benefits: You are not subject to flanking.

    Binaural Hearing
    You're hearing is something else.
    Prerequisites: Owl, Listen 6 ranks
    Benefits: Owls can sense all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they rely on their other senses as normal. Owls are susceptible to sound based attacks however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence).. Negating an Owl’s sense of hearing gets rid of this ability until hearing is restored.

    Predator Camo
    You're sneaky.
    Prerequisites: Owl, 9th Level, must be a Caster
    Benefits: You take no penalty to Hide Checks from your own movement speed, even while Running or Charging.

    Omen of Death
    Your appearance signals bad news.
    Prerequisites: Owl, Spell Focus (Necromancy), 12th Level
    Benefits: Any time a foe succeeds on a Saving Throw against any Death effect you cause via spell or other ability, they still take damage equal to your Effective Character Level.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Owl Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Possum Folk are anthropomorphic Owl's about the size of Gnomes. They tend to be very affectionate and friendly, but this is difficult to sus out as they are also quiet, motionless, and tend to always be looming nearby. They are definitely known, however, for being people you don't want mad at you.

    Owl Folk are stereotyped by others as being cruel predators who believe in 'survival of the fittest'. Anyone who's spent time among them knows this is crap, and that the Owls are balls of fluff.

    Owls do see themselves as guardians of their forest home, and to this point, many of them are Druids or worshipers of the appropriate Gawds of nature. This has led some to see them as spooky, as they tend to do little dancing rituals in the forest at night (how easily people forget that Owls are nocturnal). Misunderstandings like this have long fueled your tendencies to hold grudges.

    Owl Folk use conventional names.

    Male Names. Aidan, Cian, Cilliam, Liam, Niall, Sean, Shay.

    Female Names. Aisling, Ciara, Caoimhe, Eimear, Fladh, Sadhbh, Shannon.

    Family Names. Ceallaigh, Conchobhair, Cuinn, Dochartaigh, Dubhghall, Murchadha, Sullivan.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Owl Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Owl Folk are Neutral, and a good many are Lawful as well.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

    Darkvision: You have Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

    Keen Senses. Thanks to your sensory abilities, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve hearing, sight or smell.

    Beak and Claws. You have a beak and Talons that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) slashing or piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. You may also make an Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Feathery, and any one other language of your choice.

    PREDATOR BURST (Prerequisite: Owl or Ferret, 5th Level)
    You may now cast Haste upon yourself without using a spell slot or material component once per long rest.

    Owl Folk
    " apologies if I seem shot tempered. Jim and I are on an important mission, and we seem to be experiencing delay after delay."

    The Look Of Silence
    "We're adventurers...not the murderhoboing kind."

    "Next to Lady Beca is our local Druid, Niall."


    "Niall helps keep our waterways and forests clean."

    "And appears to be a man of few words."

    "Tis the foolish who jabber away unnecessarily.."

    "Are you a Traditional or Rehabilitated Druid?"


    "What's the difference?"

    We're Not A Cult!

    "No politics, please!."

    "One is willing to Fireball you for pooping in the woods, the other one prefers to fine you."

    "We both fine you, one of us just charges you in ash instead of coin."

    "I'm a Ranger, how did this pass me by?"

    "The memory of an Adventurer is a fickle thing, what with all the spells, potions and blows to the head.."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-05-18 at 11:34 AM.
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  14. - Top - End - #854
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    This is one of those of your races where the racial feats make the deal real, but the balance checks out fine.

    · A local race for Postal Office Supervisor has spiraled wildly out of control, and you have been called in to bring peace before another hundred or so people die.
    · The local BBEG has adopted you. As a pet. You think. She just wants to hug you and cry.
    Okay, now these sound like campaigns! Good stuff.

    Levels 10+: Gain a new option with the Rogues Special Ability.
    Friendly (Ex):: Regardless of what you roll on Diplomacy Checks, NPC's attitudes can never be worse than Indifferent towards you. Attempting to change others attitudes can be done as a Full Round Action, instead of a Minute.
    Well, on the one hand, Diplomacy is one of those things that really doesn't need further breaking; on the other hand, however, it's thematic and comes online late. Hm. I'm cautiously in favour.

    Levels 3 and 12: Replace Deity's Weapon Focus and Deity's Weapon Specialization with Divine Cleansing (Complete Warrior), and Divine Ward (see PHBII).
    Yeah, Favoured Soul does need all the work it can get.

    Improved Dodge
    You can really move when you have to.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Dodge, Mobility
    Benefits: Any Dodge Bonuses you get from Feats improves by +1.
    Man. A buff to dodge bonuses? Is this one your "broken things special"?

    You may clear your thoughts, and your mind of distractions.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Wis 15+, 3rd Level
    Benefits: You may cast Lesser Restoration 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability, on yourself only.

    Improved Meditation
    You may Meditate while acting now.
    Prerequisites: Meditation, 9th Level
    Benefits: When meditating, you now cast Restoration instead of Lesser Restoration.

    Greater Meditation
    You are strong of spirit.
    Prerequisites: Improved Meditation, 15th Level
    Benefits: When meditating, you now cast Greater Restoration instead of Lesser Restoration.
    I don't know that this scales all that well. A 1/day Greater Restoration for three feats at level 15 is strictly not worth it.

    You are loyal to your neighbors.
    Prerequisites: Capybara, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
    Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.
    I could definitely see this as an option available for Kenkus, what with being Crow People specialized in working together in terms of abilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    That name's quite the mouthful.

    · +6 Dex, +2 Wis, -6 Str (minimum of 3)
    Hells yes!

    · Size Class: Tiny.
    Hells yes!

    · Fast Healing (Ex): You heal 1 point of damage each round as long as you have at least 1 hit point.
    Not complaining at all, but where's that coming from?

    · Plorg, the Gawd of Subtlety, has demanded you go on a mission for him. You think. You can't understand him. Actually, no one can understand him, and your entire religion is basically a precariously balanced house of cards. But he sure seems to want you to do something.
    · Someone has offended Mary Lou, the Gawdess of Vengeance, and she has demanded you go hand him his own butt. The problem? You aren't a member of her clergy. You serve the Gawd of Tinkering. Not that you're going to tell her that...
    · The Pantheon of Vice is holding a party on your front lawn. At 3 am. On a weekday. Without bothering to be so kind as to ask you. So how do you get an entire pack of Gawds and hundreds of their drunk and stoned followers to "Git off mah lawn!" without being smited?
    Please tell me those are actual deities in your setting. Especially Plorg.

    Level 20: Replace Damage Reduction with Spiny!!
    Spiny!! (Ex)::
    ERROR 404.

    You have sharp teeth.
    Prerequisites: Beaver, Capybara, Gopher, Mouse, Rat or Spiny Temple Mouse; Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Benefits: Your bite attack ignores the first 2 points of Hardness or DR/-.
    …meaning they'll occasionally break skin. Maybe. (I think these guys are reallynot the right place for the Gnaw line.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Enhanced Jump (Ex): The base distances for your Jump Checks are doubled.
    · Enhanced Hearing (Ex): So long as it is not deafened, a Rabbit does not lose it's Dex Bonus to AC.
    Now we're talking! Good ones, and straight on the chassis!

    · Favored Class: Spirit Shaman
    Man, I love that class.

    "Outta the way!".
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Dex 15+
    Benefits: Your base land speed increases by +10 feet. This feat stacks, and may be taken multiple times.
    I wish sad little Dash wasn't the closest RAW thing for this.

    Rabbit's Paw
    "I'm late!"
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Rabbit's Paw
    Benefits: Your Luck Bonus to AC increases by +1 per 10 feet moved on any round you move.
    This only lasts until the beginning of your next turn, so if you want too keep it, you need to keep moving.

    Easter Bunny
    You may hide small objects in such a way that they can only be found by the person you intend to find them.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Must be able to cast at least one spell from the Illusion school
    Benefits: When you hide any object you can designate someone who is able to find it. Anyone who is not this designated finder gets a -10 Penalty on all Search or Spot Checks meant to find it. If someone else manages to find it, the item immediately teleports up to 30 ft. away to a random place, but only once. This is a Supernatural Ability.

    Ninja Bunny
    You are a sneaky bunny.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Improved Feint
    Benefits: If you successfully Feint in combat, you do +2d6 damage if your subsequent strike is successful.

    Bunny Kick
    You're kicks are a blur.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Snap Kick, Superior Unarmed Strike
    Benefits: When making a Full Attack using your Unarmed Strike you get two additional attacks per round at your (highest BAB -2).

    Bunny Radar
    You hear all.
    Prerequisites: Rabbit, Must be able to cast one spell from the Divination school
    Benefits: You may expend a spell you have prepared to gain Blindsight with a range of 30 feet. This lasts for (level of spell lost) minutes.
    Lotsa neat ideas here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post

    The Owl Folk are small flightless humanoid Owls. Largely untouched by the war on their old world due to their predilection for vengeance, people leave them alone.
    I approve.

    · Predator Burst (Ex): At will, an Owl can gain the benefits of the Haste spell for 5 rounds. At the end of this time it is Fatigued for the rest of the encounter. It may do this once per encounter.
    This is beautiful. Go birdies! Go fast!

    · Level Adjustment: +1
    I hate to say this, but while once-per-encounter and the other limitations would keep these little birds within that margin even with the Haste ability, I think you went a little overboard with the racial skill bonuses, and sadly, LA is very prone to rising as raw numerical bonuses rise.

    Character Development: Try to find some way to alleviate your Light Sensitivity.
    Sundark Goggles. Again. 10 gp and they double as coool shades!

    Revenge must be swift and cruel.[/QUOTE]

    …like the OWL!

    Personality: Despite their reputation, the Owl Folk are very kind and loving, and will go to any length to help a friend of loved one. Just don't make them angry.

    Levels 1+: You replace some of the spells on your spell list, swapping out any spell of the same level for one of the following: Backbiter (1st, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Impending Blades (2nd, see Spell Compendium), Curse of Petty Failing (3rd, see Miniature's Handbook), Bestow Curse (4th), Mass Curse of Ill Fortune (5th, see Spell Compendium), Eyebite (6th), Destruction (7th), Greater Bestow Curse (8th, see Spell Compendium), Soul Bind (9th).
    Levels 1+: Instead of being able to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally spells, you can cast the alternate spells listed above.
    Oh, yes.

    Improved Predator Burst
    You're feisty.
    Prerequisites: Ferret or Owl
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, your Bonus to attack rolls improves to +2.

    Greater Predator Burst
    You're a tad more than feisty...
    Prerequisites: Improved Predator Burst
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, your Dodge Bonus to AC and Reflex Saves improves to +2.

    Superior Predator Burst
    You're one foaming at the mouth (beep).
    Prerequisites: Greater Predator Burst
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, you gain a +2 Bonus to damage rolls as well.
    With the exception of Greater (dodge bonuses!) these are a lot of feats for… Not a lot.

    Silent Stalker
    You rarely make a sound.
    Prerequisites: Owl, 6th Level
    Benefits: You take no penalty to Move Silently Checks from your own movement speed, even while Running or Charging.

    Wide Angle Vision
    You have wide angle vision.
    Prerequisites: Owl, Spot 6 ranks
    Benefits: You are not subject to flanking.

    Binaural Hearing
    You're hearing is something else.
    Prerequisites: Owl, Listen 6 ranks
    Benefits: Owls can sense all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they rely on their other senses as normal. Owls are susceptible to sound based attacks however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence).. Negating an OwlÂ’s sense of hearing gets rid of this ability until hearing is restored.

    Predator Camo
    You're sneaky.
    Prerequisites: Owl, 9th Level, must be a Caster
    Benefits: You take no penalty to Hide Checks from your own movement speed, even while Running or Charging.
    These, on the other hand? If they ran for office, I'd vote them.
    Last edited by Metastachydium; 2024-05-14 at 09:18 AM. Reason: Â.

  15. - Top - End - #855
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    not complaining at all, but where's that coming from?

    Please tell me those are actual deities in your setting. Especially Plorg.
    Real life spiny mice are able to regenerate enormous amounts of skin without scar tissue. Breakaway skin is how they escape predators. They have also been observed regenerating heart and spine tissue.

    Those are actual deities. Plorg is one of the more infamous ones in my campaig

    I hate to say this, but while once-per-encounter and the other limitations would keep these little birds within that margin even with the Haste ability, I think you went a little overboard with the racial skill bonuses, and sadly, LA is very prone to rising as raw numerical bonuses rise.
    In my defense, Owls are hyper competent birdies.

    Making edits on the other stuff, look for a new birdy tomorrow.
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    "Sins, like chickens, come home to roost."

    Small, lively anthropomorphic chicken people. They tend to be loud, chatty, and devoted to causes of their choice (said causes tend to be of the Lawful sort).

    · +2 Dex, -2 Str
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Monstrous Humanoid, giving you Darkvision 60 ft.
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Chickens have a Primary Peck Attack doing 1d3 plus one and a half times Strength Modifier.
    · Chickens have a +4 Species Bonus to Jump and Spot Checks. Chickens gain Dodge as a Bonus Feat.
    · Automatic Languages: Chickens speak Feathery and Common. Bonus Languages: Bonus languages generally depend on who or what lives nearby.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Paladin

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Chickens are fast moving for their size, and will excel at quick, mobile fighting styles.
    Adventuring Race: Chickens adventure for a wide variety of reasons, much like humans.
    Character Development: If you're going with a melee build, base it off of Dexterity.
    Character Names: Chickens tend to use the naming conventions of whatever society they're living in.

    Your allegiance is to your religion, the law, and your fellow Chickens before all else. And that is a hill you will gladly die on.
    Personality: You are generally obsessed with your social station, and trying to improve it. You also are a bit of a tattle tale when it comes to rulebreakers..
    Behaviors: You spend much time socializing. Other species don't get it, but you are definitely not introverts, and social mingling is like oxygen for you.
    Language: Chickens speak Feathery and Common. If there are other commonly spoken languages where they live, they will learn those as well.

    Chickens are fairly conformist, and go along with whatever society they find themselves living among.
    Alignment : Chickens are overwhelmingly Lawful, and most are Neutral as well.
    Lands : Chickens live just about everywhere.
    Settlements : Again, Chickens live just about everywhere..
    Beliefs : Aside from Boris, the Chicken Folk prefer Lawful Gawds.
    Relations: How Chickens treat you largely depends on how well you follow the rules.

    · What is clearly a Gawd appears before you, and beseeches you to go on a quest to SAVE THE WORLD! You aren't buying it, you don't know him or his place in the scheme of things. At which point they turn to "I'm a Gawd, do it or I make your life Hell" as a way of selling it.
    · Your position in the pecking order has suddenly changed, along with a great many others. You need to find out what's going on.
    · Thpptt, the Slug God, is drunk and high, and sleeping it off in your bedroom. Much against your will. He claims he's been kicked out of Heaven, so for your own peace of mind you have decided to find out how to get him reinstated.


    Level 1: Replace Detect Evil and Smite Evil with Detect Chaos, and Smite Chaos. These abilities work the same, but they target Chaotic individuals instead of Evil ones.

    Level 1+: At each Level that you gain access to a new Level of Spells (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.) you can choose one spell from any spell list from the Abjuration or Divination schools to replace one of the spells you know on your spell list. This must be a spell of a level you can cast.

    Level 1: In addition to the normal Domains, you can also choose the Community Domain (see Spell Compendium).


    You are a protector of others..
    Prerequisites: Chicken
    Benefits: You gain a Resistance Bonus on Willpower Saves equal to your Hit Dice divided by 4.

    You are loyal to your neighbors.
    Prerequisites: Chicken, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
    Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

    Flying Charge
    Your prodigious leaping abilities make you dangerous.
    Prerequisites: Quick Charge
    Benefits: When making a Charge Attack, difficult terrain doesn't affect your movement speed.

    Puff Up
    You are quite intimidating.
    Prerequisites: Chicken or Ferret, Cha 13+
    Benefits: If you successfully Demoralize an opponent via the Intimidation skill, they are Shaken for 1d4 rounds.

    Quick Charge
    You are less open during charging attacks
    Prerequisites: Chicken, Dex 15+
    Benefits: You take no Penalty to AC when performing a Charge Attack.

    You are quite inspiring.
    Prerequisites: Defender
    Benefits: All allies who can see you share you're Bonus to Willpower Saves from the Defender Feat.

    Shared Grace
    You are quite helpful.
    Prerequisites: Divine Grace class feature, Chicken, 12th Level
    Benefits: At the beginning of the day, you may choose one willing creature within 30 feet. That creature shares your Bnus to Saving Throws for 24 hours.

    You have developed leg spurs you wield in combat.
    Prerequisites: Defender
    Benefits: You gain 2 Rake attacks when performing a Charge doing 1d3 plus Str modifier (use highest BAB).

    Terrifying Charge
    You are less open during charging attacks
    Prerequisites: Puff Up, any one Feat that modifies Charge attacks
    Benefits: When you make a Charge Attack, you can make an Intimidation Check to leave them Shaken as per the Puff Up Feat as a Free Action.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Chicken Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Chicken Folk are anthropomorphic Chicken's about the size of Gnomes. They tend to be very chatty and polite, but this politeness hides personal insecurities over their station in life. Chickens always want to move up in station, and are paranoid that those of a lesser station wish to supplant them. This has led to a sort of enforced politeness within their society to prevent fights from breaking out.

    The Chickens are therefore somewhat obsessed with rules and following social or legal protocols. Combine this with a strong religious streak, and many end up becoming inquisitors or enforcers for their church of choice. Many a Lich has been dumbfounded to learn the local Paladin, feared by Undead near and far, stands 3 feet tall and weighs about 40 pounds. The Chickens realize their physical stature means some people won't take them seriously, and they've developed a bit of a chip on their shoulder about that. So if you see one telling an Ogre "I ain't afraid of you, let's do this!", try not to be surprised. Once they take out the Ogre, they may come to have a discussion with you over your clearly signalling you thought the Ogre could take them.

    Chickens use the naming conventions of whatever society they live among.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Chicken Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Chicken Folk are Neutral, and a good many are Lawful as well.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Intimidation. When you make an Attack Action, you may choose to intimidate one opponent you successfully hit that turn as a Bonus Action. The opponent must make a Wisdom Save (Save DC is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier). If they fail, they are Frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to your Intimidation for the next 24 hours.

    Athletic. You have Advantage of Strength (athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) Checks.

    Keen Sight. Thanks to your vision, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve sight.

    Beak and Claws. You have a beak and Talons that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) slashing or piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. You may also make an Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Feathery, and any one other language of your choice.

    Flying Charge (Prerequisite: Chicken)
    When you take the attack action, you may declare you are making a charging attack. You then move at least 20 feet straight toward a creature (this movement is not slowed by difficult terrain) and then make your attack, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone (Save DC is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity modifier). If the target is prone, you can make one Beak attack against it as a bonus action.

    Chicken Folk
    "You probably did know of it Jim, you've been cloned several times after all.."

    They Like To Peck
    " many me's are there in the Afterlife"

    " to Lady Beca is Sir Comstance, Paladin of Qztpm."

    "Hello. Do you two fellows worship his holiness?"

    "Please don't answer that..."

    "We've occasionally met Gawds. I find it's best to give them a wide berth."

    "Sirs, we frown on religious conversation here."

    "At the Church social?"

    "They worry about arguments getting heated. We are all spellcasters after all."

    "Everyone? But there's dozens of people here."

    Don't Point Out Their Lack of Height

    "There are roughly that many churches in town."

    "That has to be interesting."

    "It's one reason we have the social every so often. The presumption is that if we all know each other better, we're less likely to come to blows.."

    "Hows that worked out for you?"

    "Well, as mentioned, we do frown on religious conversation..."
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    "Behold the turtle. He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out. What kind of bigoted nonsense is that? Get off my lawn."

    The Turtle Folk are adorable little turtle people about 3 feet tall. AT least the Dragons of the Jester's Realm think so, as they have quickly adopted them as wards.

    · +2 Str, -2 Dex
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base Land speed 20 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 20 ft.
    · Hold Breath (Ex): The Turtle can Hold it's breath for (8 times Constitution Modifier) rounds before it risks drowning or suffocation.
    · Shell (Ex): Your shell provides a +6 Natural Armor Bonus. They may wear normal armor over it, but that armor is one and a half times the normal weight and cost.
    · Scent (Ex)
    · Turtles have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier. They get 2 Claws with a Full attack.
    · Turtles receive a +8 Racial Bonus to Swim Checks, and may always Take 10 on a Swim Check. They may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line.
    · Turtles automatically speak Scaly, and Draconic. Bonus languages include Feathery, Furry, Common, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Dragon Shaman

    Adulthood: 40
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +3d6
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +5d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +7d6

    Middle Age: 125
    Old: 188
    Venerable: 250
    Maximum Age: +2d% years

    Base Height: Male: 3' Female: 2'10"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 120 lbs. Female: 85 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x(2d4) lbs.

    You aren't speedy, but you are tough. If you can't get faster, make sure you get tougher.
    Adventuring Race: Turtles usually go on adventures at the behest of their draconic masters, or out of dire need.
    Character Development: You have a fairly poor dex, so load up on the armor if you can find magical armor that won't slow you any more than you already are.
    Character Names: Male: Franklin, Graham, Hudson, Jeremy, Milo, Preston, Royce, Wesley. Female: Addison, Audrey, Edith, Hazel, Katie, Meadow, Piper, Willow. Surnames: Allen, Baldridge, Barleycorn, Dunphy, Harman, Jessop, Upton, Wotherspoon.

    You were quickly adopted by Dragons upon entering the Jesters Realm, and they were very grateful for it. In the old world, they were persecuted rather badly due to being slow and easy to chase.
    Personality: Just because you're slow, people also tend to think you're slow witted. And you do your best to just let them keep thinking that. They'll never see you coming...
    Behaviors: Behavior varies quite a lot depending on who your benefactor is.
    Language: Turtles speak Draconic and Scaly, and many learn Common as well.

    Turtles usually build individualistic cities near the lairs of their Draconic benefactors.
    Alignment : Most of the Turtle Folk are some variation of Neutral. Their society is heavily influenced by Dragons, so the non-Neutral component of their Alignment varies with their Dragon Lord.
    Lands : Turtles live virtually everywhere.
    Settlements : Outcast Turtle Folk will settle somewhere they can hide, ow that they no longer have a Dracconic patron.
    Beliefs : Chkrr and Puddytat are popular Gods.
    Relations: Turtle Folk are fairly live and let live, but if you hate Dragons, you have an enemy in them as well.

    · His Lordship has been offended by the local Monkey Folk. He has requested, and we quote, that you go "show those little (beeps) what for)."
    · Her Ladyship requests that you find a small treasure to be a wedding gift for her daughter. When you reply you don't know of any local hordes not guarded by Dragons, she suggests you rob some Adventurers.
    · There is a Dragon Slayer in the forest. He's very adamant about killing something, and you don't have the heart to tell him the local Dragons moved on after their divorce. Also, he is crazy.


    Level 19: Replace Draconic Wings with Draconic Armor.
    Draconic Armor:: At 19th Level you gain DR 10/-.

    Level 10 and 20: WHen choosing a Bonus Feat at these Levels, you can choose a Species Feat instead.


    You were trained to dig into the hideouts of opponents during the war.
    Prerequisites: Ferret or Turtle, Str 15+
    Benefits: You gain a Burrow speed of 10 feet.

    Draconic Knowledge
    You were trained to fight enemy dragons.
    Prerequisites: Dark Knowledge Class Feature
    Benefits: You may use your Dark Knowledge against Dragons.

    Extend Aura
    Your range increases.
    Prerequisites: Draconic Aura class ability, Level 12
    Benefits: The range of your Draconic Aura increases to 60 feet.

    Hard Shelled
    You can be tough.
    Prerequisites: Turtle, Con 15+
    Benefits: Your Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases to +8.

    Improved Touch of Vitality
    You excel at healing.
    Prerequisites: Touch of Vitality class feature
    Benefits: This Feat may be taken multiple times. Each time you take it the number of hit points you may heal per day increases by 10 points.

    Persistent Aura
    You powers do not require conscious thought.
    Prerequisites: Draconic Aura class feature, Level 6
    Benefits: Your Aura works even if you are unconscious.

    Titan Wrassler
    You wrassle anything, no matter how big.
    Prerequisites: Platypi or Turtle, Clever Wrestling
    Benefits: Your Clever Wrestling Feat no longer has Small or Medium Size as a Prerequisite. Also your Bonus applies to all Grapple Checks, not just the escape attempts.

    Turtle Up
    You have a mystic shield.
    Prerequisites: Turtle, Cha 13+
    Benefits: You can cast Shield 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability.

    Water Wrasslin'
    You are well trained at fighting underwater.
    Prerequisites: Platypi or Turtle, Improved Unarmed Strike
    Benefits: You don't take melee attack penalties when fighting underwater, and can Hold your breath for (12 times Con Modifier rounds) before you risk drowning.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Turtle Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Turtle Folk are anthropomorphic Turtle's about the size of Gnomes. They were immediately adopted by various Dragons upon arriving at their new world, and their new patrons have shaped their society overall. Some see the Dragons as Gawds. Some see them as wealthy benefactors. Some think the Dragons mean well, but are a tad delusional.

    They feel this way because the Dragons tend to delight in how 'adorable' the Turtles are. Which makes some of them ask "Am I a friend? An employee? Am I a pet?" The Dragons merely dismiss this, and tell them not to worry. They also pointedly mention to ignore Old Drunk Fred, a Brown Dragon who raves about wiping the world clean for scalykind with his Turtle army one day. He's quite the character, that Fred. Taught the Turtle Folk the secret of gunpowder, which has the Gnomes all in a tizzy as heretofore they had a monopoly on the stuff.

    Chickens use the naming conventions of whatever society they live among.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength by +2, and your Constitution score by +1.

    Age. Turtle Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Turtle Folk are Neutral flavored. It varies a lot depending on their patron.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 70 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet, with a Swim speed equal to your land speed.

    Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour

    Shell. Your AC, whether you are wearing Armor or not, is equal to 10 + your Proficiency Bonus, plus your Constitution Modifier plus your Shield (if any).

    Keen Smell. Thanks to your nose, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks that involve scent.

    Claws. You have claws that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Scaly, and any one other language of your choice.

    Water Combat (Prerequisite: Turtle)
    When you make an attack roll, or make a Check to make/escape a Grapple while in the water, you have Advantage on the roll.

    Turtle Folk
    "So the small town paradise has some cracks after all."

    Born To Be Marines
    "The professional curse maker wasn't a hint?"

    "And lastly at you table we have Ned, Scion of Ba'al the Dragon."


    "He's one of the few Dragon Shamans hereabouts!"

    "Dragon Shaman?"

    "Like Warlocks. But for Dragons."

    "I think I'd almost rather be a traditional Warlock. Draconic politics are very complicated."

    "They aren't that complicated. Lord Ba'al hosts a three hour seminar on them every Sunday so we can stay abreast of the basics."

    "Three hours?"

    Can We Interest You In Some Dragon Merch?

    "Would you like tea and a plate of food?."

    "Oh my goodness, yes. Thank you!"

    "It's Humanoid politics I find inscrutable. They seem to make decisions on blind emotion."

    "What do Dragons base their decisions on?"

    "Gentlemen! No politics! Let us keep the day peaceful."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-05-27 at 01:31 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Real life spiny mice are able to regenerate enormous amounts of skin without scar tissue. Breakaway skin is how they escape predators. They have also been observed regenerating heart and spine tissue.
    Cool to know. I'll defer to your greater experience with rodent regenartive habits, then.

    Those are actual deities. Plorg is one of the more infamous ones in my campaig
    Heh. I bet he's a popular pick with Clerics!

    In my defense, Owls are hyper competent birdies.
    See, that I cannot argue against.

    look for a new birdy tomorrow.
    New birdy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    NEW BIRDY! And it's a chicken!

    · Chickens have a +4 Species Bonus to Jump and Spot Checks. Chickens gain Dodge as a Bonus Feat.
    Dodge, eh? One of those feats that are incredibly bad, but very useful if handed out for free. Overall, I already see the feats will carry this one (on top of being a birdy, that's always a plus).

    · Favored Class: Paladin
    DEI VOLUNT!! (Odd pick, but I kinda like it.)

    Lands : Chickens live just about everywhere.
    Settlements : Again, Chickens live just about everywhere..

    Beliefs : Aside from Boris,
    Who's Boris? He keeps popping up, but if I asked this before, I forgot what the answer was.

    Thpptt, the Slug God, is drunk and high, and sleeping it off in your bedroom. Much against your will.
    Call in the Giant Indian Runner Ducks?

    You are a protector of others..
    Prerequisites: Chicken
    Benefits: You gain a Resistance Bonus on Willpower Saves equal to your Hit Dice divided by 4.
    You are quite inspiring.
    Prerequisites: Defender
    Benefits: All allies who can see you share you're Bonus to Willpower Saves from the Defender Feat.
    Resistence bonus is cheap. Generally, it's not worth blowing a feat on getting a +1 on just one type of save for every 4 HD, when one can just as easily buy a Cloak/Vest of Resistence that covers all three types and be done with it. I'm not sure this can ever be competitive without some hard boosting.

    You are loyal to your neighbors.
    Prerequisites: Chicken, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
    Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

    Flying Charge
    Your prodigious leaping abilities make you dangerous.
    Prerequisites: Quick Charge
    Benefits: When making a Charge Attack, difficult terrain doesn't affect your movement speed.

    Puff Up
    You are quite intimidating.
    Prerequisites: Chicken or Ferret, Cha 13+
    Benefits: If you successfully Demoralize an opponent via the Intimidation skill, they are Shaken for 1d4 rounds.

    Quick Charge
    You are less open during charging attacks
    Prerequisites: Chicken, Dex 15+
    Benefits: You take no Penalty to AC when performing a Charge Attack.

    Shared Grace
    You are quite helpful.
    Prerequisites: Divine Grace class feature, Chicken, 12th Level
    Benefits: At the beginning of the day, you may choose one willing creature within 30 feet. That creature shares your Bnus to Saving Throws for 24 hours.
    Love these, on the other hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    The Turtle Folk are adorable little turtle people about 3 feet tall.
    I still like turtles.

    · +2 Str, -2 Dex
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base Land speed 20 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 20 ft.
    · Hold Breath (Ex): The Turtle can Hold it's breath for (8 times Constitution Modifier) rounds before it risks drowning or suffocation.
    · Shell (Ex): Your shell provides a +6 Natural Armor Bonus. They may wear normal armor over it, but that armor is one and a half times the normal weight and cost.
    · Scent (Ex)
    · Turtles have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier. They get 2 Claws with a Full attack.
    · Turtles receive a +8 Racial Bonus to Swim Checks, and may always Take 10 on a Swim Check. They may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line.
    · Turtles automatically speak Scaly, and Draconic. Bonus languages include Feathery, Furry, Common, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    Huh. So, basically, Small Darfellan but much better? At any rate, +6 natural to AC is not LA +0 tier.

    Level 19: Replace Draconic Wings with Draconic Armor.
    Draconic Armor:: At 19th Level you gain DR 10/-.
    Now we're talking.

    You were trained to dig into the hideouts of opponents during the war.
    Prerequisites: Ferret or Turtle, Str 15+
    Benefits: You gain a Burrow speed of 10 feet.
    Now we're really talking! Cheap burrow speed is a precious commodity!

    "Like Warlocks. But for Dragons."
    (Actually, that's Dragonfire Adepts.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Who's Boris? He keeps popping up, but if I asked this before, I forgot what the answer was.
    Boris is the Gawd of the Feathery Peoples in the Furry Pantheon.

    Resistence bonus is cheap. Generally, it's not worth blowing a feat on getting a +1 on just one type of save for every 4 HD, when one can just as easily buy a Cloak/Vest of Resistence that covers all three types and be done with it. I'm not sure this can ever be competitive without some hard boosting.
    I could make it an untyped bonus.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Boris is the Gawd of the Feathery Peoples in the Furry Pantheon.
    I approve!

    I could make it an untyped bonus.
    Untyped might be an overkill, but some type that stacks with resistence would certainly be neccessary for this to work. Morale would be the most appropriate type thematically, and seeing how it's not uncommon, but rarely permanently on, it could strike a good balance here.

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    "No, I don't do tricks. Get off my lawn."

    Fluffy Pandas who can walk upright. Despite their cuteness, they are a rough and tumble folk. Many say their bamboo diet is what leads them to be grumpy curmudgeons.

    · +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
    · Size Class: Medium
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Bamboo Diet (Ex): Pandas have a +4 Species Bonus on Saves against Ingested Poisons.
    · Scent
    · +2 Natural AC Bonus
    · A Panda has 3 Racial Hit Dice, giving it the following: 3d8 Hit Points, +3 Base Attack Bonus, +1 Fort Save, +3 Ref Save, +3 Will Save, and (2 + Int modifier) skill points per level (with times 4 skill points for the first level). Class skills are Climb, Listen, Spot, Swim and Survival. They also get 2 Feats, and Cold Endurance (see Frostburn) as a Bonus Feat.
    · Pandas have a +4 Racial Bonus to Climb, Listen and Swim Checks.
    · Pandas have a Primary Claw attack doing 1d6 plus Str modifier damage, and a Secondary Bite attack doing 1d6 plus 1/2 Str modifier damage. They get 2 Claws and 1 Bite attack with a Full Attack.
    · Automatic Languages: Pandas speak Furry and Common. Bonus Languages: Any nearby species.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Crusader

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 4'10" Female: 4'5"
    Height Modifier: +2d10"
    Base Weight: Male: 150 lbs. Female: 110 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x(2d6) lbs.

    Pandas are pretty good beatsticks. Which is good, because it's rare they have the patience for spellcraft.
    Adventuring Race: Pandas adventure for a variety of reasons, but most commonly because they're bored and need to start some crap.
    Character Development: Pandas aren't the most reflective or self-conscious lot. They're pot stirrers. And they have a reputation because of it. Be aware of that reputation as you adventure.
    Character Names: Male: Aden, Ananda, Champo, Chodak, Daje, Jigme. Female: Amala, Chomden, Gewa, Jamyang, Khon-Ma, Ngawang. Surnames: Phurba, Rimshi, Soyang, Wangdu, Yudron, Zangmo.

    People think of Pandas as wise, temperate floofs. The floof part is right. The wise and temperate bits...not so much. Once they actually encounter Pandas, or someone else who has encountered Pandas, they learn your actual reputation of being trouble makers.
    Personality: You want what you want when you want it, and you want it NOW. And damned be he that stands in your way!
    Behaviors: Pandas like to have fun, and party hard. With the least excuse. There's a reason many of them hang out with the Fey.
    Language: Pandas speak Furry and Common. Many also learn Sylvan as well.

    Pandas are solitary except for celebrations. They prefer to be left to their own devices, but that doesn't work for getting wasted and into trouble. You need an audience for that.
    Alignment : Most Pandas are Neutral. They just want left alone. Despite trying to be in everyone else's bidness. Theirs is an interesting life.
    Lands : Pandas prefer a 'quiet', rural existence in the forest.
    Settlements : Given that they almost exclusively eat bamboo, the Pandas don't live anywhere it doesn't grow.
    Beliefs : Rabbit and the Nature Pantheon feature prominently.
    Relations: Pandas tend to be a bit stand-offish and grumbly. They aren't people persons.

    · A strange fellow in robes has offered to teach you martial arts. Unfortunately for him, you are stone drunk, with no memory of having offended the Fey a mere 12 hours ago.
    · A Sprite has stolen your bamboo pudding, causing you to go on a jagged tear to retrieve it.
    · You wake up to find out you have a powerful magical artifact, with no memory of what it is, why you have it, or where you got it from. You do quickly realize that there are plenty of people who want to take it from you though.


    Levels 1+: Your class abilities based on Intelligence are based on Wisdom instead.

    Level 2: Replace Deflect Arrows with any Species Feat.

    Level 14: Replace Weakening Critical with any Species Feat.


    You simply don't give a (beep).
    Prerequisites: Panda
    Benefits: You gain a +2 Bonus to Willpower Saves.

    Improved Hubris
    Why worship Gawds when you can be one?
    Prerequisites: Hubris
    Benefits: You now gain a +2 Bonus on any Skill Check up to 3 times per day.

    Greater Hubris
    I Am King!
    Prerequisites: Improved Hubris
    Benefits: You gain a +2 Delusion Bonus to Armor Class.

    They won't like you when you're angry.
    Prerequisites: Panda, Str 15+
    Benefits: You gain a +2 Bonus on damage rolls.

    You always seem to roll out of the way or block things by dumb luck.
    Prerequisites: Greater Hubris
    Benefits: You now gain a +2 Bonus on any Saving Throw up to 3 times per day.

    Toxic Power Up
    You get a boost from being poisoned.
    Prerequisites: Panda, Con 15+
    Benefits: If you consume any Ingested Poison (this includes alcohol), you are immune to it's effects, but do get a little 'dizzy' for 1 Minute. During this time you are unpredictable, and gain a +2 Bonus to attack rolls.

    "I said, get off my lawn!"
    Prerequisites: Grumpy
    Benefits: When you perform a successful critical hit, you add double your Str modifier in damage.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Panda Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Panda Folk are anthropomorphic bears about the size of a particularly husky Orc. They tend to be thought of as adorable goof balls, but that's because they keep to themselves. When they show up drunk at the local Moon Festival, they are coming to party. And Pandas party hard. As more and more people experience the full force of a celebratory floof bear, their reputation has taken a hit. No one likes a jerk, no matter how cute they are.

    Pandas are stubborn and mean until they let their hair down to have some fun. In either case, it's best to stay out of their way. Mostly so you don't accidentally get fallen on when they aren't paying attention. They're genuinely difficult t truly befriend, but their loyalty is undying if you do.

    Pandas use pretty standard naming conventions.

    Male Names. Aden, Ananda, Champo, Chodak, Daje, Jigme.

    Female Names. Amala, Chomden, Gewa, Jamyang, Khon-Ma, Ngawang.

    Family Names. Phurba, Rimshi, Soyang, Wangdu, Yudron, Zangmo.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength by +2, and your Constitution score by +1.

    Age. Panda Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Panda Folk are Neutral (and a wee bit Chaotic too).

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 6 feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds or so.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Athletic: You have advantage and Proficiency on Strength (Athletics) Checks.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose and ears, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell or hearing.

    Teeth and Claws. You have sharp teeth and nails that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing or slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    WHOOPS! (Prerequisite: Must be Panda Folk)
    You have Advantage on Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws as long as you aren't Incapacitated and are aware of the attack/effect.

    Panda Folk
    "Don't look now, but one of your larger guests is coming.."

    Born To Party
    "And he looks mighty unhappy."

    ", hello Ang. Let me introduce you to..."

    "That (beep) 'guest' of yours is hanging from the trees outside my house again!"

    "Oh dear."

    "Isn't that normal for some folks here?"



    "NOT WHEN THEY AREN'T WEARING PANTS! Have a word with him Frank! Or I will!"

    "Don't you 'Jim' me, he's clearly not offended. Well not by me anyway."

    Selectively Clumsy

    "I'll talk to him."

    "Well, I guess we'll let you go..."


    "Good luck."

    "Gentlemen! Would you please accompany a poor, old Capybara?"
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    Titan in the Playground
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    "Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."

    "Go home kid, you're drunk."

    Small anthropomorphic Sugar Gliders who make other races feel awkward due to their lack of a nudity taboo. No one mentions it to them because the Gliders are otherwise adorable, and charming, and no one wants to hurt their feelings.

    · +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Climb land speed 20 ft.
    · Glide (Ex): This works as Flight with a speed of 30 ft, Clumsy. They cannot gain move vertically, and lose 5 ft in height for every 10 ft they move forward. They can only glide while unencumbered and unarmored.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Prehensile Tail (Ex): Gliders may hang from their tail, and if they have the Multiweapon Fighting Feet they can wield a weapon with it as well.
    · Glider Folk have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier, with 2 Claws on a Full Attack.
    · Glider Folk receive a +4 Racial Bonus to Balance, Jump, and Listen Checks. They also have a +8 Racial Bonus on Climb Checks. They may always Take 10 on a Climb Check, and may use their Dex Modifier instead of their Str modifier for Climb Checks.
    · Glider Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Feathery, Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +2
    · Favored Class: Scout

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Gliders are good for Dex builds, especially Scouts. You'll need to make use of their Species Substitution Levels though.
    Adventuring Race: Gliders generally go on adventures because of whimsy or curiosity.
    Character Development: If you want to take advantage of your species gliding ability, you'll need to take steps to deal with life without wearing armor and such.
    Character Names: Gliders take the names of whatever local culture they live in.

    You don't know why people keep calling you hyper. The fact that you vibrate after eating doesn't usually occur to you.
    Personality: Gliders are lively, intelligent, and very curious. A little too curious.
    Behaviors: Gliders realize the bigger folk find them adorable, and they play up to that. Safety lies in people believing you're harmless.
    Language: Gliders speak Furry.

    Gliders are generally joiners. They tend to blend with whatever the local culture is, so long as it doesn't offend them. Or tell them they have to wear clothes.
    Alignment : Most Gliders are Neutral, with strong tendencies towards Chaos as well.
    Lands : Gliders normally make their homes in forests.
    Settlements : Gliders settle widely due to their curiosity.
    Beliefs : Most Gliders worship Rabbit, though Vernor has churches as well.
    Relations: The twitchy, somewhat hyper nature of the Gliders make relations with less patient races strained. Your entire diet is sugar after all.

    · An army has hired (pressed) you to scout the enemy for them. The enemy has better food and working conditions, so you've switched sides and are now helping defend the Fruit Lords. You're an orange rank, whatever the hell that means.
    · You have been tasked with finding an ever regenerating peach. You are now fleeing your benefactors, and it's former owners. The peach tells you things at night. You hope most of them aren't true.
    · A Tinker Gnome has offered you 3000 GP for the secret of flight. As the Gawds are your witness, you haven't the faintest idea what to do.


    Levels 2, 6 and 11: Gain new options with Combat Style.
    Combat Style:: At 2nd Level you gain Sugar High, at 6th Level you gain Improved Sugar High, and at 11th Level you gain Greater Sugar High.

    Levels 10+: Gain a new option with the Rogues Special Ability.
    Stabby Stabby Stab! (Ex):: When you are on a Sugar High (see Feats below), you get Sneak Attack damage on every attack, not just when they're Denied Dex onus to AC, etc.

    Levels 2 and 11: When you gain Fast Movement you can choose to apply it to your land speed or Glide speed.


    Sugar High
    You have a sweet tooth.
    Prerequisites: Glider
    Benefits: An ounce of sugar acts as a Potion of Expeditious Retreat when eaten by you. At the end of the Sugar High, you become fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter. You may only use this once per encounter.

    Improved Sugar High
    Prerequisites: Sugar High
    Benefits: Your Sugar High now act like a Potion of Haste.

    Greater Sugar High
    The Hyper is real.
    Prerequisites: Improved Sugar High
    Benefits: In addition to Haste, your Sugar High also gives you a +4 Bonus on Initiative Checks. This stacks with other Feats giving Initiative bonuses.

    Improved Darkvision
    You're better at night than others.
    Prerequisites: Glider
    Benefits: The range of your Darkvision increases by an additional +60 feet.

    You can leap onto opponents from above.
    Prerequisites: Glider, Dex 15+
    Benefits: As a Standard Action, you can leap from above, and attack your opponent with a weapon, or smash him with your body. This is effectively a Charge Attack, meaning you must leap from at least 10 feet above your opponent. Your weapon does +1d6 damage per 10 feet you travel. You take 1d6 falling damage for every 10 feet you travel past the first 10 feet (i.e. 0 damage at 10 ft., 1d6 damage at 20 ft., 2d6 at 30 ft., etc.). If your opponent is one Size Category larger than you or smaller, and you successfully hit, you may make a Trip attempt as a Free Action with a +2 Bonus per 10 feet you travel to the Check.

    Scent Communication
    You can communicate chemically with others who have this Feat.
    Prerequisites: Glider
    Benefits: You are capable of Scent Marking. Effectively this works as being able to cast Arcane Mark at will as an Exceptional Ability, with a few differences. Only creatures with Scent can perceive the Mark, and obviously it is undetectable by Detect Magic, True Seeing, etc. Only beings with Scent and an Int of 3 or greater can perceive any message you leave with the 6 characters available to you, animals will assume it's a territorial marking and will be able to identify you. Scent Marks last a number of days equal to 1 plus your Hit Dice divided by 4.

    You are loyal to your neighbors.
    Prerequisites: Chicken, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
    Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Glider Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Glider Folk are anthropomorphic Sugar Gliders about the size of Halflings. They originally lived in pristine forests before the humans found them, and they were unused to contact with other species. Even the other Furry Folk knew little about them then.

    You are a friendly, well meaning folk held back by two problems: You're nudists due to your gliding abilities, and 90% of your diet is sugar. There are times after a large meal when even the Gawds can't understand what you are saying. That and at times you almost vibrate so badly people think you're starting to phase into another dimension.

    Glider Folk use the naming conventions of whatever species they live among.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity score by +2, and your Charisma score by +1.

    Age. Glider Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Glider Folk are Neutral, and usually Chaotic as well.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a Climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

    Glide: When you fall at least 10 feet above the ground, you can use your reaction to extend your skin membranes to glide horizontally a number of feet equal to your walking speed, and you take 0 damage from the fall. You determine the direction of the glide. You cannot be wearing Armor or heavy clothing, or be weighed down when using this.

    Keen Smell. Thanks to your sensitive nose, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell.

    Prehensile Tail. You can grasp things with your tail, and you can use it as a third limb for climbing (or hanging from limbs of trees). It has a reach of 5 feet, and it can lift a number of pounds equal to five times your Strength score. You can use it to do the following simple tasks: lift, drop, hold, push, or pull an object or a creature; open or close a door or a container; grapple someone; or make an unarmed strike. Your DM might allow other simple tasks to be added to that list of options. It can't wield weapons or shields or do anything that requires manual precision, such as using tools or magic items or performing the somatic components of a spell.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Unarmored Defense (Prerequisite: Must be Glider Folk)
    While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.

    Glider Folk
    "Why would we want involved in this?"

    Sugar Fiends
    "Oh come now Harlan, it's been boring so far. Let's help the poor fellow."

    "Puffy is a good boy. His people just don't believe in pants."

    "Yer darn right we don't! Pants are an invention of the fascists!"

    "Please come down."

    "Don't make us have to climb up there."

    "Gliders can scamper, sir. You'll never catch him that way."

    "Maybe he's afraid we have beaver fever."

    "Beaver fever? Is Charles still using that line on the tourists?"

    "Indeed he is."

    Gimme The Honey, And No One Gets It

    "Come down Puffy, you're riling up a certain Bear."

    "And he seems to be a loud, determined bear."

    "FIINE! But I'm still not wearin' pants."

    "We'll phrase it as a compromise."

    "How about I get you a nice cider slushie and we talk this out?"
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    Yeah, that checks out.

    · Favored Class: Crusader
    Hm. Why Crusader?

    Levels 1+: Your class abilities based on Intelligence are based on Wisdom instead.
    I mean, they have a racila penalty to both. Why's it matter which penalized stat they add to stuff? It's not like Warblade has stellar WIS-synergy otherwise.

    Greater Hubris
    I Am King!
    Prerequisites: Improved Hubris
    Benefits: You gain a +2 Delusion Bonus to Armor Class.
    Delusion bonus is a new favourite of mine.

    You always seem to roll out of the way or block things by dumb luck.
    Prerequisites: Greater Hubris
    Benefits: You now gain a +2 Bonus on any Saving Throw up to 3 times per day.
    That's simply not worth the hassle if it costs four feats. Maybe if they had a fast way to accumulate racial feats, but definitely not otherwise, and even then, it's kinda niche.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    · Glide (Ex): This works as Flight with a speed of 30 ft, Clumsy. They cannot gain move vertically, and lose 5 ft in height for every 10 ft they move forward. They can only glide while unencumbered and unarmored.
    If (clumsy)'s for balance reason, it's just a Glide speed. Even with the rest of the abilities, I'd let them have (poor).

    Levels 2, 6 and 11: Gain new options with Combat Style.
    Combat Style:: At 2nd Level you gain Sugar High, at 6th Level you gain Improved Sugar High, and at 11th Level you gain Greater Sugar High.

    Levels 10+: Gain a new option with the Rogues Special Ability.
    Stabby Stabby Stab! (Ex):: When you are on a Sugar High (see Feats below), you get Sneak Attack damage on every attack, not just when they're Denied Dex onus to AC, etc.
    Now we're talking. Have you considered a Barbarian ACF substituting Sugar Highs for Rages at some rate?

    Sugar High
    You have a sweet tooth.
    Prerequisites: Glider
    Benefits: An ounce of sugar acts as a Potion of Expeditious Retreat when eaten by you. At the end of the Sugar High, you become fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter. You may only use this once per encounter.

    Improved Sugar High
    Prerequisites: Sugar High
    Benefits: Your Sugar High now act like a Potion of Haste.

    Greater Sugar High
    The Hyper is real.
    Prerequisites: Improved Sugar High
    Benefits: In addition to Haste, your Sugar High also gives you a +4 Bonus on Initiative Checks. This stacks with other Feats giving Initiative bonuses.
    As said, that's a good srong set. Greater's the weak link, but not by a tragic margin.

    Scent Communication
    You can communicate chemically with others who have this Feat.
    Prerequisites: Glider
    Benefits: You are capable of Scent Marking. Effectively this works as being able to cast Arcane Mark at will as an Exceptional Ability, with a few differences. Only creatures with Scent can perceive the Mark, and obviously it is undetectable by Detect Magic, True Seeing, etc. Only beings with Scent and an Int of 3 or greater can perceive any message you leave with the 6 characters available to you, animals will assume it's a territorial marking and will be able to identify you. Scent Marks last a number of days equal to 1 plus your Hit Dice divided by 4.
    Odd ways of communication are alays a plus. I approve.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    "There are but very few men clever enough to know all the mischief they do."

    The Raccoon Folk were among the greatest heroes of the war against humankind. Their spookity mind powers often carried the day. Nowadays they steal fruit in order to keep their skills sharp.

    · +2 Dex, +2 Int
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Base Climb speed 20 ft.
    · Base Swim speed 20 ft.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Raccoon Folk have a Primary Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus their Strength Modifier, and a Secondary Bite attack doing 1d4 plus 1/ Str modifier. They get Claws and 1 Bite on a Full Attack.
    · Raccoon Folk receive a +4 Species Bonus to Balance, Listen and Search Checks. They also have a +8 Species Bonus on Climb and Swim Checks. They may always Take 10 on Climb and Swim Checks.
    · Raccoon Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Feathery, Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Lurk

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 3' Female: 2'10"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 40 lbs. Female: 35 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Raccoons make pretty decent Int based casters or manifesters.
    Adventuring Race: Raccoons adventure for many reasons, most commonly lewt, glory and curiosity. And food. A lot of Raccoon's raid dungeons for food.
    Character Development: You're kind of slow, so try to get that speed up a bit.
    Character Names: Male: Abyasa, Arief, Banyu, Farrel, Ismanya, Pramana. Female: Aulia, Budiwati, Gemi, Jayachandra, Kartika, Maharana. Surnames: Raccoons don't use surnames.

    That banana over there wants to be eaten by you. Your dreams will literally be haunted by that banana if you don't eat it. Right now they're haunted by the pissed off looking Orc, who is staring at you as if daring you to take said banana.
    Personality: All you want is infinite food. Why can't people understand this.
    Behaviors: You are quite fastidious, and conscious of personal hygiene. May the Gawds help anyone who gets dirt in your fur.
    Language: Raccoons speak Furry, and usually a few other languages as well.

    Raccoons live in a highly individualistic society. They don't like limits of any kind being placed on them unless it is agreed on by everyone. Unfortunately it usually works out that it's agreed on by everyone but the Raccoons.
    Alignment : Raccoons are mischievous, and thus are mostly Chaotic Neutral.
    Lands : Raccoons live every where.
    Settlements : Raccoons have no real home land, they live every where.
    Beliefs : Most Raccoons worship Rabbit, though a few try their hand with the Pantheon of Vice.
    Relations: Raccoons have an iffy relationship with more Lawful or serious races. They have food the Raccoons want.

    · There's an old human on the edge of town who gives free sausages to the kits. The town council is trying to push him out. Lo, they have stepped in it now.
    · The local townsfolk have a 'no raccoons' sign at their gate. In retrospect, pelting them with Otyugh poop might have escalated things a tad. You may have to release the Otyughs as cover to jailbreak yer buddies.
    · There's been a zombie outbreak, and the humans are using them for pit fights despite you're protests that this is an obviously horrible idea.


    Level 15: Replace Slippery Mind with Stubborn.
    Stubborn (Ex): At 15th Level you can re-roll any failed Saving Throw 3/day.

    Levels 11+: Gain a new option with the Rogue's Special Ability: Mettle (Ex): This is identical to the Hexblade Ability of the same name (see Complete Warrior).

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Saboteur
    Combat Style: You get Quick Draw at 2nd Level, Flick of the Wrist (see Complete Warrior) at 6th Level, and Tunnelfighter (see Underdark) at 11th Level.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Self-Sufficient
    Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.


    Persistent Saboteur
    You never give up.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Disable Device 4 ranks, Open Lock 4 ranks
    Benefits: You can always try again on a failed Disable Device check, and you know whether or not the roll was successful. Note that traps set off by failed rolls still go off. You gain a cumulative +1 on Open Lock Checks when you try again on the same lock.

    Well Rounded
    You are an easy learner.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Int 13+
    Benefits: Choose any 3 Skills you have no ranks in. Those Skills are now permanently considered Class Skills for you.

    A Lie Repeated Often Enough
    You are persistent in your fibbery.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks
    Benefits: You can try again on Bluff or Diplomacy Checks at no penalty.

    You may be boneless.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Dex 13+
    Benefits: You gain a cumulative +1 on Escape Artist Checks when you try again to escape the same ropes/manacles/tight spaces/grapple etc.

    You dabble in magic a bit.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, 12th Level.
    Benefits: You can cast Mislead as a Spell-Like ability as a 12th Level Wizard 1/day (use Int for the Save DC).

    You lead others astray.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, 3rd Level.
    Benefits: You can cast Misdirection as a Spell-Like ability as a 3rd Level Wizard 1/day (use Int for the Save DC).

    Mirror Image
    You have cunning plan...
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, 3rd Level.
    Benefits: You can cast Mirror Image as a Spell-Like ability as a 3rd Level Wizard 1/day (use Int for the Save DC).

    You are a shapeshifter.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, 9th Level
    Benefits: You can cast Polymorph (on yourself only) as a Spell-Like ability as a 9th Level Wizard 1/day.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Raccoon Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Raccoon Folk are anthropomorphic Raccoon's about the size of Gnomes. They tend to be very stand offish, and can be aggressive if approached directly. Their people stood the longest on the front lines of the War, and it has made them paranoid of strangers. It's generally advised to offer them their one true love as a peace offering: food. It's also advised not to be offended when they check it for poison, right there in front of you.

    Raccoon Folk are seen by the other Furry species as daring heroes, who risked life and limb sabotaging the enemy. This reputation has gotten a little rusty in peace time, as the Raccoons have had to adapt to not being in terror every waking moment of their lives.

    Raccoons see themselves as teachers, making sure the young ones know how to defend themselves, and their homes. If there's ever a local law involving self defense or weapons use/ownership, there is sure to be a gang of crotchety old timers there to speak their mind.

    Owl Folk use conventional names.

    Male Names. Abyasa, Arief, Banyu, Farrel, Ismanya, Pramana.

    Female Names. Aulia, Budiwati, Gemi, Jayachandra, Kartika, Maharana.

    Family Names. Raccoons don't use surnames. They don't want others tracking their families down in revenge for what they do.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence by +2, and your Dexterity score by +1.

    Age. Raccoon Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Raccoon Folk are Neutral, and a good many are Chaotic as well.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climbing speed and swim speed equal to your walking speed.

    Saboteur's Legacy: You know the Minor Illusion cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Disguise Self spell once as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Invisibility spell once. You must finish a long rest to cast these spells again with this trait. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

    Keen Smell. Thanks to your sensory abilities, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell.

    Teeth and Claws. You have teeth and claws that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) slashing or piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    SABOTEUR TRAINING (Prerequisite: Raccoon)
    You may cast any one spell from the Illusion school 1/day without using a spell slot or components. This must be a spell a Wizard of similar level could cast. For example, if you are 5th Level, you can choose any one Illusion spell a 5th Level Wizard could take (i.e. any spell of 3rd Level or less).

    Raccoon Folk
    "So why did you want us to come along?"

    War Heroes
    "Yes, Puffy seemed to acquiesce quietly enough."

    "I didn't know if he had the sugar in him. His people can get 'antsy' with the sugar in them."

    "Sir...I happen to be able to see the invisible with my goggles. And there's a Raccoon stealing your wife's pies."

    "Does he have the kits with him?"

    "Does it make a difference?"

    "If the kits are with him, that's Old John."

    "There are young ones with him, yes."

    "Old John saw many horrors during the war, and he is determined to pass his skills on to the new generation in case war should come again. We can afford to lose a few pies if it gives the poor old fellow gains peace of mind. It also keeps him from training at establishments that are less understanding."

    "That's very kind of you."

    Natural Born Illusionists

    "Well, to be honest, it's also great for word of mouth about how good our pies are."

    "The children tell the parents who has the best food."


    "And the other Raccoons patronize you due to your understanding."

    "Yes. Plus it provides training so the old skills don't die out."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-06-02 at 12:57 PM.
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!


    "Ys I was an assassin. Yes, the accent in that statement was on the word was."

    These anthropomorphic Ferrets were once used as trackers and assassins against the other Furry people by Humans. Most of them were mind controlled, but people still hold grudges.

    · +2 Dex
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Predator Burst (Ex): At will, a Ferret can gain the benefits of the Haste spell for 5 rounds. At the end of this time it is Fatigued for the rest of the encounter. It may do this once per encounter.
    · Slow Fall (Ex): When you take falling damage, you are treated as though your fall was 20 ft. shorter than it was.
    · Scent (Ex): Identical to the ability listed in the Monster Manual.
    · Ferret Folk have a Primary Bite Attack doing 1d3 plus one and a half times their Strength Modifier, and a Secondary Claw attack doing 1d3 plus half Str modifier (1 Bite and 2 Claws with a Full Attack).
    · Ferret Folk receive a +4 Species Bonus to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Listen and Spot Checks.
    · Ferret Folk automatically speak Furry, and Common. Bonus languages include Sylvan, and nearby races.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Rogue

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 3' Female: 2'10"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 40 lbs. Female: 35 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Regardless of class, most Ferrets go for combat builds. After being forced into service once they have no intention of going back.
    Adventuring Race: Revenge is a popular option. Testing ones own mettle, or fighting tyrants are others. Guilt over past deeds is also an option.
    Character Development: If you're going to be a melee critter, be sure to take some of your Species Feats.
    Character Names: Male: Alan, Barclay, Diarmid, Ewan, Fergus, Gavin, Lachlan. Female: Annag, Catrina, Donella, Effy, Fiona, Isobel, Kirstie. Surnames: Abernathy, Balfour, Blackie, Carnie, Dougal, Ferguson, Galloway.

    You keep the old skills sharp just in case. You never know when bad men may come calling. Or not so bad men whose relatives you silenced.
    Personality: Ferrets come across as paranoid survivalists, and given their past they should be. Winning their trust id a rare thing.
    Behaviors: Ferrets are fond of preparing for emergencies. They are always planning for what they consider the inevitable unraveling of society.
    Language: Ferrets speak Furry and Common.

    Ferrets are fairly militant. They promote the right to bear arms for civilians, the outlawing of mind control, and sometimes the outlawing of all Enchantment magic as well.
    Alignment : Ferrets are generally Chaotic Neutral. They can be difficult in peace time when they have no orders to follow.
    Lands : Ferrets prefer forested areas.
    Settlements : Ferrets will live just about anywhere they can hide.
    Beliefs : Most Ferrets worship Rabbit. Some also try their luck with Shiela, or Grandpa Jones.
    Relations: Ferrets do not always get along with the other furry races due to the years they spent as mind controlled thralls of their enemies. They really dislike humans because of this.

    · Someone has discovered the old magic used to keep your people controlled, and you need to find them before they use it.
    · A noble is pushing for disarming the citizenry, and that will not stand. You meet with the Raccoons tonight.
    · Ghosts from the war have been talking to you at night. They foretell of coming tragedy, right before trying to guilt you into doing something about it. Do you trust them?


    Levels 1+: Ferrets use the Whirling Frenzy variant of Rage.

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Predator
    Combat Style: You gain Improved Predator Burst at 2nd Level, Greater Predator Burst at 6th Level, and Superior Predator Burst at 11th Level.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Self-Sufficient
    Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.

    Level 10: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability, Favored Enemy. This is identical to the Ranger Ability of the same name, and may be chosen multiple times.


    Improved Predator Burst
    You're feisty.
    Prerequisites: Ferret or Owl
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, your Bonus to attack rolls improves to +2.

    Greater Predator Burst
    You're a tad more than feisty...
    Prerequisites: Improved Predator Burst
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, your Dodge Bonus to AC and Reflex Saves improves to +2. Once per round you may take a 5 foot step as a Swift or Immediate Action.

    Superior Predator Burst
    You're one foaming at the mouth (beep).
    Prerequisites: Greater Predator Burst
    Benefits: When using your Predator Burst, you gain a +2 Bonus to damage rolls as well. You may also opt to make another additional attack at -2 BAB.

    You're better at climbing than usual.
    Prerequisites: Ferret, Climb 1 rank
    Benefits: You gain a Climb speed of 20 feet.

    You were trained to dig into the hideouts of opponents during the war.
    Prerequisites: Ferret or Turtle, Str 15+
    Benefits: You gain a Burrow speed of 10 feet.

    Puff Up
    You are quite intimidating.
    Prerequisites: Chicken or Ferret, Cha 13+
    Benefits: If you successfully Demoralize an opponent via the Intimidation skill, they are Shaken for 1d4 rounds.

    Scent Communication
    You can communicate chemically with others who have this Feat.
    Prerequisites: Glider or Ferret
    Benefits: You are capable of Scent Marking. Effectively this works as being able to cast Arcane Mark at will as an Exceptional Ability, with a few differences. Only creatures with Scent can perceive the Mark, and obviously it is undetectable by Detect Magic, True Seeing, etc. Only beings with Scent and an Int of 3 or greater can perceive any message you leave with the 6 characters available to you, animals will assume it's a territorial marking and will be able to identify you. Scent Marks last a number of days equal to 1 plus your Hit Dice divided by 4.

    When you get spooked, the stank flows freely.
    Prerequisites: Ferret, Scent Communication
    Benefits: When a Ferret is angry or frightened, it secretes an oily, musk-like chemical that nearly every form of animal life finds offensive. All living creatures (except Ferrets) within 30 feet of a Ferret must succeed on a Fortitude save or be sickened for 10 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same Ferret’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry races (including Ferret Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Ferret Folk are anthropomorphic Ferrets about the size of Halflings. They originally lived as the mind controlled servants of the human war machine until the Raccoons set them free in a desperate move to counter the magics enthralling them. Their life is now spent trying to make up for the horrors they caused while enspelled, and they intend to see to it that Domination type magic is permanently outlawed under penalty of death.

    Ferrets are hyper, and more than a little nervous. They jump at shadows, always assuming someone is out to get them. They rarely deal with others, with the exception of the Raccoons, who discovered their predicament and freed them. While they know Humans of the Jester's Realm are different than those they are used to, they cannot quite find it within them to be civil. "Fool me once" and all that. They prep for survival in the case of things going bad even more than the Raccoons, and have found a niche marketing preparedness.

    Rabbits use conventional names.

    Male Names. Alan, Barclay, Diarmid, Ewan, Fergus, Gavin, Lachlan.

    Female Names. Annag, Catrina, Donella, Effy, Fiona, Isobel, Kirstie.

    Family Names. Abernathy, Balfour, Blackie, Carnie, Dougal, Ferguson, Galloway.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity by +3.

    Age. Ferret Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Ferret Folk are Chaotic Neutral.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Medium. You are around 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds.

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Mobility Training. You may gain one of the following: a Climb or Swim speed equal to your land speed, or a Burrow speed equal to half your land speed.

    Keen Senses. Thanks to your sensory abilities, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve hearing, sight or smell.

    Teeth and Claws. You have sharp teeth and nails that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) piercing or slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    Predator Burst (Prerequisite: Must be Ferret or Owl Folk, must be 5th Level)
    You may now cast Haste upon yourself without using a spell slot or material component once per long rest.

    Ferret Folk
    "Do you need the 'old skills'? There has never been War in Homestead."

    Searching For A New Purpose
    "Peace is kind of what you're known for."

    "Our origin is not of this world. We were brought here by the Gawds, and promised a new home. We have learned the hard way that homes will always need defending."


    "Gentlemean, this is Theobald. He's a local political activist."

    "Greetings sir.."

    "What is it today, Sir Theobald?"

    "The town council is voting on an amendment to the charter that will limit the possession of magical weaponry. This cannot be allowed."

    "What kind of limits?"

    Tend To Be Sleeping Or At Maximum Speed

    "Well that seems..."

    "You're allowed one weapon per household. ONE! As if that were enough when we have scruffy adventurer types occasionally passing through. No offense meant gentlemen."

    "I am not scruffy."

    "Will it head off an argument if I agree to sign your petition?"
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Hm. Why Crusader?
    There was a reason, but I can't seem to find my old notes. I'll work something in I guess.

    I mean, they have a racila penalty to both. Why's it matter which penalized stat they add to stuff? It's not like Warblade has stellar WIS-synergy otherwise.
    They are a stubborn race. Being stubborn means having a good will save.

    Now we're talking. Have you considered a Barbarian ACF substituting Sugar Highs for Rages at some rate?
    Ooooh...I have to work that in somehow.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    They are a stubborn race. Being stubborn means having a good will save.
    Hm. Leaning more into something like Steadfast Determination bolted to the chassis might do that better, I'd reckon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Behaviors: You are quite fastidious, and conscious of personal hygiene. May the Gawds help anyone who gets dirt in your fur.
    Yep. There's a reason why so many European languages call these "washing bears" that even Esperanto went with that.

    · There's been a zombie outbreak, and the humans are using them for pit fights despite you're protests that this is an obviously horrible idea.
    Hey! That one happened at some random gas station and not in Raccoon City!

    Level 15: Replace Slippery Mind with Stubborn.
    Stubborn (Ex): At 15th Level you can re-roll any failed Saving Throw 3/day.

    Levels 11+: Gain a new option with the Rogue's Special Ability: Mettle (Ex): This is identical to the Hexblade Ability of the same name (see Complete Warrior).

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Gain a new Combat Style option: Saboteur
    Combat Style: You get Quick Draw at 2nd Level, Flick of the Wrist (see Complete Warrior) at 6th Level, and Tunnelfighter (see Underdark) at 11th Level.
    Most of that is very much in line with resourceful little scavenger stuff. I'd argue Tunnelfighter is somewhat underpowered to be the 11th level Ranger feat, on the other hand. It's essentially something one can pick up as is at first level (or pick up better at first level (v. Tunnel FightingRoS)).

    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Self-Sufficient
    Self Sufficient: You gain a +2 Bonus on Climb, Craft, Heal, Survival and Swim Checks.
    And I'll continue to caution you against using the name of that puny skill feat that does roughly half what this does for the above.

    Persistent Saboteur
    You never give up.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Disable Device 4 ranks, Open Lock 4 ranks
    Benefits: You can always try again on a failed Disable Device check, and you know whether or not the roll was successful. Note that traps set off by failed rolls still go off. You gain a cumulative +1 on Open Lock Checks when you try again on the same lock.

    Well Rounded
    You are an easy learner.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Int 13+
    Benefits: Choose any 3 Skills you have no ranks in. Those Skills are now permanently considered Class Skills for you.

    A Lie Repeated Often Enough
    You are persistent in your fibbery.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks
    Benefits: You can try again on Bluff or Diplomacy Checks at no penalty.

    You may be boneless.
    Prerequisites: Raccoon, Dex 13+
    Benefits: You gain a cumulative +1 on Escape Artist Checks when you try again to escape the same ropes/manacles/tight spaces/grapple etc.
    Good ones. Let me tell you, I prefer these to the spell feats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    These anthropomorphic Ferrets were once used as trackers and assassins against the other Furry people
    , chiefly rabbits called Roger, I'll assume.

    Level 10: You gain an additional option with the Rogue's Special Ability, Favored Enemy. This is identical to the Ranger Ability of the same name, and may be chosen multiple times.
    Dunno. That comes online a bit too late to be very good.

    Puff Up
    You are quite intimidating.
    Prerequisites: Chicken or Ferret, Cha 13+
    I can't not find that combination funny.

    When you get spooked, the stank flows freely.
    Prerequisites: Ferret, Scent Communication
    Benefits: When a Ferret is angry or frightened, it secretes an oily, musk-like chemical that nearly every form of animal life finds offensive. All living creatures (except Ferrets) within 30 feet of a Ferret must succeed on a Fortitude save or be sickened for 10 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same Ferret’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.
    A good thematic fit reasonably balanced. Well done.

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    "I AM THE LAW!"

    The Bat Folk are short, wingless, anthropomorphic Bat people who work the night shifts in whatever society they're a part of.

    · +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str, -2 Cha
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds Bats for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
    · Scent
    · Sonar (Ex): As a Swift Action the Bat can spray Sonar, giving it Blindsight in a 60 foot Cone until the beginning of it's next turn.
    · Batss have a +4 Species Bonus to Climb, Jump, and Listen Checks.
    · Batss have a Primary Bite attack doing 1d4 plus Str modifier damage.
    · Automatic Languages: Bats speak Furry and Common. Bonus Languages: Any nearby species.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Rogue

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    While their stats suggest Rogues, most Bats are more likely to use their skills for law enforcement.
    Adventuring Race: Bats adventure to right wrongs, and confront evil.
    Character Development: Get some gadgets to build up your speed and fix your Light Blindness.
    Character Names: Male: Alfred, Bruce, Jason, Richard, Thomas, Timothy. Female: Cassandra, Constance, Elizabeth, Helena, Kate, Martha. Surnames: Gordon, Grayson, Kane, Kent, Wayne, Williams.

    No one wants night jobs, which is where your people come in. Granted, a lot of the jobs suck, but at least there's not much competition for them. Plus a lot of you make good as members of the night watch. Your sonar makes it difficult to get by you.
    Personality: Bats are a bit gossipy, and chatting about the latest news is a common past time. Many are amateur detectives.
    Behaviors: Personal grooming and socializing are very important to bats.
    Language: Bat Folks speak Furry and Common. They often make an effort to learn a few others as well.

    Bats tend to live in colonies, under one roof. Mostly for protection, but this tends to lump them all in one place (making them convenient targets). They make an excellent night watch though, so few people disturb the Bats as they do a job no one else wants.
    Alignment : Most Bats are Neutral, and a plurality are also Lawful as well.
    Lands : On their own, Bats live high in the mountains or hills, or deep in the jungle. In mixed company, they tend to rent out entire apartment blocks.
    Settlements : Bat Folk often move to seek work.
    Beliefs : The Bats adore Rabbit as usual, but many also worship the Nature or Conceptual Pantheons.
    Relations: The Bat Folk don't have much of a problem with other species, Though their eating habits freak most others out (they like bugs). Other species sometimes find them intimidating, since their being nocturnal ensures they don't mix much with the daybound species.

    · Some fool has been leaping off rooftops in a cape and spitting fire at people. You need to find out who before you and yours are blamed.
    · As usual, it's Tuesday, and there has been a murder. Resulting in the police blaming you, and the credulous public asking you to use your sonar powers to solve the case. Complicating things is the problem that you did it. Yes, he was the mayors son, but he was also a highwayman who tried to rob you (and just about everyone else he met).
    · You're on a quest to find a cure for a curse. A Wizard made it so that anytime you meet someone new, you roll up on them, puff your chest out, and yell "I...AM...BATMAN!" in a deep, growly voice. You're beginning to develop a reputation.


    Levels 10+: When you choose to take a Rogue's Special Ability, you may also take a Species Feat instead of from the usual list of abilities.

    Level 4+: When you choose to take a Bonus Feat, you may also take a Species Feat instead of from the usual list of Feats.

    Level 17: Replace Slippery Mind with Critical Edge.
    Critical Edge (Ex): At 17th Level the critical threat range of all of your attacks improve by 1 (i.e., if you would normally critical on a 20, you now critical on a 19-20. This stacks with Feats that improve critical threat range.


    You are loyal to your neighbors.
    Prerequisites: Bat, Chicken, Glider, Gopher or Rabbit
    Benefits: When you use Aid Another to boost an Ally's attack roll, it is a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

    People are unreasonably terrified of you for reasons you don't quite understand.
    Prerequisites: Must be a Bat, Mouse, Rat or Packrat, Cha 15+, Level 6+
    Benefits: You do not take Size Penalties to Intimidate Checks.

    Improved Darkvision
    You're better at night than others.
    Prerequisites: Bat or Glider
    Benefits: The range of your Darkvision increases by an additional +60 feet.

    Versatile Sonar
    You're better at your sonar use.
    Prerequisites: Bat
    Benefits: You can use your Sonar in short bursts to speak a high pitched version of Furry that can only be heard by other at Folk (or creatures who have Blindsight based on hearing AND who speak the Furry language). When using your Sonar, it can now be a 60 ft. Cone, a 180 ft. Line, or a 20 ft. radius.

    Your sonar is powerful.
    Prerequisites: Bat
    Benefits: Anything in the Area of Effect of you Sonar must make a Reflex Save (Save DC is Con based) or take 1d8 sonic damage (half damage on a successful save). Creatures with a Species Bonus to Listen Checks, hearing based blindsight, etc. have a -4 penalty to this Save.

    SCREE! (again)
    Prerequisites: SCREE!
    Benefits: Your sonar damage increases by +1d8 each time you take this Feat.

    You have decided to capitalize on your species sometimes spooky reputation.
    Prerequisites: Bat
    Benefits: The Save DC of any Fear effects you create are +1 (this stacks with other Feats or effects that increase Save DC).

    Creature of the Night
    You really lean into the spookiness. To the point that you really believe you're more powerful at night.
    Prerequisites: Vampire
    Benefits: You gain a +1 Bonus to Saving Throws at night or in darkness.

    You belieeeve you can flyyyy.
    Prerequisites: Vampire, 6th Level
    Benefits: 1/night you can cast Fly as a spell-like ability (caster level is equal to hit dice).

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Bat Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Bat Folk are wingless, anthropomorphic Bat's about the size of Gnomes. They were the guards at night in the old world, and as a result many view themselves as the last line of defense between civilians and the Bad Guys. Granted they work when those civilians are sleeping, so they have little idea of just how scary their charges find them.

    Nowadays they're law enforcement. The irony is lost on them, as they try their darnedest to enforce said law to the letter. A few go off the deep end and become vigilantes. Basically, they're conformist busy bodies who dip their noses in everyone's business, and then giving their opinion (which is usually backed up by a badge).

    Bats use pretty standard naming conventions.

    Male Names. Alfred, Bruce, Jason, Richard, Thomas, Timothy.

    Female Names. Cassandra, Constance, Elizabeth, Helena, Kate, Martha.

    Family Names. Gordon, Grayson, Kane, Kent, Wayne, Williams.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by +2, and your Dexterity score by +1.

    Age. Bat Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Bat Folk are Lawful Neutral flavored.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 70 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

    Sonar. As a Bonus Action, you can gain Blindsight in a 60 foot Cone that lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

    Keen Hearing and Smell. Thanks to your senses, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks that involve scent or hearing.

    Fangs. You have fangs that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Furry, and any one other language of your choice.

    SCREE! (Prerequisite: Bat)
    When you use your sonar, any creature within the area of effect must make a Dexterity Save or take 1d8 Thunder damage (half damage on a successful Save). Save DC is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Con modifier.

    Bat Folk
    "Is Homestead suddenly in trouble that I don't know of?"

    They Are The Law!
    "Your country isn't known for much drama."

    "We aren't drama free, we just don't announce our business to all and Sundry."

    "Hey all, what's going on?"

    "Gentlemen, this is Arthur. He's a local law enforcement officer. Theobald was just telling us about the new amendment limiting magical weapons."

    "Greetings sir."

    "Arthur, this is Jim and Harlan. They're adventurers."

    "Adventurers? In my town? On the eve of an important political vote? Seems sus."

    "We're only here looking for info on a very bad man we hope to stop."

    Tend To Go Nuts

    "They were kind enough to accompany me for a talk with Puffy."

    "Who is this 'bad man' you're looking for?"

    "A former human named Cohle."

    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-06-09 at 02:17 PM.
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    "Let me introduce you to my friends, Mr. Fisty and his wife Elaine."

    The Geese are a fun lot. Highly argumentative, very territorial and easily angered. Fortunately they're also too proud to be afraid, so in bad times they're good to have on your side.

    · +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
    · Size Class: Small. +1 Size Bonus to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. +4 Size Bonus to Hide Checks. -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks. Lifting and Carrying Limits are half those of a Medium character.
    · Type: Monstrous Humanoid, giving them 60 ft. Darkvision
    · Base land speed 20 ft.
    · Base swim speed 20 ft.
    · Hold Breath (Ex): A Goose can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 × its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
    · Light Sleeper (Ex): Geese sleep with one eye open, and are thus not considered Helpless while sleeping (they are still considered Flat-Footed until they act in the round).
    · Geese have a +4 Species Bonus to Intimidate, Listen, and Spot Checks. Knowledge (Geography) is always a Class Skill. A Goose has a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
    · Geese have a Primary Bite attack doing 1d4 plus Str modifier damage.
    · Automatic Languages: Geese speak Feathery and Common. Bonus Languages: Any nearby species.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Fighter

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 2'8" Female: 2'6"
    Height Modifier: +2d4"
    Base Weight: Male: 30 lbs. Female: 25 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x1 lb.

    Geese are made for Dex based melee builds, especially ones that rely on anger and craftiness.
    Adventuring Race: Geese adventure for various reasons, but most commonly because they want money or revenge. Or they're just pissed off.
    Character Development: Try to boost your movement speed a little.
    Character Names: Male: Arnaud, Jack, Levi, Logan, Victor, Wyatt. Female: Adalynn, Brielle, Everly, Lily, Rose, Victoria. Surnames: Bellenger, Bouchard, Gauthier, Leblanc, Levesque, Simard.

    You are an agent of Chaos. You exist to make others lives uncomfortable, even those of your fellow Geese. When things are calm, you stir up a storm. When you're in the middle of a hurricane, you maintain utter calm.
    Personality: You get by on equal amounts of anger, hubris, and sheer meanness.
    Behaviors: Punching the elderly (or anyone within range). Stealing candy from adults. Blowing up orphanages. Granted the elderly guy was a freaky Wizard, the candy was produced in a relatives factory (and was a bad batch), and the orphans were actually shaved Halflings planning to pluck your people. In short, you do a lot of bad stuff, but sometimes there's a (well hidden) reason for it.
    Language: Geese speak Feathery. If you're lucky they may also speak Common, without insisting that YOU learn to speak Feathery to communicate with them.

    Goose society could be described as "might makes right". If you can't prevent your goods from being taken, you didn't deserve to have them. They also have a sentimental side, and though they sometimes bully the other Furry species, they won't let anyone else do that. And the Gawds help you if you approach the children.
    Alignment : Most Geese are Neutral. A lot of their neighbors will insist they're Evil as well.
    Lands : Geese tend to be nomadic with the seasons, traveling back and forth across the lands as the weather changes.
    Settlements : Where ever they can get their way.
    Beliefs : Most of the Geese worship Boris, but many advocate for Gods of war, chaos, fighting, etc.
    Relations: Geese can be obstreperous, and have a bit of a reputation among the other species. Still, they do admit it's good to have the Geese on their side rather than the other way around.

    · Some fool has been yelling at you for longer than a minute, so you finally stop ignoring him and punch him. Whoops. That was the city guard.
    · A weird stranger shakes you awake so you punch him. You then realize everyone nearby is dead. So is the guy you punched. Crap.
    · You've been hired by a local madman for random, petty quests of vengeance. You feel like your whole life has been leading up to this moment. And then he asks you to punch a kid. Well, (beep).


    Levels 10+: When you choose to take a Rogue's Special Ability, you may also take a Species Feat instead of from the usual list of abilities.

    Level 4+: When you choose to take a Bonus Feat, you may also take a Species Feat instead of from the usual list of Feats.

    Level 2+: When you choose to take a Bonus Feat, you may also take a Species Feat instead of from the usual list of Feats.


    Flying Charge
    Your prodigious leaping abilities make you dangerous.
    Prerequisites: Quick Charge
    Benefits: When making a Charge Attack, difficult terrain doesn't affect your movement speed.

    Puff Up
    You are quite intimidating.
    Prerequisites: Chicken, Ferret or Goose, Cha 13+
    Benefits: If you successfully Demoralize an opponent via the Intimidation skill, they are Shaken for 1d4 rounds.

    Quick Charge
    You are less open during charging attacks
    Prerequisites: Chicken or Goose, Dex 15+
    Benefits: You take no Penalty to AC when performing a Charge Attack.

    Terrifying Charge
    You are less open during charging attacks
    Prerequisites: Puff Up, any one Feat that modifies Charge attacks
    Benefits: When you make a Charge Attack, you can make an Intimidation Check to leave them Shaken as per the Puff Up Feat as a Free Action.

    No One Laughs At A Master of Honk-Fu!
    You are good at fisticuffs.
    Prerequisites: Goose, Unarmed Strike
    Benefits: You are proficient with Improvised Weapons. You gain a cumulative +1 Bonus to damage rolls on any round an opponent succeeds on an attack roll against you for the duration of the encounter. Maximum Bonus is +5.

    Goose Bumps
    You prefer to settle things with your fists.
    Prerequisites: No One Laughs At A Master of Honk-Fu!
    Benefits: On any round you succeed with an attack roll, you can make one additional attack at your highest BAB as a Swift Action.

    Desperate Geese Commit Desperate Acts
    You are one crazy berd.
    Prerequisites: Goose
    Benefits: If you are at 50% or less of your maximum hit points, you can gain Take 20 on any single die roll as a Swift Action. You cannot do this again for 24 hours.

    A Savage Beating
    You have...well, we'll call it a 'temper'.
    Prerequisites: Goose, 6th Level
    Benefits: On any round in which you succeed in more than one attack roll against a single target, that target takes an additional +1d6 damage.

    A Truly Savage Beating
    You are a local menace.
    Prerequisites: A Savage Beating
    Benefits: The extra damage the target takes is now increased to 1d6 plus another 1d6 for each successful hit in the round.

    Before fleeing to the Jester's Realm, the Furry species (including Goose Folk) came from a world where Humans and the Furry Peoples were eternally at war. With the humans on the verge of wiping the Furry Peoples out, the Jester offered them a new home. They were quick to accept.

    The Goose Folk are wingless, anthropomorphic Geese about the size of Gnomes. They've always been...special. The preferred manner of settling disputes is like low-grade, petty warfare. If they have a grudge against you, all bets are off, and you will eventually face what Goose society refers to as a "right savage beating." This is not usually fatal (not that that makes a difference), but it has given the geese a reputation for 'forthrightness".

    On the plus side, this made the geese rather handy during the War, and many of them are remembered fondly for their acts of bravery. Granted, it wasn't a lack of fear so much as the delusional belief that they couldn't lose in a fight. In peace time this leads to shenanigans the Bats have to deal with.

    Geese use pretty standard naming conventions.

    Male Names. Arnaud, Jack, Levi, Logan, Victor, Wyatt.

    Female Names. Adalynn, Brielle, Everly, Lily, Rose, Victoria.

    Family Names. Bellenger, Bouchard, Gauthier, Leblanc, Levesque, Simard.


    Ability Score Increase. Increase your Constitution by +2, and your Dexterity score by +1.

    Age. Goose Folk reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

    Alignment. Most Goose Folk are Chaotic Neutral flavored.

    Type. You are a Humanoid.

    Size. You are Small. You are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 70 pounds

    Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, with a Swim speed equal to your land speed.

    Hold Breath. Geese can hold their breath for 15 minutes.

    Light Sleeper. An Unconscious Goose can wake up as a Bonus Action on it's turn, as it sleeps with one eye open. This is the only Action it may take while unconscious.

    Keen Hearing and Sight. Thanks to your senses, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks that involve vision or hearing.

    Beak. You have a beak that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.

    Languages. You speak, read and write Feathery, and any one other language of your choice.

    Master of Honk-Fu! (Prerequisite: Goose, Tavern Brawler)
    If you miss with an attack roll, your next attack roll has Advantage. If you take damage, your next attack roll has Advantage. If you successfully attack a target using Advantage, add your Proficiency Bonus to the damage done.

    Goose Folk
    "We're pretty sure he's Undead now."

    Beware The Honk!
    "We got told if we wanted to track him down to come here."

    "Oh Gawds, get behind me..."


    "Gentlemen, this is Ralph. He's a local ... well I'm not sure what you'd call him. Ralph, these are a pair of adventurers looking for a criminal."

    "Hello, we..."


    "We should mention we're looking for a very specific, human criminal. Well, formerly human."

    Ill Tempered

    "The law is something we were just all discussing."

    "Former human? What is he now? A Toad?"

    "Something like a Lich."

    "Ew. We do not care for Liches around here."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2024-06-09 at 03:23 PM.
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