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  1. - Top - End - #571
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Mafia V Signup Thread Here.

  2. - Top - End - #572
    Shadow's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Quote Originally Posted by Alarra View Post
    You know, we were all just waiting for you to come back. OF COURSE were interested in some good old noir. Mafia's my favorite game at least. Although, I was never that interested in the star wars idea.
    All of it.

  3. - Top - End - #573
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Hey All,

    Thank you for all of your patience while I have been gone. Since I got deployed, I have found that I get very little internet access, defined as once a week, if that. Due to this, I won't be able to be here for WWCV. Raldor has PM'd me to ask to be next Narrator. He has my blessing, and as long as the rest of the WW community is okay with it, he can continue until I get back home, which will be in mid to late September (about 6 weeks or so). I'll keep you all posted as much as I can.

    Thanks again,

    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
    Avatar by Sampi
    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

  4. - Top - End - #574
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Hello folks.

    *Takes a deep breath.*

    For a little while I have been working on a game that I would like to run here. I have talked to a few people on this forums, and they were kind to help me polish this up, but I'm still looking for more polishing and tweaking and they suggested I post here.

    And thus I turn to all of you. I'm new, so I only have a vague idea as to whom to talk to. Those I have been I thank you very much, and here I am taking your advice to post it here.

    Besides polishing and tweaking, I'm also looking for a co-narrator who would be interested in running this with me once it is ready for general posting.

    And so - I present to you, my game - Space Rebels (title also needs tweaking).

    Feel free to either PM or IM me (contact info is in my profile, AIM and MSN are my key ones) in regards to this, even if it is to say that I should never try this again

    In any case, thank you for taking the time to look at it.

    It is a time of unrest for the benevolent Terran Empire. Rebel insurgents have been making strikes against various Empire owned installations, demanding less taxes, more supply, whatever Rebels want.

    The action takes place on a large luxury liner heading for Earth, when an innocent crewmember discovered supplies that are to be given to the REBELS at the end of their trip, supplies such as weapons, explosives, medical supplies, and a doomsday bomb to destroy the ship if the Rebels are about to be discovered. The Captain discovers this, but is attacked from behind. With his last words he fights off the attacker and tries to warn his crew, however he accidentally tells everyone on the ship.

    At this point the Rebel hacker attack the ship, crippling the computer system, and sealing off sections of the ship, along with planting false leads preventing the Ship Crew from finding the location of the Captain and the Rebel Supplies.

    Let the games begin!

    NPC Roles
    The Captain – The Captain has been kidnapped by the Rebels. If the Rebel guard is killed, he is founded and freed. However because of his injuries he is unconscious most of the time, and can only be revived one a day. During that time he will state if the current leader for the lynching is a Rebel Officer or not, which he saw while being a captive.
    He has NOT been exposed to any recruited Rebels, and at the beginning of each day after he is saved he will point out who is NOT a Rebel Officer

    • Ship Crew – These are the crewmembers on the ship. Due to budget cuts they are understaffed, with only a few officers and to many deckhands. Everyone can vote during the day. Everyone knows who the Ship Crewmembers are thanks to their nifty uniforms; however civilians and rebels only know that they are crewmembers, not their role on the ship. Officers know who the other officers are. Officer votes count twice.
      • Chief Navigator (Officer) – This is the guy in charge of piloting the ship. Converting or killing him is one of the goals of the Rebels.
      • Chief Engineer (Officer) – This is the guy in charge of maintaining the ship systems. During the evening rounds he can choose to kill someone in their quarters by doing nasty things to various ship systems. However such attacks can be traced to him and he can only do them every other day.
      • Chief Medical Officer (Officer) – This is the person in charge of the health of the crew and passengers. Every night he can choose one person to take into the shielded medical bay and protect them under the guise of providing treatments. If converted they will know who the Rebels are and can start saving them instead.

      • Chief of Security (Officer) – This person is ex-military and during the night shift he can scout throughout the ship and gather clues on a particular person determining what affiliation they are but not their role. Nor will the target know that they have been discovered. Once he has identified a Rebel, he can spend a SEPARATE night action and kill them (meaning he has to wait till the next evening to kill them at the earliest).
        Can not be converted
      • Rebel Traitor #1 – This person works for the Rebels, yet holds a position on the ship. Knows the location of the Supplies.
      • Rebel Traitor #2 – This person works for the Rebels, yet holds a position on the ship. Knows the location of the doomsday bomb.
      • Redshirts – These are the standard crewmembers on the ship.

    • Civilians – The civilians are just on the ship for a good time. During the day they vote on who is a Rebel to Lynch them. At night they do nothing unless they have a specific role.
      • Psychic – A psychic onboard the ship that during the evening can probe a persons mind and discover their allegiance, however they need to rest their powers for the rest of the day. If he scans the Rebel Psychic, his abilities are shut down for the day, and his role as a Psychic is revealed, but not his alignment along with the Rebel Psychic.
      • Lovers - A couple on the ship together. The two of them know who each other are, but not the general population. If they vote for the same person, the person receives three votes against them. If one Lover dies, the other dies as well. In addition if one is converted, the other will be as well.
      • Wannabe Psychic – A person who thinks he has psychic powers and will attempt to find out who is a Rebel, but has no real powers. When they “scan” someone they will get a random response.
      • Ex-Rebel – A former Rebel that left their ranks due to being disappointed with the cause and having a change of heart.
        Immune to being converted back to being a Rebel, will expose said Rebel
      • Regular Civilian – Just your average civilian.

    • Rebels – Rebels can vote during the day along with everyone else, looking like civilians and blending in. At night the Rebels can vote to lynch either a civilian or Ship Crew target. Recruitment takes place separately. If someone is targeted for recruitment and lynching in the same evening, they will be recruited first, and if the recruitment fails, then lynched. Finally Rebels know who they are.
      • Rebel Leader (Officer) – This person leads the Rebels. During the evening his vote counts twice against his target, or he use 1 vote point and try to recruit another target. If his recruiting target rejects the offer, he has a 10% chance of being exposed publicly.
      • Rebel Mad Bomber (Officer) – This person is in charge of a bomb on the ship. If they are the only Rebel remaining, they will trigger the bomb, destroying the ship. If the bomb is discovered he goes insane and reveals himself.
      • Rebel Psychic (Officer) – This person can scan people minds during the night to determine their role. If he scans the Civilian Psychic, they abilities are nullified for the night and his role is exposed along with the Civilian Psychic but not his alignment.
      • Rebel Assassin (Officer) – If the ship supplies are discovered, this person can start killing one person every other night. Meanwhile this person can both try to recruit one person per night and vote in the evening.
      • Rebel Guard (Officer) - This person guards the Captain whom the Rebels haven’t killed but are holding captive in case they need him alive. If this person is killed the Captains location is revealed and he is saved. If the Rebel leader is killed he will kill the Captain that night.
      • Rebel Convert – These are recruited people from the ship. They do not vote during the night, but during the day to try to swing the vote in favor of the Rebels.

    Victory Conditions:
    • Ship Crew:
      • Finding the bomb on the ship
      • Finding the Rebel Supplies on the ship
      • Kill the Rebel Mad Bomber

    • Rebels:
      • All Ship Crew Officers killed or converted
      • Rebel Mad Bomber activates the bomb

    • Civilians:
      • Mad Bomber does not detonate the bomb

    • Day Actions

      Everyone places a vote as to who they think the Rebels are. At the end of the day the votes are tallied, and the person with the most votes will by lynched
      All votes are made publicly.

      If the Captain is saved:
      At the beginning of each day, the Captain will identify someone on the ship as NOT being a Rebel Officer. This does not apply to any Rebel Conscripts that were recruited during the course of the game.
    • Night Actions

      Rebel Attacks – The Rebel Officers meet secretly and decide who they wish to eliminate on the ship. This consists of them PM’ing me their target for the evening. Whoever gets the most votes during this process will die unless they are protected by the Medical Officer no matter what.

      Engineer Attacks – The Ship Crew engineer can try to kill 1 person each per night by PM’ing who they want to kill via a ship accident. The attempt has a percentage chance of working against their target, and if it fails the engineer’s roles are hidden.

      Recruitment – The Rebel roles that allow recruitments PM me their target who they wish to try to recruit. The target can choose to reject the recruitment offer or accept. If they accept they become a Rebel Convert.

      Psychic Scans – The two Psychic character can PM me a character they wish to scan, and will get their alignment and role. However if they two psychics scan each other, their abilities will short-circuit for the day, and their status as psychics will be exposed publicly, yet not their alignment.

      Wannabe Psychic Scans – The Wannabe will PM me a character they wish to try to scan, and according to their character they scanned that person and believe it fully. However their results are random.
    Last edited by Pwenet; 2007-08-09 at 07:48 AM.
    My DM Reputation
    Quote Originally Posted by Inspectre
    I'm good at making you fear the unknown. Pwenet is good at making you fear the known, which had been the unknown five minutes before he pushed you off screaming into the abyss.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalirren View Post
    I'm feeling this real hard now.
    Curse you, Pwenet. Curse you.... You had my hopes up there...

  5. - Top - End - #575
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    OK, if anyone would like to co-narrate WWCV with me let me know.

  6. - Top - End - #576
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Hi everyone,

    I had a very small, vague, and unformed idea pop into my head that seemed kind of interesting. I really enjoy the paranoia type WW games, where you don't know anyone elses' roles (and sometimes your own). So I thought about taking this one step farther.


    Ultimate Paranoia.

    The rules of the game would be posted in the thread, but sign ups & questions would be answered by PM. So the players of the game don't even know who else is playing. Each player would submit a short, one-liner description for their character (i.e. the tall man in the white trench coat).

    The objective of the game is to discover who the other players are. As I said, this is a very vaguely formed idea, needs a lot more substance and such, but I think it has merit.

    Pros: Totally crazy idea, innovative, different.

    Cons: LOTS of PMs, could become very cumbersome, would require possibly 3 narrators to divide up the workload.

    If anyone has any comments/suggestions/ideas to help form this idea even more, or if you just want to say sounds good/bad that's cool too.

  7. - Top - End - #577
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    I admit that's definately innovative and different but a step too far into the realm of craziness I think. Then again, I'm willing to try anything if you think it can work.
    The main problem I see is that since the narrators will have to post everything, it will make it extremely difficult for characters to interact with each other and for votes to change after a bandwagon has formed since everything can only be posted when the narrators are on.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLaughingMan View Post
    He's Fleeing Coward. The man could be a cookie-baking, cancer-stricken orphan kitten and still look like a reasonable suspect.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramsus View Post
    I would advise people not to trust FC just on principle. Even if he's on your team, confirmed by the narrator.

  8. - Top - End - #578
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    I like it. However, I can see it being really hard on narrators, and could make one's inbox fill up really quickly. I think it could be really fun though. Of course, it would be biased toward those with a lot of outside contact with common players....and toward those with a *ahem* better than usual ability at finding out people's roles outside of the game. *sheepishly looks away* Nope....I've no idea why I like this game and am not offering to help narrate....none do do do do...
    Last edited by Alarra; 2007-08-09 at 08:28 AM.

    I was outzombied by the baby!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amotis View Post
    Alarra ate all my awesome and now she's always acknowledged as awe-inspiring awesome. Alliteration aside, Alarra is awesome.

  9. - Top - End - #579
    Shadow's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Quote Originally Posted by Raldor View Post
    OK, if anyone would like to co-narrate WWCV with me let me know.
    I'll give it a go with you if you like. It's getting to the point where I should start narrating if I want to be involved for long....

  10. - Top - End - #580
    Halfling in the Playground
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    there. not there, THERE!

    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Shadow, it seems to be at the point where you need to be a wolf to stay alive to day 2. And tormsskull, thats just crazy enough to work.

    avatar by oblivion-thanks!

    I AM the dread pirate llamarts.

  11. - Top - End - #581
    Shadow's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaldan View Post
    Shadow, it seems to be at the point where you need to be a wolf to stay alive to day 2.
    That's not....


    Sometimes thay take pity on poor hapless Shadow, expecting the village to take care of me for them, though.
    Sometimes, but it's rare.

    *is surprised that I'm still alive in Alien Invasion*
    Last edited by Shadow; 2007-08-09 at 01:28 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #582
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    You must be an alien then, care to sign a written confession Shadow?
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLaughingMan View Post
    He's Fleeing Coward. The man could be a cookie-baking, cancer-stricken orphan kitten and still look like a reasonable suspect.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramsus View Post
    I would advise people not to trust FC just on principle. Even if he's on your team, confirmed by the narrator.

  13. - Top - End - #583
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    JC, TN or Camelot.

    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    I think Pwenet's idea sounds like a lot of fun. I like the alternate conditions of play.

    Tormsskull's sounds interesting too.
    inner circle Legionary of Resiliance
    I love my Ceikatars!

    Not here as much. I am out Roman around.

  14. - Top - End - #584
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    I know that this is way too far in advance (seeing as WW VIII only just started), but I have spent the majority of my summer break finalising the plot and game mechanics of my Werewolf version. So, here's just a snippet of my work.

    Werewolf XI - The Bard's Tale*


    A bard entered a mountain village in the twilight of an autumn evening. He looked very rugged, as if he had been travelling for days. Quietly, he staggered into the village inn and went to the innkeeper.

    'What can I do ya for,' the innkeeper asked. 'You look like you have travelled quite a bit.'

    'I require a room, but alas I haven't any coin,' said the bard. 'But, I am a bard you see. If you grant me one night's stay, I will entertain your patrons.'

    The innkeeper took a moment to think. He did not want to turn the bard away, but he was behind on his rent for the place, so he cannot afford to have a bed filled by someone who couldn't pay any coin. His conscience eating him, he replied: 'Sure thing. If you would just wait, I'll tell everyone that you are here to perform.'

    In a matter of minutes, the common-room became overflowing with people, all of whom were eagerly eyeing the bard. It was rare for a bard to come to this village at this time of year. The voyage to this village was too hard, and the demons on mountain pass were strangely vicious this year.

    Once he thought that it was full enough, the bard smiled. 'Greetings! Tonight I shall recount the tale of a village, not at all different than this one. A tale of great heroics, of great sorrow, and of great terror. A tale that I have witnessed! The tale of [village]**!' The audience looked at him with there undivided attention as the bard began his tale.

    Introducing a new aspect for playing***:

    I came up with an interesting idea that involved the Seer/Fool and Devil. What if there were two Seers instead of the distinction of the Seer and the Fool, but during certain nights, they may scry a Fool's scry? How about no scry at all during a night? What if the Devil had a similar handicap? One answer, utter scry fallibility!

    And one last note, after looking at my notes and comparing a few things, I will definitely need a minimum of 50 players before I can start (with 75 being optimum). So, if you're in the playground come 'round Werewolf XI (I'm hoping for Feb-Mar 2008), definitely sign up to play!

    [hr]* Tentative title. This title is subject to change without warning and at the whim of the creator.
    ** I still can't think of a name for the village, so it shall remain named [village] 'til my next update (possibly mid to late October '07).
    *** Still completely unsure if I want to use it, but if there's enough positive feedback with the second update, I will be including this rule. I'm also still trying to figure out fair ratios for the whole random scry accuracies.
    Last edited by B-Man; 2007-08-13 at 11:10 AM.
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    Quotes inside:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ego Slayer View Post
    • B-Man is frickin' kick-ass in person.
    • The Metric System is more Awesome than Americans, and you all know it!
    Quote Originally Posted by afroakuma View Post
    I'd respond, but I suddenly suspect that you are far too young to post here.

  15. - Top - End - #585
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Something Ink said in WW (Whatever number you guys are on right now which I...sadly...can't play in), gave me an idea. What if control of the wolves could switch? Basically, instead of actually contributing, the number of wolves you have in your power gives you more control (votes maybe?) and whoever controls what would probably actually be zombies, in the game, gets the extra votes. Whoever ends the game with control of them wins.

    Challenging the leader:
    1. Must have identified the leader. (Each citizen might have limited scrying opportunities)
    2. Is defined by a role of 1d20+bonuses...
    a. Leader gets a bonus equal to the number of zombies he has, and his item bonus
    b. Opposing member gets a bonus equal to the item bonus
    c. Item bonuses are given for finding certain objects floating around the town (not The Town, but the game town). Finding one of these would be linked to the scrying abilities of the villagers. (Scry or search, etc.)

    This is just newly thought of, but what if the villagers were given the ability to choose through PM one class during a period in between sign-up and game-start. There is only one of each class (or maybe a limited number), and they each get bonuses to various abilities in game.

    Tell me what you think...don't let me overshadow B-Man's idea either or vice-versa...comments on both of ours!
    XF: Operating on 95% insanity since 1337 B.C. Because every event needs an insane werewolf noble.

    Blissfully proud owner of a Ceikatar!

    Undead Wannabee and Poster-Boy for the Fanclub

  16. - Top - End - #586
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Right, Revolution 3's over, the TDC/Partyniks have won.

    I've volunteered to narrate the next game, with Khaldan as co-narrator.
    I'm VERY busy due to real life and whatnot, so I'm taking a break from all WWs and SGs. I should have warned y'all beforehand, and I apologize if I've inconvenienced any of you due to my many autolynches. I really should have stated how busy my life is.

    'Tis my Team RAF Trophy Case.

    Yay for my Ceikatar! w00t!

  17. - Top - End - #587
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    I'm leaving GiantITP, as such, no time for WW.

  18. - Top - End - #588
    Shadow's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    *sniff sniff*

    But why Gez?

  19. - Top - End - #589
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Last Day
    to sign up for
    Mafia V!

  20. - Top - End - #590
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    On the number of werewolf games currently running.

    Currently running:
    - Werewolf VIII
    - Alien Invasion II

    Currently there are three games on the verge of starting
    - Camp sleeps-a-lot
    - Mafia 3
    - Infiltration

    There is at least one more recruiting (Revolution IV)
    For myself I would like to play in practically all of them, but I can really only dedicate attention to two games at a time, maybe three at a pinch. I'm certainly not the only one.

    Do you think we could get back to a schedule/roster and start maybe a max of one-two games a week? I think it would be to the benefit of both narrators and players.
    - Spreading the games out means I can join more
    - Larger games = better games in most cases
    - regular start dates means that new people won't find themselves waiting in Limbo waiting for the next game to start (which is kinda what I think is about to happen)

    Thoughts people?
    Check out past werewolf games at the Unofficial GiantITP werewolf archive
    Also wasting too much time playing Evony right now.
    I don't wanna be a llama or a duck or a wabbit.
    I wanna be a POODLE!

  21. - Top - End - #591
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Ye Olde West II is looking to be on it's way soon. Probably about a week before sign-up thread is posted and 2-3 weeks for game start. (Still finalizing a few details....)

    Also, look for the More-Llama's-Then-You-Can-Handle version of a WW style game to be arriving about mid September. To intrigue you some more about this one, it will be based on all 100 Llama avatars in Ceika's ranch and will feature an unprecedented EVERY LLAMA HAS A ROLE! That's right, a WW game with NO VILLAGERS.

    WHAT? Did you just say no villagers?

    I did. Everyone in the game shall have an action and a role. Some nightly, some daily, and some on a varied time schedule. And I shall, of course, drop more details as Mid-September nears.

    To help understand the game play better, here are the directions to Llama School.
    I'm usually late to the party, but it's a great time when I get there....
    Legionary of Protection
    The Legion, endures....
    Quote Originally Posted by Lex-kat View Post
    It wasn't that easy. Supagoof's just that good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    This is LLD, which, I shouldn't have to tell you, will not bow to your math because it was DESIGNED to ruin it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Murska View Post
    Supagoof has won the game and withdrawn. He was Epic

  22. - Top - End - #592
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Infiltration should start today.

    New Narrator is HyramGraff,
    Co-Narrator is Zar Peter
    Avatar by the great Lord Herman. Many, many thanks!
    Empress Catherine by Dr. Bath!
    Castaras made the PiratZarrrrr. Thank you very much!
    Special thanks to Banjo1985 for the Catstronomer.

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  23. - Top - End - #593
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    When should I start Mafia V? I dont' want to step on another narrator's toes.

  24. - Top - End - #594
    Halfling in the Playground
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    there. not there, THERE!

    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Whenever. I just screwed up in WW8, so im ready for another game.

    avatar by oblivion-thanks!

    I AM the dread pirate llamarts.

  25. - Top - End - #595
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Revolution IV has closed registration, and roles have been sent out.

    Game starting shortly.
    I'm VERY busy due to real life and whatnot, so I'm taking a break from all WWs and SGs. I should have warned y'all beforehand, and I apologize if I've inconvenienced any of you due to my many autolynches. I really should have stated how busy my life is.

    'Tis my Team RAF Trophy Case.

    Yay for my Ceikatar! w00t!

  26. - Top - End - #596
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    ER and I are talking about running Aliens III.

    Has anybody already claimed it? We would like a third co-author as well.
    "see the little angels rise up high, how do they rise up, rise up, how do they rise up high?"

  27. - Top - End - #597
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    If noones got dibs on Alien III I wouldn't mind co-narrating with Andre and ER.
    Last edited by CurlyKitGirl; 2007-08-21 at 03:19 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by V'icternus View Post
    Why is it that you now scare me more than the possibility of nuclear war?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bath View Post
    To compare [Curly] to the beauty of the changing seasons or timeless stars would be an understatement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    But Koorly is the sweetest crime.

    Squid bones are lies.

  28. - Top - End - #598
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Ok, I've been a bit out of it lately, but I'm back and ready to run WW Classic whenever it is convenient. It looks like a lot of games are starting up soon. I'll plan on starting sign-ups next Tuesday and letting them run for a week or so unless that conflicts with someone else's game.

    Any thoughts?

  29. - Top - End - #599
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Well, Cmon! The TARDIS is waiting! You dont want to be late, do you?

    Journies on the TARDIS Signups have begun!

    Introducing two new roles (The Double Whammy and the Immunized, in the form of a Time Lord and Captain Jack), and Hidden Agitator groups, This Dr. Who-ish Werewolf is ready and waiting!

    Currently, we have 14 (Fourteen) applicants. With 11 Spots left, Join in fast, our you might just be left in the temporal dust!
    Last edited by Korias; 2007-08-22 at 06:10 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #600
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    BalWash, DelMarVa

    Default Re: Werewolf Central

    Quote Originally Posted by evnafets View Post
    Do you think we could get back to a schedule/roster and start maybe a max of one-two games a week? I think it would be to the benefit of both narrators and players.
    - Spreading the games out means I can join more
    - Larger games = better games in most cases
    - regular start dates means that new people won't find themselves waiting in Limbo waiting for the next game to start (which is kinda what I think is about to happen)

    Thoughts people?
    *begs that we get back to this kind of paced startup.* I like to play in the games too but if 8 games are starting in a two week period I'm going to miss most of them.
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