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Thread: IC VI Stormy Seas

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC VI Stormy Seas

    Natalia nods, she agrees with Shiny's assessment. "Hilton...Scoundrel, blunt, looking for best...for self. Follow as long as own skin safe. Probably...leave for better deal. Though doubt...find any now, and debt may be worth something. Bring, but keep close. Keep in grabbing range."

    She shakes her head. "Axel liar. Slimy feel from talk, practiced speech for soft ears. Easy lying, easy like talking." She doesn't say out loud what she thinks both Shiny and Kurt also feel--that Axel's easy lies (and why they were so easy to see) remind them of a more malicious Shiny.

    "Rocky and Karn..." She hangs her head, ashamed of herself, although not as much as she might have been in other circumstances. "Rocky follows Karn...I think. And proud. Proud of strength, pride like our friendship. Friendship won't betray. Don't...think pride and coin will either. Think...they keep contract."

    She frowns a little and comes to a conclusion. "Don't think...Axel will change. Axel might betray, flee, join slavers or worse. But others...maybe other chance. Maybe.

    Worth chance. Second chance for us. Second chance for them,"
    she says with a nod.

    I think we bring everyone but Axel, and keep a close eye on all three.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2013-08-07 at 10:32 PM.